#We survived gang
Spoilers for Night Swan Prequel event
What the event confirms without argument:
- Leda is the Night Swan’s real name. We been knew.
- Leda is originally from Earth. Biggest plot twist of the year AND confirms that this is what the former Loremaster meant when she said that The Night Swan and Sara had something in common.
- The Traveler brought Leda to the Danceverses and taught her how to open portals. Probably other Flow Magic as well, but point is, as I said before, everything that happens in the story mode is ENTIRELY THE TRAVELER’S FAULT
- That Night Swan and the Traveler were in love at one point in their youth. *gag*
- That at one point, they broke it off. *yay*
- At one point after breaking it off, Leda went on her own and became obsessed with perfection, and with a little helping of Dark Flow, became the Night Swan we know, we love, and serves today.
- That Discoball existed before Wanderlust. This is the biggest question mark of the event, since Discoball was first confirmed to have been created by the Traveler to appease Wanderlust when he was a kid. This could mean that either The Traveler lost the Discoball that brought Leda to the Danceverses and made a new one for Wanderlust or, what I think most likely, that the Traveler gave Wanderlust his own Discoball instead of creating a new one out of thin air, and in the comic we see him just conjuring them instead of building her from scratch.
What the event DOESN’T confirm:
- Whether or not Jack is the Traveler’s son. There’s no hide or hair of him ANYWHERE in this event that I could find (edit 1: unless you count “If You Wanna Party” and “Swan Lake” but they’re not new info and have nothing to do with this point, so I ignored them). The tasks and rewards are from Wanderlust’s explore section and not Jack’s shine, which would be expected from a Night Swan event considering most Night Swan related rewards come from him (Like Majesty). Point is, Jack has little to no connect to this event (edit 2: refer to edit 1). You could imply that he is, but implication is not confirmation. If anything, this could be proof that Sara and Jack are siblings more than Wander and Jack, cause now Sara and Jack have more in common (edit 3: Jack and Sara being siblings has as much evidence as Jack and Wanderlust being siblings, which is little to nothing. This is a massive joke that I’m going to run with until Ubisoft dares ruin it for me). Could this change with a new social media post by the team? Yes, but for now, we can exhale in relief.
- That the Traveler cheated on Si’Ha Nova. This will probably be clarified by the team later, but based on how young the two look, it’s safe to assume that Murder on the Dancefloor happened MANY years prior to the Traveler and Si’Ha meeting for the first time. What that means for their relationship is still to be seen.
With that out of the way, I can safely deploy this meme.
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evercelle · 1 year
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how about that lantern rite trailer, amirite!!!
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
Sometimes I see people misinterpreting Arya's character and honestly, all it does is make me appreciate her that much more. George could've easily written her into as a basic archetype and instead, he gave us one of the most complex and well-developed characters in the series and I'm forever grateful for that 🫶🏾
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kirumiri · 7 days
finding out there's a kazurei week planned for twitter JUST when i thought about drawing them again, so i'm going to go with the prompts there and post everything here LETS GOOO
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so-bitya · 27 days
kuro characters that would be better to me if they were just women:
a rather crass, pyromaniac, middle-aged lady that doesn't know how to cook, makes old man jokes, and hides the sharp intellect of a military strategist, would be an amazing character to interact with ciel and sebastian in day-to-day life.
This would also fix bardroy's rather gross sexist comments he was making at beast "a gal he would've like to have met at a bar", when she's holding the dying figure of her family?? perhaps fem!bardroy would have been a bit more like jane, "a job's a job" attitude about it.
it would also make bardroy more sympathetic in my mind if she was a lady from America who lost her husband and child and decided to join the war at the front lines (perhaps as a nurse, taking every chance to fight) compared to a man who had better opportunities in life. HOWEVER she is still complicit in the genocide of Native Americans and it would take a lot more fixing up of bard's backstory to find him sympathetic again.
lau's whole thing is acting unsuspected and clueless, way more than he knows right? then i think the average british man would be even more unsuspecting making business with a retired female courtesan running an opium den/brothel (which i assume so, i'm not sure if we ever got explicit confirmation lau's girls offer that kind of service)
if fem!lau has personal experience with brothels, even being raised in one, then we could explore an aspect deeply woven in the story that would connect her and ciel, human trafficking. How ciel justifies his actions as watchdog actively fighting against trafficking rings and the trauma he endured being sold in the black market.
She'll have intimate knowledge how human trafficking in england works and how it preys on the vulnerable, especially on minorities and children. a difficult ally to trust, because she could know a lot more about the earl and possibly what happened to him, all the horrible ways one can die in such rings or be abused to the point of envying the dead (perhaps all the girls working at the den are victims she has saved... or we could question if they were really saved without any other options... like a certain troupe i know...)
while male lau just comes off as a pimp. there's not much depth to be explored with his relationship with women even though so much is to be suggested, such as with ran mao and their pseudo brother-sister relationship. it's hard to take their relationship or even ran mao seriously with the constant fan service (the anime was egregious with this aspect). and it comes off so much worse with the sibling aspect.
still appalled we had to watch all those women raise sieglinde and get mutilated for her fantasy roleplay, yet die in such horrific ways while wolfram gets completely off the hook? as well as not questioning if they were coerced by the military to go along the plan, just like wolfram was? why is he treated like the one who only cares?? how much agency did these women even have??
anyway, big werewolf hulking mama bear butler would be amazing to add to the cast. and if fem!wolfram survived, maybe this series wouldn't feel so slanted against women :/
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c-cw-f-saeko · 2 months
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happy birthday @ariesfaeries !!!!!!!! have a zhao render !!!!!! 💃💃💃💃
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myersesque · 3 months
so like. what is the general consensus abt getting gale's orb tattooed on u. bc i relate to him n his backstory a fuckton and Really Want It (no promises i'll listen to the general consensus, i just wanna know what it is)
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tea-cat-arts · 2 months
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LETS GO- Kevin reference!!!
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manofmanymons · 4 months
(dont know if youre still as into digimon survive, sorry if you arent, i just got and now im obssessed) We know Takuma often teases Kaito, either on accident or on porpuse, but i wonder what it would look like if Kaito started to tease Takuma as well
Hmm I like to think it would look similar to how Dracmon jokes! Like simply pointing out when Takuma's being dumb or having a funny reaction to something.
Going "ya don't say?" if Takuma looks at a river and goes "oh hey it's a river," or "damn, his brain stopped working again" if he takes too long to respond during a conversation. Maybe even a single sarcastic "wow" if he's in the room when Takuma chooses the wrong dialogue option says the obviously wrong thing to one of their friends.
Unfortunately, I don't think Just Being Nice would really get the same reaction out of Takuma that it does out of him ladjak but perhaps someday he'd be bold enough to take a page from Saki's book and go "if you keep talking like that, I'll think you're in love with me" if Takuma's being too mushy again. The delivery is a lil awkward, but at least now Takuma's the one who's embarrassed for once.
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glitterrosesnzz · 5 months
i KNOW i said i wouldn't say it even under threat of death but im super sleep deprived right now so thats my excuse for sudden unhinged bravery
my other kink is. hiccups (much for similar reasons to snz, like, lack of control, denial, etc...)
there is. NOTHING FOR MY FAVE CHARACTERS. it drives me MAD.
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cypreus-and-willow · 7 months
Together We Can Fight!
Digimon Survive High School Gang AU
The team chooses to become a chess club, god knows why. Let's assume some teachers are not fond of the idea of their top student mingling with some degenerates and broker a deal with Aoi that if they fail to pass the prelims in a chess competition then they'll have to be disbanded.
The competition is in 3 days so she employs an old friend (read: senpai from her old middle school idk) to help her coach her team. They join a competition that they're completely unprepared for. Saki and Takuma win their rounds cause they can do no wrong. RIP Ryo and Kaito.
Minoru is temporarily banned; something about inappropriate behavior. With Minoru out of the game, they're down one team member.
They end up shoving Shuuji onto the game arena, replacing his school jacket with one of theirs.
“People can still recognize me!” He says.
So they take off his glasses and give him a hat. Still not enough, they split his hair in the middle as if it does anything. It works and the chess club nerds from the other schools don’t recognize him.
Aoi looks on as Shuuji shakily walks toward the table.Hand over her mouth. “What am I doing? Am I that desperate?”
Takuma, her right hand man, turns to her with eyes of anxious apprehension. “If we don’t win this round, we don’t make the cut. If we don’t make the cut… they’ll disband the club.”
Disband. But… I already like you guys.
“I am that desperate!” She whips back around to Shuuji, shakily greeting his opponent. She reaches out with all her heart. "Shuuji-san, respectfully, get his *ss."
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july-19th-club · 1 year
oatmeal book! oatmeal book!! oatmeal book!!!
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uniiiquehecrt · 9 months
Plz explain then the travesty that is love and thunder
A trainwreck directed by an egotistical six-year-old in a leech of a man's body who thinks he's a screenwriter and still plays pretend with his uwu self-insert OC.
.... real talk, though, in short:
The real travesty of Love and Thunder is that Thor is already made of love and thunder, and simultaneously Jane is the love to his thunder, and the MCU, through taika wai-feck-off, decided he can be neither of those things, and have no nice things. Thor is the most tragic character in the ENTIRETY of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and yes, I do think more tragic than Wanda.
He has lost :
his entire home planet
his people
his entire family of four (no hela does not count he was not connected to her and should have been odin's sister)
before which he lost his brother (his platonic soulmate, to boot) a total of 3 times emotionally, two of those physically
he lost his ENTIRE friend group because his half-sister murdered Volstagg, Hogun and Faendral; he never reconnected with Sif
his only good mentor/parental figure (heimdal) was stabbed through the heart in front of him
he lost his dignity, his crown, his birthright (voluntarily and otherwise)
he lost his self-worth, his sense of direction (bc the writers legitimately thought his arc was about stepping down from the crown instead of making it his own and growing into it in his own way, by his own merits, at his own pace and gave it to some literally no-name side character that showed up for one movie and never respected thor in the first place to even earn his title from him smh)
and taika's idea of rectifying any of this .... is to give him some random child he doesn't know, that he doesn't care for, and manipulate him into taking her under his wing not because of the kindness and limitless love of his own heart even after shutting himself down post!endgame, but because jane asked him to as her dying wish — and then say that THAT is his happy ending.
Tell me why Thor, the longest standing of the Big Three, the king of the stars, the hero who is by all respects the embodiment of love, gets no companionship, no friends, no home, no place to belong, when Tony got a hero's send off and Steve got to be with an alt!dimension Peggy.
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desertsportshipping · 7 months
Wes had to know. He was Team Snagem's top member, he had to be aware of their alliance with Cipher. He had to know that the Pokemon he stole would be abused to be turned into Shadow Pokemon, especially since Team Snagem members were given some.
He was okay with it. At the end of the day, all he cared about were himself and Espeon and Umbreon. As long as the three of them were alright, Wes didn't give a shit about anyone else.
Until they wanted to turn Espeon and Umbreon into Shadow Pokemon. That was the last straw. He blew up the base (you cannot tell me that all the Snagem members made it out in time and that Wes gave a shit) and bailed, taking the small Snag Machine with him as insurance. Since the Snag Machine was fragile, anyone wanting to take it from him would have to be careful not to break it.
It was sheer coincidence that he ran into Rui. The only reason he agreed to accompany her was because Umbreon and Espeon insisted. She wanted to rescue the Shadow Pokemon, the Pokemon that he'd helped create, and heal them.
Rui was aware that he was an ex member of Team Snagem, but she wasn't aware about his direct hand in the creation of Shadow Pokemon. She was aware of the destruction of the Snagem Hideout, but she told herself that her gallant hero wouldn't have let the explosions kill anyone (even though they definitely did).
Over the course of their travels, Rui rubbed off on Wes, and he found himself opening up. Not to Rui (a little bit to Rui, but he doesn't realize it), but to his Pokemon. It really sank in once he was at the Shadow Pokemon lab, and could see the torture Pokemon had to go through to become Shadow Pokemon.
Wes never vocalizes the growing guilt he's feeling to Rui, or the fact that he's been aware of Cipher and their plans for a while. At first it was because he believed it was none of her business, but then it was because he didn't want to disappoint her and burst whatever image she has in her head of him, and he feels it's a part of his atonement for his part in hurting so many Pokemon.
But then, at the top of Realgam Tower, Gonzap spills everything. About how Team Snagem was working with Cipher to supply with them Pokemon, and about how Wes was complicit and didn't give a shit until they wanted to turn his Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon.
Rui, unable to reconcile this information with the boy she'd been traveling with, runs away. She leaves Wes to fight Gonzap and the beginning of the Realgam Challenge on his own. She also finds it much harder to push away the fact that Wes has killed, and if pressed definitely would again.
Silva talks some sense into her, and she comes to the realization that while Team Snagem Wes and her friend Wes are the same person, he has changed over the course of their journey (she also justified the murders in her head by saying that those deaths were necessary for Wes to escape, she still doesn't like it but she understands it). So she goes up to reunite with Wes, and help him defeat Cipher.
She apologized for running away, but their friendship never fully recovered after that.
When Rui left for Unova, Wes ran himself into the ground, clinging to the title she had given him of "Champion of Orre." Duking put his foot down, giving him everything he needed to leave Orre and have a clean slate in another region.
When he arrived at Galar, he found himself wandering the Wild Areas aimlessly, until he helped an injured Rookidee return to its mother. That's when he decided he'd become the protector of the wild Pokemon in Galar, the first time he'd had a purpose he chose for himself.
Finally, away from Orre, he could exit survival mode and start to heal.
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I've always thought that firebrand socialist Liz wanting to be on the front lines of _something_ was interesting foreshadowing of her presence at the tribunal and it also accidentally mirrored Steban and Uli's whole thing about wanting to be hit by the cops. And (consequently) I also thought "welp the three of them are sooo dead in two months' time".
But! A Liz who may end up joining the inframaterialist book club would be a post-tribunal Liz! I wonder if her fresh experience on the front lines may have granted her some insight. Hm.
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So, in "Tempted Champions" there's this Slayer who was turned vampire. And when Buffy's about to stake her at the end, she asks Buffy to join her.
And she's actually starting to get Buffy to give in, by pointing out the Watcher's Council controls her and stuff, and that she gives up her entire life for them and what does she have to show for it? (The same thing happened to the turned Slayer.)
The Slayer turned vampire then brings up Angel and that really makes Buffy think about it:
At first, Buffy's imagining that maybe she could become a vampire with a soul, because surely Willow could find a way to give her her soul back like she did with Angel. And that really, they could continue on like they are now--fighting evil, but together (and truly together, like being able to make love and whatnot. Because Buffy thinks of how she knows Angel: and if she had to become a vampire to truly be with him, he'd never be able to forgive himself for that. And that would be the one thing that would keep him from achieving perfect happiness and losing his soul again)--but as vampires.
But then she starts wondering if she really wants them to have their souls. And she sort of contradicts her previous thought and thinks that she would be able to make him happy, after all, in order to lose his soul. And this whole thing is crazy, because I never thought Buffy would ever entertain the idea of wanting to be an evil soulless vampire, alongside Angelus.
She doesn't do any of these things, of course, and is able to pull herself from the edge, but damn. I sort of thought all of these things were sort of fanfiction ideas, with maybe the slightest bit of canon hinting at the possibility of it (like when Buffy told Angel that when he kissed her she wanted to die), but apparently not.
Edit: Here's the scene.
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