#Durable VR head strap
crazydiscostu · 4 months
Kiwi Design Quest 3 Comfort Battery Head Strap
With a focus on enhancing the VR experience for users, Kiwi Design continuously pushes the boundaries of design and functionality – Today we are testing their latest Quest 3 innovation against this established high bar. The Comfort Battery Head Strap for Quest 3 boasts a combination of cutting-edge design with durable construction to provide users with unparalleled comfort and extended battery…
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mooounicsss · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Choose The Best Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap For You
As we delve into the world of it, it becomes clear that it has a vast and complex history oculus quest 2 head strap.
A Comprehensive Guide On How To Choose The Best Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap For You
Purchasing a good Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is an important decision. After all, you'll be wearing it while you're playing your favorite VR games and experiences. A good Head Strap should be comfortable, adjustable, and provide a secure fit that won't slip off your head during intense gaming sessions. The Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is an accessory for the Oculus Quest 2 headset. It is an adjustable strap that helps keep the headset secure and comfortable on your head. It is an important piece of the Oculus Quest 2 experience, as it helps to prevent the headset from slipping off your face during use. When selecting a Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to make sure it fits your head properly and can be adjusted to fit more snugly. The strap should also have a comfortable padding to cushion the weight of the headset and provide extra support. Additionally, you'll want to ensure that the strap has a secure connection to the headset and won't come undone during use. The material of the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is also an important factor to consider. You'll want to make sure the material is lightweight and breathable, so it won't overheat your head during extended gaming sessions. Additionally, you'll want to make sure the material is durable and won't easily tear or wear out. Finally, you'll want to make sure the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is adjustable and can easily be adjusted to fit more snugly on your head. It should also have a secure connection to the headset, so it won't come undone during use. Choosing the right Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is an important decision, as it will help to ensure maximum comfort and stability during your VR gaming sessions. Make sure to consider all the factors outlined above when selecting your Head Strap, and you'll be sure to find the perfect one for your needs.
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ssssokkkk2kk · 1 year
Shopping For An Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap_ Here Are The Best On The Market.
Shock! It's amazing how magical this thing is oculus quest 2 head strap.
Shopping For An Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap? Here Are The Best On The Market.
Shopping for a head strap for your Oculus Quest 2 can be a daunting task. There are so many different kinds of straps available, it can be hard to know which one to choose. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best Oculus Quest 2 head straps on the market so you can make an informed decision when it comes to buying your own. The first head strap we’ll look at is the Oculus Quest 2 Elite Strap. This strap is designed to be adjustable for different head sizes and comes with built-in audio and extra cushioning for added comfort. It also has an adjustable knob for easy fitment and comes with a carrying case to protect your headset. It’s a great choice for those looking for a comfortable and secure fit. The next head strap we’ll take a look at is the Hyperkin Hyperstrap. This strap is made from lightweight yet durable nylon and features adjustable straps and a secure velcro closure. It also comes with extra cushioning for a comfortable fit and a carrying case. It’s a great option for those looking for a comfortable fit without sacrificing security. Finally, we’ll take a look at the VR Cover Head Strap. This strap is made from premium materials and features adjustable straps and a secure buckle closure. It also has extra cushioning for added comfort and comes with a carrying case. It’s a great choice for those looking for a comfortable and secure fit. When it comes to shopping for a head strap for your Oculus Quest 2, there are plenty of great options on the market. Whether you’re looking for an adjustable strap with extra cushioning or a secure buckle closure, there’s something for everyone. We hope this article has helped you make an informed decision when it comes to buying your own Oculus Quest 2 head strap.
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gotolundon · 1 year
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps Reviewed_ What You Need To Know
obviously, one of the interesting things is oculus quest 2 head strap.
VR is a hot topic right now, and there are many people looking to get their hands on an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive headset. However, for some people, VR can be a bit too much for their taste. One solution? Oculus Quest 2 head straps! Oculus Quest 2 is an updated version of the original Oculus Quest headset. It features improved tracking and a better display overall. However, it’s not the only VR headset out there. So what’s the verdict on Oculus Quest 2 head straps? In this article, we’ll take a look at what you need to know about these head straps in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase them. We’ll also provide our own review of these straps so you can get a better idea of what they’re like.
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
If you have a Rift, then you're already familiar with the Oculus Quest head straps. These straps help to keep your headset in place on your head, and they come in both standard and XL sizes. However, if you're looking for a new way to experience VR games or movies, then you'll want to check out the Oculus Quest 2 head straps. These straps are designed to be more comfortable than the original Oculus Quest head straps, and they also feature a wider strap design that's easier to adjust. They also come with an extra elastic band so that you can create more tension when wearing the headset. Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 head straps are a great option for anyone who wants to add some extra comfort and stability to their VR experience.
Pros and Cons of Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps are a necessary accessory for those using the headset. Here are the pros and cons of using them: Pros: -They provide more stability when wearing the Oculus Quest 2, preventing it from moving around while you're playing games or watching videos. -They also help keep your hair out of your face while you're gaming or watching videos. -They come in two sizes to fit most heads, so they should be suitable for all users. Cons: -Some people find them uncomfortable because they can be restrictive on the head. -They also tend to get dirty quickly, requiring regular cleaning.
How to Use Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
Oculus Quest 2 comes with the two adjustable straps that allow you to customize your fit. You can tighten or loosen them as needed, and they are made from a durable fabric. We found that the straps are very comfortable and don't irritate our skin. You can use Oculus Quest 2 head straps for many different activities, including gaming, watching videos, and even working on a project. We found that the straps make it easy to keep our eyeglasses in place and prevent them from falling off. They also provide a good level of support for our head while we're using the Oculus Quest 2. Overall, we highly recommend using Oculus Quest 2 head straps if you're planning on using this headset for any type of activity. They provide great comfort and stability, which is essential when using VR headsets.
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps are a great addition if you want to use your Oculus Rift while gaming or watching video. Not only do they keep the headset in place, but they also allow for more comfortable gameplay and improved viewing angles. I would recommend getting these if you own an Oculus Rift and plan on using it frequently.
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happystarfishmaker · 1 year
Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap Review_ Worth The Upgrade_
ok, so let's look over here oculus quest 2 head strap.
When it comes to gaming, few things are as satisfying as blasting your opponents through a level or winning a race. For many people, gaming is an integral part of their lifestyle. And for those of us who love games, it’s important to find the best gaming gear to make the experience even better. One such piece of gaming gear is the Oculus Quest 2 head strap. We’ve been using it for some time now and wanted to share our thoughts on whether or not it’s worth the upgrade. So without further ado, read on!
What is the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap?
The Oculus Quest 2 Head strap is an optional accessory that you can buy to improve your VR experience. It's not required, but it's definitely something worth considering if you're an avid VR player. First and foremost, the head strap is adjustable so that it fits nearly everyone. Secondly, it has a comfortable fit and doesn't create any neck or shoulder fatigue. Thirdly, it has a discrete design which means it won't take away from the look of your headset. Fourthly, the straps are made out of durable materials which ensures that they'll last for years to come. Lastly, the straps feature elasticity so that they can be tightened or loosened as needed. Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap is an excellent addition to your VR experience. If you're looking for something that will improve your gameplay and make immersion even more realistic, then this is definitely something worth purchasing.
Pros and Cons of the Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap
Pros -The Oculus Quest 2 head strap is comfortable and adjustable, ensuring a good fit for most users. -It offers a better experience than using the original Oculus Quest head strap. -The straps are durable and should last long. Cons -Some users have complained that the straps become loose over time. This can cause discomfort and even headaches. -The head strap is not compatible with some glasses or hats, so be aware of this before purchase.
Worth The Upgrade?
If you are a dedicated gamer who spends hours each day immersed in your favorite games, the Oculus Quest is an essential piece of hardware for you. But is it worth upgrading from your current Rift? In this Oculus Quest Head Strap Review, we'll discuss whether or not the added comfort and convenience of the new strap make it worth the price increase. We’ll also take a look at some of the other features that come with the Quest, such as its impressive tracking technology and low latency gameplay. So read on to see if the upgraded experience is worth your money! The Oculus Quest was released earlier this year as an affordable alternative to the more expensive Oculus Rift. It offers a similar immersive experience to its more expensive sibling, but without many of the bells and whistles. That said, it does have one big advantage: The new head strap. The original Rift headset used elastic bands to keep it on your head, but over time these bands can start to leave marks on your forehead. The Quest Head Strap uses a cloth band that wraps around your head several times and is tightened using velcro straps. This design significantly reduces discomfort and makes long gaming sessions much more comfortable than with the old band system. Additionally, the Quest comes with updated tracking technology that allows for smoother movement within virtual reality games. This makes play much more fluid and responsive, making interactions with characters feel more realistic. Finally, there are now no noticeable delays when you move your head between
After spending some time with the Oculus Quest 2 headset, I can confidently say that it is worth the upgrade for anyone looking to get into virtual reality. Not only does the Oculus Quest 2 provide an even better experience than its predecessor, but it also has a more comfortable design that makes longer sessions much more enjoyable. If you are in the market for a VR headset and are on a budget, I would highly recommend giving the Oculus Quest 2 a try.
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malakasaroobie · 1 year
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps Reviewed_ What You Need To Know
anyway, what is accepted and accepted by people is oculus quest 2 head strap.
VR is a hot topic right now, and there are many people looking to get their hands on an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive headset. However, for some people, VR can be a bit too much for their taste. One solution? Oculus Quest 2 head straps! Oculus Quest 2 is an updated version of the original Oculus Quest headset. It features improved tracking and a better display overall. However, it’s not the only VR headset out there. So what’s the verdict on Oculus Quest 2 head straps? In this article, we’ll take a look at what you need to know about these head straps in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase them. We’ll also provide our own review of these straps so you can get a better idea of what they’re like.
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
If you have a Rift, then you're already familiar with the Oculus Quest head straps. These straps help to keep your headset in place on your head, and they come in both standard and XL sizes. However, if you're looking for a new way to experience VR games or movies, then you'll want to check out the Oculus Quest 2 head straps. These straps are designed to be more comfortable than the original Oculus Quest head straps, and they also feature a wider strap design that's easier to adjust. They also come with an extra elastic band so that you can create more tension when wearing the headset. Overall, the Oculus Quest 2 head straps are a great option for anyone who wants to add some extra comfort and stability to their VR experience.
Pros and Cons of Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps are a necessary accessory for those using the headset. Here are the pros and cons of using them: Pros: -They provide more stability when wearing the Oculus Quest 2, preventing it from moving around while you're playing games or watching videos. -They also help keep your hair out of your face while you're gaming or watching videos. -They come in two sizes to fit most heads, so they should be suitable for all users. Cons: -Some people find them uncomfortable because they can be restrictive on the head. -They also tend to get dirty quickly, requiring regular cleaning.
How to Use Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps
Oculus Quest 2 comes with the two adjustable straps that allow you to customize your fit. You can tighten or loosen them as needed, and they are made from a durable fabric. We found that the straps are very comfortable and don't irritate our skin. You can use Oculus Quest 2 head straps for many different activities, including gaming, watching videos, and even working on a project. We found that the straps make it easy to keep our eyeglasses in place and prevent them from falling off. They also provide a good level of support for our head while we're using the Oculus Quest 2. Overall, we highly recommend using Oculus Quest 2 head straps if you're planning on using this headset for any type of activity. They provide great comfort and stability, which is essential when using VR headsets.
Oculus Quest 2 Head Straps are a great addition if you want to use your Oculus Rift while gaming or watching video. Not only do they keep the headset in place, but they also allow for more comfortable gameplay and improved viewing angles. I would recommend getting these if you own an Oculus Rift and plan on using it frequently.
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creditcolony2 · 3 years
Why Virtual Reality Gaming Is The one Ability You actually need
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It should help you discover skills you by no means thought you had. Don't be concerned, although, as a result of we're sharing a bunch of ideas that'll help you enhance your experience on your PlayStation four and get some quick wins. VR lets us get deep right into a topic in a way that most students wouldn’t expertise until they have been heavily specialized and sure, far alongside in their education. There are video games programmers who like the idea of a three dimensional web in which you'll be able to discover websites in a dynamic approach. Who is aware of? This could radically change the gaming business altogether! Witnesses tend to get nervous earlier than (and during) their testimony, especially if they’ve by no means testified earlier than or if they're testifying in opposition to somebody who harmed them. You'll be able to by no means get tired of playing. The attraction of those games has hit not only teenagers but adults as properly who are completely glued to their devices taking part in games of their decisions that keep them on the sting.
There would be a couple of audio system who would work together with the viewers and make the viewers reply. Its purpose was to create an unique community of tech-savvy avid gamers who would work together via their phones around the world. With every passing year, the standards for virtual reality are pushed, leaving both novice and seasoned players fully awestruck. Some virtual actuality games have dangle gliding as an interaction. Get strapped to an artificial grasp glider. It may be performed by all age groups because it helps the gamer to get challenged in figuring out all the clues in the fastest potential time. Corporate outings are fun occasions whereby organisations take their staff to picnic like places for a gala time. To benefit from your day, you can even go for a video and photograph package so you may take away precious recollections of your skydiving Milton Keynes social gathering. You'll sometimes find great choices that embrace extras comparable to food, celebration bags or discounts for the birthday boy or woman.
There will be a fan blowing wind on your face. However, even this is a small problem within the face of getting information about an avalanche, landslide or a flood. We affiliate Internet velocity with getting data sooner, getting data faster. Cat 8 cables are helpful in information centers that energy all kinds of businesses and the internet, as we know it. In response to The Void, the Virtual Entertainment Centre will open its door in 2016. The primary Virtual Entertainment Centers can be in Utah, and future plans to open in additional states across U.S., South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. These cool VR headsets are widely used at Virtual actuality centers or LBVRE (Location-primarily based Virtual Reality Entertainment). See how we overview Google Home with Augmented Reality. You'll see how a room sport can ship one of the best there's in every participating player. The Pc/MAC (boxed and downloaded games) makes up 24% of the sport market because the social network video games is just too finite now to be included in the record. This is not solely dependent on network cables but they are a big a part of it. Since Cat 8 cables are made from copper as opposed to glass in optical fiber cables, they are extra durable.
The extra cheap and child-pleasant option is to have an indoor skydiving Milton Keynes birthday party. When best vr gaming laptops 2021 choosing a celebration at a trampoline park Milton Keynes, do not hesitate to ask about specific birthday packages. Kids of all ages would have luggage of enjoyable exploring a trampoline park Milton Keynes at a birthday occasion. A few of probably the most distinctive and thrilling birthday get together experiences for the time being embrace indoor skydiving Milton Keynes, visiting a wall-to-wall trampoline park and attempting out virtual actuality Milton Keynes. Smaaash is the place it's essential to head to in your next get together. Whether you're celebrating with household or your kid's friendship group, it is a beautiful and out of the ordinary option for a birthday social gathering. There are enterprise seminars, brand launches, R&R periods, Client meets, casual workplace outings or celebrating someone's birthday in office. There are quarterly R&R classes, half yearly R&R classes and yearly R&R classes.
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laraaaazxc-blog · 5 years
VR BOX: Virtual World
Hello! Today's blog is about review and critique on VR BOX or Virtual Reality Box. I got this VR BOX when I bought a phone. This is a freebies of that phone and I'm going to give comment about the features of the VR BOX. Let's start on the physical appearance. This is kinda big on what I'm expected. It looks like if I'm going to wear it, it will look like a googles. It has a plastic protector that protects the lens from the scratch. It's white in the front and black at the back. It has a foam around the place where your cheeks buried for preventing hurting if you put it on your face. There is a carving for the placement of nose. It has a black strap. There is a adjustment in the strap. The purpose of this strap is for you to wear this thing, obviously. All we know that everyone of us has different sizes of head. If you want to loose the grip then, adjust. If you want to grip tight then, adjust. Basic. It has a adjustment in the lens where you can move forward or backward. It will depends in your desire view. The lens are slightly blurred. I guess maybe to prevent eye strain. If you constantly use it for a very long period of time, your eyes might get hurt. It also has a wipes for cleaning the lens. Next, the durability. The VR BOX is made from a plastic ware material. Obviously to be light weight. If you wear a metal piece in your face, besides of dangerous, it is also heavy. That' why they chose a material that is light weight. If you put your phone in it, I guess there is an addition in its weight. If you accidentally fall it, I think it will not break instantly because it is made in a plastic material. How to use it? There is a placement where you will put your phone. First, you have to search in YOUTUBE the HORROR VR BOX 360. It depends on you if you want to scare the thing inside you or you want to feel the adrenaline or just make fun. But I prefer if you choose the horror one. Take note, make sure your YOUTUBE APPLICATION is UPDATED! Then, click the EYE ICON at the bottom of the video, at the side of landscape icon. Put the sound in a higher level for better experience. Next, enjoy!
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bwpfashion · 3 years
Best VR Headset 2021
Best VR Headset 2021
Look into Best amazing virtual worlds with the best VR headsets Adjustable Head Strap for Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset, Fit for The Official Oculus Quest 2 Carrying Case, Enhanced Support and Comfort in VR Gaming (Lite) Perfect Fit in Official Oculus Quest 2 Carrying Case: The new Lite Plus version adjustable head strap was smaller and lighter but comfortable and durable too, it can be easy to put…
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crazydiscostu · 6 months
Kiwi Design Comfort Head Strap For Quest 3
Designed to enhance comfort, stability and overall usability, the Kiwi Design Comfort Head Strap for Quest 3 has been described a must-have accessory for Meta Quest 3 users. Today we’re finding out why… Product supplied for review purposes Comfort Head Strap The Head Strap is engineered to address the discomfort often associated with extended VR sessions. Its ergonomic design ensures a snug…
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zotips · 3 years
Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap - Oculus Quest 2 Elite Strap Replacement - Oculus Quest 2 Accessories Head Strap - Advanced Support and Comfort Using VR, Durable and Lightweight
Oculus Quest 2 Head Strap – Oculus Quest 2 Elite Strap Replacement – Oculus Quest 2 Accessories Head Strap – Advanced Support and Comfort Using VR, Durable and Lightweight
Price: (as of – Details) Name: Adjustable head strap compatible with oculus quest 2 elite strapColor: WhiteMaterial: Premium ABS plastic +PU leather and foam padSize: 5.43×7.08×9.44inchWeight: 0.35Lb/160gCompatible model: for Oculus Quest 2 headsetPacking List:1* Head Strap Set1* User’s manualPLEASE NOTE: Keep out of reach of young children! Because the product is curved, please do not use too…
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The Faults and Problems
During our time creating the Virtual Reality headset, there were a couple of problems that needed to be fixed in order for our device to work.
1. The width of the cardboard box had to match the size of the phone that was being used. If the width of the box was too small, the phone wouldn’t fit. Although, if the width of the box was too big, then the phone wouldn’t be stable when it is placed into our cardboard V/R headset which would not help the person who is using it actually see what’s going on if the frame is partially cut off from their view.
2. The placement of the lenses was also an area of concern during the construction process. Firstly we could not find lenses that were the right size for the eye wholes we created, so we had to compromise and use the lenses from two magnifying glass. The issue was the size of the lenses because they were obviously much larger than we had anticipated, so the original idea of placing the lenses inside of the V/R headset was no longer going to work. So instead we placed the lenses on the outside of the eye wholes and taped them to the front of the headset. Then added another layer of on top of the lenses. This new layer was the exact same size as the original front layer. We then had to cut eye holes in the new layer which was tricky to measure out, but since we had already done it once the process went a lot faster this time. However, everything worked out well and the bigger lenses turned out to be better for the structural integrity of the headset anyway. 
Figure 1: The size of the lenses used
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3. Another issue that we experienced in the building process was the placement of the lenses. The lenses needed to be almost exactly at the same spot beside eachother otherwise the VR effect wouldn’t work. The first time we tried this we thought it would be fine if they were slightly off or pretty close to the same, however when we tried it on we quickly realized that they need to be the exact same. The way we determined this was by using Youtube and switching the video display to VR. The VR mode on Youtube splits the phone screen into two sections displaying the same video, these sections are divided by a white line in between them. We used this as a helpful tool to determine if the lenses were in the right positions because when they were you could only see one video, not two. So when we saw the video being played on the right and left side we knew we had to change the lens positions.
Figure 2: The Youtube VR mode
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4. The headband as proved to be an issue. The whole purpose of the headband was too support the headset on the face comfortable, but we soon realized that the weight of the phone and lenses was too much. It was forcing the headset down and would often just pop of the viewer’s head. Now, this was a problem that we didn’t really find an answer too and just decided to come to a compromise and hold the headset with both hands. Now we still have the strap and it acts as support but doesn’t have enough strength to fully support the headset as I mention, so it acts more as an aesthetic than anything.
Figure 3: The weight of the headset and lack of support from the headband
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5. Finally, a smaller issue that we came across was whether to use a hot glue gun or tape. We started off using hot glue but quickly realized it didn’t seal that well and would drip everywhere. It was also difficult to remove if mistakes were made, which lead us to pick tape. The tape was both sturdy and durable and allowed us to make mistakes and fix them effortlessly. 
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top-gadgets · 3 years
DOMO nHance ST4 Head Strap for Google Cardboard VR Virtual Reality 3D Glasses - Detachable Belt and Adjustable Elastic Head Band Mount with Tension Locks (Black)
DOMO nHance ST4 Head Strap for Google Cardboard VR Virtual Reality 3D Glasses – Detachable Belt and Adjustable Elastic Head Band Mount with Tension Locks (Black)
The DOMO nHance ST4 Headstrap for Google Cardboard is fully adjustable and thanks to its elastic body it allows the Google Cardboard to be worn over your head without causing any pain or discomfort. It has 3 point of support on the headset which holds the headset firmly in place ensuring your smartphon is safe Inside the Headset. DOMO nHance ST4 is made up of Nylon and its is durable ensuring…
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updatedc-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.updatedc.com/2018/10/21/nikon-z7-field-review/
Nikon Z7 field review
Nikon Z7 field review by Stuart Palley (stuartpalley.com, terraflamma.org | @stuartpalley):
TLDR: Mirrorless is the future of working pros in the documentary/journalism/travel realm. It may take another generation or two to fully compete with DSLRs, but it’s coming. The Z7 will not replace my D850 but rather complement it for the many situations where weight and size trump ease of use and AF speed/reliability in the near term. As the Z mount lens system grows I can start divesting myself of F mount glass when a Z mount equivalent comes into production. This is written from the perspective of someone who makes the majority of their income as a photographer and creative professional.
For years many great companies have manufactured excellent mirrorless cameras already in use by working pros and enthusiasts alike. Fuji, Olympus, Sony, etc, all make awesome cameras (I’ve used many, the X100, X Pro 1, GFX, OM-D series, etc). The big news here is the FTZ adapter with solid AF/VR compatibility with my existing dozen Nikon lenses, similar button layout for fast workflow adoption, and smaller and lighter baggage.*
That means I can integrate the Z7 into my workflow with minimal fuss and rock the Z mount 24-70 f4 or 35mm 1.8 when I want to go fast and light. A metadata analysis of my images from wildfires shows 60-80% of my images shot in the 24-70mm focal length.
The other two lenses I use the most are the 70-200mm 2.8 VRII, 200-400 VRI, and Sigma 14mm 1.8, which all work great with the FTZ adapter.
Sigma 14mm 1.8 with FTZ adapter
With the Z mount 24-70 f4 I lose a stop of speed and the durability of the 24-70 f2.8 VR AF-S, (which is the best/most versatile Nikon midrange zoom I’ve used) but the lens is about 1/3 the overall mass and a fraction of the weight of the F mount big brother.
The FTZ adapter is well designed and does what it’s supposed to do, allowing me to use F mount lenses, now with the built in VR of the Z7. My chief criticism is that AF is not so great, in the case of using my 200-400 AF-S VR I for photographing Lenticular clouds over the Cleveland National Forest, it hunted for AF at sunset. I initially thought this an issue with the F4 aperture or lack of contrast in the tones of dusk, but even on contrasty and clear points on the horizon that my D850 and same lens combo would’ve likely focused on without issue, the FTZ adapter left me wanting a little more accuracy with it’s hunting and focus racking. I’m going off my own real-world experience here, lab tests and more technical analysis from might yield different results.
FTZ Adapter and 200-400 VR I, panorama stitched from two images
On the Z7 body itself, the buttons are laid out similar to other Nikon DSLRs and as a result I found the camera easy to pick up and start shooting with. The viewfinder is incredible, sharp, bright, and clear. Coming from using an original Fuji X100 or an earlier micro 4/3 camera you see the progress that electronic viewfinders have made in the last 5 years.
Another advantage of the Z7 is the reduced size and weight. Size wise, it’s mainly the bulk that is reduced in all dimensions. After using the Z7 for an afternoon and placing it on the counter next to my battle worn D810 with a vertical grip, the D810 looked like a pig and felt like a lead weight. This is a little hyperbolic but it’s liberating to not have a boat anchor hanging off your neck. Heavy cameras are terrible for your back ligaments, muscles, and spinal column, so any reduced size and weight is a welcome improvement when these are tools you use to make a living with day in and day out.
This past weekend I did a 4-mile hike and brought the Z7 along with my trusty 105mm f2.8 AF-D Macro lens. It manual focus only with the FTZ adapter, but having stabilization on a macro lens was great and I had a good time playing around with the forms of cactus spines along the trail. I wouldn’t have brought my D850 with a grip, that’s for sure.
FTZ adapter and 105mm 2.8 AF-D Macro (manual focus)
Virtually a 100% crop from the Z7, FTZ adapter and 105mm 2.8 AF-D Macro
FTZ adapter and 105mm 2.8 AF-D Macro (manual focus)
The lenses still retain a similar size to DSLR lenses, but with the shorter flange to sensor distance, optical designs can be optimized to make lenses slightly more compact. Additionally, the wider diameter of the Z mount will allow lens designers to take more engineering liberties when designing new lenses, meaning better performance, even more extreme focal lengths, and apertures too. Case in point, the 50mm-ish f0.95 lens Nikon has announced is a show lens to demonstrate the Z mount flexibility. Personally, the lens is useless to me since it lacks autofocus, and the sway of your body while breathing will put your subject out of focus at f0.95 handheld with manual focus. Try focusing an f1.4 lens in the dark and tell me it’s easy!
Every camera is only as good as the system around it and the company making it, so I look forward to Nikon fleshing out the Z lineup of lenses. The 35mm 1.8 is sharp from corner to corner, and the 24-70mm f4 is a versatile lens, but needs to be “unlocked” and expanded from its compact stowage position. As an NPS member I received priority delivery on the camera, and despite my concerns about Nikon’s repair logistics and inability to keep important parts in stock (Ask about my months long parts hold repair on a 70-200 VRII in 2015) rest assured Nikon will fix the camera should anything happen under warranty, and afterwards for a fixed fee. Cameras have always come back fixed right and with firmware upgrades, a sensor cleaning, etc from the repair center in Los Angeles.
A Storm is Coming
Randy’s Donuts, Los Angeles. Z7 and 24-70mm AF-S, ISO 140, 1/25 sec, Auto ISO. In body stabilization allowed me to shoot from the passenger seat of a car, at a stoplight, with a much lower shutter speed than I would usually select. Accordingly I was able to shoot at a lower ISO.
Another advantage of a smaller system is that everything gets smaller. The bags, tripods, tripod heads, filters, etc. needed to support the Z7 all shrink. Things get smaller and lighter, requiring less energy to cart around, which equates to more focus on shooting and creating pictures and telling a story, the whole reason I’m here in the first place. Everything about the equipment is in the service of creating the image. Instead of a Think Tank Retrospective 30 for my fast and light kit, I can get the Z7, 24-70 f4, 35 f1.8, and my ancient Nikon 70-210 AF push pull zoom (which I got for $60 :-p) with the FTZ adapter into a smaller Retrospective 7. I have space for spare cards, batteries, filters, and the charger.
Think Tank Retrospective in Pinestone with Z7, 24-70mm f4, 35mm 1.8, 70-210 (works in MF only with FTZ adapter, replacing with a 70-200mm f4 AF-SVR). GoPro Hero 4, spare batteries.
A Z7 and two lenses will now fit into the pack I carry around at wildfires that includes mandatory safety gear like a fire shelter and radio. That weight quickly adds up and adding a camera swinging off your neck with a strap isn’t ideal. Being able to stow the camera and it’s accompanying weight into my actual pack where the load bearing harnesses can support the load is a godsend for longer hikes. Sometimes I have to go hunt down fire crews in the bush and having a camera swinging off your body isn’t ideal. I was hiking at the Ferguson Fire in Yosemite National Park on assignment for the US Forest Service when my 24-70 decided to detach itself from my D850, and a lucky fall onto dirt with the lens hood saved it from damage.
This issue illustrates the two ways I usually shoot in the field. The first is up close, where the heaviest fire activity is present and I’m hiking around and moving a lot, getting in and out of a pickup truck, going up hills in smoke and ash. The smaller Z7 in good to decent lighting conditions is ideal for this. The jury is still out on how much I can push it in low light with the contrast detect AF. In darkness or low light, I would still be partial to a D850 and 24-70.
On a tripod with more relaxed conditions, perhaps photographing the fire from afar or just general nightscape photography, the Z7 perfect. I have three tripods, a large and medium Really Right Stuff carbon fiber tripod that is perfect for DSLRs and long lenses, and a tiny travel tripod. The medium tripod is perfect for a Z7 and a wide lens with FTZ adapter, and I could probably get away with one of their compact tripods in the future or my tiny travel tripod.
I disagree with Nikon’s decision to fit just one XQD slot in the camera. While memory cards are much more reliable than they were a decade ago, I still don’t fully trust them. My D850 is still coming out for when I need extra peace of mind. I hope that Nikon puts in a second SD slot, double XQD, or double SD in future versions. I would prefer a slightly larger camera with dual slot security. For me it’s just an extra short-term backup during shoots. Everything immediately goes onto a solid state RAID array when images are uploaded to my laptop, but once I click the shutter on the Z7, a potential card failing means it’s 2005 all over again. As I use the Z7 more I suppose I’ll grow to trust single slot XQD, but the jury is still out along with low light AF (which I’m finding is wholly satisfactory the more I use it). Buy good cards and format early and often.
Watch and Wallet: Z7 at ISO 11,400, 1/125 sec, f5: Nikon 105mm f2.8 AF-D with FTZ adapter in manual focus. This shot would not be possible without VR, at least handheld.
In conclusion this trend toward smaller and lighter with similar image quality to pro DSLR’s has long been in practice. Sony did it with the A7 series, their compact cameras with full frame sensors, etc. Now that the big two, Nikon and Canon have jumped on board, we have a real integration of mirrorless into pro workflows, We still have ground to cover when it comes to AF and lens selection, but the future is here, and the same way that the 4×5 Speed Graphic gave way to the 35mm SLR slowly over the years, so will the DSLR give way to mirrorless. Onward.
Stuart Palley is a Southern California based photographer who recently published his first photography book, Terra Flamma: Wildfires at Night, (Schiffer Publishers, 2018) photographing wildfires in California via long exposure over the last five years.
His work on climate change and the environment has been featured in National Geographic Magazine and has been recognized in Pictures of the Year International. He is a contractor for the US Forest Service and works commercially with various Fortune 500 clients in addition to select editorial publications internationally.
Instagram @stuartpalley
*** Every camera on the market makes great images, it’s all about ease of use, ergonomics, lens options, price, etc. There are no bad cameras in 2018, just photographers that should focus on the art of making pictures rather than the gear. No camera manufacturer sponsors me or gives me anything for free, these views here are entirely my own and based off my experience as a working professional.
If you have an interesting idea for a guest post, you can contact me here.
For additional Nikon Z coverage like the Nikon Z Facebook page and join the Nikon Z Facebook group
Source from nikonrumors
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