#TMA the dark
clairebearsparkles · 1 year
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Here’s a piece of Manuela Dominguez and Maxwell Rayner based on a different artwork I saw. (Ref included under the cut)
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Original painting by Aruntzazu Martinez
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mag-madness · 7 months
When I was scared of the dark as a child, my dad comforted me by saying, "There's nothing in the dark, that doesn't already exist when the are lights on."
He explained that I wasn't scared when the lights were on so I didn't have any reason to be scared when they turned off. My bed was still my bed, my cupboard was the same cupboard, etc.
Now as an adult, that line chills me to my bones because I've watched and read too many horror stories. "There's nothing in the dark that wasn't already there in the light," now makes me think of the false sense of security we have just because a light is on, like a child hiding under a blanket.
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ermine-57047 · 1 year
Mundane things that feel like TMA entities
The Buried - When you cover your entire body in blankets but have to poke your head out a few minutes later bc you can't breathe.
The Corruption - Being anxious about opening a tupperware from the back of the fridge, the contents of which have probably been rotting in there for months.
The Dark - When you turn off the lights in a room and walk just a bit faster than normal back into the light.
The Desolation - Burning paper, tossing something into a bonfire just to burn it.
The End - Trying not to think about how the elderly people you know won't be around in a while.
The Extinction - Anxiety about not recycling a singular plastic bottle.
The Eye - Looking at yourself in those little surveillance monitors that show customers in a store what the cameras are seeing.
The Hunt - Playing tag or any other chasing/being chased game.
The Flesh - Picking at your skin, in any way.
The Lonely - Driving at night through the suburbs.
The Slaughter - Killing any sort of bug, stomping on ants just because.
The Spiral - Losing something small, upturning everything around you, only to find the thing in a pocket or a place you don't remember putting it.
The Stranger - Not liking your voice in recordings because it sounds different from how you usually hear it.
The Vast - Looking out the window on an airplane, watching the world fade away beneath the clouds.
The Web - Going through a bureaucratic procedure like renewing a passport or filling out banking paperwork.
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saintbleeding · 9 months
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[ID: Digital drawing of Manuela Dominguez from TMA. She is a fat woman with medium brown skin, dark brown hair in a messy bun, and eyes cloudy and grey from cataracts. She wears comfortable, practical clothing, and is sitting with one knee pulled to her chest. She is reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking and there is a serious, determined expression on her face. Her surroundings are dark and there is a vague, eerie glow reflected in her eyes. End ID.]
she could do unethical science on me. if she wanted. happy women wednesday
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TMA Entities as Colorado Gothic things
The Buried - Do not explore the mines alone. The mountains are hungry, the gold rush gave them a taste for blood and they want more. They have not been fed in years.
The Corruption - Pine Beetles turning once green mountainsides grey with the corpses of the trees they devour.
The Dark - Have you ever been camping in the depths of the Rockies? You'll want to keep a lantern with you.
The Desolation - The summer and fall wildfires and the smoke that wafts over the front range from them, sometimes swallowing the mountains and burning your eyes.
The End - The coffin races in Manitou Springs.
The Extinction - The alleged bunkers under DIA.
The Eye - Have you ever been in a grove of aspen trees?
The Flesh - Greely. Need I say more?
The Hunt - Do not investigate the yowls of the coyotes at night. No matter how human they sound.
The Lonely - The open plains of the east. Don't bother with the few and far-between farmhouses, all you'll find are splinters and mold.
The Slaughter - There's a reason the rocks are such a bright red here.
The Spiral - The Stanley Hotel isn't haunted. Oh boy is it not haunted, but trying to understand what lurks there will simply twist your mind further.
The Stranger - You're not sure if the person who went to the four corners is the same person who came back.
The Vast - Be careful when you visit Rocky Mountain National Park. The sky might just snap you up if you get too close to the edges.
The Web - Ever notice Buell theater's show attendees never notice the strings?
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squircatlies · 6 months
Here's some notes I've compiled for trans people seeking to become fear avatars:
-the flesh- classic, we all know what's going on there, body image issues, additional limbs, twisted bones, general body horror, a lot of toxic masculinity and way too many gym bros in the space. Very popular with trans people in the fandom, because it's relatable but for me it's mid at best. 5/10
-the corruption- you can transition into a cool bug of your choice or a hive and noone could tell you shit about using they/them pronouns, very accepting community, but there's no place for privacy or personal space. 7/10
-the beholding- somehow I doubt the Magnus Institute's insurance policy covers gender affirming care, but maybe you could get someone else to pay for your transition via blackmail or sugarbabying, don't be surprised if your scars open to reveal eyes though, I think body hopping via eyeball exchange is only for Jonah, but maybe you could figure it out. 6/10
-the lonely- not gonna do much for you, unless you wanna transition into mist, also you easily cut off all the bigots from your life and send anyone who tries to mess with you into the fog realm, but it's gonna be really difficult for you to get a solid support network. 4/10
-the dark- go ahead and disappear from your old life if you want to, noone's gonna find you even if they try, you could also dabble in body hopping via black goo, the religious aspect might not be everyone's vibe though. 6/10
-the end- fake your death and live your best life, you could also shed your mortal vessel or perhaps become a skeleton, no notes. 9/10
-the web- if you want to transition into a spider this one's for you, very specific, but better than corruption imo, also web binder/tucktape anyone? 8/10
-the hunt- you might transition into a werewolf, very badass, be careful not to transition into a cop though. 5/10
-the stranger- literally just steal any face you want, frankenstein your perfect skin, it's that easy. 10/10
-the slaughter- there's no place for gender in war, sorry but you're getting ptsd, not hrt. 0/10
-the desolation- you get to sculpt yourself into any shape you want, kinda like the flesh, but without all the baggage, it's gonna hurt like hell, but you'll get used to it, be trans, commit arson. 9/10
-the spiral- your gender is literally unknowable, also you might become a maze-like structure or it may become you, if you ever felt gender envy while looking at a door, this one is for you. 7/10
-the burried- if you ever slept in a binder get in the coffin, I don't make the rules. It does give you a feeling of safety and cool dinosaur fossils, so why hide in the closet when you can hide underground? 3/10
-the vast- not a lot in terms of gender affirming care, unless you get gender envy from like space or something, but you get to fly, live really long and feed your enemies to the sky. 2/10
-the extinction- noone can question your gender if everyone is dead, I guess. But also there's trash everywhere. 1/10
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geabriel · 8 days
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A TMA oc, avatar of the dark..
I haven’t act thought up much of a personality, but he’s very quiet, sneaky and just goes for more a quick scare than anything. Not one for the bigger picture,
lives in an abandoned apartment complex, scaring off urban explorers.
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cloverjester · 1 year
Man, I just realised, what a pethetic excuse of a Fear The Dark is, I can’t even take it seriously, all Fears are terrifying in their own way and then there’s Mr Pitch, it’s just such a fucking loser, like The People’s Church of The Divine Host is fucking pathetic. Okay cool a cult of avatars, but The Cult of The Lightless Flame is right there and actually fucking slays???? They had a fucking messiah and can melt people’s skin just by touching them, tf can those church bitches do? Turn off the light? I can do that do, it’s called turning the light off with a switch, they ain’t special. Their leader is so pathetic too, he’s just Jonah Magnus with extra steps, or he would be if he didn’t just straight up die before even meeting Jon and it wasn’t even fun. Couldn’t you get obliterated by Jon like the others? Like, Jon met so many avatars but the only Dark avatars he met was that woman who didn’t even know her whole cult is dead or arrested and the 12 year old bully, I am not even joking what the hell is this shit. There might have been someone else but they were so unremarkable that I don’t even remember. Oh and don’t even get me started on Jon’s mark of The Dark, all mark’s deeply scar him emotionally and/or physically and this one was just, oh look a big black ball. Oh you looked at it, it’s gone now, what a boomer. And then the avatar who made the ball started running away from one of Jon’s pet cops and then got swallowed by Helen, like she didn’t even try to fight them she just skaddidled away, how pathetic is this. Oh and their ritual? It failed. Nobody even stopped it, it just fucking failed. Oh and their domain in the Eyepocalypse? Full of children. All Fears feed on adult but Mr Pitch is so pathetic it can’t handle that, it needs to go after minors. It’s not even surprising that The Eye is the one Entity whose ritual succeded, if The Dark is the one it has the most antagonistic relationship with.
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seriseriously · 2 months
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I’m just saying she literally created a blackstar, how was I supposed to not relate it to David Bowie???? I love Manuela Dominguez with my whole heart, she is possibly my favorite non-main crew avatar.
it’s also the fact that she grew up with religious parents, and turned away from that, and got roped into a cult. Like the catholic guilt this babe was carrying around was a recipe for disaster.
I gotta draw more Manuela and Datalus art, I adore the storyline so much.
anyways, live laugh love Manuela Dominguez, evil lesbian scientist.
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council--board · 5 months
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The Dark from TMA stimboard
my favourite entity. I got stuck listening to ep 9 for a long time and had to restart the podcast to get going lol
Requested by: no one
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clairebearsparkles · 1 year
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If I am giving Another Believer to Gerrymichael, then Helen and Manuela get Stranger Danger by Hemlocke Springs
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As discussed on @dcartcorner’s stream, wholesome Maxwell enjoying a weird milkshake thingy
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I wonder who the second straw is for hMMMMM
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shadow-the-crow · 1 month
Some thoughts on the Dark because i can:
It's based on not knowing what's there. In a statement, a Dark creature was described as having tentacles, but i actually thing this fear works best with as little physical descriptions as possible. The thing in the dark could be anything. It might be more terrifying than you could ever imagine. In my opinion, describing it just makes it tangible and thus less scary.
I personally think it's most effective when it's not completely dark. Because then, the thing in the shadows can see you, but you can't see it. You know how your eyes can get used to being in the dark, but when you're next to a source of light, you can't see the things in the dark room around you? Being in the dark means getting on its level. When you're in the light, it's superior to you. But yeah, i guess that's just a personal thing.
Being in the dark also means a loss of control. And, tied to the first point, the inability to understand. I could write a whole essay about how light is linked to rational thinking because it means you can fully perceive and understand the world around you - while darkness means ignorance and replacing knowledge with irrational beliefs, religion, fear. Often meaning relying on others who provide explanations, inadvertently giving them power over you and not controlling your own fate anymore. This is why the Dark as an entity being associated with a church is so perfect.
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jarcheyevist · 29 days
creatures of the dark
that pretend to be scary but theyre soft and cuddly and they just need a buddy but everyones hurt them
so in revenge you hurt them back and all the people that used anger to hurt the dark now theyre time is up the darkness consumes them as what theyre afraid of is comforting to you and The Dark just wants to help not hurt
and you can control it
but what if you dont want to anymore
let them fear let them feel that pain make them suffer
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i'm on my 7th listen and i still don't understand why brackish water is associated with the Dark.
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MAG 86 - Tucked In
doodle 86/200; days left 13/200
what a horrifying episode, innit. I kinda regret listening to this one at night....
Also dont mind the weird composition please, idk, i didnt plan this beforehand bc i had no idea what to do for this ep, so i just went with the flow and now its kinda,,,,eh,,just,, it could be better sorry xD
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