outmaww · 1 year
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her girlfriend is safe!!
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kaialone · 8 days
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kalofi · 8 months
this might be weird but i adore the way you draw like. hips and the little paunch and just. yeah.
NOT weird at all i love to give a tummy some roundness its like my treat and it makes me happy u like it too ^_^ peace and love on planet earth forever lets hold hands and frolic through the fields in a never ending state of joy and bliss
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wafflii · 5 months
Got Cyberpunk 2077 from my brother this Christmas and I'm enjoying the heck out of it in my own slow pace, but... honestly I didn't look up the cast because my brain went "hehe Keanu Reeves and pretty colorful clothes go brrr". And that was my first mistake!
I'm a girl very much so into following my favourite voice actors into other games, meaning buying games just cause of them (Titanfall 2 and Fallout 4 for starters)
NOW when I've heard Noshir Dalal not once, but twice in Cyberpunk... I needed a good 10 minutes each time on alt+tab because let me tell y'all, no smoother voice in the industry for me. Especially after coming down from my Red Dead Redemption 2/Red Dead Online high.
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Live cam reaction when hearing Oda ^ Cue the first round of fangirling.
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Then I started doing stuff for Panam, and there he was. Scorpion. Then he opened his mouth and ya girl was done for...
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toyourlovemp3 · 2 months
so sad that non brazilians don't know the joy of eating farofa
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dazais-guardian-angel · 7 months
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Happy birthday once again, Odasaku ❤️❤️❤️🥃 I'm so happy you were born. I'm so happy you were here, even if only for an unbearably short while. The impact you've had on my life can never be overstated; I'm forever grateful I was able to read your story, in Dark Era, and that I can continue to do so, in Bungou Stray Dogs. After all, it is your story... you will always live on in Dazai, and in the lives of everyone you save, saved just by being alive when you were. In many ways, you've saved me, too. I hope we can see you again in the series, one day... somehow, in some way, even if only briefly.
To the stray dogs~ 💖🥂
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coffeeastronaut · 10 months
the shitscript is in fact a a a shitscript but crowley and aziraphale's 6000 years of crowley cheating at checkers every time and aziraphale never wins is seriously so insanely funny. like.
aziraphale is not at all stupid, let alone enough for crowley's literal "whats that outside!!!! [snatches his pieces]" but the fact that he KNOWS hes been cheating this whole time and has been LETTING him is so fucking funny.
not for the reason the script gives (something something its aziraphale's lame moral lesson that even he knows is stupid, but only after an 11 year old points it out to him) but for the reason ive invented in my mind, which is that this is yet another example of their looserman weirdo foreplay
#mi#fuck it. goes in my good omens tag#good omens#i am firm in my belife that they only have a. bad sex but lots of it or b. looney toons sex that gets interuppted by increasingly outlandis#incidents cumulating in like a stick of dynamite from a mining convention thats passing through town accidentally gets swapped with the cig#the cigar that aziraphale was going to use in their noir detective rp that theyve been working up to for 6 years (technically 8 but they#forgot about it for a few years in the middle) and when he goes to sensually smoke it he gets blowed up like columbo and when the smoke#clears all his clothes have spun around backwards like daffy's beak.#both scenarios cause power outages but for different reasons. in the first its bc even the lamest of sex has them like AWOOOOGHAAAA and#convinced theyve reinvented gods greatest gift to mankind and inadvertently fuck with the power grid and in the second its because#crowley tried to feed aziraphale food in bed but butterfingered the fork and as it slipped and tumbled and bounced between his hands like a#master juggler high on too little sleep and too many coworkers who say shit like 'egads!' it miraculously found its way into the wall outle#(the only uncovered outlet in the bookshop; every other outlet has one of those babyproof covers because aziraphale doesnt trust the wiring#to not make random bolts of electricity to come out otherwise; which means they really do do that purely bc he expects it)#and when he impulsively went to pull it out he got electrocuted but on account of him not being human it just felt a bit funny and then#they stood and took turns holding the fork in the outlet and giggling like old ladies do at raunchy operas; completely blowing out the#circuts in the bookshop and every other shop on the same wiring
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asyouwlsh · 1 year
me when cis people try to call me cute/small/petnames/etc.: :///
me when a trans woman tells me she could bench press me: omg haha you must be soooo strong 🥰 I would love to watch you work out
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texasbama · 4 months
Long ass cringy captions are back. “I’m a healer and a weapon”, girl shut the fuck up.
You want a good laugh?
Remember the reel she made (and deleted after the split) about not caring about her content…loving life…showing off her seemingly perfect relationship(jumping on a trampoline = happy marriage i guess)
Now she’s back for a redo-sans husband- but now only talking about how multifaceted she is. Showing all the cool stuff she can do now that she’s single(the same shit as before just by herself now) . She’s a ✨woman✨ as if that was ever in question but alright girl. DO YOU😂😂😂😂
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bioh4zards · 9 months
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HES HEREEEEEEEEEE he holds his plasma cutter with a little magnet <3
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panda-taco · 2 years
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just every cute screenshot from good is yeah! that i could get, pt. 1!
free to use as icons or whatever, no need to credit me
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cuntftmtf · 1 year
Never shave the tummy trail, that's the devil talking!! Happy trails are god's gift to us and they're so so hot and so very gender, especially on like a chubby guy? Unstoppable.
(pls note that I'm a fat trans dude who thinks that this is similar to the "guys with long hair don't cut it that's the devil talking" thing, ofc you're free to do whatever it's your body! But just, everytime someone shaves their stomach an angel cries /lh)
you're honestly so right and i haven't actually shaved it off! i love happy trails/tummy hair on all genders, it is wonderful <3
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loftwingsuarus · 2 years
@turtle-ly An irrational fear of mine is that I'm going to be alone with someone while their circulatory system gives out, then I'm going to be morally obligated to perform CPR on them as an AHA certified basic life support provider, and also mostly because I don't want them to die, which is fine because I fully believe in my capacity to break anywhere between two to four rib bones in case of emergency, but their mouth is just going to be so disgusting that I can't will myself to perform breaths on them, and then they're going to die on my stupid ass because of the same nausea reflex that prevents me from blowing girl dick
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cthoniccripple · 1 year
These bitches right here are peak autistic culture
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hearts-hunger · 2 years
incredibly soul-healing to find a quiet, dim coffee shop in which to while away the hours
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terramythos · 2 years
>gets annoying person in my notes
>they're an avengers blog
Ah that explains it
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