#Yandere Izaya
Djdhxhkkxkxy Do my eyes deceive me? Are requests open? How would yandere Shizuo, Izaya, and Jason Todd treat a scared unwilling virgin darling?
Have a nice day Sloot!!!!
Enjoy below the cut!
Shizuo wouldn't force anything sexual on them until they're ready; if he initiates anything he'll stop if they move away or even if they freeze up, just because he's very aware of how much stronger he is than them. If he does get turned on, he's more likely to just turn over in bed and rub one out.
He would also try his best out of these 3 to give them space, with his only yandere tendencies being him pining over Darling from afar and beating the shit out of anyone that gives them trouble. He doesn't want to be a monster and kidnap them or anything, so he just watches over them in his spare time. If he gets caught, he apologizes and says he just wanted to make sure they were okay on their walk home. Ikebukuro's a dangerous place and a person like them is an easy mark.
If they're targeted by Izaya or other dangerous people in Ikebukuro (and let's be honest, once people realize Shizuo is with them all the time, they become a target), THEN he'll take matters into his hands and take Darling somewhere safe like his apartment until the people after Darling are dealt with. And he never really feels like they're truly safe, so he doesn't want them to move back to their own apartment. He'll find a way to pay for their rent, so they don't have to worry about it. What matters is that he's keeping them safe.
He wishes they'd reciprocate, but he won't force them to love him. He has a bit of self-loathing because he knows he's got something wrong with him to think this way (obsessing like this over Darling, his anger issues, etc). If they ever do show a bit of affection towards him or even just stop being as afraid of him, he's so happy.
Izaya's easily the most selfish and the least regretful about what he's doing. Humans are interesting, even ones like Darling who live mundane lives and are so timid. If we're stretching the whole "wanting to reach Valhalla and being a gigantic parallel to Loki" concept, then Darling is...hm, a little too meek to be Angrboda. Izaya thinks Sigyn would fit her best. But instead of holding a bowl to keep snake venom from dripping onto his face while bound to a rock, Darling can cure his boredom for a little while.
Sigyn's not really well known outside of that legend of her dutifully tending to Loki while he's being imprisoned on that rock, and like her, Izaya wants to know about the secrets and hidden aspects of Darling. Mikado was and still is a timid boy, but he's capable of holding a lot of power and being more cunning than he initially looks. What about Darling? How will she fit on his game boards? What schemes can he rope her into?
Of these 3, Izaya has the lowest sex drive imo. The idea of seducing Darling as a game or fun method to alleviate his boredom and have a special piece of their mind/body does sound interesting...but it's got to be through manipulation. Just holding them down and using force is too quick, there's no point or interest in it--but manipulating his skittish little Darling, turning them into his Sigyn and keeping them as his special human? That's more fun.
He teases them all the time and does just enough to make them feel conflicted, a little nervous or afraid but also a little curious. Lots of touching them playfully, stealing a kiss, being a little too close when talking to them, leaving presents for them. And of course, he's tracking their online presence, putting hidden cameras and bugs in their apartment, etc. He watches them on one monitor while he works and treats it like a screensaver or an idle hobby.
Jason would snatch them up way quicker than Shizuo. Gotham is a dangerous place. Hell, it's THE dangerous place, and someone like Darling needs to be protected from being hurt/kidnapped/taken advantage of. Unlike Shizuo though, he would struggle a lot more with respecting their boundaries. He would try but he's also so obsessed and clingy and touch-starved that he wants, NEEDS to be close with them. Typically this is just forced cuddling, but sometimes he'll touch them or rut against them during it and insist that's as far as he'll go. It's still not fair to Darling though
He hates himself like Shizuo does for violating Darling's boundaries like that and still doing it despite knowing it's wrong. He's so warped and broken that he can't even love someone without ruining it and making them miserable and afraid. He apologizes to Darling whenever he scares them or whenever he raises his voice without meaning to. All it takes is them flinching and he immediately lowers his voice and tries to comfort them.
He won't take their virginity unless they say they want that and/or act on it themselves, just because he wants it to be special for them. He WILL give them oral whenever he's clingy or just needs to let out how much he needs them and wants to make them feel good.
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lesinquietes · 7 days
Always considered Izaya Orihara to be one of those fucking terrifying yanderes who legitimately cannot be stopped. Like, the man is a master deceiver and he’s basically Hackerman. If you try to run, he’ll be one step ahead of you. Think you can befriend Shizuo and have that be a way to ward him off? Wrong. He won’t even let you get close, and even if you do, are you going to keep that beast around you at all times? He’s got better things to do. You don’t have the money to hire him as your bodyguard. Really, you’re a defenceless little lamb, entirely at Izaya’s disposal. There is no bigger predator than him in all of Japan.
And he’ll have you come around to him no matter what. He’ll manipulate your environment and the people around you. He’ll make you feel as though you’re losing your sanity. He’ll make it so that you think the only cure is crawling back to him and begging for it to stop; begging the most powerful man you know to save you. The thought of your submission makes him shamelessly hard. He hopes you’ll be a sweetheart and give him a hand… or a mouth… or both, if you’re really sorry~
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tiaragqueen · 1 year
The Sleeping Horror
Yandere! Izaya Orihara x Female! Reader
Hello! It’s been years, hasn’t it? Idk if you guys missed me, but I do miss writing for other fandom beside genshin and twst. I was planning to make a whole new account, but I was too lazy so here I am! Let’s start with something ‘soft’ and fantastical, shall we? Inspired by the line in the Wikipedia page of his relationship with Shizuo: “Izaya also holds the belief that only humans possess the ability to slay monsters.” And Sleeping Beauty story (would you believe me if I told you I rewrote this three times?).
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Admittedly, marriage wasn’t something Izaya really had in mind.
Not because he was a player, but because he was still young. Still adventurous. Still mischievous. He wanted to see more people, more kingdoms, more chaos. His position as a prince allowed him that much, but it also came with many responsibilities. And one of them was an arranged marriage.
Until now, Izaya wasn’t sure how to react when he found out he was already betrothed since birth. On one hand, he was somewhat irritated with the fate his father had oh-so-kindly lay out in front of him. Even as a child, he should at least have some freedom to choose his own suitor, right? It wasn’t as if he was a particularly naïve kid who thought suitors were equal to playmates. He’d always been intelligent, albeit quieter and more distant.
But on the other hand, you sounded quite… interesting. Yes, sounded, because he’d never seen you. There wasn’t even a painting of you somewhere in your castle. It was either you vanished or you only existed in people’s imagination. Then, his father, Shirou, disproved of the latter because he recounted a story that happened during your christening. Apparently, your father had enraged a wicked fairy by excluding her from the event and she promptly avenged her wounded ego by cursing you to prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before the sun set on your sixteenth birthday and die. One of the pixie fairies whom your father did invite, used her blessing to weaken the curse so that instead of dying, you’d fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love’s kiss. Because, apparently, her magic wasn’t strong enough to undo the curse. So, your father ordered all spinning wheels throughout the kingdom be burned and the remains were hidden in the dungeon.
It certainly explained why Izaya heard a few peasants grumbling about the lack of spinning wheels when he occasionally visited your kingdom. But, alas, Shirou didn’t seem to know about your whereabouts. It didn’t help that he forbade him from mentioning the incident to your own father too, despite the fact that Izaya had a right to know as your fiancé.
So, using the intelligence he’d built up after years of scheming and illicit dealings, Izaya managed to pinpoint your location. It was a humble cottage in the middle of the forest, secluded enough to avoid the wicked fairy’s eyes but not enough for his. Izaya smirked as if he’d won a high-staking gamble, and with the leverage he had on your father, it could be described as one. Shirou wasn’t a fool, but his job as a king did prevent him from knowing the full extent of Izaya’s secret occupation and hobby.
And thus, Izaya set out to find his cursed fiancée. As expected, you were every bit of a country bumpkin; naïve and improper. It was clear that you’d never seen a stranger beyond your three bumbling fairy ‘aunts’, judging by how you openly gaped at his sudden appearance when you were singing to your animal friends. And yet, Izaya allowed your curiosity shine through, anyway, if not because of how pathetically cute you looked right now. Like a dog, or a kitten, that he could easily pick up and bring somewhere else because you were just so defenseless.
Did your aunts even teach you not to trust a stranger, whoever it was?
Apparently, no. Because there was a limit to how ‘human’ they could pretend to be, and you wouldn’t have known any better because they were all you had growing up. Even now, a good parent shouldn’t let their daughter play too long in the forest where anything and everything could happen to her, especially when she didn’t possess any self-defense skills.
Especially when she was you, a princess in hiding.
Perhaps you were lucky that he was the one who met you. Izaya couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was that wicked fairy instead?
… Or he could! There was no limit for possibilities in his mind. That was how he could stay entertained despite so many of his plans veering off their tracks.
Truly, it’d be a shame if you were to get caught, right?
Well, it would, but he wouldn’t do that. He wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t intervene in the course of your life. Would it end happily ever after like Shirou hoped? Or would it become a nightmare for you and your kingdom instead? So far, you were the most interesting woman he’d ever met despite your obvious flaws, which some lessons in table manners and etiquette could rectify. And perhaps Izaya would bestow more of his ‘love for humanity’ in keeping you by his side regardless, even if the latter were to befall you.
Was this what the power of bias felt like? It wasn’t that bad, and it might’ve made him feel a bit closer to being a human, but Izaya wanted to know more about your feelings when you found out that he pitied you. Would you be offended? Touched? Upset?
Ah, the possibilities were truly endless, weren’t they?
Apparently, you’d fallen for him at first meeting, and were excited to tell your aunts about him when they revealed your true status as a betrothed princess. You could never meet ‘him’ again, they said. It was somewhat foolish of them to not allow you to tell them about him, but then again, Izaya doubted they’d known him let alone see his face. It was enough that they neglected you most of the time, albeit accidentally. How could he trust them to remember who he was?
Then, the fated thing happened.
The wicked fairy found out about you.
After the fairies brought you to your father’s castle in disguise, they let you grieve over your broken heart in your new room. But the wicked fairy used your sadness to entrance you and led you to an abandoned tower. All this time, Izaya watched from the shadows without anyone’s knowledge, not even your own father. His fingers twitched with an unexplainable urge to help you when you were forced to touch the conjured spinning wheel, while his brain – the more dominant part of him – convinced him to watch a little longer. It wasn’t as if he could challenge the fairy head-on, and he didn’t have any magic to do so despite his yearning heart.
Eventually, you succumbed to the curse, and the wicked fairy gloated over it to your belated aunts.
While waking you up with a kiss sounded ideal, it was more tempting to kill the wicked fairy first of all, if not to feel the rush of adrenaline and victory in his hands. Maybe you’d be grateful for it too, and thus, strengthening your love for him and salvaging your broken heart. But since he didn’t have the appropriate weapon to defeat her, Izaya was left to approach the pixies.
“Excuse me. You three look quite flustered. Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, my! You surprised me there, young man.” the pink one gasped, holding her tiny chest. “A-and no, we’re fine. Thank you for asking.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, still with the amiable smile that took him years of etiquette lessons and scheming to perfect. “You see, I have a fiancée, and I was told that I’d be seeing her today.”
They exchanged quizzical glances at each other.
“My name is Izaya Orihara.” He took a medal from his pocket as a proof of his own identity. “I’m betrothed to the princess of this kingdom. But, unfortunately, I was never able to see her. It upsets me terribly to postpone another meeting with her, when we should’ve been together since the very first start.”
Izaya languished at them through a sad friends as he clutched the medal desperately. Almost all too easily, the fairies fell to his trap with a sympathetic ‘aw’. They didn’t even question why he had the medal in his pocket rather than in his person as a prince should be. But, at least, he wasn’t lying.
“It is against our nature to be in the way of fate, especially a fated love.” said the green one. “A wicked fairy has cursed your fiancée to sleep forever unless awaken by a true love’s kiss, and she’s currently sleeping in this tower right now.”
“Ah, how terrible.” Izaya moaned sadly. “I wish I could do something to that fairy for daring to hurt my precious fiancée.”
Once again, they looked at each other.
“Let us help you with a bit of our magic, Child.” The blue one declared. “Hopefully, with these, you can end the wicked fairy’s reign of darkness once and for all.”
They armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, which they stated to be weapons of righteousness that would triumph over evil, and Izaya felt more powerful than ever. He wondered if he could even beat them with these, but they might prove their usefulness again in the future. That, and it’d be easier to manipulate you with them seeing as they were practically a ‘family’ to you.
And so, the group traveled to the mountain where the wicked fairy lived and began the most exhilarating battle he’d ever had. Cornered, the fairy transformed into a fire-breathing dragon. Another wrench to his plan, but Izaya wasn’t too worried because his agility saved their lives at the end of the day. He managed to stab her through her chest with great effort and watched her fall from the cliff.
Truly, only humans had the ability to slay monsters.
“That was wonderful, Child!” the blue fairy gushed, while the others clapped and nodded in agreement.
Izaya feigned a humble chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly do that without your help, either, so please don’t give me all the credits.”
Flattered as they were, they hadn’t forgotten their second priority: waking you up with a true love’s kiss.
But, shockingly enough, Izaya’s kiss did nothing to your sleeping self.
“H-how could this be?!” the pink one shrieked. “Prince Izaya is supposed to be her fiancé, so why doesn’t it work?!”
While they proceeded to question each other, Izaya took the time to observe you. Your forehead was wrinkled as if suffering from a nightmare, your lips parted slightly as if wanting to say something, and your hands grasped the red roses as if trying to protect yourself with it.
It was far from the peaceful sight he’d expected to see, and the realization brought a mocking, almost humorless laugh from his throat.
“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?’
“No, it’s nothing. Pardon my unseemly reaction.” said he, wiping his teary eye with his gloved hand. “May I ask you to bring her father here?”
“The King? What can you possibly need from him?”
“You said that only a true love’s kiss can wake her up, right? Well, he’s the one who asked you to protect her. Isn’t that what a ‘true love’ is? The feeling of wanting to protect someone?”
And such feeling wasn’t strong enough within him, or rather, he merely allowed it to wash over him. Otherwise, he would’ve stopped the wicked fairy from bewitching you earlier. Besides, Izaya was too logical to ever fall for someone at first meeting, no matter how interesting they were, and the curse said nothing about needing both parties to love each other for it to be broken.
While the fairies were occupied in bringing your father, Izaya approached one of the maids that happened to pass by.
“Bring me the dragon’s head from the cliff in the wicked fairy’s mountain.”
“Is it her own head?”
He merely smiled, and the spy nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once you woke up, but it didn’t hurt to have another ‘decoration’ inside his room. Then, he returned to the tower where your father was already standing at the bedside.
“P-Prince Izaya?!” he stammered. “Since when have you been here? Shouldn’t you notify me beforehand? Why are you dressing so... casually?”
“Now, now, that part isn’t as important as our dear princess is. And I must say, I’m quite hurt to know that you neglected to tell me that she’s been cursed all along.”
Your father flinched and looked down guiltily.
“I didn’t want it to become an international problem.”
“But there were many guests at that time, no? Don’t you think I deserve to know, as her fiancé?” Despite the feelings that Izaya didn’t quite absorb and understand, and your flaws that he mocked and used, a hint of bitterness managed to slip through his tongue. He waved his hand dismissively, both to your father and to his own emotions. “Regardless, you have the duty to save your daughter from the curse. So, go ahead. Don’t worry about the wicked fairy. I’ve slayed her, and her body is at the bottom of the cliff in her own abode. I’ll bring her head if you don’t believe me.”
The fairies gasped, while your father merely gaped, shocked at his callousness. The king glanced at the pixies, and they nodded hesitantly, confirming the part of the battle.
“I… I believe you.”
Slowly, he hovered over your face for a moment before he leaned down to press a deep kiss onto your forehead. Your troubled face relaxed little by little, and Izaya almost felt jealous when you fluttered your eyes open.
“She’s awake!” one of the pixies enthused.
Your father heaved a sigh of relief and smiled almost shakily. And yet, when your eyes landed on Izaya, they immediately widened in fear.
“No, I refuse to marry him!”
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request J, K, R and X for the Heiwajima brothers and Izaya please ?
Sure, sweetheart.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, bribery, blackmail, violence, manipulation
Yandere Alphabet
Orihara Izaya
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
📱Izaya acts like a cocky and arrogant jerk most of the time, treats people around him like toys whenever he feels like it. Surely someone like that wouldn't feel jealous and insecure about your closeness with others, right? You see, sweetheart, that's where you're wrong. After years of closing his heart off to anyone else, Izaya has started embracing the, albeit twisted, affection and love he holds for you. It's a rare thing for him to do but he can't prevent it from happening and harboring such emotions for you manages to make him more vulnerable. He starts becoming prone to jealousy as the sight of his darling trusting someone so easily and being so carefree around others has his blood boiling. He wants that too, thosw warm gazes and the affection you so willingly give others.
📱There's something scary about it all though. Izaya has rarely been someone to feel vulnerable and lonely and occasionally the sheer intensity of his emotions and his longing frighten him. There's a certain paranoia that someone will take advantage if they'd ever know so Izaya never exposes any weaknesses, not even to you most of the time. He won't let you gain the impression that he actually is insecure and jealous nor anyone else. A mischievous grin is instead on his face when he approaches you and your companion, his tone mocking as he starts verbally bullying them. He relishes in the way they start to feel uneasy around him as he continues with the mean assault of insults. When you aren't listening, he might even whisper to them a secret no one else is supposed to know. Izaya does of course, he needs to know about the people around you after all.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
📱Izaya isn't too excited about the idea of locking his s/o away permanently. That could stun you and limit all those adorable reactions you give in different scenarios and Izaya is someone who happily observes you in your daily life. That doesn't mean by a long shot that you're free as Izaya monitors every step you take and every acquaintance you make. He influences your life, wants to receive your trust by messing with your social contacts a bit. He keeps a firm grip on you, just not quite enough for you to suspect anything or to destroy you too much. He's a certified troublemaker though, stirs things up in the city and sometimes he even drags you a bit inside the chaos. He removes you from the field the moment it gets too dangerous though since he doesn't want you to get hurt because of him. That's only temporary isolation though. A more permanent stay is in the moment you think you can just leave him and don't believe that you need him. After invading his heart, he won't ever let you go.
📱Izaya is always scheming and planning something so kidnapping his s/o won't be any different from that. At tha point he basically has already all information about you, knows your background, your workplace and the way you function in your life. Your absence can be easily excused in some way too, the possibilities for Izaya with all of his connections are almost limitless. He most likely invites you over to his office, prepares some special tea for you and then just waits for you to arrive. You have not even a single clue up until you're about to lose consciousness and Izaya admits that he'll have to keep you for a while. You don't have to worry. He already took care of al trivial matters like your job. An abduction is never going to last forever, only long enough until whatever he stirred up has ended or until he thinks that you've learned that you will always need him in some way. When you walk out of the place he's kept you though, you've come to realize that you'll never be free from him again.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
📱Izaya is always interested in the things happening around him and the people in the city. When something catches his interest, he tends to focus very intently on whatever has grabbed his curiosity. His darling is no exclusion from all of that as Izaya finds them just interesting in the beginning, wants to find out a bit more about them and observe. Only long enough until he turns his attention somewhere else. He's not a man who trusts someone easily just as much as no one really trusts him. It takes time until his feelings change from a mere slightly obsessed curiosity into an obsessed attraction. His love to observe and try to predict your reactions never fades of course but you become something more than the average entertaining person to him.
📱The first signs for Izaya would be the concerned and worried thoughts he tends to have when there's some sort of uproar in the city. Not because you're a pawn he needs for later but because he's genuinely worried about your wellbeing. Izaya starts realizing that he can't control and sometimes even predict his own behavior when he's around you, takes notice how his heart speeds up and how he blurs everything out at times and just stares at you. That has never happened to him before and this sudden change unnerves him. What have you done with him? He knows the answer deep down already but rejects the inner confession because he's a bit afraid. He hurts others but doesn't want to get hurt himself, fears that love might hurt him. It's going to be his either possessive and jealous side that leads him to accepting his feelings or a scenario where you do something for him despite knowing that he's an asshole. No one has ever done something kind for him and he'd be quite shocked about it.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
📱The acceptance of his feelings means at the same time his tenacity to become an integral part of your life. He's never minded the lack of trust others have in him or how he doesn't have even one genuine bond with someone. Your existence turns his whole philosophy around though and suddenly he starts to feel lonely without you. Izaya wants his darling, wants their love and affection but it's all done because of his own selfish desires. He takes what has always been lacking in his life and what you made him aware of. Be aware that he'll establish himself as the dominant part in the relationship too, establish his control over you. Izaya probably does see himself as superior too or at least wants you to know that he's above you, especially with consideration of his power and skills. He's not afraid to bribe and blackmail you either, after all he knows you best.
Heiwajima Shizuo
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
🚬Shizuo is prone to a bad case of raging jealousy even though he knows he shouldn't. His temper is short as it is already and when he's angry, his body automatically responds almost all the time with violence. He tries so hard to regulate his jealousy and temper somehow but he fails about 90% of the time. No matter how hard he tries, he just can't help it. His obsession only worsens his already very fierce temper as it is. His darling is just so precious and he loves them so much, he's scared to lose them too because of his strength and known reputation for being violent and dangerous. His possessive and his protective side make him more sensitive. Funnily enough a lot of people avoid you simply because he's right next to you, surprisingly silent as long as no one irks him.
🚬At first there is this scowl on his face as he watches how that person is talking with you. Considering his height, his overall very intimidating demeanor and his reputation, that's already enough to scare someone. The way he glares down at someone only worsens their fear. The scariest experience one can have is if they dare to throw as much as one suggestive look or one flirty comment your way in which case Shizuo loses it. He starts to angrily shout at the person what they think they're doing with his s/o, grabs them most of the time by their collar and lifts them up with ease. His darling has to always stop him from his outbursts before he hurts someone or damages things around him. It has most likely already happened that he sent someone flying though. After his fit of jealousy he's probably too ashamed to let you see him though as guilt for not being able to control himself consume him.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
🚬Shizuo is of his own actions probably more aware than some others, he was alienated thanks to his strength after all. He hates violence and by extent sometimes himself for his inability to suppress his emotions. Despite his violent side, he also has a very strong sense of honor. He never considers and abduction and if he would, he would probably think of it as a very low thing to do. That aside though, I see him as someone who would tip over into a more delusional area if you would ever be endangered and he wouldn't be able to help you. A relationship with him would be even semi-normal, his terrible outbursts put aside that is. He'd kidnap his s/o based on emotions such as paranoia, fear and probably even possessiveness, in short when something triggers him. That could be you being in severe danger and you seeing him as the monster he is always afraid you'll see him as.
🚬It's known that this man acts on his emotions which can be very intense and strong, especially since he doesn't know how to hold back or control his own feelings. So there would be at best some rash thinking done in a few minutes. Planning ahead isn't something that Shizuo would do and that is especially true since the thought of kidnapping you will only really cross his mind when he's triggered and starts to feel paranoid. An abduction with him is spontanous, clumsy and you as well as him would be very much unprepared for it. Despite his best attempts to be gentle, chances are still that he knocks you out a bit too harsh which results in a throbbing bump for the next few days, something he'd be more than guilty about since you're the last person he'd want to hurt.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
🚬Shizuo is used to being more isolated and he completely understands why so many people don't want to be near him. A part of him thinks that this is best since he's worried that he will even end up someone he cherishes due to his lack of control. In reality the loneliness gets to him and he wishes that he could have someone who would love him and vice versa, looks at this all as a mere dream though since he doesn't know if it'll be possible. He has a wall around himself to protect others from himself and also to keep himself from hurting someone who doesn't deserve it. He hesitates when he does as much as realize that you seem to like him as he's worried that he'll only scare you away in the end. He and his darling need to build a mutual relationship of trust first before he can even start to become obsessed since it takes a bit to break through his walls.
🚬The delusional side that kicks in when his protective instincts go on overdrive aside, Shizuo is probably quite conscious about his own feelings. The problem is that he doesn't develop a crush on you after having forged a trusting and platonic relationship with you as even then his obsession seems to already start slightly. This increase of possessive and protective desires worsens his violent temper though, something he notes to his own fright. He is fuming when he sees someone giving you pretty eyes and feels like crushing something if he ever realizes that you like someone. He's in a much worse position than way back when both of you got to know each other now and even if he tries to pull back again, worried about the worsening of his spiritedness. Only that it's now far too back now for him to pull back.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
🚬Shizuo is often in a position where he considers himself to not be what you truly deserve. Insecure about his lack of composure and the constant fear that one day he might end up harming you, he thinks a lot that you deserve someone who just isn't him. Yet you've made it so painful for him to truly leave you. He thought he could never be viewed as a normal human and never have a strong bond with someone, deep down hoped to be loved by someone though. That person truly came in form of you. You graced him with something he thought he would never be able to have and each affectionat and thoughtful gesture from your side fuels his obsession more. The biggest shame is just that his emotions are so strong, especially when it involves you. He acts on impulse and lets his emotions influence his behavior which in some cases might end up in something unpleasant for you.
Heiwajima Kasuka
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Jealousy-Do they get jealous fast? How do they act?
▪️Kasuka is pretty much the counterpart of his brother in almost every aspect which also includes his temper and his jealousy. He’s really quiet and reserved and unlike his brother definitely not prone to boiling jealousy. He’s practiced in the art of patience after all. He grew up with a very spirited brother after all and his position in the showbiz with his full schedule and his fans requires a level of calmness and mettle at times too. That’s why it isn’t too tricky for him to let his darling have their time with others. At times he might tend to feel a bit annoyed though. He’s often very busy and for that doesn’t get to spend as much time with you as others. Especially when he has been gone for a while and returns, he just silently wants you to pay more attention to him. If you’re busy interacting with someone else, he does feel bothered.
▪️Kasuka isn’t much of a talker outside of the times he acts. Considering that his face is generally most of the time devoid of emotions, he’s hard to understand. He wouldn’t want to draw wrong conclusions and make the situation awkward for him and you so he stands back for a while and just watches them and you. When he starts to stand next to you, you can consider that as his silent request that he thinks that it’s time that you pay some attention to him too. He’s still not speaking much but his eyes stare somewhat expectantly at you before turning to the other person, a frown starting to deepen on his face. You know that he’s had enough when he finally speaks up though, in a somewhat blunt manner that catches you off-guard. You’re his s/o, he just wanted to remind them and you about it since you’ve been ignoring him for a while now for them.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
▪️Kasuka is lucid and, despite his stoic expression most of the times, a person who still cares for you a lot. He’s too famous for his own good though as well as yours. He has to be very discreet and tight-lipped about his relationship with you in the beginning too. He doubts that he can keep it away from public for eternities, eventually he’ll have to announce everything. Je at least wants to give you time to get comfortable and used to the thought. That fame itself might already be something that indirectly traps you since your privacy is endangered the moment the internet and the fans find out. You suddenly have paparazzi and jealous fans following you around which concerns Kasuka and forces him to let you move in with him to have more peace. Just imagine how bad the backlash might be if you would leave him…
▪️Similar to his older brother, Kasuka never considers abducting his darling as something he’d ever do. Even if dating someone as public as him isn’t easy and you tend to get negative comments from jealous fans, your lover is fairly normal and so is the relationship. Kasuka considers you two to be something that is forever though. It’s ride or die together after all, isn’t he right? That sounds romantic on paper but you fail to notice how serious he is about that statement. The thought of using slightly more forceful ways to keep you start crossing his mind the moment there’s a threat that might drift you two apart, something he doesn’t want. Whilst it sounds sinister, Kasuka knows that the internet, the paparazzi and his enraged fans will do most work for him if worst comes to worst.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
▪️Kasuka with his reserved personality definitely needs someone he sees often. I think of a childhood friend or someone who works closely with him as great possibilities to get to know the almost apathetic man better. People often have a hard time reading and understanding him since his face rarely gives something away. Even he himself doesn’t understand himself at times. So someone who makes a genuine effort to get to know him better or has already known him long enough to understand at least a bit how he works would most likely flatter him. You’ll need patience though to get through him due to his quiet personality. He really needs to get to know you before he can start succumbing to his obsession gradually and by the time this happens, both of you are already very close.
▪️People around you will notice the change in behavior from his side since they’re used to Kasuka being someone who is often just standing alone and rarely talks unless he’s asked something. With you he suddenly makes an effort to go out of his usual routine. He’s standing often near you when he has nothing to do, listens intently when you rant about something that either annoys you or excites you and, even if only slightly, talks more to you than to most others. On his own free will too. Both of you have known each other for so long already though that initially he has troubles to differ between his more romantic interest and his platonic love. It’s only when his obsession has already grown too much that he finally realizes that his feelings for you have changed and he wants something more. It’s his first time he thinks, being in love.
Xoanon-How much do they worship their darling?
▪️You might think that someone as handsome and popular as him would be a tad bit arrogant. Kasuka doesn’t see himself as anything special though and this humbleness is what you like on him. It’s quite obvious for people who know him even a bit that he fancies his darling since he always wants their opinion on things and spends as much time with them as he can. I feel like his darling would also be the main reason for Kasuka to step out of his more devoid and emotionless state. He surely will never be someone who is very open with his feelings but you manage to open the doors to his heart at least a bit. You complete him in a way, help him to understand himself better. He puts both of you on equal footing, beware that in the worst situations he will stay true to his philosophy of you two staying together forever. You taught him so much after all, he doesn’t think he can love anyone quite the same way he loves you.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Durarara Masterlist
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Shizuo Heiwajima
Gentle, Loving S/o
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Izaya Orihara
Naga! Izaya HC
Clingy S/o
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Topping a male S/o 
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dainedablo · 3 months
i absolutely love insane characters from anime games or other media, i love a guy that would mindfuck me
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aka-tsubaki · 1 year
Bonus pt 6 with the jelly bf xDD
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year
Izaya’s Part 3 is finished!
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It’s been a long journey, but Izaya’s route is finished. We look forward to your thoughts on the endings and the conclusion to Izaya’s story in Ikebukuro Records. The password, as always, is Baccano. 
Download the game here!
Edit: As always, for newcomers, remember to play the normal route first! Password is MHFC.
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somemydayy · 2 years
Human Desires
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Warning: Stalker au! mention of accident, murder and loss of significant other at the hands, of stalker izaya
Izaya’s hobbies was manipulating and messing with people for his own entertainment. A skilled underground information broker, settled amidst the sleepless city streets of Tokyo, Japan.
The broker, had a infinity for attracting broken or lost individuals. Like many that encountered and sought out Izaya, you also had a strained relationship with your peers, and family. But unlike the many that he coherent into a pact with false narratives and manipulation you seemed unfazed, almost immune to his ploy in extorting your current situation. He was surprised when the topic never came up. But by now it had been years, and you stated no interest in such dealings.
You lived a mediocre life yet you wished to live, honestly and it baffled Izaya to no end. You just wanted someone to talk to, and Izaya fit the bill. You regularly chatted with him online, about your day. You started telling him all about your life that brought about the notion of seeking out someone trustworthy to confide in. And your luck ran out when you believed Izaya was someone you could put your total trust in.
All your dirty little secrets, he knew them by heart. How you came from a wealthy family. How your father was estranged with the Awakuzas dispute being a powerful figure head in the political scene. How you ran away from home at the age of sixteen because there was talks of a arranged marriage. How you got far as Saitama before you were dragged back home by your father’s henchmen. How you got estranged in a color gang war, by just being at the wrong time and place. How you were kidnapped in your final year of high school by human traffickers, and were saved by kyohei and the van gang. But most importantly how, your boyfriend was involved with illegal dealings that subsequently left him comatose, at Raira general hospital.
How despite living a very sad, pathetic and miserable life you seemed content just to see the sun rise. How you were just content to live another day, and honestly; your positive go lucky attitude set off something within the information broker. But as such luck would give, it soon was lost when he found out you were out in ikebukuro cozying up to that monster, shizuo.
And this just want’s except-able , this was just something Izaya wasn’t gonna let slide, oh no; it was far from alright. So he decided he was going to pay you a visit, regardless if you liked it or not.
— — — — —
The only source of light came from the shallow lights bouncing off the street lamps. The atmosphere was chill. He was crossing the street, stalking toward you. The tips of your ears flushed a bright red, and your chest caved with a slight tug. You chewed on his lower lip in anticipation and your body froze under his predator gaze.
“Sir— I’m sorry, but we’re closed.”
“Ahh that’s to bad, I was really looking forward to trying some of that delicious coffee you make, (Y/n)-chan.”
“Oh sorr— wait do I know you?”
“If I recall correctly this is our first time meeting.”
“Then, how do you know my name?”
“I have my ways.”
“So tell me darling (Y/n)-chan, how’s that boyfriend of yours?”
“Wha— who exactly are you?!”
“Aww why so surprised, sweetheart?”
The atmosphere was rigid. You stilled your sights upon him, who was towering over you. The words that were so heavily engraved in his mind overflow with curiosity and suspense slipped off of his lips, out onto the world.
“On your way to the hospital (Y/n)-chan? Why do you even bother? You know, he’s as good as dead.”
A underlying uneasiness settle in the atmosphere, and the deafening beating of your heart drove that sensation into hysterics. A wide grin which was cast across his face, exhibited his amusement. His eyebrows scrunched up together, and his eyes held a predator gaze.
“I made sure of it.” He says in a taunting tone, as his lips quirk up into a sickly smile.
As he spoke all you could hear was the pitter patter of the rain, against the window. He held a crimson soaked blade within his grasp. As he walked closer to you, he clasped down on the bloody blade; and began sliding it against your cheek. Ready to strike down his prey at any time. His teeth lingered on his bottom lip, chewing in anticipation with the thrill of a mad man.
He leaned against the doorframe, and tilted his head to the side, and nestled his bloody blade harshly against your cheek before trailing it down your exposed neck.
Izaya soon caught a glimpse of your now tear stained cheeks, the crimson dust against your ears, the trembling of your fingers and knees. You was absolutely terrified of him, and izaya was living for every minute of it.
“What, don’t tell me your unhappy about it?” He gives you a sad look for a second, before returning back to his almost inhuman behavior.
“Tell me something, exactly how long was the poor bastard gonna last sick in that hospital bed? A day? A week? Maybe a month if he was, lucky.” A maddening grin stretched across his lips, and then he let out a taunting laugh.
“And you? Tell me something, just how long were you going to wait by his bedside? Like the good obedient girlfriend you are— were? Where you going to nurse the poor bastard back to health? And for what? For him to drag you into his dirty dealings or worse, for you to end up dead in a ditch? You see, my sweet (Y/n)-chan. I just couldn’t have that slimy bastard continue to taint your innocence. I couldn’t ever, no— never, in a million years let that happen.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, and you felt all the color drain from your face. Your fingertips trembled in horror at the sight before you. Paralyzed in fear, the only thing you could do was stare back at his staggering gaze in pure terror.
“Why— are you doing this?!” The only thing you could focus on now, was the craze look in his eyes, and the way his lips twisted into a maddening grin before uttering a blood curling laugh.
“I simply love humans, and you my sweet (Y/n)-chan, you’re my absolute favorite.”
“Wha— what your saying makes absolutely, no sense whatsoever! You— your absolutely insane!”
“I suppose that’s true, but who really cares.”
Because this time around the target of Izaya’s sinister obsession is, you. And he won’t stop at nothing until he has you for himself, even if that means exploiting, betraying, torturing and eventually driving you to hysteria. Izaya doesn’t care in the slightest, because nothing else matters now that he has you. And that’s all that really matters.
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© Somemydayy 2022 | Please do not copy or alter this writing on Tumblr or any other platform.
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This is somewhat of a continuation of a previous work, please enjoy :)
Part 1: I simply love humans
Part 2: Human Desires
Part 3: Strange Addiction
Part 4: Game of Cat and Mouse
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youreaclownnow · 5 months
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Just concocted the worst most hilarious nightmare blunt rotation known to man.
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Just imagine Shizuo getting Darling back after a kidnapping from Izaya and he’s taken you to get treated when Shinra discovers something.
She has hickies and bite marks all over her inner thighs, all leading up like a trail to you know where. Shinra confirms no trace of noncon but Shizuo is still livid and as soon as they get home he replaces them with bigger and darker marks of his own!
Izaya is the kind of sick fuck to not do anything sexual to Shizuo's Darling out of desire, but just to see how much it affects Shizuo. Like Izaya might do this himself and even though he promises he won't do anything further to Darling, it doesn't matter. He may not get any real sexual pleasure out of it inherently, it's just a fun spin on how he usually fucks with Shizuo.
He does like seeing Shizuo "play Human" with this woman, which isn't hard after he puts a few bugs and cameras in Shizuo and Darling's apartments, taps their phone messages, etc. Shizuo tries so hard to be gentle, but it's obvious he's having to hold himself back. Izaya likes that struggle of a monster pretending to be human and coming so close to letting that mask slip.
He'd also fuck with Darling a little as well. When he's biting them and marking them, he says that hurting them like this is what Shizuo wishes he could do.
"Does he ever scare you when he lets the real him show? I've seen him grab your hips and then say sorry for making you wince; when he had to grip the arm of your couch and tore up the cloth when you took his boxers off for the first time; when he made you pull a muscle after pushing your legs up and had to stop because he was scared of hurting you further. Don't tell me he deluded you AND himself into thinking he could be human? Manipulating people's MY job.
Orrr...maybe it doesn't scare you enough. Maybe you're the type who likes that danger of being with someone you know could kill you or hurt you so easily without even meaning to. Maybe you're like me--you want him to stop playing pretend and show you he's a monster. Guess he's lucky his first and only girlfriend turned out to be as twisted as the two of us are~"
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lesinquietes · 2 days
Like he's definitely still the most dangerous mfer there, but I can't stop thinking abt Izaya Orihara with a darling that can drive. Like he can't drive - I refuse to believe it. Like what would he even do if she just 🚗
LOL true, we n e v e r see him driving, and I feel like that’s because it takes away a lot of the control he thinks he has over the world. People would be on the road gunning him down. He’d have to be a god at maneuver on a motorcycle — because you and I both know he’s not gonna get a fucking hatchback or a clunky minivan — so he can get away from a sticky situation fast. But he’s got people who are willingforced to drive him around and so many connections that can block you if you ever try to leave him by car. I’m a firm believer that the man could orchestrate a traffic jam if he wanted to, and that he could pay off some thugs to run you off the road and drag you back to him. Maybe he pays them a little extra to rough you up a bit until he conveniently comes along to save you from the bad men~
If he wants you to stay by his side for the rest of your life, that’s precisely where you’re going to be. Nothing will get in his way.
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prettyboykatsuki · 7 months
i think thts the first time ive been like truly scared of one of ur yans. b4 i was like 😮 but also 😏 (intrigued but into it) now i’m 🫣😰 (still intrigued but like i have real goosebumps) damn ur conceptss are so cool
sdfjhskjsd i have a lot of more fucked up and generally unsexy yan concepts but they're less fun to talk about here!!! and not all yans can pull them off tbh!!!
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
13/25 for my 25 Anime special. This character was suggested.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, sabotage, blackmailing, jealousy, threats, sadism
Yandere Orihara Izaya Hc’s
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📱He has already been shown as someone who is a rather obsessed individual so multiply that tenfold and you have one of the unhealthiest obsession someone could ask for. There is no kidding here, he wants to know absolutely everything about his s/o and uses every possible connection he can to gather all information. Blood type, family, favorites, likes and dislikes, shenanigans that lie in your past and your deepest and most shameful secrets. Izaya doesn't really care if he absolutely demolishes your privacy like this as long as he can feed his insatiable curiosity. He wants more than sitting in front of a computer and reading files about you, he wants to see you and every possible reaction he could get out of you for himself. Not only does he stalk you via cameras and trackers, he also follows you around and isn't afraid to bump into you by "accident". He's the borderline of clingy since he seems to always appear where you are.
📱You wouldn't quite recognize it but Izaya is actually really possessive. He knows that no one really trusts him and that he hasn't been able to form a proper and genuine bond with anyone so far. Even Shinra was rather nonchalant when he was in the hospital and Shizuo, someone Izaya refers to as a monster, has his friends who trust him. Maybe that is because Izaya has never let anything close to his heart yet, he only accepts everything. He's adamant to change that now though which is why he is extremely manipulative and isolating. He wants to achieve a certain codependence for him from your side and is willing to pull multiple cards to do that. Fake identities in the internet to keep you busy, rumors he spreads about your friends or about you in your friendzone and so much more. He is a man as cunning as he is charming and he is most definitely there even when your friends have been acting strange or you constantly get in unnecessary brawls with family and acquaintances.
📱Under that arrogant and mocking persona is because of the absolute lack of a real bond in his life so far, a rather jealous man. He is not fond of being the one who is being played with and he feels sadly exactly like that when he observes how close and open you are with others. Chances are that you've heard of him and are rather wary around him. Of course it's fun to work his way through your shell and make you more submissive but there is nevertheless a bitter taste in his mouth when he sees you being affectionate and nice with others. He longs deep down for something similar and his possessive and jealous behavior leads him to straining the bonds you share to the absolute maximum. How strong are those feelings if he would drag them through the mud and back? He lies in wait for everyone who sparks his jealousy and is the ususal jerk around them, only with a tad bit more poison behind his words and a bit more glee behind his eyes. He wants to have the strongest bond with his s/o and the stronger a relationship you have with someone else, the more ill will and envy he feels.
📱As a sadistic and playful guy who loves to observe humans and their reactions, he toys around with anyone who he views as a nuisance. You see, Izaya is someone who will do everything to get something that he wants. He enjoys pushing people back and forth after his music since one phone call would be enough to end up in a hospital or to ruin someone in less than one day. It's a treat to watch your trust in others deteriorate just as much whenever you are betrayed or left by someone and he relishes in the fact that he is always the one who is there to comfort you in a sickenly sweet manner. For the most part he lets others do the dirty work since he is more the mastermind behind it all but it doesn't mean that he won't pull out his knife and stab someone if he's in a risky situation. He's not strong like Shizuo but he is skilled and agile.
📱I'd say he wouldn't want control his darling to such an extent since he still loves observing his s/o. They are still full of surprises and sometimes go against his usually accurate guesses which is why they are his favorite and lovely human. Izaya just keeps a tight leash on you so you never stray away too much to the point where you think you don't need him anymore because he can't have that after all his work, can he? Obviously he won't shy away to lock you up with the reasoning that you shouldn't leave his side for a certain while now until things have cooled down a bit. It isn't unlikely that he sometimes drags you purposely into the chaos he has created but he never allows to let you get too close to the flames since he doesn't want you to burn yourself.
📱He grows very clingy the more he notices that you seem to crack under everything he has put you through until it feels like he always keeps you around him. He probably is aware of his obsessive tendencies regarding you but it's not like he cares greatly or has ever cared about something he did before either. He wants for once a lasting and real bond and even if he indirectly forces you to rely on him as long as you never know that everything is his doing your feelings are genuine enough. Safe to say that he doesn't let his guard down easily, always a bit warily around you since you might plan something. He doesn't mind the nice and entertaining surprise of you surprising him sometimes with your reaction but he won't let you win the upper hand.
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izanyas · 2 years
How long have you been writing :) your prose is lovely
😭 thank you so muchhh
i' ve been writing fiction pretty much since i knew how to write. as a little kid i'd write stories and i remember that in middle school i was writing a really silly dystopia-like novel that my classmates would sit around and read page by page during recess lmao just passing each other the last pages and waiting for me to finish the new ones. it's a lovely memory :)
i started writing in english about 10-ish years ago? but only got seriously into it in 2014 and started publishing only english fics in 2016. before that i'd posted plenty of fics but only in french.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
hm so why did all of the fandoms collectively forget about innerpartysystem and the absolute gems they put out ???? how they fit like ,, all of our thoughts and filths and scenarios ?? plssss bring them back
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