#Wolfspear Chapter
djpain619 · 11 months
84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment, aka The Wolf Brigade
The story of how they Earned that nickname.
In the 42nd Millennium, after the Fall of Cadia, In the Imperium Nihilis, A company of the Wolfspear Chapter was under assault by a fleet of Chaos Reivers led by a Single Ship of Huron Blackhearts own Red Corsairs.
Their Battle Barge crippled and the enemy ships circling like sharks, they prepared to go down fighting. The Red Corsair then fired some Ursus Claws into the Battle Barge and began reeling them in like a fish on a line for a Boarding Action.
Then a small Rouge Trader Fleet drops out of the Warp. After hailing the Wolfspears to confirm their Loyalty, the Traders escort ships break off and begin harassing the Chaos Reivers. Meanwhile the Massive Rouge Trader ship makes a b-line for the Red Corsair firing all its forward weaponry.
The Red Corsair, currently in the middle of boarding the Wolfspear Battle Barge, then found itself being boarded by numerous Valkyre Drop ships loaded with Tempestus Scions.
The Corsairs Traitor Astartes soon found the tables had turned as they now fought a two front war against their former prey the Wolfspears and thier new attackers, the Scions. With this newfound breathing room and smelling blood in the water, the Wolfspears pressed the counter attack. Repelling the Corsairs from their Battle Barge the Wolfspears continued on into the belly of the Red Corsairs Vessel. It was there that they Met the 84th Sigman Kerberos.
After a quick parlay wherein each side confirmed the Loyalty Status of the other, the Scions and Astartes quickly began coordinating their efforts to Assault the enemy vessel and its crew. With their combined efforts they managed to place explosive charges throughout the Corsair in its most vulnerable areas.
The Scions and Astartes then exfiltrated the Corsair and returned to the Battle Barge. Once everyone was on board, save a single 5 man fireteam of Scions left as a sacrificial rear guard, the explosives were detonated and the Corsair was reduced to space debris.
Their Red Corsair Flagship destroyed, the rest of the Chaos Reivers scattered and fled.
The Rouge Trader Fleet then enveloped the battle barge as numerous teams of squat engineers begin making repairs to the vessel. Meanwhile the Rouge Trader begin offloading numerous supplies and equipment to the Battle Barge.
The Rouge Trader's Squat Captain and the Scions Tempestor Prime report to the Wolfspear Captain that Rouge Traders mission was to deliver the Scions as reinforcements to the first Loyalist Imperial authority they encountered in the Imperium Nihilis. This just so happened to be the Wolfspears.
Thus 3 companies of the 84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment were attached to that Company of the Wolfspear Chapter of Adeptus Astartes.
After 9 years of service with distinction, of the original 3 companies, only 4 Platoons are left. In recognition of their deeds in Aid to the Wolfspear Chapter, the remaining Platoons are sent back to Ørnverden with the Chapters blessing to add the Wolfspears Iconography to the Regiments Heraldry. The Wolfspears Captain also gives them the honorary title of "the Wolf Brigade"
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thamechanist · 2 years
Day 29 of the Wolfspear project. I have 4 days left to finish everything...
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Started working on the heraldry (just the chapter badges and battlefield roles) for the sergeants in each squad - as I don't have enough transfers for all of them.
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waste-of-a-song · 6 months
Hey all quick question. I’m a big space wolves fan and am really interested in the wolfspear successor chapter for the phobos strike team killteam. Does anyone have any suggestions for paints to use for the white/grey armor? I was thinking blue horror but I was wondering what other people’s input would be. Thank ye kindly
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askkonradcurze · 2 years
My Top 5 Space Marine Chapters
5. Exorcists
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Great, though sparse, lore. Cool aesthetic, but just a really cool concept. If the Ordo Malleus focused more on guys like these instead of the Grey Knights, there’d probably be far fewer demons. These guys don’t have nearly the wash-out rate of the Grey Knights (oddly enough) and are generally very effective against demons and still pretty effective against other threats.
4. Star Phantoms
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Great chapter culture with interesting beliefs on death which help shape their combat practices. They focus primarily on getting the job done rather than winning “honorably”, meaning they actually have some common sense. Also, in order to join the chapter you have to straight up die and bring yourself back to life. Twice. It’s a badass chapter with some strange mysteries regarding their probably Dark Angel (and possibly Dreadwing) associations.
Overall, cool lore, cool name, cool aesthetic, and plenty to theorize about. Plus they really pissed off the Marines Malevolent by giving them a taste of their own friendly fire medicine.
3. Sons of Antaeus
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Really cool concept with very little content (though that may be for the best, as too much content would likely dull the mystery and water them down). They are an allusion to Antaeus, a giant who could not be defeated while touching the earth. Really great allusion, as everything they do harkens back to that myth. One member of the chapter in the deathwatch was abnormally large even for an astartes and claimed that his chapter had never been defeated on solid ground. Really like these guys, even if there’s so little to go off of.
2. Black Templars
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Hard not to love the Black Templars. They’re the healthy rage mentality contrast to the World Eaters. Rather than destroying everything, they fuck shit up and get things done. They waste no time and are one of the main chapters people know not to fuck with. Even Khârn got scared by Sigismund. Absolute badasses with very little Mary Sue; they make mistakes, take losses, but still persevere and win the day most of the time. Not to mention they helped out the Celestial Lions.
1. Death Spectres
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My favorite chapter. Good aesthetic, but an absolutely great concept and lore. The shariax, their culture, the Ghoul Stars, everything about them is just great. They’re also what I consider to be the golden standard for an astartes chapter. If I had to make my own chapter, it would likely be nearly identical to the Death Spectres. Not too crazy about the name, but there are far worse (Wolfspear and Wolf Brothers stick out).
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mylittlemenandme · 3 years
Hobby progress has been slow this month while I waited on the arrival of a delivery of sprays and a new wash brush - my last one has become permanently splayed off the back of finishing my Sylvaneth, so I’m trying out one of the new synthetic ones.
Of the 4-500 points I was planning to get to “looks okay from the other side of the table” standard - an Eradicator squad, 5 more Reivers and Infiltrators, and my Gravis Captain - I’ve nearly got the Infiltrators to that stage, and made a bit of a start on the Reivers.
And the Cyberwolf, which was nowhere near that list, but is a welcome addition nonetheless.
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While hobby progress may have been thin on the ground, GW still saw fit to bless me with something I didn’t know I wanted, but am absolutely made up to see - Index Astartes: The Wolfspear
Space Wolves successor chapters are thin on the ground in the lore - they typically fall to their bestial side and are mysteriously never heard of again.
The Wolfspear are different - a purely Primaris force born from Belisarius Cawl’s secret stash of space marines, described as brooding and brutal as opposed to their bullish and bellicose brothers.
I was immediately drawn to them. The plan for my all-Primaris Space Wolves was that they were from Erik Morkai’s Great Company - lots of Phobos armoured marines, an emphasis on being the hunters and scouts of the chapter. I even had the idea to paint the models that have the Concealed Positions abilty in white/light grey armour to differentiate them. If I’d held off a year or two, I think I would have fully commited to making this army Wolfspear instead, so close was their lore to my idea of what I wanted from the army.
Indeed, I positively yelped with joy reading this particular paragraph:
“Erik Morkai was particularly struck by the focus and killer instinct the Wolfspear displayed during their early deployments. The Chapter showed a preference for swift terror tactics and brutal executions such as Morkai favoured himself, and in a rare gesture of respect the taciturn Wolf Lord seconded some of his most experienced wolf scouts to the Wolfspear to impart their deadly hunting methods.”
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So I have already planned my Wolfspear Kill Team. Actually, who am I kidding, I’ve planned out an entire army, but I’ll proxy a few games in the mean time. I’ve already arranged to generously relieve members of my hobby community of their unwanted Wolfspear transfer sheets.
After all, what’s a third Space Wolves-flavoured army anyway?
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castellankurze · 3 years
If the Wolf Brothers were Old Russian fatalists, does that mean the Wolfspear should be the Norman schemer-conquerors? (aka 'Vikings with a better business plan'); on a related note, whenever I imagined the Wolf Brothers, it was as a chapter in red with a Latin American/First Nations aspect (a nod to the crew wolf & maned wolf of the Americas).
Also the idea of a First Nations wolf successor is a fucking banger. 'Coyotes' would be a little too on the nose, but I think someone once suggested a successor chapter named the Wind Wolves at me which would be pretty good, or maybe something slightly less wolf-themed, like the Stone Axes or Shadow Hunters or the like.
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kinsmn · 7 years
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I really have to wrap this guy up. Krom will be leading my Wolfspear, Primaris Successor Chapter of Space Wolves!
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djpain619 · 11 months
The 84th Sigman Kerberos & All Aquillacan Carabineer Regiments; when they come up against any and all Word Bearers Traitor Legionaries:
As Proud descendants of Kanak Skulltakers, they cary on the fiery Vendetta against the Word Bearers for the Fall of Kanak
This is also why the 84th Sigman Kerberos was so eager to help the Wolfspears Chapter. The Sons of Kanak remember that it was the Space Wolves that saved their Ancestors Homeworld from the accursed Word Bearers.
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thamechanist · 2 years
Day 2 of mustering the Wolfspear host
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Added a fair bit, which brings me up to 25 power. And gave them an initial base spray of white scar. Current plan is to build up a 50 power force that's fairly nippy and close-quarters, and then have a smaller 25pl contingent that I can swap in to fight more defensive battles.
Trying to make the chapter tactic "+1 to advance & charge, and light cover from 18" away" work in a small force like this is quite a fun challenge as it turns out.
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thamechanist · 2 years
Day 30 of the Wolfspear project
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The heraldry is just about done! Got all of the chapter badges & battlefield role markers applied to the sergeants, along with the jarldom(aka company) markings on the kneepad of everyone.
Fun fact: the Wolfspear jarldom marking for the scout company is just black. So much easy to paint than the normal space wolves/Wolfspear jagged spikes
Just have to go over the shoulder pads with lahmian medium tomorrow to get rid of the shine from the 'ardcoat
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