#Varicose Veins Pregnancy
drsumitblog · 23 days
7 Ways to Protect Your Legs from Varicose Veins at Work
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Discover effective strategies to combat varicose veins for individuals who work long hours standing up. Learn how to protect your health and well-being. Should you experience discomfort or seek treatment options, seeking professional medical advice is paramount. Dr. Sumit Kapadia, a distinguished vascular surgeon in Vadodara, specializing in varicose vein treatments, offers tailored solutions and expert guidance to address varicose vein concerns effectively.
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healthchat · 1 year
The development of varicose veins is caused by a malfunction of the one-way valves in your veins, which are responsible for keeping blood flowing in the right direction. When these valves don't work properly, blood can pool in your veins, leading to swelling and the formation of twisted, rope-like veins just beneath the skin's surface. This can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms.
Several factors contribute to the development of varicose veins, including age, genetics, gender, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged periods of standing or sitting, hormonal changes, and smoking.
In addition, injuries to your legs, weakened blood vessel walls, and increased pressure in your veins from obesity or pregnancy can all contribute to the development of varicose veins
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Risk Factors of Varicose Veins
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sheayurveda1forum · 1 year
After Pregnancy Treatment
She Ayurveda helps women to regain health and wellness after pregnancy, birth and child-rearing. it is a holistic, hands on experience where you will learn the clinical application of Ayurvedic techniques as well as learn about nutrition, lifestyle, posture and several other important aspects of pregnancy. During pregnancy, reducing swelling in your hands, feet and face is important. We have the best range of Ayurvedic products to help you feel better and look great. She Ayurveda is one of the Best Ayurvedic centers in Kozhikode., which provides After Pregnancy Ayurvedic Treatment services .
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lunamagicablu · 2 months
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Achillea NOME SCIENTIFICO: Achillea millefolium L. FAMIGLIA: Compositae NOMI POPOLARI: Meiffoggiu, Stagna sangue, Erba del tai, Rosone, Erba de feridas, Erva e cuntra, Mazzetti. PARTE UTILIZZATA: sommità fiorite Le principali proprietà benefiche dell'Achillea sono: Utile in caso di problemi ormonali femminili come mestruazioni dolorose o irregolari e sintomi della menopausa Valido aiuto per disturbi digestivi Aiuto in caso di emorroidi e cattiva circolazione Emmenagoga, spasmolitica, eupeptica, emostatica Ecco alcuni utilizzi, quando assumerlo e la posologia. Tintura madre (Soluzione Idroalcolica): uso interno: 60 gocce 2 volte al giorno sciolte in un bicchiere d’acqua dopo i pasti. Uso esterno: diluita con acqua in parti uguali per impacchi sulla pelle. Utile come rimedio naturale in caso di: Dismenorrea e amenorrea Metroraggie Coliche uterine e digestive Problemi venosi (emorroidi, flebiti, varici) Coleretico Cicatrizzante CONTROINDICAZIONI: non esporsi al sole dopo l’applicazione del succo della pianta sulla pelle. Il camazulene (componente dell’olio essenziale) potrebbe provocare allergia. Non usare in gravidanza e allattamento. https://www.erbecedario.it **************************** Yarrow SCIENTIFIC NAME: Achillea millefolium L. FAMILY: Compositae POPULAR NAMES: Meiffoggiu, Stagnablood, Erba del tai, Rosene, Erba de feridas, Erva e cuntra, Mazzetti. PART USED: flowering tops The main beneficial properties of Yarrow are: Useful in case of female hormonal problems such as painful or irregular menstruation and menopause symptoms Valid help for digestive disorders Help in case of hemorrhoids and poor circulation Emmenagogue, spasmolytic, eupeptic, hemostatic Here are some uses, when to take it and the dosage. Mother tincture (Hydroalcoholic Solution): internal use: 60 drops 2 times a day dissolved in a glass of water after meals. External use: diluted with water in equal parts for compresses on the skin. Useful as a natural remedy in case of: Dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea Metroradigies Uterine and digestive colic Venous problems (hemorrhoids, phlebitis, varicose veins) Choleretic Healing CONTRAINDICATIONS: do not expose yourself to the sun after applying the juice of the plant to the skin. Chamazulene (component of the essential oil) could cause allergy. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. https://www.erbecedario.it 
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Do u have any good links on how pregnancy fucks your body up a bit? Considering being a surrogate for the money (combined with my current job, it'd be really good money), but also hesitant because i don't want to completely wreck my body just for a good paycheck. (Mild wreckage is probably fine). Not concerned about emotional attachments since it wouldn't be my baby. Kinda just a early babysitter. Just the physical aspects are a bit. Concerning.
well. okay. so. you're potentially looking at wild hormone fluctuations; bodily aches as your uterus expands; breast swelling, tenderness, and leakage; constipation; dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea; indigestion and heartburn; hemorrhoids; stretching skin; muscle spasms; nasal problems; carpal tunnel syndrome caused by swelling tissue; stretch marks; darkening of the nipples and/or genitals that may be permanent; swelling; loss of bladder control that may never be regained (my mother certainly never got hers back); varicose veins; gestational diabetes; pre-eclampsia (that entails high blood pressure and damage to the liver and kidneys); the vaginal wall caving in later in life due to the pressure placed on it during pregnancy; tearing of the tissue between the rectum and vagina; painful sex; postpartum depression; and postpartum hemorrhage.
and that's not everything, that's just skimming the results of a quick google search. I cannot tell you what to do with your body and I have no right to but I cannot emphasize enough that pregnancy can have absolutely horrific long-term effects on your body and that it's absolutely not something to be undertaken lightly.
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redpandaramblings · 1 year
Good day/night! Hope you are doing good and that the problem with your computer will be soon fixed.
I wanted to know (where both bakugou and the reader can get pregnant) when the reader is pregnant with their first child how would the 9 month be?
Hello! I’m… alive. Apparently have caught the crud that’s going around, so took an accidental 6 hour nap. 😬. Computer should hopefully be done Tuesday. Fingers crossed and knock on wood.
So how it goes for reader during the first pregnancy? Okay. Firstly, the pregnancy is planned. Takes a little bit of trying. Conception doesn’t happen until during one of Reader’s ruts. Bakugou figures it out as soon as Reader’s scent starts to change.
Pregnancy will be a little rough on reader. Alpha hormones can clash with pregnancy symptoms and make some things worse. Strong morning sickness, anemia, and pain in the legs (varicose veins) are some of the things reader goes through. Their blood pressure has to be monitored closely, which is standard for alpha pregnancies.
Bakugou fusses a lot. Whenever he’s home with reader, he’s trying to bundle them into a nest and telling them he’ll take care of everything. He takes care of all the cooking. Will talk with your doctors about optimal diet for for and meal prep accordingly. He’ll give you all the massages you want. He’ll absolutely be willing to go out at 3 AM to buy you whatever your random craving might be.
However, he’s a top hero, so he can’t be around all the time. It drives him nuts that you continue working/ going out without him while you’re pregnant. You gently but firmly let him know that if he tries to insist you stay cooped up at home you’ll go insane. You compromise. We agree to let him geo track you for safety/his peace of mind.
Kiddo 1 is super active. Kicking all the time. Only really calms down if you sing or play music for them, or if Bakugou rubs your belly and talks to them. If you pretend to fall asleep, sometimes Bakugou will softly sing to your belly.
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womenhealthcare2 · 9 months
The Journey Within: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection in Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey that brings forth countless changes in a woman's body and mind. It's a time of anticipation, excitement, and a touch of nervousness. During this remarkable period, taking care of both the body and mind becomes essential. One practice that has gained immense popularity in recent years for expectant mothers is Pregnancy Yoga. This ancient art form isn't just about physical fitness; it's about nurturing the deep and intricate connection between the mind and body during this incredible time.
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Yoga for Expecting Mothers
Pregnancy Yoga, often referred to as Prenatal Yoga, is a holistic approach to prenatal care that has garnered attention for its myriad of benefits. Unlike regular yoga, which focuses on flexibility and strength, Prenatal Yoga is specially designed to cater to the unique needs of expectant mothers. It blends together gentle stretches, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques to create a harmonious mind-body connection.
The Physical Benefits
The physical aspect of Pregnancy Yoga is centered around maintaining physical health during pregnancy. The various asanas or poses help in:
Alleviating Discomfort: As the body undergoes numerous changes, discomfort and pain can become common. Yoga poses can help alleviate back pain, swollen ankles, and even the dreaded morning sickness.
Building Strength and Flexibility: Gentle stretching exercises help in building strength and flexibility, making labor and delivery smoother.
Improving Posture and Balance: With the added weight, maintaining good posture and balance can be challenging. Yoga helps in improving posture, reducing the risk of injury.
Enhancing Blood Circulation: Proper blood circulation is vital for both the mother and baby. Yoga practices stimulate blood flow, reducing the risk of conditions like varicose veins.
The Mental Benefits
While the physical benefits are significant, the mental benefits of Pregnancy Yoga are equally valuable:
Stress Reduction: Pregnancy can be a stressful time, filled with worries and anxieties. Yoga helps in reducing stress through relaxation techniques, which can have a positive impact on the baby’s development.
Better Sleep: Many pregnant women struggle with sleep. Yoga helps in improving sleep patterns, allowing the body to rest and rejuvenate.
Emotional Balance: Hormonal changes can lead to mood swings. Yoga encourages emotional balance and stability through mindfulness and meditation.
The Mind-Body Connection
The core of Pregnancy Yoga lies in nurturing the mind-body connection. It’s about fostering a deep understanding of the changes happening within, both physically and emotionally. Here’s how it works:
Breathing Awareness: Pregnancy Yoga places significant emphasis on breathing techniques. Learning to control and regulate one’s breath not only helps during labor but also creates a strong connection between the mother and her growing baby.
Meditation and Visualization: Meditation exercises help mothers connect with their inner selves and their babies. Visualization techniques can create a sense of bonding and positivity.
Intuition and Body Awareness: Pregnancy Yoga encourages women to trust their bodies and intuition. This sense of self-awareness can be empowering and valuable during labor.
The Community Aspect
Another beautiful aspect of Pregnancy Yoga is the sense of community it fosters. Prenatal classes bring together expectant mothers, providing a support network where they can share their experiences and concerns. This sense of camaraderie can be comforting and reassuring during a time when many women might feel isolated.
A Journey of Self-Discovery
In essence, Pregnancy Yoga is not just about physical fitness during 9 months pregnancy. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-care that enables expectant mothers to embrace the profound changes happening within them. It encourages women to be in tune with their bodies and minds, fostering a sense of empowerment and inner strength.
As with any program of exercise during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting Pregnancy Yoga. Each pregnancy is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. But for those who embark on this journey, it can be a transformative experience that deepens the connection between the mind and body and prepares them for the beautiful adventure of motherhood.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Ten Into The Fog (Part 13)
Azula is reluctant to go into town, he can see it on her face and in her posture. In her gestures too. She is trying her very best to conceal her apprehensions but they are all so glaringly obvious to him after years of learning her habits. She has a tendency to look around–to scan every corner of the room–when she is nervous. She sometimes plays with her bangs; he imagines that she has a longer length of them to toy with this time. More hair for more stress. 
She clears her throat, “my feet are sore and I think that I will stay home today.”
It is a clever tactic but he sees right through it, “so we have these things called Satomobiles, they’re a new mode of transportation that require no walking. Or I can send for the palanquin.”
Azula grits her teeth. “You’re so helpful.” She grumbles. 
He half smiles–now that sounds a lot more like the banter he is used to. “You already admitted to yourself that it has been ten years, so what can it hurt to go and see how the Fire Nation has changed!?” Sokka throws his hands up. “I think that you’ll love seeing how much progress it has made.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about…” She replies. 
“What then?”
“Nothing, nevermind.”
“You think that you’re going to get attacked again, don’t you?”
“No. Father wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Then what’s wrong?” He pushes.
She takes another little glance around the room. “It’s embarrassing.” He finally pries it out of her. 
His brows furrow. “What’s embarrassing?”
Azula shrugs, she turns her head in a very futile attempt to keep him from seeing the pink on her cheeks. “This.” She holds her hands to her belly. “They’re going to think that I’m easy…”
Sokka cups a hand against her cheek and gently turns her head to face him. “They’re going to remember that you’re a married woman…” she tenses. “And they’re going to congratulate you. If anything they’re just going to be a little curious about a new heir.”
“Perhaps I don’t want people staring at me, whether they are judging or congratulating.” She mutters. 
“You’ve made plenty of speeches before, people stare at you all the time. I think that you’ll be fine.”
“Yes, I was fine before…”
“Before what?” She shakes her head again. And this time that is all he gets. He thinks that she has finally remembered to be awkward, embarrassed, and secretive around him. 
He wishes that she would remember other things. 
Azula is thankful that he hadn’t pushed her this time. She has no intention of confessing that the baby bump embarrasses her for more aesthetic reasons. She is no intention of confessing that it was a whole lot easier to put herself on display before she had begun to notice the stretch marks and the faint appearance of varicose veins. 
She finds herself wondering how she hadn’t noticed those before. She wonders if they had even been there before or if they had just appeared overnight.
More likely, her mind had made a point of ignoring them to preserve her fragile sanity…
She isn’t crazy. She tells herself. She isn’t crazy, she just can’t remember things. She wonders if that is some lesser form of insanity. 
“Ready?” Zuko asks.
She is anything but. But she still lets the two of them, alongside Mai, lead her out into the world. 
A world that is new to her but aged to everyone else. 
It is easy at first. 
Easy because the first part of their trip is spent walking through the palace gardens. The only company she has to fret over are the guards and servants; those who have grown plenty used to her pregnancy. They know to mind their own business and go about their respective duties.
The gardener is taken aback, she can see it on his face but he returns quickly to arranging a circle of fire lilies around a fountain that hadn’t been there ten years ago. It is a rather beautiful piece; crafted of solid gold, a dragon curls around the lowest bowl beneath a badger mole that holds up a slightly smaller second bowl. And above that, twin koi fish encircle a third smallest bowl which is topped by a miniature sky bison whose tail and shaggy, metallic bangs act as water spouts. 
“That was a gift from the Earth Kingdom.” Zuko mentions. “Each nation has something like that, they’re peace symbols.” 
Azula nods, she holds her hand out and catches the cascade, cool water trickles down the sides of her palm. Frankly she would be perfectly content to end their little endeavor here and simply take in the changes that have befallen the palace.
And there are plenty; there are new lanterns affixed to pillars and lining parts of the roof–Sokka mentions that these are in preparation for a new lightningbending powered lighting style. Allegedly she had helped them come up with it, which may or may not be why the project has stalled. And now she has a brand new thing to feel guilty over. 
He quickly pulls her onto the next thing. At the entrance of the garden are statues of herself and Zuko, added to a long line of previous fire lords. Something that leaves her furrowing her brows, “I’m a fire lord?”
“You were for a few hours.” Zuko replies and Mai gives a humored sniff. “But we decided that it still counts.” 
Mai gives one more humored sniff–a personal record. “You might as well be fire lord with the amount of times Zuko calls you and begs you to come over and help him solve a problem.” 
Azula swallows. If Zuko is fire lord then that means that she has failed. That everything she has worked for means nothing at all… “it’s supposed to be me, I’m supposed to be…”
Sokka pats her back, “you pretty much are in everything except name.” He laughs. “That’s what we’ve all been going with, anyways.” 
“You guys are the worst.” Zuko grumbles. 
Azula almost smiles. But stupid jokes aren’t quite enough to drive out the building sense of failure that seems to be building with each new discovery.
And she still has a town full of them to get through.
Sokka can tell that it is overwhelming her to get so much attention from the townspeople. Admittedly they are quite invasive; some ask but most don’t before putting their hands on her belly.
They ask her about names and plans for the heir. They ask her how far along she is and if she has any names picked out.They ask her if it has been an easy pregnancy so far. Sometimes it seems like they are shouting all at once and he can see it on Azula’s face and hear it in her stammered answers that she is so far out of her comfort zone.
Far enough out of it that her remarks aren’t even slightly snappy.
His heart sinks again. Councilwoman Azula would have basked in all of the attention.
Councilwoman Azula is used to flashing cameras, reporters, and enormous crowds that make a lot of ruckus. 
Princess Azula is used to delivering speeches from afar and behind the protection of her guards. Of course her guards are still there but they don’t act. Not since Azula had–some four years ago–told them not to bother. Princess Azula is used to people staying silent until she is done speaking, used to a society that is afraid to indulge their curiosities. 
The cameras seem to bother her the most. She flinches with each flash and he remembers that she has never even seen a camera before now–at least that she is aware of. Raava, he hadn’t even thought to warn her about that! He can’t imagine that she will be pleased when those pictures show up in the newspapers–permanent captures of her discomfort printed and distributed for everyone’s viewing. 
He will warn her about that when they get home. Councilwoman is no stranger to exaggerated, sensationalist headlines. Princess Azula is used to people fearing the thought of encroaching on her personal life.
Another camera flashes.
This time Azula reaches for his hand.
It is a nervous reflex, he knows. He likes to think that it is a good sign–deep down councilwoman Azula is still there. Princess Azula still has a lot of the habits and instincts that she had developed later down the road. 
Habits like drifting a little closer to him. He doesn’t point it out to her but he savors it all the same. “You’re doing great, Azula.” He smiles. Much better than he anticipated. Evidently he was almost certain that she was going to lash out. That he or the guards would have to restrain a fire throwing princess.
“A little crowd control would be nice.” Sokka mutters to Zuko. And Zuko motions for the guards to keep the townspeople, the reporters in particular, at bay. He feels some of the tension leave Azula grasp as the guards begin to do their job. 
He can see it in her eyes that she wants to go home, but she has too much pride to ask. And maybe that is a good thing because she needs to get used to this. She needs to get used to people again. He can’t imagine that it is at all healthy for her to remain cooped up inside even if inside does have a sap and a recreation room.
“Do you want to stop and get something to eat?” Sokka offers. “We’ll probably have to avoid spices for now…”
“My baby will be a firebender. It wants spices.” She declares.
“The baby wants spices or Azula wants spices?” Sokka quirks a brow.
“Both.” She answers. He can tell that she is going to be something of a nightmare about this whole pregnancy thing, but at least she is speaking bluntly and openly about it now. He will take what he can get. 
“Well I guess we’ll find out then.” Zuko shrugs. “Izumi wasn’t fan of spices.”
“Izumi?” Azula furrows her brows.
Mai nods. “You’ve met her before. She wanted to stay at the flower shop this time, she’s really good with plants.” 
“You and Zuko…?” Azula crinkles her nose, “that’s disgusting and treason.” And Sokka finds himself cackling.
“Treason?” Zuko quirks a brow. 
“The notion offends me and therefore it is treason.” Azula folds her arms across her chest. She says it with such conviction that she can only be serious about this. And perhaps her seriousness is exactly what makes it hilarious. 
“What’s so funny?” She snaps. 
He almost chuckles harder and informs her that she’s what’s so funny. But this isn’t his Azula. This isn’t the Azula that will take it in good humor. He sighs, “sorry, Azula, I’m just used to…” to joking with her, to being able to tease her every now and then without it being taken personally. “Nevermind, why don’t we get you those spices.”
“Wise choice, Sokka.” 
“You’re not mad, are you?” He asks.
She gives him something of a half pout. “I haven’t decided yet.” 
Which means that there is still a chance to salvage the day. “Well that’s good, because we have a lot more to show you and I don’t want to cut things short before we get to show you the dragon hatchery.”
“Dragon hatchery?”
He grins at that small tickle of childlike curiosity in her voice. “Okay so there are only two dragons right now…”
“I want to see them immediately.” 
“And they’re still unhatched.”
“Right now, Sokka. I want to see them right now.”  She requests flatly and in such a way that doesn’t leave much room for protest.
He finds himself wondering why they hadn’t thought to show her the hatchery in the first place. That probably would have softened her up to the idea of…of all of this. “Okay, let's go see some dragon eggs.”
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drsumitblog · 3 months
Identifying and Understanding the Risk Factors of Varicose Veins
Varicose veins, characterized by swollen, twisted veins usually visible on the legs, affect a significant portion of the population. While often considered a cosmetic issue, they can lead to discomfort and health complications. Recognizing the risk factors associated with varicose veins is essential for early detection and effective management.
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Key Risk Factors of Varicose Veins
Varicose veins develop due to various factors, some of which are controllable, while others are inherent. Key risk factors of Varicose Veins include:
Genetic Predisposition: A family history of varicose veins significantly increases the likelihood of developing them. This genetic link suggests an inherited tendency for weaker vein walls or valves.
Gender and Hormonal Factors: Women are more prone to varicose veins, especially during hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause. Hormones like progesterone can relax vein walls, exacerbating the risk of varicose veins. The use of hormonal contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy might also increase this risk.
Age: The risk of varicose veins increases with age. Aging causes wear and tear on the vein valves, impairing their function. The natural loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone with age further contributes to the development of varicose veins.
Lifestyle and Occupational Factors: Sedentary lifestyles and occupations requiring prolonged standing or sitting can hinder proper blood flow, increasing the risk of varicose veins. Regular movement and exercise can mitigate this risk.
Obesity: Excessive body weight puts additional strain on the veins, especially in the legs. This increased pressure can lead to varicose veins, making weight management a crucial preventive measure.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a significant risk factor due to increased blood volume and hormonal changes. The additional pressure on leg veins during this period makes women more susceptible to varicose veins during pregnancy.
Importance of Early Identification
Early identification of these risk factors is crucial for timely intervention. Regular check-ups and monitoring are important, especially for those with a family history of varicose veins or during pregnancy. Lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding prolonged standing, can significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.
Dr. Sumit Kapadia, a renowned varicose veins specialist in Vadodara, emphasizes the importance of understanding these risk factors. As a leading varicose veins specialist in Vadodara practicing at Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital, Dr Kapadia recommends individuals at risk to seek professional advice for early detection and effective management of varicose veins.
For those showing signs or at risk of varicose veins, consulting a specialist like Dr. Kapadia can provide comprehensive care and preventive strategies. Reach out to Dr Sumit Kapadia’s 24 x 7 Vascular Helpline at +91 9904114443 for expert guidance and treatment options.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Does bedwarmer Lexa have a lot of pregnancy symptoms while she’s pregnant? Cravings? All kinds of discomfort? Acid reflux? Varicose veins? Does she lose her shit and kick Titus out of a window? 👀
Lexa's first and second trimesters are pretty breezy. But everything changes when the third trimester attacks 😂
But really she goes from minimal sickness and feeling pretty good to hating everything, constantly having the worst mood swings, the type of cravings that make her mad when she can't satisfy them, the awful itchiness where the skin is stretching and creating marks, yes the varicose veins she hates to see along with swollen feet that at some point - and that she refuses to let Clarke really look at too, despite the fact she is so horny she could cry but she doesnt want Clarke really looking at her naked, its a whole thing.
She has been further away really. From the fact he always disapproved of Lexa promoting Clarke from bedwarmer to her wife or that she even decided to raise Madi as her own to how he has been almost happy that Lexa was having such trouble conceiving, constantly reminding her the reason was that commanders are not supposed to have children, whichever way they come about. I think she punches him at some point. Shes tired, in pain, barely slept with the way the baby was kicking and with Madi spending the night in their bed after a nightmare. And Titus just has a very punchable face and keeps talking like he is hoping something happens to the baby before its born to make Lexa see it is wrong to have a child from the last remaining survivor of a clan of self entitled cowards, as well as throwing so less than pleasent comment about little Madi in. So Lexa loses it, and if Lexa's punch would pack heat on a regular day, with the way her head is pounding and with her mama bear instincts up she pretty much knocks him out and leaves the room.
(Clarke might wanna fight him afterwards and Lexa would let her if her back wasnt killing her and if she didnt want a massage from her wife and cuddles with their daughter ☺️)
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venisellefact · 2 years
Veniselle - Reviews, Benefits, Uses, Price, Does It Work?
Measurements say that 1 of every 4 individuals is encountering venous pathology (1). This interprets as agony, enlarging, and substantialness of feet. All kinds of people experience the ill effects of such medical problems. Nonetheless, another cream, Veniselle, cases to completely change people for the better by managing throbbing brought about by varicose veins. Veniselles recipe forestalls new varicose veins with its all-normal fixings and treats all the venous reflux side effects while reliably working on the veins.
As indicated by the Veniselle official site, the Veniselle cream can totally fix the veins that have been harmed. This could never have at any point been managed without a medical procedure. However, it appears to be that Veniselle utilizes a few one of a kind fixings that work on the wellbeing of veins in just 40 days.
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What Are the Varicose Veins Symptoms?
Varicose veins are a neurotic change in the body's lower half. They include the development and bending of the veins on the grounds that the valve contraption is harmed. Varicose veins likewise seem on account of reflux and unfortunate blood stream. The main sources of varicose veins are: Carrying on with an inactive existence way of life Going through pregnancy Not getting sufficient activity Putting weighty loads and weight gain upon the legs The walls of veins have debilitated because of hereditary qualities Being overweight Encountering a hormonal irregularity in the body
Veins assemble in blue bunches loaded up with blood and are called varicose veins. Dull blue swelling veins in lower region of the body don't occur autonomously. There are five fundamental side effects (3, 4) that lead to this, and the side effects of this issue are:
Swelling of the legs Abrupt shortcoming in the legs Leg cramps, consuming, irritation Bug veins that are dull blue Knocks and enlarging
Why Is It Dangerous to Have Varicose Veins?
Beside the side effects varicose veins cause, they likewise disturb the blood stream by making the veins become firmly shut. Right now, the blood from the vessels begins going into the body's lower half, where it deteriorates, framing agonizing ulcers and whelps. Indeed, even most pessimistic scenario situations in which the tainted blood prompts apoplexy, lethal (5), or removal. One more risk of varicose veins can outer drain. This can happen while the swelling veins get found something sharp. There are likewise times when varicose veins draining happens suddenly, with next to no particular injury going before it. Furthermore, this is the kind of thing that typically happens while showering on the grounds that when under heated water, the veins widen and swell, making the tension inside them lead to a crack or burst (6).
Varicose veins can likewise cause blood clumps. Be that as it may, these blood coagulations are not generally so risky as another type of blood clumps known in medication up to this point, as the varicose veins are just shallow. Individuals can see that they have a blood coagulation in their varicose veins when those veins give off an impression of being delicate, hotter, firmer, and of a more obscure red tone. This is on the grounds that the body has responded to the coagulation with aggravation. The clinical term for this event is phlebitis or thrombophlebitis (7). The Veniselle cream official site sells it as a definitive enhancement for outside use and as an item that can douse into the skin and saturate it to ease expanding, throbbing, and tired legs disorder. Besides, reinforcing the walls of veins and increment vascular permeability is additionally said.
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Veniselles Amazing Natural Ingredients
In 2019, a phlebologist from the Stockholm Academy of Health chose to join the Veniselle organization and foster the first of its sort in the equation of the Veniselle Cream. According to the organization, Veniselle cream can completely fix the varicose veins, and those with varicose veins can have better legs that are lighter and more gorgeous. This science behind the equation assisted Veniselle with creaming become more perceived overall and got a superb standing in resolving the issue of varicose veins. These fixings are:
Horse Chestnut Extract
This specific home grown fixing is loaded up with aescin, aesculin, and glycosides. Such parts make their veins better by expanding the strength of vein walls, speeding up the blood stream, and relieving ulcers, knocks, or hematomas (8). Simultaneously, they lower blood thickness and, along these lines, diminish the gamble of apoplexy or phlebitis.
Chamomile Flower Extract
With fit alleviating and calming impacts, this plant speeds up blood stream and expands the versatility of veins.
Vex Extract
Vex extricate is loaded up with flavonoids and plant acids that ease aggravation, make veins more grounded, dispose of the gamble of creating blood balance, and tone the whole vascular framework.
Read More===>https://ipsnews.net/business/2022/02/07/veniselle-update-2022-it-really-work-in-varicose-veins-or-a-cheap-scam-price-ingredients-and-results/
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anandhomeoclinics · 2 days
Homeopathy Treatment For Varicose Veins at Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda in HSR Layout, Bengaluru
Varicose veins are a common venous disorder characterized by enlarged, swollen, and twisted veins. They primarily affect the legs and can cause discomfort, pain, and significant cosmetic concerns. The veins become varicose when valves in the veins malfunction, leading to blood pooling and vein enlargement. Factors such as genetics, prolonged standing or sitting, obesity, and pregnancy can increase the risk of developing varicose veins.
Symptoms and Complications
Individuals with varicose veins often experience symptoms such as:
Aching pain and heaviness in the legs
Burning, throbbing, and muscle cramping
Swelling in the lower legs
Itching around the veins
Skin discoloration around the affected area
If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more severe complications, including ulcers, blood clots, and chronic inflammation.
Homeopathy: A Natural Approach to Treating Varicose Veins
Homeopathy offers a holistic and natural treatment approach for varicose veins. It aims to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms through highly diluted substances. Homeopathic treatments are tailored to the individual’s symptoms and overall health, making it a personalized and effective method.
Key Homeopathic Remedies for Varicose Veins
Hamamelis Virginiana: Known for its venous congestion relief, this remedy helps reduce the pain and inflammation associated with varicose veins.
Pulsatilla: Effective for patients experiencing restless legs and shifting pains, Pulsatilla is particularly useful for women.
Calcarea Fluorica: This remedy helps in improving the elasticity of the veins and reducing the hardness of the varicose veins.
Aesculus Hippocastanum: Commonly used for severe pain and swelling, it aids in relieving the discomfort and heaviness in the legs.
Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda: Integrating Ayurveda and Homeopathy
At Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda in HSR Layout, Bengaluru, we offer a unique blend of Ayurveda and Homeopathy to treat varicose veins. Our center is renowned for its comprehensive and personalized treatment plans designed to address the root cause of varicose veins and promote overall wellness.
Holistic Treatment Approach
Our approach involves a detailed assessment of the patient’s condition, lifestyle, and health history. This enables us to create a customized treatment plan that includes:
Homeopathic Remedies: Specific to the individual’s symptoms and overall health.
Ayurvedic Therapies: Such as Abhyanga (therapeutic massage) and Panchakarma (detoxification processes), which help improve circulation and reduce inflammation.
Diet and Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations on diet, exercise, and daily routines to support the treatment and prevent recurrence.
Why Choose Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda?
Choosing Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda for varicose veins treatment offers numerous benefits:
Experienced Practitioners: Our team consists of highly skilled Ayurvedic and Homeopathic doctors with extensive experience in treating varicose veins.
Comprehensive Care: We provide a holistic treatment plan that addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of varicose veins.
Patient-Centered Approach: Our treatments are tailored to each patient’s unique needs and health conditions.
Natural and Non-Invasive: We emphasize natural, non-invasive treatments that promote the body’s healing processes without the side effects associated with conventional treatments.
Varicose veins can be effectively managed and treated through a combination of homeopathy and Ayurveda. At Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda in HSR Layout, Bengaluru, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive, personalized care that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of varicose veins. Our holistic approach ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment, promoting overall health and well-being.
If you are struggling with varicose veins and seeking a natural, effective treatment, we invite you to visit us and experience the benefits of our integrative approach.
Amaram Kottakkal Ayurveda
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drsouravdhar · 6 days
Understanding Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
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The bulging and enlarging of veins that come close to the skin surface are considered to be varicose veins. They are superficial where the veins get twisted and mostly occur in the legs. The treatment of varicose veins in Siliguri will relieve the pain that is caused by the varicose vein.
Most people understand that varicose veins are a simple concern and do not bother them at all. However, the problem of varicose veins can cause discomfort and severe pain which can indicate a major heart disease condition.
Recognition of the varicose veins is simple as the budge in the area will become blue or purple that is right under the surface of the skin which is one of the major symptoms. They are gnarling and sometimes look aggressive which can indicate the condition. Other symptoms include:
Feelings heavy in the legs: Sometimes the muscles of the legs feel tired and sluggish, mainly after some exercise or physical activity.
Twisting of Veins: Your leg veins might look like it has been twisted and look like a cord.
Swelling: along with swelling, one can feel the burning and throbbing of the legs.
Pain: Varicose veins might be painful which can become worse if the person is standing or sitting.
Ulcers and Discoloration: Varicose veins can lead to discolouration of the skin if left untreated. Most of the varicose veins can cause ulcers or serious soreness on the skin
Itching: one can feel the intense itch on the area of the varicose vein.
H2 Causes
The major cause of the varicose vein is when the walls of the veins become weak due to the increase of the blood pressure as it allows the veins to get big. The veins are stretched and the blood that is moving in a particular direction cannot function as they are supposed to. The reasons for the weakening of the veins include:
Sitting or standing for longer time
With the help of special facility helps to understand the cause by reaching the roots of the condition and provides the best treatment for varicose veins in Siliguri.
H2 Treatments
The cure of the varicose vein depends on the seriousness of the conditions which can be treated with the help of specific medications and prevention methods. Such treatments help the varicose veins keep getting worse and require multiple treatments to prevent the recurrence. Some of the treatments for varicose veins are:
Elevation: This exercise helps to increase the flow of the blood further decreasing the pressure in the veins. Elevating 15-20 times a minute can ease the pain.
Compression Socks: Doctors recommend using supportive socks for the treatment as they compress the vein which provides relief for the discomfort.
Sclerotherapy: A liquid chemical that is used to close the varicose vein by injecting it directly into it. This therapy causes the vein to close off by the irritation which is due to the chemical.
Vein surgery: In this treatment, medical professionals remove the affected vein to stop the reoccurrence of the varicose vein. This procedure is also known as stripping of the vein.
Laser therapy: Such therapy is often used to treat small varicose veins where no cutting or injecting chemicals are required. It includes the application of light energy that makes the veins disappear.
After the treatment of the varicose vein, you will be able to do daily life activities within a week and the discomfort from the condition is not an issue. The procedures are successful and the complications are low further improving the appearance of the legs. If you are suffering from the problem look out for the treatment of varicose veins in Siliguri for consultation by medical experts.
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elianafischer · 6 days
Understanding the Top Reasons for Using Compression Socks
Irrespective of how old you are or what your favorite activities are, healthy legs are crucial for your daily life. Muscle strains can retard your mobility and flexibility. Most importantly, poor circulation can lead to serious health problems. Compression socks are responsible for improved blood circulation. Moreover, several studies have revealed that compression socks can be effective in reducing the chances of getting Deep Vein Thrombosis. Compression socks are best for faster Post Surgical Recovery. Everyone has different fitness challenges. However, compression socks can help with several leg-related complications and issues. 
Helps Curb Feet Soreness
After a long super-active��day, your feet can experience some pain and discomfort. There could be swelling and soreness in your tired feet. Compression socks are best for reducing swelling.  You may invest in the best compression socks for swelling. Theyhelp blood flow better. This brings oxygen seamlessly to your muscles to help them quickly heal. One of the Compression socks uses, is for facilitating better blood circulation for speedy recovery. There are numerous people with a profession that requires standing all day. Compression socks may be used by bartenders, nurses, dentists, teachers, salespersons, and flight attendants. Compression socks can be effective in preventing soreness. When blood keeps moving, it is easier for you to be more flexible. You can keep moving too.
Better Athletic Performance
High-endurance sports and activities hurt or strain your muscles. As you proceed with your workout regimen, your muscles use oxygen. They leave behind lactic acid deposits. These tiny deposits end up causing tenderness and soreness post-workout. Compression socks help improve circulation. They increase blood flow. As such, they help prevent lactic acid buildup. Compression socks are best for reducing discomfort. This smoother blood flow also brings fresh oxygen. Your tired muscles are rejuvenated.  Improved blood circulation leads to faster Athletic Recovery.
Helps Prevent Spider Veins and Varicose Veins
Varicose veins may not be hazardous, but they can be unsightly. They are often signs of pregnancy or aging. However, spider veins and varicose veins can be prevented. Varicose veins happen due to poor or erratic blood circulation. Lack of proper circulation stops blood from seamlessly reaching the heart. This causes the blood to pool and accumulate in your veins. This makes the veins enlarged. They become those unsightly and visible raised lines. Compression socks can help a lot with these vein issues. They help boost overall blood flow and prevent varicose veins. When you work out, some pain is naturally expected. Muscles need to tear a bit to grow stronger. However, many annoying pains and pressures can interfere with your exercise routine. You can avoid or reduce these issues by using compression socks.
You can wear them all day long as they are comfy and safe. Compression socks are good for facilitating quick recovery from your surgical wounds. However, you may consult your surgeon and seek his advice. Your doctor will tell you if these socks will work for you. He will guide you and share some tips for using compression socks properly.
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myhealthhospital · 6 days
My Health Hospital: Premier Healthcare in Hyderabad
Located in the bustling area of Kukatpally, KPHB, My Health Hospital stands as a beacon of exceptional medical care in Hyderabad. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, My Health Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to its patients. The hospital offers a wide range of services, catering to various medical needs under one roof.
My Health Hospital is home to some of the best urologists in Hyderabad, specializing in diagnosing and treating urinary tract diseases, male infertility, and issues related to the male reproductive system. Services include management of kidney stones, urinary tract infections (UTIs), prostate issues, bladder problems, and male sexual dysfunction. Advanced treatments such as laparoscopic surgeries, minimally invasive procedures, and laser therapies are part of their offerings, ensuring patients receive the most effective and least invasive treatments available.
General Medicine
The general medicine department at My Health Hospital provides comprehensive care for a wide range of medical conditions. From routine check-ups and preventive care to managing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, the hospital’s general physicians are dedicated to maintaining and improving patients’ overall health. The department emphasizes a holistic approach, focusing on lifestyle modifications, patient education, and personalized treatment plans.
Gastroenterology is another key specialty at My Health Hospital, where patients receive top-notch care for digestive system disorders. The gastroenterologists are adept at diagnosing and treating conditions like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), liver diseases, pancreatic disorders, and gastrointestinal cancers. With advanced diagnostic tools such as endoscopy and colonoscopy, and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, the hospital ensures precise diagnosis and effective management of gastrointestinal issues.
Vascular Surgery
The vascular surgery department at My Health Hospital addresses conditions affecting the blood vessels, including varicose veins, peripheral artery disease, aneurysms, and vascular malformations. The team of skilled vascular surgeons employs cutting-edge techniques and technologies, such as minimally invasive endovascular procedures and open surgeries, to provide the best outcomes for patients. Comprehensive vascular care, including diagnostics, treatment, and post-operative care, is a hallmark of this department.
The orthopedic department is dedicated to treating musculoskeletal issues, ranging from fractures and sports injuries to arthritis and spinal disorders. My Health Hospital’s orthopedic surgeons are proficient in performing joint replacements, arthroscopic surgeries, and trauma surgeries. The hospital’s rehabilitation services ensure that patients receive the necessary physiotherapy and support for a speedy and complete recovery.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Women’s health is a priority at My Health Hospital, where the obstetrics and gynecology department offers a full spectrum of services, from prenatal care and childbirth to gynecological surgeries and menopause management. The experienced obstetricians and gynecologists provide compassionate care, ensuring the health and well-being of women at every stage of life. High-risk pregnancies, infertility treatments, and minimally invasive gynecological procedures are among the specialized services offered.
Dental Care
The dental department at My Health Hospital provides comprehensive dental care, including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. From routine cleanings and fillings to advanced procedures like root canals, dental implants, and orthodontics, the team of skilled dentists ensures optimal oral health for patients of all ages.
The neurology department offers expert care for neurological disorders such as epilepsy, stroke, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. The neurologists at My Health Hospital utilize advanced diagnostic tools and treatment modalities to manage and treat complex neurological conditions effectively.
ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat)
The ENT department specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the ear, nose, and throat. Services include treatment for sinusitis, hearing loss, voice disorders, and sleep apnea. The ENT specialists are equipped with advanced technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, ensuring patients receive the highest standard of care.
In conclusion, My Health Hospital in Kukatpally, KPHB, is a leading healthcare provider in Hyderabad, offering a wide range of medical services under one roof. With a team of experienced specialists, state-of-the-art facilities, and a patient-centric approach, My Health Hospital is dedicated to delivering exceptional medical care and improving the health and well-being of its patients.
best hospital in hyderabad
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healthchat · 13 days
When Should Varicose Veins Be Considered a Serious Condition?
Varicose veins, those enlarged and twisted veins commonly found in the legs, are a prevalent condition that affects millions worldwide. While often dismissed as a mere cosmetic concern, varicose veins can sometimes signal more serious health issues. Understanding when varicose veins should be considered serious is crucial for maintaining overall vascular health.
Understanding Varicose Veins
Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins, which are responsible for ensuring blood flows toward the heart, become weak or damaged. This leads to blood pooling in the veins, causing them to enlarge and become visible under the skin. Common symptoms include swelling, aching, and a heavy sensation in the legs. For many, varicose veins are primarily a cosmetic issue. However, they can sometimes lead to significant health complications.
Signs That Varicose Veins Are Becoming Serious
Persistent Pain and Discomfort
While mild discomfort is common, persistent pain that worsens over time is a warning sign. This pain may be accompanied by swelling, throbbing, or cramping in the legs, especially after prolonged periods of standing or sitting. If the pain interferes with daily activities, it is essential to seek medical advice.
Skin Changes
Changes in the skin around the affected veins can indicate more severe problems. Signs to watch for include:
Discoloration: Skin around varicose veins may turn brownish or blue.
Ulcers: Open sores that do not heal can develop near the ankles.
Hardening of Skin: This condition, known as lipodermatosclerosis, involves the skin becoming firm and leathery.
Although rare, varicose veins close to the skin surface can burst, leading to sudden bleeding. Even minor trauma can cause significant blood loss, necessitating immediate medical attention.
This is a condition where a vein becomes inflamed due to a blood clot. Symptoms of thrombophlebitis include redness, warmth, and tenderness over the affected vein. Superficial thrombophlebitis usually affects veins near the surface of the skin, while deep vein thrombosis (DVT) involves deeper veins and poses a higher risk of serious complications.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
DVT is a grave condition where blood clots form in deep veins, often in the legs. It can lead to pulmonary embolism if a clot breaks off and travels to the lungs, causing life-threatening complications. Symptoms of DVT include:
Severe swelling in one leg
Intense leg pain not relieved by rest
Red or discolored skin
Warmth in the affected leg
Risk Factors for Developing Severe Varicose Veins
Certain factors can increase the likelihood of varicose veins becoming a serious condition. These include:
Age: The risk increases with age as veins lose elasticity.
Gender: Women are more prone due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation.
Family History: A genetic predisposition can increase risk.
Obesity: Excess weight puts additional pressure on veins.
Prolonged Standing or Sitting: Occupations that require long periods of standing or sitting can exacerbate the condition.
Pregnancy: Increased blood volume and hormonal changes during pregnancy can enlarge veins.
Preventive Measures and Treatments
Lifestyle Changes
Implementing lifestyle changes can prevent varicose veins from worsening. Effective measures include:
Regular Exercise: Promotes healthy blood circulation.
Healthy Diet: Reduces risk by maintaining a healthy weight.
Elevating Legs: Helps reduce pressure on leg veins.
Avoiding Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Encourage movement to improve circulation.
Wearing Compression Stockings: Supports veins and improves blood flow.
Medical Treatments
When lifestyle changes are insufficient, various medical treatments are available. Common treatments include:
Sclerotherapy: Involves injecting a solution into veins to collapse them.
Laser Treatments: Uses light energy to close off varicose veins.
Radiofrequency Ablation: Uses radiofrequency energy to heat and close veins.
Vein Stripping and Ligation: Surgical removal of large veins.
Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT): Minimally invasive procedure using laser fibers to treat veins.
When to See a Doctor
Consult a healthcare professional if you experience any of the following:
Severe or worsening pain
Skin ulcers or open sores
Significant swelling
Sudden bleeding from varicose veins
Symptoms of DVT, such as leg swelling and pain
Early intervention can prevent complications and improve quality of life. Treatments range from lifestyle changes and compression stockings to advanced medical procedures.
Varicose veins, while often seen as a cosmetic concern, can sometimes indicate serious health issues. Persistent pain, skin changes, bleeding, and conditions like thrombophlebitis and DVT warrant prompt medical attention. Understanding the risk factors and available treatments is essential for managing varicose veins effectively. Regular monitoring and timely intervention can prevent complications and ensure vascular health.
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