#Tiffany Petre
indizombie · 1 year
Tiffany Petre is the director of The Obesity Collective — the peak body for obesity prevention in Australia. She says the health system has spent too long telling people that "if you're fat, it's your fault". Weight stigma, Ms Petre says, can have a greater impact on people with a disability, who for a range of reasons, already find the health system difficult to access and navigate. And when considering higher rates of obesity in regional and remote areas, Indigenous communities and for people trying to make ends meet, she says it's clear there are other factors at play. "Some of the people who would particularly benefit from treatment to help manage obesity and health may be least able to afford weight management support. Of course, we all have a major role to play in our own health and wellbeing, but we have set people up to fail and then blamed them for it ," she says. No matter your size, eating healthy food, managing stress, getting enough sleep and keeping active by doing something you love are key factors for long-term health, she adds.
‘Have you experienced weight stigma? Body shame and blame highlights a problem in our health system’, ABC
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tumblr nezná 100 filmů! aneb 18. statistika
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Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966) : nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 %
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 %
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Eva Nová (2015) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 1,7 % N
nenáhodné poznatky: speciální faktoidní edice
zastoupení filmů podle dekády vypadá takto:
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Tedy nejvíce filmů ze stovky neznámých pochází z počátku tisíciletí, následují roky 2010–19 a na třetím místě máme osmdesátky. Ale pokud se podíváme na všechny filmy z daného desetiletí, zjistíme, že nejméně známe filmy z čtyřicátých let (v absolutních číslech je to pět filmů neznámých a jeden známý, ale neviděný), dvacátá léta nepočítaje. Naopak nejvíce známe filmy z padesátek, což není překvapivé, protože většina filmů z tohoto období, o kterých se hlasovalo, byly pohádky nebo klasiky typu Švejk.
nejvíce neznámých filmů je z roku 1966, je jich... 6 (*devil eyes*)
o těchto filmech v průměru hlasuje 65,93 člověka (dovolím si říct... 66), u všech filmů je to 71,18 osoby a u viděných filmů 76,83
pro jednou se seriózně pobavme taky o žánru:
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Tento lame graf znázorňuje, že 57 filmů je na ČSFD označeno jako komedie, 39 jako drama, 9 jako pohádka, 8 jako krimi, psychologický, fantasy nebo horor, 7 jako romantický, 6 jako sci-fi a pak nějaké další drobné. Nutno podotknout, že kategorizace ČSFD jsou často hodně podivné a nedá se jim věřit.
a nakonec něco o režisérech (hvězdičkou jsou označeni ti, kteří figurují také v žebříčku viděných filmů):
4 filmy – Juraj Herz*, Tomáš Vorel, Karel Kachyňa, Zdeněk Podskalský*, Martin Frič*
3 filmy – Vladimír Michálek, Ladislav Rychman, Jan Švankmajer
2 filmy – Andy Fehu, Jan Schmidt, Jan Němec, Věra Chytilová, Jaroslav Soukup, Dan Svátek, Miroslav Cikán, Josef Pinkava, Jiří Strach*, Jiří Mádl, Martin Kotík
1 film – Martin Šulík, Lucia Klein Svoboda + Petr Svoboda, Jiří Svoboda, Marko Škop, Tereza Nvotová, Jasmina Bralić-Blažević, Aurel Klimt*, Otakar Fuka, Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Ťapák, Martin Hollý, Šimon Pešta, Ivan Passer, Bořivoj Zeman*, Jaroslav Papoušek, Vítězslav Hádl, Jaroslav Balík, František Vláčil, Marek Dobeš + Štěpán Kopřiva, Zdeněk Sirový*, Pavel Soukup, Ondřej Trojan*, Jiří Menzel*, Filip Renč*, Oldřich Lipský*, Miloš Forman, Irena Pavlásková, Jonáš Karásek, Libuše Koutná, Gustav Machatý, Ester Krumbachová, Zdeněk Troška*, Jindřich Polák*, Braňo Mišík, Jaromil Jireš, Miroslav Šmídmajer*, Zdeněk Jiráský, Tomáš Pavlíček, Ota Koval, Kryštof Hanzlík, Václav Marhoul, Milan Cieslar*, Bohdan Sláma, Petr Zelenka, Filip Remunda + Vít Klusák, Jiří Krejčík, Václav Vorlíček*, Helena Třeštíková, F. A. Brabec*
A to by myslím stačilo. Tentokrát to bylo mnoho dat a faktů, málo dojmů. Tak ty třeba zase příště, až něco uvidíte. Všechny filmy mimo top 10 pod perexem. Pá.
Špína (2017)
Babičky dobíjejte přesně! (1983) N
Řád saténových mašlí (2000)
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975)
Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015)
Pražská 5 (1988)
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jídlo (1992)
Hodinu nevíš... (2009) N
Prázdniny v Provence (2016)
Provdám svou ženu (1941)
Ohnivé ženy mezi námi (1987) N
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Všichni musí být v pyžamu (1984)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973)
Dým bramborové natě (1976) N
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Zločin v šantánu (1968)
Klec (2019)
Na vlastní nebezpečí (2007) N
Srdečný pozdrav ze zeměkoule (1982) N
Kočár do Vídně (1966)
Jak ukrást Dagmaru (2001)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Smrt talentovaného ševce (1982)
Černý Petr (1963)
Pojedeme k moři (2014)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004)
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Na střeše (2019)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Deváté srdce (1979)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020)
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011)
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Úsměvy smutných mužů (2018) N
Kočičí princ (1978)
Královský slib (2001) N
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Mazaný Filip (2003)
Colette (2013) N
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
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mothinatophat · 5 months
Hello there Tumblr! I’m a bot creator on Poe (cringe, I know) and I’ve opened up my commissions! The prices are negotiable (I wouldn’t mind getting some art or smthn,,)
My Poe username is @mothinahat, make sure you check out my writing before commissioning me.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Commission info!!
I need a specific plot idea, even if it’s vague, cause I am not that creative 💀
My PayPal has my deadname in it so I do NOT want to post it in a channel where everyone can see it but I’ll send it to you once I accept a commission
Characters I know:
SFW: $4
SFW with ideas I’m not as comfortable with: $6
Characters I don’t know:
SFW: $5
SFW with ideas I’m not as comfortable with: $7
What does SFW with ideas I’m not as comfortable with mean?
• Age/Petre (I have no problem with it at all, but idk how well I could write it)
• Genderbends
• Bots where user/character has a disability/disease I’m not too familiar with and/or wont know how to write
Will Do:
•Heavy Angst
•Descriptive injuries
•OCs (you have to have ALOT of detail on them)
•Gross themes
•Mental Health topics I am familiar with/have experienced personally
Will Not Do:
•NSFW (I make them when I please but I don’t write it well so I won’t do commissions for it)
•Characters I REALLY don’t like or would feel uncomfortable writing (Shepherd, Hassan, Certain versions of the Joker, Leatherface, Chucky/Tiffany, etc.)
•Hurt/No Comfort (unless the plot is good enough to catch my attention and I can write it without risking my own mental health)
•Children (with the exception of child!user x parent!bot and vice versa but only if the character is a child canonically)
•Age sliding/regression in a gross way
•Homophobic/Transphobic/Ableist Bot/User
Call Of Duty
Slashers in general
Hollow Knight
+ More
I will do bots from fandoms I don’t like, but I will NOT make a MHA bot, it’s not happening I’m sorry 😭
I will do gendered user but I’m better at male/GN user
I specialize in angst PLEASE give me angst 🙏🙏🙏
Multiple bots will be full price for one, half price for two, third of the price for any more (for example, 6–>3->1.50 then it stays at the 1/3 price)
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
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sywtwfs · 3 years
2021 CS Lombardia Trophy & Russian Senior Test Skates: Info & Streaming
The Challenger Series begins this week with Lombardia Trophy! Senior Russian skaters will also debut their new programs at the annual test skate event. Subscribe to our calendar to get event times in your own time zone!
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Results & schedule | Entries | Facebook | ISU
Type: Challenger Series When: Sept. 10-12 Where: Bergamo, Italy Level & disciplines: senior ladies, men, ice dance, pairs (non-Challenger)
Schedule & Youtube Streams (UTC+2)
9/10: Women’s SP 11:00; Men’s SP 15:30
9/11: Rhythm Dance 11:15; Women’s FS 14:15; Pairs’ SP 19:50
9/12: Men’s FS 12:00; Free Dance 16:00; Pairs’ FS 19:35
Notable entries: Adam Siao Him Fa, Morisi Kvitelashvili, Daniel Grassl, Tomoki Hiwatashi, Yaroslav Paniot, Eva-Lotta Kiibus, Ekaterina Kurakova, Alexia Paganini, Alysa Liu, Audrey Shin, Laurence Fournier-Beaudry/Nikolaj Sorensen, Sara Hurtado/Kirill Khaliavin, Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri, Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Molly Cesanek/Yehor Yehorov, Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise
How to watch: Free livestreams on Youtube (direct links above)
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Entries & schedule | SP Starting order | Channel One website
Type: Domestic test skates When: Sept. 11-12 Where: Chelyabinsk, Russia Level & disciplines: senior ladies, men, ice dance, pairs
Schedule (UTC+5)
9/11: Rhythm Dance 14:00; Men’s SP 15:25; Pairs’ SP 16:45; Women’s SP 17:50 [Livestream]
9/12: Free Dance 14:00; Men’s FS 15:30; Pairs’ FS 17:05; Women’s FS 18:15 [Livestream]
Women: Kamila Valieva, Alena Kostornaia, Elizaveta Nugumanova, Sofia Samodurova, Kseniia Sinitsyna, Alexandra Trusova, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Daria Usacheva, Maiia Khromykh, Anna Shcherbakova
Men: Dmitri Aliev, Petr Gumennik, Artur Danielian, Makar Ignatov, Mikhail Kolyada, Mark Kondratiuk, Andrei Mozalev, Alexander Samarin, Evgeni Semenenko
Ice dance: Angelica Abachkina/Pavel Drozd, Diana Davis/Gleb Smolkin, Tiffani Zagorski/Jonathan Guerreiro, Annabelle Morozov/Andrei Bagin, Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov, Anastasia Skoptcova/Kirill Aleshin, Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva/Egor Bazin
Pairs: Karina Akopova/Nikita Rakhmanin, Iuliia Artemeva/Mikhail Nazarychev, Aleksandra Boikova/Dmitrii Kozlovskii, Iasmina Kadyrova/Ivan Balchenko, Anastasia Mishina/Aleksandr Galliamov, Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov
How to watch: Free livestreams on 1tv Youtube (available worldwide) and 1tv website (geoblocked).
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2021 - 2022 Russian Senior National Team
Kamila Valieva
Alexandra Trusova
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
Daria Usacheva
Maiia Kromykh
Anna Shcherbakova
Ladies Reserve
Alena Kostornaia
Elizaveta Nugamanova
Makar Ignatov
Mikhail Kolyada
Mark Kondratyuk
Andrei Mozalev
Alexander Samarin
Evgeni Semenenko
Men’s Reserve
Dmitri Aliev
Petr Gumenik
Artur Danielan
Anastasia Mishina / Alexander Galliamov
Alexandra Boikova / Dmitrii Kovlovskii
Evgenia Tarasova / Vladimir Morozov
Yasmina Kadryova / Ivan Balchenko
Daria Pavliuchenko / Denis Khodkyin
Apollinaria Panfliova / Dmitry Rylov
Pairs Reserve
Karina Akapova / Nikita Rakhmanin
Iulila Artemeva / Mikhail Nazarychev
Alina Pepelva / Roman Pleshkov
Ice Dance
Viktoria Sinitsina / Nikita Katsalapov
Alexandra Stepanova / ivan Bukin
Tiffani Zagorski / Jonathan Gurreiro
Anastasia Skoptcova / Kirill Aleshin
Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva / Egor Bazin
Sofia Shevchenko / Igor Eremenko
Ice Dance Reserve
Diana Davis / Gleb Smolkin
Annabelle Morozov / Andrei Bagin
Elizaveta Shanaeva / Devid Naryzhnyy
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Russian Nationals Preview: The Battle of Some of the Best in the World
UPDATE: Roman Savosin has withdrawn due to COVID-19
UPDATE: Dmitri Aliev has withdrawn
UPDATE: Alena Kostornaia has withdrawn due to COVID-19
Despite several withdrawals, Russian Nationals promises to be packed with talent, especially with the ladies. With a likely two spots for men and three for women, pairs, and ice dance at Worlds, the competition should be fierce to earn those coveted spots. If you want to watch a national competition, this will definitely be one of the most star-studded in all four disciplines. 
The men’s event will probably be the most unpredictable simply due to the inconsistency of many Russian men over the past few events. Artur Danielian, defending champion Dmitri Aliev, and Roman Savosin have withdrawn, leaving only Mikhail Kolyada, and Alexander Samarin. In addition, youngsters Petr Gumennik and Andrei Mozalev, bronze and gold at Junior Worlds, will attempt to make a name for themselves. Unfortunately, Russian skating has been all over the board with COVID-19 and injuries.   Kolyada  had to withdraw from the 5th stage of the Russian Cup due to COVID-19. Samarin also had to withdraw due to a back injury. Mozalev and Gumennik are both on the rise, however, with Gumennik earning a bronze medal at the 2020 Rostelecom Cup and Mozalev placing second in the free skate there. Aliev has had a rougher season, placing fifth at the Rostelecom Cup. It’s hard to make a prediction as to who will win, but with Kolyada coming off of a gold medal at the Rostelecom Cup and Mozalev with a quad flip, they will likely be medalists. 
1. Mikhail Kolyada
2. Andrei Mozalev
3. Petr Gumennik
This event is going to be insane. The Russian ladies have so much talent so deep that it’s going to be a bloodbath of quads and triple axels. Russia only gets three spots for Worlds, but has six talented ladies and a talented junior. With two of the top ladies withdrawn, that still leaves a four-way fight over a few prized spots to Worlds. Evegenia Medvedeva has withdrawn due to COVID-19 and other health problems, as has Alina Zagitova, the Olympic champion. That still leaves Anna Scherbakova and Alexandra Trusova to stun with their quads. Scherbakova withdrew from the Rostelecom Cup, but won her two other events this season and is attempting a quad lutz. Trusova  was upset at the Rostelecom Cup by Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. Landing a quad toe loop as well as two triple axels, she pulled off a surprise victory, but was then forced to withdraw from the Russian Cup series due to COVID-19. Added into this pile of talent is Kamila Valieva, the Junior Grand Prix champion and master of a quad toe loop. With five talented ladies, armed with quads and triple axels, dueling it out for only three spots, two of which could potentially be reserved for Medvedeva, Kostornaia, or Zagitova, Russia is faced with a unique problem. Do they have too many good ladies? There are going to be some insane scores here, and not everyone will get to go to Worlds. There is literally no way to predict who’s going to win for sure, as a result of COVID-19, injuries, and poor performances earlier, but it’s going to be probably the craziest event of these nationals.
Pairs & Ice Dance
The favorites for pairs are probably Tarasova/Morozov and Boikava/Kovlovskii, and for ice dance, Stepanova/Bukin. Sinitsina/Katsalapov have withdrawn from dance, giving Bukin/Stepanova a chance to win.
Aleksandra Boikova / Dmitrii Kozlovskii
Evgenia Tarasova / Vladimir Morozov
Daria Pavliuchenko / Denis Khodykin
Anastasia Mishina / Aleksandr Galliamov
Alina Pepeleva / Roman Pleshkov
Ice Dance
Alexandra Stepanova / Ivan Bukin
Tiffany Zahorski / Jonathan Guerreiro
Annabelle Morozov / Andrei Bagin
Anastasia Skoptsova / Kirill Aleshin
Sofia Shevchenko / Igor Eremenko
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artwalktv · 2 years
A story about love, life and letting go STARRING Simbiatu Ajikawo as SAGE Sonia Ajuwa as YOUNG SAGE Shaniqua Okwok as ANNIE C.J. Beckford as OMAR DIRECTED BY Sam Pilling STORY BY Simbiatu Ajikawo WRITTEN BY Caroline Adeyemi PRODUCERS Rik Green & Harri Kamalanathan EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS James Sorton, Davud Karbassioun, Bianca Bhagat, Holly Fraser, Tiffany Yu, Phil van der Krogt & Simbiatu Ajikawo DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Mattias Rudh @LUX PRODUCTION DESIGNER Beck Rainford CASTING DIRECTOR Kharmel Cochrane COSTUME George Buxton SPECIAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR Mark Meddings EDITED BY Ellie Johnson @Tenthree Editing COLOURIST James Bamford @Rascal VISUAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR Carl Norton @The Mill SOUND ENGINEER Sam Ashwell @750mph TITLE DESIGN All Purpose Studio LINE PRODUCER Sophie Ede 1st ADs Yasmin Godo & Ty Hack 2nd AD Susan King STEADICAM Robert Beck PRODUCTION MANAGER Jens Klit Nielsen PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Maddy Corner 1st ACs Rupert Hornstein & Eve Carreño 2nd ACs Ali Cihan & Bernat Bonaventura VT OPs Edward Melbourne & Tim Woodcock VT ASSISTANT Nick Benavidez TRAINEE (PROCAM) Toby Matthews TRAINEES Nevzet Altinisik & Agnieszka Kocinska CRANE Alpha Grip CRANE TECH Paul Kolthammer GRIPS David J Bremner, Malcolm Huse, Elliot Sebestyen-Regan GAFFERS Esteban Gimpetewicz & Johnjoe Besagni SPARKS Alan Mills, Eliot Morris, Rob Gifford, Anna Brooks-Beckman, Dan Holloway, Jasper Clarkson, Peter Garajszki, Peter Tomasikiewicz GENNY OPs Cieran Nash & Christian Bishop RIGGERS John Sexton & Charles Barnham CHERRY PICKER OPs Ionut Eugen Gaiu & Colin Arthur Sutcliffe SFX COORDINATOR Ellie O'Rourke SFX ASSISTANTS Eddy Popplewell, Jon James Smith, Alex Bastin, Thomas Grover, Kim Senior, Nick Smith ART DIRECTOR Ruth De Courcy Shepherd ART BUYER Grace Bailey ART ASSISTANTs Ella Thumin, Kit Snack, Jack Hanson & Alfie Snowden PROPS David Dickinson & Matt Allsop SOUND RECORDISTS Rowan October & Matt Price MAKE-UP ARTIST Nibras Alwasiti HAIR Chantelle Fuller & Diana Francis COSTUME ASSISTANTS Connie Rosenthal & Amiee Blowers ADDITIONAL WARDROBE Carhartt RUNNERS Joshua Shea, Henry Richmond, Rowan Hutchings, Owen Edmonds, Zara Trott, Iona Milliken-long, Henry Stanimeros & Adam Hatch-Berry UNIT DRIVERS: Petr Esposito, Jack Young & Chris Wilkins PRODUCTION VEHICLES ETM Cars Ashford, 777 RV’s, Wagon Wheels & Skelton Plant Hire LOCATION SERVICES CHILLHAM CASTLE Marina Dunlop, Gregory Park, Lalu Arjuna & Chiron Gilbert MEDICS Movie Medics BTS PHOTOGRAPHY Tamiym CAMERA RENTAL Procam LIGHT RENTAL SHL STOCK Kodak CATERING Seasons Wild & Free & Sabel OFFLINE - TENTHREE OFFLINE PRODUCER Rachel Goodger ASSISTANT EDITOR Elyse Raphael GRADE AND VFX - THE MILL 2D SUPERVISORS John Thornton, Gary Driver, Jay Bandlish 3D SUPERVISOR Alan Williamson 3D LEAD ANIMATION ARTISTS Sriker Balakrishnan & Mahesh Ms 3D ARTIST Gopinath Mani FINISHING ARTIST David Wishart & Richard Payne EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Clare Melia PRODUCER Jasmine Lewis-Humphrey COLOUR ASSISTs Rory Leighton & Cristina Giribets SOUND - 750mph SOUND PRODUCER Olivia Ray MIX ENGINEERS Sam Ashwell and Ellis McGourlay SOUND DESIGNER Ellis McGourlay DIALOGUE EDITOR Gurdeep Singh MUSIC “Space 4” “Space 5” “Space 6” Written & performed by Nala Sinephro Courtesy of Warp Records “Red Lights” Written by Cover & Nikolic Performed by SAULT Courtesy of Forever Living Originals "I See You" Written by Simbiatu Ajikawo, Dean Josiah Cover, Nathan Allen, Miles James Performed by Little Simz with additional vocals by Cleo Sol Courtesy of Age 101 Music c/o AWAL Recordings “Peace of Mind” Written by Simbiatu Ajikao, Loner, Muaka, St Francis Hotel & Miraa May Written & performed by Miraa May Courtesy of Age 101 Music, AWAL THANKS TO Oskar Pimlott, Bruce Usher, The Mill, Tenthree, 750mph, Chilham Castle, Frank Gardner
0 notes
bigyack-com · 4 years
The Broken Promise of a Panda: How Prague’s Relations With Beijing Soured
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PRAGUE — On the top floor of an opulent Art Deco building in the heart of old Prague, the new lord mayor was standing with a glass of sparkling wine in hand, greeting diplomats as they made their way into his official residence for a New Year’s gathering.But when the Chinese ambassador reached Mayor Zdenek Hrib, the diplomat was not in a celebratory mood.“He demanded that I kick out the representative of Taiwan,’’ Mr. Hrib recalled of the confrontation last January. “I said, ‘We do not kick out our guests.’”As the line of people backed up, with other ambassadors urging the Chinese representative to move on, he grew more and more incensed until, finally, he stormed out.For Mr. Hrib, who had been elected just two months earlier, it was the first skirmish in a diplomatic spat that would culminate with Beijing and Prague severing ties as “sister cities” and that today threatens lasting damage to relations between the Czech Republic and China.At the root of the fight was the mayor’s refusal to line up behind Beijing’s “One China” policy, which insists that Taiwan is a part of China despite having its own democratically elected government.But more broadly, the disagreement has illuminated the ways China uses its economic clout as it tries to get its way diplomatically and looks to secure a foothold in the European marketplace.The Czech Republic is one of the smaller nations that Beijing has most aggressively courted. The high point came in 2016, when China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, was welcomed for a state visit by the populist President Milos Zeman, who had declared that his country would be China’s “gateway to Europe.”Before the visit, the local government in Prague had signed a sister-city agreement with Beijing that included a commitment to the “One China” policy — language not usually found in sister-city agreements that Beijing has with other municipalities around the world. For the Czech Republic, closer ties with China came with promises of increased trade, investment and business deals. For Prague, the deal held the promise of more tourism, cultural exchanges and even a much-coveted panda for the city’s zoo.Three years later, much of the investment has not materialized, there is greater concern about Chinese espionage than excitement about trade deals and there is no panda at the Prague Zoo.“The honeymoon is over,” said Filip Jirous, an analyst at Sinopsis, a research group focused on China based at Charles University in Prague. “This is the sobering-up period.”And Mr. Hrib is part of the hangover. A 38-year-old doctor, he became mayor running with the anti-establishment Pirate Party, which has become the third-largest force in the Czech Parliament in less than a decade.The party has steadily gained power in part by challenging the eastward-looking foreign policy of Mr. Zeman and the transactional approach of Prime Minister Andrej Babis.When he took office last November, Mr. Hrib promised to examine the wording of the city’s agreement with Beijing.“Some people say that we should not be involved in foreign affairs,” Mr. Hrib said. “But what we have done is get rid of this ‘One China’ declaration, which dragged Prague into foreign affairs.”He said he had initially wanted to keep the agreement and just amend it by taking out the “One China” commitment. But unlike the previous mayor, he was not willing to bend to what he thought unreasonable demands of the Chinese, and he invited a Taiwan representative to the New Year’s reception. In March, Mr. Hrib traveled to Taiwan, where he had spent two months as a student, a visit that caused more ripples.By the summer, with the mayor making it clear that he was going to bring the language in the agreement to a vote in the City Council, the issue blew up.Chinese officials issued threats and began taking actions against institutions tied to the city. One was the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, which had spent more than two years preparing a 14-city autumn tour of China. If the orchestra wanted the show to go on, Chinese officials suggested, it should sign a document rejecting the mayor’s actions.The group refused. The trip was canceled.“The cancellation of the tour meant for the orchestra an economic loss of several million Czech crowns,” the orchestra’s director, Radim Otepka, said in a statement. “However, we consider as much more damaging the fact that culture has been subject to political pressure.”Mr. Hrib said the overt pressure by China reminded many Czechs of the ways their former Communist rulers operated. The tensions have also strayed into more consequential arenas.In December, the Czech government’s cybersecurity agency issued a directive warning that the Chinese tech giant Huawei represented a potential national security threat.It recommended blocking Huawei from building the infrastructure of the fifth generation of wireless technology, known as 5G, in key sectors.Huawei threatened legal and financial retaliation, and Mr. Zeman has accused the Czech intelligence services of “dirty tricks.”More recently, there have been concerns that China was trying to use its influence at academic institutions.The company that has profited the most from close ties to China is a privately held financial and investment firm, PPF Group. Its founder, Petr Kellner, is the Czech Republic’s richest man.The firm’s Home Credit division issued loans worth more than $15 billion to Chinese consumers this year alone, according to public records.So when Home Credit announced that it wanted to sponsor a program at Charles University, the oldest institution of higher education in Central Europe, it had a condition: The university must agree not to do anything to hurt the company’s business around the world.That meant keeping China happy.Students and professors recoiled, and faculty members threatened to quit. The plan was scrapped, and the school’s rector issued a public apology.The Czech president, Mr. Zeman, has sought to limit the damage. He wrote a personal letter to Mr. Xi emphasizing “that the Czech Republic, its government, fully respects the policy of one China,” according to a summary provided by his office.Chinese officials, for their part, have threatened to limit the number of tourists coming to the country — a prospect that does not have many people in the clogged historical center of the city concerned.After sanctions were placed on Russia following its annexation of Crimea in 2014, the Chinese quickly supplanted them as the biggest spenders on Prague’s version of Fifth Avenue, Parizska Street, which is lined with stores like Prada, Tiffany & Company, and Hermès.It is not the threat of fewer tourists that concerns officials, but rather, creating sustainable tourism that truly benefits local businesses.“We are not exactly trying to get more people into Prague,” Barbora Hruba, a spokeswoman for the Prague tourism office, said. At the zoo, where officials had unveiled a $9 million plan to create a panda pavilion on top of a hill overlooking the city, two polar bears were still swimming, and officials have turned their sights on a different animal.“When I was little, I had this book with very nice black-and-white photos,” Mayor Hrib said. It illustrated a walk through the Prague Zoo.“And the coolest animal there was the pangolin,” he said.The creatures, which look like scaly anteaters, are the most trafficked nonhuman animals in the world. Taiwan has played a key role in saving them from extinction and is now home to what is probably the largest population of the creatures in captivity.Mr. Hrib has spoken the mayor of Taipei and is hopeful that where panda diplomacy failed, the promise of the pangolin will become reality.Magdalena Sodomkova contributed reporting. Source link Read the full article
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tumblr nezná 50 filmů! aneb 11. statistika
Tumblr media
Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 % N
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 % N
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 % N
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Špína (2017) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 5,7 % N
O kouzelném zvonu (1998) : nezná 81 %, vidělo 6,9 %
Dva týdny štěstí (1940) : nezná 80,4 %, vidělo 5,4 %
Dotek motýla (1972) : nezná 80 %, vidělo 1,4 %
náhodné poznatky:
zatímco viděné filmy svou top 10 už mění málokdy, neznámé filmy vždy prochází dynamickým vývojem, dnes hned 4 nové!
nejprokletější dekádou jsou pořád devadesátky (11 filmů), na druhou příčku se ale vyšvihly (nebo klesly?) osmdesátky (8 filmů)
v top 10 jsou nově dva slovenské filmy, chudáci bratia
3 nově neznámé filmy natočila žena (styďte se, pacholci)
znepokojivý trend pozoruji u filmů s Ivanou Chýlkovou: hlasovali jste o šesti z nich, 3 jste neviděli a 3 vůbec neznáte (styďte se, takhle plivat do ksichtu Ivaně Chýlkové – máte něco proti vysokým ženám??? hm? hmmmm?)
Již jsem emočně vyčerpána. Další statistika, až něco dalšího (ne)poznáte. Zbytek filmů po perexem. Čágo bélo.
Tichá bolest (1990)
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Jídlo (1992)
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Křtiny (1981)
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021) N
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Černý Petr (1963)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Čas sluhů (1989) N
Erotikon (1929)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008) N
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Chata na prodej (2018)
Kočičí princ (1978)
Něco z Alenky (1988) N
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004) N
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Kdo chce zabít Jessii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
V peřině (2011) N
7 notes · View notes
str9led · 5 years
Tropicana - Vitality from TROUBLEMAKERS.tv on Vimeo.
When animation and live action meet, it gives life to the latest colorful and fruity films for Tropicana. Produced and directed by TROUBLEMAKERS.tv with CLM BBDO Paris as agency, make sure you take in all the necessary vitamins and treat your eyes with the first film called "Vitality".
Clients:Tropicana EU Marketing Director: Marie Darse UK Marketing Director Sioned Winfield
Agency: CLM BBDO Creative Director: Audrey Tamic Copywriter: Tiffany Chung Artistic Director: Ronan Coursin TV prod: Morgane Bohn Account Director: Sarah Boyeldieu Content Project Manager: Anais Courbez
Production Company: TROUBLEMAKERS.tv Animation Director: Douglas Bowden Live Action Director: Roman Valent
Executive Producer: James Hagger Production coordinator: Felipe Bernard Production Manager: Cécile Alvarez Production Assistant: Amel Djafer Lead Animator: Joseph Winston Post Production Supervisor: Alexandre Scalvino Nuke Artist: Stéphane Stradella Nuke Artist: Florian Velasco Conformation: Alexis Ghnaccia Colourist: Pierre Laurent
Production Prague (Live Action): Creative Embasy Executive Producer: Petr Oplatka Executive Producer: Vašek Sládek Line Producer: Vojta Růžička Production manager: Vítek Pecka Production coordinator: Štěpán Šikl 1st AD: Roman Bartoš DOP: Dušan Husár Camera Dpt: Tomáš Munzperger Grip: Petr houdek Lighting: Miro Žila VTR: Ronald Telinger Construction - SFX: Vítek Petrášek Art Director: Barbara Bencová Prop Master: Karel Jindra First Line Props: Jan Kuźel Props on the set: Jirka Hetzendorf Wardrobe stylist: Dušan Bebčák Make up Artist: Zuzana Buriánková Food Stylist: Jirka Navrátil Location manager: Miloš Veselý Runner: Miloš Čejcha Geny operator: Roland Šafr Catering: Tomáš Harvánek
3D Scans: Bomper Studio Josh Hicks - Lewis Williams - Emlyn Davis Music Mix: Kouz
0 notes
sywtwfs · 3 years
2021 Grand Prix Entries
ISU documents: Women, Men, Pairs, Ice Dance
Entries by event under the cut. This post will be updated as entries change.
Last updated: Nov. 22, 2021
SKATE AMERICA (Las Vegas, USA: Oct 22-24)
Satoko Miyahara (JPN)
Kaori Sakamoto (JPN)
Yuhana Yokoi (JPN)
Ekaterina Kurakova (POL)
Yelim Kim (KOR)
Young You (KOR)
Kseniia Sinitsyna (RUS)
Alexandra Trusova (RUS)
Daria Usacheva (RUS)
Amber Glenn (USA)
Bradie Tennell (USA)
Starr Andrews (USA)
Audrey Shin (USA)
Nam Nguyen (CAN)
Michal Brezina (CZE)
Kevin Aymoz (FRA)
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA)
Daniel Grassl (ITA)
Shun Sato (JPN)
Shoma Uno (JPN)
Artur Danielian (RUS)
Daniil Samsonov (RUS)
Nathan Chen (USA)
Vincent Zhou (USA)
Yaroslav Paniot (USA)
Jimmy Ma (USA)
Evelyn Walsh/Trennt Michaud (CAN)
Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara (JPN)
Aleksandra Boikova/Dmitri Kozlovskii (RUS)
Alina Pepeleva/Roman Pleshkov (RUS)
Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (RUS)
Alexa Knierim/Brandon Frazier (USA)
Chelsea Liu/Danny O’Shea (USA)
Jessica Calalang/Brian Johnson (USA)
Ice Dance:
Laurence Fournier Beaudry/Nikolaj Sorensen (CAN)
Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus (CAN)
Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto (JPN)
Natalia Kaliszek/Maksym Spodyriev (POL)
Annabelle Morozov/Andrei Bagin (RUS)
Tiffani Zagorski/Jonathan Guerreiro (RUS)
Olivia Smart/Adrian Diaz (ESP)
Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA)
Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue (USA)
Molly Cesanek/Yehor Yehorov (USA)
SKATE CANADA (Vancouver, Canada: Oct 29-31)
Emily Bausback (CAN)
Madeline Schizas (CAN)
Alison Schumacher (CAN)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN)
Rika Kihira (JPN)
Mai Mihara (JPN)
Mana Kawabe (JPN)
Haein Lee (KOR)
Alena Kostornaia (RUS)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (RUS)
Kamila Valieva (RUS)
Alexia Paganini (SUI)
Karen Chen (USA)
Alysa Liu (USA)
Keegan Messing (CAN)
Roman Sadovsky (CAN)
Conrad Orzel (CAN)
Morisi Kvitelashvili (GEO)
Keiji Tanaka (JPN)
Sota Yamamoto (JPN)
Makar Ignatov (RUS)
Alexander Samarin (RUS)
Evgeni Semenenko (RUS)
Jason Brown (USA)
Nathan Chen (USA)
Tomoki Hiwatashi (USA)
Vanessa James/Eric Radford (CAN)
Lori-Ann Matte/Thierry Ferland (CAN)
Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro (CAN)
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han (CHN)
Minerva Fabienne Hase/Nolan Seegert (GER)
Zoe Jones/Christopher Boyadji (GBR)
Daria Pavliuchenko/Denis Khodykin (RUS)
Ashley Cain-Gribble/Timothy Leduc (USA)
Ice Dance:
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN)
Marjorie Lajoie/Zachary Lagha (CAN)
Haley Sales/Nikolas Wamsteeker (CAN)
Lilah Fear/Lewis Gibson (GBR)
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri (ITA)
Diana Davis/Gleb Smolkin (RUS)
Elizaveta Shanaeva/Devid Naryzhnyy (RUS)
Olivia Smart/Adrian Diaz (ESP)
Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko (USA)
Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (USA)
GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA (Torino, Italy: Nov 5-7)
Loena Hendrickx (BEL)
Hongyi Chen (CHN)
Shan Lin (CHN)
Yi Zhu (CHN)
Nicole Schott (GER)
Lara Naki Gutmann (ITA)
Lucrezia Beccari (ITA)
Mai Mihara (JPN)
Satoko Miyahara (JPN)
Yelim Kim (KOR)
Eunsoo Lim (KOR)
Maiia Khromykh (RUS)
Sofia Samodurova (RUS)
Anna Shcherbakova (RUS)
Bradie Tennell (USA)
Yudong Chen (CHN)
Boyang Jin (CHN)
Han Yan (CHN)
Paul Fentz (GER)
Daniel Grassl (ITA)
Gabriele Frangipani (ITA)
Yuma Kagiyama (JPN)
Kazuki Tomono (JPN)
Deniss Vasiljevs (LAT)
Junhwan Cha (KOR)
Dmitri Aliev (RUS)
Petr Gumennik (RUS)
Mikhail Kolyada (RUS)
Cheng Peng/Yang Jin (CHN)
Wenjing Sui/Cong Han (CHN)
Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel (GER)
Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise (ITA)
Rebecca Ghilardi/Filippo Ambrosini (ITA)
Sara Conti/Niccolo Macii (ITA)
Iuliia Artemieva/Mikhail Nazarychev (RUS)
Alina Pepeleva/Roman Pleshkov (RUS)
Ice Dance:
Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus (CAN)
Hong Chen/Zhuoming Sun (CHN)
Shiyue Wang/Xinyu Liu (CHN)
Evgeniia Lopareva/Geoffrey Brissaud (FRA)
Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA)
Katharina Mueller/Tim Dieck (GER)
Carolina Portesi Peroni/Michael Chrastecky (ITA)
Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin (RUS)
Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (USA)
Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue (USA)
NHK TROPHY (Tokyo, Japan: Nov 12-14)
Olga Mikutina (AUT)
Nicole Schott (GER)
Rika Kihira (JPN)
Kaori Sakamoto (JPN)
Rino Matsuike (JPN)
Mana Kawabe (JPN)
Eunsoo Lim (KOR)
Seoyeong Wi (KOR)
Young You (KOR)
Alexandra Trusova (RUS)
Daria Usacheva (RUS)
Amber Glenn (USA)
Alysa Liu (USA)
Nam Nguyen (CAN)
Matteo Rizzo (ITA)
Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN)
Shoma Uno (JPN)
Kao Miura (JPN)
Sota Yamamoto (JPN)
Junhwan Cha (KOR)
Makar Ignatov (RUS)
Alexander Samarin (RUS)
Daniil Samsonov (RUS)
Tomoki Hiwatashi (USA)
Camden Pulkinen (USA)
Vincent Zhou (USA)
Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (AUT)
Evelyn Walsh/Trennt Michaud (CAN)
Minerva Fabienne Hase/Nolan Seegert (GER)
Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara (JPN)
Anastasia Mishina/Aleksandr Galliamov (RUS)
Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (RUS)
Ashley Cain-Gribble/Timothy Leduc (USA)
Audrey Lu/Misha Mitrofanov (USA)
Ice Dance:
Marjorie Lajoie/Zachary Lagha (CAN)
Shiyue Wang/Xinyu Liu (CHN)
Lilah Fear/Lewis Gibson (GBR)
Kana Muramoto/Daisuke Takahashi (JPN)
Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto (JPN)
Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS)
Sara Hurtado/Kirill Khaliavin (ESP)
Alexandra Nazarova/Maxim Nikitin (UKR)
Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA)
Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker (USA)
INTERNATIONAUX DE FRANCE (Grenoble, France: Nov 19-21)
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE)
Maia Mazzara (FRA)
Mae-Berenice Meite (FRA)
Lea Serna (FRA)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN)
Yuhana Yokoi (JPN)
Haein Lee (KOR)
Yeonjeong Park (KOR)
Alena Kostornaia (RUS)
Anna Shcherbakova (RUS)
Kseniia Sinitsyna (RUS)
Starr Andrews (USA)
Mariah Bell (USA)
Karen Chen (USA)
Keegan Messing (CAN)
Kevin Aymoz (FRA)
Adam Siao Him Fa (FRA)
Romain Ponsart (FRA)
Gabriele Frangipani (ITA)
Yuma Kagiyama (JPN)
Shun Sato (JPN)
Deniss Vasiljevs (LAT)
Dmitri Aliev (RUS)
Artur Danielian (RUS)
Andrei Mozalev (RUS)
Jason Brown (USA)
Vanessa James/Eric Radford (CAN)
Cheng Peng/Yang Jin (CHN)
Yuchen Wang/Yihang Huang (CHN)
Camille Kovalev/Pavel Kovalev (FRA)
Coline Keriven/Noel-Antoine Pierre (FRA)
Ioulia Chtchetinina/Mark Magyar (HUN)
Rebecca Ghilardi/Filippo Ambrosini (ITA)
Iuliia Artemieva/Mikhail Nazarychev (RUS)
Aleksandra Boikova/Dmitrii Kozlovskii (RUS)
Alexa Knierim/Brandon Frazier (USA)
Ice Dance:
Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN)
Adelina Galyavieva/Louis Thauron (FRA)
Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA)
Evgeniia Lopareva/Geoffrey Brissaud (FRA)
Juulia Turkkila/Matthias Versluis (FIN)
Jennifer Janse van Rensburg/Benjamin Steffan (GER)
Allison Reed/Saulius Ambrulevicius (LTU)
Annabelle Morozov/Andrei Bagin (RUS)
Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin (RUS)
Tiffani Zagorski/Jonathan Guerreiro (RUS)
Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko (USA)
ROSTELECOM CUP (Sochi, Russia: Nov 26-28)
Olga Mikutina (AUT)
Ekaterina Ryabova (AZE)
Loena Hendrickx (BEL)
Viktoriia Safonova (BLR)
Madeline Schizas (CAN)
Eva-Lotta Kiibus (EST)
Rino Matsuike (JPN)
Elizabet Tursynbaeva (KAZ)
Ekaterina Kurakova (POL)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (RUS)
Kamila Valieva (RUS)
Maiia Khromykh (RUS)
Mariah Bell (USA)
Brendan Kerry (AUS)
Roman Sadovsky (CAN)
Michal Brezina (CZE)
Morisi Kvitelashvili (GEO)
Nika Egadze (GEO)
Matteo Rizzo (ITA)
Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN)
Keiji Tanaka (JPN)
Kazuki Tomono (JPN)
Mikhail Kolyada (RUS)
Evgeni Semenenko (RUS)
Mark Kondratiuk (RUS)
Maxim Naumov (USA)
Camden Pulkinen (USA)
Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (AUT)
Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro (CAN)
Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel (GER)
Ioulia Chtchetinina/Mark Magyar (HUN)
Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise (ITA)
Anastasia Mishina/Aleksandr Galliamov (RUS)
Daria Pavliuchenko/Denis Khodykin (RUS)
Iasmina Kadyrova/Ivan Balchenko (RUS)
Audrey Lu/Misha Mitrofanov (USA)
Ice Dance:
Laurence Fournier Beaudry/Nikolaj Sorensen (CAN)
Adelina Galyavieva/Louis Thauron (FRA)
Maria Kazakova/Georgy Reviya (GEO)
Charlene Guignard/Marco Fabbri (ITA)
Natalia Kaliszek/Maksym Spodyriev (POL)
Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS)
Anastasia Skoptcova/Kirill Aleshin (RUS)
Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva/Egor Bazin (RUS)
Sara Hurtado/Kirill Khaliavin (ESP)
Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker (USA)
131 notes · View notes
korrektheiten · 6 years
Gewissenhafter AfD-Obmann verhindert Linke Lustreisen BILD hetzt, wenn Bystron seinen ROT-Stift wetzt!
Von JOHANNES DANIELS | 2:0 für den deutschen Steuerzahler im bisher aussichtslosen Kampf gegen illegale Reisekostenverschwendung von nimmersatten Abgeordneten: Mit einem Doppeltreffer vermasselte Petr Bystron, AfD, den reisefreudigen SED-Nachfolgern die LINKE Tour ins Shopping-Eldorado New York City und ins Königreich Dänemark. No „Breakfast at Tiffany’s“ für Sevim – Dagdelen „klagt“ dagegen in der BILD Als […] http://dlvr.it/QVCJ37
0 notes
tumblr nezná 80 filmů! aneb 15. statistika
Tumblr media
Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966) : nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 % N
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 % N
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Špína (2017) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 5,7 %
náhodné poznatky:
zdá se mi, že nám do žebříčku neznámých filmů vstoupil nový žánr, a to blbá komedie; kromě toho se přidala klasika: smutní lidi na drogách, bizáry, Vlasta Burian a artový černobílý film z šedesátek
první desítka se opět omladila a hned sedm filmů v ní bylo natočeno až po revoluci, celkově je takových 39 filmů
minule jsem si všimla neštěstí režiséra Tomáše Vorla, který má už dnes v žebříčku hned 4 neznámé filmy, ale přitom jsem ignorovala pány Kachyňu a Friče (taky každý po čtyřech) a o něco úspěšnější pány Podskalského, Švankmajera a Herze (každý 3 filmy); nutno ale poznamenat, že Vorel má z nich všech rozhodně nejkratší filmografii, takže procentuálně jde pořád o nejvíc niche osobu, co tu máme, gratulki
A to by pro dnešek asi stačilo. Mějte se famfárově. Zbytek filmů pod perexem.
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975)
Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015) N
Pražská 5 (1988) N
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jídlo (1992)
Provdám svou ženu (1941) N
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973) N
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Klec (2019)
Kočár do Vídně (1966) N
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Černý Petr (1963)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004) N
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020) N
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011) N
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Kočičí princ (1978)
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
5 notes · View notes
tumblr nezná 120 filmů! aneb 21. statistika
Tumblr media
Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Boxer a smrť (1962): nezná 91 %, vidělo 0 % N
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966): nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Temné slunce (1980) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 0 % N
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006): nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 %
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 %
náhodné poznatky:
v dolní desítce máme dva nové filmy, ani jeden nebyl překvapením (Boxer a smrť splňuje hned několik trestných faktorů – je to slovenský film, ze šedesátých let, černobílý, depresivní; nebyla šance, že by se ocitl na jakémkoli jiném žebříčku), ale nejspíš jsem čekala, že Temné slunce nebude tak vysoko (nízko?) (je barevný, český a z osmdesátek! come on!)
konečně jsme se dočkali příchodu filmů, které absolutně nikdo neviděl, jsem tak šťastná, zatlačuji slzy dojetí
dále jsou naše nové neznámé filmy pohádky, crazy komedie a historická svědectví, tedy proč ne
na nejprokletějším roce se nic nezměnilo, stále je to 1966... ♥
Se zvyšujícím se počtem filmů je čím dál těžší vypichovat náhodné sranda poznatky. Ale já už něco vymyslím... Zbytek filmů najdete pod perexem. Čau.
Dívka s mušlí (1980)
Eva Nová (2015)
Špína (2017)
Babičky dobíjejte přesně! (1983)
Řád saténových mašlí (2000)
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Dvojrole (1999)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975
)Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015)
Mlhy na blatech (1943)
Pražská 5 (1988)
Pohádkové počasí (2008) N
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jaké vlasy má Zlatovláska? (1992) N
Jídlo (1992)
Hodinu nevíš... (2009)
Prázdniny v Provence (2016)
Provdám svou ženu (1941)
Ohnivé ženy mezi námi (1987)
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Všichni musí být v pyžamu (1984)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973)
Výlet (2002)
Dým bramborové natě (1976)
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Operace Silver A (2007) N
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Zločin v šantánu (1968)
Klec (2019)
Na vlastní nebezpečí (2007)
Srdečný pozdrav ze zeměkoule (1982)
Kočár do Vídně (1966)
Jak ukrást Dagmaru (2001)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Smrt talentovaného ševce (1982)
Černý Petr (1963)
Pojedeme k moři (2014)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Štěstí (2005)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004)
Párty Hárder: Summer Massacre (2022) N
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Na střeše (2019)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Deváté srdce (1979)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020)
Panelstory aneb Jak se rodí sídliště (1979) N
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011)
O svatební krajce (2003) N
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Úsměvy smutných mužů (2018)
Lajka (2017)
Kočičí princ (1978)
Grand Prix (2022) N
Královský slib (2001)
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Párty Hárd (2019)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Mazaný Filip (2003)
Colette (2013)
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Přijela k nám pouť (1973)
Hodíme se k sobě, miláčku...? (1974) N
Sněžný drak (2013)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Nejlepší přítel (2017)
Český sen (2004)
Nejistá sezóna (1987)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
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