#Whirl poking Starscream with a stick
polyhexianchicken · 1 year
Aw, are you a little miffed you have to give so much affection and not recieving half has much?
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 4: Rung is the Most Dangerous Man Alive
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There are so MANY of you.
So, when last we left off, the Lost Light had VOMPFed into a massive body of water, or at least something water adjacent, and was surrounded by guys. Let’s see how this plays out.
Ultra Magnus is dubious about this whole “being completely surrounded by tiny little dudes” thing, but Mainframe’s got a pretty good read on the situation, given that he’s the one actually looking at the screen for the radar. Off in the background, Brainstorm and Perceptor discuss the structural intent of the Lost Light. Perceptor alludes to the fact that there’s more than one way to be alive as a giant space robot, introducing the term “warm-wired”, which I don’t recall ever being addressed after this issue.
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Er, well, no, they’re not actually, Magnus, they’re Ammonites. Way to stereotype, dude.
For this issue’s tie-in toy, Hasbro chose the Mini-Con Centuritron. Only problem with that was that Centuritron wasn’t at all established within the IDW universe. Mini-Cons also hadn’t been established, at least not in name. There were little guys running around, but they weren’t Mini-Cons. So, what to do?
In the proper tie-in issue publication- not the issue that was sold in comic shops- certain lines of dialogue were changed to help establish that Mini-Cons were a thing, by calling the Ammonites Mini-Cons. In the standalone issue, the terms are used interchangeably, mainly because none of the folks in the lime-light this issue went to the bar on Hedonia where we met the Ammonites.
So where did these little buggers come from? Perceptor has a theory, which he shouts with so much vim and vigor he briefly turns the world around him into an anime background.
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There you go, shippers. There’s where the name comes from. Hope it was worth the last 82 pages.
Anyway, Ultra Magnus decides that he’s going to talk to these guys. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
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And that’s a series wrap on the crew of the Lost Light! Let’s give them a hand, folks!
Over on Cybertron, that awful black dusting thing is still going on, so much so that the sky has been blacked out like there’s a major forest fire going. Things are looking rough for ol’ Starscream; even Scoop, the nicest man to ever friggin’ live, is a bit cross with him.
Scoop makes this known by heading a mob to yell at Starscream, pointing out that he’s got a big ugly black mark slapped on his chest, a mark that means he’s obviously going to bring about the end of days. Rattrap attempts to protect Starscream from these harsh words, promising that they’ll figure this thing out. Whether or not Starscream will get to keep his crown after today remains to be seen.
Back on the Lost Light, Roche’s lines have left and been replaced by event-standard artist Raiz, as the hole blasted in the ship hemorrhages water on all our beloved friends.
Skids enters the narrative to fill Magnus in on what exactly they’re facing, and Getaway predicts a pun. Magnus decides that it’s time for recess, because they’ll be going outside for this fight.
Of course, if you’re going to go underwater for a battle, you’re going to need some ability to be evasive. None of these guys turn into submarines or ships though. What to do?
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Meet Rodimus’ midlife-crisis within his midlife-crisis, the Rodpod. It’s garish, silly, and very round. Nobody’s terribly impressed with it, but it’s what we’ve got.
Smashcut to everyone outside- Atomizer is firing off arrows somehow, someone let Swerve have a gun that wasn’t his My First Blaster, and Rung has a fucking stick.
In the Rodpod, Skids, Whirl, Ultra Magnus, Perceptor, Brainstorm, and Getaway for some reason, are packed in like sardines. We’re really pushing Getaway in this, aren’t we? Their job will be to protect the fuel quills of the ship- those red spiky doohickeys sitting on top of the roof.
Y’all ready to see Rung get scary?
Rung dodges the fist of an Ammonite with a deftness usually reserved for people who aren’t skinny little nerds, spouting off his character stats as he hands this guy his own ass. With a fucking stick.
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I want you to imagine a chorus of 50 air horns going off right here. Clearly he is a force of nature not to be reckoned with.
Then the moment passes and he gets bodychecked. Also, he’s got bushy-ass people eyebrows in this. Make of that what you will.
The Ammonites begin combining, becoming larger and larger until they’re bigger than the ship, only for Whirl to blast a hole in them and pass right on through.
Over in the Dead Universe, things aren’t looking so hot, and it’s not for the reason you might think. See, Rodimus and Hardhead have decided to have a go at it, Hardhead poking at the fact that Rodimus just up and left Cybertron for everyone else to clean up, while he went on a space-cruise. Rodimus reminds everyone of the Remain in Light arc, then claims that if needed, he’d come back to Cybertron to take things over, but somehow I feel as if his heart isn’t exactly in that promise. Cyclonus looms in the background, looking like a night demon. He doesn’t contribute to the conversation, but it’s nice to know he’s still here with us.
The conversation gets turned around to the Primes, and how the last several really sort of sucked. When Cyclonus is asked about his opinion on the matter, it’s revealed that he’s fucking dying. So we’re going to have to deal with that. Also, Nightbeat’s here now. No idea how he got ahead of the group, considering he doesn’t seem to have a ship.
Back on Cybertron, over with the Titan, folks are slowly disintegrating. Frenzy looks absolutely terrible. Nobody’s really sure what to do. Ravage wants to fight a guy 800 times his size. Soundwave hears screaming with his special powers. Down in Crystal City, Megatron is the one screaming, as Shockwave pokes at him with something that’s probably medical equipment, but looks like a wrench and a paring knife hooked up to a car battery. Shockwave is still willing to give Megatron a seat at his weird logic table, but Megatron don’t want that shit. Metalhawk is also here, which is nice, I guess. Shockwave lets Megatron know that Nova Prime and Galvatron are still alive. Megatron tries to appeal to Shockwave over the fact that he’s important, but Shockwave has some bad news for old Megsy:
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Then he hits a switch and activates the space bridge in Megatron’s chest, and robots start bursting out of his chest as he screams in anguish.
…Roberts wrote this scene, didn’t he?
Back at the Rodpod, the fellas are getting chased by the Ammonites, looking like a giant ammonite themselves. Using evasive maneuvers, they dive into an abyss. Only, it’s not an abyss.
It’s Metroplex’s eye hole.
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spockandawe · 7 years
Top 5 reasons you like Windblade and Top 5 reasons you like Windscream (maybe Top 5 Transformers Pitch ship if you like but if not it ok)
OOOOH, all excellent questions!!!
Top 5 reasons I like Windblade
She doesn’t have the war background to give her societal context, just like Tailgate and Nautica don’t, but she’s so fascinating, because she’s put herself right in the middle of a political minefield
AND she went into this hornet’s nest (and stayed there, almost completely alone) because she thought it was the right thing to do
Plus oh my goodness the whole thing with not wanting to depose Starscream and trying to work with him, even while disagreeing him on a philosophical level? And even while he’s being… Starscream? It’s so rare to see a character in here who willingly dives into that kind of compromise instead of having to be fenced into it, and her doing this with Starscream despite how difficult he makes it, just. I love her so much.
Ahhhhh, that balance of idealism (and the sort of construction-focused ambition that goes with her flavor of idealism) against the way people keep trying to tie her down or cage her, and how she manages to hold onto her ideals even while the world is beating on her. I’d say ‘that moment in TAAO 12′, but… everything in TAAO 12. From saving Starscream to helping forge him fresh to what she says to vigilem about the spark burning away ‘everything that isn’t true’ (that’s so conditional, I choose to believe he isn’t 100% gone. brain ghost titans are too good to waste).
And she’s so good. She’s so persistently kind and sweet, and she’s so naturally caring, but without it devolving into any sort of boring caretaker stereotype. She’s just so good-hearted and I adore her. I don’t know if I could dislike her.
(frivolous sixth reason: she is gorgeous)
Top 5 reasons I like windscream
Let’s lead off with that frivolous sixth reason this time: they are two gorgeous mechs who look gorgeous together, and even have complementary color schemes. It’s meant to be (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Also, FEMDOM.
Then, let’s see. The way they disagree very strongly on like… the fundamentals of how to approach a task. Politics is the easy one, but tbh… almost any task. They often share end goals, but so much about them is so incredibly different, and it makes for an electric dynamic. They constantly disagree, but they orbit each other so naturally. I write mostly Windblade POV, but they’ve both got this massive undercurrent of fascination with the other one that neither of them wants to admit to themselves or out loud (windblade’s a little more willing, just because she doesn’t see attachment as a vulnerability the way starscream does).
She’s so young and innocent and inexperienced (even though she’s gaining experience very quickly), and he’s older than the war and incredibly cynical/paranoid/burned out. Neither of those positions are sustainable. But if it makes sense, like… it’s hard to see the weak spots in your OWN position, it’s easier to see them for other people. They’re perfect complements for each other, once they manage to actually listen. In a political sense, but also on a more personal, emotional level.
She doesn’t have that war background that most of the cast has. So many people have so many reasons not to trust/like Starscream. Which is, y’know. Justified. From both sides. And even if he’s genuinely trying to build something of himself PAST the war now, there are really not many people who will give him a fair shake. Windblade isn’t totally ignorant of his history or anything, I’m sure, but not living it herself makes it a little easier to look at Starscream and trust him to not be that same person with those same priorities.
They are both so petty and ridiculous when they’re annoyed, oh my goodness. I don’t know what it is, but these two, just. It flows so naturally. They’re both competent adults doing difficult jobs and doing them pretty well, but stick them together and they’re acting about as mature as middle schoolers trying to provoke each other. It’s fun on its own, but it feels even nicer because 1) Starscream isn’t having his sharp edges filed off, but 2) having all the sharp edges be pointed in this ridiculous, petty direction takes so much genuine venom out of the thing, and makes some space for him to Do An Emotion (and to get somewhere without shooting himself twenty million times in the foot) (nobody does self-sabotage like starscream)
But then, that goodness I mentioned for Windblade up above? If I balance them right, she doesn’t take unjustified shit from him. She works loyally with him as a team, while also arguing the points she disagrees with. She feels lots of sympathy for what she can see of his current emotional state and the bits and pieces of what she gradually learns about his megatron-specific past. But she can do that without turning him into some broken bird she wants to heal. She’s going to be all bristly and protective over anyone who poses a threat, and she’ll try to prod him into eating more or going out for a flight, but she’s not going to flutter and simper over him either. And Starscream has someone who isn’t afraid to fite him, but doesn’t want to do him harm either, and who isn’t drastically changing their everything out of ~pity~ for him. It means a lot to him (secretly) that someone would ever EVER put themself in harm’s way to protect him, but oh my god you idiot you are a baby and have never been in a real fight, YOU get behind ME. The push-pull between them, I just… it makes me sigh the happiest sigh ever
And my top 5 pitch transformers ships! Oh man, this is going to be interesting to break out, because I don’t usually mentally filter on quadrant, I filter on character, or d/s dynamics maybe, trying to pick out all the pitch bits out of the mess is going to be a challenge.
Windblade/Starscream is a gimme after all that up above, so that doesn’t count for the list :P
Drift/Ratchet. I adore these two, and I really really really love the way they went from tense and sometimes hostile to the emotional support they’ve got now. But it doesn’t feel them if Drift isn’t teasing or prodding him. Vulnerability is good, but it’s not like… steady state Drift. Drift is silly and has a sense of humor and is friendly and good natured, and Ratchet is dour, and both of them naturally care a LOT. But they’re opposites in so many ways that I live to see them both quietly being prodprodprod with a curtain of not-exactly-hostility overlaying a whole lot of trust and affection.
Whirl/Cyclonus, although I tend towards a very pitchpale feeling with them instead of pure pitch. But Whirl is not good with soft and squishy emotions, so at least pretending it’s full-on pitch sits better with him. This is a case where there are just soooo many similarities between them, what with their wartime pasts, being lorge and exceptionally good at violence, having a very difficult time with friendly social connections. But also, MAN do they get off to a rough start XD But that bit in 47 where Cyclonus tells Whirl that he knew Whirl would tell him the truth, even if it hurt? And Whirl was brutally honest with him? Oh my god so pitchpale, I DIEEEED. And both of them are bad at communication, both of them are quietly full of moral injuries, both of them are really surprisingly pro-social when they’re put on the spot, and do a LOT to protect other people. I love love love them.
…….Prowl/Rewind. With Chromedome in the middle, but that’s the pitch piece. Not necessarily healthy, but SO EMOTIONALLY CHARGED, holy shit. I poked at this once in a fic (ending disastrously). But I also want to do a near-disaster that works out okay (the solution is to put Chromedome in the middle until the scene has momentum). Or Prowl/Fort Max, which is even more complicated, and may necessitate the addition of Red Alert and Cerebros as buffers between them.
Similarly, Starscream/Windblade/Knock Out, all pitch, with Breakdown on the side being completely made for companionable needling. Starscream and Windblade, I have already said a ridiculous number of words :P Knock Out and Windblade have all this potential to be fascinating to each other, because their cultures are so different, but Windblade was able to get a win in Velocitronian politics, and Knock Out is from a colony with a living, functional titan (one in almost a waking coma, but hey). And they’re both outspoken and open with their thoughts and he can be so petty the same way Starscream can, and it’s deliciously infuriating and she just– (but also, windblade and breakdown being sweet with each other, and exasperated and fond while starscream and knock out get distracted and ridiculous with each other).
And…. hmm hm hm. I don’t have much of a continuity in mind except to specify not IDW, because IDW OP is being an ass. But Starscream/OP. There’s something about Starscream and disillusionment with Megatron as a leader, plus fascination with Megatron’s opposite and parallel, but without dropping the established hostility with the autobots, and demanding as much out of Optimus as he would demand from Megatron, and just, so good. So hard to established without ‘to end this war you need to robot marry’ sorts of scenarios, but soooooo good. So like, in TFP, Optimus is so chill and placid, and Starscream is high-strung and emotional, and everything about them finding a stable orbit with each other is so fun. Or TFA, Starscream is old and cynical, Optimus is young and inexperienced (I sure do love that sort of ship :V), massively differing ideologies, experienced cynicism versus young, idealistic optimism, and a HUGE size difference because mmmm priorities. Lov this ship.
And there are others, where I either haven’t pinned down the words or don’t have a good scenario or justification, or just can’t say as much about them. Soundwave/OP, Soundwave/Starscream, Pyra Magna/OP, Elita One/OP, Pyra Magna/Elita One, Rung/Froid, Overlord/Tarn, Overlord/Megatron, Deathsaurus/Rodimus (shh sh sh it makes sense), Sunstreaker/Sideswipe, Arcee/Prowl, Arcee/Windblade, Elita One/Windblade. Hahaha, I’m trying to run through the cast by characters and see what I remember :P
Bumblebee/Starscream has pitch overtones, but Bumblebee is so much of a sweetheart and Starscream is being open because just a ghost amiright??? and he wobbles out of pitch pretty easily. TFP specifically is good for Knock Out/Bumblebee and Shockwave/Soundwave. Jazz/Starscream is another one that’s superficially pitch, except Jazz is being difficult and slippery and refusing to make a single real move into that quadrant. Some of these might jump into the list if I can get them written out in a story, but for the moment, I can’t quite words them.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Jan 25 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Series of Unfortunate Events 2-3
Prowl’s really liking this show.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Shockbox changed their nickname to Shockwave. Shockwave: *He is here.* Shockwave: *Early to the party, after not having attended the last one.* B l u r r: / drags self in. Today is a thermal wrap day. He has come directly from bed. To become a couch potato / Shockwave: *the mun sympathizes greatly.* Airachnid: [peeks in] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's left the bunch at home today. They're picking up the shift he would've had to make up for him taking theirs Monday night.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Over to his couch he goes.* FakeProwl: *Hm. There's a Shockwave today. On the other hand, it looks like the couch is going to be atypically barren today, what with no deployers.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Except for Ravage, who did his shift Monday and can be here. But he's going over to Blurr.* B l u r r: / He's slowly become a blob of thermal / Airachnid: [going to take a seat in the corner] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage spies thermals. He leaps onto them and settles himself.* B l u r r: / There is a foot sticking out somewhere. He is a blurrito. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods Prowl hello* Shockwave: (( a guy gets up to grab some water and popcorn, and the chat explodes.)) B l u r r: / oh my god. Makes a noise. A little mfff. / ... Hello, Ravage. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage rumbles a hello to Blurr and Airachnid both. Yes good.* FakeProwl: *nods back. supposes he'll sit with Soundwave today. One Shockwave is manageable. and this one's smaller.* Shockwave: *He's just chilling out on his usual spot.* Shockwave: *Nothing malicious here.* Airachnid: [waves at Ravage] B l u r r: / finds freedom for his claw. Pats Ravage a little / B l u r r: / tucks arm back in. Muffled noise / B l u r r: [[ i guess just lemme know when yall are ready. ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready whenever)) Shockwave: (( ditto)) Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah, good. A seatmate. He did so enjoy it last week.* Shockwave: @Soundwave: I am aware that this is a series, the beginning of which having been played last week. Shockwave: @Soundwave: Did I miss much? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockwave: [[A trio of human spawn's Creators perished in a fire. They were given to an unworthy guardian who is after their financial future.]] Shockwave: *He pings a thanks for the summary and gets settled.* Drift: *it's a Drift! heads over to— wait. where's blurr?* B l u r r: / in this pile / Drift: *... are those tarps blurr?? sits next to.* Hey. B l u r r: / there is a ravage here somewhere / B l u r r: / pokes claws out. Small wiggle. / B l u r r: [[ are yall ready? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ye)) Shockwave: ((aye)) Drift: ((ye)) Drift: *wiggles fingers back. ... can blurr see him?* Airachnid: ye)) Drift: *takes claw-tips and shakes them. hi.* B l u r r: / shake shake / Drift: ((are we finishing episode 1? ... also is that NPH singing)) B l u r r: [[ yes it is and... I can if you want ]] B l u r r: [[ i think netflix moved me ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage slooooooowly reaches out to try to mock-swipe at Drift's pointy helm bits.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Like https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-30-2015/WbHuq4.gif  * B l u r r: [[ do you uys wanna go back to the end of episode one? ]] Shockwave: *oh, the intro summarizes the plot anyways.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((can we? just the last couple of minutes?)) Drift: ((that'd be nice)) B l u r r: [[ there you go. ]] Drift: *immediately dodges the swipe. well then. tries to mock-swipe Ravage's pointy bits with a fingertip.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *LOOKS SO OFFENDED* Drift: ... Sorry. Thought it was a mutual thing. B l u r r: / reaches out to pat Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is. He's toying with you.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage allows this pat* Drift: Oh. Pff. Drift: *another fingertip-swipe for the deception.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *grab grab. sorry blurr. you are a good perch though* B l u r r: / mmfff/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[This reminds him. He researched snails.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They are most known for being slow. ... He does not know what this had to do with what the Count said.]] Shockwave: (( i can't look at count olaf without thinking of starscream thanks to tumblr. )) B l u r r: / moves claws out to help keep Ravage stable on him / Don't fall. B l u r r: / Wiggles helm so the thermal falls down a little. He can see better / FakeProwl: ((good)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Grateful grunt* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They believed that?]] B l u r r: / vents and twitches claws. What happens if he tickles Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Try.* B l u r r: / wiggle claws a little. Tickle. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *ZOOM Ravage is gone in a split second* B l u r r: / ??? / Drift: *is blurr's head free* B l u r r: / yes / Drift: *good. pats blurr's head.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is. Ravage dislikes being tickled. He's hiding... somewhere. Some corner. For now.* B l u r r: / flicks finials ? / B l u r r: / looking around. Aw. Poor Ravage. / B l u r r: / slouches in his thermals. Rubs face/ He has no hair to even cut... Airachnid: The humans might be better off in the streets. At least they would be free to do whatever. Drift: maybe he cuts it a lot to keep it that short. B l u r r: Mm... maybe. B l u r r: ...... Oh. I get the joke. B l u r r: / flicks a gear out from the thermals and pulls legs up. Blurrito/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why the thermals?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is not cold in here. He would know.* B l u r r: / flicks finials / They're comfortable. B l u r r: And I came here directly from my room. B l u r r: [[ god i love nph ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Hm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((marcia marcia marci--EW)) FakeProwl: *... can see where this is going.* B l u r r: And it is a little cold, honestly. Shockwave: (( is lemony snicket played by kronk's voice actor?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i think so)) B l u r r: yeh ]] FakeProwl: ((thought so)) FakeProwl: *snorts* B l u r r: [[ gdi she plays Jessie. That's where I know her from ]] B l u r r: i knew her voice sounded familiar ]] FakeProwl: *is greatly enjoying the dialogue* FakeProwl: ... They're not being subtle, are they? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not in the slightest.]] Airachnid: [she does not like the Count Olaf human] B l u r r: ... Wow. Humans really are stupid. /mumbles/ Airachnid: Indeed. FakeProwl: ... He knows who Lemony Snicket is. The narrator is a character? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He did say he'd been investigating.]] FakeProwl: I thought it was a... framing device. He's clearly more involved than he appeared at the start. Whirl: *pokes head in* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((It was a test, which you all... passed.)) Airachnid: [she sees a Whirl] Whirl: *bobs his head and slinks on up to his hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A wretched abuse of power.]] B l u r r: Eugh. I wouldn't marry anyone like that. Whirl: Marry him, and then murder him. Whirl: That way YOU get HIS assets, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[-What- assets.]] Airachnid: Yes. Marry and THEN murder. B l u r r: He doesn't have anything Airachnid: His body I'm sure has some use. Whirl: H's got that house. Drift: The honor of burning down his house. B l u r r: That house is nice, thouh... Drift: That's an asset. B l u r r: *though ItsyBitsySpyers: =Could do any time.= ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage finally makes himself visible again, hopping onto the opposite side of the sofa.* Whirl: Marry him, murder him, then use part of the outrageous fortune to renovate his estate. Whirl: Live like kings i the place he used to call his own. THAT is fantastic revenge B l u r r: / waves claw at Ravage slowly / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Eyes the claw* B l u r r: / twitches digits/ FakeProwl: *really enjoying the dialogue. it's so straightforward.* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Poison food. Escape.= FakeProwl: *is going to keep enjoying the dialogue, he's sure.* Airachnid: If younger humans could inherit the money, that could work. Whirl: *tilts head, interested* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances to Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What action recommended for Violet human? Airachnid: It looks hideous on him. Get rid of it. B l u r r: Get rid of all of it, honestly. /tugs thermals back up a little / FakeProwl: ... This is a good start. Whirl: Nice. Airachnid: Clever human. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Perk. Clever.* FakeProwl: Also, they appear to be unmonitored at night. She could run to the judge and clearly explain Count Olaf's exact plan. Shockwave: *Respects her ingenuity.* Whirl: She's good with machines. FakeProwl: They didn't adequately explain what happened before they left. She would have difficulty brushing off a thorough explanation. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Supposes that's possible. Nods.* FakeProwl: Especially if they could supply legal documentation. B l u r r: Marriageis so complicated... FakeProwl: ... And waking her up in the middle of the--pffff. *sorry. henchperson-in-law.* FakeProwl: Waking her up in the middle of the night would properly convey the severity of the situation, I think. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Rip hand off.= Airachnid: Why stop at the hand? Whirl: ((PFF)) B l u r r: All of that looks like junk food, honestly. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They will need him alive to prove their claim.]] Whirl: These monologues are pretty all right. FakeProwl: All they'll need is the script and the proper legal documentation. Whirl: Is this based on a book? *looks to Blurr* B l u r r: / lowers thermal/ Hm? FakeProwl: ... And I'm not advocating murder, but if he's not alive, they'll have no claim they need to prove. Drift: I think they're pacifists. They're not even thinking about ways to kill him. B l u r r: Ah. Yes. It's based on a book series. Airachnid: They should. Drift: Oh, nevermind. They're making bombs. Whirl: *SNICKERS* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl may not be advocating murder but Soundwave is amused anyway* Whirl: Prowl, that's precious. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((for a second i was like "prowl stop breaking the 4th wall they can't take the episode script")) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and then i realized you meant the play. pffft)) FakeProwl: ((Prowl: "punch through the walls of reality and steal the script from god")) Whirl: And--you can kinda tell, Blurr. B l u r r: Mm? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Tell her. -Tell her-.]] Whirl: That this was a book. There's something... *waves a claw* About the monologues. B l u r r: Ah. Yes. Whirl: *for the record, whirl was amused that prowl would claim not to advocate murder. We all know u would Prowl* B l u r r: I don't have the books. Didn't get a chance to really look on Earth. B l u r r: I'm sure I could find them. FakeProwl: *he prefers arresting criminals.* Whirl: If you wanna read 'em, sure! I'm good though. Whirl: *SNICKERS... this time at the show* B l u r r: I'm sure I could just download them. FakeProwl: *murdering is a last resort scenario. you've just got to take a lot of last resorts in a war.* Whirl: That baby... is awesome. Whirl: Also--this is totally a play Starscream would write for himself. Airachnid: Very true. B l u r r: Incorrect. Starscream would marry himself. B l u r r: No one in their right mind would agree to that Whirl: And now, he can. Drift: Not /willingly./ B l u r r: Mmm... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stab the count with the pen.* FakeProwl: ... They explain all the idioms and phrases in this show. I wonder why they didn't explain the snail. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He can't talk if his throat is destroyed* Airachnid: Strangle him with the flower crown. B l u r r: /reaches out to pat Ravage / Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage tentatively stretches his helm out* B l u r r: /pet pets helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He researched the snail. He believes it was an example of the Count human misusing words again.]] Shockwave: *You would have thought that the law would have made some sort of fail-safe for incestuous pedophilia.* Airachnid: It was child's play, and that's pathetic. Whirl: That baby is my FAVORITE. FakeProwl: ... They can probably take this to court. It may be legally binding but there are quite a few... *hold on a second, what are they up to* Whirl: I'm sure there'd be some kind of clause preventing this sort of arrangement from being completed under durress. Whirl: And they have solid evidence--hundreds of witnessess--that it WAS done under duress. FakeProwl: ... They're taking it to court right now. Excellent. Airachnid: Finally. Someone intelligent. FakeProwl: Yes, that was what I was going to say, it was coerced. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Disappointed. He wanted to hear the whole thing.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused by all the figuratively/literally business* B l u r r: [[ do you guys need a small break? ]] FakeProwl: ((it would be nice ye)) Whirl: ((I'm ducking out for now)) FakeProwl: ((byye)) Airachnid: bye!)) Shockwave: (( i'm probably not going to stick around for another episode either. )) Whirl: ((have a good night u guys)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((bye to those leaving)) Shockwave: (( you too. )) Whirl: *streetches and flops out of his hammock* Thanks for the movie--er, show? Teach. B l u r r: [[ k small beak then ]] Whirl: Gonna turn in early. *taps his helm* Headache. B l u r r: / wiggles claws from thermal / Shockwave: *He sighs deeply.* B l u r r: See you next time. /flickers optic/ Feel better. Shockwave: I'm afraid that was all the time my schedule will allow. I shall depart. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] B l u r r: / waves claw / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will return in a moment.]] Whirl: I'm fine, it's just the same old same old. Whirl: *trots out into the hallway and is gone* Shockwave: *nodding* Another time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stands and heads into the hall for a snack* Whirl: ((this is a good show but i cannot watch these eps right now, GIGHT)) Shockwave: *now the room is completely devoid of cyclopian cybertronians* Shockwave: (( yeah, g'night. )) B l u r r: / flicks another gear and shifts a leg out. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage immediately sprawls across the leg* ItsyBitsySpyers: *This is his spot now. Cross front paws.* B l u r r: / his leg has been compromised / B l u r r: / pat Ravage / Airachnid: [she kinda wants to get into Whirl's hammock] B l u r r: / do it / B l u r r: [[ brb ]] Airachnid: [she's gonna do it and get on the hammock and lay down] Airachnid: [much better] B l u r r: [[ kay back. ]] B l u r r: [[ leme know when yall are ready ]] Airachnid: I'm ready)) B l u r r: [[ i shall wait for the others ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((okay i stretched my legy i'm good)) B l u r r: [[ legy stretch is good ] B l u r r: / mumbling. Lifts rust stick. Makes a face. Holds it out for Ravage / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges back in and takes his seat next to Prowl. With a sated tank and so few mechs around, he's also content to try getting comfortable up against his couch companion* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage cracks an optic and tracks the rust stick. He's not fetching that, if that's what you think* Drift: ((sorry, i got sidetracked by hilarity on duolingo) B l u r r: / it's for eating! / Drift: ((gimme another minute please)) B l u r r: [[ mhm ]] B l u r r: / he's offering ravage a snack / Drift: ((for reference http://ckret2.tumblr.com/post/156385732097 this. this is what distracted me.)) B l u r r: / He's not eating them, obviously / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage grabs the hand with both front paws and pulls the rust stick close that way. Nom nom* B l u r r: / vent. Letting Ravage chew / Airachnid: [still laying in the hammock. She kinda wants to get food, but she kinda doesn't want to get up] B l u r r: / use ur spider webs / Airachnid: [true..] Airachnid: [gonna look around for food to snatch] B l u r r: / the snack table isn't as supplied, but it has some / Airachnid: [is just gonna snatch some of those snacks] Airachnid: something about hammocks turns her into a lazy cat)) B l u r r: heee ]] Drift: ((ok im ready thank you)) Drift: ((i have learned me some spanish for the day)) B l u r r: [[ lol ]] Drift: ((and i am never going to forget what el jefe means)) B l u r r: [[ haha ]] B l u r r: [[ golden . ]] FakeProwl: ((SNEKS)) B l u r r: /pats Ravage and pulls his thermal down a little bit more to settle / FakeProwl: ((snek snek snek)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage licks his chops and stares at Blurr.* ItsyBitsySpyers: =Your servo reeks. Tyran spark smell.= ItsyBitsySpyers: *Settles back in place* B l u r r: ... /flickers optic/ Does it? Drift: ... Do sparks smell? B l u r r: / frowns and smells his thermals and his claw/ ItsyBitsySpyers: =Yes.= B l u r r: I don't smell anything. Drift: ............ *leans over and sniffs* Airachnid: I would imagine they give of some scent. ItsyBitsySpyers: =-I- smell them.= Airachnid: [is not going to smell Blurr's hand servos] B l u r r: It just smells like... /makes a face/ Well, I guess it does smell a little like the weapon residue... B l u r r: / smelling thermals. Shoves faceplate in them/ Drift: That's all I smell. B l u r r: / keeps face there / Drift: *that, and the ever-present stench of Death* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's so... green.]] Airachnid: It's much better than the other place. FakeProwl: Physically. B l u r r: / peeks up from the thermal. Has a very odd expression/ Mmm... ItsyBitsySpyers: =Weak biped noses.= Haughty chin lift. B l u r r: I don't smell anything... out of... the ordinary. FakeProwl: ... I like him so far. FakeProwl: He's going to die. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Agreed.]] Airachnid: I need a clock like that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[On both counts.]] Airachnid: I was going to make the very same guess. B l u r r: /settles in the thermals and sinks next to Drift / B l u r r: / burying himself / B l u r r: / there is one red optic glowing in his self made tent / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Why were they locked in the instrument?]] FakeProwl: Perhaps they liked escape rooms. FakeProwl: Or predicament bondage. FakeProwl: *scientific collection? sits forward* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Is vaguely curious why Prowl would pick those, but will keep that to himself for now* FakeProwl: *because they were the first options he could think of* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A tiny Predacon?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He likes this human.]] Airachnid: He is interesting. FakeProwl: *nods* FakeProwl: Too bad about the imminent death. B l u r r: ... I like that room. /flicks finials. muffled speaking / FakeProwl: ... A fire-proof canoe. FakeProwl: Hmm. B l u r r: ... Ah. /tugs thermal from his helm/ What a nice knife... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Are there many fires on bodies of water?]] Drift: Kick him down the stairs! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Do you mind. This is hardly the time for noisy laughter.]] B l u r r: / flicks finials/ Hn? FakeProwl: Not typically, no. Water tends to be rather fireproof. B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I'm not laughing. Yet. :: Airachnid: [cackles] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[You were. He heard your thoughts.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: ... Ah. That's not... me. :: FakeProwl: Plus, he says that a fireproof canoe is among the objects he likes to keep around. So he expects to have to deal with fire on water. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave eyes the screen* FakeProwl: ... In the first episode, Lemony mentioned a volunteer fire department. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will not have to deal with it for much longer.]] Airachnid: Humans really are dim. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The department will be one short soon.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Are you feeling well...?]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I am... not. :: B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: But, it's just lack of recharge. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: *Suspicious, but will let that stand* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[If you insist.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: I'm afraid Velocity is loud... do you hear him? :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Evidently.]] FakeProwl: And that eye motif is also present on the telescopes the two... agents? Agents had in the last episode. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps the judge will tell us who they are. She did have a book of organizations.]] FakeProwl: Indeed. B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: He says he doesn't like you... :: B l u r r: / groans and scrubs face. / FakeProwl: ((that fvcking eye contact)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soft huff of laughter* B l u r r: [[ yES ]] B l u r r: [[ me lmfao ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[What Velocity thinks is of little importance to him. -Your- health concerns him.]] B l u r r: /drags claws down face/ ItsyBitsySpyers: =Laserbeak.= B l u r r: @soundwave: :: He's just being obnoxious today and I haven't been sleeping well. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[...Perhaps you should rest after this.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: No... no that won't work. I have things to do. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mouth sores...?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Such as?]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: That stupid key... the treasure was gone. We have to find the mech who took it. I refuse to lose it. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: *Zombies? In the snow? This is like Soundwave's worst nightmare.* Airachnid: [likewise] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is certain he's never seen a device like this before* FakeProwl: Theory: Olaf is a traitor of the same organization that uses that eye motif. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[He sees. Then he wishes you success.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A reasonable assumption.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: Think I could borrow Frenzy? :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[...You understand the responsibility this would lay on your shoulders.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: You'll get him back. In one piece. Unharmed and with many treasures. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: @Blurr: [[Very well. He will call Frenzy when the night is over.]] B l u r r: @Soundwave: :: ... thanks. :: B l u r r: /hisses steam from pauldrons / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is that. what's his name. from arrested development and the news anchor guy in the tmnt bay films?)) B l u r r: [[ iiiii have no idea ]] B l u r r: [[ i think it is the guy from arrested development ]] FakeProwl: ... Why would somebody put a tunnel...? Airachnid: I don't think you should think about it very much. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ugh. Sno--the villagers in Citizen Kane are never eaten.]] FakeProwl: ... So close. And yet... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave extrudes a feeler and looks at it in amusement* ItsyBitsySpyers: [][][]Slithering beauty.[][][] Airachnid: [chuckkling] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[But he has never been to Peru.]]  *Withdraws it* B l u r r: [[ mmmm do you guys wanna do one more? ]] B l u r r: [[ sorry, had to run off the comp for a second ]] B l u r r: [[ Gram is sick . e.e ]] Drift: ((i've gotta head to bed about now)) Airachnid: yeah same)) B l u r r: [[ mkay we save for later. ]] B l u r r: Hnh... / vents heavily/ Airachnid: [reluctantly, gets out of the hammock] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pings Frenzy a request to gather what he needs for self-protection and come to the ship.* B l u r r: I should get to... work. /throws another gear from under the thermal / B l u r r: ... Or maybe just go back to bed. Airachnid: Well, I have work to do unfortunately. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Stop that.= B l u r r: / grumbles at Ravage / B l u r r: / B( / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage gets up to swat the gear back to Blurr* B l u r r: / kicks it away/ It's not the right kind of gear. It didn't fit. / 8/ / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Swats it back harder* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then give it to the medic.]] Airachnid: [watches the two for a moment] Anyway, I'll get going. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell, Airachnid.]] Airachnid: Until next time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage slinks over to Soundwave's couch to blink Prowl a hello/goodbye before docking on Soundwave's middle as he sits up* Airachnid: [sneaks off] B l u r r: / grumbles and scoops himself into one big heap  of thermals/ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEARD I GOT INVITED TO A STAYOVER?\\ Frenzy pokes his helm around the door and grins. B l u r r: // wiggles claws at / Mhm. FakeProwl: *nods to ravage* B l u r r: Oh... /nudges Drift with a pede/ Drift: *.... looks at gear* Drift: *looks at blurr* Drift: ... unwrap a minute, would you. B l u r r: / u can't see me  i am a blanket / B l u r r: ... I'm cold. Drift: Blurr. B l u r r: / IM A GHOST / B l u r r: Drift. Drift: What are you doing to yourself under there. B l u r r: /reaches out a claw to poke his helm / Nothing. Drift: ... Blurrrr. Show me. :T Drift: *drift will wrestle you out, don't test him* B l u r r: It's nothing... really. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HE PICKIN' AT HISSELF AGAIN?\\ B l u r r: / oh my god / B l u r r: / Wrestling / Drift: You tossed a gear out, that's not nothing. B l u r r: How do you know I'm not saving parts of a bot to eat under here like hiding lunch? Drift: C'mon. Show me. *starts searching for the edge of the tarp.* B l u r r: / yikes. swats at / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy skates over to Drift and waits to see what happens* Drift: *swats back. keeps searching.* B l u r r: Okay, FINE! B l u r r: / grumbles and tugs tarp and thermal down a bit/ B l u r r: See? /motions to self. He's got a lot of dents and open seams/ See? It's all from a raid. /spins around / B l u r r: We attacked a cargo ship. Drift: Primus. You're a mess. Why aren't you getting fixed? Drift: And why are you pulling things out of yourself again? B l u r r: ... /shrugs/ It's not important right now. Drift: It's very important! Look at you! B l u r r: That stupid mech has my treasure and I intend to get it back! B l u r r: / looks at Frenzy/And you're helping me! B l u r r: Imagine my surprise when I get there. And there's. NO. TREASURE! /kicks his table over / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH I'MMA HELP YA. I'MMA HELP YA RIGHT INTO A *FRAGGIN MEDIBAY*\\ B l u r r: ... ew. B l u r r: Don't be ridiculous. I've had worse. Drift: Why didn't you get fixed after that?! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...Y'KNOW WHAT I MEANT.\\ B l u r r: / pulling at a wire / I don't know. Didn't feel like it. B l u r r: I just... came home and went to bed, honestly. B l u r r: I've got bigger problems B l u r r: /reaches out to poke Drift/ :: but yours are gone. That's great news, right? :: Drift: *pokes blurr back* Get fixed. Your bigger problems can wait until after you're in one piece B l u r r: ... He really can't. B l u r r: He keeps coming over. /scrubs faceplate / Drift: @Blurr «Are they? Already? Thank you, Blurr.» B l u r r: @Drift: :: Mhm... Sure. :: B l u r r: @ Drift: :: Anytime. :: Drift: *pulls blurr into a tight hug.* ... Tell him to wait outside the damn medibay until you're patched up. B l u r r: / vents and settles. Wiggles claws at Frenzy. He's not going to no medbay / B l u r r: I don't think he wants to wait. /mumbles/ I have a problem. Drift: Well, too bad for him. ItsyBitsySpyers: *That's what you think.* B l u r r: / he's not gonna! / B l u r r: ... /looks at Drift. Makes a face. Twitches finial and looks behind him. Vents. / ... Nevermind. It's nothing. B l u r r: Really, I'm fine. Drift: *oh, NOW Drift's worried.* ... What? B l u r r: ... I said I'm fine. B l u r r: / pats his shoulder and smirks/ We're okay. Drift: *face wavers between worried and annoyed* ... Dammit, Blurr. B l u r r: ... what? Drift: YOU tell me what. Drift: *aggravated sigh* I've gotta get back to the ship. I can't... But I'll comm you, okay? Tomorrow. Drift: And I'm not getting off the line until you tell me what's wrong. B l u r r: Nothing's wrong. B l u r r: / points at/ I am fine. I'm just.. I have a lot on my mind. And they don't like it. Drift: *points back at* Then when I comm, tell me what's on your mind. B l u r r: / vents and just tugs his tarp up / Don't be mad at me. B l u r r: / pokes said pointing digit/ Drift: ... That bad? B l u r r: No... it's not bad. B l u r r: It's... it's actually a good thing. I think. B l u r r: /tilts helm and shrugs/ I don't know what it is. But, it's not a big deal. Mediocre. I need to focus on finding Thundertron. Drift: ... *small nod* I'll try not to be mad. B l u r r: / leans over and hugs onto. Tight tight / B l u r r: / one of them bestie hugs that lingers and is super tight / Drift: *hugs tight tight back* Drift: ... Is Thundertron the guy that stole your treasure? B l u r r: / nudges helm and pokes his cheek/ Yes. Drift: Get fixed before you go after him again. B l u r r: The stupid mech made a copy of the key. B l u r r: Mm... Yes, I suppose that would make sense. B l u r r: / looks at self/ I need to look  perfectly monstous when I kill him. B l u r r: / looks at Frenzy/ And you... you will be with me. B l u r r: And I will keep you safe. /nods/ B l u r r: Anyway... /tugs thermals up/ I'm going back to bed. I left my pillow there. B l u r r: / his pillow is not a pillow / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy's gonna find and call the medic down as soon as he has roaming privilege* ItsyBitsySpyers: *If Blurr doesn't go himself* B l u r r: / waves at frenzy. Follow follow / Drift: ... Why don't you just go slee in the medibay? You can get fixed while you're asleep. B l u r r: ... Because my pillow isn't in the medbay. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Follow follows* Drift: So get your pillow and go to the medibay with it. B l u r r: ... well, I guess. If it agrees. B l u r r: / wiggles claws/ Bye, Drift. Drift: ... Your pillow's still alive? B l u r r: / motions to Frenzy./ I'll show you where you can sleep. B l u r r: ... Well, yes. I didn't kill it. B l u r r: He's comfortable and disgustingly so. /vents and makes a hood from his thermal / Drift: ... Oh. Huh. Drift: ... Is it JT? *because if it's JT, he can NOT cross paths with Rumble* B l u r r: ... / oh god don't do that. Makes a slight noise / B l u r r: No. No, that's uh... that's a negative, ghost rider. B l u r r: / finger guns at. ayyye / Drift: *well, no problem then* All right. Drift: *... ghost rider??* B l u r r: Nope. But, he's comfortable, so I'm tempted to go curl back up. B l u r r: I SUPPOSE I can see Axis first. Drift: Take him to the medibay with you. Drift: Or—tell the medibay to send a doctor to your room. Whichever. B l u r r: ... That second one sounds better. /continues walking/ I'll see you next time. Drift: Yeah. Next time. Drift: And I'm still comming you tomorroe! Drift: *w B l u r r: ... /waves claaaaaaaw / B l u r r: If you want to! Drift: I do!! Drift: *all right. he'd better head home.*
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Jan 17 Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime 46-48
After not being able to go for a while, Prowl returned! And mainly dealt with the census.
He spent half the evening talking to Starscream about the fact that Black Shadow applied for citizenship. The conclusion: make sure he understands he’ll have to obey rule of law (which means no smashing planets), and immediately get to work searching for ways to neutralize a Phase Sixer if necessary.
The other half of movie night was spent talking to Soundwave about the census. Prowl managed, after much hemming and hawing, to ask Soundwave to be his amica endura. He’s amazed he managed to ask. He’s more amazed Soundwave said yes.
So. Prowl had an alright evening.
Welcome to the 'lostlightstream' room. Windchill: *HERE COMES A SPECIAL BOY* Rodimus: *well he isnt the chosen one* FakeProwl: *finds a corner to skulk in and warily watch the door. If Chromedome shows up, Prowl is immediately vanishing.* Windchill: *STFU Rodibutt* FakeProwl: ((is there supposed to be sound? i don't hear anything)) Rodimus: ((hrm.... Windchill: *Windchill, having arrived fashionably early, drapes himself over the Whirl Couch in as seductive a manner as possible.* Whirl: *trots on in* Windchill: *YOU'RE TOO LATE* Whirl: *well just in time* Look at this stunning new slipcover I've got. Rodimus: *chin hands at the ensuing fight* Windchill: Who, me? ItsyBitsySpyers: *A feeler pokes around the door. There'd better not be any Chromedomes and Trepans in here waiting to get him... no? Okay. Good.* Whirl: The very same. *solemnly* Rodimus: ((anyone hear stuff? Windchill: I AM stunning. Whirl: ((I do not :|a)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave releases the horde and tromps in to park himself on his couch* Windchill: (( Nope! )) Whirl: ((Now I do!)) Windchill: (( THERE WE GO )) FakeProwl: ((there is sound)) Whirl: *turns and swivels his helm towards The Horde* Shockwave changed their nickname to Shockwave. Windchill: *He's still not going to move.* Whirl: Okay, Rodders... do you remember when I said last week I wanted to make a request? The I decided to save it for this week to build up suspense? Rodimus: If I told you I remembered that, you'd totally believe me. So sure Rodimus: Lay it on me Whirl: The Trooper. Whirl: *looks to the Uusal Crowd, which consists of the twins and Zori* Wanna come help me break in my new fabulous slipcover, guys? Rodimus: *helm tilts* Come again Whirl: By Iron Maiden. Rodimus: Ha! Sure! ItsyBitsySpyers: #what is a slipcover? Whirl: ((also i s2g this is all fo the sake of comedy i'm not trying to feed into the false assumption that whirl has a living furniture fetish orz)) Whirl: *gestures to Windchill* Whirl: That. Windchill: (( ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT. )) Windchill: *He lifts his leg, showing off how fabulous he is.* Whirl: *engine turns over in ENTHUSIASM AHHH THAT OPENIGN RIFF* Rodimus: I dig the gauitar in this one one of my favs! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shoos the twins off his couch before they can start air guitaring all over the place* Whirl: If I ever learned to play guitar, this is a song I'd do. FakeProwl: *it is pretty good guitar.* Rodimus: Need fingers for that mech. *grins* Windchill: *Windchill chooses to appreciate it in silence.* Rodimus: need flanging ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble and Frenzy carry on the whole way over to Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Who they then air guitar in the face at random intervals* Windchill: *Turns just enough, JUST ENOUGH to glare daggers at Rodimus.* Smokescreen: /And he's running on in!!/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to Prowl and Shockwave* Rodimus: *chuckles at the twins* Whirl: *holds up his claws, splits the tip, and extrudes his deedly-boppers* Whirl: I got something better. FakeProwl: *so far, so good on the chromedome front. but it's too early to know for sure.* Smokescreen: Rodimus Dorimus Rodmsu! Windchill: *Turns back just in time to get a face full of air guitar, and coughs.* FakeProwl: *doesn't notice the nod. he's watching the door.* Windchill: Now you guys have my germs. Whirl: *is just gonna watch the twins shenaniganize at Windchill with amusement and, if you squint, maybe a lil affection* Rodimus: *waves at Smokescreen then nods at whirl* Iwwanta see you do that. Shockwave: *nods back. he'd prefer if tonight's segment featured the predacons instead of smokescreen, but he can be patient* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Holy frag! You better not have no plague!// Whirl: *people he likes messin with each other, having fun? What a rare Good Feelin* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BOSS! BOSS HE KILLED US\\ Whirl: We'll see. And--OH NO. Rumble. Frenzy. I'm so sorry. Windchill: *Folds his arms behind his head, smugly.* Whirl: You're gonna catch the worst ailment of them all. Windchill: That's me, I'm...a murderer. Windchill: ... Smokescreen: /Waving back! Also staring at Rumble and Frenzy with concern./ ItsyBitsySpyers: @Windchill: [[You are not carrying actual sickness?]] Whirl: Giganticus Buttimus. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HUH?\\ Shockwave: ((windchills got COOTIES)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's cool. Frenzy already got that.// Bruin: *plink, plink, plink. incomes bruin with his big aft walking stick and a very determined face. which, may also be slightly cross eyed* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...HEY\\ Windchill: That's right,. Butterbun changed their nickname to KingStarscream. FakeProwl: *oh, he's got a stick now. nice.* Windchill: @Soundwave: Nothing contagious, unless you count stupidity. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Windchill: [[If that was contagious, Smokescreen would have killed us all.]] KingStarscream: *guess who has ARRIVED. He doesn't quite do the Kuzco door slam but it's a close thing* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak sticks close to Bruin while he walks.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Oh scrap.// Smokescreen: ((... i misread kuzco as kazoo nd i just imagined starscream but with a kazoo)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *The minis SCATTER... some more. And peek at Starscream over the couch.* Windchill: @Soundwave: It's a slow killer, DUH. Rodimus: *points ar Star and smirk* Holy smokes you actually came! KingStarscream: ((no no, give him some class. It'd be a vuvuzela)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oh good i read it as kazoo too)) KingStarscream: ((the King of KAzoos Windchill: (( Same. Had to double take. )) FakeProwl: *oh well look who's here. right, watching for Chromedome can wait. Prowl is walking straight up to Starscream.* A word. KingStarscream: Technically that was two of them. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy snickers from behind Whirl's couch. Rumble punches him.* FakeProwl: Brace yourself, you're about to get some more. Rodimus: *going streatch his legs across smokey?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *....Rumble also tries to reach for Whirl's antennae thing.* Windchill: *He's free of air guitars now; time to pump his feet in time to the music.* KingStarscream: If you're trying to fuss at me for skipping out of work /again/ you can save it. I'm not interested. FakeProwl: We've received a form from Black Shadow. Bruin: *to tHE SNACK TABLE* Smokescreen: !! /He's okay with this, he's going to rest his arms on Rodimus' legs then./ Whirl: *anyone who wants shelter s welcome to hide behind Whirl; after snickering at Rumbkle's joke he reacts to Starscream's grand entrance with a single, unimpressed blink* KingStarscream: *okay that's actually interesting* KingStarscream: THE Black Shadow? Well now. Whirl: Time to start! *swings himself up over the edge of the couch and comes crashing down with his butt squarely in Windchill's solar plexus* Rodimus: *fair play* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus. A night full of Smokescreen.]] Windchill: OOF! Smokescreen: ... /If Prowl is in the room, he's going to try to listen in here./ Windchill: *He knew that was coming, too.* Smokescreen: A night of me! Pretty great, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is also listening.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Define 'great'.]] Smokescreen: This. This is great. Rodimus: *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You have low standards.]] FakeProwl: *lowers his voice, this is a Private Conversation* THE Black Shadow. And he's listing Overlord and Sixshot as his amicae. Rodimus: Whats your top speed now Smokey? Smokescreen: ... Well the first part of it FakeProwl: Which means they might be following soon. Whirl: Rumble, Frenzy, Zori. *gestures magnanimously to his couch* Windchill: *Puts his feet down, there's room to sit on him now* KingStarscream: How certain are we that these aren't just a handful of mechs attempting the ballsiest Con outside of Megatron's platform? Smokescreen: Ha- my alt hasn't changed, but there's mods you can do to get better speeds. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The trio slooooowly creep around the edge to sit up there. They were gonna hide from Starscream, but, well. A whole bunch of their kind are on screen.* FakeProwl: They might be, but I'm not ruling out the possibility that he's who he says he is. Rodimus: 150 is.... cute. *smirks and wiggles cloven toes at* Whirl: Pfft, so Smokescreen needed babysitting. Shockbox: *He appears to be slightly tardy.* Smokescreen: ... Look- I can do better than that! FakeProwl: He says on his form that he's from and currently living in another universe—on Deathsaurus's Warworld. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[When doesn't he? Greetings, Shockwave.]] Shockbox: Greetings. Smokescreen: I didn't need babysitting! I just needed to learn Earth 101. Whirl: ((*POINTS* JEFFREY...... COMBS!!)) Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i love when ratchet is like "ew humans")) KingStarscream: It sounds rediculously conveniant. Whirl: ...Hey. That's MY nickname. Whirl: For Blurr! FakeProwl: Convenient?! I think you mean disastrous. Whirl: Sounds like typical Optimus. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Spark might be in the right place, but ya left your brain back in the Hall.// Smokescreen: Hehe- Whirl: ((STARMAN REF I CAUGHT YA)) Smokescreen: >:I KingStarscream: But if it is true... well, having a handful of PHase Sixers answering Cybertron's call would be something remarkable indeed. Shockbox: *Is the wave couch occupied by anything other than waves at the moment?* Smokescreen: Oh! That jerk! Windchill: Gross. Shockwave: *it appears to be invader-free* FakeProwl: *a dry, harsh laugh* You think that hasn't occurred to me? Shockbox: *good. he takes his usual place.* Whirl: *also, Trio, don't worry--sitting with windchill and whirl is as good as hiding* Windchill: *Hide behind his boobs and general obnoxousness.* FakeProwl: In case you forgot, all three of the Phase Sixers went rogue. Overlord slaughters for fun, and recent intel says Black Shadow claims to have an uncontrollable addiction to flattening planets. Shockbox: @Soundwave: Have I missed much? FakeProwl: And he's with Deathsaurus, who rebelled from the Decepticons so he could go around slaughtering planets at his whim. None of these are mechs we can rely upon. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Negative. Perhaps three minutes.]] Rodimus: *pokes Smokey* I got clear some time to hang out--- you seem my type of fun. Shockwave: Little of significance. *just 3 minutes of Smokescreen failing to use his processor* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Ah, yes. This.]] KingStarscream: Oh but Prowl, we no longer represent the Decepticons OR Autobots. I can hardly open our planet to only a few. Whirl: ((aww the drones and insecticons workin together :3c)) Smokescreen: /Gonna poke Rodimus back/ Nice! When's that gonna be? FakeProwl: That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. Whirl: Oh, my god. It's... Whirl: It's a letter opener. Whirl: *mock gasps* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PFFFFF\\ Windchill: I was going to say donger but. Shockbox: *He nods and pings a brief, casual thanks to them both.* Rodimus: Star saber! Rodimus: Yeah? :D ItsyBitsySpyers: *Snap attention* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You know it?]] FakeProwl: These are a pack of mechs who could destroy us in an afternoon, and who recognize no authority but their own. THAT'S my concern. And it should be yours. Whirl: *DOES NOT LIKE THOSE SOUNDS WITHOUT CONTEXT* Rodimus: Uhm seen one Smokescreen: HA watching Megatron fail at this is hilarious. KingStarscream: Besides, Black Shadow renounced the Decepticons to become hired hand. He'll be only somewhat harder to boss around than Swindle/ Whirl: The only Star Saber I know is a mech. A guy. Rodimus: I seen a alternate with one FakeProwl: And if he demands a price we can't pay? Whirl: Cyclonus gored one of his eyeballs out with a horn. It was AWESOME. Windchill: That's a terrible name. KingStarscream: Then we strike a deal. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Interesting. Do you know how they got hold of it?]] Whirl: It's just a fancy sword. Swords aren't all that impressive. Rodimus: WHIRL@ Smokescreen: You'll see, Whirl. Rodimus: Dont let Pip hear that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *That was a fun day, leading them around with the beacon* FakeProwl: *heavy sigh* There's still his /addiction/ to slaughtering planets to contend with. That's unacceptable. KingStarscream: You forget, Prowl, that by filling out the census Black Shadow is already agreeing to serve Cybertron. Whatever his motivations are, he's still coming back. And that is something that can be used. Whirl: Pip? FakeProwl: Even if you don't care about other planets, you have to agree that we'll never gain traction with the wider galactic community if one of our own goes around flattening planets. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\AWWW, I MISSED GORIN'?\\ Whirl: It was during the battle of Luna-1. Before this multiverse stuff began. Whirl: That's where I got my sword, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy grunts and folds his arms. He misses all the cool scrap.* KingStarscream: So we find planets for him to slaughter. I'm sure there are several still out there as an acceptable focus for his aggression. Smokescreen: .... /He's just. Going to go back to paying attention to the Black Shadow talk, leaning in slightly to listen./ Rodimus: Epiphany! *points to the greatsword on the wall* FakeProwl: Even IF that's— Shockbox: *taking the human along is going to be an obviously regrettable decision* KingStarscream: ((...is Epi just hanging out) Whirl: Ohh. Well. *looks to the wall* I think Epiphany's left us. Whirl: Either way, he never once impressed me, so... my point stands. Rodimus: ((lol he stays in sword 99.8% of the time Rodimus: ((thats his root and he old man naps most days FakeProwl: *turns to give Smokescreen a Very Pointed Look. and then switches to comms.* @Starscram «Even IF that's workable in the short term— Shockbox: (( only gets up to fuel?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hahaha! Lookit him!// Windchill: That's what he said. Smokescreen: ... /Dangit he was curious too now he has to look at himself messing up on camera/ KingStarscream: @:Prowl ::I have spent my entire /career/ working around volatile guns with legs.:: Whirl: *SNRK* FakeProwl: «—and even IF the Galactic Council magically doesn't care about unaffiliated planets, it's only a matter of time until he runs out. He is not worth keeping around to feed his addiction. Smokescreen: ... Look I did what I needed to do! Rodimus: ((Pip runs mostly leeched off rodimus KingStarscream: @Prowl ::And I ask you this, if we do NOT permit citizenship to a trio of Phase Sixers, what are our possible alternatives for fending them off should they become enraged?:: Whirl: *tips his head back and imitates the Inseciton ululation* Smokescreen: And made some pretty bad decisions there. FakeProwl: «Yes, Starscream, you did. And how many times did you try to overthrow him? How manytimes did he assault you? How badly did he mess up Cybertron?» Rodimus: *laughs* Peach it Smokescreen Rodimus: ((preach* Whirl: Wow, they must REALLY suck at fighting if they can't catch ONE human. FakeProwl: *Starscream has a point, though. the Phase Sixers are detestable no matter with whom they're aligned. They're mildly less detestible if they're on their side.* KingStarscream: @Prowl ::I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Call it your first strike without penalty.:: Whirl: So, lemme get this straight--you guys' Star Saber only works for Primes? Rodimus: ...Ffff. Your Prime is so hott. Smokescreen: Pretty much! KingStarscream: ((would the Star Saber work for StarSaber??)) Smokescreen: .... He's- he's pretty great, yeah. Windchill: *Gasps suddenly, looking down at himself and at all of the butts sitting on him.* Rodimus: Our can move like that. Rodimus: ((cant* Whirl: Do you gotta be actively wielding the Matrix or just compatible? FakeProwl: «I'm making a point. You, Starscream, understand how dangerous walking guns with legs are, and that being on the same side as one doesn't protect us from the danger they pose.» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It is a grey area.]] Smokescreen: Optimus is really cool! He was able to move in all kinda ways and he's super strong and the best Prime from our Cybertron! KingStarscream: ::But it does buy us time until said guns can either be neutralized or redirected. Between myself and Megatron, which of us still functions?:: Windchill: INTRUDERS! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Tch. Prime groupies.// Rodimus: ((doesnt star know the control codes for the phase 6ers? Whirl: *looks down at Windchill* Oh no! My slipcover has attained sapience! *snickers* Want us to let you up? FakeProwl: «... Similar to a point I was leading up to.» KingStarscream: ((does he? i looked over Black Shadow's page but he also died so Windchill: No. KingStarscream: ((TO OTHER PAGES Whirl: *and, duly noted: note to self, NEVER EVER TOUCH A GOD DAMNED STAR SABER* FakeProwl: ((I thought only Megatron knew it.)) Rodimus: ((Overlord doesnt have one Rodimus: ((Shockwave does Smokescreen: IS HE COOL OR WHAT THERE FakeProwl: «Submitting to rule of law must be a term of their citizenship. And that law must include NOT flattening planets.» Smokescreen: just. just wait Rodimus: YEP I seen that sword before Whirl: PFFT. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Note to Frenzy's self: FIND A GOD DAMNED STAR SABER AND USE IT* Smokescreen: IS HE COOL OR WHAT? Windchill: *Slowly, quietly, YOU DON'T SEE THIS HAPPENING, reaches for Whirl's intruding foot.* Rodimus: *prolly gota HAVE the matrix to make it work* Whirl: Big deal. Cyclous could do that, but with ACTUAL LIVING MECHA. And it was just a regular sword. FakeProwl: «And, if he does join—then we get to work coming up with anti-Phase-Sixer measures. So we can properly eliminate him if need be.» Whirl: *synthesizes a yawn* Rewind: *Hey Rumble, your favourite is here :)* Highgloss: That certainly was a day that happened. Whirl: ...well okay he couldn't do the shockwave thing, but still. Rodimus: *laughs* So can drift-- even me! ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOOOOOOOOOOO* Smokescreen: Wasn't it, Woojit? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, doctor.]] Windchill: *GRABS THE FOOT* Whirl: *IS GRABBED*
Missed some. Prowl asked Starscream to tell him everything he knows about how Phase Sixers work so he can get to work on finding a way to neutralize them. Starscream mentioned that there are verbal killswitches for the Phase Sixers, and he knows the one for Sixshot, but not the other two. Megatron would. Prowl almost suggests mnemosurgery on Megatron and then retracts it; Starscream latches onto it, Prowl tries to persuade him that it’s a bad idea. I have no idea what everyone else did because I only keep up with my conversations, sorry folks.
Whirl: Oh. Whirl: He's gonna revive them with his Dark Energon. Whirl: And since he CONTROLS DE-zombies, he will control them. Whirl: Right? Rodimus: D: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A fine guess. Incorrect, but a fine guess.]] Windchill: *He's just watching.* Highgloss: "Powerful emotions. >:I" Whirl: I mean, it's what I would've done, if I were him. FakeProwl: «Then we'll make a mess. Regardless, mnemosurgery is almost guaranteed to not work on him. He's so paranoid about it, he's undoubtedly booby-trapped his mind somehow.» Shockwave: ((imagine if it wasnt a big prime they found and megatron just had a teensy arm)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OMG)) Rewind: ((omg Windchill: (( BEAUTIFUL.)) Smokescreen: ((PRERFFf Shockbox: (( /slain) KingStarscream: ((omg good)) Whirl: ((HAHHA_) FakeProwl: ((lil t rex arm)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i have a big bucket and tiny arms)) KingStarscream: ((it's just sticking straight out of his shoulder)) Smokescreen: woojit was this fragged up or what Windchill: Why does that sound so wrong? Highgloss: This was incredibly fragged up. Whirl: I'll say this for you, Doc. I dig the buzzsaw. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Agreed.]] Highgloss: Once the sparks stopped flying, he just...*stared.* Whirl: *nods appreciatively* Highgloss: And thank you! Smokescreen: ... That's pretty awkward, how'd you stand being a 'con for so long? KingStarscream: ((does PRowl know where Megatron is? I know Starscream doesn't Whirl: Pfft. Just spliced it right on. Smokescreen: And having to do that kinda thing to Megatron. Bruin: *yikes, just one loud armor rattle* Whirl: So all it takes is a Prime's CORPSE? HAHA. Rodimus: I..... that fragging worked?! Highgloss: We had fuel, a warship, and a cause worth fighting for. Smokescreen: ...... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Evidently, Rodimus.]] FakeProwl: ((we never resolved that. I think we left it roughly at "it would be dumb for them not to know.")) Smokescreen: Don't take a Prime's corpse please Whirl: I don't need one. Whirl: Why would I? KingStarscream: ((okay cool. just making sure before I had Starscream respond)) Smokescreen: Good Rodimus: I AM A PRIMES UNCORPSE! Highgloss: ...Why did we feel the need to point this out aloud? Whirl: *deadpan* I don';t need this one, either. *gestures to Rodimus with a sly, amused look* Smokescreen: ... Why DO you? Windchill: (( Thank you mr. and mr. exposition. )) Rewind: <<That is a fair question.<< KingStarscream: ::...fine. However, /if/ other methods fail or run the risk of reactivating him, I will find his body and oversee the mnemosugery myself.:: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He often wondered that himself.]] FakeProwl: «We have no mnemosurgeons.» Smokescreen: man you know on a screen it's waaay easier to stare at certain 'cons without feeling weird Shockwave: Compared to other events on these recordings, it is not the least senisble. FakeProwl: «Those that still live are too decrepit to give reliable results, or else too untrustworthy to give reliable results, and that will likely remain consistent across universes.» Whirl: *tilts his head to an even sharper degree* So... how many Omega Keys were there? Windchill: *Shrugs* Windchill: A few. Windchill: *He's so helpful* FakeProwl: ((... I meant "it would be dumb for STARSCREAM not to know" but okay whatever)) Shockwave: ((BIG OLD WINKU AT SHOCKWAVE AND HIS PATCH, STAR/PROWL. BIIIIG FAAAT WINKUUU)) Smokescreen: megabaseball Whirl: What? I ddin't catch your meaning, Smokescreen. FakeProwl: ((PROWL IS TRYING TO AVOID ANYONE GOING INTO ANYBODY'S BRAIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. THE PATCH DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER.)) Smokescreen: ... Look- it's just. You can stare at Megatron on screen a lot more comfortably compared to being right in front of him KingStarscream: ((I think way back when it was agreed that if Starscream knew he'd spend ages trying to kill Sleeping Beauty so it was decided that he's not allowed)) Smokescreen: yep this is where i died Whirl: ...but why would you want to stare at Megatron? *disgusted* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A pity you couldn't have stayed that way.]] Rewind: *snickers* Smokescreen: .... look have you seen his back FakeProwl: ((that was brought up but not agreed. because Starscream would pitch a complete and utter fit if Megatron was taken away somewhere he wouldn't know about.)) Shockwave: ((yes, but! decrepit mnemosurgeons is exactly why he made the thing. untrustworthy... eh. cant have it all)) FakeProwl: ((Starscream + Iacon.)) Whirl: Yeah, I've watched weeks and weeks of this. I've seen every bit of him. Smokescreen: HAH Sounds you wish anything could keep me down Shockwave: ((i feel like that sphinx is a bit small)) FakeProwl: ((it's just a kitten)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((the sphinx is not v tall)) Smokescreen: See? But in-person, it'd be awkward. But here I can stare at his eyebrows moving around without getting hit by a fusion cannon KingStarscream: ::There are always options. Especially with this blending of universes. Somewhere is a mnemosurgeon that can be relied upon.:: ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's only like 60 feet and these guys are about 30)) Shockbox: ((you could say megatron is)) Shockbox: (( armed))) Highgloss: He was never one for names. Rewind: <<Megatron: not very creative with names<< Whirl: ((INTO THE PEAR WIGGLER WITH U)) Windchill: Clearly. KingStarscream: ((I really thought you'd say he was getting the upper hand Smokescreen: The dork star saber Rodimus: ((omg get in your box Whirl: ((ALL OF U)) Rodimus: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ha.//  Rumble pauses. //'N I'm laughin' at Knock Out sayin' it, not you, Rewhiner.// Windchill: What the heck is this. Whirl: Eh. I don't see the appeal, myself. *waves  adismissive claw and reclines further, spreading his arms across the back of his couch* Whirl: Swordfights are so BASIC. Rodimus: Would you... if it was.. a hammer? Shockbox: (( i've been resting on that pun for over 10 minutes i had to make up something for it )) Whirl: *antenna pins back* Well. Hammers are more interesubg, Whirl: *interesting Smokescreen: Swords are awesome though! And these ones make a great swooshing noise. FakeProwl: «Have you ever worked with mnemosurgeons, Starscream?» Shockwave: ((so much for egypt guys...)) Rewind: <<You don't need to clarify. I already know.<< Smokescreen: holy frag Shockwave: ((RIP egypt you'll be missed along with louisiana)) FakeProwl: «Remember which side had the New Institute and so which one of us would know what we're talking about here.» Whirl: PFFT. HA. Windchill: *Examines his claws.* Whirl: WEAK Shockbox: (( battles between titans hold no regard for foreign monuments )) Whirl: See? When it comes to weapons, you can't beat Cybertronian ingenuity. Smokescreen: HAHAHA KingStarscream: ::Didn't you used to DATE a mnemosugeon?:: Whirl: Primes. Pfft. You can KEEP Primes. KingStarscream: ::I wonder if that's coloring your perception of things.:: Smokescreen: bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, Megaglitch! Windchill: *Snorts.* KingStarscream: ((Starscream doesn't know for sure, he just heard it once from Rattrap)) Rodimus: Slick move~ KingStarscream: ((so who knows hw reliable it is Smokescreen: Haha, thanks! FakeProwl: «I've never dated a mnemosurgeon.» *not a lie. he wasn't a mnemosurgeon at the time.* Smokescreen: I could show you how it's done sometime- I've got the phase shifter on me right now, even. Windchill: For crying out loud. Shockbox: (( rip star saber. you lasted for less than a full episode.)) Smokescreen: ... Technically there was-- anyway. Windchill: *He rubs his eyes.* Windchill: This is exhausting. ItsyBitsySpyers: //What, bein' sat on?// Whirl: *looks down at Windchill* In what way? Rodimus: =o Windchill: The reliance on new toys and gimmicks to accomplish anything. Windchill: Being sat on is another matter entirely. Smokescreen: Hey, nothing wrong with that! Whirl: I mean, a good weapon ca give you an edge. But being able to fight, YOURSELF, is the MOST important. FakeProwl: «The very nature of the work makes them unreliable. Put them at the bottom of the list of options—I'll find something that works.» Windchill: *Nods.* Whirl: If you can take our someone waving a relic in your face bare-clawed. The mech. You've got it. Smokescreen: ... oh. this part Rodimus: *sighs then smiles at SMokescreen* KingStarscream: ::Hmph. Whatever you say.:: Smokescreen: /Grinning back at Rodimus!/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A favorite part. In a while.]] KingStarscream: ::Is Black Shadow and his entourage the only issue so far?:: Smokescreen: Sure, sure. I'll take whatever edge I can get when it's a huge serious matter like it was here. Windchill: There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of the resources you have, but being helpless without them is just silly. Whirl: And I'm not saying I blame you, kiddo. Shockbox: (( geez soundy why's your screen gotta be so big.)) Rodimus: about that time off-- I got get this ship off the dirt. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's full of secrets)) Smokescreen: knock out's voice is so good-- Whirl: *amused look at Smokescreen* He's right THERE, you know. Bruin: *munch munch, rip the snack table. No plates, and he might be trying to take a leg off now* FakeProwl: «So far. The only other applicant I've received is a Decepticon named Crosswind from another universe. Does the name mean anything to you?» Smokescreen: I'm not helpless without 'em, though! You saw me kicking 'con tailpipe before! Rodimus: Its pretty smooth.~ Shockbox: *...are /all/ the snacks gone?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl to let him know the Resonance Blaster will be in use again this episode. Mind his audials. Goes back to watching* Smokescreen: Oh? Should we hang out before or after you get things back up again? Windchill: I may not have been paying attention to those. FakeProwl: *pings Soundwave back. received.* KingStarscream: ::...nothing immediately springs to mind. :: Bruin: *no just anything metal on the table, only a few energon snacks are missing* Rodimus: Depends how many interveiws I have to do! Whirl: *shrugs* You just now got introduced, buckaroo. I'm witholding judgment. *but that doesn't mean he's writing you off, either* Smokescreen: oh primus i'm so embarrassing Whirl: Gotta say, your blatant Prime fanboying is pretty tiresome. Shockbox: *oh good. he just remembered he's perpetually starving.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are.]] Smokescreen: ... I know it is. Windchill: It's okay, Smokescreen. Shockwave: *at last a point on which they agree* FakeProwl: «We may not have a parallel of them in our universe, but the name's worth looking up anyway just in case.» Shockbox: *that's what he gets for being late* Windchill: You don't embarrass ME. Smokescreen: ... Really? Whirl: NOTHING embarrasses Windchill. Windchill: *He can't be embarrassed.* Windchill: Exactly. Whirl: Smokescreen, take heart in this--no matter who you are or what you do... you will never be as ridiculous as THIS mech. *pats Windchill with a claw* Rewind: ((oop. I gotta go. assume Rewind stayed until the stream's over [just to bother Rumble by existing <3] Whirl: *solemnly* Not even you. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((byeeee)) Whirl: ((seeya 8) )) Windchill: *Hand over spark* Windchill: It's true. Smokescreen: Haha- I'll take that to spark, thanks. FakeProwl: «So. We get to work digging up ways to take out Phase Sixers, and in the meantime I contact Black Shadow and make sure he knows he'll have submit to the rule of law? Does that sound right?» Windchill: (( LATER. )) Highgloss: Ohhh, yes...I remember THIS. KingStarscream: ::It does.:: ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You and your alternate had flair with this weapon, dear doctor. He cannot say that often enough.]] Smokescreen: Thanks for the memories FakeProwl: *THERE'S the obnoxious noise stick. turns his audials off.* Shockbox: *pushes off of the couch, approaches the table which is currently being attacked by bruin* FakeProwl: «Then I'll let you go.» Whirl: *Smokescreen hasn't impressed Whirl yet, but he's shown some OK moves. So he's gotten a bit of points* Highgloss: That weapon had flair by virtue of existing. Still, I like to think we were a good looking match. Whirl: Lord. Someone save me from Knockout's puns. Whirl: My God. KingStarscream: *a casual wave of his hand. At least he can get away from the door now and actually find somewhere to sit* Windchill: Impressive. Smokescreen: ... sounds sounds sounds can you use that when you're DJing hypothetically Whirl: *deadpan look his direction* You're DREADFUL, mech. *his tone, despite his words, is approving* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. He no longer has one.]] Shockwave: *you think this is bad? he has to operate in this universe, puns and all* Windchill: *He's not sure why those two were left alive, but okay.* Whirl: I've always wanted a sound-based weapon. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And trust him, it saddens him every day.* agoodidstraction: what'd I miss? Bruin: *glaring and a quiet rumble at the approaching shockwave, he'll scoot over but he's not gonna stop eating* Smokescreen: You missed me kicking aft! FakeProwl: *the obnoxious noise stick is gone, turns his audials back on as he heads to sit by Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Smokescreen embarrassing himself. Knock Out wielding sound with admirable skill.]] Whirl: *nods cheerfully at Wheeljack* Smokescreen: Well- hypothetically, if you had it? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to Prowl and makes just enough room. It's always nice to be between both allies.* Whirl: Is that directed at me or Soundwave? Smokescreen: ... I wonder if Megatron has it somewhere here- maybe I can borrow it sometime? Shockbox: *he approaches with an air of indifference to bruin, as he does with most others. he grabs a bowl.* Windchill: *Covers his face.* Smokescreen: man arcee really should've just. decked me right there ItsyBitsySpyers: //Want I should do it for her?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble cracks his knuckles* Whirl: ((good animation on Bulkhead wowow)) Rodimus: *laughs* Smokescreen: Can you even reach my face? Whirl: *snickers* Windchill: Oh no. Windchill: *Not this guy again.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //I'mma grab it 'n feed it to your fraggin' feet in a sec.// Whirl: @Rumble: If you want a launchpad mech, I'm your air support. Whirl: *he doesn't dislike Smokescreen, but really. It would be too fun to pass up* Shockbox: *he returns to his spot. oh, prowl's sitting closest to him, now.* agoodidstraction: Where am I? Rodimus: *watches intendly* Whirl: You're on the Lost Light. Shockbox: *says hello by means of a blank stare.* Smokescreen: You are, huh? I'm sure you are, Kiddo. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HOW THE FRAG YA GET HERE IF YA DON'T KNOW WHERE HERE IS?\\ agoodidstraction: destiny's child Smokescreen: /Quiiietly reaching to turn on his phase shifter./ Windchill: *Snickers* Smokescreen: say my name say my name Whirl: ((pfft, that was cute)) Rodimus: Aint no scurb ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble growls.* agoodidstraction: ugh KingStarscream: (("Then you would have seen me arrive TWO hours ago, poisoning the apples!")) Windchill: Good. Whirl: Man, must suck, not being able to fly. *shakes head* Windchill: Someone's gotta do something about those trees. KingStarscream: ....That was a lot of work for something that could have been accomplished with three missles. Smokescreen: you know they're kinda annoying but it's probably a good thing I have that handle between my doorwings at times like that! Smokescreen: ALSO FRAG YEAH BULK KICK HIS AFT Windchill: *He saw a butt.* boomtank: *wanders in a bit late* Smokescreen: /Turning his phase shifter off again- he'll give Rumble a shot!/ Rodimus: *waves at blaster* agoodidstraction: this idiot Whirl: Ha! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nope. He's not getting in a fight here. Ship's rules, Boss's rules.* Smokescreen: PHfhfhfh- Rodimus: HA Windchill: Nice. Whirl: Bulkhead's always a joy to watch. Smokescreen: Bulkhead's the best! agoodidstraction: i had a dream about dreadwing and his brother once agoodidstraction: well, twice Whirl: What? Wait--dammit. Should've taken that time to turn Dreadwing into DEADwing. boomtank: *waves back and sits in an empty spot* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{What dream about?}} Smokescreen: I still have no clue what got me Whirl: Yeah, what kinda dream? *looks over* Smokescreen: .... agoodidstraction: Y'know the kind ya wake up cracklin from Smokescreen: .... THAT'S what happened? Wow frag you Starscream KingStarscream: What? Whirl: Cracklin...? Whirl: Did you mean CACKLING? KingStarscream: * a blank look. Who are you again?* agoodidstraction: Nah agoodidstraction: Cracklin Windchill: *Whispers* Rodimus: *laughs* Smokescreen: ... Not you- the one in my 'verse. Windchill: Maybe he meant getting off? Smokescreen: Also Hi! /Going to wave at Starscream there/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Whispers* //He does.// Shockbox: (( psshhhh, is starscream barely paying attention to the documentary if he doesn't vaguely know who smokescreen is?)) Whirl: OH. Crackling like--okay I was thinking of like. Y'know. *makes  acrackling noise* Whirl: Not revved UP. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Question, if Prowl not busy. agoodidstraction: You never had a static dream, mech? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's not sure. There's a Starscream in here and he's not allowed to listen in on Prowl's head.* Whirl: Why can't people just. Say what they mean, jeez. *feels a little foolish and is irritated for it* KingStarscream: ((yeah, he's not exactly paying attention)) Whirl: I don't really dream. Highgloss: Pit to that. That was glorious. agoodidstraction: Reeeed Smokescreen: ...... Rodimus: *pat pat Smokescreen* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up. Ah, yes. A good time incoming.* Smokescreen: /Leaning into those pats./ KingStarscream: *..okay yeah. That's Soundwave. So this guy is... also Soundwave.* KingStarscream: *the guy Prowl is cuddling up with?* Smokescreen: Gee Megatron, you ever hear of "personal space?" Smokescreen: ........ Smokescreen: uh. FakeProwl: *sitting next to with no cuddles* FakeProwl: *but yes* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *To be fair, there are also two Shockwaves on this couch.* KingStarscream: ((*starts cackling reembering the 'did A3 shove a key up Smokey's ***' conversations*)) Smokescreen: ((PHFHFH Shockwave: ((love how smokeys form of learning a lesson is 'do more absurd heroics that totally pay off')) Whirl: Looks like a guy. Shockbox: *three waves and a prowl* Smokescreen: UH. Smokescreen: Alpha Trion was this really necessary Shockbox: *the latest disney sitcom* Whirl: PFFT.. Windchill: ...Wow. Whirl: Smokescreen. You can ONLY be used by a PRIME? Whirl: My goodness. Smokescreen: what Windchill: Oh my god. Rodimus: *raises hand* Smokescreen: I'm- you know, yeah! No one can use me but a good Prime. Whirl: Hey, look, you have a volunteer. Rodimus: *bursts out laughing* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird turn! Bird turn!}} boomtank: Well then... Whirl: Rodders is gonna unlock your FULL POTENTIAL. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Happy loop in the air* Smokescreen: PFHpfhff-- Whirl: Hey! here you are, Laserbeak! Smokescreen: RUDE LASERBEAK FakeProwl: *TWO Shockwaves? Prowl didn't notice. He might've perched on the next couch over otherwise* Whirl: *will salute her as she goes by* Smokescreen: I just wanted to have a nice relaxing drive Smokescreen: and then all this happens Shockbox: *mine came to sit down after you sat down. said hello by means of staring blankly.* Bruin: *absently tosses a snack in lazerbeak's direction* Shockwave: *technically prowl sat in other shockwaves seat while he was up getting snacks* Shockbox: *has been slowly snacking directly next to you.* boomtank: Well, to be fair, you aimed at Laserbeak Smokescreen: ... FakeProwl: *didn't notice* FakeProwl: *IS HE SURROUNDED BY SHOCKWAVES* KingStarscream: ((gee prowl why does Starscream let you have TWO shockwaves?)) agoodidstraction: Smokey Whirl: *why can't Prowl, hold all these Shockwaves* Smokescreen: okay woojit how long were you waiting like that Smokescreen: Wheelwheel Shockbox: *to be fair, mine /is/ kind of short.* Rodimus: You can redeem your self next week smokes! agoodidstraction: Wanna smoke? Whirl: Lord, that's a horrifying thing to wake up to. Smokescreen: :O FakeProwl: *is going to very quietly relocate* Whirl: *nods to KO* No offense. Windchill: I've seen worse. Smokescreen: BUT RODIMUSS ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ah, we're only doing three tonight?)) Rodimus: Waiting makes it all the sweeter Windchill: Nonsense. Smokescreen: I'll try it out! Then I'll be Smokesmokescreen. Smokescreen: Nooooo it just makes it all embarrassing agoodidstraction: Yep Windchill: It's dreadful. Smokescreen: and I do some awesome stuff too Rodimus: *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Census announcement noticed. Soundwave... interested. Prowl position endangered beyond acceptable bounds if form filled? Whirl: Oh! That reminds me! Did you get my message, Wheeljack? Rodimus: Good then! Whirl: I never got a response. agoodidstraction: yeah, thanks for the freaky dick pic Whirl: ..a simple "yes" or "no" would've worked. Whirl: Abd, hey, you ASKED for it. Smokescreen: Wheeljack just gimme a cygar or vape pen or whatever- I gotta live up to my name here. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Why would my position be endangered by your filling out the form? Non-rhetorical question.» agoodidstraction: Alright, alright agoodidstraction: I got copper and silver Windchill: *Wait a second, he never got any dick pics. Then again, he never asked.* agoodidstraction: Whirl your dick is *** up Rodimus: \OMG! I missed a dongle show?! Smokescreen: :O /Staring at Whirl. Dongle pictures?/ Windchill: *Regardless, as he's not a jealous mech, he will say nothing.* KingStarscream: ..that sounds like my cue to leave. Smokescreen: I'll try silver! KingStarscream: *he is OUT OF THIS TOWN BYE* Rodimus: *pouts wanted to show his off it fricking awesome* agoodidstraction: knock yourself out kid Whirl: It was just a picture, Rodders. Whirl: I' didn;t whip it out in public. Rodimus: No fun boomtank: ....um? Whirl: Nobody wants to see THAT. boomtank: What just happened here? Shockbox: *is this what the group discussion has completely turned to? genitals?* Whirl: @Wundchill: I took a close-up shot of killer biting my claw and told him it was my claspers. It was HILARIOUS, trust me. Smokescreen: Thanks! I'd offer you something similar, but I don't got anything like it- you like crystals by any chance? /He's sticking the cyg in his mouth-- is he supposed to light it or something else or??/ ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave's final wartime decision: unpopular. Cybertronian foreign being acceptance history: poor. If Soundwave: citizen, alliance discovered in future, this not burden? Windchill: ((WUNDCHILL)) Whirl: *Whirl's dropped it, otuside of private chat, so the subject is free to change* Smokescreen: /Cyg might also be the wrong way. He's only really eaten them, not actually smoked 'em./ Whirl: ((WUNDCHILL)) Windchill: ((I...)) FakeProwl: *aha. prowl didn't know if soundwave had planned on putting something revealing on the form.* Whirl: And, that, my friends... is how you clear the room of Starscream. Whirl: You are all WELCOME. Windchill: @Whirl: Excellent. Good job. ItsyBitsySpyers: *There's a TON of stuff on the form that would be revealing.* FakeProwl: *revealing re: prowl* Smokescreen: But he wasn't even that smelly a Starscream ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh. No. Why would he?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There's not a spot for "allies" or "secret companions"* Buzzstrike: (wonders if it works on Uniend Starscreams) FakeProwl: *maybe he leaped over a question Prowl's been planning on asking.* FakeProwl: *if not, no matter, it'll come up soon.* Whirl: Doesn't matter. Rodimus: *he can just flip that sygar over the right way he seen kup with one* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Your final wartime decision is unknown here. So far, mechs here appear to be mildly wary of foreign Cybertronians, but not hostile to them.» Whirl: All Starscreams need to be got rid of as quickly as possible. Windchill: *Nods.* Smokescreen: /Giving Rodimus a thumbs up- he appreciates that! Still has no clue how to use this but he's doing his best./ Windchill: *All of the Starscreams he's ever met have been terrible.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I've run simulations. At this present moment, the public discovering an alliance would do more to harm your reputation than mine.» Buzzstrike: The one in my universe certainly was. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sends over an empty message with several repeated humor tags while he tries to gather his thoughts for a response* Bruin: Amen ta tha *his mouth is full it sounds like he's gargling gravel* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Unless at some point in the future foreign mechs mechs become scapegoats, but I intend to work against that ever happening.» Whirl: If I ahd a drink, I'd toast the lot of ya. FakeProwl: *is that soundwave's way of going "lolololol"* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yes)) FakeProwl: *......prowl likes it* Shockbox: (( oh, soundwave...what a meme...)) Windchill: Go get a drink, then. I'll save your seat.
Missed some. Prowl and Soundwave decided the issue of Soundwave applying for dual citizenship was settled, Prowl moved on and said regarding the census he has a legal matter to discuss. Soundwave briefly went ?!??!?!!, the Shockwaves went ?? at him, Prowl attempted to send him a calm tag but just ended up sending a tag that said “CALMNESS” because he doesn’t have a calm tag. It didn’t hurt things, at least. Prowl mentioned they’ve agreed to serve as emergency medical contacts for each other, but according to the census, only conjunx, siblings, and amicae are listed.
agoodidstraction: Smokescreen just smoke it Smokescreen: how ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Affirmative. Bonds listed under sibling. Comment section utilized. Smokescreen: am I supposed to light it Windchill: @Whirl: I'll find a way to make it work. Rodimus: *squints at the cygar* Smokescreen: /Getting a blaster out- that should light it right?/ FakeProwl: «Well, that's—good. Reasonable, I think, since a spark bond is involved.» Rodimus: *he will just gently lower that blaster bro no weapons* Whirl: *snorts; that's good enough for him. He hops up* I'll catch most of you losers next week. Whirl: *nods to the Usual Crowd* And I'll see you guys in a few days! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Awww. Kay.// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DON'T DO NOTHIN' I WOULDN'T DO!\\ Smokescreen: /Oh whoops-- might press the cyg against Rodimus/ You're hot enough to light it, right? Windchill: *Oh good, someone stopped Smokes from blowing his fool face off.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy grins like hell* boomtank: G'night Whirl Rodimus: *naps the cygar and peers at it?* Windchill: *STRETCHES.* FakeProwl: «However, on the matter of—our arrangement. Typically, it would be atypical to, er... propose a—legal arrangement, considering the brevity of our alliance.» agoodidstraction: Give me the fraggin thing and come closer agoodidstraction: I'll show ya Whirl: You got it. *salutes* FakeProwl: «But, usually, a long wait before establishing a legal arrangement is to—to allow for the possibility of a conjugation to be ruled out, but we've ALREADY ruled that out. So.» Smokescreen: Aww- finee- /Swiping the Cyg back from Rodimus and going over to sit next to Wheeljack./ Here you go, Teach! ItsyBitsySpyers: *...There's already a legal arrangement. He said he filed it. And what does conjugation have to do with anything?* Whirl: G'night! *he will step aside to give Windchill room to get up, and will wait for him outside* Windchill: *Is there anyone else still sitting on him?* Whirl: *and spare a bob for Soundwave and Shockwave as he goes* Rodimus: What's in it Wheeljack? *squints harder* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Absent-minded feeler wave* Whirl: *i think the trio still might be* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The trio will vacate if Windchill needs to move* FakeProwl: «It would be—I think—reasonable, under the circumstances, to... if you're amenable—and aren't opposed to the social baggage that comes with it—register as amicae.» Windchill: *He kind of does.* All right, you dingalings, I gotta go. Smokescreen: Aww, bye Windy! agoodidstraction: Just watch Windchill: *He usually leaves when this song plays anyway.* agoodidstraction: *loooong drag* Windchill: For the love of- Windchill: *He POINTS at Smokescreen.* Windchill: Don't call me that. Smokescreen: ... Sorry! Window? Windchill: ...Better. Windchill: *He will accept this.* Rodimus: *press a button and drops the couches all into the floor* Smokescreen: /Also gonna watch Wheeljack/ So I gotta drag it like that? Windchill: OOF. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave snaps upright and -- WHOOP DOWN HE GOES* ItsyBitsySpyers: #DDDDD: Windchill: *He was just leaving why you gotta be like that.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *assorted large and small thumps around the room* FakeProwl: *WHY IS THE ENTIRE ROOM CRASHING. HOW BADLY DID HE MESS UP.* Shockwave: *falls onto his butt and leaves a small crater* ... Rodimus: *he doesnt like to be ignored when he is asking a question!!* Windchill: *He didn't smush the little dudes did he?!?!* agoodidstraction: *blows* Just suck and hold and blow agoodidstraction: Not hard Shockbox: *woah what the heck is happening* FakeProwl: *looks around. ... looks down. he's floating over the spot where his couch used to be.* ... ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Kehehehehe!}} ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Dumb two-legs.}} Rodimus: *is standing cuse he was ready for the drop* FakeProwl: *... sheepishly stands* Whirl: ((omg shockwave just pulled a windchill)) Bruin: *Is Very Concerned by this, what is Wrong* Whirl: ((his butt is justb as dangerous)) Windchill: ((RUDE...)) Whirl: ((luckily he didn't dent someone's BED WITH IT)) Smokescreen: ... Suck and hold and blow, huh? Haha- I can do that! Shockbox: *he's on his back, staring up onto the ceiling.* Shockbox: *contemplating life.* Shockwave: ((he is not shuttle sized but he is Very Very heavy)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up and looks around. What was...?* boomtank: *ow. why.* Smokescreen: Gimme a shot- /Trying to grab the cyg from Wheeljack now./ agoodidstraction: *hands it over* Do it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Checks both of the other Shockwaves. They seem... Shockwavey. About it.* agoodidstraction: Just one hit and see how ya feel Rodimus: Smokey dont do that if you dont know what it is!!! FakeProwl: *looks around for a culprit. spots rodimus.* FakeProwl: *gives rodimus a look that says Why???* Smokescreen: Hey what? I can handle it, Rods! Shockwave: *isn't on his back, but. yes. he's just sitting there questioning his life choices* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...That, not his fault. Windchill: *It doesn't appear that he's killed anyone.* Rodimus: It not about handling it its about not being a dumbass! Smokescreen: /He's gonna go ahead and- suck and suck and blow? Right? That was it he thinks- might be coughing some after that./ FakeProwl: «... I gathered.» Shockbox: *he shakes his helm and sits up to observe everyone else's reactions.* Buzzstrike: (is glad he decided to lean against the wall) Rodimus: Dont take things like that without seeing what they are! boomtank: *is going to remain where he landed* agoodidstraction: It's just silver ItsyBitsySpyers: *Offers his ally a feeler. Need help up?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *What was he - OH. Ohhhhh.* Smokescreen: Wheewhee's trustlworthy! Shockwave: ((i love how several peoples response is just to sit there like okay guess im on the floor now)) Bruin: *well, atleast  the partially consumed table is still here for him* FakeProwl: *maybe prowl should leave while everyone's distracted* Whirl: *pokes his head in* What the frag just happened? KingStarscream: (("I am too large to get up. leave me" FakeProwl: (("save yourselves")) Windchill: *Raises hand* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Don't you dare.* Windchill: My butt is probably broken. Shockbox: (( we weren't prepared to do any standing right now, and goddamnit, we'll stand when we're ready.* ItsyBitsySpyers: #the couches died Shockbox: *)) boomtank: What happened, and why are the couches gone? agoodidstraction: the frag are you nuts doin Whirl: I've seen what his butt can do, he probably hurt the floor more than the floor hurt him, ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I ATE 'EM.\\ Shockwave: *reaches a hand up to the feeler after a moment* FakeProwl: *he'll just stand awkwardly. and watch that stray left corner of the music video that's partially visible on the screen* Smokescreen: /Still- the silver's pretty strong for him! He's taking a moment to try to get his head a little less foggy- trying the silver again! Second time's a little better, at least, and he's not coughing/ Whirl: I knew Frenzy's uncontrollable hunger for upholstery would undo us all... one day... FakeProwl: *and definitely not look toward Soundwave. nope. nope.* Windchill: *This is a disaster, he's leaving now.* boomtank: Kinda rude to eat them when people are using them Windchill: Yeah, seriously. Whirl: *come and get yourself involved in A Different Disaster with Whirl* Windchill: *He's working on it.* agoodidstraction: *pats Smokey's back* agoodidstraction: Easy ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave - what is... Bruin: *might be looking at the remaining 2/3 of a table guiltily now* boomtank: *okay, now sitting back up* agoodidstraction: Are they dogpiling? Windchill: *Gotta grunt and CAREFULLY roll onto his front, just in case there are any smaller people in his general vicinity still. THEN he can get up.* agoodidstraction: Let's dogpile Smokescreen: /Giving Wheeljack a thumbs up- he's leaning back some, but he's okay!/ I can handle this! Shockbox: ....*he takes the bowl he had brought with him off of the ground and stands, sighing lightly.* FakeProwl: *waits. he's holding very still.* FakeProwl: *he's wringing his hands irl* Whirl: *still has his head ZOOPED into the room* Whirl: *nice song* Windchill: I'm coming. agoodidstraction: How ya feelin kid? Rodimus: *just content himself singing then and sit up on his snack table and raise his opical ridges at the snackers* Windchill: *Climbs to his feet with a Final Grunt.* Shockbox: *he returns the bowl he took to the table.* Windchill: *His body is ready.* Bruin: *um.. roddy the table might colapse with only 3 legs* Windchill: *To walk out.* Smokescreen: Kinda dizzy- but I think I've got it! It's kinda nice- Do I keep on doing it? Or do I gotta like- wait and then try again or? Whirl: *nods to Windchll and steps aside, then will trot off with him and lead him to where Killer awaits* Buzzstrike: Thank you, I should head back to my own 'verse. Shockwave: *if soundwave's too distracted to actually give that feeler a tug he'll just sigh and get to his own feet* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i didn't see it sorry)) agoodidstraction: Nah, wait ItsyBitsySpyers: ((chat zoomed)) agoodidstraction: You'll be high in a klik Windchill: Bye, suckers. I must go. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The feeler will be getting tugged!* KingStarscream: ((shockwave is like a turtle. trapped)) Rodimus: *considering it is bolt to the ground I doubt it* Shockwave: ((i wasnt sure if it was that or an actual IC justification lol)) Windchill: *He waves, and follows Whirl out.* Shockbox: (( they were just 'holding hands' for a few moments it's all chill)) Smokescreen: Really? What kinda thing can I expect from that? ...  Not gonna be all dazed like you, am I? agoodidstraction: Silver's mellow but sharp agoodidstraction: You'll know it when ya feel it Smokescreen: Mellow but sharp? ... Not gonna hurt much, right? Shockwave: *baleful stare at the butt-shaped dent in the hatch that's supposed to cover the retracted couches. someones probably going to need to repair that before Wave Couch returns* agoodidstraction: Won't hurt ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Amica: life-friendship? This, same across timelines? Prowl wants this? Soundwave not - this, personal relationship end? Rodimus: *looks over at the dent and chuckles* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's not sure what this means. He doesn't really get the whole friendship thing very well.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amica has always confused him.* Shockbox: (( the wave couche has a permanent butt mark in it now)) Shockbox: (( great job, larger shockwave, you have marked your territory.)) Whirl: ((hoist is gonna hafta do it gdi)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks at the dent. He looks up at Shockwave.* Rodimus: ((he will get hoist to fix it! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockwave: [[Table, floor. Next time, berth.]] Windchill: (( What an honor. )) Shockbox: (( wHEEZING)) FakeProwl: ((git it soundwave)) Whirl: (("I now know the exact dimensions of Shockwave's tuckuss. :|")) Whirl: ((HECK YE GIT IT)) Shockwave: *antennae perk* FakeProwl: «Yes—yes, life-friendship. That's a good way to put it. It's—it wouldn't necessitate us ceasing any current aspect of our relationship.» agoodidstraction: *he'll just take another big hit( Smokescreen: Good, good-- /Doorwings are probably relaxing as it finally comes in- and he's probably staring off once it starts / boomtank: ((Good one Soundwave KingStarscream: ((we now have3 a blueprint for the hotpants)) FakeProwl: «Or preclude the possibility of advancing upon our current trajectory.» Rodimus: *frowns drugs are for losers* Shockwave: ((@shockbox: its not the first time he's accidentally 'marked his territory' lol)) Shockwave: ((SHOCKWAVE IN HOT PANTS)) Smokescreen: /He's not a loser :c he's purring some even- this isn't so bad!/ Shockbox: (( all of you are killing me here. )) FakeProwl: «I realize this is—fast. Comparatively speaking. But. Considering our—our overall compatibility, and willingness to work out issues as they arise, and that we've... already ruled out...» Rodimus: *gutter trash mechs in idw tend to be very anti-drug. since they seen the worst sides of it* FakeProwl: *he's babbling. he'll stop now.* Shockbox: *shockbox is sort of. floating. watching. he has decided to focus study on his laternate for a brief while.* Smokescreen: /He's gonna try smoking the silver again- maybe it'll make it feel even better!/ Shockbox: (( *alternate )) Shockbox: (( geez, so many typos.)) Rodimus: ((my lyfe Shockbox: (( wow, now he really is SMOKEscreen )) Smokescreen: /... That is true. Smokescreen was mostly sheltered from it, somehow./ Smokescreen: ((Smokesmokescreen)) Rodimus: ((not gutter trash is he? lol FakeProwl: ((admittedly, we don't know that gutter trash is anti-drug)) Bruin: *goodbye.... friends? Aquaintances. He is gone. clunking and wacking things with his stick as he exits* FakeProwl: ((we know that DRIFT is anti-his-own-former-drug-use)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Conjunx forbiddal not Prowl's fault. Personal matter. Can explain other time. Apology given. Amica - difficult concept. Soundwave... hold. agoodidstraction: smokes Shockbox: (( goodbye bruin! )) Bruin: ((night yall)) Whirl: ((whirl was also guttertrash fo a time and has always been anti-drug)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Spark exposure necessary? Spark exposure refused. agoodidstraction: take this cyg but don't smoke it again tonight, I've got a higher tolerance than you. just see how this one hit feels ItsyBitsySpyers: *Dim memory of what those rituals used to be.* FakeProwl: «You don't need to apologize. I am not bothered by the ban. I'm merely saying that, because it's there, we can move onto—» FakeProwl: «No. No, no. No sparks. If we wanted to get old-fashioned, we could, but I have no desire to.» Shockbox: (( those two getting couples benefits? )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny relieved slump.* Smokescreen: ... Whee? /Idly keeping the cyg in his mouth/ But- why? I cnan handle it- it's really nothing! It's nice and relaxing and I mean it's not like high grade where it frags with your systems the same Whirl: ((which peiople.....)) Shockbox: (( prowl and soundy.)) FakeProwl: «... Then... if you're already asking about specifics, are you... inclined?» Rodimus: >( agoodidstraction: Don't Smokescreen: The same way- but. But fine-- can I try it again tomorrow? agoodidstraction: Yeah ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Acceptable. Shockwave: ((more like friend benefits )) agoodidstraction: Try to save it for when ya need to relax Smokescreen: ... Technically it's tomorrow on Earth in some places so that means now right FakeProwl: ((they are going to legally be friends with benefits)) agoodidstraction: Kid, you're gonna get too high FakeProwl: ((friends with medical/inheritance benefits)) Shockbox: (( heheheheh, alright, i see. )) Smokescreen: For when I need to relax? ... I don't exactly know when that is but- thanksn Wheeljackjack ItsyBitsySpyers: *Has a moment. Reviews something that was just said* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Prowl would have asked conjunx first if not forbidden? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Because THAT... would have been alarm unlike anything the couch did, let him tell you what.* agoodidstraction: Alright agoodidstraction: Gonna meet up with Bee FakeProwl: «No, absolutely not. We've only known each other—what, a few months?» agoodidstraction: See ya FakeProwl: «A year, approximately?» Smokescreen: Nooo- nooooo Wheel- come on.... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings relief.* Shockbox: (( i love how very little interesting is going on on the physical plane.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is sitting verrrrrry still.* Smokescreen: say bee I said hi Shockbox: (( and i'm here soaking up all of this prowl/wave drama )) agoodidstraction: I will Smokescreen: thanks Wee Shockwave: ((eh with comm convos it happens sometimes)) Rodimus: ((i just went back to discord ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Send paperwork. Soundwave fills, adjusts. ... Request: Fix census form. Smokescreen: We should hang out more WiiU Shockwave: ((technically they take longer to write than theyd actually take to conduct lol)) FakeProwl: *phrasing himself very carefully* «I—would not yet have ruled out the possibility. But it would take millennia, at least, to settle on the possibility.» agoodidstraction: Come over sometime agoodidstraction: alright night FakeProwl: *too much? should he have kept that to himself? more hand wringing as he waits.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged. Smokescreen: id love to!! nini wheehwee FakeProwl: *oh. okay, that's not bad. probably. soundwave didn't say he wants to reconsider the paperwork, he'll go with it.* Shockwave: ((lbr prowls just thirsty for a husband)) Smokescreen: /And he's going to go ahead and lie down with the silver in his mouth still. It's just cozy on the floor tonight/ FakeProwl: ((no??)) Rodimus: ((he just prema freindzoned soundwave Rodimus: ((amica isnt husbands ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Soundwave perma dis-conjunxed them first)) Shockwave: ((i mean that he'd rather like one, so he tries to keep his options open, but keeps having to rule them out)) FakeProwl: ((that's basically how canon says it works)) Shockwave: ((so hes like deep down thirsty but cant act on it)) Smokescreen: rodmus rotom lie down with me FakeProwl: ((you refuse to become amicas until/unless you've ruled out conjunx)) Rodimus: *huffs and smokescreen* Shockwave: ((as an ace person i object to the idea that what rewind said applies universally but)) FakeProwl: ((which means even if you'd be willing to be amicas, you have to hold out on that until you're sure it won't work as conjunx.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Gesture appreciated, still accepted. However, night late. Should return. FakeProwl: ((as an ace person I'm willing to accept that Rewind is describing the broad cultural conception of how it works even if for specific people it doesn't necessarily.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rises and summons the horde* Smokescreen: rotomus what'd I do? boomtank: *Yup. Going back home now. Nothing going on anymore so...* G'night, and thanks for the show Shockwave: ((but even in humans, the 'broad conception of how it works' is harmfully inaccurate, for more than just a small population)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\NIGHT.\\ FakeProwl: ((I'd rather drop it.)) boomtank: ((thanks for the stream! Later! Shockbox: (( rotomus?)) Smokescreen: ((Rotomus Shockbox: (( someone, paint a rotom with orange flames. )) Rodimus: *pokes him with a tip of a foot* You--- your slagfaced. Smokescreen: ((yess Shockbox: (( roddy's official pokemon team now includes rotom, no disputes upon the matter. )) Smokescreen: I'm nott- my face is not slagged-- come on, Rotoscope Smokescreen: /Gonna try to grab Rodimus' foot here/ Shockwave: ((its the fire rotom)) Rodimus: *huffs* Only losers whose lives are not already awesome do drugs. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Flexes a hand. Frenzy, he knows you're tired, but do try to get the pinky on right.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There we go. Thank you.* Smokescreen: my life isnt aweosme thouh Shockbox: (( he just has a ghost oven on his team for no explicable reason. )) Smokescreen: ... I kinda am a loser- I mean. My team lost the war- I'm alreyady losing there Rodimus: *nooo he is trying to be high and mighty but his foot is ticklish* Shockbox: (( uh oh, something appears to be)) Shockbox: (( afoot.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((PFT)) Rodimus: Autobots dont lose. Rodimus: Con always do. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Tell that to Wheeljack.]] Shockwave: *pauses briefly to help Shockbox to his feet if he isn't already. otherwise, will follow Soundwave out* Smokescreen: My team did- and I fragged up and optimus is dead and and megatron's ruling Cybertron and it's fragged up and I'm HEL{ING him and it's wrong Shockbox: *ah, no, shockbox has been staring at you from a distance for a while now.* Smokescreen: /He's puuuulling on that foot. He wants Rodimus to join him on the ground!/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl goodnight. And one more thank you.* Shockbox: *suppose you didn't see that bit, did you.* Shockwave: ((my b, thought he was staring from the ground)) Rodimus: *confused look at Smokescreen* FakeProwl: *pings back. and a thank you in return.* Shockbox: (( nah, nah, from around the snack table. )) FakeProwl: *flickers out* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And heads out with Shockwave, probably to hang out* Shockbox: *either way he watches the exit too. well, great. he just ran out of interesting things to stare at.* Shockwave: *will just CATCH HIS EYE AND NOD THEN hows that. wave solidarity knows no distance* Smokescreen: /He looks just as confused back at Rodimus/ Rodimus: *FINE will melt onto the floor* Your universe is fragged up. Shockbox: *it works, it works. he wonders if his alternate knew he was being stared at the entire time. probably did. probably.* Shockwave: *knew* Shockbox: *dun dun /dunnnnnn/ i mean it was pretty likely.* Smokescreen: It is- I knoww /Going to try to roll on top of Rodimus. It's very hard with doorwings!/ They've got a botbt that's supposed to be primee but he'd be a terrible fit but Megatorn KEEPS bringing it up Shockbox: *he's been doing a lot of comparing and contrasting with the first TFP shockwave he's met.* Shockbox: *differences in personality and size are quite jarring.* Shockwave: *may have to discuss these differences later* Rodimus: *its not your fault smokey that your supposed to be hot rod >_>* Shockbox: *shockbox here to have a FULL CATALOGUE of all of the other shockwaves.* Shockbox: (( they come together at some point to make some insane device.)) Rodimus: *he will just use those hand dandy door wing handles to lift smookey up* Shockbox: (( everyone is terrified. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((sounds about right)) Smokescreen: /Goes all stiff once Rodimus grabs that handle- pretty convinient!/ Rooodss Rodimus: *chukles* Rodimus: ((Rodimus is like TFP prime's size you know that right? xD Smokescreen: ((YEP it's so great)) Rodimus: ((xD he can actually fit on his chest Shockbox: (( alright now. i think that's about enough. )) Shockbox: (( i must....rest......for a million years....)) Rodimus: Yeah well Primes are only as good as the spark Smokescreen: ((teenysmokey)) Shockbox: *he takes leave.* Rodimus: unwilling spark bad Prime Rodimus: *grins* You ever see the captain ameria movies? Smokescreen: yeah-- and thehir spark is scrap- they gotta know that it wouldn't be a good fit, right? They knew beettter when big O offered the matrix the first time but paparently Megs doesn't get that Smokescreen: Yeah!! I've seen those! He's so great and a genuinely sweet human and I'm so glad for Steve Rodimus: I like him too! but yeah the supersolder typey its like the matrix! is makes like all the good parts more and all the bad parts too... Rodimus: ANYWAYS! Smokescreen: ... All the bad parts? Rodimus: You know.. like for exsample *not that its me* being unsure in your self it makes that a million times.. more! but it also makes oyu way more brave and sure of the choice at that moment! Smokescreen: Ohhh-- so- if I got it I'd be even more unsure of myself? And even more-- me? Probably a good thing that- that- were you less cool before it or just as cool? Rodimus: Ha! that no depends who you ask! Smokescreen: Well- what do you think? Rodimus: I am just as hot.. I am never cool look at my paint! Smokescreen: You can be both! You're hot AND cold! Rodimus: *laughs* Smokescreen: Like- you're like. an ice cube on fire Smokescreen: or a fire in the artctic Rodimus: If anyone could do it it be me! Smokescreen: Exactly!! You're Rodimus- you can do it! Rodimus: OK Smokes, time for me to do work. Smokescreen: and- and- I think I gotta go home, but htank you, Rodomy- see you later? Rodimus: I'll walk ya out~ Rodimus: ((nn!! Smokescreen: I can do it! you don't gotta do it if you've got work-- the help might be good though... Smokescreen: ((nini!)) Rodimus: ((they prolly raced out lets be hontest] Smokescreen: ((Pfff absolutely!)) Smokescreen: ((rodimus most likely won here))
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