#The Scarlet Sinner
gameraboy2 · 15 days
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"The Scarlet Sinner" Expose True Crime, December 1941 Cover by Peter Driben
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xanvasofxords · 1 month
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Jerza arts that live in my brain rentfree and 24/7
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itspurvis · 5 months
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Look at this dingbat, thinking she is being the clever manipulative vizier. (It totally worked)
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ashenmind · 7 months
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Remarkably, context only makes this panel more confusing
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studentofetherium · 1 year
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iiguess · 6 months
OOC. Also! Guess who found a dang good faceclaim for Sam's form when in the Metaverse—-
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xyztrio721 · 1 year
I made a Sandwich in Pokemon Violet that I lovingly call “The Abomination”.
Why? It’s made with Strawberries, Apples, Bananas, Hamburger, Smoked Fillet, Prosciutto, Mustard, Peanut Butter, Chili Sauce, and Whipped Cream.
It looks like this.
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Don’t let me near your picnic tables.
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mintaikcorpse · 1 year
Y'all, Professor Sada & Professor Turo appearing in the anime is going to be the end of me
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wisdomfish · 2 years
Are you a sinner, a great sinner, a sinner of the worst description? It shall all be remembered no more if you only come to Christ: His blood shall cleanse all sin away. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow.
J.C. Ryle
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Τα top 16 badass κορίτσια των manga και anime
Συνήθως στις δυτικές ταινίες,σειρές και βιβλία δράσης,περιπέτεια οι άνδρες είναι οι Αρχηγοί,ανοίγουν τον δρόμο,μάχονται σαν λιοντάρια-οι γυναίκες κάθονται αβοήθητες,ζαρωμένες σε μια γωνία.
Είναι άραγε η σωστή σειρά αξιών;Επειδή στην Ιαπωνία,με αρχαίο Πολιτισμό και ιστορία,ευτυχώς δεν είναι έτσι.Τα manga(κόμικς της Ιαπωνίας),light novels,anime και videogames βρίσκεται το πρότυπο του όμορφου,μαχητικού κοριτσιού.Οτι μάχονται για την αλήθεια,δικαιοσύνη και την προστασία των αθώων από την ηθική και σωματική κακοποίηση.Δικαίως Badass.Και βεβαίως μαχητικά κορίτσια που ανήκουν στην πέρα πλευρά.
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16.Akame ga Kill
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Πως περιγράφεις επαρκώς μια μαχήτρια που παρατά την δολοπλόκα Αυτοκρατορία ,για να συμμετάσχει σε απελευθερωτική οργάνωση; Η παιδούλα Akame πουλήθηκε μαζί με την αδερφή της Kurome στην Αυτοκρατορία σε νεαρή ηλικία,γίνεται ένας από τους Elite Seven δολοφόνους υπό τον Gozuki. Παρά τη σοβαρή της στάση στη μάχη, δείχνει γνήσιο ενδιαφέρον για τους συντρόφους της.Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας αποστολής για την δολοφονία της πρώην στρατηγού Najenda, πείθεται από τον τελευταία να συμμετάσχει στο Night Raid και στην υπόθεση κατά της Αυτοκρατορίας. Αυτό ήταν το καθοριστικό Σημείο.Διότι πυροδοτεί έναν έντονο ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ του συναδέλφου δολοφόνου και της   αδερφής   Kurome, μαζί με την αμοιβαία επιθυμία να είναι ο ένας που θα βάλει τέλος στον άλλον.
Η Ακαμέ είναι επίσης πολύ Ισχυρή,είναι συγκρίσιμη με στρατηγούς στην Αυτοκρατορία. Είναι μια από τις πιο δυνατές της ομάδας Night Raid,κυρίως λόγω της εκπαίδευσής της από  παιδί. Επίσης ικανή στην μάχη σώμα με σώμα,όπως δε απίστευτα γρήγορη να αποφύγει πολλές θανατηφόρες επιθέσεις.Κατέχει το δεινό katana One-Cut Killer: Murasame γνωστός για την επικάλυψη με ένα εξαιρετικά θανατηφόρο δηλητήριο που θα μπορούσε να σκοτώσει όσους κόπηκαν από αυτό μέσα σε δευτερόλεπτα, καθώς το ίδιο το δηλητήριο δεν είχε αντίδοτο.
15.Shiki Ryugi -The Garden of Sinners(Kara no Kyoukai)
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Είναι ένα κορίτσι καταγόμενο από μια οικογένεια που επι αιώνες εξολοθρεύουν Κακοποιούς Δαίμονες. οταν παθαίνει ατύχημα τίθεται σε κόμα επί δύο χρόνια,μα όταν ξύπνησε ενεργοποιείται το Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, μια υπερφυσική ικανότητα που επιτρέπει στον χρήστη να δει την εγγενή θνησιμότητα των πάντων(τόσο ζωντανών όσο και μη) με τη μορφή γραμμών. Ταυτόχρονα εμπεριέχει 3 προσωπικότητες. Στην περίπτωσή της, όμως, αυτό που βλέπει είναι η Καταγωγή αυτού που παρατηρεί. Βοηθά την υπηρεσία Garan no Do(που διευθύνεται από τον φίλο της Mikiya Kokutou και τον μάγο Touko Aozaki)στον χειρισμό παραφυσικών υποθέσεων όταν απαιτείται μάχη.Εχει αποδείξει επίσης ότι είναι Απτόητη,Υπερεπαρκής μαχήτρια,με απίστευτη ευλυγισία και ταχύτητα εκτελώντας παρκούρ από πύργο σε πύργο. Αρχων είτε της ένοπλης μάχης είτε άοπλης!
14.Vladilena Milize-Eighty Six
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Η Vladilena είναι ένα υπέροχο κορίτσι, με ισχυρή διοικητική ικανότητα. Είναι ταπεινή και πάντα φιλική προς τους στρατιώτες της. Έχει μια μοναδική τεχνική ικανότητα να αντιμετωπίζει τις λεγεώνες. Πάντα έπαιρνε πιο σοβαρά τον ρόλο της χειριστριας . Είναι επίσης μια από τις λίγες που σηκώνονται και αγωνίζονται, τροφοδοτούμενη από τα ιδανικά της. Και βρήκε την ευκαιρία,τιμήθηκε να συνεργαστεί με τον Undertaker και την υπόλοιπη Spearhead Squadron,την ελίτ των μαχητών  εκ των 86. Η Λένα φτασς ένα τους εξοικειώσει και να τους συμπεριφερθεί με όσο το δυνατόν σεβασμό, μαθαίνοντας τα ονόματά τους, ακούγοντας τις ιστορίες τους και επικοινωνώντας μαζί τους. Έμαθε ακόμη και από το λάθος ότι αγνοούσε να ρωτούσε τα αληθινά τους ονόματα,έτσι μάζεψε την ισχύν να τους το ζητήσει. Είναι αδάμαστη, αδιάβροχη. Όταν κάποιος της λέει ότι πρέπει να αποσυρθεί, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Όταν κάποιος της λέει να κάνει συμβιβασμούς, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Είναι η πραγματική ενσάρκωση όλων των ιδανικών της San magnolia:Ελευθερία,Ισότητα,Αδελφότητα,Δικαιοσύνη και Ευγένεια.
 13.Erza Scarlet-fairy Tail
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Η Erza Scarlet είχε μια σκληρή παιδική ηλικία, αλλά μόλις έγινε δεκτή στη συντεχνία Fairy Tail, η πραγματική της ισχύς και τα ταλέντα της άνθισαν,τώρα είναι μια πραγματική δύναμη στη μάχη. Καυχιέται για απίστευτη δύναμη,αντοχή, τόσο σε σπαθιά όσο και σε στολές πανοπλίας, για να μην αναφέρουμε με αδάμαστη θέληση και απόλυτη πίστη σε όλους τους φίλους της. Αυτά δεν είναι τα μόνα πράγματα που την κάνουν εξαιρετική. Είναι θηλυκή, ντύνεται με πολύ θηλυκά ρούχα και της αρέσει να δείχνει χαριτωμένη. Ενδιαφέρεται επίσης πολύ για τα γλυκά και της αρέσει να τρώει κέικ φράουλας, της αρέσει να πίνει ποτό. Και η βαλίτσα της είναι γεμάτη φαγητά και υλικά μαγειρικής. Επιπλέον, ένα ζωτικό πρόσωπο είναι ο αγαπημένος της Jellal Fernandes. Ένα αγόρι(από τις ίδιες φυλακές με τους Erja και Natsu),που απαλλάχθηκε από την πλύση εγκεφάλου,έλαβε τη συμβουλή της Erza να συνεχίσει να ζει ότι μέσα από τη ζωή, μπορεί να βρει έναν τρόπο να επανορθώσει για τις προηγούμενες φρικτές πράξεις του (συζήτηση για μια σοφή συμβουλή από την μαχήτρια Erza).
12.Kikyo Inuyasha
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Η Kikyo είναι δυστυχώς η πιο παρεξηγημένη χαρακτήρας σε manga/anime ,που είναι μισητή στα μάτια δυτικών θεατών.
Ηταν μια πανίσχυρη Ιαπωνέζα  ιέρεια,άριστη τοξοβόλος και φύλακας του Κοσμήματος Shikon.Εξολόθρευε κάθε yokai που επιχειρούσε να το κλέψει. Ομως έτσι βρέθηκε πια με τέτοιο αβασταχτο καθήκον να είναι συνεχώς σε επαγρύπνηση,να μην βρεί ποτέ την Αγάπη.Ερωτεύτηκε τον hanyo Inuyasha,του μίλησε ζεστά και του πρότεινε με την χρήση επιθυμίας του Shikon να εξανθρωπιστεί.Οπότε οι δύο θα μπορούσαν να ζήσουν μαζί,να γίνουν οικογένεια. Συμφώνησαν στο σχέδιο. Ομως στην ημέρα της συνάντησης  τραυματίστηκε θανάσιμα,εξαπατήθηκε από τον Naraku, η Kikyō τoν  Inuyasha στο Ιερό Δέντρο με ένα βέλος σφράγισης και θυσίασε τη ζωή της για να εμποδίσει το κόσμημα να γίνει εργαλείο σε χέρια  κακών.
Λίγο αφότου το κόσμημα επέστρεψε στη φεουδαρχική εποχή,η Kikyō αναστήθηκε από την Ogress Urasue. Αφού έμαθε ότι ο Naraku( ο πρώην Onigumo)είναι ο ένοχος και του θανάτου της, αποφάσισε να τον καταστρέψει και να καθαρίσει το Κόσμημα Shikon.
 Στην πορεία έλαμψε ο γνωστός της χαρακτήρας:Λεπτή,κομψή και συμπονετική.Γι’αυτό παρείχε Θεραπεία στον Saint Hakushin,στον Kohaku επίσης.��πίσης θεράπευσε τον Miroku από το θανάσιμο μίασμα του Naraku,επίσης έσωσε την Rin από τα νύχια του αιμοβόρου Suikotsu. Έδωσε επίσης στην Kagome το τέλειο βέλος(από τις στάχτες του σπηλαίου του Onigumo)για να σκοτώσει τον Naraku(στην κατάλληλη ώρα). Θα περνούσε ένα «τέρας» από ιδιοτέλεια μέσα σε τόσες πολλές περιπέτειες ; Ευτυχώς η ιέρεια απέδειξε την Συμπόνοια και Ανιδιοτέλεια της:)
11.Mikasa Ackerman-Attack On Titan
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Η δολοφονία των γονιών της δεν την πτόησε ποτέ. Αναδείχθηκε μια άθραυστη γυναίκα, είναι τόσο ικανώτατη μαχήτρια,μπορεί να σκοτώσει τόσους πολλούς τιτάνες με ευκολία,επίσης είναι τόσο οικεία.Μετά την αποφοίτησή της και των συντρόφων της στο 104ο Σώμα Δόκιμων, ο Κολοσσαίος Τιτάνας εμφανίστηκε στην περιοχή Τροστ και γκρέμισε τον τοίχο. Μια ομάδα Τιτάνων άρχισε να σκοτώνει ανθρώπους και οι νεότεροι νεοσύλλεκτοι στο στρατό έπρεπε να πολεμήσουν για τη ζωή τους προτού καν αποφασίσουν σε ποιο κλάδο θα ενταχθούν.
 Όπως ανέφερε ένας στρατιώτης η Mikasa ισοδυναμεί με 100 στρατιώτες. Η ίδια ήταν ένας από τους πιο εξυπηρετικούς στρατιώτες σε αυτόν τον αγώνα, φροντίζοντας οι πολίτες να φτάσουν στην ασφάλεια και οδηγώντας τους συντρόφους της αφού κάθε ελπίδα φαινόταν χαμένη. Χωρίς τη βοήθειά της, η έκβαση αυτής της μάχης θα ήταν πολύ χειρότερη.
Υπάρχουν πολλά περισσότερα γι'αυτήν: Είναι τόσο πιστή στον Έρεν. Η ειλικρίνεια των συναισθημάτων της είναι ένα σοβαρό καλό χαρακτηριστικό της,είναι ένας από τους πρώτους ανθρώπους που θα πει στα ίσια την γνώμη της(δεν κομπλάρει να τα πεί),δεν θα κάνει πίσω.
10.Yonsa, Balsa – Seirei no Moribito (Moribito – The Guardian of the Spirit)
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H Balsa είναι μια πρόωρη γυναίκα πολεμίστρια μετατράπηκε σε σοβαρή σωματοφύλακα. Αποδέχτηκε την εργασία να προστατεύσει τον νεαρό πρίγκιπα Τσάγκουμ, ένα ευγενικό μέλος της βασιλικής οικογένειας που φέρονταν ότι «κατέχεται από ένα κακό πνεύμα νερού»,έκτοτε στοχοποιήθηκε για δολοφονία από τον ίδιο του τον πατέρα (τον Αυτοκράτορα). Αρνείται να σκοτώσει, γιατί εργάζεται αποφασιστικά για να αναπληρώσει 8 νεκρούς, έναν όρκο να σώσει τον ίδιο αριθμό ζωών που είχε αφαιρέσει ο κηδεμόνας της,Jiguro,για την προστασία της. Έξυπνη, με την ισχυρή αίσθηση ότι ένας ήρωας μπορεί να είναι οποιοσδήποτε σε ένα χώρο δράσης για να βοηθήσει αθώους χωρίς προσωπικό όφελος.
9.Victoria, Seras – Hellsing Ultimate
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Η Σέρας είναι μια γυναίκα  Hellsing με ισχυρή θέληση, και προφανώς ήταν πάντα από την παιδική της ηλικία, κάτι που επιβεβαιώνεται από τις αναδρομές της. Ο Seras θεωρείται συχνά αγοροκόριτσο.Μια πολύ γενναία, ισχυρή και ηρωική νεαρή γυναίκα που συχνά απορρίπτει τις εντολές του κυρίου της που διασταυρώνονται με τις προσωπικές της πεποιθήσεις. Σε μια απέλπιδα προσπάθεια να σώσει τον Alucard, προσπαθεί να εμποδίσει τη ξιφολόγχη του Anderson να χτυπήσει την καρδιά του Alucard, κάτι που θα σκότωνε εντελώς τον Alucard.
 8.Chane la forett- Baccano
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H Chane ήταν ό,τι πιο κοντινό σε πολεμική μηχανή. Ειδικεύεται στα μαχαίρια και είναι μια από τις πιο ικανές μαχητές της σειράς. ‘Αξια ν’αντισταθεί  σε ισχυρούς μαχητές όπως ο Ladd Russo,ο Graham Specter και η Maria Barcelito. Είναι αθλητική και ανάλαφρη στα πόδια της, όπως αποδεικνύεται όταν αγωνίζεται πάνω σε ένα τρένο με ταχύτητα. Οι ίδιες μάχες μαρτυρούν επίσης τη δύναμή της: δεν πτοείται όταν εκτρέπει κατά λάθος μια σφαίρα με τη λεπίδα της, και όταν ο Λαντ την κλωτσάει από το τρένο, είναι σε θέση να ανέβει γρήγορα μόνο με τη δύναμη του βραχίονα.Ακολούθησε τι�� εντολές χωρίς δισταγμό και δεν έδειχνε κανένα συναίσθημα ή αίσθημα προς τους άλλους. Ωστόσο, μετά την εξέλιξη των γεγονότων στο Flying Pussyfoot, υπέστη πολλές αλλαγές. Κάτι που φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα βλέποντας τον φίλο της τζακούζι και τη Νίκαια, αλλά και βλέποντάς την ερωτευμένη με τον Κλερ.
7.Touka Kirishima-Tokyo Ghoul
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Οι νέοι βασικοί χαρακτήρες έχουν συχνά στιγμές ενηλικίωσης, μερικές από τις οποίες είναι πιο τραυματικές από άλλες. Όταν η Ghoul Touka είναι μικρή, ο πατέρας της σκοτώνεται και η οικογένειά της διαλύεται.Γι’αυτό νοιώθει πραγματικό μίσος για τους ανθρώπους, που πιστεύει ότι ευθύνονται για τον θάνατο του πατέρα της.¨Όμως η αποφασιστικότητα και η δύναμή της, καθώς και η σκληρότητά της, πηγάζουν από τον φόβο να χάσει άλλους ανθρώπους που αγαπά,ειδικά τον Kaneki στον οποίο καιρό με τον καιρό ζεσταίνει. Έχοντας αυτή την καθοριστική στιγμή, η Touka είναι μια γερή υποψήφια μαχήτρια. Η ίδια και ο Kaneki έχουν πολύ καλή χημεία μαζί.
6.Saber – Fate/Zero
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Η μεσαιωνική βασιλιάς  της βρετανίας Artoria Pendragon έγινε Servant,ώστε να αποκτούσε το Holy Grail στην διάρκεια των Holy Grail Wars. Δεν ακολουθεί τυφλά τις εντολές, συχνά αμφισβητεί τις βιαστικές και ακραίες αποφάσεις του Kiritsugu Emiya . Επιπλέον, φροντίζει ευθέως να το λέει στον Shirou ότι οι επιλογές που κάνει δεν θα είναι το καλλίτερο για αυτούς,ή όταν πιστεύει ότι θα κινδυνέψει κάνοντας κάτι. Το να είναι ειλικρινείς μαζί του είναι ένας πολύ καλός τρόπος για να τον κρατήσει ασφαλή. Είναι επίσης ένας λαμπρή στρατηγός στη μάχη,αυτό αποκαλύπτεται όταν αναλύει τον Lancer στον πρώτο της αγώνα του Zero. Ενώ ήταν Βασιλιάς ένιωθε προσωπικά υπεύθυνη για τη μοίρα του Βασιλείου της, και μετά την πτώση του ένιωθε ότι ήταν δικό της λάθος, που την οδήγησε στο να γίνει τελικά Servant. 
 5.Amira – Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut:Genesis)
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Η Āmira είναι ένα κορίτσι μισό δαίμονας/μισό άγγελος,φανερώνεται ότι κατέχει το μισό κλειδί των θεών (που μπορεί να απελευθερώσει τον φρικτό δράκο). Σκοντάφτοντας πάνω στους αντίπαλους κυνηγούς επικηρυγμένων Favaro Leone και Kaisar Lidfard, το τρίο σύντομα εμπλακεί σε μια επική σύγκρουση μεταξύ μυθολογικών φυλών. Είναι κορίτσι με εξαιρετική ευγένεια,τόσο με διάνοια όσο και αποφασιστικότητα να σώσει τον κόσμο από τις κακές δυνάμεις. 4.Riza Hawkeye- Full Metal Alchemist
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Η  Riza είναι η προσωπική βοηθός και σωματοφύλακας του συνταγματάρχη Roy Mustang. Μια ειδικός αιχμηρή σκοπευτής και πυροβόλων όπλων,η υπολοχαγός Hawkeye είναι ένα ανεκτίμητο πλεονέκτημα για τον Συνταγματάρχη τόσο στο γραφείο όσο και στο πεδίο της μάχης,λειτουργεί ως η πλησιέστερη και πιο υποστηρικτική υφιστάμενη του.
Ήταν επίσης αυτή που τράβηξε τον Ρόι από την απεχθή επιθυμία του να σφάξει έναν ανίσχυρο Envy . Χωρίς την καλή καρδιά και το επίπεδο κεφάλι της Ρίζα, ο Ρόι σχεδόν σίγουρα θα είχε πέσει σε ένα πολύ σκοτεινό μέρος! Είναι πανούργα(δεν πρέπει να προκαλεί έκπληξη) δεδομένου του πόσο ο Ρόι την εμπιστεύεται και τη σέβεται βαθιά ως Υπολοχαγό του. Και όταν ο Pride παρακολουθεί από τις σκιές,η Hawkeye χρησιμοποίησε έναν κωδικό για να στείλει στον Roy ένα ζωτικό μήνυμα: «SELIM BRADLEY IS HOMUNCULUS». Ο Ρόι κατάλαβε αμέσως. Όταν ήλθε αντιμέτωπη με τον Gluttony,απλά αρχίσε να πυροβολεί ασταμάτητα.Τι μαχητρια!
Oταν η Envy πήρε τη μορφή του Roy,η Hawkeye τον σημάδεψε με το όπλο,ευθύς τον ξεγέλασε λέγοντας πώς ο Roy την αποκαλεί "Riza" αντί "Υπολοχαγό" όταν είναι μόνοι. Αυτός ο ισχυρισμός ήταν ψευδής, αλλά η Hawkeye χρειαζόταν μόνο τον Envy το πιστέψει, έγινε. Η μεταμφίεση έπεσε!Η
3.San – Princess Mononoke
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Η San(Princess Mononoke)είναι ένα κορίτσι που οι δειλοί γονείς το πέταξαν στη θεά-λύκαινα Moro για να γλιτώσουν.Η Moro την μεγάλωσε μαζί με τα παιδιά της,γι’αυτόν τον λόγο η San έμαθε να μισεί τους ανθρώπους και να είναι ένας λύκος μαζί με τα ‘αδέρφια’ της.Μισεί ιδιαιτέρως όσους μένουν στο Iron Town και εκμεταλλεύονται εγωιστικά το δάσος της.Στη μάχη εναντίον των ανθρώπων,έδειξε αδαμάντινη αποφαστικότητα και ηγετική ικανότητα.Η San από αγρίμι ‘μαλακώνει’ απέναντι στον εξόριστο πρίγκηπα,πολεμιστή Ashitaka και τον αποδέχεται, παρ'ότι είναι άνθρωπος. Είναι έξυπνη,παρατηρητική και δυναμική.Δεν χρειάζεται κανέναν για υπερασπιστή,δεν αλλάζει τα πιστεύω της, πολεμάει για να σώσει αυτά που αγαπάει,ακόμη και αν θα πεθάνει.
2.Pandora – Saint Seiya: Lost Canvas
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Η Πανδώρα είναι μια ενδιαφέρουσα κοπέλα ,οξυδερκής,αφοσιωμένη στον αδερφό της Άδη. Τον υποστηρίζει στα σχέδιά του,θα κάνει ό,τι χρειαστεί.Τόσο δραματική προς τα πνέύματα,όσο  και στην σύγκρουση μπορεί να νικήσει χρησιμοποιώντας την τρίαινα. Ικανή να εκτοξεύει ριπές ενέργειας αρκετά ισχυρές για να σπάσει μια Χρυσή Πανοπλία και να δημιουργήσει εκρήξεις του να αποτρέψουν την επίθεση ενός θεού. Αλλά κυρίως, το κύριο όπλο της είναι η άρπα, της οποίας η μουσική είναι ικανή να βασανίσει όποιον άτυχο την ακούει, έχει επίσης ένα δαχτυλίδι που υλοποιεί τα φίδια να κρατούν τους αντιπάλους της. Όταν αναγκάζεται να δραπετεύσει, η ταχύτητά της είναι σχεδόν συγκρίσιμη με αυτή του Λέοντα, τηλεμεταφέρεται με την ταχύτητα του φωτός οπουδήποτε θέλει.
1.Revy – Black Lagoon
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Revy Two Hands. Τόσο ικανή πιστολέρο,μια πολεμική μηχανή,που πυροβολεί και με τα δύο χέρια!Έχει ενδιαφέρουσες, μοναδικές σχέσεις με πολλούς άλλους χαρακτήρες της σειράς.
Έχει ένα τραγικό (και σε σοβαρό βαθμό καλυμμένο με μυστήριο)παρελθόν, το οποίο διαμόρφωσε την σημερινή της προσωπικότητα. Ξεκίνησε στην Αμερική,η αδιαφορία,η φτώχεια και η κακοποίηση ήταν όλα όσα βρήκε.Ηταν Κινέζα Αμερικανίδα που έκλεβε για να ζήσει.Ετσι οδηγήθηκε να γίνει άθεη και να έχει πρόβλημα με την εμπιστοσύνη στους άλλους. Είναι επίσης ένα μυστήριο ποιος της δίδαξε τέτοια ποικιλία στα όπλα και άλλες δεξιότητες. Ο κ. Chang είναι περιστασιακός εργοδότης της,ουδέποτέ ήταν εκπαιδευτής της.
Η ίδια και ο Ροκ είχαν αρχικά μια δύσκολη σχέση. Ωστόσο, κατά τη διάρκεια της σειράς ζεσταίνει η μια προς τον άλλον.ως συνεργάτες και φίλοι, με τον Rock να βοηθά να εξισορροπηθεί η καυτή, παρορμητική και βίαιη προσωπικότητα της Revy. Η Revy τον βοηθά να αποκτήσει την απαραίτητη αποφασιστικότητα για να επιβιώσει στην πόλη που ζουν.Δηλαδή η Revy αποδεικνύεται και tsundere.
ΥΓ:Ολη την έμπνευση για την πλούσια ανάρτηση την οφείλω σε ένα σπάνιο,άξιο και χαρισματικό κορίτσι,την Μαρία Πατίλα.Κορίτσι από την Θεσσαλονίκη.
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evilisk · 2 months
I forgot I didn't post about it on here, but I finally finished this big project. It's all the playable L1 Touhou LostWord characters that were available in 2023.
("L1" basically means "classic non-alternate universe versions of the main cast". No AU versions, they're meant to be the originals.)
This is everyone from Touhou 6 to Touhou 18, including the spinoffs. Most of the print work characters are here too, but some notable absences include Rinnosuke (NPC only), Miyoi (they did "beach AU Miyoi" but classic Miyoi is NPC only), Tokiko (NPC only, treated more like a special enemy than an actual character) and Mizuchi (not in the game at all).
I didn't include Maribel/Mima and Renko/Shinki, mostly because they're treated as alternate universe versions, but also because I don't have both units.
I recommend using the timestamps in the description (blame YouTube for not turning my timestamps into proper chapters)
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jyoongim · 3 months
I have a request that has been sparked to life by that demon form!alastor fic you posted (thanks to you and anon who requested btw, i've now unlocked the monster fcker kink i never knew i would ever have but that's beside the point)
Anyway the request is simply: Alastor hate fcking reader 😇
{I had no idea what to really do with this so I’m sorry if its not up to expectation}
Morningstar!Reader x Alastor
Themes: 18+ SMUT SMUT SMUT!!! hate fucking, humiliation, pet play, power play, face fucking, horn grabbing, tail pulling, creampie, biting/marking/claiming, I’m probably missing something but just know its NASTY 
Alastor hated you.
The moment you came to visit Charlie and told her you would help, he hated you.
He hated how you carried yourself with such grace and dignity.
Hated how you remained in control no matter what.
He hated the power you wielded.
He hated you.
At least that’s what he likes to tell himself.
He let out a deep growl as your cunt fluttered around him; coating him in creamy slick.
You let out a soft whine as he lifted one of your legs to rest on his shoulder, causing your cunt to take him deeper at the new angle
He hated how pretty you looked under him, face flushed and eyes scarlet.
If this is what heaven looked like, he would claim redemption right now.
“All that talk about redemption and look at you” he sneered with a harsh thrust “Cummin’ on a demon’s cock like a common whore” another thrust as he leaned his face down to yours, long tongue licking up your face.
You growled and with some force willed yourself to roll the two of you over with you on top. You moaned as you sunk down on his cock, head thrown back in ecstasy.
Alastor let you seek your pleasure, head tilting as he watched you grind against him.
what a needy little thing you were
You gasped as you were yanked forward roughly, confused, your eyes drift down to see a smirking Alastor. You made an effort to try and lean back, to ease the drag of his cock against your insides, but Alastor had a steel grip on your horns.
He sneered up at you as he pounded up into your soppy heat.
”Always in need to be in control, but dont worry ill fix that”
A clawed finger found your puffy clit, rubbing tight circles into the little nub.
You thrashed your head to get him off but Alastor had a grip and the force of your struggle made you topple over and slip of his cock.
Crashing onto your side, you tried to regain your balance but let out  yelp as a weight crashed onto your back, hauling your hips up, forcing you into an arch.
Clawed hands mended your ass, taking moment to appreciate your form.
A slap to your ass made you jolt.
then another and another.
You whined at the stinging sensation that burned your ass.
A hand grabbed your swishing tail and yanked you back, his dick slapping against your weeping cunt.
”You’re no different from a common sinner” he dipped his tip inside you.
”Nothing but a pretty pet waiting to be ruined”with another yank of your tail, you were impaled on his cock.
He hissed as he bottomed out, wrapping your tail around his wrist as he gave you a few harsh thrusts.
H wanted to ruin you.
To break that heavenly persona you held onto.
Filling you to the hilt, he set a harsh pace.
Reveling in your wanton cries and moans.
”this cunt was made to be ruined” Alastor growled setting a hand on your back to keep you arched as he pounded your poor cunt.
You clawed at the silk sheets beneath you, trying to find an anchor in the midst of him fucking you.
”Ah Ah darling” a hand found your hair and pulled, bending your head back to hear your delicious cries.
”You’re gonna take everything i give you”
”You’ll let all of Hell hear that one of its princesses be treated like a wanton slut”
”That a demon such as myself was the only one who has the right to fuck you into submission”
each humiliating taunt was greeted with a powerful thrust and a sickening squish of your wet heat.
Sharp teeth nipped at your shoulder.
”You’ll cum on my cock and sing your praise of gratitude that it is me that allowed you such a courtesy.” You whimpered as his thrusts felt like they were trying to burrowing into your very soul.
There was a ring of cream forming at the base of his cock.
Alastor chuckled deeply “You like that my dear? You want me to claim this cunt as mine so all of Hell know who bred this cunt?”
You sobbed as your orgasm ripped through you, moaning as he rapidly thrusted into your pussy.
”P-please” you whined through clenched teeth, feeling him hit that sweet spot inside you repeatedly.
”What was that? I couldn’t hear you”
He was using your tail to pull your against his thrusts, never slowing down.
”P-plea-Please cum in me…FUCk! Alastor!”
You gasped as he buried his cock deep inside you and emptied his cum inside your welcoming heat.
You felt a string snap and roared as trickles of your slick dripped down your thighs.
Alastor sunk his teeth in your shoulder and rusted into you as he rode out both of your releases.
Releasing your tail and hair, you shook on the bed in the aftermath of your fucking.
Panting you tried to regain your breathing.
You weakly protested as he flipped you onto your back, scurrying up your body til his cock laid on your lips.
Your eyes widened and you glanced up at him.
Alastor grinned at you
”I’m not done with you pet” he smeared your lips with your combined juices.
“Open those pretty lips” a hand forced your jaws apart and he purred as he sunk into your throat.
Taking your horns, he used them to bob you along his cock.
Your jaws ached, throat burning as he pounded your throat.
You gagged around him, but that didn’t deter him.
The sight of you swallowing his dick sent him over the edge and with a twitch of his dick, you whined as he spilled into your throat.
”that’s it. Take it. Swallow every drop i give you”
some of his cum spilled from your lips and you whined as he stayed buried to the hilt.
Satisfied, Alastor slid out of throat and grabbed your face, sneering
”despite your irritating presence, you will make a fine pet…yes my own personal little Hell slut”  
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lina-lovebug · 3 months
I'd Fight The Devil
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Background: (Y/N) Morningstar with her partner, Alastor, has decided to put some of the Overlords in their place.
Warning: Alastor being Alastor, mentions of pregnancy but no one's pregnant, and Alastor might have a breeding kink
_ _ _
"(Y/N)! What a surpri-!"
"I believe that's Princess (Y/N) Morningstar, Heir to the throne of Hell, and Duchess of Chaos - to you," Alastor loved doing this. He adored how (Y/N) had decided to start using her true power, and to bring respect back to her name.
The family name, to be exact.
Valentino chuckled nervously as (Y/N) scoped out the place, her horns ever presenting and tail flicking with annoyance.
"What a pleasure to be hosting you, Princess. What would be the reason for this visit?" Valentino asked, offering her a drink.
"I'm fine, thank you," She dismissed it, already smelling the poison inside the cocktail.
"I'm here to discuss Angel Dust, and your contract with him."
"If he's too much trouble for the hotel, I'll happily-"
"You're the one causing the trouble," Alastor cut him off.
Valentino sputtered, "me?!"
"You can feign innocence all you wish, Val, but I've heard that you've called my sister a bimbo, along with many other colorful names," (Y/N) slowly stood up, leaning over his desk as the lights started to go out - one by one.
"Charlie is nice. She's always been the kinder of us Morningstars, but apparently this makes you think that you can go and soil our name. My father could have strung every sinner on a hook for eternity, torturing you all second by second as your screams sung into our great halls," no one had been unfortunate enough to see the form of (Y/N) Morningstar, and Val was one of them.
Her height expanded to nine feet tall, her pretty black nails forming into claws and her eyes ablaze with scarlet serpent pupils.
And wings - oh great black wings that could make even Adam rethink his attack.
When he was still alive, of course.
"And you sully his gift by mocking us."
"Look, Vox did it first! Okay?! He said you'd never-!" Val tripped on a tentacle that came from her beloved Alastor, who dropped a TV by his feet.
But not just any TV.
"Oh God," Val gasped, "Vox. . .?"
"I took care of him earlier," Alastor grinned, still reminiscent on his screams.
"I couldn't have my dear (Y/N) sully her hands with his filth. But whatever the Princess wants, she gets."
Oh to see her come into her power was as chilling as death itself.
"You're so romantic, Alastor," (Y/N) smiled.
That's when Valentino spotted it. On the left hand of (Y/N) Morningstar was a ruby wedding ring, the band pure gold.
Alastor finally did it.
He climbed up the latter, but not through power.
Well yes, through power, but he certified that it would always be his.
By marrying Lucifers daughter.
"We're matching, isn't it adorable?" Alastor showed off his own wedding band, ruby's encrusted inside of it.
"Now, where were we?" She grinned, and as an engagement gift, the screams of Vox and Valentino were broadcasted throughout all of Hell.
And they say chivalry is dead.
_ ☆ _
"They're fucking crazy."
"They're made for each other."
On that, Angel Dust and Husker could agree.
The lovely couple had become the center of Hells attention after their engagement was announced, and even though Alastor thought it would be hilarious for Lucifer to find out through the papers, she told him first.
And he cried.
"Oh my baby is all grown up!" Lucifer sobbed loudly, clinging onto her legs, "look at you! You-you used to be this small!" Lucifer grabbed a duck, "and you were so tiny and so cute!"
"Am I invited?" Lucifer squeaked, staring up into her eyes.
"Yes, dad," She smiled, bringing him up to his feet, "but we want to wait a bit before we plan anything."
"You know she used to bite my finger?!" Lucifer grabbed the baby pictures of little (Y/N), "look at how small she was! Oh, and this one is my favorite!"
Alastor truly didn't mind how touchy Lucifer had become with him, but thankfully, Lucifer also knew when to stop.
"Wait, is that why you're getting married?! Did you impregnate my daughter?!" Lucifer gasped, shoving his hand on her stomach.
"Dad! Dad, no! I'm not pregnant!" She quickly cleared up.
"Unfortunately," Alastor muttered to himself. Oh to see her belly swell with his children - his own spawn, it made his cock twitch at the thought.
He was fond of children but his own? Oh he'd spoil his little prince or princess with all the blood sacrifices the world had to offer.
"Yeah but you know what marriage entails, kiddo!" He pointed at them both with finger guns, "first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby-oh my GOD I'll be a grandpa!"
He started crying again.
She sighed, "at least we know our hypothetical child will be taken care of."
Alastor nodded, "I could not have picked a better father-in-law."
At this point, Lucifer was ugly crying.
Alastor looked at his beloved with a soft gaze as she tried calming her father down. To be honest, Alastor never thought he would ever find solace in Hell. He anticipated every day being a fight for his life, always looking over his shoulder and always striving for more power. And as cheesy as it sounded, he saw (Y/N) as his shining light. She brought out his sad heart, and for the first time in his life, he wished his mother was with him.
To see just what a wonderful woman he managed to catch.
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itspurvis · 5 months
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There's been a lot of wondering about what Sakuya's personality is like, lately, and I feel this is an important bit that hasn't often considered.
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jazjelspen · 3 months
scarlet and silver lining
(alastor w/ daughter reader)
(fem reader/notproofread!/apologies for anything ooc still trying to get used to writing fics again lol/possible part 1 after the epilogue)
You never truly got along with your 'father', not even in life until the passing of his mother.. your grandmother.
Technically she wasn't exactly your grandmother, and Alastor wasn't your father.. at least not by blood but by adoption papers. Poor Nana, she just wanted a little grandbaby running around the house before her days started getting counted down.
Alastor knowing that he didn't want to go through the trouble of finding a wife nor did he want to deal with the issues that came with that let alone the process to conceive a kid, with a heart full yet a hesitant hand he then signed your papers.. adopted you for the kind old woman at the age of six.
Orphaned by your parents sudden passing, you never truly found out why or how they died. Only thing you knew was that it was sudden, unprovoked, unasked for. They were healthy yet from what you could hear from the cops that took you from your empty home was that there was blood, lots of it.
With no family to take care of poor little you, you got thrown in an orphanage and stayed there hoping to be rescued and loved someday.
Till one day a man with a large smile and clean-cut clothes walked in with a gentle old lady, both talking to one of the adults in charge of the place. Eventually while touring the building they managed to find you hidden in a corner reading a picture book, reading about a baby deer finding his way in the world without his mother, this intrigued the lady and she started to speak to you.
No matter how much the man tried to get the lady to start moving to look at more options she was so stuck to you, your innocent and your little voice attempting to use big words entranced her poor heart and in that moment she just knew you had to be her granddaughter. After she said the word, the adult responsible led them to talk more and sign papers and the rest is history.
That was all you were willing to think far into when it came to your past, not wanting to remember what once was before falling into Hell.
You died around the 1940s, you followed in your fathers footsteps and created your own radio show before you died and being the daughter of Alastor in life had it's perks when he was famous in your home of New Orleans.
Although, you kept your secret deep in the ground when it came to your connection to Alastor. No way in hell would anyone know he was your adoptive father, you knew it'd only make you an even bigger target.
Especially to Vox, your boss and the demon that owned your soul.
Also the man that hated your father with his guts, but of course he didn't need to know any of that.
Your contract with him allowed you to be on his show, have a segment of it, get the royalties from it and be under his protection and his roof, in exchange you do any job he asks you to do no matter how hard or long it gets.
God did you hate transitioning from radio to TV, you were never fond of those color video boxes.. they lacked personality and were shallow in the content they produced. but hey, you needed to survive in hell somehow so why not just throw your soul to this TV guy to stay safe from the exterminations and other ruthless sinners.
You died around the time when the Radio Demon was barley getting the word out and showing his true power, the day you recognized his voice and heard his name blasted everywhere was when you knew he was worser than you thought, you didn't think he was this much of a sadist in life.. he must've hid it incredibly well from you then.
And you hated him for that.
Hated him for killing innocents, his sadistic tendencies, his power, his smile, his singing and his lies. His lies that he was your kind ol' dad that would do nothing wrong.
But here you were now in present time being forced to be at the Hazbin Hotel by Vox.
Your hand currently leaning over to knock on the door ready to knock. You'd be warned that Alastor was here, and were warn to be more careful with your words and actions considering how badly Sir Pencious messed up before. This time bringing no technology with you but your head, memory, and a few things to sleep a few nights at this establishment. You were told that you would get more royalties and more perks like even getting your own show to rule over completely if you succeeded in this mission.. and god did you need your own place and studio so that Valentino didn't bother you any longer.
Your lips parted to let out a shaky sigh, a sweat bead running down your forehead down to the side of your face.
'c'mon ____, keep it together will ya?..' your thoughts scolded at you,
Your free hand wiped it away before finally knocking on the door of the hotel, hands shaky and your practiced smile of years
The door opening and being met with the princess of hell, Charlie Morningstar.
You could've sworn you felt the red eyes of a certain radio demon stare at you full force behind the princess's back.
Charlie gasped, seemingly more than ever excited to see someone new.
Your lips parted and started to move, you thoughts racing as you could feel more people stare from behind the royal.
You knew you'd regret doing this mission, Alastor being involved in it should've kept you away..
but if there was a chance to either get a solution to fully get away from the V's or to benefit from them if you did all this right, then so be it.
"Hello.. you must be Charlie right.. My name is ______ and I heard you are redeeming sinners? Your highness, I believe in your cause.. please help me relieve myself of my sins."
Your hands went from holding your luggage to clasping together with a face full of worry and a need to get better. Even you were unsure if you meant what you said, but you just knew that you knew what you had to do no matter what.. you would benefit from this somehow.
"Please, let me redeem yourself in your Hazbin Hotel, Princess Morningstar."
(hello readers!! thank you so much for taking a look at this epilogue of a possible new pic series! I actually made this fanfic almost three years ago on quotev but I want to bring it to life in a different fashion and new writing, so I hope you can stick around till the end of this series!!)
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tilleternitydouspart · 3 months
Little Bunny Overlord Hopping Through His Forest
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In Hell’s social hierarchy, Overlords are above sinners. This is the unspoken rule that has been created since the beginning of hell itself. The elite club run by Carmilla Carmine come together when summoned to discuss and eliminate potential threats to each of the various souls they have all collected.
But a new overlord had been summoned which caused quite a few to turn their heads with confusion…: Y/n L/n The Bunny Overlord.
When heard about the latest member of their elite brand, Many members struggled to contain their laughter….But soon regretted it as a little scarlet red bunny emerged in front of them…..And bared their fangs, Biting off their fingers and ripping the flesh off the others as they hopped right back to their owner.
Only one laugh remained.
Alastor was perhaps the most sadistic of the overlords, Hiding in the shadows to find the most vulnerable souls and crafting the perfect deals to keep a tight hold of them. But who could forget that he held his position by getting rid of his fellow overlords and broadcasting their screams of agony on the radio.
So he was intrigued with this mysterious new overlord who had risen to power in 2 years before he returned. Alastor was pleased as punch when he witnessed the warning that they had brought.
The Bunny Overlord was always listening. 
In the days before the next meeting, Alastor wanted to find out more about the overlord so he sent his shadows to seek out this hidden overlord. Taking a sip of his tea from his radio booth, The shadow returned with an invitation for him, Sinking back behind him as Alastor started to read with a grin on his face.
Dearest Alastor, I am writing to inform you that I request your presence at Bunny Bliss Boutique on 10 Heartbreaker Avenue, Looking forward to your reply! I understand if you are too busy or cannot make it.  Regards Y/n L/n.
Taking a moment to adjust his bowtie, Alastor teleported to the overlord’s location, Smiling as many employees started to move out of his way, Hearing them whisper amongst themselves before going back to work as he made his way towards the front desk.
Alastor: “Hello my dear fellow, I was just in the local neighbourhood when I got this delightful invitation from your employer!, May I enter your charming establishment?”
Secretary: “Please hold on a moment sir”
Taking a moment to look around the building, Alastor noticed various bunnies hopping around, Some were flying, Others were causing objects to float around and one….seemed to be staring at him.
The same one who teared the finger off and hopped off causing the meeting to end early. 
It cautiously approached him, Jumping up onto the desk and sniffing him as Alastor picked the bunny up and held it in his arms as the secretary finished their phone-call.  
Secretary: “Sorry for the hold up sir, Miss Y/n will be waiting for you on the 6th floor in her office”
Alastor smiled, Bowing as he teleported to the 6th floor, Approaching a golden archway as two hellhounds glaring at him before beckoning him to follow. 
As they made their way into the office, Alastor took in the scenery in front of him, A waterfall feature that seemed to endlessly sparkle, A bar station that seemed to rival his own back at the hotel and finally a comfortable living area where several bunnies were watching TV. 
Alastor seemed to realise that it wasn’t a Vox-tech certified television which made him wonder how powerful this overlord was. Realising he was still holding the bunny, Alastor set the bunny down carefully, Watching as the bunny hopped over to a set of pink crystal stairs. 
??: "Miss Y/n?”
Y/n: *Distant* “Yes, What is it?”
??: "The Radio Demon is here to see you” 
Y/n: *Distant* “I’ll be right down!, Tell him to make himself at home!”
The hellhounds left him alone as he wondered over to the living area, Inspecting the Television as some of the bunnies hopped onto him with one landing on his head, Letting out a slight chuckle before noticing several magical trinkets on display.
Y/n: “I see Angelina has taken a shine on you”
Finally he was meeting the bunny overlord, The same overlord who sent one of her own to send a message and….he was speechless Why was he speechless?.
A petite bunny with short blonde hair, Small elegant horns that seemed to endlessly change colours, Her eyes shining with shades of crimson and black staring up at him as she seemed to have a bright smile on her face. 
In that moment as Y/n stood before him in her radiant attire, Draped in a glittered gold and red dress that seemed to defy the boundaries of what fashion could be in Hell, Alastor couldn't deny the aura of playfulness and elegance that surrounded Y/n as Angelina hopped into her arms, Nibbling on her long black lantern sleeves causing her to laugh. 
He was…captivated.
Y/n: “It’s such an honour to finally meet the legendary Radio Demon himself, Your broadcasts are one for the history books”
Alastor: “Well the pleasure is all mine, After all it’s not everyday in hell that I meet such a delightful creature such as yourself”
Taking her hand, He planted a small kiss on her paw, Making her blush as she bowed in front of him, Quickly noticing the remaining bunnies on him.
Y/n: “Girls!, Get off him, Show him some respect, I’m terribly sorry, They always seem to get excited when someone new comes into the office, Shall we continue our conversation upstairs?”
Alastor: "Of course, Lead the way darling”
Heading up the crystal stairs, His eyes seemed to stare at what angel would describe as cute. The dress seemed to cling to her petit figure with a touch of allure in the air, Watching her tail twitch as she gazed back at him.
Y/n: “It’s rude to stare Alastor”
Alastor: “My apologies dear, It seemed my eyes wondered off on their own”
Hearing her laugh sent pleasant shivers down his spine as they headed towards her desk as she held out a chair in front of him, Smiling as he sat down, Playfully chuckling at her as Y/n set down a teacup before sitting down in front of him. 
Y/n: “I’m truly grateful you accepted my invitation so soon Alastor, To be quite frank if I had known you were coming so soon I would have visited Rosie to see what delectables she had to offer”
Alastor: “You know Rosie?, Not many demons have the pleasure of entering Cannibal Town without being swarmed by the hoard of hungry children playing in the streets”
Y/n: “Well, I saved a few of the children from being hurt after their toy wondered into one of my districts and I made sure they got home safe, Well Rosie insisted I stay for a cup of tea and one thing let to another and we became friends” 
Alastor: “Hmm” He took a long sip of his tea as Y/n gazed at her bunnies who had followed her up and started to hop over to her desk.
Y/n: *Sighs* “Look, The reason I asked you here is…um, Is actually for a request”
Placing his cup down on the desk, Alastor smiled, Watching as Y/n gazed down at her lap with his shadow towering over her before being shooed away by Alastor as she finally looked up, Taking a deep breath before…
Y/n: “How did you gain respect?”
The sound of an audience laughing filled the office which included the sound of the Radio Demon himself, Holding himself together as she tried to remain calm but inside felt childish. This was Alastor, The infamous Radio Demon, The man who broadcasted his victims screams of agony for all eternity as a remainder on who they were dealing with.
She had to remain confident in his presence.
Alastor: “Oh, Forgive me my dear but I haven’t had a good laugh like that since the stock market crashed, Oh so many orphans”
Y/n: “..I’ve only been in power for 2 years and only recently have I gotten the ‘overlord’ position and yet… Demons think I’m a joke, A dumb bunny who probably got where I am by ‘sleeping around’ but Alastor..You’re back from being gone for 7 years and yet demons know to respect you!”
Jumping up from her seat with a smile on her face took Alastor for a shock, Her smile..It made something in his dead cold heart beat as she continued to gush about his overlord status before taking a breath, Noticing she was rambling.
Y/n: “What I’m trying to say is…Will you teach me about being an overlord?”
The Radio Demon hummed, Watching her ears twich with anticipation as most of her bunnies surrounded her before noticing the scarlet bunny known as Angelina hopped onto the desk, Sat in front of him and started to widen her eyes, His shadow appearing with a curious expression as Alastor picked up Angelina and walked over to Y/n, Her eyes widening as he bowed to her.
Alastor: “Well my dear, You’ve twisted my arm but being how you’re already the bee’s knees, I’m not quite sure how Hell isn’t fallen for your heavenly charms”
Noticing her blush, Alastor took her paw and lead her towards her balcony, Watching as many demons on the streets below started to gasp and take photos as he picked Y/n up bridal style, Smiling as Y/n could only stare at the large crowd growing down below. 
Y/n: “Umm Alastor?, Forgive me for saying this but…How is this helping me be an overlord?”  
Spinning her around before taking her back in, Alastor set Y/n down aware of her confused expression, Adjusting his bowtie before making a bouquet made of gorgeous white snapdragons appear.
Alastor: “My dear, It is quite simple....and one lesson my darling mother taught me” 
With the help of his shadow, Alastor used his magic to create a small box engraved with a crisscross heart with symbols surrounding it, Grinning up at her.
Alastor: “Always treat your bride with love and respect”
A/n: The ending is horrible I know!! but yeah, I hope you enjoyed this, May make a part 2 in the future!.
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