#The first two times he was quite a bit more flightly
cxpperhead · 3 months
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Belated munday post but the little one is settling in nicely! He's taken to watching me when he thinks I'm not looking at him, horrible camera quality as the angle is wonky but the tank looks better/is more sizable than it appears from the side!
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Unfortunately I forgot that flash was enabled and he slipped back into his cool hide after. Sorry for startling you, sweetheart. 😔
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lullaebies · 8 months
What is your hcs for rhaegal
I am glad you asked anon - because he's my baby. he's my everything. he's ken to his sisters' barbie but WHAT A KEN HE IS! my beloved. Let's go. Once again noting here to all those who may read this ask these headcanons pertain to my fanfic The Protector of The Realm.
Male!Helaena (Rhaegal) Headcanons ◈ The secondborn child of Viserys and Alicent. He was expected to be a girl by old wives tales. Since their firstborn daughter was named Aerea (F!Aegon II), Rhaegal was supposed to be named Rhaella (to commemorate the twins daughters of Aegon the Uncrowned), but evidently, he came out a boy, and the name changed to Rhaegal.
◈ At first, he was a rather odd child. Sweet, but odd. He took interest in bugs and insects as Helaena does, and ended up being more present in the garden than the gardeners. Has a collection of bugs and scorpions he keeps in his old rooms. He was flightly and liked flowery language from books he read, and generally seemed disinterested in traditionally male hobbies. He was lazy in his swordsmanship training and has always been a softer, chubby cheeked child.
◈ The first time he looked a Targaryen prince is when he easily claimed Dreamfyre, who was the oldest dragon in the pit for a while. Dreamfyre is nothing less than a dear friend for him - it's more relaxing with her than the keep, that's for sure. He does really well with dragons in general - Shrykos and Morghul also like him plenty when they hatch for the twins.
◈ He grew up around women, between his sisters and mother and therefore ended up more sensitive to their plights. Rhaenyra and Aerea get whore shamed? Ew, he really hates it and grows averse to all things related to that. Aemma (F!Aemond) gets called out for acting too wild or gets called nasty names because of her lack of eye? Ew, don't do that to his sister! Daella (F!Daeron) gets scolded for escaping her lessons? "I never saw her leaving. I think she just finished early, Mother."
◈ He is maternal for a man. Jace and Luke were his closest male friends as children and since he was quite a bit older he ended up their babysitter many times, even on the sparring field. Helping to raise them made him realize how comfortable he is with children, and that later translated to him being a very good father for his children.
◈ He gets married to Aerea at age 13 after she gets into a scandal with some servant boy. The marriage is rough on them both but they have their understanding about it. Aerea gives birth to his children two years after, and for him the twins are the most important thing in the world. After their birth he finds newfound appreciation for her that only develops over time.
◈ Although not being as prominent for Viserys as Rhaenyra, as the only son, as well as one of the people who help Viserys most through his illness, Viserys regards him better than his full-blooded sisters. It's one of the reasons he is more aloof rather rather than resentful like his sisters.
◈ Intensely protective of his children. He finds his courage and defiance when it comes to them, and later on it translates to defending his sisters and mother as well. He doesn't fuck around when it comes to his family. Actually -he does not fuck around when it comes to his friends. ◈ He is not religious like his mother at all, but uses the Faith as a guideline for good morales. He is that one kid from a Christian household where his momma has strict values but he's like "as long as you are nice I like you, man."
◈ He tries very, very hard to ignore the pressure of court; he is a pacifist at heart and he does not believe he's any better than his sisters or anything of the like. He is not unware that his grandsire wants him to be more, but he is also terrified of it. But people test him, and when they do - he has to rise up to the challenge. ◈ also adding his faceclaim is Louis Hofmann!
And of course, for more - read The Protector of The Realm. Love my boy - thank you for asking!!
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caqi-cove · 5 years
Getting To Know - F’ismat Ajam
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► Name ➔ The Miqo’tes light green eyes turn to study the questioner, a subtle twitch of her eyebrows preceding her response. “F’ismat Ajam.”
► Are you single ➔ “If you arrre speaking to me purrrely to make a pass, then you arrre wasting efforrrt.” The Miqo’te replies blithely, the tip of her tail beginning to twitch behind her. “If this is rrrelevant to the rrrest of yourrrr questions, then yes. I am.”
► Are you happy ➔ F’ismat does not turn her gaze, though the irritation being channeled through her tail grows. “No, I am not.”
► Are you angry? ➔ “Bitterr, but not angrrry. There is no grrrand injustice that I have any rrrright to be angrrry over.” A slow breath is exhaled as her broad shoulders rise and fall.
► Are your parents still married ➔ “The last time I spoke to my parrrents was a few sennights afterr my fifth nameday. They werrre neverr marrried, a common thing among Seekerrrrs.” F’ismat shifts her feet, her arms folding behind her back as she takes a comforting and familiar at ease stance.
► Birth Place ➔ ”My place of birrrth is irrrrelevant and I do not rrrememberr, orrr carrre.” The Seeker’s tone makes it clear that isn’t hyperbole, she truly doesn’t consider it important. ► Hair Color ➔  Her tail comes to life once again as she replies. “Light brrrown with some blonde. As you can see with yourrr eyes.” ► Eye Color ➔  As the second obvious question is presented, F’ismat’s tail goes from simply twitching to outright flicking behind her erratically. “Grrreen, I have hearrrd it called Pea Grrreen.” ► Birthday ➔ ”Irrrrelevant.” Shes states pointedly. “I do not celebrrrate a nameday, being borrrn is not an achievement. I did prrreviously celebrrrate my firrrst sun as a janissarrry. That was the Fifth sun of the Firrrst Astrrral moon.” ► Mood ➔  ”Disconcerrrrted.” F’ismat squints at her questioner. “I will not elaborrrate on why.” ► Gender ➔ F’ismat’s tail flicks suddenly towards a nearby pillar with an audible ‘whock’! She flinches slightly, her cool and professional air stifled for just a moment. “I am surrrre you have a rrreason for asking, but I believe my figurrre is not so masculine as to make that question necessarrry.” There’s a shift in her body language as she thrusts her chest out. ► Summer or winter ➔  The question disarms the Miqo’te, a ghost of a smile resting on her lips. “Winterrr. Rrradz-at-Han is blessed by Azeyma’s gaze but also high humidity. It can be unbearrrable on some suns. Durrring the winterr it is pleasant, though the evening rrrequirres a blanket.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Rrrise with Azeyma to begin yourrr sun, enjoy the blessed cool of the morrrning. The sight of the worrrld coming to life with you.” She cants her head slightly, the topic seeming to be something she’s fond of.
► Are you in love ➔ “No. I am single, and I do not have significant ties with anyone in Eorrrzea prroperrr. Until I have found my place, I do not intend to change that.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Love at firrrst sight is a rrromantic notion used to help ease trrrousers off prrrrinces, and skirrrts off prrrincesses. You do not forrrm love frrrom something as shallow as a visage. That is lust.” The miqo’te replies sharply, her tail once more springing to life but not swinging as wide as it did before, no need to hit the pillar again.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I did. Ourrr rrrelationship was a dalliance. One that would have stained the honorrr of the Tawfiqids and my position.“ She adjusts her footing again, pride seeming to shine from her.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “A young scion of the Tawfiq family took to me. He showerrred me in gifts and prrraise, but I turrrned down his advances when he apprroached me in prrrivate. His prride was stung if nothing else.” She shakes her head, the sandy brown locks bouncing. “I do not believe I brroke his hearrrt, simply disappointed his loins.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “You must be speaking of parrrrtnerrrships. I have no opinion, it has neverrr been rrrelevant.” She pulls her hand from behind her back, holding her palm up to the questioner to delay their next question. “If you mean any kind of commitment, no. I serrrve my masterr and my peerrrs without rreserrrvation.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ She simply holds her gaze on the questioner, she doesn’t intend to answer this. There’s a strong chance the answer is ‘no’, but she’s tiring of the topic of romance.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ She nods, almost relieved that this is something she can easily reply to. “Yes, I did. I thought it was the prreviously mentioned man hoping to rreinvigorrrate his purrrsuit of me. Then the gifts became morrre thoughtful, focused, and feminine. Eventually my admirrrerr came forrrwarrd.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “The hearrrt is fickle and flightly, you should not fearrr ‘brrreaking’ it. You will lust or want forrr something again beforrre long.” The miqo’te refolds her arms behind her back after rather smoothly side-stepping that question.
► Love or lust ➔ F’ismat lets her gaze rest on the questioner as her brow begins to knit, her displeasure having grown so great she is running out of patience. “Love. Prroperrr love is what forrms when a pairrr come to rrrealize it is not just lust that drrrives them, but a rrrespect and admirrration that runs deeperrr than anything else. It is not drrriven wholly by a need to sate yourrrself.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ She seemed greatly relieved by the sudden shift in questioning. Merciful relief from the far too personal questions about her distinct lack of a love life. “Iced tea is farrr more rrrefrreshing, the bitterrr taste mixes beautifully with a bit of sugarrr orr honey.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Hounds. They are prrractical pets, loyal to their masterr, and naturrral defenderrrs of those they love. We should all aspirrre to earrrn their adorrration.” Her expression sours, nose wrinkling as if a foul odor has passed by. “House Coeurl are fickle, lazy, and cowarrrrdly. They will hide as you arrre slain by anotherrr, then feast on yourrr corrrpse.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ There’s a pause before F’ismat replies, the question actually prompting her to think it over. “I feel you will naturrrally have both. Those who you are trrruly close to will be those you maintain. Acquaintances orrr associates will rrremain. If I must choose, it is the forrrmerr.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ As the topic steers back towards love and sex, she shoots a glare at the questioner. She thought they were past this by now. “One, and then the otherrrr. Both are good, time spent laughing and watching dancing sets firrrre to your soul. An evening in, rrreading, sipping wine, orrr simply enjoying company is like the sun’s rays kissing yourrr skin. Both are needed, both lead to a life well lived.”
► Day or night ➔ “Day. To watch the colourrr shine frrrom the worrld, see people prrroudly stride ratherrrr than skulk in the moonlight.” The Seeker sounds sure of this, it’s certainly a cultural thing.
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I was, yes. I was challenged by my instrrructorrr to show my masterrry of the grrounds. I was to pluck a pomegrrranate frrom the orrrcharrd and not be seen orrr caught.” The Miqo’te shakes her head, eyes closing as nostalgia washes over her. “My firrrst night I failed, I was caught leaving the barracks in one of the laundrrry carrrts. The second they failed to considerrr the rrubbish bin as a path. I took two pomegrrranates and left the second on the bed of the guarrrd who caught me.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Forrr a time I had trrrouble going up and down stairrrs while carrrying my worrrkload. I ended up trrripping with a trrrio of blades in hand, I still have the scarr on my shin frrrom that. I started taking extrrra trips rrrather than rrisk it frrrom then on.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “You seem focused on rrromance.” She notes dryly, her fail wooshing behind her. “Yes, that is a naturrral parrrt of life. Desirrre is what motivates the grrreat and small.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ F’ismat tenses, her shoulders pulling back and her musculature tensing. Of all the things asked, this is what has struck her most direly so far. “Yes, when you feel like you’ve no place orrr purrrpose it would be easierrr to simply vanish.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ Yet again the topic turns back to love and the Miqo’tes irritation flares again. She pulls her hands from behind her back and rests them over her bosom. “Smiles, the many exprrressions someone can make is imprrressive. Those that arrre done intentionally and not. Eyes speak of intention, but they do not shift as much.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Betterrr to be tallerr. Therrre is a naturrral rregality to it, and calming to know that if trrruly necessarrry you arrre a pilarrr that otherrrs can rrrest against.” Flicka-flick goes her tail, her eyes sizing up her questioner. They’re likely not much taller than she is which is quite tall for a Miqo’te woman.
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “What you mean is intelligence or appearrrance. You can be attrrracted to intelligence orr otherrr factorrrs. Shallow as it is, I would prrreferrr a handsome orrr beautiful visage. Intelligence is wonderrrful, to be trrrue, but I would rrrather they be loyal, kind, and attrractive than the brrightest mind in the rrroom.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ She takes a step forward as her arms unfold, her index finger thrusting against the chest of the questioner. “Yourrr ‘sly’ questions about my prrreferrences have worrrn theirrr welcome.” Sadly, it seems you’ll never find out what she thinks about this. Considering how deeply she values loyalty though..
► Do you and your family get along ➔ F’ismat clears her throat as she returns to her previous position, her arms folding behind her back again now that she has vented her displeasure. “I was rrrespected and trrrusted among the Tawfiq. Therrre werrre some who werrre less fond of me than otherrr janissarrries, but that was prrreferrence. I will not hold that against them.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ She clenches her jaw, her tail freezing in the air. “If you arrre implying something, you should carrrefully rrreconsiderr. Some would say my life is, but I do not considerrr it that at all. I was brrrought frrrom poverrty and strrrife to a life of learrrning and stablity.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No. I was sad forrr a shorrrt time, but the kindness of the Tawfiq family and theirrr serrrvants soothed my tearrrs within a sennight.” The anger in her voice begins to ebb away, the tension lessening with every word spoken.  “I felt.. special, carred forrr, and prrrotected.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I was purrrchased shorrrtly afterrr my fifth name-day. I was considerrred superrrfluous, the Bearrr trrribe had a long rrrun of ferrrtile pairrrings.” F’ismat speaks of this like it was the same as someone picking up a sack of oats from market. “That is close enough, though it was a blessing.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ F’ismat shakes her head, her tresses bouncing against her dark skin. “No, if I have a grrrievance I speak to them of it. If it cannot be fixed the we arrre clearrrly not frrriends.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I spoke of this exact thing earrrlierr. Do not rrrepeat yourrself, this begins to smell of excuses to lingerrr nearrr me.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “My Scimitarrr. He has been with me for eight cycles.” Her eyes turn to meet the questioner’s. “Would you like to meet him?”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “You.” She states flatly before stepping forward and planting her hand on the chest of the questioner. “I am leaving, if you follow I will considerrrr it harrrassment and will brrreak yourrr nose. You will rrreceive no otherrr warrrrning.” F’ismat leverages her strength, sending the irritable soul staggering back before she takes her leave, the last glimpse of her being her tail snaking ‘round the corner.
Tagged by: Not a soul, I saw it being posted and decided to partake.
Tagging: @rasha-tahl , @crazy-coeurl-lady , and anyone else who is interested. Do tag me if you were inspired by mine so I can read!
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dahniwitchoflight · 7 years
Zodiac - “Circle of Animals”
Recently I’ve been thinking about zodiac signs because the meaning of Zodiac always bugged me because the signs it represents doesn’t match what it means
Zodiac means “Circle of Animals” representing the animal constellations along the circle of the equator in the sky at night
But in western Astrology, our modern constellations are not all Animals, we have some human figures (Gemini, Virgo) as well as inanimate tools (Aquarius, Libra) as well as some mythological or chimerical creations (Saggitarius, Capricorn)
and I was wondering, if we did assign actual real life animals to those signs, what would they possibly be? and why?
So I went back to the roots of it all, Sumerian and then Babylonian star catalogues to try and find an answer, after all, the modern signs were only based off of these older signs, they have become changed in the process, usually during Greek and Roman times and then later sort of “solidified” in modern times (And then also with a sprinkling of mythological tales common in those star regions to see the association between the animal and the meaning of the modern signs)
and what I discovered was actually very interesting, a lot of the times, the actual direct lines and boundaries between constellations were very often blurred, changed, moved, warped and argued about, so that actually over time, you can find that a lot of different symbols were associated with different constellations at some point in time
but overall, I discovered themes between constellations and their neighbors, the ones they would usually share boundaries, and therefore you could share their symbols with as well
One of the more famous ones of these being Scorpio and Libra, aka back in the day they were of one constellation, called the Scorpion, the region of the sky that we know as Libra today was simply known then as “the Scorpion’s Claws” with Scorpio being the Body and the Stinger
but also the region of the sky nearest Libra was associated with various reptiles, serpens Cauda, the snake’s head and hydra the dragon (i promise this isn’t a homestuck joke astrology post lol)
as well as in certain phases of history we instead see that whole region drawn differently, or connected the stars differently as “the eagle fighting the snake” 
Now, there is a lot of snake symbolism and mythology out there that would actually suggest that Scorpio as a water sign associated with (Esp Male) sexuality and mystery and named for a “sting” would be better served by the Serpent symbol, and Libra, as an Air sign associated with ideals of justice and balance fits in pretty well with the Eagle!  but also both signs being associated with Swords as well is a neat association (Scorpion was seen as an amoured beast, and called the Sword of Heaven, associated with War and Battle, Libra is where we get our Lady Justice figure from, Scales in one hand, Sword in the other, the Eagle is a very modern symbolism of War as well) makes the idea of them being figures “battling” eachother fit in with the imagery of the Snake and the Eagle quite well as well! Not to mention the imagery in the first place comes from the fact that the Eagle and Snake are natural enemies, eagle carries away snake, snake bites eagle
So, for me, I rather much associate Scorpius constellation with a Serpent, and Libra with an Eagle (Could be other Birds of Prey specifically, but Eagle is the one actually named)
as well as Corvus the Raven and Hydra the Snake were next to eachother and near Libra as well, Aquila the eagle is near as well
next, the constellation next to these guys, Virgo!
this one was actually very interesting the turn it took me, but I quite like the animal I ended up with
to begin with, the original constellation here is called “The Furrow” meaning a tilled portion of a farmer field, and was associated with various earthy things like growth, ears of corn specifically as symbols and farming in general
the direction modern symbolism took this in was to associate “The Furrow” with earthy mother goddesses of corn because women invented farming from our earlier hunter-gather days and well, Furrow also basically meaning hole in the ground where things grow out of, hint hint, feminine sexual symbolism we’ll say
but myths also associated the area with Dogs, and their domestication! like the story of Erigone and Maera. the story goes that Erigone’s father was taught the art of making wine out of grapes by Dionysus, her father gave the wine to some travellers, but they, thinking he had been poisoned by him not knowing was intoxication was, killed him and buried him under a tree. Erigone not knowing her father’s status couldn’t find him but, but her close dog companion Maera was able to catch the scent of wine from her father and led her to find his body, where, she ended up killing herself out of grief, hanging herself on the tree and her dog killed itself out of grief for her and jumped in a well to kill itself, Dionysus was enraged by the travellers behaviour ruining the family he intended to bless and raised them all into the stars, Erigone becoming Virgo, Maera Canis and her father as Bootes.
not suprisingly Canis Minor/Canis Major are Dog Constellations that are near Virgo, but perhaps more surprisingly is that Leo, Virgo’s neighbour, in times where Leo is drawn with some of Virgo stars as a different constellation is also called The Dog
so, Virgo is a Dog! But what do Dogs have to do with Women and Farming and Virgos modern associations with being neat and orderly and in control of everything?
Well, think of what dogs were being domesticated for in that time, mostly they were sheep dogs, and much closer to in those days to domesticated repurposed wolves than our modern cute little pet pomerianians (the word for dogs in most cultures pre domestication was everything between “child snatcher” and “corpse eater” and modern dog-based insults are remnants of that)
So you have the images of an Alpha Wolf, Leader of the Pack or even “Mama Wolf” figure, transformed and trained into a loyal partner for the farmer in a delicate dance of submission, turned from dangerous stranger inhabiting our midst to a coperative cohabitor, helping them shepherd their livestock by “acting” as wolves to scare herds into their proper places, like getting all your ducks in a row, training their natural behaviour for a humanly useful and utilitarian purpose, and over time through selective breeding becoming the sort of dogs we are familiar with today
So with that in Mind, I think for the Zodiac’s symbolism purposes Virgo as either Dog or Wolf would be accurate, but Canine in general is the point
a point for wolf though is another older close to virgo sumerian constellation being Wolf also called “Seeder of the Plough”, another association between Wolves domesticated by Farmers
Next we’ll talk about Aquarius, the Water-Bearer and his associations
also an air sign despite the name and the symbol, and in modern times associated with rebellion, eccentricity but also servitude and knowledge, the “water” he pours in most mythologies surrounding the constellation is life and creation, as a god in sumeria he was Ea or Enki, he is the Giver of life and all good things, aka his “water” poured into the earth’s “furrows” was what created all of life and creation (yes, the sexual imagery was intended) but aquarians as air signs are intellectual but flighty never really holding to one thing unless their stubborn and always going against the flow and contrary for the sake of contrariness always talking and in general just flying all over the place and getting into everything
the constellation itself was literally called “the Great One” for Ea the god, but the animal associations are a bit more tenuous here, the areas in the sky he is nearest to, and in some places depictions of Ea himself with wings and birdfeet, all have birdllike qualities, the Square of Pegasus is near, as well as once again, the boundaries between Pisces and Aquarius were different and nearer the Pisces half you have this old constellations called “The Tail of the Swallow” and “The Swallow” or also “The Dove” (through Pisces being associated with a human goddess of doves at one point as well) depicting a small bird with a forked/split feather tail (and were argued about if they were one constellation or two, much like Libra/Scorpio)
So, I can probably say that like Libra, Aquarius is also a Bird, but unlike Libra’s larger more warlike birds of prey, Aquarius’s bird is something much more akin to that gentle Dove or flightly Swallow
a Dove would certainly be the stronger symbol of the two, but Swallow was the one named so *shrug* like Wolf or Dog, the most important thing is Small Prey Bird, rather than Large Predator Bird
then there’s also the fact that the common image of a Dove Carrying the Signs of Life, from Noah’s ark like an olive branch or tree leaf, is a very common strong symbol that connects it directly to Aquarius’s Carrier of the Waters of Life. aka theyre both Life Carriers
Nest Again we have Capricorn, whose usually mythology is that of the Sea-Goat
but since while this one is an animal, its a mythological animal
but surprisingly back in ye old sumerian days, Capricorn was a constellation that represented the symbols of the god Ea, representing his loyal animal servants
and in those days, Capricorn (though obs it wasnt called capricorn) was equally depicted as either the Sea Goats or the Turtle! as those were both his servants
it was just random chance I guess that Sea-Goat ended up being the more popular depiction as time went on
But the Turtle/Tortoise fits surprisingly well with Capricorn’s established imagery as an Earth sign heavily associated with Water imagery, as well as Capricorn’s nature of being hardworking stubborn, slow and steadily climbing the ladder, and much more serious looking and longevital with forward long term plans as the Turtle than as the more playful and silly shortlived Goat
and even though a turtle might be more of a water creature youd think, Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius are all water associated because there in an area of the sky called the Great Sea where a bunch of watery signs all live, and Turtle is still very heavily an Earthy water creature, just like the Swallow or Dove is associated with the myths of the Great Flood, think Noah’s ark where its always some form of small bird that is the first to discover the receding waters and bring hope to humanity
Nest then we have Saggitarius, the Archer, this one is a lot more simple compared to the other ones, its a Horse, obviously
but the reasoning goes much deeper than that, because it turns out, Horse may have been the intended Animal Symbol from the very start!
because back in Sumerian Days, while they had domesticated Dogs, Cattle, Sheep, Oxen etc they hadn’t yet domesticated things like Horse or Camels! so the images of the Centaur, the Man Upon the Horse, was misinterpreted from them seeing other cultures riding upon these apparently wild and undomesticated animals, and mistaking them instead for creatures with a horselike body and human top part
likely they saw foreign warriors or hunters hunting on horseback with the obvious tool, arrows, and misunderstood it as a strange mythological creature associated also with bows and arrows and thusly named it Centaur, and the mythical creature just happen to stick around and be a thing even after later peoples domesticated horses
anyway the orignal sumerian symbol was indeed a Centaur, but not called a centaur, it was called Pabilsag and was actually also associated with various forms of Ea and Enki, but depicting him as half horse was only one variation of him in the saggitarius section of the sky rather than in the Aquarius side, often here he was very chimerical, taking upon various animals parts of various things, dog heads, bird wings, snake tails, horse bodies, scorpion bodies etc and was really more like a hodgepodge of various zodiac animals with Ea on top
but since no other parts of the sky was associated was anything horselike (besides like, Pegasus but only later for greek myth) 
to me it makes sense that Saggitarius’s Real Animal is simply the humble Horse
Finally we have the last non real animal sign left and that is Gemini
Gemini actually has the weakest connection to any real life animal out of all the signs, because Gemini has been pretty solidly The Great Twins since the original sumerian constellations, once they were absorbed into Orion to become “The Giant” but thats pretty much it
Gemini as the Twins were also associated as the two faces/aspects/sides of Nergal, Babylonian god of the underworld, and the Panther is the sacred beast of Nergal, the Babylonian lord of the dead also known as “The (storm)demon with the wide open mouth “ often depicted as a great black panther or a panther griffin beast, think sort of their version of a cerberus creature!
so, we got another big cat in the Zodiac, but, the imagery we can take from a cool dark underworld Panther is very different then the one we get from the great roaring sunny Lion
if we start with Gemini as a Panther, we can use Gemini’s astrological meaning to further shape it
Gemini’s are fast talking, witty, charming, silver tongued, mysterious, surprisingly often hated by people because theyre misunderstood, just have a different overall way of interacting and airy personality and thoughts, but can be overactive and crazy and lovable and cute all at once
and when combine all that with “Black Panther” you get a symbolism image much more in line with how modern people think of House Cats in general, or even Black Cats if you wanna get really specific, it lends itself really well to Gemini;s meaning, and it has its base in something associated with Gemini from the beginning
so the Cat it is!
and with that we have our revised true western “Circle of Animals”
Aries - Ram
Taurus - Bull
Gemini - Cat (or Small Cat)
Cancer - Crab
Leo - Lion (or Big Cat)
Virgo -  Wolf (or Dog/Canine)
Libra - Eagle (or Large Predator Bird)
Scorpio - Serpent (or you can keep Scorpion, but I’ve fallen in love with Serpent Scorpio)
Saggitarius - Horse
Capricorn - Turtle/Tortoise
Aquarius - Swallow/Dove (or Small Prey Bird)
Pisces - Fish
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I’m tempted to just say every single one for Hundoe and Pernat but i’ll just say every one you wanna do for them bc I wanna knowwww (for the derailed questions meme)
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Pernat and Hundoe Mancuu. I dont even remember where those came from,,,
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Pernats title would be The Guardian. Hundoes would be The Virulent
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
They both had fairly good and easy childhoods. Pernat spent the first half learning about Subjuggulation however Dogdad decided that it was unfair on Pernat. Hundoe spent most of his younger years with a certain matesprit ( GUESS WHO ;DD) He was rather heart broken when said matesprit disappeared and decided that he was against the world and the rest is history.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
Pernat adores DogDad and would die for him legit. Hundoe used to have a good relationship with Dogdad however.... they now have an extremely strained relationship.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Pernat knew many many clowns when he was younger due to his local circus, however has not seen any of them in a very long time (thank god. that boy picks up bad habits way to easily). Hundoe was popular. He was charismatic and good hearted. He doesn't have many friends anymore.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Pernat loves animals. Animals love Pernat. Hundoe does not like animals and tends to ignore them, it doesn't help that animals generally dont like him either.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Pernat LOVES kids. ADORES kids. He hopes that He, Tardar and Morris can take on more children in the future.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope! Pernat loves all kinds of food and especially stuff with chocolate. Hundoe eats mostly meat and carbs.
12. What is their favourite food? 
Pernats favourite food is cake thanks too morris. Hundoes favourite food is a good bloody steak.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Pernat dislikes bland foods, he finds nothing to enjoy in it. Hundoe hates anything thats too sweet.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Pernat is TERRIBLE at cooking. He burns stuff, gets stuff stuck to pans, sets things on fire. More than once he's made morris come too his hive because he just cant cook. Morris is happy too. Hundoe on the other hand is a BBQ extraordinaire as much as he would never admit it. His barbecue is to die for.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
��Pernat has a very very large collection of collars. Im talking like over a hundred at this point,,, people keep buying him them!! Hundoe has way more guns than any troll should possess. He likes them.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Pernat takes selfies! He enjoys sending his friends pictures of him making silly faces. Hundoes phone is so broken that it won't even take pictures nor does he want too.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Pernat LOVES adventure novels and romance novels, he has a lot of books and is an avid reader. He loves animal movies and he enjoys documentaries. Hundoe doesn't read. And he doesn't own a TV.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Pernat HATES love triangles. Considering his Matespritship
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Pernat digs a musical and he enjoys theatre! Hundoe is an avid music listener, he likes rock music and country music and a mix of the two.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Pernat is patient unless he's being blatantly ignored, That takes him from one too ten REAL quick. Hundoe doesn't often lose his temper. He knows he can win most fights with brute force.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Pernat mostly just mumbles and bitches about them later to Tardar. Hundoe skips the insulting and goes straight to a pen knife in the gut as a way of saying “fuck off”
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Pernat has pretty bad memory. He writes down a lot of notes but is still prone to air heading on things pretty often. Hundoe doesn't bother trying to remember things. He has a very shut off mind.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Pernat sleeps well but occasionally will struggle to sleep for a few days. He doesn't snore but has been known to occasionally bark in his sleep. Hundoe doesn't sleep well. Living in a zombie infested desert where they are constantly trying to get into his trailer during the day makes for shit sleep.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Pernat isn't quite sure if he's funny or not. But he does feel good about it if he makes someone laugh... even if they're laughing AT him.Hundoe think he is HILARIOUS. He's not.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Pernat is happy 85% of the time. But when he's extremely happy he is flightly, excitable, unable to sit still and generally a bit nutty. Hundoe is at his happiest when he has found someone gullible or easy to control. He feels very proud during those times.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Pernat is saddened when he thinks about Tardars short life span. He hates to think about his privilege as a highblood and how he is judged for that. Hundoe an asshole. Nothing can make him ‘sad’ and he doesn't think about his Ex
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Pernat is afraid of being hurt and not being able to help people. Fear makes pernat quiet and stressed. Hundoe claims he is afraid of nothing and he certainly  acts it but it isn't quite true ;)
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Pernat doesn't think about it much but will help the person avoid it. what do you think Hundoe would do? (hint: exploit them majorly)
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Pernats only exercise comes from Avalanche Rescue. However he is very naturally muscled anyway and his muscle is mostly working muscle due to his job. Hundoe is a gym rat, Most of his spare time is spent working out or ‘visiting’ pernat.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Pernat rarely drinks but has been invited a few times to meet Morris’ subjuggulator ‘friends’ and has managed to get severely drunk. Apparently pernat is pretty good at Keg-Stands. Hundoe drinks regularly and a fair bit. He has a high tolerance and doesn't often get out of it.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Pernat likes comfortable clothes that are bright and warm, He still wears makeup in bad habit. He struggles to break his habits and that is one of the ones he hates the most. Hundoe wears very what you may describe as redneck clothes. as you can tell. He wears fairly skinny jeans and likes to wear vest tops and likes topping it off with a denim jacket.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Pernat wears a good mix but mostly boxers. although he will admit to owning a few ‘’’fancy’’’ pairs. Hundoe wears boxer Y-fronts only. 
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Pernat is built fairly square. He has broad shoulders and a wide chest. Hundoe is very much dorito shaped. Wide shoulder very skinny legs (Pretty great ass though)
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
Pernats guilty pleasure is hanging out with other purple bloods. He doesn't agree with subjugators but he enjoys hanging out with them and enjoys how crazy they can be but promptly takes a step back when they get into violence. Hundoes guilty pleasure is super fancy food places even though he will claim its pointless spending loads of money on food.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Pernat is good at hauling weight and recovering people, He has very good smell but poor eyesight. He enjoys reading and skiing. He CANT sing. Hundoe has a sharp aim and a high (but wasted) charisma. He enjoys shooting things and manipulating people. He can actually sing pretty well. 
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Pernat LOVES reading as mentioned. He is a VERY fast reader. He really loves fiction. Hundoe doesn't read. He thinks reading is stupid and unworthwhile. Tell that to his younger self though.... Somebody used to like writing his own stories (but you didn't hear that from me.)
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Pernat admires courage and persistence and hopes to be known as a hero one day. He wishes that he could be more assertive and be able too say no. Hundoe doesn't admire others. He wishes he was a god.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Pernat prefers to message and enjoys chatting on Trollian. Hundoe can write in calligraphy pretty well but doesn't.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Pernat has been shown the joys of coffee by Morris recently. He very much enjoys it but still sticks to a classic hot chocolate. Hundoe drinks too much Coffee and Energy drinks.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Pernat is gay and poly however in pale he is Bi. He finds men who are very gentlemanly attractive, he likes men to be polite but sweet. Hundoe is also gay however I personally will not allow him too be in a relationship because he would kill them.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Pernat loves the idea of being known as a hero. He goes home at the end of the night hoping that he will be remembered. Hundoes goal is to be on top. On top of everybody. Alternia. The Fleet. The Heiress. Her Imperious Condescension. The Empire. Everything. He wants to be on top of it all.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Pernat is no longer religious despite still wearing the identifying markers. He doesn't believe in The Circus or the Messiah. Hundoe is religious. He believes he will one day be whats known as the Messiah.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
Pernat loves spring. He loves flowers and bird and light showers. He does horribly in anything above 10c he cant function he thinks its way too warm. Hundoe lives in a desert. Autumn is the best for him, its not long below freezing but its not almost literally boiling. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
People see pernat as a mean big muscular subjuggulator. Even if he walks with a kind look lowbloods will go out of there way to not walk near or around him in fear. He hates this and sometimes he almost convinces himself that its true. Its the only think he really really hopes hundoe never finds out about it because hundoe would destroy his life with it (by trying to make him act like that (which is fairly likely to work in because of how hundoes powers work on him)) Hundoe Is seen as terrifying. Looks mean. walks mean. is mean. Hundoe knows this. He likes it and demands respect.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Pernat tries to make the best possible impression because he knows how most trolls think of him before they speak to him. Pernat introduces himself kindly and if he thinks the person needs any sort of assistance he will offer it. Hundoe is rude. uncaring and thinks first impressions dont matter. His first impression is accurate.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Pernat loves dressing fancy! He's not such a fan of black tie events because he likes to be colourful but he still likes to get all dressy. Pernat is a social butterfly and would mingle with everyone. Hundoe on the other hand hates anything formal and would only go to a fancy party to crash it.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Pernat enjoys most parties, he's never organised a party but if he did it would be bomb. Pernat wouldn't have an issue being dragged along he enjoys peoples company. Hundoe only likes the most trashy hive parties with cheap beer. He hates socialising and would be grouchy
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Pernats collar means a lot to him. Its a comfort object in its own right but it also reminds him of morris. Hundoes sawn off shotguns have a strong value to hundoe. He believes they are lucky and he's had them 90% of his life.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Pernat would bring a change of clothes, survival food and as much water as he could take. Hundoe would take his guns, plenty munitions and snacks.
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