#Dan MacPherson
austinbutlermedia · 1 year
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Feb 2015, Waiheke Island, New Zealand. The Shannara Chronicles :
It was a big break for all three of us, lead roles for Aaron & Austin, and my first US job after quitting moonlighting as a live TV host and returning full time to acting. We worked hard and we trained hard on this gig, each of us wanting to do our very best on what was a large scale, ambitious fantasy series, with an incredible cast & crew, bringing to life the much loved works of the legendary @officialterrybrooks
This weekend was about taking a break however, and thanks to EP @dan_farah we got on the ferry over to Waiheke for a night. Chicken and Broccoli was replaced with pasta, pizza chocolate, red wine, open fires, warm jackets, bunk beds and lots and lots of laughs.
I have nothing but love and admiration for both of the gents with me in these pictures. Huge hearted men, with incredible work ethics, it’s no surprise that one them is a strong favorite to win an Oscar this weekend. Dreams man, aint it nuts. @austinbutler, you deserve nothing but success - your hard work, commitment to your craft, your innate empathy and compassionate nature is a joy to see - and now the world is witnessing it. Regardless of the outcome of Sunday, wishing you nothing but continued success in front of, and away from the cameras my friend 🙏🏼👊🏼
**Side note - apart from an incredible weekend in Austin, TX, Austin was actually a strong influence in how we named our son Austin Xavier MacPherson 👍🏼"
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forensicated · 7 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 139
The morning after the night before - where Smithy faces the wrath of Gina after cheating on their drinking game and slipping her doubles where he was drinking singles.
At work, Smithy is suffering the mother of all hangovers and of course custody is incredibly loud and busy. "I really don't need this today...."
An unsuspecting Gina drives to work - late and hungover but believing she is fit to drive after sleep given what she believed she'd been drinking. Unfortunately for her she's in a minor car prang when she's cut up by a white van man, which means she has to get breathalysed by PC Gary Best of all people. Gina's not best pleased to see him arrive with Cameron - and Gary's crapping himself when he realises what he has to do. (I love Cam's literal "uh oh!") ".... had an accident ma'am?" "You know, you should be in CID with detective skills like that." Gina tries to get moving so she can get on into work... only for the breath test to fail - Gina's still over the legal limit. Gary flails but quickly covers and tells Cameron to go to the shout that has just come in and he'll 'grab a lift with the Inspector'. Cameron does... and Gary is terrified. He has to arrest the Inspector. Gina is very pragmatic about it and tells him its not his fault. Smithy however is not quite so understanding. "Sarge, I've got a problem." "What?" "I've arrested the inspector…." "……. You've done what?"
Smithy and Gina have a private chat in the custody Sgt's office where Gina reaffirms that she's drunk that much plenty of times and always been fine the next morning. Smithy tries to blame a faulty breathalyser but Gina won't hear of it. She's fully aware she could lose her job over it and just wants to get the official stuff done. As they leave the office more loud and rowdy customers appear in custody and Smithy is Not. Happy. "Calm yourself down!" he orders, grabbing one by the neck and marching him to the desk. "Today is not a good day!"
Smithy tries ordering Gary to blow into the machine. He tells Gary he has to do it because he was the one that brought her in "All you had to do was tell her it was negative and let her get back in the car! But you didn't do that did you? You messed up big time so you're the one that's going to have to get her out of it!" Nothing to do with the fact that Smithy is potentially likely still over the limit himself, obviously. Gary's terrified "Sarge, you're going red..." mid bollocking is adorable and hilarious. Gary is worried that it might get out that they covered it up and he'd lose his job to - as would Smithy - so Gary brings her in. Smithy tells Gina that Gary is going to take the test for her. Gina refuses, she is the Inspector of the nick and she is going to take the consequences - whatever they are.
Smithy is not prepared to let her go - nor admit the truth yet - so he tells Gina that she has blown just under the legal limit. Gina thanks God, Smithy and Gary and leaves to take an asprin, have a smoke and a very strong coffee. Gary is really relieved it's all over - but it's not... it's reading 42. The legal limit is 35 for breath tests. With Gina out the room Gary volunteers to take the test - without telling Gina. He's under the limit as he's reading 32. Both Smithy and Gary are thrilled - but Gary for another reason too... it could be his leaverage to get into SWAMP!
Smithy thinks things are all back to normal as Sheelagh returns from court to take over custody and he escapes to his office... only to see Gina on her way out. She doesn't know she's not fit to drive so he has to quickly grab his things to join her for a 'hangover hotdog' so he can do the driving. (Though if Gary was blowing 32 hours after a 'couple of beers' the night before and a nights sleep, what would Smithy be blowing considering the state he was in?! Shush, we're not to think like this! It's The Bill (PM Era!) throw away your logic!)
At the burger van, Smithy could not be LESS ready for a Hangover Hotdog.
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"What's the matter? Lost your appetite?"
"Rules are rules. If I thought you were bending those rules for anyone, including me, I'd kick you from hell to breakfast."
As an aside, both Honey and Gary show some excellent restraint not petting or even acknowledging the worlds friendliest dog as they come out of a shop - I'd still be there now.
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Smithy and Gina go to a call where they find a man who has been harassed by a White Van Man who smashed his windscreen with a wheeljack after cutting him up. He managed to get the registration which is familiar to Gina - it's the same one who cut her up that morning. The van has been involved in another disturbance closeby but Smithy doesn't know where the street is. Gina marches off to go and deal with it and shouts for the keys. Smithy's in a bit of a bind... he can't let her drive! Gina's well aware of what is going on and forces (some of!) the truth from Smithy. He admits he doesn't know what he/they'd do if she had gotten into the car, driven and hit someone but he couldn't let her throw her career and pension away [for something he'd done.] She still doesn't know he cheated the drinking game yet. She does corner him in an interview room at the end however and point out how if she was over the limit - how wasn't he? (but not for the reasons you'd think. Also ignoring the genetic differences, age and metabolism but concentrating on them having had the 'same' drinks) and he confessed he cheated and got her doubles to his singles.
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"You are like a puppy! Stupid, loyal, leaving a mess everywhere for someone else to clear up!"
Gary's ontop of the world and pinches some food from Smithy's plate in the canteen. Gabriel is curious what 'take risks' means when Gary adds it in as a reason he should be in SWAMP. Smithy dismisses it but comes up with an initiation challenge for Gary - he has to streak around the station.
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"I seem to have been a bit premature, can you just forget everything I said, Ma'am?" "Whatever you say, but my door is always open if you change your mind-"
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"........" "... can you close the door on your way out, please?"
Gary returns to Gabriel and Smithy, pleased as punch that he's done it and passed his initiation... only to be told he'd failed for actually doing it!
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"And by the way, Gary... I've had to deal with enough knobs today. I'm sure it's very impressive but keep it in your pants."
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liamhsource · 2 years
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4K. New movie still photos from Poker Face with Liam Hemsworth, Elsa Pataky, Russell Crowe, Daniel Macpherson, Steve Bastoni and Aden Young. In theatres November 16. On demand November 22.
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tavners · 2 years
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"... yeah you're just really good at planning things on the run Jack."
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gordopickett · 28 days
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My favorite bushrangers. 🔫🤠🐎
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ginge1962 · 1 month
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The Lovecraft Anthology Volume 2 from Self Made Hero published in 2012.
Cover by Francesco Francavilla and edited by Dan Lockwood.
Stories include:
Pickman's Model by Jamie Delano + Steve Pugh.
The Temple by Chris Lackey + Adrian Salmon.
From Beyond by David Camus + Nicholas Fructus.
He by Dwight.L.Macpherson + Paul Peart-Smith.
The Hound by Chad Fifer + Brian Baugh.
The Nameless City by Pat Mills + Attila Futaki.
The Picture in the House by Benjamin Dickson + Mick McMahon.
The Festival by Simon Suppier + Matt Timson.
The Statement of Randolph Carter by Dan Lockwood + Warwick Johnson Caldwell.
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feetymcfeetface · 3 months
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Dan Macpherson
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Lettre de Kieran
A l’attention de : Julian Blackthorn de Blackthorn Hall
De la part de : La Cour des Ténèbres
Mon cher frère,
Mon visage s’illumine toujours d’un sourire quand je reçois de la correspondance de Blackthorn Hall, et cette occasion ne fait pas exception. Mark m’a transmis ta question, et je suis ravi d’y répondre, bien que ma réponse, je le crains fort, ne soit peut-être pas des plus réjouissantes pour toi.
Comme tu le sais, les frontières du Royaume des Fées sont floues et irrégulières, et aucune âme ne peut connaitre toute la mesure de son étendue, puisqu’il s’étend au nord, au sud, à l’est et à l’ouest à l’infini. Et comme tu le sais également, une telle immensité peut contenir un nombre incalculable de citoyens, du plus petit sylphe sur sa monture-insecte aillée, au plus immense ogre qui ait jamais ogré dans la rue des ogres MARK. ARRÊTE. Hum.
Toutes mes excuses. Je ne me suis éloigné rien qu’un instant de la rédaction de cette missive, et une certaine personne que nous connaissons très bien tous les deux a pris des libertés avec ma plume.
Comme je le disais, le Royaume des Fées est exceptionnellement vaste et ses habitants innombrables. Il est donc fort peu probable que j’aie connaissance d’un membre nomade du Petit Peuple. Je te dis cela non point pour te réprimander, mais simplement pour que tu revoies tes attentes à la baisse, puisque ta question est comparable à ce que je te demande si tu connais quelqu’un dont le seul point commun avec toi est que cette personne a aussi vécu à Los Angeles.
Mais il se trouve que je t’ai fait revoir tes attentes seulement pour que tu sois d’autant plus enchanté lorsque j’y réponds car, en réalité, je connais effectivement le phouka auquel tu fais référence !
Plus exactement, je sais qui il est. Son nom est Socks MacPherson (bien évidemment, ce n’est pas son Vrai Nom, car aucune mère aimante d’aucune espèce de fée ne nommerait un enfant Socks) et il a une certaine réputation dans les Cours en tant que chapelier. Il s’est spécialisé dans les chapeaux conçus pour les têtes dont les caractéristiques peuvent représenter un obstacle pour les couvre-chefs normaux (par exemple, des cornes, des oreilles de chat, des oreilles de chauve-souris, des oreilles de renard, une chevelure faite de serpents).
Hélas, il a prêté allégeance à la Cour des Lumières, puisqu’il détient un titre de fournisseur officiel de la Reine. A cause de cela, il me serait impossible de contacter MacPherson pour une tout autre affaire que la commande d’un chapeau, et je n’ai pas besoin d’un chapeau, parce qu’ils ne tiennent pas très bien au-dessus des couronnes.
Ceci dit, je crois que je peux tout de même t’aider. J’enverrai un pli à mon frère Adaon pour l’enjoindre à t’inviter à la Cour des Lumières pour une rencontre courtoise. Là, tu pourras chercher MacPherson en personne. Je t’autorise à lui offrir un cadeau qu’il acceptera sans doute en échange de son assistance : une faveur du Roi de la Cour des Ténèbres. (Moi).
Je t’offre mon aide du plus profond de mon cœur, frère Julian. Mais je te demanderais un petit geste en retour : que tu me racontes ton voyage à la Cour des Lumières, avec tous les détails qui te semblent pertinents ou intéressants. J’ai informé Mark que je requerrais ceci, et il s’est fâché contre moi et a insinué que je voulais faire de toi mon espion. Permets-moi de te dire clairement que je n’exige aucunement que tu agisses pour le compte de la Cour des Ténèbres ni que tu révèles des secrets liés à ta visite que tu souhaiterais garder pour toi. Je te prierais, cependant, de prêter une minutieuse attention à tout ce que tu y verras et entendras, et de m’en faire un compte-rendu, notamment concernant tout ce que la Cour préférait cacher.
Comme toujours, je reste ton fidèle serviteur. Gloire à Kraig.
Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Le texte original est à lire ici : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/686958914380660736/letter-from-kieran
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feetmanyes · 11 months
link to dan macpherson leg appreciation page!
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Victor Varconi and Majel Coleman in The King of Kings (Cecil B. DeMille, 1927)
Cast: H.B. Warner, Dorothy Cumming, Ernest Torrance, Joseph Schildkraut, James Neil, Joseph Striker, Jacqueline Logan, Rudolph Schildkraut, Victor Varconi, Majel Coleman, Montagu Love, William Boyd, Michael D. Moore, Kenneth Thomson, Alan Brooks. Screenplay: Jeanie Macpherson. Cinematography: J. Peverell Marley. Production design: Dan Sayre Groesback, Anton Grot, Julian Harrison, Edward C. Jewell, Mitchell Leisen. Film editing: Anne Bauchens, Harold McLernon. Music: Hugo Riesenfeld.
Director Cecil B. DeMille always had a fondness for unintentionally hilarious dialogue. Think of Anne Baxter's Nefretiri purring to Charlton Heston's Moses in The Ten Commandments (1956), "Oh, Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid adorable fool!" I'm almost sorry that The King of Kings is a silent film, so that we can't hear Mary Magdalene (Jacqueline Logan) utter the line: "Harness my zebras -- gift of the Nubian king! This Carpenter shall learn that he cannot hold a man from Mary Magdalene!" After the intertitle card fades, she swans off to rescue her lover, Judas Iscariot (Joseph Schildkraut), from the clutches of Jesus (H.B. Warner). It seems that Judas has become a disciple of Jesus because he believes that he has a chance at a powerful position in the new kingdom that Jesus is planning. This isn't the only hashing-up of the gospels that the credited scenarist, Jeanie Macpherson, commits, but it's the most surprising one. It also gives director DeMille an opportunity to introduce some sexy sinning before he gets pious on us: The Magdalene is vamping around a somewhat stylized orgy and wearing a costume (probably designed by an uncredited Adrian, who was good at that sort of thing) that leaves one breast almost bare. This opening sequence is also in two-strip Technicolor, as is the Resurrection scene some two and a half hours later. Yes, it's an enormously tasteless movie. Warner's Jesus is the usual blue-eyed blond in a white bathrobe found in vulgar iconography, and the actor has little to do but stand around looking wistful and sad at the plight of the world, occasionally giving a little smile that, with Warner's thin, lipsticked mouth, verges dangerously on a smirk. The film goes heavy on the miracles, even recasting one of the gospel writers, Mark, as a boy (Michael D. Moore) cured of lameness by Jesus. (When he throws away his crutch, it accidentally strikes one of the Pharisees standing nearby, only adding to their enmity to Jesus.) Unfortunately, DeMille stages the revival of Lazarus (Kenneth Thomson) in a way that enhances its creepiness, having him emerge from a sarcophagus swathed in bandages like a horror-film mummy. Still, there's entertainment to be had, if you're not too demanding. Schildkraut's Judas is fun to watch at times: Once, he even skulks away like Dracula with his face hidden by his cloak. His father, Rudolph Schildkraut, plays the sneering high priest Caiaphas, Victor Varconi is a suitably conflicted Pontius Pilate, and William Boyd, soon to make his name as Hopalong Cassidy, is Simon of Cyrene, who helps Jesus carry the cross. The storm and earthquake after the Crucifixion is a DeMille-style special-effects extravaganza. The cinematography by J. Peverell Marley leans heavily on filters and screens to cast halos around Jesus, but does what it can to bring DeMille's characteristic tableau groupings to life. Fortunately, the movie also goes out of its way to avoid arousing antisemitism: The crowds calling for crucifixion are shown to be largely made up of bribed bullies who are suppressing those who want Jesus released, and one man furiously rejects the bribe by saying that as a Jew he cannot betray a brother.
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multiprises · 1 year
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The Rig, 1.03
John Strickland (D), David Macpherson (S), 06/01/23
Le tatouage de Cat est celui du Royal Army Medical Corps, « In Arduis Fidelis » signifie Fidèle dans l’adversité.
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forensicated · 6 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 213
Smithy is back at work after the bombing at the armed robbery. Things are still up in the air, Kerry still hasn't made her mind up about if she wants to make it official. She wants longer, Gina refuses and says it can't stop lingering over the relief or Smithy. Smithy is in Custody, feeling as though he's being kept out the way when he wants everyone to know he's innocent - and for it to be over. Jonathan is also in Custody, leaving an uncharacteristicly flustered Gina to try disappear when he spots her. Jonathan tells her if he was Smithy, he'd be glad to have her for his boss.
Adam and Gina chat about the rape allegation that has yet to be made. Gina says it's a no win situation and Adam agrees. If Smithy transfers he looks guilty. If Kerry is asked to transfer, it looks like they're punishing her. Adam decides they both have to go. Gina refuses, saying she can't lose Smithy - he's her best Sergeant (and best friend!) Adam says she must discuss it with them first and see if they'll go voluntarily. Smithy is rightfully angry at being asked but knows Gina has to be seen to be fair and ask them both. She tells them if she had a choice it would be no contest. Smithy says if it's the best thing for the nick, he'll go.
Kerry says she's not sure what happened anymore and she can't remember the details as it's all gotten mixed up in her head with outside influences 'telling her' what happened. She wishes she'd never told Gabriel - she's starting to get suspicious of his methods and reasons after the whole CCTV tape debacle. Cameron approaches and apologises and offers to be a shoulder to cry on if she needs him. Kerry returns to her initially confusing and conflicting case of the morning. She puts a little pressure on her victim - questioning if she's been raped. She cries and says yes, she has. Kerry brings her in for a statement.
News of Smithy's transfer is spreading. Gabriel tells Cameron and says that it shows he's guilty because he's not staying to fight his own corner. Kerry is horrified to hear that Smithy is transfering. She asks Gabriel if it was true and says she never wanted it to go this far and she wishes she'd never spoken out.
Later she goes to speak to Gina and tells her that she's made her mind up. She doesn't know what happened that night, but she does know what Smithy was like before it. If she stops thinking about all the rest of it and the manipulation and other people being involved and thinks about what she truly knows about the man, she knows by instinct that Smithy would not rape her. She agrees to consider a transfer for herself instead and says Smithy should stay. When asked, Smithy tells Gina that of course he wants to stay and when told about Kerry's plans, says that she should stay. Gina thinks it's not the best idea and that one has to go. Smithy says they can prove that they can work together and that if they both stay it is the end of the matter and silences the critics.
She then goes to tell Smithy herself that she's not making the allegation official.He tells her that Gina's told him and tries to walk off. She points out that he took advantage of her but he didn't rape her. Smithy agrees that is what happened. She apologises for everything afterwards and walks off, leaving quiet contemplative Smithy behind.
Gina and Jonathan continue flirting. He says he was considering a drink later. She asks where, he asks if she'll let him buy him one. She says no, but would still like to know where he's going so she knows to avoid it.
Kerry continues to tell Cameron she doesn't know what happened. He's angry and shrugs off her explanation, telling her that she cheated and daren't tell him. He calls her a slag and walks away.
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liamhsource · 2 years
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HQ. New movie stills from Poker Face with Liam, Dan MacPherson, Russell Crowe, RZA, Aden Young and Steve Bastoni.
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tavners · 2 years
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Wild Boys | Episode 5
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photos-car · 3 months
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omagazineparis · 7 months
Les mannequins qui ont lancé leur propre ligne de vêtements
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Le monde du mannequinat est souvent un tremplin vers d'autres carrières dans l'univers de la mode. Nombreux sont les mannequins qui, après avoir brillé devant l'objectif, ont choisi de se lancer dans l'entrepreneuriat en créant leur propre marque de vêtements. Voici quelques mannequins emblématiques qui ont réussi ce pari. Kate Moss La "brindille" britannique Kate Moss, surnommée "la brindille", est l'un des mannequins les plus célèbres au monde. Après avoir dominé les podiums, elle a décidé de mettre son sens du style au service de sa propre marque. Collaboration avec Topshop En 2007, elle a lancé sa première collection en collaboration avec Topshop, qui fut un succès instantané. Plusieurs autres collections ont suivi, consolidant sa réputation dans le monde du design. Heidi Klum Supermodel et entrepreneuse Heidi Klum est non seulement connue pour sa carrière de mannequin, mais aussi pour sa polyvalence en tant qu'animatrice et femme d'affaires. Heidi Klum Intimates Heidi a lancé sa propre ligne de lingerie, "Heidi Klum Intimates", qui s'est rapidement imposée sur le marché grâce à ses designs élégants et confortables. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Du podium à l'entrepreneuriat Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, après une carrière réussie en tant que mannequin, a choisi d'explorer le monde de la mode sous un nouvel angle. Rosie for Autograph En partenariat avec Marks & Spencer, elle a créé "Rosie for Autograph", une ligne de lingerie, vêtements de nuit et maquillage, louée pour son élégance et sa qualité. Elle Macpherson "The Body" se lance dans les affaires Surnommée "The Body", Elle Macpherson a capitalisé sur sa notoriété pour se lancer dans l'entrepreneuriat. Elle Macpherson Intimates Elle a créé "Elle Macpherson Intimates", une ligne de lingerie reconnue internationalement pour ses designs novateurs et sa qualité exceptionnelle. A lire aussi : Les plus belles couvertures des magazines de mode féminins Tyra Banks Top model et businesswoman Outre sa carrière de mannequin et d'animatrice, Tyra Banks a également montré son sens aigu des affaires. TYRA Beauty Elle a lancé "TYRA Beauty", une gamme de produits de beauté allant du maquillage aux soins pour la peau, avec le désir de permettre à chaque femme de se sentir belle et puissante. Le monde du mannequinat n'est pas seulement un lieu d'expression artistique devant la caméra, mais aussi une plateforme qui offre des opportunités d'affaires pour ceux qui ont la vision et la passion de la mode. Ces mannequins ont non seulement marqué l'histoire avec leurs looks, mais aussi avec leur sens entrepreneurial, prouvant que style et affaires peuvent aller de pair. Read the full article
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