#Tw multiple eyes
blairamok · 2 months
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he’s smitten, i believe…
commission for @sightkeeper of the lads from their comic Chosen Faces which you can read here 👀
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nartothelar · 8 months
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- ingo was taught the rules of old: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, to repay what was given
- he’s usually very good at controlling his form; there are exceptions
- this is the first time ingo has felt pure rage in all of his existence
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cloudsrust · 2 years
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So about Sozo-
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shinonart · 2 months
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Biblically accurate Father (Arlecchino from Genshin Impact).
I got archangel vibes from her the moment I saw her and as I was drawing her I realized she wanted to be a Byzantine icon and who am I to deny her that.
More of my Genshin Impact fanart
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razzledazzle-pop · 6 months
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It’s been literal years but someone said they liked my old Virgil design and I felt compelled to do an updated take on how I would stylize him. Anyways. My design notes r like: “Hair highlights gotta look like little bat wings. Trust.”
Other personal headcanons/design things:
I think he’s the tallest of the sides, but has a slouching problem and loses like half a foot from it. Part of it is he also feels like he comes off as less intimidating sometimes if he makes himself smaller.
Has eight eyes but covers the smaller ones up with eyeshadow. The ones directly under his “main” eyes are too big/uncomfortable to hide. Despite having so many eyes, his eyesight is actually Quite Bad.
Has heterochromia (the other eyes are green but you can’t tell from this because his bangs are covering them 💀).
Back when he first started showing up in videos, it was because Janus and Remus sent him (their source being it couldn’t be them, bc with Roman and Remus it’s on sight, and the other sides don’t trust a word out of Janus’ mouth). Until then, Virgil had never really interacted with the other Sides. They knew Anxiety was lurking around but had no concept of what he looked like and Virgil Liked It That Way.
Janus and Remus are freaky in their own way but Virgil probably looks the most uncanny of the bunch.
He’s not used to holding a different shape for prolonged periods of time so his energy levels are always Ass.
Logan has noticed this and knows something is going on.
Roman, Post Accepting Anxiety: You know…You look surprisingly normal…I mean you have an extra set of eyes but that’s pretty tame.
Virgil, hiding his extra arms and eyes and mandibles and—: yeah. Haha I’m so normal :) It’s kind of crazy how normal I am actually.
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The Web 🕸️🕷️
Magnus masterpost
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groovygladiatorsheep · 7 months
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Abstracts Stitches : That one Abstracted!Jax x Ragatha au
Hello hello ! Since my AlicexTADC Caine design is giving me troubles I’m here with easier drawn designs <3
I first created this monstrosity a few days ago, and now it exists !! Might make a few chapters on ao3 if I get chapters ideas, oneshots n such.
So !!
Credits -
TADC belongs to - @/gooseworx !!
Abstracts Stitches belongs to me <3
Premise of the concept -
The idea with the start of this au is simple enough - Jax gets abstracted.
It’s unknown yet what’s the reason and before-it-happened, but he does ! ( totally not waiting for more lore before making up the reason )
And, by before Jax and Ragatha had developed, in their own ways, a relationship. Ragatha usually doesn’t handle too well what happens to the abstracted people, but this time was just a bit too much.
She begs Caine to let Jax stays, under the reason she can fix him.
And she finds a way.
Using her own threads, because in this au the characters get some abilities related to their appearance along with their new body, and Ragatha’s ability is to sew her body back together.
She uses the threads to sew Jax back into his past shape.. and that’s the only thing she gets to fix since the abilities the people trapped get aren’t that actually useful, but that’s enough to carry on with the show !
So now we have a traumatized Ragatha and her monster bf Jax.
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Additional Drawings -
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( more coming soon 💫 !! )
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hoglinz · 3 months
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besties !! x2
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pixelateddork · 8 months
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What's underneath that mask?
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w1lmuttart · 11 months
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Eye movement
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i-am-a-fan · 7 months
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I saw multiple eye tang and RAN.
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glamrockraybot · 7 months
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Are you having a Funtime
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nartothelar · 1 year
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- ingo’s body is not organic; he does not need to sleep, eat, or even breathe (but he does for fun)
- a blanket illusion gives everyone false memories of ingo being there the entire time; the illusion is kept as long as it is not mentioned
-their mother is wary of ingo, but as long as he promises to not hurt emmet, she won’t stop him from staying, not when emmet is so much happier with him here
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cloudsrust · 2 years
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Fangs? Fangs!
(CW: arachnid mention) Tarantula's fangs are often hidden by the chelicerea while those of smaller spiders are usually a lot more visible- so I just imagine Helob confidently showing off their fangs not expecting Sozo to have a pair to match ahah.
...and yeah I maaay be going down a bugs/spiders rabbit hole once again,, or to better keep the theme- going down a tarantula's burrow.
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isaacthedruid · 3 months
so hi tumblr, i blame the Magnus Archives for my main art style and wanted to share it with you! here’s some of recent favourites:
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( if you want to see more, i post all my art on my insta )
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confusedasever · 2 months
Corrupted Au Virgil🕷️🌩️
Trigger warning: arachnophobia, body horror, multiple eyes
This took 6 hours:’)
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Voodoo (name may be subject to change): Virgil doesn’t really remember his past life mainly due to his own repression of his memories he doesn’t WANT to remember. Deeply insecure about his new form, wants to be un-corrupted despite no longer remembering what that was even like. Virgil just knows this is wrong and trusts that Janus and Logan can help him fix this mess. He can see out of all of his “eyes” with varying degrees of quality but heavily relies on sound. He prefers the shadows and can actually be hurt by being in bright lights for too long.
Design: The spider jaw is based heavily off the Spider Demon Father from demon slayer. The perspective is wildly off but eh we’ll get em’ next time
His eyes are based off the puppet design he was given which I adore The hoodie is just his two hoodies stitched together
Why is he corrupted? The heck happened?:
Each side corrupted in a completely unique way and for a different reason. They are representations of concepts and those concepts warped and snapped. Virgil crumbled due to his lack of identity. His anxiety heightened as he was torn between who he is now and who he was then. Resulting in whatever he is now.
The sides are slowly corrupting more and more with Virgil, unfortunately, being a lot more corrupted then others taking on a lot of spider traits (Remus is technically the most corrupted)
The amount of lore I have written for this Au is concerning considering how little I’ve done with it. Up next will probs be Patton or Janus the leaders of the Light and Dark sides:0
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