#Theif Hars
thewatchau · 2 years
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Second and probably last in my DnD characters joining the Watch. Not sure Icco the bird person is going to fit!
This campaign did fizzle out, but there’s rumblings that it’ll come back! So this version of the character will be a bit different from his DnD counterpart
Name Tom (Thomras Gilas, Thomas Chambers)
DOB 29th June 1594
House Houseless
Orientation Ace
Standing at about 5foot 7 inches and concerningly skinny under his clothes. Tom has thick, straight, black hair that comes just under his chin and tends to stick out at odd angles, bright blue eyes and pale skin, with a bit of beard scruff. He generally dresses in whatever dark colours he can find, preferring black or grey if he can find it.
Puts on the face of a charismatic rogueish thief, who knows everything and has seen everything and is perfectly in control. No attachments, nothing to get in the way of his work, which he takes very seriously. In reality he’s a softie who’s a bit insecure, doesn’t like himself very much and is afraid of making any meaningful connection. He’s smarter and more sincere than he looks, often using humour and sometimes mean jokes to deflect people’s attention.
Was born Thomas Chambers to Cybil and Lionel Chambers in Fionport. Cybil is from a merchant family and currently in charge, while Lionel married in. Tom was the second child, having an older sister, Rose.
There was a small problem with this dynamic; Tom wasn’t Lionel’s child. And Lionel took great offence to this. Cybil had a one-night stand with a handsome, charismatic travelling bard, who had no idea she was married, and neither of them expected much to come of the night. Then Tom happened. The Bard had long since gone, but Tom’s eyes were identical to his, despite sharing a lot of physical traits with his mum.
Lionel was cold to him when he was young, rougher than needed. When Tom was six and Rose was eight, Lionel couldn’t handle the slight that was Tom’s existence anymore, and Cybil knew things weren’t going well for him at home. So, Lionel, under the pretence of fostering him with a family of similar status elsewhere, left him by the road after a night of camping.
Tom, understandably freaking out and panicked, started screaming, and got picked up by a Changeling man who called himself Hars. Hars took him back to his home, in the Cordoire slums, a bit at a loss, since he wasn’t expecting a child when Lionel first hired him. Eventually he came to the decision to raise this child, who had convinced himself that his family didn’t want him (not true, just Lionel).
Hars was a thief-for-hire with ties to the Fellowship of Thieves, though not a full member, and raised Tom to follow in his footsteps. When working he went under the name Tik, and was calm, professional and collected. As Hars he was much more passionate with some patience, but not a lot.
Tom was 9 during the Overnight Defence, and spend most of it hiding in Hars’s dwelling as monsters and fighters swarmed past.
At around the age of 16 Tom and Hars were having trouble seeing eye-to-eye. Fighting near constantly, and one day Tom packed up and left, making his own way.
Tom now works much as Hars does, a thief-for-hire who is very particular about contracts and with no actual membership to the Fellowship. That said, he hasn’t had much time for his reputation to grow, and is competing with Hars and the Fellowship, so takes what jobs he can, few and far between as they are. His only stipulation is that children are not involved.
Tom lives in a dead-end tunnel in the wall around Cordoire, accessing it from the city side. It’s small and cramped, filled with various pieces of gear, such as rope, a crossbow, partially repaired or modified clothes, random trinkets, a broken mirror with make-up, a pile of blankets and a pallet that serve as a bed, and a small collection of pilfered, dog-eared, magic books.
Tom has not unlocked his magic, but Hars used his magic regularly, and Tom is fascinated by it. Still, he has struggled to unlock his magic in the past, and in his current state, feels it would be irresponsible to unlock it now. Not to mention that magic can be traced via a magic signature, so not ideal for his profession.
Half-elf, which doesn’t fit into the Watch well as is, and makes the infidelity storyline make a bit more sense if you consider his mother is human, and his father an elf.
Lvl3 Rogue, Thief
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Char 13
Prof- Acrobatics (expertise) +7, Arcana +5, Deception +3, Intimidation +3, Investigation +5, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5
I rolled terrible with him on everything except acrobatics, so as much as he claims to be good at these things, luck isn’t usually on his side.
Other Notes
In DnD Hars is a Changeling still, just Changelings work different in DnD, and is an Arcane Trickster Rogue. Changelings in DnD can physically change their appearance with little effort, and depending on your individual Changeling, each appearance can be it’s own persona. Hars is one persona of the Rogue who raised Tom, Tik was another.
In the Watch he is still a Changeling, a very understated one. In this world Tik is merely a name he adopts while working, a pseudonym. He is still a Mage, mostly using magic for small bits of trickery, distraction and when necessary, healing.
Tik had in fact been hired by Lionel, originally under the impression that Lionel was going to send him an apprentice and money for it (unnecessary, but not unwelcome). He was expecting someone around 15/16, not a literal child. Tik flipped out, refusing to take Tom and retreating to his own camp as it was too dark to safely travel. Next morning arrives, and he’s packing up when he hears panicked screaming. There’s Tom, terrified and no Lionel in sight.
So Tik, also panicking, tries to comfort Tom, and after considering many, perhaps better, or definitely less savoury, options, took him in.
Tom has an unusual philosophy around names, in that his name changes depending on his position in life or how he sees himself. He no longer sees himself as Thomas Chambers, because Tom Chambers was a scared little boy, and that’s not him anymore. He still goes by ‘Tom’, although really that’s just what he was called by Hars and what he’s used to. Thomras Gilas is the name of a thief, which is what he is now, and also his actual name in the campaign. If he were to change profession, or something else major was to shift, he’d change his name again.
It would make the most sense to change the whole name, but he tends to just change the surname. In the campaign, since Tom was working towards being an adventurer, I was considering changing his name to something else. Which might still happen!
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What makes Parker from Leverage the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Parker-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with Parker, portrayed by Beth Riesgraf, from Leverage at the centre. She is wearing all black and is strapped into a parachute harness. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"DVD commentary from the series has a creator saying she’s autistic! but also she has a bunch of autistic traits anyway - she misses most social cues, canonically practises nonverbal communication like doing air quotes, doesn’t get sarcasm and some jokes, has to have a particular line said on every job as part of her routine, etc. her special interest is security systems and how to get around them. she’s a world renowned thief who works with her found family team to steal from corrupt rich people and get justice for those they’ve hurt. she loves the feeling of rappelling down/jumping off buildings to the point that she even rigs a rope pulley thing inside the team headquarters when they’re away, which i think of as a stim or sensory seeking sort of thing."
"Theft and security systems are her special interest. She struggles with social cues and forming relationships. Airvents make her feel safe. (Look, if I'm the only one submitting Parker, I'm eating my hat) She is awesome."
"Besides word of god confirmation, she has a lot of trouble with social interactions (though she slowly improves over the course of the series) one notable example being not understanding that not everyone enjoys leaping off of high places like she does, and her special interest is theft - she'll go to a high-end art museum and only pay attention to the security systems and devise ways to crack it. She's extremely empathetic and learns to use that to her advantage."
"Parker is actually cannonly autistic. She does not interact well with others, unless you think stabbing the bad guys with forks is acceptable. She likes money and tasers and shinnies. The close relationships she has though show how her small group are tight and they understand each other on their own appropriate level. (this is not to discount the wonderful character growth she has over the course of the original series, the break, and the sequel series) Plus the pretzels."
"She stims by jumping off of buildings and needs flash cards for social rules and her special interest is stealing things. Like elaborate museum heists."
"Doesn't understand social interactions/cues and struggles to communicate with people. From the wikia "According to several DVD commentaries, Parker has Asperger's syndrome, which has since been reclassified as a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder." "
"Just, like, look at her."
"She is canonically autistic! I don’t think they say outright that’s what she is (unfortunately in s1 they say some kind of ableist stuff abt it like calling her crazy and weird), but it undeniably Is what she is. She has special interests (safes, art, alarm systems (she is a theif), and struggles with social cues. The rest of the crew at first struggle to understand her (except really her eventual love interest who is incredibly empathetic toward her and her struggles and I also think is autistic but he is not relevant here bc autism boy). The first show (they have a revival going on right now) does this so well, she's some of my favorite autistic representation because after the first season the crew really adjust and are just like "It's Parker (it's not weird, it’s expected of her /neutral)", and they never want her to change. They understand she struggles with social cues and sometimes needs guidance about things they think are normal, and they accept that and work with her on it to accomodate her and make what their job requires from her, easier for her. Also, her canonical relationship is one of thee most healthy relationships I've ever seen, especially with a character who has complicated feelings about romance and intimacy due to how she grew up in the foster system while also being autistic. The first show uses her character sooooo well, but I wouldn't recommend the revival because they have different writers and handle her, in my opinion, much worse and much more childishly and I HATE it. But yeah, first show??? really good love her favorite nbd rep."
"So, I believe that the lead writer actually confirmed that her being read as autistic was intentional. I don't have a source for it offhand, though. Either way, Parker is the 'thief' in the Leverage team. (They are all essentially one big con team). She is portrayed to have a keen interest in her craft, to a level that it seems to trump almost everything else. She's blunt, to the point, and often doesn't get subtext or why other people are doing/saying something - like a lot of social interaction is in-jokes that she's not a part of. They also portray her as being one of the most compassionate on the team - though often to her own chagrin, it's something that really sold her portrayal to me because while she does often come across as cold, even a bit ruthless - that's very far from all she is, and her character is so much more nuanced than I can accurately get across here 😭"
"doesn't understand social situations v well and has to follow a set of rules/instructions when speaking to marks, incredible technically proficient in her field of interest (thievery/heists), gets overwhelmed by her own emotions, etc!!"
"-special interests: thieving generally, Christmas, Glenn-Rieder safes, climbing tall things -cereal samefood -openly admits to not understanding social norms or other people's emotions -learns to read people by tracking hyper-specific things like eye movements (to her allistic teammates' utter bafflement) -in the sequel she has a flowchart to help her do social interaction"
"It's canon! (Not talked about in the show text but the writers have confirmed it and it was written into her character from the very first episode) She has a lot of trouble with social skills, she has special interests, she has safe foods, and she has a hard time with empathy"
"SHE WAS WRITTEN THAT WAY ON PURPOSE! The show runners confirm she was written as having aspergers, & there's SO much in canon to support that. She's the best canon autistic representation I've ever seen. I know one of my friends is submitting her too and I'm not the best with words about Parker but I just love her so much! And I love how the show doesn't treat her like she needs to be fixed. There's characters who don't know how to respond to her at times but the team values her for who she is, as she is. I just think if an autistic girl's special interests are money stealing crime and jumping off buildings she should be allowed to do that and Leverage said rights!" End ID.]
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
The Theif
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Media The Last Legion
Character Romulus Augustus
Couple Romulus X Reader
Rating Sexy
Concept Theif In the Night
I sighed as I sat in my chamber, looking out the tall arched windows to the vast sapphire blue sea, the sweet sea air billowing through the red and gold curtains that graced the windows and door to my balcony. I had given up on my book, I'd given up on almost everything. 
It wasn't an easy life being born onto a throne, not like I asked for this life. Ever since I was born I'd been alone, my father busy dealing with affairs of the empire my mother barely allowed to be with me at all. I was raised with leather gloves by maids and nurses none of them ever really allowed to touch me or even to speak with me. I'd sit in my suite and watch children play in the streets outside and I'd long for a normal life. Knowing it was merely a dream. It didn't get better once my mother and father died given I was now the unquestionable heir with not a soul who could take it after me. I was wrapped up and protected so much that I wasn't even allowed to bathe or eat alone but still, the guards were not allowed to speak to me. It was cripplingly lonely. Even more so that due to the city's dirt and danger I was moved out to the fortress of Capri the castle built by my ancestor Tiberius as an island stronghold. Meaning now I didn't even have the chance to watch others. 
I was surrounded by oceans on all sides, the villa was beautiful I couldn't deny but I felt so very alone in it. Even the staff wouldn't speak with me unless advisors looked for my answers, almost all the staff would leave on boats every evening and arrive back each morning leaving me with only a few guards here and there given it was impossible to get on or off the island without a boat. I forced myself up from the chair heading out onto the porch and looking out across the vast sea watching the little boat of staff head away back to the mainland knowing I'd be alone with only a few guards downstairs until breakfast time tomorrow morning. I sighed and decided to go on another walk around the place as even after all these years I'm still finding secrets, rooms and passageways not on the maps. I explored for hours so much so I began to get dark as the darkness grew I made my way back towards my suite when suddenly I heard something. 
I glanced across the courtyard watching as an empty plant pot rolled across the courtyard.
I must have heard it fall. 
Strange I didn't think the wind was strong enough to knock it over? Then again not the strangest thing to happen I suppose. 
So I ignored It and continued back to my suite when I saw something out of the corner of my eye so out of curiosity I looked. 
And I was shocked to see such a sight, it was… a girl! 
She looked no older than me, but she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. She had just climbed over the wall with her grappling hook and rope still on the wall, It was clear as she climbed to the top of the wall she had knocked the plant pot which of course caused the noise moments ago. She had tall leather boots, and a long almost floor-length blue cotton dress with two high slits exposing her bare legs completely, she wore nothing under the dress that was clear from here given how her thigh and leg came out of one slot leaving very little to the imagination, a leather belt and harness that wrapped around her waist and shoulders that held a leather quiver on her back, her long hair in a tight braid that wrapped around her head and down ending below her waist, a bow on her back and a knife on her hip. I was for a few solid seconds utterly mesmerized by her. And then it occurred to me.
She doesn't work here. And even if she did why would she be grappling over the wall? Huuuu intruder! 
"Guards!" I called down but immediately she bolted over putting her hand over my mouth and pinning me utterly against the wall with her blade to my neck leaving me defenceless. No guards came clearly not having heard me from down in the cellar and kitchens where they tended to lingerie
"Not a sound blondie or I'll gut you like a pike" she whispered in my ear "You got that?" She asks I nodded very afraid to move or make any sort of sound but as much as I hated it… I couldn't help that I kinda liked it after all these years alone only ever able at most to watch the public baths from afar the fact I was now being both this close to an actual girl and the fact I have not been touched by anyone but my mother for the last twenty years… being pinned to the wall by this girl was kinda nice. Her body was completely against my own her knee on my high her hand holding my arm her blade inches from my skin and her face only just past it as much as I hated myself it took almost all of my strength to keep a… stiffness at bay. "we're gonna go on a little walk." She smirked forcing my arm behind me and keeping me in her grip her knife still at my neck forcing me to walk with her until we reached my chamber as soon as the door was shut she let me go dropping me to the floor "Perfect little emperors not here" 
"Yes, I am!" I complained
She looked at me again much better in this candlelight "By the gods you're an idiot" she sighed grabbing her knife and again pinning me up this time Against my bedpost I had to fight the same feelings away even more so now we were in my bed chamber against my bedpost with her body against mine so much she smirked and pulled a small silk scarf from her quiver using it to tie my hands around my back and around the bedpost so I had no chance of escape "the most expensive items if you please your grace"
"Why should I?"
"Because I'll kill you if you don't" she warns 
"You could kidnap me."
"I could put a lot of effort to get you off the island. And then I have to feed you and deal with shipping back. This is just much easier" she says "So. Squeal."
"Your not really getting a choice here your grace"
"I'll call the guards if you don't let me go"
"Will you?" She giggled "Really? Because I'm pretty sure the fabled untouched emperor wouldn't want his guards to know about him and some little thief girl" she Cooes her other hand tapped my nose and stroked down my chest until her hand met what I had been desperately trying to stop and she gave it an intense but overwhelmingly pleasurable squeeze which immediately made all the blood rush their so much so for a second I thought I may faint "whatever would they say"
"...fine. red chest in the corner. Just not the opal please it was my mother's."
"Thats fair" she nods grabbing one of the pillows from my bed and ripping off the cover to use as a bag using it to throw everything in to wrap up and take with her she took everything except what I asked her to spare before she came to me again with a wicked smile "anything else of worth to me?"
"Nothing you could easily resell without the guards finding out"
"Why don't I believe you?"
"It's true. What reason do I have to lie to you?"
"Alright." She sighed moving away to pack her bag up properly "Sorry I didn't stay long it's been fun" she smiled
"You really think the moment you leave I won't start screaming for my guards. You won't get halfway down the walls and even if you did the guards won't let a boat get off the island" I told her 
She chuckled evily "ohh no you won't be screaming once I'm gone, you'll scream while I'm here and it most certainly won't be for your guards" She smiled stroking her knife down my cheek I didn't know if I could panic or be insanely excited
"Guard-" I yelled in panic but she quickly silenced me by pressing her lips to my own kissing me passionately my eyes went wide in shock but I couldn't help my mind giving in… 
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ariaicefall · 2 years
"Did you see the statue in Crevin?" Mrs. Baker asked.
"I did, supposedly a likeness of Her Majesty."
The two women giggled, and Rosa used their distraction to grab a bread roll from the Baker's basket.
"Theif!" Mrs. Baker cried out.
Rosa didnt look back, the bread roll clutched in her hands as she bolted down the crowded streets. She grimaced at the way people darted out of her way, knowing the woman behind her wasnt just any townswoman.
"Halt in the name of the King!" The Knight commanded.
"Eat shit!" Rosa said before shoving the bread roll into her mouth, before jumping into a wagon. Climbing onto the horse, unhooking the harness, and grabbing the reins, the little blonde took off out of the commerce district.
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captainbubbles4 · 2 years
warren related thoughts
Did anybody else think Lomo was like a Warren 2.0?
Do you guys thing Ruth and Dale were salty with warren’s dating choices? I mean if i remember correctly didnt vanessa plan to use dale to navigate the inverted tower? And she did get him stuck in the theifs net. And ruth didnt take her betrayal too lightly either. I mean obvi its not up to either of them but dale is his brother and vanessa locked him in a dungeon🤷🏻‍♀️Idk i just wanna know their reactions to the news
Has anybody thought about warren and lena’s relationship? How he might have been devastated by her death? Hes a catatonic albino in the first book when she gets put back in the pond and trapped as a shadow when she dies. Lena would be his great great aunt and warren kind of looked up to patton so he may have even begged her for more stories about him. Or maybe she’s the reason that he looks up to him? And boy lena had to have been reminded of patton when she was with warren right? We need some warren and lena okay.
Wait hold up a sec. Muriel knew about warren’s condition in the first book bc she made a remark abt dale being as pale has his brother or something (which i’ll add is very cruel to dale). So did they try to heal warren with muriel’s help? was the magic too powerful for her to undo or did the sorensons not deem warren worth untying a knot keeping an evil witch locked up?? Id like to think that they at least tried since there were two knots left when seth came in and surely theyd care enough about warren to try🤷🏻‍♀️ but then again they didnt untie a knot for grandma sorenson either.
ROTDS SPOILERS. warren dont show up till halfway thro the book. he doesnt do much. next time, he shows up he offers assistance and not much else happens with him. the next time, we’re *told* he got chased by a dragon. next, its the end of the book and theres not much of him there either. brandon knows warren and vanessa are fan faves so why deprive us of them in the last book only to kill the characters that did take the spotlight so quickly? why????
who thinks warren visits bubda since they were roomates for 3 months? does warren ever miss bubda?
whether warren gets injured in every book or not dont forget that he is in fact very competent. he navigated the inverted tower and lost mesa guys. no small feat.
in GotSP dougan is the leader of the group that goes to lost mesa but lets be honest. our boy warren did most of the hard stuff. he climbed up the lost mesa without a harness, went first through all the traps and dont you dare forget the chokepods guys. everybody else had a hard time with warren guiding them but he didnt have anyone to guide him. warren was the brave one im just sayin
bubda’s sole purpose for existing is to explain why warren isnt insane when they find him in kttdp
oh my goodness. if bubda wasnt in the knapsack would warren have survived?🤭 3 months of isolation wouldnt be easy and surely not with warren’s personality right? i mean warren IS a survivor but isolation will make anyone go crazy or maybe without bubda’s company he would have more easily lost hope and given up on them finding a way to rescue him.
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cynical-sprite · 3 years
The Baldur's Gate 3 Companions In Modern and/or Sci Fi/Futuristic AUs
This is pretty obvious; she would be soldier. Even in a modern or Sci fi AU, her people would still be very militaristic.
In a modern AU, this would be standard military, probably infantry. Though, if she does ever become kith'rak and mount a dragon, this could also extend to her being a fighter pilot as well.
In a sci fi/future AU, her role would be basically the same, but think more Bangalore from Apex Legends or the Titan Class in Destiny.
Gale would likely be a professor of something, probably science and engineering (who's also extremely knowledgeable and well read in just about everything else as well). This one's a little bit more difficult because there's two types of settings this could be done in: a setting where magic does exist, or a setting where it doesn't.
Obviously, the easiest and most accurate setting to do this in whether it be modern or sci fi, would be a setting where magic and supernatural forces exist. He could be basically a modern-day wizard, think something like Dr. Strange of Marvel or even Wraith from Apex Legends, who can harness the power of the void.
If it was more of a sci fi/future AU where technology substitutes magic, it would be something more like some type of technomancer or an engineer that creates and uses such advanced technology that allows them to do seemingly magical feats (Arthur C Clarke's third law of prediction: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.), kind of similar to Mirage in Apex Legends. I guess you could also think something along the lines of biotics in Mass Effect as I guess they could possibly fall into this category as well. Also think the Warlock Class in Destiny.
In both modern and sci fi AUs, Astarion would be a former beurocrat/politician turned theif once he was turned into a vampire and made into a slave for the one who turned him. Story-wise, not much of a difference. Equiptment/ability-wise, he'd likely have some type of cloaking or teleporting/translocating equipment/abilities of some kind, think Loba of Apex Legends or the Infiltrator Class in Mass Effect.
In both modern and sci fi AUs, Wyll would still be some type of living legend, made a name for himself and got famous for his many acts of heroics.
In either AU, if, not so much magic even, but the occult/supernatural exists (this would be the easiest and closest to accurate AU), obviously he'd have made a deal with a demon in exchange for supernatural powers.
If it was more of a technology substitutes magic and occult type of sci fi/future AU, maybe his deal was made with a powerful AI, allowed it to merge with him/his body to become host to it (think similar to the way Johnny Silverhand's engram shares a brain and body with V/resides in V's head in Cyberpunk 2077) in exchange for powers/abilities given to him through the advanced technology the AI is made from. (Again, think along the lines of Arthur C Clarke's third law of prediction: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.) Once again, think similar to the Warlock Class in Destiny or technomancy.
In both modern and sci fi AUs, Shadowheart would obviously be a priestess in a cult. Again, whether or not magic or the supernatural/occult exists in the AU, would make a difference.
In either AU, if magic or even the supernatural/occult exists, obviously, her cult would worship some type of dark deity which bestows supernatural powers/abilities on it's chosen followers, and that's where her abilities would come from.
In a more technology substitutes magic and occult type of sci fi/futuristic AU, the "deity" the cult worships is actually an extremely powerful AI, and certain chosen members undergo cybernetic modification to show their devotion, and this is what grants them their abilities.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
The Children group as their dnd class and race
From this
that helped inspire all of this
(used hero forge )
-some edits to original design-
Team name: Second Gen
How they got the name: It started with Janine and Silver who's adventure revolved around parents and kept running into folks with more parent issues so it kinda worked
other teams:
Elite (Kanjo)
Rainbow (Villain squad)
Dropouts (main group)
Janine-Yaun-Ti, Monk: Shadow
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Look at her, she’s a young independent snake ready to take on the world ya’ll and I love her. She’s a monk like her dad, but has gone full force on trying to be sneaky. At her side she has a vile of poison as her father always taught her to carry. Her staff isn’t as weathered as her father’s but the craftsmanship is still there. Also it may not be the toughest of looks but she’s proud of her pink detail especially cause she thinks it compliments her scales. She’s excited to find her dad again, and show off how strong she is cause....well she can’t think about the possibility if he really has died somewhere. 
Silver-Mountain Lion shifter, Rouge: Theif
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He’s been out of the mafia game even longer than his father, but still has some tricks from it. After all he’s been doing fairly decent for himself trying to fix his father’s mistakes. Granted his first go at fixing them has quickly gotten him involved with some yaun-ti girl named Janine. Anyways he’s got the mountain lion genetics from his father, and no visible signs from his mother leaving even him clueless as to what his mother was. He has a backpack since somehow he’s the most responsible one in the party, and dual knifes since he doesn’t like to fight as brutishly as his father. Janine’s smoke helps him get his sneak attacks in as well. Also as explained on his dad’s all Ex Rocket members have armor shoulder pads to show they’re part of the group. He hates wearing them, but sometimes when they need information....well pretending to be part of the club is helpful so he puts them on as needed. 
Marnie-Feral Tie-fling, Sorcerer-Shadow
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Does she dye her horns, yes yes she does. Also those horns fit her hair color super well. Essentially what separates feral tie-fling from regular is well hooves for feet, and wings along with usually more dramatic horns. When it comes to her beat up looks it’s due to all of her time exploring trying to find her missing brother who randomly left his bard college, that and well hey she makes the ripped up look work. She fight with a brutal spear, but also her shadow magic is pretty good getting along great with the shadow monk Janine and the rouge Silver since they all deal with concealment. Despite her amulet being dipped in the evil color scheme it was the last thing her father gave her before disappearing. She isn’t involved in the BBEG but her father is. 
N-Earth Genasi, Druid: Circle of the Shepard
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First of all I know he just looks pale but he’s supposed to be granite skin it just didn’t paint well unfortunately. His hair is emerald though which is why it is mow-hawk style thus jutting from his body. Instead of his little saturn necklace he has a ring of the appropriately colored stones, and still has the little gold cube at his side to play with. He has a bow and arrows when he fights preferring to stay away from hand to hand combat and use spirits that the Shepard subclass allows that way he can give support to the team. He does has a stone staff that he copied from his father’s look to help focus the magic energy. Also plants surround him along with little animals since he can always talk to animals. 
Gladion-Aassmir, Barbarian: Berserker
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Now one maybe wondering why angel boy looks.....like this. Well he was adopted by bug bear man and really enjoyed the bone armor look the goblins had along with the idea of using rage to punch harder with magic. So he’s heavily stylized after him. As for his wings they are still on the small size cause child,a nd behind his feet is the mantle of a paladin his mother wanted for him, notice the green hue on the wing area with the evil colors. However he rejected this and I can’t wait for his mom to see him later. Also like his sister, his halo is still gold since he hasn’t fully grown into one like his mother’s which is made of light.
Lillie-Aasmir, Cleric: Unity
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She’s very wholesome and I love her. She has a mix of what her mother put her in such as the leather skirt but in her transformation of becoming her own person has cut some of it to allow for more mobility. On her wings it is more easily seen that she has blue tipped wings like her brother. Their mother’s ice powers seeming their way genetically into her children having frost colored wings on the tips. She is a heavy user of a shield having decided to be the one trying o keep her family safe whether they need protection, or healing. 
 Bede- Unicorn Centaur, Ranger: Horizon Walker
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Not in the original story but I decided to add him in as an NPC that this party would adopt. Basically he’d be talking about how his abilities allow him to teleport about, since I think that ties in the psychic lean well, and how there was a loxodon who he saw as a father figure for awhile until realizing that he was truthfully more interested in the concept of a unicorn centaur and the seemingly limitless magic flowing from him. Despite how much this hurt at the time a kindly satyr woman named Opal has helped him harness his skills. However that conversation had him wondering about if there was such a thing as unicorn centaurs, and realizing certain races seemed to simply pop up in the world and he wants to know where his race and other’s truly came from. This is later revealed that many races that randomly appeared are due to this god’s meddling in merging planes of existences. 
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muzzleroars · 4 years
Another idea, when the siblings of euden are given mental shutdowns, the palaces from P5 are reverberates, witha e DL halidom crew, plus a freed zethia, are shoved into the palaces. And it’s basically just euden and the crew screwing around in shifts palace before Violeta dn crow find euden, ina. Freaking beetle outfit, and zethia in and equestrian themed outfit (she now has phantom theif powers too)
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oooo love the alts...they look gorgeous! and omg yes i love the equestrian look for zethia, i could see it combining with her priestess look to give her a more action-oriented vibe. and they’re all trying to figure out the palaces...the change of clothes....and basically still how to use their powers sjdfsndfj when they discover violet and crow. who definitely make them wary at first because they certainly do NOT look like nice people...and we also know crow is 100% ready to fight them too because who knows who they are??? rouge elements definitely need to be accounted for, but violet hops in to sort of break up that tension, asking them if they’re persona users too and everything. they quickly find out that these people aren’t even meant to be in the palaces, and that after they took out his siblings things sort of just went from bad to worse and after being shoved off, they’ve tried to harness these new powers on their own. so violet and crow obviously have their top priority of getting the thieves back together with them and figuring out how they might send the halidom team back to their own respective universe. and just. euden and zethia (especially) still figuring out their powers, with violet telling them that she’s new too, so it’s ok!!! and crow being like....i gotta.....babysit like 75 people right now....UNBELIEVABLE.....
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wandering-dogs · 5 years
So I want to babble some more about bibble stuff, but I kept that one post ‘short’ for a reason; I left out most of the things I think may just be Wander-Specific, for whatever reason. So this is going to be a very long post about One Dog in Particular.
First; He only loves me. Okay yeah, he loves my family too, but like, its not the same. You want him to follow one of them? Oh, okay, he’ll herd them! No, that’s not what you want? You wanted him to follow them like he does me, where its just quiet and attentive, except not at me??? No, that wont work. He decided that much. He follows me into the bathroom, into the back yard, into my room, into the room I work on crafts, the front yard, the kitchen, the living room, other people’s rooms, my neighbors house, my neighbors yard, kitchen, living room... You get the idea. Wherever I am, he wants to be. And I can tell you with 100% accuracy, without looking at him, where he is when I am in each room. I don’t have to go /looking/ for this dog. He isn’t what I’d call a creature of habit, but he’s a loyal creature nonetheless.
And on the topic of He Only Loves Me... This extends to his breeder. A trait that I thought was really cool when talking to her and finding out about her dogs was that all her puppies that go away, if and when they visit, Recognize her. They know who she is! I got to even see that. And it didn’t seem to matter how long it had been, either. Spoiler alert; Wander is not like that. I don’t know why, but when we went to visit her last time, he acted like he barely knew her. She was basically a stranger, honestly. She tried to examine his merle markings, and he locked up until I /very gently/ touched his leg, which he then relaxed for her. He didn’t come to her, though his recall is amazing, and actually one of the few things that often extends to people he knows. (Oh, did I not mention that he only listens to me and people we know? Weird.) He did not /care/ about her at all, and you could tell; It was not something she was used to or expecting. From this, I can only assume it’s not a normal border collie thing.
A side note on that; You could tell his puppies at the time from the rest. They were calmer, more prone to laying down near a person... But you could see the fact that none of Us were their people. It was a visible difference from the bird-like swarm of hive mind puppies that were running amok and terrorizing my little sister’s shoes (i have several photos of her with the puppies, its like a pack of hungry tribbles) ((I’ve since been able to get updates from one of the puppies owners btw and the pup is turning out gorgeous, and I’m so excited to see her grow))
He does /not/ get along with strange dogs. And this isn’t necessarily his fault. We used to go to a dog park because it was pretty quiet, open, and most owners were good. Its gone rather downhill since, but we stopped going a while ago, because even if we were training or just using it as an area for longer-distance fetch, dogs would run over and start shit. Even dogs that were playing with other dogs at the time would literally stop, see Wander, and run over to fuck with him. Which ends up in him being like “Don’t be a douche” and snapping at them before returning, which somehow translates into /Wander is a dick/???? I’m not really sure what the logic there is. But after a few repeat incidents, we’ve just stopped going. This trait of dogs not-liking him also extends to nor only other border collies, but his own /relatives/! When we went to the border collie family reunion, he got to run wild with a bunch of his relatives. And while he was a bit obnoxious, he recalled well when he misbehaved, and for the most part just hung out with me. Despite this, if he went near to sniff most of the other dogs, they would growl or snap at him, something they weren’t doing with the other border collies. So something about him is apparently so strange that even his relatives don’t like it. Which is fine by me, since he has a few dog friends we hang out with, and is working on ignoring strange dogs better anyways, but... It’s less great in the fact that introducing him to new dogs, even if he’s not staring, ends up in the other dog misbehaving most of the time. (honestly it worries me a bit for dog sports)
He doesn’t like food. Now, I touched on this a bit before in the Big Post, but I didn’t really explain what I meant. Or, I did, but not the extent. He doesn’t like Food. When we got him, he was on Victor; His breeder was even kind enough to give us some of the same brand for him, in case we didn’t have any. He refused it. As in, he would literally rather eat the adult dog food. So, for a while, we switched him to that, and let Simon finish off his puppy food. Not ideal, but he was eating at least! Except that made him sick. So, puppy version of the food we were getting the other dogs! That should work! And it did, for a bit. Actually, he was p fond of it for a while. And then suddenly didn’t want that either. So I started putting it in a ball, so he had to work for it, which, hey, look, he’s eating again!! How nice!!! Surprise, that didn’t last. We moved him onto adult food since he was finally old enough, and he did well. Then he stopped eating that for the most part. When I say he stopped eating, I mean I could only feed him at 1am with nobody else awake while I played overwatch, or he would just stare at me. We changed brands, it worked for a week, he was over it. We repeated. Changed brands. Changed flavors. Rotated through what he ate previously. He still to this day only eats late at night, with Pandora in a crate (because she’s a theif) while I’m playing video games, if everyone else is asleep. Which made camping very difficult, as he would only eat a bit at a time until I figured out if I put just a few crumbs of something good on top, he’d finish off the mini camping bowl of food. But then he’d not eat again. Even if he was hungry. This also extends to treats, which are hit or miss; He won’t take meat sometimes, but he took milkbones at the Vets?????
He only walks well on a collar. And even then, as soon as I put heel to a Word, he now only walks well if I cue it. Which you’re like, “Oh, that makes sense, you just have to retrain it/You didn’t train him on a harness” Wrong. His entire puppy life, he could slip out of a collar. As soon as we figured that out, he was a harness dog. It took until he was almost 2 years old for him to learn llw. I actually ended up giving up for several months because I’d been trying for so long that it was just frustrating me, and the frustration was getting worse. Then, I took him out again; It clicked. Our 2 hour walk took half an hour. (its only a mile mind you) We did more walking training, he figured it out, we could do the block in 13 minutes. He did almost perfectly. He was loose leash next to yapping dogs, angry dogs, strollers, whatever I asked. And then I put it on a cue. Heel. It just meant “stand by my side” I’d already been using a small tug on the leash to cue it. Most of my cues are hand signals and words, so it seemed like a good plan. And he got it! And then immediately stopped being loose leashed unless I asked. Like literally he’s better off leash than with a leash on. And if he’s got a harness on? Good! Don’t bother clipping the leash to that, he’ll pull you harder than a sled dog. And that’s having walked him /with/ a set of huskies. Honestly I’m about a step away from hooking this dog up to a sled and hoping he avoids major roads on our journey into the wilderness; Honestly knowing him he’d use the sidewalks. But I don’t particularly want to be dog-sledded into jail for running people over, so that’s off the table for rn.
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hirakdesherrani · 5 years
What are some of ur fav scenes from season 1 of IB (and DBO since you watched it)?
Yaar, anon, I really had to think for this one. 
Okay here goes:
The Obros doing aarti together for the first time, their parents can go take a hike lol
Omkara throwing away his statue in anger and then crying, as he overhears Pinky taking jibes at Jahnvi for raising her sons badly.
Om consoling Rudy as Shivaay is in the hospital after Gayatri’s attack 😭
First Rumya scene in the hospital 
ShivKara saving Rudy at the pub, after pulling his leg.
Annika and Sahil scenes 😭😭 (I just love their bond, its a lot like me and my younger brother. Both our brothers are younger but wayyyy wiser than us lol)
The ShivKara and Obros scene after Om takes excess sleeping pills. “Tujhe har cheez ka haq hain par mujhe chhod ke jaane ka nahi” (or something like that) 😭😭😭
Omkara teaching Shivaay and Rudra how to say ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’, meanwhile the girls on their own trip about the pathetic boys.
Annika singing the iconic “Billu ki Shaadi hogi”😂😂😂 song, which later became the motto and tagline of IB. 
Soumya tricking Rudra as Love Angel and making him to lameass stuff to make a fool of himself over Romi
The sarso ka saag episode, the entire family having dinner like a normal fam 
The Janmashthami episode “Billu ki pant phatt gayi” 😂😂😂
Rakshabandhan scene between Annika/Sahil and Om/Soumya. 😭😭
The entire Mallika track (thats the reason I started watching the show, ‘cos Surbhi Jyoti came for a cameo) esp. the Shitia letter, Shivaay with his past, present, and future, and Mallika explaining everyone what her issue was. 💜
The Phukat Raja episodes where Sahil solves the mystery and Shivika + OmRu are on the chase of the fake video girl in that chawl. 😂😂
The scene where the Obros get high on meds after saving Annika from the goons. “Main aasmaan mein udhna chahta hoon” Also, Omkara’s love for Riddhima’s pink cushions. 😂😂
Rudra and Soumya on the run from Romi Devi and getting married accidentally.
Omkara’s drug track 😭😭 (Kunal’s best acting in the show) 
Rudra’s dance on break up song after Om and Riddhima break up.😂😂
Omkara and Rudra exposing Shivaay forcing Annika to marry him. The entire family giving Shivaay a piece of their mind. Esp. Rudra saying “Bhaiyaa aap hero se villain kab ban gaye?” 
Omkara and Rudra messing with Mrs. Kapoor “Un se panga na lo jinke do-do devar hain” 
Rudra catching Soumya in the stairs 
Annika saving Tia from piercing her tummy on that pointed vase, showing that she is a bigger person than Tia that she still cares for her baby despite Tia trying to kill Annika.
Shivaay taking the bullet for Annika 😭😭
Annika and OmRu scene in the hospital when Shivaay’s shot 😭😭
Tia and Svetlana and their magnificent vampish looks at the fuckery of the Oberois during the Kapoor sisters track.
Shivaay consoling OmRu, and the Obros hug after Jahnvi’s suicide attempt 😭😭
Annika and Svetlana’s Naagin dance during that memory loss track 🔥
Tia breaking down on reuniting with Robin (?) returning to her good self. Also her equation with Shivaay and Annika
Shivaay reuniting with his brothers after he comes back from his kidnap/replacement by Mahi. 😭😭
Annika and Shivaay when they go outside Mumbai, the time Annika burns Shivaay’s car down and two theifs masquerading as Forest Officers give them a lift. 😂😂
The first two weeks of DBO, they were awesome, man. Esp. Kali and Gauri scenes, each and every one of them. 🔥🔥
The scene in the train “Zaroor aapke saath kuch bura huya hoga, tabhi aap aise ho gaye hain” + the jungle scene “Sharma!” “Ssarma?” 😂😂
Rikara marriage
Gauri and Dandi bhaiyaa scenes, esp. the scene after he saves her from the goons in the Shaktiman costume
Gauri helping Svetlana in outwitting the autowallahs, and dancing to naajaane kaha se aayi hai.😂😂
Omkara and Chulbul’s fairylights scene. 
ShivOmRu getting freaked out by Chulbul and testing the “static” 😂😂
Rudra breaking into Maa Da Laadla whenever Chulkara collide.😂😂
Svetlana skating back to Mumbai clinging to Om’s car, and reaching before them. (I don’t think I’ll ever get over this scene) 🤣🤣🤣
Gauri hiding from Shivaay. 😂😂
Omkara explaining Chulbul the meaning of One Night Stand 😂😂
Chulbul and Rudra interactions, esp. the one where Chulbul is locked inside and he uses a magnet to make the robot bang its head on the door, to grab Rudra’s attention who is standing outside listening to songs on his ipod. (I’ve watched this scene 10 times and I still crack up like mad watching the robot pound its head on the door).🤣🤣🤣
The first scene of Thakurain Gauri (Shrenu’s best acting till date. Thakurain Gauri is a legend, who deserves an entire show just dedicated to her. She’s my god and queen and boss!) 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Gauri and Kali’s argument. “Teri yeh bedhiyaan hamaare paaon jakar sakti, hamaare mann ko nahi, tu humpe pehra pehra laga sakta hain, par hamari soch pe nahi, Gauri Kumari Ssarma ko tod sakta hain, par uske visvaas ko nahi” The summary of DBO in one dialogue. 🔥🔥 
Gauri questioning Om on his warped notion of truth “Aapko lagta hain jo aap dekh rahe hai, vahi sach hain?” 
Gauri looking down at Omkara when she’s doing pooja
Glucose vaali chai
Gauri’s first argument with Svetlana “Dekho tum…” “Dekh hi toh rahe hai!” SvetRi ftw!
All the Mahasangam scenes where the Oberois jammed together. “Dono bhaabhiyon ki bahut jamegi, dono ko tod phod pasand hain”  😂😂
Gauri calling Omkara “Nandi” and then dragging his arse
Annika and Gauri first hug near the pool.
Gauri bitching about the Obros and then throwing Annika into the pool + Shivika’s pool scene
Gauri and Omkara, the ‘sixth sense’ scene
Rikara pretending for Dhurindhar “Tota maina ki tarah romance karenge”
The entire sangeet episode 
The Rikara good bye scene 😭😭 (the first time this show, actually brought me close to tears, Atif yaar!) 
Rudra and Gauri parallel scene when they both tell Bhavya and Om that they will always stand by them in times of need. 
Rikara scene by the cupboard. Gauri giving it back to Omkara
Rikara couch + rain hug scene
The DBO finale when Gauri drags Omkara’s arse and Omkara stops her from leaving
The Pari track, the Obros were damn hilarious. 😂😂
Gauri dragging Omkara’s arse after Pinky taunts her+ the fairytale story scene where Gauri questions him. 
Rikara sketchbook scene where Omkara talks about his art (also the most deep and meaningful scene this show has ever written) 💜
Rudra and Gauri’s ‘perspiration’ scene, esp. Rudra trying to persuade Gauri to abandon the dupatta while doing jumping jacks.😂😂 
Rikara scene during the exhibition “Jo cheez kahi na ja sake, usse bolna zaroori nahi hai” 
ShivKara beating Rudra with pillows for his advice on relationships. 😂😂
Rudra and Gauri teaming up and Gauri explaining what atrangi means. 
Gauri messing with Ragini “Tumhaara koi kaam dhaam nahi hain kya? Jab dekho yaha pe rehti ho” 
Shivaay and Gauri rakhi scene (another scene which made me emo)  😭😭 
Gauri messing up Vikram and Annika’s engagement. “Bhaabhi paagal ho gayi hai” “Ragini Naagini” 😂😂
Gauri feeding everyone bhaang vaale ladoos + the Rikara scene the morning after the ratjaga. “Nasha kiya na tumne?” “Nahi humne toh sirf laddoo khaaye…galti se” 😂😂
Gauri and Ragini gallofying each other in their heads 😂😂 (Gauri is a lot like Shivaay, in the sense, Shivaay used to provoke fights with Annika due to his attraction to her, while Gauri does the same wrt to Svetty and Ragini. Of course, Omkara’s asexuality made Gauri embrace her lesbian side)
Annika and Gauri scene the night before the fake wedding 
Shivaay telling Gauri what’s his problem and why is he playing ego-ego with Annika
Shivaay finding out about Pinky’s truth and telling her that any goodness in him is because of his brothers, OmRu. 😭😭 
Shivaay and Annika shipping Rikara. Shivaay feeding pakodas to Gauri and chaabi ghumaaoing while Annika telling Om that Gauri has “move on” 😂😂
Annika asking Gauri play romantic songs and Gauri responding with “Radha Krishan ke prem geet” 😂😂
Gauri and Om talking in their heads in the car. 😂😂
Shivaay and Annika making terrible food in their food challenge 
Gauri and Omkara fighting off the robbers “Ee toh chirote hain, humein lootne ke liye aaye hain” + the Rikara scene “Mujhe bevkoof bana rahi ho?”
Rudra handing over his pehli kamaayi to Bhavya after fixing a pipe. I’m not a Ruvya fan, but this scene was perhaps the only scene where Rudra’s character showed any growth i.e. him learning that value of money and how to earn it. 
Omkara rolling his eyes at Gauri 1267th time doing her lame sunglass and candy trick. 
Omkara having to restrain Gauri from picking a fight with Dangal Dada + situation reverse and Omkara shrugging away Gauri’s hand and the poor girl being thrown back 😂😂
Gauri worrying over how Omkara is going to be smashed to bits by Balram “Main ladunga” 😂😂
Gauri’s dangal fight + Omkara, for once in his life, getting to be the hero
Gauri upset at Omkara’s reaction at the chai thela “Jab aapko kuch pata hi nahi, toh phir pooch kyun rahe hain” 
Shivaay consoling Gauri after the exhibition fiasco 
Gauri finding Omkara blindfolded. 
Shivaay gifting Annika Sahil’s adoption papers. 
Annika and Gauri’s trip to the village and saving Suman on that phatphatti. Bhaujaai and Chuitki fleeing on the bike will remain epic. 😂😂 
Shivika and Rikara’s parallel scenes in the prison. “Hamaare sehen karne shakti ab khatam ho chuki hain” 
Inspector Taadka putting the entire Oberoi family into prison “Arey yeh baat bahut karte hain” 😂😂
Omkara getting drunk and confessing his anger to his parents, when Gauri goes missing for 15 days. Esp. Tej trying to reconcile with Om “Badi der kar di huzoor aate aate”😭😭 I actually felt bad for Omkie at this point (does not mean I forgive him, but boy has a lotta issues fucking his head courtesy his parents) 
Gauri breaking up with Omkara, confessing that she made a mistake falling in love with a loser like him, who keeps misunderstanding her because of his sick mentality (Also, Shankarji in the back). Epic scene! 🔥🔥
Gauri getting dressed for Karva chauth 
Dilpreet questioning Gauri’s ability to manage Richa’s wedding finances and Gauri asserting that no one might have any faith in her, but she has faith in herself and Shankarji. 
Annika’s mad “buddhi” dance at Gauri’s roka. ShivKara’s WTF expressions. 😂😂
Gauri delivering a set down to Omkara and rejecting his “confession” 
Annika having nightmare of Chutki and hugging Gauri while they are sleeping 😭😭
The Obros funny scene and pillow fight 😂😂
Gauri questioning Omkara, if he would have forgiven her if she had done all that, he did + tearing off the dupatta at the temple, and telling Omkara to GTFO. (the point at which Rikara story should have ended, with their separation, because Om’s redemption is not possible).
Obros kidnapping Gauri (’cos consent doesn’t exist in their dictionary). Rudra going “Mubarakho bhaabhi, hum aapko kidnap kar rahe hai” 😂😂
The Obros lameass attempts to hide Gauri. Rudra “Ab firauti ki demand kare?” 😂😂
Pia getting the LOLs out of fucking with the Obros. 
Rudra ordering the Royal Bengal Tiger. Shivaay “Yeh sher nahi, tiger hain!”
Gauri enthusiastically planning to drug bade bhaiyaa with “Babaji ki booti” +Om having it by mistake and going “Surooooor” 😂😂
The one scene where Annika shows Gauri her new home in Goa. 
The holi scene where Annika and Gauri get high on bhaang vaale gujiya. “Sher toh hamara chirota maarta hain” “Manjhla devar shikari hain?” “Naahi naahi woh *roars* vaala sher nahi, waah waah vaala sher maarte hain” 😂😂
Annika and Gauri sleeping together like old times after the AniRi reunion. 😭😭
Omkara gifting Gauri the trophy saying ‘you are my hero’. The context was stupid, but I’m all here for Omkie Shomkie stating the facts. 
The AniRi scenes from redux  
Yeah, I can’t remember anymore and I’m exhausted. I’m sure there are others, but my memory is hazy now. Do we have any in common, anon? 
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azrael-archangel · 6 years
I am a Servant for the Holy Grail War..... (fan made story) (Saber's Origin pt1)
I am a servant of the church, for years I am a loyal and trust worthy Altar Server for Jesus Christ. I have protected and help people who are in need of my service no matter what they are facing but I feel that I been curse by the devil, Satan is trying to destroy me with Envy, Greed and Anger. The reason behind this is Envy, I was jealous that people who are evil are rich and they have the power, money and most of all a better life. Greed, I was hungry for wealth and power. Anger, I was angry at the world, government and the people who abuse us. Now I became a theif who is steals from the rich and gives it to the poor just like Robin Hood and a killer who kills people who are abusive with power and people who are evil. The people gave me a name “Dark Knight”. A unexpected event happened the Drug Syndicate known as “Karisma” who is Known as Og Evangelista took over the government and the entire city and is out to get me because I stopped his drug operations in Domsa region. While I was in the church cleaning father Kennan called me in his office. When I was there he showed me a box and told me to open it, when I saw what’s inside I was shocked because it’s a sword from the Arthurian Legend but it is not the same as the swords from the Knights of the round table then father Kennan told me that I was the last blood line of King Arthur Pendragon and only a real Pendragon can harness the power of this legendary excaliber. I took the sword and it glowed then I heard a woman’s voice whispered at me and said this is the excaliber of light forge from dragons blood, parts of the sword and Armour of king Arthur, Lancelot and Mordred and lastly the pearl of the Nymps in the sea and it was hand made by Merlyn himself. Father Kennan told me I was the one who will fight Og for he is the Decedent of Gilgamesh. Then Father Kennan told me about a prophecy that the Decedent of Gilgamesh will unleash Hell upon the earth and he will Rule here and only an Arthurian blood can defeat him because of that I confessed to Father that I’m the Dark Knight and his reply was “I know my son even you don’t tell me because you have the blood of an Arthurian”. Father Kennan was not against on my actions now it’s up to me to Save this City. As I am walking in the alley I bump into my girlfriend Jamay in a scared look she told me that their Apartment has been burned down and her family murdered by Og and she is the only one who escaped now Og is out to get he, we decided that she hide’s in the church under the protection of Father Kennan so I can confront the people who are trying to harm her. When I got to the apartment I saw the Thugs who hurt her and her family, they stared at me angrily and the intention to kill me. As I was talking to them they pointed a gun towards me and told me go to hell and fired the gun, as the bullet has been fired I grab quickly my sword and started to deflect the shot the sword glowed the thugs saw what happened and they run away. I went back to the church and told father Kennan that I will end this now, father replied first go to your room and talk to Jamay. Jamay was crying in my bed because she saw how her family has been killed by the thugs she survived by hiding under a pile of dead bodies in the parking lot then went to the back and run towards the church, I promise her that he will end it now so he gave Jamay his Emerald necklace and told her “when this is over I will marry you and start a family of our own” with Tears and smile she said “get them, make sure you beat the crap out of Og’s face and also tell him to say Hi to mom and dad for” then she hug me tightly and kissed me. That Night as I am getting dress to fight Og, I prayed to God that I am sorry for my sins and I prayed that whatever happens tonight for give me because I have no assurance that I would make it back alive and take care of Jamay and Father Kennan. 8:30pm in the front of his Mansion I screamed to him “This ends here, I am John Daniel Constantine Garcia and I am the last Arthurian bloodline and I am here to fight you Decedent of Gilgamesh. He step up and introduced himself "I am Og Martin Evangelista I’m the Decedent of Gilgamesh I am here to fulfill my great grandfather’s legacy. (To be continued)
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queendeanofpie · 7 years
Heyyy wanted to let you guys know that the beautiful magiesheartlove inspired this! I hope you guys like it because a Balto!Au is perfect for these two! 
@magiesheartlove You beautiful girl ;)
"Cmon Lance! We can still catch the end of the race." Keith yelled excitedly
He raced along running as fast as he could his large paws carrying him farther and farther.
He could hear the shouts of the men and barks of the dogs and it sent a shiver of excitement up him. He laughed taking off as he leapt from pole to pole his friend flying after him.
"No no no I am a delicate country bird . .  I hate going into town" Lance grumbled
Keith threw a grin over his shoulder at the bird
"Ahhh come on, whats the worst that could happen?" He asked innocently before laughing as he sprang off of a barrel. Lance shrieked grabbing his tail but Keith grinned flicking him off.
"Please! Why do I let you talk me into these things!" Lance yelled as he landed into a pair of pants on a cloths line. Keith jumped grabbing the clothesline and used his momentum to swing to the other side.
He grabbed lance setting him down but the goose slipped sliding down the roof. He landed on a rack of moose antlers and yelled at someone pulling out his tail feathers.
"What-" Lance grabbed his tail feathers back.
The comment, however, died in his throat when the man pulled out a large cutting knife. The man held up the knife the swing lining up with his neck but then Lance was being yanked back out by Keith.
"Bring that back you theif!" The man yelled but Keith laughed already bounding onto the next roof.
"You are putting me down now? Huh mr. Golden retriever?" Lance mumbled his voice muffled by Keith's mouth.
"Oh yeah, yeah What ever you say Lance" Keith sighed tossing the goose out of his mouth and making a face as he spit out a couple feathers.
He shook his head before taking off again. Lance followed rolling his eyes "Every time there is a race you run around like your in it" He complained
"One day . . . I will be" Keith replied wistfully He grinned as he slid down a narrow roof and jumping down into and open window. He walked out side ears perked as he listened for the announcer.
"Lance Sanchez is no Spring chicken!" Lance yelped as he slid down into the huge pile of snow next to the building He shivered shaking the snow off his feathers "or a spring penguin!" He added shaking his head.
Keith rolled his eyes taking another moment to catch his breath. Lance grumbled before flying up onto his back. As far as he was concerned it was the safest.
"Look! The two mile mark!" A man announced yelling over the cheers of a crowd.
"C'mon we dont want to miss the end!" Keith said brightening up. He took off heading for where the finish line would be.
"Woah no way that would be Trágico" he paused "I was being sarcastic" He added.
Keith laughed running ahead Lance still bouncing on his back. Keith's thoughts started to wander as he started thinking of a certain husky.
"Do you think  . . Allura will be there?" He threw over his shoulder hopefully
"Oh you mean that spicy strawberry blond husky you talk about about all the time? Amigo you are love struck" Lance said rolling his eyes
"No i'm not . . .She's just nice" Keith mumbled ducking his head bashfully
"Oh sure!" Lance laughed Keith hushed him as his ears began to pick up the race. He raced forward and Lance huffed grabbing onto his neck to hold on.
Keith came out of the shadows Lance moving to sit up on the fence shaking out his feathers.
"Allura! Stay girl!" A shout rose over the crowd and Keith immediately looked for the source hearing the familiar name.
Keith's brain stopped working instantly. Allura was smiling while her owner Pidge was hugging her giggling waving a mushers hat in her other hand. Allura noticed and smiled over at him her blue eyes sparking.
A sudden gust of wind from the dogs racing past suddenly tore the hat from Pidge's grip.
"My hat!" Pidge tried to grab her hat but Allura grabbed her sleeve in her teeth.
Keith watched the hat float upward resting just a few feet in front of the finish line. He looked back and forth between Pidge's upset look and Allura sad one and he knew what he was going to do.
He took off Lance shouting after him in Spanish but Keith ignored it. He pulled ahead feeling his pulse racing as he passed the musher and eventually the first line of dogs
"It's that stray dog! He'll ruin the race!" Some one yelled causing Keith to wince. He closed his eyes flattening his ears and growled before opening them and pushing on.
He was approaching the lead dog now. Lotor, who gave him a sneer. Keith had managed to ignore all the other dogs in the team but it was harder to ignore Lotor. The malamute unnerved him to no end.
"Oh no!" Lance cried before flying over head trying to catch up to the wolf hybrid. Lotor snapped at Keith a enraged look on his face.
"Out of my way Lobo!" He growled before trying to bite him and trip him up. Keith gave him a wolfish grin as he dodged it. He lunged ahead and grabbed the hat before running out of the way of the sled and letting him win.
Lance waddled over to him crossing his wings and huffing at him. "When will you learn to stay on the side lines eh?" He asked
Keith shook his head still gripping the hat and slowly walks over to Pidge to return it.
"Keith! What a crazy thing to do! and just to show off for a pretty girl" Pidge grinned taking her hat. Keith grinned softly while looking over at Allura with soft eyes. She looked back warmly
"I'm sure Allura would love to have you on our team!" She exclaimed holding up the harness for him. Keith examined it curiously. Was he really going to get to do this?
He gingerly lifted a paw to try to help her put the harness on him but he was interrupted by a large man grabbing pidge away from him
"Hey hey hey!Pidge  honey stay away from him" The man warned He started to kick know at him and Keith felt his stomach drop as he slunk out of the harness ashamed.
"Dad!" Pidge cried reaching for him as he sadly started to walk away.
"I'm sorry but he might bite you, He's part wolf" The man explained
Keith visibly winced hearing that word. He lowered his head and slowly walked away. He was about to slink back home when another voice caught his ear.
"Hi there Allura, Enjoy the race?" A deep voice purred.
Keith looked back feeling a pang of sadness hit him in the heart. Lotor was talking to Jenna and she didnt look like she was trying to get away.
"Yeah, almost as much as you did" She replied coolly making Keith sigh.
Keith walked away slowly his long tail brushing the ground.
"Thanks jenna!, Let's go celebrate, I know where all the bones are buried" Lotors voice echoed in his ears and Keith winced finally taking off so he wouldn't be in earshot.
The more Keith walked away the more his head lowered. Sometimes he wondered why he even tried. Lotor always managed to get Allura's attention and he got shunned.
Lance looked like he was going to say something. He opened his mouth closing it for a second before opening it again and closing it. Keith sighed turning away feeling a bit better that his friend was trying to cheer him up, even if he failed
The shouts of Pidge calling Jenna caught his attention once more and in an instant all thoughts of rejection were gone. Keith gave a smile and took off making sure Lance was following.
He jumped through a hole in the fence before trying to skid to a stop realizing he wasnt in the alley anymore. Allura looked up surprised as Keith skidded to a stop in front of her their noses touching in an accidental Eskimo kiss.
"Ohh" Was all Allura could say
Keith realized what happened and felt his ears droop as he skidded back an inch or two in embarrassment. He chuckled nervously not knowing what to say.
"U-uh Allura . . .uh . . heh" Keith stammered. Allura smiled and Keith felt his heart soar. Maybe he had trouble getting to the race and seeing Lotor always made him upset but seeing Allura made it worth it somehow.
"Lura! Come on!" A voice suddenly called Allura turned for a second seeing her black and white haired male calling her Pidge smiling next to her.
Allura turned back but to her surprise the handsome wolf-hybrid was gone. She sniffed around going into the hold in the fence still not seeing him but Pidge called her again.
She sighed giving the alley a longing look before leaving barking a greeting to Pidge. Keith shook his head squeezing his eyes shut before taking off back through the alley way.
He slowed to a walk as he caught back up with Lance who had the smarts to stay back. They walked along and Lance shook his head putting a wing on his friends back.
"Keith, Amigo I am sorry but there are some things I can't do for you. I am goose not Cupid" Lance said
"Yeah" Keith mumbled quietly
"Didn't make the team . . Bingo" A deep voice suddenly taunted from behind
Lance froze and Keith felt his chest swell with anger. He was just fine until Lotor decided to show up. He came to a dead stop and Lance got in front of him.
"Don't listen to him, Don't look at him. Live a long life" Lance ordered Keith growled quietly to himself before spinning around with a look of anger
"My name . . is Keith" He spat
Lotor smirked as he walked further into the alley but Lance let out an aggravated sigh.
"But you can call him. Idiot" Lance mumbled  through gritted teeth shaking his head
"I'm sorry Keith . .Keith the half breed" Lotor sauntered past the rest of the gang emerging into the alley. Star, Kaltag, and Nikki laughed as they came up behind Keith.
Lotor smirked walking over to lance who now took a defensive stance glaring at the large malamute
"Hey goose! You a half-breed too?" Lotor asked his nose stopping just inches in front of Lance.
"Oh no" Lance muttered
"Part . . . . Turkey?" Lotor suddenly shoved Lance backward the short goose falling into a roasting pan and the lid falling on top of him.
"Good word play dere boss" Nikki chuckled
"You are the wittiest, the quickest. Your the drollest the cleverest . . the sharpest, Your the most hilarious . . ." Kaltag laughed
"You crack me up!" Star finished laughing hysterically Kaltag smacked him on the head and the dog fell passing out.
"Lotor! Leave Lance out of this!" Keith growled standing in front of Lance protectively
Keith compared to Lotor was a lot smaller and the size difference was painfully obvious to Lance. He knew Keith would stand no chance.
"Awww Keith" Lotor taunted walking away. His bushy tail slapped his face and keiths face  controrted into a look of anger.
Lance silently touched a wing to Keiths tail, his touch barely calming him down, but enough for him not to launch after Lotor.
"I've got a message for your mother" Lotor lifted his mouth letting out a ridiculous howl. Star, Kaltag and Nikki all laughed before joining in howling with him.
Nothing lance did would stop Keith now. He narrowed his eyes and growled the sound somehow deepening in his throat as he started to stalk towards Lotor.
"What's wolf for 'Go chase your tail'?" Star asked drawing Keith's attention.
Keith snarled pinning his ears back at them and Lance jumped up grabbing his tail trying to stop him
"Keith stop woahhh!" He yelled his attempt to stop him not effecting him at all.
"Get him" Lotor said calmly The other three began to bark at Keith but he ignored him his eyes focusing on Lotor.
"Get out of here, Wolf dog. You'd better get back to your pack" Lotor sneered disgust showing in his eyes.
He leaned down until he was right in Keiths face, Keith's furious gaze meeting Lotor's smug one. It was interrupted by Lance suddenly pushing Keith backward shocking Keith
"Maybe its the unrelenting fear talking but i'm seeing wisdom in this advice, Can we go? NOW" Lance said quickly pushing him backward.
Just like that all the anger drained out of Keith. It was stupid and pointless. Keith wasn't good enough to fight Lotor, He wouldn't win. Lance was right.
Keith's anger fell way to defeat and he lowered his head sadly turning away and squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't feel like seeing the look on their face.
Keith felt snow suddenly start landing on him and his heart dropped into his stomach as he realized they were kicking it on him. He sighed shaking his head and getting some of the snow off.
A rock suddenly hit between his shoulder blades and Keith stumbled loosing his balance and falling into a couple of trash cans and planks
It made a clang and Keith jumped up ashamed taking off Lance taking off after him just on his heels.
He kept running and running until he was out of breath. Keith looked up to find himself outside of town.
He looked down his run now slowing to a very slow depressed walk. He headed towards his boat every bone in his body begginning to feel wore out.
Keith froze eyes snapping shut as he lifted his nose sniffing the air. He turned ears coming to attention but they went flat seeing what he smelled.
It was a pack of wolves out on the hill. One of them howled at him but Keith backed away ashamed. He couldn't howl like they could. He never even attemted it.
They disappeared and he shook his head his tail brushing the ground as he walked towards his home.
"Not a dog . . . Not a wolf. All he knows is what he's not. If only he could see what he is" Lance sighed watching the wolves disappear.
Keith felt better now, sitting out on the bow of the ship watching the Alaskan sunset.
"and what is so interesting?" Lance asked seeing the familar look on his friends face.
"Allura" Keith sighed.
"Ahh is love" Lance smiled "So go make a move! When the angels balalaika's strum the sweet song of love, Tango!" Lance urged him tangoing for a few seconds
"Nah . . she's not my type" Keith mumbled his head lowering as he thought of his wolf heritage.
"And why not? This wolf business again? and what's wrong with being half and half I like to know!. Sometime I wish like crazy i was half eagle!" Lance exclaimed grinning
"Why?" Keith asked the corners of his mouth lifting up
"Better profile for one thing" Lance huffed striking a pose smirking "And no one eats you for another"
Keith chuckled before going back to watching the sunset. Maybe Lance was right.
Allura paced out side the window nervously. Her human, Pidge was in there with all the other children and she didnt like it.
She barked hoping to gain Pidge's attention and smiled when the little girl looked up.
"Jenna? Jenna! Jenna! Hi girl!" the little girl squealed jumping up and grabbing a coat opening the door to great her dog.
Almost immediately she started coughing and Allura nuzzled her hand worried. Her father came out wrapping up the girl quickly
"Pidge! Pidge come on, Your gonna catch your death out here honey" Her dad ushered her in and she looked back at allura with a sad look
"Come on honey the doctor's waiting" Her dad said softly as the door swung shut leaving Allura standing in it's shadow.
Allura ran from window to window looking for pidge until she finally found one seeing pidge being led into a small room with a man in a white coat.
Allura watched nervously looking between the doctor and her kid's parents. Pidge coughed and the doctor exchanged a worried look with her parents.
"Allura?" came a slightly high voice behind her
"Uh . . Allura" She turned seeing Keith but he was the least of worries right now.
She turned back to the window worried
"Keith . .hi" She said distracted. She watched as the doctor was talking to Pidge's parents
"Hi look . . uh maybe it's a shot in the dark, but I uhh . . I was wondering if you'd . . maybe like . .to go chase a few sticks by moonlight?" Keith asked hopefully chuckling
Allura heard him but it didn't really register as she watched her girl's mom hug her tightly. Something was wrong, she could feel it.
"Allura?" Keith asked seeing her upset look
"Pidge is in there" Allura said softly
Keith jumped up next to her instantly a concerned look on his face. He looked over at her in worry
"in the hospital? Why?" He asked
"She feels warm . . . she has a terrible cough, Keith what's wrong with her?" she asked looking up at him with a helpless face.
Keith felt his heart sink at the fear and worry in Allura's face. He sighed looking back at Pidge but a thought struck him.
"I don't know but . . I know how to find out. Come on" He motioned for her to follow him and hopped down from the window heading around toward the back.
He smiled motioning to a wooden door "I have the keys to the city" He extended a nail lifting up the nail in the locked effectively opening the door and held out his paw
"After you" He smiled politely
Allura nodded and began to walk in noticing his large paws. "Keith" she breathed truthfully she like them and thought they were amazing but Keith coughed embarrassed.
"ah hehe, big paws kinda run in my family" He muttered walking ahead of her and trying to hide his burning face "At least . . .one side of my family" He finished softly turning away.
He walked into the boiler room and turned into a tunnel before checking to see if Allura was following him.
He turned just as she came up on his side and he blinked in surprise
"Stay close" He said before slowly navigating through the darkness.
"He no problem there, It's so gloomy down here . . . . not that I'm scared or anything" She added quickly as she followed his long tail through the gloomy mustyness.
Allura jumped almost running into a spider web. It was suddenly swept away as Keith looked back shaking the cobweb off his tail with a smile
"Gloomy? You kiddin? It's the most beautiful spot in the world! Dogs travel for years just to be right here" He said brightly lifting a cloth off her nose with a large paw
The moved along under the boards allura looked around starting to feel a little creeped out the more she looked around.
"here? I can't see why" Allura murmured still trying to stay optimistic. Keith was certainly acting weird but she was hoping he knew what he was doing.
"That's cause your looking at the bowl half empty" Keith whispered playfully pushing a big pile of broken bottles up
Keith could tell Allura was starting to think he was crazy and he wanted to laugh. He couldn't wait to see her reaction. He stepped in front of the light casting the bottles in darkness
"You see this? It's the polar ice caps" He grinned
"Keith those are broken bottles. And their not half empty, their all empty" Allura replied slowly as if trying to be polite
"The sun . . . " Keith continued motioning to the light behind him from the grating.
"Keith!" Allura exclaimed the corners of her mouth lifting up
Keith moved away causing the light to hit the bottles "And to the north . . . "
The reflection of the bottle caps shone on the oppposite grey wall revealing a dancing mirage of green and purple lights. Allura gasped in surprise her eyes lighting up making his heart pick up.
"The northern lights" She breathed turning to him eyes sparkling "Oh keith you were right it's so beautiful" She exclaimed still staring at the.
The lights seemed to reflect off Allura's sky blue eyes and Keith couldn't help but find himself nodding in agreement. He stared at her with a knowing smile.
"Yeah" He said softly "Beautiful"
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Getting Started - Playable Races, Mithra/Miqo’te, and Akadoubutsu!
Now it’s time to populate this gorgeously fun world you’ve created! Final Fantasy normally utilizes Humans to fill most corners of the world and to serve as the leading protagonist; BUT! That does not necessarily have to be the case for your FFD6 campaign! I
In fact, you can choose to include or exclude as many races as your heart desires! Heck! Make new one’s too! I know I ended up doing so for my Eleos campaign and it’s been a lot of fun!
No matter what you choose to do, there is a list of suggested playable races in the FFD6 PDF starting on Page 176. I personally think that this list is a great start, but there are a good handful of other races, or details that the PDF does not cover. As such, I introduce you to one of the biggest topics I’ll be touching on in this Blog: HOME BREW CONTENT (Game and System aspects that are not included in ‘official’ resources for tabletop role playing games!)
I’m not going to share all of the home-brew race content I’ve created just yet, since that’ll just be an absolutely enormous post that’ll take up half your feed. Instead, today, I’ll go ahead and focus on two entries.
I think it should, while PC Races are on the shelve, worth noting that FFD6 does not usually offer bonus Attribute Points or Skill Points (A topic saved for a post in the near future). However, if you are a die hard for adjusting stats and skills due to race, go nuts! I’ve included some suggested scores to improve, but a word of warning; FFD6′s level up system involves improvement of Attribute Points (AP, we’ll abbreviate) at every level, so the bonus would end up being a small push or detriment within only the first few levels.
I’ve also included a Favorable Jobs section to give suggestions to PC’s in case they have no idea what kind of Job, which is the equivalent of classes in FFD6, they want their character to have. With that being said, it is still to your preference and imagination for what Job a character should have. Honestly, some of the craziest combinations make for wonderful character concepts!
So with that in mind, sit back, and maybe consider some of these other fantastic Final Fantasy Races that have appeared in other games (and potential revamps of mentioned races!)
~ ~ ~
The Mithra / Miqo’te
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Meet the Mithra and Miqo’te, felinesque residents of the Worlds Vana’diel  and Eorzea (FF XI and FF XIV). Technically different races, I still see it prudent to lump the two together as their design is essentially the same, and I observe few differences between the two. At the very least, I wish to highlight Mithra as they are discussed as a sub-race of the Viera. I personally like the idea, lore-wise, but I think it’s good to further distinguish the two more.
I’ll keep this brief as there are only a handful of differences between the three races;
Mithra: Sporting cat tails and ears, this  race does not stray very far from their description in the manual; the Mithra are heavily dominated by the female sex, as male Mithra have a fairly low birth rate comparatively. Very athletic and nimble, the Mithra are renowned for their tenacity and fierceness in battle. They are fairly conservative when it comes to technology, and are highly tied to their natural roots.
It should be known that if a Mithra, much like Viera, leave their homeland (typically tropical rain forests, deserts, and other tropical biomes), they are most likely to be treated as an alien upon their return. That doesn’t stop most adventurous Mithra, however.
Miqo’te: A sort of human-cat hybrid in appearance, the Miqo’te people are agile, clever, and often quite crafty. Whereas the Mithra are incredibly tied to nature and their clans, Miqo’te are loners for the most part, and are typically territorial to others around them (not in the least, other Miqo’te!).
It should not be surprising at all that Miqo’te are the kind of people to become wanderers. Cats very much so do what they want, and I think it’s fair to say that Miqo’te can embody this sort of fickle nature seen in many of our feline friends. But in the same breath, the phrase, ‘If I fits, I sits’ is also not that bad of a Philosophy for the Miqo’te, as it would only make sense that city life can be a good break from the hustle and bustle of adventure.
[Average Attributes]
Typical Height: 1.6 - 1.8 m / 5′ 2″-5′9 [Males and Females Similar]
Typical Weight: 49 - 66 kg / 107.8 - 145.2 lbs. [Males and Females Similar]
Hair Color Ideas:   Reds, tawny, blacks, grey
Eye Color Ideas: 
Mithra: Reds, Golds, Silvers 
Miqo’te: Blues, Greens, Yellows
Lifespan Suggestions:
Child-Adolescent: 8-17 Years Old
Young Adult - Adulthood: 18-90 Years Old
Older Adults: 91 - 180 Years Old
Suggested Attribute and Skill Bonuses (If Applicable):
+2 Dex, (-1 RES)
+2 Thievery, +2 Nature, +2 Lore: Cities
Ideas for Favorable Jobs:
Mithra Females:
Warrior - For the strong willed and fierce, may work with tribe in squads.
Geomancer - For the spiritual leaders of tribes, may even be the Matriarchs.
Ranger - For the loner and marksman, also make for good hunters.
Mithra Males
Geomancer - A good, spiritualistic class to gain favor in the eyes of  female compatriots in the tribe.
Thief -  For those who have literally gone rogue and abandoned their tribe, and entered human society.
Entertainer - For the light hearted wanderer, and one who was tasked with music or poetry within the tribe.
Theif - Light on their feet and quite possessive, good for the mischievous.
Gambler - For the fickle of heart and cocky. Besides; Black Cat with gambling powers anyone?
Dragoon - With incredible reflexes and jumping power, Cat Dragons are totally in this season.
~ ~ ~
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The next race I’d like to introduce is, as I will dub them, the Akadobutsu (Ah-kah-doe-boot-sue). Though there is no official name for the race, the  Akadobutsu first were introduced in FFVII where the main party encountered and was joined by one of these beings named Nanaki (pictured above).
The  Akadobutsu are a sentient race, capable of learning and speaking the Common languages of the world, and are known to be highly intelligent. As many of the other animal like species in the worlds of Final Fantasy, the  Akadobutsu are known to function in groups of tribes, often residing in areas of great spiritual importance. It is also known that, in their appearance of FFVII, a flame was kept at the center of the Akadobutsu settlement, which may hold some significance to the eternal flame that burns at the end of their tails. Depending on the setting of your FFD6 campaign, the GM and the player of a  Akadobutsu PC can determine if this is significant.
The Akadobutsu are known to be incredibly tied to the natural world, and are very in tune with the condition of the world. This strong bond has manifested itself in a way that many  Akadobutsu are mistrusting of large civilizations, and even more so of incredibly advanced technology that can damage the environment. Furthermore, such close connections with nature has also shown to increase the magical prowess of the  Akadobutsu, though they are known to more so rely on their fangs and claws for weapons.
One last thing to talk about; The  Akadobutsu are normally Quadrupeds. This can either limit what weapons they can use, or you can have an explanation as to why the fiery character can wield a 30 pound sub-machine gun. ESP maybe? They are also capable of walking on their hind legs? Do they start with natural weapons with their claws and teeth? Who knows! Make sure to talk to your GM and vice versa to figure out how you can live out your fantasy while playing as an   Akadobutsu.
[Average Attributes]
Typical Height: 1.2 - 1.25 m  / 3′9″- 4′1″ [Male]  1.0 - 1.05 m / 3′2″ - 3′5″ [Female]
Typical Length: 1.4 -1.5 m  / 4′5″- 5′ 0″ [Male] 1.2 - 1.4 m  / 4′0″ - 4′5″ [Female]
Typical Weight: 63.5 - 86.2 kg / 140 - 190 lbs. [Male] 52.2 - 77.1 kg / 110 - 170 lbs. [Female]
Fur Color Ideas:   Reds, golds, oranges, auburn
Eye Color Ideas:  Yellows, Greens, Reds
Lifespan Suggestions: 
Child-Adolescent: 20 - 140 Years Old
Young Adult - Adulthood: 140 - 460 Years Old
Older Adults: 460 - 700 Years Old
Suggested Attribute and Skill Bonuses (If Applicable):
+1 DEX, +1 MND, (-1 RES)
+2 Athletics, +2 Nature, +2 Lore: Religion
Ideas for Favorable Jobs::
Geomancer: To be so attuned to the world around them, Akadobutsu  would make for excellent candidates to unleash the power of nature on those that wish it harm.
Dark Knight: A particularly tragic hero of the Akadobutsu could go rogue, harnessing the powers of darkness after witnessing the destruction caused to that which was considered sacred.
Samurai: For an enigmatic, lone wolf of a character, to choose to be a Samurai allows Akadobutsu to uphold and fight with honor though they have left their respective tribes.
~ ~ ~
Well now! That took me awhile!
After several sessions of adding info and researching, I present to you a start on races! I’ll again suggest glancing at Chapter 6 in the PDF (it starts on Page 174), and from there you can glance at the provided list of races and the worlds they normally inhabit!
I hope that now you can start feeling comfortable with the sense of freedom FFD6 offers, and if you are eager to unleash your imagination, that you go for it full throttle!
If you see grammar mistakes, contradictions, mathematical miscalculations, have observations, or suggestions, please let me know! With this mention of AP (Attribute Points) and SP (Skill Points) this time around, you can expect a character creation post just around the corner! Is it weird to abbreviate those, or should I just type them out? FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT QUESTION!
Anyways; thank you for your time and your interest. I hope you have a wonderful evening, and enjoy the approach of summer and last hurrahs of spring!!! ~ Ryan
- Lots of credit this time!
Thank you KuraudoStrife from the site ‘The Lifestream’ for the image of the races at the top!
Pictures of the Miqo’te found on the consolegames wiki site, where you can find their page and info right here!
Pictures of Nanaki, or Red XIII, and information on his character and race were found on the Final Fantasy Wikia, and you can find this page right here!
The Miqo’te, Mithra, and proclaimed Akadobutsu races were originally conceptualized by the creative teams at Sqaure Enix, and much of the information gleaned for this post comes from the Final Fantasy Wikia and the FFD6 PDF created by ‘Dust’.
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queenxmargaery · 7 years
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Kara’s super long plot ideas list (taken from my old blog)
Verses I have that I realize I haven’t gotten to use much of, even though I’ve had this blog for over three years.
Take any of these ideas, CLAIM THEM AS YOURS, and I will stab you in the eye.
v: Une Rose Dans de le Nord (A Rose in the North)
I know that a bunch of other Margy’s have this verse but it’s a verse I had since I started this blog, Margaery’s brought to the North by her father to be a ward for House Stark, & is betrothed to Robb Stark. The idea is that since the Tyrell’s fought for the losing side each child after Willas was sent to a different place. Garlan to the Vale, Loras to The Storm Lands, & Margaery to the North.
v: The Reluctance of The Wolf. (forced marriage au)
Forced into marriage with one another. Margaery tries to make the best of her fate. Lady Catelyn is a joy and kind to her. Wonderful in every way. While Robb… Robb is cold to her. Margaery becomes scared that she is trapped in another loveless marriage and struggles to understand her cold & grim husband.
v: Westlander (a pun on outlander and a verse in the same vein.)
Margaery Tyrell went away on a trip to the northern area of modern day Westeros. The brunette was having a nice time until she awoke after a walk to find herself not where she had fallen asleep. The land she awoke in was covered with snow.
v: Cursed
When his daughter was born, Mace Tyrell had a big party. Unknown to him, one of the gifts his daughter was given was cursed by a witch across the sea. The child would wed, but each husband would die until one came that could break the curse.
When Mace found out about the curse it was already too late, Margaery had grown into a beautiful woman and he couldn’t stop himself from setting up her marriages.
Each one ends in tragedy.
Margaery returned to Highgarden and vowed to never marry again. After all… Who would want to marry a woman who was cursed?
v; don’t let yourself be hunted
When Margaery was a child she always knew there was something different about her, and her family. She always just thought it was odd that her father could influence those around him with a word, her grandmother’s plants never died, and her brothers… Well, Willas’ super memory and intelligence were next to none, and his ability to seemingly communicate with Animals, Garlan and his super strength, Loras and his agility, she wondered what her powers would be.
At nine the voices started. She could hear them even in her sleep, it was all so very loud and overwhelming, she just wanted it to stop, but it didn’t. It just got worse and louder, it wasn’t until later that she learned these voices were not in her head, they were in the heads of others. She also learned that she could feel other’s emotions as well and project her own on them. Margaery harnesses the powers of empathy and telepathy, her grandmother does her best to help her control it.
Her family is heavily involved in the Hellfire club, and Margaery didn’t have much of a choice, but to do the same. She has always admired the X-Men though and is considering switching sides.
v: Manners Maketh Woman.
Margaery was recruited to MI6 when she was 21 years old in the middle of her third year of college. She hadn’t even planned on being an agent, but now she can’t exactly get out of it. She discovers The Kingsman and works with them more times than she thought she would. She enjoys it, though she doesn’t always trust them especially since they are a rather secret organization.
These are all listed in my verses section.
As well as these plot ideas. & THIS VERY LONG LIST BELOW!
up to date as of January 20th, 2017.
This is more of a bare bones outline. Just the titles of the AU’s I’d like. If anyone wants to plot them with me, just send me a message. I’ll add it to the verses list. (Please note: some of these might have specific people in mind already.)
Bold Italic = gimme it now Bold = are things I really want! Italic = it’s not urgent but I’d like it. Normal’s just normal things. Strike = nevermind, I don’t want that anymore.
Modern day political au
Beauty and The Beast au (MY ANIMATED FC IS BELLE SO CAN HAS?)
WWII au·(in the verses section)
Western AU
1920’s au
1950′s Film Star AU (v: wildest dreams)
Versailles verse
Reign verse
Reincarnation au
DARKER THINGS! ( I really want some dark ships…can has? )
Serial Killer AU Cop!Marg.
Post-apocalyptic AU: Not zombies but darker things.
Marvel au things (I have an x men verse & an MCU verse come to me!)
More family times. (With Mace, Alerie, Olenna, Willas, Garlan, & Loras!)
· · · · · · ·Specific Ship AU’s · · · · · · · · · · ·
Adult!Tommen x Margaery things (cause of reasons)
More Tommen x Margaery things in general
This!Robbaery au
An Alliance is Made AU
Reincarnation AU
A Real Dragon: AU where Margy marries Aegon… He turns out to be the real deal, and to seal an alliance with the Targaryen’s (Dany and Aegon now) Margaery marries him.
Wolf King: AU where Robb conquers King’s Landing, saves Sansa, and asks Margaery to come back to court as a companion to Sansa. (Margaery, of course, agrees with this because Sansa is her dearest friend.) During this time RobbxMargy maybe begin to spend time together. Maybe eventually leading to ship? idk just a thought rolling around.
A True Queen: Margaery marries Robert, their marriage ends up being very Anne Boleyn/Jane Seymour x Henry VIII-esque. Without the beheading/death by lack of care after childbirth.
Verse+ship specific:
Modern au things!
College INSERT SHIP HERE: They start off as friends and slowly move to become something more!
Une Rose Dans le Nord.
Reine Rose dans le Nord (Rose Queen in the North): Robb’s wife and queen.
Margaery writing letters to Robb when they’re separated. (battles going on and she has to stay somewhere safe.)
Catelyn informs Margaery at Renly’s camp, that her son needs advice and asks if she will write to him. They fall in love through the letters they write.
More! Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stuff. (anything or ship will do!!!)
Margy’s relationships with her brothers. (Willas taught her how to read and how to map the stars, they have to be close. Garlan is protective. She’s so dependent on LORAS!. I HAVE A NEED!)
Runaway!Queen: King’s Landing is attacked and sacked by an army and forces. Margaery runs so she is not taken hostage by the invaders. Finding solace in the Godswood which the intruders do not touch.
Highgarden Raid: Highgarden is raided and burned by (the iron born or Dragons) In this Margaery loses a good portion of her family. Since this is a canon divergence ·the war of the five kings could still be going on.
Virgin Queen: Margaery marries Tommen, but he dies shortly after the union. With no heirs to the throne. (Myrcella is dead.) Margaery takes the throne for her own ruling as Queen after the small council decides that it’s the only way to keep the Tyrell’s in the fold. (Cersei dies shortly after Tommen)
More ouat verse things.
Random Lover/Outlander AU:
· · · · · · · (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
English Rose!Margaery fighting with Highlander Norther!Lover
English Rose!Margaery not understanding the customs. Feeling out of place.
Highlander Norther!Lover has to explain things to her.
English Rose!Margaery sympathizing with their plight. Understanding that the English are the oppressors to them!
English Rose!Margaery & Highlander Norther!Lover being cute and eventually falling for one another. (After long struggles and Jacobite Rebellion things)
More Musketeer’s verse things!
Specifically things with Rochefort and Louis! BECAUSE I HAVE A NEED FOR MARGY TO ANNOY HER COUSIN IN THE VERSE!
Sense8 Verse things.
Hunger Games things.
Westworld verse: Westeros, is the other theme park in development. Margaery is a host. She has the Lady and the Knight trope storyline written and programmed within her. Parkgoers can choose to be her savior from the sept, her lover, her protector, or for a very high price, a secret king/queen.
NOTE!: A simple way to plot with me is to just look at my verses! Also! If you like any of these ideas but would rather tweak them to do them with my Sansa (louvereine), my Henriette (madamehenriette) or my Jeyne (honourofwesterling), let me know! <3
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rainmonarch · 7 years
all the famous artist asks
picasso: would you rather sleep on the moon with a stardust dress or on a tiny flower with a sunflower dress?
I would much rather sleep on the moon, space is beautiful and stardust is magic
van gogh: where is your go-to positive place when you’re feeling down/sad and what do you usually do?
normally ill just wait until the evening when i can get dinner with my friends (i’m in college) but if i’m feeling especially bad there’s a creek that runs by campus that i love to sit by
warhol: what is something that you possess that you’ll never give away/sell despite how much the cost?
probably some of my art? there’s some that i have that i could potentially make money off of but it’s special to me and i wanna keep it
da vinci: describe your dream wedding.
the flowers are orange roses, black eye susans, and daisies. it’s probably september. i want to wear a dress bc it will be the last guaranteed day i get to be a princess (prom being the previous circumstance). ideally outside. i get to pick the playlist for the reception :)
monet: where will you take your significant other in a date?
obviously it depends on who it is (i’m currently single) but atm im leaning towards iceskating
kahlo: what is a pro-tip/lesson that you learned from your past?
its much better to regret doing something than to regret not doing something
michelangelo: do you show your teeth when you smile? do you squint your eyes?
of course!! i also have a dimple on my cheek right under my eye that shows when i’m smiling big
matisse: how do you express your love to your friends/family/significant other?
i loooovveee buying people presents, and i love cuddling
kandinsky: would you rather be a silky angel or a lacy princess… or a princess angel?
lacy princess i suppose? although lacy is not ideal…
degas: in a garden full of all sorts of flowers, which one will you pick?
a blowflower/dandelion for the wish
klee: in a library full of books, which five will you never get sick of rereading?
New Moon, A Wrinkle in Time, The Lightning Theif, Jurassic Park, The Tuesday Club Murders
klimt: how many languages do you speak? what is/are it/they?
2ish, ive been blessed with english as my first language, i can muddle through some basic spanish
seurat: if you can wear only one color with different shades for the rest of your life, which one is it, and why?
black, because i already wear mostly black grey and white clothes anyways
vermeer: which of your qualities make you a dream girl?
i am adorable, kind, mom-like, intelligent, exciting, cuddly. i’m a fucking catch
harring: what is your all-time favorite band, movie, and painting?  
fall out boy, indiana jones or when harry met sally, cafe terrace at night by van gogh
munch: what is your medium in art? is that medium your first love?
i honestly dont stick to one medium, i bounce from pencils to pens to watercolor to acryllic to crayons, and i tend to do mixed media as well
renoir: is you heart occupied right now? describe him/her/them.
my heart is in transition mode rn, but the last guy to have it was very musical, very spacy, very kinky, and very reckless
gauguin: what is one thing that reminds you of childhood?
king of the hill
manet: describe your ultimate summer get-away!
cross country road trip in europe to see all the museums and ruins :D
botticelli: what is that one moment in your life that makes you feel proud?
i won an award for best prop, i made a thirty foot long boa for gertrudes tail in our school’s rendition of seussical
cézanne: what is your favorite christmas cookie?
sugar cookies i decorate with my sister and the boy i babysit
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I had a game idea and I’m sharing it here.
It takes place in a world with an alien species of jesters called Comets.
They are magical beings that are mystically bonded to their ponchos/capes, masks, and hats. So much that their magic/life force is represented in them. Their culture is heavily oriented around the appearance - not for cosmetic reasons, but because it indicates the wearer’s personal “status”.
It’s easy to read their mood, personality, and ideals all within a glimpse. Socializing can be looking at one another until leaving, and even having a conclusion strong enough to impact how they feel about the other. It’s a lot of niche things that are hard to catch on if you’re not born and raised as one.
The ponchos, hats, or collars they wear signify different things
The ponchos/capes show how much power they hold.
Wider points for more power, thinner for less, lots of points for many powers, less points for fewer.
The more detailed the poncho/cape, the more intricate the wearer’s knowledge of the magic.
The longer the points are, the longer they have been using the magic.
They have markings at the ends of their poncho/collars that signify what they usually specialize in. (Like classes - Healer, fighter, mage, etc.)
Their masks show their health.
If it’s cracked it usually means they pushed themselves too far at one point and their magic is permanently stunted. They’re too weak to stay among their own kind, but too strong to live among other species as themselves.
It is custom for their own species, when faced with a cracked mask, to apologize.
Like a “sorry for your loss” kinda way. You can see why most would leave their own kind due to this.
The ones who have cracked masks often leave their homes and get a disguise of another species.
They usually make livings out of claiming their magic is an illusion.
There are some other species
One is pretty close to humans; the main difference is that they have a more vast variety of skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors.
They are lacking any natural ability to use magic, so they use items and studies to harness such powers. They often use illusionary magic to assist with any skills they already have. (Theif - cloaking. Scholar - illusionary book. Etc.) They’re far from the most proficient or powerful casters when compared to other species, but they make up for it in their abilities of pure skill.
Generally referred to as the weakest in a magic scenario unless they specialize in anti-magic combat.
Non-magic ones are often fighters or protectors for magic relics so said relics don’t get in the wrong hands.
Or they want to obtain magic power for themselves.
In a non-magic scenario, they’re considered hardy and have hard hits.
Another is a spider-like species, Spidelves, that never truly harnessed magic, but creates items to contain magic. They also study both magic and science.
They usually invent things to make life better for all. Healing magic and items are what they’re known for in general, as well as being considered as the pioneers for learned magic use. However, they’re strangely incompatible with their own creations.
They assigned themselves as the collector and watcher of all artifacts, refusing to let any use them no matter how minor the artifact’s abilities are.
They have a closer bond with humans due to the shared past of not naturally having magic, and naturally only trust human wizards that they personally watched over.
They have a prejudice against hybrids of any sorts, even if it’s part of their own species, saying it causes an imbalance of power. They aren’t wrong.
Prejudice is also extended to Comets because “you already have powers you don’t need our help”
They are respected by the Comets and humans.
Cross-species. (Spiders, humans, and Comets.)
These are pretty rare. They are naturally very intelligent and are seen as ascendant, if they inherit more than one of their non-human traits.
No matter how human-like they may be, they‘re often just a bit too strong and powerful to comfortably fit in with humans, too weak and foreign for Comet society, and are shunned by the spiders.
They often are associated with omens, mainly omens for self-destruction (often their own.)
They are often nomads and adventurers, sometimes bandits.
Most are humans and Spidelves. Only one Comet and human hybrid - two Spidelve and comets - and they created the prejudice for the rest of any Comet hybrid.
Spidelve hybrids cannot use magic, but their mere presence can make an artifact act on its own and be more effective.
Some work to raise humans to their power level, some work to drag other species down to their power level.
There are other species - Dragons that hoard artifacts that harness power, bandits that are permanently masked, yet they’re not as important as these three.
Now Lore Bits.
Most learning about how they communicate with each other would expect them to be quiet. This is wrong. They are aware that other species are not as attuned to magic as they are, and as a result their emotions.
If they think there’s a non-comet around, to be polite they will voice: how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, what they like, and anything about themself that could be a conversation topic. They expect the non-comet to do the same because otherwise it’s impossible for the comet to read them.
They’re considered rude, obnoxious, and intrusive to other species. In reality, to the Comets they’re just compensating for social cues from both sides being lost in translation.
Humans hit the space age and realized that they weren’t alone. They met the Spidelves only a month after space travel was officiated. There were tensions at first, agitation, and pressure. Many uneasy compromises were made to avoid conflict.
Then one day, a human found out they could use an artifact from a Spidelve. Then there was an influx of human wizards among the stars. Humans bonded with Spidelves, and helped them with any research on magic. These two species bonded over the joy of magic.
They found the Comets a long while afterwards. Contact with the comets was a long time ago, and they never really interacted with the species much other than attempting to enhance magic. They’re on a “yeah, these guys exist too” terms.
One upon a time, Arachne ran away and found a fragment of magic. At first, she wondered if it could undo her curse, but then she began to wonder more. She wondered what other things magic could do, how, and why. She wondered what magic could do beyond healing a curse.
She recorded all that she wondered, and then began to record what she no longer wondered. The one thing she would stop wondering was what she knew. She experimented. She created. She never undid her curse, but she found results more satisfying than that.
Spidelves pride themselves with this backstory, preserving fragments of magic and always asking what they didn’t know. Yet priding themselves in what they did. When they met humans, magic was finally useable, yet there was more to wonder due to their limits. When they met comets, the magic of limits vanished when watching them.
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