#Was dragonball style power levels
secrettreestuffidk · 1 month
TWSA was just "Yoo Joongheok experiences wikipedia" how do you think TLS123 was able to churn out 3500+ chapters and why KDJ knows so many obscure historical and mythological figures and also shit like How Bricks Are Made and Every Useful [Magical] Item just from reading it
TLS123 writing challenge where you roll a random Wikipedia page and have to incorporate as much of the information into your narrative as possible
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heyyallitsbeth · 6 months
Whenever people bring up the "can X character beat Goku?" hypothetical, it always revolves around modern DB power, like SSJ4 and Ultra Instinct, which makes sense since theyre the recent top tier power levels in a shonen sense. but the fact is, Goku aint been at his A-game since OG DB. Since like, you gotta remember, Dragonball started as another Toriyama gag manga, similar to Dr Slump.
Goku is a gag character who transitioned to a shonen fighter since fighting was more fun.
THAT is terrifying. Goku can still apply to gag manga rules if he wants to. Bullets have no effect on him, but he will scream in agony if you hit him with a small rock.
Goku is like an anime Hannah Montana, best of both worlds, a jack of all trades. He can be a cheery funny gag character when he wants, and a serious fighting protagonist when he wants. Like, one of his most famous fighting styles is biting people. He bites Frieza, he bites Buu, he bites Beerus, he bites Whis.
Goku is one of the strongest fighters in all of anime, he can take the punch of a God, or all the condensed evil in hell and not even flinch, but his wife Chi Chi, Bulma and Arale can whoop his ass because its funny.
Basically the answer to any "can X character beat Goku?" revolves around the answer "would it be funny?"
Thanos from MCU? There's nothing funny there at all, Thanos loses.
SpongeBob? Incredibly funny, SpongeBob would blow a bubble that looks like a bus at Goku and he'd be launched back past the horizon and you'd see a nuclear explosion happen.
And like the most stereotypical ones of Saitama and Luffy, thats like a draw, they all have the half and half of shonen and funny. They beat the shit out of eachother and then the next scene is them bandaged and bruised in an Applebee's chowing down on endless appetizers together, then immediately back to fighting.
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murfpersonalblog · 8 months
Power Types in Fandoms
I was up in the middle of the night arguing with my ceiling about fictional characters, Death Battle style, and decided to make a ❗rudimentary❗ list, from weakest to strongest Power Types. Because it's a gradient, each progressively higher power type can (and often does) contain the abilities of lower types.
⚔ Standard Fighters
OP warriors with maxed out skills, but main character plot armor saves them from outrageous situations
Conan the Barbarian, Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon), Link (Zelda), Yujiro Hanma (Baki), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Robin Hood, Odysseus (Greek mythology), Xena Warrior Princess, etc
🤖 Tech/Mech Warriors
Fight with technology; but caught slipping butt naked with ZERO gear (wifi signal, power generator, fancy gadgets/weapons, power suits, etc) and they don't stand a chance without hax/plot armor
Low Level tech (borderline realistic/futuristic gear)
Ratchet & Clank, Doom Guy (Doom), Master Chief (Halo), Batman, Power Rangers, etc
High Level tech (science & magic blur)
Gundam, Xenosaga, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Iron Man, Guts (Berserk), Sailor Moon, Perseus (Greek mythology), etc
💉 Roid Rage
Ate/drank something, or got bit/injected/dunked/exposed to something out in nature or in a lab--scientific, biological, or magical-- that permanently altered their bodies, genes, & abilities. Often "immortal/indestructible," depending on the universe.
Scientific (Lab Accidents/Hijinks/Procedures)
Frankenstein*, The Powerpuff Girls, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Black Widow, Hawkeye, etc), Captain America, The Hulk, The Flash, Harley Quinn (& The Joker, kinda), Dr Manhattan (Watchmen), Dr Robotnik (Sonic), TMNT, etc
Biological (technically Scientific, sure)
Spider Man, Morbius, Poison Ivy, Witchers (Geralt of Rivia), etc
Magical/Supernatural (technically Biological?)
Black Panther, Luffy (One Piece), Aquaman*, Achilles (Greek mythology), Danny Phantom, Werewolves*, Titans (Attack on Titan), Homunculi (Wrath & Greed, Full Metal Alchemist), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
🤺 Androids/Cyborgs
Deliberately created part man, part tech/mech. Can be/look more or less "human," or barely at all. (More or less "immortal/indestructible," depending.). "Science" & magic blur.
Androids (Dragonball), Wolverine, Dororo, Sekiro, Robocop, Bionic Woman, The Terminator, Frankenstein*, Homunculus (FMA), The Borg (Star Trek), Darth Vader, etc
Born to regular human parents, but with unexpected supernatural abilities and/or appearance. These abilities are random AF and their power can fluctuate wildly depending on the character/universe.
Mutants (X-Men), Killer Croc (Batman), Namor (Black Panther), Aquaman*, etc
🧜‍♂️ Hybrids
Born to at least one (1) human parent, but with unexpected supernatural abilities and/or appearance. The non-human parent can make their abilities fluctuate wildly, depending on the character/universe.
Animal/Creature Hybrid
Centaurs, Minotaurs, etc (Greek mythology), werewolves*, etc
Magical Race Hybrid (Low Level--dwarves, elves, sorcerers, etc)
Luke Skywalker, etc
Magical Race Hybrid (High Level--undead, spirits, gods/demons, aliens, etc)
- 1/2 vampire Dhampirs: Blade, Alucard (Castlevania, Helsing), etc
- 1/2 demon Cambions, yokai, etc: Abe no Seimei, Merlin, Inuyasha, etc
- 1/2 god Demigods: Hercules (Greek mythology), Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian mythology), Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon), Kratos & Atreus (God of War), etc
🔮 Magicians
(Human) magic users who can either manipulate the senses, control spirits and/or the elements, bend/break the laws of nature (gravity, matter, shapeshifting, physics, space, time, etc), or all of the above. Includes: magicians, mages/sages, witches, wizards, sorcerers, mediums, psychics, hypnotists, exorcists, ghost hunters, etc. (Depending on the universe, these terms might be used interchangeably, or only for specific types of abilities.)
Manipulate the senses
Hypnotists -- (Naruto (low level ninjas))
Control/commune with spirits/demons (and/or the elements)
Exorcists, mediums, psychics, witches, etc -- (John Constantine, Van Helsing, Talamasca & Mayfairs (Anne Rice), etc)
Control the elements & bend/break the laws of nature
Dovahkin (Skyrim), Benders (TLAB), Alchemists (FMA), etc
All of the Above
Harry Potter (witches/wizards), The Avatar (TLAB), Jedi (Star Wars), Naruto (high level ninjas), Onmyoji (Shintoism), Cultivators (xianxia), etc
👽 Extraterrestrials
Transcendent beings not of this world/planet, terrestrial plane, or dimension. Are not subject to Earthly laws of nature (gravity, matter, shapeshifting, physics, space, time, etc)--e.g.: many alien races are physically much stronger than humans because their planet's gravity is heavier, etc. Depending on the type of world, being, character, or universe, their abilities can fluctuate wildly.
The Doctor(s) (Doctor Who)
Vulcans, Romulans, Klingons, oh my~! (Star Trek)
Saiyans (Dragonball)
Kryptonians (Superman, Zod, etc)
Undead: Zombies, Ghosts, Vampires, etc
Fae:* fairies, elves, goblins (Labyrinth), giants, kitsune, etc (depends on the lore)
Fae* (depends on the lore/mythos/religion)
Demons/Yokai, etc: Hellboy, Darkness (Legend), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), etc
Djinn/Genies* (depends on the lore)
Shinigami: (Bleach, Black Butler, Death Note, Yu Yu Hakusho, etc)
Angels: (Constantine, Good Omens, Maiar (LOTR), etc)
Q (Star Trek), Chthulu (Lovecraft), Majin Buu (Dragonball)
Dragons (depends on the lore/mythos/religion)
Fae* (depends on the lore/mythos/religion)
Sun Wukong (Journey to the West)
Zeus (Greek mythology), Amaterasu & Susa No O & Izanagi & Izanami etc (Japanese mythology), Odin & Thor & Loki (Marvel/Norse mythology), etc
Again, this is just a rudimentary list of characters/fandoms off the top of my head; and I'm sleep deprived. I likely forgot a lot of powerups, retcons, AUs, and more--oops.
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sonic7ischaos · 8 months
Hyper Sonic should absolutely return.
Look, I understand the concerns about power creep and transformation creep, no one want Sonic to just turn into "a new transformation is the only way to solve any and all narrative problems" Dragonball style. but Hyper Sonic EXISTS. It played the deciding role in the Angel Island prophecy and stopping the Doomsday Zone robot from getting away with the Master Emerald. The power has crept already. The question to ask now isn't whether it should exist or not, but how it should be USED. Personally, I think accessing Angel Island and the Hidden Palace shrine should, lore wise, be the only way to do it, so Sonic would have to collect the Chaos Emeralds, go to Angel Island, go to the Hidden Palace Zone, place the Emeralds on the shrine, do the special stage challenges (because those should come back in the 3D games too) to power up the Emeralds, and have them be transformed temporarily until they run out of "Super Emerald transformation juice", turn back to the normal Chaos Emeralds, and scatter again.
Both in terms of gameplay and lore, it allows everyone else to get their own unique super forms while ensuring Sonic has his own unique, special main character only transformation. Purely on a gameplay level, it also makes Sonic's playthrough last longer, especially if they handle it like 3 & Knuckles did, where you've got to re-collect the Emeralds after a Super Sonic playthrough, or after finding the Hidden Palace Shrine.
I genuinely think it should make a comeback, even for one game, or even just as a gameplay contrivance. It encourages multiple playthroughs and increases replay value with the barest minimum of effort and assets. Literally just some animations, colors, effects, and sounds for Hyper, the work that would go into making the Emerald shrine, maybe a "you can now play as Hyper Sonic" screen, and the special stages, if you even go as far as needing to include them.
It's too cool and serves the gameplay, character, and lore way too well to leave to the wayside out of concern for power creep that's already happened.
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Licensed Video Games are such an interesting topic honestly. On a surface level, you might be able to say “Oh, this series would be great as a fighting game” or something, but I’m more interested in a lot of weird tells that a game is a licensed game. Like if you approach the topic from the other direction. If this was a game, what’s the oddities that are antithetical to game design?
Like Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball is a series with a huge emphasis on fighting, so fighting games is like the perfect fit right? Yet, if you stop and think about it, RWBY characters fit fighting games better than Dragon Ball characters.
I sincerely mean that.
Look at Dragon Ball Figherz. Yes, great fighting game, but the characters are clearly not initially designed for fighting games. I’m not even talking about how there’s like 6 Gokus. There are other games that have the same character but slightly different like Evil Ryu or Order Sol. I’m more talking about how in most fighting games you can tell how the character is going to play at a glance.
Look at other fighting games and then compare it to Dragon Ball. In Street Fighter, Ryu’s wearing a standard white gi and is a fundamentalist character. Everyone else who’s dressed like him has the same moveset but iterates on it in a different way. Ken in red is more flashy and combo focused, Akuma in black is high power but low health due to honing his craft to kill people, and even Dan in pink is the joke variation. Evil Ryu is also just Ryu but more aggressive
Look at Fighterz and while 4 different people are wearing orange gis, the only move they share is the kamehameha, and even Cell and Kid Buu have those moves. Same with Goku and the various Gokus. We got Base, SSJ, Blue, Rose, Ultra Instinct, and GT and good luck figuring out anything about how each of them play just by looking at them. Two of these are generalists, two of these get stronger when someone dies, one of these is a rushdown mix up character, and one of these is a defensive powerhouse. Even if you know Dragonball, that only really clears up that the defense character is Ultra Instinct Goku. 
And for those who were wondering, SSJ and Rose are generalists, Base and GT get stronger when someone dies, and Blue is the rushdown character.
The reason I used RWBY as a comparison is because, aside from me liking and knowing both series, they’re both in Arc Sys fighting games, making this a relatively fair comparison.
Look at the RWBY characters in BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle and it’s immediately more obvious what most of these characters play as compared to the cast of Dragon Ball Fighterz. Weiss looks elegant and prim and proper so it’s far easier to guess she’s a character that needs to set up to get her fighting style going. Blake looks like a ninja so it’s no surprise when she starts using weird clones and attacks with huge but precise ranges to chip away at the enemy. And Yang is brightly colored, flashy, and has huge gauntlets so no one is surprised when she armors through attacks to beat the enemy’s face in. Ruby might be the odd man out since the Gothic Lolita aesthetic of her Beacon outfit doesn’t really scream the ‘highly mobile generalist’ that she actually plays as. Still, it’s overall easier to place these characters into roles.
I’m just saying, if I lined up a bunch of RWBY characters, I could tell you how each of them would play in a fighting game, but if you lined up Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan and asked me what each of their play style is, I wouldn’t be able to figure out how to differentiate the three of them. It’s just a funny thought that everyone thinks fighting games are the perfect fit for dragon ball but then if you wanted to come up with movesets, you’d probably draw up a huge blank because everyone punches and shoots beams for the most part and are either wearing gis, wearing armor, or is a weird alien or god or robot. The variety is shockingly little.
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Power Levels/Tiers
Welp. Found out what's worse for storytelling than a scouter. It's a power tier reader.
Questism is a story about a kid who gains a mysterious power that doles out odd quests (Share a kiss with that girl you like) and unrelated quest rewards (Grant skill in capoeira to one of your friends). It starts with him bullied and, in order to maintain a sense of challenge after he defeats his bullies with violence, moves on to a gang war to unite the four crews of his high school.
There's definitely some cool stuff there; As he continues to rise using this power there's a stronger and stronger sense that it's a faustian bargain because there's a general rule that the GM, whatever it is, will take back everything it's given him, which is a lot of his physical prowess and that of his friends, if he ever fails at or refuses to do one of the quests it proposes.
But we're hitting the problem with his "Peek At You" ability - aka "Worse Scouter." He's been using it to assess combat abilities of people as he fights them. They've got tier list style rankings, from F to S, and then the author was able to stretch this a little by going up to SSS and then a gold bar across the whole thing for Awakened which is presumably in a class of its own...
But the last two enemies he's run into have been off the scale. "The Peek At You ability failed because the enemy's stats are too high!"
What the hell's the point of telling me someone's "SSS Tier" and then saying someone else is multiple ranks above that? Whatever the GM is, it clearly knows these other characters exist - interactions with them are parts of the quests it's laying out for the hero.
And this is where the Power Tier Reader is worse than a scouter. With a scouter you were dealing with numbers, and numbers certainly have a point after which they don't mean anything to humans but humans at least understand that a limitless top end is implied by the use of numbers. In Dragonball as a franchise that kind of fits, because climbing to forever-higher power is a key point of the series. Seeking out ever-greater fights is the hero's core desire, sometimes eclipsing (or at least distracting him from) his desire to keep everyone safe! But with power tiers, you have a defined top end baked in and "going beyond the top" in this case just doesn't make sense. Tiered power in games - as Questism claims to be modeling itself after - only works well when the game has a clear ending and it lines up with when you and the enemies are in S tier.
As it is, what the latest chapters have been telling me is "Hey, from here on the rating system we sold you on earlier is meaningless." That kind of storytelling decision is really risky, because it saps player investment. In a way similar to the possibility of our hero Suhyeon suddenly losing all his martial arts powers because the game tells him to do something he won't do, all the hype the comic ever gained from someone being impressed by an A-tier or S-tier rating gets drained away at once.
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takato1993 · 2 years
Whoops almost forgot after October I decided to post short movie review on here for each months movies I watch
Novembers list will be much shorter and much worse than Octobers i don't know if it is bad luck or it is just that i lost just wasn't feeling it most of November.
I will format it so that it is readable this time i promise. expect some small spoilers
Class of Nuke em High 3/10
I watched a couple of Troma movies and enjoyed them during October this is where that luck ended.
It had some fun 80s punk aesthetics and the monster design was not bad in the end
but I don't recommend this one
Book Of Monsters 6/10
Book of Monsters is about a girl whos mother was killed by monsters when she was younger and it turns out she was a monster hunter with a whole book about those monsters and their weaknesses
and then they never utilize this plot device to it's potential if they did some fairy tale like passages or rhymes out of the book describing the lore of each monster this movie it would have taken this movie to the next level.
the monster designs are hit and miss but mostly hits and good ones at that.
Jabberwocky 6/10
I went into this one pretty blind I must admit I was not expecting it to be an early Monty Python movie.
It is not as comical or well put together as Holy Grail but it is honestly a legitimately decent fantasy movie and it should be on more fantasy movie lists people are missing out on this one.
there is someone shitting or pissing in almost every scene.
Beyond Re-Animator 7/10
i finished the trilogy and I enjoyed it. once again this series provides very good practical effects
I won't spoil much but some rat dna gets into the mix with the formula to revive the dead and while no one physically turns into a big rat monster but I think it still adds a lot of fun to this movie
Herbert West gets a new sidekick that should know better than to work with this man.
apparently there are more movies in the series but eh...
SPOILERS- I watched the mid/after credits scene with the rat fighting the animated severed penis and it is less gross than you imagine and so fun it honestly makes the whole movie on it's own.
Digging Up The Marrow 6/10
a documentary style Horror movie where they interview a suspicious elderly man about an underground city of monsters he believes exists
this movie makes some fun stylistic choices and is surprisingly compelling.
Phantasm III and V 6/10
I watched more of the Phantasm series that was available at the time it seems Tubi has uploaded more since but I already watched it way out of order
anyway tho the budget gets lower and the acting worse this series still offers good practical effects and an intimidating villain
Possum 4/10
Chillerama N/A
I could not finish this one and I will not recommend this Horror/comedy compilation
It is designed to be edgy and offensive
on the plus side most of what i saw was well made and had good designs.
this is the movie with the sexy dancing statue of liberty theres a gif of it here on tumblr
has a literal sperm whale
Slumber 4/10
a movie about a doctor helping a family deal with a parasitic nightmare demon
tbh that description seems inaccurate and she seems like a bad doctor.
i could not finish this one and here is my warning on that
CONTAINS- a person sticking there hand in a blender ( no injury) and one brutal animal death scene all for shock value.
Wicked City 6/10
I went into this one expecting a bloody 80s horror anime with a bunch of nudity
but I think It is more like a heavily christian themed hentai but if Christianity was about psychic powers and creating peace through monster fucking
most of the sex scenes are meant to horrify not titillate and not because of the monster fucking that is unrelated.
contains a very annoying version of master Roshi from Dragonball
I know this all sounds bad and like i hate the movie but it does have very good art
The Bone Snatcher 5/10
Hawk The Slayer 5/10
this was a passable fantasy movie and it is likely the last major sword and sorcery movie from the 80s that i will see I might track a few more down but thats is mostly extra now.
the story, the acting, the costuming and the practical effects budget are all just for the most part not very good
This is a typical fantasy where warriors from the various fantasy races come together to defend against evil we have two humans, an elf, a dwarf, and a giant but the budget is low so they mostly just look like normal humans with normal height differences
But I do enjoy the witch character and this movie features one of my low key favorite actors Peter O'Farrel who other notable fantasy roles include one of the goblins in Legend and motherfucking ODO from the Darkest Knight
I recommend watching those movies if you haven't seen them and probably watching the Darkest Knight series which i have not done yet
Hellarious 7/10
I recommend seeing this horror comedy compilation instead of chillerama.
there are 7 stories they are all very simple and lower budget but I guarantee at least one of them will suit every horror taste
I like the first couple stories best anyway go in blind don't spoil this one.
Class of 1999 7/10
Return to Horror High 5/10
gonna be honest I couldn't follow the plot of this one.
Aenigma 4/10
it was bold of this movie to start with the protagonist being bullied by like 15 people at once until they accidentally put her in a coma and then expect us to not side with her supernatural revenge
tho here methods for taking that revenge were very strange.
I wish this movie was as cool as the post/cover makes it look
Phenomena 5/10
this one is about a girl with a psychic connection with insects which she uses to solve murders and intimidate her bullies which seem to include almost everyone.
the people in this movie act very strange I think it might be an issue with script translating the scipt.
the insect power does not play as big of a role as they should and are mostly about flies and maggots which I do understand since they are all real insects which was very ambitious and must have taken a lot of time and attempts just to get those insects to do what they wanted
this movie has a chimp that did bite the leading actress and that did not need to happen this movie did not need a chimp.
Zombie Strippers 5/10
this movie is exactly what you expect with the exception that it does include a hostile conservative takeover of the government
and the military is at fault for there being zombie strippers
if the comedy and horror elements of a movie about zombie strippers sounds like something you would like then watch it if it sounds like you would hate it then do not watch it, whatever your gut feeling for yourself on this one is you are correct
Robot Carnival 8/10
this was a beautiful anime movie compilation of stories all about robots it is pure art and at time pure nightmare
anyway going down the rabbit hole of artsy mostly forgotten old anime movies after this one.
2001 Maniacs 6/10
SPOILERS- a group of young tourists take a detour on their way to spring break and end up forced to except the hospitality of the very southern town they end up in after following this detour sign
anyway the towns people are all racist cannibals planning to kill the springbreakers
MATH + DEEP SPOILERS- the evil towsnfolks plan will take hundreds of years if no more than 6 people show up per year just saying
Evolution (2015) 4/10
watch 2001's American evolution movie instead of this they are unrelated but I am giving you my honest recommendation
Two Evil Eyes 6/10
not the best Edgar Allen Poe adaptation but it is a good one
Piranha Women 3/10
basically a low budget scifi channel movie, from the title you might expect a more traditional piranha fish people transformation and a lot of underwater scenes.....
but nope it is mostly on dry land and the women have piranha mouths on their breasts
Necromancer 3/10
imagine they took Hellraiser and took out all the beautiful practical effects away and decided it needed more uncomfortable late 70s style sex scenes like the one in Hellraiser we all forget about
but then also being almost SFW
ironically contains no real necromancy just a demon that can imitate people that make a deal with her but with nasty red hands
warning contains- 3 castrations and 1 rape scene
The Unnamable 5/10
The Neon dead 5/10
Mortal Engines 4/10
The Creeping Flesh 5/10
I remembered watching the second half of this movie and being very fascinated by it. but I fell asleep 3 times trying to watch it this time.
the Mutilator 5/10
a rare slasher where most of the victims and the slasher are nearly impossible to sympathize with
in true shooting fish in a barrel fashion the bad decisions of his victims lead to the slasher barely having to move until the last 20 minutes to kill most of the characters
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shadowysharktidalwave · 7 months
The Serenity of Scenery
Note* I couldn't find the movies so I chose Dragonball Super Super Hero's and the Five nights at Freddy's movie. I choose these wo as one, I have seen them both relatively recently, and more importantly two, they are excellent examples of scene structure in every category. The first film I would like to discuss is that Five Night's at Freddy's film.
The five Night's at Freddy's film follows Michael Schmidt as he gets a new job as a night time security officer to look better in court as to maintain custody over his little sister. Things quickly go array as the repeating nightmare of Michael's little brother begins to change once entering the pizzeria and the mystery of the animatronics is revealed. (spoilers) The animatronics are also dead kids like Michael's little brother and hijinks insue. Michaels little sister comes to work with Michael and this ceases any further assault on Michael for the time being as the animatronics are reminded of both themselves and Michael's dead little brother when seeing Michael's sister.
And this is where the scene I would like to discuss comes in to play. The "fort scene" as it has been dubbed online is is rather controversial with fans of the series. Most people make jokes along the lines of " FNAF was the friends that we made along the way" in a mocking tone to the film, and use this scene to exemplify this fact. And this distain is often rooted in wanting the film to have taken a route more akin to a retailing of the narrative of this scource material.
But I feel as if that was the entire point of the scene, to show that this is different. A different narrative, different style, and a different feel. See, up until this point the movie felt like a typical horror film. A quick intro showing the dangers a ahead, and a slow climb for our protagonists to encounter these horrors, even with another example of what these monsters were capable of.
And yet the fort scene comes right when the audience would expect that horror to occur, Michael's sister has wondered off and Michael chases around the dim abandoned building, only to find her surrounded by these monsters. And Michaels sister says to Michael that they are her friends, and Michael is hesitant. The Monster's do not like Michael, but are tolerant of him as they like his sister.
And this fort scene's purpose is to build these character relationships whilst also giving more depth to these monsters as not just monsters, but to remind us that these are just kids at the end of the day. Kids that lost their childhood because they were killed. They like Abby, just wanted to have fun and build a fort wit their friends.
And this de-escalation is done amazingly through lighting, perspective and camera angles. The lighting has only been getting darker through out the film up until this point. And Trough out the scene these screen slowly begins to get more and more illuminated by the string lights until the end where there are all together with a warm comforting glow enveloping everyone in a circle.
The perspective and cameras angles are also a huge factor in portraying this change in relationship dynamics. Up until now we have only ever looked up at the animatronics, viewing them as bigger and more powerful than us. And over the course of the scene the angle progressively gets higher, with the middle of the scene we are at eye level with them, and this is also conveniently the time that we begin to see their expressions soften as the accept Michael as no longer a threat, but a a friend. At the end of the scene when they are all laying the floor in a circle looking up from the floor at the ceiling of the fort, we the viewers are now looking down at this group, and are "above them" giving us a sense of control, and helping drive home that they are small children, and that viewing angle helps us no longer see them as towering monsters, but as these small children.
Now a much more lighthearted film is dragon ball super super hero's, and I wanted to pick this film because of how similar the principles that were used from a lighting an perspecscitve were, as the same ideas were used, but into achieve nearly the exact opposite feeling in the viewer.
Dragon ball Super Superhero's follows Piccolo and Gohan trying to stop the Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Androids, and then these two unlikey groups come together to stop a force far greater than themselves, Cell Max.
Now, This is another property that relies on some prior knowledge of the franchise top properly appreciate. But Piccolo has been essentially sidelined from the fights due to power scaling over the years. This is made painfully apparent as Goku and Vegeta, the only to people strong enough to deal with the androids are off on another planet and are unable to be contacted. So after barley fleeing an encounter with Gamma 2 due to Gamma 2's arrogance, Piccolo goes off to find Gohan, who while having the most potential out of anybody else in the universe, has been supposedly slacking on his training.
Piccolo seeks out to find Shenron to fully waken his power, and since Piccolo made Shenron many lives ago, shenron's soft spot grant Piccolo a little extra power
Cut forwards to our hero's facing off with the Gamma's and they are kicking their buts kicked. The sun is shining and it almost would seem that we are to be rooting for the Gamma android based of of composition, with the bright and colorful atmosphere and the choreography always having us look down on our hero's. But has Piccolo get knocked down a dark cliff and we watch him fall down the abyss, we watch his power get awakened. Piccolo jumps from the cliff, landing in front of Gamma 1. Piccolo Towers over Gamma 1 in his new form, as we the viewer look up from essentially Gamma ones knee height, with Piccolo taking up nearly the Wole frame, looking down on Gamma 1. This shot perfectly encompasses and prepares both us the viewer and Gamma 1 for how powerful Piccolo has become, and the beat down that is about to go down.
After said beat down occurs, Cell Maxi a waken. Cell max Kills Piccilo, and we once again looking down on him, to show that even in his newly powered up state, it's over. We lost. Hard cut to a distraught Gohan, us looking down on him. With the realization of what has become of his master, an enraged and vengeful Gohan reaches powers of unseen heights. The camera quickly pans down and around Gohan, ending around foot height looking up at him, to give the viewers a sense of that we are merely at Gohan's feet given his power, and that he is above us in every way.
Another note is that with this transformation, He was so powerful that his power alone conjured up a storm. This changed the atmosphere from the sunny light heart sparring match essentially, to that of one where It was time for the business. Some one is going to die, and it's not going to be Gohan.
It's interesting How the same film strategies can be used to conjure up completely different feelings in the viewer, even if used almost in the same way, only with a few minor changes.
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ayukoshop04 · 11 months
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Power Up Your Style with DragonBall Super Shoes!
Step into the world of DragonBall Super with our exclusive collection of DragonBall Super Shoes. Designed for ultimate comfort and style, these shoes feature iconic DragonBall Super characters and motifs. Whether you're a fan of Goku, Vegeta, or Frieza, our shoes will make you feel like a true warrior. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, these DragonBall Super Shoes are perfect for everyday wear or showing off your fandom at conventions and events. Level up your footwear game and unleash your inner Saiyan with DragonBall Super Shoes!"
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Why does Scary keep getting stronger?
Dndads Season 2 spoilers ahead
Here's what I think:
I think it's to do with Willy. I think willy is still alive and that he's being sealed Dragonball style either a la Mafuba, or Hyperbolic Time Chamber, meaning I think he's either in some form of stasis or superposition where he's both present and not in the material plane through his daddy magic, or he has been fully conscious and autonomous for the past 20+ years but unable to influence anything outside of his tomb.
Willy was by far the most powerful of the Omega Dads and had the most potent form of Daddy Magic due to his sheer charisma and capacity for intimidation, so considering how versatile Daddy Magic is in its use as well as how it can be cultivated, I feel it can probably display some adverse affects regardless of the wielder's will. Not unlike Nen from Hunter x Hunter.
So why specifically Scary? It could just be Anthony playing favourites or him fucking with Freddy, but what I think is happening harkens back to my theory in my s2 trailer speculation post, that Code Purple is to do with releasing Willy, as he has the most knowledge on the Doodler of any character in the whole series. I think that the reason Scary keeps levelling up is ONLY because she is Willy's great granddaughter, and thus has the strongest connection to him of all the kids.
We know Daddy Magic doesn't care about blood ties, and is even loose on familial relations considering how Willy told all the other Omega Dads that collecting only one child would suffice for their collective interests (meaning they could all use one child to power their magic as a group). So seeing how the whole purple motif relating to the Omega Dads (specifically Willy) has made its return and is a central focus for the Teens' goals, Scary getting these sudden and bountiful power boosts must be Willy desperately grabbing onto the only connection outside of his prison he can feel, and either A) supplying it (Scary) with the power to release him, or B) risking his life as his magic is siphoned off hoping he can find a way out first. It could also be a Naruto and Kurama situation where there's a trade off in magic, where Scary gets some of Willy's power and Willy is grounded by Scary's connection.
Anyway that's me just throwing darts at a board and letting stream of consciousness take hold, what do y'all think
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kolbisneat · 3 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: November 2021
The snow is starting to fall around here and so I’m given even more opportunities to stay indoors and watch/read/play stuff! Here’s how November shaped up.
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Dune (2021) Refreshing. I know it’s a remake and based off of a book but it still felt like I was watching something...new, you know? Such a sense of grandeur and scale while still feeling very personal. Just a boy and his mum off on a grand adventure. I’m so glad part 2 is a go. 
Heathers (1989) I watched this back at the start of the month when I was trying to find something to keep the Halloween spirit alive. So not as...spooky as I thought, and it took me a bit to adjust to the movie’s tone, but it really grew on me. I think it’s one that I’ll like more upon rewatching as it definitely left an impression.
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The Bachelorette (episode 18.03 to 18.07) Oof they are just swapping one villain out for the next! But outside of those guys, everyone else is really really great. Good group and great Bachelorette so I guess I’m saying top notch season so far?
Hawkeye (Episode 1.01 to 1.02) This series is based off of one my absolute favourite runs of comics so I’m going into it with a lot of good faith (plus I love the holiday setting). It’s mostly working for me so far but the fight scenes in ep 1 just go on too long and don’t really tell a story. They’re just...people fighting. I zone out. But ep 2 (no fighting! Lots of Kate/Clint banter) is great. More of that.
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The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt (Page 80 of 371) I’m just getting into the book but already it’s been really insightful. There’s a lot to process but I never feel like anything is going over my head. As someone not versed in ethics or psychology, it just does a really great job of catching you up to speed.
Rinkitink in Oz by L. Frank Baum (Complete) Bilbil is probably my favorite of the new characters. It’s interesting that these later books have less and less to do with Oz (despite the name). I find the books that feel the most natural either feature classic Oz characters or are set in Oz. This has neither and because of it feels like I’m just reading a random story by Baum. Am I being weirdly critical of a story published for children over a hundred years ago? Yes.
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The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees Complete) You know when you’re feeling stuck with your clothes? Or you buy something new and it’s not working and you’re like “why?” Same. This book has really helped and in a sensible way. It doesn’t try to push you towards a specific style, rather it makes you look inward to say “what wardrobe is YOU?” while helping you answer that and get on track. Obviously this is for a very specific market/purpose but I can’t recommend it enough.
Dragon Ball: 3-in-1, Volume 4 by Akira Toriyama (Complete) This is where, for me, the series starts to pivot from “fun adventure, a bunch of fighting” to “all fighting, all power levels, all the time”. It’s the transition into what I think of when I remember watching Dragonball Z. It’s...not what I love about the Dragonball world but that’s okay. Only one more volume to go and this is a reread so I know where it’s all heading (and to be honest I do like the “ending” of Dragonball).
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Texis by Sleigh Bells (2021) I love Sleigh Bells’ earlier albums and I think it’s because they have a balance of vocals and instrumentation that works for me. Their later albums leaned more towards vocals and kinda lost me, but this shifts to a balance that I dig. Glad to have them back in the mix.   
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Metroid Dread (Nintendo) Just a really special game. After finishing it and giving it a break for a couple weeks I find myself wanting to go back and that...doesn’t usually happen with video games. Loved it thoroughly.
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Back in Neverland after Oztober and lots happened! Alliances with the Mermaids are crumbling and the Party has discovered a secret camp kindly old Nomads! Full session recaps are here in case you want more detail.
And that’s it! As always, let me know if you have anything to recommend and see you in December!
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risingsouls · 3 years
Recruited: Chapter 16
[Probably a little boring this time around save for the TRAUMA but hey. One step at a time. I thought about making it longer and going a little further but this felt like a natural cut off until the next big thing.
Links for the rest!  Desktop. Mobile.]
Four dragonballs. Four slaughters.
In no time at all, Frieza used the information passed along by the first elder to track down three more villages. Nabooru could do little more than watch and o as she was told as each one panned out the same as the first: Frieza demanded the dragonball, the Namekian elder refused, people died, they retrieved the dragonball. He rotated his generals out for what he called the honor of persuading the Namekians: Zarbon for the second, Nabooru for the third, and Dodoria once more for the fourth. The Gerudo, at least, tried to make the deaths wrought by her hands quick and clean.
At least if Frieza gathered most of the balls, it would leave less work for her and Vegeta. If she could figure out how to hinder them, get a chance to secure a single ball for herself and hide it, it would at least buy them time. The only reason they had little trouble for the moment was because they could use the scouters to seek out the villages. She considered breaking the scouters, but she couldn't get away with destroying those, either. Not without endangering her life and her people's.
Vegeta’s and Cui’s arrivals had been expected, the only surprise coming from it the spike in Vegeta’s power level that destroyed hers and Zarbon’s scouters and, to a lesser extent to her, his disposal of Cui within seconds. She did not share Zarbon’s or Dodoria’s concern over him surpassing them and in turn herself; she had come to terms with the fact that she may well die on Namek by Vegeta’s hands, anyway. Mercy and understanding had never been his style. Holding a grudge, no matter how petty or misplaced, was.
However, two scouts presumably perished while investigating another pair of power levels that appeared and disappeared shortly after the scouts stopped transmitting. While Nabooru doubted the Earthlings Nappa and Vegeta faced were the only ones in the universe that could fluctuate and suppress their power levels at will like that, the timing seemed a little uncanny. Had the Earthlings come along with Vegeta as the others suspected? Had they come on their own? Or were they an entirely different entity all together, threatening to complicate her plans further?
Their arrival at the fifth village differed in that it appeared deserted, but Nabooru sensed a few power levels in one of the houses. Scouts confirmed that only five remained in the village and forced them from their abode to stand before them: three elder adults and two children. Dodoria’s scouter picked up a pair of blips  in the cliffs that disappeared immediately. While he and the others dismissed them for local fauna, Nabooru stared after them a few moments longer. Had Frieza not begun his spiel with the village elder, she considered asking permission to investigate for the sake of curiosity and to avoid murdering them for the ball.
Another refusal and Nabooru balled her hands into fists at her sides. As per the formula, Frieza ordered for a demonstration of their power of persuasion, though this time, he ordered Zarbon to take care of them. A kick for the first adult and a blast in return for the second adult’s attempt at retaliation, reducing him to ash.
Until Frieza threatened the children, hand rising in menacing threat, did the elder begin to cave, swearing to tell them anything they wanted to know. Her senses caught the flare of ki again from the same direction moments before Dodoria’s scouter, serving as a distraction from the task at hand. Then, a trio of readings from the opposite direction followed, these flying toward them at a rapid rate. Three Namekians landed before them, younger and apparently more physically fit than many of the others they encountered. Dodoria read their power levels off as 1000 apiece, but learning from her former cohorts’ adventures on Earth with the Namekian that resided there, she didn’t write them off so quickly.
The foot soldiers, bolstered by the low readings, charged the Namekians. These were unquestionably warriors, their power rising in the throes of combat. As such, the trio had no trouble dispatching the attacking squadron, soldier after soldier falling to their underestimated might. Nabooru inwardly cheered for their success, though she knew it was short lived. They didn't stand a chance against Zarbon or Dodoria if this was the height of their strength.
"Nabooru, why don't you take these three?" Frieza suggested. "You enjoy a good fight, yes? Use those ki swords I've heard so much about. I could use a good show."
Her gaze shifted to the trio of warriors. Warriors, a miniscule comfort in the face of more death on her hands. More lives taken for standing up for themselves. Is this how it would have been for her people if Frieza's soldiers never arrived and they chose to fight a war they could not win?
Nabooru bowed her head. "Gladly, Lord Frieza."
With a warning from their elder, the three warriors lunged at her the moment she stepped forward and faced them. She dodged aggressive and quick punches and kicks, the warrior in her yearning to fight them properly in a true spar under friendlier circumstances. Their skill shone and put her firmly on the defensive despite her own speed and strength. Their determination to defeat her was admirable but, as had the courage of the elders, it made her heart ache to know they fought a losing battle to the most vicious and merciless tyrant in the universe.
Nabooru caught the swing of one of their legs and swung him into the other two with enough force to send them sailing away from her and allowing her to regain the offensive. She kept hold of the first's leg and raised her hand. Orange ki shot from her palm and obliterated him. The other two regained their footing and charged once more. Fingers curled into her palms and orange light materialized into a pair of curved blades of energy. In two swift arcs, one vertical and the other horizontal, the swords sliced through the Namekians and halted their forward momentum. The blades sank back into her hands and, to spare herself, the elder, and the children the horrific sight of the warriors bleeding and falling to literal pieces, she cremated them with another blast.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked hard before returning to her post with the others. She avoided the gaze of the children and elder, knowing she would only find anger, terror, and hopelessness there. Only when the elder took to the air did she dare look at him directly. To see the beam headed straight for them. For Dodoria. His scouter exploded in a spread of shattered glass and plastic shrapnel. Several other beams followed, fired at rapid speed and resulting in miniature explosions. It took several seconds, but it finally dawned on her. The elder had done what she wished she could have to hinder their progress. He wasn't looking to kill with those shots. He was aiming for the scouters specifically.
She didn't have to look over at Freiza. She felt his irritation surge from him with the realization they lost their only way to track down the villages and their dragonballs. Brief but chilling. The elder returned to the ground in triumph. "Nabooru," Frieza said, nodding to the pair of children clinging to each other for dear life. For a moment, she saw not Namekian children, but two young Gerudo. "Punish him."
She didn't have to ask what he meant, how he meant her to do it. As she raised her hand, she willed the kids to run, fly away if they could. Anything to allow her the excuse of missing. Orange ki materialized in her palm and they did run, but their panic or lack of experience urged them in a straight line. She fired the blast, hitting the one dressed in yellow squarely in the back. Her hand fell limp at her side and she watched the other child shake the limp body. Tears streamed down his face.
The elder finally caved. He disappeared into one of the houses and returned with the dragonball. He handed it over to one of the remaining soldiers. "There. Take it." His gaze drifted between each of them, hatred burning hotter in his eyes as it rested on the Gerudo. "Take your leave now.."
"So bold thinking you can give me orders." Frieza chuckled. "Before we leave you to bury your dead, could you point us in the direction of the next village? You destroyed our scouters and only means for locating them."
The elder growled. "Never! I gave you what you came here for! I refuse to endanger my brothers!"
"Have it your way." He nodded to Dodoria. "Finish the job."
The general grinned maliciously. He shot behind the elder and gripped his head. With a sickening crack, he snapped the elder's neck, leaving only the second child alive. The last of his village, his family. Dodoria turned on him, and Nabooru could only imagine the torments the vicious warrior thought up for the kid. He loomed over the child, but another surge of energy from the cliffs caught her attention. A blur slammed into Dodoria and he crashed through the nearest house. A second kicked him back down and scooped up the child. She caught a glimpse of them before they took off: a young boy with dark hair and a bad haircut and a bald man in orange. 
Dodoria pulled himself from the rubble, cursing loudly. "Dodoria!" His head snapped over to Frieza, the fear in his eyes palpable in the wake of Frieza's scolding. "Do you plan to let them make a fool of you and escape? Get your ass moving!"
Dodoria bumbled around an apology and took off after the interlopers. Several beats of intense silence passed before Zarbon broke it. "My lord, I need not point it out to you I'm sure, but without our scouters, we are blind and directionless. What do you suggest we do next?"
"We regroup at the ship." He clicked his tongue, and his hovercraft drifted higher into the air. "I suppose we'll have to do this the old fashioned way and send out scouts to search the planet for them. For the trouble, we will instruct them to ensure no Namekian survives."
Frieza wasted no time awaiting a response and took to the sky, heading back toward the ship. Nabooru and Zarbon followed suit, the former scooping up the abandoned dragonballs. She cast the focus of her senses in the direction the strangers and Dodoria had flown, finding that Dodoria had caught up to the pair and Namekian child. She then searched for Vegeta again, and sensed his energy darting toward another cluster of signatures. Another village. If he knew what they did, she had no doubt he would show as little mercy as Frieza in retrieving the ball, another village of innocents murdered. 
Once they dealt with Frieza, she hoped to find a way to undo all this carnage. If she got the chance to.
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twiststreet · 3 years
As a fan of manga (mostly everything Tezuka), I'm intrigued by your comments about One Piece, but my assumption is it HAS to be at least PRETTY GOOD to be as popular as it is and to have run as long as it has. I'd be interested in more detailed posts about it, as well as how you recommend reading it, if you do. On a somewhat related note, today I started reading all of Batman. Planning to go from 1939 to 1999, when I first picked up the comics.
Whoops I wrote a lot; sorry:
I’m 615 chapters in out of 1000 (and in the middle of the Fish-Man Island saga which I think fans rank as either the worst or second-worst arc)(the other worst one, this bad tournament arc, I’ve already gotten past)... so I guess I have a lot to say, but you know, nothing especially original, just...
There’s a stretch (namely, the Water 7 arc all the way through Marineford) that is a hall of fame stretch.  He drops like 5-6 arcs that just land perfect right in row (though it’s hard to imagine it ever reaching the heights of the second arc in that series, Ennies Lobby ever again).  But that being said, it’s a little funny to tell anyone “Oh it takes 150 chapters to get really good” (that’s at least 2000+ pages of comics) let alone, that the A+ stuff starts 300 chapters in.  A chapter of One Piece only takes a minutes or so to read, if that, but it’s still a big ask.  People used to get angry if you told them that Deadwood only gets good after 3-4 hours, so... 
But that stretch is ... not “life-affirming” but... it touches a very old part of my brain in a very satisfying way.  
I had a whole long post I deleted because I thought it was boring, but... when I was into classical American superhero comics, the thing I’d constantly be nerdiest about is that there was this Great Possibility, to do something truly epic in that space which I didn’t think had been done.  There’s been a few novels (Watchmen, the Enigma) but not that many.  And American superhero comics don’t really have a Lord of the Rings or a Star Wars or, an example for me as a kid even though I hadn’t read all the books was the Gunslinger books (or sure, The Stand if The Stand had maybe a different ending?  I don’t know-- I’m not watching the TV show but I don’t really remember that ending fondly).  The epic driven by a creator who is creating his own personal mythology, basically.  Most of the genre is tied to pre-existing universes which foreclose that as a possibility and people who work outside those universes tend to just make shit like that Peter Cannon thing or Supreme or whatever that comments back on those universes...
Maybe you could argue the Hickman X-Men thing but for me, everyone after Claremont on X-Men is just inheriting so much from Claremont that... It means very little to me. It’s not a personal mythology. Same with Crisis.  The closest to me comics came was Kirby with the 4th World, but... Carmine Infantino shut that down. And the Claremont run itself is ... an interesting discussion, but again, Bob Harras.  But back before Watchmen 2, back when I thought comics could be this thing that improve over time (haha), I’d look for that (or for any ambition!  any!) and just gave up as time went on.  The careerist generation came in; the ambitions shrank even further; etc., to where I’m at now where my attitude generally with comics is “that’s nice; who care; so, is your wife dating anyone right now, what’s her story?”  
But then One Piece ... One Piece, of all things, becomes this epic thing!  And it’s great!  I was right that it would be great!!!  I was right! (My favorite thing to be!).  
Not at first-- at first the formula is “Wacky Pirates go to an Island, they find out something sad is going on in the Island, a character acting extremely emotional causes the biggest fight possible which goes on for 50 chapters, and then they leave the island and maybe take someone with them.”  And that’s a lot of big arcs... until little by little, tiny bit by tiny bit, Oda’s built up this world.  And then that world starts to become the story.  And that’s still kind of the formula but... but then they’re stakes.
The archetypal shonen cliche story is “a boy wants to be the best in the world at something”, right, but what One Piece does (and I haven’t read as much as other people so I don’t know how common this is, I haven’t read Naruto or Bleach, neither of which I’m too excited to check out, though i think david brothers vouches for Bleach heavy so I’ll probably give that one a shot), what One Piece does is sees how that would necessarily become a political struggle eventually.  Because what does it mean to be the best in the world at something when there’s an entire world out there already in operation, and built around you not being the best in the world, built around someone else being that...
And then there’s just this amount of worldbuilding that goes on, that is so slowly fed out over those first 300 episodes that you don’t even notice it... Until suddenly around Water 7, these bigger forces have now noticed our wacky pirates, and are shifting around them and getting upset about them.  Culminating in this arc called Marineford that ... again not as good as Ennies Lobby but... I don’t think there’s a comparable arc in American comics to Marineford.  The scale of that one... The fact he managed to draw that on a weekly basis!
While still being a goofy kid’s pirate comic.  It’s funny.  The power sets are all really silly, but in a way that reminds of how kids play more than a Dragonball thing.  (He takes like 400-500 chapters to even get to a Dragonball-style levelling up concept, which I thought was pretty patient of him).  But within that, I’m enjoying it now in a very Claremont way of... there now not just being these scrappy outcast heroes I’m rooting for, but an entire universe of people around them, with their own agendas, that I have varying levels of investment in.
There’s this saying that the Golden Age of science fiction is 12 years old, the idea being that’s the age where stuff lands with you the hardest because it’s all NEW for you.  But the thing is if you’re really immature (lifts hand)... I think part of things is you run out of the Good Stuff.  I go back and look at old Chris Claremont X-Mens and if I somehow find one I’ve never read before (and this was the lesson of Dazzler in Hollywood for me), I’m still right there, it still lands with me, there just aren’t that many people who can actually land that plane.  Once Scorcese is gone, what gangster movies are people going to be watching?  Blow?  Savages?  Kubrick only made the movies he made.  People add a little every year, but the really good stuff is rare.  
And so when I’m looking at One Piece and I’m enjoying it the way I’d enjoy a Claremont X-men comic (even if aesthetically it’s a VERY different thing-- sexless and not as weirdo-operatic and less violent and more childish and definitely younger-skewing)... but that I’m getting that same thrill of “oh this comic is a portal to this entire fictional universe this guy made up and that kind of exists now thanks to this (kinda disturbing I guess it turns out) guy” to me is...  Not “life affirming” that’s not the right word but... It feels good on my brain to know.  Because then being sour and grouchy isn’t just me getting older and the inevitability of age-- then it’s just... People need to make better shit!!!  Or I need to do a better job not wasting my time on, you know, an industry that’s not built to deliver what I need as a reader...
I mean, I’ve been saying for more than 10 years, I should just quit American comics and just be one of those guys to switch to manga.  And I’m not 100% there because... I mean, because of Copra and because of like an extremely small list of things that aren’t Copra.  (I just signed for Kate Beaton’s Patreon).  But... I’m 95% there, and it’s been great, and I just feel dumb for not having done it earlier.  
One Piece has big problems, too.  (There’s a whole “Sanji meets drag queens” thing that’s very much not landing with me right now).   I don’t think you can ever top Ennies Lobby because Ennies Lobby is about convincing a suicidal person whose been betrayed their whole life that life’s worth fighting for-- there’s never going to be an emotional engine to the story that’s as good as that one.  It’s trying to work its way back to a “normal One Piece story” in this Fish arc and it’s... I want to see it level up again!  The core cast is just a little too big (it really didn’t need Bones).  I think the shonen model generally creates a sort of “power arms race” where it’s like constantly “oh you learned how to crush mountains with your dick in the last arc?  Well, too bad our mountains are made of diamonds now” escalations that ... feel a little like a treadmill as opposed to a story.  I feel like it needs to kick into a Second Act, after the big ending of that first Act at Marineford.  And just... I don’t know how it can keep topping some of these fights, and think it’d get to be diminishing returns to find out. But... 
A “team of buddies versus the world” is already a great thing for a story to be about, and it’s just really satisfying having One Piece having the “the world” part of that equation being so complicated and varied and colorful.  It’s like if the Ocean’s 11 gang had to rob an overwhelming-more-powerful global crime syndicate, with multiple competing factions, while still convincing Julia Roberts to love them-- they just robbed Andy Garcia and I watch that movie like once a year.
(And thematically, the comic-- it’s not deep, but it’s basically got an anti-authoritarian streak to it, which I think is important for a kid comic to have.  It’s a pirate comic and you can’t really do a pirate comic without being like “fuck the cops” at least a little bit.  The pirate thing is interesting because it basically means that there’s always a discussion going on about what it means to be free, though I think sometimes the comic doesn’t really reckon with that-- it sometimes falls back into “well if there was a good monarch though” thinking... but there being good pirates and bad pirates and good government characters and bad ones, I like that... and the very worst characters just being rich assholes... yeah, good lessons in One Piece for the kids!!). 
That and I just like how that dude draws.  He’s not doing some dreary realism thing-- the layouts are fun without being showy or confusing-- he really improves as the series goes on (though some of the recent stuff I’ve seen hasn’t looked as good, but I’m not sure if I’m seeing low-quality scans or he’s been thrown a loop cause of COVID or what).  I’ll always put up with a boring stretch in a comic if someone, like, crosshatches an arm in a way that I find interesting, so that probably distorts how I read One Piece too...
I could go on and on, basically because ... goddamn, what else do I have to talk about, ughhh.  But yeah: that’s why I think it’s popular-- it’s the worldbuilding.  It’s 100% the worldbuilding.  (By which I’d include that it has this massive cast, that i can keep kinda clear in my head, not all of whom want the same things, etc.)(though also geographically-- there are maps and everything)... But recommend it?  I don’t know-- I mean... It’s a little kid’s pirate comic.  There’s a THOUSAND of them.  It’s more modern than a Tezuka thing-- it’s jumping off more from Toriyama than Tezuka, and that’s a different vibe. It’s like not something you can just “recommend”-- it’s a major time sink.  I’d recommend Chainsaw Man first to someone with my age and background because even though it has its own flaws, it’s more “age appropriate” and there are only 90 chapters, and it’s got that rad stretch about 20 chapters in so you see the “good part” faster... 
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sonic7ischaos · 2 years
Fixing the Deadly Six.
So I kinda hate the Deadly Six. They're not even characters, there's no depth or nuance to them, they are exactly what they seem, a color coded team of bad guys with a single defining emotional trait. Zavok is the angry one and the leader, Zizz is the crazy one, Zeena is THE GIRL™, Zomom the fat one, Zor the sad one, and Zik is the wise old mentor. Design aside (and their designs are a terrible fit for Sonic), they're just so boring, and they don't present any kind of real threat despite being built up as incredibly dangerous and powerful (plus those boss fights have NO feedback when you hit them, they flash with invincibility frames and give a pain sound and THAT'S. IT.)
So it seems like fixing them requires rewriting and redesigning them on a fundamental level right? I mean, you've gotta give them that depth and nuance right? Make them fit in with the aesthetic of the universe they're a part of...right?
Well no.
Let me ask you something, if the Sonic series is Dragonball, and Sonic himself is Goku, who are the Deadly Six? Who, despite being some of the most powerful characters up to that point in the story, are out of place, color coded, and kinda silly?
That's right, we make the Deadly Six into the Ginyu Force. Now, when Sonic takes something from Dragonball, it doesn't usually just rip it off 1:1, there are nuances. Sonic doesn't just have the power to turn into his version of a Super Saiyan, his version of the Dragonballs give him that power and don't grant wishes. Sonic himself fills the narrative and character role of Goku, but with a totally different personality and motivations (though, as shonen protagonists, they share a lot in common like their competitiveness and desire to show off/test their skills). Tails isn't just Bulma, he's Gohan. Knuckles isn't just Piccolo, he's yamcha. Eggman is Emperor Pilaf, the Red Ribbon army, and Frieza. Shadow, like Sonic with Goku, fills the Niche of Vegeta while having his own character and nuances.
I could go on, you get it. My thought is, we make the Deadly Six into sentai, but without the loyalty to Eggman/Frieza, and they're an equal force in their own right. Of course, fixing the scene direction of Lost World goes a long way towards fixing how they're presented (IDW shows they can be threatening villains) but they don't fill a specific niche in Sonic's universe, they're just kinda...there.
So my thought is, we make them sentai, and the alien nature of their designs to Sonic's world and aesthetics are an intentional parody of Bowser, Kamek, and the Koopa Kids. The Lost Hex a stand in for the Mushroom Kingdom. We lean into what makes them so boring on their own, and by recontextualizing them into the sillier nature of sentai, they become fun villains. Their one note personalities become a strength, emphasizing their role as part of a team rather than singular villains strong on their own.
They would break free of Eggman's control, and, instead of powering some doomsday device, they begin mustering his forces to build a titanic tokusatsu style, megazord ass robot, which replaces the final boss. You defeat them throughout the game as normal (but with better buildup and payoff), and you beat Zavok thinking he's the final boss but they come back at the end as a team piloting the giant robot.. And while they're presented in kind of a silly way, they're not silly in the way the Ginyu Force is, hamming it up and being a threat in spite of that. No, they're a near Eggman level threat, truly evil and monstrous. Using their powers to start fires and drain oceans and subjugate the world they're trapped on.
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jcrh1n0 · 3 years
Annotated Bibliography
Tencent. (n.d.). Alchemy Stars. https://www.alchemystars.com/.
Alchemy Stars is a game that is unique. It features an RPG style mechanics system where you must move your heroes in a line on a board system. It is fun and challenging the more you advance the story. It also has a gacha system to collect more hereos.
Call of Duty Mobile: Home. Call of Duty Mobile | Home. (n.d.). https://www.callofduty.com/mobile.
Call of Duty mobile is Call of Duty for mobile devices. It features the same multiplayer FPS action featured on the PC and console systems. It also has a battle royale mode where you face off against 100 other players. The touch screen input is very responsive and allows for the game to run smoothly on mobile devices.
Home. Marvel Contest of Champions. (n.d.). https://playcontestofchampions.com/.
Marvels Contest of Champions is a fighting RPG style game. You train and level up your heroes and face off against AI and other players. The game is constantly updated with new heroes and in game events. 
DRAGON BALL LEGENDS|BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Official Site. (n.d.). https://dble.bn-ent.net/en/.
Dragonball Legends is a 3v3 dragonball fighting game. The game features a fighting system where you can swap your characters out at any moment given you have the energy to do so. You can also play the game with one hand. You play the game by summoning for new characters and playing through the story to level them up. The game just celebrated its 3rd anniversary. 
Official Dead by Daylight Mobile. Dead by Daylight Mobile. (2021, June 10). https://mobile.deadbydaylight.com/.
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game where you can play either asa killer or survivor. You must repair generators while escaping the killer to power the escape doors. The game was released first on PC then console, and finally a mobile port was made. The game plays the same while featuring the touch controls. 
Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS. (n.d.). https://www.konami.com/yugioh/duel_links/en/.
Duel Links is the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game made for mobile devices and PC. You build your custom deck of monsters, spells and traps and battle your opponent. You win by reducing your opponents life points to 0. The games features thousands of cards to collect and battle with with a large amount of ways to play. 
Epic Seven, PLAY THE ANIME. (n.d.). https://epic7.smilegatemegaport.com/.
Epic Seven is an anime style gacha RPG game. You collect heroes by summoning for them. When using the characters special skills, you are greeted with an anime style animation. It features a turn based combat system  where each character has their own unique abilities as well. 
Legends of Runeterra. (n.d.). https://playruneterra.com/en-us/.
Legends of Runeterra is a card based battle game from League of Legends. You build a deck around your decks champion and battle to outwit your opponent. You can collect cards simply by playing the game or buying them from the store. It also features a story mode to play through to level up your character account. 
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. (n.d.). https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/.
Mobile Legends is a 5v5 MOBA(multiplayer online battle arena) where you must work as a team to achieve victory. The game features over 60 characters to pick from. When achieving higher ranks, you enter draft mode where you can ban certain champions from being used. There is also an in-game shop and events where you can obtain champion skins. 
PUBG MOBILE: #1 BATTLE ROYALE MOBILE GAME. PUBG MOBILE | #1 BATTLE ROYALE MOBILE GAME. (n.d.). https://www.pubgmobile.com/en-US/home.shtml.
PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game where you fight 100 players to be the last one standing. You have the option to play in first person or third person perspectives. Based on the map you choose, the player count is increased or decreased to accommodate the size of the maps. You can chooose to buy skins and cosmetics in game, but the store for this game is extremely low chance so you end up spending a lot of money. 
Raid: Shadow Legends RPG Strategy Game- Official site by Plarium. RPG Strategy Game- Official site by Plarium : (2019, February 25). http://raidshadowlegends.com/.
Raid: Shadow Legends is a game I was excited to play and still do. The detail put in to the games environments and heroes still amaze me. You can play the game as a free to play player or can choose to pay real money. The only thing I dislike about the game is the in game ads for the games store. They are almost always there no matter what. 
Riot Games, Inc. (n.d.). Welcome to League of Legends: Wild Rift. Welcome to League of Legends: Wild Rift! https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/.
League of Legends: Wild Rift is my favorite MOBA game. I never really got into League on PC, but ever since this game was released, I have been playing it. It is a copy of League from PC but optimized for mobile devices. There is no cross play from the mobile version to the PC version. The game is still being updated to add more champions regularly. You can also earn the new champions from in game events. The store offers you ways to buy champions and skins from the games currency, or by paying real money. 
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firstagent · 4 years
Review: Digimon Adventure: (2020) Episode 09: The Ultimate Digimon Attacks
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In this episode, an intense, dramatic rematch between Ogremon and Greymon! They’re interrupted by a Coredramon fleet… then Kabuterimon… then MetalTyranomon… jeez, does nobody respect the art of the duel anymore?!
There’s no shortage of style here, filled with cool anime tricks and motifs and pacing that scream Dragonball as much as Digimon. The drawn-out duel between two rivals, the willpower thrown into each attack, the themes of pride and silent respect simmering underneath every blow. It’s a hell of a watch. But as striking as the visuals and fight scenes are, there’s also a sense that things don’t quite add up. Stylistically, it’s a fun tribute to a particular brand of storytelling. For its place in our serial, it tends to trip over itself as a Digimon entry.
For one thing, the episode trains us to get excited for one thing, then makes its highlights something out of left field. Not that that can’t work, but when the title of the episode promises Ultimate Digimon and the first few minutes foreshadow the enemy making its own beachhead invasion, we’re anticipating the worst. The kids don’t know where to go next to find the Holy Digimon, Yamato observes how the base was built to keep out attacks from the sea, and wants to extract information from an enemy. That all happens eventually, but they’re side notes, overshadowed by the only thing that matters, and initially the only thing that washes ashore: Ogremon.
Ogremon becomes one of those characters we’re expected to care about in a hurry. His work performance hasn’t been at all bad, using solid tactics in two fights and only barely edged out by narrow escapes, but Devimon has no patience and brings in the big guns. It’s a raw deal, and Ogremon stems his troubles back to his fight with Greymon. His urges and way of expressing them are rudimentary, but he gets his point across: he wants his rematch. The slow pace here sets the tone for the fight about to happen and the emotion thrown into it. It’s then quickly abandoned because there actually is a proper siege going on and those Coredramon aren’t going to wait for these two to settle their grudge.
The Coredramon almost make good on the episode’s premise, attacking the kids directly and overwhelming Garurumon. Enter another distraction: Koshiro has landed! Kabuterimon swats away the attacks and he and his kid get a quick word in before everyone realizes swatting the attacks doesn’t actually stop the Coredramon themselves. Ogremon takes care of that in order to steer everything back to his battle and leaving us with two clear takeaways. One is that Ogremon’s motives are entirely his, and his teetering standing with Devimon isn’t worth much next to the fight to salvage his own pride. The other is that Koshiro finally joining the team after five episodes adrift should be more than a distracting sidebar.
The battle between Greymon and Ogremon itself looks exactly the way you want it to, slow and charged with emotion, filled more with grapples and throws and only sparingly using moves from the Skill menu. It’s a more intimate battle than we’ve seen so far, which has plenty of appeal. But we’ve been spoiled by all this great action, and with the heavier attacks only punctuation, this feels like just another one, neither better nor worse, just kind of different. These slow fights also hinge on strong expression from its combatants, which is a challenge when one of them is bound by nature to have his mouth hanging open at all times. The replacement is commentary from the peanut gallery about how they seem to be enjoying this, which is just kind of weak.
Before we get any meaningful resolution, MetalTyranomon shows up and now everything’s on fire. It’s straight from the playbook of how to introduce the next level up, and damned if it isn’t effective. Nobody has an answer for this thing, and the outcome you’d expect would be all the good guys squished or char-broiled. There’s enough to appreciate how powerful the enemy can get and how the Chosen Ones aren’t anywhere near strong enough to fulfill their mission. At the same time it’s weird that the Ultimate we were promised feels like another interruption. At least Ogremon treats it as such.
Ogremon’s sacrifice is sold and executed well. He’s been disrespected and stepped on (literally) by his allies and if they won’t let him regain the honor he lost against Greymon, what good are they? At least Tai and Greymon were willing to entertain the idea, so helping them along becomes the most honorable thing he can do. Even this has its issues—there’s not much logic in MetalTyranomon acknowledging him when he had Tai and Agumon cornered and an attack charging—but it’s the sort of lucky intervention you need at this point. The sheer look and feel of the episode makes up for its underlying flaws, but their presence does suggest this sort of thing should be reserved for rare occasions.
My Grade: B+
Loose Data:
Apparently the subs have shifted the evolution terminology to the dub equivalents, going with Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega rather than Child-Adult-Perfect-Ultimate. We’ll run with this as well.
One of the bigger issues of the episode on a macro level is the way it kills the nice run we’ve been on introducing the kids and seeing how the group evolves with them. There’s too much going on to take in everyone’s responses to Koshiro. For that matter, none of the six kids do much of anything this entire episode, even Taichi, who mostly cedes the spotlight to Greymon.
Not sure if it’s interesting or convenient that Taichi couldn’t interpret much of the tablet. The process seemed to allow him to understand the message almost telepathically, so it’s weird there would be confusion in the context to the point where he can’t even repeat it.
Last time Gabumon’s evolution sequence was exciting to see while Agumon’s slowed things down. This time Agumon’s was absolutely appropriate, even at full length, while Gabumon’s felt like cheap padding.
Considering how Kabuterimon only stopped the Coredramon attacks, that was an awfully long window before they tried attacking again to let him get his shtick in, which was apparently the substitute for a meaningful exchange. Still, it does need to be acknowledged that this might be the longest span for a Digimon to sustain an evolved form.
Joe having the audacity to call himself the leader was bold, but Gomamon’s enthusiastic clapping for him saved it.
Reinforcing why Ogremon was no long as hung up about his horn was losing both his other horn and an eye to MetalTyranomon’s foot.
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