#They're still far from good people
blastthechaos · 5 months
I like to imagine that in the Sane Route (since it's implied Andrew and Julia get back together, although even if they don't it's fun to imagine), Andrew and Ashley eventually cross paths with Julia again while trying to keep a low profile, they end up sorta kidnapping her so she doesn't blow their cover.
Julia is understandably a bit crossed since her ex and the person she hates the most in the world just took her against her will and it's a bit fearful about what they're going to do to her next...
Except that Andrew apologizes for what happened and explains to her the situation, they told her they're not gonna cause her any harm if she pretends she never saw them.
Julia noticed that Ashley didn't make single annoyed face or shown any sign of jealousy that she was close to Andrew, something she would recognize on sight if she did.
Then Julia seems to be in agreement and taking the chance, Andrew apologizes for how things ended up, that he should been a better boyfriend and he wishes her happiness.
Julia is like in shock, it wasn't that Andrew was an awful boyfriend but the fact that he acknowledged all the wrong that had been inflicted on her was new, she always thought he dismiss what Ashley did to him as nothing important.
But the finishing blow came when Ashley did a casual mean comment towards Julia (lacking any of the usual bite that she often threw at her) and Andrew told her to fuck off and insulted her back, which caused her to back down.
Julia was suddenly wet as fuck.
She hastily told them that if they wanted she could hide them in her house and work it out from there, because she needed to know more about this Ashley that didn't seem to hate her very existence and this Andrew that admitted his fuck ups and stood up to Ashley...among other things
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an idea i invite anyone else to write about / run with lol....
the premise that The Change gets all messed up for alberto, say it's something that can happen from stress, &/or happens rarely and you just have to wait for it to resolve itself....used as some parallel to struggling through some emotional turbulence / upheaval / questioning / Realizing Things, etc etc
#luca 2021#pixar luca#alberto scorfano#another idea i've failed to write for & so invite anyone else to run with: ciao alberto but what if he peaces out by swimming off lol#ends up in a coastal town maybe an hour's swim from genoa. but not Getting In Touch w/anyone for a while b/c plausibly he thinks that#giulia may not be a fan of him now by extension; just being too embarrassed asf to reach out to luca kinda lol....luca off doing his own#thing just fine & alberto not wanting to write him now like b/c i Ruined Everything again ahaha....#and by ''not in touch w/anyone for a while'' who knows. months; a few years even....might stumble across news of him b/c like.#say more sea folk are coming to land / more humans know abt them & not many places are as [harpoon]ly from the start anyways#portorosso exceptional in that way....maybe where alberto settles down they're like legendary but also considered Good Luck anyways lol.#anyways like some people know of him who might; say; swim down to portorosso. have their own teen who knows a teen who mostly lives on land#most convenient re sparking [wow could they mean Our alberto] if he doesn't go so far as to take up an alias lol. but why would he....#that difference in that massimo might figure that however alberto was surviving before; he could continue to do so now; but even though tha#is some comfort it's still Not Actually Enough....feeling way more Parentally towards alberto than his biological dad like that; obv#and anyways re: this [The Change gets messed up] idea it's more of an inconvenience lol but one that could still have some significance#like if he first finds out the issue exists via hopping right into the ocean; failing to change forms; never being human form'd in water b4#thee worst....crash intro course to the experience of drowning. observation of How Humans Swim / being able to grab any part of the boat...#and besides That unpleasantness it's like; hey. where's my nonhuman form at#or; of course; being in sea form even while dry....especially if he's still dealing with Nonsense on land. which is presumed.#&/or if there's an upswing in nonsense b/c of Other ways you're Othered...ofc we can consider like; tfw you're a gay fish & maybe that's no#something that on its own would be like Aah until it's like well a) i kinda wanna do things that would make this Visible and b) i've learne#that humans also Have Issues about this kind of thing....#appropriately my tablet was also all thrown off. no pressure sensitivity; input sensitivity overall was rough#but i would've had to restart my laptop about it lol like eh i'll just work around it
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thedreadvampy · 8 months
Yes people are fucking dying and no I don't ever feel like. Great about people being killed in missile strikes.
But I also don't feel great about decades of civilians, including over 2,100 children in the last 20 years, being killed both by missile strikes and by being shot or beaten to death in the street.
250 people were killed in the Hamas rocket attacks on Saturday, which is around the same as the number of Palestinian people the Israeli security forces had murdered this year before Saturday, and significantly less than they've killed since Saturday.
look the people are not the state and despite Israel being an apartheid colony, being an Israeli citizen doesn't necessarily imply 100% agreement. It's been 70 years and 3 generations since Israel was established as a state and the majority of Israeli civilians now didn't choose to come, they're living in the country they were born (although the same is not so much true for people living in Gaza who have recently occupied the stolen homes of Palestinians). Israelis are human people with lives and hopes and passions and deaths of any person are tragic.
Palestinians are human people with lives and hopes and passions and their lives matter just as much and are snuffed out without the international community batting an eye - I remind you again. 212 Palestinians including 38 children were murdered this year before this weekend's missile strikes and if you didn't give a shit until Hamas killed the same number of Israelis at which point everyone went OH MY GOD THE HUMANITY HOW COULD PALESTINIANS DO THIS (while Israel killed 300+ more Palestinians in under 24 hours) that's bc uhhhh you're fucking racist and don't think Palestinian lives are as important as Israeli ones
so like. sure we can acknowledge that 250 Israeli civilians' deaths are a tragedy, if we can also agree that the 300+ Palestinian civilians killed in retaliatory strikes are a tragedy and most importantly if we can agree that the 200+ Palestinians killed in 2023 before the Hamas strikes this weekend are not just a tragedy but a deliberate atrocity.
in January the Israeli government made it vocally clear before the UN than not only do they consider the occupation of Palestine permanent, they are explicitly focused on taking over as much Palestinian land as possible in perpetuity. Since then this whole year there have been a total of only FOUR (nonconsecutive) FULL WEEKS in which NO Palestines were killed by Israel (compared to only 8 weeks in which Israelis WERE killed, of which 2 incidents were friendly fire from another IDF member)
It's legitimately tragic when people are killed. And Israel has been systematically killing Palestinians to the degree there are Palestinian casualties recorded about 3 days in every 5 this year, usually multiple, with displacements, demolitions, injuries, arrests and beatings recorded almost every single day. I do not know how LITERALLY anyone can look at the numbers from this year, let alone the last 75, and conclude that Israel is the victim of unprovoked violence.
#red said#i note again. ISRAEL THE STATE provoked the violence which ISRAELI PEOPLE face regardless of their political beliefs#Israel's government does not represent the beliefs of all Israelis. no state does.#Israelis live on stolen land in an apartheid state. some of them chose to do so and to enthusiastically participate and some don't.#the Israeli people en masse are as responsible for the Israeli state as the American people are for the American state#or the British people for the British state#which is to say they run the gamut from thinking the government doesn't go far enough to protesting constantly#Israeli doesn't mean evil. Israeli people are people like anyone else. and resisting apartheid from within an apartheid state#isn't easy and a lot of Israelis do. and even if they don't they're still human people.#Israel as a state like most colonial states puts work into propaganda fear and dehumanisation of the other.#people are responsible for breaking out of that but they're not personally culpable for the crimes of their country#it fucking sucks. that Israeli civilians are killed indiscriminately as part of this conflict.#IT JUST ALSO FUCKING SUCKS THAT PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS ARE KILLED DISPLACED AND IMPRISONED#WHETHER OR NOT THE NATIONS ARE INVOLVED IN DIRECT VIOLENT CONFLICT#Israeli civilians are collateral casualties in violence which is happening bc Palestinians would like to stop being killed almost daily#and that sucks. it isn't a good thing and i don't delight in their deaths. the people are not the state.#but it also sucks that Palestinian people are killed at a rate of 15-60 every month regardless of what if anything happens to Israeli people#prior to this week the highest monthly conflict-related death toll for Israel was 7. the lowest for Palestine was 12.#and btw at least 3 Israeli deaths recorded were cases of one IDF member accidentally shooting another while trying to kill a Palestinian#in September 0 Israelis were killed by Palestinians and yet 15 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces.#that's not to pretend it's good for Israelis to die. it's to point out that the violence of Palestinians against Israelis is in desperation#while the violence of Israelis against Palestinians is of opportunity.#where Israeli noncombatants are killed by Palestinian forces it's almost always collateral damage. and to be clear that is still a tragedy.#Palestinian noncombatants are regularly collateral damage but they're ALSO singled out and shot dead in the street#and that's a much more deliberate act.#if a 13yo is killed in a missile strike. if a 13yo is hit by a car. if a 13yo is shot by a gunman. all those are tragedies.#for the victim. they're dead however they die. for their families it's the same level of grief.#but there is a DIFFERENCE. between knowing your actions may kill children. and putting a child in your sights and shooting them dead.#that kind of targeted violence against specific individual civilians is something Israeli forces do to Palestinians.#it isn't something that is on record as happening the other way around
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thethingything · 3 months
I really don't like our brain's ability to jump from "I'm going to organise all this stuff and catch up with a bunch of tasks" to "it's time to get stuck in an increasingly distressing thought spiral for several hours, accidentally trigger yourself, then feel like shit because you haven't done anything but also haven't managed to rest".
like please can we maybe have like a nice middleground where we do a few things and then rest for a while and don't experience the full range of human emotions over the course of about 3 hours
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hwiyoungies · 4 months
i do find it hilarious when whoever is adapting a thing says that they're not gonna do it play by play but rather a reinterpretation of the story in a way, and then people get mad because it's not a play by play but a reintepretation of the story
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#You'd think of all times I'd be having stress dreams right now‚ but I'm not actually#In fact usually my dreams are horrible things of dreadful desperate danger and darkness and blood. Losing my children‚ losing other people#who trust me to help and save them.#But they've all been things like “woman is criticizing my soap bottles” (🤨) and “there's a tornado - but it doesn't hit us actually” and#“you missed a phone call btw”#But it's not that I'm not stressed. I am. I am tied up in all sorts of knots over this pending divorce hearing. And the pending CPS case.#<- That's going to court btw. Dallas has had a full year to do the mandatory six weeks counseling and has opted not to finish it‚ so they'r#taking him to court over it to codify that he is not allowed to have anything to do with us.#Fine by me‚ him being legally prevented from having anything to do with us has always been my hope. It'll be a hassle for me having to#*also* appear in court‚ but overall a small price to pay. And it also removes my last theological objections to the divorce;#the unbelieving has chosen to depart indeed.#So! *Good* news. But also not not-stressful.#(My back is *killing* me and it gets worse the closer February 6th looms.)#On the other hand I REFUSE to worry. Because there is No. Way. that God would bring us this far just to abandon us now.#And His fingerprints are *all over* the last two years.#(I am still not precisely 'looking forward' to the court appearances.)#Anyway. Fun stuff‚ fun stuff.#Nattering into the void
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
soulless sam was at his best when he was still being written as a version of sam, to accentuate parts of him that normally get held back, and not as 'guess he's evil now'. soulless sam when he's reflecting sam's tendency to lose sight of everything else in pursuit of a goal. soulless sam when he's just kind of rude without thinking about it without his filter on. soulless sam when he's equal parts intent on keeping dean with him and also happy to lie to him and keep him shut out of the things he knows dean won't like so that dean won't leave. soulless sam when he equally recognizes that he is a better hunter now, and also that he probably can't continue to exist without his soul. (you know. before they went along with making him just kind of evil.)
...soulless sam when he's begging for literally anyone to acknowledge his autonomy in this situation and not force him to take his soul back without knowing how much it could damage him and being ignored.
#i have normal thoughts about this man#i love the soulless sam arc actually until it nosedives#i love how it gives us a new lens to examine sam through#i love that soulless sam isn't even really! malicious! he's just exactly what he says: a better hunter!#like the most Bad thing he does is inarguably dean vampire transformation#but id point out that. that gives us even more fascinating stuff to analyze about him#like for one. sam knows not only About the cure but about how dean can't drink blood for it to work. right?#so what can we deduce from this: 1) he is not arbitrarily risking his brother. he is making from his pov the most logical decisions to kill#the vamps they're after. and 2) soulless sam without a doubt believes that dean will resist drinking blood. because otherwise the cure won'#work on him. and you can say 'well he doesn't have a connection to dean because soulless reasons' but. i mean. that's false. clearly.#even if all it is is leftover feelings of responsibility towards dean and familiarity and knowing that dean's a good hunter.#that's still a connection! dean *does* matter to him! and soulless sam believes he wont go for blood. that dean can't.#(sidenote if dean did? i dont think soulless would have killed him. this is sam & dean we're talking about.#soul or not. vampire or not. sam is keeping him around.)#anyway the point of this is that soulless sam is both Very Simple to understand and Very Complex when you get into the details of it#but on the basic level he is just sam's drive to hunt unattached from morality. he is just a better hunter.#i like that characterization far better than 'he is evil and wants to do murder and bad things'#oh and also he fucks people's wives. he's fun like that.#soulless!sam#spn#sam winchester
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echthr0s · 6 months
"just because someone has a PD doesn't mean they're automatically going to be abusive": nodding, yes good, go on
"if they're abusive they chose to be that way": [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE]
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rowenabean · 11 months
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#the wedding was lovely and i am so sad#managed to get most of the sad out of the way Friday and Sunday so i could be glad for them on the actual wedding day#but still. i'm going to miss her.#we always talked about living together and we never did and now we probably never will#i've got a model of married folk living together in community but i don't think they do and it has to be something you choose#her family are lovely and i was really glad to meet her friends and cousins that she talks about so often but they don't really get it#they get to have her!!! she's moving somewhere that's more convenient for literally everyone other than me! (this is not hard to do)#really good to get home and hug my dad and my little sister and have people who are my people around#was actually really good at the reception that there were a few other folk from my current town - i wasn't the only person who was#mixed joy and tears#i said something about us giving her over in my speech and they said yes that's exactly how we're feeling#but it wasn't till her husband responded to that in his speech that i started crying#everyone has been so kind to me but it has been SO good to get home#hoping i can get a bit more sleep as well. emotions are bigger when tired even though they're real still#(her cousins invited me to come stay any time and tbh i can see that living in Auckland could be actually really nice if you live where they#do. but i couldn't live where they do and do the work i want to do it is quite far away from the places in Auckland i could imagine working)#rowena adventures#btw no photos of me currently but probably some later??? not that we took many the groom had been sick the previous week and was#still pretty wiped so they got like two photos with the bridal party and ten with just them and that was it
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taeyungie · 1 year
hi ♡ i guess i'm back? 🥹
here's a little life update! i think you guys deserve it after my absence that lasted longer than even i expected it to last ;( i am very sorry about that. i miss everyone here and bangtan so much, you have no idea. the reason for all that is that for the past months i have been going through a lot of things and changes in my life. there were good and bad things happening, time flies extra fast, days melt into one and i didn't even notice the past half a year pass. although i think my absence was unavoidable in these circumstances i just thought that you guys deserve to know what's been up with me for the past months haha i have received a lot messages and reminders that people remember about me and that they miss me and i just want to send all of you my biggest apologies for leaving you for so long with no response, as well as all my love and gratitude! 🥺 i think i've been always fairly transparent on here so if anyone wanted to know more I'll leave some more details in the tags but basically I just hope that soon i will be able to become more active again and respond to messages ❤️❤️❤️ i hope everyone is doing great 🥰
#honestly... it was yoongi's comeback that made it happen. that made me have motivation to come back. i didnt expect it but here we are LOL#because for the past months i have been struggling a lot and i almost lost all the connections with my friends family and bangtan#i lost all my feelings and thoughts#i didnt miss anyone i didnt want to do anything i didnt want to be anywhere. i was completely submerged into my own head#i still am. it didnt exactly get better but.. its just yoongis impact jasbhdjdjd he made me remeber a lot#in october last year i developed a very agressive eating disorder and its gotten a lot worse at the begging of this year#and it has taken everything from me. it sucked me dry and still continues to do so. it made my mental health so much worse on every level#but im still here and thats what matters in the end right ❤️#from the good things - after long unfortunate and very stressful job hunting i finally got a stable job 🥰 and i continue my uni so far#that's why i was absent here most of the time. i decided to focus on my life and on trying to change something and to fight a little more#after jin's enlistment announcement... it was a wake up call for me#and maybe soon i will be back on track but im taking things slow. especially that its not easy for me at all#but i just wanted you to know that theres been a lot happening here so ❤️ im not just getting bored of tumblr and bts haha#i never stopped following the fandom i never turned off my notifications from media i never stopped looking up what they're up to each day#i just didnt have time and motivation to be active. because of my health i wanted to be quiet and away from eveyone and everything :/#even from my comfort people and activities#that sounds sad but. it's alright so please don't worry about me ❤️ I'm holding on just fine. got used to some things ❤️ trying to heal#so yeah i think thats that haha i think its enough and all basically#it may seem like very little but my life has always been very slow when it comes to big actions haha#anyway. love you all so much ❤️ thank you for not forgetting about me ❤️#soon i will try to answer some mesdages from my inbox. please wait for me just a little bit more ❤️ im very overworked right now#but im so sorry that you have to wait so long ❤️
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wizardnuke · 22 days
yalls tags on the caleb astrid post are all SO spot on thank you for understanding the uh. canon that was given to us. not saying that anyone doesnt. but i am.
#the Poast is about. bren vs caleb and Exactly what i think all that was about between essek and astrid#the essek-astrid relation is not remotely like caleb-astrid and certainly not essek-caleb#essek knows caleb loves her. like. probably still a little romantically past the INTENSE worry that caleb probably constantly has for her#(in several different ways. he isn't afraid of her. he doesn't worry about her harming him or his but he also knows exactly what she is#capable of and he is a realist first and foremost). caleb's love for her doesn't bother essek at all. also doesn't mean he can't be a#bitch to her anyways for several other reasons such as. he doesn't care about her like caleb does he was essentially sent on a welfare#check that included both making sure astrid is okay AND making sure she isn't in on da'leth's plan. it can be both. bren sends his#regards: caleb sent me (you are not in danger) he is worried (about you and what you are capable of) and then the Poast is that +#significance of bren getting dropped. because i disagree. with some things that people are saying about it. there's a lot going on there#essek knows exactly what astrid is same as caleb but they're fundamentally handling it from different perspectives and#not only is that. like. fine and normal and reasonable but also#you CANT expect astrid to react to essek showing up like she would have if caleb had shown up instead#like. thee situation HAS to be handled differently and astrid is more fluent in threats and insinuation than she is in honesty. by far.#also essek just doesn't need to be kind or nonthreatening to her cause. he's not caleb. he doesn't have that rapport with her and also#He's Not Caleb. hate to be like. he is not as good or forgiving or graceful (not the physical sense the. interactional. you get me#but he isn't. he's not. he's not built for that and he doesn't need to be to be in character or to handle it the way he did like.#he did all that for a reason he wasn't rude for no reason. is the thing. he had reason.
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fourswords · 8 months
in my free time i'm typing out a little post-adventure of link story from loz 1 zelda's perspective on link bringing this OTHER princess zelda who was apparently asleep for centuries (and thank you SO much for the WARNING that he was going to be DOING this, IMPA [<-entirely sarcastic]) back to the castle and the acclimatization of everyone to the whole situation and it's genuinely so fun. loz 1 zelda's standing there like alright how do i gently break it to my relative from the distant peaceful past that she has to learn how to fight in this time period or she's going to get ripped to shreds by monsters. and then she says exactly that and when aol zelda predictably looks mildly freaked out about the subject and is just standing there internally screaming like yep! okay! sure! death and destruction is rampant in this world and it kind of makes me wish i'd never woken up at all! when do fighting lessons start! loz 1 zelda is just standing there like. hm. was that not gentle enough. i feel like that wasn't gentle enough.
#it's about the severe disparity between their times.#when you grow up in a golden era of peace and you are a literal princess and your father is. iirc the correct wording used in the manual.#a child of a man. you are not going to learn how to fight. ESPECIALLY when you have an older brother who'll be the successor to the throne#when you are the princess in a time of peace then everything is going to be about image. about perfection. about being everything#the people expect from a daughter of royalty. a status symbol of ultimate proportions. so it goes#but when you are a princess in a time of complete and utter destruction. when you are a princess in a time where it is a miracle to even#survive the day sometimes. what good is image? what good are expectations?#the people of your land are survivors. they survived for a reason. lord yourself above them and there is every chance they could#destroy the last drop of royalty they have left. there is no manpower in the form of an army of knights.#and you are a survivor too. you shattered your birthright and fought your way across the land and through dungeons#to hide the pieces and you were captured and held within a cage of flames for god knows how long#and still you survived. so even though your people bite and rage you love them because you did the same.#there is never anmention of her parents. as far as we know they're dead and she was simply waiting until she was of age to be crowned queen#(<-a mention*)#so she is no status symbol. there is no perfection with her. the people begrudgingly look to her to lead them out of the hell#that has become their world and by god is she going to do it. and there is nothing left she can offer these people but brutal honesty#which is the only honesty this world has to offer anyway. it's only honesty everyone knows.#no pussyfooting around like rich people do with their speech where they say one thing and mean another. a habit i'm sure#would only flourish in peacetime. none of that. if you are not clear with your words and intentions in a land where everything wants you#dead then that's a one-way ticket to getting yourself or someone else fucking killed.#so it's like. the two main aspects of how they were raised kind of clashing full force with each other#you can only be so gentle when you grew up in a land devoid of it. you can only shape yourself into a fighter so much#when you grew up with the concept of it being foreign to you. yknow#gestures incoherently at them. blorbos truly.......#txt
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aro-tarot · 7 months
I swear, I see the weirdest fucking takes.
Like, it's not the first time I stumbled across it, but that's the first time I saw someone say that the Spawn Astarion ending is the bad ending because you're gaslighting him to make the choice you want him to make.
I'm just like ?
Like, first off, it's a video game, so there are other times where you tell the companions what you think they should do, sometimes persuading them. It's the same in other games like this. It can be for the good or bad or the character. But then also, there's literally the insight check? That he's scared, and in the moment, he can only see the power that can give him freedom, which wouldn't since it's just a continuation of a cycle. Cazador's old master's skull is down there and if you make all the checks, you can see that Cazador was treated the same way and became like his master to his spawn. It's a cycle of abuse, like, Astarion's dialogue afterward is very clear on that.
But yeah, I've seen some people try saying how the Spawn ending is the bad one, but that was a first.
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anqelbean · 4 months
Man, looking through danmei confessions was a mistake
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salvidida · 2 months
Racism and colourism are systemic, and of course they're rampant in most media, fandoms, merchandising, the whole shebang. So these are far from the only examples of this being a problem, but it's maddening being into jjba, ffvii, and fma and seeing damn near NOTHING for any of the (scant) core characters of colour from these fandoms.
Like, wow, cool fanart of the cast of Stardust Crusaders! Where's Avdol? :))))
Great fanart of the ffvii team! Why's Barret MIA? :))))
Oh cool, look at all of this art featuring the large fma cast (if not massive cast regarding mangahood)! It includes villains even! ... So Scar just doesn't exist or...? Man, not even Miles? Paninya?? Hello????
#i don't like miles because he's used as a mouthpiece for racist pro-military liberalism but i'm always amazed that even he (the token 'good'#ishvalan) gets left out of so much fanart. but scar being fully omitted every single time regardless of whether we're talking#the brotherhood or 03 or manga as the focus it doesn't matter: you won't find shit for scar. ppl love every single war criminal more#kimblee included which is 💀. but scar is a step too far and it's exceptionally clear why#jjba (esp sdc) fans will lean on the gap in the arc where avdol is recovering off screen as an excuse#meanwhile they will include iggy. which means avdol should have alreadu returned#and barret has been left out of fanworks and canon spinoffs and merch since ffvii's inception#(i know paninya is a side character with little focus & rose isn't brown in mangahood but c'mon it still reeks)#and when the melanated characters get included they're literally whitefaced for the artist's racist comfort#hilariously this rant was spurred on by some acrylic standee merch for fmab that shockingly did include scar!#except his skin is not only significantly lightened! but it's green!! (?????) wtffffffffffffffff#and y'know that most merch/artwork is digital art! you can (at worst) colour pick from official art/anime frames! you have easy access to a#colourwheel! this shit sucks so hard!#not mentioned in the post but baten kaitos has this problem too. people lighten kalas' skin all the damn time#doesn't seem to happen to gibari but mostly because he doesn't get drawn much 🙃#jjba#ffvii#fma
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keeps-ache · 4 months
it's actually very mean that i can't have emojis of my ocs just on my computer. i just think it would be much more convenient for when i have to say the Guys are in my brain but i also have no words..
#just me hi#i'm thinkin#and i mean like standard emoji. mostly bc artstreet dms don't let you put up actual images so i have to resort to detailing actual thoughts#Hfbshfv#//anywho so whenever i'm outside by myself i always get the Strongest urge to just start walking and not stop forever hfvhs#i will just Go#no objective no location. but i will be Moving#i Would do that but in order to get a satisfying amount of distance between me and People i have to walk down the road and mm i am nervous#abt doin that fvhsbh#like country roads... i may not come home.... south virginiaaaa hfbvsfhbsv#plus everyone drives crazy out here. when we moved out here we almost got sideswiped by a funkin fedex truck over a little hill#and of Course it was a fedex truck man. we've Never had a near-accident with Any usps trucks hfbvshvs#oh and also the local mailman drives like a maniac too <3 almost had a head-on collision once which was. neat lmao#like maybe 20 feet from slamming into each other which Is Not Much when you're in a car bfh#/Also people just let their dogs run out wild n crazy and :( i don't think they're properly trained to be letting them do that Aha#rode my bike out once with my brother + two of the neighbor's dogs tried ta jump us it sucked#now we don't go past their driveway so we don't ride out very far#//also hey our driveway is Ridiculous ??? ik we've been living here for like 2 years i'm still not over it lmaoohvf#it's like a 40-45 degree angle this is just silly#and listen i'm barely figuring out how my legs even work again. do you think i'm having a good time up that hill because i'm nOT#though you know what it's fine ! not many people come up our drive bc geez why Would you lmao#except for that one lady that asked for directions and then miiight have gotten lost again immediately after leaving HH#//okay. yea anyway the p1nk space is really in my brain rn hbfhvs#really i don't think i've ever been so interested in a project before this is so cool lol :D#marveling at the fact that anything was able to keep my interest for longer than 5 months Hbsh#//anywhoodle do i'm gonna skedaddle#prolly gonna rerun a couple things in a seccy but ye :33
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