#Tina is not that classy lets be honest but we still love her anyway.
dreamboundedstar · 2 years
Bob's Burger's Incorrect Quotes 3
Zeke: [straightening himself out] So, I did write down a wish. [he brings out a card] I'd uh. I'd like to go on a date...with Tina.
Jimmy Jr.: [turns] You? You're terrible with girls.
Zeke: What? No. No. No. Jimmy Jr., look at this. And this. And this here. Jimmy Jr., look at all of this. [he gestures to different parts of his body and spins around] Heh. No. I'm great with girls.
[Scene flashes back to a cheap fast food joint. Zeke and a busty, blonde-haired woman are standing at a counter with buckets of chicken drumsticks.]
Zeke: We both got buckets of chicken. Wanna do it?
Blonde Woman: [shrugs] Eh, okay.
[Scene switches back to Jimmy Jr. and Zeke.]
Zeke: But you, Jimmy Junior. You are amazing with ladies. You know, classy ones. The kind that smell good, and can read. And that always have their glasses on just kind of crooked. You know? The ones that don't go for a guy like me.
[Jimmy Jr. looks at Zeke with a smug grin.]
Jimmy Jr.: Hmm, and why is that, do you think?
Zeke: C'mon, Jimmy Jr., I don't know.
Jimmy Jr.: Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then. Goodbye.
Zeke: Wait. Wait. Ah. [sigh] Okay. Look. Fine. Jimmy Junior. This never leaves this room [sigh]. You are better than me. All right? I need your help.
Jimmy Jr.: I'll do it. On one condition.
Jimmy Jr.: Say that [pushes his phone that’s recording towards Zeke] again.
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