#There's an uncensored version but I won't show
antermarisart · 1 year
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Free time!
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pathetic-gamer · 5 months
not tagging this for extremely obviously reasons but the moment anyone suggests the church of seiros from fe3h is in some way christian or a stand-in for catholicism, that person loses all legitimacy in my eyes forever and ever.
"but the imagery-" it's because cathedrals fuck, next question.
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theboombutton · 3 months
Bad Fictional Data vs Fictional Bad Data
WARNING: This post will include discussion of a name that might be Alice Dyer's deadname. I won't be calling Alice by this name or using it in the context of that name being a pointer to Alice, but I will be using the name, uncensored, when talking about where and why the name appeared in chdb.xls .
You may know that as part of the ARG, the sleuths on Statement Remains uncovered a document called chdb.xls, allegedly a list that has something to do with The Magnus Institute. There's a list of names, ID numbers, first and last names, dates of birth, and information apparently related to each person's "score" in an assortment of psychological/personality tests. Three of the names in particular have stood out in a lot of analyses: Samama Khalid, Gerard Kaey [sic], and Connor Dyer.
You likely don't know that the commonly linked version of the spreadsheet, ported to Google Docs and linked in the TMAGP ARG Masterdoc, is presented out of order. (I'm guessing they didn't lock down editing until it was already all out of order from various people messing with it - totally understandable, this is not a callout post, thank you for making this easily accessible to people.)
But let me tell you about something I discovered by looking at the spreadsheet in its original order, and the almost certainly incorrect rabbit hole of theorizing it has sent me down.
Bad Fictional Data
Until episode 2 I had the same thought about the Dyer listed in the spreadsheet that I think most people did: that it was Alice's deadname, and that she had therefore been one of the Institute's young subjects. But after Alice had absolutely no reaction when Sam mentioned the Magnus Institute to her in episode 2, I now think this is significantly less likely.
Don't get me wrong: it's still reasonable to think that the Dyer listed in chdb.xls is Alice. Maybe she had some kind of supernatural experience that wiped her memory. (It probably wasn't that Alice was too young to remember, as the Dyer on the spreadsheet is listed as being at Piaget Stage 3, which occurs from 7-11 years old; but it's always possible that the Magnus Institute was using the names of legitimate psychological tests to hide their tracks when recording more esoteric data.) The point is, this isn't hard evidence that Alice has no connection to the Magnus Institute; it just made me go looking for more evidence.
I went back to the spreadsheet to look for more clues about whether or not this was Alice's deadname. What I found instead was some extremely sloppy fake data at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
For context, here are first ten names in the spreadsheet:
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Note how each ID begins with the name's first and last initial.
Now check out the last ten names:
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Not only do these IDs no longer always match their subjects' names, they occur in order: CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL, MN, OP, QR, ST, UV. The first names of each pair match the first letter of each ID, but many, though not all, of the surnames don't match the second letter.
My first thought was that whoever Rusty Quill had contracted to generate these names had gotten sloppy at the end of the list, created the IDs all at once using this alphabetical pattern, and picked names to fill in that roughly matched the IDs. But hey, we could use this to our advantage! Any name that was filled in as part of a series of IDs with an alphabetical pattern like this could be removed from consideration for red string analysis - we'd know they were meaningless fakes added by a lazy contractor, and not clues or characters that might show up again later.
Scrolling back up the spreadsheet, we can see the person generating the data having more care the earlier we go. We find the beginning of the AA/BC/DE/FG/HI pattern at line 136, but at first, the names mostly conform to the initials they've been given. JK09874 "Josie Jordan" at line 154 is the first break from the "first two letters of the ID are their initials" pattern; and breaks occur more often the further you go down the sheet.
Scrolling up to before line 136 (AA09911 - Aaron Atkinson), while the pattern isn't yet at AB/CD/EF/GH levels of obviousness, the first initials are still in alphabetical order. Zoe Hart follows Yara Logan follows Xavier Freeman follows Wyatt Edwards. The data creator skips a few letters - for example Niamh Fenton is followed by Phoebe Emmett, and S and T are together in the same line in Skye Travers.
We can follow this less-obvious version of the alphabetical pattern up to an abrupt break right at line 118, above which the IDs don't follow an alphabetical pattern at all. (They might follow a different pattern, but it's not one that I've found yet.) So that means we can discount all the names in line 118 and below as purely fake, generated lazily by a contractor, and not worthy of our attention for the purposes of red-stringing. Right?
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What the fuck?!
(highlight is my own, it is not present in the original document)
My first thought was that the sloppy data generator had done the funniest thing imaginable, sending everyone on a wild goose chase about Alice's deadname just by having the name "Dyer" on the brain while looking for a surname that started with D. This would be Very Funny. No plot relevance, no implications, just the brain fart that launched a thousand theories.
My second thought was that maybe Connor Dyer was the last legit name on the list, and whoever started filling the rest of the sheet in with alphabetical junk data was inspired by the "CD" initials in the first place - whoever it was went on from there.
These are both valid thoughts! But I prefer my third thought:
What if it's on purpose?
Fictional Bad Data
There is a very obvious break between the set of data that doesn't look obviously* fake, and the set of data that is immediately identifiable as such. If we assume that this was intentional - and I want to reiterate that it all being unintentional is still a very real possibility here - why would someone at Rusty Quill want the data to be structured like this?
If the sharp dividing line between reasonable-seeming data and obviously fake data is intentional on RQ's part, it would suggest that we should take the data above row 118 as in-universe real data, and the data below row 118 as in-universe falsified data. It suggests that someone, either at the Institute or after its demise, was adding nonexistent children to the roster of The Magnus Institute. Why would someone want to do that?
There are all kinds of possible reasons, but here are a few off the top of my and my theorizing buddies' heads:
Financial fraud (institutional edition). If the Magnus Institute received funding on a per-child basis, they'd have an incentive to inflate their numbers.
Financial fraud (researcher edition). One or more people on staff were blowing off their child-analysis sessions and recording fake numbers for fake children. This would be ballsy as hell if they could be fired for it, but it was the Magnus Institute, so there's decent odds they couldn't be.
Scientific fraud (faking conclusions edition). The Magnus Institute in the Protocolverse claimed to be doing research on giftedness in children, which is the kind of thing that you'd normally publish in a scientific journal. It's not unheard-of for dickhead academics to falsify data to generate statistically significant results, since statistically insignificant results aren't going to get you published.
Scientific fraud (obscuring paranormal bullshit edition). If the Magnus Institute was using legitimate psychological test names to record Fear-related test results, it's possible their results showed different patterns from what you would expect from the real tests. They could have added the fake children to balance out the dataset as a whole.
Pseudonyms. The children are all real, the Institute just started using fake names for them for privacy purposes. They couldn't go back and change the names they'd already written properly for some reason. Probably something paranormal.
Those are all pretty interesting possibilities, and if we could narrow them down, it might tell us something about what things were like at the Magnus Institute before it burned down!
And the other big question is: why did RQ make the dividing line between the two sections, the first likely-fake entry, Connor Dyer?
One straightforward reason could be as a troll, a red herring to watch fans get in a lather over. And once the community inevitably noticed all the obviously falsified entries, RQ could eat popcorn and watch us lose our minds over whether or not that's even a real entry! (That sounds really fun, I would absolutely do that.)
But let's dig a little deeper, and look at what Connor Dyer being on the border between the real and fake entries would mean in-universe. Because of its position as the border between real and fake, it would be very easy for that entry to be accidentally included in the wrong group - a real research subject discarded as fake, or perhaps more interestingly, a fake research subject accidentally reclassified as real.
Remember, if a name is fake in the context of the Magnus Institute's research, that doesn't mean that the name itself is made up. If I was trying to think of a name that fit the initials CD, and those were the initials of my next door neighbor's kid, I might just write their name in as a lark. Especially if it was my first time trying to get away with falsifying information: this is a kid that verifiably exists and lives in the area.
My theory, supported primarily by my love for The Implications instead of actual evidence
Twenty years on, after all institutional memory of the fraud was long gone, trans icon Alice Dyer applies to work for the OIAR - an institution that (according to this theory) has an unofficial preference for hiring former Magnus Institute kids.
They are very confused when Alice proceeds to act nothing like a former Magnus Institute kid. It doesn't occur to anyone that her entry might have been falsified. What reason would anyone have to do that?
* Of course people with a background in data analysis or statistics will see immediately that even above line 118 this is a wild-ass dataset that would raise red flags for falsification, but at least it's not "the alphabet over and over" levels of obvious.
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letomills · 9 months
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Download skins: SFS / Mega
A set of 22 geneticized & townified skins, including defaults for S1-S2-S3-S4 and the alien skin. Credit for the original skins goes to @whysim, Nat / @theboldandthebeautifulsims, @pooklet and Tea Leaf, thank you so much to them!
I did however make substantial tweaks and additions to all skins: • everyone TU-EU has the appropriate fat, normal and fit states (for the alien textures to show up as they should, please use Argon's alien and zombie fitness fix) • all elders have wrinkles, except on the alien skin (I used @simnopke's subtle wrinkles) • all toddlers have the cute toddler teeth and babies have no teeth, • teeth from Nat's, Pooklet's and Tea Leaf's skins were replaced either with ones from the Whysim skins or the ones used on @serabiet's Those Darn Skins, just because they're less bright and I like that better • all skins are compatible with sexyfeet (I just had to cover up a watermark on one of them iirc) • lowered the color temperature on Whysim BuffyHP Tan Skinblend TG (S2).
Complete previews of AU-EU faces and uncensored bodies (fat, normal and fit) are included in the download, which is why it's such a large archive (the skins themselves aren't particularly heavy, don't worry). Teens get the same textures as adults; children, toddler and babies have their own.
More details below.
Skins and links to the originals:
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Whysim Misc Skin Blend 32TG - Whysim Tifa 57 Edit TG
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Default S1: Whysim Misc Skin Blend 30TG - Whysim Misc Skin Blend 40TG
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Whysim Misc Skin Blend 37TG - Whysim Misc Skin Blend 31TG
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Default S2: Whysim BuffyHP Tan Skinblend TG (my edit: more pink, less orange) - Whysim Ashleydoll Blend Edit TG
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Nat Bambi Expanded 7 - Whysim Misc Skin Blend 19TG
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Whysim BuffyHP Dark TG - Default S3: Whysim Misc Skin Blend 29TG
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Whysim Misc Skin Blend 7TG - Nat Bambi Expanded 10
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Nat Bambi Expanded 12 - Pooklet My Poor Lover 06
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Nat Bambi Expanded 14 - Pooklet Mouseyblue Dusk Skin 03
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Default S4: Pooklet My Poor Lover 07 - Nat Bambi Expanded 18
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Pooklet My Poor Lover 08 - Default alien: Tea Leaf Stargazer MPL Zoen Blend
These skins are townified, meaning that new townies and NPCs that spawn can get them. They are also geneticized, meaning that they have genetic values that inform which skintones will be given to babies born in game. Basically babies will always get skintones that fall in between or on the skintones that their biological parents have, as is the case for the four default skintones.
You can see the genetic value that I assigned to a skin at the end its file name. Example: "1_Whysim_MiscSkinBlend32TG_0.05.package" → this skin has a genetic value of 0.05. The skins that are S1-S4 default replacements have respective genetic values of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9. For more info on that and to learn how to change a custom skin's genetic value, see Rikkulidea's tutorial.
If you don't want all 22 skins but just a selection, feel free to pick and choose and it won't disrupt anything when it comes to genetics (if you want to mix them with other skins however, you may want to make sure that all the genetic values really are in a sequence from lightest to darkest). If on the other hand you think 22 skins isn't enough, check you @esotheria-sims's 97 geneticized skins 💖
Please let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions.
✨Future plans for body shapes: these here skins are regular skins linked to the standard Maxis body shapes. I will be working on showerproof skins for custom body shapes that will be repo'd to these skins, starting with Momma Lisa/Melodie9 fat male (edit: it's here!). It may take a while but in the end all 22 skins will come in showerproof versions for as many body shapes as I have the mental fortitude to do (making showerproof skins is an excruciating mix of requiring focus and discipline while being extremely tedious).
The F hair used on the titlecard is @fakebloood's SClub Haruki in dynamite - the M hair below the cut is AlmightyHat's Shorn in dynamite - the eyes in all previews are from this set by @serabiet - the eyebrows are defaults by Cavernosims.
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Adrienn Banai: The Rat Lover
I didn't want to post about any of this, but this person forced my hand.
I can't let this person run around on this hellsite anymore.
For those not in the know, this person harasses artists into drawing their husbando: a rat character named "Grey" from the children's series "Larva Island". Sometimes they also harass people into drawing Grey's grandpa, a female version of Grey named "Greyless", Grey wearing Roxanne's dress from "A Goofy Movie", and plenty of parodies of the opening scene of said movie. Like, they subjected one person to draw that same sequence with different characters like 6-7 times. And the "best" part? Sometimes they steal the poor victim's art to claim it as their own. And sometimes, they create edits of them WITHOUT CREDITING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS. And when they do get caught, they apologize. A lot. But that's only a front to get respect again.
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Her husbando
And I was one of their unfortunate victims. This person is weird as all hell; they ship this rat with Pibby (a character that is canonically from a preschool show), Meilin Lee (A hecking 13 year old girl), and Adrienn themselves.
The rat, according to the user, is 15 while the female version of the rest, his girlfriend, is 12.
Adrienn themselves are either 17 or 19.
The fandoms they follow are: -Courage the Cowardly Dog -Friday Night Funkin -Learning with Pibby -Little Nightmares -Turning Red -Anything Disney related (Goofy mostly) -Steven Universe -Made in Abyss -Road to El Dorado -Eddsworld -Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Super Mario series and, most importantly, Larva.
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She stole my artwork just to make crappy edits
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adrienn, flat out admitting that they steal art from people
It's already kind of weird enough, but then I did more digging on this person. They have a butt ton of accounts on a multitude of social media websites. They have a few on reddit, a few on wikia, one on vimeo, and a few on behance, of all places. They have a long history of harassing users, especially on reddit and wikia. They have the most accounts on Tumblr, with five (two of them are inactive.) The second biggest is wikia, with four. The earliest accounts were on DeviantArt, which makes a lot of sense. Oh, but it gets better. They have uncensored nsfw content on two tumblrs. This is from one of their accounts. I am not going to show you the image, but I'm going to show you the tags:
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I mean, I'm glad that they tagged it as "rule 34", but I'm more surprised about how tumblr didn't purge those posts or ban the user entirely. So, if you see someone with any of these accounts ask you to draw this rat, dump the ask and block em. Hell, even report them if you need to : https://adrienn-banai-09.tumblr.com/ (WARNING, NSFW CONTENT AHEAD) https://adriennbanai09.tumblr.com/ (Not as nsfw as the one above, but still, nsfw) https://andreabanai.tumblr.com/ https://adriennsposts.tumblr.com/ (currently active) https://adriennbanai-09.tumblr.com/ (currently inactive) https://adriennbanai-2022.tumblr.com They may also go by "zoltanbanai", so keep your eyes out.
And Adrienn/Andrea, if you are reading this, I urge you to take a break from the internet and get some help. As I said multiple times, this behavior will not help you make friends. It will only make more enemies. I am an autistic just like you (probably. idk) and I really don't want to put you down like this, but you're already weirding a bunch of people out. Though you probably won't listen to me anyway, since apparently in your eyes the word "no" is just an unspoken "yes".
And please don't harass this person or send them death threats. Doing that just makes you a bad person.
I hope this is the last time I talk about this person, because I don't really have the time or the patience to deal with stupid bullcrap like this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. The clorox brain bleach is on the right side of the exits.
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rpgchoices · 2 months
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from LOREN THE AMAZON PRINCESS
This is a visual novel with rpg elements, turn based Jrpg-like combat, companions recruitment and dating sim (romance options)
The game has an uncensored version with nudity and more skin-showing armors (here how to unlock it on steam)
The DLC Castle of N'mar adds more quests and (in my opinion) a fundamental ending addition, plus three companions
You can play as Seran (male human) or Elenor (elven woman), they have different backstories and will be treated differently by Loren and other characters
There are themes of racism (elves vs humans, but also nomadic humans, orcs etc.), slavery and gender discrimination (amazons enslave men, so if you play as Seran you will get a bunch of that)
You play as the slave/servant of Loren, the amazon princess. Loren is effectively the "fantasy hero" of the story and you are her helper and bodyguard
The story is pretty simple and a bit "fable-like", there won't be too many surprises, it is a classic fantasy "hero finds magic sword, become even bigger hero and has to defeat this demon guy" except that you don't play as the hero (that is Loren)
There are only two class (thief or warrior), with the initial choices in game adding some more branching into fighting skills (ex. my character was a warrior and magic healer)
In general you will have a pretty big number of companions (11 in total with the dlc) so a big array of classes to use for fighting and you can change party (6 members more or less each fight) before each fight
The game is not voiced if not for some battle cries
The game follows a classic rpg storytelling style, you will visit places and choose dialogue options/quest options that will have different consequences
Make sure to often stop at camp and talk to all your companions to get their full dialogues and stories
Each companion has a personal quest and a bit of character development/progression
Your protagonist is a character on their own, so you cannot choose what they say, but you can now and then choose the tone (friendly / joking / forceful) of their answers.
ROMANCE: you can romance all the possible characters up till the last chapter where the game will make you choose (you'll know when it happens)
The romance progression has quite a lot of content, it follows multiple camp dialogues and extra camp scenes that can trigger randomly and if you have collected enough hearts (they can be collected through dialogue options or other choices), plus a more involved series of final scenes in the last chapter
Elenor (female character) can romance multiple female characters (Loren, Karen, Chambara) and multiple male characters (Amukiki, Rei, Mesphit)
Saren (male character) can romance multiple male characters (Amukiki, Draco, Mesphit) and multiple female characters (Loren, Chambara, Myrth)
The game also has jealousy scenes that depends on the specific multiple characters you romance (ex. I was romancing everyone I could and Chambara noticed and started listing all the names, plus she had a jealousy scene with Myrth)
In general the characters are, in my opinion, what make this game so charming. They interact a lot, comment a lot, and feel like a fantasy party
plot? Loren, princess of the Amazons, decides to leave her city to find her missing mother, and ends up being the hero of a war that requires her to lead nations once fighting with each other's. You play as a male or female character who helps and accompanies Loren. gameplay? visual novel, rpgs, jrpg-like, turn based fighting characters? The characters are definitely the best part of the game, mainly the companions (non-companions characters are not particularly important). sadness level? low or medium depending on your choices at the end
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chickenmetenders · 4 months
Natsume, Mamiya, and the Arabian Nights
During MAMIYA's EX route, Natsume mentions a number of different books he spectates in his quest to find Mamiya, but there is only one story he mentions by name. 
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Oh yeah... I had lots of trouble with Alf Laylah wa-Laylah. After all, the man showed up in every nightly story of Scheherazade. I saw him in Sinbad's shadow, behind Alibaba, within Aladdin's smoke... Whether the king decapitated [the maiden]* or not didn't matter...
Alf Laylah wa-Laylah is the original Arabic name for the story known in English as One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights. It's a collection of folktales told within the framing device of another story: the tale of the king Shahryar and the woman he marries, Scheherazade.
As the tale goes, King Shahryar learns that his wife is cheating on him, and after having her executed, he resolves that he will marry a new virgin bride every day and then have her beheaded the following morning so she won't have a chance to be unfaithful to him. After three years of marrying and killing brides, the only young women left in the city are his vizier's daughters, the older being named Scheherazade. Scheherazade volunteers to marry the king, but before they head off to their marriage bed, she says she wants to say goodbye to her sister. The king permits this, and when Scheherazade's sister comes to their room, she asks Scheherazade to tell her a bedtime story. Unbeknownst to the king, Scheherazade had instructed her to do this, and Scheherazade begins telling a story that leaves both her sister and her new husband entranced. 
However, Scheherazade stops halfway through the story, saying that she will continue her tale the next day. Wanting to hear the end of the story, King Shahryar decides not to execute her, and the next night, Scheherazade finishes her story. Then, she begins a new story, but she leaves this one half unfinished too, forcing the king to keep her alive for another day. The same thing happens the next night, and the night after that—and by this method, Scheherazade manages to postpone her death by 1001 nights.
Saving yourself from being killed by telling stories, huh? Hm, that sure sounds familiar...
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This post is an analysis of the parallels between 1001 Nights and MAMIYA EX. Word count: 3.7k
(Spoilers for the entire game!)
*Important note: The game translates 「王が娘の首を撥ね(る)」 as "the king decapitated his daughter," but I believe this to be a slight mistranslation. I believe that the phrase is meant to be describing Scheherazade, in which case it should be translated as "the king decapitated the maiden." This is further backed up by 1001 Nights itself, which explicitly states that the method that Shahryar used to execute his wives was decapitation. [EDIT: It's been corrected! Thanks Fruitbat.]
One Thousand and One Nights Abridged
The summary of 1001 Nights I gave before was pretty short, but I'm going to summarize it again in a little more detail so I can refer to it in other sections. I relied mostly on this version of 1001 Nights, which is the English translation of a French translation. I believe it is lightly censored from the original Arabic text (or things were lost in translation), but it is very readable. The English translation by Sir Burton is an unabridged and uncensored translation of the Arabic text, but that means it also inherits the worst part about the original text: no paragraph breaks, which makes this version a lot harder to parse.
King Shahryar discovers that both his brother's wife and his own wife have been cheating on them. He also meets the wife of a powerful jinn who coerces Shahryar and his brother to sleep with her, and from these experiences he decides that all women are unfaithful. After having both his sister-in-law and his wife beheaded, Shahryar orders his vizier to bring him a new virgin bride every night. He marries these women, deflowers them, and then proceeds to execute them by decapitation the next morning before they are able to cheat on him.
Of course, Shahryar's actions quickly deplete the population of young women in the city as the unlucky ones are executed and the lucky ones flee with their families. At the end of the three years, the only eligible brides left are the vizier's own two daughters: Scheherazade and Dunyazad. Scheherazade is a well-learned, well-read woman, and when she sees her father upset about not being able to find any more brides, she tells her father to marry her off to the king, wanting to spare other women from the same fate. The vizier, of course, protests, but she is adamant, and the wedding happens. 
On their wedding night, Scheherazade pretends to cry, and when Shahryar asks her what's wrong, she says she would like to say goodbye to her sister Dunyazad. Unbeknownst to him, she had instructed Dunyazad to ask Scheherazade to tell her a story. Dunyazad comes in and asks for a story, and Scheherazade spins her tale, and both her sister and her husband are mesmerized by her storytelling. But at the midpoint of the story she stops, as morning is approaching. Shahryar, captivated by her storytelling, wants to hear the end of the tale, and decides not to kill her that morning. The next night, Scheherazade finishes the story, and then starts telling another one. Again, she stops halfway through this story. Shahryar, wanting to hear the end of this story, lets her live another day, and so on and so forth.
Some of the more famous stories she tells include "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," and "The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor." The stories continue for 1000 tales and 1001 nights (about 2 years and 9 months), at which point Scheherazade runs out of material. Before the day breaks, she asks to see the three children she had borne the king one last time before her execution—but the king spares her life. After 1001 nights of being with her, Shahryar has fallen completely in love with Scheherazade, and he makes her his queen.
In all of MAMIYA EX, 1001 Nights is the only story that is explicitly named, and I believe this to be intentional on KokoroTen's part. There are, in fact, a lot of parallels apparent between the tale of Shahryar and Scheherazade and what happens on Natsume and Mamiya's Fun Desert Vacation. Yeah that's right that means Natsume and Mamiya are married
Three Thousand Years and a Thousand Nights Story: Mamiya as Scheherazade
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Semi-related VOCALOID listening: link
The thing about the Mamiya who travels the desert with Natsume is that he's not special. He's not different from any of the other Mamiya fingerprints whom Natsume hunts down. The only thing that separates this fingerprint from all the other ones is that he was in the right place at the right time, and this allowed him to strike up a deal with Natsume: his life and Natsume's acceptance in exchange for becoming Natsume's storyteller. 
I find it interesting Mamiya specifies that he will memorize every line of Natsume's book, as opposed to reading off the book (as at this point, they do still have the book with them). Of course, this serves to dehumanize this fingerprint as he transforms from his own self into being Natsume's personal object, but it also draws parallels to Scheherazade. If you recall, Scheherazade recited her stories from memory, too, and thus like her, it is only Mamiya's ability to remember tales and recall them that allows this fingerprint to live. In both cases, this remembrance is directly tied to protection and preservation—for Scheherazade, for Mamiya, and for Natsume's story as well, as Mamiya's memorization of his book is a means of rendering his story immortal.
Another similarity to Scheherazade is that Mamiya isn't just any storyteller, he acts as Natsume's bedtime storyteller. While there are many ways to tell a story—bards and their music come to mind—bedtime stories soothe the soul and help people fall asleep, which is very apparent in Natsume and Mamiya's case. Most importantly, though, bedtime stories are intimate, usually being told to only a single or a few children at a time. Storytime before bed is a very personal act that builds relationships (typically between a parent and child, and wouldn't you know it, Mamiya does compare Natsume to a baby at one point). 1001 Nights even mentions that on the first night, the King and Scheherazade "passed the rest of the night in each other's arms," which is more or less what Natsume and Mamiya are doing in that one CG. You know the one. This one:
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Censored for indecency (touching above the waist), sorry.
Oh, it's also notable that Scheherazade has a sister! Although the focus of this analysis is on EX, it felt relevant to point out given how this parallels Mamiya more or less having a sister in Mina. Another thing that's outside the scope of this analysis is the frequent feminine imagery associated with Mamiya, but, you know, that's there too. Pink House calls him "the mother" during the cannibalism scene, so maybe that's foreshadowing for EX Mamiya giving birth to three of Natsume's children?
There are differences between Mamiya and Scheherazade, of course. I'd say that thematically, the major one is their motivations for being with their partners. In 1001 Nights, Scheherazade's motives for marrying the king are entirely selfless; when she sees her father, the vizier, in despair over being unable to find a new bride for the king, she offers herself, saying that she will either live, or she will die saving another girl from death by the King.
On the other hand, Mamiya's motives seem more selfish—this particular fingerprint is able to ensure his survival, and is even given that much-craved acceptance from Natsume, but it's at the cost of the other fingerprints. Mamiya stands back and allows Natsume to murder his other selves, doesn't lift a finger to stop it (although it's made abundantly clear that there's not a lot he could do). In fact, it's really only because Mamiya made that deal with him at all that Natsume didn't lose the will to live, escapes to the desert, and is able to continue with his Mamiya murders.
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This selfishness is observed again, in all its fragility, with the answer he gives to Natsume's declaration of protection, as shown in the dialogue above. Where Scheherazade was defined by a duty to the people to prevent further injustice alongside self-preservation, Mamiya is defined by the desire to be explicitly needed (more on that in the next section).
Speaking of the next section...
Putting the Cute in Execute: Natsume as the King
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I couldn't come up with a better title for this section ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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One thing that is repeated in EX is that Natsume has the "disposition of a king." This likely refers to him having the disposition of a god (God in MAMIYA is referred to as "Our Lord," which in Japanese was 「我が王」— literally "Our King"), but it also allows us to draw parallels between Natsume and King Shahryar.
After discovering multiple instances of women cheating on their husbands (including his own wife), Shahryar ends up despising all women, condemning an entire gender because of a few women's actions. Thus he ends up in a cycle of marrying new brides and killing them the morning after. He detests women, and yet he needs them, keeps marrying them. Now, whether this was for physical reasons or because of "every king needs a queen" reasons or something else, I am unsure, but it is clear that his harmful views on women are responsible for a lot of death and destruction. As the story goes, Shahryar's kingdom, which had previously flourished for 20 years under his just rule, quickly becomes grief-stricken and desolate as families either lose their daughters or leave town.
This closely resembles Natsume's actions in EX: He's so addicted to chasing after Mamiya, to hunting him down at every turn that he can't be stopped or reasoned with. He kills Nidome before Nidome has a chance to report him, and when Natsume reaches his breaking point and decides that the only way to ensure he's destroyed all the fingerprints Mamiya left in the books is to destroy all books, he burns down the entire library, killing untold numbers of Spectators, Librarians, and stories. Like King Shahryar, Natsume's understandable anger against a single person morphs into violent, uncontrollable, indiscriminate destruction.
That "single person" is in Natsume's case, of course, the first Mamiya, the one who had managed to obtain a body. If the storyteller Mamiya is Scheherazade and all the murdered fingerprints are the unlucky brides, then that original Mamiya is Shahryar's first wife. It is this Mamiya who spurs Natsume to begin his killing spree of the fingerprints—the other virgins "brides." It is this Mamiya who causes Natsume's transformation from a gentle person into a veritable monster. It is this Mamiya who haunts the narrative, the driving force behind Natsume's actions throughout EX.
The primary difference between the two scenarios, however, is that unlike Shahryar's first wife, Mamiya spurring Natsume into his destructive spiral was entirely deliberate. The original Mamiya intentionally told Natsume all about the fingerprints in order to ensure Natsume would continue chasing after him; Mamiya says as much just before he changes clothes and heads over to the burning church.
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Mamiya revealing the existence of the fingerprints and Natsume's wish to continue killing Mamiya drive Natsume to live for the hunt. Natsume hates Mamiya, and yet he needs him, just as Shahryar needed his women.
Last similarity between Shahryar and Natsume I wanna mention: their favored methods of killing their "brides" (decapitation via sword for Shahryar and bare-handed strangulation for Natsume) both involve neck trauma. I can't really connect this to anything, but Nima told me to mention it anyway. Um, Shahryar orders his subordinates to behead his brides, so there's an element of distance as opposed to Natsume, who purposefully eliminates all distance and is perfectly willing (and eager) to dirty his hands. So I guess Natsume is a hands-on kind of ruler? hahahaha
Telling Stories About Storytelling
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Natsume about to read his least favorite book, MAMIYA.
Now that we've talked about the characters, I want to talk about the story! Just like MAMIYA A Shared Illusion of the World's End, 1001 Nights is presented as a story within a story. Or, rather, they are both presented as multiple stories within a story. 
The way that Natsume and Mamiya jump into different books and stories together also parallels, to some degree, how Scheherazade told her husband a new story every night. Through her stories, she too whisked the king away from their desert home to wonderful and fantastic worlds. I suppose the desert as a setting in EX was primarily chosen because of the "Was there love out in the desert?" poem, but it does tie nicely into Arabia as Natsume and Mamiya's "home base." It's kind of the place where they can be themselves— in the absence of everything else, they're able to present their truest selves.
One of the core themes that 1001 Nights shares with MAMIYA EX in specific is storytelling as salvation. King Shahryar and Natsume initially allow Scheherazade/Mamiya to live solely because of their ability to recite stories. 
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Natsume about to read his favorite book, MAMIYA.
A key difference, however, is that while Scheherazade recites a new story each night, Mamiya retells the same one every time. He's stuck reading from the same book. Unlike Shahryar, who is enthralled by each new story his wife tells and is excited to hear what she'll say next, Natsume specifically keeps Mamiya as a means of revisiting happier days that they can never return to. King Shahryar returns to his formerly gentle and just disposition by listening to Scheherazade's stories, which generally are all infused with a moral lesson that Shahryar (and the audience) can take to heart. On the other hand, dwelling on the past is shown to be unhealthy for both Natsume and Mamiya, and it ultimately leads to them trying to kill each other. In their case, while Mamiya's storytelling serves as a type of salvation to Natsume, Natsume's insistence on clinging to the past ensures that it is ultimately only a temporary stopgap as his body continues to deteriorate.
Hm, now that I think about it, the first Mamiya only dies after regaling his own tale to Natsume. This original Mamiya could, possibly, be considered a failed Scheherazade— in an alternate universe, if Scheherazade's stories hadn't pleased the king, she would have likely ended up killed just like all the other wives. Similarly, because Natsume decides that Mamiya's story means nothing to him (and there is something to be said about Natsume not caring about Mamiya's story, only his own), he ends up killing the first Mamiya.
Btw, the church scene is the last time anyone else says Natsume's name ("Read my story, Natsume") (The last time Natsume's name is said in game at all is in Mamiya's flashback of him waking up as a Spectator and saying, "I'm Natsume. Is this the afterlife?"), implying that, in a way, his name died with that original Mamiya. Depressing.
Anyway, let's wrap this up.
Ending on the 1001th Night
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Vore as a metaphor for love, etc.; also, me experiencing MAMIYA: A Shared Illusion of the World's End.
This is a little more tenuous, but the endings of EX might also be parallels to 1001 Nights. At the end of the 1001 Nights, despite her having run out of stories, Shahryar understands that has fallen in love with Scheherazade and decides not to kill her, and they live happily ever after. At the end of EX, there's a moment where Natsume is in pain and Mamiya decides not to be "a machine that put out consoling words"—that is to say, he gives up on telling Natsume a story, ending his "1000 tales."
Once those "1001 nights" are over, Natsume has three options: Kill Mamiya, let himself be killed by Mamiya, or neither. 
The worst outcome seems to be the first one: If Natsume decides that Mamiya should die, then Mamiya declares that Natsume will never find love. Afterwards, Natsume notes that 'fantasy' died and vanished from the world. If we're tracking the Scheherazade metaphor, this would be like if the king had her executed after all. If he had killed her, he would have killed off the source of all those fantastical stories, and he would have never found love or his happily ever after—Shahryar would certainly have instead taken another virgin and executed her the next day, continuing his cycle. Killing off Mamiya really does mean that Natsume will never find love again.
The endings where Natsume spares Mamiya are more positive. If Natsume allows himself to be killed by Mamiya, who he sees as "love" itself, then Mamiya is happy to eat him. Afterwards, Mamiya cheerfully decides he'll write a story of his own, which is fitting—with Natsume gone, he is finally able to move on from the one story and create something new, something all his own. This would be if Scheherazade was able to leave the king (or killed the king???); she'd probably be fine out there. Likely, as such a well-learned woman, she'd be able to find her own love and success in the future.
And if Natsume decides that neither of them are "love," they both live, and continue traveling together. I guess it's not quite "happily ever after" as it's quite ambiguous where they go from there, but they seem to have reconciled.
More importantly, they have a conversation about love.
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Surely King Shahryar hadn't been expecting to find love with Scheherazade when he'd married her. He'd expected to kill her after that first morning, but through their time together, he fell in love. Natsume is similar. It's clear from Mamiya's last line, "What's truly important can't be seen, and what's dear has always been by your side," that the love Natsume speaks of... is Mamiya, even if Natsume doesn't realize it. That last line, where Mamiya summarizes and echoes Natsume's belief that "Love is something you won't find even if you look all over the world, but something that's in your hand before you even realize it," reflects Mamiya's existence itself; that is what Mamiya was for Keito and the pink house members, and likewise what Nastume was for his friends. 
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The dream of a mundane everyday life with his friends that Natsume has following this conversation explicitly includes Mamiya. Even as Natsume claims to have forgotten the contents of the dream, his subconscious recognizes and accepts Mamiya as a part of his narrative along with all the other people he loves. This is something deeply important, given how the overarching plot of DDD depicts Natsume loving and accepting Mamiya as synonymous with Natsume loving and accepting himself, as well as in the context of parallels with Shahryar and Scheherazade.
Anyway, that's all of the similarities I (and my co-collaborator Nima) found between MAMIYA EX and 1001 Nights! I'm surprised by how long it took me to notice these, considering how blatantly EX spells it out...
In conclusion: 
Natsume and Mamiya marriage real
MAMIYA EX mirrors the tale of 1001 Nights through its focus on storytelling as a form of salvation, inserting Mamiya into the role of the captive storyteller Scheherazade and Natsume into the role of the vengeful King Shahryar. Which means they are metaphorically mar—
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Thanks Nima for co-collaborating and peer reviewing (as a fellow natsumiya brainrot patient), and for general help with bouncing ideas. Couldn't have done it without you!! Remember when we spent an hour trying to figure out if "the king decapitated his daughter" was supposed to be a reference to one of the one thousand tales? Haha good times
This analysis hits all the major points, but there's probably a lot of less obvious stuff we missed. Like, there's a part where Natsume says, "Since the moment I 'became king,' I was turned into a a part of Our Lord's story," and that feels pertinent, but this thing was getting too long, so I decided not to look into it much. Also, since this is laser-focused on EX, there might be parallels in the main story that I missed...
Let me know what you think! I always like hearing other people's analysis. I don't usually do this kind of stuff but as I noticed more and more similarities between EX and 1001 Nights I got kind of excited. Send me an ask, DM me, or join the MAMIYA Discord!!
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
I don't intent to go to war with anyone, but aweariness and I don't like being perspectived as a lair, in the end y'all can choose if I'm lying or not.
I will say this person was responding to my comments at the time so I genuinely believe they saw they were being called out and went and changed it
I know no one will be believe me on this because I was stupid enough not to take a screenshot but the person who made the original rumor has now changed it to the qsmp.co website.
Yes forever isn't listed as a member in the QSMP.co website
However that website isn't listed as a wiki, nor treated like one, it doesn't provide lore on the characters in fact for lore it tells you to go to their YouTube channel.
Clicking on forever if he was still on the QSMP.co site would take you to his twitch and twitter and given his last streams and current twitter fall out I wouldn't want anyone stumbling on that and getting a bad impression on my account so I understand it..
Is this an indication that QSMP admins are not on his side? Well I'd say it's as much an indicator as creators unfollowing him; so make that decision for yourself, I won't sway your judgment.
However one thing matters that's not what the post originally said, I'm all for changing your post as more information comes out but I feel this was done intentionally to cover up an attempt to spread misinformation Because of this comment.
yes I censored to protect their identity, but I do have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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This is not what that person said, firstly the person who "defend" him claims to be a data scientist, who made an short easy about the matter.
They do not defend forever, quite frankly they don't talk highly of him at all, they simply say the issues isn't pedophile but a much bigger problem
Here is the thread, I recommend reading the whole thing no matter how tempting it is to stop the minute it goes against you belief.
Funny enough this user did not link to the thread and only showed the first page screenshot, then took it out of context.
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Despite saying there's a link for whoever wants it there is no link just a TLDR that HEAVILY mischaractizes Ms Lopes statements in what I assume to be an attempt to decredit her and make forever look a lot worst.
Is this thread PR? probably!
is it saying forever isn't a pedophile because woman mature faster than men? No
Stay informed this will probably change too at the rate they're going so I have a recording of it just in case, but I can't excalty censored that so that's a last ditch restore.
Since I'm making more post Sooner than expected today here is a collection of the argument on the other side of twitter, name and username censored because I don't trust you guys that much, but I have uncensored version if push comes to shove.
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You don't have to take Google's translation at face value that's why I left the portuguese version.
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The lighter censored is to indicate multiple people having a conversation.
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Bonus: do not be fooled some people are heavily upset by the thread and some even took to insulting the data scientist personal as well as forever.
Thankfully people below that have told them not to attack the scientist just doing their job.
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This is likely the last post I'll be making today no matter what anyone throws at me about this matter, please not I will now be deleting ask to avoid them taking up space in the situation tag.
Remember to take breaks, don't make the issues your entire life, take part in a hobbie watch a comfort show, eat your favorite foods.
Enjoy life 💕
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bunny-yuck · 7 months
For some reason it won't show the uncensored versions of your drawings. I know some of them have been posted on rule34? Is there any place besides Twitter and there that I can find uncensored versions?
BTW ur art is so good
hiii!! first of all thank you so so much you are so kind!
and i do have a bluesky and a pillowfort! i will start posting on them a bit more because homies in my ask box have had similar questions! but here's the links to those!
also whoever posted my art to rule34 is based because i would have never thought of doing that KJLSDAJL
thank you for the ask <333
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skzhocomments · 8 months
Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter XIII - Late Honeymoon
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad link
AO3 link
Chapter XII / Chapter XIV
Chapter XIII - Late Honeymoon
word count: 1.6k words
"I CAME HERE TO DROP SOME MONEY" You sang happily, and Minho joined in.
"Da-Eun!!! The uncensored version?!" Minho laughed. You were more than three hours into the trip to the luxury villa Minho's parents' rented out a room for you to have your 'Late Honeymoon', as they liked to call it.
"Oh my God!" You laughed. "What, are you scared of some curse words, mister?"
"Me?! Never! Was just surprised, that's all."
"Why would you be? I cussed you out like 10 times when we fought?!"
"Argh, bringing it up again!"
"What, you think I'd ever let you forget?" You chuckled.
"I kinda like it when you cuss me out."
"Makes me want to punish you." He smirked.
"Minho!" You playfully slapped his arm. "Don't annoy me, I'll bite you."
"Bet?" He glanced at you threateningly.
"Eyes on the road, please!"
"Oh, are we already there?" He asked as he glanced ahead, making you turn your eyes to the beautiful white villa as well. It looked like something you'd only see in the movies, and you wondered how expensive staying here for 10 nights was.
"Seems so. It's beautiful."
"Yea, it really is."
Minho parked the car, and a valet welcomed the two of you, taking your bags and showing you to the reception.
After checking in, you found out you were going to stay in an elegant, all-white baroque style giant room with a balcony. It was royal looking, but what stood out the most were not the intricate details on the walls, nor the beautiful golden mirror, but the big, king-size bed you were going to be sharing with Minho for almost two weeks.
You couldn't wait to finally sleep next to him.
"Let's get lunch!" He exclaimed and grabbed your hand. It felt nice to hold his hand, and you noticed the golden ring on his finger once again, which made you smile.
You had a wonderful time eating in the garden, then walked along the beach with your feet in the water. It was already July, so the water was warm, and the sun was pleasant on your skin.
You spent the rest of the day lazing around, then went to the gym with Minho for some quick cardio. You weren't really up for intense workouts, but enjoyed watching Minho's back and triceps as he did his usual work-out routine.
After taking a shower and eating dinner, you strolled around the garden, still hand in hand, when you stumbled upon a loud club.
"Shall we go in?" You pointed to it.
"Wanna finally show me your great dance moves?" He chuckled.
"That, and get blackout drunk so I won't remember the embarrassment." You laughed. "Maybe I should get you drunk too."
"Sounds like a good idea!" He laughed as well and dragged you inside.
He didn't waste a second to pull you to the dance floor where multiple people were already drunk and grinding on each other.
"So soon?!" You complained. "I didn't even drink yet!"
"You might want to forget, but I want to remember." He whispered in your ear, making you shudder.
You started dancing to the rhythm of the music, swinging your body left and right. You forgot how good it felt to have no responsibilities, to just let go and enjoy yourself like this. You don't even remember when the last time you did so was.
Hyper aware of Minho's hands on your waist, you placed your hands around his neck. He was tall, and he was gorgeous. The dim lights of the club only made his beautiful big eyes sparkle even more, and oh, how in love you were. And you didn't even drink anything.
He never let go of you, and each song seemed to bring you closer.
Initially, the beats were loud and strong, but as time passed by, the music started getting sensual. When 'Swim' by Chase Atlantic played, you turned yourself around, pressing your back to Minho's body, and started grinding on him slowly, as his hands started feeling you up.
He leaned over and pressed a small kiss to your neck, making you head roll back and glance into his eyes lustfully.
You needed him so badly.
You turned around to face him once more and without thinking it twice, you pressed your lips together and let your tongue play with his.
The kiss was intense and hot, and better than anything you could've imagined. Even better than the one last night.
"Let's get out of here." He spoke hurriedly between your heated kisses, and you exited the club and started heading back to the villa, to your room, stealing kisses every now and then as both of you were desperate to touch the other again.
As soon as you entered the room, your back found the mattress, as you kept kissing Minho, his body on top of yours as you unbuttoned his shirt and felt up his torso. All the time spent in the gym was a blessing to your eyes as you scanned his toned body, your hands feeling the way his muscles reacted to your touch.
He moved his lips to your jaw, then your neck, sucking sweet spots as you moaned and clenched your legs, desperate for some friction, dying to be touched.
He moved down and took your panties off from under your dress, kissing your inner thigh and making you moan once again.
"I've been waiting to repay the favour for so long, love." He spoke slowly as he pressed a gentle kiss on your core, driving you crazy.
He spread your legs apart as he began kissing your pussy passionately, his tongue drawing stripes between your folds. You soon felt two of his fingers at your entrance, slowly making their way inside of you. He was curving them upwards just right, and when he started to lick your sensitive nub as well, you saw stars.
Your orgasm was powerful, violent, but Minho made sure to take care of you and help you through it. Although his mouth never left your core, he was gentle, not wanting to overstimulate you, as he guided you back to Earth.
"Fuck, that was good, fuck-" You started, panting heavily as Minho made his way back to your lips.
"Can I take this off, beautiful?" He grabbed the hem of your dress, so you nodded and sat up, letting him remove your dress above your arms. Your bra was the next one to go, as Minho engulfed your whole body with soft kisses and filled your ears with praises.
When Minho came back on top of you and pressed his body on yours, you were dying with anticipation to feel him inside of you. However, as his dick lined up with your entrance, you decided to push him off you with a slight smirk and hop on top, your legs straddling him.
"Oh?" He grinned as you took his member into your hand and pressed it against your head.
Without saying anything in response, you let your body fall down, feeling a slight stretch as Minho moaned your name. You adjusted to him quickly and started slow movements on top of him, and as you got more confident in your hips and legs' strength, you started bouncing up and down, supporting yourself on his chest.
"You're so good." He praised you, getting out a soft whimper from you. "What is it, love, do you like fucking yourself on my dick so much?"
"Didn't take you for a dirty talker." You grinned, continuing your up-and-down bounce that made you feel so good, you barely focused on Minho's words.
You were almost getting close to your second orgasm when Minho grabbed your arms on his chest and forced you to fall on top of him. He wrapped his arms around your body and held onto you tight as he started thrusting into you strongly. Each thrust made you feel his whole length. You sloppily pressed a wet kiss on his mouth that he was quick to reciprocate.
The knot in your stomach almost came undone, when Minho decided he couldn't get enough of you and changed positions once again, pining you under him as he kept the same steady, quick and confident rhythm.
He took your hands and placed them above your head, holding your palms strongly as he kept thrusting and thrusting, looking deeply into your eyes.
He kissed you again, and again, and again, and when he moved his wet mouth to your neck and sucked a hickey right under your ear, you lost it.
Your palms became fists in his, your fingers intertwined, but instead of slowing his movements down to guide you through this orgasm as well, Minho started moving even quicker. You wondered how he had so much energy to keep going for so long after 2 hours of dancing in the club, but a dancer's gym addict stamina was no joke.
As his movements got sloppier, you knew Minho was approaching his own high, so you let go of his hands and moved yours on his back, your nails slightly scratching his skin while you held onto him.
You were both panting heavily as Minho slowed down and came inside of you with a loud grunt. He stayed inside for a few more moments and his palms found the sides of your face and raised your head to look directly into his eyes.
You looked at each other lovingly, your hurried breaths making your chests rise up and down.
"You are so beautiful." He spoke, almost in a whisper.
You dragged him closer to you, making him let his weight fall on your body, while you caressed his back gently.
"I love you so much, Min." You replied, hugging him. "I really do."
"I love you too, Da-Eun." He confessed, raising his head and kissing you once again.
He pulled out of you and got up from the bed, grabbing your ankles as he started dragging you off the bed.
"Nooooooooooooo~" You screamed, bursting out into laughter. "I wanna sleeep~"
"After we clean up." He chuckled and helped you stand up, both of you hopping into the hot stream of the shower.
Chapter XII / Chapter XIV
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brainyraccoons · 4 months
I initially followed you for Terror but I am wanting to begin watching more sailing shows and movies now. Who is the characters you drew in the bottom right image in your commissions post from 4 Nov? I love how you drew them and it makes me want to know the characters!
Hi nonny, thank you for your kind message! 💖
Unfortunately I think that fanart won't lead to a show or a movie. The two men in that piece are Lord Horatio Nelson and his flag captain, Thomas Hardy (you might know them from the "Kiss me, Hardy" line, Nelson's last words as he lay dying on board HMS Victory during the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805). I think a solid primer on Nelson (& Hardy, to an extent) would be David Howarth's "The Nelson Touch"! Also @shackletonofficial can probably tell you A LOT about Nelson, and all the men who loved him.
I've posted the full art here + the uncensored version is up on my patreon 😊
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darkenamour · 3 months
A Hole Introduction
Warnings: Dubious Consent, Public Use, Humiliation, Waterplay, Prolapsed Hole, Knotted Dildos, Degradation Kink, Double Penetration, Paise Kink, Cervix Penetration, Cum Inflation.
Word Count: 8k+
Summary: You were curious about your knew found kink. Then you found a place where you could at least live out some of those fantasies. Too bad you didn't think about the consequences, or the fact that not everyone shares the same fantasies. (Written without gender in mind, but reader is fem coded)
It was dangerous, you knew that, but the thought of it was consuming. Ever since you've read smut and watched a video of it, it never left your mind. You knew it was impossible, what you wanted. The human body had limits, unlike those stories of fiction and animated characters. But you just had to see how much your body could take.
You've heard about this place through rumor. At first it sounded too good to be true. When you finally went, you expected to be kidnapped or arrested. The person at the door let you look at a list of what they had. There were simple blowjobs to orgies, even a scheduled breeding session. You had to ask them if they could be a part of the session. What you did not expect was when they asked for your limit. When you told them that you wanted to be used for a whole day, they asked for you to come back tomorrow morning if you were serious. 
You had to take sleeping pills to get sleep that night. When morning came, you went back early in the morning. The person at the door was surprised to see you. They let you in and led you to a woman, dressed in something straight out of bdsm magazine. You were asked what your preference was and what was off limits. You told them you only wanted only your hole used, nothing else, for it to be raw and that everyone using you would cum inside. The woman looked concerned and asked if that's what you really wanted.
When you confirmed it was what you really wanted, she led you to a room with a hole in front of a bed with straps. She asked you to remove your bottoms and to stick your lower half through the hole. You removed your bottoms, placed them on a table and laid face down on the bed. You adjusted your legs to a comfortable position, feeling the ground below your feet. The woman began strapping you to the bed, tying down your hands and strapping down your lower torso. She said if it was for your safety and to make sure you wouldn't escape. You asked for a whole day and they expected you to stay for a whole day. They would let everyone know your preference and if they did something you didn't want, they would take care of it. 
When they left you felt dread seep into you. You didn't expect them to tie you down. After a while you began hearing voices behind you.
“Seriously, they wanted to be a cumdump for the whole day?”
“That's some kinky shit right there.”
“Wonder how they'll be at the end of the day.”
“Remember the last cumdump that was for a whole day? They wouldn't stop crying and begging for everyone to stop after two hours.”
“I remember that one, that was like two months ago. Never returned that one.”
That last statement had you second guessing your decision, but the restraints wouldn't let you go.
“Let's stop talking, who's going first?”
You heard a loud clap. “Well my boy here will be first, it's his first time here.”
“The way he's looking, he won't even last long.”
“Come on already, I'm itching to relieve myself before work.”
You felt trembling hands spread open your hole. An overly weeping member met your opening. When they began to press in, you remembered that you did nothing to prepare yourself. You felt the stretch burn and you hissed in pain.
“Hold on,” the person stopped. “You're the first one using the cumdump, you have to open them properly first. What are you a virgin?”
“N-no!” The person stammered.
“Then show us.”
You felt a finger enter you too quickly, it made you relieved that you'll be stretched, but the person was being too harsh. A finger jaggedly moved in you, then a second finger was forced in. They started to twist their fingers around, trying to wet them with your juices. As your walls wet them enough for they forced in a third finger. You groaned at the stretch, your saving grace was the fact they kept fingering you until you were soaking. When they finally entered you again they moved fast. They did not last long like it was predicted. The load they gave was warm, but not very much. 
The others laughed and soon another cock was shoved into you. This one was bigger and the man gripped your exposed sides in a vice. They hammered into you and you gasped at each thrust. After a while they managed to hit you sweet spot which made you cry out.
“See that, boy, that's how a real man fucks.”
“Fuck, I can't believe how tight this hole is.”
It felt like an hour passed when they finally came. You had come at least twice and the cum in you dripped down your leg.
“Alright, it's my turn, I got to work in half an hour.”
You whined as the next one slid in, still sensitive from coming. This one was shorter, but thicker. It scraped your sides repeatedly making the cum in you spill out more. You whined at the loss, by the time they came only their cum was left behind. You were not filling full like you wanted to be.
“What a mess,” the person scooped the cum from your legs and pushed it in, “you should at least try to keep some inside.”
You shuddered as the fingers pushed the cooled cum back in your hole. After that you could not pay attention to what was being said. Someone with a perfectly curved cock slammed inside you. Their cock kept ramming into your sweet spot, making you mind blank as they fucked you. When they finished another cock hammered away into you. It seemed as if the men on the other side stopped waiting on who's turn it was. For a while you couldn't tell when they were switching out with how quickly they replaced the last.
By a certain time, you don't know how long, you started to feel a slosh deep within your hole. It was the feeling you craved from the beginning. As another load filled you, your eyes rolled back. As you regained some sense, you noticed a clock on the wall. If the clock was right, you were only here for about four hours. Now being able to think, the current cock in you was extremely small, you had to wonder how long a whole day meant for these people. Did you have four more hours left, or until midnight?
The next cock that made you pause was one of the widest you've had. It was enormous and didn't seem to end.
“Why couldn't you wait until later?”
“Yeah, now you're gonna make them too loose.”
“A hole is a hole, you'll still fuck it either way.” The man in you said. “Sides, why should I wait? It's only the dumps I can shove my dick in without waiting. Ya'll can shove yours in whichever.”
They stopped pressing in, you could feel the tip rubbing deep inside of you. You had noticed how you didn't feel the man pressing behind you, meaning that they couldn't fit their whole cock inside. You swallowed hard as they gripped your sides. They began pumping slowly, finding a rhythm, but they progressed faster each time. After a while they were pistoning inside you, jabbing your insides hard. The man gave a grunt, pushed themselves hard against you and you felt something pop inside yourself. 
“Shit, I got the whole thing in.”
He was indeed flushed against you, his balls twitching at your entrance. As the man started pulling back you felt something else pull out with him. You heard dripping and a loud pop as the man took his whole cock out. Gasps could be heard behind you.
“What the hell is that?”
You shivered as you felt your hole feel colder than it ever had before. The feeling from before, the heaviness of being full, was gone.
“Did you fuck their whole pussy out?”
What did they mean by that? What happened to your hole? Was it something bad?
“Sure did. Man, it's been a while since I've done that.” You felt a hand wrap around something that should not be able to be held. You felt the walls of your hole being squeezed. It should be the other way around, your hole should be squeezing fingers, not being squeezed by them. You panicked, your breathing coming in and out rapidly. “Come down.” The man slapped your ass. “It can be pushed back in, no biggie. My ex's pussy would do the same thing. Fuck, I forgot how hot it is.”
“Well? Push it back in, I want a turn.”
“Wait, I want to fuck it back in.”
“Want me to hold it up?”
“No, leave it.”
Instead of feeling your hole being penetrated, you felt the tip of a cock touch the entrance of your womb. You felt your hole rubbing against itself, slowly squeezing the sides that were sliding back in. The feeling of your insides being pushed back in was surreal, as did when the tip of the cock was finally at the entrance of your hole. Where you normally felt the tip of cock deep within you was at the same distance of when a cock would normally start entering you. 
When the whole cock was in you the woman from before came in. She placed a bowl of food in front of you.
“Eat, you won't enjoy yourself if you're hungry.”
“How long do I have?” You grunted out. 
The woman looked at the clock. “Bout eleven more hours.”
So they were going to hold you until midnight. “They pulled my hole inside out.”
The woman shrugged. “They were just using your hole and they fucked it back in raw. All part of your preferences.” She began leaving. “You should have set limits, but you didn't.” When they finally left the person in you came.
As the next person pushed inside a loud complaint could be heard.
“Aw, man! I was hoping to go before this guy.”
You shrugged it off as over eagerness, since the guy felt average sized. You stuffed your face in the bowl, eating as the guy was slowly pumping into you. You thought he was the kind that took their time. After a while they pushed in deep and stayed. There was barely a minute of pumping and the guy was spraying inside of you.
You gagged into your bowl of food, disgusted at what just happened. 
“I was holding that one for a long time.” The man laughed, kneading your ass. “What a good toilet you are. Gonna give you my other release as a prize.” He began pumping into you, causing more to trickle out.
You pressed your face into the mattress, keeping yourself from vomiting. You gave a shaky gasp and sobbed. What other horrors awaited you for not setting limits?
The man gave a grunt when he ejaculated, but still continued pumping until he completely softened. When they pulled out you tried pushing everything out of your hole. You felt warmth trickle out of you, whether it was cum or not you did not know.
The next one slammed into you, the tip hitting deep inside faster than you can imagine. You were moved forward slightly from the force of it, causing the person to latch onto you and pull you back just as fast. Before you could gather yourself, you felt the same spraying sensation as before. You shook in disgust and gagged. You heaved as the man continued to relieve himself, they were taking longer than the last one.
“I almost spilled all over the floor.” He laughed, still pouring himself inside. “That would have been a waste.” 
Your legs felt coated in hot liquid, a warm puddle formed at your feet. They started moving when the spray lessened, you felt your insides sloshing once again. But not in the fluid you wanted. He took his time slowly moving in and out of you. There was talking.
“Aren't you going to clean that up?”
“Who doesn't want me to clean it up?”
A few voices sounded out.
“That's not too many, I'll wait until you're all finished.”
Many protested. You were about to protest as well, but what they said made you quiet.
“The breeder didn't want any type of cleanup. I'm only here in case one of you makes a mess, or all of you want me to clean them up.”
You pitifully whined at that. You didn't know how many wanted you still soiled, or how many wanted to piss inside you. You just hoped someone did something out of the preferences you gave so you could leave soon.
Your stomach growled, reminding you that you hadn't eaten. The bowl in front of you looked less appetizing. But, the hunger pain was too much, probably heightened by the aching of your lower half. You ate as the current man was still slowly fucking you, you were almost done by the time he finished.
The woman came back in with a large napkin in their hand. “Ah, I almost expected you to not eat anything.” Another man replaced the other, but they stayed still. “Want to finish up the rest?”
You were confused why the man inside of you wasn't moving. They weren't even relieving themselves. “Yeah.” You went to eat the remaining food, when you finished you felt the cock inside you pulsating. The man had cum without moving!
“That's a good breeder.” Your face was wiped clean by the woman. “I'll be back with dinner.” She took the bowl and left.
The next man was the same, not moving, but still cumming inside. It seems that the world wants you to have a break. When the next person came, they spread your hole open. You relaxed on the bed, waiting for them to slide inside. Then you felt something large, someone's ass, sitting on top of yours. You bolted your head up in surprise.
“Oh come on, now this.”
“Woah, wait a second.”  The person on top of you moved around. It felt as if they were sitting on you and spreading you out with their thumbs. “If you're doing what I think you're doing, you better do that within their preferences.”
“I was hoping to not get my hands dirty.” The man chuckled. They moved forward, their ass lowering to yours. You were absolutely confused as to what was happening. Your hole was spread with one hand and the man grunted. 
“Don't forget, you have to cum inside.” The voice of whom you've dubbed ‘the cleaner’ said.
The tongue left your hole with a cock replacing it. What was left inside mushed around the cock, coating it, as it pumped into you. Cum sprayed into you after the third pump, then the man relieved himself.
“Alright, get them cleaned up already.”
“Make them squeaky clean.”
“Everyone alright with that?”
There were no protests. You gave a sigh of relief.
Something with wheels was dragged behind you. The unmistakable sound of a mop was heard. You felt the mop head brush against your feet, you raised each foot to let the mop completely clean the floor. Once they finished mopping, they started to clean you thoroughly with a rag. Scrubbing each surface of you that was exposed through the hole in the wall. When they finished wiping you down, you heard a faucet being open. Cold liquid poured over your hole, making you jump. The cleaner started to finger your hole, letting the liquid rinse your entrance. You had to assume the liquid was water, since you were being cleaned. Then you felt the hose, it had to be a hose, being pushed in you. The cleaner pulled the hose up as soon as it penetrated you, letting the water gush out of your hole as it was filled with water. You felt the water pressure go up gradually, making the water spray forcefully out of you. Your legs trembled at the sensation. The hose was taken out, but it was still spraying at your hole. The cleaner spread your hole open, making the water gush in. You felt yourself cum. 
When you regained consciousness, you felt a cock pumping into you. You weakly looked up to check the time. It was already three o'clock. You laid your head back down and thought about what you should do for tomorrow. Probably lazy around and recover from the mess you got yourself into. Thankfully your hole had been used normally for about 2 hours. You felt pleasantly full again with around 10 loads in you.
“Oh, first toy of the day.” You perked up at that. “What's that syrgine for?” Fear pricked your skin, the thought of someone putting something dangerous in you wasn't a possibility you thought could happen.
“It's part of the toy. You can fill it with anything and it'll come out of the dildo.” You relaxed at hearing that.
“What's it filled with? There's no way that's all your jizz.”
“It's collected semen.” You had to pause at that, as did the person pumping inside you. “There was some left over and I didn't want it to go to waste.”
“That sure is alot. Are you sure the breeder can handle it?”
“It's only half full, I'm sure it'll be fine.”
“I kind of want to put my jizz in it. I'm starting to lose my hard on from waiting.”
“Same here.”
“If you're being serious, I can take the top off.”
Many people agreed to filling the syringe with their own cum. You shivered at what was to come. 
After three more men something hard slapped your hole. “What a good breeder. Not a single complaint, or peep from you.” The voice of the man with the toy purred. “You know your place don't you?” They slowly pushed their toy in you. “Getting all filled up by all these studs, letting them breed you.” The base of the toy pushed against your entrance. It was a pretty short toy, but you guess that just left room for the cum in the syringe. “You know that only the best seed will get you knocked up.” They pumped the toy in and out. “But, your naughty hole keeps leaking everything out.” He laughed. “How are you going to be properly bred?” He pushed the toy in and kept pushing. “Let's plug you up for this next load. Now don't spill a drop.” 
Soon you felt what you thought was the base of the toy push into your hole. The intrusion burned as it was fed in. Your mouth fell open, but a sound wouldn't come out. The large bottom of the toy was sucked into your hole, your entrance clamping down around the real base. You felt the tip dig into you. “Your womb must be really hungry, it swallowed that knot real fast.” He slapped the base, causing the tip to jab you. “Should have known you were a real breeding bitch.” You felt the cum pour out of the toy. “Now be a good bitch and take my load.”
As the cum started to pour in, you wondered how you should feel for having so much semen inside you. It wasn't something you thought could happen to you. You came here with the fantasy of being used as a cumdump, but instead your hole has been stuffed with more than just regular cum. Your lower abdomen started to cramp. You finally noticed that cum was still coming out of the toy. Your hole felt full already, but the cum just kept coming. You shifted your hips around, hoping that you could jostle the toy to let some of the cum out. 
“Naughty, naughty.” The toy was slapped at. Tingles went through your whole body. “A bitch should know better than to move.” You clenched your fists as you felt your hole expand from the excess of cum. “Your cunt must have been really hungry since it's still eating.” If you could protest you would, but you were busy trying not to scream. You felt ready to explode from how full you were. “That's a good breeder, you managed to take the whole load. Aren't you proud of yourself?” The man rubbed the base of the toy. “You know, a real knot could last a couple minutes, even a whole hour. Too bad I have to pull it out so soon.” That was good news, you felt like your insides were going to pop.
“Wait,” someone protested, “leave it in for a while.” 
“I wouldn't mind waiting for a few minutes.”
“There should be more breeders coming in, I'll just use one of them.”
“Yeah, a sloppy hole is good and all, but this one is just too sloppy.”
“There's barely anyone left in line, just keep it in until more guys show up.”
Everyone seemed to agree.
“You hear that bitch? You get to be properly knotted.”
The door to the room opened again. “Alright, dinner time.” The woman placed a full bowl next to your head. “Heard you've been put through the wringer, so I'm giving you a little extra.” She ran her fingers through your scalp. “This is why we set limits, sweetheart. You've got less than seven hours, you can do this.” She stepped back. “I'll see you in a few.” You heard the door close.
You groaned as you felt yourself being stretched further than you've ever been before. The men in the room behind you were talking amongst themselves, few would occasionally slap the toy. After a while you forced yourself to relax, the fullness dulled. You chuckled weakly as you realized you got exactly what you wanted. After all, this was the closest to cum inflation you could get in real life. After the first time seeing it, you couldn't stop thinking about it. You just had to experience some sort of version of it. You never once stopped to think that maybe a toy could have fulfilled your fantasy. This is what you get for diving head first without looking.
You took the break you were given to eat your food. It tasted good and you were able to finish without interruption. The woman came in, cleaned your face, took the bowl, and left with the promise of coming back in five hours.
More voices came from behind you.
“I thought this was an all day breeder, why are you all standing around?”
“Yeah, I'm craving some sloppy pussy here.”
“We were waiting for more guys to show up.”
“This guy here brought a neat toy. It has the breeder stuffed with cum.”
“I don't care about that, I just want to stick my dick into a wet pussy.”
“Looks like this knot has to go.” The owner of the toy gave the base a hard slap. “At least you were bred properly by it.” The toy's knot had to be forcefully pulled out. As it came out, so did a waterfall of cum. When it was fully out the man shoved his cock in. “Gonna breed you one more time, gotta make sure it sticks.” You shivered at what he said. You took precautions to make sure this experience didn't end in pregnancy, but the amount of cum you've been given is giving you second thoughts. The puddle of cum at your feet made you feel nervous.
You didn't notice when the man finished, only that a different cock was in you. It was once again a normal rhythm of someone fucking you and being replaced by another. After the seventh load, there was a ruckus again.
“If it ain't snake dick.”
“Snake dick?”
“Take a look.”
“Is that two dicks?”
You heard of people being born with two penises. Being a horny moron with internet access has led you to that discovery. But to be fucked by someone like that wasn't something you thought you'd get a chance to. You yawned as you kept being rammed into. Sure you've cummed a few times, but very few tried dragging pleasure out of you. Tiredness took over your mind as you closed your eyes, letting sleep slowly win over.
When you felt two heads of cock pushing into your hole, you slightly pushed back. The heads easily slipped in your overused hole. “Damn, this bitch is loose.” The man slammed into you, he grinded both his girths as deep as he could. The walls of your hole weakly pulsated around both cocks, barely mapping them out. It had been the first intrusion, since the knotted dildo, that you've been able to feel properly. 
The man began to move and you were jolted. It wasn't the fact that there were two cock inside you, but the fact that both cocks curved in different directions. They rubbed up against your walls, the tips joining together when they were deep inside. With the rhythm they kept, you felt a build up from his cocks massaging your hole. With every thrust you weakly tried to clamp down, trying  to get more of a sensation. The man began thrusting faster, rubbing faster and faster and faster, they were practically pistoning. You spasmed, cumming, your hole sucking in the man's cock, and gave a loud groan.
The sensation of being rocked back and forth is what greets your consciousness. You look up at the clock, you've been asleep for about an hour. Fleshing slapping into your thighs was about the only thing you could feel, your hole too loose to clench around normal cocks. You decided to close your eyes again, letting sleep take over. It wasn't like you needed to do anything, except let your hole be used for about four more hours.
A cold, hard, large object woke you up. Something thin, smooth, and wide was being slid into your hole. You were curious as to what it was, it didn't hurt, but it was pretty cold. When it stopped moving you heard a metallic click and suddenly your hole was spread wide. You yelped at the sudden stretch.
“My, my, my, you are most certainly drenched in semen. I can barely see your cervix from how full you are.” A man hummed. “Now that won't do for what I need to do.” You felt the air breeze inside your hole, making you shiver. Rummaging could be heard from behind you. “Now I don't want to waste all the hard work from the previous fertilizers. So let's just suck up their swimmers so we can put them where they belong. ” You could feel the cum pooled inside you shrink in size. “There we go, now I can see your fertilizing hole.” 
“What?” That was the first time you've said anything to the people on the other side. What the man had just said was dumbfounding.
“I don't blame you for not knowing, it is the first time you've been seen by me. But, every breeder should know that breeding is a form of fertilizing. Your cervix here holds your womb,” you felt something hard jab deep inside you, “it's your fertilizing hole. It's where all these little fertilizers should go.” You felt something deep inside you being filled. “Now tell me when it gets too much, dear. I don't want to accidentally over fertilize you.” As it started to hurt you told them stop and they did, but they didn't pull out whatever they put inside you. 
“I'm quite glad everyone allows me to fertilize the willing breeders. You would be surprised how many breeders refuse to be seen by me.” The man messaged your pubic area, pressing against the fullness inside you. “You should know, I was a doctor, retired now, but when I worked I used to imagine properly fertilizing every single one of my patients. The ones willing to be mothers of course.” The man rambled. “It always saddens me whenever a patient would come in to be fertilized then come back because they weren't properly fertilized. There were times when I wanted to tell them there was another way, but I knew what I would be suggesting was improper.” The fullness began to fade away. “But then I found places like these. Places where mothers-to-be were willing to be fertilized properly.”
“There's other places?” 
The man paused then chuckled. “Oh, you must be very new.” He gently patted you. “How long have you been a breeder?”
You felt yourself blush. “It's my first time here.”
“Oh,” the man sounded surprised, “you're like the last one. They were quite ambitious and set the same preferences as you. When I heard of your preferences I thought they returned. But, I suppose fertilizing isn't for everyone.” He rubbed your pubic area again, it felt bloated. 
The door to your room opened. “Are you still hanging in there?” The woman held a small bowl of food. 
You nodded.
“I'm impressed, thought you'd be a sobbing mess like the last newbie.” She sat on the mattress. “Heard you and Doc are going to enjoy your last hours together.”
“And what a pleasure it will be.” The man replied.
The woman snorted. “Pleasure my ass, my uterus still feels like it'll plop out any second.” She held a spoon to your mouth. You ate without protest, feeling relaxed in the environment.
Doc chuckled at that. “Maybe it just needs to be fertilized again?” He teased her.
She huffed and kept feeding you. “Maybe you need to find a wife.”
“Oh, you wound me, Handler.” The man gave a fake sob. “Alright dear, let me know when to stop.” You felt the fullness again and told him to stop. “You're a natural, dear. You've almost taken half of the syringe. Most tend to call it quits.”
“What happened to the other men?” You had to ask, it was too quiet.
Handler laughed. “When word got out that you took Snake like a champ, almost everyone decided to use other breeders or toilets.” She told you. “The few that like a loose hole already had a go, heard you fell asleep.” She laughed at your embarrassed expression. “We were gonna let you go early, but Doc here wanted a go.”
A hand gently caressed the top of your groin, you still flinched from the bloating. “Don't forget Wipe, he's still here.”
“Leave me out of your conversation, I'm just waiting to go home.” The ‘Cleaner’ now known as Wipe grunted. 
“That room better be spotless, we have another breeder coming in.” Handler called out.
“It's clean, Stain better be here on time or I'm gonna make him a stain on the wall.” Wipe growled.
The food in the bowl was finished, but Handler didn't leave. “So, you're gonna be a regular breeder?” She asked you.
“Only on the weekends.” She seemed surprised by your answer. “Definitely going to set some limits though.” You laughed weakly. A smile spread on her face.
“Do you wish for me to stop?” Doc asked.
“No,” you replied, “keep going.” 
“Looks like you got another regular, Doc.” Handler rubbed your head. “You're gonna need a nickname, if you haven't noticed we don't use names here.”
“How about Fertile?�� Doc suggested.
“Nah, that's what we call the chick that always comes in pregnant.” She shut him down.
“Cumdump?” You shyly asked.
“That's taken too.” 
“Just call them Hole.” Wipe told them. “That's what they were the whole time.” He snorted at his own pun. 
“I guess that's an option.” Handler said. “How about it sweetie? Want to be called Hole?” You felt your hole twitch at the nickname.
“Oh, it seems like your fertile hole likes the name.” Doc tells them.
Handler smirked. “Does the hole like being called a hole?” She teased. Your hole twitched more and you whined. “Of course the hole does, it's what it is. That's why you didn't set limits, because holes don't get limits, they get used.” You gasped as you felt yourself get filled more. “And like all good holes, you liked being filled. Don't you?” 
“Yes.” You weakly agree.
“Say it, say you're a hole.” She demanded.
“I'm a hole.” 
“Now say what all good holes do.” She commanded with a smile.
“Holes get used.” You whimpered.
“And?” You felt your head spinning, not being able to focus, only feeling Doc slowly filling your cervix bit by bit. “Come on Hole, what else do good holes do?”
“Get f-filled.” Your whole mind went blank as your body spasmed. Every part of your body felt like it coursing through electricity. The twitching of your hole was rapid, helplessly forced open, trying to close in on itself. Your cervix felt like it was ready to explode. And all you could think of was getting used and filled all over again. 
Your legs were trembling and Doc was petting your lower tummy. “Well then, Hole, it looks like you do justice to your name. You took a whole syringe.”
“No shit?” Handler gasped. “I barely can hold half. Good job, Hole, you're definitely going to be a favorite around here.” She stroked your head. You whined pitifully, your mind still feeling numb from the ground shaking orgasm.
“I'm going to remove the syringe now.”
“Don't!” You shouted at Doc. “Keep it in, keep it in, keep it in.” You babbled.
Doc's breath hitched. “Do you want your fertile hole filled, Hole?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” You pleaded.
“Do you want to be plugged up, filled to the absolute brim with fertilizing swimmers?” He purred. “Be a completely filled hole?”
“Yes, fill and plug me up, please.”
“Oh, I wish you could see their face, Doc” Handler held your chin up. “They're absolutely gagging for it, drooling even.”
“I want a private session with them.” He hissed.
“Gonna have to be for next week, they're done for the day.” She denied him. “Do you want a private session with Doc, Hole? Want him to fertilize you again?”
“I want it, I want it.” You sobbed.
“Oh, it soars my heart knowing I'll be fertilizing you once again.” Doc sighed. You felt him move and heard a zipper. “Let's begin filling you with fertilizers to the brim.” He was panting harshly, the syringe in you shaking. “Forgive an old dog, but my swimmers aren't as fast as they used to be.” He rasped, you could hear fabric rustling. It did take Doc a while, but you felt his warm semen splash into your open hole.
“I was going to use the fertilizer I collected today for other breeders, but we'll have to see what I'll have left in the end.” You heard a jar being open. “Now let's see how much you can take without spilling.” You felt thick liquid being poured in you. It pooled in, slowly rising in level. When you felt it tilting to your entrance the pooling stopped. “Could you raise yourself on your toes?”
You did as you were told. The cum rolled back into you. “That's perfect, now here comes the tricky part.”
“Need some help, Doc?” Handler asked.
“I wouldn't mind an assistant.” He told her. “If their hips were tilted, it would lessen the waste of fertilizer.”
“Let me adjust the bench.” She got off the mattress and moved to your side. She bent down and started to move something on the side of the bed. It started to tilt you down, your ass raising up to the top of the hole. You felt the cum inside even out, no longer tilting, your toes barely touched the ground.
“Why thank you my, dear. That makes this so much easier.” You felt the man slowly easing out the thing keeping you open. He stopped when it started to edge your entrance. “Know, for the plug.” Before you could think, Doc pulled out the syringe and shoved something familiar in you, though it felt much shorter. He pulled the rest of the thing out, letting you close around the base of the knot. “Now let's finish filling you up.” You felt the familiar expansion of your hole. When it felt too much, you let him know.
“Lower them down, Handler, I would like to enjoy my work.” Handler tilted the bed back. “Could they perhaps be rolled onto their back?” 
She looked at the clock. “Sure, you still have time left with them.” She undid the straps on you and helped you on your back. “Want them restrained?”
“Oh no, I believe they'll be well behaved.” He caressed your stomach. “Won't you, fertile Hole?”
“Yes.” You gasped, staring at the ceiling, tears rolling down the sides of your face.
“Alright, I'm gonna take a smoke break.” Handler told them as she left.
“Do you think you can handle a bit more?” Doc hummed.
You clinched around the knot, still feeling full, but not painfully. “Just a little.”
He pushed more cum in. It was a repeated process, he would ask if you could take more and you would reply. He would fill you after each agreement. 
“You look fertilized already, my dear. So round with potential life.” He rubbed your stomach. Your hands were clenched on the side of the mattress. “I wonder if you would let the seed grow. Find who was the best fertilizer, so they can aid in the sprouting of a new seed.” You felt him shoot another small load in you. “Would it be by being a breeder again, or being properly fertilized by me again?”
“How you make me swoon, my love.” He circled the sides of the base. “Do you think you could handle one last batch of fertilizer?” You honestly had no idea, you've already started to feel numb. But, you told him that you could. “You truly are a fertile hole.” You groaned at the last load. “I've never seen such a hole handle so much fertilizer. You've completely put away everything I've collected. There was enough for at least 10 breeders, but you just had to be perfect.” 
You could feel and hear him pepper kisses at the base. “Oh, so perfect. I could just snatch you up and keep you all to myself. I would have you properly fertilized each and every day, until a seedling would sprout. Then repeat the process over and over again, till my dying breath.” You shuddered in pleasure and fear at the thought.
“Watch it, Doc.” Wipe warned. “You better not be stepping out of line.”
Doc laughed. “Of course not, Wipe. I wouldn't be able to properly fertilize so many breeders if I did.”
Handler came back. “Sorry I'm late, someone was getting-” Her eyes widened at you. “Holy shit, are you alright?” She sounded panicked.
You looked at her confused. “I'm a little sore, but I'm fine.”
“You should be a lot more than sore.” She walked over to you. “Wipe, you were supposed to be looking after them.”
You could hear Wipe walking towards you. “They said they're fine, what are you complaining-” He paused. “Oh, shit. Is that real?”
You felt ready to panic. Why were Handler and Wipe freaking out so much? You looked down and you felt the world stop. Your lower stomach was bloated up, sticking out more than it should. The skin around it was taut and red from the stretch. You placed a shaky hand over it, feeling the cum in you swirl from the movement. This is what Doc meant when he said you looked fertilized. 
“They look absolutely full of new life, don't you think?” Doc sounded smug.
“Just unplug them, they look ready to pop. We're not having a dead body here.” Handler scowled.
But all that work, all that effort would be put to waste if they just unplug you. “No.” You said. “I want to stay like this a little longer.” At least until you wake up for work.
Handler shook her head. “No way, you can do it in the privacy of your home, but we have standards here. One of them being the well being of our workers. Unplug them, Doc.”
“This pains me as well, dove, but I promise our private sessions will last much longer.” He gently pulled out the knot, the torrent of cum rushed out of you. Your stomach slowly descended down in size. The sound of something being filled hit your ears. “At least you'll know all this fertilizer will not go to waste.” When the waterfall of cum stopped, he shoved his fingers in you to scoop out as much as he could. “Until next week, Hole.” He gave your hole a kiss before leaving.
Wipe cleaned you up and Handler helped you dress. As you were led out of the room and into another, where everyone was sitting down looking tired. Handler set you down to the nearest empty chair, your legs shook uncontrollably. 
“May I have your attention please.” Handler announced. “I'd like to introduce you to the sixteen hour breeder, Hole!”
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limbusinfernum · 2 years
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There he was intact. With both arms moving cautiously, the sound of the most beautiful sonnet came from his melodious vocal cords. “Azusa must be doing something...”.
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You utter his name and he listens. The dull eye stare as you approach. What did you want?
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Close by, the first thing your eyes notice is the bloody silver blade he held in his hands. Azusa greets you with a warm smile, you now found yourself regretful.
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He tells you what he was doing; and how he did to cut the flesh of her pale belly. “I spent a lot of time…sharpening it…” The new dagger. You should already guess.
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Take a closer look! The sharp blade cutting through the flesh... Azusa made a point of showing it. A vivid red. How beautiful...........
To him. But not for you.
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The disillusioned look on Azusa's face was more than visible, falling on you now… away. He did not understand. It was a beautiful tribute, in his own body. His own flesh. Did not you like it?
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Unbelievable. He stared at his dagger for a few seconds in silence. You should have taken it. Perhaps... there's something wrong, without a doubt. Maybe the fact that you didn't try it?
Right! Now Azusa is sure you will like it! After all, you won't know if you don't try it!
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In an instant everything seemed so calm and quiet?
Azusa now prevented you from breathing while squeezing your neck, his arm kept all your fragile body above the ground. His fangs shone close to his eyes as he saw your soft flesh perfectly pierced by his dagger. Two, three, four... your blood splashed through all the vision of... Azusa's warm smile. He wants to mark you more than anything now, and he doesn't seem to care about the severity of his cuts.
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Ended with everything darker than any abyss. Did you die?
Bloody uncensored version? Click here!
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
hey, where can i watch kinnporsche?
hi hi! kinnporsche is available internationally on the iqiyi website. unfortunately to watch the uncensored la forte version it does require a paid subscription, however, understandably, not everyone is in a position to pay for a subscription a month!
there is a way that you can get three days of iqiyi VIP for free so you can support the show!! so you need to follow THIS referral link and download the app and it should automatically register you for three free days so you can watch it in 1080p! you have to make sure that you download the app via that link, though, otherwise it won't work.
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there are more links floating around, and you can even send your own link to friends and both get more vip days for free! i'm not sure how strict they are on making new emails to get more vip days but you could try that and it might work, make sure you delete the app beforehand though!
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the referral reward scheme is pretty generous tbh! if y'all want to use this post to drop your referral links feel free, then other people can use them and y'all can get more vip days that's cool.
if you're still confused someone made a helpful guide HERE!!
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yunwooz · 6 months
@jin-ei: (Ty for being a level-headed voice in this conversation, I appreciate it!) Re: the manga, the digital version is censored but the physical version received minimal censorship, and I've seen no mention of a censored version on any of the k-anime forum sites. I reblogged your initial post w screenshots of Korean forum users discussing both the anime and manga, but the main differences with the physical manga is occasional censoring of the inside cover. (In fact, I've seen dozens of posts on less savory forum sites encouraging people to get the physical version because of that exact reason). I've seen little mention of a censored manga so it's either very recent or was a smaller run. That said, like previous asks mentioned, it isn't outright p*rnographic (except some of the inside covers, which I've mainly seen feature the adult characters). It *is* highly fetishistic and imo thinly veiled, with it getting bad around volume 12. People typically jump off around volume 3 in the western anime community as well.
unfortunately your ask simply won't show in my inbox for me to answer like a normal ask (i think maybe bc of the word p*rnographic being uncensored tumblr got mad about it and won't let it show 😭) and i can't tag your blog for whatever reason but i still wanna respond so i'll respond in a separate post like this!
thank you so so much for all the information about the manga that's super helpful! it's very interesting to hear about how many alterations there seem to be just for this series, i would think that if something needs to be censored THAT frequently and to that extent then no publisher/printer would really wanna get involved with all of that? but then again they're making money off of it so they're not really gonna take a hit in terms of criticism :/ thank you again for the insight, it's super helpful and helps add some much needed context!!!
edit: i've just read through your addition to my post and i seriously cannot thank you enough for all of that effort and hard work you put into researching the topic, it is so immensely helpful and offers so much content and clarity for me personally and i'm sure it will help others as well and it's so incredibly detailed thank you thank you thank you 🫶🫶🫶
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andreabanai · 2 years
Adrienn Banai: The Rat Lover
I didn't want to post about any of this, but this person forced my hand.
I can't let this person run around on this hellsite anymore.
For those not in the know, this person harasses artists into drawing their husbando: a rat character named "Grey" from the children's series "Larva Island". They also force people to draw Grey's grandpa, a female version of Grey named "Greyless", Grey wearing Roxanne's dress from "A Goofy Movie", and plenty of parodies of the opening scene of said movie. Like, they subjected one person to draw that same sequence with different characters like 6-7 times. And the "best" part? They steal the poor victim's art to claim it as their own. And sometimes, they create edits of them WITHOUT CREDITING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS.
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Her husbando
And I was one of their unfortunate victims. This person is weird as all hell; they ship this rat with Pibby (a character that is canonically from a preschool show), Meilin Lee (A hecking 13 year old girl), and Adrienn themselves. The fandoms they follow are: -Courage the Cowardly Dog -Friday Night Funkin -Learning with Pibby
Turning Red, anything Disney related (Goofy mostly), Steven Universe, Made in Abyss and, most importantly, Larva.
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adrienn, flat out admitting that they steal art from people
It's already kind of weird enough, but then I did more digging on this person. They have a butt ton of accounts on a multitude of social media websites. They have a few on reddit, a few on wikia, one on vimeo, and one on behance, of all places. They have a long history of harassing users, especially on reddit and wikia. They have the most accounts on Tumblr, with five (two of them are inactive.) The second biggest is wikia, with four. Oh, but it gets better. They have uncensored nsfw content on two tumblrs. This is from one of their accounts. I am not going to show you the image, but I'm going to show you the tags:
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I mean, I'm glad that they tagged it as "rule 34", but I'm more surprised about how tumblr didn't purge those posts or ban the user entirely. So, if you see someone with any of these accounts ask you to draw this rat, dump the ask and block em. Hell, even report them if you need to : https://adrienn-banai-09.tumblr.com/ (WARNING, NSFW CONTENT AHEAD) https://adriennbanai09.tumblr.com/ (Not as nsfw as the one above, but still, nsfw) https://andreabanai.tumblr.com/ https://adriennsposts.tumblr.com/ https://adriennbanai-09.tumblr.com/
And Adrienn/Andrea, if you are reading this, I urge you to take a break from the internet and get some help. As I said multiple times, this behavior will not help you make friends. It will only make more enemies. I am an autistic just like you (probably. idk) and I really don't want to put you down like this, but you're already weirding a bunch of people out. Though you probably won't listen to me anyway, since apparently in your eyes the word "no" is just an unspoken "yes". And please don't harass this person or send them death threats. Doing that just makes you a bad person.
I hope this is the last time I talk about this person, because I don't really have the time or the patience to deal with stupid bullcrap like this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. The clorox brain bleach is on the right side of the exits.
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I'll answer your questions, because I have done more research. (that other devianart account gave me way more information than I have ever needed. my poor eyes...)
Is it a fetish? The Goofy Nightmare stuff probably. Mostly because it involves transformation. They're also obsessed with body horror and gore, as well as some other stuff that tumblr would probably throw the ban hammer at. (Please don't make me explain that stuff. It's creepy as all hell.) The rat isn't the only character they're obsessed with. They're also obsessed with the Cat Thieves from Courage and Roxanne from "A Goofy Movie".
And is it a language barrier thing or they just don't care? It's both. English is not their first language, obviously. I'm guessing they might also be autistic, which, after looking through their deviantart accounts, seems to be the case.
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