#YOU'RE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE. thank u for ur service
husbandhoshi · 2 months
you’ve heard of ass/boobs/thigh preference but can i interest you in neck/back/wrist preference
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neck: joshua, wonwoo, jun, jeonghan, seokmin
they get that schoolgirl kind of rush when you pull your hair back or touch the back of your neck. loves kissing your neck and i think you could bring a grown man to their knees if you kissed theirs. also people i think who would love to do your hair.
back: cheol, mingyu, seungkwan, hoshi
team feral tbh...i think they just love seeing any part of you but like... when you stretch out and they can see all your muscles and the length of your body. or when you take off your sweatshirt and that little bit of skin peeks out...yeah.
wrist: minghao, jihoon, chan, vernon
CLOSET ROMANTICS. whether it's a hair tie or a bracelet around your wrist i think they would just love to look. and then they think about holding your hand. the way your wrist would feel in their grip. ok.
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eggluverz · 10 months
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hi there and welcome to my blog!! i’m sof and here are my writings :> hope u enjoy ur stay !!
© eggluverz — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not plagiarize. thank you and have fun reading!
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i. operation: dog food
modern au. in which you are trying to save a stray dog and dan heng sees you lurking around front of his door.
ii. the interns
modern au. in which you view your internship as a competition and dan heng is simply attracted to all your hard work and determination.
iii. hot and cold
roommate au. in which dan heng runs hot and blasts the air conditioner to keep cool, and you feel like you’re living in the arctic.
iv. starry night bakery
bakery au. in which the cute baker down the street catches your eye and you decide to become a regular to keep seeing him.
v. blind dates & hidden feelings
march 7th sets you up on a blind date with gepard and dan heng finds himself feeling jealous when he sees the two of you on a date together.
vi. we really were timeless
dan heng does not want to remember his previous reincarnation, but there is one part he doesn't want to let go of forever— you.
vii. like me better?
you want to braid dan heng's hair and he wonders if you like him better in this form.
viii. something shiny this way comes
dan heng wants to face part of his past by walking around xianzhou luofu with you, but he freaks out when he notices you are no longer by his side.
ix. after all this time
you were the great imbibitor lunae's disciple. he trusted you with his life and you with his. but when the time came, you weren't able to save him. what happens when you run into his reincarnation years down the line?
x. no time to waste
school au. dan heng's a workaholic, you're the only one who can get him to look away from his work, and jing yuan thinks the two of you just need to get together.
xi. should've been there
you and dan heng are exploring the xianzhou luofu and you get surrounded by a group of assassins who want to hurt you to get to dan heng. you decide to teach them not to mess with your partner. 
xii. stars fading but i linger on, dear
dan heng has been having dreams about you. they started off good—like a fairytale even. but soon he’s been getting the feeling something is wrong. you’re trapped and alone and can’t escape. dan heng wonders if his dreams are telling him something. and if they are…what is there for him to do?
xiii. dragons and daffodils
you impulsively walk into a tattoo shop, see a gorgeous man with blue eyes and a dragon tattoo along his arm, and immediately decide you need to get a tattoo from him now. 
xiv. light in the darkness
dan heng has an extreme fear of the dark and the astral express experiences a power outage. thankfully, you are there to help him through this.
xv. gifts from the heart
dan heng sees a plushie of him at a vendor booth at belobog. he doesn’t understand that craze of “cute” things himself but perhaps you will like the gift.
i. not a weirdo stalker [smau]
modern au. in which you are a college student trying to vibe and blade thinks you are crazy obsessed with him.
ii. everything i need
idol au. in which you’re feeling down about not seeing your boyfriend in a few months and blade takes time out of his busy tour schedule to surprise you.
i. taste of the universe
in which jing yuan occasionally gets tired of being general and you are there to cheer him up.
ii. lady fu’s matchmaking service
fu xuan thinks the lonely general needs to go on a date, and you are just the person she wants to set him up with.
iii. the general needs a break… and a mooncake
the general is drowning in work, and the mid-autumn festival is the perfect excuse to take a break.
i. a stare worth a thousand words
you and dan feng were just friends. close comrades who challenged each other. but you were starting to suspect that just friends don't stare at each other like this...
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❀ dan heng x f!reader college au
❀ halloween with dan heng, jing yuan, and blade
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❀ request guidelines
# ❣️ rambles: for when i like to blah blah blah
# 💌 asks: received in my ask box <3
# 📚 fic recs: works i’ve read and enjoyed!
member of @masked-fools 🫶
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lovelyiida · 1 year
I’m srry if ur not comfy with writing for mha girls but I’ve been wondering if u can find time to write jirou headcannons? Tysm if u do!
OMG IM SO COMFY WITH WRITING ABOUT THE MHA GIRLS DW!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me to write about the mha girls for a minute so thank you for your service lol. I also have a Mina fic otw, but that's another conversation for another day ;)
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when the both of you first met, you guys instantly clicked.
it was the first day of class, you had so many thought running through your head at that moment:
were you good enough to become a pro-hero?
did you really deserve to be here?
will you actually make it?
is this even your calling?
sitting at your desk your hands were occupied with a fistful of your uniform. you look down at your legs, lips quivering and eyes watering, you were so nervous.
"hey? are you alright?" you heard a soft voice say. your head rises, snapping out of your nervous thoughts you try and show a smile.
"um yeah! I'm just so nervous." you look away in embarrassment, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. looking back you take in the unknown female's looks.
her dark eyes look into yours deeply, her short dark purple hair laying perfectly around her face. you notice her give you a deadpanned look.
"you're obviously not alright⏤here, we can listen to music together before the bell," she says, she lets out a shy smile as she removes a singular headphone from her ear and extends it out for you to grab.
a little dazed by the confident proposal, you nod and give her a slight bow. placing the single headphone in, you patiently wait for the girl to play her music.
when she presses play, your eyes light up.
"you know this band?" you beamed, the girl's eyes widened as well at your sudden burst of energy. "hell yeah! they're like the hottest thing out on the underground scene! I just went to one of their concerts!" she says back, a light blush on her face forms as she chuckles in excitement.
"what's your name?" you asked.
"Jiro Kyouka! and you?" she says, you tell her your name and the both of you formally greet each other with a bow.
after that day, both of you were hip-to-hip.
it didn't matter where either of you was, because you were always together.
and everyone knew that.
"hey, have you seen L/n? I need help with my combat skills," Mina says.
"y'know they're with Jiro," Bakugo says.
the both of you always went out places or hung out at each other's dorms and listened to music.
you loved it when Jiro would send links to her favorite music, and she'd love it when you'd do the same.
sometimes if the both of you were bored, you guys would make stupid songs on garage band, ultimately leaving the room with stomach cramps with how hard you laughed at Jiro's fried auto-tuned vocals.
there's one time when the both of you were getting tickets to see your favorite popular band, hovered over the computer in the lunchroom waiting for the ticket sale to drop. eyes wide open, staring into the blue LED screen, feeling that if you looked away for one second you'd lose all your chances.
you had all the devices possible, computers, tablets, and phones, the both of you were completely silent clicking any button possible to buy the tickets.
"I got them!" Jiro screamed loudly, the both of you crashed into each other's arms and started to scream like wild banshees. there were a couple of odd stares from people in the lunchroom, but that didn't matter.
and when you guys finally went to the concert, you guys screamed even louder. yelling out the lyrics like your life depended on it, hands entwined the whole night.
taking so many photos together that night, you had so much fun you'd never forget this moment ever.
voices hoarse and eyes tired, you had a sleepover in your room after the concert crashing in the bed...you fell asleep so quick you didn't even notice that you guys cuddled the whole night.
everyone seeing the life drained out of you and Jiro as they first hand witnessed the effects of post-concert depression.
sometimes there would be times when the both of you just co-existed with one another.
no talking, no interaction was needed, just the feeling of each other's presence was enough.
and on days when that wasn't the case, Jiro was there for you no matter what.
if you felt down, she'd be the first person to cheer you up, singing one of the weird songs the both of you made to make you laugh
letting out a weary smile, you huff out a breath and wrap your arms around her waist and embrace her into a soft hug. "what would I do without you, Jiro?" you mumbled into her shoulder.
"I don't know...die?" she says, sarcasm oozing from her lips.
the both of you burst into laughter, she hugs you even tighter now.
"I don't know what I would do without you either, L/n..."
you knew you never felt out of place when you were with Jiro, you always felt so in tune with her. you knew her deepest secrets, she covered all your wounds and healed all your scars.
you were complete.
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is it weird to giggle at your own writing, this was so cute I literally was melting into my bed the more a typed this out. I hope you liked this anon!
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blamemma · 2 years
Top 5 Maxiel headcanons you've come up with
this is going under the cut because it got waaayyy too long to quickly (also this very quickly divulged into headcanons vs. au's oops sorry) (also that first one i could really expand more on if i had any brain power whizzing through my head today)
max is obsessed with daniels tattoos but not in the sense of them being sexy and hot (he likes them also in that way, plz keep writing it into fics xx ) but in an appreciation way....i truly believe max would love museums and art galleries (more traditional than new wave kinda ones, at those he'd be like 'but daniel, i could easily make that, why is it £1,000,000)....idea stems from his love of geography and maps and history but I can honestly see him wandering around the national portrait gallery or the rijksmuseum and admiring these portraits and statues of historical figures and just spouting his facts that he somehow knows and enquiring about how they were made...LIKE SORRY imagine max with one of those lil headset things with the really bad headphones which are often so tiny they fit over no ones head that you get and you type the number in that corresponds to the art you're currently looking at and it tells you all about it hE'D LOVE IT (i think idk i'm hypothesising about a man i dont know) i just think max likes the slower things in life from what he says in his interviews and stuff and I think if he knew he could just wander around and not be noticed and take his time admiring things...he would..sO anyway back to the tattoos got a bit distracted I think Max likes Daniel's tattoos because they're all different...you've got his massive thigh tattoo which is traditional/neo-classical style full of colour and bright and has dedications to family and home...and then you've got text ones but a lot of them are done in different fonts, some more minimalist than others and then you've got the astronaut and the cupid which so obviously have stories behind them and max would love to be told those stories, repeatedly, never tires of hearing daniel explain his tattoos to him and i think he just likes that daniel has art all over him that HE gets to admire....when daniel gets new ones he sits and shows max the designs and asks what he thinks (same with his merch) and max is just straight-up honest and helps daniel tweak things
2. an ode to mine and ray's single dad daniel au but its truly one of the things i now think about most often because its loving someone and their someone!! knowing that loving them means loving their child and their family and that not being a problem!! for max, that is so easy, because it's daniel's child, he loves daniel (even though he doesn't really realise it yet) and so it is easy to love henry??! max literally does not second guess it all whereas daniel is panicking, has seen max and henry get along since he first introduced them (henry really hasn't known a life without max also being there) but adding this extra dimension, where max is something more to him, a partner/lover, and therefore something else to henry terrifies him - he backs out of taking the next step with max SO often because he would rather continue to get these little family moments of him max and henry which he can watch over and pretend they're a real family than take a risk on a relationship with max and truly ruin it and leave henry without max and ultimately leave himself without max!! it's about your priorities as a parent and sometimes thinking you're making the best decision when ur not!!
3. daniel is obsessed with max...u literally just have to refer to the countless interviews where he mentions him, unprovoked, and the way his face lights up!! loves to worship his body, loves seeing how it has changed....THE THESIS (thank you @fourmula1 for ur service)....and i obviously think max is also obsessed with daniel....but its just different idk words are evading me but like daniel knew max as a teenager as a spritely 17 year old and he's now seeing him as a man at 25 winning two world championships already??!?!!?? eyah there's gotta be a bit of admiration and obsession.
4. things got frosty in the middle part of this season between them both because they can't communicate. daniel will hide behind jokes, often self-depreciating, when times get realllyyy tough, and max just wants honesty. wants daniel to lay his cards on the table and tell max how he feels. wants to see daniel punch a wall if that will make him feel better. and so they just....weren't talking....because anytime max asked, he just wouldn't get the truth and then when he'd call daniel out on it daniel would get defensive....i dont think max would want to help with the situation... they know their boundaries when it comes to racing and their teams and what they can and can't say to each other...but I think essentially what happened was just a breakdown in communication and max just feeling like he was being left on the sidelines with a depressed bf who he didn't know how to help...they regressed for a little bit....spent time apart....daniel went to montana and then perth...max spent time in monaco with his friends, rode jet skis, partied etc. they missed each other, they pined for each other, they got advice off their friends, they kissed they talked now they're ok again etc etc. and daniel knows that he CAN tell max anything and max will listen or give advice, whatever daniel wants, but he just needs to know
5. ...they're both vers... like what you like read what you wanna read enjoy what you enjoy we're all writing and reading about these men for our own enjoyment and I also like reading different people's takes on either/or... BUT i just think sometimes a man needs to fuck and sometimes he needs to be fucked and there's different reasons why and its whatever the moment calls for but we go back to number 3 and the obsession daniel has with how max has changed and its just another way for him to enjoy and obsess over this change in max....i do think they would have started with daniel topping but as max becomes more confident in his skin and LOVES what daniel does to him he wants to give daniel the same....max lOVES to make people happy, daniel fucking him makes him so happy and content and he knows that makes daniel happy to but he wants to try it the other way, try something new etc etc. it's about them pleasing each other at the end of the day and just being able to serve each others needs....
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allisonlol · 3 years
Hi I just followed you and I really like your writing. If you don't mind Can I request a s/o like Mitsuri Kanroji but this time with Fyodor Nikolai and atsushi? thank you ❤
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a/n: yes ofc :D mitsuri is my absolute favvv (after shinobu of course)
warnings: none!
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(Fyodor, Nikolai, Atsushi) With a S/O Similar to Mitsuri
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you're quite the opposite to him lol
he finds it pretty entertaining just to observe how genuinely sweet you are
fyodor didn't think it was possible for a human to be so,,,naturally wholesome?? but then he met you 🥳
in all honesty it does confuse him
why are you so kind?? what purpose does that serve??
he'll ask you this sometimes and you'll just be like: "well, why not?😊"
fyodor will watch as you compliment someone, and smiles to himself when he sees how your eyes light up at their happiness in return
he's not very surprised when he sees how strong you are in combat tho, since he was able to read your character and predict that you would be this way
it's still very amusing to him tho...
his sweet s/o, who gets flustered so easily and lives to make others happy, is now mercilessly cutting down enemies in battle 🤨
pshh it's called having priorities
you’re just?? so cute?? and SO PRECIOUS??
gets the tiniest bit jealous when you start complimenting other people
“what about meee??🥺” starts whining about it smh
you always make sure to flatter him a lot tho!! you adore the way he smiles and gets all excited when you do
nikolai frequently does an uno reverse and starts complimenting you in return
“my my~, aren’t you just so lovely...”
y’all just...do a lot of flirting with each other (to fyodor and sigma’s annoyance)
in combat tho?? omg nikolai is so impressed at your skills
it’s like there’s a switch in your head that you can turn off to become ruthless and deadly
he knows a lot about what that’s like 🤔
pls you kinda scare him during those times but he also thinks it’s hot-
two of the sweetest people ever?? you guys were literally made for each other
you make him so flustered omg <33
whenever u compliment atsushi, he gets all nervous and forgets how to function 😭
both of you guys go out of your way to assist other people just for the sake of making them happy
u do lots of service acts for each other as well!!
you’re like his little ray of sunshine ☀️
the power couple of the ADA ‼️(one of the only couples in the ADA-)
is very protective over you; he feels the need to shield you from the world in an attempt to preserve your purity??
if anyone tries to start shit with you, atsushi’s getting involved 😡
but we all know u don’t need protecting <3
another one who’s really impressed by ur fighting side
however he tries his best to keep you out of fights in the first place, since he doesn’t want you in any danger
literally scolds you for doing your job and putting yourself into risky situations?? meanwhile you’ll be like “sweetie i just saved ur life for the third time…” 🤦🏻‍♀️
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choupichoups · 5 years
It's not an AU my Mec!! You're an amazing writer and you deserve to know that!! Also, Northen Lights brought me back to life ok thank u for ur service I'm -
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