Character, book, and author names under the cut
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Ianthe Tridenarius- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Nico di Angelo- Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
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noahhawthorneauthor · 7 months
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these are some of my favorites ✨🏳️‍🌈📚
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lyssq · 30 days
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ironwingedhawk · 5 months
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badsongpetey · 6 months
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Rune and Brand from KD Edwards' fantastic Tarot Sequence books! Great characters, queer rep, world building, a magic system that actually has costs, and, ofc, loveable doofuses. Deals with mature themes so take care, but an incredible read. Can't wait for more books...
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magicalyaku · 5 months
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Hello and welcome to my 2023 reading wrap up! A big Thank You to everyone who followed my ramblings throughout the year! <3 I will continue through 2024. Maybe I'll learn how to write proper reviews, at least I'll try to remember better what I actually want to say about the stories. In 2022, I read 93 books plus my own. Guess how many it were in 2023? 93 plus my own!! xD That was huge coincidence and I love it. Of these 94 books, 4 are rereads (which won't be included in the "Favourite" sections), 2 are non-fiction, 11 are non-queer. I only DNFed 1 book (which is not pictured) and other than that I only disliked 6 books! (And it's a pretty soft dislike in comparison. I don't hate them nearly enough to want to shit on them again. :'D).
So on the the awards!
Most Read Author: KJ Charles (8 books)
Least Favourite Book: Daresh (Katja Brandis) (the one I could not finish for dear life)
Favourite Character: Brand (The Tarot Sequence) and Will (The Will Darling Adventures) (yes, there's a trend)
Favourite Covers (of books I read, not releases):
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(There were too many. D:)
Highest Emotional Investment (aka The Agony, the suffering, the why you do this to me Award): Dark Heir - The Scottish Boy - In Memoriam
Wildest Story: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Favourite Books:
The Devil's Luck (L.S. Baird)
The Scottish Boy (Alex de Campi)
In Memoriam (Alice Winn)
Just Lizzie (Karen Wilfried)
Dark Heir (C.S. Pacat)
The Will Darling Adventures (KJ Charles)
Gwen & Art are not in Love (Lex Croucher)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
More Books I enjoyed greatly:
Oracle of Senders series (Mere Joyce)
Of Feathers and Thorns (Kit Vincent)
Wren Martin Ruins it all (Amanda deWitt)
Simon Snow series (Rainbow Rowell)
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley (Shaun David Hutchinson)
The Tarot Sequence (K.D. Edwards)
The First and Last Adventure of Kit Sawyer (S.E. Harmon)
Sixteen Souls (Rosie Talbot)
By any Other Name (Erin Cotter)
The High King's Golden Tongue (Megan Derr) and more!!
Most Used Name: I counted names last year and didn't want to do it again this year because I read so much fantasy, so the names were all over. Still, there was one who stood out amongst them all with at least 4 instances, if not more. Probably more.
Congratulations. I have to admit, I've always liked that name. My favourite character of all times and part of my one and only OTP is named Will as well and I kinda hope the last book of their second trilogy never comes because it will probably make me scream and ... ...
Bonus! This year, I counted pages! Because I felt that most books were much shorter than what I read before. So I wanted to know. Turns out, my feeling was wrong. My 93 books had a whole of 33011 pages which results in approximately 350 pages per book. That's pretty normal I dare say.
That's it for 2023! I had a very good year in books. I wanted to read less actually, and failed spectacularly because I had too much fun. And if anyone's wondering how I read so much, I read fast and I just didn't do anything else in my free time. Escapism to the max. I hope, the new year treats you well! I hope, you have fun with the books you read! Let's meet again soon! <3
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thesoftestmess · 5 days
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I loved the tarot sequence books so much, I made an infographic 👀💖
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marmelade-sky-reading · 7 months
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I am rereading the Tarot Sequence right now
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midreky · 1 year
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Everyone, Addam Saint Nicholas! Still figuring out how to draw him but I liked how this sketch came out and this fandom very much needs all the content it can get!! Gosh, I love him 😭💕
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serialadoptersbracket · 2 months
Round 3, Match 8: Roy Mustang vs. Rune Saint John
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Submitted kids:
Roy Mustang: Edward and Alphonse Elric
Rune Saint John: Max Saint John, Quinn Saint Nicholas, Layne Dawncreek, Annawan Dawncreek, Corbitant Dawncreek
Propaganda under the cut!
Roy Mustang:
1. “This pathetic cringefail loser of a man managed to raise and guide two traumatized children into becoming well-adjusted adults. He also gets bonus points because those kids end up saving the world from disaster.
Also he's hot sometimes”
2. “He has two(2) sons!!!!! Weird little traumatized children!!!! He's also soooo dad shaped(a mass murderer)!!!! He such a loser too!! I love him so much I wanna chew on him <3”
3. “ok i'm not into fma buts its a popular source and my oomfs r into it and i hear a lot about them. like top five things i hear about whenever i hear them talk about fma. hashtag war criminal family swag”
Rune Saint John:
“Oh my god, oh lord where do I start. Within the FIRST CHAPTER of the FIRST BOOK he accidentally adopts a teenager in exchange for a magical artifact during a deal with a fae- this teen is Max! He then later adopts Quinn, whos older brother he is dating. Then he adopts the three Dawncreek children after a series of events in the second book that i wont get into due to plot spoilers, but it was ✨traumatic✨ AND the author had confirmed that there will be ANOTHER kid joining his found family in the upcoming 4th book. Rune is the chosen one, there are MANY prophecies about him, to the point that Quinn; who has the ability to see future probabilities, finds it difficult to look at him. He experienced horrific sexual assault, and he just wants to be a decent person and look after these traumatized magic children. Every member of his found family is a chaos gremlin- including Rune. Honestly this book series is so so very near and dear to my heart, and it handles topics like grooming and assault with incredible tact and care and more people should read about Rune and his queer disaster found family.”
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I'm rereading TTS so ✨ memes ✨
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The last meme is sponsored by Max Saint John
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Red- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Carmen- We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Layne Dawncreek- The Hourglass Throne by KD Edwards
Dorian- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
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noahhawthorneauthor · 2 months
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I loved the audiobooks so much, I acquired trophies. 🎧📚🌈
Or vice versa in the case of The Last Sun (and series), and A Strange and Stubborn Endurance. I borrowed A Strange and Stubborn Endurance from the library, loved it, then listened on audiobook and later acquired a hard copy. I bought The Last Sun and series, and later listened to the audiobooks at least five times each.
Yes, really.
There's a method to my madness, I swear. In case you haven't noticed, I'm big on rereading, and relistening. I love to annotate, and I love the emotion that narrators put into the stories I love. It's a hand in hand experience for me. I've recently listened to Silver Under Nightfall and The Scottish Boy, so the next time I experience them will be in pages and pencil.
The second slide are audiobooks that I love, but haven't collected the print editions yet.
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snekjm · 2 months
I can't believe The Tarot Sequence doesn't have a bigger fandom (at least, a bigger fandom presence online). It's SO good.
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ciaranshexthrone · 3 months
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starlightwalker · 10 days
one thing that i've realized while casually rereading the first and second books is that you could make an argument and convince me that brand is into addam as much as you could convince me of the opposite. however there is no force on this planet that could make me not believe that addam is REALLY into brand
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