#We are on strike and I will never pay this amount for a fight on top of my monthly subscription. FURY and USYK... FUCK YOU...
moaninmoonen · 17 days
Here is why...
The price is outrageous and not even close to worth it. I am not paying the better part of 100 dollars to watch 2 old men dance around the ring. There will be NOTHING exciting about it. No build up and no one cares...
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nudityandnerdery · 11 months
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[Image Description: A series of sixteen tweets by John Rogers @jonrog1 that say:
1) A moment at the Teamsters/UPS rally this morning clarified our current struggle with the studio CEO's (among other bosses). Teamsters got a lot of wins, but one of the main sticking points is the pay for the 65% of local UPS workers who are part-time …
2) If you read the SAG-AFTRA demands, a truly STUNNING amount of their points involve protecting background actors, and trying to improve conditions for the 87% of their union who makes less than $26,000 a year.
3) As WGA members know, this is not a strike for the showrunners. We're trying to fix the fact the the current younger generation of writers can't even afford housing and their pathway to advancement has been cut off.
4) Like … folks, I'm fine. There are maybe two proposals in there that affect me. I'm walking in 90% weather and losing over 50% of my income for the year because I want the younger writers to get what I got at this stage of their careers.
5) Our unions and the CEO's and various negotiators have a fundamental cognitive disconnect. Because CEO's types only succeed by FUCKING THEIR PEERS.
6) Zaslav, Iger , those types of execs, etc have never gone without so a fellow exec or a junior exec could thrive. A fellow exec failing is the moment to use your own leverage to advance past them, if not destroy them.
7) Part of it is the money but part of this, I think, is a genuine inability to grasp even the concepts of any labor action. Because it is always other-directed.
8) So many people treat capitalism as part of nature red in tooth and claw, but it's not. It's a human construct. There are different rules you can play by -- but not if you want to win.
9) The greatest gift capitalism ever granted was the ability to validate selfish behavior as a virtue because that's "just what's necessary, I don't make the rules!" (Look ma, it's reification!)
10) This is where I usually point out that Adam Smith wrote that you have to overpay workers to keep your labor force up, and you need to take into account the psychic damage of capitalism to the workers, and that admiring the rich is the greatest source of moral corruption …
11) But I'll stave off that diversion to just land with … this is a discontinuity of attitudes which I think was once breached by the fact that management USED to come from people who loved building their company or their trade, even if they eventually did management shit.
12) Now, even that thin thread of SYMPATHY (Adam Smith joke, get it? People?) is gone. The CEO's are working off a different scorecard, practically and morally. We're not just playing by wildly divergent rules, our lives and careers are DEFINED by those wildly divergent rules.
13) To them, we are IN FACT being "unreasonable", as our behavior does not make sense in their moral framework. They don't think they're being evil, they think they're playing by the actual rules, and we're nuts.
14) There's not great conclusion to this, other than to note that the bit about making writers homeless was described as "cruel but necessary" because they genuinely don't understand the meaning of cruel, because they are always on the other side of the power dynamic.
15) And if they're ever NOT on the top of the power dynamic, they're not suffering, they're dead. They are un-people in their own eyes.
16) These men are not irrational, but they are deranged. This isn't about money, it's about identity. And in a fight about identity … they will set billions on fire.
Because they can always get more money. But they'll never shed the stink of losing to their lessers."
end of image description]
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
After a historic 6 week strike, the Temple University Graduate Students Association - the first graduate worker union in Pennsylvania - has WON.
When we went out on January 31st, I don’t think any of us thought that we would end up here. This was a long and arduous process that could never have been accomplished without everyone involved—and I do mean everyone.
Numerous news outlets have been reporting throughout the whole strike, but I’d like to run through what, exactly, it is we’ve done.
After well over a year of negotiations (we went to the table in January of 2022 after the administration delayed responding to our RFIs for months) and more than a year without a contract (it expired on February 15, 2022), we were stuck with an administrative team whose position was, resolutely, “we are happy with the contract as it is.” Their belief was that teaching and research assistants, who facilitate—at a conservative estimate—approximately one-third of all instructional work here on campus were “not a core function of the university.” Pay was structured around a tier-based system that generated inequity as part of its structure which ultimately manifested as race and gender based wage gaps, and that pay averaged out between 19k and 20k for the majority of our bargaining unit. We had only five days of parental leave in the event of childbirth. To cover a single dependent on the dependent healthcare plan required an individual to spend approximately 30% of their paycheck. There had been no substantive raises or adjustments for the cost of living since our first contract as a union.
During the strike, Temple university cut our healthcare and revoked tuition remission, attempting to break us through punitive bills and threats. They quite literally threatened peoples’ lives in addition to their livelihoods. International students were threatened for daring to exercise the rights they have as visa holders to engage in protected concerted activity. They attempted to break our will and our organization.
They failed. We didn’t.
On Monday, voting on a second tentative agreement closed. The contract negotiations team and the executive board unanimously endorsed that TA. It passed at an overwhelming 98% vote among our members. That TA, which will now become our contract, did the following:
Eliminated the tier system completely
Brought our pay up to 24k at the beginning of our contract, reaching pay of 27k by its end in 2026
Introduced 25% dependent healthcare coverage which, in addition to the pay raises, lowers the burden of single dependent care to just about 18% of one’s paycheck instead of 30%
Increased parental leave to 21 days
While this contract is not the most perfect contract, it is one of the largest single contract wins in recent history. It signifies an incredible amount of organizing power and it opens the door for future negotiations that will make TUGSA even stronger.
But more importantly, this strike and this contract are incontrovertible proof that graduate worker unions can win. They are proof that we can do it, and that administrations cannot expect to silence us through retaliation. We are stronger than them.
The fight doesn’t end here. The union of graduate workers, faculty, postdocs and more at Rutgers University has passed their strike authorization vote. The graduate workers at Duke University are fighting for their right to be recognized as employees, and that fight will soon be passed up through the nation to challenge rulings made at the National Labor Relations Board. Graduate workers at other universities in Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia area are moving to unionize. TUGSA continues to organize—our next contract negotiations will begin in less than two and a half years. Now is the time to support graduate workers. We cannot backslide. We have to fight for each other, because when we fight, we win.
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dc418writes · 2 years
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✨Pairing✨: mob!Ari LevinsonxBlack Reader
Summary🪄: It’s time for Ari to come clean
⚠️: I’d say a good amount of angst in this one, allusions to violence, violence (man-man), mention of blood, brief mention of death, fluffy moments mentioned throughout as usual, attempted assault, harassment, a couple bad language words, reader not being the best communicator, Ari because that man is always a warning
A/N🎙: all translations provided by google, so I apologize if they’re inaccurate (hopefully they’re right though)
“Well look who it is finally home from her date,” Tyla smirks hearing you enter the studio apartment as she poured a cup of coffee. You’d think she was a barista with her own shop the way she expertly mixed the espresso shot, creamer, and caramel to create her usual order.
“Could care less about that clock strike at midnight huh Cinderella?”
Her grin quickly falls turning to see your distressed eyes staring off into space while your thumb nervously tapped against the wooden counter. The last time she saw you this way was freshman year. You were just cordial roommates at the time, but at your sobs from the bathroom floor—paranoid that even though you used a condom, were on birth control, and your fling pulled out, you were somehow pregnant—she was immediately by your side telling you how it would be okay. From then on, you both naturally stuck together looking out for the other.
“What happened?,” she asks hurriedly moving to wrap her arms around you in a much needed hug. “You said you were having fun when you checked in.”
“I was, but-,”
“Did he get rough with you?! I swear to God and all the apostles if he-!”
“No, no he’d never.” At least you hoped. You weren’t quite sure what you could definitively say about Ari anymore.
“Then what’s wrong?,” she asks gently rubbing your back. Leaning against the small counter, you can’t fight the tears desperately wanting to fall or the lump in your throat trying to save you the embarrassment and shame. Not that you should feel that way around Tyla, you knew she’d never judge you.
But all her support couldn’t silence the voice in your own head.
“I….I think he’s married,” you finally reveal causing her mouth to slightly gape.
“Are you serious?! What happened? How’d you find out?”
“I overheard him talking on the phone and he was apologizing for not being able to call the night before, then he asked how his princess was and telling who I assume was his wife that he’d be there for her recital. That he wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Hm, anything else?”
“They just said I love you, then hung up.”
“And did you call him out on it?”
“No. I was honestly trying to get out after that, but he came back in and I was kinda stuck.” Sighing, you quickly wipe the stray tears rolling down your cheeks reliving the moment your heart shattered. “I feel so stupid! A-And then the fact that I slept with him-,”
“Hey you’re not stupid, okay?,” she states rubbing up and down your upper arms with an apologetic smile. “Some people are just…very deceptive and only care about themselves and their own happiness even if it’s at the cost of others. And please do not look at yourself as a bad person because you’re not. You were just the unfortunate pawn in someone’s twisted game, and believe me when I say they’ll be the one to pay for it.”
Thank God you gave her a key to your apartment. Coming back to silence where your thoughts and shame would just eat away at you, it might’ve been days before you went back out.
“Thanks Ty. And that wasn’t some foreshadow of how you’re gonna hunt this man down was it?”
“…For the sake of you not being an accessory so I can potentially have some help for bail, I cannot confirm or deny that,” you both laugh, holding each other tight in a warm embrace.
“Now you go ahead and shower, get comfortable so we can spend all day watching movies and eating every snack we can find.”
“That sounds great, but I can’t. You know I’m typically at the center for most of the day on Saturday’s.”
“You still wanna go today? Maybe it’d be best to call out.”
Taking a breath, you nod your head mustering the strength to give her a small smile. “Yea I’ll be fine. Plus it’ll be a good distraction.”
“Alright, if you’re sure, then we’ll have our movie marathon tonight when you get back.”
The trek to your bathroom is short but heavy feeling that thudding crack in your heart once again. As soon as the click of the door locking fills the quiet room, your silent tears move on their own down to the old graphic tee Ari was “nice” enough to let you wear rather than putting on your gown again. You began to wonder how many other women might’ve worn this same shirt walking around his impressive penthouse.
Or worse, if this was a favorite of his wife’s to wear thinking she was the only one lucky enough to have that privilege.
The longer you pondered, the sicker you felt as nausea climbed your throat and your stomach churned ultimately making it hard to stand in the sauna like shower.
It’s like he was just carrying a jacket over his shoulder how effortlessly Leo hoists the limp body from the floor, placing it’s arm over his boulder like shoulders. His other hand gripping it’s side as he stabilizes the body for an easier time walking.
“Where do you want him?”
“He can sleep it off in the back alley. Have cameras on him in case he gets any ideas when he wakes up,” Ari answers wiping the blood from his hands. With a curt nod, Leo leaves out the back double doors leading to the hidden hallways of the casino few had access to.
“Mr. Levinson, a Mr. Shiloh is here for you,” his secretary buzzes from the sleek black phone on his desk.
“Send him in.” Ari rolls his eyes hearing his best friend attempt, yet again, to flirt with the uninterested woman as he saunters into the modern office. “If it hasn’t happened by now, it never will Shi.”
His tattooed hand covers his heart feigning hurt settling into one of the cloth chairs sat in front of the dark, hardwood desk gleaming from the reflecting light. “And what has you brooding so today? Well, more so than usual.”
“I don’t brood,” Ari glares pouring himself and his guest a small glass of whiskey before settling into his own seat.
“Mhm sure. So, I take it the date didn’t go well?”
“Not that’s it’s any of your business, but no it was actually perfect. Saw the show, ate dinner. Went back to my place and talked some more. To me at least, everything seemed good.”
“Seemed?,” Shiloh asks lifting the glass to his full lips. There’s a soft hiss from Ari as the brown liquid runs down his throat leaving behind a dull burn. He takes a hand through the brunette hairs on his head feeling the frustration and confusion from earlier this morning return at the slight mention of you.
“This morning she was…off. Still nice, but kinda rushing to leave. I offered to drive her back home, but she insisted on an Uber instead saying how she didn’t wanna be a bother.”
“Hm..well we know she didn’t rob you since you still have your chain and watch. Then again, you check your wallet?”
“She wouldn’t do that,” Ari states with an icy glare. Offended on your behalf someone would dare accuse you of anything bad.
“I know, I know,” Shiloh holds up his hands amused at his friend’s lovestruck behavior this early on. “She’s a good girl. And how she voluntarily got mixed up with you I’ll never know.”
This earns him a much less threatening glare as Ari takes another drink from his glass.
“Does she know? About your uh, career that is?”
“You sure?”
Sighing, he rests his head against the leather headrest peering at the ceiling. Truthfully, he couldn’t be sure. Who knows who you knew that might’ve known him through business, or even stories that passed from mouth to mouth eventually making their way to you?
“…I don’t know,” he finally answers.
“Maybe that’s it then? Or,” he shrugs, “she just needs some space. Why? Who knows, I’m sure it’s the more favorable reason for you though.”
Both taking a sip from their respective glass, Ari silently prayed you just needed space. Maybe you had regrets on being intimate so fast? Regrets about him even.
“Mr. Levinson? Your two o’clock is here. They’re currently waiting in the conference room,” his secretary calls bringing his thoughts back to business.
“Thank you, we’re coming.”
“I guess we’ll continue this later,” Shiloh sighs standing up to fix his tie.
“No, absolutely not.”
“Cmon I’m your friend man, you don’t have to be afraid to open up. It’s okay pumpkin,” he smiles patting a stiff Ari on the shoulder.
“You have two seconds to stop touching me.”
“Ugh, this is dumb!,” the boy next to you huffs tossing his pencil down on the workbook in front of him while the preschooler sitting to the right of you gasps immediately halting any further drawing.
“Das a bad word!”
“Is not. And why I gotta learn this anyway? I’m gonna be the biggest music producer in the world, I don’t need college.”
“Alright then Mario, so I take it you’ll handle all of your money?,” you ask rejoining little Ella and helping her finish her jellyfish coloring page.
“Psh no, I’m gonna be rich! I’ll just hire somebody to do that.”
“Mhm, and who’s gonna check behind them? To make sure they’re doing their job and getting their correct cut?,” you ask raising your brow.
“Um…m-my assistant?”
“And who’s gonna check them?”
“His mommy,” Ella grins making him glare at the pigtailed little girl and you nearly laugh as well.
“I get what you’re trying to say Ms. Y/N, okay? I’ll do my work just no more questions my brain hurts enough,” he sighs, reluctantly back to concentrating on his math assignment.
Your phone vibrating on the table cuts through the chatter of kids playing around you, but you refuse to look already having a clue of who it was. You’re honestly surprised he didn’t try to reach out to you sooner.
“Who’s Airy?,” Ella asks holding your phone up to your face.
“No one.”
“Is he your boyfwend?”
“He wishes,” Mario mumbles under his breath causing your mouth to slightly gape.
“Come again?”
“Um I…I said goldfishes! They’re handing out goldfish and juice and I’m gonna go get some,” he quickly answers before rushing out of his seat. His sneakers squeaking against the linoleum floor until he leaves the room.
“That boy,” Ella sighs with the shake of her head as if she was a disapproving parent.
“And what do you know about boyfriends missy?”
“My fwend Katelyn has one. They always nex to other,” she answers with a nod of her head. “You sit nex to Airy?”
“Listen, why don’t you take a break from coloring and go get some goldfish okay?”
Quickly hopping from her seat with a bright smile, she starts to run off before stopping in place and turning back towards you placing her small hands on your arm. “I get you some too.”
“Thank you, but remember to walk Ella!,” you shout behind her, but unsurprisingly she continues her hurried pace.
Now alone, you open your phone in search of Ari’s text feeling that lump form in your throat again. You knew you needed to talk to him about what you heard and why you were acting so distant, but you were also hesitant to reach out. Afraid he’d only manipulate and lie to you more.
Hey angel, hope you made it home alright. Worried about the way you left (sent 2:45 pm)
Fingers drumming against the oval desk, his knee anxiously bounces under the piece of dark wood furniture unknowingly to those around him. His expression was still calm, listening with steely eyes to some bar owner swearing he had too good a proposition for the family to decline. But his mind raged with the idea that you found out about his lifestyle and currently was trying to get as far away as you could.
And although it would hurt, he wouldn’t blame you.
I did…sorry had things to do and forgot to text (sent 3:00 pm)
And worried how? (sent 3:00 pm)
Was that a sign of guilt? Maybe he would confess after all.
You just seemed different compared to last night. If I did something to scare you off maybe, I swear I didn’t mean to. I’d never try to (sent 3:02 pm)
It was too late.
You sit back in your seat, eyes misting but refusing to let anymore of your tears fall. At least not now.
This was really nothing but a game to him. He saw a struggling, naive waitress and said all the right things until she was dumb enough to take his bait.
How could you not see the red flags and warnings? Then again, maybe you were just that blind.
We could talk about it over dinner? Breakfast? Whichever you want (sent 3:05 pm)
I’d love to see you again (sent 3:06 pm)
“So, whataya thinking nipote (nephew)? This deal that irresistible?,” his uncle asks rolling up his sleeves before pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Ari just continues to stare out the wall of glass peering out to the rest of the city and it’s gloomy sky. Legs spread as he gently twists back and forth in the leather armchair and occasionally scratches his beard with the hand propped under his chin.
“Ari,” he calls once watching his nephew still in his trance like state. “Cucciolo (puppy).”
“Si zio (Yes uncle),” Ari finally answers rubbing a hand over his face as if trying to wake up and rejoin reality.
“Dove sei (Where are you), ah? We got business to take care of.”
“I’m here,” he answers sitting up a bit straighter. “Taking over that bar sounds nice, but I’m not-,”
“It’s her…isn’t it?”
“Her who?” His uncle deeply chuckles leaning back in his chair with hands clasped across his abdomen.
“Chi (Who)…the girl that’s running a marathon in your mind and taking your heart for a spin too. You brought her to the party no?” Ari only looks down at his fingers tapping against the glossy wood.
“Dark, curly hair. Brown eyes. Bellissima (gorgeous). If only I were younger-,”
“Abbastanza (enough), yea?,” Ari states. That possessive look in his eyes pleasantly surprising his uncle as his smile widens.
“You’re wrapped around her finger as tight as can be! I expect to be meeting her soon then?”
“…I honestly don’t know zio.” It was tough for him to open up about things like this, but he knew he could always come to his uncle.
The man raised him as his own. Giving him his first ever advice on love when he was merely seven crushing on a girl in the grade above him.
“Above everything, always listen cucciolo. Be there for her. Spoiling is nice, but material things can’t compare to truly giving someone your heart and time. Capire (understand)?”
He wasn’t wrong then, and he’d never been steered wrong since.
“Things aren’t the best right now…and I dunno what to do,” he explains combing his hand through his hair. “I wanna make it right though.”
“Have you talked to her?”
“I tried. She isn’t talking to me.”
“Well, thinking back did you possibly do or say anything?”
“Not that I know of,” he answers with a shrug. “…I think she might know about my actual job. Maybe even the family too.”
Sighing, his uncle finishes the rest of his drink before refilling his glass and pouring a separate one for Ari. “If that’s the case….then I don’t know if there’s anything I can tell you to make it better. I warned you about what comes with this life.”
When he was still just a baby, Ari’s mother told her brother how she didn’t want him in the family business. He knew he couldn’t promise Ari would never be a part of this life though. At some point, his nephew would make his own decisions no matter what he told him. So anytime Ari would ask about his uncle’s dealings—when he became old enough to comprehend what was going on that is—he was honest. He didn’t shy away from telling what could happen if a deal went wrong, or what would take place at the “visit” he and his team were making to a client that owed him money. How he had to watch his back at all times and constantly worried about his family. He could only hope he wasn’t fascinated enough to follow in his footsteps.
“I know and don’t want her in any part of this..but also-,”
“You can’t ignore your feelings,” his uncle finishes with a slight nod of his head. “Well, if she’s that important to you, then you fight for her until one of you raises the white flag nipote.”
It’s going on two weeks since Ari heard anything from you. He tried texting once again the day after your initial talk, but it’s since remained unread.
Good morning…I get it, you need space. I’ll be here if you want to talk (sent 7:05 am)
He knew better than to stop by the restaurant, but that didn’t stop you from switching your hours to the night shift trying to further avoid him in the event he changed his mind. And so far it was working. Allowing you to slowly get his face, his smell, and his touch from your mind the further you buried yourself in work and the community center.
As always, it seemed as of late, nothing good could last forever though.
“Sorry we’re closed,” you call over your shoulder hearing the ding of the front door opening and closing. Not hearing a second ding or anything from the stranger prompts you to halt your sweeping, turning around to find a pistol aimed shakily at your forehead.
“G-Gimmie all the money,” he sniffs. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand before scratching the side of his grimy neck.
“I-It’s already gone. The manager-,”
“Bullshit! Give it now or I shoot!”
“I promise there’s nothing! M-My manager already counted it a-and took it to the bank I swear,” you quickly answer. Your voice unsteady with the tears falling down your cheeks. Mascara surely staining your skin black by now.
He frustratedly bounces using the edge of the gun to scratch his temple as he looks around in thought mumbling something to himself. You wish you could run, but your legs are planted fearful that even taking a step would have a bullet racing towards you.
“Fine,” he finally answers with a demented grin on his thin, cracked lips that makes your stomach churn. “I’m leavin’ with something though sweetheart.” His footsteps grow closer until you can smell the must and smoke from his baggy clothes as he presses against you only making your cries harder. Forcefully grabbing your chin, your pouted lips spur him to lick his own with a smirk.
“Aw…I would say don’t cry, but you just look so pretty when you do.”
“Please,” you manage to squeak feeling his nose press against your neck before inhaling your perfume deep as he could as if it was his first time experiencing any sort of smell.
A high pitched whistle followed by a click has the stranger frozen himself at the cold metal pressed to the back of his head. His sweating becoming more profuse by the second. “I’ll give you two minutes to let her go.”
On good terms or not, the familiar voice has your sobs quieting to soft hiccups now knowing you were safe.
He slowly backs away from you enough that Ari can grab your wrist pulling you behind him all the while still aiming his own handgun at the stranger’s head. From his height and muscular build he completely shields you as your chest presses against his back and his cologne wafts around you.
“You okay?,” he asks slightly turning his head towards you with eyes still trained on his target. You can only muster a nod of your head wrapping your arms around your middle.
“L-Listen alright? I-I just need a few bucks man that’s it. Cmon-,”
This only angers Ari more with how quick he’s twisting the slender man’s arm behind his back and smashing his face into the bar with a disgustingly loud crack. Crying out in pain, his gun falls to the ground between his feet making Ari smirk.
“Huh you know what? I’d say you’re the one who looks pretty when you cry,” he states pressing the gun uncomfortably into the man’s cheek.
“Let me go!”
“Come anywhere near here, my girl, hell, if I even see you in the street, you’re dead. Hear me?!”
“Y-Yea! Got it.”
“Mm..I don’t think you do. Maybe I should just-,”
“Ari,” you call out stopping him from further pulling the trigger. “Police.”
Only seeing red, he failed to hear the approaching sirens or see the flashing red and blue lights illuminating the inside of the restaurant.
“Gun down Levinson,” a middle aged officer announces entering in along with two other cops with their guns drawn. They immediately rush towards the stranger pulling Ari off so they can properly arrest him. “Druggie’s not worth the court date. Go check on your friend, we’ll take care of everything else.”
His expression softens watching you get questioned by a younger officer. How you looked so small and broken holding yourself; occasionally gliding your hand up and down your upper arm. Somewhat calmed down, he returns his gun to the waistband of his pants thanking the Sergeant before his legs carry him to meet you on the other side of the room.
“Hey, she okay?”
“Yep, maybe just some bruising on the cheeks later but physically she’s good,” the young officer softly smiles. “It is common for victims to experience PTSD like symptoms for a while after though, so I don’t think she needs to be alone tonight.”
He wishes he would’ve just pulled the trigger. Whoever that was shouldn’t be breathing let alone able to walk out this building after what he did to you, and how that would potentially affect you for the rest of your life.
“She told me her car is currently in the shop, so rather than run the risk we’re gonna have someone take her home and make sure she gets in okay.”
“That’s alright, I’ll take care of it.” Ari’s careful when approaching you. Flashing you a sympathetic smile before slowly kneeling beside you and reaching out to place his hand on top of yours. When you don’t flinch or pull your hand away, his entire chest warms that maybe things were back to how they were. “Hey angel, I’m gonna take you home okay?”
“But…I thought I have to wait for the manager and owner? To tell them what happened..”
“Well, the cops already made the incident report so you don’t have to. If you just wanna wait though, then we can. You tell me.”
“Oh, then…c-can I go home? Please?”
“Of course, let’s go beautiful.”
Somewhere between the cool air of the car’s AC hitting your face and staring out the passenger window at the passing lights and buildings you were reminded how you were supposed to be mad at the man currently driving you home. All those emotions from overhearing his conversation coming back to your calmed mind to tell you not to fall for his sweet words and charm.
“T-Thanks for bringing me home,”you state switching on the lights after finally making it inside your quiet apartment. This was Ari’s first time seeing what lied beyond your front door, so naturally he tried to take in as much of his surroundings as he could.
Your little studio was cozy with bits of color here and there bringing a brightness that matched your personality. The few plants you had by the windows, either hanging or on their own stand, were blooming with life from their hanging leaves and bright green color. There was even a small reading nook in the corner with a large, yellow, smiley face beanbag sat in front of your shelf of books that immediately made him smile to himself. Everything he saw matched you so well and he found himself never wanting to leave.
“You know you don’t have to thank me,” he dismisses. “I’m here whenever you need me.”
Could his family say the same?
“I-I know.”
“Are you gonna be okay tonight? The officer mentioned-”
“I know, I was there. I’ll be fine.” Your newly short tone catches him off guard sending that ache from all those days without a word from you back to his heart. His disheartened mood might not have easily been read by his features, but the way he peered down to his keys in his hands leaning against your counter had a twinge of guilt creeping in your chest.
“Right…I uh, guess I’ll check on you tomorrow then.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” you state protectively crossing your arms in front of you.
“Stop calling me that!,” you snap making his forehead crease with concern at your fresh tears and raised voice. “You’ve lied to me this whole time.”
He knew this would come eventually. The selfish part of him hoped much later though, wanting to delay having to see the clear disappointment that would be in your eyes. Sighing, his arms flex under his light blue button up as he grips the edge of the counter behind him.
“And how could you do that to your family? They love you so much, and that’s how you repay them?!”
Now he was confused, slightly tilting his head in thought. Clearly he was missing a detail or two.
“Wha…what are you talking about?”
“I overheard you on the phone that morning after our date,” you explain beginning to pace back and forth. “I know about your wife and princess.”
The deep chuckle that bellows from his chest, making him lean forward and hair fall to his face, is one of relief that this was all just a big misunderstanding.
Clearly this was unknown to you, so his seemingly joyous outburst only makes you more frustrated and annoyed with the man in front of you.
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoff heading towards the door. His strong hand gently grips your elbow for a brief moment trying to coax you back before quickly dropping them to his sides. He could admit, he should’ve known better than to try to touch you right now.
“I know you’re more than likely not gonna believe a thing I say, but I promise you I’m not, nor have I ever been married. I…I do have a daughter though. Her name’s Ariane, but I call her Princess.”
Removing his phone from his pocket, there’s a few taps before you’re shown a smiling little girl on his screen. Long brown hair in a braided ponytail and ocean-like eyes, anyone could tell she was Ari’s. The only thing stopping the two from being complete twins was her button nose, which you assumed came from her mother.
“You heard me talking to her grandmother. She’s kept her since she was around one so I could try to grow my business and get to a place where I can keep her for good.” The next picture shows a curvy, older woman with long salt and pepper hairs styled in a messy bun on the top of her head. Smiling as she held her equally happy granddaughter on the slide, a small one forms on your lips as well at how adorable they both were.
“And her mother?,” you ask in a whisper peering up to his eyes.
“She uh…she passed giving birth,” he answers . His face falling as he recalls the nurse rushing him out the room ignoring his protests and questions as the monitors beeped and everyone frantically worked over her struggling body. He hadn’t even gotten to hold Ariane before she was taken away with little lungs calling out for the both of them. “There was a blood clot that travelled to her lungs. They couldn’t help her in time.”
He didn’t have to show you, but the last picture of baby Ariane standing on chubby legs in the grass beside her mother’s headstone as Ari sat close behind making sure she didn’t fall had your heart sinking further than you’ve ever felt.
“Loving daughter, sister, friend, and mother,” etched in the grey stone, a new lump forms in your throat along with a dryness realizing Ari was in fact telling the truth, and you’d made a terrible mistake.
Well, shit.
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eattrashdocrimes · 4 months
This is a short Jujutsu Kaisen fanfiction featuring my friend and I’s ocs!!
word count: 1132
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I yawned and stretched, letting the morning sun wash over my face.
“Morning, Atarashi.”
I turned to see one of my fellow second years, Hironori Uehara. The soft light made his caramel eyelashes stand out.
“Morning.” I said back.
“Kelp.” Inumaki stepped outside with his hands in his pockets, Panda and Maki not far behind.
“Where are the first years?” I asked, clearly not seeing (or sensing) them nearby. “This is just a hunch, but I think they’re late.” Panda said, grinning.
My head shot up. “Never mind, they’re here.” As if on cue, the sound of yelling got closer and louder until-
“SORRY GUYS! DID WE MAKE IT IN TIME?” Yuji’s eyes were wide as he came to a screeching halt, a very tired Nobara and Megumi in tow.
“Salmon.” Inumaki chimed as Hironori said, “y.e.s.” I stifled a laugh. “Hey, what does that mean??” Nobara said, raising an eyebrow. Hironori crossed his arms before simply saying “You’re extraordinarily stupid.”
“Since today’s sparring day, I’m going to make you pay for that insult!” Nobara said proudly, putting her hands on her hips.
“You can do that after I go,” I said, cracking my knuckles, “I’m up first.”
I shook my hair out like a wet dog before tying it up into a high ponytail, blowing stray strands of hair from my eyes.
“A.w.o.” Hironori said as he took off his blazer, tying it around his waist. “A worthy opponent, huh? I’m flattered, Hiro.”
“Stop bantering and start fighting!” Panda called over to us. “Spicy cod roe!” I could’ve sworn I saw a twinkle in Inumaki’s eye.
I turned my attention back to Hironori, a shadow of a smirk on his face as his gaze darkened, honing in on me. The air itself seemed to still, humming with electricity and anticipation.
I let my cursed energy flow through and out of my body, steadying my breathing.
“Woah, I’ve never seen Uehara look like that before.” Yuji pointed out. Maki nodded before saying, “He doesn’t play around in a fight, but neither does she. Watch.”
Quick as a flash, Hironori tried to close the distance between us. A smart move, but I saw it coming and blocked his fist with my forearm. The ground cracked beneath our feet.
Divergent fist!
The second I made contact with his gut, Hironori staggered back for a split second, landing on his feet several yards away, smiling and baring his teeth at me. Good. I had gained some distance. I flicked my hand as if shaking off water before returning it to my side.
I was feeling experimental today. I launched myself toward him with frightening speed, controlling the amount of cursed energy in my strikes, sensing the resistance he was building to my attacks. I backed away, giving him the opportunity to draw his swords. He didn’t hesitate, and I threw my hands out to block his attacks, the blade hovering inches from my palms.
His hazel eyes were ablaze with battle lust, pupils blown wide as his swords trembled against my cursed energy. I focused a higher concentration, pushing him away. I could hear the air crackling around me as I launched myself forward again, taking the offense. I blasted energy from my fingertips, watching in satisfaction as he rotated his sword, deflecting them away.
He managed to hit my side with the handle of one of his swords, and I grit my teeth in a feral smile as he landed more strikes on my body.
“They’re crazy.” Megumi commented quietly, watching the two go at it with intense focus. “Tuna!” Inumaki pointed as Hironori hurled one of his swords right past Inori’s face, grazing her cheek, droplets of crimson flying through the air.
I pushed him back with a wall of pure energy, bracing my left hand over my right as I sent a concentration beam that hit him square in the chest. He let it hit him as he stood his ground, the concrete around him blasted away with the force of my attack. He rushed forward with a newfound speed, and I indulged him in hand to hand combat. When one of us would swing, the other would block with perfect accuracy.
In my peripheral vision, I saw one of his swords approaching my leg.
Got you-
He flicked his wrist, sending the sword clattering in the opposite direction.
“L.a.l.t.h.s.” He said, smiling. My breath caught in my throat as his fist connected with my chest, the air whistling past my ears as I twisted my body and landed, panting.
I pointed at him, sending a highly concentrated blast at him. He blocked it with his remaining sword, but by the time he did so, I was already behind him, sending him on the defensive with a swift kick to his back. He rolled and stood up, but I was faster, damn near overwhelming him with a flurry of attacks. I could feel his technique stuttering ever so slightly, barely detectable. It was working.
“Is that all you have?!” He barked, eyes wide with anticipation and desire.
I propelled myself backward, my hair whipping around my face as I felt my cursed energy travel from my feet, to my legs, past my core, and into my left arm.
I’d show hi-
“Stop it, now.”
Hironori and I both froze, his sword falling from his hand as his technique released, and the energy gathering at my fingertip snuffed out like a candle.
“Fish flakes.” Inumaki scolded, his mouth covered again. “Whaaat?? Hey, I wanted to see what Atarashi was about to do!” Yuji protested. “Me too, why’d you stop her, huh?” Nobara agreed. Megumi said nothing, but he seemed a little disappointed.
“We’re just practicing, this isn’t a death match, you guys,” Maki reminded everyone. “Though I will admit, I wanted to see that ultimate move of yours.” She looked at me, the corner of her mouth quirking up in a cheeky smile. “Gojo won’t be happy about the state of the courtyard.” Megumi gestured out to the nearly ruined area where we had fought moments earlier. “We should start cleaning, then!” Panda exclaimed.
Nobara sighed, frustrated. “Damn, guess I can’t exact my revenge today.” She glared at Hironori, giving an ‘I’m watching you’ motion with her hand. He smiled sheepishly at her in response, shrugging his shoulders.
“Whew, that was a workout, yeah?” I turned to Hironori, who nonchalantly had his hands resting behind his head. “I quite liked it. You should g.i.y.a more often.”
I gave him a playful nudge as I walked off toward the storage closet to retrieve a broom. “Yeah, maybe I will.”
LALTHS - Like a lamb to the slaughter
GIYA - Give it your all
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lingshanhermit · 11 months
Lingshan Hermit: What is the most significant distinction between humans and animals?
Our inhabited blue planet is replete with abundant food, plentiful water, and a vast array of resources. If these resources were divided on a per capita basis, they would be more than enough to ensure a carefree life for all.
We are humans. The most striking difference between us and animals is not our ability to use tools, control fire, or walk upright, but rather our possession of sufficient wisdom to allocate these resources, ensuring everyone's basic needs are met without concern.
Humans should not live like animals in the jungle, perpetually on high alert and anxiety-ridden, fearful of either failing to capture other animals for sustenance or becoming prey themselves.
However, to this day, we have yet to fulfill these expectations that are inherently ours. Our planet's civilization, as it's said, has spanned a continuous five thousand years, yet countless people still lack access to clean water and ample food. They lack stable homes, living instead amid garbage heaps swarming with flies, while others hold wealth rivaling entire nations. Some individuals could provide for an African village for several years with the money they spend on a single tie, while others toil laboriously for mere pennies.
This is due to our lack of a sense of security and our endeavor for self-preservation. We operate under the misconception that possessing more ensures greater safety. This isn't the truth. The more we own, the tighter our bindings become. We find ourselves investing increasing amounts of time and energy in safeguarding what we possess. Our fear of loss intensifies, and our capacity to withstand loss diminishes. Consequently, we must bare our teeth in an imposing manner to deter others from daring to infringe upon what we have. Human society is increasingly mirroring the jungle, with everyone viewing each other as potential threats. Among those perceived as threats, some indeed pose a danger, some initially did not, but gradually they too morph into threats. In the fight to protect their turf, everyone is snarling at one another.
We have been educated to believe that the sense of security must be derived from possessing more money or power than others. This idea has led to a severe imbalance in the distribution of resources on Earth. "Survival of the fittest," I believe, is one of the most absurd views I've ever heard about humankind. I've always held the belief that such a perspective could only originate from a beast that lacks wisdom.
Suppose we have enough bread to feed ten people. Why would we let these ten people fight amongst themselves until only two remain, and these two can't even consume the bread meant for ten people? Most of the bread begins to mold while some individuals are starving. Only a beast lacking wisdom would act in such a manner. Some people might feel that possessing more bread, even if they do not consume it, provides a greater sense of security. Or it could provide them with power. This is where politics begins.
A glance at the history of various countries worldwide will reveal countless facts proving the absurdity of this notion. It's hard to imagine a person surrounded by a group of homeless individuals, famished for several days, feeling secure while clutching a large amount of food.
It's said that more than a hundred years ago, the genius Tesla had already invented a method for the wireless transmission of electricity, which was almost free. However, due to the selfishness and foolishness of certain individuals and groups, who wanted to highlight their own importance, these technologies were suppressed. Even today, we still have to pay for our electricity usage.
Humans rely on monopolizing resources to gain money and power, aiming to achieve a sense of security, which in turn supports the "self" that has never actually existed. The root of all human corruption and decay lies in this fact. Although humans have designed various systems of checks and balances to combat corruption, the source of corruption lies in the need to satisfy the unfulfillable existence of the "self" and the notion that the more one possesses, the safer one is.
Written by Lingshan Hermit on February 17, 2016.
Copyright Notice:All copyrights of Ling Shan Hermit's articles in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, English, and other languages belong to the natural person who owns "Ling Shan Hermit". Please respect copyright. Publishers, media, or individuals (including but not limited to internet media, websites, personal spaces, Weibo, WeChat public accounts, print media) must obtain authorization from Ling Shan Hermit before use. No modifications to the articles are allowed (including: author's name, title, main text content, and punctuation marks). We reserve all legal rights.
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How DO you think the confrontation between the twins and their father post SE would go? We know AE's conclusion, but it always annoyed me when never get closure in the SE
Well, you're in luck if you want to read a story where I cover what happens after the curtains close on the Secret Ending and you're curious about what will happen next in regards to Saeran's health alongside the confrontation of the Saejoong Choi.
Iris is my story about a former believer reflecting on their relationship with Unknown as he comes back into their life as SE Saeran after the long year and some change time they've spent apart since that horrid day when it all came to a head. Not only do they have to face all their demons from a bloody Mint Eye, but the Prime Minister is out on the prowl with bloodlust to take the twins down.
Basically, what I think is going to happen comes down to control. As the Agency crashes, Saejoong has to find new means to maintain his control over the country. We learned in Saeran's AE that Saejoong is a frequent customer of the Agency. He even jokes once that Saeyoung could have done a job for him without even realizing it. So, with that in mind, when the Agency goes under, Saejoong has to burn a lot to the ground to make sure nobody finds out about him.
We don't know what he's been doing to maintain power. We can only assume that he is Cut Throat since he won't hesitate to kill people. It's my opinion that he has been getting rid of any competition that gets in his way over the years.
What I mean by that, is I think he's been having people killed in very clear-cut "accidents". If he doesn't have them outright killed, he has something found out about them that doesn't look good and has it leaked to the public. He does whatever it takes to make sure he is the one with the squeaky-clean image that gets to maintain control over all of South Korea. He pays off more and more people to save his ass after the Agency goes under, so he's functioning a little but Saeyoung has information on it.
However, the only reason that he hasn't done anything about that yet in this timeline is that he was waiting for the right moment to weaponize it. Saeyoung knows fighting Saejoong risks everything he’s got in his life. He might have taken down the agency and made sure that they could never operate again the way that they did, but that doesn't mean he's got the power to fight his father yet.
If he would have had to have dealt with that while Mint Eye was burning down with the Agency, it wouldn’t have ended well for anyone. Jumin can’t help out like before. He’s cleaning up Mint Eye’s remains as best he can, and covering up what actually happened to Rika and V. He is spending all of his time doing that. 
Saeyoung cleaned up the Agency with Vanderwood. The only reason that he was able to do that was that he worked his ass off. It was a huge risk for him to face. He has some information about his father from the agency that he managed to procure, but there are definitely a few things he doesn't have that Jihyun did. However, it's not going to be hard to get his hands on any information that was left behind by him in that regard. It's probably sitting in his house untouched. 
So, what you can imagine is going to happen is that this man is going to want to clean up what remains of the problem. He's going to want to kill his illegitimate sons. It's not a matter of if he'll do it, it's a matter of when he's going to find his chance to strike. That is the only reason why the twins would be continually living in the bunker with MC for whatever amount of time it takes to deal with this. You can't exactly live freely if you know that that man is going to strike.
He will look for anything he can get his hands on. It doesn't matter how prepared Saeyoung is. Saejoong is the Prime Minister. He has full power. You have to be willing to fight him in a way that’ll keep you safe. You can’t just throw everything out there to the wind without thinking about what’s going to happen. It takes preparation and planning to be able to face a demon like that. Honestly, it doesn't matter how much you plan for something going wrong, even if you have contingency plans, there's no telling if those will actually work.
When you are fighting somebody that controls your entire country, it is next to impossible to keep yourself safe. The bunker is the one place that Saeyoung can fortify to protect his family.. It may not be the most comfortable place in the world. But, it can keep you safe. The point is safety. It might be claustrophobic and it might be overwhelming sometimes, but it's either that or you die. I think if you have to choose between those two things, you're going to pick the not dying one. Saeyoung and Saeran don’t like it anymore than you do. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than dead.
Basically, I think that their father is going to come after them in some way, shape, or form. He is going to either interrogate the RFA or come after you, the player. He is going to look for leverage that he can use to manipulate both of the twins. It would be easier to try and grab one of them to use against the other, but it's better to grab something that they care about.
Or at least, something that one of them cares about so that he can manipulate them both into facing him. It is going to be overwhelming and too much all at once. There are many ways you could imagine this going in terms of how the Prime Minister would handle this. I've seen a lot of different takes over the years so I don't think there's one way that it could go.
Once the Prime Minister has this leverage that he can use against the twins, he's going to lure them out to some secondary location to take them down. He's going to get rid of every problem he's ever had so that he can maintain control over the country. It is going to be a life-or-death situation that you cannot remedy the way that it was for Saeran’s After Ending. It's going to be more intense and you are going to be on the brink of losing your life. This is no joke. All caution is thrown to the wind in this situation.
Once that is set in stone, the twins are going to have to deal with this. They're going to have to face their father. You can imagine this in a couple of different ways. One way that they can handle this is by releasing all of the information about their father and using that as leverage against him to ruin him.
The only way to make that work properly is to ensure that whoever gets kidnapped is safe first. If the boys can reveal that the Prime Minister is not only a criminal but a killer, that could very well save their lives. They would need to have all of the proof possible for this. If they're going to take him down, they would have to have everything and they would need to be prepared.
You could also imagine that they go in guns blazing. If you want to imagine that the Prime Minister finally gets his comeuppance, by all means. There just needs to be a logical explanation for how that happens. Saeyoung wouldn’t hesitate to kill Saejoong. He's done worse for the agency and he will not hesitate when it comes to protecting his loved ones. He will become the Devil Himself if he needs to protect his loved ones. SE Saeran has suffered enough violence and is likely traumatized by what he’s done to V, so I have a hard time seeing him handling a weapon ever again, personally.
I can see him being more willing to side with his brother in terms of violence in this ending. I just can't see him being the one that commits the crime. If they do go that far to get rid of their father, there has to be a way to explain how they do it and how they can get away with it. Because he is the leader of a country.
You can't just kill the man and get away with it. It would have to look a certain way and there would be a lot of steps that had to be done to make this work right. I just don't like leaning towards any ending with murder because that feels like that man gets off easy. He needs to live and suffer for all of the crimes he has committed. That's just the way I feel about it. He can sit and rot for all I care, and I’m sure Saeyoung feels the same way.
Basically, to give you the long of the short of it, I imagine they're going to have to face their father whether they like it or not. It's going to be a bloody confrontation where they need to use information as leverage to protect themselves and the people that they care about. It could end in a bloodbath if not handled carefully. There's no telling if people will walk out of the situation without any long lasting injuries. 
It's going to be okay in the end, though. They're going to be liberated from all of the things that they have dealt with in their lives, and the twins will be able to know what it feels like to walk outside without looking over their shoulders. But getting to that point is going to be a lot harder than we want to admit. The specifics of how that will happen come down to how you want to imagine it. I don't want to put a definitive thoughts on how it could play out since everybody wants to imagine it in different ways, but I hope this gives you a better idea of how you can play it out in your head. 
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (28/05/23)
no imas or jigokuraku anime this week cause they were both on break nothing else of note I don't think, p chill week
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Megumin Ep8
honestly there's not much I have to say about the episode itself BUT last episode, I thought the cook guy sounded super familiar but I didn't look it up but at the start of this ep he was talking and I was like "man no way they got majima for this random guy" but they actually did and also, there was an animation error, right before this screen there's a far shot of the scene and she has her hood on in it, despite not having it on before AND after it so that was funny to spot
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Mashle Ep7
we're finally really in the first battle arc, tho the animation continues to be nothing impressive as expected. hoping that at least the big fight with the boss looks good but we'll see. I also forgot that razor showed up here too so that was nice, hope that his fight gets some love too cause he deserves it. tho I did like how the text at the bottom there sunk in sync with mash that was a cute touch, it was also all wobbly while he was talking underwater
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Pokemon Horizons Ep8
what the hell bocchi the tuber has a face good ep tho, the livestream with her reading the baddies' goon's comment was funny and riko's reaction to having her comment read was great too, average chatter moment lmao also in 2 more weeks we're getting anime nemona so very excited for that, hopefully she has a good voice
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Blooming Love Ch5
she just keeps getting better and better really cute chap, it's a shame that this series is gonna switch to be every other week instead of weekly but with how fast it's moving (for a romance) it prob won't be that bad
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Dandadan Ch107
we finally out of the vamola backstory and back into the action very cool chap, especially seeing the pay off of momo seeing all that and regretting how she treated vamola my favourite part were these 2 panels, in opposites pages, after the exact same amount and layout of panels above it. the parallel of how soft momo's eyes are when she's reassuring vamola and then how sharp and serious they are when glaring at the aliens is extremely good
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Kindergarten WARS Ch7 - 9
it's p funny how much of a lover boy dough is anyway good chaps, mostly action but it was good
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Saihate Quarter Ch13
you know, for a series that has the risk of getting axed it sure doesn't feel like it's building towards a conclusion so maybe it won't happen that soon
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Kaiju 8 Ch86
you know, since #9 took over the old man, this makes a lot of sense but since they didn't mention it in the shinomiya fight I hope it isn't just a thing for this one kaijiu cause of narumi's relationship with isao. it's still cool anyway, but it would be kinda lame for the baddies to have access to something like this, giving the number kaijus isao's knowledge and not doing it but we'll see
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Pension Life Vampire Ch7
what the hell?? a serious chap? I know it had some goofs but it was still surprising to see something serious happen. tho it most likely won't be as bad as it sounds next time
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Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Ch78
nothing much going in this chapter other than setting up the fighters for the next round leonidas and apollo, totally expecting apollo to win but we'll see how it goes
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ST☆R: Strike it Rich Ch3
it was good timing to check yesterday when the new chap was gonna come out cause I didn't realize it'd be today. anyway, this was the end of the lil introductory arc so should be getting a lot more fights from now on
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch26
SEE I CALLED IT however many weeks ago I did, I said that him waking up from the dream wasn't real and he was still in the coma and looks like I was right. god this shit just keeps running around in circles while I'm begging it to end.
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Fabricant 100 Ch23
very convinient for her to suddenly get a new hidden power she had all along and was never hinted at when they're fighting the final boss
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Nue's Exorcist Ch3
introducing some more eye candy to the series isn't a bad idea, tho that one panel of fanservice was pretty unnecessary. still nothing great so far, but he's finally met one of the exorcists nue mentioned before and they're setting up a club to deal with spirits and stuff, which will help give some structure to the series in the coming chaps. we'll see how it goes from here but I'm still not very hopeful about it's chances with how bad ch1 and 2 were.
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Kill Blue Ch6
interesting choice to have the first 5 pages of the chapter have no dialogue but it worked well enough I think. this was basically all about the cliffhanger from the previous chap but I didn't expect things to progress this fast
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Do Retry Ch4
this guy jacking it WAY too much but anyway, they're using the money each fight is worth as a sort of power level so that's neat, tho it doesn't mean much at the moment that this guy's worth 10k when there's nothing else as a point of reference
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Witch Watch Ch110
you know fran only got introduced semi recently but her chaps are some of the most fun ones, tho this one felt like it repeated the same joke a bit too much for me
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Cipher Academy Ch25
nice chap finishing setting up the next arc which will be 1v1 tournament style battles between the different classes, tho we'll most likely only see the class A ones for obvious reasons. I also liked to see iroha using others' mannerisms like they talk about here and later in the chap too, it's cute and it also reminds me of medaka
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Blue Box Ch102
good chap, especially that big scenery shot very pretty. the ending is very exciting too the confession may be happening sooner than expected
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Spy x Family Ch81
very weird to have a whole chapter with not yor or anya and with no jokes either, tho it's a good change of pace I think
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch7
nice chap, like I said last time it's good that's already doing filming and not wasting much time
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Undead Unluck Ch160
phil's arc is over, it wasn't as good as the other ones of fuuko putting back the team together but I liked that for once fuuko's plans didn't go like expected from her previous knowledge
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Mashle Ch157
cool chap, it was nice seeing the baddies mash has beaten helping out. also not related to the chap but me and mega were talking about it yesterday and we're p sure mashle won't end while the anime is airing which would explain all the stalling not that long ago
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The Elusive Samurai Ch111
weird to see a chapter without the main cast, but not a bad chap, just setting up the current situation of the country and the various faction after tokiyuki's failed war, just some more chaps and we'll go back to them. tho I'm curious to see if matsui is gonna follow historical fact or do something original when that happens, but I'm leaning more towards the latter
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Sakamoto Days Ch120
extremely good chapter to end the flashback sequence, more than half the chap had no text boxes and was all great action. just makes me hope and pray even harder than when it does get an anime adaptation it gets the treatment it deserves unlike what mashle has been getting
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Akane-banashi Ch63
nice chap, I knew the salesman wouldn't lose to this guy that didn't get any screentime before this competition, tho I didn't expect to see his backstory, hopefully it'll only be a bit of next chapter instead of dragging on for too long
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch131
suzu............. not much to say tho, it was mostly set up for this next lil arc tho that ending was p funny. yabuki reading doujins for these ideas
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burning-sol · 1 year
Exandroth in the meatroom is the biggest fucking pay off to everything about his character AND I MEAN IT. I've had so much time to think about Exandroth as a character and the meat room has gone from just being a cool Peter vs Exandroth fight to being EVERYTHING about Exandroth.
Here we have the reality of what Exandroth is, a celestial. Every other angel is presumably dead, the gods are being picked off and slaughtered.. Did Exandroth really think it'd be spared? Did it really think that the machine she'd helped create (the ORIGINAL Thanatos at that), wouldn't turn on him and strike him down? Did it think that it was the one celestial that would be EXEMPT?? Exandroth wasn't fucking special, Exandroth was just another 'god' to be slayed.
Here we have Exandroth imprisoned again, acting in desperation to escape. Exandroth didn't HAVE to immediately attempt an escape, there was no REASON Exandroth couldn't have paused to think over a proper plan- except that Exandroth spent what could have been YEARS kept in chains and Exandroth was NOT eager to relive that. Exandroth COULDN'T relive that. Any rational thought had been overturned by its want to escape!!
Here we have the culmination of her treatment of Peter. Exandroth never stopped dehumanising and demeaning him, mocking him, even in their last fight Exandroth presumes he has control over Peter, commanding him to "obey" with a spell. Exandroth had been demeaned by the gods and so Exandroth demeaned Peter. Exandroth sought retribution and so Peter GOT his retribution. Exandroth wanted freedoom and so Peter GOT his freedom. That's the way the world goes.
Here we have the inevitable result of Exandroth's disregard for Peter's wellbeing. Exandroth so frequently let Peter take the blows, the pain, he put Peter in hazardous situations again and again... And when shit went wrong, Exandroth SHIFTED the blame. This was the obvious outcome of Exandroth not looking after her vessel, but Exandroth refuses to own up to it!! This wasn't HIS fault, it was Peter's for being a pathetic vessel and it was Thanatos' for betraying them!! Exandroth just can't suck it up and take responsibility, they have to make it someone else's fault!!
Here we have the most heinous expression of Exandroth's love. Exandroth has gained emotions that are not typical of celestials, and Exandroth has fallen DEEPLY in love with Rumi. Being with Rumi becomes all that matters, being perfect like Rumi becomes all that matters, pursuing the same goal Rumi becomes all that matters. Exandroth is DEEPLY in love with Rumi and it shows in her own twisted way.
Here we have Exandroth's complex relation to its own identity. What Exandroth wanted to be, what Exandroth had come to think itself as, what Exandroth really was. The lengthy amount of time possessing Peter has reshaped its perception of what it is, and Exandroth's celestial form is its regrettable last resort rather than what Exandroth REALLY thinks it is... (consciously or not)
Every fucked up flaw is here on display and every want and desire it has to be alive and to thrive is here too!! This is an incredibly powerful encounter for Peter, but Exandroth has just as much stakes in this fight as Peter does!!! THIS IS AN EXCELLENT CONFRONTATION!!!! The fact they both had SO much of the line and the fact they were SO closely matched?? Fan fucking tastic!!!!! I LOVE EXANDROTH FOR REALISES.
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msclaritea · 10 months
Steven Soderbergh Concerned About Lack of Streaming Data Transparency
"Labor unrest has fully taken hold in Hollywood amid the ongoing dual WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Although the AMPTP and WGA agreed to resume talks, a gulf between the two sides remains as writers and actors fight for better pay and better protections within the workplace. A number of issues beyond compensation need to be addressed too, including fears of generative AI taking over human jobs - a fear that studios have done nothing to assuage. Academy Award winner Steven Soderbergh has never been quite as concerned by AI's ability to replace workers. Rather, in an interview with Defector for his new web show Command Z, he explained why he's more concerned about the lack of data transparency from streamers and how it affects creatives.
"Data transparency is the one that keeps me up at night," Soderbergh said when discussing where he stands on AI. Since working with Max on projects like Let Them All Talk and Full Circle, he revealed that the streamer gave him next to no information on how his work was actually performing on the platform, opting instead to use vague statements like "We feel good about these numbers," and "The comps are right in line with what we were hoping for." If a show is successful, the public, too, is usually given only a confusing metric to go by to define that success. To Soderbergh, AI is a tool that can be dangerously misused, but this adherence to keeping numbers hidden indicates a deeper rot in the industry.
"Well, it's just, there are two potential reasons that we're not getting all of the information," he continued. "One is that they're all making a lot more money than anybody knows and that they're willing to tell us. The other is they're making a lot less money than anybody knows. And they don't want Wall Street to look under the hood of this thing in any significant way because there'll be a reckoning that will be quite unpleasant." While all signs point to the former, he thinks either result is bad news for the industry as a whole. He believes there need to be sweeping changes to how streaming as a whole works, starting with getting information into the hands of the public and, especially, the creatives.
"It's one of those two. My attitude is, I'd rather work in a version of the business where I know what's going on. And if I have to take a haircut, to work in that business, and bet on myself more and take less upfront, which I've done a lot, then I'll do that. That could, though, mean, potentially, a drastic reduction in the amount of things that get made. If we tear this thing down to the studs, and find out that the math is funky, it's going to be quite a transformation. And so my feeling—and I'm operating from a place of real privilege—is the sooner we find out the better, because one way or another, it's gotta get rebuilt, you might as well start now."
Soderbergh's thoughts ring very true in the context of a few streaming horror stories, namely that of Orange Is the New Black. Last month, it came out that the cast of the hit series that put Netflix on the map was exploited with unfathomably low pay and residuals relative to the success of the show to the point that several members were earning more from their day jobs. This was all despite CEO Ted Sarandos bragging about the universal acclaim and attention the series was receiving. Despite becoming overnight superstars, the cast and even the series creator Jenji Kohan weren't shown data on just how strong the performance was until after the final season was done.
A better deal as a result of the dual strikes could ultimately remedy many of these issues by making streamers send more residuals and revenue to the pockets of the smaller actors and writers who need it to get by. Transparency, however, helps keep these streaming services and studios accountable. With better data available, it would mean a better understanding of the success of a show or film and fewer opportunities for companies to mislead those working on the project about how much their work is pulling in."
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‘This is useless,’ complained Gabe, raking his hand through his hair in frustration as he stalked across the small room; little motes of dust floated up with every step. ‘How difficult can it be?’
‘Would you like to have a go, your highness?’ Sophia simpered, mocking a polite curtsey; she remained bowed for a moment longer than necessary, earning a smothered scoff from Robbo.
‘I look nothing like the prince,’ Gabe admitted, glowering at his siblings.
She fixed him with a critical look. ‘Perhaps if we darkened your hair a shade or two.’
‘Gabe wouldn’t pass for a prince,’ chuckled Robbo, earning a cool glare from the eldest Laverna. His amusement died in an instant.
Sophia opened her mouth to deflect, to save her little brother from the inevitable explosion, but a voice did her job for her.
‘Hello?’ someone asked tentatively.
The siblings shared a look, prepared themselves to fight if necessary. But they needn’t have worried. A nervous looking young man poked his head around the doorway. His black hair was plastered to his forehead; his dark brown eyes wide and searching. There was something innately sad about him that piqued Sophia’s curiosity.
‘Hello,’ she greeted, smiling slightly but never once lowering her guard. Too much had happened for them to let some random guy tear it all down in an instant. If he was here for the princely auditions, he was going to have to tell them that explicitly.
‘Are you Sophia?’ he asked, a nervous kind of urgency behind his voice as his gaze skimmed the room. She could have sworn his attention lingered on Gabe for a moment longer though, obviously sensing the threat of him.
‘Depends on who’s asking,’ she said, wanting to fold her arms but needing them loosely by her sides as a precaution. She felt the odd prickle of Robbo’s attention shifting from her to Gabe and back again, constantly checking out for some kind of signal.
‘I was told she could get exit papers,’ the man continued, seemingly unperturbed as he looked to her imploringly.
‘Surely you could get better work here,’ she said, offering a somewhat dismissive shrug.
‘Please,’ the man asked, moving into the room properly. Gabe tensed, prepared to strike, but the other man paused a few steps away from them; he looked imploringly towards Sophia. ‘I can pay.’
Sophia wondered how much self-control he had to fix her with that look and not continually watch Gabe. Self-control, or stupidity, she wasn’t entirely sure.
‘How much?’ Gabe asked evenly. Sophia shot him a sharp look, but his attention was on the new man. Sizing him up, figuring out if any amount of money would be worth the risk.
‘What about the plan?’ Sophia asked, easily slipping into Norwegian in the hopes that the stranger wouldn’t know what they were talking about.
Gabe slowly glanced her way. ‘Look at him, Phia.’
Momentarily baffled, Sophia slowly surveyed the young man before them. She had to admit, there was – if she squinted hard enough – something about him that might have passed as regal. But she couldn’t be sure. They’d had far worse walk through the door and attempt to pass as the prince. There were even a couple that she thought might’ve been women trying their luck, desperate to get out of Russia.
‘What’s your name?’ Robbo asked, startling her from her observations.
‘My name’s Matt,’ he introduced.
Sophia felt Gabe’s eyes on her, knew he was trying to tell her something, but ignored him. ‘Surname to go with that? Exit papers kind of need them.’
Matt averted his eyes, as if somewhat ashamed. ‘I don’t have one,’ he admitted, voice soft. ‘Just what the nurses gave me.’
There was no time to dig any deeper; Gabe clapped a hand on her shoulder and turned her away. Robbo momentarily excused them before bowing his head closer for the family meeting.
‘If he has no one, this could work,’ Gabe said in Norwegian, voice pitched low just in case.
‘You wanna risk it?’ Sophia asked, unable to hide her disbelief. ‘We’ll be shot before we get near a boarder.’
‘Not with you two teaching him,’ Robbo said, earning a rare, tiny smile from Gabe.
Sophia looked between her brothers and knew she’d lost this round. She heaved a deep breath before turning back to the new arrival. ‘OK then,’ she announced, ‘let’s see if we can’t help each other out a little.’
She just really hoped she wouldn’t regret this decision.
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climateangst · 1 year
Mitigating Water Pollution
Week 14: Dec. 6
Water pollution comes from two types of sources: point source and nonpoint source. Point sources directly deposit pollutants into water at specific locations. Nonpoint sources are less exact and are the result of rainfall or snowmelt washing pollutants into the water from land. Below is a table of major water pollutants, where they come from, and their effect on the environment.
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Fighting water pollution comes down to two main focuses: prevention and cleanup. Given the current state of our waterways, both are important. Since much of our water is already polluted, cleanup efforts are important to restore these bodies of water to their past cleanliness. However, by focusing on prevention efforts, cleanup won’t become as necessary– we won’t need to remedy pollution if it isn't polluted in the first place! For example, one cleanup solution is to improve oil-spill response cleaning, but the prevention solution is to require double hulls for oil tankers so they never spill to begin with. 
Many cleanup solutions are costly, time consuming, and still in development. A solution to remedy groundwater pollution is to pump the water up to the surface, clean it, and send it back down into the aquifer. In 2001, the average capital cost per volume of groundwater treated per year was $280/1,000 gallons per year (EPA). When these operations run for several years and are cleaning massive amounts of water, the total price tag reaches millions. Some prevention solutions for groundwater are to require leak detectors on underground tanks and to ban hazardous waste disposal in landfills. These are more cost-effective solutions and mitigate pollution before it can happen. Prevention solutions require government regulation but are much more logical in fixing the water pollution issue.
Most water pollution is the result of agricultural practices so the key to protecting our water is targeting these harmful techniques. Regulating the polluting practices of the agricultural industry is essential to reducing water pollution, especially from nonpoint sources where the issue largely originates from. This is sure to be met with pushback, but that’s a price to pay for potable water. A researcher for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, said on the issue, “the overreach and scope of environmental regulations is inflicting serious harm on farmers and ranchers alike” (Bakst). When only 0.024% of earth’s water is available as liquid freshwater (Miller, 302) I hardly think asking not to pollute this water is of overbearing overreach. The EPA is notorious for not wanting to ruffle feathers, but as the pollution in our water grows worse by the day, they have an obligation to act. If you prioritize public perception over environmental protection, how effective are you as the Environmental Protection Agency? 
How can we strike a balance between cleaning up polluted water and focusing our efforts on preventing future pollution?
Bakst, Daren. “Eliminating and Reducing Regulatory Obstacles in Agriculture.” The Heritage Foundation, 28 June 2016, https://www.heritage.org/government-regulation/report/eliminating-and-reducing-regulatory-obstacles-agriculture. 
Cost Analyses for Selected Groundwater Cleanup Projects: Pump and Treat Systems and Permeable Reactive Barriers. EPA, Feb. 2001, https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-04/documents/cost_analysis_groundwater.pdf. 
Word Count: 614
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cattleclutch46 · 1 year
The Main Principles Of How to Combat Salesperson Depression
Sales Managers Require to Take Mental Health Seriously Jeff Riseley made an effort to disregard the anxiousness and stress at initially. Soon he ended up being disillusioned through his managers. He would just speak regarding the pain that he experienced in meeting her (and never ever actually show them how to repair it) and the adverse sensations she discussed. They would condemn him for his breakdown to talk to his superiors and try to get him to take it seriously as an alternative of always keeping his work. Then happened sleep problems and panic strikes. I began making use of these medicines three opportunities a day, after which the signs and symptoms began.". Liz told BNN in 2009 their initial prescribed was for Tylenol, which was approved through the government final October, and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2009 the 2nd one for Tylenol, which was not permitted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It was 10 years earlier, and Riseley had simply began working in his initial purchases project as an SDR. Quickly he possessed a wonderful deal of effectiveness as both a guy in service and service coach. He recognized that any excellence can come along with some job, but he additionally knew that even as a male in company he would never ever cease working. If the purchases people appeared at them as models, then they were in for a shock. Through all accounts it was a typical sales role with a $200 once a week allocation and two-hour speak time KPI, and Riseley succeeded at it. The promotion led to some decent deals, featuring a $100 per full week deal (that was on the edge of cracking the "only job promoted in our publication" type), and at that point KPI, in partnership along with Kelli, pulled the connect on their company. It's not clear how this occurred, but Riseley was forced to fight. He continually ranked as a leading artist during the course of his initial many months along with the provider. Wesley, a 27-year-old coming from London, gotten rave testimonials as an individual entertainer after releasing "Grimy Kid" in May. But on June 13, the British Music Awards saw the performer take to social media along with a new single, "A Whole New World Along with Everyone At First Tee," in which he was granted the leading English artist of his time along with the business. Responsible for the scenes, nevertheless, the work had began to take its cost. The new government's brand-new main executive, Mihir El Akramy, was implicated of intentionally tossing off elections before it even began. Along with MrDepression.com till the following presidential vote-casting, the circumstance was beginning to spiral out of control. Since the end of May, the government has enabled itself to function generally for less than a year. Lots of people have been killed in strikes, forced to relocate or experience unemployment. No one ever before pointed out it outright, but he knew that if he ever ceased reaching his amounts, he could be shot. He began helping make $17.1 million in 2013. The next year, his numbers were going up. He was out of reach for the playoffs. In 2015, when he struck 25 homers and completed the time 20th – he was happening off a season-best three-year offer – he began helping make $23 million over the year. Quickly, every fell short offer started to show up itself at night in the type of “What ifs.” What if he didn’t reached his intended because that offer dropped via?” No, they weren't carrying out what his bargain would permit them to—what if he struck them before his deal was performed?” ※No, to presume. But I know what it was like to find them, to see his offer fall short merely to discover out. What if he couldn’t pay out rental fee? It's like my amount of money’! Also if I paid loan or not, we could come to be criminals once again? I could possibly use my power to pay for points like lease. Maybe at that point the criminal are going to use his true funds to pay off points that merely took place. Wouldn't that be poor for all the amount of money in the world. *He has actually some cash existing around in his wallet. He's attempting to spend for points like a house. “It came to be crystal clear that anxiousness in purchases is not extra.” In the workplace, he always kept the tension to himself, even as his sleeping experienced and the panic strikes ended up being extra frequent.” He would not let anyone go because his own concern was even more necessary than his employer.'. At their very first conference, she stated, 'What I located was that I can function by means of anxiety.'. Nina stored his hands broad with a positive look on her face. He possessed varieties to hit, after all. He has the appropriate upper arm length, is athletic, can easily record the ball, is an sports back and may lead the attack all the method to the Super Bowl. After that, he has the quickness to step-up and help make plays on the industry. That goes up the rankings by two rates. He's at that aspect in his occupation when he's been that considerably more shiny, and more full. His occupation at Kansas City was like a significant jump.
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It wasn’t until his third panic strike sent him to the health center that he discovered he needed to do something regarding his psychological wellness. Now in his 3rd month he is having no difficulty being capable to bring his family, and is acquiring his permit in time for school. "I am working hard now," Heisenberg stated. "But I require to move onward. I have been informed by physicians that my mental health and wellness is really good and there isn't an concern. “There’s so much that I love about purchases,” Riseley pointed out. "When you claim "favorite", you are speaking regarding something that truly reverberated with me. It was something we spoke concerning a great deal back and on, because of our relationship along with sales. "We recognize every particular. We understand how hard they're working [to figure out all the particulars in the fine art. ]. It has some great depth. We understand what they're looking for.
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yourkingmob · 2 years
The MMA Combine - Tell Me When It's Over
More than a decade ago, I made a fight team after a superlative performance at a MMA combine, despite having 5 months off of training.
Save for my crappy shadowboxing and cardio at the end of the combine, I looked like a superstar: I clowned my partners at will, not using the same takedown or sub more than once and working my striking game at leisure.
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(Me [in the headgear] playing around nicely with takedowns)
I had 20 different takedowns in a three minute takedowns-only match, everyone I rolled with got subbed more than three times in the three minutes round.  In the full the MMA match portion, after taking a massive knee to the head, I secured a takedown and walked through his ground work like it wasn’t there and intentionally waited for the last ten seconds of the match to beat him by a standing leglock.
After it all concluded, while I was exhaustion-vomiting in the bathroom after, the head of the team told me I got the backup 170lb spot out of 10+ candidates, but only because my cardio was trash and my shadowboxing looked embarrassing. Still, if I could get my cardio up, the top spot was mine, because no one could stay on their feet against me and no one could stop my submission skills.
But, I had just finally started my real career, and I was working 47+ hours a week salaried at 28k a year. Yes, I criminally underbid on my pay in jobless-desperation, but this was at the start of a national depression that started 2 years early in Detroit. I also was over 30 and hadn’t trained more than twice a week in five years.
At this time more than any other, I was a part-timer in the sport at best: I was out of shape and rusty as death. I did the combine as a joke and as a favor to the head of the MMA team I trained with - I didn’t think I’d make the team. So on the long drive back, I knew it was over before it began.
Ultimately the team never amounted to anything - it was to be a state level amateur MMA group for the IFL and the IFL folded months later.
I later found out later that the people I was clowning while I huffing & puffing were amateur MMA champs in local promotions, .500 level mma pros with less than 8 fights and young hotshots and older killers from gyms all over.
That Saturday of the combine, I closed my SQL management console at work, fell off my office chair, wandered into the gym and felt like the entire world were mooks in an action movie and I was the star. I was literally punching miles above my weight and looked somehow amazing doing it. And despite that, it wasn’t enough - I chose my career.
Do I regret it? Sometimes, but I’m now living in a foreign country much more to my political bent, my work is fulfilling, my brain is minimally bashed up and other than some minor shoulder & knee issues, I have my health and my part time limb cranking for fun.
The one who got me to do the combine, Bellator fighter Dom O’Grady, well, he isn’t with us anymore and his team the Hate Squad have all moved on to normal lives.
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(Dom in the middle, after his first MMA match)
Since then I watched amateur MMA transform to levels unheard in pro MMA fighting of when I started in this crazy sport back in May of 1997.
Amateur fighters training 6 days a week, doing two-a-days at multiple gyms plus lifting & road work. 30+ hours a week of training, if not more. Some are even using blood doping and IV rehydration with the help of local nurses.
Long gone are the days of pro fighters doing a rough steroid cycles, ECA & training 2-3 days a week. You can’t even be a part timer in the amateur ranks of MMA anymore, as a current ATT fighter and droog showed me.
This story isn’t unusual. There are tons of gym killers, supernaturally talented outliers and old school killers out there that never quite made it. Most have dropped out of the game entirely, or lurk at the edges like I do.
Injuries, kids, illness, career, whatever. We drop off one by one, trading one dream or passion for another - less spectacular one, without it being our choice.
Enjoy it while you can.
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the25thviolence · 2 years
Goodbye Twitter
I’ve been on twitter longer than tumblr, since I was a teenager.  The activism and news reporting you would receive from it was one of a kind.  Real time updates during natural disasters and world changing events.  Reality couldn’t be hidden from the world because of that.  I remember staying up all night to see if a tsunami would strike Hawaii the same way it hit Japan (which I always watched happen live sadly).  I remember watching the Ferguson protests.  Its amazing I have the ability to call them protests and not riots because they broke the news themselves as it happened (I would of never knew cops snuck into protests and pretended to be looters and rioters to make protests violent without twitter).  We are losing an amazing information source for current events as they happen because some rich idiot opened his mouth and shit all over the the public.  Twitter allowed us a newfound way to experience humanity and sadly its going to slowly die at the hands of another rich person trying to stop you from making fun of them on the internet.  I wish I was rich enough that I could get a divorce and distort the entire free world to my liking because of my own paper thin insecurities.  
I’ll always remember Twitter from all the friends I made and lost, history I witnessed, and the truth it secured for people who weren’t filthy rich enough to afford there own staff of personal lawyers.  I find it impossible to imagine a world without twitter were Ferguson, BLM, and the aftermath of Hurricanes isn’t reported on openly and or honestly.   The amount of people lost to the great spinning wheel of profit.   We would never know about unionizing Starbucks or cops killing so many innocent people.   It just wouldn’t be news we would be allowed to here about.  There is no law that they have to tell us about these things and even less laws about how truthful the things they already tell us need to be.  When billionaires are in charge of your news suddenly everything they do is good for the environment and they pay a fair share of taxes.  And all there half baked ideas suddenly become for the betterment of humankind and require public funding to be successful.  
I wouldn’t be a writer today if it wasn’t for twitter.  I lost my original twitter account because of personal reasons but I started recently beginning the process of reconnecting with decade old mutuals.  Now sadly I won’t be able to make those reconnections because of it.  Luckily I forced myself back onto Discord (very long story).  I haven’t joined a Discord but I have a strong social connection with 2 good friends of mine still on Discord.  
I tipped my feet slightly into the waters of NBA bloggers and fans on twitter for a short bit and any connections I made are now unrecoverable.  So many small or grassroots level enterprises will be now ungrowable without twitter.  Twitter was like a kick starter for the social acknowledgement of something.  It was a way to connect to people who had all the same interest as you in something and creatives made great fucking use of it.  The world has lost one of its biggest sources of information and personal connections because some rich guy didn’t like mean tweets about himself.  And in a poorly executed planned assault on the company of Twitter this man has accidentally bought the company in an attempt to ruin it.  Wow.  
Just fucking wow.   
You mite see me on here a lot more one day.  I rant a lot but I have always tried to keep it in areas where ranting is a little more acceptable and not an attack on the community.  For every little 3-4 post mental breakdown on here its always been a 20+ tweet rant explosion of sadness on twitter.  
I’ll be seeing you all more I guess. 
P.S Keep on fighting the good fight Tumblr.  You’ve been doing great and I know you can do better. 
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miralstuff · 2 years
Shipit delivery
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With the expansion, Lidl groceries are now available for delivery through Shipt to more than 500,000 households across the Carolinas. Shipt will serve Lidl customers in three additional metro areas across North Carolina, including Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte, as well as expanded service areas in South Carolina, including Spartanburg, Rock Hill and Indian Land, beginning Dec. And with the OECD warning that another Great Depression is imminent, the imperative to organize and fight for better labor conditions has never been greater.Lidl has expanded its pilot online grocery delivery service with Shipt following a successful launch in Greenville, S.C. Gig work is the primary source of income for 44% of Americans - up 10% from just three years ago. This financial precariousness plagues a growing segment of the American population. Gig workers are also not covered by most labor protections, since they are not considered employees. And the sporadic nature of their work makes unionization exceedingly difficult, which limits their earning potential while on the job. By definition, gig workers lack regular hours and a steady stream of income. What is going on with Shipt highlights the uncertainty that those in the gig economy constantly face. I feel like they are making an incredible amount of money off the backs of their. “I think a lot of what they do is very manipulative and is only out to benefit their bottom line. “This is not at all the company that we hired in with,” lamented Meisner, who joined Shipt four years ago. Unsurprisingly, Shipt’s workers feel cheated and betrayed. The lack of transparency allows Shipt to quietly slash worker pay without prior announcement, avoiding future public relations hassles. In a July 11th Medium post, Shipt workers note that it “removes all transparency from its shopper compensation calculations” and “will likely reduce… pay by at least 30%.” And there are self-interested reasons for Shipt to do this.įor one, commission reductions translate to smaller business costs which translate to more profit. Rollout of the newest Shipt payment algorithm threatens to exacerbate matters further. “Collectively we joined forces and started keeping tabs and calculating… and were losing significant money,” he said. According to him, Shipt workers across the country experienced sharp commission dips as a result of V2. Strike organizer Willy Solis of Texas confirms Meisner’s account. “With the new pay scale I felt like I was basically working for free,” she said. The amount Meisner was making per order immediately dropped upon the introduction of V2. Just ask Jeanine Meisner: a senior worker from Kalamazoo, Michigan. When Shipt last altered their algorithm in 2019 - with an iteration they called “V2”- payouts dropped considerably. While management claims the new system will better reward hard work, workers are convinced it will drive down commissions. This was the third time Shipt workers had gone on strike since the onset of the pandemic. #DeleteShipt quickly began trending across social media platforms. They also called upon customers to boycott Shipt. Workers encouraged one another to refuse all delivery orders. On July 15th, Shipt workers staged a “walk-off” to protest the company’s new payment algorithm, which is not public information. But apparently that is not enough to pay their workers, who are classified as gig workers, a living wage. In its first year under parent company Target, Shipt raked in a staggering $1 billion. Shipt specializes in the delivery of groceries, home goods, and electronics. The enterprise reached mainstream status in late 2017 when it was acquired by Target for a $550 million price tag. Launched in 2014, Shipt is a shipping subsidiary headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.
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