#VR battery head strap
crazydiscostu · 2 months
ZyberVR ACE Quest 3 Elite Strap
As VR technology continues to advance, so do the accessories that enhance our immersive experiences and this accessory is no different. The ZyberVR ACE Quest 3 Elite Strap promises to be an innovative head strap replacement for the Meta Quest 3 stock strap and a contender for the Meta brand offering. Let’s check it out. Product supplied for review purposes ACE Elite Strap The ZyberVR ACE Quest…
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fox-guardian · 1 month
personally 👀 if u would like to elaborate on the saw au 👀 i am listening 👀
hi <3 this ask is months old <3 but i am answering it now teehee
SO. TMA SAW AU (disclaimer: i have only seen the first two movies so idk if these are very like. film accurate style traps)
basically it's just. what if a saw movie happened to the archive gang. they're all in one big space that's like a big trap in the sense that they all have the same time limit but they all get their own little traps also <3 the breakdown is this:
Jon is gagged with a camera in his mouth that he cannot remove without a key, it's strapped to his face with horrible rusted metal, y'know. Once time runs out, the battery powering the camera will leak down his throat killing him so so painfully <3 He cannot speak and must find other ways to communicate with the others.
Sasha has what is essentially a VR headset strapped to her head and she can't remove that without a key either. The headset is showing her the live feed from Jon's camera, so she essentially has to see through his eyes the entire time. When time runs out, two big ol' spikes will stab her in the eyes and give her a good ol' fashioned impromptu lobotomy <3
Tim's trap is a bit different from the others'. Instead of a contraption, he was injected with a paralytic prior to the gang waking up, and is paralyzed from the waist down. He needs a key to obtain the antidote for the paralytic. Rather than having a specific time when he suddenly dies, he's essentially either relying on the others to help him move/get the key/antidote for him, or he needs to move himself despite his paralysis in order to live. So when time runs out, it's either find a way to move anyway or wait for the paralytic to travel further through his body and kill him slowly after experiencing many terribly side effects (hypotension, bronchospams, and renal failure)
Martin is even more different. His trap is less about his death and more about saving the others. He's placed in a big freezer where he basically needs to find the others' keys in blocks of ice (joshua gillespie core) and if he doesn't, they'll definitely die. He also has the option of finding the key to unlocking his own door and simply escaping without saving the others. He also also has the option of only taking some keys, but not all. He will know which will save who, and gets to choose. The trap itself isn't that difficult, but there's A Lot Of Ice, and it's Really Cold and he's Already Been There A While so there's a chance of dying of hypothermia if he can't find the keys fast enough (or if he spends the time finding the others' keys after he's found his own).
Jon, Tim, and Sasha all wake up in the same room together. Jon wakes up first and is able to watch a video tape explaining what's going on, but it can't be watched more than once, so he has to explain what's happening to the others without being able to speak. He can't speak, only play charades and listen.
Sasha isn't able to see except through Jon's eyes, so he has to rely on the two of them to make sure she's not walking into more danger. She also is unable to understand any of Jon's explanations since a lot of it is through body language and She Can't See That, so they have to work together so she can watch Tim translate. She can't see through her own eyes and is forced to watch through someone else's.
Tim either has to trust that the others will come back for him (and that they won't die somewhere in this building) or get them to carry him around, slowing them down but giving him more of a chance at survival. He either has to take action, or simply wait and trust.
Martin has to make a choice between risking what's left of his life for other people (some of which who don't care about him), or saving himself. Even if the others find the room he's in, it's locked from the inside so it is entirely on Martin to save both himself and everyone else. Not only do the others have to rely on each other, but they all have to rely on Martin. The door will lock behind him when he leaves, so if he doesn't get everyone's keys, then whoever is left without one will die.
idk if these traps are entirely fitting for all their character's and flaws and whatnot, but for the research trio i thought it'd be fun to do an audio/vigilo/opperior with them and then martin gets to play god suddenly lol.
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eightyonekilograms · 4 months
I went to the Apple Store yesterday to try the scripted demo of their VR headset. My overall impression is that it's the best possible execution of what might be a fundamentally flawed idea.
The passthrough video is pretty incredible. It's somewhat dimmer than reality, and the color accuracy is just OK, but it's more than good enough to feel like you're looking through clear displays at the real world. I'm told the passthrough on the Quest 3 is even better, but haven't tried that and can't comment. One thing is that there is a weird motion blur effect when you turn your head, I'm not sure if that's a display tech limitation or introduced deliberately by the software as a workaround for a different display tech limitation.
The resolution is 4K per eye, which, as mentioned, is more than enough for a powerful sense of presence in the real world. One of the nifty bits of the demo was when you turn the dial to tune out the world and suddenly you're sitting by a mountain lake, and the feeling of actually being there is overwhelming. The dystopian implications of needing a VR headset to sit at a mountain lake aside, it would be cool to have one just to have your office be anywhere you can imagine. Not $3500-before-tax cool, but cool.
Wow sports leagues are going to love this thing. I don't give a shit about sports and even I was thinking, "If the NBA put a stereoscopic camera courtside and sold you games for $50 a pop, I'd absolutely buy that"
But 4K per eye is not enough to do work, not even close. The experience of using normal computer-y applications on this was not unlike plugging your laptop in to a TV that's at the normal TV distance. You can do it, it works, but it's not anyone's preferred way of working. Text is amazingly legible, but only at sizes that are equivalent to having a single webpage take up your entire 4K monitor at normal monitor distance.
It is not particularly comfortable. Part of this might be that the store demo makes you use the "catcher's mitt" strap, which only goes around the back of your head and so gravity has to be countered only by the pressure of the thing against your face. Reviewers have said that if you use the other band that goes over your head the situation is better, but still.
A lot of early comments were making fun of Apple for having the battery be an external thing you put in your pocket and attach with a wire, but I think that's just fine: we all walk around with giant batteries in our pockets anyway, and anything you can do to have less weight on your head is a Good Thing. But then Apple took all those weight savings and spent them on making the stupid thing out of metal and glass instead of polycarbonate. It's nuts! It's like if you made a car that was 500kg lighter because you invented magical tech for keeping the engine somewhere else, and then went "great! with all the weight savings now we can build the body out of lead". Apple, you don't need to fear plastic. Plastic is good! Plastic built modern civilization.
You control it with a combination of eye tracking and pinch gestures. This is the main piece of evidence of my "best version of a bad idea" thesis: it works really, really well; so well that I can tell this is probably an evolutionary dead end. It's just fine— miraculous, even— for dragging windows around and doing the basic stuff the in-store demo has you do. It's amazing that you can more or less have your hands anywhere, including on your lap, and the recognition works perfectly (by contrast with the HoloLens I tried 5 or so years ago where the gesture recognition was total crap). But it's immediately obvious that you can never do serious manipulation of your computing environment with this.
The takeaway is that it's incredible for passive consumption of specifically-made media, assuming that ever exists at scale. But it will be a long time before we're gogged in like Hiro Protagonist to do our office jobs this way.
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thirsty-lakedream · 1 year
Third Roomate
I arrive after a long day of classes and this is the first thing I see when I walk into the apartment.
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I’m not too surprised. It’s quite normal to see my roommate sitting on the couch and watching one of his shows. What I did not expect is how he looked.
“Hey, Matt…”
The guy glances over but says nothing, instead turning his attention back to the tv. Instead of his normal sci-fi shit he instead is watching a baseball match.
“Matt, yo I’m talking to you.” I try to block the screen with my body but he simply leans over, pointing the remote to the screen.
“In a sec man, I’m trying to watch the game.” I roll my eyes. I doubt he actually knows what’s going on about, just trying to play into his new look. “And stop calling me Matt, you know my name.”
I roll my eyes, “God you are obsessed. You know, when I agreed to buy ‘Gabriel’ with you I thought I’d at least get a turn every so often…”
“Oh come on.” The muscles blonde stood up, towering nearly a foot above me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d feel a bit intimidated. “I’m just having some fun with our new toy before you take him for the rest of the night!”
“Is this fun? Your sitting all alone pretending to be some dumb jock interested in sports. Tell me Gabe, did ‘Matt’ even go to class today?”
He shifted slightly trying to hide away, but with his big frame it was difficult to. “Not exactly… But don’t worry, l attended for him.”
“Dude! Are you serious?” Turning away from the guy, I barged into my roommate’s room, where I found him exactly where I thought I would. He stood in the center wearing a full-body haptic suit and VR headset strapped onto his head. He faced the wall, seemingly staring at nothing. The equipment was rigged to his PC, with the screen showing all sorts of familiar diagnostics and body mapping windows.
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“You’ve seriously been using Gabriel all day? Even when you know I called using him tonight! Now his batteries are gonna be dead before I can even use him.” You grab him by the shoulder trying to shake him back to reality.
Matt didn’t turn to me but responded to my accusation “Relax bro. He’s been on the charger since he got home so you don’t have to worry! Look!” From behind me Gabriel walked up, standing attentively.
Both Matt and Gabriel spoke in at the same time in unison. “See? Look I’m Gabriel and I’m ready to go out with my frat bros all night!” Matt performed a mocking jig and Gabriel mimicked the exact movement. He then touched his finger to the temple of his virtual reality goggles and in an instant Gabriel halted all movement.
You see, Gabriel isn’t a real person, he never was actually. He’s what’s known as a techno-puppet. Like how in a video game you can use a controller to manipulate your avatar. It works the same way but instead you control this hyper realistic doll. It wasn’t hard to see why Matt took such a liking to living as him. We spent the last month building this entire life, even forging papers to make him an ‘official’ student in our college. We have people thinking he’s our third roomate, but in reality he’s just a toy for us to experience an exciting college life.
I waited for a moment as he took off the VR equipment and handed it to me. Hiding away into my own room, I excitedly put on the gear. Sitting myself down comfortably on my bed, felt around the headset until I found the power button. Pressing it, the technology in the haptic and goggles whittled to life. After a brief loading time, my vision awoke and I found myself once again standing in Matt’s room. My roomate grinned trying to hide his envy as I was now in control of Gabriel. Maybe ill give him a taste of his own medicine for hogging the beautiful body by taking him for the entire weekend. I know Matt is harboring a secret crush on our puppet so teasing him around the apartment can be a warmup to get into my new persona
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edgewooddirk · 9 hours
Exploring the World of Hobbies: Searching For Your Enthusiasm Beyond Job
Hobbies are a lot more than simply an activity; they are a portal to self-discovery, leisure, and individual growth. In today's fast-paced globe, it's easy to obtain captured up in the hustle and bustle of life, usually ignoring our own wellness. Taking part in leisure activities enables us to relax, destress, and recharge our batteries. Whether it's painting, gardening, food preparation, or walking, pastimes offer an electrical outlet for imagination and self-expression, aiding us preserve a healthy work-life equilibrium. They supply a feeling of fulfillment and success that can improve our general quality of life.The appeal of pastimes lies in their variety and adaptability, satisfying a vast array of interests and skill levels. From singular tasks like analysis and weaving to social pursuits like group sporting activities and volunteering, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Leisure activities also offer opportunities for social connection and community engagement, allowing us to satisfy like-minded people and forge new friendships. So, why not carve out a long time in your busy routine to check out various hobbies and find what brings you delight and gratification? You may simply uncover a covert interest that includes a brand-new dimension to your life.
Read more here https://vrheadsetaccessories.rankreef.com/blog/product-reviews/best-vr-headset-head-straps-for-oculus-quest-2-top-picks-for-enhanced-comfort-and-support-in-vr
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meritmeter123 · 7 days
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12 amazing facts about Apple Vision Pro
The Apple Vision Pro, announced in June 2023, marks Apple's entry into the realm of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). Here are some amazing facts about this innovative device:
Mixed Reality Capabilities: Apple Vision Pro seamlessly blends digital content with the physical world, allowing users to interact with apps and experiences in a highly immersive environment.
High-Resolution Displays: It features ultra-high-resolution displays, providing an incredibly sharp and clear visual experience. Each eye is catered to with a resolution that surpasses 4K, ensuring lifelike visuals and text readability.
Eye Tracking and Hand Gestures: The Vision Pro uses advanced sensors for precise eye tracking and hand gesture recognition. This enables intuitive control without the need for external controllers, making the interaction natural and fluid.
Custom Silicon: The device is powered by Apple’s custom silicon, specifically the M2 chip, along with a new R1 chip designed to process input from 12 cameras, 5 sensors, and 6 microphones, ensuring a responsive and lag-free experience.
Spatial Audio: Equipped with spatial audio technology, Vision Pro delivers immersive sound experiences. The audio dynamically adjusts based on the user's head movements, providing a sense of spatial awareness and depth.
Modular Design: The Vision Pro boasts a modular design, allowing for customization and comfort. It includes adjustable straps and a light seal to fit different head shapes and sizes comfortably.
VisionOS: Vision Pro runs on visionOS, a new operating system designed specifically for spatial computing. This OS supports a wide range of applications, including productivity tools, entertainment, and communication apps.
Pass-through Technology: Using high-resolution cameras, Vision Pro enables pass-through AR, where users can see and interact with the real world while still engaging with virtual content.
Privacy and Security: Apple has incorporated several privacy features, including secure authentication methods and on-device processing for most data, ensuring user data is kept private and secure.
Collaborative and Social Features: The device supports collaborative work and social interaction, allowing multiple users to connect and interact in shared virtual spaces, making it ideal for remote meetings and social gatherings.
Extensive App Support: Vision Pro supports a wide range of apps at launch, including popular Apple apps like FaceTime, Safari, and Photos, as well as third-party applications designed specifically for the mixed reality experience.
Battery Life and Portability: It offers a long battery life and is designed to be lightweight and portable, making it convenient for extended use and easy to carry around.
Apple Vision Pro represents a significant leap in AR and VR technology, promising to redefine how users interact with digital content and the physical world.
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mediaboxent · 3 months
Enhance Your Meta VR Experience with the Ultimate Battery Head Strap Review
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arshuvo175 · 4 months
Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 128 GB
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As of my last update in January 2022, the Meta Quest 2 is a powerful standalone virtual reality headset offering a range of features and capabilities. Here are the product details for the Meta Quest 2 - Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset with 128 GB of storage:
Hardware Specifications:
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Platform
Storage: 128GB (There are also other variants with 64GB and 256GB storage options)
Display: Fast-switch LCD
Resolution: 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye
Refresh Rate: Up to 90Hz
Audio: Built-in speakers and 3.5mm headphone jack
Tracking: Inside-out tracking with Oculus Insight technology
Two Touch Controllers for intuitive hand tracking and interaction in virtual environments.
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Runs on Meta's Oculus platform, offering a wide range of VR experiences, games, and applications.
Compatible with Meta Link, allowing users to connect the headset to a gaming PC for access to a broader range of VR content.
Lightweight and comfortable design for extended wear.
Adjustable head strap for a secure and personalized fit.
Improved ergonomics compared to its predecessor, the Oculus Quest.
Wi-Fi connectivity for downloading apps and accessing online content.
USB-C port for charging and data transfer.
Bluetooth connectivity for pairing accessories.
Battery Life:
Typical battery life varies based on usage but generally lasts for 2-3 hours of active use.
Access to a vast library of VR games, experiences, and apps through the Meta Quest store.
Supports both native VR applications and those streamed from a connected gaming PC via Meta Link.
The price of the Meta Quest 2 varies based on the storage capacity (64GB, 128GB, 256GB) and any bundled accessories.
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Overall, the Meta Quest 2 offers a high-quality VR experience with its standalone capabilities, solid hardware specifications, and extensive library of content, making it a popular choice among VR enthusiasts and gamers. For the latest pricing and availability, it's advisable to check Meta's official website or authorized retailers.
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wisdomwaves · 6 months
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gadgetsboy · 1 year
Meet the Vision Pro, Apple's first Official VR Headset
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The rumours were indeed true - Apple's foray into VR technology has finally been made official in the form of the Apple Vision Pro, the company's first-ever VR headset. It's not available for several more months, although that didn't stop Apple from revealing the headset, giving fans (and folks curious enough about VR) a reason to wait just a bit longer. In terms of design, the Vision Pro comes with a curvy look, which conjures up mental images of snowboarding goggles and snorkels. It makes for a streamlined appearance however, although this will ultimately be a subjective matter altogether. The design does incorporate aesthetic elements from other Apple products though, with a laminated glass visor that joins into an alloy frame. The Vision Pro features speakers positioned externally from a user's ear, control buttons on the sides of the headset frame, as well as a rather-obvious strap that secures the Vision Pro on a user's head. Apple says that the Vision Pro comes with Light Seal, which wraps and conforms to a user's particular head and face shape allowing for a more secure and comfortable fit. The Vision Pro runs on visionOS, which Apple describes as "the world's first spatial operating system" (we'll leave you guys to decide on that one). It is a clever approach to software though, allowing users to interact with digital content as if it were present in their immediate surroundings. Inside the Vision Pro is a micro-OLED setup that packs 23 million pixels across two displays, as well as a custom Apple M2 SoC. The company intends the headset to be used for an array of different applications as well as hardware, with planned connectivity for other Apple products such as the Magic Keyboard and Trackpad, in addition to natively-built gesture and motion controls. FaceTime support will also be available soon, for more immersive video calls. Of course, entertainment is a key element in the Vision Pro's usefulness - Apple says that the device will be able to deliver movies and TV shows to users in an immersive manner, in addition to gameplay access with over a hundred Apple Arcade titles. There's even built-in imaging photo functionality, allowing the device to render what Apple calls Spatial Photo and video functionality, letting users experience memories from photographs and videos up close and personal. Building on TouchID and FaceID, Apple says that the device will feature OpticID for biometrics, which will scan a user's eyes to unlock and use the headset. As for battery life, don't expect to go around walking ala-ready-player-one just yet - at the moment, the device is limited to a rather unimpressive two hours of battery life per charge when unplugged, so users might want to opt for wired indoor use instead. If you're planning on grabbing one for yourself, then it should be said that the Apple Vision Pro is a bit on the expensive side. The headset starts at at $3,499, and it won't be available until early next year. Whether or not the Vision Pro will elevate VR into mainstream adoption is still yet unknown, but at the moment there's a lot riding on Apple's promises with the device. Read the full article
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crazydiscostu · 4 months
Kiwi Design Quest 3 Comfort Battery Head Strap
With a focus on enhancing the VR experience for users, Kiwi Design continuously pushes the boundaries of design and functionality – Today we are testing their latest Quest 3 innovation against this established high bar. The Comfort Battery Head Strap for Quest 3 boasts a combination of cutting-edge design with durable construction to provide users with unparalleled comfort and extended battery…
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onedirectdeals · 1 year
AUBIKA 5 in 1 Accessories Set for Oculu/Meta Quest 2,Include Head Strap with 5000mAh Battery + Hard Case + Mesh Bag + Velcro Straps + Cleaning Cloth
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: From the brand Upgrade your VR experience with AUBIKA AUBIKA is a young team with an innovative spirit. We listen humbly to our customers to provide innovative and thoughtfully designed VR accessories, every detail of which has been engineered to make virtual worlds feel more immersive. In the future, we will continue to produce high-quality products while…
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gotolundon · 1 year
Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap Review_ Is It Worth The Investment_
have you ever considered the impact of [keyword] on our daily lives oculus quest 2 head strap.
Virtual reality is already a huge industry, and it’s only going to grow larger in the coming years. That means there’s a lot of money to be made in the VR space, and that’s where Oculus Quest comes in. Oculus Quest 2 is the successor to Oculus Quest, and it offers a lot of improvements over the original model. In this article, we will take a look at the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap and see if it’s worth the investment.
What is Oculus Quest 2?
The Oculus Quest 2 is the successor to the original Oculus Quest which was released in early 2018. It is a standalone headset that doesn't require any other devices to function, such as a phone or PC. It features advanced graphics and motion tracking that allows you to experience games and activities like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) without any additional hardware. One of the main reasons why people might want to buy an Oculus Quest 2 is because it offers a much better VR experience than the original Oculus Quest. The new headset has improved sensors that allow it to track movement more accurately and provide a smoother gaming experience. Additionally, it supports both singleplayer and multiplayer modes, which means you can join in on online gaming communities or battle other players head-to-head. Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 is a great choice for those looking for a high-quality VR experience that doesn't require extra equipment. However, there are some downsides worth mentioning. First of all, it's expensive - especially if you're looking to buy one outright rather than rent it - so make sure you're prepared to commit to using this headset for longer periods of time. Secondly, its battery life isn't as good as rival headsets like the HTC Vive or PSVR, so be sure to have plenty of charging options nearby if you plan on using it extensively.
Head Strap Review
Head strap VR headsets have become increasingly popular, especially for those who want to experience a variety of different titles. Oculus Quest is one of the newest headsets on the market, and it offers a unique experience compared to other head straps. There are a few things to consider before making the decision to buy an Oculus Quest head strap. First and foremost, make sure you have a compatible phone. Quest supports iPhones 8 and up as well as Android phones that are at least 6.0 Marshmallow or newer. Second, be aware that Quest comes with two ear cups - one for each side of your head - so you'll need to decide which configuration is best for you. Finally, be prepared to spend some money on an Oculus Quest head strap because it's not cheap. However, if you're looking for a premium VR experience that's different from anything else out there, the investment may be worth it.
Pros and Cons of the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap
The Oculus Quest 2 head strap is a comfortable and secure way to enjoy virtual reality. However, there are some pros and cons to consider before making the purchase. pros: -Comfortable: The head strap is very comfortable, even after long sessions of VR gameplay. -Secure: The strap is securely fastened around your head, preventing movement or accidental detachment during gameplay. -Adjustable: The straps can be adjusted to fit any size head without having to remove the headset. cons: -Pricey: The Oculus Quest 2 head strap is a bit more expensive than other options on the market. However, its comfort and security make it a worthy investment for serious VR gamers.
After spending some time with the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap, it is clear that this accessory is worth the investment for any VR enthusiast. Not only does it provide a more immersive experience, but its adjustable design means that everyone can get a perfect fit. If you are in the market for a new head strap, then the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap should definitely be at the top of your list.
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news2023 · 1 year
How the Vive XR Elite can do high-end VR in a half-pound headset
How the Vive XR Elite can do high-end VR in a half-pound headset
The Vive XR Elite has one seriously cool party trick. Debuted at CES 2023 , the latest headset from HTC is its first attempt at combining a high-end VR headset with AR technology. But more than that, within seconds, it can convert from a strapped-on headset to its much lighter glasses form. Just remove the battery cradle that straps to the back of your head, and you’re left with a pair of…
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amazoncoupondeals · 2 years
Oculus Quest 2 Battery Pack, Hanpusen Oculus Quest 2 Accessories Portable Charger Compatible with Quest 2 Original Strap and Elite Strap, 5000mAh Portable Rechargeable VR Accessories Battery Pack
5000 mAh High Capacity: Hanpusen battery pack for quest 2 extend extra around 3 hours VR play time, equipped with 4 indicators to show the battery level, offering you a better virtual reality game experience
Reliable Design Avoid Falling: at the back of power bank equipped with soft rubber bracket slot, this safe design helps it will not fall off while charging the Quest 2, even if you shake it violently
Lightweight and Compact: this power bank is only 3.5oz, the slim size and light weight will not change your headset balance, small size it’s convenient for carrying out
Wide compatibility: perfect for original strap and Elite strap, compatible with most head strap, the bracket slot install to the strap will also help to avoid blocking the headphone jack
Safe Certification: this Oculus quest 2 accessories battery pack have passed safety certification test (ICE, UN). Overcharge protection and short circuit protection ensure you a safe VR playing experience
Fast Charging: The battery pack will be fully charged in 4 hours with AC adapter 5V/1.6A and type C connector, the original Quest 2 link and charger is suitable for it
See more product details
Note: Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Please check compatibility before purchasing.
Oculus Quest 2 Battery Pack, Hanpusen Oculus Quest 2 Accessories Portable Charger Compatible with Quest 2 Original Strap and Elite Strap, 5000mAh Portable Rechargeable VR Accessories Battery Pack
Discount: 30%off withdiscount +10%off with coupon
Start Date:2022-10-2008:00PDT End Date:2022-10-2723:59PDT
Discount coupon code:302JMKJY
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dnewstrending · 2 years
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveils new Pro VR Headset
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveils new Pro VR Headset
Mark Zuckerberg with the Quest Pro headset By: Daniel Apori Mark Zuckerberg during Meta’s annual virtual reality conference unveiled the new Quest Pro VR headset. The new design of the VR headset comes with thinner lenses, a curved battery around the head strap at the back and controllers which self-tracks. The headset would enable users to experience their real environment around the periphery…
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