#Twitter has gems because it has more users both in terms of good engaging interesting people and in terms of artists
sugar-grigri · 4 months
oh yeah twitter sucks ass in some ways - I'm sorry to hear it was such a bad experience! As someone who recently fled from there, I think tumblr really shines as a platform where you can format analysis posts nicely and actually share longer form posts and discussions without being so hindered by the character limit.
Hidden QRTs made me so nervous on twitter too like, what are they saying?? There's this mean girl energy on twitter that I feel so free of on tumblr, but it is a shame because there's also a lot of great fans on there that probably feel as overwhelmed/intimidating by tumblr as I do.
Good luck with your finals!!
I've NEVER appreciated QRTs, I've known Twitter without them, not that it was paradise, but this function makes me anxious, it literally lets you point the finger, sometimes positively, but in private it's impossible to know.
So you know that people are talking about you like gossip in high school, without really knowing what's being said.
Tumblr's features suit me a lot better: people here aren't necessarily looking for brief, synthesized things, they also like to sit back and read a longer post.
I never got over the fact that people here told me they liked the length of my posts! It's like Twitter's always cutting off speech: you don't have time to say anything before it's taken up and distorted!
Here you express yourself with more freedom and less pressure!!
Thanks for my exams, I'm lazy to revise but I think this will do the trick !!!
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