#Vittorino x Gabriel
hrsndww · 14 days
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got silly
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insomniacsosya · 4 days
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GabriVitto save me save me GabriVitto….
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inkiest-silly · 3 months
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B o y s ….
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radiomoss · 4 months
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I just finished an animatic about Accardi’s feelings for Ryker :) here some of the drawings I made
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wormthing · 1 year
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i like gabe i hope hes doing okay ::-) umm who's this other guy
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du-buk · 2 years
8:11 Questions+Answers Pt.2
Got behind again:,D Thank you all for the questions and support though! I hope these don’t disappoint!💙✨✨✨🦭
General Characters Asks;
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I’m SOOOO behind on these asks, I apologize to you anons😭💙 But thank you so so much 2nd anon! I love rambly asks, so no worries💙 Thank you for supporting BOTH versions of the game, and liking it! I am honored and I hope you enjoy the sequel; and Gabriel’s next upcoming content then! Thanks again!
For anon 1; hahahaha, I love that! What a cool dream......... I would love to try making such a thing in real life...... but no idea how to structure jokes into four-panels......
But it would be really cool! Newpaper comics and the like were some of my biggest drawing inspirations as a young kid. It would be so nice to give it a go:)
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I’ve thought about it, and, sadly no 💔 I’m incredibly busy, especially as of late due to family tragedy, and my health makes it hard to be online all the time.
I’m a mod for one discord server my friends made, and, I do a terrible job at being a mod. I’m never online and just don’t check in with servers, sorry! But I can always happily promote a fan one👍✨
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There’s a small linkage to this. To be honest there was an grand, but old concept for this; but I might drop it as it doesn’t really impact the story in a positive way (as I see it). Or maybe I’ll continue with this, and see what I can do with it in the future.....! Maybe I’ll surprise myself, hahaha. Let’s find out!
But in general it was used before to signify angels, or death’s presence. I don’t know if I like this as I didn’t really use it for every angel in chapter one. For fun, this is what the map looks like when Gabriel and Vittorino talk and the static occurs. The Basilica walls change, and some angels appear.
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Hmmm..... oh boy. I think there were a few changes, so I will attempt to remember, but I believe I changed;
Gabriel’s co worker plot line: Meh. It’s a good excuse for him to get to the Basilica. But it’s not so heavily talked about anymore. She is most likely just dead, or missing, and Gabriel can now use Vittorino to help regain his memories. Gabriel’s past overall has done a lot of last minute changes; I think all for the best.
Gabriel’s age: I made him younger. Just to look more helpless and you feel sorry for the guy.
Vittorino and Gabriel dialogue; Vittorino is meant to be ambiguously-taken by the audience when he meets Gabriel. You can decide to trust him, or not.
Accardi and Vittorino’s dialogue in Act 3: I believe I changed some things when they talk about Dante. The old version, I believe, there were indications that Accardi knew who Dante was? He still does for the updated full game, but, now with V2 he claims he can’t remember specifically just Dante’s appearance/face. Lots of face imagery here hahaha
Lots of little details I believe; like what notes Ryker found and such.
The static noise. Also is the reason why in the demo; Leon told Ryker to ignore the static noises; and why it’s not in the full game now. I really just didn’t care for that concept, and wish to use something better.
In the future, if given the chance; I would like to re-make the town and the townspeople. In general just change NPC outfits, way of speech, beliefs, etc. to really give the town a stranger feeling and making the player feel so out of place.
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Hmmm..... sometimes I throw an intentional curve ball. Sometimes I don’t give a yes or a no to not spoil the future fun.  And yet, I have also deleted some asks that said too much. I try to delete outdated asks but I’m also just..... not online much and forget to go through my archive, hahaha^^;
Off the top of my head; nothing was spoilered in my answers, but, a lot of people ask me about “how will X character react to Accardi being outed as a cannibal?”
Well.... I’ve already decided to change someone’s reaction. I think this will be fun to write dialogue for, when I’m at that scene, hehe.
To give an idea; 8:11 is has been fully written for years now. But, it’s been a struggle to create a game with my health, busy schedule, etc. as a one-man-team. So, sometimes bits and pieces of the story, or characters, change over time like I do. New things inspire me, challenge me, etc. and I like to implement it in my stories. So far, the ideas and sets I’ve made for 8:11′s sequel overall make me extremely proud, and I hope to show it sometime in the near future when completed. 💙👍💙🦭💙
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Hmmmm...... only recently! As a challenge I wish to find voices in the same language characters grew up speaking (i.e, Ryker = French, Gabriel = Italian, etc.) My girlfriend actually pointed out a really nice headcanon voice someone had for Ryker, which is this video;
I’ve shared before that I think Leon sounds like this, but, other than these two, I have no ideas yet on voice claims.
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Hmmm...... I don’t know much about instruments, so, I might leave it up for fans to think about, hahahah^^;
I like to think Juliek was forced by his parents to learn violin or something; but he didn’t care for it. So he doesn’t pressure Amalia to pick up instruments if she doesn’t want to. But he loves to hear Accardi play. Maybe Susan knows how to play as well? Maybe instrument-playing is reserved for more upper class people in this world, as it sounds with above hahahaha.
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Hahahaha, weeeeell...... ummm.... [weapons/guns talk below warning]
Sorry for a disappointing answer anon, but, I just like arrows! They are often in my dreams, and fun to draw, so it’s common to just see in my artwork and stories hahahaha. I’ve had practice with shooting arrows and guns; and just like them. So I like to draw characters with weapons. Nothing much to it for 8:11′s story(symbolism wise); but maybe for future stories of mine.
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Yep! But I cannot say who ;) But I find the secret couples cute
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I’m glad you like them anon, thank you!!
After playing Pathologic, and re-watching Twin Peaks, I really wish I developed Dakota and Wankou more. Side characters can be so fun to talk to and interact with. I hope in the future to develop them more 💙💙💙
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Yep! Go ahead anon, please help yourself to any of the ADULT characters! Have fun!
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Ryker asks;
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Are you referring to this?⬇️
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Then yes! My dear best friend @jirachi​ made that for me, in support of the game! I actually have it up on my wall, next to my work station 💙😭 So everyone say thank you to her! And since time is played around with in the Basilica, like loose strings, I figured it fit best there:)
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He would, if you’re Ryker. If not, but you can see him, he might be alarmed (”why are you able to see someone else’s guardian angel?” he’s thinking) but if you are friendly......he can hug you. He would be so warm, yet probably smell like soil.
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They certainly smell bad. They were going to take a bath in act 3, but then found Beetle in the tub instead.
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Hi anon! Well.....
It wasn’t my intention, but, if you see fit; then who am I to stop you? Ryker wasn’t written with anything like that, but in general if I write a character with something; I will state it in text. (Which is why there’s so much talk about depression and anxiety disorders hahah)
Leon asks;
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Hello anons! He technically had someone he was very close with, but, NOT in a romantic sense. Just a friendly way.
I’ve never written a love interest for Leon, sadly. If you want him though, you can have him. Just be gentle....
He also has no canon last name, so, you can give him yours. 👍💙💙💙
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Hahaha, surprised (but glad) to hear! I didn’t think Francis would gather any fans until chapter two. Here’s some fun facts;
He was a morning person until the incident
He enjoys □ □ □ 
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Yes! Francis is just spoken with in a non-human form, so, it can be tricky to tell.
Accardi+Juliek asks;
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He probably had to drag them around, got dizzy, and threw up on them. What’s a few more bruises to Ryker when they’re covered in them, hahahaha.
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Hannibal, definitely. Your mom is very right👍 I love Mads Mikkelsen’s portrayal of him. Other than Hannibal, Accardi was inspired by other characters like Koito from Golden Kamuy and Westley from the Princess and the Bride.
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Are you referring to his pixel sprites? It honestly might have been a mistake, as, pixel art hurts my eyes 😭 I think 8:11 will be the last game I make with pixel art, as, the little details are too difficult for me to keep up with. My bad!
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Hello! Yes, I confirmed it over on Twitter a while back I believe. But don’t be fooled........it’s not a long history between them, and anything about them will just be implied. Juliek just likes to fuck.
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Uh, no clue, sorry anon. He’s just always had that.
Remember when Accardi told Ryker he gave stitches to Vittorino once? When he bumped his head on a table? Maybe Accardi had to do something similar with Juliek after a crazy night with the boys..... who knows....
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Vittorino+Gabriel+Dante asks; 
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There’s no cure. We’re just going to have to put you down. Sorry.
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He would chase you with an axe.
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I don’t mind! I’ve never really thought about it myself.... but I don’t mind it, hahaha. Chapter two might be a wild ride though if you do ship them ;P
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Dante enjoyed hunting as it relieved stress, and a way to escape from the madness at the Basilica for a moment. Though, he was never taught proper gun safety (no surprise).
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....Or in the past, possibly. I doubt Gabriel would want to do anything in a sewage area.
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Hello! I am, thank you for asking! You’re free to draw whatever you want, I don’t care.
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You might have to ask off anon. I don’t know exactly how to send these images, as, I don’t want to upload them on my archives 😭Just a heads up, I don’t think anything other than bare chests are shown so don’t get any hopes up👍I believe for the priest zine I only drew Leon and Vittorino.
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LOOOL yeah okay, pretty funny. But we will have to see, hahha. I don’t really draw NSFW images but I can try my best.
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Well.... in honor of Noda, the author behind Golden Kamuy ranking  sizes.....sure. I will do that too 👍✨
Wankou (the biggest)
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prpfs · 3 months
twenty three, he + they looking for to hold hands with as many 8:11 roleplayers i can find. id prefer it if all who showed interest be 21+ as i'd rather the presence of people closer to my age. i roleplay over discord exclusively.
im looking for something nsfw, long term, and casual! i like creating servers for roleplay and enjoy in character texting chats as well as paragraphed roleplay! i am very versatile when it comes to writing and can adapt to whatever you're comfortable with. i'd also hope to find a friend as well, i'd love to share headcanons and playlists!
characters wise, i am keen on playing vittorino as he is the one character i have most experience with! for ships, while i am open to any and all characters shipped with vittorino, i do have favorites:
ones stared are ones im dying to write for
vittorino x dante basilio (⭐️)
vittorino x gabriel giordano
vittorino x accardi florentino (⭐️)
vittorino x leon tremblay (i know.)
plots and ships will be discussed over discord once i've tracked you down! i am more than comfortable writing dead dove themes! limits and boundaries will also be discussed whenever we are connected. 🤍
if any of this strikes a flame within you; please leave a like and i will be at your doorstep in minutes!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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inkiest-silly · 2 months
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inkiest-silly · 2 months
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If you couldn’t tell I’m insane
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du-buk · 1 year
I’ve seen lots of different ships thrown around by the fanbase and it’s confusing me,, what ships are canon and which ones are just for fun/rumoured??
Thank you for asking!
Canon ones, past and current (that we’ve seen);
Juliek x Accardi
Accardi x Ryker
Juliek x Susan
Dakota x Wankou
Fan-based/or speculated ones;
Gabriel x Vittorino
Vittorino x Dante
Juliek x Ryker
Ryker x Beetle
Ryker x Dakota x Wankou
Ryker x Gabriel
Accardi and Vittorino flirted with another, but, nothing was explicitly said about them. Technically I’ve spilled the beans that Juliek, Vittorino, and Accardi have all messed around with another. And that Juliek and Dante might have been a thing in the past, but. There’s no game evidence for this yet.
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du-buk · 3 years
sorry if this is a weird q but do you have a master post somewhere of all the ref sheets you made for the 8:11 characters? I remember seeing accardi and ryker's but I was wonder if there are others (GRANTED I am on mobile and maybe just missed them)
Not weird at all ^^
I have unfortunately removed some reference sheets of characters from my blog, as they were outdated (I think they all are, to a degree). I think I removed Gabriel’s (uniform and age changed), Dante’s (design change), and other minor characters (some were spoilers).
In the mean time I’ve been trying to create better refs like so;
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You can find the old references here;
Ryker[x], Leon[x], Beetle[x], Accardi[x], Juliek[x], Vittorino[x]
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