#Thena is like I am who I am and I am going to marry Gilgamesh
Hiiii 🦜
So I had this idea for the ice queen/tyrant king au! How about he got everything ready for the proposal (location, the words all that) he is in the middle of his speech when he gets interrupted just seconds before he popped the question, so he tries again but the same thing happens and he thinks that the mood is ruined and doesn't propose.
Gil felt a chill in the air as soon as he walked into Thena's office. He gulped, staring down two of the women he was most afraid of angering in the world. He buttoned his suit jacket, "Imo."
The short, grey haired woman glowered at him. She barked, "hello, Disappointment."
"Okay," Gil sighed heavily, dropping the veil of respecting his elders pretty quickly. She looked appalled, but he walked past her towards Thena at her desk. "You okay?"
"Of course," Thena smiled, although he could see on her face that she hadn't exactly been having a friendly chat with his aunt. "We have been discussing...business."
"Like what?" Gil grumbled. Why today? Why today of all days?
The ring box in his pocket felt like it weighed a ton.
His aunt seated herself on Thena's meeting couch, situating her jeogori just so around her. She glared at the two of them, "sit."
Gil frowned, but Thena rose from her office chair to indulge the woman. He looked at her, reaching towards her but not making contact, "you sure, Ice?"
She gave him a smile, which he took as a yes, following her to sit across from the esteemed head of his family. He sat beside Thena stiffly, both of them reserved in posture and seated an appropriate distance apart.
"I came to see what you've been doing," his aunt began again in English, although she had a way of making it sound like the entire language was beneath her. "Fooling around here."
Gil frowned, "and what does that mean?"
"After burning our alliance with the little heiress' family," his aunt huffed. Although, it was a little funny to think that even those considered her allies had taken up the mocking nickname for her. "We expected you to return home to make amends and repair some of your family's reputation."
Thena snuck just her eyes over to look at him.
But Gil just shrugged, no remorse - and barely any respect - to it. "And I told you that expecting me to marry the little heiress was always out of line. I have my own business here, and I am too old for you to be ordering around like a child."
"You are a child" the woman snapped at him again, only her age and experience allowing her to snarl at a grown and middle aged man--a gang leader, at that. "You are my sister's child."
Thena looked at Gil more openly this time, watching to see him react. He was only becoming more frustrated, and she could understand why. But he was probably about two carefully chosen words away from getting completely excommunicated from his family ties.
"Ungrateful," his aunt slapped another singular word onto him to label everything that had happened in the past year-and-some of their lives.
"I don't-" Gil paused as Thena put a hand on his arm, which he just now noticed he had crossed stubbornly.
"I understand," she said to the woman gently, although his aunt looked disgusted to be addressed directly by Thena at all. "But Gil is right. He does not need your assistance in his life or his business here."
His aunt took a long look at them both, her hardened stare enough to cut down anyone less resilient than hardened criminals. "Gil?"
Gil snorted, uncrossing his arms and taking Thena's hand in his, holding them both on her thigh. His aunt had a good pokerface, but he knew that as far as she was concerned, this was as bad as watching him feel Thena up in front of her. "What did you really come here for, Imo?"
She eyed their connected hands like some kind of varmint. "I came to see what was keeping you here--wasting your life and our business!"
"I'm here for the woman I love!"
Both women looked at him as he raised his voice. He would apologise later, but this was important. Thena gave his hand a squeeze, "Gil."
"I am here because my home is here," Gil stated proudly, staring down his terrifying aunt. "Thena is here. I said it to the little heiress and I'll say it again."
"Gilgamesh," his aunt drawled as a warning for him to very quickly rethink raising his voice and arguing with her.
"No," he continued, turning his hand in Thena's and linking their fingers together. "This is the woman I choose!--the soul that matches mine! I will not consider anyone else and I will never be happy unless it's with her beside me!"
"Thena is the sun of my world," Gil clutched at his chest, rumpling his shirt as if trying to keep his heart from ripping through his rib cage. "Everyday starts and ends with her, or it's a waste. Every minute I spend without her is a waste."
His aunt was thoroughly unmoved by his romanticism.
"I never cared if I was happy before," Gilgamesh professed, and not to gain any sympathy or pity tears. But just out of honesty, "I didn't think it mattered. I was raised not to think it mattered. Business is business, and family is family, and anything else isn't important. That's our way, right?"
It was a way that Thena was also familiar with; and why she had erased herself and all ties with her family from record.
"But I didn't even know what happiness was!" Gil laughed, unable to resist looking at Thena any longer. He smiled. "I had no idea just how happy I could be, if only for her."
His aunt cleared her throat. "That is-"
"Will you let me finish?!"
"Gil," Thena soothed in an instant, her velvety tone washing over him and relaxing his wound up muscles. She looked at his aunt for him. "We are together. That is all you have to report back to your family."
"Is that so?"
"It is," Thena pressed, her eyes sharpening again. "I do believe I told the little heiress to convey that message for me when I sent her back to you--incomplete as she was."
The matriarch lifted her chin to look at Thena dead in the eye. Perhaps she hadn't believed that it was someone calling themselves the Ice Queen who had actually cut off the girl's finger. But it seemed that the woman of Gil's choosing was even stronger than he was.
"Gilgamesh is mine," Thena stated with no room for argument. She brought her left hand up to sit atop their joined ones, "and I am his. That is all I have to say."
Gil sat up straighter as his aunt's eyes bounced over them both. With nothing left to lose, he scooted a little closer to Thena. If his aunt was about to kill him then at least he could die with Thena holding his hand.
"I see."
That was it? Gil watched as his aunt brushed off her jeogori needlessly, the lines of her face relaxing as she let go of whatever malice she had come bearing. He frowned, "that's it?"
His aunt shrugged, giving what might have passed as an indifferent frown. "It seems the Ice Queen drives a hard bargain."
Thena smiled at the woman, and he could almost imagine his aunt smiling back (if she ever smiled, which she didn't). "I do."
"Fine," his aunt sighed. She looked at them again, "if pale is what you want. A little bony, though."
Gil scowled, pulling Thena closer to him (in a way he was sure would make his aunt positively mortified). "I don't know what you're talking about. She's perfect."
"Gil," Thena attempted to admonish him subtly.
He just smiled down at her, tucking herself closer to him as his aunt stared them down. She was going to give him hell for embarrassing her later, but for now, she just looked cute.
His aunt stood and didn't bother excusing herself, having seen enough. She walked to the door, where Kingo was very obviously listening and waiting to open it from the other side for their guest.
Kingo bowed to the woman as she walked past, still not looking back until she reached the elevator. She looked at him, "you."
"Yes, ma'am," he responded crisply and respectfully. Some clients and allies he could have a little fun with; this woman was obviously not one of them.
"The wedding gift. I'll have it sent here."
Sharp. To the point. Kingo bowed again, "yes, ma'am. The Ice Queen thanks you for your...patronage."
"Hm." And with that, the woman stepped onto the elevator, ready to make the long journey back to the ground floor and the infinitely longer journey back home.
His father would not be happy to hear that she had not dragged his son back to him as she had promised to. But she had made her sister a promise about prioritising not just Gilgamesh as a family member, but as her son. And she had not seen her sister's son smile like that in all his years working in Korea. Perhaps she had never seen him smile like that at all.
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miss-crazy-rose · 3 years
Spoilers, obviously
Sersi: At first I thought she was a little bit bland, you know this “main character syndrome” where the creators want so badly to make you understand THIS is the main character and they are the GOOD GUY that they end up not having any personality and you fail to get attached? That’s how I felt at first. And then I thought about it and I figured what was Sersi’s personality: she is inherently human. She is the one who assimilated the best and in the end, that was the point of the movie : do the Eternals better the humans or do the humans better the eternals? The answer is both and she is the proof: the Eternals were supposed to be incapable of evolution and yet she evolved, her powers became stronger. This humanity is the reason Ajak chose her to succeed her because she knew she would put the humans first because she is the most compassionate and the most human of all. She is not my favorite but I can recognize that she is a great character.
Ikaris: bitch ass fly boy I’m glad you threw yourself into the sun. Nah nah real opinion here: I think Ikaris is equally a great character for the complete opposite reason: he completely failed to become human and therefore never questioned anything and never evolved. He was so blinded by faith and so detached from humanity he failed to recognize how wrong Arishem grand dessein was (ironically a whole lot of humans are so blinded by faith nowadays that they fail to see they are cruel. Does that make Ikaris human too? That would be a great subject to meditate on). The plot twist of him knowing about everything and killing Ajak was brilliantly executed: the promo and the biggest part of the movie presented him as mister perfect and I was so focused on finding him boring and bland that I was completely taken aback by his betrayal. I don’t like him but he is truly a great character
Ajak: I don’t have much to say because we barely saw her. She was like the mother of the group and for that I do like her but apart from that? Why did she decided to rebel specifically on Earth? You’re going to tell me that in the millions of year she lived not a single other planet seemed worth saving??? I don’t know it doesn’t make much sense to me. I would like to learn more about her though to try to figure her character better
Thena: oh my how much I loved Thena. The balance between her strength and her weakness was so brilliantly executed. The phase 4 is really bringing mental illness into the light while not making it the characters whole personality and in the mainstream media it’s a huge step forward. I also love how she is not only a warrior, she is compassionate, she loved her family. I also noticed that her suit was the most feminine looking of all and she is still known as the best warrior, femininity and strength going together (I know Athena who she supposedly inspired is often represented in modern media as tomboyish because “pretty girls don’t do war” and it’s fucking refreshing to see Thena looking so feminine). Also her relationship with Gilgamesh is everything. That is a married couple your honor
Gilgamesh: speaking of the devil! We don’t see much of him (😭) but I really loved what they did here with him. Yes he is brutally strong but he is also very very very gentle. When they meet him again with Thena in Australia and he’s basically a stay at home husband who cooks and brews alcohol all day? While taking care of his danger wife? I melted. He deserved more. Forever in our hearts Gil ❤️
Sprite: while I am annoyed to find another “I betray you all because I love the bad guy” trope, I understand where her anger is coming from (if I had to stay in my 12yo body for eternity believe me I would have snapped earlier 😅). The “I can make you human” seemed to come a little bit from nowhere but I thought it was a clever decision from the studio (so that they can bring back Lia in future movies without having to explain why she grew up)
Phastos: oh the disillusioned god trope. It always works so well. If the Hiroshima scene did not break you you don’t have a soul. I really enjoyed this character who I felt had a real evolution over the movie timeline. His family is so adorable (first openly gay character in a MCU movie and it’s not a big deal it just is yesssss). Also I loved how he used his powers in the final battle: no he’s not a fighter but he has a big brain and that’s better 🔥
Kingo: at first I found Kingo annoying. But after my second viewing I realized that this extravagant persona was mostly a facade and deep down he’s just a character who cares about his people. In fact he cared so much he made movies about them. His conversations with Sprite are always full of truth and love and you can see how much he cares about her. I was kinda disappointed that he didn’t join the final fight but now that I had time to think about it, I understand him: even though he didn’t agree with the plan of stopping the emergence he disagreed even more with the idea of hurting his family and stepping away was the best move he could make. Bonus point for the moment he tried to kill Ikaris for killing Ajak and trying to kill Makkari (I think it was Makkari?), he was really looking up to Ikaris during the whole movie but in the end he loved his family more.
Makkari: if you don’t love her you’re a monster she is such a beautiful ball of sunshine. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize she was supposed to represent Mercury and it made so much sense! Lovable little thief. I LOVED the scene were she beats the shit out of Ikaris, we’ve never seen a speedster fight this way before and it was so impressive and efficient? The Flash and Quicksilver who? We don’t know them in the Makkari Nation ❤️. I loved how her disability was never a problem in the movie, the subject was never even brought. Yes it’s part of her but it’s not her. My only regret is that we didn’t see her much (for real I spent the movie waiting for her to come back). Also Lauren what the fuck is your skin care routine??? she looks 30 top I was shocked to discover she was 43 😳 what a gorgeous woman I absolutely love her sparkling eyes and her smile ✨
Druig: haha I left him for the end because it’s about to get embarrassing because OH. MY. GOD. Favorite character BY FAR. I admit i’m an easy target give me a sarcastic bitch with emotional trauma and my brain goes “HIM. We pick HIM. He is the ONE we will love the MOST”. My first viewing left me with the idea he was a brooding quiet boy (which seems to be the consensus among the people in this fandom), but after my second viewing I realized that… not really??? Before Teotihuacan he’s always in the background chilling, eating (the man spent the whole movie snacking something I swear he is a mood), making snarky remarks. I feel like this brooding image comes from the Teotihuacan scene where he stays in the background, quiet, until he snaps, which was probably the consequence of the build up of watching humans being violent and cruel for millennia and the genocide of the indigenous people of South America was the last drop. I think he is a very interesting character because he has good intentions but his powers make him inherently morally gray. Mind control is always incredibly difficult to handle as it questions free will and privacy, which we can see he struggles to understand. I really hope the next movies will address his time in the Amazonia and the village he had under mind control and that Druig will be able to understand that what he did, while coming from a good place, was terribly wrong. On another note: his relationship with Makkari is EVERYTHING. Oh the way I melted when he said “my beautiful beautiful Makkari did you miss me”. They both live in my head rent free since i first saw the movie. All the other MCU couples can go home now they are the moment. On another other note: the most unexpected plot twist of this movie is Barry Keoghan being oh so fine like whaaat? Was he always this fine???? I was slapped in the face by this man’s charisma. Also whoever picked his costumes knew exactly what they were doing and I am very grateful ✨
Bonus the non-eternal buddies: I can’t wait to learn more about Dane Whitman, I know virtually nothing about the Black Knight and it really picked my interest. Also we stand a good human boyfriend who is 100% supportive of his Eternal girlfriend. Karun was a treasure I loved him and his unholy amount of cameras. Ben and Jack were so adorable give them their husband/dad back Arishem 🥺
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gthreepio · 3 years
i’ve been thinking about the future of the mcu and realized there’s a LOT that i didn’t know/didn’t remember in terms of where things are going so i figured i’d sum it up incase anyone else was in the same boat!! 
quick recap of (unresolved) mid-credit scenes:
doctor strange: mordo (a sorcerer that is one of strange’s mentors, who by the end of the movie becomes disillusioned with magic/the ancient one and quits) confronts pangborn (the paraplegic who healed himself with the mystic arts, who tells strange about mystic arts in the first place) and steals his magic because according to mordo, there are “too many sorcerers." of note, this guy is typically a villain in the comics but hasn’t been thus far...
gotg2: ayesha (leader of the sovereign, a golden skinned alien race obsessed with genetic purity), after spending most of the movie chasing the guardians for stealing some stuff, is revealed to have created an artificial being named “adam” which is presumably, adam warlock. (other stuff that is less relevant: kraglin appears to take up yondu’s mantle; the ravagers regroup and several old and obscure comic book characters are introduced [charlie-27, aleta, martinex, mainframe]; the watchers are watching things.) 
far from home: j jonah jameson basically tells the whole world spider-man’s secret identity, and frames him for what happened with mysterio....making him public enemy #1. ALSO, turns out nick fury and maria hill in the movie were ACTUALLY the two skrulls from captain marvel (talos and soren) attempting to do their job, while the real fury (and presumably hill) is ... up in space on some spaceship!!!
wandavision: monica (who we can assume is photon) is called by “an old friend of [her] mother’s,” up in space, which presumably means fury, talos, or carol. ALSO, wanda sits in the middle of nowhere reading the darkhold and hears the voices of her children who.. by all accounts, should not exist. 
aaaaand what we know about future movies (i’m not even going into the tv series.....): 
black widow: 
takes place after civil war
nat confronts a “dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past,” likely has to do with taskmaster who has apparently taken over the red room where nat was trained as an assassin
prominent new characters: yelena belova, who will take over the mantle of black widow after this; alexei shostakov aka red guardian, an ollllld marvel hero analogous to captain america except for the soviet union.
tony stark will make an appearance... SOBS
shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings:
shang-chi has never been seen in the mcu before, but he is, essentially, a superhero that is a master martial artist, and in some adaptations can also create duplicate (fake) versions of himself to confuse opponents
main villain will be the the mandarin who we have *sort of* seen before... he is the leader of a terrorist organization called “ten rings” whose main goal is to destroy world peace. brief history -- in iron man 1: one ten rings cell kidnaps tony stark and tries to force him to make weapons (he of course, makes his suit instead). stark and ten rings become enemies and fight a bunch. nat and nick fury fight them too. in iron man 3, the villain aldrich killian hires a dude to pretend to be the mandarin and claim responsibility for a bunch of stuff, but its not the ten rings or the mandarin at all. this makes the mandarin v mad and he has a dude kidnap the faker to punish him. they also briefly show up in ant-man, when a ten rings agent tries to buy the yellowjacket suit that darren cross is selling. BUT IN SHANG-CHI....... looks like we are FINALLY going to see the real mandarin after over a decade!! 
the villain razor fist will also show up, he is lesser known... he has no superhuman powers but he has surgically replaced his hands (1 or 2, depending on the version) with a steel blade, and is highly skilled at hand to hand combat.
besides the presence of these characters, the only bit of plot we know is “shang-chi is drawn into the ten rings organization and forced to confront his past.” so... yeah. we don’t know much at all.
quick explanation: the eternals are an immortal alien race who have been secretly living on earth for thousands of years. they were created by the celestials, who are most prominently in gotg2. 
more entirely new characters!!! their names are: thena, who can form any weapon out of cosmic energy; gilgamesh, who can make a super strong exoskeleton out of cosmic energy; ikaris, who has superhuman strength, flies, and can project cosmic energy out his eyes; kingo, who can shoot cosmic energy projectiles from his hands; makkari, who creates sonic booms, has super speed, and is deaf; phastos, who has enhanced intelligence, and is also gay (and married with a kid!); ajak, who has healing powers; sprite, who can project illusions; sersi, who can manipulate matter; druig, who can mind control; and dane whitman (black knight), a human with a mystical sword. 
regarding the plot... it seems the eternals have kind of dispersed, but have to come together again to fight the deviants, who are their “evil counterparts” (also created by the celestials, though i’m unclear on why). thena and gilgamesh have apparently been in exile, unclear why; sersi, who is posing as a museum curator, has apparently been in love with ikaris for centuries and it seems as if their love story may be central to the film; and kingo is a bollywood film star in his spare time. aaaaand that’s pretty much all we know.
directed by chloé zhao of nomadland fame! 
spider-man no way home: 
based on the post-credits scene in far from home, peter parker will now be known as spider-man to everyone. unclear if he’s going to be seen as a bad guy due to mysterio framing him, but i guess we’ll see! 
jamie foxx is electro, and alfred molina is doctor octopus; which is VERY interesting considering they played these roles in other spider-man franchises, once again stirring up excitement for possible multiverse. 
there have been *multiple* reports that andrew garfield, kirsten dunst, tobey maguire, and emma stone will be in the movie but tom holland has repeatedly denied this... so... who knows. 
there are also rumors that matt murdock / daredevil (from netflix) will be in several scenes! not confirmed though. 
MJ is still his girlfriend and i hope it stays that way!! 
doctor strange will be featured in the movie, taking on the mentor role now that tony stark is gone :( this will be interesting as i.. haven’t really seen them interact much before. because of this inclusion some people speculate that the film may draw inspo from some comic storylines where peter’s secret identity is restored with magic. 
doctor strange in the multiverse of madness: 
scarlet witch is essentially co-starring!!! it’s going to be really interesting to see if they bring vision or the twins into this at all, though i’m not counting on it. 
seems like mordo will be the main villain -- recall the ds1 post credits scene where he is apparently running around trying to steal people’s magic.
america chavez will make her debut!!!!!! i have no idea how this plays into anything but i am so excited!! 
regarding the plot, all we really know is that strange has been researching the time stone, mordo messes with him, and this results in him accidentally unleashing “unspeakable evil.” presumably there will also be heavy involvement of the multiverse, and who knows what kind of craziness that will bring!! 
initially was going to be directed by scott derrickson who did ds1; however he stepped down to being just EP due to “creative differences.” i am presuming this is because derrickson really wanted to make this more gothic and horror than disney was comfortable with. i REALLY hope they keep some of those elements though and don’t erase the idea entirely! anyway, it will be directed by sam raimi now (of evil dead and spiderman 2002 fame). 
the film also reportedly ties in with the loki series (will loki show up!?) and spiderman 3 (which is obvious enough, given that strange is in that movie and those curious electro and doctor octopus castings...)
thor: love and thunder
directed by taika waititi again, hell yeah!!! and he has stated, the film will be “so over the top now in the very best way" and would make ragnarok look like a "run of the mill, very safe film" .... so.... oh god
so many great returning players!!! including.... valkyrie (now the king of new asgard), jane foster, lady sif, korg, star-lord, mantis, drax, nebula, and kraglin (takes up yondu’s mantle after he dies in gotg2)
in this movie, thor isn’t thor anymore.... it’s JANE!!! she gets cancer :( and is undergoing treatment while simultaneously being thor. i’m a little nervous how this will be handled, but i’m excited. (it’s based off an amazing comic series by jason aaron) 
the big bad: gorr the god butcher, played by christian bale! the gist of it is, this dude HATES gods because nobody helped when his family was dying and in need. his weapon is “all-black the necrosword,” forged from the head of a celestial, and allows the user to create wings and fly at extreme speeds. honestly, he sounds cool as fuck. 
valkyrie is going to be made canonically bisexual!!! 
it will explore more of korg’s backstory, and also include... space sharks!?!?! an alien race from the comics.
taika has called the script “very romantic” so take that as you will 
black panther 2
will again be directed by ryan coogler
not much is known at this point, does not have an official name
t’challa will NOT be recast (which i’m happy about) so..... honestly no idea what to expect for this one. i think we can probably expect shuri to have an expanded role. all we know so far is they will be “exploring the world of wakanda.” not clear to me how this is different from the upcoming wakanda D+ series. 
tenoch huerta has reportedly been cast as a villain, but no one has any idea who. there’s also rumors that donald glover is in “informal talks” to play a role. note all of this is unconfirmed.
captain marvel 2
will be directed by nia da costa (candyman!) and written by megan mcdonnell, who is one of wandavision’s best writers! 
will take place in the present day 
will feature kamala khan / ms. marvel, monica rambeau / photon!!! this will be so interesting.... kamala is a huge fan of carol’s in the comics, she is her mentor/idol. the ms. marvel series will also resportedly lead into cm2. and monica, well, monica knew her when she was a little kid. wandavision implies that there’s some bad blood between carol and monica though, not sure why. maybe because carol left and never came back? (until endgame) 
post-credits scene of wandavision appears to tie into this, having monica go up into space at the reqeust of her “mom’s old friend.” again, not clear who that is. this could also be a tie in to secret invasion though, so we’ll see. or both.
zawe ashton has been cast as an unknown villain... a lot of people are actually speculating that she may play rogue? which would be fascinating, as there’s a comic arc where rogue steals her powers and memories. BUT there’s still no confirmation that X-men exist in the MCU so for now i remain skeptical.
they are looking to cast a ‘john boyega’ or ‘michael b jordan’ type which makes me wonder if they are going to create a new character, a “younger” war machine to be her love interest? (note: carol and rhodey are a huge thing in comics!) carol obviously does not look her age but her and don cheadle.... that just doesn’t work. which is why i wonder.
ant-man and the wasp: quantumania 
in addition to scott and hope, pretty much all the major players are returning including: luis, hank pym, janet van dyne
cassie lang has been recast with an actress 5 years older, which is really making me wonder if they are going to make her stinger in this movie! (aka one of the main young avengers)
the villain: kang the conqueror! this dude time travels. original name nate richards. in the comics, kang travels back in time to rescue his younger self (nate) from an attack that would help shape him towards a life of villainy. kang also gives him some fancy armor. his younger self actually is like, what the fuck dude? and renounces his destiny, becoming a hero. and he makes his armor look like iron man, calling himself iron lad. who is a young avenger. which also makes me wonder about cassie lang.
otherwise not much is known! 
guardians of the galaxy vol. 3
james gunn is returning, i’m mixed about this...he really does *get* the guardians though. 
based on the gotg2 post credits scene, i think we can assume adam warlock will be a HUGE part of this. there are multiple versions of him, some villainous and some heroic, but no idea how this is gonna turn out.
no word yet on whether thor will be involved, or if those ravagers they introduced will be involved. 
fantastic four 
will be directed by the spiderman guy, john watts.
otherwise we know literally nothing.
aaaaand that’s the roundup! 
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
For part 3, the heiress has an intel inside and she knew what's the real deal with Gil and Thena's relationship. I wanna see what's on her mind, she's giving this 'daddys money' vibe🤣 but you decide what will happen here. But may I request some angst and action in this part?
My requests ends here but I hope there's still something more to write for this AU because it's so beautiful and the way you write it? It makes it perfect. Thank you so much!
"Hello," he nodded his head to her, "Little Heiress."
She frowned at the name, but perhaps she already knew that it was going to stick to her no matter how much she didn't like it. She could probably have guessed that as soon as she was called that by the Ice Queen herself, that it would be her name in this town forever.
"What brings you here?" she smiled, hoping to move onto more pleasant matters.
"I am here to sever ties," Gilgamesh cut right to the point, pulling his hands out of his pockets. He had a new tattoo. "The engagement is off."
She frowned. "That is not a decision you get to make on your own, Gilgamesh."
"No, I suppose not," he chuckled briefly, although the humour didn't stick to him like it usually did. "But the deal is done. The wedding is off, I've made my apologies, to your family and mine."
"You can't just do that!"
"I told them it was entirely my fault," he offered as the gentleman he was. "I'm to blame, and our families both know it. You can go back home and marry whomever you like."
"That's not-"
"But I'm staying here," he concluded, holding his head high as he said it. "My home is here--my life is here. It was a pleasure doing business-"
"I know, about it" the little heiress rushed out, leaving behind her desk with her fists clenched. "I know everything--about you and the Ice Queen."
He scowled at her mention of Thena.
She nodded, though, grinning at her upper hand. "I know all about your history together, how she was poisoned, how you beat her date within an inch of his life. I know how you took care of her for weeks--for months!"
Gilgamesh didn't wince or flinch at the accusations. They were all true, and they were no weakness of his. "And?"
"Your work-wife is a very public figure in business," the little heiress smiled cutely. "She's hardly unreachable, no matter how much security she has or how secretly she lives."
"Are you threatening her?" Gilgamesh asked very seriously, walking towards the little heiress with his own fists clenched. He could feel her own security detail drifting out of the corners of the room, but he didn't care.
"Not me," she pouted her lips at him, just oh-so innocent about it all. "But I'm sure you don't want everyone in the business to know how much you care for her--and vice versa. To have such a public weakness is bad business, is it not, jagiya?"
"I am not your jagiya," he snarled out with distaste.
The little heiress rolled her eyes. "Why even bother? If you really want to fuck her while you're here, I won't care-"
"Don't talk about her like that." She just stared at him, but he was quite serious when he said it. He held his ground, "don't ever let me catch you talking about her like that again."
The first two guards advanced on him with just a snap of her wrist. But they weren't carrying, and Gilgamesh was more than prepared to handle the same goons who had attacked him and Thena mere weeks ago. He slammed them to the ground, twisting their arms with even less mercy than he'd exercised before.
The next three ran at him. Gil turned, reaching into his jacket and throwing the knives with him with much better accuracy than last time. He'd been practising.
Gil took the last one down and even plucked the knife out of his shoulder again, slipping it back into his inside pocket just to make a point. He looked up at the little heiress, now without a single un-injured security guard to her name. "Am I clear?"
The little heiress shrank, just slightly. She leaned against the side of her desk, tracing her finger around on it in another outwardly 'cute' behaviour. "I was so excited for what business we could do back home."
"I told you," Gilgamesh reiterated. He waved his left hand at her. "This is home."
"You expect me to believe my father accepted that you stood me up?"
Gil smirked. "Your father does a lot of business in diamonds, kid. Do you know who is the literal Queen of the diamond industry?"
She flinched, slinking back behind the desk again, "not everywhere."
But Gil nodded, "everything goes by her, including the fakes. And your father knows better than to cross her, I'll have you know."
"He knows about you two?"
"He knows that you got a little carried away with his money and his security he hired for you," Gil frowned again, slipping his hands back in his pockets (and absently kicking the head of one of the men at his feet). "Everyone knows better than to aim their shot at royalty. Everyone but you, I guess."
"Well," the little heiress huffed, "I'll be sure to tell him that my assumptions about your affair with her were right anyway."
"You can tell him anything you want," Gil scoffed, already turning to head out. "So long as you stay the hell away from my Ice Queen."
"Yours?" the little heiress called after him on his way out of her temporary office. "She belongs to you, does she?"
"No," he waved with his left hand again, wiggling the fourth finger, where he'd gotten a ring tattooed just two nights before. "I belong to her."
Gilgamesh let the doors close without so much as a goodbye. Whatever consequences came from all this, he would deal with as they happened. He hadn't lied, he had broken off all ties with her family, and apologised to all parties involved with the fiasco.
But really, he was far too old for his family to be selecting brides for him. And he was far too removed from the family business in Korea for them to be thinking he would return to it, no matter their sense of tradition or duty they deflected onto him.
His home was here. His life was here. His business was here.
Thena was here.
He exited the elevator and strode straight out of the building and across the street. He could have guessed she knew he'd be coming here, no matter how much she claimed she didn't care how he handled things with the little heiress from now on. He leaned down, knocking on the window. "Ice."
The window lowered, just enough for him to get a glimpse of that killer blonde hair of hers. "Tyrant."
"She won't bother you anymore," he stated and then slipped his hand over the window edge before she could roll it up on him. "Us--she won't be bothering us anymore."
She sighed, rolling the window down the rest of the way. She looked tired, but it didn't do anything to distract from how beautiful she was. She raised her brows at him, lace pulled tightly around her. "Us?"
He just looked at her, eyes wide and pleading. She hadn't exactly forbidden him from ever speaking to her again, but he wouldn't say he was in her good graces yet either. He tapped his fingers on the door. "Us?"
Thena eyed his hand, examining the tattoo still showing signs of redness on his finger. "That's new."
He smiled at her hopefully, "I thought it would be an effective place holder. Y'know, until I get a real one to wear."
She only gave him a withering glare before making a point of attempting to roll the window up, despite his hand keeping it down.
"Not tonight."
"Tomorrow?" Gil persisted, finally letting go of the car door. The window got almost all the way up before it paused. It was blacked out completely, only showing him his own reflection. But his heart leapt as he heard that lace loosen from around her.
"My office, after end of business. Don't be late."
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