对自己苛刻的人,因为内心压力大,就会不自觉地把这种压力释放出去,转移给周边的人,让别人觉得你这个人很苛刻、难相处。 People who are hard on themselves due to internal emotional pressure will unconsciously release their pressure and spread it to those around them, giving the impression that you are difficult to get along with.  对自己太过苛求完美的人,由于自己的心理压力很大,不仅事情反而做得更糟,而且还障碍了自己心性的提升。 People who are too demanding of perfection in themselves, due to the high psychological pressure they put on themselves, not only perform worse in tasks, but also hinder their own spiritual growth. 所以,心态是很重要的,心态决定一切,不要给自己压力。 Therefore, mentality is very important as it determines everything. Don't put pressure on yourself.
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我们无量劫来的业习,贪嗔痴疑慢都很重,你要面对自己的这个问题。 Over countless lifetimes, our karmic habits, such as greed, hatred, ignorance, doubt, and arrogance are all very heavy. We have to face these issues by ourselves. 不光是五欲,我们也经常会精神崩溃,疯掉。 Not only limited to these five desires, we also often have mental breakdowns and go crazy. 我们都受过苦,忘掉了。 We have all suffered, then forgotten. 不要说等转世了,这辈子很多人都是这样子。 Not to mention waiting for reincarnation, which is the case for many people in this life. 痛苦的时候就“我要修行”,抱佛腿,“佛菩萨救救我吧”,病好了就忘了,又想追逐。   When suffering, "I want to practice", hugging the Buddha's leg, "Buddha, Bodhisattva, please save me." While getting well, forget about it, and want to chase again.
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兵刀劫來了都是因為殺業,我們作為一個修行人,首先要去尊重每個生命。如果一點悲憫心都生不起來,很麻木,那兵刀劫來了,妳想躲過那個劫難就很難了。 Wars all arise from the karma of killing. As practitioners, we should first respect every sentient being. If you are very apathetic without compassion, when wars break out, you can hardly escape.
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我们的业只有以对治力忏悔才能够消业, Our karma can only be purified by repenting with antidotes.
你不针对性地忏悔,这个业是消不掉的。 If you don't specifically repent the karma, it won't disappear.
你做了恶业,你行其他的善:打比方你杀生,你来布施,你没有忏这个杀业,而只是做一些布施的话,这个善业和恶业是不能互相抵消的。 If you've committed some negative karma but do another positive action: for example, if you've committed killing, and instead of specifically repenting the karma of killing, you give alms, then it can't cancel out the negative karma of killing.
如是因、如是果,它们不互相抵消。 A cause brings a result. One cause can't cancel out another cause.
只有针对这个恶业做忏悔,用智慧来对治。 The only way is to specifically repent the negative karma and apply the antidote of wisdom.
用定和慧来对治这个业,业才能消得最快。 Only with concentration and wisdom, can the karma be eliminated most quickly.
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In the Dharma-ending age, beings are extremely poor in patience. The Perfection of Patience is the most crucial practice for spiritual practitioners, because anger is the primary affliction that we need to deal with.
I have taught the Perfection of Patience, and you need to listen to it every day, for hundreds of times. If you can't remain free from anger when faced with challenging circumstances, you can't progress on your spiritual journey.
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要改变嗔恨的习气 Change the habit of anger
我们之所以嗔恨,就是从观别人过失的时候开始的, Anger stems from finding faults in others. 不符合你的意就是过失,或者违犯了你所谓的原则,或者是伤害到了你贪爱的东西。伤害了你什么所谓的自尊、财产、朋友、妻儿,嗔心就大起了,这就是观过失。 When something goes against your will, violates your so-called principles, or harms something you cling to, such as your self-esteem, possessions, friends, or family, you get angry. This is finding faults in others. 所以,如果真要改变嗔恨的习气,就不要观任何众生一丝一毫的过失, So, if you really want to change the habit of anger, stop finding any fault in anyone. 这是修行最重要的一个窍诀。 This is the most important tip in spiritual practice.
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绝大多数人是不敢独处的,独处时他的心会感到空落落的,平时被掩盖和忽略的不安和恐惧在此时就凸显出来了。 Most people are afraid to be alone since at this time the emptiness fills them inside, the unease and fear that are normally masked and ignored come to the fore. 他不知道生命的真相,也不知道最终死后将去往何方,但是他知道自己会死的,哪个不知道? They don’t know the truth of life or where they will eventually go when they die, but they know they will die, who doesn’t know? 再愚笨的人都知道,他的潜意思里面是知道的,虽然知道但是又没办法解决,所以他只有通过贪著眼前的享受、不断地干这干那来填满自己的一切时间,以此消解痛苦。 Any foolish person, in his subconscious mind, knows that he will die one day, and there is no solution to solve it. So, they fill their time by craving immediate pleasures, by keep doing things, to eliminate their suffering. 这是一种最消极的人生,但是无知的人们还觉得自己挺积极。 This is the most negative kind of life whilst people with ignorance think that they are quite positive.
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因果完全取决于你的发心,发心就是最重要的因。所以我们一定要搞清楚自己的发心。 Causality totally depends on our intention, which is the most important cause, so we should be clear about our intention.
没有发菩提心,严格意义上来说都不属于佛道,都还是外道。 Without generating bodhicitta, strictly speaking, you are not even on the Buddhist path, but on a non-Buddhist path.
一切果报都是���在心上的,不在事相上,不能从表面上看因果。 All the karmic results ripen in the mind, not in external appearances. We can't look at causality from the surface.
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业的规律四:未作不遇 The fourth law of karma: You won't reap what you didn't sow. 如是因才感得如是之果。如果没有修集能感苦乐的正因之业,就决不可能感受相应的苦乐果报。 An effect must arise from the corresponding cause. Without creating the cause, it's impossible to experience the corresponding result of suffering or happiness.
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深信因果的人应该只观自己的问题,一切都是自作自受,一切的苦乐都要从自己身上找原因,不去观别人的过失、挑别人的毛病。 Those who deeply believe in causality should only look at their own problems, as everything, whether suffering or happiness, is a result of one's own karma. Don't look at others' faults, and don't nitpick others.
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我们要以仁慈而幽默的心情去对待和处理自己的缺点,这样的话,我们也会用仁慈和幽默的心情去处理其他人的缺点。如果我们对自己都很苛刻,那对别人也会一样苛刻、狭隘。 We should handle our shortcomings with a sense of humor and gentle kindness. And by doing so, we will learn how to handle other’s shortcomings kindly and humorously. If we are harsh to ourselves, we will likely be picky to others and easily being mean.
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我们都知道,身体的力量可以通过健身锻炼增长;其实,我们的心同样可以通过训练而改变。 We all know that we can strengthen our physical body through fitness exercises. Similarly, our mind can be transformed through training. 禅修大师们知道心性是多么有弹性和可塑性。如果我们训练它,会有不可思议的事情发生。 The meditation masters know that the nature of our mind is extensively flexible and malleable. If we train our minds, incredible things will happen.
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人生世上有10恩要牢记: There are ten kinds of gratitude in life that we should keep in mind: 9.救急扶危之恩:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。在危难之中,有人肯出手相救,这恩当终身不忘!滴水之恩,涌泉相报;救命之恩,一生相报。 The Gratitude of Someone Who Helps You Out of Danger and Emergency: A storm may arise from a clear sky, but human fortunes are as unpredictable as the weather. If someone is willing to save us in danger, such kindness will never be forgotten. A drop of water will be returned with a burst of spring [Chinese proverb]. The life-saving grace will be repaid over the course of a lifetime.
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我们人类潜意识里面其实都是很消极的,即使是那些不缺钱、夜夜笙歌、吃喝玩乐的人,看起来像是在享受生活,其实他们的内心深处都是非常不安的。 We human beings are all pessimistic subconsciously, even the rich, who are having the full nightlife and throwing themselves into feasting and other forms of entertainment and appear to be enjoying life, in fact, they are all very uneasy deep inside. 为什么?因为他的深层意识里知道自己必将老去,并且必将一天一天走向死亡,他的内心深处是很无奈、很恐惧的,充满了不安——死了以后,还有灵魂吗?还是一了百了?人死如灯灭?尘归尘、土归土? Why? Because they are aware in their profound consciousness that they are bound to age and die day by day, and they are helpless, fearful, and full of anxiety internally—will there be a soul when they die? Or is it all over? Is it true that a man dies like a lamp goes out? Is it just ashes to ashes, dust to dust?
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欲求长寿,应先除病。欲求除病,当先调心。 A long life necessitates freedom from disease. To reduce disease risks, you need to tame your mind first. 我们的身体只是一个工具,工具出了问题,那肯定是使用它的心出问题了。 Body is an instrument for mind. Disease is the body’s way of telling us that something is wrong with our mind. 所以心态是第一重要的。一个好的心态不是我们说有就有的, So mental attitude matters most. A good mental attitude is a rarity. 是要通过长期不断地学习正法,调整心态;长期串习正法的观念,慢慢地转换、更换掉原来错误的观念,最后才能让自己的心态慢慢地健康起来。 It takes a long-time and continuous learning of the true Dharma to get your mind right. Through long-term practice of true Dharma to help you replace your misconceptions with the right view, thus gaining a healthy mental attitude.
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仁慈和幽默不代表就纵容自己的缺点,我们对自己的缺点和恶念就像对待一只可爱的小狗一样,看到小狗我们心情马上就好起来了,内心那种慈悲心就会生起来。处理自己的缺点也是这样子的,看到缺点,我们的心情要变得宽容、仁慈和幽默起来,再积极地去处理和改正。 Being kind and gentle to ourselves does not mean that we are free to make mistakes and let loose. But at least we should be compassionate to ourselves when we see our shortcomings as if we see a cute little puppy. Our emotions are uplifted and love is generated when we see a cute puppy, and that’s the same sense of playfulness and kindness that we should imply when handling our shortcomings. It starts with forgiveness, love and a sense of humor, then we go on to rectify the problems.
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