#WHICH. considering my guama. who acts NICER to us & was apparently even worse in my moms youth...... yeah
apopcornkernel · 2 years
oooh 4 and 17 for the ask game 👀 ?
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
there are a ton but now that u ask my mind is blank 😭 uhhhh let me see. ok my mom sometimes calls me an iguana bc a lot of my home clothes are green. just yesterday i told her abt our school hosting a spirit week, with day 5 being "wear as much violet as you want" and she was like "if the color was green..." and we burst out laughing at the same time
17. name 3 things that make you happy
singing, reading, sleeping deeply for more than 10 hours undisturbed in a quiet, dark, cold room and wrapped in a warm blanket
ask me some random questions!!
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