#Theatre 625
science70 · 2 years
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Brian Cox and Leonard Rossiter, Theatre 625, "The Year of the Sex Olympics" (UK, 1968).
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Theatre 625 - BBC One -  May 3, 1964 - August 5, 1968
Drama Anthology (110 episodes)
Running Time:  75 - 90 minutes
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A short clip from Mille Miglia (1968)
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mariocki · 1 year
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Edward Woodward guest stars as Jack Liskard, Prime Minister of an unspecified African country and the target of multiple assassination attempts, in The Saint: The Persistent Patriots (5.15, ITC, 1967)
#fave spotting#edward woodward#callan#the saint#the persistent patriots#1967#david callan#classic tv#eddy is the named guest star for this episode but actually he wasn't really the household name he would become at this point#in fact this ep was the first Saint episode to air in the uk in 1967 on January 6th‚ setting off a banner year for Woodward that would#be the making of his career. he'd done a few guest spots (Sergeant Cork and Mogul among them) and yes he'd had some stage success#but 67 was his year; around the same time as this Saint appearance he could be seen on the BBC's celebrated drama strand Theatre 625 as the#lead in a multi episode adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour‚ and almost exactly a month later he'd be making his first screen#appearance as Callan in the Armchair Theatre pilot A Magnum for Schneider‚ the beginning of tv immortality and bigger and better things for#the actor. here he's... well he's serious and he's sullen (two of Ed's strengths as an actor) in a role which.. is FINE on the surface but#absolutely begs some deeper questions. he's the prime minister of an unnamed African country‚ in London to negotiate the independence of#said country from the UK. it's.. a complicated issue (which this single Saint episode absolutely fails to address but I'd have been truly#astonished if it had). i mean yes we're all anti colonialism here of course (even if Simon does seem suspiciously morose about the prospect#of losing another colony in his opening voice over‚ he at least appears to be on Eddy's side through the episode) but there's a kind of#deafening silence throughout this ep: Ed is of course white. his various ministers and other government officials who oppose him are all#also white. the titular 'patriots' who oppose him and make attempts on his life and to prevent the process of independence are all white#the most obvious comparison to be drawn (and presumably the main inspiration for the character) is Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith#who had led the white minority government of what is now Zimbabwe from 1964 and had been involved in similar negotiations with the british#government (that fell apart in late 65 as Smith's government announced Rhodesia's unilateral independence; the country then became an#unrecognised state subject to economic sanctions that lasted more than a decade). the thing is‚ Smith was a racist piece of shit; the whole#reason those negotiations broke down was because of his refusal to secure black representation in Rhodesia's governance#which makes the complete absence of any black characters in this episode a major red flag. but Ed's character isn't presented as the#villain of the piece; the episode is adamant that the work he's doing is selfless and for the betterment of his country‚ and it isn't as if#Smith was a particularly popular figure in the uk at this point for the ep makers to be painting a positive portrait of him. idk#it's messy. at best tone deaf and at worst.. well. i wish Ed had had a better ep to guest star in that's all im saying
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gracematelli · 1 year
Bunraku puppet
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Sixties tv
Television became a worldwide habit in the 60s. Cinemas were disappearing in massive numbers, and there was reason to assume that the small screen would completely kill the theatre. By 1960, approximately three-quarters of the population had access to television, and by the end of the decade, nearly ninety-five percent did. In 1960, Britain had only two channels: BBC and IIV. In 1964, BBC2 became the third channel. It was transmitted on UHF channel 625, although outdated receivers could only get 405 lines. On the old band, BBC1 and ITV were still broadcasting. In the mid sixties sets were sold that could get both. The audience was less enthusiastic with BBC2. Programmes were more high-brow. As a result, take-up was slower than for ITV in 1955. The whole first colour television transmission occurred towards the end of 1967. Color television sets were prohibitively costly at the time, and adoption was gradual. Initially, only BBC2 broadcasted in colour; ITV and BBC1 began broadcasting in colour in 1969. In 1969, BBC2 viewers were able to watch colour images from the Moon. The Moon landing was televised live at 3:56 a.m. on a show presented by Cliff Michelmore, James Burke, and Patrick Moore. Coverage had began at 11.30pm the previous night and extended throughout the night - a remarkable novelty in this period.
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By 1960, the majority of American households had a television, and the Nixon/Kennedy debate that year was the first broadcast presidential discussion. It was many Americans' first exposure to John F. Kennedy. When Kennedy was asked about debating his political opponent on television, he quickly accepted. Kennedy seemed at ease on television and confident that he would win. Nixon, however, began to sweat throughout the televised discussion, and the American people began to mistrust him. Nobody recognised how important television was until after the 1960 debates. Prior to the Kennedy presidency, television lagged well behind print journalism in terms of public reliance on news sources. But soon, Americans relied on TV news for the day's headlines as well as information about American troops in Vietnam, notably the numbers of those killed or injured. When anything significant happened on television, it influenced the entire country at the same moment. The polar opposite of entertainment television was TV news. The civil rights movement, the JFK assassination and the space race all unfolded on TV. During the '60s, there were 18 variety programmes operating on three networks. Television got "variety show wild" for a spell. Sunday night at 8 p.m. meant Ed Sullivan, but Dean Martin, Danny Kaye, Danny Thomas, and Carol Burnett, to mention a few, each had their own variety shows. "The Twilight Zone" creator Rod Serling frequently depicted themes of racism and fascism via a fantasy/science-fiction perspective. Similarly, "Star Trek" tackled the possibility of a day where societal development has erased prejudice and mankind holds no bias altogether. The space era series even included TV's first interracial kiss, in which Capt. James Kirk informs Lt. Uhura, a black woman, "Where I come from, size, shape, or colour makes no difference.".
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-This is a little game showing different channels and tv model that was used in the swinging sixties.
Katie McLaughlin. (2014). 5 surprising things that 1960s TV changed. [Online]. CNN. Last Updated: 25 August 2014. Available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/29/showbiz/tv/sixties-five-things-television/index.html [Accessed 13 December 2022].
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2------1 · 2 years
Top 5 digital marketing books for beginners!
Now that you've decided to pursue digital marketing, you're probably thinking that the internet is sufficient for gathering all of the essential knowledge to run a campaign and acquire customers.
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Top 5 Digital Marketing Book recommendations for Beginners 
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This book, written by a social media expert and New York Times top selling author, is a draught of social media marketing strategies that work in today's competitive world.
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hildrynprime · 3 years
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Brian Cox in The Year of the Sex Olympics (1968) by Nigel Kneale
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biscuitsarenice · 7 years
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Talking to a Stranger, 1966
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darriness · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2021 - Day 23 - Company
Author: darriness
Word Count: 625
Summary: Christmas Eve #23
Author's Note: Only one more day! Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Also, the Canadian urge to use 'toque' in this chapter instead of 'beanie' was almost overpowering. I should get bonus points for resisting lol Enjoy!
AO3 Link
“Look, Papa, it’s snowing!”
Kurt smiles at Matty’s exclamation as they exit the theatre. It is, in fact, snowing. It hadn’t been when they’d entered the theatre almost three hours ago, but it is now. It’s the pretty kind of snow that makes everything look magical and with the lights of Broadway sparkling and the hustle and bustle of theatre goers heading home, it’s truly a sight to see.
“Good thing we wore our boots.” Kurt comments as he makes sure Matty’s beanie is on correctly.
“How long until Dad is finished?” Lizzy asks, bouncing on her toes a little in an effort to keep warm.
Kurt pulls her to him and is surprised when she doesn’t protest. At twelve, public displays of affection are usually shunned, but he figures she’s cold enough to welcome the extra heat.
“Shouldn’t be long.” He says and he hopes he’s right.
This isn’t the first time Blaine’s been in a show that’s had a performance on Christmas Eve, but it is the first since their kids were born. Luckily though, it happened when their kids were old enough to attend the show. It made for a pretty memorable Christmas Eve, in Kurt’s opinion, especially when the entire company came out for the curtain call in Santa hats and sang ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’ after the final bows.
Kurt usually doesn’t hang around after going to see Blaine perform. Blaine is one to ALWAYS want to do stage door and Kurt just doesn’t have the patience to wait the sometimes hours it can take for that whole process to finish (even waiting in Blaine’s dressing room gets boring). Kurt’s even less likely to wait after a performance if one or both of the kids attend with him. But it’s Christmas Eve and Blaine had assured him that even if there were people at the stage door tonight, he would not be participating.
Kurt looks toward the stage door now and he does see a few people hanging around, but not nearly as many as usual. It appears most people want to get home for Christmas Eve.
He and the kids wait a few minutes, watching as actors come out from the stage door. A couple stop to sign playbills for the few people waiting, but most hustle off with a simple smile and wave at the fans. A few of the actors, who recognize Kurt, wave and wish the waiting Anderson-Hummels a merry Christmas and Kurt and the kids respond in kind.
In the end, it’s no more than ten minutes before the stage door opens and it’s Blaine who walks down the steps. He adjusts his bag on his shoulder and smiles at the fans before his eyes are scanning the street. Kurt knows when he sees them because his smile gets bigger and his eyes light up, noticeable even from a distance.
Kurt watches as Blaine apologizes, ever the gentleman, to the waiting fans, gesturing to where Kurt and the kids are standing. The small group of fans collectively ‘aw’ at whatever Blaine said before his husband chuckles and jogs over to them.
“Hey guys!” He exclaims, catching Matty who jumps into his arms, “My favourite stage door attendees.”
Kurt smirks, pulling Blaine to him and kissing his cheek (still covered in the makeup Blaine didn’t take the time to wash off), “You were amazing.” He says.
Blaine’s face breaks into a pleased smile, even as he shrugs and rolls his eyes at the praise, “Thanks. Happy to be heading home though.”
“Shall we then?” Kurt asks, gesturing down the street.
“We shall.” Blaine says with a happy sigh and the Anderson-Hummels join the hustle and bustle on Broadway, making their way to the subway.
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uzumaki2810 · 2 years
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#then in the theatre she utters the most brain dead piece dialogue ever 'we let you live and you wasted it' like this pretty much proves that
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
The King and I - Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tuca Andrada (Rei), Cláudia Netto (Anna Leonowens), Luciana Bueno (Lady Thiang), Bianca Tadini (Tumptim) The King and I - North Shore Music Theatre - September-October, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kate Fisher (Anna Leonowens), Lorenzo Lamas (King of Siam), Lisa Yuen (Lady Thiang), Manna Nichols (Tuptim), Joshua Dela Cruz (Lun Tha), Ron Wisniski (Sir Edward Ramsey) NOTES: Proshot. Performed in the round, one camera on a tripod and sound patched in from the soundboard. The King and I - West End Revival - November 29, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Anna Leonowens), Ken Watanabe (King of Siam), Ruthie Ann Miles (Lady Thiang), Na-Young Jeon (Tuptim), Dean John-Wilson (Lun Tha), Edward Baker-Duly (Sir Edward Ramsey), Jon Chew (Prince Chulalongkorn), Edward Baker-Duly (Captain Orton), Billy Marlow (Louis Leonowens), Takao Osawa (Kralahome), William Michael Lee (Phra Alack) NOTES: Ruthie uses a walking stick throughout to aid her recovery from a previous car accident and loss of her two children. She gives an amazing performance. King Kong - Broadway - August 10, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy) NOTES: The full show, recorded from the rear orchestra on a phone. Most of the video is the August 10th recording but occasionally some promotional footage and the February 9th video are edited in to provide other views. The recording starts off with a lot of wandering, shakiness, and washout but gets better somewhat better as it goes on. Still not as good as an actual video filmed with a camera, but it exists. 1920x1080p, 4.29 GB. King Kong - Broadway - October, 2018 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Harley Jay (Barman), Rory Donovan (Captain Engelhorn/Chief of Police), Jon Hoche (Voice of Kong) NOTES: Full stage shot with clear audio direct from soundboard. Kinky Boots - Broadway - March 15, 2013 (Preview) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Jonah Halperin (s/b Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola) NOTES: Fun show with a pertinent (but not obtrusive) message, Billy Porter is just amazing. This is somewhat more obstructed than other shows because the person in front was leaning forward and moving a lot, so there's a head in some of the scenes. Some shakiness and wandering in between, particularly at the beginning, but otherwise a good video with nice closeups. Complete show including curtain call. A- Kinky Boots - Broadway - July 17, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Cook (Charlie Price), Stephane Duret (s/b Lola), Carrie St Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Corey Mach (Harry), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús Del Orden (Young Lola) NOTES: Quite a few latecomers that walk in front but nothing too distracting; otherwise very well filmed HD video with clear picture and sound throughout; great video A Kinky Boots - Broadway - May-August, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brendon Urie (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Taylor Louderman (Lauren) NOTES: Starts at Sex is in the Heel Kinky Boots - First National Tour - April 17, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Aaron Walpole (Don), Jim J Bullock (George), Josh Tolle (Harry), Shawna M Hamic (Trish), Horace V Rogers (Simon Sr.), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Zach Adkins (Richard Bailey), Patty Lohr (Pat), Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro (Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson (Young Lola) Kinky Boots - Netherlands Tour - October 27, 2019 FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Jonathan Demoor (Charlie Price), Naidjim Severina (Lola), Vajèn van den Bosch (Lauren), Linda Verstraten (Nicola), Dennis Willekens (Don), Paul Donkers (George), Jeroen Phaff (Mr. Price) Kinky Boots - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - November 4, 2012 (Closing Night) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Andy Kelso (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Tory Ross (Pat) NOTES: Another beautiful HD capture of the last performance in Chicago before Broadway, where it would go on to win the 2013 Tony. This performance has many changes from the other Chicago Dvd of the first performance. Includes the new song written towards the end of the Chicago run and many line changes. Also includes curtain speech by Stark! A+   Kinky Boots - UK Tour - December 26, 2018 (Matinee) (shoeroom's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Joshua St Clair (u/s Charlie Price), Kayi Ushe (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Daniel Conway (u/s Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), George Grayson (u/s Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Mary Fox (Maggie), Shaun Dalton (Hooch), Alfie Parker (Mutt), Portia Harry (Gemma Louise), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), John Dempsey (Referee), Connor Collins (Angel #1), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #2), John Dempsey (Angel #3), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #4), Joshua Lovell (Angel #5), Damon Gould (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - UK Tour - September, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joel Harper-Jackson (Charlie Price), Callum Francis (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Joshua St Clair (Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), Daniel Conway (Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), Connor Collins (Angel #1), John Dempsey (Angel #2), Damon Gould (Angel #3), Joshua Lovell (Angel #4), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #5), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - West End - November 27, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Killian Donnelly (Charlie Price), Matt Henry (Lola), Natalie McQueen (Lauren), Cordelia Farnworth (Nicola), Sean Needham (Don), Antony Reed (George), Jordan Fox (Harry), Anna Stolli (Trish), Robert Grose (Simon Sr.), Graham Kent (Mr. Price), Jonathan Carlton (Richard Bailey), Rosie Glossop (Pat), Emma Odell (Milan Stage Manager), Charlie Underhill (Young Charlie), Temba Mliswa (Young Lola), Jak Allen-Anderson (Angel #1), Jed Berry (Angel #2), Louis Clarke-Clare (Angel #3), Daniel Downing (Angel #4), Jemal Felix (Angel #5), Jon Reynolds (Angel #6), Abbey Addams, Ben Jennings, Ben Larcombe, Christopher Parkinson, David Haydn, Fred Wilcox, Hannah Price, Jude Muir, Kayleb Rene-gray, Keith Higham, Momar Diagne, Olivia Winterflood, Rio Lewis, Robert Jones, Samson Wakayu, Suzie McAdam, Tom Scanlon NOTES: Pro-shot. Filmed live on stage at the Adelphi Theatre (London, England) and distributed commercially. Kiss Me, Kate - British Television Production - April 21, 1964 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Morison (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Howard Keel (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Isabelle Lucas (Hattie), Millicent Martin (Lois Lane / Bianca), Irving Davies (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Eric Barker (Harrison Howell), Danny Green (Gangster / First Man), Bill Owen (Gangster / Second Man) NOTES: This version was rewritten and abbreviated to fit within its 95-minute time slot. A little on the dark side, in black and white with a slight blue tinge, has producer’s counter numbers hard-coded on the screen in the upper third. This version of the show was produced for the launch of a new station in the UK. After months of preparing the launch of the new television station—with it’s brand-new 625 line resolution (until then UK TV’s had a resolution of 405 lines)—the night turned out to be a disaster. 50 minutes before the launch, a fire broke out at a local power station, cutting power to most of London but not the television station. They started the evening’s news show which was to be followed by this broadcast, but it soon became clear that there was no audience, and after a few minutes, the schedule was abandoned. The production was instead shown the next day. The date that’s superimposed on the video is April 20, 1964—the originally scheduled night. It is unclear if this is a fi Kiss Me, Kate - Third Broadway Revival - March, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Will Chase (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Adrienne Walker (Hattie), James T Lane (Paul), Stephanie Styles (Lois Lane / Bianca), Corbin Bleu (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Mel Johnson Jr (Harry Trevor / Baptista), Terence Archie (Harrison Howell), John Pankow (Gangster / First Man), Lance Coadie Williams (Gangster / Second Man) Kruimeltje de musical - The Netherlands - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joes Brauers (Kruimeltje)
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mariocki · 5 years
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Theatre 625: A Slight Ache (BBC, 1967)
"I don't know why you're so excited about it. He's a quiet, harmless old man, going about his business. He's quite harmless."
"I didn't say he wasn't harmless, of course he's harmless! How could he be other than harmless?"
#harold pinter#theatre 625#A slight ache#BBC#classic tv#1967#maurice denham#Hazel Hughes#Gordon Richardson#christopher morahan#A classic Pinter comedy of menace tho its short on comedy and high on menace.#A middle aged married couple alternately discuss their garden eat their breakfast and gently bicker until the presence of a#Matchseller at the garden gate disturbs the husband. Disturb is the right word as Denham's fussy intellectual becomes more#And more obsessed with the silent figure. Cue an interview a breakdown and what might be death. It's quite dense and#Sometimes tough going but held together by the three central performers. Denham was fresh from working with director#Morahan on Theatre 625's slightly earlier and much lauded Talking To A Stranger in which he also plays a paranoid and unsettled older man#But the performances are poles apart. Here his paranoia is seemingly entirely invented and the product of what can only be a sick mind#As he projects all his fears and loathing and confusion onto the silent matchseller. Richardson does a great deal with a mostly static and#Entirely silent part and those moments when he does move or react are powerfully effective. Hughes begins the play#Seemingly dizzy and innocent but becomes gradually more disturbing and sinister: whether the matchseller is the instigator of that change#In her or whether it was always present and like Denham she simply uses him as a canvas on which to display her inner demons is up for#Debate. Interestingly this was originally written and performed for radio which would mean the silent matchseller is a much more#Uncanny figure: the listener presumably making the choice as to whether he exists at all or is simply a figment of their damaged#Imaginations. In producing a visual version the director is forced to choose whether or not to have the matchseller present making for#An entirely different (but no less interesting) experience
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lifelastingcouples · 4 years
Iman and David Bowie
Zara Mohamed Abdulmajid (Iman) was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, on the 25ᵗʰ of July 1955. Her father was a diplomat and a former Somali ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and her mother was a gynecologist. While she was studying at the University of Nairobi, Iman was discovered by American photographer Peter Beard, and she subsequently moved to the United States to begin a modeling career. Her first modeling assignment was for Vogue in 1976. She became a muse for many prominent designers: Halston, Versace, Calvin Klein, Issey Miyake, Donna Karan, Yves Saint-Laurent. She also worked with plenty of notable photographers: Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and Annie Leibovitz. Iman married her first husband Hassan in 1973 and divorced in 1975, and then married American pro basketballer Spencer Haywood in 1977. The union produced a daughter, Zulekha Haywood born in 1978. Iman and Haywood divorced a decade later. After almost two decades of modeling, Iman started her own cosmetics firm in 1994. Iman was approached in 2007 by the CEO of the Home Shopping Network (HSN) to create the clothing design line Global Chic. Today, her Global Chic collection is one of four best-selling items among more than 200 fashion and jewelry brands on HSN, having evolved into a line of affordable accessories.
David Robert Jones was born on the 8ᵗʰ of January 1947 in London. His mother was worked as a waitress at a cinema in Royal Tunbridge Wells and his father worked as a promotions officer for the children's charity Barnardo's. In 1953, Bowie moved with his family to Bromley. Two years later, he started attending Burnt Ash Junior School. His voice was considered "adequate" by the school choir, and he demonstrated above-average abilities in playing the recorder. At the age of nine, his dancing during the newly-introduced music and movement classes was strikingly imaginative: teachers called his interpretations "vividly artistic" and his poise "astonishing" for a child. Bowie formed his first band, the Konrads, in 1962 at the age of 15. Playing guitar-based rock and roll at local youth gatherings and weddings, but frustrated by his bandmates' limited aspirations, Bowie left the Konrads and joined another band, the King Bees. But again Bowie quit the band less than a month later to join the Manish Boys. Bowie met dancer Lindsay Kemp in 1967 and enrolled in his dance class at the London Dance Centre. In January 1968, Kemp choreographed a dance scene for a BBC play, The Pistol Shot, in the Theatre 625 series, and used Bowie with a dancer, Hermione Farthingale; the pair began dating, and moved into a London flat together. Bowie and Farthingale broke up in early 1969 when she went to Norway to take part in a film, Song of Norway. On the 11 ᵗʰ of  July 1969, Bowie's first album "Space Oddity" was released five days ahead of the Apollo 11 launch, and reached the top five in the UK. Bowie's second album followed in November. In April 1969 Bowie met Angela Barnett, they married within a year. They had an open marriage. Angela described their union as a marriage of convenience so that she could get a permit to work. Their son Duncan, was born on the 30 of May 1971. Bowie moved to the US in 1974, initially staying in New York City before settling in Los Angeles. Bowie and Angela divorced on 8 February 1980 in Switzerland.
Iman and Bowie met in 1990 at a dinner party. Iman had recently retired from modeling and her hairdresser introduced her to the British singer-songwriter. For Bowie, it was love at first meeting. “My attraction to her was immediate and all-encompassing”. Her effect on the usually unflappable and smooth Bowie was intense. “I found her intolerably sexy”. It took a further two weeks before Iman was as on board with the relationship as Bowie. “His actions spoke louder [than words]” she said to The Cut in 2011. owie proposed in Paris and they married on the 24ᵗʰ of April 1992.
Iman and Bowie approached their marriage as a relationship to be shared with each other, not a public eager to hear intimate details about the “Space Oddity” singer and Vogue cover star. Aside from rare occasions, the couple kept the press separate from their home life.
They were rarely photographed together, appearing as a couple only in one Vogue magazine shoot and for a Hello! interview in their New York apartment following the birth of their daughter Alexandria in 2000, which Iman described as one of “the happiest times in my life,” and an event that drew the couple closer than ever before.
Quizzed over the whereabouts of her husband while attending a New York Valentine’s Day event solo in 2011, Iman told The Cut that they never celebrated the annual lovefest in public. “We never do Valentine’s dinner, because everybody, they look,” she said. “On Valentine’s, imagine me and David going to a restaurant! Like everybody’s going to say, ‘Did they talk? Did they hold hands?’ Twenty years. We’ve been married 20 years!”
Home life in New York was routine. Iman revealed to Harper’s Bazaar in 2010 that like many couples with a young child, daily life involved early morning school runs and soccer and music classes. “I vowed to myself when I got married that I would cook every night,” she said. “I find it very therapeutic.” Bowie, who retired from touring in 2004, told ET that “first for me is our marriage and second is career. If there was a choice between one or the other, there’s no question.”
So intense was their desire for privacy, the world was left shocked when Bowie died on the 10 ᵗʰ of January 2016, at age 69 from liver cancer. Even his close musical collaborators had no idea the prolific singer had been sick.
Two years later, Iman opened up about her feelings during an interview with Porter magazine. “Sometimes, I don’t want people to know how sad I am. People say to me, ‘Oh, you’re so strong.’ I’m not strong — I am just trying to keep it together”.
When questioned about whether she would consider entering into a new romantic relationship, the model-turned-entrepreneur was firm in her response: “I will never remarry. I mentioned my husband the other day with someone, and they said to me, ‘You mean your late husband?’ I said, no, he is always going to be my husband.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 4 years
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Through the Years → Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (625/∞)
12 November 2019 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge attend Shout's Crisis Volunteer celebration event at Troubadour White City Theatre in London, England. (Photo by Neil Mockford/GC Images)
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richwall101 · 4 years
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Sean Barrett - British Actor - ( 4th May 1940 ) Barrett began his career as a child actor, appearing on BBC children's television and in films such as Bang! You're Dead, A Cry from the Streets, War and Peace, The Genie and Four Sided Triangle. Years later he made many appearances in television and films including ITV Television Playhouse, Z-Cars, The Wednesday Play, Cast a Giant Shadow, Emergency-Ward 10, Chronicle, Armchair Theatre, Hell Boats, Moonstrike, Attack on the Iron Coast, Softly, Softly, The Terrorists, Robin Hood Junior, BBC Play of the Month, The Zoo Robbery, Paul of Tarsus, Tales of the Unexpected, Father Ted, Holby City, Brush Strokes, Minder, Poldark, Noah's Ark and Theatre 625. Voice actor and narrator In the mid-1970s Barrett was cast in the BBC Radio series of George Simenon's Inspector Maigret novels as Maigret's subordinate, Inspector Janvier. He has performed the voices of Asterix and Caius Tiddlius in the English version of The Twelve Tasks of Asterix, Tik-Tok in Return to Oz, a Goblin in Labyrinth, Big Mac and other characters in TUGS, Thadius Vent's soothsayer Goodtooth in Oscar's Orchestra, Melchoir in the English dubbed version of the Lapitch the Little Shoemaker TV series, Roly the Pineapple in the English version of The Fruities and UrSu the Dying Master and UrZah the Ritual-Guardian in The Dark Crystal as well as additional characters in two video games The Feeble Files and Viking: Battle for Asgard. He also provided the voice for Captain Orion in Star Fleet, the English version of the 1980s Japanese puppet series X-Bomber. He also narrated Fair Ground!, Timewatch, People's Century and Dark Towers for BBC, dubbed voices in many anime films such as Roujin Z, Cyber City Oedo 808 and Dominion: Tank Police and has done voices for several audiobooks and radio stations. In 1996, he was the narrator for the Channel 4 documentary series, Black Box. The series primarily concentrated on commercial aviation accidents, and the investigations related to them. Barrett also worked as part of an ADR Loop Group on Aardman's first computer-animated film Flushed Away, a voice director on Lapitch the Little Shoemaker and a dialogue director on The Fruities. He has also narrated episodes of the BBC TV series People's Century and Dancing in the Street, as well as a number of BBC nature documentaries in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Sean Barrett also reads one of the very best Audio Book complete and unabridged recordings of Perfume (the story of a murderer) by Patriick Suskind. His reading of this amazing story is masterful. Originally published by ISIS Audio Books it is now available from Audible.
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