#Warriors probably wouldn’t say Zelda either tbh
linderosse · 8 months
Warriors: Who’s the smartest person you know?
Sky: Surprisingly, Groose. He built an impromptu movable catapult system out of random scraps once. I’m still shocked.
Wild: Purah!
Twi: Renado, probably?
Wind: Are gods allowed? Okay, Grandpa Oshus.
Four: The Minish craftsman Ezlo. I miss him, though I definitely don’t miss wearing him on my head.
Time: I’m contractually obligated to answer Malon, but I’d like everyone to know that the Great Deku Tree probably deserves the win here.
Legend: Ravio. People underestimate him, but there’s a reason that guy was the only one to see Yuga’s plot coming. He had a whole plan laid out and every item acquired before I even knew what was going on.
Hyrule: So this old man once gave me some really useful tactical information about Dodongos…
Warriors: …
Warriors: I can’t believe none of you said Zelda.
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mckittyarts · 5 years
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hey guys sorry about the couple of days i wasn’t posting!! this thing took a little longer than i thought-- but yeah! i’ve seen other artists draw their own interpretations of all the incarnations of Links, and i finally decided to draw the versions i’ve made up together with a friend of mine all in one place! get a load of these fools
tumblr wouldn’t let me post these in rows without them getting super blurry so there’s gonna be closeups, headcanons, etc under the cut
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Time (Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask):  - post-majora’s mask but he still has the scars from oot(dont ask me how idk either)  - Really Fucked up. Very Strange Grandpa  - despite actually having had the years to grow up this time he still acts like a kid  - idk i can’t really describe him but he’s just been through so much stress his only remaining emotion is essentially just “:)”  - he’s gone back to hyrule and is just kinda wandering around he got those two shoulder pads as a gift and they’re based off of the ones he has as a ghost  - the gauntlets are redesigned golden gauntlets only because i forgot what they looked like  - he’s missing his right eye from a wolfos and lost his finger when Ganon slapped his sword out of his hand also he has goron tattoos on his shoulders  - headcanon that he’s Zelda’s twin brother but they just never were told about it
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Sky (Skyward Sword):  - he’s got Sleepy Bitch Disease  - just wants to rest...... please let him Sleep For Once  - he gets very snappy and Rude, especially when he’s tired but he’s pretty patient and sweet around people he’s fond of  - headcanon that he has some form of asthma(because in game hes like constantly gasping for air)  - after the events of his game hes just Tuckered Out and just wants to sleep for the rest of his life  - i didn’t really give him any redesigns, just let him keep his skyloft outfit  - his scars are from demise and ghirahim(jerks)
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Twi (Twilight Princess):  - COUNTRY BOYYYY I LOVE YOUU  - furry boy go awooo  - amazing with animals and kids but doesn’t really cope too well in social situations because he gets Nervous  - GAY. I WONT ACCEPT ANY OTHER ANSWER  - headcanon that he’s the direct descendant of Time  - goes back to his Farming Ways after the War and just chills with the rest of Ordon village  - most of his scars are from those stupid Ghost Rats but he also has some others from Ganondorf
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Wild (Breath of the Wild):  - ‘scuse me everyone certified ROWDY BOY comin through  - he seems very normal from a distance but as soon as you get close to him you will realize that you just found a Raccoon  - *sees anything* oh! yum!  - really, really loves cooking and is actually really good at it even if his ingredients come from questionable locations  - headcanon that along with every other memory he lost, he also forgot most of what was pressuring him before his Death and is now completely unhinged and will not stop for anyones social standards  - he has a couple scars from being blasted by guardians but honestly most of his other ones are because he just really loves rolling down mountainsides
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Warrior (Hyrule Warriors):  - hh,,, Anxious boy :(  - he just really wants approval and he damn well deserves it  - when he first got appointed as the hero of whatever and got the master sword he was honestly starting to get a bit cocky  - but then Cia Promptly ripped all of that confidence and Rude Boy Behaviour out of him and he became :( again  - he could speak beforehand but he got an injury during the battles and is now rendered practically mute  - has a couple major scars underneath his scarf/tunic but he managed to keep his face mostly unscathed somehow
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Albi (A Link Between Worlds/Tri Force Heroes):  - Shy,,,, doesnt like Attention  - honestly just wants to be left alone but since he’ss the hero of whatever people just Gave Him Too Much Love  - broke down and is now Fashionable  - sometimes likes to sew or paint  - headcanon that he’s colourblind(tritanopia)  - those little marks on his skin are little “wall cracks” from merging too often  - has a few scars but no important ones tbh
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Minish (The Minish Cap):  - small and Super Mad About It  - he’s extremely quiet and only really ever talks if he’s mad or asked a question  - and even then he says as few words as he can possibly muster  - really dedicated blacksmith and is pretty good at his job despite his age  - still hangs out with Zelda a whole lot theyre still Best Friends  - the scar is from his fight with Vaati and he got an undershirt with a collar to hide it a bit because he feels a bit self conscious about it :(
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Engi (Spirit Tracks):  - BABY BOY. BABY  - fuckin LOVES trains. he would Probably Die without them. still an engineer  - completely polite and sweet, calls you sir and stutters a whole lot  - also likes to fidget when he doesn’t have anything to do with his hands  - secretly completely RIPPED and could probably break you in half if he just weren’t such a sweetheart  - missing tooth from Byrne smacking him in the face with his Metal Hand and constantly has scratches but thats just cuz hes clumsy  - headcanon that he’s the grandson of Wind  - another headcanon that he can see ghosts since he was the only one who could see Zelda when she got absolutely annihilated 
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Wind (The Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass):  - SHIP AHOY BITCHES  - absolutely Stupid. goddamn Fool, complete and utter buffoon  - tends to be a bit direct and a little too honest but as i said before. complete Dumbass  - ADORES to tease and poke fun as long as no one gets hurt  - swears like a sailor and IS a sailor. Its All Connected  - has a crooked nose because SOMEONE launched him at a wall that one time. Also from that explosion that launched him into that other wall that other time  - all his little jewelry things are treasures he found along the way
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Alti (A Link To The Past/Oracle of Seasons/Ages/Link’s Awakening): - oof this boi has been through So Much - just so tired of this shit.......... wants a break already - has pink hair because nintendo cant convince me otherwise and also has black roots because that’s his hair colour in the gameboy games - still misses everyone from the wind fish’s dream :( also idk know if he ever came back from the ocean tbh - honestly i know jack shit about any of his games so,,, sorry my boy
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Classic (The Legend of Zelda/The Adventure of Link): - the boy who started it all!!! god i love him so - honestly don’t really know much about him either,,, and honestly i dont think there is a lot to know the classic games are pretty plotless - but i like to imagine he’s like every Good Protagonist trope but none of the other links appreciate it a whole lot - “dont worry guys i believe we can do this! :)” cut to the whole group throwing trash at him - also gave him sectoral heterochromia to match the way his eyes look in the first game’s sprites
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pinksaphira11 · 3 years
My Thoughts on BotW
I’ve been thinking about this for years, and I’ve found things that have changed how I see it several times and now, with Age of Calamity out, I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest. There will probably be lots of people that don’t like my opinion on it, and I’m sorry for that, but this is how I feel about the game. You don’t have to read this if you don’t want to. I’m not really a fan of the game. When I first heard about it and saw the trailers, I thought it sounded so cool and was really excited. But after seeing it, I found it was more disappointing than I’d been expecting. After thinking about it for a while, I think I have found a few of the reasons for this. It doesn’t feel like a Zelda game. It feels like an open world RPG like Skyrim, but with a Zelda skin and theme put over top of it. And with less custom options. It feels like it’s toeing that line between the two and that makes it only mediocre in both fields. I love Zelda games. One of the things I love about them, are the dungeons. Whole sections of the game where you don’t have to worry about wandering the overworld and just have to focus on the puzzles in that small (or at least smaller than the overworld) area. I recently went and replayed A Link Between Worlds because I’d gotten bored of Nonogram and wanted more entertaining puzzles. And when I got into the game, I rushed to the first dungeon because I wanted the puzzles that I knew would be there. And I had a blast doing them. Looking at BotW, I didn’t get that same fulfillment. There were a bunch of small dungeons scattered around, but they didn’t have these long bits where I could just enjoy a bunch of puzzles. It was just one puzzle, then back into the overworld that’s crawling with enemies. And I honestly don’t like fighting enemies in Zelda games, except for the dungeon bosses cause those are more like solving puzzles. But whenever I’m playing a Zelda game, the only reason I attack enemies is because I don’t want them sneaking up on and attacking me when I’m trying to do other things. And it’s just nerve wracking. The only dungeons I really liked were the Divine Beasts but there are only four of them and once they’re done, you don’t have anything else like them to be entertained by. I could just go beat Ganon at that point, but I’m the kind of person that likes to get everything, (except for the Korok seeds cause there are too many and it’s just a pain in the butt trying to find them) so I go do all the side quests and get all the shrines. I mean, I love learning more about the worlds I’m exploring, so why wouldn’t I want to get everything to make sure I know a lot about the world? But honestly, at the end of it all, it’s just such a drag in this one. Other Zelda games, there aren’t too many side quests and if there are, they’re usually short and pertain to the main quest, so I feel like it all ties together. In BotW, it just feels like you’re wandering and helping people, with not much having to do with you actually beating the game. I suppose that’s kinda the point with the game, but I’m not a fan of it. It doesn’t feel as simple as Zelda games should. And that simplicity is not bad. This article here says everything I could possibly say on the subject. https://goombastomp.com/zelda-good/ Now, if you like the game, great! I’m glad you have fun! But I am worried that this game could change everything. I’m worried that this game will change how they make Zelda games, games that people have loved for years! I’m worried it’ll make it so they no longer make the kind of games I have loved for a long time and will turn them all into things like BotW. I’m fine with some games like that, but I loved the old Zelda formula so much, I don’t want to see it disappear. This was a formula that was formed with the first two games helping Nintendo learn just what they needed to do to make it a great game series, and with A Link to the Past, they finally nailed it and it’s stayed that way since. Why? Because people love it. And just.... I’m worried. Because it’s changing now, and I can see it going well, but I can see it also making the series into something I no longer want to play. Now, this isn’t to say the game doesn’t have some merit. I LOVE the story of the game. It’s so creative! I just wish there were more story bits to learn in the game because I am very much into the story of games. If it doesn’t have a good story, I tend not to like the game, no matter how good the other aspects may be. This is a rare case where I like the story, but don’t really like the game. But, I do love how you can have Wolf Link with you, cause who the heck wouldn’t want a wolf fighting with them? And the trailer for the sequel? Oh my gosh, the look of the magic and the backwards, distorted music made me think of the Twili and I sincerely hope they bring that race back, because they were so cool but we hardly got to learn anything about them. (Yes, I may have Twilight Princess bias, but who does have bias for their first Zelda game?) So I am both excited and nervous for this BotW sequel. It could make or break the series, depending on how they make the game, and I’m hoping they take care to make it well. Thank you for listening to my opinion. I’d love to hear what you guys think of this, so long as we’re all being civil in the comments. (Also, for those of you who may have been curious/concerned about it, Hyrule Warriors is good in it’s own way because it’s not supposed to be the typical Zelda game, it’s supposed to be a beat ‘em up one. That’s why they’re under a different title. Which is what I feel like they kinda should have done for BotW, tbh, because it doesn't really feel like a Zelda game either.)
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the-musical-cc · 7 years
Hyrule Warriors headcanons
General HC:
Takes place between Twilight Princess and OoT. The reason Lana knows of the Twilight Princess story when it hasn’t happened yet is because she can glance at the future and the past alike because MAGIC.
The reason they can talk to each other while battling in extreme opposites of the battlefield or the sort is fairy magic, a spell that binds the members of the team and also lets them know when one of them is in danger or hurt. The same magic allows them to communicate with the opposing side if they wish to.
Cia and then Ganondorf made use of a dark magic brand of the same spell for their purposes.
The OoT scenarios take place somewhere along the seven years before Link awoke. The Skyloft scenario takes place centuries before the actual Skyward Sword story happens, on the early days of Skyloft, and the Twilight Princess scenario is an alternate timeline. The Wind Waker one takes place AFTER Wind Waker but before Phantom Hourglass.
Darunia only met the fake Zelda because he thought it was the long-lost princess of his time but it took just one look to know (Even if it HAD been the actual Zelda) that she was too old to be that child that fled Hyrule Castle Town less than seven years before.
Cia/Lana’s tribe where the ones to make the Ocarina of Time, Door of Time, Pedestal of time, Spiritual stones and the such.
When Ganondorf is walking down Cia’s castle and sees the statues and paintings of the different Links in history, he is legitimately creeped out in a way he wouldn’t have thought possible and from then on he can’t even look at Cia in the face without getting a shudder.
Linkle became Impa’s honorary little sister after the end of her quest.
Link HC
Link is non-verbal
When in council  and sometimes during campaigns, he signs at Proxi and then she translates what he’s saying to the rest.. 
No one in the gang ever questions it. Ever. They all just accept it.
If anyone’s a jerk about it, Impa takes action either verbally or straight up punching them in the face if they’re VERY rude.
He and Linkle are cousins. Linkle’s compass actually IS a relic for the hero but their grandma gave it to Linkle because “Hey, Link already got the triforce mark, mah gurl’s going to get the compass, IDGAF”.
Despite Impa’s distrust of Sheik before she learned the truth, Link did trust them from the start. Either because he wasn’t aware of everything that didn’t click in their story or because he instinctively felt they were there to help.
The scene in the courtyard was not the first time he saw Zelda, but it was the first time she saw him. Aditionally, the first time their eyes met.
He’d been lowkey crushing on her for a while but covinced himself that it was just the normal veneration one has for an ideal, as would be fitting for a soldier.
Zelda HC
She was basically the Queen by the time the War started but people were still calling her Princess out of habit and she never corrected them because, well, they’ll probably grow out of it right?
The Royal family was part of the Sheikah Tribe since the days of OoT Zelda, where the princess at the time was accepted as part of the tribe officialy.
As such, OoT Zelda had scrolls and books about the Tribe, it’s techniques, it’s history and culture, which were still in the royal library after all those years. HW Zelda found them as a child and trained and learned all she could on the topic. 
She also found the Goddess Harp, but no registry remained of why it was called that and she only knew it as the harp of her ancestor.
The story of how OoT Zelda evaded Ganondorf from years and aided the Hero of Time is kept a secret from everyone outside the Royal Family; but it’s what gave her the idea of Sheik when things got ugly.
She didn’t exactly fall in love with Link at first sight, but she felt the connection between them, as did he. She developed a great admiration for him upon seeing him defend herself and Impa despite being still just a trainee when many a fully-armored soldier hesitated to act.
Admiration that just grew as she watched him fight from uder the Sheik guise. Admiration that turned into something tugging at her heartstrings when she realized how desperate he was to find her. She hadn’t thought anyone besides Impa would be so worried about her.
Zelink HC
At first, the gang is comfortable with Proxi doing the talking for Link, but Zelda starts learning the signs on her own when she has time to spare (Which is rare tbh what with the war and everything).
Link sometimes exchanges comments with Proxi about what he’s thinking and she learns fairly often not to say them out loud if it’s something embarrassing but then oh snap, Zelda learns the signs too and so she catches Link “Whispering” at Proxi stuff like “Wow Girahim’s hair looks even more stupid than usual today” or “Gods, I am so done with these Re Deads” or “Dammit, Proxi, I keep glancing over at the princess she’s going to think I’m a creep”
She can’t bring herself to tell him she understands him for like two weeks after he signs that because she doesn’t want to embarrass him.
When she finally does tell him Link is so happy he doesn’t even think of the implication at first, though. It only catches up on him after and thankfully she isn’t around to see him turn red and bury his face in his hands and freak out a bit.
Zelda insists to communicate through signs and though Link is fine with people talking to him, he appreciates the effort she’s making. 
Link teaching his personal signs to Zelda, correcting her hand posture.
The two of them haivng private sign conversations but Link confessing to her that he likes it better when she talks so she now only uses them if she can’t talk for whatever reason.
Of course, Impa eventually catches on and she wants to learn too, if only to know for sure what they’re saying to each other.
Lana catches up too and then she spent like three or four days studying sings frantically because well yeah, she’s accepted the whole Soul Bond thing but that doesn’t mean she likes the idea that Zelda can understand him while she doesn’t.
Eventually, all the gang starts picking up little signs here and there as well to the point where they can more or less understand Link but he only takes signing from Zelda. On ocassion, Impa, Lana or Linkle.
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