niko-jpeg · 5 months
@vessel-posts-stuff I know you haven't been on that account in years, but I still wanted to include you. Thank you for introducing me to Tumblr and allowing me to make such wonderful friends. I think of you quite often <3
@v1vz-arttt We're moots on your old account, and while you didn't refollow me (?), I still love you!!!!!! Thank you for everything my good friend :)
@adorablemew Mew!!! Oh my god hi we haven't talked in forever. How did I get someone so cool to be my moot? Your art is incredible, your creations are wonderful, and thank you so much for putting up with me back in my previous Undertale fixation. You inspired me greatly.
@psycho-chair BITES YOU. You have been an inspiration for me forever at this point and I thank you for being just!!! YOU!!!! We need to chat more fr fr. You helped me through a rough time, no matter if you were aware of it or not. Also good to see another Crepic shipper here on the front lines. Sorta unrelated but I'm so glad my secret little otp has gotten a little more traction. You keep being you buddy grrrhshjfskjdhfdkjjksjkh <33333
@glitchysquidd Another instance of HOLY hell how did I get such a cool art moot???? You're really cool. I go feral over your art, whether youre aware of it or not. I love your vibe, your aesthetic, your everthing. Its so cool. You're so cool. A.
@thosegoodbois We don't interact much these days, but I still think of our conversations often. I like how unabashedly you you are. Its refreshing and fun and I still enjoy scrolling through your posts and seeing you on my dash. Tee hee.
@skyedancer2006 Hi hi!!!! We met because of a Secret Santa, and I'm happy we're moots. I love seeing you guys on my dash, and I love seeing the positivity yall bring to it all. Keep it up, and if I referred to you incorrectly, I am so sorry ack.
@bean-with-a-knife grabs your shoulders and shakes you. You are so. the most ever. We've been besties forever, and I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You keep me going, and encourage me when I'm not so sure, and you put up with my bullshit, and I absolutely love you big ol platonic kiss for you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
@naaru304 HI!!!!!! You're so cool. I know we don't really talk but I really really like seeing you on my dash and you reblog all of the best stuff. YOUR ART IS SO EDIBLE ACK. Its so round and clean and just. Stuffs in my mouth and shakes it around and giggles cutely. I love it.
@p3-mochishira HI!!!!! Vamp you are such a moot. I love your edits and I love your ocs and I love your whole vibe. You light up my day and I'm so happy that we're moots. Big ol hug sent your way!!!
@queen-ofsunflowers oh my god you are such a cool author. And we're moot what. WHAT. AAAA!!!!! I really look up to you, and MnM is such a treasure I hold close to my heart. I look forward to whatever is in the future, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best in this coming year.
@mmmn-thirsty-for-vinegar Yet another cool incredible mutual I don't know how I landed with. Your art? incredible. The posing and lighting is immaculate. I love all of your art so much, and you're a big old inspiration foundtain haha. <3
@yoshikass HI!!!!!!!! I love your reblogs. I love the variety. I love everything. Your blog's vibe is also so much fun. You keep being you <33
@dollar-store-emo-413 Your brain is fascinating. Congrats on your freedom from our hell, and I wish you luck on your future /lh!! (for context we went to the same school)
@snowdoesthings Man. It's been forever and a half huh. I'm happy we're still moots, and I'm happy that we still kind of brush shoulders sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with 2020 me haha. Love you <3
@dexxeal Im in the walls of the Miku chruch btw can you come let me out I'm stuck.
@mhafanlol2000 Happy new year and I wish I'd see you around on HKRP more often ahah! See you in the new year :)
@cordycepsbian You're so cool. Like wow. I love everything about what you post. Your humor is so on point and your art is so skrunkly I'm obsessed.
@vivasharme Its so nice to see you again!!! I missed you a lot while you were away. I hope you're feeling better, and I can't wait to get back to talking soon. I'm gonna blow up your dms hee hee >:) /j
@someguyiguess23 Your art!!!!! Its so awesome I'm eating it and framing it and just. Nom. I hold the art you did of Nago dear to my heart. Your art is so shape!!!!
@christiankirbo Poyo
@mantis-on-a-table I adore your art so much. I have so many cool art moots but I especially love what you've got going on. Its so high quality and tickles my brain in such a wonderful way!!! Happy New Year!!
@extreme-exe water (you're a really great friend, never forget that!)
@wintar0 Hi!!!! We dont talk much but you're a wonderful moot. Best of wishes for the new year, and I can't wait to see more of you and your creations!!!
@drallion No, not for Drallion, for his creator! You've been such a delight in HKRP, I'm so happy I get to know you. <3333
@rentavoider Hi hi hi have fun on your trip to Italy and see you next year!!!
@crownne-prince !!!! HI!!!!Thank you for being such an incredible and encouraging moot. You really cheer me up and I love seeing your posts on my dash. Akechi is in your walls fun fact.
@lemmykirby Your art is so cool. I love the style and I love how its executed and bottom line I just. runs away with your art tee hee
@jayjar100 YOU!!! YOU ARE SO COOL NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!! I loved drawing your baby forever ago, and I think about them constantly. In fact I have some extra doodles laying around that I probably should post haha.
@kotoneshiomiofficial You are so right. About everything. All of the time. You are correct and are the coolest trans fox girl I have ever met and I think you're awesome. Big ol heart for you <33333333
@finleyforevermore Hi Finnley. Thank you so much for everything. You are such a light, and a huge encouragement, and thank you for enjoying my HPII content (theres more cooking up trust me). You're a precious moot of mine, and I don't think I can ever describe how much I like your posts. And the fandoms we have in common? Incredible. UMTV, RTC, HPII, Sonic, etc. Like wow. I love it !!!!!! <3333
and finally @box-o. My darling partner in crime and girlfriend. I love you so much, and cannot wait to spend another year with you. Your art is so cartoony and fun, and thank you for passing the Sonic (no, not the metal) virus on to me. Heres to another year <3
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
I'm so glad to hear you're back here in tumblr. Its been quite long since you took your break from this platform. Of course you are also a human and you need a break sometimes but I really missed seeing those notifications on my phone saying "tokyokoomin just posted a post". I'm excited to know that you'll be posting regularly now. After all, you are our jikook queen, one of those people who entertained us throughout the covid period and would share with us about your favourite jikook moments etc. You remained unproblematic and you love to chat with us and reply to comment..... Making us feel really welcomed. I have been here since 2021, anyone else? Besides that... I enjoyed to read your top 10 or fav moments and you never neglected our feelings. You would always reply back and you're extremely friendly! You always gave us true news and confirmed culture related asks, you would share with about bits and pieces of Asian (being one yourself) culture and therefore i love your content very much. Welcome back our jikook Queen 😍💜. Looking forward for more posts!
Omg this ask melted my heart 🦋 Anon 😭😭♥️ you're the sweetest!!
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I briefly took a break from the community in the second quarter of 2022 (I think I hit 1000 followers that time) as I needed to focus on myself and sort all my things out. I barely opened tumblr. I did sometimes but I wouldn't post anything. The break I took in 2022 was really good and I enjoyed it very much. I was silently active in the bts community. Just because I didn't post anything, doesn't mean I didn't know what was going on 🤣. Well last year was a roller-coaster for the bts armys and my personal life as well. So much happened lol!
I will post regularly now. Yes anon, more jikook moments posts are coming. Actually I'm in the midst of editing one moment ask so that will be out really soon!
I tend to post content which will able to produce a positive impact without any harm or malice in any possible way. I hope whatever I posted throughout the years managed to carve a smile on your lips 🥰💜
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I would like to continue my Asian culture segment too! Its really fun to explain regarding our culture and what similarities Korean culture has with SEA culture! Be it food or traditions or sports, we are united! 💗
I really like to reply to all of your comments as well. I'm a social butterfly, I love to interact and discourse with people. All of your comments are certainly not ignored by me. It's my duty as a responsible Blogger/admin to reply and give my take on your thoughts about the topic I mention in my posts. Be it an emoji or a few sentences, I'll make sure to reply to all of you 🥰
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As for my jikook posts, I'm really happy to know that some armys have actually turned into jikookers/ they support jikook from reading my posts alongside with a few other blogger posts. It's always nice to hear that your posts gives a positive impact on people's thinking and perspective of relationships and body language. I poured my heart out creating every single jikook posts. So yes, I really appreciate it when people compliment my posts and blog. A little support won't hurt, aren't I right? I love every single one of yall 🥰💜
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I vividly remember opening my tumblr app during the day for a few hours to respond to yall and complete my drafts in 2021 😭. I only intended to write a few posts but I never knew I would be that committed to a blog lol 🤣.I met some really cool people through this community and yall are really sweet people. My moots too! They're amazing people and I absolutely love their content 💗.
I met a lot people here, even Korean jkkrs that spoke to me in the DM's and some of us are mutuals in twitter haha 😂💜. I'm glad I was able to establish a better and safer community here where we are gushing over our faves without being judged or anything. I really appreciate this platform to be honest 🥰
Any changes I noticed throughout the break?
As for jikook? Things never changed, they're still the same, same old glances, same old interactions, same old behaviour and body language ♥️. Yall are most welcomed to ask me jikook asks and contact me for any post recommendations! Bora💜💜!
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Bts? That same old band I knew in 2018 are still the same. Never changed and never will, they're our humble Kings 💜💜
I have actually seen a few misconceptions about me in a few asks that I received recently. FYI (to all my new followers) I have been here since 2021 and I'm a jikook and BTS based blog. I post both jikook and bts related content. Just because I'm more leaned towards jikook in this blog, doesn't mean I can't post bts content.. I am a 0T7! I love bts with my whole heart and I will post regularly about bts members. Be it group posts, dynamic posts or bts solo career posts. All 7 of them are precious.
I miss all them but I hope we will embark on this new journey called Chapter two together 💜
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I hope to be more active this year. Yes anon, your hype blogger is back and is ready to rock and roll!
I'm here to entertain y'all with lots of content this year! Psst... Currently, I'm working on my masterlist. Basically compiling all my content together and separating them into their folders. I hope to work faster on that and obviously more moment posts are coming. More posts of my perception of jikook moments, like the old days. I'm not going to engage in any hate posts anymore. I'm looking forward to make more of jikook moments and dynamics posts😉. Stay tuned guys 🥰
This blog is a safe place for 0T7 stans and jikook stans. Nothing else than that.
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Also! We're close to hitting 1.5k followers! Thank you everyone for supporting this blog and sticking here with me! Your support is kindly appreciated. I never thought this would be possible but y'all disproved this perception of mine. The jikook Tumblr community is huge! Even though I was on a hiatus, my blog was still active. I gained 500 followers and received lots of love from y'all. It's remarkable, it really is.
🦋 Anon, I truly appreciate your love, your the sweetest! I just want to wrap you into a hug 😭💜
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This whole post is a mess but it's a heartfelt one. I hope y'all enjoyed this little update from me. Hoping to make more meaningful memories here 💜🥰
Sincerely, tokyokookmin (that one Asian girl that expresses her love for bts and kookmin, doesn't really type in a bombastic way. Just a simple girl which types in simple terms. A STEM enthusiast) 💜
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alexluvsskittlez · 1 month
new blog into because uhhh
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my name is Alex, I also go by Sam, Reagan, Zoe, and Binoo. most people call me Alex though (plus its the name I prefer most)
im 14 and go by he/they :] my birthday is April 23rd :D
my special intrerests are Paramore and Steven universe
my current hyperfixations are Jake Webber, regretevator, and madoka magica
i am asexual, demiromantic, pan, genderfluid, polyamorus, and possibly transmasc? maybe somewhere on the aro spectrum too (still figuring that out lol) I also use xenogenders :)
i have ADHD, dyscalculia, and I'm autistic (I might also have ocd I'm not sure though)
my humor can be a bit... heh... lets just say... 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 👅 no but seriously, my humor is weird. I usually don't think before I post shit so if I do or say anything wrong please let me know !!
im bad at socializing
i use emoticons a lot
i don't use tonetags a lot unless I feel like its necessary, if you want or don't want me to use them around you please let me know ^^
i get angry pretty easily and I rant sometimes (mostly on Instagram and sometimes TikTok)
i make jokes about shipping real people. i don't actually ship real people unless they're actually dating
i'm fr a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 and I'm nothing like y'all 👅😎😭😭😭
what I post:
stuff related to my interests (especially Paramore)
art, sometimes animations
oc stuff
music stuff
memes and other weird shit
rants sometimes
bigots, maps, zoos, just gross ppl in general.
this would also be counting as gross ppl in general but PEOPLE WHO WRITE SMVT OF REAL PEOPLE. IM LOOKING AT YOU JAKE AND JOHNNIE FANS ON THIS WEBSITE. STOP IT. ITS GROSS. YALL ARE FREAKAZOIDS OH MY GOD. (this isn't aimed towards all of their fans on here ofc some of you guys are cool as hell)
other than that idc who interacts with my shit. I'll just block you if I don't like you
fandoms/other stuff I like:
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steven universe
gravity falls
murder drones
madoka magica
inside job
the owl house
clone high
toopy and binoo
the nightly manor
the ghost and molly mcgee
spooky month
scott pilgrim takes off
invader zim
Paramore (y'all don't fw this band like I do)
Pierce the veil
linkin park
sleeping with sirens
my chemical romance
Hayley Williams
lemon demon
meet me @ the altar
get scared
stomach book
the used
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
panic! at the disco (pre split)
picture me broken
bring me the horizon
not enough space
black veil brides
la dispute
Florence + the machine
owl city
Will Wood and the tapeworms
Will Wood
vylet pony
fall out boy
green day
asking alexandria
Avril Lavigne
attack attack!
the final riot (its actually a documentary but I'll count it as a movie)
steven universe the movie
toopy and binoo the movie
across the spiderverse
into the spiderverse
scott pilgrim vs the world
mlp the movie
splatoon 2
animal crossing (nh and ww)
doki doki literature club
sally face
baldis basics
youtubers I watch:
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
Danny Gonzalez
Kurtis Conner
Drew Gooden
Laikas comet
uhh idk what else
Marcy's journal
yeah I don't read that much lmao
other interests:
alternative subcultures/fashion
animation memes (more specifically the ones from 2016-2019)
nostalgic stuff
old internet stuff
galaxy print stuff
video essays
animals (especially cats)
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stuff i'm okay with!:
asking to be moots/friends
fanart of my ocs
art trades
do NOT:
draw n$fw of my ocs
s3xualize my ocs
s3xualize me
make fun of my insecurities
send me n$fw
ask me to draw n$fw
vent to me
bring up Chester Bennington's death (unless i bring it up first)
where you can find me:
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instagram: paramorenumber1fan
art instagram: alexluvsskittlez
youtube: alexluvsskittlez
roblox: alexluvsskittlez (display is paramorenumber1fan)
discord: alexluvskittlez
newgrounds: alexluvsskitlez
deviantart: pixelisgay
spacehey: alexluvsskitlez
thats all! later sigmas 💯 DATTEBAYO
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princemick-archive · 2 years
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uh??? okay so, 1k???? so fucking rad man god that's cool, it's been like 7 months and already being at 1k is just rad as hell so thank you all sm for the love and support!!
now I'm gonna be cheesy and give a big s/o to some amazing moots I've met if u don't care for that don't go under the cut.
then it's just a big thank you and I'm gonna do a celebration gif request thing so look out for that post later!!!
so okay so you know it, your mom knows it, we all know who I'm doing first, my two favorite people on this godforsaken website
@antogioamoremio Fran, baby, I love you so much ur the glue that keeps our lil insane throuple together you're so kind and so caring and I can always talk to you about anything and it's so incredible to call you a friend. Your creativity and love and the way you always just get me is so fucking important to me. the calls we've had are forever burned into my brain as core memories and you are just so fucking important to me I can't express it in the right words.
@gruaigruaa Niamh, the third to our trouple my wife, you're incredible and so creative and good and the braindumps we've had w the three of us about insane aus and ships and it's so wonderful to have you in my life and I'm so fucking thankful for that. I can't imagine my life without you two rn. I can always talk, rant, scream to you two and I know you'll understand, react, respond in the way i need you two and I'm so happy i have that.
@spygate Luna, ur insane in the most affectionate way possible, everytime I get that notif that just goes 'kyle' I know I'm in for at least another hour of laughing at your texts and I love having that with you and you're so fun and easy to talk to and I love having you around so much.
@oscar-piastri Cassy, I'm pretty sure I've tagged u in every single milestone celebration I've ever done on this website. we've been mutuals for I'm guessing 4 to 5 years now which is insane and we just started talking bc of F1 and it's so fun to have u around and you're so insanely creative and I can always talk to you about ideas and edit shit and that's so incredibly amazing.
@acrosstobear amanda dude, we havent even been moots for to long but U deserve a special s/o for being the mick blog and giving me updates about him on the tl and feeding me so so well you're one of the the reasons I'm insane over mick so u deserve extra love
and then I'm just gonna talk about the two GCs because that's like a lot of people and they're like a lil heap.
watchpartygc: y'all, because of them I really got into F1, I learned so much and found out the coolest shit and I was so scared and intimidated when I first got into the GC bc I was so new but I was welcomed so quickly and I'm so happy to have y'all, you're the easiest group of people to talk to and I'm so happy to call y'all friends.
chircusgc: u lot are insane, haven't been in this GC for long but the time I have has been amazing and so funny and y'all are such a funny and creative group of people who bring out the best and worst in eachother, y'all are so easy to talk to and I'm so happy to have joined yall
and then the tags of all he amazing moots who I wanna thank for being here the last months who have been amazing and kind and supportive and just wonderful most of y'all are like heaped into those GCs (if I forgeot a gc member im so sorry aksjdb) so ajdbdkd anyway ya thank u all are wonderful, those that are in here and not in the gc's so many smootches to you thank you for all the love and support
@multi-2-1 @ivettel @gnmick @estiebestieban @gewistruther @mickstart @meova101 @vettelsbitch @andysrobertson @teamgreenheart @c2stan @gncharles @albertparkgp @balaclavalines @balaclavacharles @ferrariprince @brixworthbrackley @andreagrimes
if I forgot any of ya'll I'm so sorry all my moots are so amazing and wonderful and all the gc members especially ya'll make this lil fandom worth it
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simp-lyzity · 2 years
i’m glad you like my blog :) i added some info to my description i don’t have a card or whatever i go by JL. glad to be mutes!
ty for letting me know! i was wondering if u have preferences w (idk if u would call them nicknames or pet names or?) stuff like sir or ma’am or sir’am etc. i don’t have a carrd either they seem like too much work lol but i’m glad to be moots!! u seem like a really cool bean and ur humor is peak i love it
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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