#Wish Akiyama did more
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
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The end.
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
How They Would Confess Their Feelings To You - Yakuza 0-4
Adding yet another boy to the party. Get ready for my longest post ever.
Kazuma Kiryu: “I don’t know how else to say it... I just... really... like you. I really like you.”
The very definition of palms sweaty. Regardless of your answer, he’s never been more nervous in his life. Honestly wishes he could just hug you and let that alone convey everything he’s ever wanted to say.
He’d try to plan it out, down to picking a day and time and place. He feels a little more confident if he can at least run through how it would go in his mind knowing he picked out the plans for it himself.
Even so, he’ll fumble a little somehow, likely stumbling over his words and kind of just sputtering out his feelings, simultaneously trying to reign it in and let it all out at the same time. He WILL blush.
Majima Goro: “Ya know ya only won ‘cuz you’re cute. Ah, did I just call ya cute? I mean, ya are. Ah, shit, cat’s outta the bag now.”
As upfront as he can be, he’s not stupid either. He likely won’t bothering confessing if he doesn’t think you’d be interested or unless he’s just that crazy about you that he can no longer physically keep it to himself.
He will ask Nishida and Saejima and even Kiryu for advice and then proceed to ignore all of their advice. Secretly, that’s his way of delaying the inevitable because he’s a little nervous.
In the end, he’ll just blurt it out in the heat of the moment. Probably when it’s just you two hanging out, maybe at the batting center, and you beat him at a game. He’ll say something about how it’s a good thing you’re cute or he’d be so mad about losing and then immediately realize what he just said and try to play it cool. If you tease him and say something like “I’m sorry, what did you say?”, he’ll eventually corner you, pull you close and just tell you the truth, almost completely hushed as if he thought you would just disappear once he told you how he really felt.
Saejima Taiga: “I think you’re wonderful and I really like you. You mean a lot to me. I understand if you don’t feel the same. I just wanted you to know.”
When he first realizes he has feelings for you, he’d be all nerves. There would likely be a few times where he would seem unusually unable to speak to you. However, once he finally resigns himself to the truth, he will be composed and calm again.
If Majima catches wind of his feelings, he will absolutely try to give Saejima advice or to try to bug you to see if you feel the same. He’s absolutely into the drama of it all. Saejima pretends it isn’t happening.
His confession will be upfront and to the point. If he’s feeling particularly sappy, maybe he’ll bring flowers. Otherwise, the two of you will meet at a typical hangout spot and when the sun starts to set, he’ll sit you down on a nearby park bench, take a deep breath, and tell you.
Akiyama Shun: “So, I know you already know. I guess I’m still going to have to say it, huh? I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a long, long time.”
He’s not exactly a subtle person so at some point you’ll realize he’s at least mildly interested in you. Even though he still hasn’t fully processed his romantic past, he’s also very prone to falling hard and fast for just about anyone. Akiyama just loves love.
By now, he knows you know but he’s afraid to straight out make the first move due to his past. It’s not that he doesn’t think you’d reciprocate. He knows if you weren’t interested, you’d have said so by now. He’s just worried it’ll go south in the end like it always does and he doesn’t want to feel that pain again or put you through all that trouble.
You’ll likely catch him on the rooftop at Sky Finance, having a smoke. He’ll strike up a conversation with you and when there’s a pause, he’ll let you know that he knows that you know. He’s as coy as ever but deep down he secretly hopes you’ll just grab him and hold him close.
Tanimura Masayoshi: “Look, I’ve got to get something off my chest. I don’t know what this is or what to do about it, all I know is I want you by my side.”
Inexperienced and it shows. It’s not that he’s never gone on dates or had crushes or “done it”, so to speak. He’s just never thought very long or hard about serious relationships and the idea of getting serious with you is enough to make his head spin.
As an orphan, he’s used to being so independent but he’ll likely find himself relying on Mei Hua and Zhao for advice. They suggest telling you in person but the thought of getting rejected face to face makes him want to cry.
It may seem cowardly, but he’ll do it over a phone call. He’ll say he has something to tell you and from there the words will just fall out. His stomach will be so full of butterflies that he’s worried a real butterfly might just fly out of his mouth instead of the sound of his words. 
Ryuji Goda: “I’m not sure what else to do at this point except tell ya: ya got me wrapped ‘round your finger. No matter what happens, ya have my heart. I’ll always be there. I promise.”
He will absolutely hide his feelings and keep them to himself for as long as possible. Not a single person in the Omi Alliance will know he’s even capable of romantic thoughts. The downside is that means he can’t just ask anyone for advice. Not that he would anyways. Or at least he’d never admit that he needs the help here.
Always the showstopper, he’ll try to flaunt his way into a confession. He’s hoping that flashy gifts and nice dinners will get the point across. Eventually he will realize he’s just going to have to man up and say it.
One night after a lavish dinner, which isn’t out of the ordinary when you’re friends with a man like Ryuji, you’ll be sitting in his private car and he’ll just silently take your hand. The silence will hang in the air for a few brief moments before he finally tells you how he feels.
Mine Yoshitaka: “I’ve been meaning to tell you something. I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t think someone has ever meant as much to me as you do, right here, right now.”
He will secretly envision how his confession will go, even daydreaming while he’s on the job. If he’s brooding quietly in his office despite having no work to do, he’s mentally working out all of the potential options trying to decide what’s the best way to go about this.
Out of all of the boys, he’s the most confident in just accomplishing this himself regardless of the outcome. No advice or help needed here. Mine’s precise and calculating in his approach. As long as he makes his intentions clear to you as openly and honestly as possible, he’s satisfied.
In the end, he decides on inviting you out to his place late at night. He’ll serve up your favorite drink and as he hands it to you, his hand will purposely touch yours and linger for a moment. From there, the words will flow naturally, direct and true but never overly flowery or emotionally overrun.
Daigo Dojima: “I never expected any of this. Suddenly, you came into my life and everything isn’t the same anymore. Truthfully, I’m glad. I never want things to go back to the way they were before I met you.”
Running the Tojo Clan has kept him so busy that he honestly hasn’t found time for love. Despite being one of the youngest members in the clan, his job has greatly limited his chances of exploring the dating scene. A confession is a completely alien concept to him.
For you though, he’s more than willing to try. It’s honestly gotten to a point where the thought of you is outweighing the thought of his work and that’s a problem for more people than just him, especially if you also happen to work for the Tojo Clan. If he doesn’t find a time to tell you, it might just slip on accident and he can’t have that happen, at least not in front of others.
He’ll call you into his office since he can’t get out of work much. It’s also one of the only places where he can be alone with you. He’ll avoid eye contact at first, clearly nervous. If you ask him what’s bothering him, he’ll snap into eye contact with you and just say it effortlessly as if a moment ago he wasn’t nearly wringing his hands in agony at the thought of rejection. His calm gaze won’t leave you until he’s finished talking.
Nishikiyama Akira: “I like being with you... I wish I could be near you like this all of the time. I hope you want that too.”
History has shown that Nishiki isn’t actually that great when it comes to confessing his love. If he waits it out TOO long, you might think he’s disinterested and try to move on. On the other hand, he’s worried he’ll misjudge the situation and move things to fast. 
He’ll consider asking for help but decide against it. He’s a man and he’s going to do it his way by himself, rejection be damned. Secretly, he doesn’t know if he’d be able to survive being rejected by you.
Knowing him, he’ll get you a gorgeous necklace and use it as a means to finally tell you. Always one for big gestures, he’ll even go so far as to put the necklace on you himself, standing behind him and gently clasping it before he leans over and gently whispers his true feelings to you. He says it so quietly, unusually so for a man that’s typically so confident looking, as if these words were only for you to hear.
Tachibana Testsu: “I’m glad I got the chance to talk to you alone today. I need to tell you... you’re very important to me. More than you could ever know.”
Always calm and collected, romantic feelings are unusual for him as he rarely gets them but it’s not enough to fully rattle him. He will simply wait for the right time to get you alone and tell you.
He’ll drop hints beforehand, things like a small gift or offering to drive you home. It’s not his way of testing how you may feel but more so to see if he’s going too far by offering those kinds of gestures. If he gets the sense that he’s too much into your personal space, he will back off.
Like Daigo, he’ll likely invite you into his office as he can almost guarantee it’s just you two and he can finally let his guard down. His voice will be calm and smooth as ever but in reality his heart is totally pounding out of his chest. Will simply smile softly if you reciprocate.
Nishitani Homare: “I’m just going to say it: you’re cute as hell. I like ya a lot. Do with that what you will.”
He will definitely flirt with you in an attempt to test the waters. Once he knows he’s got a chance, then it’s only a matter of time before it just slips out. He’ll just feel that comfortable around you that it won’t matter when or where it happens.
Absolutely not a planner. He lives life to the fullest and to an extent his feelings are the same way. When it comes out is when it comes out and if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be. He won’t pressure you at all.
Rejection isn’t a worry for him. He knows he’s just so out there that most people, platonically or romantically, are not sure what to do with him. He’s used to it and honestly expects rejection romantically at this point. However, if you reciprocate, he’ll nervously rub the back of his neck and let out a small laugh, relieved that you feel the same. Now he can really be himself around you.
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toyaslove · 1 year
Hihi can you do like Tsukasa x reader just physical affection headcanons or something like yknow (you can also maybe do Mizuki if you want hehe) like just a bunch of headcanons like about physical affection and stuff if yknow what i mean :D
A/N: Helloo!! It's not a problem if I do Mizuki and Tsukasa!! Thank you for requesting!
Mizuki Akiyama and Tsukasa Tenma (separately) x !Reader (Comfort HC's)
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♡ If you wish an affectionate boyfriend, there he's!
♡ When you guys started dating, Tsukasa already gave you a lot of physical contact, and now that he knows you like he's always being clingy on you 😭
♡ He makes sure to show people that you're his, even if he needs to kiss while a theater performance (pls this guy is so much affectionate)
♡ His favorite thing is kissing you consecutively, in your face, your neck, lips and after that he cuddle with you and sleep on your arms/hugging you as a big spoon, he wants to hug his plushie didn't he?
♡ Btw you can't ask for a more affectionate bf 😭
It was just a normal day in your guy's life, and tsukasa texted you, inviting you to his house. Sincerely he prefers to call you but he's scared if you were doing something important and didn't called you
You's asking yourself "why he want me to come to his house? Did something happen?" You were scared if something bad happened, so you quickly got dressed and went to his house.
You knocked the door and your boyfriend opened it
"Hey Tsukasa! What happ–" you was interrupted by a kiss
"I just wanted to see my love" – after this, he hugged you and invited you to get inside, so there he can give you some cuddles and smooches
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♡ Oh God... another affectionate one
♡ Mizuki don't care if they have to do affection in public, if their is jealous, they'll not succeed
♡ Really clingy though
♡ Their's favorite thing is cuddle behind and then kisses your neck!
♡ A nice person to have by your side
♡ Lots of lips kisses!
Last night, Mizuki slept in your house. You guys slept cuddling yourselves. Mizuki woke up earlier than you
Mizuki gives a yawn and kisses your forehead. Your eyes opened slowly with laziness
"Oh, hehehe! Did I wake you up?" – They caress your cheeks
"Maybe... but now we can't go back in the past, didn't we?" – You smile at them, and that make their heart melt... they can't hold back themself anymore... Mizuki kisses your lips while caressing your cheeks. You can feel a cherry flavor in their lips, they always try to make their kisses feel amazing for you!
"I think that was not bad that you woke me up... hehe" – after this, you guys keep kissing and cuddling in the loveliest way!
A/N: Maybe I got too excited (not in that way pls 😭), so... I wrote little stories to the hcs! I hope you don't mind! Thank you for reading until here!!!
A/N²: BRUH I WAS SO LAZY WRITING IT I LITERALLY WOKE UP AND I WROTE THIS I did so many mistakes please forgive me guys 😭😭😭
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busaikuknee · 8 days
a quick look back at may 2024
i got started on this early for once. character development, i suppose.
general overview and numbers
i watched 90 matches in may, 65 of which took place this month. this is…a lot more than i expected to, frankly! my sleep schedule has been kind of grim, so i ended up watching more shows live than usual. i might be sleepy, but at least i've been sports entertained.
nothing super notable to report on, though i have been backwatching quite a bit of dragongate this month. dead or alive got me bad. there's something about those cage matches, man.
most appearances throughout the month
hayata's in first place for both "matches that took place this month" and "matches i watched this month," so, fuck, i guess hayata's the Spreadsheet Champ of the Month. i wouldn't have guessed it; i feel like i've barely seen him this may, what with my Bad At Watching Tournaments disease striking halfway through best of the super juniors. i'll...catch up eventually, probably.
mumbling about matches
great sakuya and nagisa nozaki vs miyuki takase and nanashi (noah, april 1st)
starting off with one not from this month! i made a mental note to include it in last month's writeup, but realized that i left it off of the post proper right after i sent it out. unfortunate, but it's my self-indulgent summary post and i can break my "only talk about matches that happened this month" rule whenever i want, so it's making it onto this one.
anyway! short but very fun match. a blend of goofy hijinks and doing-moves wrestling that appealed to me greatly. the normal wrestler-spooky wrestler tag dynamics? the slasher movie sequence? excellent, wonderful, loved it. i've come to really enjoy nagisa nozaki, i should seek out more of her matches when i have the time.
kzy vs jason lee vs hyo vs shun skywalker vs jacky "funky" kamei (dragongate, may 5th)
i can count the number of times i've cried at something fictional on one hand. this isn't a good or bad thing, i just don't think i engage with media in a way that provokes that kind of response.
that being said, this match got me really, really close to crying. the power of love and friendship is real, maybe.
takashi sugiura vs masa kitamiya (noah, may 4th)
i'm reluctant to use this wording as i feel it sets expectations too high, but sugiura and masa had kind of a perfect ten-minute match? solid pacing, did everything it needed to, made both performers look stellar. masa rules and i just want him to have nice things. unfortunately, i also don't want him to experience head trauma, and that was not a wish granted here. my love for the single-trickle-of-blood-running-down-forehead visual is constantly at war with my feelings about shoot headbutts.
shoko nakajima vs miu watanabe (tjpw, may 5th)
i’ve been putting together a playlist of some personal highlights of 2024 wrestling to show some friends, and i am going to shuffle shit around as much as possible to make sure that this gets in there. “technical freak vs person who’s strong enough to just pick them up if they go for a hold” is a combo that always appeals to me, and since nakajima and watanabe are both excellent wrestlers, i was constantly delighted throughout the runtime. good, good stuff. while i might not cry often, i’m very soft-hearted, so the hug at the end made me Feel.
i find that it often takes a couple of matches for me to fully click with a wrestler, and i think this was the match that made me click with shoko nakajima. shokopilled bigkaijumaxxing.
kosei fujita vs el desperado (njpw, may 13th)
imagine a flame text gif reading “FUJITA ROCKS.” now imagine another, slightly different flame text gif reading “DESPERADO ALSO ROCKS BUT I THINK WE ALL KNOW THAT BY NOW.” thank you for your time.
jun akiyama vs atsushi kotoge (noah, may 29th)
my exact spreadsheet notes were "still thinking about this. what a fucking match. why were they in love here."
onward to june! while there isn't a lot that i'm super invested in storyline-wise at the moment (barring minoura and yamato's whole deal), i am looking forward to a couple of the events scheduled for this upcoming month. despy invitational save me. save me despy invitational.
if there was something you particularly enjoyed this may, do feel free to share! see you next month!
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solradguy · 1 year
hi! can you tell your whole process for learning japanese on your own? where did you start? what resources did you utilise? how did you find and manage your time and maintain discipline? also, how long did it take you to reach fluency?
I am sooooo far from fluent hahaha I'm stumbling through this language Gromit-style
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Ok, so, circa 2014 I was studying Norwegian because I really wanted to learn a secondary language (thx American school system...) and I really liked the cadence/feel of Norwegian. That was my entire reason for studying it, I just liked how it sounded lol. But by 2016 I'd learned enough of it from Duolingo that it was time to move on to more difficult study materials.
Which I could not find for the life of me.
I got frustrated and decided it'd probably be best to pick up another language. Japanese was the one I saw the most since a lot of my favorite artists are Japanese, some of my best inking supplies come from Japan (with Japanese packaging), and there used to be a really good local Japanese restaurant too (RIP). Duolingo had just launched an absolutely shit Japanese course that motivated me to look for better practice materials.
I think I started practicing the kana through just writing them a whole bunch before finding out about Tofugu's hiragana and katakana mnemonics-based study articles. From there I did the three free levels offered by Wanikani. Wanikani is awesome, I learned a lot through that program and wish the full version one-time purchase was more affordable... It's worth it, I'm just broke haha
After a while I lost interest in studying Japanese because it's so difficult/time consuming and tried out reconstructed Classical Latin (HARD!), Norwegian again, and just barely dipped my toes into Esperanto. About a year before I got into Guilty Gear (2020), I picked up Japanese again by refreshing my progress on Wanikani. The Duolingo course still sucked but it had gotten a tiny bit better with its kana study tool, though I dropped it again before long. What helped the most this time were books. I tried out these:
Genki - Not bad. I liked how it broke down parts of grammar. However, it's definitely written for a classroom setting. The topics/vocabulary were all school themed and, on top of feeling like I was missing vital information by self-studying, it just got boring.
Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese - This has a physical version but I read it through the free app/website. Much more advanced than Genki, but made for self-study and as a grammatical reference tool. It went a bit over my head and was too fast-paced, I learn kinda slow... Now that I'm much better at Japanese, I should try it again.
Japanese From Zero - My favorite of the books I tried. Goes slower, made more for self-study, and has some free supplemental materials on their website.
While Japanese From Zero was working great, I was losing interest again because my brain CRAVES variety. Straight up translating stories has helped me more than anything else. Japanese Short Stories for Beginners by LingoMastery was a good investment alongside Barron’s Japanese Grammar by Carl and Nobuo Akiyama and Japanese Verbs & Essentials of Grammar by Rita L. Lampkin to help with grammar concepts Japanese Short Stories doesn't expand on enough. IMABI (website) is also a very good grammar reference guide. It can be a bit dry, but I like that. It doesn't waste time and is very direct.
Lingodeer has been invaluable too. The free version is smartphone app only, but that's fine since I usually study right before bed anyway. It has a 5 minute quiz that's just snappy enough to refresh my knowledge without being so long that my brain gets bored of the repetition. The lesson modules also do a really great job at explaining grammatical concepts. There are some other study tools, like specific ones for practicing grammar and vocabulary, that I like.
Then in 2021 I got into Guilty Gear. Boy, did I get into Guilty Gear. Translating GG books has helped me more than all of these other materials combined (except the Tofugu kana articles). HIGHLY recommend going a little crazy for a piece of Japanese media if you wanna learn the language.
I can't speak it for shit though, to be honest lmao. But I set out learning it to read things so that's fine; there are very, very, few Japanese speakers where I live anyway. What I mean by this is that I don't have any materials to suggest for learning how to speak it or to improve listening comprehension, sorry...
If I'm not currently working on a translation project (which counts as studying!!), I try to do at least one of these forms of practice each day:
10-15 minutes of Lingodeer
Do Anki flashcards until I get bored. There's a deck that's all 60 levels of Wanikani, though Wanikani itself is still better.
Practice kana stroke order for the ones I still sometimes struggle with (ツ、シ、ン、ソ......)and at least 5 kanji
Read something in Japanese. Lately this's been Japanese-English Translation: An Advanced Guide by Judy Wakabayashi
There's a page on my Neocities with some study tools but it needs updated with a few things I've since found that work better:
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mtdthoughts · 6 months
Migi & Dali Final Episode Reaction Pt. 1
Note: This post was written on Dec. 25, 2023 when the episode just came out.
Wow, I can't believe it's finally over. It only felt like yesterday when I watched the first episode back in October and then proceeded to binge the entire manga, and now the anime has concluded. I'm left wanting more, but ultimately grateful to Sano for creating such a wonderful work, and may her soul rest in peace.
Anyway, since it is the last episode, I wanted to give my reaction to some parts that I found notable. There won't really be any that much deep thought or analysis here, and it goes without saying that *spoilers* are covered.
Here's a list containing the links to the other parts:
Part 1 (this post)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Nice dog. When did Akiyama get a dog?
Poor Eiji, he really didn't deserve what happened to him (though to be fair, he did commit murder and arson). Akira, as dumb as he may be, really did try his best to be a good father. Wish we saw some closure with him and his other two sons.
More bird symbolism. It's one bird, showing that the twins are still acting as Hitori.
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I like how Fidélité is a part of their family now. I feel like a bit of explanation is needed, but I get that the dog is needed to represent Dali.
Dali is clearly depressed, and IMO it's definitely related to Eiji's arrest.
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This was quite heartbreaking to watch. "You understand, right?" definitely refers to the fact that they can't pretend to be one anymore because of the scar, but I feel like there's a hidden meaning, i.e. another reason why Dali can't come out, which I'll probably write about in detail at some point I've written in the discussion titled "Shadow".
I think that it's guilt over what happened to Eiji. Dali originally wanted revenge because his family was destroyed, but in the end, Eiji's family was destroyed and Eiji's life was ruined, and the scar was a constant reminder of this. He likely hated himself for what he started and saw himself as unworthy of love and happiness.
He then tells Migi that Migi's happiness is enough with a fake smile, hiding his feelings from his brother once again.
As he tells Migi that he'll live as his shadow (note the light and dark imagery here), the music from when he sacrificed himself in Episode 9 plays, showing that Dali chose to die in obscurity, to imprison himself just like Eiji did, and to never experience his own happiness.
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khtrinityftw · 6 months
Interesting excerpts from the KH2 Ultimania Nojima interview...
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As detailed before, Nojima co-created Ansem with Nomura and handled his involvement in Hollow Bastion as well as the fall-out from what he did, plus End of the World. Other than that, Nojima had far less to do with KH than Jun Akiyama and Daisuke Watanabe did.
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Also as detailed before, Nomura wrote the main plot (beginning, middle and end of the game) while the Event Team did the Disney worlds' plots, then Nojima adapted them into his script. The big problem was, well, "he relayed his thoughts to me and then I was free to do the rest", all while Nomura's thoughts in question were confounding to Nojima and difficult to translate into script form.
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Mystery Boxes!
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Nomura wanted sea salt ice cream as a visual.
Nojima turned it into a plot point, the absolute mad lad!
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Hence the weird cheesy Christmas special feel to the Halloween Town visits. It was a deliberate creative choice and I love it.
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Ngl, I wish their roles were slightly more important.
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Thanks a lot, Nomura. -_-
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Was that supposed to be the takeaway there? Well, Nomura did say in his interview that he deleted more details from this subplot.....
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FUCK YEAH! Aerith ain't so pure; she can be dark too! Love it!
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Look, you can ship Sora and Riku if you please, but I appreciate Nojima being explicit in saying that the intention behind their relationship is the strongest of friendships: two guys who are like brothers even though they aren't related, which means it's ripe for being emotionally tumultuous ("not easy to have" / "embarrassing").
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Thank you for that, Nojima, and I hope that you actually stick to this sentiment in your subsequent writing, unlike Nomura who sold out.
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The padding. Good lord, is this man self-aware!
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The final thing I want to note, which I have noted before - Nojima is really good at dialogue. Not only is his mastery of it responsible for that iconic exchange between Sora and Kairi at the end, but it also helped every character have a unique voice and memorable lines that feel like stuff they would say. Even lines people mock are often deliberate (ex: "we totally owned you lamers!" - as Nojima says elsewhere in this very interview, Seifer is supposed to project faux coolness - "trying too hard to be cool"). He wasn't the best writer for the KH series narratively, but he's at the top of his field in dialogue.
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suiseisyojo · 7 months
consuming & spreading dolce.
「sakasaki natsume x akiyama reine // natsurei」  ↳ commission for @kunehori ! wc: 1350 a/n: i can never get enough natsurei! thank you for commissioning me, ari!
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Tracing their finger along the outskirts of an ornate box, opulence engraved in every corner, Reine luxuriated in the rich, cloying scent of chocolates wafting from within—the clubroom around her was bereft of the usual members, having arrived much earlier to spend her afternoon slumbering on the couch.
Now that Reine ruminated on it, there was a new set of pillows and blankets here; tucked away in the corner as if having expected her to take a nap here. But she wasn’t sure who exactly placed them here.
The adorable small bunny and star-shaped motifs stitched in the blanket made it feel personalized to her—and she wished she knew who brought it, so she could express her gratitude to them.
It was truly cozy and plush, alleviating her anxiety when secured within it.
Reine could sense her mind reeling, thoughts rambling along divergences and confusticating her all at once. Was she still sleepy?
So consumed in her thoughts, she hadn’t heard the clubroom door creaking open—not until a disembodied voice called out to her, velvety like the chocolates still idly settled in the palm of her hands.
“What are you eating, little bunny?” Natsume inquired whilst padding into the room and observing her delicate frame cuddled up in the corner of the couch. His mien illuminated with temptation to know, peeking into the box.
“Oh, just some chocolates my parents brought home,” Reine divulged, the tone of their voice brimming with an aberrant giddiness and delight. Although they weren’t sure whether she was allowed to have of claimed them for herself or not; but it was too late for that now.
“Do you want some?”
Watching as she cutely propped the box up in her dainty little hands, Natsume reached forward to pluck one out for himself—but stopped as a surge of perplexity cascaded through him. “Did you already have some?” he abruptly asked.
Tilting her head, a cloudiness encompassing their blue eyes, Reine answered, “Yeah, why?”
“⋯ These chocolates have some aphrodisiacs in them,” Natsume began whilst confiscating the box from her and placing it down onto the table before them, recognizing the special spell cast upon the decadent chocolates. “You do know what that is, right?”
“O-Of course I do,” Reine chortled airily, hearts emerging from the depths of their irises as her gaze fixated onto Natsume. The wizard sat next so closely to her, this propinquity making their mind spin even more than it already was—thoughts revolving around him, enthralling her like a tasty, succulent carrot meant to entice the rabbit to pop out of the magician’s hat.
“But isn’t it fine?”
Before Natsume could conjure up a response to Reine’s innocent indifference, he felt her arms twine around him. “Little bunny,” he coiled an arm around her in a swift reaction; wanting to keep her at a safe distance, yet still appease.
However, just Natsume’s touch on Reine alone made her fuzzy attention exacerbate and she squeezed him tightly. Her lips found his neck, luscious lips affixing a burst of quick, yet firm kisses along the curve.
A frisson of pleasure suffused down the column of his spine, converging at the base and permeating throughout the rest of his body in such an intense rush, he gasped. “Calm down,” Natsume started, wincing as Reine gave him a suckle below his ear, “it’s the chocolates bewitching you.”
Puffing out her cheeks in a querulous pout, Reine’s glazed over eyes were only after one thing⋯ to see Natsume writhing from her bold advances. “Does it matter?” Reine sounded almost sultry, which only magnified Natsume’s plight. “You like it when I kiss you; and I want to. Does the reason have to stop me?”
Reine was delirious, Natsume knew this, the additive and illusionary effects of the chocolates charming her into being even more needy. And he didn’t want to take advantage of her in any manner—just the mere notion of hurting them made a gut-wrenching dread pound against his stomach.
As long as it doesn’t get out of hand, Natsume could surely help placate this wicked curse plaguing his beloved bunny?
Taking Natsume’s moment of silence as permission to continue, Reine lifted her mouth up to his ear and began to press her teeth down onto the sensitive flesh. It was more akin to nibbles, truly, yet the feeling of her mouth sliding against his ear made Natsume flush hotly.
“Nngh, you know I love it when I feel your lips on me,” Natsume found himself finally acknowledging, her lips now following along his jawline, before his arms squeezed around her protectively; although it was more greedy of him, he thought. “And you’re too cute when you’re needy like this.”
Hearing those words caused salvos of delight to skate over her nerves feverishly, body sweeping with heat, and she nuzzled into him—cheek-to-cheek. Reine cupped a hand around his countenance, both of their complexions glowing with rosy hues, and pressed their lips together.
The sensation made Reine melt into Natsume, bodies slotting together so perfectly, and she was rapturous he didn’t put up much of a fight—she coveted Natsume’s affection and love, the aphrodisiacs making her ravenous.
As the taste of the sumptuous, full-bodied chocolates made Natsume shiver, he clasped the fabric of her blazer.
Their lips rounded with each other’s, sensual and slow as Reine moaned sweetly into the kiss; mouth parting as her tongue poked out, licking at his moist lips; her body naturally seeking more.
“Natsume-kun,” a shaky breath, gripping him tauter, “please⋯ open your mouth.”
Reine implored so beguilingly, saccharine vocals oozing with an excitement and desperation he couldn’t possibly resist any longer. Sliding a hand underneath their skirt, fingers holding onto her thigh, Natsume did as he was told. For her, he'll do anything.
“Be gentle, little bunny,” Natsume sounded almost pleading for him, reciting a miraculous spell to make her follow his words.
Hot and wet, Reine’s tongue swirled against his—following the shape of his mouth as she traced little love patterns within, hopelessly mewling as ecstasy imbued itself into the cleft of her entity. “Mmh—!”
Natsume let out his own soft, deluded noise as he suddenly felt Reine’s aggression increase, pace upscaling in which she devoured him; kissing him so helplessly, as if there was only him in this world.
And for her, in this very moment, that was entirely true.
Every cell in Reine’s body clamored in desire, solely riveted onto the weird wizard clinging onto her with as much neediness as her.
Fingers danced along Reine’s thigh as the rough kiss consumed them, feeling the warmth emanating from her skin as it seeped into his fingertips, and Natsume scrutinized drool congregating in the corner of Reine’s mouth before it spilled over down her chin.
Reine was so cute like this—visage flushed and utterly dazed—it wasn’t fair for Natsume, either.
Finally retracting away, Reine’s eyes were glazed over with a mist of familiar sleepiness; and Natsume recognized this immediately. However, Reine still wished to kiss Natsume more—and she faltered in her movements, chasing after his mouth.
Natsume shook his head lightly as his thumb cleaned her chin, hastily seizing the pillow laying next to them on the couch and placing it onto his lap before coaxing Reine into collapsing on it.
Watching as she plopped onto it, curling up into a small ball as she endearingly always does, he exhaled quiveringly. Thank god Sora bought that for her—it was perfect for her, and unfortunately, concealing the conspicuous impact Reine’s little heated session had on him.
“All satisfied now, my little bunny?” Natsume’s voice was quiet and hushed, an intimacy only reserved for her exuding from his tone as he brushed the loose strands of hair from her face.
“Mhm,” Reine hummed wearily, fluttering lashes brushing against her cheeks that begun to cool down ever so slightly, “Mm⋯ maybe not. When I wake up, I want⋯⋯ more and more of you, Natsume-kun.”
Covertly praying the effects dissipate by the time she wakes up from her nap, Natsume wasn’t sure if he could hold back next time.
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prsk-krow · 1 year
elllo! could i get ena and mizuki with a reader that’s usually cold and stoic towards others but when around them they’re more cheerful and smile a lot more? /R
{Ena/Mizuki with a cold reader that's cheerful towards them!} [R]
This one was actually pretty interesting, since I requested something kinda similar from someone else just a few days ago! This is different though, and I made sure that my response was, as well! Hope you like it!
Ena Shinonome
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The artist does share some similarities with you, as her personality changes depending on who's listening. With the shut-in she's really soft and forgiving, and with the others of the group... Not so much.
It's thanks to these similarities that when you reveal your true nature, Ena sort of understands and doesn't question it too much! However, the severe change does create some whiplash...
She had already gotten used to your cold front, after all! If she can manage to be friends with the honor student, a relationship with you didn't seem too out of the picture! Although she did have to consider it when you proposed the idea...
But once you two were away from the public's view, and your tone and expressions and basics everything about you suddenly change, she was surprised to say the least!
"Woah... Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to appear rude! Don't worry, I understand that some of us have things to hide, but... I didn't expect the change to be this big... Nonono, it's fine! It's alright, really!"
It takes a while for her to get used to it. No matter how hard she may try to, she isn't used to dealing with cheerful, kindhearted people too well, much less someone who she thought was the complete opposite!
She does enjoy this side of you more though, and she's happy that you seem to be enjoying it so much! She will make sure to have more time in private between you two so that you may let loose more often!
She will also ask why you hide this side from others, and will do her best to show that she's a trustworthy partner! That means doing her best to understand you, and helping you hide your secret from others!
Although something she will never admit is that she could never go back to the old you. She says that it's all for you, but in reality this is also indulging her a little! It feels so nice to have someone so kind close to her at all times, and she can't let go of that now!
So, the reveal benefits both of you equally, and you shall both work together to keep it that way! It goes pretty smoothly, and Ena will remain glad that she chose to accept your confession!
Mizuki Akiyama
I've said this before and I'll say this again, Mizuki notices whenever other have hidden sides, but they will never dwell deep into them if you don't reveal it first!
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They have their own secrets they wish to hide, and even in a romantic relationship they, sadly, won't reveal anything at first. It will definitely take a long time, and a lot of patience!
That's why they're so surprised at seeing you drop the act as soon as you two enter a private room after the confession and acceptance! Not that they weren't aware of it, they just thought it would take longer!
However, their attitude towards you will hardly change much. They are glad that you're no longer holding back, but they will act smug about knowing that you were planning on dropping the act eventually!
They will definitely tease you about your cold front, and will sometimes purposely poke at it in public to see how hard you contain the urge to call them out! Nothing too extreme, just the usual teasing from a different angle!
"What?? Oh, come on! Did you really think that becoming my partner would save you from my teasing? Hehe, quite the opposite! You've fallen into my trap, and now you shall live with these teasing words next to you forever! There is no longer any escape!"
As soon as they notice you having a hard time putting up the front though, or simply being too tired to, they will plan ahead to let you rest in your home! It's surprisingly smooth, and you'll be able to relax more thanks to their quick actions!
They will also make sure to reinforce just how thankful they are for you to trust them with your most intimate secrets. Words of encouragement, gifts, quality time, acts of service! It's quite special the attention they can give you!
Sadly, this does come with some drawbacks. They're so glad that you trust them this much, to reveal a side that you've never shown anyone... Then, why can't they still reveal their own secrets? Why can't they muster up the courage you can...?
Thankfully, your cheerful nature ensures that Mizuki's down days aren't as bad as they used to be! And with you by their side, there is a new hope in their heart, that maybe, with time, there will come a chance...
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moonbonded · 2 months
Trigger  warnings  for  the  following  content:    death and abandonment.    If  you  need  more  things  tagged,    please  don't  hesitate  to  poke  me  !
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For  centuries,    stories  have  been  spread  both  by  word  of  mouth  and  by  script  of  Hisashi's  existence,    each  version  of  the  tale  diverging  from  the  truth  in  even  the  subtlest  of  ways.    Some  accounts  depict  them  as  a  kitsune - like  creature,    while  others  insist  that  they  are  a  god  in  human  skin,    existing  among  humans  since  the  beginning  of  time  itself.    None  of  these  records  could  be  further  from  the  truth  of  it  all.   
Well  then,    are  you,    dear  reader,    ready  for  a  story?   
It  is  a  tragedy,    one  that  people  have  been  trying  to  erase  from  history.
There  was  once  a  young  man  called  Akiyama  Norimune,    the  eldest  son  of  the  Akiyama  family,    who  lived  on  a  quaint  farm  with  his  mother,    father,    and  three  younger  siblings.    When  Norimune's  youngest  sibling,    Yasu,    was  only  four  years  old,    their  father,    Tsuyoshi,    left  during  the  night  in  a  last - ditch  effort  to  gather  more  food  for  his  family,    for  the  crops  were  not  prospering  as  well  as  they  could  have  been.    Unfortunately,    he  had  not  told  his  family  where  he  was  going,    but  did  not  make  it  back  home  on  account  of  a  demon  finding  him  and  making  him  its  next  meal.    Norimune  was  left  to  pick  up  where  Tsuyoshi  had  left  off,    all  the  while  comforting  his  siblings  and  grieving  mother  in  the  process.    Five  years  passed  in  this  way,    though  mysteriously,    the  Akiyama's  crops  grew  plentiful  in  the  years  after  Tsuyoshi's  sudden  disappearance.    All  was  well  and  good,    until  one  night,    Norimune  had  stepped  outside  to  clear  his  head  under  the  light  of  the  moon  and  the  chill  of  the  autumn  breeze.    He  had  not  let  any  of  his  family  know,    as  he  did  not  wish  to  bother  or  worry  anyone  with  his  issues.   
He  had  forgotten  about  what  had  happened  to  his  father  until  the  demon  showed  up  in  front  of  him.
This  demon  was  not  your  typical  small  fry    —    the  one  that  had  appeared  in  front  of  Norimune  was  the  King  of  Demons  himself,    Kibutsuji  Muzan.    He  promised  the  eldest  son  a  better  life,    free  from  all  human  stresses  and  free  from  the  impending  clutches  of  death.    Norimune  agreed  to  this  without  thinking,    and  in  seconds,    was  howling  in  agony  as  his  veins  pumped  desperately,    taking  in  the  demon's  blood  and  allowing  it  to  meld  with  his  own.    In  a  matter  of  moments,  he  had  changed  from  a  man  to  a  monster,    caramel  curls  shifting  to  a  platinum  blond  and  sharp,    pink  horns  growing  from  his  forehead.    However,    when  he  turned  to  ask  what  he  should  do  next,    Muzan  was  gone,    leaving  him  alone  in  the  middle  of  the  farm's  rice  paddy.    As  he  contemplated  what  to  do,    Norimune  heard  a  light  and  airy  voice  behind  him,    fluttering  as  the  wings  of  a  butterfly  did,    and  when  he  turned  around,     his  mother,    Kiku,    stood  a  few  feet  away,     not  a  drop  of  fear  in  her  eyes  despite  seeing  just  what  her  son  had  become.    
'    My  son  .....  Are  you  alright  ?    '
'    Mother,    do  not  come  closer.    '    Norimune  ordered,    tone  strangled  and  inhuman.    He  was  nearly  frightened  at  the  voice  that  came  out.    '    I  am  no  longer  your  son.     I  should  not  stay  here  for  too long.    '    Sharp  fangs  poked  past  his  lips  as  he  spoke,    clawed  fingers  curling  into  fists.    He  was  probably  hideous,    a  beast  that  should  not  be  regarded  with  such  softness,    but  that  did  not  matter  to  Kiku,    who  stepped  onto  the  paddy  and  wrapped  her  arms  around  her  son,    holding  him  close  despite  the  height  difference.    '    I  understand,    Norimune.    But  to  me,    you  are  still  my  son.   I  will  always  be  your  mother,    no  matter  what  you  become.    '    She  pulled  away  soon  after,    offering  Norimune  a  teary - eyed  smile.    '    What  will  you  do  now  ?    Are  you  going  to  leave  ?    '   
'    I  don't  have  a  choice.    Even  now,    I  hunger.    What  would  happen  if  I  hurt  any  of  you  ?    I  could  never  forgive  myself.    '    Norimune  snarled,    placing  a  clawed  hand  over  his  mouth  in  an  attempt  to  hide  the  saliva  threatening  to  spill  down  his  chin.    His  gaze  turned  away  from  his  mother,    but  she  reached  up  and  pressed  a  kiss  to  his  son's  cheek.    '    I  understand.    I  cannot  stop  you.    I'll  figure  out  something  to  tell  your  siblings.    '    
Wiping  a  tear  from  her  eye,    she  reached  into  the  sleeve  of  her  kimono  and  pressed  a  small  object  into  his  palm.    It  was  the  pendant  she  had  gotten  from  her  husband,    a  golden  chrysanthemum  connected  to  a  golden  chain. The fact she was giving him the last thing she had to remember Tsuyoshi by said enough about how much she cared.    '    I  love  you,    Norimune.    Please  be  careful.    '    Norimune  held  up  the  pendant,    watching  the  way  the  chrysanthemum  shimmered  under  the  light  of  the  moon  for  a  few  moments  before  placing  the  memento  inside  of  his  own  sleeve.    He  smiled  at  his  mother  one  last  time.    '    I  will.    '    And  with  a  solemn  nod,    the  former  human  turned  and  walked  away  from  the  house  that  built  him.
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Underrated moment from the series is when Hana leaves sky finance and Akiyama admits he's got a lot of baggage from the past, especially about his ex and she plainly admits she's too dependent on him- her life sorta revolves around him- taking care of him, the business and she needs some time on her own. It's such a weirdly emotionally honest sequence and it really made me love those two.
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 2 months
ok my opinion now that i finished y8's story (spoilers)
tldr; overall it's a flawed but better end for kiryu than 6 imo. n ichiban is there <3 don't play this as your first yakuza game please don't you will get so much more out of this if you actually know who tf anyone is
it wasn't as awesomesauce as it seemed like it was gonna n it fell into the usual rgg problems - while surprisingly fixing a big one
kiryu's story effected me a lot 🥲 while ichiban's was just mostly "well i get to see ichiban yay". not to say i didn't care at all lmao the hawaii plot definitely still had it's strong moments (especially the scene w chitose after the bryce boss!!!) it just didn't hit the same overall
positive: KIRYU. i honestly loved most of the kiryu stuff. letting him look back outside of traumatic flashbacks.... letting him have a nice time..... giving him all these new friends that won't die on top of reassuring him that his old connections are still alright.... getting his ass punched by akiyama lmao. it really makes you realize how weird of an ending y6 would've been if that was truly kiryu's last game. so nice to finally be able to acknowledge previously tossed out characters/story beats in-game. seeing shinada mentioned… i cheered (i wish he was actually in there tho). on the hawaii side: tomizawa n chitose r sooooo good i didn't even think i'd end up liking chitose but i lov her.... n ichiban is the ichiban as usual
n the main villains don't die this game!? they're expected to live w what they did, even the evil cult leader!?!? kiryu's line abt not being able to change anything if you're dead wow wow wow hearing that after the prev games where a lot of them die even when they were able to change wooooooow. the pre-credits ending was sooooooo strong. I LUV KIRYU :( :) :(
<3 the tweaks to gameplay were nice too + it was a very pretty game
it had to grow on me but i like kiryu's y8 look a whole lot it's very nice n goes well w his softer expressions
negative: not as well optimized for pc (or in general) as y7 it feels like? i already said i liked kiryu's plot more than ichiban's... yeah. pretty mad that hanawa died but whatevar i guess... i understand saeko's conflict w ichiban but don't really like how they wrote her at times it made me kinda frustrated. esp w the joke at the end. really the whole y7 party took a step backwards in some ways (tho they're still great mostly) it's just saeko got it the worst. also i really don't like how long they took to get me to actually like yamai bc his reason for being in hawaii was constantly in the back of my head n then at the very end after all the fun stuff already happened they were like "actually he didn't try to assault her she framed him" fuuuuuuck you at least tell us that way earlier instead of suddenly detouring in the penultimate chapter. "well they had you warm up to him so you'd know something was up! they wouldn't make an sa-er likable!" listen. listen. i love rgg but if you think i trust them w women.... n if you think i forgot y4......... i didn't realize they still had the dating thing from 7 in there either till i saw someone else mention it n i refuse to touch it :/
too many blonde blue eyed white ppl in the substories wtf why do they outnumber the natives
my one gripe abt the kiryu side is that we didn't get to see him actually reunite w haruka n haruto IN GAAAAME BEFORE IT ENDED. LIKE WE KNO HE WILL BUT I WANTED TO SEEEEEEEE ON SCREEEEEEEN
my current ranking:
y0 = y7 > y3 > y5 > y8?? (not entirely sure bc its like. the highs n lows are so drastic) > kiwami 1 = y1 > kiwami 2 (don't get mad at me) > y6 (doooon't get mad at me i started liking it less when 8 was announced) > y4
gaiden not there bc its a short side game but i liked it so i'll mention it. didn't play the og y2 </3
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yakuzacanons · 6 months
seasons greasons :) if you're up to it, could we perhaps some HCs for how the yakuza guys like to spend the holidays with their S/O? regardless of whatever they celebrate, ofc. the winter season is quite festive for all sorts of stuff. hope you're feeling alright btw! stay cozy and healthy ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
SEASONS GREASONS skskskskskks u have my whole heart for that, also YES you can. Thanks for the well wishes too, unfortunately I have been slain by COVID so the sickness will continue. Doing my bestest though, headcanons below da cut.
Kazuma Kiryu
Lots of Christmas shopping for the kids at Morning Glory. Getting hot drinks and walking around together during a snowfall. He wouldn't expect you to do this with him but he likes to volunteer at events, like soup kitchens for the homeless, during this time of year.
Majima Goro
Him want go see the big fancy holiday lights with you. That's it. He just wanna go see some neat decorations and ooo and aaa. Also just wants to drink hot drinks and eat hot food with you.
Saejima Taiga
Doesn't care for public holiday events so much but he WILL be making a giant cauldron of homemade soup for you both. You don't have to help out but he would love it if you did!
Akiyama Shun
Not much a festive guy, typically spends holidays just sleeping a lot. Would go out for a particularly fancy dinner with you though. Does tag along for Christmas shopping if only to take notes on what you seem to like so he can buy it for you later.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's pretty new at dating so he doesn't know what couples do for holidays but his personal tradition is making tons of handmade dumplings at Homeland and handing them out to all the families in the international district. He'd love it if you tagged along to help, maybe even tying some cute bows on the baskets before delivering them together.
Ryuji Goda
Big of heart and dumb of ass man Ryuji's favorite holiday thing to do is to make literally everyone in the Omi Alliance decorate the HQ. That includes you. Of course, since you are his literal favorite person, you get first and last say of what goes. It's really fun for the both of you, running around and throwing up decorations, telling grunts to put that there and not over there and what the hell were they thinking putting those lights with that color ribbon.
Nishikiyama Akira
He wants to visit all the cutest cafes and try their seasonal items. Nothing like a cutesy dessert for two... or two desserts. Or three. Also likes to wear matching scarves or matching gloves.
Daigo Dojima
He's also fairly unfamiliar with what couples do during the holidays but he's trying his best. Will take you out for a nice dinner for sure. He tends to prefer attending winter festivals instead of events for more modern holidays so if you're willing to try that, he'd love to go with you! His personal favorite holiday tradition is just enjoying hot tea while watching snow fall.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's pretty inward most of the time so holiday chaos just makes him want to stay home. Usually just decorates inside of his own home, he's not really religious but he likes the appearance of a Christmas tree so he typically goes with that. Would love to shop for some ornaments for you to hang up specifically.
Tatsuo Shinada
Literally all he wants to do is wear a Santa hat. That and probably go bar hopping on Christmas Eve. He's all about just relaxing and having a fun time, so long as he's with you. Would go caroling with you, although be warned he sings a little off key.
Ichiban Kasuga
He's probably one of the few out of all the boys that genuinely isn't picky about doing much during the holidays. As long as he gets to spend time with his loved ones, he's content. If it snows, he's definitely starting a snowball fight though. Would love to check out a holiday market with you though!
Tianyou Zhao
This silly head is making truck loads of homemade steamed buns and drinking a lot of tea and nothing can stop him from accomplishing his tasty holiday mission. He'd love to teach you how to make the buns. Likes watching you proudly place them in the steamer after he's filled them up.
Joon-Gi Han
His ass don't know nothin' about holidays! No, seriously, he's so confused. "Why's there a man in a red suit at the mall today?" Mostly just curious and kind of enamoured by all the activity spiking up all around the city. He's never really had a Christmas or much of any kind of holiday so you'll probably have to show him the ropes. Hot cocoa ends up being his favorite thing.
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apompkwrites · 1 year
I’m pretty happy to see others talking about my ideas (Mei!Al-Asim). I watched the links Randomeroachers sent and it made me rethink how I’ve been writing it. It’s mainly small things but they do somewhat affect the story so I’ll maybe go back and redo it. In the meantime..Lil!Rosehearts similar to Mafuyu Asahina anyone?
In Project Sekai, each group has a virtual world called a sekai, which houses a Miku that fits with the group (I forgot to mention that it’s a rhythm game made by Sega lol). It can be entered through a track called untitled, which has no song to it. The sekai is a visual world representation of how the person feels. Mafuyu’s sekai is called Empty Sekai, which represents how Mafuyu feels: empty and lost.
Mafuyu was conditioned to believing that whatever her parents and others wished for her was the right choice. She was the top of her class, smart, pretty and approachable. Except Mafuyu didn’t exactly want this (she was kinda manipulated into doing it). Her mother did. Mafuyu’s mother constantly told Mafuyu what she should and shouldn’t do, moulding her into a perfect girl. Unfortunately, this caused Mafuyu to lose herself. She doesn’t know who she is, what she likes or what her hobbies are. So she attempts to find herself. How? Through music. She composes songs under the channel ‘OWN’ and found music composed by a girl named Kanade Yoisaki. Mafuyu said that Kanade’s music resonated with her and joins her group Nightcord at 25:00, along with Mizuki Akiyama and Ena Shinonome. These are the events that happened before the main group story.
You can probably see how it fits with lil!rosehearts. An overbearing mother who conditions her children to be nothing less than perfect. Mafuyu!Rosehearts would have learned from Riddles past mistake of playing with Trey and the others and know how to be more careful with hiding their passion for music. Mafuyu even has a breakdown in the main story which could be the basis for an overblot scene😈…
I might be remembering some things wrong but thats the general gist of it. Nightcord is my favourite group out of all of them, and Kanade is my personal favourite. I recommend listening to some of their songs. Some are commissioned but some are covers, so make sure to also listen to the original if you can! I feel like a salesperson trying to convince you to get into Honkai and Pjsekai (is it working).
-🦋 anon.
hehe i've seen a lot of people compare lil rose to mafuyu :))
funny enough i do actually play project sekai :DDD m not too into the story mainly because i got into it because of the rhythm game aspect instead of the story. but i might go back and read the main story sometime :DD
(btw yes yes it is working. been meaning to play honkai but i need to free up some space to play :(( )
anyway, yes yes lil rose and mafuyu def share a lot in common which is,,, unfortunate for them. but it got me thinking about lil rose and idol au and project sekai au things so here's some lil redraws of lil rose as mafuyu :DD
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litaeque · 1 year
Hello! i was wondering if you can write about Mizuki or Kohane? you can write them about their past choices in life or spending some time with friends, as it is obvious to see, Can you write the fiction in fluff? I hope my request made sense :')
Dw it made sense :3
also ty for being the first anon that requested (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Best friends forever!
Mizuki Akiyama × Reader Platonic!
Kohane Azusawa × Reader Platonic!
This might contain slight angst on mizuki (i can't contain myself from adding angst oky..)
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Kohane Azusawa
Being kohane's friend is nice and sometimes a bit awkward! But you dont mind it since she is shy .. but it's not that it bothers you it's just you wish that she would open up to you more-! And when you two got much more close you decided to ask her out for a hangout and luckily she agreed!
You both had a lot of fun, spending time talking stuffs, going to shops, and meeting kohane's friends more likely vbs and akito seemed a bit off while talking to you but you just shrugged it while the others are just at the back of you two staring..
But you did had a lot of fun with them you also found out that kohane and an are partners and seeing kohane turn flustered when an said that to you made you chuckle and when it was turning night you and kohane said goodbye's but before you could walk away you heard her say
"thank you for today [name] i appreciate it a lot.."
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Mizuki Akiyama
Now being friends with mizuki is chaotic and fun! You two met them at the mall while they were on a shopping spree with ena, you've know mizuki for 2 months now you, mizuki, and ena would go shopping almost every weekend if im being honest,
But today is different since ena is busy perfecting her art skills despite you and mizuki's pleas to go shopping with you both (mizuki more likely they just dragged you into making ena accept) but failed miserably...
When you both go to the mall you had an idea and told them about it
"mizuki, let's go hangout together!" "Oh?, Haha that's actually a pretty idea~!"
And that's when the chaos started but you would be lying is you said you weren't having fun, infact you indeed has a lot of fun with them seeing their smile just makes you feel happy and when it was turning night mizuki was upset to say the least because they wanted to spend more time with you screwing around with mizuki's friends akito specifically you two met before while visiting ena, watching mizuki doxxing peoples (you don't even know how they know to doxx people), shopping, and more
As you two were about to go mizuki suddenly hugged you tightly as mizuki mumbled something you couldn't hear as they shed in tears and you tried to comfort them
"thank you for being with me.. it's been so long since ive felt this way..."
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nebjamin · 11 months
I finished Yakuza 5 about a week ago and now I’m going through the OST. I have a few thoughts:
- Akiyama and Shinada’s battle themes are great, but Kiryu and Saejima’s battle themes just kind of blend together in my head.
- Victory Road definitely encapsulates the excitement of FINALLY getting a victory road challenger after 50 random street punk fights
- I really like the variety of boss themes for unremarkable bosses, like those Yamagasa punks at the hostess club in Kiryu’s segment. It keeps the miniboss fights exciting.
- Dynamic & Magnificent is great. That’s all, I just like it.
- I believe in you is great but it would have had more of an impact if it weren’t played so many times. Seriously though, why did nearly every protagonist have a Baba fight?
- I wish we got to hear more of endless fight during the long battles before it cut to Nuisances as soon as enemies appeared.
- The Kiryu/Saejima long battle themes were a major part of making yet another Kamurocho Hills long battle exciting.
- Receive and Slash You is peak Majima music.
- It’s a shame that Watase and Katsuya didn’t get unique boss themes but Collisions of Our Souls is good enough to make up for it.
- It would have been nice to hear a Receive You variation for the Kiryu/Saejima fight. I’m not a huge fan of the maximum ill luck.
- RGG definitely gave the side story themes their all, and it shows.
- So Much More is the best Haruka song and it will never get old… unless it’s the middle of the finale and I just want to get to the boss fight already.
- Whoever decided that Daigo’s theme shouldn’t be in the OST deserves to be punished for their crimes against humanity. Seriously, do yourself a favor and just listen to one of the best boss themes in a series known for its amazing boss themes.
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