#Sylvia unitytale
pokegalla · 2 years
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Holy shit. That’s a lot….like imma have to reblog to give special thanks to everyone 🥲
But yoooooo thank you so much!!!
To my much older followers, thank you for sticking around this long. And my new followers, welcome to the fluffy and chaotic blog of mine. Hope you enjoy your stay!
I promised I’d tell you guys more about myself. And I honestly didn’t know how to really talk about myself (what do I even start with? Hi I’m Lisa! I like skeletons! Pffft I’m sorry 😂😅) so I think I know the best way to go about this:
I have another blog that I’d like to use as an ask blog. There I would like to take requests based on my fanfic, my characters, and now you can ask more about me there as well! I would love to hear about your thoughts and answer your questions!
Here you can learn more about my self inserts, my original characters, interact and ask them questions with familiar characters you might know (deltarune group, Error, Nightmare, Bad Sanses, Star Sanses, more Undertale AUs, and that’s just the beginning!), ask more about my story, and learn more about me!
And again thank you.
@beginner- -artist-soliac
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creator-chan3000 · 2 years
Ok! First question for all my characters!
Thank you for asking @theneurodivergentdummy !
What are their favorite movies/shows and video games?
* As a Sans, he loves science-y stuff. Documentary shows of the solar system gets him excited. That or adventure movies. (He gets so embarrassed when people catch him with him fluffing his wings when he gets excited). His favorite all time favorite movie is probably between Treasure Planet and Wall-e.
* Doesn’t know too much of video games but he’s interested in simulation games. Specifically cooking, cleaning, even pet games.
* Imagine seeing this big intimidating skeleton just chilling while playing with his Pomeranian named Fluffykins on Nintendogs or deciding on outfits in animal crossing.
* He is soft boi on the low once you get to know him. Doesn’t like to be seen that way to strangers but is ok if you’re close to him
The Core Virus:
* Video games that make you creeped out or sends chills to your spine. Jumpscares? Gore? They are all for it. Resident Evil series is definitely the best.
* You already can guess horror and thriller movies are gonna be their favorite. But surprisingly their favorite is Attack on Titan.
* Why surprisingly? They thought anime was dumb since it’s just 2d cartoons (yeah they only said that to cause more chaos but they genuinely know nothing of anime)
* Virisity was stubborn though and forced them to watch it. Now they are a huge fan of the anime. They love Levi and would like to see a Titan for real. Why? To see if they can kill it. With their stretchy arms and sharp claws they feel confident enough to try it. (Grey told them to please stop trying to recreate Titans so he can try killing them faster then Levi-)
* Says they love horror. Gets easily terrified. They wanna act tough but it always backfires.
* LOVES CUTESY SHOWS. Romance anime especially. They have too many to decide their favorite.
* Are they embarrassed? Yes. Will they try and murder you if you catch them. Yup. Start running if you do-
* K-drama. Oooooo she loves them. The boys are soooooooo cute!!!
* Doesn’t really have a favorite, she just enjoys them. If not for the guys, she’s really into the story (or the funny parts of course!)
* She’s pretty open on video games too! Usually too busy to play but enjoys a bit of Splatoon and Pokémon (still new to it). Monster hunter seems cool too!
* Loves competitive and interactive games.
* Mainly cause she loves playing with others but also likes a game that gets you pumping! Just Dance and Mario kart are the best!
* As for shows, anything with dancing gets her intrigued. She believes all movies or anime that include dancing as the main story point always have a compelling story or at least amazing choreography. (If either or are not present then she will be highly disappointed)
* Not really a gamer. She gets confused way too easily. She’s already broke quite a few remotes….
* Loves movies though. A lot of classics she likes to collect. Sex and the city? Has the whole collection. Clueless is an amazing movie. It’s a wonderful life is very touching.
* Will make you watch these if you haven’t heard of it. (Which is most of the time-)
Lisa (me):
* Video games?! Nintendo girl over here. She likes PlayStation and Pc too! But Nintendo is where Undertale and Pokémon is at. Legend of Zelda is a favorite too.
* Anything with character customization, adventure, or funny dialogue she’s already sold!
* Shows and movies are a bit more difficult though. She likes murder documentaries (no she’s not trying to kill anyone-). Anime and Cartoons are her go to.
* Gravity Falls and Dragonball series are on par to be the top favorite. (Not including Underverse. It’s not an actual movie or show but it’s her all time favorite animation. It feels like a movie to her).
* Also loves anime romances. (Wishes it was her and Bill)
* She would literally break the tv to avoid being caught watching it.
* She is a Lisa as well so her gaming is just as vast. But she chooses to stick to animal crossing since she’s always too busy. Plus it’s a chill and cute game. Can’t complain!
* Actually feels bad when her villagers say they haven’t seen her in awhile
* Goddamn weeb-
* You know her favorites are One punch man and Gintama. Especially Jojo’s bizarre adventure. (You couldn’t tell by the memes and Jojo poses?)
* Fighting games are her favorite. Smash bros? Tekken? DBZ xenoverse 2? Count her in!
* A bit over the top with shouting when playing….Dream had to tell her to calm down a few times. He wonders how she’s a Lisa when the original is way quieter and less energetic (oh he has no idea-)
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creator-chan3000 · 2 years
Hahaha haha bet you weren't counting on me using the ask box 😀🙃, how about 🚬 with all your ocs. Drink water and get some sleep gorl!!
Lmao nah I didn’t 🤣 wassuuuuup? And thank you! You do that as well!
🚬Bad habits
The Core Virus:
* has a terrible habit of creeping people out. The obsidian soul in them craves chaos and what’s better to draw it out through making people uncomfortable?
* And unfortunately it doesn’t matter WHO it is. So their team is not safe for it either.
* They also are very unpredictable. One moment they seem silly, then theatrical, then suddenly enraged. Never get near if they’re angry….as long as you’re able to catch onto their moods and deal with their dickery, you’ll be fine.
* Acts before thinking. This makes them seem dumb but really they really are careless about their actions.
* And sometimes that carelessness tends to make them seem like they don’t care for others. Their other habit is lack of communication contributes to this and their unreasonable anger.
* They really just need a hug….and someone to stop them from doing stupid shit-
* Puts up a front to seem intimidating all the time. He doesn’t want to seem weak.
* Also overworks himself to the bone (Heh pun-) mainly because he wants to make up for his past actions. (No spoilers!)
* This man needs a break and some reassurance
Lisa (me):
* Is very hard on herself. Even if it was a minor mistake. So she picks up on her own bad habits and begins getting annoyed. Procrastinating? Stop wasting time! Daydreaming? Get your head in the game! Thinks lowly of herself. Lord even overworks herself. (Taking care of herself is obviously an issue. Rosa and Bunny help her though. And all their friends too! Funny though is that she’s just too lazy to do it….)
* Her anger is on another level. Sure she can get annoyed but getting REALLY angry is rare. And when it happens, it is HARD to calm her down. Especially if one of her friends are hurt. She hates her own anger as it feels terrible and makes her loose all her senses. Her stubbornness is crazy ridiculous too!
* She just needs support and….someone able to hold her back-
* Doesn’t have much confidence in herself and doesn’t think highly of herself. Which is surprising due to her sweet nature and fun loving personality.
* And this also applies to battles. She’s afraid of not helping enough.
* Doesn’t necessarily have any.
* I mean is being too blunt count? And quick to kick someone count?
* ….actually yeah I’m pretty sure that counts.
* Girl low key got anger issues-
* This girl is a bit eccentric and VERY confident. But man she needs to learn some boundaries. She has an amazing flirting game but yo chill-
* She has no chill in what she says either yo….”damn this cream bussing” “just like this pu-“ “SYLVIE-“
* Be sure to monitor her….
* Her attitude certainly is a bad habit of hers….but it’s also her overworking herself and trying to do everything on her own.
* Keeping to herself is an issue as well. She wants to do her best!
* She really just needs to take it easy or at least open up more. She’s not alone!
* Overworking AGAIN?! Man and this Lisa is a reckless one too!
* Takes WAY too many notes on new Pokémon or new people she meets. Think about Deku….you see the picture already don’t you?
* She just needs to chill….good luck convincing her though! All Lisas are stubborn….
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pokegalla · 2 years
Important message
Man I was typing more of my story and I realized I was too scared to really add the original Sans….he’s there but only for a few chapters.
Technically he was a love interest in my story but there was, and still is controversy with this guy. I researched about it awhile ago and the amount of controversy it caused made me scared about adding him at ALL. It was a twitter post saying he was too lazy to be in a relationship….that one sentence caused a controversy between simps, hardcore fans, and haters alike. I say haters because apparently there were some people who didn’t like the game or character in general but joined in anyway (idk it was random).
It was basically questioning his sexuality….which ok yeah we do that a LOT with fictional characters since we love them or just plain curious. But BOY when the creator of Undertale said that he was too lazy for relationships, everyone went CRAZY.
One side said he was Aro/Ace, he CAN’T date anyone
One side said the creator said he was LAZY that doesn’t really mean he’s Aro/Ace. It’s still possible for him to date someone if he really found someone to love.
I think the other side was either questioning why the hell people were fighting over a skeleton that wasn’t real or that he probably just doesn’t give a shit.
I only learned of this years later and since I started posting my writing, I didn’t want any hate since the original Sans caused such controversy even nowadays so I just left the idea. It’s stupid I know but people are harsh….I’ve seen excellent artists and storytellers leave the internet for good because of bullying. (I really like UnderPatch but the creator left because of bullying and people claiming their stuff as their own and nothing or not a lot was being done about this and people even thought THEY were the one copying so they stepped down).
I do want my stories to be canon as well….or well the characters to be accurate to how their creator made them. I just write for fun y’know? And I made a whole book series worth of ideas! But it’s stuff like this that make me worried about posting my writing at all.
But I don’t wanna stop writing cause I’m scared….but still. I’d rather be safe then sorry. When it comes to my own stories, The UnityTale AU, the self inserts, the core virus, Grey, Bunny, Sylvia and Virisity are mine. Other then that? The characters and AUs belong to their respected creators.
I know I’m venting a lot at this point but I feel like this should be addressed. I take topics like this very seriously and yes I write for fun, but I take my writing seriously as well. I’ve seen a lot of hate for misrepresenting a character, not giving credit to the original creators, shipping certain characters with self insert/original character/other characters. The list goes on.
After making this post, I should reblog this AND make a list of the respected creators. I made this post because as a fanfic writer, it’s fun to make up stories with the characters you love….but sometimes we need to give the original creators more love. There are some infamous undertale AUs that we still love but the creators left and possibly forever. And another reason is to say stop immediately giving writers or artists or ANY creator so much hate! And I don’t mean JUST the undertale fandom….I mean all types of fandoms.
You got people like me scared to write….or simply not want to try. I did it because I love writing and I wanted to share my stories. If people don’t care about it, so be it. If people like it? Well then I will appreciate every like, comment and follow! Even now I still do….
I’m not one to really to make posts like this. I’m not even sure if anyone would read this. But hey if you made it all the way until the end? Thank you.
Please reblog to give the original creators more love and have all types of creators feel more appreciated 🥰
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pokegalla · 2 years
So how do I interact with everyone in my stories?
With the star sanses, it’s pretty cool. Manners and kindness. They are really sweet though Ink can be a jerk with his pranks.
With the Unity? So. Much. Fun. I might not talk much but I might join in for a meme or joke. And end it with comfy chit chats with coffee, snacks, thanks to Ccino? So nice….
The other Lisas are kinda like family? Yes it’s odd but most of them get along….
Oh but the bad sanses? VIDEO GAMES, ANIME, MEMES, MESSING WITH EACH OTHER WITH PRANKS AND JOKES. These guys are my people….chaotic and fun. Also have each other’s backs.
My team (if not with bad sanses) will be with Darkrai, Bunny, and Sylvia. How they will appear will be within the story. I’m so tempted to write it but I feel like this would be more fitting as an ending book to the series. Yeah the story is gonna be very important but no matter what, the stories before must be created first. (Though I might not write a FULL story for Eliza and Angel….maybe a really short story. But Starlet and Talia is a must. Don’t worry though! They will be in the spotlight soon…)
Also I think these series and AU should be called UnityTale!!! It’s gonna be my special tag as well!!! I know I have it in my bio but eh just wanted to make it a tag as well.
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