notokra · 6 months
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MR.High Fashion vol.110 Pina Bausch ミスター・ハイファッション 2002年10月号 ピナ・バウシュ
目次 MR’S SPECIAL ミラノ発信のメンズモードと、ミラノのデザイナーのフェースアルバム。 トム・フォードが提案する、モダンフォーマルの再来。 by GUCCI Rosemary=写真 ラフでダンディな、ニューカントリースタイル。 by DOLCE & GABBANA 平間至=写真 ジル・サンダー。ウォーターカラーのエレガンス。 by JIL SANDER 戎康友=写真 エンポリオ アルマーニ。クラシカルなワークテースト。 by EMPORIO ARMANI 宮原夢画=写真 長瀬智也。ロメオ・ジリ。クールレジスタンス。 by ROMEO GIGLI 筒井義昭=写真 山下智久、生田斗真。ジリ。コントラスト&レイアード。 by GIGLI 筒井義昭=写真 バーバリー プローサム。ニュークラシシズムのシルエット。by BURBERRY PRORSUM 桐島ローランド=写真 ラフでラグジュリー、ヴェルサーチのニュールック。 by VERSACE 三枝崎貴士=写真 クールでラグジュリーな存在感。 by NEIL BARRETT 石坂直樹=写真 アレッサンドロ デラクア。アクティブでセンシュアル。by ALESSANDRO DELL’ACQUA 守本勝英=写真 エンニョ カパサが提案する、ダウンタウンシック。by ENNIO CAPASA FOR COSTUME NATIONAL HOMME 笹口悦民=写真 ディーゼルスタイルラブ。アーバンなクールカジュアル。 by DIESELSTYLELAB 川口賢典=写真 キーン・エトロと、エトロが生み出される場所。 矢島みゆき=取材・文 アーネスト・レヴィ=写真 MIUCCIA PRADA ミウッチャ・プラダのクリエーション。 二つのベクトルの均衡。/プラダ社の歴史と運営。 矢島みゆき=取材・文 西島秀俊。プラダ。半沢 健=写真/プラダ スポーツ。ニッキー・ケラー=写真/ミュウ ミュウ。半沢 健=写真 イタリア発信の革のツール。靴と鞄。 ミラノのデザイナーのフェースアルバム。 堀本洋一、畑口和功、牧田良輔、アーネスト・レヴィ=写真 ドメニコ・ドルチェ、ステファノ・ガッバーナ/ジョルジオ・アルマーニ/ドナテッラ・ヴェルサーチ、エンニョ・カパサ、ニール・バレット、ガブリエレ・ストレーレ、ミラン・ヴクミローヴィック、アントニオ・マラス、コンスエロ・カスティリオーニ、ロメオ・ジリ、ルカ・ミッソーニ、スコット・フェローズ、アレッサンドロ・デラクア、クリストファー・ベイリー、トーマス・マイヤー
FASHION PINA BAUSCH + YOHJI YAMAMOTO : Fusion Between the Two 同質のアビリティ。ピナ・バウシュが着るヨウジヤマモトのポートレート。松本康男=写真 イヴ・サンローラン リヴ・ゴーシュ、ボヘミアンエレガンス。 半沢健=写真 ラージサイズでテンダーな6人のスタイル。 田中知之/長瀬哲朗/パラダイス山元/梶原由景/ジョン・ストーリー/三宅勝士 宮原夢画=写真 ポール・スミス氏と愛車ブリストルから始まる、クラシック&ストレンジワールド。 by PAUL SMITH COLLECTION アンソニー・クローラ、三枝崎貴士=写真 ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド マン、ワーキングクラスからの発想。 by VIVIENNE WESTWOOD MAN 守本勝英=写真 マーガレット・ハウエル。 クラシシズム&モダニティ。 by MARGARET HOWELL 筒井義昭=写真 クールで優しい、ステファン・シュナイダーというスタイル。 by STEPHAN SCHNEIDER 富岡春子=写真 進化するブリティッシュブランド、ダックス E1。 by DAKS E1 筒井義昭=写真 時を超越するSOのスタイル。 by SO BY ALEXANDER VAN SLOBBE 平郡政宏=写真 バーバリー・ブラックレーベル、ロックスターのように。 by BURBERRY BLACK LABEL 秦 淳司=写真 サンディー・ダラルがディレクションする、ICB menのアーバンエスニック。 by ICB men Rosemary=写真 ブライトンの自然と共生する、ポール・ハーンデンのクリエーションと暮し。 富岡秀次=写真 正岡雅子=取材・文 真木蔵人。ドレスダウンクロージング。 by RADMESS MEN’S BIGI 富永よしえ=写真 伊藤英明×オークリー。シャツとデニムパンツの、イージー&クールなスタイル。 by OAKLEY 三枝崎貴士=写真 A.A.R。ハードボイルドでクール。 by A.A.R 平郡政宏=写真 クールなインパクト。カスタム カルチャーのレザー。 by CUSTOM CULTURE 赤羽圭介=写真 東京発信のウォームスタイル。 川口賢典=写真 コンテンポラリーダンディズム。 富永よしえ=写真 DEPARTMENTS コム デ ギャルソンのラージサイズなコロン。 ニューショップ。ブリオーニ/コーチ/ラグビー ノース アメリカ/ フィラスポート・ライフストア/アディダス SOのオランダ通信。 Vol.13 パリのカルティエ現代美術館で再会した、村上隆と滝沢直己。 ミタ リツコ、森本美絵=写真 ビジュアルのコラム集。 ゴールドジュエリーの生産地、イタリア・ヴィチェンツァで開催された国際展示会。 11 トピックス。 PEOPLE 宇川直宏。34年分の記憶を押し込んだ、脳のような空間。 久家靖秀=写真 東谷隆司=取材・文 小林紀晴。幼いころから変わらぬ、アジアへの関心。 かばんの中身。一之瀬弘法。 男のカーライフ。ROLLY。 スーパースタイリストのリアルライフ。 祐真朋樹=写真・文 クレール・ドゥニが描いた、二人の怪物の物語。樋口泰人=文 伊東四朗。男の覚え書き。 沖山純久=文 松本康男=写真 小村和久(5351プール・オム)/リード・クラッコフ(コーチ)/リック・オウエンス ESSAY 犬の肖像。中川十内=写真 沖山純久=文 ハラショー・ボーイ。島田雅彦=文 記憶の中のカンヌ映画祭。秦早穂子=文 COLUMN COMING NOW カフェ・イン・水戸/BOOK 稲川方人=文/BOOK 佐伯誠=文/MUSIC 北中正和=文/CINEMA 樋口泰人=文/ART 椹木野衣=文/THEATER 渡辺美和子=文/NEWS 鳥越俊太郎=文 ETCETERAS INFORMATION/NEXT ISSUE/BACK ISSUES/PRESENTS/NEWS
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blog-for-nora · 9 months
week one: the linear form
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For this exercise i have chosen to create a matrixes of lines and planes using twine suspended in a wire frame and a soap solution. when the frame is submerged it should create films of solution within the twine. it interacts with the environment by letting the day's weather variables such as wind speed and humidity determine the amount of bubble films created. as the very nature of bubble films are ephemeral, after they are created there's no guarantee on how long it'll last.
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as opposed to conventional linear form, i have chosen to explore the idea of lines reaching and intersecting inwards to create a plane as a reflection of my own worldview on introversion/extraversion, as i believe sometimes for more insightful introspection one should aim to go inwards to create multiplicities within oneself, rather than blindly reaching outwards with no discernable goal.
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the relevant artist i've chosen is Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota. I find her work inspiring as she uses string as a medium as well. However the density of her strings are higher and they form 3D landscapes rather than planes.
the second artist i've chosen is Tomohiro Inaba. He is a creative sculptor who creates wire art with the optical illusion that they are dissolving mid-air. The Japanese artist's work Promise of Our Star is exceptional at demonstrating the optical illusion with the varying density and usage of different gauge wires. in the visual illusion. Each figure offers a duality that lies somewhere between solid sculpture and three dimensional scribbles.
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(Pic.1, Yoshiaki Tsutsui, 2020)(Pic.2, Tomohiro Inaba, 2014)
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toreii · 3 years
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Having witnessed the brutal burning of Mt. Hiei, Settsu Harukado advised Shogun Yoshiaki that he should cut off ties with Nobunaga. Yoshiaki joined the civil war between Matsunaga and Tsutsui Junkei in Yamato, and by allying with Tsusui, he confronted Matsunaga, who had Nobunaga's support, and urged him to express his position. Mitsuhide visited Tōan's clinic to treat his daughter, and Koma told him that Yoshiaki sided with Tsutsui and decided to leave Nobunaga. In order to avoid the plan of a terrible proxy war, Mitsuhide orchestrates a peace initiative to bring Matsunaga and Tsutsui together firsthand....
Kirin ga Kuru episode 34 preview
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Update] 生演奏ミュージカル「信長の野望-炎舞-」再演 (namaensou musical nobunaga no yabou -enbu- saien)
cast update under the cut^^
Tokuyama Hidenori as Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) Washio Shuuto as Akechi Mitsuhide (明智光秀) Koizumi Moeka as Nouhime (帰蝶) Hikichi Shiho as Oichi (お市) Tsutsui Sae as Oichi (お市) Tano Yuuka as Mori Ranmaru (森蘭丸) Iwasaki Kouji as Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉)  Sakishima Hayato as Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) Nishi Taihei as Takechiyo (竹千代) Kurihara Akifumi Takechiyo (竹千代) Takizawa Ryouta as Shibata Katsuie (柴田勝家) Tanabe Yuusuke as Azai Nagamasa (浅井長政) GOH IRIS WATANABE as Azai Nagamasa (浅井長政) Takada Masato as Hirate Masahide (平手政秀) Takada Masato as Takeda Shingen (武田信玄) Kikuchi Masaharu as Hirate Masahide (平手政秀) Kikuchi Masaharu as Takeda Shingen (武田信玄) Shinoki Takaaki as Ashikaga Yoshiaki (足利義昭)   Shouda Yuusuke as Takeda Katsuyori (武田勝頼) Ezoe Kouzaburou as Takeda Katsuyori (武田勝頼) Irukura Keishirou as Oda Nobutada (織田信忠) Sasaki Kyousuke as Oda Nobutada (織田信忠) Sono Kazuki as Oda Katsunaga (織田勝長) Uchida Daichi as Oda Katsunaga (織田勝長) Ono Kousei as Asakura Yoshikage (朝倉義景) Inamasu Yuusuke as Asakura Yoshikage (朝倉義景) Yamamoto Yuuhei as Sakuma Nobumori (佐久間信盛) Ogawa Ryouhei as Andou Morinari (安藤守就) Kusunoki Yuuki as Andou Morinari (安藤守就)  Fujii Atsunari as Ujiie Naotomo (氏家直元) Maezawa Akira as Ujiie Naotomo (氏家直元) Ebihara Natsumi as Inaba Yoshimichi (稲葉良通) Yoshikawa Shouki as Inaba Yoshimichi (稲葉良通) Kanatsu Yuuya as Murai Sadakatsu (村井貞勝) Maekawa Kazuya as Hayashi Hidetada (林秀忠) Sanbongi Daisuke as Mouri Terumoto (毛利輝元) Ishi Hitomi as Kipposhi (吉法師) Tsukiyama Waka as Chacha (茶々)  Amatsuka Lazuki as Chacha (茶々) Itou Erina as Hatsu (初) Ishi Yuka as Hatsu (初) Naoi Mizuki as Kou (江) Oono Megumi as Kou (江) Misaki Yuuki as Lady Tsukiyama (築山殿) Toono Ayako as Lady Tsukiyama (築山殿) Suzuki Mio as Kunoichi Shino (くノ一志乃) Makitasa Sayaka as Kunoichi Shino (くノ一志乃) Hinata Mio as Kunoichi Saya (くノ一小夜) Kawahara Yuki as Woman 1 (女性1) Shimizu Sana as Woman 1 (女性1)
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jp-arch · 5 years
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成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所 // LT城西 // 名古屋市愛知県 // 写真 : Masao Nishikawa, YOSHIAKI TSUTSUI
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll to Simulcast Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and We Never Learn: BOKUBEN Anime
Aniplex of America shared streaming plans for two new Spring 2019 anime series, with both Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and We Never Learn: BOKUBEN coming to Crunchyroll. Dig into the details for both below ahead of their launch on April 6, and stay tuned for more information on territories and exact launch times!
  Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Launches: April 6
It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself.
  Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a “demon slayer” so that he can turn his sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.
  Original Story: Koyoharu Gotoge (Weekly Shonen Jump / SHUEISHA)
Director: Haruo Sotozaki
Character Design: Akira Matsushima
Sub Character Design: Miyuki Sato, Yoko Kajiyama, Mika Kikuchi
Screenplay Production: ufotable
Conceptual Art: Koji Eto, Masaru Yanaka, Kasumi Takeuchi, Yuri Kabasawa
Directors of Photography: Yuichi Terao
3D Director: Kazuki Nishiwaki
Color Setting: Yuko Omae
Editing: Manabu Kamino
Music: Yuki Kajiura, Go Shiina
Animation Producer: Hikaru Kondo
Animation Production: ufotable
Opening Theme: “Gurenge” by LiSA
  Tanjiro Kamado: Natsuki Hanae
Nezuko Kamado: Akari Kito
Zenitsu Agatsuma: Hiro Shimono
Inosuke Hashibira: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Giyu Tomioka: Takahiro Sakurai
Sakonji Urokodaki: Hochu Otsuka
Sabito: Yuki Kaji
Makomo: Ai Kakuma
Genya: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Black-haired Guide: Aoi Yuki
White-haired Guide: Shiori Izawa
Haganezuka: Daisuke Namikawa
Kasugai Garasu: Takumi Yamazaki
Demon in the temple: Hikaru Midorikawa
Teoni: Takehito Koyasu
  We Never Learn: BOKUBEN
Launches: April 6
Nariyuki Yuiga is in his last and most painful year of high school. In order to gain the “special VIP recommendation” which would grant him a full scholarship to college, he must now tutor his classmates as they struggle to prepare for entrance exams.
  Among his pupils are “the sleeping beauty of the literary forest,” Fumino Furuhashi, and “the Thumbelina supercomputer,” Rizu Ogata–two of the most beautiful super-geniuses at the school!
  While these two were thought to be academically flawless, it turns out that they’re completely clueless outside of their pet subjects…!?
  As Nariyuki’s life is turned upside down by these quirky girls who just never learn, he must do everything he can to get them accepted into college!
  The stage is set for this romantic comedy featuring prodigies who never learn when it comes to studying and love!
  Original Work: Taishi Tsutsui (Serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" by Shueisha)
Director: Yoshiaki Iwasaki
Series Structure: Go Zappa
Character Design: Masakatsu Sasaki
Art Director: Hiroki Matsumoto
Art Design: Hironori Yamamoto, Takahiro Murata
Background Studio: atelier Platz
Color Setting: Aiko Matsuyama
Director of Photography: Hideki Imaizumi
Photography Studio: Typhoon Graphics
Editor: Tomomi Umetsu
Editing Studio: editz
Sound Director: Satoshi Motoyama
Sound Production: MAGIC CAPSULE
Music: Masato Nakayama
Animation Produced by: barnum studio
Animation Production: SILVER x ARVO ANIMATION
  Nariyuki Yuiga: Ryota Osaka
Fumino Furuhashi: Haruka Shiraishi
Rizu Ogata: Miyu Tomita
Uruka Takemoto: Sayumi Suzushiro
Asumi Kominami: Madoka Asahina
Mafuyu Kirisu: Lynn
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Matsunaga Clan
The Matsunaga were allied to a branch of the Miyoshi clan and later came to serve the Miyoshi. Matsunaga Hisahide was known as infamous schemer and worked hard to undermine the efforts of the Ashikaga shogunate. The schemes of the Matsunaga resulted in numerous murders and assassinations. They proved useful allies for the Oda and helped the Oda subdue the Asai and the Asakura, but ultimately were mistrusted by the Oda. Their fate was sealed when the Oda clan invaded their territory.
*Prominent People*
*Matsunaga Hisahide* (1510-1577) Matsunaga Hisahide stands out in Japanese history as an infamous schemer and a out-right villain.Hisahide first notably appears in 1549, when he assisted Chokei in the defeat of Miyoshi Masanagaand acted as his spokesman in Kyôto (he first appears as a Miyoshi retainer in documents dated1541). During the 1550’s Matsunaga acted as the Miyoshi’s governor of the capital, and stayed close to the shôgun, Ashikaga Yoshiteru. Hisahide was later tasked with the conquest of Yamato province, an endeavor that made him, by 1564, essentially an independent daimyo. Already, Matsunaga was working to undermine his former masters; between1561 and 1564, three of Chokei’s brothers and his heir died. Matsunaga Kazunari (1561) andMatsunaga Jikkyu (1562) passed on under what may be considered mysterious circumstances while Atagi Fuyuyasu (1564) was murdered. In 1563 Chokei’s son and heir Yoshioki also died what was probably unnatural death. The extent to which Hisahide had a hand in all of this will never be known, but he was rumored to have poisoned Yoshioki. Furthermore, some said that he framed Fuyuyasu and goaded Chokei into having him killed. Regardless of how bloody his hands may have been, Matsunaga was essentially the heir to Chokei’s domain when the latter died in August of 1564. In point of fact Chokei had adopted the young Miyoshi Yoshitsugu as heir after Yoshioki’s death, and this young man was presently under the guardianship of the so-calledMiyoshi triumvirate: Miyoshi Nagayuki, Miyoshi Masayasu, and Iwanari Tomomichi, who held Sakai, the Miyoshi’s Settsu headquarters. While animosity existed between the triumvirate and Hisahide, for the time being they acted in unison. Shôgun Yoshiteru had lately attempted to rid himself of the pervasive Miyoshi influence he had been saddled with for years; his efforts at independence cost him his life. On 17 June 1565 troops sent by Matsunaga and the Miyoshi closed on the shogun’s palace and forced Yoshiteru to commit suicide after a heroic struggle. In his place the infant Yoshihide was installed, an act that prompted Yoshiteru’s brother Yoshiaki to flee and seek out a patron. In the meantime Matsunaga and the Miyoshi came to a parting of ways and began fighting. In 1566 Matsunaga’s warriors were defeated outside Sakai, and Hisahide himself failed in attempts some time later to reduce the Miyoshi presence in Kwatchi. A truce was arranged that allowed Matsunaga to leave the Sakai area, and fighting continued further inland. In the course of the conflict, Matsunaga is reputed to have burned down the Great Buddha Hall of the Todaiji (Nara), to this day considered a needless act of near-villainy.
In 1568 Yoshiaki secured the services of Oda Nobunaga, the up-and-coming lord of Mino andOwari; in November of 1568 Nobunaga marched on Kyôto. Faced with this unexpected danger, Matsunaga cannily decided to submit and was allowed to keep his lands in Yamato. Most likely Nobunaga was him as a useful tool both against the Miyoshi and to expand Oda influence into Yamato. In addition, Matsunaga had sent, as a token of his sincerity, a renowned tea item known asTsukumogami, a gesture which no doubt effected Nobunaga (a bit of a tea enthusiast himself). Matsunaga did prove useful over the next few years, serving Nobunaga in his wars with the Asai andAsakura and against, of course, the Miyoshi.
By 1573, however, Matsunaga was conspiring against Nobunaga with, of all people, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu. This arrangement did not last long, and soon Matsunaga was back on Nobunaga’s side, helping to destroy Yoshitsugu and the remaining Miyoshi. Hisahide then became involved in the siege of the Ishiyama Honganji. In 1577 Hisahide rebelled once again; he and his son Hisamichi abandoned their positions around the Honganji and returned to Yamato, possibly hoping that other Yamato daimyo, such as Tsutsui Junkei would follow. This proved not the case, and Tsutsui and Oda Nobutada soon surrounded Matsunaga in Shigi castle. Word came that Oda sought two things from Matsunaga - his head and a certain valuable tea item, ‘Hiragumo’, which Matusnaga defiantly smashed before killing himself. Hisamichi was captured alive and taken to Kyôto, where he was executed.
At once a habitual schemer and a cultured man of tea, Matsunaga Hisahide came in some ways to embody the spirit of the 16th Century - albeit largely the worst qualities. His plots and the manner of his dying (in addition to the smashing of the tea item, it is said that he ordered his head be blown up to deny that to Oda as well) became the stuff of Edo dramas. An ardent Nichiren adherent, Matsunaga was also vilified in contemporary western accounts of the day, especially after he banned the Jesuits from Kyôto in1565.
*Matsunaga Hisamichi* (????-1577) Hisamichi was the son of Matsunaga Hisahide and assisted in the murder of shôgun Ashikaga Yoshiteru in 1565. He joined his father in rebelling against Oda Nobunaga in 1577 but was captured and later executed in Kyoto.
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hybridreviews · 5 years
TIME of the SEASON Fall 2019 Edition: BOKUBEN - We Never LEARN (Season 2)
Learning time again!!!
The 2nd cour of the Not-Quintessential Quintuplets is here.
Look, it’s what the show basically is and I know that other show is coming back next year but we got this for now.
This is Season 2 of Bokuben – We Never Learn.
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Director: Yoshiaki Iwasaki
Series Composition: Go Zappa
Music: Masato Nakayama
Original creator: Taishi Tsutsui
Character Design: Masakatsu Sasaki
Art Director: Hiroki Matsumoto
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juanvdp · 5 years
Reseña Anime: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
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// Genero: Harem, Comedia, Romance, Escolar
// Director: Yoshiaki Iwasaki // Estudios: Silver, Arvo Animation
// Nº Episodios: 13 // Año: 2019
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// Sinopsis //
Su difunto padre siempre dijo que un hombre inútil debería esforzarse por ser útil, por lo que para ese fin, el estudiante de tercer año de secundaria, Nariyuki Yuiga, se dedicó a convertirse en un estudiante de altas calificaciones. Con el objetivo de darle a su familia de bajos recursos una vida mejor, la meta de este joven es obtener una prestigiosa beca capaz de cubrir sus matrículas universitarias futuras, pero aunque Nariyuki podría ser un candidato para esta beca, sus compañeras de clase, Rizu Ogata y Fumino Furuhashi, lo eclipsan constantemente en matemáticas y literatura, respectivamente. Para su deleite, Nariyuki recibe la nominación, pero hay una trampa: ¡tiene que ser tutor de sus dos compañeras de clase estrella, que son irremediablemente mediocres en la materia donde sobresale la otra!, y para empeorar las cosas, las materias en las que son horribles son las mismas que quieren seguir para su futuro. A medida que se acerca el momento de presentar los exámenes, Nariyuki debe encontrar un método de tutoría efectivo para las chicas antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
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// Impresiones //
Estrenado durante la temporada de primavera del 2019, Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai, titulada para este lado del mundo como “We Never Learn”, que se traduciría al español como, “Nosotros Nunca Aprendemos”, es la adaptación al anime del manga homónimo autoría de Taishi Tsutsui, que se viene publicando desde el 2017, siendo el anime una producción de los estudios Silver y  Arvo Animation, dirigido por Yoshiaki Iwasaki (Hayate no Gotoku!!, Love Hina, Zero no Tsukaima, etc.), el cual llegó a contar con un total de 13 episodios, y que para el momento de realizar esta reseña ya tiene anunciada una segunda temporada. Bokutachi no fue realmente una serie que llamara particularmente mi atención durante su estreno, habiéndola pasado por alto y no reparando en la misma sino hasta que ya llevaba varias semanas en emisión, encontrando en ella para mi sorpresa un trabajo que aunque muy básico en su planteamiento, a su vez resultaba tremendamente entretenido.
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La obra pues se trata de una comedia romántica, de esas que tiran más a la comedia que al romance en sí, de ambientación escolar y corte harem, con ciertos elementos de ecchi, que nos relata la historia de Yuiga, un joven de bajos recursos pero muy dedicado a sus estudios, al cual el director de su escuela le ofrece un trato al que le es imposible negarse, y es que a cambio de que el muchacho labure como el tutor de dos estudiantes y les ayude a subir sus notas en ciertas materias, se le concederá una beca que le facilitará su paso a la universidad, cosa que le viene de maravilla debido a la situación económica de su familia. Una tarea que no parecería demasiado complicada, en especial cuando el muchacho se entera de que sus dos estudiantes serán, Rizu y Fumino, dos jovencitas bastante famosas dentro del instituto debido a su sobresaliente inteligencia, la primera siendo una genio en todo lo referente a las matemáticas y las ciencias exactas, y la otra una experta en letras, el problema es que pese a este talento, las chicas debido a sus ambiciones a futuro realmente lo que quieren es destacar en el campo contrario de en el que actualmente brillan, Rizu quiere ser buena en literatura para poder convertirse en una psicóloga, mientras que Fumino desea aprender matemáticas para cumplir su sueño de estudiar astronomía, más siendo las dos completamente inútiles en estas áreas, costándoles a ambas poder aprender algo por más que estudien y se los repitan, encontrándose así con esto nuestro protagónico en una situación bastante complicada que tendrá que ir resolviendo un pasó a la vez, amistándose con unas muchachas al inicio algo desconfiadas debido a sus malas experiencias con anteriores tutores y profesores que se rindieron con ellas muy fácilmente, al tiempo que descubre el cómo poder enseñarles de una manera efectiva, y viendo eventualmente como su en inicio pequeña tarea se va complicando más de lo que debería con la entrada en escena de otras féminas, entre las que se encuentran una deportista con problemas para aprender inglés, y una profesora que no ve con muy buenos ojos la decisión de las chicas de no desenvolverse en aquello en lo que de por si son buenas, entre otras más.
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La serie pues se desarrolla de manera bastante amena, mostrándonos como se desenvuelve la relación del muchacho con las chicas, a la vez que van viviendo pequeñas situaciones llenas de comedia y que de tanto en tanto irán acompañadas con sus dosis de fanservice, y que eventualmente conducirán a las muchachas a ir despertando, algunas sin darse cuenta, un mayor interés en Yuiga, dando paso con esto a los típicos malentendidos cómicos de este tipo de historias. Dicho todo lo anterior creo que queda en claro que no estamos ante una obra particularmente sobresaliente ni mucho menos innovadora en ningún sentido, más esto no le quita a Bokutachi el que sea un anime que se las arregla para ser bastante ameno, esto en buena parte gracias a una lograda mezcla de una comedia cumplidora, situaciones divertidas, y unos personajes que aunque algo clichés en su base, a su vez resultan bastante agradables y entrañables, teniendo con todo esto un trabajo que si bien no llega a ser memorable, si está lo suficientemente bien llevado como para entregar una experiencia por demás amena y entretenida de seguir.
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Visualmente hablando la serie sin destacarse mucho no está nada mal, entregando una animación estándar y funcional, y unos diseños de personajes algo genéricos pero atractivos y reconocibles, particularmente y como es de esperarse resaltando de entre los mismos el elenco de chicas principales del titulo. De la música por su parte no tengo nada que decir, pasando el soundtrack en general muy desapercibido, el opening de título “Seishun Seminar” es una tonada agradable pero poco más, resultando por lo menos para mí muy olvidable, cosa que también se puede decir del ending de nombre "Never Give It Up!!".
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// Conclusión //
Una anime sencillo pero cumplidor, no trae nada nuevo a la mesa y por no verla no te pierdes de nada, pero para aquellos que le den una oportunidad muy seguramente se toparan con una obra entretenida perfecta para pasar el rato sin echarle mucho a la cabeza.
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// Calificación: 6/10 //
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via Blogger https://ift.tt/2AnuNj6
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narcbrain · 4 years
Prevalence of Asymptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Depressive Inpati
Prevalence of Asymptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Depressive Inpati
Masahiro Takeshima,1 Hiroyasu Ishikawa,1 Yoshiaki Umeta,2 Mizuki Kudoh,3 Akise Umakoshi,1 Kazuhisa Yoshizawa,4 Yu Ito,1 Tomoko Hosoya,1 Ko Tsutsui,1 Hidenobu Ohta,1 Kazuo Mishima1
1Division of Neuropsychiatry, Akita University Graduate College of Drugs, Akita 010-8543, Japan 2Department of Psychiatry, Omagari Town Hospital, Akita 014-0067, Japan 3Office of Neuropsychiatry, Nakadori…
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gamezonemalang · 5 years
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Umumkan Seiyuu Utama | warnet malang
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Umumkan Seiyuu Utama | warnet malang #InternetCafe #ps3 #ps4 #rentalps #Gamezonemalang #malang #sewapsmalang #infomalang #infomalangraya #rentalpsmalang #infoanime
warnet malang
www.gamezone.co.id | Situs resmi anime Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai adaptasi dari manga karya Taishi Tsutsui mengumumkan seiyuu utamanya.
Ryota Osaka sebagai Nariyuki Yuiga
Haruka Shiraishi sebagai Fumino Furuhashi
Miyu Tomita sebagai Rizu Ogata
Sayumi Suzushiro sebagai Uruka Takemoto
anime yang di sutradarai oleh Yoshiaki Iwasaki ini juga di Komposisikan oleh Go Zappa.…
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jp-arch · 5 years
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成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所 // LT城西 // 名古屋市愛知県 // 写真 : Masao Nishikawa, YOSHIAKI TSUTSUI
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Taishi Tsutsui's School Comedy Manga We Never Learn Gets TV Anime
It is officially announced today that a TV anime adaptation of Taishi Tsutsui (Magical Patissière Kosaki-chan!!)'s school comedy manga Bokutachi wa Benkyo ga Dekinai/We Never Learn is now in the works. The anime's official website and Twitter also open with a teaser visual featuring its four main characters: Nariyuki Yuiga, Rizu Ogata, Fumino Furuhashi, and Uruka Takemoto.
  《「できない」娘たちへの教育的指導、はじまる!》 「週刊少年ジャンプ」にて連載中の大ヒットラブコメ漫画「ぼくたちは勉強ができない」がTVアニメ化大決定! 出演キャストなど続報も今後本アカウントにて発信予定! 是非フォローよろしくお願いいたします!#ぼく勉https://t.co/PjNCh4drJf pic.twitter.com/Je5YFuLOEJ
— TVアニメ「ぼくたちは勉強ができない」公式 (@bokuben_anime) 2018年8月27日
  Key visual
    53-year-old Yoshiaki Iwasaki, known for his directorial works for Love Hina (2000-2002), The Familiar
of Zero (2006), and Hayate the combat butler (2009), serves as director alongside series composition
writer Go Zappa (Blend S, BEATLESS) and character designer Masakatsu Sasaki (Saki, Seiyu's Life!).
stSilver and Arvo Animation co-work on anime production. Further details such as voice cast and
broadcast schedule will be announced later on the site and Twitter. 
    As the author's first original serialization work in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, Bokutachi wa Benkyo
ga Dekinai/We Never Learn has been serialized since its 10th issue of 2017, and its next eighth tankobon
volume is set to be released in Japan on September 4. The first volume of its English edition will be
available from VIZ Media on December 4, 2018. The publisher introduces its story as below:
When studious Nariyuki tutors two supergeniuses who are total dunces in their favorite subjects, he’ll
get a crash course in love!
  Nariyuki Yuiga comes from an impoverished family, so he’s eager to secure a full scholarship to college
when he graduates high school. His principal agrees, with one stipulation—he must tutor the two smartest
girls at the school and make sure they get into their target colleges! Rizu is a science genius who wants
to study liberal arts. Fumino is effortlessly good at literature, but math makes her head spin. Nariyuki is
stuck between a rock and a hard place, but who can complain about tutoring a couple of cute girls?
  Nariyuki is facing the chance of a lifetime if he can just make sure that Fumino and Rizu excel and get
into the schools they want to attend. He comes prepared to tutor them, but he isn’t prepared for burgeoning
high school romance! Sparks begin to fly, no matter how much Nariyuki tries to avoid it—and things get
even more complicated when a third girl joins the study group!
  Manga tankobon 1st and 7th volume covers
    Source: Aniplex press release
  ©Taishi Tsutsui/Shueisha, Bokutachi wa Benkyo ga Dekinai Production Committee
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Akechi Clan
The Akechi were related to the Toki family, whom they served until the latter fell to the Saitô; in the 1540's. The Akechi later served Oda Nobunaga and became well-known thanks to Akechi Mitsuhide, the capable Oda general who destroyed his master, Nobunaga, in June 1582. After Mitsuhide was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Akechi largely disappeared from history.
*Prominent People*
*Akechi Mitsuyasu*(????-1552) He held Akechi castle in Mino province and served the Toki clan. His daughter was married to Saitô Dôsan.
*Akechi Mitsukuni* also called Akechi Mitsutsuna(1497-1538) Mitsukuni was a son of Akechi Mitsutsugu. and father of Akechi Mitsuhide. He served the Toki family and resided at Akechi castle.
*Akechi Mitsuhide* ( 1528 –1582) Mitsuhide was a general under daimyo Oda Nobunaga, although he became famous for his rebellion against Nobunaga in 1582, which led to Nobunaga's death at Honno-ji.
In 1582, Mitsuhide was ordered to march west and assist Hashiba Hideyoshi who was currently fighting the Môri clan. Ignoring his orders, Mitsuhide assembled an army of 13,000 soldiers and moved against Nobunaga's position at Honnoji. On June 21, Mitsuhide was quoted as saying, "The enemy is at Honnō-ji!". His army surrounded the temple and eventually set it on fire. Oda Nobunaga was killed either during the fighting, or by his own hand. Nobunaga's son, Oda Hidetada, fled the scene, but was surrounded at Nijo and killed.Despite not killing Nobunaga personally, Mitsuhide claimed responsibility for his death.
Mitsuhide's betrayal of the Oda shocked the capital, and he moved quickly to secure his position. Mitsuhide, claiming lineage from the Toki and thus the Minamoto clan, declared himself Shogun, and looted Azuchi castle so as to reward his men and maintain their loyalty.
Mitsuhide attempted to make gestures of friendship to a panicked Imperial Court; he also made many attempts to win over the other clans, but to no avail. Hosokawa Fujitaka, to whom he was related through marriage, quickly cut ties with him; Tsutsui Junkei, who previously had a rocky relationship with the Oda, sided against him.
Mitsuhide had been counting on Toyotomi Hideyoshi to be detained fighting with the Mori, and unable to respond to his coup d'etat. However, having learned of the assassination of his lord, Hideyoshi quickly signed a peace treaty with the Mori, and alongside Tokugawa Ieyasu rushed to be the first to avenge Nobunaga and take his place.
Hideyoshi force-marched his army to Settsu in four days, and caught Mitsuhide off guard. Mitsuhide had been unable to garner support for his cause, and his army had dwindled down to 10,000 men. Hideyoshi, however, had won over former Oda retainers, including Niwa Nagahide and Takayama Ukon, and had a strength of 20,000 men. The two forces met at the Battle of Yamazaki.
Mitsuhide took up a position south of Shoryuji Castle, securing his right flank by the Yodo river, and his left at the foot of the 270-metre Tennozan. Hideyoshi immediately seized the advantage by securing the heights of Tennozan; his vanguard then maneuvered to face the Akechi forces along the Emmoyji river. Mitsuhide's forces made a failed attempt to force Hideyoshi from Tennozan. Hideyoshi's general, Ikeda Nobuteru moved to reinforce Hideyoshi's right flank, which soon crossed Emmoyoji and turned the Akechi flank. Simultaneously, Hideyoshi's forces marched against the Akechi front; this started a rout, only two hours after the battle had begun.
Mitsuhide's reign as shogun lasted only 13 days. Upon fleeing Yamazaki, Mitsuhide died en route to Sakamoto.
He is rumoured to have been killed by a peasant warrior by the name of Nakamura with a bamboo spear; however, there were also rumors that he was not killed, but rather started a new life as a priest called Tenkai.
*Reasons for betrayal*
No one knows the specific reason that Mitsuhide betrayed Nobunaga, but there are several theories:
1) Personal ambition - Mitsuhide had grown tired of waiting for promotion under Nobunaga or had grown tired of being under another's authority.
2) A personal grudge:During the battle at Yagami Castle, 1575, Mitsuhide's mother died for Nobunaga's cause.
3) Nobunaga accused Mitsuhide of superficially praising his allies after their victory over the Takeda and physically kicked him.
4) While staying at Azuchi Castle, Ieyasu Tokugawa complained about the food he was served. Nobunaga responded by throwing Mitsuhide's priceless dinnerware into the garden pond.
5) Nobunaga asked him to - a legend states that Nobunaga asked Mitsuhide to strike him down if he were ever to become too ruthless, and the Incident at Honnō-ji is Mitsuhide fulfilling this promise.
6) Tricked by Hosokawa Fujitaka - Fujitaka, his son-in-law, was said to have promised aid to Mitsuhide but in actuality was reporting the plot to Hideyoshi.
7) He was asked to - one theory is that he was asked or influenced to betray Nobunaga byMori Terumoto, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Nohime, the Shimazu clan or Emperor Ogimachi.
8) Protecting the Imperial Court. One theory supposed Nobunaga may have abolished the Imperial Court in Kyoto, when he no longer needed it. Akechi Mitsuhide, who was before his treason seen as an honorable samurai, and had been a retainer to both Nobunaga and the Ashikaga Shogunate, asked his lord to guarantee the safety and honorific position of the Court, or at least for the Emperor. Nobunaga who was a fearless daredevil and had the habit of not expressing himself very clearly (because of spies and other traitors, he acted this way because his generals knew him the best and were thus able to understand his will) may have allowed uncertainty to persist regarding his project for the Court. Then Mitsuhide doubted Nobunaga, and slayed him to protect the Emperor and Japan's History.
9) Dairokuten Mao'ō (Demon King of the Six Heavens) was a title bestowed by the shocked people of Japan over Nobunaga's many abuses and tyrannical rule, and he himself used it to mock his opponents. In Buddhist interpretations of Shuten Dōji's tale, the Oni overlord Shuten Dōji was also regarded as the incarnation of Dairokuten Maō, while Emperor Ichijō was considered an avatar of Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya) and the demon slaying hero Minamoto no Yorimitsuas an avatar of Daiitoku Myōō (Yamantaka). In the fourth generation, a descendant of Raikō, Minamoto-no-Mitsunobu, came to the district of Mino where he took the name of Toki. The Toki clan was his descendant, and Mitsuhide through them, or so he may have believed himself. Thus, combined with various reasons (protecting the Imperial Court, protecting Buddhism, seeking glory and wealth, personal discontent...), Mitsuhide decided to slay the demon king Nobunaga. Coincidentally, Nobunaga burned Hiei-zan the sacred mountain of Buddhism, which was previously the lair of Shuten Dōji, which he fled for Ōe-yama out of his hatred for Buddhism and the monk Saichō who just built his temple there.
*Hosokawa Gracia*(1563 – 25 August 1600) She is known for being the daughter of Akechi Mitsuhide, the wife of Hosokawa Tadaoki, and a Christian convert. She was named Tama at birth; Garasha, the name by which she is known in history, is based upon her Catholic baptismal name,Gracia.
She married Hosokawa Tadaoki at the age of sixteen; the couple had five or six children. In the Sixth Month of 1582, her father Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed and killed his lord, Oda Nobunaga, making the teenage Tama a traitor's daughter. Not wishing to divorce her, Tadaoki sent her to the hamlet of Midono in the mountains of the Tango Peninsula, where she remained hidden until 1584. Tadaoki then took Tama to the Hosokawa mansion in Osaka, where she remained in confinement.
Tama's maid was from a Catholic family, and her husband repeated to her conversations with his Christian friend Takayama Ukon. In the spring of 1587 Tama managed to secretly visit the Osaka church; a few months later, when she heard that Toyotomi Hideyoshi had issued a proclamation against Christianity, she was determined to be baptized immediately. As she could not leave the house, she was baptized by her maid and received the Christian name "Gracia".
In 1595 Tadaoki's life was in danger because of his friendship with Toyotomi Hidetsugu, and he told Gracia that if he should die she must kill herself. When she wrote asking the priests about the plan, they informed her that suicide was a grave sin. However, the danger passed.
The death of Hideyoshi in 1598 left a power vacuum with two rival factions forming:Tokugawa Ieyasu in the east and Ishida Mitsunari in the west. When Ieyasu went to the east in 1600 leading a large army, including Tadaoki, his rival Ishida took over the impregnable castle in Osaka, the city where the families of many of Hideyoshi's generals resided. Ishida devised a plan to take the family members hostage, thus forcing the rival generals either to ally with him or at least not to attack him.
However, when Ishida attempted to take Gracia hostage, the family retainer Ogasawara Shōsai killed her; he and the rest of the household then committed seppuku and burned the mansion down. The outrage over her death was so great that Ishida was forced to abandon his plans. Most Japanese accounts state that it was Gracia's idea to order Ogasawara to kill her. But according to the Jesuit account written right after her death, whenever Tadaoki left the mansion he would tell his retainers that if his wife's honor were ever in danger, they should kill her and then themselves. They decided that this was such a situation; Gracia had anticipated her death and accepted it.
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