#Thermae Romae
howamidrivinginlimbo · 2 months
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The Stabian Baths in the ancient city of Pompeii
The thermae were constructed around 125 BC. Hundred years later, the baths were connected to Pompeii's aquaduct. They were damaged in the earthquake of 62 AD.
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k-wame · 2 years
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нιroѕнι aвe aѕ lυcιυѕ Thermae Romae (2012) · dir. Hideki Takeuchi
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Thermae Romae (2012) // dir. Hideki Takeuchi
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tennant · 2 years
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Hiroshi Abe as Lucius Modestus THERMAE ROMAE / テルマエ・ロマエ (2012) dir. Hideki Takeuchi
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allthefujoshiunite · 6 months
Yay, a top 5 post to start the week! The new season will be upon us soon and it means, you guessed right, new opening and ending themes! Correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I know, this kind of emphasis and excitement around OP and ED themes only exist in anime circles. Which is great! I look forward not only to the voice acting cast or how the animation or adaptation will be handled, but also…
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idrawprettyboys · 8 months
What do you think of me using my delicate, intricate art style for a comedy manga? Do you think the contrast between the art and the genre will make it not feel cohesive? Or do you think it will make the comedy more surprising and funnier in contrast with the serious looking art? I’m trying to think of other comedy series with nice art, and off the top of my head, I can think of Thermae Romae and Space Battleship Tiramisu, so it’s not completely unheard of. I’m thinking of making the characters less detailed and more cartoony during some punchline panels.
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uh-mozzaza · 2 years
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shadowgale96 · 2 years
What I Watched Last Month
Thermae Romae
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9/10 It's about a roman architect, Lucious, who occasional falls into different Japanese time periods and implements his learnings back in Rome. I laughed so much. Lucious is hilarious to follow. He's so comedically passionate about baths. Only complaint is that the pilot's a bit of a drag, and there's CGI that doesn't look good, but its not constant. Overall, this is a nice watch.
Spy X Family
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It has comedy, action, cuteness and overall its just a really fun anime. Every member of the forager family has a secret they're hiding and there own motives that is hidden from the others. Loid is a top spy, Yor duels as an assassin, and anya escaped a government lab that made her a telepath. The dynamic is hilarious with this 4-5 y/o reading everyone thoughts and secrets but also being a little kid about it, and the paretents being too socially stunted from their own careers to understand normal family behaviour, but anya still loves them all the same.
My only regret is having to wait a whole week for each episode.
This Boy Suffers From Crystallization (2014)
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(7/10) Interesting premise with a boy who slowing turns to crystal when he's anxious or depressed. High school's already difficult enough without being a socially anxious kid who's crushing on his teacher that also turns into crystal. The movie's brief but sweet. It's also an lgbt+ romance that's filled with fluff and angst. Very cheesy and cliche, but I knew what I was getting into. It's clear that this movie didn't have much of a budget. it's mostly camera pans on still shots, but it's also clear someone really wanted to make this. <3
War of the Worlds (1953)
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Probably don't need to explains this one. I enjoyed this classic much more than I expected. With how dated it is, I wasn't expecting much, but I can definitely see why it's a classic. The looming dread of the alien invasion grows throughout the film, making it an effective horror film even today. That being said, I was also sent laughing plenty of times throughout this film. I wish the characters were more fleshed out as well. but overall nice film.
The Angry Red Planet (1959)
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4/10. Explorers go to Mars with no idea what kinds of dangers await them. Why didn't they just send a probe first? Don't ask questions. It's slow going and honestly the best part of the movie are the monsters that pop up albeit briefly. Giant spider bat is 10/10. In a movie like this (where characters are mostly confined to a single location and there isn't much budget or time for Special effects) there needs to be a lot of good character writing, but they all fill fairly basic roles. The movie kept disengaging me with how many times I thought "that not how someone would act." Is it a marvel of it's time? Well, it came out 6 years after WotW and apparently was only given 9 days to film, and it shows. Didn't dislike the film but was disappointed.
Queen of Blood (1966)
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Aliens send an SOS to earth leading a ship of astronauts to a crashed ship and a strange green woman with a beehive hairdo. They bring her onboard and try to establish peaceful communication, but it all goes downhill as they learn the true nature of this alien race.
Half of this movie is them struggling to get to the alien, the other half is them finally bringing her on board. This movie is considered a horror but it's horror elements don't pick up until the last fourth of the film. honestly I wanted more by the time this film was done. A cliffhanger from a movie made in 1966 was also frustrating.
Creature (1985)
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In response to an accident on Saturn's moon, Titan, astronauts are sent to investigate. Horror ensues.
Surprised I don't hear more about this movie more often. it was solid monster flick. Several moments were chilling to watch. how the monster kills and uses it's victims is fascinating and upsetting. The tagline for Creature is 'First you die...then the horror begins' and it holds true. Very satisfying.
Main complaint is that i wish the German guy wasn't so pervy. Why is everyone just okay with his behavior? and the characters should've had some more development before touching down on Titan.
Grave of the Vampire (1972)
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7/10 It's hard to give a good synopsis for this movie, since the focus changes so often. First its about a woman who got assaulted by a vampire and a cop trying to catch the killer, than like 40 years go by and a vampire half-ling is taking some college classes and bumps into his vampire father.
Very bleak beginning. it definitely earns it's R. There was a lot of focal whiplash in this film. We focus on the mother and cop until about halfway through the film. It's fast paced and suspenseful. Although, it definitely needed to be condensed down and find it's focus, but It held my attention, and I was curious to see where it was going. Most of the characters were interesting to follow as well. Disappointing that there was a cliffhanger ending. but the movie is mostly wrapped up and chaotic anyway, so it doesn't ruin it for me.
Reptilian (2001)
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2/10 This feels like a crack cross between Godzilla 1998 and Independence day, and it boarders between being absolutely awful and laughably bad. horrible effects, bad acting, nonsense plot and characters, but it did get a few laughs out of me so i'll give it credits there.
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Aaah~ I may never get to try a Japanese Onsen or Roman Thermae, but trying cherry-strawberry-hibiscus-honey flavored milk after a shower IS indeed divine~
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reno-matago · 1 year
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Synchronicity about Antinoüs (on 23th.1.23) which is also Noumenia in the Calendar I follow!) as I was watching Thermae Romae.
Just the day I planned to start..
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dreamsatdusk · 2 years
What's the last TV show/anime/movie that hit you in the feels?
In which I overthink writing a summary and take too long. Ahem.
I recently finished watching all of Violet Evergarden (anime show, OVA, a film-length special and a film). Aesthetically, it’s gorgeous - lovely character design, backgrounds, expressions, etc. The things they do with animating fluids in this are amazing, whether it’s a shot of tea rippling in a teacup or the view of someone walking on the other side of a fountain.
The stories evoked far more emotion than I expected too.
Violet was a child soldier - mysteriously VERY GOOD at fighting and treated as a weapon by many - in a war that has ended by the opening of the show. She is recovering from losing both her arms and adapting to usage of prosthetics. She is taken in by a friend of her prior guardian and commanding officer and he happens to run a new postal company that also supplies ‘Auto Memory Doll’ services. Dolls are women (or at least, I don’t recall any who are not women being shown or spoken of) who are both scribes - typing letters for people that can’t read/write - and ghostwriters trying to capture the emotions of their clients in their missives.
Violet, who struggles with comprehending and displaying emotion, decides she wants to become a Doll as a path to learning more about it. The show follows her journey in this, but is also about the emotional situations of the people she works with.
There were a few episodes that actually made me tear up, which is not a typical thing for me. I admit some of it may have been due to some personal feelings going on in the background, but still.
(Warning for those bothered by gore: there are quite a few war flashbacks spread throughout the series and many of them involve a lot of blood and injury.)
For something completely different and evoking hilarity: Thermae Romae. Historical comedy about a bath engineer in Ancient Rome who keeps getting transported through time to modern day Japan somehow and then returning home to implement things he’s seen about its bath culture. Extra funny if you know a bit about Ancient Rome, but amusing regardless. (Note this is about the series available on Crunchyroll. There’s a newer one on Netflix apparently, but I haven’t seen it yet.)
Thank you for the ask!
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lamangasserie · 2 years
Mangasserie Voyages: destination l’Italie !
L’été approche, les beaux jours et les grandes vacances avec lui. C’est le moment de l’année où nous commençons à entendre la fameuse questions: « Qu’est-ce que tu fais cet été ? ». Vous ne savez pas trop encore ? Moi non plus. Mais pourquoi ne pas se donner un avant-goût de vacances au soleil en découvrant l’Italie à travers divers mangas ? Montez à bord de l’Air Mangasserie et suivez le guide !
Pour bien commencer ce voyage, un peu de repos s’impose. Il faut être en forme pour la suite ! Direction, les thermes romains en l’an 128 en compagnie d’un architecte de thermes, avec Thermæ Romæ de Mari Yamazaki.
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Résumé de l’éditeur:
Rome, IIe siècle de notre ère, sous le règne d'Hadrien, Lucius Modestus, architecte en panne d'inspiration, découvre lors d'un bain aux thermes un passage à travers le temps et l'espace qui le fait émerger au XXIe siècle, dans des bains publics japonais ! ! !
Entre stupeur et émerveillement, Lucius parviendra-t-il à mettre à profit cette fantastique découverte pour relancer sa carrière ?
Quelques mots: 
Thermæ Romæ est toute évidence un manga avec beaucoup d’humour, à en juger par les couvertures des tomes. Cependant, c’est surtout un manga très intéressant. Son génie vient du parallèle que crée Mari Yamazaki entre deux cultures de thermes entièrement différentes mais qui se rejoignent sur certains points et, notamment sur le simple plaisir qu’apportent celles-ci. Si la mécanique principale du manga est en soi très simple et à tendance à se répéter, ça n’enlève rien au caractère intéressant, presque éducatif, du titre. Notre édition est aussi enrichie de nombreux textes autour des thermes, qu’elles soient romaines ou japonaises.
Thermæ Romæ de Mari Yamazaki est paru aux éditions Casterman en 6 tomes à 8,45€ l’unité ou bien en 3 gros tomes à 25€ l’unité.
Deuxième arrêt de ce voyage: la grande époque de la Renaissance italienne. Nous sommes en 1492, à Pise et pour nous accompagner, un certain Cesare Borgia sera notre guide. C’est parti pour la découverte de cette époque pleine de remous avec Cesare de Fuyumi Soryo.
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Résumé de l’éditeur:
Naïf et studieux, Angelo Da Canossa n’est guère armé pour la vie d’étudiant à l’université de Pise, lieu d’intrigues et de tensions dans l’Italie de la Renaissance. Son innocence résistera-t-elle à sa rencontre avec Cesare Borgia, rejeton d’une famille à la réputation sulfureuse, dont le père est sur le point d’accéder au Saint-Siège ?
Rivalités entre les différentes factions de l’université, machinations politiques et luttes fratricides, Angelo va partager les années de formation d’un jeune homme en passe de devenir l’un des personnages les plus fascinants de l’Histoire. À ses côtés, il croisera le chemin de certains de ses contemporains les plus célèbres, de Christophe Colomb à Machiavel en passant par Léonard de Vinci…
Quelques mots:
Cesare est un manga qui repose énormément sur le personnage de Cesare Borgia qui, malgré les apparences, n’est pas le personnage principal. Nous nous prenons rapidement de passion pour ce personnage, si énigmatique et au charisme insaisissable dont nous peinons à scruter les prochaines actions. Le manga se déroule quasiment entièrement sur l’année 1492 et nous nous retrouvons pris dans le tourbillon de cette année riche en péripéties: Christophe Colomb arrive en Amérique, Laurent le Magnifique meurt, un nouveau conclave se profile et le jeune Michel-ange achève sa première sculpture, entre autres. Avec ce titre, Fuyumi Soryo nous transmet avec beaucoup de force sa passion pour cette époque extrêmement faste. Les décors et les habits sont d’une minutie à en faire palir un chirurgien, les évènements retracés avec une grande précision (Cesare est d’ailleurs supervisé par l’historien Motoaki Hara, spécialiste de l’époque). Si cette grande fresque historique s’est récemment arrêtée de manière brusque au treizième tome, Cesare reste un grand manga. Comme pour Thermæ Romæ, notre édition est enrichie de textes donnant encore plus de précisions sur l’époque. Cesare est un manga passionnant, indispensable pour qui aime le manga historique. Pour en savoir plus sur Cesare et sur Fuyumi Soryo, un épisode de Manben, l’émission de Naoki Urasawa autour du manga, lui est dédié.
Cesare de Fuyumi Soryo est paru chez Ki-Oon avec 12 tomes sur 13 pour un prix de 7,90€ l’unité.
Pour la troisième étape de ce voyage, nous faisons un énorme bond dans le temps jusqu’en 2001, à Naples. Pour se mettre pleinement dans l’ambiance, nous rejoindrons le gang le plus stylé du coin, le gang de Buccellati ! Attention, ne pas reproduire durant vos vacances en Italie, ne rejoignez aucun gang, aucune mafia. C’est parti pour un périple dans notre périple avec JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind de Hirohiko Araki.
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Résumé de manga-news:
2001, Rome en Italie. Hirosei Koïchi cherche le jeune Shiobana Haruno. Mais alors qu'il s'attend à trouver un jeune adolescent insouciant, il rencontre Giovana Giorno, un jeune voyou qui tente de percer dans la mafia...
Quelques mots:
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind était une étape incontournable de notre périple. Si partie précédente de JJBA, Diamond is Unbreakable, est déjà une folie en soi, nous pouvons dire que c’est à partir de celle-ci que Hirohiko Araki commence à pleinement exploité son univers créatif et son génie. Les stands des personnages commencent à avoir des capacités carrément bizarres, les combats et leurs mécaniques n’ont plus toujours de sens ou de logique. C’est aussi la première partie de JJBA a être autant marquée par la mode. Golden Wind débute en 1995 et la première partie des années 90 est notamment marqué par d’un côté, la folie des défilés de Mugler qui sont de véritables spectacles et d’un autre par la révolution ultra sobre mais aussi ultra sexy de Tom Ford chez une Gucci tombé en désuétude bien années auparavant. Les personnages de Golden Wind, tous extrêmement beaux, ne sont pas sans rappeler les mannequins masculins de cette époque. Leurs attitudes aussi, nous pensons particulièrement au moment où Buccellati lèche très ouvertement la joue de Giorno. Il est impossible de savoir à quel point Hirohiko Araki est inspiré par le monde de la mode mais ce ne serait pas idiot de faire un parallèle entre la folie de Golden Wind et la folie du monde de la mode à cette époque.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind de Hirohiko Araki est paru aux éditions Delcourt/Tonkam avec 17 tomes pour un prix de 6,99€ l’unité. Un coffret avec l’intégrale est prévu pour octobre 2022.
Notre voyage arrive à sa fin et pour le terminer, quoi de mieux qu’un peu de repos après ces tumultueuses étapes. Direction Venise mais n’importe quelle Venise, direction Neo-Venezia sur la planète Aqua, au XXIVe siècle de notre ère. Nous aurons pour guide lors de cet ultime arrêt la jeune Akari Mizunashi. Bienvenue dans le monde d’Aria de Kozue Amano.
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Résumé de l’éditeur:
Au xxive siècle, la planète Mars a été terraformée sur le modèle de Venise. Elle abrite maintenant une magnifique cité bâtie sur les eaux, où les canaux jouent le rôle de routes et les bateliers celui de guides incontournables pour naviguer dans les méandres de cette ville au charme légendaire…
Akari, terrienne d’origine, réalise un rêve d’enfance quand elle débarque à Néo-Venise afin de commencer son apprentissage du métier d’ondine, qui fera d’elle une professionnelle de la gondole. Pour cela, elle entre chez ARIA, une société tenue par… un chat doué d’intelligence ! L’unique employée, la belle et douce Alicia, sera son mentor et sa protectrice dans ce monde dont Akari a tout à apprendre…
Quelques mots:
Aria est un manga qui est d’une fraîcheur toute particulière. Tout comme notre périple à nous ici, le personnage d’Akari nous guide dans cette Venise futuriste où chaque coin de rue regorge de petits secrets. Aria fait partie de ces mangas qui nous invitent à profiter de l’instant présent et de ce que la vie a à nous offrir, de ce que la nature a à nous offrir. Paradoxalement, Aria se situe dans un contexte où l’humanité a grandement progressé dans les sciences et la technologie, Neo-Venezia étant une version terraformé de notre Venise qui elle n’aurait pas résisté au réchauffement climatique et a l’hyperactivité humaine. Ce n’est pas sans faire écho aux problèmes actuels de nos sociétés, au désir de retrouver un sens dans les choses, de vivre de manière « slow », de se rapprocher de la nature, des autres et de soi-même alors que tout va toujours plus vite et que le sentiment d’aliénation est plus que prépondérant. En atteste les nombreux tik-tok et reel instagram de type « don’t be surprised if one day I just… » suivi des photos de campagne, de bord de mer ou de montagne, de Nokia 3310 et de comptes de réseaux sociaux supprimés. Aria se pose comme un petit havre de paix, à l’image de Venise, et de fraîcheur à la fin de notre périple mouvementé.
Aria de Kozue Amano est paru aux éditions Ki-Oon en 7 tomes à 15€ l’unité.
Notre périple à travers l’Italie s’achève ici, avez-vous fait bon voyage ? Bien sûr, il reste bien des contrées à explorer, comme Pline de Mari Yamazaki et Tori Miki, Arte de Kei Ohkubo, beaucoup de mangas de Natsume Ono ou encore Gunslinger Girl de Yu Aida, mais réservons-nous celles-ci pour un prochain voyage ! Si vous avez aimé ce guide de voyage qui fait aussi office de guide de lecture (ou bien est-ce l’inverse ?), n’hésitez pas à le partager autour de vous et à me faire vos retours sur mon compte Twitter. Ciao, ci sentiamo !
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narmothewraith · 8 days
You're just in denial Lucius /jk
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uruhead · 10 days
thermae romae novae is the somehow more autistic dungeon meshi
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Season 3 Ramble#4 - All About Art ver.2
As you probably guessed from the title, this episode is all about art. Art is crazy subjective, with a crazy amount of forms, each form having a crazy amount of styles and each practitioner having their own unique spin or application. Art is huge, and I don’t think it’d be right for me to just be yapping on and on about it all by myself, so just like in version 1, which of course I encourage you to check out, I have a guest with me to help out today.
Now how this ramble is gonna go is that unlike other rambles where I rank, describe and then give my opinion on whatever manga I’m going on about that month, this time I'm gonna try and bring up what I thought were the main points of the manga in a more subtle way. I’m still going to give a general description of the manga but instead of the usual yapping we’re going to look at questions asked by the different manga so we can have the more contemplative yapping I believe the subject of art calls for.
I'm not going to transcribe the entire episode here in this post, what I'm going to do is give the descriptions as I said and include questions I thought they asked. If you're interested in our responses please listen in and if the questions themselves interest you please feel free to respond with your own answers. In either or neither case, the manga is still the focus of the podcast so their details are included below.
I usually come up with the descriptions myself unless otherwise stated but this episode all descriptions were pulled from anilist. also the list isn't ranked, the manga are ordered in the way I thought the questions best progressed.
Ok now we can get into it
1) Paradise KISS (story and art by Ai Yazawa, complete w 48 chapters)
Yukari wants nothing more than to make her parents happy by studying hard and getting into a good college. One afternoon, however, she is kidnapped by a group of self-styled fashionistas calling themselves "Paradise Kiss." Yukari suddenly finds herself flung into the roller-coaster life of the fashion world, guided by George, art-snob extraordinaire. In a glamorous makeover of body, mind and soul, she is turned from a hapless bookworm into her friends 22 own exclusive clothing model.
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Do you think the arts are taken seriously?
If you had a child and they wanted to be an artist what would be your reaction?
2) Seaside Cinema Paradise (art and story by John Tarachine, 9 chapters ongoing)
After turning 65 and bereaved of her husband, Umiko visits a cinema for the first time in decades. A shocking, life-changing event awaits her. When she meets Kai, an art student majoring in film, Umiko realises that she wants to make a film. She realises that she is on the side of "the people who want to make films"... Lured by the waves that stir her heart, the 65-year-old dives into the sea of film!
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Do you think there's a “too late" to start artistry?
What do you think about formal education in the arts?
3) Girl Meets Rock (Story by Kuwahali and Art by Tetsuo Ideuchi, 18 chapters ongoing)
With a passion for richly textured Japanese rock, first-year high school student Chihiro Hatono steps into the world of the light music club, new guitar in tow. But what awaits her behind those doors...? A drama of unfiltered youth and musical ambition takes the stage!
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What do you think is the right attitude for starting an art?
What are some common beginner mistakes you've made or noticed?
4) Rock it, Girl! (Story and Art by Minoru Tanaka, complete w 12 chapters)
Kaname likes playing her guitar and singing by the streets and can't believe her ears when a strange girl who's actually a music producer suddenly offers her a contract for a debut CD.
However she tells Kaname that her voice is completely worthless and that she'll have to debut within a band and just be the guitarist. Furthermore, the vocalist who will sing the songs in her place is an arrogant girl full of herself who immediately starts bullying her; however...
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How important do you think personal feelings are to art?
What do you think is more important to keep in mind when creating art, personal feelings or monetary value?
5) Dragon and Chameleon(Story and art by Ryou Ishiyama, 8 chapters ongoing)
Hanagami Garyo reigns supreme at the pinnacle of the manga world, a genius author boasting millions of copies sold. An unrenowned rookie, Miyama Shinobu, lurks in the shadows below, consumed by his envy for fame. Their fates intertwine when an unlucky accident leaves Hanagami and Miyama swapped into one another’s bodies. As Hanagami tries to reclaim what is rightfully his and Miyama refuses to yield, the two mangaka enter a fierce battle with their bodies and pride on the line.
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If you could switch bodies with any artist who would it be and why?
What would you do in their bodies?
6) Thermae Romae (Story and Art by Mari Yamazaki, complete w 39 chapters)
When Roman architect Lucius is criticized for his “outdated” thermae designs, he retreats to the local bath to collect his thoughts. All Lucius wants is to recapture the Rome of earlier days, when one could enjoy a relaxing bath without the pressure of merchants and roughhousing patrons. Slipping deeper into the warm water, Lucius is suddenly caught in the suction and dragged through the drainage at the bottom of the bath! He emerges coughing and sputtering amid a group of strange-looking foreigners with the most peculiar bathhouse customs... over 1,500 years in the future in modern-day Japan! His contemporaries wanted him to modernize, and so, borrowing the customs of these mysterious bath-loving people, Lucius opens what quickly becomes the most popular new bathhouse in Rome—Thermae Romae!
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If you could travel to any time and place to learn from any artist who would it be?
What do you think about classic vs contemporary when it comes to art?
7) Descending Stories (Story and art by Haruko Kumota, complete w 32 chapters)
This multi-generational epic dives deep into rakugo, a rich form of Japanese storytelling theater. Small-time crook Yotaro has never forgotten the rakugo tale "The God of Death," which the master Yurakutei Yakumo performed for Yotaro during his time in prison. After his release, he goes to Yakumo's theater and pleads to be made his apprentice. Yakumo reluctantly accepts, but Yotaro quickly finds the world of rakugo is complex and grapples with a growing bond with Yakumo's ward, Konatsu. Meanwhile, the two young people bring reminders of Yakumo’s own inescapable past.
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Are there any local Jamaican art forms you think are dying and would like to see doing better?
What do you think it would take to see that change for the better?
What did you think about this ramble concept?
I’m gonna go ahead and mention that I make animanga shirts fr now, you can find them on any of my social media by searching MM..AN(I)FASHION, only in jamaica for now but eventually I hope to work with actual publishers and manga creators because honestly it’s not even really about the money it’s just I want the community to have merch they can wear and be proud of but in any case I guess that’s really it... so have a good one until next time.
P. S
as I mentioned in the ramble when I focus on art I try to also look at more art forms than manga because variety is the spice of life. you can check out that "journey" in the link below if you're interested.
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gayzing-away · 11 months
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Hiroshi Abe in Thermae Romae II (2014)
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