#TECHNICALLY Jonathan Joestar
schadenfredde · 6 months
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Context under the cut:
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carriewhiteislove · 2 months
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btw this is the funniest panel in all of sdc simply because it implies that dio gets the Joseph Tingle whenever joseph uses/is about to use hermit purple to spy on him and immediately strips and poses menacingly while hiding his face to keep his Suave and Mysterious Aura.
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catboymccartney · 1 year
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happy birthday jojo!
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Thoughts on Autistic/Adhd Joestars and eye contact:
Jonathan- doesn't mind eye contact, but doesn't naturally make eye contact, and then upon being told he wasn't doing it enough as a kid, overcompensated by doing too much for a while. Managed to mostly figure out how much is appropriate and when by adulthood, but it's never quite natural for him.
Jotaro - NOT A FAN. Uses his hat to block line of sight as much as possible. When he does make eye contact, there's always a Meaning to it, typically trying to get something across without words during the heat of battle or if he just doesn't want to talk.
Giorno - alternates wildly between absolutely none, (particularly when he's scared and trying to appear deferential) and a 'creepy' staring-into-your-soul thing. Can mask it pretty well if he tries, but it's always an effort and tends to err on the side of too much.
Josuke - mostly seems normal in this regard, but finds himself subconsciously more comfortable talking in situations where there's an excuse to not be making eye contact - someone's driving, they're walking next to each other, playing video games, watching a movie, etc.
Jolyne- similar boat to Jonathan where it doesn't come naturally to her but she can mask it. Figured it out slightly earlier due to better resources and less vague and unhelpful feedback.
Joseph- never looks at a single object for more than a few seconds unless he's hyperfocused, if the object is an eyeball or not is immeterial.
Y e s s s s s s s s s
I want to eat these headcanons they’re so delicious and make Brain go brrr
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jojosbizzaretitties · 2 years
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earthbovndmisfit · 11 months
Old man Jonathan Joestar still has the fattest tiddies.
And the fattest ass, too! Don't forget about the ass! 🍑
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deusluxuria · 1 year
jonathan: (about to punch dio in the face with his arnold swarsneggegger muscles as hard as he can)
(roundabout starts playing)
dio: no no no no wait wait wait wait WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT-- (grabs at the camera)
(time freezes and the "To Be Continued" arrow shows up)
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illegator · 1 year
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dont look at me,
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I see you got Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on the request list. What about this concept: yandere part 3!Dio with a darling who is a Joestar(perhaps Jotaro's relative of some sort), that came to Egypt with the rest of Stardust Crusaders to kill him. Romantic please!
I made the pairing more platonic because while I love writing romantic Dio... but he is technically part of the Joestar family due to Jonathan in part 3? His intentions are ambiguous but I made the pairing platonic, I'm sorry :(
Not proofread, expect mistakes!
Yandere! DIO with Joestar! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Possessive behavior, Inner conflict, Murder, Manipulation, Sadism, Kidnapping, Human pet mention, Angst, Forced companionship.
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Dio with a Joestar! Darling opens up idea that I adore.
He's dedicated his life to eliminating Jonathan's bloodline.
Since stealing Jonathan's body he can sense his descendents.
So obviously he knows of Joseph, he knows of Jotaro...
He knows of you.
He obviously keeps an eye on the whole group.
You're the older sibling of Jotaro, much more behaved than the younger Kujo... in terms of not getting thrown into jail 24/7.
You have developed a stand like every Joestar after Dio inflicted himself with an arrow.
As a result you join the Crusaders to help save you and Jotaro's mother, Holly.
Dio fully expects to kill you along with the rest.
However, as you go through trial after trial... stand user after stand user... Dio finds himself getting more and more interested.
An obsession with you makes the vampire conflicted.
After all... he's meant to kill you.
He wants to kill Joseph and Jotaro, but why not you?
You obviously want him dead... but he keeps thinking of others plans for you.
The obsession he has for you makes the vampire irritated.
He isn't quite sure why he's so fond of you... this isn't like him.
He may even blame it on Jonathan somehow.
He thinks he doesn't have to kill you... maybe he can just toy with you?
Kill your friends and family in front of you... trap you with him... control you....
Such thoughts are much more appealing to him than outright killing you.
He often sends minions to watch your progress.
He orders them to tell him all about you, learning about you eagerly like some research project.
I personally think the feelings he has towards you are more akin to something familial if you're a Joestar.
He blames it on Jonathan's blood making him go all soft towards you.
For one reason or another Dio wants to keep you while getting rid of the rest.
His intentions no doubt are to make you some sort of servant.
Yet at the same time he can't help but feel a certain fondness that makes him want to care for you.
Care for you?
He's a hypocrite... but he always has been, hasn’t he?
Eventually Dio may cave into his odd obsession.
You don't leave his mind and he can't quite take it anymore.
Eventually he'll kidnap you.
It may be before his big battle, it may be after.
Dio intends to win and isolate you.
Hopefully that's enough to soothe his soft fondness towards you.
When Dio eventually encounters you he makes his intentions clear.
He's going to kill your friends... he's going to kill your grandfather... he's going to kill your brother...
But he won't kill you.
Your loved ones perishing in front of you should be enough of a punishment, yeah?
Dio can't help but feel attached as his eyes land on you.
A Joestar... but one he wants to spare.
You're an enigma to him.
An enigma he plans to keep to himself.
Far as he knows he's succeeded in his goals by killing everyone but you.
You may have a stand but you're not as powerful as him.
Especially when he has the Joestar blood from Joseph and Jotaro in his veins now.
You're completely powerless against him.
He can pull you into his lap and treat you well... you'll be the perfect pet for him to play with.
He wants to be cruel to you... but part of him wants to be comforting.
Unable to push his fondness towards you away... he reluctantly embraces it...
He embraces you.
Even as you squirm... he doesn't let go.
You're his now... all his...
Reluctantly... yet also because he feels he has to... he cares for you as though you were a sibling he never had... or had lost long ago.
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princelylove · 6 months
Hmm I just have this question in my mind. Who do you think is the worst yandere to deal with and who is the easiest to deal with in Joestar blood line? (If can, I'd love to know your ranking on each person)
For me, I think the worst to deal with is Jotaro (he is too strong and smart to fight back) and the easiest is Jonathan (a gentleman, he is so sweet, so easy to manipulate)
~ 🏵️ anon ~
I included Lisa Lisa + Holly because nobody talks about them enough. I love women. Technically Lisa Lisa doesn’t count but shhh. I omitted Johnny because I feel like I should reread sbr… This is subject to change if my interpretation of any of these characters develops, but for now I'm fairly confident in it.
From easiest to worst:
I have to agree with Jonathan for the easiest. He hasn’t discovered free will or the fact that he has the potential to be a lot worse. Look at DIO- besides from the vampirism, that’s all Jonathan. That’s terrifying. A man of that size hunting you down is frightening, but you’re in luck, Jonathan has no plans of mistreating you. He’s very careful to respect your wishes- and mopes when you tell him no. He respects you, he’s not going to go against your wishes and escort you home without you wanting it. (He’ll just follow behind. Very far behind. No one is going to harm his darling on his watch.) He sulks if you flat out reject him, but he’ll leave you alone for a little while. It’s not gentlemanly to pursue someone after they’ve said no! It’s not gentlemanly to beat all of his love’s suitors to almost-death either, but that’s got nothing to do with you. “I just can’t afford to lose you. Won’t you please let me walk you home?”
The worst you’re getting with Josuke is his little random urges to act on his sadism, which is once in a blue moon. You’re fine. You even have the right to go outside and go places without him! He’s like the obsessive boyfriend that blows up your phone when you haven’t texted him in a while. If your phone has a do not disturb mode you’ll be alright. Just send him a selfie and a quick explanation of every little thing in the shot. He tends to cling when you return to him, but is that really so bad? Josuke’s your own personal weighted blanket, and doesn’t jump to conclusions when you miscommunicate. He’ll hear you out, let you explain yourself, take some time to think about it, and give you a little smack on the wrist if you didn’t do anything too bad. That isn’t to say that he won’t properly punish you, it’s just that it takes a lot for him to get there. He’s fair. “You’re going out? Kay, text me.”
Holly is a sweetheart, and by herself, should be much higher on this list.. Her son, however… is the worst. He likely learned his yandere tendencies from her in his youth, when she was still with his father. If you’re going to “parent” him, he’s gonna make sure you’re really fit to be around her in the first place. Holly knows how to read the room, she’s very good at picking up on someone’s true intentions. She’s seemingly very passive, but that isn’t really the case! Holly is very tolerant. She understands the stress, and just wants to help. You can lash out, say things out of stress, maybe even try to run away, but you’ll be back. If you’re not… Well, first you’ll receive a very special “pretty please” message, and second you’ll receive a very pissed off Jotaro, here to drag you by your collar back to where you belong. Holly truly believes that she knows better, and while she doesn’t have the personality to be firm and a bit mean to you to get you back in line, her son does. She doesn’t want to punish you! You’re her everything, your pain is her pain! You’re never in any real danger with Holly. Jotaro coming to get you, though? Fair game. “Oh, sweetheart… please let me put a bandaid on that. I’ll kiss it better!”
As long as you’re complacent, you’ll survive Joseph. Considering the lack of a physical threat, he should be a bit higher, but he’s more overbearing than Holly is, and more willing to trap you himself. Sure, he’ll follow you everywhere and insist on showing you every little thing he’s doing, but he means well. He’s very overbearing, but as long as you consistently show Joseph affection and the attention he’s begging for, you’re allowed to have a relatively normal life. It’s like having a big puppy following you around that thinks he’s a lap dog. He just won’t ever leave you alone. Or let you buy things yourself. Why would he?? He’s right there, let him do it! Not like he’s doing anything with that Joestar money. Joseph’s very touchy, he’ll almost always have his arm around you, or insist on holding hands. He needs you. He goes crazy without you. He can’t sleep, won’t train to his full potential, and barely touches his food if you’re not there. Joseph is obsessed with you, and can’t do anything without having a little hit of you first. Poor guy. “Have you ever thought about moving to new york?”
Jolyne can be an asshole, but she’s a lot better than the rest of this list. She tells it to you how it is- you’re hers, and she wants to be by you all the time. Jolyne’s not the most emotionally expressive, I see her a lot in younger Jotaro, but she is very verbally expressive. She has no mental filter; Nothing’s ever up in the air when it comes to Jolyne. She’s just sort of keeping guard over you most of the time, and is fine with just being around you, for a little while. She’s fine with physically threatening you if you get out of line, her muscles aren’t just for aesthetics. She does it in “subtle” ways- picking you up to move you out of her way, pulling you onto her lap, putting her well-built thigh over you while you’re sleeping together. She tells you to call her “Jojo” and won’t answer to anything else- I think she spent too much time with Gwess. She craves that mushy, disgustingly affectionate talk she used to get from her ex, and fully expects it from you. She’s terribly insecure, and needs the consistent reassurance that you’re into her or she’ll get in your face about it. You don’t like her anymore? What kind of stupid bitch changes their mind in a day? Did she do something? Are you mad?? What’d she do??? “You and me. That’s all you gotta think about.”
Lisa Lisa loves to micromanage. You don’t really need to think with her, do you. All of your needs will be met on her private island- there’s staff, luxurious utilities, and plenty of space for you to “free roam.” You might feel free in the beginning, but once you see people going about their day across the water, it’s clear how trapped you are. Lisa Lisa likes keeping you where she can see you, and if she’s busy with training, you can sit off to the side where it’s safe to watch. If it weren’t for Suzi Q, she’d ask that you bring her drinks every once in a while. Aht. Don’t forget her kiss, either. Lucky for you, Suzi Q is absurdly good at her job, and you won’t need to lift a finger. Just sit there, read your magazine in the sun, or pay attention to Lisa Lisa’s teachings. Not that she’d ever approve of you using hamon. You're meant to be hers, that's it. What's the point of teaching a lap dog how to be a guard dog? Just sit still and be pretty for her, or face the consequences. “Darling, come back inside.”
Jotaro does not know how to be normal. His yandere “habits” weren’t exactly discouraged in his youth, so he sees no issue with behaving this way. An older Jotato might be better to deal with- he’s more calm, more rational. I’d put older Jotaro in the high middle difficulty rather than being on top, since he has a lot more patience and won’t just rush to kidnap you, but young Jotaro? I’ll pray for you. Most of the people down this low on the list are intelligent, thorough, and aggressive. Jotaro meets all three of those categories. He just wants to protect you. Don’t be stupid and push him away. Controlling and way too overprotective, Jotaro sleeps well at night knowing that you’re exactly where you need to be- locked up where no one else can find you, and in his arms. He doesn’t really think much of physical affection- his mother normalized it so much that he truly doesn’t see anything wrong with always touching you. He’s just making sure your heart’s still beating, your lungs are still working, your stomach isn’t growling… Jotaro knows you need the sun, but to be honest, the most you’re getting is the courtyard, or an open window. He just can’t risk it. Maybe he can be convinced to give you some vitamins for what you’re lacking, as long as he can read the label and have some time to research where exactly it’s coming from. If you try to run away enough times, he’ll break your legs. He really doesn’t want to, and will hesitate riiiight before he snaps them both, but he will. He’ll nurse you back to health, and work you through physical therapy, so don’t whine. You did this to yourself. “Don’t be such a pain in the ass, I’m helping you.”
Giorno is not too keen on letting his possessions act on their own. That’s what you are, really. All of passione is under his possession, sure, the products, the money… the people. He views you as one of his things. That isn’t to say that he doesn’t love you, he very much so does, but there just isn’t room for doubt that Giorno views you as ‘his’ first, and a person second. He knows what he’s doing to you by clipping your wings, it’s a shame things have to be this way in order for him to obtain what he wants. He understands it's wrong to kidnap someone, and to restrain them, but in the end, isn't it for the better? It's like keeping a cat strictly indoors. You may underestimate him since he isn’t as physically built as the rest of his family- even Jolyne has considerably more muscle than him- but that would be unwise. Giorno’s thought of every possibility, and has prepared for it sufficiently- what he has on Jotaro is his ability to adapt, quickly. He's a very quick learner. Giorno can sweet talk his way out of any situation, whether that be through twirling his hair and giving you that doe eyed expression or through a genuine threat. He has both the foundation and passione twirled around his pinky. What makes Giorno so awful is his ability to read you, and the fact that if you ever seriously wrong him, you’ll never see Heaven. Once Giorno loves you, it's him or death- You get no warnings. It’s pointless to hide your true intentions from Giorno. You may think you have choices, but it’s all the same in the end. His expectations are very high, but to avoid disappointment, he’ll likely pick someone that already meets some of his requirements- Why would he go through the effort of fixing someone to his liking when he can find someone that’s perfect for him, and will stay perfect? Giorno is as alluring as can be, and once you’re finally within his grasp, there is no way out. “I expected more from you.”
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couldtheycatchkira · 1 month
Meta question: when the name says one thing, but the picture is of a different character (or different iteration of that character), which are we supposed to go by, for voting?
((Okay, more often than not, that's on purpose For the Solid Snake poll, that was the joke, but for, say, the Hamtaro poll, that was a genuine error on my part lol. HOWEVER, if the name doesn't "match" the image, save for a specific moment where I call it out, that's on purpose. Both those boys are known as Syaoran within the story, so I listed them as Syaoran, that sort of thing. Johnny Joestar's full name is, in fact, Jonathan Joestar, but there's also another character named Jonathan Joestar who is also technically him, so people probably just forgot he's named Jonathan.
None of that answered your question. To answer your question, if there's any confusion, check the tags on the original post. If nothing else, that'll be the correct one.))
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Jonathan Joestar is such a big man, I bet he's technically a Kaiju
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
I know now that the Star swap au is just a mind swap where the individual has the physical appearance of the person they swapped with, but when I first read it I thought they still kept their original appearance so I kept giggling of the thought of Joseph wearing Giornos ladybug suit and towering over everyone in Passione
SJFVDRJVDRBDV oh god their bodies swapping was already hilarious, but their clothes? oh that's perfect
........okay so this is completely not what you said but for some reason this was the last push I needed to do some basic ideas for Jonathan and Joseph so-
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cosmic--dandelion · 11 months
Miscellaneous JJBA headcanons:
👗 Lisa Lisa's single greatest passion in life after hamon is fashion design. She made all of her and Suzi's dresses and designed several of Caesar's outfits, too. When Joseph walks in on his fierce, ruthless hamon master patiently working on her sewing machine, it's a stunning contrast, to say the least.
🎨 Kakyoin is a very technically proficient artist, but he never had what it takes to make a career out of it. It's still a sore spot decades after he last applied to a formal art school, and to this day, it's one of his greatest regrets. He loves his job as a scientist, though, and displays his art proudly in his office.
🦷 Josuke grows up to a dentist. That way, he can fix up people's teeth lickity-split without causes his patients a ton of pain or emptying their bank accounts. Also he's not tempted to burn himself out trying to insta-heal every sick or dying person in the whole world. Josuke can't watch medical dramas because the thought of someone out there dying of some incurable disease when he could have saved them breaks his heart.
💘 Jonathan took great pains to have the Joestar mansion restored exactly as he remembered it. As much as he loved his father and was proud of his legacy, the real reason he did it was as one last "fuck you" to Dio. These days, it's a famous historical site and is more a museum than a home. The most popular exhibit for tourists is the original version of the statue of the goddess of love, still burned and stained rust red from Dio's blood.
🕊 Joseph had a terrible time trying to pay attention to his studies in university, and Suzi had to practically stand over him and make him do his homework. (If he had been born in a different era, he might have been diagnosed with ADHD.) When Suzi caught a cold and was to sick to help him study for his final exams, he set pigeons loose in every room and caused such an uproar the exams had to be rescheduled.
✏️ Jolyne was studying to be an architect in college. She doesn't get much time to think about it with everything else going on during part 6, but she's secretly heartbroken. She tells Hermès about it one night, and they both ending up comforting each other over their lost dreams.
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venicemermaids · 5 months
Hi! Here's some stuff about a celebrity-themed AU I've been formulating in my head since last year. I'll probs post more later when I'm less sleep deprived :')) I do have major ideas though, so hope you like 'em!
☆ passione is a modelling agency/magazine ran entirely by diavolo. it's one of the most famous companies in the world, and also one of the more relaxed ones. technically diavolo's twin brother doppio and doppio's now wife donatella helped form it, but they all agreed it'd be easier for diavolo to head it. doppio works as a photographer there, while donatella is a model.
☆ the joestars are essentially the hilton family of this au. most people know their names because they're famous in their own fields outside of the family. for instance, jonathan is an archeologist, dio (who is now a biological joestar) is a lawyer/agent/manager, jotaro is a marine biologist with several documentaries under his belt, and so on.
☆ if the joestars are the hiltons, then the part 8 higashikatas are the kardashians. they have their own reality TV show chronicling their lives, known by all as keeping up with the higashikatas. some major specials were jobin and mitsuba's wedding, the twins' (rina and joshu) sweet sixteens and later daiya's, kaato being released from prison, and hato's explosive break-up with tamaki damo.
☆ elizabeth is still married to george ii/jorge joestar, and she has her own fashion house known as lisa lisa. working under her are caesar zeppeli and suzi q, who both have their own ideas on which direction the brand's image should go. their rival is kars and the other pillar men's own label. (unnamed as of right now)
☆ diego is jonathan and dio's younger stepbrother through his mother marrying their father when diego was a kid. diego had always been closer with jonathan, while he always had a tense relationship with dio. as an adult, diego is a professional driver and looks after his nephews; dio's own sons.
☆ jolyne has an underground band with ermes and f.f. called the stone frees! they perform at a grungy venue known as green dolphin, named for its famous neon green dolphin sign. outside of performing, they're usually seen hanging out in ermes' sister gloria's restaurant. they tend to give it free publicity where they can.
jolyne also goes by cujoh in an attempt to distance herself from her father, and to prevent herself from being accused of nepotism.
☆ johnny was a former movie star who quit performing after a major accident rendered him unable to walk. his father hired a physical therapist for him named gyro zeppeli, and barred him from any other visitors out of a sense of shame. however, johnny's older brother nicholas tends to allow guests to see him anyway when their father's away. johnny also keeps in contact with rina higashikata, but that's a secret!
☆ josuke (no relation to the part 8 higashikatas) is an aspiring hairdresser/celebrity stylist, and he often asks to practice on other people. he religiously reads the cinderella magazine for tips and ideas on what to do next and his idol is aya tsuji, who he dreams of working alongside someday.
☆ gappy is yoshikage and kei's younger brother. he's not technically a celebrity, but he often shows up on kuwth due to being childhood friends with joshu and rina. people often joke about him being their missing triplet, though he always denies it. he does see the higashikatas as a second family, however.
☆ giorno is a model under passione, which he joined beneath his father's nose at both diego and his best friend perla's suggestion. when dio found out, he demanded for giorno to allow him to be his agent due to his superior connection. refusing, giorno instead left to live with diego whilst bruno bucciarati became his agent instead. the two people who oversaw giorno's casting were man x (will be referred to as michel) and polpo.
☆ after giorno left, dio began to acknowledge his other three sons; donatello, ungalo, and rikiel. he began with taking custody of donatello, and pushed him into joining a modelling agency as well. he manufactured a rivalry between donatello and giorno, though giorno's more interested in saving all his brothers from their father's influence than anything.
☆ jodio and dragona are both popular on social media. dragona enjoys posting ootds, makeup tutorials, and storytimes, whilst jodio does (awful) skateboarding tricks and skits. sometimes he'll join dragona's storytimes and makeup tutorials, or they'll both do various challenges and skits together.
☆ more stuff to come later!
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Yandere! Jojo's x GN! Reader (Headcanons)
What's their reaction to catching their darling mid-escaping?
not proofread!!
tw: yandere behavior, mentions: of blood, kidnapping and punishments.
featuring: jonathan, part2 joseph, jotaro, josuke, giorno and jolyne
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"Come on! Work already!" You cried out, hitting the window with your fist for the nth time while trying to open it with a pin. For fuck's sake, why did this work only in movies?
"Yes! Finally!" You quietly celebrated when you managed to unlock the window. You had two more hours until he/she came home so it was enough time to get back in the city if you ran. As you started to climb the window's sill so you could jump out, you felt a firm grip on your hand.
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He got home earlier today since he wanted to make you a surprise. You had been so good to him in the past few weeks so he figured you deserved a gift;
Jonathan bought you your favorite ice cream, told the maids to cook your favorite meal before he got home and he bought you a bouquet of roses;
He happily went into your room, only to be met by you surprising him. In an unpleasant way.
The man had a lot of questions, like how did you open the window? Where were you going? What are you doing?, but he saved them for later.
He hurried to get behind you, catching your wrist and pulling you into a tight hug.
A small cry escaped your throat when your plan failed again. You were so close.
"Darling, what were you thinking?! You could've hurt yourself!"
Ngl, I think Jonathan would cry too after he realised you were trying to leave him. (I had to put that gif xd)
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He got out of the shower, humming happily as he was going to surprise you by coming home earlier.;
He heard a stressed-out "Come on! Work already!" from your room, so he got curious. Maybe you were watching a movie and he wanted to join you. Or maybe you needed help opening something;
However, Joseph did not expect to see you trying to get out of the window;
Anger took over him immediately so he went behind you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you on the floor.
Who were you to think that you could defy him like this? He was Joseph Joestar!
He got over you, pinning your hands to the ground. He hated when people defied him and this was even worse than that.
A whimper left your mouth when you realized his huge figure was over you, biting your lip in fear;
"And your next line will be, why are you home this early?"
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He got home earlier than expected since his shift was cut off because of some technical issues. He wasn't complaining since that meant more time spent with you;
As soon as Jotaro came home, he went straight to your room, wanting your daily hug;
What he didn't want was to see you hoped on the window, wanting to jump out. Jotaro felt anger flooding his senses at that sight, immediately coming behind you and grabbing your hand;
His grip was deadly, as the look he shot you. Anger was an understatement;
Jotaro wasn't a man who accepted mistakes or disobedience and he most likely won't accept the fact that you wanted to escape from him;
He threw you on the bed facing the window and stood in front of you with a stern look on his face;
"Never try to do this again or I promise I'm going to break every single bone in your body"
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Josuke wanted to take you on a date after he finished work so he called you on the house's phone. When you didn't answer for five times, he got worried;
The boy sprinted home, his excuse being an emergency at home. Well, not really an excuse, what if something happend to you?
He called your name once, twice, but again you didn't answer, being too concentrated on trying to open the window;
He entered your room and what he saw made him confused at first. Why were you climbing the window? Oh..?
Oh. Josuke immediately ran to you, grabbing your wrist.
He tried to contain his anger, but the glare he gave you wasn't a kind one either;
You froze when you felt his touch on your wrist, slowly turning to him;
"I wanted to take you on a date, but it seems you decided to change the plans."
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Current mood: disappointed but not surprised.
Giorno entered when you were still struggling to open the window, leaning against the closed door;
His meeting ended a lot earlier than expected and he wanted to spend time with you, maybe even take you outside since you've been good.
Even though that raised suspicious thoughts in his head, he didn't think you would actually do something;
When he saw that you didn't even look back to reassure yourself that you wouldn't be caught, just desperate to jump off that damned window, he went behind you and grabbed your wrist;
"H-Hi Giorno..." You whispered, not knowing what else to say. Your body started involuntary shaking, swearing at yourself that you weren't more careful.
You wanted to say something else after the chilling silence you were met with, but you shut your mouth when you turned around and saw the icy glare he was giving you;
"We are going to have a long night togheter, my dear."
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Jolyne came home singing and dancing around the house. She had a surprise for you and she really hoped you liked it;
The girl went in full rage mode when she entered in your room with a bag full of gifts and she saw you climbing the window;
At first, she called your name angrily, but it seemed like you either didn't hear her or you ignored her. Which, of course, made her even more angry;
She grabbed your wrist and forcefully turned her to you, caging you between her body and her arms.
The girl knew that if she didn't wrap her hands round you, you would jump out that window;
"J-Jolyne!" You squeaked, shocked to see her. She clicked her tounge annoyed at your behavior so she moved one of her hands to your throat;
"Try leaving again and I'll fucking kill you. Don't try me, Y/N"
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