#Vat7k Varian's Cousins
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GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! I colorized Varian's cousins, Aunt and Uncle! Check it out! Link to original art here.➡️(https://at.tumblr.com/tangledbea/varian-and-the-seven-kingdoms-consolidation-of/2ovqhgs09a5b) I could be wrong, but I think the Aunt is based off of Kate Ritter! They look almost identical!
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keithbutgay · 10 months
you ever think about how varian has a cousin named after the root of his deepest trauma
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dangara2610 · 8 months
(4/10) Child and Teenager Ulla - Part 1
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Hello there, also , long time ago I shared with a friend my ideas about Ulla and other ones I tried for an unfinished fic, the ones following next:
1.- Ulla comes from the "Faber" family, germanic last name for people doing "ingenious" things, so, it runs on the family try new things , get creative and get people to notice it.
2.- Of course, that would, soon or later, get members of the family interested on alchemy and engineering, there would be fans of Da Vinci or Demanitus around , Rapunzel happens on final Renaissance times, so, maybe.
3.- The ones who were fans of Demanitus, would search scrolls about his work, but get discouraged because some "keepers" would hide the originals and lend copies with less information, so they would have to stick to the basics and try new things on their own
4.- Specifically, for Ulla, her parents and grandparents would hold a tradition about naming their next generation in alfabethical order, that's why she and her twin have names with U, Ulla and Ulf, and next would be V, she picked Varian for her next son or daughter.
(Not so related, but in my incomplete fic, I had the idea about Ulf wanting to name all his sons and daughters with V, but his wife didn't agreed, yet she liked the idea, so, girls would be named as the ABC, Amber, Bernice and Clotilde , chosen by her, and boys would be named with V by him, Volans and Vernus , also Latin words used for scientific descriptions of plants species.)
( I couldn't recall the names on the other people's fic so I made up that, but later I found this and I liked it a lot
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So yeah, xD the chain stopped, maybe just Varian's grandparents liked naming their twins with matching names with U)
5.- Ulla on her teenager (10 or 11) years, found out her Great-grandparents were fans of Demanitus, and one of them liked archeology, and they found out a route with Dema code language, so, they made a map for two of them, on the air kindgom, Koto.
6.-She shared it with Ulf, both were eager to team up for this new research, they asked their parents for more info, but got it denied, they are too young for this, what if they start by something safer like visiting ancient Greece? (or their equivalent on this universe) What about take a look at their archeological vestiges? OMG yes !!
7.- They got their vacation, adquired new skills, meet cool teachers, and found more Demanitus scrolls, their parents would take temporal jobs to pay the expenses of the travel, and of course, being ingenious with everything, they would gain nice profit.
8.- Once they finished they vacation at Greece (?), they would visit grandpas on the way home, Pittsford, say hi and have quality time, and once the twins asked granddad and grandma about the temple of Demanitus at the air kindgom, they revealed the very well done map and translations done by the grand-grandpas , advances secured on the chest on his room.
9.- Mom and dad joined, yes, they were ready to know, so next, their parents confessed gladly that, they also searched about the water temple, next they had their kids, now is their turn to research too, only if they want, of course, grandpas would stay on Pittsford, they are too old for this and they had their joy before.
10.- They traveled to search what would be the "metal" kingdom , they all got amused by the market zone, so much advances, military growing, lots of propaganda about female warriors reclutes, this kingdom was called Ingvarr , then, they were searching for a place to stay, a nice hotel, but they were not expecting high prices, their works were average pricing so they couldn't afford this
11.- Next thing, pick another hotel, all expensive, the day is ending, so, better look for any other even if they are cheap, so, they left the market zone where they were welcomed at the border , and entered to the center of kingdom, the wall didn't let see the big difference, suddenly they felt like being watched from head to toe, everyone evading but yet vigilant about them.
Hope I can continue next time
See you around 💐⭐🏵️⭐🌷🏵️⭐🏵️⭐🎉 Thanks for reading
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liasisss · 6 months
Vat7k family dynamic is like
Varian = responsible dad
Hugo = irresponsible dad
Nuru = cool rich aunt
Yong = troublemaker son
Ulla = dead
Donella = scary grandma
Cyrus = creepy cousin
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tangledbea · 2 years
Varian and the Seven Kingdoms Consolidation of Info
Requested by anon
This is going to be a consolidation of all the official Vat7K stuff I have on my blog, including copy/pasting of posts Kay Ritter and Anna Lencioni have posted, and to a lesser extent, things I’ve posted with insider knowledge I had before Kay ever released their notes. Alexa Bosy was also involved in the project.*
*Please note that all these asks were sent when Kay was still going by Kait and was still using she/her pronouns. I have edited to reflect their preferred name and pronouns when referencing them, but did not edit the content of the original asks.
The Cast
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Via Kay: Here is some higher-res art of that initial, old line-up. These are some of the character page descriptions we gave when we presented “Varian and the Seven Kingdoms!” I had to shut of my asks because I’m just getting slammed every day, so I’m sorry if I don’t get back to any of you!! I appreciate all the enthusiasm, though! ; - ; Please enjoy and keep creating!!! (Also enjoy some Anna sketches- she designed Varian’s cousins and they’re dang cute!)
The Design
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Via Kay: Some character design/ costume concept art for a fan project me and Anna dreamed up. It was a little spinoff comic about Varian continuing his adventures in alchemy through the seven kingdoms in order to learn the seven alchemical laws and attain forbidden knowledges. New characters we wanted to play with were Varian’s mom, who design-wise was a in flux, since we only had one reference image to go off of…but we really wanted to match her aesthetic to Varian/ that of a field researcher. We always imagined her as being a lot like Varian! Tried to develop some motifs between the other characters (L-R: Hugo, Donella, and Donella’s muscle-man) to make them look like the evil pack they were. Hugo was a sneaky artificer who conned the wealthy and worked for Donella: Varian’s mother’s former research partner. We also had Yong and Princess Nuru- who were some new friends that Varian would meet on his journey! And of course, Prometheus, a farm donkey Quirin gifted to Varian before he left Corona. (Not quite a Maximus…but, hey!) 
Sample Pages
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Rough layout by Anna Line cleanup by Alexa Ink/color by Kay
Beat Boards
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Via Kay: Here are some old beat boards Anna and I did when we were making this fan-baby!
The first few explored Varian meeting Yong and making his first friend, completing the first trial of the seven kingdoms. In the nighttime one- Anna had a cool idea that Princess Nuru’s dress was an active star chart and that she could act as the group navigator, using it to guide them. The last few were just some group interactions and Varian coming face to face with his mother.The super short story is: we imagined each of the seven kingdoms would teach one of the seven alchemical stages of transformation and reveal a totem. With all seven totems acquired, Varian would be able to use them to reunite with his long-lost mother (we’d called her Ulla) who was trapped somewhere unreachable by her former partner, Donella, long ago. Donella was after the totems as well to prevent Ulla’s release and sent Hugo to collect them as a double-agent within the group. Hugo would later betray Donella in service of helping Varian reach Ulla. We viewed Hugo and Varian’s relationship evolving from a sort of Pinocchio/ Lampwick situation (literally what that drawing is from) to that of an equal one. In a way, their bond repaired the partnership that frayed between Ulla and Donella.
Anon Ask: Kait! Appreciate the infodump (I'm the currently-Tumblr-less user w the bombardment of Q's earlier) & I'm stoked that you've given us your blessing to use the concept!:P Got more random Q’s, if you’re up for it! Was the comic outfit Varian’s final, or the other designs would’ve been used too (same w Ulla’s 2 designs)? 7 trials ideas, & 7 kingdoms’ names? How much time after TTS would this be? & finally, was Varian planning on actually RIDING that donkey, or would he pull a caravan(?)thing?xD -GC
Kay’s Answer: The outfits were still in flux- the comic was a representation of our first draft and the other designs came later (including Hugo’s upgrade, Donella, etc.) The red dress Ulla was a flashback type of look whereas the teal one is more like…how Varian would have found her. You know I actually found some screenshots of the ol’ docs we wrote using the 7 alchemical stages to mirror the seven kingdoms. We tried to find an alchemical story component, a magical story component, and a figurative/character story component for each! We never actually named the kingdoms and we also crafted a lot of them before they existed canonically in the show (I think there’s an episode of RTA where Raps competes against princesses from the seven kingdoms and they’re mentioned there)…so just know it’s not accurate to that at all, haha.
But here! These are very note-to-self format…so…apologies lol...
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Via Anna: I don’t wanna clutter my main tumblr page but here was the rough outline Kait and I wrote for our fan comic “Varian and the Seven Kingdoms!” Just a reminder that this is totally unofficial, just fan stuff. Would have been fun, wish we could have done it even just recreationally!! Hope you all can use this however you want and continue to enjoy it 🖤
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Questions and Answers
Anon Ask: Hello Kait! I would like to know more about Hugo’s past. Your friend mentioned that Hugo is an orphan. Where did Hugo grow up? So, where will he go after betraying Donella?  Does he have a permanent place of residence? 
Kay’s Answer: I’m trying to recall what Anna said, but he definitely grew up an orphan. From what I can remember, the kingdom he grew up in had a very highly divided class system and Hugo was determined to find a way not to live on scraps. And not just that, but to like…get back at, take advantage of as many rich idiots as possible. He’s Robin Hood robbing the rich to feed himself. Someone here called him a champagne-taste kind of guy and that’s exactly right.
He’s manipulative, so he’s probably well ahead of developing technologies and other things for the rich people who invest in him. He’d probably just withhold the best stuff for himself and do what he needed to stay in his patrons’ good graces. And he’d steal whatever they didn’t give him and never get caught.  (I think Anna designed like a motorized bike or something for him once…he’s literally the cool guy with a car. He’d totally keep something like that all for himself.)
Donella and her gang offered protection more than anything…so he offers most of his work to her first. Including his sneakier services. That’s how he ends up being the one to go after Varian. It’s probably also how (in our wildest dreams) we imagined him possibly having pulled a job (and likely conned) Eugene back in his Rider days. Pulled a Rider on a Rider as a sneaky kid.
All of this is also why he’d switch alliances on Donella when it felt right to do so. Hugo has a wild compass but he follows it in service of himself pretty much always. Becoming close to Varian kinda changes that streak in him. He’d probably hang out with Varian whenever everything blew over, maybe settle back down in Corona. Meet this princess everyone keeps talking about. Wait…Rider lives in a CASTLE NOW?!
Anon Ask: Kait! Varian and the seven kingdoms is giving me so much life during quarantine bless your heart for all this :’) I have a question, what kind of life did our sweet boy Yong live? Was he an orphan too? Or did Varian promise his parents/guardian he’d take care of him? After they finish their adventure does Varian take Yong under his wing so he stops blowing stuff up and causing fires? 
Kay’s Answer: I love Yong, I think everyone loves Yong, I think Yong’s parents and family (which I always imagined as being very big) all love Yong. But I think they are all very tired and very grateful that he has made a friend who is willing to take him on as a mentee. I imagine he’s gone through a few. (Very Young Hercules lol.)
Anon Ask: This is a question on the 7 kingdoms au thing. When Ulla was researching in the Dark Kingdom, was this before or after it was abandoned? It was likely before it was abandoned but I'm just not sure. Also, this is probably more of a question for Kritterart, but since she made that post about getting too many asks I decided to ask that question to you. 😅 
My Answer: Yeah, I have absolutely no idea how to answer that. Seeing as how the Dark Kingdom was on the seven kingdoms list in the comic, I have to guess that they hadn’t yet developed in the series that the kingdom had been abandoned, but that’s just my guess. 
Kay’s Reply: (We were thinking it was before…and also where she met Quirin, fell in love with him! Just before they moved to Corona- the place where the final trial/totem were. She paused her research to have a family, that bummed Donella out, Quirin let her go after Varian was born, and she never came back.)
Anon Ask:  If VAT7K ever became canon, would Varian and Hugo been an actual couple? Making Varian bi? 
My Answer: Yes.
Okay, I don’t know for a fact that they’d have been a couple or endgame, however, I was talking to Kait about it a long time ago and she told me that Vat7K would confirm that Varian is bi (and she was referring to Hugo).
An Important note from Kay
I’m getting way more 7K questions than I have time or any real authority to answer considering there is no ACTUAL CONTENT to reference lol, but I just wanna let you guys know how much I appreciate them all! I’m sorry if I don’t answer your question. I also just don’t want my art tumblr to turn into a huge Q&A, haha.We’ve been loving all the fanart and support and curiosity. It’s amazing! That said- 7K and its dealings, characters are NOT CANON. So if it’s not for you, that’s so totally okay. You’re super valid. We made it for you guys, but it’s yours to take what you like from it and change what you don’t when you use it (or don’t) to tell your own story! We just wanted to help Varian’s story continue, like many of you! So whatever you love or don’t love, don’t be afraid to create based on it!!! We love it all. You guys are the best! Please have fun!!!!
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verysociallyakward · 2 months
Vat7k plot holes and how to fill them part 4
How did Varian not find Ulla's journal earlier? At the end of season one his house was destroyed and he had gone through his father's things multiple times, the royal guard also went through Qurin's things but the journal was never found.
1, Varian knew about his mother's journal and where it was located, he even read/translated it but he didn't feel the need to go on the journey until the beginning of the Vat7k story. The guards couldn't read it so they didn't take it.
2, Qurin hid the journal behind a false wall so Varian and the guards couldn't find it during the search of the house.
3, the guards found it before Varian did and took it, when Qurin was freed they returned it with awkward explanations. Qurin hid it again before Varian was ever aware of it until Varian found it during the start of Vat7k.
How does Andrew find Varian when Team Radical is on the road? This is also made more complicated since Nuru takes them on a lot of shortcuts so their path is more unpredictable. Andrew and the separatists are also more likely to stay near Corona since they want to overthrow it.
1, Donella offered to help the separatists take over Corona as long as they delivered Hugo to her with the bonus of being allowed to do anything they wanted to Varian. No one really cares about Nuru and Yong.
2, Clementine casts a tracking spell on Varian. They want to attack outside of Corona so none of his powerful friends can help him and so they are less likely to get arrested (again.)
3, Varian made multiple lists of where he would be and when and gave them to Rapunzel and Company. One of them left it out in the open and when the Saporians escaped they found it and decided to wait for Varian at one of the locations.
Why would Varian spend so much time at his cousin's place? Also, Nuru would not let him without good reason.
1, someone in the group was injured so they had to stay longer until they were healed.
2, an object had to be built to access the trial and the parts were hard to get so it took longer.
3, the trial only opens during certain times of the year so they had to wait.
Where do they get the money from? Varian is left with money for one person while Nuru has the money for four. They don't know how long the journey is or what supplies they will need to buy. They are going to run out of money.
1, They sell inventions or other things that they don't need. Hugo is also a master scammer and overcharges everything insisting that the buyer needs it.
2, they do odd jobs that the towns need to be done, for money.
3, both Varian's cousins and the brotherhood give them money before allowing them to leave, leaving Team Radical enough money for their experiments and even some luxuries.
How does Donella enter the eternal library undetected? Especially since Rapunzel and company have been warned about Donella's arrival and intentions wouldn't they have been watching the entrance?
1, she knocked them out with knockout gas.
2, there is more than one entrance.
3, she had someone from inside Corona sneak her in.
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vat7kpolls · 8 months
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withered--s0uls · 30 days
Vat7k random headcanons.
Trans FtM (tho I enjoy MtF Var too :3)
Bisexual (was intended canon in vat7k)
When originally not trusting Hugo, he makes it painfully obvious to him in the way he acts around him vs around Yong and Nuru
Writes NewDream & his Dad letters :3 probably whenever arriving in & leaving a new Kingdom!
I prefer the vest design so uh; I hc the reason he has 2 hairstripes now is a result of the S3 finale. I hc his canon hairstripe is from the fact his dad was hit by a blast of the moonstone. The 2nd one is a "scar" from dying and being revived in the S3 finale (I imagine Eugene has a similar "scar" in a blonde strand of hair from the movie. Also Cass and Raps each having ones in their respective colours bc of being past users. Also yes this implies the entirety of ppl who helped in the S3 finale has blonde/gold and/or turquoise/blue "scars" from the S3 finale somewhere in their hair or on their body)
Alchemist and engineer rivalry with Hugo bc Hugo likes to be a smartass
Hugo is his first proper masc crush, he doesn't really count his celebrity crush on Eugene he had as a kid
I hc his surname to be VanGuard (inspired by "His Little Light" on AO3)
Slavic from his dads side (not sure what specific country I hc the DK as but I like the idea of it being slavic)
Genderfluid (amab if anyone cares)
Never actually had like time for proper romance due to his work, so he doesn't actually know how to deal with catching feelings for Varian and Var seemingly reciprocating them (its different to actually love someone opposed to pretending for a job)
Actually really good with kids! This shows in him actually helping care for Yong a lot (he sneaks a Flynn Rider book from Varians bag and reads it to Yong as bedtime story lol)
Probably met Eugene and possibly Lance in their criminal pasts
Having beef with Nuru bc oh no royalty and royals suck (he doesn't understand how Varian can be best friends with a princess [Raps] either) at the start but learns through her that some aren't just stuck up selfish assholes
Teasingly tries to one-up Varians alchemy
Post-vat7k he stays in Corona with Var! First working as his assistant until being offered the role of royal advisor (bc fuck Nigel)
Not a hc bc it is his original DND surname, but personally I go with the surname Rottewange for him (seen some ppl use different ones)
Russian (ah yes the common "Ingvarr is Russia" hc)
Probably not the best relationship with his family considering they just sent him off with some stranger from another kingdom
Basically the collective little brother of the group
Hugo jokingly calls him Varians kid after finding out his clumsiness and exploding projects are something Var used to experience too
Gets along well with everyone in the squad yay
He really likes Ruddiger too, getting all excited when seeing him for the first time (I imagine he loves animals :3)
Him and Nuru definitely catch on the fact Varigo both crush on each other way before the two actually admit it themselves
To make him more relatable to Varian, I also imagine him being a Farmboy too
Kinda canon bc it seems to be his clothing inspo + some concept art aspects but; Chinese
Lesbian or at least Sapphic, kinda realizes that when they meet Vars cousins (if you read "Varians Tangled Trials" yk why lol. Nuru and Amber my beloved.)
Huge mistrust towards Hugo
Yong and her often pacify the situation if Varigo alchemist rivalry goes a bit too far
NOT the mom of the group. She's a kid lol. (Hugo and Varian being the only adults and actually having to take responsibility for the two minors >>)
Regardless she's still rather mature in handling situations bc raised as a princess so she knows how to behave
She however is a bit more fun as herself, which the other three would learn over time. Especially when she nerds out about the stars.
Her title as princess as well as Varians as Coronas royal engineer prove useful a lot on their journey
Post-vat7k she would probably try to seek out Varian at royal gatherings so they can catch up. If he's not there then she seeks out Rapunzel to ask about how he's doing :3
Idk just random stuff, nowhere near everything lol.
Dont have surname hcs for the kiddos so uh yeah idk feel free to share yours? Ig Nuru would just be "of Koto(/whatever Kingdom you assign her to)" bc princess or smth? For Yong I might look into some chinese surnames mayhaps...
Also don't have a nationality hc for Nuru so feel free to pitch yours lol
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prestonmonterey · 4 months
you ever think about how the vat7k fandom, collectively decided to name varian's cousin after the root of his deepest trauma
and then she started dating one of his friends-
[laughing bc if i wasnt id be fully sobbing/hj]
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zonerobotnik · 8 months
Amber is the muscular oldest sister among Varian's cousins
She and Nuru is the most popular ship in the Vat7k Fandom besides Varigo
[The fat girl is Regan, Nick is the boy with the glasses and Liam and Lira are the twins] There's what I named them, which is consistent in my lore for all my fics they will show up in:
Varian's long-lost family - Uncle: Ulli Aunt: Martha Oldest cousin: Millie (18) (I guess this is who people call Amber?) 2nd Oldest cousin: Sarah (16) (Personality: Secretly sweet, she tries to act cold because she doesn't like that she has to take care of her younger siblings a lot. Dyes teal streaks in her red hair because she idolizes her famous cousin she's never met and secretly wants to be as famous as him.) Middle child: Arthur (14) (Kid with glasses.) Twins: Jack and Jill (10) So, yeah, I'm not going to be using these other names, because I am perfectly happy with these names and they aren't official, anyway, so I do what I want.
I could have Millie flirt with Nuru, though, but Varian might be overprotective of the princess left in his care, especially since he doesn't know his cousin well enough. Anyways, most popular ship or not, you won't find it here.
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I thought y'all might like this version where I put a background from the show behind them. It gives a nice effect I think. Enjoy!
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I notice that we also need to show our favorite alchemist’s extended fam as well.
I don’t believe that they were ever named or are given enough attention...
So I’m here to fill that void! Here’s my interpretation of the Extended fam:
Uncle Wallace- The slightly air-headed inventor with brilliant machines and contraptions. (Red)
Aunt Jeannie- The tough-as-nails artificer with a kind heart. (Pink)
Amber- The headstrong, spunky mechanic with enthusiasm and grit to spare. (Orange) 
Ivy- The rebellious young herbalist with unique taste and a penchant for secrets. (Green)
Fletcher- The soft-spoken young researcher with a big brain and a big heart. (Yellow) 
Carver- The rambunctious boy architect with a talent for trouble and navigation. (Blue)
Lily- the free-thinking girl with many ideas and a knack for finding things. (Purple)
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wormy-worm · 2 years
I think the most underrated vat7k thing has got to be varians giant ass extended family. Like?? That is GOLD right there why doesn't anyone ever talk about it!! Imagine he's out and about in some market place gathering supplies for the team and he just happens to stumble across some guy and his legion of kids who look JUST LIKE HIM and they're just like "oh shit new family member just dropped!!!!!" NO HESITATION. It's a whole side quest they work out that he's ullas kid and invite him over for dinner and they are ALL the same exact brand of chaos as him and it's WONDERFUL. Imagine how QUIRIN would react to all this he'd literally have a heart attack. Varian teaches one of his little cousins how to make explosives. They teach him some stuff about their own respective niche ass hobbies. His aunt and uncle are immediately like "omg my sweet nephew who we love so much if you ever need anything tell us we're here for you also what kind of soup do you like we want to make you some nice soup we need to be sure your eating right" and varian is SO blown away by all this like. Holy shit.
Anyway I LOVE how by the end of everything varian has just gained this MASSIVE family like. We got his dad, Ruddiger, the brotherhood, Eugene, Rapunzel, Cass, Lance and his kids, his big ass family from his mom's side, and then Nuru, Yong and Hugo and eventually donella gets in there its. He is VERY loved and no one is immune to the found family.
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justaaveragecryptid · 2 years
Relationship headcanons cuz it’s 1 am and no one can stop me (saying this in advance pls do not comment on spelling, grammar and punctuation, thank you)
-Rapunzel and Eugene def were the inventor’s of “cringe” couples shirts the were walking around corona in “if lost please return to Rapunzel” “ I’m Rapunzel” shirts that were custom made to.
-when Varian and Hugo first meet Raps and Eugene they forgot to mention they were dating and later figured them holding hands and being pressed up against one another would have given it away. It did not. When Varian and Hugo realized everyone was still under the impression they were just really, really close friends they turned everything up SEVERAL notches. Imagine the gangs in the library and Hugo just casually plops in Varian’s lap and gives him a good ol’ cheek kiss. Whilst Eugene, Rapunzel and Lance try and figure out if they should ask about this or leave it alone.
-Nuru and Amber (for those who may not know in VAT7K Varian meets his mothers side of the family and one of his cousins and closest in age is Amber who happens to be in the same age group as Nuru, cue small lesbians) are very protective of each other plus Nuru’s royalty, so while Amber might threaten you with a hammer Nuru’s trying to hold back from sending a whole battalion to your house
-Hugo acts like a sappy dad for funnsies Varian fuckin hates it like when Nuru’s talking about her crush on Amber Hugo grabs Varian and pulls him in a side hug while fake crying before letting out a dramatic “they grow up so fast” meanwhile Varian’s just trying to find a course of escape from this nerdy blonde bitch.
- I headcanon hector as gay and recently found out about Cyrus/hector as a ship and honestly kinda like it, but imagine Varian introducing Hugo to hector and saying “hey uncle hector, so this is Hugo, my boyfriend, Hugo meet hector” and hector just responds “oh, that’s interesting, here’s my boyfriend, Cyrus” and Varian, Hugo and Cyrus all just stare at each other whilst hector stands to the side
-Cassandra and lady Caine are honestly one of my favorite ships and I think Cass could help lady Caine with her issues and get her help from professionals, and lady Caine could help Cass loosen up without the toxic positivity Rapunzel sometimes had (I love raps and she totally had her heart in the right place but it felt like there were times where she simply tried to force Cass to be happy by doing things she thought were nice and not focusing on what CASS would like)
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tangledbea · 11 months
Not to toot my own horn or anything but since @sweetninjainfluencer asked I'll come out and say that I was personally the one to name Amber in the 7k fandom however the fandom made the name stick not just me. I actually gave names for all of Varians cousins but 7k really has no set "canon" beyond the notes we were given so there's really no pressure to follow popular headcanons cause were all just making headcanons here so you can always feel free to play with the story and characters however you want, I've seen different takes on Varian's cousins.
Fun Fact: I personally made the names of Varians cousins by combining the chemical symbols on the periodic table to make names and the ones I got were Amber , Regan , Nick , Liam and Lira so if anyone thinks Varian having a cousin named Amber is cruel irony, uuuuh oops my bad, I made that without even trying to.
Fun Fact 2: The Nuru x Amber ship came from one of their interactions in a hunger games simulator generator the Vat7k servers were running and it kinda just stuck as a popular headcanon a lot of people like to roll with ever since.
I'll just post this without comment, since I'm not in the Vat7K fandom.
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madastrologist · 2 years
my friend suggested a “fixer upper” varigo animatic and honestly? i love it! but i have NO clue who id make the trolls lolz,, she said maybe varians cousins or some randomly designed fellow thieves/criminals that knew hugo b4 vat7k took place but im not sure 😭😭😭 send help
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