#Whizbang the dragon
Tagged by @amalthea9 thank you sweetheart💖
My 7 comfort movies are
Dead Poets Society
Forrest Gump
Back to the Future all 3 movies
The Shawshank Redemption
Truman Show
Lord Of The Rings trilogy
Dreams ( 1990 Kurosawa)
tagging @edscozyblanketfort @neverswungonswingingstars @eames-with-two-roses @the-20th-century-girl @sherlockig @a4chocolate @parnagfegg @lilac-paeonia @9leaguesofmirrors @haras24 @gavetheflamingswordaway @whizbang-cap @paulinewoodall @lapis-lazuliie @coiled-dragon @cryingfortheday @vaexathear @ailendolin @mandycantdecide @its-all-ineffable and everyone who wants to do it no pressure
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
((I tried my best to recreate my persona in the game so y’all just gotta deal with it now))
((What I would give for this to be recreated. Maybe I’ll redraw it. Who do I gotta cash app to make this a reality for me? I love this photo so much))
“Alright, That’s two orders of Sky Divers Snack Boxes. A case of Bruise Be Gone Puddy. A box of WhizBangs, Halloween Special. A jar of Canary Eggs. Yep Pgymy Puffs, one Yellow and one Orange. A bundle of Self Writing Quills. A reusable Hang Man. A dozen bottles of Broken Bone Broth. Ten orders of Nose Biting Teacups. A bottle of Day Dream Charm. A refill on your order of Crush Blush. A Box ‘O’ Rockets. Unlucky Dip. Weather In A Bottle, Snow Storm Sunday. Dung Bombs, and of course Weasleys’ Dragon Roasted Nuts. Fresh from Romanian, and ethnically sourced you know! The Chinese Fireball Ones are my favorite. Is that everything? Hm? Dark Mark? Sure thing. We have them in many flavors. Any sour you can think of! What was that? Sour….Sour Dirigible Plum? Honey-! Do we have Dirigible Plum?! Why am I shouting when he’s right next to me? He’s missing a ear, darling. Hm? No…..Wasn’t from a fire work accident……He much rather not talk about it. Be lucky he didn’t hear you ask that. Now do you want your shit, or not? Merlin give me strength this holiday season…..”
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saffronaura · 4 years
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Played fer.al, tried customizing the current dragon avatar into my toon dragon Whizbang. Worth a shot. XD
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follyfivetoon-au · 6 years
Folly Five AU - Little Black Riding Devil
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Short fanfic on one of Bendy and Whizbang's misadventures in the Folly Five AU. Whizbang the Dragon © me Wolf © Disney Bendy, Bendy and the Ink Machine © theMeatly, MikeMood Folly Five Toon AU © me and @the-vampire-inside-me Cover art © the-vampire-inside-me
It had only a few minutes since Whizbang left Bendy alone in the wilderness to take care of something nearby. And already the little devil found himself in trouble.   Bendy immediately broke into the run as soon as he spotted the black Wolf charging right for him out of the surrounding woods. The scary carnivore had been lurking around in the woods looking for any unfortunate victim to prey upon and he waited for the right moment to begin his hunt on Bendy. As he ran for his life, Bendy attempted to at least scare or discourage the hungry Wolf with a small roar, displaying a set of sharp teeth. But the Wolf returned with a roar more ferocious than Bendy's, scaring the little demon into increasing his sprint. Eventually Bendy was cornered, pressing himself against a tree as the Wolf advanced closer and closer with salivating jaws. Just when it seemed Bendy was about to become wolf food, the little devil saw a shadow. That majestic shadow - swooping in with a vicious snarl and tackle the wolf away from Bendy. There was a scuffle of claws and teeth right after, as Bendy's friend Whizbang and the Wolf began clashing with each other.
Still positioned against the tree, Bendy stared at the brawl with awe; the moving shadows of both his dragon friend and the Wolf playing about Bendy's form and the surrounding foliage. There was a sharp yelp, either coming from Whizbang or the Wolf. Bendy winced with fright, covering his eyes with his hands but peeks one eye out to continue watching the brawl. Soon the Wolf was sent reeling back by his draconic opponent, scrambling to his feet to bolt away. But the young dragon Whizbang pursued the Wolf through the open plain, growling and roaring as he did. Although he was battered when Wolf landed a few blows and bites on him, the young dragon still had enough energy to continue fighting and he wasn't done with the Wolf just yet.  Seeing the Wolf fleeing, Bendy couldn't help but follow the chase eagerly, cheering Whizbang on with a big grin on his face. "Get 'em, Whiz! Roast 'im up!" He exclaimed, excited in seeing the Wolf, the animal toon that was about to eat Bendy, getting his tail whooped by a young dragon. Whizbang, as soon as he got close, blew a small blast of fire to the Wolf's rear, causing the carnivore to howl loudly in pain and scamper off faster back into the depths of the forest with a trail of smoke behind him. The young dragon slowed to a stop, seeing the off Wolf, satisfied with his victory. Bendy stood beside the battered dragon, looking to where the Wolf disappeared before turning to Whizbang, "Thanks, Whiz. I thought for sure I was gonna be dog food..." Whizbang glanced down at Bendy with a smirk, "Eh, no big deal... Gotta take care of my little bait, right?" He turned and began walking back towards the direction of Toon Town. "That's right, yer nothing without me." Bendy responded proudly, closing his eyes at the thought, "........" And that's when he realized. 'Bait'?? The little devil turned back at the fleeting Whizbang with a look of shock and outrage, "WAIT A MINUTE!!"
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inkyheartsaskblog · 6 years
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Tico meets Whizbang the dragon while visiting ToonTown.
first attempt at drawing Whizbang in my inkyhearts style.
Btw for those who didn’t know yes Tico can switch from standing on two legs to all fours sometimes, being parts of different animals his posture can differ from time to time.
Tico the Bandizingo belongs to me
Whizbang the dragon belongs to @saffronaura
hope you like.
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ginnyicyidragon · 6 years
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BatIM AU OCs - Mason's Bonding Moments With Whizbang Inspire by an adorable small event on a rp. Something I had wanted to do and to show the relationships of Whizbang and Mason (Molting Raven's official name; yes he was name after his creator). Despite Whizbang being an animal toon and sort of anti-social, he happens to get along with Mason Raven, who can understands animals languages, and as time passed by, the two are close like brothers, along with Bendy the Dancing Demon. And of course, Whizbang has reputation and wants to his soft side hidden, acting like a tough (teen) dragon while only showing it to children. However, he does shows it to Mason after time pass by and Mason does his best to keep it a secret for the dragon's sake. Of course, after a long day from working on an episode, Whizbang sometimes relax with Mason at the park or at Mason's house. Being an animal toon, Whizbang would curl up near the raven and Mason, who couldn't resist, pets the dragon and sometimes scratches behind Whizbang's ear... Who has suddenly purr like cat X3 (Shh! Don't tell the others or you'll get burnt into a crisp) PS. I have forgotten Mason's vest... Let's just pretend he takes it off when he's at home. Bendy and the Ink Machine belongs to theMeatly Whizbang belongs to @saffronaura Mason Raven, Art belongs to me
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animal-guardian · 7 years
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Alright! So this is a new toon character I made for a Rp I'm doing with @saffronaura and since she is using Whizbang the dragon I created a monk unicorn named Zin! XD I had a ton of fun making him! Im still working on his history because I'm unsure where to place him at the moment. Whizbang the dragon (c) @saffronaura Zin the unicorn monk (c) @animal-guardian Please don't steal art or characters
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Had an idea for a fic I’m never going to write. So Empires SMP has a bad ending for the rulers, and Gem and Pearl decide to move on without their memories and end up in Hermitcraft. They’re at peace but weighed down by something they don’t know. And then Gem sees Fwip. Maximum angst potential of either her remembering everything right then or remembering nothing and Fwip trying to convince her they know each other. “Do I know you?”’s are always heartbreaking
You did this to me. XD
Disclaimers: I don't know how to write fWhip yet, so he's prolly at least a little OCC. Also, we're gonna pretend that timelines are ours to do as we please with, and say that Empires has ended several months prior to MCC17. Just. Because. Wibbly-wobbly.
Anyway here, have some Whizbang sibs content. :D
Sometimes it was little things. Sometimes the little things didn’t feel so… little.
Like when Gem held the Tegg in her hands, the void-dark shell rough and cold under her fingers, and was unsettled by how… lifeless it felt. It would hatch if put in the right circumstances, she knew, the egg wasn’t dead. But something in her heart quickened with undefined panic at the idea that it might not hatch, and something else… mourned? That she couldn’t feel the life inside?
She shook her head and set the egg down with hands that only trembled a little.
She knew why these phantom feelings were chasing her heart, she just didn’t know what lay underneath that foggy surface of hidden memories.
And she didn’t want to.
They’d agreed.
So she hid the Tegg, and she laughed when it was found, and the idea that there ought to be anything more to a dragon’s egg slowly faded into the back of her mind, gathering dust on the shelves of other forgotten things.
Sometimes it was the big things. Things that shouldn’t have seemed so inconsequential.
Like when she fell while mining and died with her items scattered across the bottom of a ravine, and she woke with a gasp in her own bed.
And when it happened again, on a day when she missed seeing a creeper until too late. And again, falling from the top of her build. And death just… didn’t matter much. Or enough. Or at all. It felt like it should matter, somehow — she knew it didn’t, she knew respawn was waiting, she knew there were no real consequences in this world for death.
And yet on some level each respawn felt like a failure. Her bones ached with the sense that she’d missed something, some detail that would have saved them all—
But they didn’t need saving. The hermits were fine. It was fine. This wasn’t a defeat, or a loss, or a reason for an ally to potentially lose something as well, or for an enemy to claim victory over you. There were no enemies here. No allies, either, really. They were all friends.
It was fine.
And with each respawn, it hurt a little less, and felt a little bit more like freedom.
The MCC lobby was brilliantly-colored and smelled of junk food, hot concrete, and salty wind from the sea that swirled somewhere miles below them. fWhip took in a deep breath and his face split into a grin — a grin that had been a little… lacking, recently. He’d done a lot to distance himself from the darkness they’d fled, but…
Well. A day playing insane games with friends and strangers alike would be just the thing. A much-needed break.
He paced back and forth just inside the main gates, watching the other competitors bounce around and shout back and forth — insults, greetings, questions, challenges — it was a cacophony of noise and color, and its sandpaper-rough edges of chaos smoothed away another layer of the angry burrs in his mind.
He caught a glimpse of something bright green through the crowd, and stood on tiptoe to see — yes! Another one of his teammates, finally heading over to their agreed meeting point. He lost them in the crowd for a moment, but then saw the ginger hair (so much like his own) and a smiling face beneath small, dainty antlers.
He didn’t expect the dagger of pain that went through him at the sight of her face, nor that the way her eyes lit up when she spotted him would sooth away some of that same pain.
“Gem!” he shouted. “Hey — over here!”
She waved, and dodged a gaggle of cyan- and red-clad players shoving each other goodnaturedly across the courtyard.
“Hey, fWhip!” she called as she neared him. She looked… happy, he thought. He didn’t see the shadows under her eyes that he’d expected, and she was freckled and tanned instead of the pale, cloaked figure he remembered.
“Hermitcraft’s been good to you,” he said, grabbing her in a one-armed shoulder hug.
To his surprise, she tensed a little — as if surprised — before returning the hug.
“Yeah, yeah,” she agreed. “The hermits are great.” Then, stepping back, she tilted her head at him. “So — long time, no see. What’ve you been up to?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the bright-red concrete wall. “Oh. You know. Lots of building, some exploring… been thinkin’ about checking out one of those new snapshots people are talking about.” He examined her. “You, ah… heard from any of the others lately?”
Something like a shadow chased across her face, but Gem gave him a slightly confused smile. “The others?”
“Scott, or Sausage, or Katherine…” There was no comprehension in her expression, and fWhip’s heart constricted. “I mean, you haven’t even messaged me in months.”
“I… I didn’t realize I should have…?” Gem crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing at her upper arm as if she’d gotten a chill. “I mean, we haven’t chatted much since XLife — I was glad to see a familiar face for my first MCC, but it’s not like we’re… ya know. Besties or anything — no offense, of course.”
If she’d tossed him off the edge of the lobby island into the void, it might have shocked him less.
“Gem, I—” he shook his head. “You were my… I was your brother? I know that’s not the same as ‘besties’ but… that kinda hurts, I won’t lie.”
Now she did go pale. And still.
“I…” she stopped, her voice dying away amidst the chaos. “fWhip, I don’t… know what you’re talking about.”
fWhip froze. “You what?” He stepped forward and gripped her by the shoulders. “Gem, are you okay? Did they — did the hermits do something to you?”
“What? No — don’t be ridiculous.” She tugged out of his grasp but didn’t move away. “The hermits are amazing and would never do anything to hurt me. Not like—” Gem’s eyes snapped up to lock on his, and she frowned, distressed. “fWhip… what’s going on?”
She’d forgotten. He didn’t know how — repressing the trauma? Magic? Knowing Gem, it was probably the latter… because of the former.
“We — Empires,” he said, fumbling for words. “You and I were allies. Siblings, even. And there was a demon, and the dragon egg—”
Gem grabbed his arm. “The egg!” she exclaimed. “I knew there was something—”
He could see the moment she remembered. And then the moment she chose not to.
“There’s something sad there,” she said, her voice nearly lost in the noise of the crowd. Her gaze flicked back and forth between his eyes, pleading. “Something… lost. And I don’t want to be lost, fWhip.”
He started to argue with her, and then paused.
What good did remembering do any of them? What good had it done him? What was the point of the sleepless nights, wondering what he could have done differently? The nightmares where he relived every mistake and had to watch their failures and defeat over and over again? The fact that he still shied away from shadows, and that the MCC world was the safest he’d felt in months?
“No,” he said slowly, even though it felt like he was letting a piece of himself slip away. He’d missed having a sister. But what were brothers for, if not for things like this? “No, you don’t need to be lost, Gem. If you ever want to come back, I’ll be here but… it’s okay if it’s not today. Or—” he swallowed, but pushed the words out anyway. “Or ever.”
A glint of something that could have been gratitude or could have been a tear glittered in her gaze for just a moment — and then there were other voices, and the boisterous greeting of Jimmy and Quig, and they stepped apart, each plastering a grin on their faces to welcome their teammates.
fWhip couldn’t help but glance at Gem as she greeted Jimmy, but there was no recognition of the Codfather on her face, and Jimmy, he knew, was content to let the past lie. It didn’t take away the sting of loss — or the slight bitterness that tanged in the back of his throat, that Gem could forget and move on, and he… he couldn’t. Not yet.
But she seemed happy. Wasn’t that enough?
It could be. For now. For today.
A voice over the PA system urged them to head into the starting area, and fWhip followed his team up the path, merging with the other players. He almost didn’t notice Gem slipping her hand into his, until she squeezed it gently.
He looked down at her, and she offered him a smile.
“We’ll talk later, maybe?” she said.
It was a start.
“Sure,” he said. “But first, we gotta win this thing. Grab you a win for your first MCC, right?”
Gem laughed. “Sure, wFhip,” she said. “Sure.”
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pansydaisy · 4 years
this or that tag game
i was bored so i searched for a tag game that intrested me and i found these, each section was a different post but i decided to put it all together here rather than do this three different times. obviously i wasn’t tagged for this, and credit belongs to original creators of such this or that tag games
rules: pretty much bold your answer (what applies to you) and tag whoever you want
coffee or tea / early bird or night owl / chocolate or vanilla / spring or fall / silver or gold / pop or alternative / freckles or dimples / snakes or sharks / mountains or fields / thunderstorm or lightning / egyptian mythology and greek mythology / ivory or scarlet / flute or lyre / eyes or lips / witch or fairy / opal or diamond / butterflies or honeybees / macarons or eclairs / typewritten or handwritten / secret garden or secret library / rooftop or balcony / spicy or mild / opera or ballet / london or paris / vincent van gogh or claude monet / denim or leather / potions or spells / ocean or desert / mermaid or siren / masquerade ball or cocktail party 
honey and lemon or milk and sugar / musicals or plays / lemonade or iced tea / strawberries or raspberries / winter or summer / beaches or forests / diners or cafés / unicorns or dragons / hummingbirds or owls / fireworks or sparklers / brunch or happy hour / sweet or sour / rome or amsterdam / classic or modern art / sushi or ramen / sun or moon / polka dots or stripes / macarons or croissants / glitter or matte / aquariums or planetariums / road trip or camping trip / colouring books or watercolour / fairy lights or candles
wind or rain / closed curtains or open window / banana bread or cheesecake / tulips or roses / hillside cottage or city apartment / warm or cool / book or video game / organized bullet journal or cluttered sketchbook / smoothie or milkshake / sunshine or moonlight / relaxing or productivity / holding hands or back hugs / sunset at the beach or stargazing in a field / poetry or prose / candle or diffuser / longing for the past or longing for the future / vocals or instrumentals / snowy mountain or rolling green hills
tagging @hufflepuffgirly @whizbangs-78 @witch-and-a-half and whoever else would like to do this
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2023 Character Wrap
Share your top ten characters of this year
Tagged by the lovely and huge talented @the-20th-century-girl thanks dear❤️
Furfur - Good Omens series
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An obsession for a character and actor that came out of nowhere and i didn't even asked for it😂i was so in love with Aziraphale even before season 2 was out and then this little demon showed up and change everything, i tried to fight back this obsession for him at first "who is that character?"i remember asking myself and why i feel so attracted to him?( You already love Aziraphale you don't need another good omens distraction i replied to myself 😂)" but i could see also the actor behind the character and that actor got me more than intrigued,i needed to know everything about him.The rest is history for me but i am glad i answered the call of my heart
All Reece Shearsmith characters in The League Of Gentlemen,Inside no 9, Psychoville and every other project he's been in and i had the chance to discover and watch it
(please be patient of me i am head over the heels for that man so of course i will add here all his characters 😂)
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Choosing an Ollie gif though because he honestly deserves the world
Aziraphale - Good Omens series
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Even from the start of this year February i think i was so excited we would have season 2 of Good Omens in summer and i was waiting to see my beloved Aziraphale again,i have an undying crush on Michael Sheen since 2019 and good omens s2 restored that flame to the fullest😂
Renfield - Renfield movie 2023
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I am sorry i am not so active now in the Renfield fandom but i still love Renfield and Nicholas Hoult with all my heart
Stede Bonnet - Our Flag Means Death
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Stede Bonnet is my sunshine,my sweet baby my fave from Our Flag Means Death but he also evolved so much this season i am so proud of him
Izzy Hands - Our Flag Means Death
Tbh i didn't like Izzy Hands in first season as much as i do now but oh god he had the best character development this season, i love him so much😭
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Spock and Christine Chapel- Star Trek Strange New Words
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Choosing both of them because their chemistry and arc this season was everything to me and was the main reason i got back watching the second season of Strange New Worlds
Dale Jennings - The Newsreader series
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Still in my heart always in my heart,i love Lestat too but Dale is the sweet bi disaster of my heart, Sam is so precious as Dale i can't hardly resist
Tim Laughlin - The Fellow Travelers series
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I already had a crush on Jonathan Bailey when Bridgerton first aired but in Fellow Travelers he looks so different,hotter? and so cute i love Tim so much
Ouroboros- Loki series season 2
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I will never stop loving Loki and Mobius as characters but Ouroboros was for me the highlight of S2,there were lots of moments where Ke Huy Quan was stealing the scene with his quirk,nerdy sweet funny persona as Ouroboros it would a crime not to love a character like this one
Tagging some lovely mutuals @edscozyblanketfort @neverswungonswingingstars @eames-with-two-roses @almost-born-in-1893 @a4chocolate @amalthea9 @whizbang-cap @gavetheflamingswordaway @lilac-paeonia @parnagfegg @haras24 @9leaguesofmirrors @ollieplimsollsgf @lapis-lazuliie @sherlockig @merry-andrews @coiled-dragon @mandycantdecide @its-all-ineffable and everyone who wants to do it
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I was tagged by the wonderful @theboywhocriedlupin
Rules: answer the 21 questions then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: none but if y'all want to give me one I don't mind
Height: 5' even yup I'm shorter then a short stack at Denny's
Last movie I saw: deadpool
Last thing I googled: anti- valentine's day memes
Favorite musician: rajiv dhall i follow him on ig he just posted this cute story of him
Song stuck in head: demons by imagine dragons
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks: very little
Following: 371
Amount of sleep: 5-9 hours
Lucky numbers: 22 16 13 95 77 3
What I am wearing: um um ya let's just say I live in AZ and it's hot hear so I don't have much on
Dream trip: Germany Japan and London even tho the London bridge is 1 hour away from me
Favorite songs: too many my kinda night by Luke Bryan is one but there are so many
Random fact: I watch the hallmark channel too much for my own good
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: books, the color blue, candles, legos, art and crafts supplies, note books, colorful pens,
Tagging @hiseu @georgeweasleyx @georgeweasleysgirl @weasleyimaginewheezes @harrypotter-and-the-onering @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @wildfire-whizbangs @hermione-who @writingwitchly @book-boys-are-my-guilty-pleasure @denisemetzger @thoseofgreatambition @nosebleednougats @siriuslyimmoony @yourslytherinprincess @swellwriting @snarledblack @majorjasperhaletrash @pack-runt @panlight @uriahs-muffins
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saffronaura · 4 years
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Slightly older baby Whizbang getting into the holiday spirit. He got a santa hat on and was given a sweet candy cane to munch on. He seems to like the Christmas holidays. Provided it means his Momma (India) giving him more sweets. :3
Lampblack City, India (Momma) © @lampblackcity
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follyfivetoon-au · 7 years
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Illustration by @the-vampire-inside-me, with her cute version of Henry. :3
In the Folly Five Toon AU, Bendy gets Whizbang the Dragon to meet with one his creators, Henry, at Joey Drew Studios. And surprisingly the meeting goes well as Bendy had hoped.
Whizbang isn't used to meeting other humans, since the other people he's comfortable with is his creator, William Thatch, and the Rushflow Productions staff. Being a full animal toon, Whizbang can sense Henry's good nature and noticed that it's similar to his own creator. Because of it, the young dragon takes a liking to Henry. :)
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PLAYLIST/MOODBOARD FOR @wildfire-whizbangs​ / @haipiranha
so if i scroll back i'm fairly sure that henrietta is one of the first blogs i've followed on here. i'm so glad that i did. you would be challenged to find someone like henrietta who is both funny, kind and nurturing. i'd dare say that you could not do so. her blogs are fun and filled with wonderful content. it makes every moment worthwhile.
the playlist can be found here. 
i. gravity, eden ii. little bird, ed sheeran iii. whatever it takes, imagine dragons 
iv. little secrets, passion pit v. iron, woodkid 
vi. don't threaten me with a good time, panic!at the disco
wanna enter my event? click here 
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ginnyicyidragon · 7 years
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BatIM OCs - Molting Raven & Whizbang AS BABIES?!
Digital and color one of the sketches.
Base on the RP of Bendy and the Ink Machine AU that me and @saffronaura are doing with our OCs in it.
Anyway, this is when and base on the upcoming Chapter 3 of BatIM. Whizbang has suddenly turn back into his baby dragon self by ‘Bendy’ and then after being save by Alice Angel, he is shock to see Molting Raven as a baby as well after pulling the sheet off. Molting Raven was also shock, but more in terror after encountering ‘Bendy’ and had almost had a near-death experience. 
Bendy and the Ink Machine belongs to theMeatly Whizbang the Dragon belongs to @saffronaura Molting Raven, Art belongs to me
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forzalando · 6 years
tagged questions
i was tagged by @elfenbensord (thank you love!) and i am tagging @hermione-who, @thephelpstwins, @siriusoricns, @wildfire-whizbangs, @yourslytherinprincess, and @thoseofgreatambition
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions (hahaha nope just some friends)
1. coke or pepsi: coke 2. disney or dreamworks: DISNEY 3. coffee or tea: tea tea tea tea tea 4. books or movies: i love both 5. windows or mac: mac 6. dc or marvel: M A R V E L 7. x-box or playstation: I never play videogames but I guess xbox 8. dragon age or mass effect: huh? 9. night owl or early riser: night owl omfg it pains me to get up before 11am 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ?????? huh ??????? 14. fluff or angst: all of it. give me everything. 15. beach or forest: beach 16. dogs or cats: doggos but i also love cats 17. clear skies or rain: rain 18. cooking or eating out: eating out, i cant cook for shit. but my MOM, if she’s cooking, i wanna eat at home!!!!  19. spicy food or mild food: mild unless it’s buffalo wings 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas/julafton: Christmas omfg 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: im always hot ;) haha jk a little cold 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: mind control 23. animation or live action: both but i prefer live action 24. paragon or renegade: HUH 25. baths or showers: showers usually but I do enjoy the occasional bath 26. team cap or team ironman: team cap ALL THE WAY 27: fantasy or sci-fi: omfg I can’t choose AHHHHH i guess fantasy bc i love princesses and all that fun stuff 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. – Walt Disney
How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours. – Wayne Dyer
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson
29. netflix or youtube: depends on what I feel like watching (makeup tutorials or my shows lmao) 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson:  Harry Potter (but I was obsessed with PJ for a LONG time) 31. when you feel accomplished: when I do something to the best of my ability no matter the outcome 32. star wars or star trek: STAR. WARS. never seen Star Trek. 33. paperback or hardback: paperback 100% 34. horror or rom-com: I love both 35. tv shows or movies: ^same as previous answer 36. spotify or pandora: Spotify who tf listens to pandora 37. zootopia or inside out: oh god oh god uhhhh ZOOTOPIA 38. favourite book: You – Caroline Kepnes, Hidden Bodies – Caroline Kepnes, Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White, The Things They Carried – Tim O’Brien, anything J.K. Rowling has written, including the works under her pen name Robert Galbraith, Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, omfg i love so many books 39. favourite flower: tulips, roses, and peonies 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): marketing with a minor in communications 41. song lyric you really love?: this question is impossible for me to answer 42. what’s your MBTI type?: ENFP! 43. fave movie: Dead Poets Society, Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather, Schindler’s List, Airplane!, Trading Places, The Princess Bride, all of the Narnia movies lmao, ALL MARVEL MOVIES 44. favourite tv show(s): Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Law and Order: SVU 45. what fictional world is your favourite?: harry potter, narnia 46. favourite mythological figure?: Apollo 47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character?: remus lupin, Indiana jones, Sherlock holmes, steve rogers, bucky barnes, the Winchester brothers 48. if you could spend an entire day with a weasley, who would you pick? George Weasley :)) ;)) 49. what is your favorite obsession?: music 50: which era would you like to time travel to?: the future   (my question) 51. favorite dessert?
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