#Young Adult Attina!
samssims · 4 months
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sleepyselkiesims · 19 days
Part 75
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With all the twins out of the house, the old shed got turned back into a workroom. Snow White and Ariel spent many a happy hour working back to back on their respective money-making hobbies.
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Arista had gotten super into writing! She and Chris were both published authors!
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Speaking of Chris, with such an empty house, he found himself talking to whoever happened to be standing nearby the house.
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Sometimes Janelle would take him out to let him infodump about fashion for a while.
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Christopher's passion for fashion had never once dimmed. But hopefully he'd get to talk to Thyme about it a bit more, now that she was following that interest.
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I'm just gonna stall for a while. have some cat!
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The benevolent god was not at all surprised that Ariel and Arista were little rule breakers.
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How they reacted to their club shenanigans though... wow.
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Arista sent what the benevolent god thought was a horrible message, but Christopher seemed to understand her just fine. They had a special bond.
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Ok, Ok, no more stalling... happy birthday, triplets!!
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No one was happy about this.
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The triplets had such different tastes, it was hard to pick a place to celebrate. Eventually, the benevolent god settled on Ward Park in DelSol Valley!
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Adrina was first to the cake, taking as much time with her wish as her mama always did.
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Attina did not bother showing up to the celebration.
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Happy young adult birthday, Adrina!!
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For Arista's turn, everyone gave her the fist-pump salute!
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Especially Snow.
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She slipped away from the party for just a moment to give Christopher a kiss on the cheek.
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Happy young adult birthday, Arista! And RIP Apple.
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And last of all, Ariel, the final birthday of Snow White's generation. Hey look, Attina thought this one was worth celebrating!
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Ariel tried to think long and hard about her wish, but came up blank. Mostly she just wanted to see where life would take her.
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The party stood stock still as Ariel spun into adulthood. This was it.
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Oh! I didn't see that coming! Well done, nerd!
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Then... that was it. With the party complete, Snow White's generation was officially over. No more 9-person dance parties in the kitchen, no trying to get 7 homeworks done, endless cooking and cleaning...
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Snow White would stay in touch with all of her children, of course. She was looking forward to some grandkids!
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But now, it was time for Snow White's
Happily Ever After.
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Ariel and Thyme don't really like each other, but for some reason the game has decided that Thyme is the only sibling Ariel will interact with.
Bonus Bonus
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Huh, I might actually miss your ceaseless messages, Janelle.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Still low key wishing for more Attina appreciation. And I also realized how similar she can be to Elsa from Frozen. 
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Maybe it’s just a carryover stereotype of older siblings being more responsible and mature which they both are, but they also both wish to corral their more mischievous younger sisters and keep them safe and worry about doing their parents proud. Attina tries to be in control and is considered bossy but is often outnumbered by her many siblings especially Ariel who helps her let loose a little bit and act more like the young adult she is instead of their mom. Likewise Anna helps Elsa realize she doesn’t have to shut herself from the rest of the world, and to embrace her powers. 
This is a bit of simplified take on their personalities though and I guess what I’m slowly getting at is that I wouldn’t mind exploring more of Ariel’s sisters. And Attina becoming queen of Atlantica after her father. 
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Triton Household
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Attina Triton  ♏︎
The firstborn of her sisterhood of witches, Attina grew up taking care of her younger sisters, and felt a certain responsibility for them. Her sisters will describe her as bossy, but she only wants the best for her family.
Knowledge Aspiration
LTW: Become Head of SCIA
+ Brown hair, Logical / - Unemployed
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Alana Triton  ♋︎
The second-born, Alana, never grew up with quite the amount of responsibilities as Attina, but still tried her best to present herself as a model sister. She’s often found in her garden, or giving her other sisters makeovers.
Family Aspiration
LTW: Marry Off Six Children
+ Vampirism, Glasses / - Facial hair
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Adella Triton  ♎︎
Third in line, Adella, she’s known for her myriad of hobbies, including violin and her athletics, but the thing she’s infamous for among her siblings, is she is quite romance focused, often bringing home partner after partner.
Romance Aspiration
LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers
+ Bears, Glasses / - Robots
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Aquata Triton  ♓︎
The middle sibling, Aquata, tends to keep to herself. She considers her taste quite different from her sisters, and tries to steer clear of them.
Fortune Aspiration
LTW: Become Hand Of Poseidon
+ Jewelry, Black hair / - Unemployment
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Arista Triton  ♉︎
Third youngest and bright, Arista is a fun-loving, energetic young woman. She loves the life she lives, and enjoys spending time with her family and practicing spells with her sisters.
Popularity Aspiration
LTW: Become a Rock God
+ Makeup, Athletic / - Charismatic 
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Adrina Triton  ♉︎
Second youngest, Adrina let’s her childish and prankster personality shine. She often plays jokes on her sisters, never taking anything too seriously. She grew up seeing how serious Attina always was, and she doesn’t want to turn out like that.
Pleasure Aspiration
LTW: Become a Game Designer
+ Red hair, creative / - Full face of makeup
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Ariel Triton  ♉︎
The youngest witch, Ariel, longs for adventure. She doesn’t want to follow in her sisters footsteps, she wants to explore the world and learn new and exciting things, but she feels a small sense of duty to stay with her family. She hopes that one day, she’ll be able to discover a whole new world for her to explore.
Knowledge Aspiration
LTW: Become Chief of Staff
+ Jewelry, Great Cook / - Vampirism
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wdpa-rp · 2 years
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Meet Attina Triton! Word on the street is that she bears a striking resemblance to Amy Adams. She is the Marine Biology & Mermaid Studies Professor at WDPA. Currently, she’s taken.
Trigger Warnings: Parental Death
→ Once Upon A Time.
Attina was the prime example of what the oldest daughter is supposed to be. One to set the example, the one her sisters could look up to and admire...and then after the passing of her mother: filling in some pretty big shoes to make sure her sisters were taken care of to alleviate her father’s stress.
This led to her losing the majority of her young adult years. While her friends went out, partied, and lived normal college lives. She was helping raise six sisters on top of her studies. Then it was off to teach marine biology at WDPA. Then...she discovered her family’s secret that her father made her promise to swear to secrecy: they were mermaids.
The weight of this secret often crushed Attina. She saw how the lockets affected her sisters. They were repelled from the beach, only watching it longingly. Only being able to get so close without horrible migraines and feeling ill.
→ The Road So Far.
The day she and her sisters all took off their necklaces in the ocean began a whole new world for them. While most of her sisters all take their own time to go for a swim as mermaids, this inspired Attina to study her own habits and thus, convinced the WDPA school board to teach mermaid studies in case there were others out there.
While sure, all of her sisters are well past grown, she still does worry and dote over them and over her little niece, Alexandria, Arista’s daughter. She’s still very much the worried second mother, making sure that they’re all taken care of.
Lately, her sisters have been meddling a little too much in her...semi-lackluster love life and have been attempting (and failing) to set her up with Harrison “Hego” George--the eldest of the Team Go siblings, and Shego’s older brother.
→ The Vices & Virtues.
+ Sweet, Astute, Headstrong
- Bossy, Overprotective, Perfectionistic
→ Are You A Friend or Foe?
The Triton Sisters
Harrison George
Thomas O’Malley
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Book Tour - She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
Book Tour – She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
… Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wish Designs … … … … … … In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal…
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daffylaura · 3 years
TOUR: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
TOUR: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wish Designs   In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the world…
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jerisbookattic · 3 years
She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
  Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wish Designs     In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the…
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joyffree · 3 years
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#NewRelease Tour with #Giveaway
Title: She Awakens
Author: Caitlin Denman
Genre: YA Fantasy
In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it's uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the world she is suddenly tasked with bringing the Fae and humans together.
With the help of her trusty, and somewhat snarky steed Raven, Attina sets out on a mission to save the human race from extinction. As she continues on her mission, she discovers powers beyond her wildest dreams.
In a world where it’s tricky to discern who’s good and where the evil really lies, Attina finds herself in one predicament after another, not knowing who to trust except for Raven. As her journey unfolds, her strength and will are tested.
Will she ever be strong enough to bridge the gap between these two worlds?
#sheawakensrelease #sheawakenscaitlindenman #caitlindenmanauthor #kindleunlimited
#buynow #goodreadstbr #amazon #ku #youngadult #fantasy #mustread #aprilrelease #enticingjourney
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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All About Ariel
Trigger Warnings: Mention of Death
Basic Information
Full Name: Ariel Nerissa Triton
Nickname(s): Red, Guppy, Little Juliet/Juliet (Jim)
Age: 18
Date of Birth: February 19th
Hometown: Swynlake, England
Current Location: Swynlake, England
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Culture: Mermaid 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: None
Magick: Mermaid
Living Arrangements: Lives at home with (most of) her family
Language(s) Spoken: English, a small amount of French
Accent: British
Religion and Beliefs: Mermish
Political Affiliation: Liberal as all hell
Social Issues: Ariel firmly believes that all people should be considered equal. Whether it’s Magicks, Mundus, LGBTQ+, or POC, etc.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara
Complexion: Clear, porcelain skin. She takes good care of it.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5′2
Weight: 115 lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: None at the moment
Piercings: Basic ear piercings
Scars: A couple random ones on her knees/hands from getting hurt while playing or rough-housing, one on her arm from her trip to Hell, etc.
Common Hairstyle: Usually down in it’s natural waves with a strong side-part and long, swept up bangs. But sometimes she curls/straightens it and/or braids parts/all of it. She plays around with styles when she feels like putting in the effort, but most of the time prefers it down or in a pony.
Clothing Style: Very relaxed. She likes to be comfortable, so she is pretty much always wearing sneakers and jeans with a comfy top. She does accessorize every so often, and she likes shirts with words or quotes on them the most. She gravitates towards dark greens and purples.
Mannerisms: Agile when it counts, but a bit clumsy when she’s distracted. She bites her lip when she gets nervous or embarrassed - or flattered. She bounces up and down on her heels when she gets excited.
Usual Expression: Happy and friendly!
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Overall (do they get sick easily?): Mermaids start to get sick after about a day and a half of not being fully submerged in water, which means that technically Ariel does get sick easily. As long as she keeps up with her water submersion, however, Ariel tends to be pretty healthy.
Physical Ailments: None.
Neurological Conditions: Sight ADHD, Depression, Anxiety
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Ariel used to have a fairly healthy sleep pattern, but since her trip to Hell it tends to wane in and out of healthy patterns due to her nightmares. She doesn’t get as much sleep as she should. 
Grooming Habits: She takes very good care of herself. If she’s dirty, she’s going to shower at the very least, if not take a full on mer-bath. She keeps her hair groomed and her body moisturized and she even uses some of Alana’s skincare products. She doesn’t keep up great with her nails other than trimming them when needed and painting them every so often.
Eating Habits: Ariel is a vegetarian. It was her personal choice after seeing a few documentaries that scarred her when she was younger. She still gets a little horrified when she sees people eating fish or meat and such but for the most part, she does not judge. She just can’t stomach it, personally. Other than that she has a pretty balanced diet. 
Exercise Habits: She doesn’t go out of her way to exercise, but swimming comes with the territory of being a mermaid, and she does tend to run out of sheer bursts of energy a lot of the time. (She also likes to climb trees and other athletic things.)
Emotional Stability: Ariel is honestly ruled by her emotions. If she’s feeling strongly one way or the other, it takes her over completely. It’s why she’s so headstrong and stubborn, but also why she’s so passionate and caring.
Sociability: She is extroverted. Very much so. She may claim she likes her alone time for adventuring, but she always ends up missing people and needing to be around them in order to recharge her energy.
Body Temperature: It pretty much comes and goes depending on the weather. She does get cold easily, though.
Addictions: None.
Drug Use: The occasional puff of a joint or bite of an edible.
Alcohol Use: She drinks when the opportunity arises, but has not drunk to excess yet.
Archetype: The Rebel
Positive Traits: Compassionate, adventurous, confident, passionate
Negative Traits: Stubborn, headstrong, prideful, rebellious
Good Habits: Taking care of her skin
Bad Habits: Biting her bottom lip, picking at her nail-beds or nail polish when she’s upset, not submerging herself in water often enough for a mermaid
Goals/Desires: To eventually move out and travel the world
Weakness: Her family, her friends, being a mermaid, her mental illnesses, Jim
Fears/Phobias: People finding out she’s a mermaid; being poached
Secrets: That she is a mermaid; that she went to a sea witch for a spell
Regrets: Going to a sea witch and buying a spell.
Proud Of: Her choices and vision for life; playing the lead in Romeo and Juliet, stabbing a Gorgon in the eye in Hell to escape
Embarrassed By: Mundus seeing her in her mermaid form; her occasional clumsiness
Attitude: Optimistic, sometimes to a fault - she can be too friendly and expect the best out of everyone, even those who don’t deserve it.
Pet Peeves: People who feel they are superior to others for whatever reason; being negligent or harmful to the environment/those around you
Inner Conflicts: Wanting to stay with her family and make better connections with all of her sisters and wanting to leave Swynlake and travel the world. 
Motivation: Everything in Ariel is motivated by passion. It is what drives her every action, big or small.
Hobbies: Swimming, running, dancing, skipping (anything that requires legs basically,) hanging out with friends, and going in search of myths and legends (and adventure!) Also writing lyrics/playing guitar.
Talents/Skills: Ariel naturally has a very good voice and a knack for lyric-writing, but she doesn’t tap into it as much as she does her acting abilities. She is very good at guitar and has a talent for learning how to play music.
Intelligence: Ariel is very wise at times, but has a lot more potential if she can get past her lack of motivation when it comes to basic school subjects.
Driving Style: She’s a little over-confident, but surprisingly not terrible.
Favorites, Likes, and Dislikes
Weather: Sunny Days!
Color: Purple
Music: Mostly “mainstream” alternative music or pop
Movies: Moulin Rouge, Wonder Woman, documentaries, etc
TV Shows: The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, etc
Books: YA Novels, Shakespeare, and anything by Ellen Hopkins
Magazines: Seventeen, Cosmopolitan (though she’s not a magazine sort of person, really.)
Sport: Swimming
Beverage: Water, Raspberry Tea, Chocolate Milk/Hot Cocoa
Food: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup, anything sweet or salty
Animals: All, but especially dogs
Quote: “Though she is but little, she is fierce.” 
School Subject: English
Possession: The ring her mother gave her when she was young
Websites: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube
Favorite Toy or Game: As a child, anything she could play with her sisters, in or out of water, she loved. Group games like tag or hide and seek or truth or dare were just a few of the many games the girls were always playing. As for Ariel’s favorite toy, growing up she always would play with playdoh. She loved making things, and those things were sometimes also messes. Now that she’s older she does like board games or good-old-fashioned races and the like, anything active.
Father: JEFF Triton (FC: Sean Bean)
Mother: Athena Triton nee Oceana (FC: Julianne Moore) [DECEASED]
Father’s Occupation: CEO of Triton Industries
Mother’s Occupation: Homemaker 
Siblings: Attina, Andrina, Aquata, Arista, Adella, and Alana
Birth Order: Youngest
Children: None
Other Close Family: Melody Oceana - cousin 
Pet: None (wants one sO BAD THOUGH)
Family’s Financial Status: Wealthy 
Relationship With Family: Ariel fights easily with both her father and her eldest sister, Attina. She can also have typical sibling spats with some of her other sisters, too. After buying a spell from a sea witch her relationship with her family has become very rough. She is closest with Alana and Adella. 
Home Life During Childhood: Ariel’s childhood was pretty great. Before her mother’s death, the Triton family was always spending time together and having fun. Their mother’s death took it’s toll on them for a while, and added strain to some relationships, but they still remained together and very close.
Bedroom Through The Years: Ariel’s bedroom used to be a chaos of interests. Between fairy-tale related decor and action movie posters; a strange collection of magick and mundu-related items - her bedroom always seemed to be in a state of disarray, and the constant mess did not help. Over the years she’s gotten a bit more organized, and recently her bedroom has taken on a more ~adult~ feel, and is very hipster in nature. (Basically a lot of warm colors and minimalist decor.)
Best Memory: When she was really little, her Mom would sing to Ariel and her sisters and it lit up the whole entire room.
Worst Memory: It’s a mash up of watching her mother die over and over in Hell, dying herself in The Hunger Games, and the agonizing devastation she felt when she woke up after the sea witch’s spell. Also up there: finding out her mother died, and finding out Alana almost died.
Type of Student: Ariel has a lot of potential, but doesn’t apply herself as much as she should unless she’s actually interested in the current task or subject at hand.
Extra Curricular Activities: Theatre
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Science
Popular or Loner: In-Between. She was popular for a hot minute, and now she’s dropped a tad on the chain. But she is very charismatic, and always able to find someone to talk to.
Schooling: Graduated from Swynlake Secondary.
Current Details and Relationships:
Town: Swynlake, England
Home: Triton household, a decent-sized manor where she lives with four of her sisters as well as her father. It is a cozy, two-story home that is never boring, and they have a pool with a secret tunnel that leads into Atlantis Lake for all their mer-needs.
Neighborhood: The Woods (Gated Community)
Car: N/A
Love Life: Currently dating Jim Hawkins, and very in love
Best Friends: Fivel, Deb, and Jim 
Other Friends: Jake, Bambi, Kiara, Callie, Marie (ish)
Enemies: None atm
Past Lovers: Dash
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Enneagram: 7w6, The Enthusiast/Entertainer
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Huffledor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue: Kindness
Element: Water
Dream Career: Actress
Dream Life: Married and head over heels in love, traveling the world for a few years, and then eventually settling down to have one or two kids. 
Important Events:  -When the town was thrust into Ancient Greece, Ariel went on a journey through the Underworld with Jim, where she was forced to face her mother’s death and other horrors. -In February of 2018 after an explosive argument with her father she purchased a spell from a sea witch to bring back their dead mother. What she got instead was a one-night dream that spanned a week and affected her entire family in which their mother had never died in the first place. Once the dream ended, Ariel still had no voice and her mother was always dead still, and this ruined her relationship with quite a few of her sisters. She is still making up for it. -The fire at Prom 2018 scarred her and she is now afraid of fire. -She died in The Hunger Games in August 2018 and that now haunts her as well.
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sleepyselkiesims · 1 month
Part 60
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Chris' birthday snuck up on the Benevolent God. All the Queen Teens were already at school, and... well... despite taking the youth potion, Snow White had been a young adult for so long that Chris was now a full week older than her. And neither the benevolent god nor the Queen teens were prepared to wrestle with the implications.
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At least the oldest twins and Janelle could show up! Being a party animal, Chris of course had to throw himself a birthday bash, and wow the crowd with his antics.
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Most of the party would come after the candles were blown out, since the benevolent god never knew when the age up would happen, and Chris deserved a nice birthday.
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For a brief moment before the birthday sparkles, the love birds locked eyes. No going back now...
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Then the moment passed, and Chris aged up with as much grace and joy as ever, surrounded by his loving family. And that one guy.
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It was official: Chris was the first sim of the Princess Legacy to reach adulthood!
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And Snow White loved him just as much now as she ever had.
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Happy Birthday, Chris!
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...yay. At least it looks like Snow White's frugality kicked in!
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Oh hey, I think I figured out what that invisible cube from way back when was!!
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For his next trick, Chris stole the mixologist's job. He was still not good at it.
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Chris could still make special drinks though! Only for his lovely wife, of course.
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Snow White had a present for him in return!
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She serenaded her heart out to her husband, and was rewarded with True Love's continuing kiss.
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Woah woah woah!! Birthday murder???
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....totally normal, nothing to see here.
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You pick the weirdest things to be into, Snow.
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Awwww how sweet!
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Snow White apparently forgot she could eat now, and just sipped her special drink while the others chowed down.
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The sim who actually couldn't eat the cake, Apple, snuck a piece while the benevolent god was eavesdropping on Attina and Chris' fashion conversation! Janelle, stop her!
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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of her own actions. Or maybe it was the benevolent god's fault, for making her the "Sneezy" of the kids (aka lactose intolerant. You win a prize if you can figure out which dwarf each kid is)
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... is it weird to tip your mom's singing?
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....ok, time to go. Happy Birthday, Chris!
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Snow White and Christopher ended the party with a sweet dance just outside, forever wrapped up in their love for each other.
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Hey, Kim, what're you doing here? Woah, are you ok??!?! Did Janelle do something?? Why do Snow and Chris look so guilty?
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Never mind, no one here gives a single bother.
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sleepyselkiesims · 1 month
Part 59
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The day after prom was a life-changing one, as Attina tried to tell Apple in the bathroom that morning.
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It was time for the first young-adult birthday of the Queen Teens!
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Yes, thank you, Chris.
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Having learned from previous mistakes, this party was hosted outside, with plenty of space for everyone!
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Apple and Attina hadn't always gotten along, but they were still important to each other.
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Honestly, it was a bit scary not knowing what was going to happen to them next. Life didn't exactly have a roadmap after high school. Would they even stick together?
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No matter what, they had a giant, loving family who would stand by them through thick and thin.
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With that, Apple spun into adulthood! And Attina was right behind her.
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As Attina blew out her candles and stepped aside for her age-up twirl, Apple saw something!
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Zachary had showed up for a quick visit!
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Now, normally after an age-up make over, the benevolent god would cheat the sims back into the household. But now that the twins were adults, it was time for them to start forging their own path...
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The Queen house was sure going to feel empty without the eldest twins. Hopefully the benevolent god could come up with a proper send off.
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 months
Part 51
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Who's ready for their first day of highschool!
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Apple and Sage headed straight to the principal's office to get the lay of the land.
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Attina broke into the faculty room to take a nap.
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And Thyme hadn't had time to freshen up before school, so she was certainly going to while she had the chance!
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Surprisingly, all four teen Queens ended up in the same classroom!
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The other class..... the teacher never showed up. And there were only two students. Oof.
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There wasn't really anyone to make friends with, so the Queen teens had to find other ways of filling the breaks.
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Attina was definitely plotting to burn the place to the ground.
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What she really wanted to do was talk to Zachary, but uhhh...
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Attina still had a week until she reached Young Adult, and who knew how old Zachary would be by then! Would her crush hold out that long? Would he still be available?
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Despite what the classroom shananigans pop-ups said, there really weren't other students to hang out with.
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The benevolent god was in the middle of trying to figure out how to get the Queen teens some friends, when Jane Moon made a reappearance! Thyme was invited to Moon Manor!!
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The manor was completely unlike anything Thyme had grown up with! And if she was honest, it suited her much more than the cramped, cottage-core home.
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It was so opulent, she wasn't sure she was in the right place. So she plopped down until she heard from Jane again.
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Oh hey, it's that random librarian that looks like Attina! Boi, he really doesn't like the Moons, huh.
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Thyme eventually figured out how to knock on the door, and lo and behold! There was the famed Thorne Bailey, practicing his craft!
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And there was Jane! She was still a kid, but on short life span it probably wouldn't be long until she was Thyme's age again.
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...well then! Apparently this was a birthday party invite!
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!!! Jane is a twin!!! What were the odds of that!
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Thyme had so many questions for Jane! her house was beyond amazing!
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Thyme had never seen a pool in her life! Let alone one with such amazing views!
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....again?!?! Wow, the Queen kids just can't make regular friends, huh. mama would be so proud.
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Don't mind Thorne, just swimming by for fun. No chaperoning here.
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She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
…  Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wish Designs … … In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the…
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daffylaura · 3 years
RELEASE: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
RELEASE: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wish Designs   In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the world…
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daffylaura · 3 years
COVER: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
COVER: She Awakens by Caitlin Denman
Title: She Awakens Author: Caitlin Denman Genre: YA Fantasy Release Date: April 27, 2021 Cover Design: Dark Wishes Designs In this Young Adult page turner, Attina finds herself in an unlikely predicament when it’s uncovered the normal, human existence she thought she lived is turned upside down. Finding out she’s half Fae not only confounds her, but in a time where the brutal Fae run the world…
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