#Ty-Ty and I’s shared kids :’)
icbmil · 11 months
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George w/The Japanese House Finsbury Park
emilygoestoshows: ☀️👶 (x)
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scover-va · 8 months
I need to know more about Michael's mom... Is she a cool mom?
SHE IS A VERY COOL MOM janet afton you will always be famous. to me
Im taking this as a chance to finally ramble abt her anyways so Janet's core inspo when designing her was to avoid 2 key things. Don't make her like Immortal & Th Restless's Clara (due to clara representing michael, not mrs afton, so i wanted to avoid that), and don't base her too heavily off of Ballora. I still have ties to Ballora's character (a music-based theme, blue-centric colour palette, im sure there were more basic ideas but everything else is more hc than themes to keep up) due to my hc thingy of each Funtime having ties to William's wife + kids, but yknow.
But yeah. Funky lady who played bass guitar + did backup vocals in a band during her high school and college years. Literally her and William dating can be summed up by "Seriously, what do you see in that guy?!" "He makes me laugh." bc she was and is WAY out of his goddamn league. Not just bc of the whole serial killer thing he was just an even bigger loser in college. Normal people dont develop a crush on a woman after she nearly breaks your nose and makes you bleed, William /j
But yeah uhh. I also dont like the idea of her being absent or neglectful purely because I got way too attached to her (i was originally gonna do that just to make things easy for myself but. Pretty lady,,, I am a very simple lesbian what can i say) so like. She obviously wasnt the greatest, most fantastic mom to ever exist given she was kinda maybe sorta well aware William was making some weird fucking clowns, but like. Hey. She tried. Also side note my reasoning for her being absent during the whole. Yknow. '83 event (and just evan's bday in general) is bc Evan + Elizabeth are twins and Elizabeth demanded a girls-only trip for her bday, and Janet promised Evan she'd do something just as special for him when she got back. That never happened bc he died lmao loser /j
But yeah uhh. Shes got a lot of regrets. Wishes she coulda done a lot of things better. Kinda dies with those regrets. Ive seen people say that one of fnaf's charms is that no character is 100% good and i LOVE that, and wanted to keep it up with Janet. Good mom and overall a good person, however made some bad decisions along the way and whatnot.
Im still working out specifics (ive been slowly working on a lil private fic abt her and william meeting + their early relationship) but uhhh. Minor notes that dont get their own paragraphs is that William sampled her voice for Ballora so yay easy voice claim, she had an on and off relationship with her band's lead singer (her name's Bev), her birth name is actually Janice Schmidt but if you call her Janice she'll knock at least 2 of ur teeth out, she's a runaway teen and got adopted by this older couple bc her home life kinda sucked (idk specifics yet), and also girlie has an extensive criminal record of minor angsty teen type charges. Also teen Mike dying his hair and then 2020's Michael's hairstyle are both kinda references to Janet's hair because he wnated to look less like his father. Thats all ty. No read more bc you WILL look at my mrs afton post, boy /j
Actually no theres more that im remembering as i write the tags and edit a few details. Back to her and William because god im insane about them. So for starters it. Well i was gonna say Janet was def the first to flirt but i think William definitely developed a crush first and they only kept talking bc of said crush so its kinda up for debate. Anyways yeah at first it was a HUGE sorta like "Well he's funny especially when I fluster him so this can be just a fun lil thing" but because they chatted more they def kinda like. Clicked more. William was a huge fan of listening to her music (from. a distance. he looked kinda like a creep but at least janet only misinterpreted it once) but like *specifically* janet he didnt give a fucking shit abt the rest of the band. Uhh. They had their first run-in and janet kinda. Well. Punched him in the nose before he cleared up that he is NOT a pervert or anything weird like that (bc a guy that looks older than he is staring from a distance when there is a clear crowd he could join kinda gave janet the Wrong idea), then they later bumped into each other in the hall and chatted for a bit, then they kinda just kept "accidentally" running into one another. Uhhh. Some cigaerette-themed flirting and a house party later, yay dating :] can you tell where the current cut-off of the fic is /j Also idk how to put this down properly but they are both runaways and can kinda. Get that vibe from one another. Literally Michael is like some fucked up abomination of the both of them between the troubled past + weird situationship thing + runaway stuff + a lot of minor details that arent important rn. I just. Yeah Janet means the world to me go thru her tag on my blog for some art. Not all of my janet art is posted but the non-posted stuff is all concept work/doodles or just. Shit im too embarrassed to post lmao. Anyways NOW im done ty for reading
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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Jason Todd in "Clash of the Outlaws" | Red Hood: Outlaws #15
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loony-rooney · 8 months
i love my gf!! so much!! i am so incredibly overwhelmed by the love i have for them!!
its these moments of pure light in my chest that makes everything worth it
ugh i want them to come home from work so bad
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ancient-day · 1 year
yukari for the blorbo ?
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When you're in the middle of a fic, but you gotta go to Tartarus
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grapecaseschoices · 7 months
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zero pressure to respond to this or share anything about this, just wanted to say I saw this and love this 🥰 kendis with kiddos!!!!
aww. hehe ofc i will respond bc i appreciate that someone else appreciates the wonderfullness of such an image.
i have always felt that kendis would make an excellent parent and i love writing kendis with kids [and twice have played around in rp with them being a parent: 1. was a timey-wimey situation where kids from a possible future [and a grandchild!] showed up. 2. they became guardian of a missing friend's kids aka the only parent they remember. it isn't enough though. one day i really wanna write something with them and children, like the day to day fluffy stuff. the trouble. the woes. i had THOUGHTS but i havent had the energy for execution. ONE DAY.]
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whichwoods · 1 year
Do you have any lucemond fics Planned for when LSTS is over or is close to finishing?
oh so many!! for the lsts-verse i'll probably have a compilation of sorts added to the series in a few chapters or so, of deleted scenes and flashbacks that aren't making it in
and maybe i'll actually post some of my luke-gets-warded-to-kings-landing, slowburn/fix it, enemies to childhood friends to lovers au that was being plotted long before lsts ever was, but has so many moving parts i've been hesitant to share lol :,) someday <3
honestly i have so many ideas it'll be hard to pick what to do next, i may start posting snippets here early just so it can all be archived somewhere even if they don't get full fics
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ajdrawshq · 8 months
Omori on my campus :3 (and deltarune!)
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!!!!!!! omor (and kris!!) spotted in the wild..
also . i saw the flareon up there with em n it gave me a mental image that i needed to get out but i havent had the time do anything more than this so
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rpg3 looks different ..
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cupofkey · 7 months
ur playlist...i'll eat it... it's so fucking good...i want to print out all the songs and paste them on my walls...my god....
omg thank you anon this is such a big compliment !!!!!! I won't lie it was kind of an afterthought all things considered... I just had no clue if anyone would listen to it, but I have this huge playlist of [albums that fit the ghlr universe vibe] to listen to while I write, and I wanted to have a nice tidy one that encapsulated the vibe of the fic in particular. so I'm really happy you fw it !!
I privated it for a while and was even considering deleting it but now this makes me want to add a few more songs from my big playlist to the official one... hmmm
ghlr was inspired by music in the first place though (a very weird selection. chess the musical, early muse/gorillaz albums, pink floyd's animals, riot grrrl) and ultimately Amelia's story centers on music. I mean she is literally a professional musician in her own sick twisted way lol... and ofc there'll be a lot more music talk as it goes on and new characters show up :smirk emoji: but yeah. music has always been sooo central to my writing and I'm super happy to talk more about it
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albeckett · 9 months
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alecscudder1987 · 2 years
song 2. big thief love of my lifee
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atsu-i · 11 months
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starboy14176 · 1 year
Subject A and clancy r besties btw. Subject B and Josh r just standing off to the side watching them like. Tired But In A Fond Way TM.
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thou-babbling-brook · 2 years
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Lara Pulver as Maria
And I have to think about the rest
Valid submission! I can see it in the striking eyes, 8/10, she’d definitely do a great job as Maria!
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bytedykes · 2 years
MUSIC TAG GAME HELL YEAH ty @malecacidd for tagging me!!!
the original ask was:
When you get this, post 5 songs 🎵 you actually listen to. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite people on here. ✨
well i am Not going to do the asks part but here are 5 songs i listen to:
Along Comes A Spider - Dio
Don't Ask Me - OK Go
All Dolled Up - The Orion Experience
Skylines and Turnstiles - MCR
One Way Or Another - Blondie
and a bonus sixth one, sweet transvestite from rocky horror :)
tagging w/ no pressure @klavier-gavins-lesbian-boyfriend @jasmineteabag @bi-demon-ium @jonathansbowlcut and @anyaaforger !!! 💗
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wilwheaton · 4 months
In a long essay about the televised incident, Wheaton makes a lot of salient, emotionally vulnerable points about his reaction to David’s stunt, tying it in to memories of parental abuse he suffered as a kid—pointing out, among other things, that, within the agreed-upon fiction that we all adhere to pretty fervently around all things Muppet or Muppet-related, Elmo is a child. Writing, Wheaton notes that “Elmo is an avatar for children all over the world. Children who are too small to understand Elmo is a puppet will know that a man attacked someone they love for no reason, and that will frighten and confuse them.”
Wil Wheaton condemns Larry David for his Elmo-based violence
This story is a week old, and has blown up today. The right wing smoothbrains are out in force, doing their usual thing, until they get distracted by the existence of a successful woman somewhere in the world and have to go rage against that.
I don’t know why this is happening today. I don’t know why right wing clout chasing incels have decided to make this their Thing today. It’s all very confusing, especially a week after the fact.
But I want to put something here that I added to my post on Facebook, that those dudes (it’s always dudes whose entire personality is “MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS!”) need to hear but won’t understand:
A lot of us who had the same visceral reaction to a grown man putting his hands on a child (Elmo is 4 years old) in anger, without consent, and then laughing about it all share an experience that you should be grateful you don't share with us. And when you say your shitty little toxic and cruel thing, when you reduce the whole thing to a puppet and a joke, you're doing to us what the adults around us did when we were kids. And it hurts all over again. Are you really someone who wants to hurt another person simply because you can? Maybe take the impulse to be a jerk and redirect it into being grateful you have no idea why this is so upsetting to so many of us.
Larry David put his hands on another performer, without consent, in a segment he was not part of. That, alone, is not okay. It is not EVER okay. The fact that so many people don’t get that, or are deliberately choosing NOT to get that, is telling.
But as I said, Elmo is a child, and he is a friend to children, so all the kids whose parents were watching the Today Show with them, because Elmo was on to talk about sharing big feelings and caring for your mental health, got to watch this man storm into a set, and angrily attack Elmo.
That’s indefensible behavior, and calling me names doesn’t change that.
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