#Thomas Duskwood
iiiandyiii · 6 months
I literally cannot wait any longer for moonvale, I'm losing my mind from excitement
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jesterkilljoy · 10 days
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witchwitha-b · 2 years
I haven't uploaded in a while! I'm sorry I was a bit preoccupied but now I try to be more active and what way is better than to do the meme every good fandom has, right?
I hope you like it!
Have an amazing day<3
Who broke it?
MC: So.... Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Jessy: I did... I broke-
Mc: No... No you didn't, Dan?
Dan: Don't look at me. Look at Thomas.
Thomas: What? I didn't break it!
Dan: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it's broken?
Thomas: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken!
Dan: Suspicious...
Thomas: No, it's not.
Richy: If it matters - probably not - but Lilly was the last one to use it.
Lilly: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Richy: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Lilly: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles; everyone knows that, Richy!
Jessy : Okay, okay! Let's not fight! I broke it, let me pay for it, Mc!
Mc: No! Who broke it?
Thomas: Mc.... Jake has been awfully quiet.
Jake: Really?
Thomas: Yeah, really!
Jake: Oh my god!
*Cuts to Mc outside the room while the others fight*
Mc: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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justjeysblog · 2 years
⛔️ Spoiler for the last episode⛔️
Just a few Meme that I made.
I couldn’t help myself with the Richy memes😅🤭 I’m not sorry!
Enjoy them!
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Death in Duskwood
DISCLAIMER: Everyone is at the cabin in the woods, making it easier for this scene to take place. When the MWAF shows up, he realizes that MC is actually already in Duskwood.
“Have you figured out the location of the stream yet?” MC asked as she peered over the hacker’s shoulder.
“No, he is hiding behind encryptions. A rather good job I must hand to him.” Jake answered, trying to not show the effect the live stream had on him.
“Jake, it’s okay.” MC’s hand found its way to the top of one of his. “It’s okay to be worried.”
“Look at her,” Jake sighed as his fingers tapped on the desk. “You can tell that she has cuts on her face, it looks like she lost weight, the ropes around her wrists are probably chafing. She’s clearly been drugged, how could he do something like this?”
“I don’t know,” MC shook her head. “But we’re going to bring an end to this nightmare, I promise.”
“We have to save her, and save Richy too, we need to bring Michael to justice.” Jake insisted. “But right now it’s like we’re at a standstill, I feel utterly helpless, MC.”
“You really think it’s Michael?” MC asked, biting her bottom lip.
“Everything points to him as the culprit. He’s basically the legend, MC. His daughter was killed in the forest, no one admitted their guilt and involvement, so he took the law into his own hands. He found those who were responsible for Jennifer’s death, and now he’s punishing them.”
“But why was Amy killed and Hannah wasn’t? In Hannah’s texts it says that she was the one driving, not Amy.” MC reminded.
“I cannot answer that question,” Jake sighed. “I do not know why Amy was killed and Hannah wasn’t. I can only guess it’s because he wants to make a statement and kill Hannah tomorrow, on the anniversary of Jennifer’s death.”
“And why was Richy captured? Nothing in your sister’s chat referenced any involvement on his part, right?”
“At least not that we can see,” Jake agreed. “And Richy showed no sign of knowing of the incident, especially not to the point of  being involved in it.”
“It just doesn’t make sense. Michael would be far too old for this.”
“There’s no other explanation, MC. All the photos Jessy took of the evidence was found at the Hanson house.”
“What if he’s being framed? The kidnapper is pinning it all on someone who has been dead for years?”
“We do not know if he is really dead though. He could have been hiding out all these years.”
“I think that’s unlikely,” MC walked to the window and gazed at the forest woodland. “But I don’t know anymore, I feel like I’m slowly losing my mental health.”
“It will end soon, MC. I promise.” The hacker’s warm breath appeared near her shoulder, arms wrapping around her waist. “We will find Hannah, and Richy too.”
“And what happens after that?” MC turned around, placing her hands on the top of his shoulders. “What happens to us?”
“We will make the most of whatever time permits,” Jake said. “You have seen what a life with and without me can look like, and if you really want to make this work, we will find a way.”
“Yes.” MC smiled, “More like I will find the way.”
“With my help of course,” Jake smirked back, the corners of his blue eyes slightly crinkling.
MC’s phone buzzed in her back pocket, causing her to pull away from Jake’s embrace. Her throat grew dry as she read the message on her lock screen.
I am coming, MC.
“What does this mean?” The palms of her hand started to get sweaty, “He doesn’t know where we are, right?”
Jake quickly darted back to his computer, pounding away on his keyboard. “MC.”
“You’re scaring me,” MC said as he locked eyes with her. “Please tell me we’re safe.”
“When we opened the maps app on Hannah’s phone, we turned on location sharing. Michael knows where we are, MC.”
“It’s all my fault,” MC sunk on the bed, her head finding refuge in her hands. “We’re in danger.”
“I was the one who instructed you to open up the maps,” Jake shook his head as he joined her on the bed. “It’s my fault, not yours. I will take full responsibility for what happened when we tell the others.”
“No, we did it together, we share the blame.” MC stood up, “They will know we would never do something like this on purpose.”
“We need to warn them,” Jake took her hand and led her down the stairs.
“Guys?” MC called out, “We need to talk, it’s important.”
“What is it, MC?” Thomas asked as he walked into the living room, the others slowly traipsing in behind him, Dan bringing up the rear with his wheelchair.
“We need to leave the cabin now. Michael knows our location.” MC said.
“What?!” Jessy gasps, “How is that possible?!”
“When we opened up the maps app on Hannah’s phone, we unintentionally turned on location sharing. Michael knew this would happen, he had planned for this to occur.” Jake informed.
“It was a trap,” Cleo mumbled.
“He knew I’d take the phone,” Thomas’s voice faltered. “It’s my fault.”
“No, finding Hannah’s phone helped reveal the truth of what happened ten years ago.”
“It’s not your fault, Thomas.” The hacker agreed with MC. “But now we have to get to safety.”
“I have an idea,” Dan raised his hand mockingly. “We stay.”
“What?” Lilly whipped her head around to gawk at him.
“We’ve run long enough, it’s time to end this.” Dan insisted. “We can get this masked freak.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he’s right.” MC nodded, “We even have the upper hand in the element of surprise.”
“Exactly! He won’t expect us to defend ourselves.” Dan smiled proudly as MC took his side.
“You really think we can do this?” Jessy hesitated. “Really stand up to him?”
“For Hannah we can. For Richy we can. And for ourselves, yes.” MC took the redhead’s hands.
“Quite an authoress,” Dan clapped at MC’s little motivational speech. “Who’s with us?”
“I am,” Cleo said in a firm voice. “I’m done running.”
“For Hannah,” Lilly agreed, “for Richy.”
Thomas nodded, “We can pull this off.”
“You are all either very brave or very naive,” Jake finally spoke. “I don’t know which.”
“We have a weapon too,” Dan remembered. “And there’s only one of him and six of us.”
“A weapon that we don’t know who it belongs to,” Cleo narrowed her eyes. “ Anyone going to confess to owning it yet?”
The room remained silent as everyone shared gazes with each other, no one willing to admit bringing the pistol.
“There is something you all have failed to consider.” Jake said, “Michael does not know MC and I are also here in this cabin.”
“I see that more as another advantage,” Dan brushed off the hacker’s concern. “More of us against him.”
“But MC is in danger now,” Jake’s voice was low.
“No offense, but we’re all in danger. We all have been in danger since the very beginning of this mess, even before MC was. It’s nothing new.” Dan glared.
“Dan, stop it.” Jessy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.
“Yeah yeah,” Dan sighed. “Hackerman is just worried, I get it.”
A faint blush spread across Jake’s face, but his jaw still remained set. “We must do everything in our power to keep her safe.”
“Jake, that’s not-” MC started.
“He’s right though,” Cleo agreed. “Michael wants YOU, MC. You’re his main goal. He is attacking everyone else because he wants to affect you. He attacked Jessy while she was on the phone with you, same as Richy. Now he wants to attack us out in the cabin, he wants you to feel helpless.”
“It’s not fair to put everyone else’s life on the stake if I’m not willing to do the same,” MC’s eyes flashed. “I want to help and to do so we need to work as a team.”
“Since we got that out of the way, here’s the plan.” Dan emphasizes with his hands. “There are two entrances inside, the upper deck and the lower floor. Thomas will be stationed in the downstairs bathroom, Lilly and Cleo in the basement bedroom that has the window facing the road. Hackerboy and I will guard the main level of the house, Jessy and MC in the attic bedroom posing as the lookouts.”
Jake opened his mouth to refute the arrangements, but on a second thought he remained silent. Working with Dan might give him an opportunity to settle issues between him, and MC being on the top floor was definitely  the safest location for her.
“Who has the pistol?” Cleo asked, crossing her arms.
“I will keep it, I am the only one who knows how to use one of these.” Dan said in matter-of-factly tone.
“Speak for yourself,” Jake muttered underneath his breath.
Cleo still looked annoyed, but didn’t argue with Dan’s decision. “Okay, we better all get to our positions then.”
“Keep your phones on hand so we can communicate with each other.” Jake ordered, “And once everyone is in their prescribed location, shut off all the lights.”
“Okay,” Lilly nodded as she followed Cleo down the stairs, Thomas behind her.
“You better be careful,” Jessy pointed her finger at Dan. “Don’t try to play a hero.”
“I don't have to play a hero when I already am one,” Dan winked as she rolled her eyes.
MC stared hesitantly at the hacker, her eyes meeting his electric blue ones. “Promise me you’ll be okay,” she whispered.
“I promise, I won’t let anything separate us, MC.” Jake rubbed his thumb across the top of her right hand knuckles, and then he let it go. “Better get upstairs now, Jessica is waiting for you.”
Jessy rolled her eyes at Jake insisting on using her formal name, then the two girls headed up to the attic.
The two men stared at each other, both remaining silent until Dan spoke. “I still don’t trust you.”
“I know.”
“And I definitely don't like you.”
“I noticed.”
“But I can tell MC means a lot to you, and as much as it disgusts  me, I know she feels the same. And since I am actually a really generous guy, I am willing to lay my prejudices aside.”
“Thank you.”
“And no, you can not have the gun.”
“How did you know I was going to ask for it?” Jake was taken aback.
“Lucky guess, but you proved it right. If I somehow get injured, then you may take it, but until then it’s staying by my side.” Dan smirked as he patted the gun.
“Fair enough.”
“I’m glad we got that sorted, Jake.” Dan finally called the man by name.
“So am I, Dan.” The hacker returned the small courtesy.
“And so now we wait.”
“Yes.” Jake looked out the picturesque window, sweat forming in the palms of his hands. He had a bad feeling about this, one that was impossible to shake off.
“I’m scared, MC.” Jessy confessed as the two girls sat on the edge of the bed, looking out into the darkness below. “Does that make me weak?”
“No,” MC whispered softly. “It’s okay to be scared. I’m scared too, scared that something is going to happen to you all and I can’t prevent it.”
“I see something,” Jessy suddenly shouted, standing to her feet. “A light.”
“Where?” MC quickly joined her side, peering out into the blackness.
“There!” Jessy’s finger hit the glass as a light in the distance flashed. “And again!”
“I see it too,” MC’s breath grew shallow. “I’m going to text the others.”
MC: He’s here
Dan: Showtime. Is everyone in their places?
Thomas: Yes
Cleo: Lilly and I are in the designated bedroom assigned to us
Dan: Good, keep your eyes peeled.
MC shoved her phone into her back pocket, watching the light of what looked to be a lantern grew closer. “He’s walking towards us.”
“I’m so scared, MC.” Jessy quivered.
“I’m with you, Jessy.” MC held the girl’s hands, “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Jessy hugged her tightly, their eyes never leaving the light which took on the illusion of floating. Then suddenly a small gasp escaped the redhead’s lips, “I can see him.”
“He’s challenging us,” MC said in a solemn voice as she took in the scene before them.
The MWAF stared up at the cabin, a lantern in his hand. The flame illuminated his masked face, a dark hoodie broadcasting his tall and what looked like a well-built form.
This can’t be Michael, it’s impossible. He looks too able still, too strong, it can’t be Michael. Michael’s dead. Thoughts dashed inside MC’s head as she watched the kidnapper tilt his head menacingly at the house, knowing that he was indeed seen. But if he wasn’t Michael, who was he?
Suddenly the light went out, causing Jessy to let out a small scream. “I can’t see him!”
“I can’t either,” MC said in a worried tone as she pulled out her phone.
MC: The lantern went out, I think he’s approaching the cabin
Dan: Keep your eyes and ears peeled, we can do this
A few minutes passed and then suddenly Thomas came online.
Thomas: I see him! He’s on the bottom deck
Cleo: I see him too!
MC: What is he doing?
Thomas: I can’t tell, but I’m going to go out there. I can catch him by surprise
Dan: Dude no
MC’s heart raced as Thomas went offline, this wasn’t good.
Cleo: I am going to try to help
Cleo then went offline, adding to MC’s fear. What were they doing? This was suicide! Why had she encouraged them to stay in the cabin?
Lilly: I have to help them
Dan: Crap
As the last two went offline, Jessy and MC grasped each other's hands tightly. “Why hasn’t Jake replied?”
“Because Dan is probably telling him what’s happening,” MC answered. “Jake is going to try to help them, I know he is.”
“Why can’t we hear anything?” Jessy panicked at the sheer silence.
“Jessy, we have to go to them.” MC looked at her.
“I’m scared.”
“I’m with you, Jessy. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promised you that.” MC said, “Please. I can’t do this without you.”
“One for all?”
“And all for one,” MC managed to smile.
The two girls gingerly made their way down the steps, MC in the lead, her flashlight illuminating the dark cabin. Not a sound could be heard except for the creaking of the floor underneath their feet, and the blowing of the curtain drapes from the open balcony doors.
“Dan?” Jessy whispered fearfully as she turned on her own flashlight. After getting no response, she shone her light on the stairs leading to the bottom floor.
Some sound captured the girls’ ears and both simultaneously casted their beams upon the MWAF.
A cry escaped Jessy’s lips as she fell backwards onto the floor, legs rapidly pushing her away from the masked man as he walked towards. “No, no, please.”
“Michael, stop.” MC spoke.
“MC?” The man’s voice was heard loud and clear, somehow familiar. “You’re in Duskwood.”
“Yes.” MC stepped in front of the redhead, shielding her from the man. “It’s me you want, not her, not the others. I’m the one you want to hurt, let the others go.”
“I have a reason for everything,” the man insisted as his voice held a tinge of remorse.
“I know,” MC bravely closed the gap between them. “But this is not the right way, you know that.”
Without warning the MWAF suddenly grabbed MC, yanking her around so her back was against his chest, his right arm pressing against her throat. “Don’t shoot.”
“Let her go,” Dan was suddenly seen in the moonlight that started to flood inside the room, both hands holding the pistol.
“Dan, you don’t want to-” the man started to say.
A gunshot rang out, the bullet whizzing through the air. Both MC and the kidnapper fell to the floor with a loud thud.
“What did you frickin do?!” Jake’s voice filled the room. “MC!” The hacker ran towards her and knelt by her side.
“Dan?” Jessy cried as realization took over.
“My finger slipped, I didn’t mean to pull the trigger. Oh god, is she okay?” Dan’s voice rose as panic took over, quickly wheeling himself over to where MC lay.
A steady stream of blood was pooling in the upper abdomen of MC’s shirt, her gasps filling the air mingling aside with the kidnapper’s groans. 
“The bullet went through her abdomen, hitting him as well in his lower stomach.” Jake’s voice was loud and strained. 
MC’s hand grasped Jake’s wrist as she tried to form words, “J-j-jake. Help Rich-ch-y.”
The hacker’s face fell as he realized her words, ripping the mask off the man.
“Richy,” Jessy’s voice was nearly inaudible. “No, it can’t be.”
“What happened?!” Cleo shouted as she ran up the stairs, the other two behind her. “We heard the gunshot, we were so worried that-”
“Oh no,” Lilly’s hands covered her mouth as she took in the scene.
“Richy?” Thomas almost stumbled, “You’re the-”
“I’m s-sorry,” the blonde’s voice was racked with pain. “It wasn’t suppo-o-sed to go this f-f-far.”
“You kidnapped Hannah,” Thomas said, shocked.
“She’s in the Grimstone M-m-mine, there’s a red s-scarlet rope that leads t-t-the way.” Richy gasped out. “I’m so s-s-sorry.”
MC’s hand found the mechanic’s as she weakly gave it a squeeze, “It’s okay, Richy. I f-f-forgive you.”
“Someone call the police!” Jake demanded as his attention returned back to MC, Lilly taking the initiative. “MC, please. This isn’t the end, remember? We haven’t had a future together yet, we haven’t even kissed yet. I can’t lose you yet, MC, please.”
“Shhh,” tears streamed down MC’s cheeks as pain shot up her stomach, causing her to cry out.
“Richy?” Jessy sobbed as the blue eyes she knew so well went dim moments later, his breath stopping.
Cleo hugged the girl, struggling to be strong for her. “His eyes.”
The hacker could barely see through his own tears but he managed to brush his fingers over the deceased mechanic’s eyelids, closing them. “He’s dead.”
“I’m here, MC. I’m always here.” Jake brought his hand to her face, brushing away the tears.
“I love you,” her voice somehow sounded stronger, the stutter fading. “Don’t ever forget that.”
“I love you too,” Jake wept as he pressed his lips to hers for the very first time. When  he pulled away, she was gone, the life had left her. Her eyes were closed, her fingers no longer grasping his. The girl he had fallen in love with had just slipped through his fingers. She was dead, his world was once again yanked from underneath his feet. She. Was. Gone.
“The police are on their way,” Lilly said as sobs climbed up her throat.
“I’m sorry, Jake. I’m so sorry,” Dan pinched the bridge of his nose, tears falling from his eyes.
“Find Hannah and I’ll forgive you,” the hacker forced himself to his feet. “I must go, I can’t be found here, not anymore. Find Hannah, tell her the truth.”
The man was no longer listening as he took the steps two at a time, after cramming his computer and gear back into his backpack, he took one last look at the nightstand. MC’s necklace that had always hung around her neck since she was thirteen laid upon the stand, the night before she had gifted it to him as a token of her love. Underneath it was a polaroid picture of the two of them together, noses touching in what she called an eskimo kiss. More tears fell from Jake’s eyes as he placed the necklace in his pant pocket, stashing the photo in his closed computer. He wouldn’t ever forget her, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him, nothing would ever be the same anymore. Was it really worth living, worth living knowing she had died? He had to, because he owed it to MC, that is what she would have wanted. Bitterness and sorrow stole into the hacker’s heart as he disappeared into the shadow of the night, backpack upon his shoulders, MC was dead, and so was he.
Hey lovelies! ;) I'm sorry this one is so sad and angsty, but I feel like we really needed this. I hope despite the sadness, you can comment and like this oneshot. I love to hear from all of you, thank you! Love you. :) :(
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
Duskwood Fic Rec List
As I already mentioned here, I've summed up a few of the many fanfics for you to not miss it! (Fics I've read before joining the fandom)
I don't own any of these below said writings!! .All the credits to the respective authors.
(A note for authors: I'm so sorry that I didn't get to ask you before posting this.And please do notify me in dm/comments/asks if you want me to remove your links!💕)
there is no particular order of the fics here.
And apologies for my poor quality summary, feel free to jump directly to the links😅😂❤
Well then happy reading ,dearies! 💕💫
ps : please make sure to go and like/appreciate/comment the original fics of the writers mentioned here :D ♡
❃ Cosmic Railway by @love-we-write ❤
Jake and MC are soulmates indeed, their dreams and fate beautifully depicted - multichapter of a total 7 parts!
❃ Tempt me by @mysticpetals ❤
Oneshot♡ - A snippet where MC with wings as white as her soul,is a guardian angel who had a connection somehow to the Mwaf who is a demon, in a totally AU!
❃ Play me! by @hacked-by-jake ❤
Oneshot♡ - Find out how MC mesmerised Jake, with their passion in playing piano!!
❃ We are family by @the-flowerwolf ❤
Oneshot♡ - A brother and sister relationship of the Hawkins, a warm feeling (+warm tears?) is guaranteed!
❃ Beautiful dream by @zmayadw ❤
Oneshot♡ - After solving the kidnapping case and slowly turning towards the peaceful path, Jake and MC meet but, how (dare) could Jake try to run away from his love immediately?
❃ The game has just begun by @escapethewonderland ❤
Oneshot♡ - Someone that MC thought of as a caring brother, is actually what they truly feared not to be.
❃ The forest was never still by @lyricsofravensong ❤
Oneshot♡- What if MC was one among the people who own the word 'guilty' craved in their heart because of the you know who's death, 10 years ago?
❃ Where past is forgotten by @booklover-01040 ❤
Starting with the end of episode 6,how about encountering and reading a different, unique ending of this game?(completed before ep10 release) . A multichapter of about 36 parts!
❃ No stay! Please by @non-binaryzombie ❤
Oneshot♡ - Jealousy gone too far between Darkness and MC's relationship.
❃ Written in the stars by @dreamer-writer-fangirl ❤
Oneshot ♡ - Takes place after ep8, Jake and MC who are practically far away from each other, prove that long distance can never reduce the love they hold for each other.
❃ Ciphers inside of me by @ephemeral-sorrow ❤
Oneshot♡ - A past between young MC and Jennifer , that makes you wonder.
❃ Let's dance by @i-desire-jake ❤
A really cute, sweet highschool AU, pairing Jake x MC - has two parts!
❃ Therapy by @digital-corruption ❤
Oneshot♡ - Funny and unimaginable combo of Dr Ulric Barret and the chaotic duskwood group.
❃ Bullet for him by @lois-carroline ❤
Oneshot♡ - MC would go any limit to save their love, Jake. And now, a bullet.. Are they and Jake safe?
❃ Consequences by @jakeismylover ❤
Oneshot♡- You(MC) always imagined of running together with Jake from his persuers, but instead you're running away to save yourself from him(Jake as mwaf)
❃ You're mine by crow-chaos❤
A Phil x MC x Jake x FBI based fic. Yay That's all info I can give, I'll leave it to you to read further - has two parts!
❃ Your Favourite Gone Place by @duskwood-legacies ❤
Oneshot♡ - A heartmelting side of Phil Hawkins! , pairing Phil x MC
On the contrary, I basically held myself from pouring out my overwhelming emotions about these fics rn😂😭, So a huge thank you , dear authors!💝❤ Thank you very much for making our days better with your writings! ✨(this 3000% goes to all fandom writers and other creaters too, of course🥰❤)
I know I've haven't added some other (g)old fics here. Either it is not showing in search or I don't remember properly. It wasn't intentional, I am sorry :( ❤
Seesh I almost rambled.I'll stop before I start again .Take care of yourself and much love! 💝🌸
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cursedchildofchaos · 2 years
So, I typed what I thought might be the duskwood characters' responses to being called a loser by mc...
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Lilly matched the energy which I appreciate XD
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mishanym · 1 year
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You want my honest opinion, Thomas? I think my heart breaks for you. The way Hannah didn't ask for any of your help. She didn't try to depend on you as her boyfriend. If I were you I'd be crushed too. So please cheer up, Thomas...
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duskwood-disco · 1 year
Ehmm so, I just wanted to use this poll feature for fun 👉👈
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
After the storm Part 1
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,  Ploy Ending,
Pairing: Jake x fem!Reader x Richy x Phil (?)
contains episode 10 spoilers
mentioning of death
Word count: 1525
Please remember that English is not my first language, so please don't kill me.
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When you agreed to go to Duskwood, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You had assured Jake that you'd never go there, but that was no longer the case. He as well promised you that he wouldn't just vanish once this was over, but just after the accident in the mine, he didn'tansweredyour texts.
Lilly told you that both he and Richy had been declared dead, but they couldn't possibly do this to you, could they?
Jake assured you that everything would be fine. And what about Richy? He promised you that he would no longer run away. And although you didn't want to think about that, they never replied, and you eventually gave up on both of them..
When the bus finally came to stop, however, all of your worries disappeared.
"Last stop, Duskwood!", the bus driver yelled.
Everybody was rushing to get out of the vehicle as soon as possible. Duskwood attracted a great number of tourists after the night, which has been a part of your nightmares ever since. So you were happy to get off the bus. It took you some time to find your friends because of the large number of people at the bus stop right now, but you eventually did.
"There she is." Dan grinned and immediately took your luggage after a quick hug.
Jessy quickly took his place, followed by Cleo, Lilly, Thomas, and Hannah. You thought it was crazy to see them in person now. Hannah in particular. After the incident, you wrote with her. She was quite lovely, and you got along well so far.
Jessy grinned when she said, "It's so good to actually see you in person."
Even though, two males a little further away drew your attention, you all started walking away from the bus stop . You still took a moment to look at them. Both were wearing hoodies and buried their hands deep in their pockets. Their hoods were tucked down far enough that you couldn't see their faces. They appeared identical to one another since there was nothing remarkable about them. The only thing that separated them was their height, as well as the color of their hoodies. The taller of the two was dressed in a light-blue hoodie, while the other was wearing a black one. You just continued walking, regardless of how strange they were. Given how odd Duskwood was in general, it wasn't surprising.
Everyone thought it'd be a great idea to celebrate your arrival, so the first stop was Phil's bar.  Even Phil was overjoyed to meet you in real life. He  flirted with you whenever he wasn't busy with other customers. The rest of your friends sat a little further away from you so you could have some alone time with the bartender.
"Action or horror?" he asked.
He's been doing this for several hours. He'd pick two options for you to choose from, and you'd have to choose which one you preferred.
"I think it depends on the movie."
"Chocolate or Dogs?"
You laughed. "That isn’t even the same category anymore."
Phil smiled at you before he served a random guy a drink. But it wasn't just any random guy; it was the one with the black hoodie from the bus stop. He still wore it and his hood was still pulled up, but you didn’t want to ask him about it.
"You haven't answered yet." Phil leaned over the counter with a smirk on his face.
"Hmm, I'm not sure... Perhaps chocolate dogs?"
"Way to go."
"So, do you know who this person is?" You nodded to the guy, who was sitting a few tables away with his blue hoodie-wearing companion.
 He shrugged. "This is the first time I've seen them here. They're strange, but I don't see why they shouldn't stay as long as they don't cause any problems."
"I saw them at the bus stop, too."
"Perhaps they noticed the same gorgeous girl I did and followed her, hoping she would notice them too."
"You think? But I didn’t recognize anyone else from the bus stop except my friends. "
Maybe you weren’t the best at flirting, but Phil liked it and laughed it off.
"I'm talking about you, silly."
"Oh... I- thank you."
"Well, as much as I like seeing my brother and best friend joyfully flirting with one another, we'd want to spend more time with Y/n as well." Jessy grinned and dragged you back to their table.
Phil was mad at first, but the customers managed to divert his attention.
"You see those guys?"
Jessy pointed that out after you sat down. She wasn't directing her comments at random individuals; she was directing them towards the hooded dudes.
"Um, yeah, they were at the bus stop."
"Good," Cleo sighed, "so you recognized them as well."
"We didn't say anything sooner because we didn't want to scare you," Lilly explained.
"We were being followed. They also never let you out of their sight. "Dan, too, made a point.
"That's something Phil mentioned as well. He claimed it's possible they think I'm attractive or something. Maybe I should just talk to them? "
"Are you insane?" Lilly inquired.
"After all, what should they do? You and Phil are watching me closely. It would also be better if we knew what they want. If they actually intended to harm me, they'd follow me around until I'm alone anyway. Oh, and look at that; Alan Bloomgate himself appears to be in the mood for a drink. "
You pointed at the door, which had just been opened by the police officer.
Dan shrugged. "She's right. We are at least eight against two if something goes wrong."
"That's a yes, in my opinion. Nothing will happen."
You gave them a kind grin before heading over to the hooded men. Phil saw you moving and decided to go over in five minutes, just in case there was something wrong.
"Hi.", you simply said when you sat down on the empty chair.
"I assumed you'd be over here an hour ago," said a voice you're all too familiar with.
Even though you would never hear it again. But here he was. Richy.
"Richy? Jake? Is that really you?" you wondered.  You've already realized that the other person must be Jake. Otherwise, who would Richy be going out with? When everybody assumed they were dead.
"As much as we enjoy seeing you. It would be better if you didn't mention our names. "
"I-... Okay, I get it. You were declared dead. But then why didn't you write me? "You promised not to just disappear," you said to Jake before turning your attention to Richy. "And how about you?  Didn't you say you weren't going to run away any longer?" "
"It's a long story, and we'll tell you everything," Jake replied. "Someday."
"When you say someday, what do you mean exactly? For a month, I believed you were dead. Do you have any idea what I was going through? I thought I'd have lost you, and now you want to tell me about it "someday"?!
"We're sorry, Y/n, but this isn't the right place for a discussion like that," Ricky said, looking down at the table when Phil approached them.
"Is everything okay here?", he asked, more Y/n than the other two.
"It turns out you were right." You stood up with a fake smile on your face. "They're weird."
"Wait!" Richy called out to you in a deeper voice, hoping Phil wouldn't recognize him.
In his hand, he had a piece of paper. You were furious, but you wanted to give them a chance to explain themselves, and the piece of paper most likely had a phone number on it, or at the very least a location and date where they wanted to meet, so you accepted it. You returned to your friends after following Phil back to the counter and thanking him.
"And? How did it go?", Cleo asked.
"They're just a bunch of jerks. There's nothing to be concerned about."
You remain in the bar for a little longer, until Phil closes for the day. He also gave you a tour of your new "apartment."  He had a free one over his bar, that you could use. Because you owned your own little business and didn't need to work from home, you could stay here as long as Phil was okay with it. You and your friends agreed to meet up the next day, before they went home too.
You were ready to go to bed after a brief shower, but something stopped you. The ringing of your doorbell kept you up. Who rang your doorbell at two in the morning? Normally, only your friends would be aware that you were there, and they would all be at home. They made sure of it by writing messages once they arrived.
But who could it possibly be? Fortunately, Phil's door featured a peephole, so you could see who was bothering you without having to open the door. However, when you looked through, you saw... nothing.
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multifandomwaifu · 2 years
'Finally Over' Duskwood One Shot
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Posting this from my phone so I hope everything is alright. The grammar mistakes were taken care of. Enjoy <3
I just can't get over EP 10 of Duskwood! Are there any fans that wanna chat about this series?; A ;
If you haven't finished EP10, I suggest finishing it first and then checking this one-shot cause I spoil the ending.
Warnings: None
Fandom: Duskwood
Pairing: Hinted MC x Jessy, Hinted MC x Dan, MC x Jake
!!GN Reader!!!
The interaction between the MC and the others is based on my own choices I made in the game and the ships I am fond of. This is also a figment of my imagination of how the story would truly end.
I don't own anything besides the writing, you own yourself and Duskwood is owned by Everbyte Studios please go and support them along with the author on Instagram hen_with_pen.
Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 and childrens day 🤹‍♀️
You had to hurry. You had to make sure everyone was alright. It couldn’t end like this. Not when you were so close.
After the video call ended, your hands were shaky and trembling with the aftermath of the adrenaline pumping thru your veins, breath elaborated while your eyes felt oddly wet. You were crying, realization hitting you like a train.
‘It's finally over. We did it. All of us’ You thought, a bitter laugh leaving your lips while you took a shaky breath, shifting your position on your leather couch only to glance up at the ceiling and blink.
It finally dawned on you. The whole friendship you built up, the feelings that have been growing over those past few days… It's all going to end now, huh?
Chuckling, you shook your head, hands moving to cradle your heated cheeks only to let out a weak whimper. It's alright now. You will be alright. They all were safe and sound. No police running to your front door, no more threatening messages or calls. You were free. And so were they.
Your friends. The group you swore to protect and help in finding their missing friend. And it was finally the end of the path. This long showdown finally came to an end.
Did this mean you weren't a part of the group now? Would they forget you? A total stranger that got their phone number leaked to a group that you never met? Could you even trust those people?
Biting on the inside of your cheek, fingertips moving to catch the falling droplets of liquid dripping down your (s/c) cheeks only to fail in that task, tears falling down faster and thicker like a never-ending cascade.
All those rushed emotions. All those forged relationships. The secrets you whispered to each other every night before you would toss and turn in your sleep, those never-ending nightmares. You will need therapy now. You were quite certain the others needed it more than you, living, being there in person. You couldn’t imagine the huge weight that was probably lifted off their shoulders.
Hannah was safe and sound now. You were happy. Oddly enough, for a stranger that you never met, you forged this deep connection with the missing female. And being able to find her safe and bring her back home. You accomplished that, the whole of you and the squad. You had to pat yourself for that.
But why does it hurt? Like a throbbing and numbing pain radiating from the inner core of your whole being. Like someone stabbed a knife so deep into your chest and applied salt over the open wound.
Richy…what about Richy..? The call suddenly ended but the whole group chat was flooding up, the others anxious and curious about how this whole ordeal ended.
Alan probably called Lily to tell her they had her bigger sister in custody. And Lily being that anxious ball of the group told everyone else.
You could picture the relief that washed over Thomas, the overjoy that grew on Cleo's face, and the silent prayer that she would whisper out. Dan would probably wear proudly a cocky smirk while rubbing the tip of his nose and mutter they did it while Jessy..you weren’t certain about the poor redhead.
You had spied on her and Richy’s final conversation, and it ended ugly..She would be happy about her friend being alive but about Richy..What about him?
Hours ticked by and your phone didn’t buzz with any important notifications except boring spam messages and recommendations on your feed. It was all too silent.
And this ball of anxiety started to sprout in your chest. Where were they? Why no one was contacting you? Why do they leave you hanging?
The next day came and you barely slept, dark bangs already forming under your eyes while your whole being was tired, so tired. The anxiety was killing you alive...You made some beverage to drink and enjoy while moving to open your tv and watch boring news until...
Until your phone pinged. The noise is so loud that you were certain you jumped two meters into the air in shock and fright, diving over the living room table to grab the small device, swiping your thumb over the screen to turn it on only to audibly gasp at the message you had gotten.
‘Come to Duskwood. We want to meet you (Y/N)’
That was all you needed. Moving fast to pack your bags and get everything ready for a journey that would last a couple of weeks.
Duskwood wasn’t close and it would be one hell of a ride to get there but for them, for them, you would sacrifice that much time.
The ride was quite ambiguous, changing different planes and also buses, almost getting lost on the way there and now resting inside a taxi, the loud rain outside tapping against the cold glass that your forehead rested on. Fogging up the window only to draw different faces on it, was a childish habit that you couldn’t outgrow.
The cab driver tried to start up a conversation with you since the ride would take some hours but the male stopped trying after four times of your one-worded responses to his questions.
Could you blame yourself tho? You were buzzing right now, so many mixed feelings over growing inside of you. What would be the first reaction? Would you be what they expected out of you?
The car stopped in front of the café that you couldn’t even recall its name. Dan wanted the whole squad to meet at a club but for this first interaction, everyone was quite subjective, opting for a small and cozy café in their town.
Maybe next time Dan. Maybe the next time.
Luggage by your feet and scan the final message on your phone to make sure you got to the right place, you had to take a deep breath and observe your surroundings.
People walking by, children running around, and older people talking nearby by some benches while also feeding some pigeons. It was all so..comfortable like nothing even happened. You wouldn’t have it any other way. They were either trying to bury the past behind themselves or just too clueless about this huge case that happened in their town.
Gathering your courage, fingers curling around the handle of your luggage only to walk to the door, opening it with small effort, the little bell above the door ringing to signal another customer to step inside. One of the waitresses stops you, sending a comforting smile your way which you couldn’t help but mimic before she helps you to a big table in a corner of the building.
The closer you got to the rather big group, you couldn’t help but feel your eyes watering again, a familiar redhead stood up, calling out your name and with a quick nod of your head, she came running, arms open, meeting you halfway on your walk to their table, before you were wrapped up into her arms.
The two of you molding against each other, holding tightly onto the jacket she was wearing today only to pull back, tears evident in both of your eyes before your foreheads pressed together, a little smile being shared between the two of you.
There was a time you thought Jessy had a crush on you. Your feelings were still mixed up, you adored her. She was the only person in this group that you would trust with your life. You told her so many secrets, every new information you heard, she was one of the first people you turned to. The first was Jake.
He was the only one you blindly followed into this dark story, looking up to him and seeking his guidance to overcome any challenge that came your way.
“I am so happy. You are finally here (Y/n).” Jessy broke down, her hold becoming tighter around your body, mushing up the two of you together while you took this leap to rub her back in a comforting manner and whisper to her to not cry again, rubbing your thumbs against her cheeks to catch the falling droplets.
The redhead pulled back with a quick nod of her head, a little laugh leaving her lips once a wheelchair came into view and nudged her boots making the girl pull back only to have her eyes cast downwards to the male that looked smugly at you.
“Finally! It was finally the time to put a name to a face. Come here!” The male grumpily mumbled and you recognized the person instantly, it wasn’t like in the group was someone else in a wheelchair beside Dan. Of course, you will nag him later about him running away from the hospital and taking it upon himself to join this murderous mission that could've ended badly.
“Hello, Dan. Nice to see you didn’t lose that funny side of yours.”Reaching for a high five from the man, you couldn’t help the little grin that forms on your lips, and Dan can’t help but return the high-five, commenting about your childish behavior.
“So, we gonna have that movie marathon then?” He asks while patting his hands against his knees, his shoulders squaring up against the chair while moving himself back to the table but not without hearing your reply first.
You couldn’t help but nod happily at his question, urging him to not forget that he agreed to the proposal of you choosing the movies and him preparing the beverages.
Having a fond smile on your face, you turn around when someone places a comforting hand on your shoulder, Cleo being the owner of the said hand.
She gives you a quick hug but you could feel the warmth radiating off her. She was grateful to you for saving her friend and listening to her back then.
Lily shyly steps into your view, looking down at her hands while her fingers kept curling and uncurling around the ends of her shirt. She was shuffling uncomfortably in her spot and it didn’t make you budge from your own.
Hands crossed over your chest while you tilted your head, a little tap to your feet while your gaze was cast upon her. Some guts this girl had. And other times she foolishly stepped into danger, dragging others along. She also put you in danger too with that video back then and did not even listen to your warning.
“Look (Y/N)…I know, I know you probably expect me to be the last one to be happy to finally meet you but..” The blonde trailed off, pausing in her words once you raised a hand up to stop her.
“Lily, I am still mad about that video you made back then. You put both me and the mission at risk. If it weren’t for Jake...If it weren’t for his aid..” You were sure you would lose it. Jeopardize the mission back then and, Lily just made it more difficult, making you the scapegoat to take the blame, and people accused you.
You could still remember how many numbers you had to block and how stressful it was back then until Jake took care of the video, having it be deleted from the platform.
“She's been like this all day. Anxiously trying to form the words to tell you.” A male voice calls out to you before a familiar face steps into your line of sight.
“Hello, Thomas.”The male nods at your acknowledgment, the two of you weren't that close. Back then you tried so much to help him but every time you thought the both of you were on the same boat, he would try something so careless without thinking about the consequences.
There was no touching between you, Lily, or Thomas. The male had to usher them back to her seat at the table only to come back with a familiar light-haired blonde, the girl offering a small wave as a greet.
Hannah. Her name left your lips quicker than you could process and the girl's eyes lit up, like a switch being flipped before her arms engulfed you in a hug. It was a long hug, with your rubbing her back in a comforting manner and the girl being a rumbling mess against your shoulder, thanking you over and over for helping in saving her.
You tried to tell her you didn’t do much with the whole squad ganging up in trying to make you feel at home and how much you helped them all. If it weren't for you and your persuasive nature they wouldn’t have found out the truth or gotten Hannah back alive.
They were forever grateful to you and for the friendship, they all forget with you. But you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.
Sure, Phil wasn’t here, Jessy told you he was still in custody with the police but would be released this week, and you were quite happy about that since he promised you some drinks back then.
And free drinks you shall get. You also fancied the male and wanted to know more about him. Couldn’t shake off the feeling you two would get along smoothly.
But you knew someone else was here. The sibling of Hanna and Lily, Jake.
You kept looking around, lips pursing while the table was quite lively, everyone asking you questions and trying to befriend you while you were happy to reply to them all but the person you desired to see wasn’t there.
Lily sensed your nervousness, reaching from her seat to pat your hand only to nudge her head to the front of the café and as if on cue, the wooden door opened, in stepping a tall male with brown locks, dressed all in black clothes, black washed out jeans and a black hoodie with a small skull design drawn in the middle, his hood up and you couldn’t see much about his facial features but the gesture Lily offered towards you was enough to push you to stand up.
Your back turned to the whole group while you watched this person step closer, his hands rested in his hoodie pockets, and the closer he stepped in you could make out his short brown hair, the dark brown orbs that stared intently at your form and the lip piercing he was chewing on.
You could make out the closer he got, that he had more of his features once he took his hood down, moving a hand thru his wild locks with shaved sides and you could see ink decorating his fingertips, a gulp making its way down your throat.
You were shamefully checking out this guy and it took all of your well being to not cause a scene in the café, opting on being civil and reach for a handshake only to widen your (e/c) orbs once he grabbed onto your wrist, tugging you closer to his bigger body only to have hands wrap around your waist and hold you close, his chin resting atop your head while a content hum left his mouth.
“It's you...I finally see you..”Jake breathed out, his hold becoming tighter and more emotionally, a little possessiveness going around while his hand sprawled on your lower back but you didn’t care. You accomplished your mission, basking in the warmth that his body was radiating.
“We finally meet in Duskwood, Jake.”
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iiiandyiii · 3 months
Okay, I really want to know why Hannah sent mc's number to Thomas. That's not the only question I want to know answer but let's talk about that one for now.
1. Did she really knew mc?
Maybe at some point of their life they knew each other and Hannah knew that mc can help??? I don't think this was possible but it's quite interesting theory.
2. Did she wanted to send Jake's or another person's number but got a few digits wrong?
In this case I guess she wanted to tell Thomas that Jake can help, but got a few digits wrong and Richy noticed it and deleted the message, but Thomas was able to read it before it got deleted.
3. Was Hannah really the one who send mc's number or it was Richy or Jake?
If it was Richy I guess he would do this to divert suspicion, but then Jake deleted the message.
Or if it was Jake why would he do this? How does he know our number? If in the past mc wasn't famous for their detective abilities then it doesn't makes sense. But if it was really him, then I think Richy was the one who deleted the message.
4. It's not that important, but I think there's a little possibility that Hannah herself deleted the message that she sent because she didn't want Richy to notice the number. But I don't think that's really what happened. That thought just appeared while I was writing all this.
5. did Hannah really want to send our number and not something else?
Maybe a location? That's a weird guess but knows, guys, who knows...
Gosh, I really hope that we will find answer to this in Moonvale.
Let me know what you think about it cuz I'm interested and seriously feel like my head going to explode from thinking. Also sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language :3
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giu-world · 2 years
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Dan's memes 😂
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witchwitha-b · 2 years
⛔ Spoiler for the last episode ⛔ Another part of some Duskwood Memes! I hope you like them and I want to thank @lyon-amore once more for the support and the follow but I also want to thank my other followers that enjoy my posts and gave me a really amazing welcome to the Fandom. I would've never thought that so many people like my content and it makes me really happy and it inspires me to make more. So a huge thank you to all of you! I hope you have an amazing day<3
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justjeysblog · 2 years
Hey! Guess who gained a little bit of confidence? I just wanna tell you that I see all your compliments and I'm really happy you like my drawings. I just finished Duskwood and I’m shocked. I'm joining the group ,,Everbyte owes me therapy,,
That's me right after the game End:
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You Are Enough (Updated)
Updated Version of my old One Shot. I am much prouder of this one. I hope you all like it!
(Also, I couldn't bear to have Richy not in this story, so he is still alive and was never the MWAF. Please don't hate me, lol.)
MC stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, haunted by her thoughts. Why couldn’t she be beautiful like everyone else? Hannah and Lilly had gorgeous eyes that sparkled, Cleo and Jessy smiles that could light up a whole room, not to mention the excellent figures all 4 girls possessed. It didn’t matter how slim MC was herself, how her own eyes could capture men’s attention, how her smile was so contagious. She should try to be skinnier, pay more attention to her hair and makeup, perhaps then she could compare, maybe she would be-
MC became aware of the tall figure behind her, his wavy black hair slightly messy, those electric blue eyes staring back into hers. “Hey,” she mumbles.
“What are you doing in here?” The hacker asks, wrapping his arms around her small waist and pulling her to his chest, resting his chin in the crook of her neck.
“Nothing,” a small smile tugs at the corner of MC’s mouth as she views them both together in the mirror. “It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure about that?” Jake looks at her skeptically.
“Yes,” MC sighs. “I’m just thinking.”
“Hmmm, join me in my study?”
MC smiles at Jake’s version of an invitation, her fears and insecurities fleeing as Jake’s calming, laid-back presence consumes her.
- - -
“What do you think of this dress?” Jessy asks, hands in the air, head cocked, a small side smile forming on her lips. “Belt or no?” She reaches for a leather belt that lays on her dresser, giving the dark blue, strapless dress more of a waist as she wraps it around herself.
“I don’t think the belt suits the dress,” Hannah frowns, “It makes it look more rugged, less elegant.”
“Oh man,” Jessy sighs, brushing her long red hair over her shoulder.
Lilly snaps her fingers, “What about a ribbon, Jessy? It’ll still give you the waist you want, but it won’t look as out of place.”
“Like I have a bunch of ribbon on hand,” Jessy pretends to pout.
“Do you actually need a belt or ribbon though?” Cleo finally interjects. “The dress was designed to accentuate your curves already, so I don’t think a belt is necessary.”
“And we all know Dan will like it anyway,” Lilly smirks.
“Lilly!” Jessy covers her mouth, eyes wide.
“It’s true,” MC laughs. “Heck, you could wear a potato sack and Dan will still say you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever laid eyes on.”
“You all are full of it!” Jessy rolls her eyes, cheeks red with embarrassment.
“Well, whatever the case is, we best get busy.” Hannah reminds. “MC, you’re next.”
“I can’t wait for Jake to see your new dress!” Lilly beams, pulling it out of Jessy’s closet where the other three dresses were hanging. 
A nervous feeling wells up inside MC’s stomach as she looks at the dress, now unsure. “I don’t know, do you think he’ll like it?”
“Come on,” Jessy laughs, “don’t be dumb.”
“He’s already in love with you anyway, there’s nothing to be scared about.” Hannah encourages.
“Here, go put it on.” Lilly hands MC the hanger, nudging her towards the bathroom.
MC takes it, her hands slightly shaking as she walks into the other room, closing the door behind her. After she slides the dress on she once more meets her reflection, this time it being a full-sized mirror. The modest, off-the-shoulder, black dress fits her curves nicely, cutting just above the knee, slightly flaring outward towards the bottom. MC’s hands subconsciously find themselves at her waist, smoothing out the fabric, her eyes following her actions. A frown flitters across her face, the dress didn’t fit quite right. It looked like it was too tight….she needed to be skinner, it was simply unavoidable.
“MC, hurry up!” Lilly knocks obnoxiously on the door. “I have to put my dress on next!”
“Does it look okay?” She asks, hurriedly, walking out of the room.
“It’s gorgeous,” Jessy smiles. “Even better than it looked in the store.”
The other three girls quickly changed into their dresses, each defining their figures well and enhancing their appeal.
The five girls then took turns working on each other’s hair and makeup until they decided they had reached the desired results for each.
“Perfect,” Cleo states as the five girls crowd in for a selfie in the bathroom mirror. “Great job everyone.”
“Great job on being fricken models,” Hannah smirks
“HashtagBeautifulbesties,” Jessy giggles. “Remind me to use that on my instagram when I post this picture. Now hurry, we can’t be late!”
- - -
“Easy hackerboy,” Dan teases as he leans on a pool stick, waiting for Jake to make his move.
“Do you really have to call me that?” Jake sighs with a roll of his eyes, carefully concentrating on which ball to hit in order to get the most points.
“Fine, hackerman.”
The balls ricochet across the table, creating a loud clanking noise. Jake smirks triumphantly as three of the balls fall into holes. “How was that, Daniel?”
“Could be worse,” Dan shrugs. “Richy, you’re next.”
The blonde man carefully lines his pole up with the white ball, soon sending one into a hole. “I’m surprised we’re meeting here actually,” he states, nonchalantly.
Jake sighs, “Right. I hate this place.”
“More like you hate Phil,” Dan corrects.
“Same thing,” Jake says, clenching his pole frustratedly.
“Tommyboy? It's your turn.” Dan looks at the brunette. “And take that stupid beanie off.”
“Hannah likes it,” Thomas defends himself.
“Well look who showed up,” Dan booms as the five girls walk into the bar.
“Have you girls considered being Pageant Queens?”  Richy smiles shyly.
Thomas walks towards his girlfriend, “You look lovely as always, Hannah.”
“Do you like my dress?” Jessy prances over to Dan, who is grinning ear to ear.
“How much did it cost?”
“DAN!” Jessy smacks his shoulder, laughing.
“You girls look amazing,” Richy says, doing his iconic side smile.
“Jake?” MC smiles unsure as he just looks at her. “Do you like it? I tried to make sure it wasn’t too revealing, I know you don’t like how Phil-”
“Yes,” Jake says, simply.
MC blushes, “Really?”
“Of course,” Jake looks at her with a smile, offering no other words.
“Hello, MC.” Phil suddenly speaks behind her, winking when she turns around. “Don’t you look gorgeous tonight, as always.”
“Thanks, Phil.” MC says with a small smile, crossing her arms slightly.
“Jake,” the bartender smirks as he sees the hacker’s jaw set.
“Philip,” Jake nods his head as he reaches out and takes hold of MC’s arm, drawing her against his chest. “Don’t you have some other customers to tend to?”
“Jake,” MC mutters underneath her breath.
Phil cocks his head and looks once more at MC, “None as pretty as sweet little MC here, she’s a doll.”
“Phil, stop it.” Jessy sighs and shoots a glare towards her brother.
Phil only chuckles and winks again at MC, “Well, if you want a free drink, I have a seat reserved for you up front.”
MC nods and as soon as Phil turns his back on the group, she rolls her eyes. “You didn’t have to get so jealous, Jake.”
“He seems very unlikable,” Jake states.
“I agree,” Cleo nods her head, frowning as she watches the bartender laugh while engaging with a pretty blonde at the counter. “Playboy.”
“Womanizer,” Richy adds.
“How about a different topic?” Thomas asks, trying to lighten the mood. “Jake was destroying us at pool before you girls walked in.”
“Hey,” Dan protests. “I haven’t even had my turn yet.”
Richy rolls his eyes, “How about a game of cards?”
“You brought cards?” Dan asks.
“Yeah,” Richy grins sheepishly.
“Thanks, Richy,” Cleo smiles, “That was a great idea.” Richy grins,“what should we play?” “Poker,” Lilly answers.
“I’m in,” MC sits down at a table. “Jake?”
“No, no, no.” Dan protests. “Jake has to finish this game of pool with me, he already started it.”
“I guess that means I’m obligated to finish the game as well,” Richy makes a sad face.
“Obviously. Thomas?” Dan stares, expectantly.
Hannah smirks as Thomas begrudgingly walks back over to the pool table, she herself sitting down at the table amongst the other girls. “What’s the stakes?”
“What about we take the winner to The Black Swan and share the price of their meal, but on top of that everyone has to buy an appetizer?” Jessy raises an eyebrow..
“Oooh,” Lilly smiles. “I like that idea, how about you, MC?”
MC’s stomach suddenly twisted at the thought of eating so much food, how would she get rid of all that weight?
“MC?” Hannah asks, noting the hesitancy.
“Sure,” MC manages to say with a small smile. “Sounds like fun.”
“I think so too,” Cleo agrees.
“I hope I win,” Jessy laughs. “The Black Swan is my absolute favorite.”
Cleo laughs, “We’ll see.”
- - -
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight, MC?” Jake asks later as the couple are getting ready for bed.
“Yes,” MC smiles. “I won the Poker game.”
“Good job,” Jake praises. “And the reward?”
“A night at the Black Swan,” MC says as her smile fades.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asks, concerned. “I thought you liked their food.”
“I do.”
Jake frowns, “What is it, MC?”
“I was just thinking of how much you’ve changed. It’s nice to see how much you’ve grown inside the group with everyone.”
“If that makes you happy, then I will continue to make myself uncomfortable and socialize with them.” Jake says in a serious voice.
MC giggles softly, “Do you really have to put it that way, Jake?”
“That was not my intention,” Jake cracks a small smile. “What I mean is,  I still feel somewhat out of place amongst them. It’s been awhile since I’ve formed relationships, MC.”
MC gazes up at the young hacker, “I know.”
“No, you don’t know.” Jake shakes his head, “My past is still hidden from you.”
“Then share it with me now.”
“Please,” MC asks, curiosity evident in her eyes.
Jake sighs, “Hannah and Lilly’s father was away from home for two months as he was creating a business arrangement between two contracting companies . During those two months he met my mother and took an interest in her, most notably for her beauty and optimistic nature. She consented to the relationship because she was unaware he was married. When he confessed that he had cheated on his wife, my mother broke it off with him and told him to recommit himself to his family from then on. After finding out she was pregnant, she made the decision to raise me on her own. My mother always struggled financially, but when she had me her money problems grew worse. We had enough to get by, she made sure I had an education, was kept warm during the winter, had food to eat, clothes to wear. She worked tirelessly at her job as a waitress, secretly saving most of her tips for my future college fund. We were happy, just the two of us, she adored me. My mother was the best thing in my life, I didn’t need or want anyone else when she was with me. When I was fifteen her car was side-swiped on her way home, she was killed instantly. I never imagined her to be gone so suddenly, it left me shocked. After her death, I drowned myself in my studies, most importantly computer science. When the FBI found out about a young seventeen-year-old boy decrypting algorithms which caused years to crack, they enlisted me. During my year of working there, I uncovered the many scandals hidden inside the bureau, including embezzlement. I couldn’t stay quiet, the people deserved the truth. I anonymously and periodically leaked certain things to the public, but eventually the bureau was able to trace it back to me. At nineteen I was forced to go on the run.”
“That must have been awful,” MC frowns as she considers the hardships Jake was forced to endure at such a young age.
The young hacker takes her hand, clearing his throat as he continues. “I was without a home, without an identity, I had disappeared from the face of the earth. I had no friends, no family, it was just me and my gear. My mother had left me a letter along with her will when she had died, the will naturally gave me all of her savings, but the letter was much more important. Within the letter she finally disclosed my heritage, what had taken place in order to foreshadow my birth. Along with the letter was also a picture of my mother with the man I had never met, my father. I researched his name and was able to find pictures of him and his family, his occupation, where he resided, anything that the internet could pull up. Something inside my soul urged me to reach out to him, but that was too risky, I didn’t want to be responsible for tearing a family apart. That is how I came across my half-sister, Hannah. Lilly was also an option, but being that Hannah was only two years younger than me, she seemed like the best choice. I found her instagram account and messaged her, using the excuse of asking her what type of cat Dusty was. She replied and was eager to keep the communications open. Through our messages she figured out I was some sort of genius, but something went horribly wrong. Hannah started to fall in love with me, in love with someone she’d never met in person, in love with her half-brother. It was evident to see in her replies that I needed to pull myself away. My answers got shorter and shorter, and soon she stopped emailing me. Months later she posted a picture of her and a brown-haired guy she referenced as her boyfriend.”
“Thomas,” MC says.
“Yes.” Jake answers. “Then a year later she suddenly emailed me, asking for my help. As you know, I immediately video called her, she was unexpectedly ambushed while on the call.”
“And then she sent you my number.”
“Yes, and I immediately reached out to you as my only hope for finding Hannah.” Jake nods and then starts to smirk, “But then something with you also went horribly wrong.”
“And what was that, Jake?” MC teases, cheeks painted pink.
“You asked for my name, and I gave it to you. You also asked for the color of my hair. Then you prodded, asking if I was curious about who you even were.”
“Of course I was curious, you showed up under such mysterious circumstances, you had no recollection of meeting Hannah. But still, her last message sent from her phone contained just your number, what was the connection?”
“Now we know it was a typo, she was trying to send Alan’s number to Thomas, but she hit the wrong key in her hurry.”
“Yes, which unintentionally but thankfully brought you into the whole mystery.”
“Thankfully?” MC giggles softly as Jake smirks some more.
“I met you, and then everything changed.” Jake says. “For the first time in a long while I craved relationship. You piqued my interest. I found myself slowly falling for you, for a complete stranger. When you confessed you liked me over text, my heart raced, but my common sense and cynical nature took over.”
“You told me it wasn’t right, that it was dangerous for both you and for me. It left me stunned.”
“I know MC, I am so sorry.” Jake reaches out and kisses MC’s forehead softly. “But that chat was forever in my mind for a long time after. As the stakes rose, the more danger you were placed in, the more evident my feelings for you became. After Lilly’s video forced me to flee again, it nearly tore my heart out as I had to inform you that you would be on your own for a while. I felt like I was ditching you, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to contact you again.”
“I felt the same,” MC confesses.
“I promised you then that I would never let my pursuers catch me, because then it would separate me from you.”
“When I read that text, I felt hopeful despite all the circumstances.”
“I had set Nymos up to protect you and alert me of any suspicious activity concerning your phone while I was on the run. When I got the first alert of an attempt made by the FBI to hack your phone, it motivated me even more to find a safe place so I could help you. I found shelter in a small hotel.”
“Simple but sufficient,” MC remembers with a small smile.
“Yes,” Jake smiles back. “I had no sooner set my computer up when I got another alert that the FBI was trying to find your location, soon turning into accessing your camera.”
“I was so scared.”
“I was able to stop them just before they had access to your camera. The first thing I could think of to text you was-”
“Hello MC.”
“Yes, and I remember exactly what you replied. You said Do you know I feel like crying right now?”
“I was so weak,” MC shakes her head full of shame.
“No, you were human. You said, I’m in danger, Jake.” The hacker recalls, getting a far away look in his intoxicating blue eyes. “And I made another promise to you, do you remember?”
“You said, I will never let him get close to you ever again.”
“And I have kept that promise, haven’t I?”
“And now I have to protect you from another enemy,” Jake looks at her seriously.
MC’s eyes flash with fear, “What do you mean?”
“I have to save you from yourself.” The hacker answers. “From starving yourself and forcing yourself to undereat.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” MC crosses her arms.
“Promise me we will tomorrow then.”
“We don’t have to talk about anything,” MC protests.
“Fine.” MC turns her back on the black-haired man, walking to her side of the bed and climbing in. She lays down, back still facing her lover, pulling the covers up over her head.
“I love you, MC.” Jake says softly, MC can feel the weight shift as he joins her in the bed. “That is why I must force you to talk about the hard things.” MC remains quiet, tears starting to stream down her face as she lays there. She can hear Jake sigh and then his arm slips around MC’s waist, pulling her to his chest once more. She uncovers her head and turns around in his arms, “Tomorrow we will talk, I promise, Jake.” “Thank you, MC.” Jake pecks her on the lips softly, “Goodnight, love.”
- - -
“MC?” Jake asks, gently waking her up the next morning. A small smile tugs at his lips as he watches her slowly open her eyes and then close them again, snuggling her face deeper into the covers.
“What?” MC sighs, voice dry.
“I made breakfast for you.”
“At what time? Six in the morning?” MC giggles tiredly, glancing at the alarm which says 6:58. “Jake, it’s Saturday. You’re supposed to sleep in.”  She rolls over, trying to block him out. “Or you at least let me sleep in.”
“But what about breakfast?”
“I don’t want breakfast, I want to sleep.” She mumbles into the pillow.
“You’re going to be hungry and angry soon.”
“It’s called being hangry, Jake. And I’m angry now, so please, shush.”
Jake looks at MC, frowning. Without warning he yanks the covers off the bed and picks her up easily.
“What the heck are you doing?! Are you insane?!” MC laughs, trying to somehow still act mad.
Jake smirks at her as she tries to get out of his arms, “You need to eat.”
“Not hungry.”
“Then we at least need to have our talk. MC, please.” Jake’s worried look makes her heart ache. “Why else do you think I’m making breakfast this morning?”
“I know you suffer from a dysmorphic disorder, MC. You believe yourself to be overweight. BDD.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” MC lies.
“You know full well what it means, MC. BDD-Body Dysmorphic Disorder, you’re obsessed with your appearance, worried about your weight, how people see you. It’s rooted from anxiety, low self-esteem, comparing yourself to others, depression even.”
“How did you find out?”
“It’s not hard to notice, all of your friends can see it, MC. You’ve progressively been starving yourself, Jessy and the others have repeatedly told me how little you eat anymore when you’re with them. I notice that after we get done eating together, you disappear into the bathroom for twenty minutes at a time, purging I assume. When I wrap my arms around your waist I can feel your ribs, this is not healthy, MC!” Jake’s voice rises, “Why do you do this to yourself?!”
MC lip starts to tremble, “I can’t compare to the others, Jake.”
Jake leads MC to the bathroom and points at the scale on the floor. “I want to show you something.”
“Trust me.”
MC gets on the scale, anxiety skyrocketing as the number increases the more weight she places on it.
“What Does It Say?”
“105lbs,” MC shivers.
“Hannah and Jessy are slender, aren’t they? Cleo and Lilly have excellent figures?”
“Yes,” MC nods, tears streaming down her face.
“Jessy weighs 123lbs, Hannah 129lbs. Cleo comes at 131lbs, Lilly 137lbs.” Jake says in a soft voice. “You’re 18lbs smaller than Jessy, MC.”
“I don’t understand,” MC stutters in confusion.
“All those negative thoughts telling you that you’re overweight, they’re all lies, MC. Ask anyone, you are literally underweight if we’re being honest.” Jake hugs her, brushing his hand through her tangled hair. “MC, I.” His brow furrows as he tries to figure out how to express his thoughts. “You are perfect just the way you are, MC.”
“It’s not enough though,” MC sniffles.
“You are Enough,” Jake says slowly, pulling away. “You are Enough for me, more than enough. I don’t deserve you, MC. You are beautiful, lively, sweet, energetic. Even when you’re like this, hair tangled, tears streaming down your face, still in your pajama shorts and my shirt on, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Do you really think so?” MC wipes her eyes, a small smile forming on her chapped lips.
“You trust me?”
“Then you are Beautiful. You are Gorgeous. You are Lovely. You are Stunning. You are Cute and Adorable, Endearing. You are More than Enough. You are my World, my Everything.” Jake kisses her, “And I love you.”
A small smile spreads across MC’s face as the hacker brushes his thumb over her cheek.
“Also, I may have lied about breakfast, Cleo actually made it.” Jake smirks, “She gave me a batch of her world famous cinnamon rolls just for you and me a few days ago, I just put it in the oven.”
“Yes, MC?”
“Thank you for everything.”
“I love you, don’t ever forget that. You Are Mine.” He states, kissing her mouth, dragging his teeth over her bottom lip.
MC gasps, a warm feeling pooling in her stomach as Jake's hands find themselves at her waist.
Jake smirks against the kiss, gently rubbing his thumbs across MC's hips. "Eat first, and then we'll continue." With that he took her hand and led her to the kitchen, MC biting her lip out of excitement of the promised future.
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Please comment any thoughts you have, I would love to actually talk to any of you! Love you! :)
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