#Sydney Ernst
college-girls-blog · 1 year
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Sydney Ernst & Kenlee Newcom
Western Kentucky University (WKU)
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diioonysus · 4 months
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winter + art
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watermelonsandal · 1 year
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Dark Room Victims (Life is Strange)
This download is for The Sims 2.
Download: [SFS]
While I try to figure out converting hairs to The Sims 4, here are a couple of Sims 2 projects that I’ve been working on/finalising.
I tried to imagine what the rest of Jefferson’s victims looked like, which led to this.
Alexis’s bracelet, Ashley’s bangles, Crystal’s lip piercing, and Lula’s watch require Bon Voyage.
Tyra’s pendant requires Open for Business.
I tried to include as much of the required CC as possible, but unfortunately wasn’t able to include it all. There are some things that you’ll need to download yourself…
Custom Content Required but not Included:
Alexis: Pendant Mesh ⚫ Pendant Ashley: Necklace Mesh ⚫ Necklace Cassidi: Pendant Mesh Deanna: Pendant Mesh ⚫ Earrings Mesh Lucy: Earrings Lula: Earrings Mesh Marissa: Bracelets Suzie: Pendant Mesh
Images Used:
Dorothe ⚫ Elena
9 notes · View notes
By: Michael Shermer
Published: Oct 13, 2023
As the horror of violence, rape, and murder of Jews in Israel by Hamas terrorists unfolded this past week I was astonished—and sickened—to hear the “whataboutism” and “bothsideism” response of many commentators and activists on the political Left that sounded eerily similar to the moral equivalency arguments I encountered when researching my book Denying History, on “who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it?” (co-authored with Alex Grobman). To be fair, some commentators on the political Right have used their platforms to blame Joe Biden for enabling or emboldening Iran to back Hamas terrorism—as Ted Cruz did on Megyn Kelly’s show—but at least the Right has the moral clarity to distinguish between genocide and complex political issues such as instituting a Two-State solution to the the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
By contrast, the progressive Left (a term I use to distinguish them from more mainstream center-left liberals and classical liberals) seems hopelessly adrift at sea without a moral compass. As I posted on X, what’s the difference between White supremacists at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia chanting "Jews will not replace us" and “You will not replace us” and Palestinian Supremacists at a rally in Sydney, Australia celebrating the Hamas murder of Jews chanting "Gas the Jews" and “Fuck the Jews”? If you go far enough to the Left you end up on the far end of the Right. (This is called the horseshoe theory, in which the far Left and the far Right are actually close in ideology at the two ends of the bent political spectrum.)
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In another post on X I declared that it is not fair to compare Hamas to Nazis (which some on the Right are doing)—not fair to the Nazis I meant! Why? Because at least the Nazis knew that the orchestrated extermination of European Jewry was wrong and would be condemned by other nations. That’s why the Nazis murdered most of the Jews (and others) in secret, mostly in isolated death camps in Eastern Europe and Poland, such as Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, and Belzec. That’s why the paramilitary Schutzstaffel (SS) Einsatzgruppen death squads responsible for mass murder, primarily by shooting, was conducted far from the prying eyes of German citizens in Nazi occupied territories to the East. That’s why the Wannsee Protocol, like that of most Nazi documents in dealing with the “Jewish question,” is obfuscated by innocuous-sounding jargon, such as:
action, special action, large-scale action, reprisal action, pacification action, radical action, cleaning-up or cleansing action, cleared or cleared of Jews, freeing the area of Jews, Jewish problem solved, handled appropriately, handled according to orders, liquidated, over-hauling, rendered harmless, ruthless collection measures, severe measures, special treatment or special measures, executive tasks, elimination, evacuation, eradication, relocation, and, of course, Final Solution (Endlösung).
That’s why this letter from Heinrich Himmler to Ernst Kaltenbrunner, who succeeded Reinhard Heydrich as chief of security police and SD after Heydrich’s assassination, is declared to be “Top Secret!”:
Reichsfuhrer-SS Field HQ April 9, 1943 Top Secret! To the Chief of the Security Police and SD Berlin: I have received the Inspector of Statistics’ report on the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. I consider this report well executed for purposes of camouflage and potentially useful for later times. For the moment, it can neither be published nor can anyone be allowed sight of it. The most important for me remains that whatever remains of Jews is shipped East. All I want to be told as of now by the Security Police, very briefly, is what has been shipped and what, at any points, is still left of Jews. Hh
That’s why at war's end the Nazis covered over their crimes, burned documents, destroyed the crematoria and gas chambers, and denied any wrong doing after. And that’s why throughout the 1930s the Nazis went to great lengths to change German law to later justify their actions as legal, under the pretense that if they lost the war they could argue—which they did at the Nuremberg war-crime trials—that national sovereignty precludes one nation judging the actions of members of another nation whose laws differed at the time. That defense didn’t fly and the murderers were brought to justice.
By contrast, far from denying their crimes, for the past week Hamas has been bragging about murdering Jews, posting videos on social media and declaring "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great). Worse, many on the progressive Left in the United States have been condemning…Israel! At The Free Press Bari Weiss has compiled a list of examples that reveal, in her words, “the rot inside our universities”:
Over 30 student groups at Harvard said of the 1,200 Israelis who have been slaughtered that “The apartheid regime is the only one to blame.”
A joint statement from Columbia University’s Palestine Solidarity groups wrote “we remind Columbia students that the Palestinian struggle for freedom is rooted in international law, under which occupied peoples have the right to resist the occupation of their land.”
Northwestern University’s Middle Eastern and North African Student Association “grieves for the martyrs and the civilians lost in this time.”
A student group at California State University in Long Beach advertised its “Day of Resistance: Protest for Palestine” event on Tuesday with a poster that showed a crowd waving the Palestinian flag and a Hamas paraglider—a symbol of mass murder—in the top corner. 
At Stanford, hand-painted signs appeared on buildings declaring: “The Israeli occupation is NOTHING BUT AN ILLUSION OF DUST.” (In The Stanford Review, Free Press intern Julia Steinberg wrote that, on Instagram, “my classmates posted infographics declaring that, ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.’ ”)
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Virginia declared on Sunday that “The events that took place yesterday are a step towards a free Palestine.”
To be blunt, these people are genocide deniers, almost indistinguishable from the Holocaust deniers I encountered and debunked over twenty years ago. Here is what we wrote in Denying History about the moral equivalency argument and why it is not just wrong but morally obscene:
Ironically, after denying that the Nazis intended to exterminate the Jews, deniers argue that what the Nazis did to the Jews is really no different from what other nations do to their perceived enemies. David Irving, for example, points out that the U.S. government obliterated two Japanese cities and their civilian populations with atomic weapons—the only government in history to do so. Furthermore, Mark Weber notes, Americans concentrated Japanese Americans in camps, much as Germans did to their perceived internal enemy—the Jews. These examples and others, such as Irving’s citation of the mass bombing of Dresden, have a not-so-hidden agenda: to implicate America and Britain as equally guilty, along with Germany, in the mass destruction of the Second World War.
But what is missing in this comparison? First, there is a big difference between two nations fighting one another, both using trained soldiers, and the systematic, state-organized killing of unarmed, unsuspecting people—not in self-defense, not to gain territory or wealth (although these may accrue as a beneficial by-product), but because of anti-Semitism. Scholars and the general public debate the morality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the internment of Japanese Americans in concentration camps, and the mass bombing of Dresden. But historians do not try to equate these actions with the Holocaust. If we take the mass bombing of Dresden, for instance—although it was admittedly one of the worst acts against the Axis powers by the Allies, it resulted in about 35,000 deaths, not the 250,000 first claimed by the Germans (Goebbles exaggerated the number for propaganda purposes), and nowhere near the 6 million of the Holocaust.
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At his trial in Jerusalem Adolf Eichmann, SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer of the Reich Security Main Office and one of the chief planners and organizers of the Final solution, tried to make the moral equivalency argument. The judge, however, did not accept his rationalizations, as this sequence from the trial transcript shows (and let this serve as a refutation of today’s claim for the moral equivalency of Hamas and Israel):
Judge Benjamin Halevi to Eichmann: You have often compared the extermination of the Jews with the bombing raids on German cities and you compared the murder of Jewish women and children with the death of German women in aerial bombardments. Surely it must be clear to you that there is a basic distinction between these two things. On the one hand the bombing is used as an instrument of forcing the enemy to surrender. Just as the Germans tried to force the British to surrender by their bombing. In that case it is a war objective to bring an armed enemy to his knees. On the other hand, when you take unarmed Jewish men, women, and children from their homes, hand then over to the Gestapo, and then send the to Auschwitz for extermination it is an entirely different thing, is it not?
Eichmann: The difference is enormous. But at that time these crimes had been legalized by the state and the responsibility, therefore, belongs to those who issued the orders.
Judge Halevi: But you must know surely that there are internationally recognized Laws and Customs of War whereby the civilian population is protected from actions which are not essential for the prosecution of the war itself.
Eichmann: Yes, I am aware of that.
Judge Halevi: Did you never feel a conflict of loyalties between your duty and your conscience?
Eichmann: I suppose one could call it an internal split. It was a personal dilemma when one swayed from one extreme to the other.
Judge Halevi: One had to overlook and forget one’s conscience.
Eichmann: Yes, one could put it that way.
In assessing the initial response to the rape, torture, and murder of Jews in Israel by Hamas this week I can only conclude that the progressive Left denouncing Israel and celebrating Hamas have had to overlook and forget their moral conscience.
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otmaaromanovas · 1 year
Hey. I was wondering what your favourite books about OTMA/The Romanovs are? I have read quite a few and I’m looking for new recommendations. I love your posts btw :)
Hiya! Thanks for your question.
As you said you have read quite a few books about the Romanovs and want new recommendations, I'll try and think of some of the less common/more obscure books I've read, which I don't see talked about too much!
Once a Grand Duchess by John van der Kiste and Coryne Hall
Admittedly, this book sometimes reads like a long wikipedia page, but has some very interesting information on Xenia Alexandrovna. If you are interesting in the British royal family and their history, the second half of the book has some great info on Xenia's stay at Frogmore Cottage and Hampton Court
The False Anastasia by Pierre Gilliard and Constantine Savitch
Written half by Gilliard and half by Savitch, it combines some of Pierre Gilliard's memories of Anastasia and the Romanovs with debunking the Anna Anderson myth. Some great work here on Anderson's actual identity. However, I will warn you straight away that if you do get this book in its English translation, the translator Edgar A. Lucidi is VERY antisemitic. Throughout the book, he goes to great pains to try and say that Anastasia survived, and has a whole preface about it, including photos of him posing with a pretender. It's frustrating and insulting, especially when he makes actual notes in the text trying to 'debunk' Gilliard and Savitch's writing. I'm recommending this book purely because of what Pierre Gilliard and Constantine Savitch have written, which is very interesting and revealing. If you can read French (I definitely can't!) it's worth getting the original.
Tutor to the Tsarevich by John C. Trewin and Charles Sydney Gibbes
This book is FANTASTIC and really underrated! It's more of a coffee table format, with plenty of photos, but has some really fantastic information. It has a lot of Gibbes' original writings and reflections, published for the first time I believe. Some great anecdotes about Tobolsk and some rare photos of Gibbes and his life after the Romanovs.
The Romanovs & Mr Gibbes: The Story of the Englishman Who Taught the Children of the Last Tsar by Frances Welsh
This book focusses on the life of Charles Sydney Gibbes, later known as Father Nicholas, who was the English tutor to the children. Although it is definitely not as good as Tutor to the Tsarevich, it provides an interesting picture of Gibbes' life. It's quite short, and focusses a lot more on Gibbes than the Romanovs, but is worth a read if you're interested in the tutors of OTMAA.
A Few Years Before the Catastrophe by Sofia Ivanovna Tyutcheva, translated by George Hawkins
This book is *TINY* so you might be better served getting the online kindle edition rather than actually buying it. Sofia, or 'Savanna' as OTMA called her, was a nanny to the children from 1906-1912, before being dismissed by Alix for disagreements over Rasputin and the raising of the children. As I said, the book itself is very short, but paints an interesting picture especially of Ernst of Hesse and Nicholas' personalities. There are some fun anecdotes about OTMA, but not too many. The reason I recommend this book is because I am currently reading Anna Vyrubova's memoirs and she goes on a four page rant about poor Savanna, saying that she was a traitor and sold out Nicky and Alix. Reading Savanna's recollections almost entirely prove this wrong.
The Camera and the Tsars: The Romanov Family in Photographs by Charlotte Zeepvat
This book is BEAUTIFUL! Anything Charlotte Zeepvat writes is worth buying in my opinion. But this book especially... *chef's kiss*. It has so much detail about the whole of the Romanov family, and is mainly in picture form with detailed captions and text too. The photos are high quality. A great overview of the whole of the Romanov family and its many branches.
The Grand Duchesses: Daughters & Granddaughters of Russia's Last Tsars
This book is comprised of multiple different biographies about Romanov Grand Duchesses and princesses over a span of about 200 years. It is very unique in focussing entirely on the women in the Romanov family. There are a couple of errors in it, but nothing too awful. Great if you want to dive in and learn about some of the Grand Duchesses that came before (and after) OTMA.
‘After that we wrote.’: A Reconsideration of the Lives of Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, 1895-1918 by Althea Thompson
The last recommendation isn't a book, but a thesis written for their Master's Degree, and focusses entirely on OTMA. It's fascinating, with plenty of great sources sprinkled in. It looks to re-examine how historians have viewed OTMA and aims to create an accurate picture of their daily lives. It's a long academic read, but has fantastic information. You can read it here.
I hope this was helpful! I probably missed out some great gems, but these are the first ones that come to mind which are less common :)
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tomoleary · 3 months
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Miguel Covarrubias “Hollywood's Malibu Beach Scene” Source
“Mid-left is John, Ethel and Lionel Barrymore are sitting with George Arliss and Helen Hayes who is holding a baby. Below left are Miriam Hopkins, Lilyan Tashman, Mae West, Edmund Lowe, Constance Bennett, Joel McCrea, Maurice Chevalier, Kay Francis with hands behind her head, Joan Crawford, and Leslie Howard. In the middle, Dolores Del Rio, Adolphe Menjou, Joseph Schenck, Samuel Goldwyn, Joan Blondell, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. with his arms up, Sylvia Sydney, Mary Pickford, Gary Cooper, and Douglas Fairbanks. On the right, Laurel and Hardy, Edward G. Robinson, Cecil B. Demille, Claudette Colbert, Marion Davies, Norma Shearer, Charlie Chapman, Fredric March, Marie Dressler, Gene Fowler, Nancy Carroll holding a beach ball, Howard Hughes, George Raft, Louella Parsons, Harpo Marx, Katharine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Marlene Dietrich, Schnozzle Durante with his hands up, Greta Garbo, Clark Gable, Ernst Lubitsch, and Wallace Beery.”
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taylors-husband · 9 months
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Taylor Swift Headlining Tours List.
Concert Tours.
Fearless Tour: 23 April, 2009 - 10 July, 2010.
Speak Now World Tour: 9 February, 2011 - 18 March, 2012.
The Red Tour: 13 March, 2013 - 12 June, 2014.
The 1989 World Tour: 5 May, 2015 - 12 December, 2015.
Reputation Stadium Tour: 8 May, 2018 - 21 November, 2018.
Lover Fest: 5 April, 2020 - 1 August, 2020. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
The Eras Tour: 17 March, 2023 - 23 November, 2024.
Total number of concerts: 572.
Total number of postponed concerts: 8
Total number of cancelled concerts: 18.
Argentina (3).
Buenos Aires (3).
9 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
10 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
11 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
Australia (34).
New South Wales (12).
Newcastle (1).
8 February, 2010 - Newcastle Entertainment Centre.
Sydney (11).
6 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
7 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
9 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
10 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
4 December, 2013 - Allianz Stadium.
28 November, 2015 - ANZ Stadium.
2 November, 2018 - ANZ Stadium.
23 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
24 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
25 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
26 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
Queensland (7).
Brisbane (7).
4 February, 2010 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
6 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2013 - Suncorp Stadium.
5 December, 2015 - Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) - Suncorp Stadium.
6 November, 2018 - The Gabba.
South Australia (4).
Adelaide (4).
12 February, 2010 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
4 March, 2012 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
8 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
Victoria (12).
Melbourne (12).
10 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
11 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
12 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
13 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 December, 2013 - Etihad Stadium.
10 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
11 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
26 October, 2018 - Marvel Stadium.
16 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
17 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
18 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
Western Australia (3).
Perth (3).
2 March, 2012 - Burswood Dome.
11 December, 2013 - nib Stadium.
19 October, 2018 - Optus Stadium.
Austria (3).
Vienna (3).
8 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
9 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
10 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
The Bahamas (1).
Paradise Island (1).
19 June, 2010 - Imperial Ballroom.
Brazil (6, 2 cancelled).
Rio de Janiero (3).
17 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
18 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
19 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
Sao Paulo (3, 2 cancelled).
18 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
19 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
24 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
25 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
26 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
Belgium (1, 1 cancelled).
Brussels (1).
6 March, 2011 - Forest National.
Werchter (1 cancelled).
20 June, 2020 - Werchter Boutique (Festivalpark). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Canada (36).
Alberta (8).
Calgary (1).
8 July, 2009 - Pengrowth Saddledome.
Edmonton (7).
9 July, 2009 - Commonwealth Country (Commonwealth Stadium).
18 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
19 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
25 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
26 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
4 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
5 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
British Columbia (4).
Vancouver (4).
10 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
11 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
29 June, 2013 - BC Place Stadium.
1 August, 2015 - BC Place Stadium.
Manitoba (2).
Winnipeg (2).
11 July, 2009 - MTS Centre.
22 June, 2013 - Investors Group Field.
Ontario (18).
Ottawa (2).
20 May, 2010 - Scotiabank Place.
6 July, 2015 - Canadian Tire Centre.
Toronto (10).
21 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
22 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
15 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
16 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
14 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
15 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
2 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
4 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
14 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
15 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
16 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
21 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
22 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
23 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
Prince Edward Island (1).
Cavendish (1).
10 July, 2010 - Cavendish Beach Music Festival 2010 (Cavendish Beach Festival Grounds).
Quebec (2).
Montreal (2).
14 July, 2011 - Bell Centre.
7 July, 2015 - Bell Centre.
Saskatchewan (1).
Craven (1).
10 July, 2009 - Craven Country Jamboree (Big Valley Park).
China (4).
Shanghai (4).
30 May, 2014 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
10 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
11 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
12 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
Denmark (1 cancelled).
Roskilde (1 cancelled).
1 July, 2020 - Roskilde Festival (Roskilde Fairgrounds). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
England (29, 2 cancelled).
Birmingham (1).
22 March, 2011 - LG Arena.
Chelmsford (1).
22 August, 2009 - V Festival (Hylands Park).
13 June, 2024 - Anfield.
14 June, 2024 - Anfield.
15 June, 2024 - Anfield.
London (12, 1 cancelled).
6 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
7 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
23 November, 2009 - Wembley Arena.
30 March, 2011 - The O2 Arena.
1 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
2 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
4 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
10 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
11 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
27 June, 2015 - British Summertime (Hyde Park).
22 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
11 July, 2020 - British Summer Time (Hyde Park). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
21 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
22 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
15 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
16 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
17 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
Manchester (5).
24 November, 2009 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
29 March, 2011 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
24 June, 2015 - Phones 4u Arena Manchester.
8 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
9 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
Pilton (1 cancelled).
28 June, 2020 - Glastonbury Festival (Worthy Farm). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Staffordshire (1).
23 August, 2009 - V Festival (Weston Park).
France (7, 1 cancelled).
Lyon (2).
2 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
3 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
Nîmes (1 cancelled).
5 July, 2020 - Festival de Nîmes (Arena of Nîmes). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Paris (5).
17 March, 2011 - Le Zénith.
9 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
10 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
11 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
12 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
Germany (11, 2 cancelled)
Berlin (1, 1 cancelled).
7 February, 2014 - O2 World.
24 June, 2020 - The Waldbühne. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Cologne (2).
19 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
20 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
Gelsenkirchen (3).
17 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
18 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
19 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
Hamburg (2).
23 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
24 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
Munich (2, 1 cancelled).
14 March, 2011 - Olympiahalle. (Cancelled due to overlapping of promotional activities. When this concert was cancelled, ticketholders were given the opportunity to attend the Oberhausen concert).
27 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
28 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
Oberhausen (1).
12 March, 2011 - Konig-Pilsener Arena.
Hong Kong (1).
21 February, 2011 - AsiaWorld-Arena.
Indonesia (1).
Jakarta (1).
4 June, 2014 - Mata Elang International Stadium.
Italy (3).
Milan (3).
15 March, 2011 - Mediolabum Forum.
13 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
14 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
Ireland (8).
Dublin (8).
27 March, 2011 - The O2.
29 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
30 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
15 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
16 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
28 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
29 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
30 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
Japan (13).
Osaka (1).
13 February, 2011 - Osaka-Jo Hall.
Tokyo (12).
17 February, 2010 - Zepp Tokyo.
16 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
17 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
1 June, 2014 - Saitama Super Arena.
5 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
6 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
20 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
21 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
7 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
8 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
9 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
10 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
Malaysia (1).
Kuala Lumpur.
11 June, 2014 - Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.
Mexico (4).
Mexico City (4).
24 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
25 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
26 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
27 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
Netherlands (6).
Amsterdam (4).
21 June, 2015 - Ziggo Dome.
4 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
5 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
6 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
Rotterdam (1).
7 March, 2011 - Ahoy.
New Zealand (7).
Auckland (7).
16 March, 2012- Vector Arena.
17 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
18 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
29 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
30 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
1 December, 2013 - Vector Arena.
9 November, 2018 - Mt. Smart Stadium.
Northern Ireland (1).
Belfast (1).
25 March, 2011 - Odyssey Arena.
Norway (1, 1 cancelled).
Oslo (1, 1 cancelled).
9 March, 2011 - Oslo Spektrum.
26 June, 2020 - Oslo Sommertid (Voldøkka). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Philippines (2).
Manila (2).
19 February, 2011 - Smart Araneta Coliseum.
6 June, 2014 - Mall of Asia Arena.
Poland (3, 1 cancelled).
Gdynia (1 cancelled).
3 July, 2020 - Open’er Festival (Babie Doly Airport). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
1 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
2 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
3 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
Portugal (2, 1 cancelled).
Lisbon (2).
24 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
25 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
Oerias (1 cancelled).
9 July, 2020 - Nos Festival (Passeio Marítimo de Algés). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Scotland (4).
Edinburgh (3).
7 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium
8 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
9 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
Glasgow (1).
23 June, 2015 - SSE Hydro.
Singapore (11).
9 February, 2011 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
9 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
12 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
7 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
8 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
2 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
3 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
4 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
7 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
8 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
9 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
South Korea (1).
Seoul (1).
11 February, 2011 - Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena.
Spain (2, 1 cancelled).
Madrid (2, 1 cancelled).
19 March, 2011 - Palacio de los Deportes.
8 July, 2020 - Mad Cool Festival (IFEMA). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
30 May, 2024 - Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.
Sweden (3).
Stockholm (3).
17 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
18 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
19 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
Switzerland (2).
Zürich (2).
9 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
10 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
Thailand (1 cancelled).
Bangkok (1 cancelled).
9 June, 2014 - Impact Arena. (Cancelled and moved to Singapore due to the 2014 Thai coup d’etat.
Ticketholders for the Bangkok concert were given the opportunity to attend the Singapore concert.
United States (362, 8 postponed, 4 cancelled).
Alabama (2).
Birmingham (1).
11 September, 2009 - BJCC Arena.
Enterprise (1).
4 June, 2009 - BamaJam Farms.
Arizona (10).
Phoenix/Glendale (10).
21 May, 2009 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
21 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
22 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
28 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
29 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
17 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
18 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
8 May, 2018 - University Of Phoenix Stadium.
17 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
18 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
Arkansas (3).
Jonesboro (1).
24 April, 2009 - ASU Convocation Center.
Little Rock (2).
26 September, 2009 - Verizon Arena.
4 October, 2011 - Verizon Arena.
California (38, 4 cancelled).
Fresno (1).
10 April, 2010 - Save Mart Center at Fresno State.
Inglewood/Los Angeles/Pasadena (23, 2 cancelled).
22 May, 2009 - Staples Center.
15 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
16 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
27 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
28 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
19 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
20 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
21 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
22 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
25 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
26 August, 2015 – Staples Center.
18 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
19 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
25 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
26 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
3 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
4 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
5 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
7 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
8 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
9 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
Sacramento (2).
3 September, 2011 - Power Balance Pavilion.
27 August, 2013 - Sleep Train Arena.
San Diego (4).
24 May, 2009 - San Diego Sports Arena.
20 October, 2011 - Valley View Casino Center.
15 August, 2013 - Valley View Casino Center.
29 August, 2015 - PETCO Park.
San Jose/Santa Clara (8).
11 April, 2010 - HP Pavilion.
1 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
2 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
15 August, 2015 - Levi’s Stadium.
11 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
12 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
28 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
29 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
Colorado (9).
Denver (9).
6 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
7 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
27 September, 2011 - Pepsi Center.
2 June, 2013 - Pepsi Center.
5 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
6 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
25 May, 2018 - Sports Authority Field At Mile High.
14 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
15 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
Connecticut (2).
Hartford (1).
22 June, 2011 - XL Center.
Uncasville (1).
28 August, 2009 - Mohegan Sun Arena.
Florida (24).
Ft. Lauderdale (3).
7 March, 2010 - BankAtlantic Center.
2 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Center.
3 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Arena.
Jacksonville (2).
1 May, 2009 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
11 November, 2011 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
Miami (7).
13 November, 2011 - American Airlines Arena.
10 April, 2013 - American Airlines Arena.
27 October, 2015 - American Airlines Arena.
18 August, 2018 - Hard Rock Stadium.
18 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
19 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
20 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
Orlando (4).
5 March, 2010 - Amway Arena.
4 June, 2011 - Amway Center.
11 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
12 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
Tampa (8).
4 March, 2010 - St. Pete Times Forum.
12 November, 2011 - St. Pete Times Forum.
20 April, 2013 - Tampa Bay Times Forum.
31 October, 2015 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 August, 2018 - Raymond James Stadium.
13 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
15 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
Georgia (10).
Atlanta (10, 2 postponed, 1 cancelled).
9 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
10 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
1 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
2 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
18 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
19 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
24 October, 2015 - Georgia Dome.
10 August, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
11 August, 2018 - Mercedes Benz Stadium.
5 April, 2020 - Capital One Jam Fest (Centenial Olympic Park). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
28 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
29 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
30 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Idaho (1).
Boise (1).
17 May, 2009 - Idaho Center.
Illinois (13).
Chicago (12).
9 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
10 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
9 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2013 - Soldier Field.
18 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
19 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
1 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
3 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
4 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
Moline (1).
8 May, 2010 - i Wireless Center.
Indiana (9).
Indianapolis (8).
8 October, 2009 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
29 July, 2011 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
26 April, 2013 - Bankers Life Arena.
16 September, 2015 - Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
15 September, 2018 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
1 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
2 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
3 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
Evansville (1).
23 April, 2009 - Roberts Municipal Stadium.
Iowa (4).
Des Moines (4).
6 May, 2010 - Wells Fargo Arena.
29 May, 2011 - Wells Fargo Arena.
1 August, 2013 - Wells Fargo Arena.
8 October, 2015 - Wells Fargo Arena.
Kansas (2).
Wichita (2).
1 April, 2010 - Intrust Bank Arena.
6 August, 2013 - Intrust Bank Arena.
Kentucky (9, 1 postponed).
Lexington (4).
29 April, 2010 - Rupp Arena.
29 October, 2011 - Rupp Arena.
27 April, 2013 - Rupp Arena.
20 October, 2015 - Rupp Arena.
Louisville (5, 1 postponed).
30 August, 2009 - Kentucky State Fair (Freedom Hall).
2 July, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
11 October, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center.
7 May, 2013 - KFC Yum! Center.
2 June, 2015 - KFC Yum! Center.
30 June, 2018 - Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium.
Louisiana (13).
Baton Rouge (2).
29 May, 2010 - Bayou Country Superfest (LSU Tiger Stadium).
22 May, 2015 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana (United States) - LSU Tiger Stadium.
Bossier City (3).
10 September, 2009 - CenturyTel Center.
20 September, 2011 - CenturyLink Center.
20 May, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Lafayette (1).
9 September, 2009 - Cajundome.
New Orleans (5).
5 October, 2011 - New Orleans Arena.
22 September, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
25 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
26 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
27 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
Maryland (3).
Baltimore (1).
11 June, 2009 - Merriweather Post Pavillion.
Landover (2).
10 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
11 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
Massachusetts (13, 2 cancelled).
Foxborough (13, 2 cancelled).
5 June, 2010 - Gillette Stadium.
25 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
27 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
24 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
25 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2018 - Gilette Stadium.
27 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
28 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
31 July, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
1 August, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
19 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
20 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium
21 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
Michigan (10).
Detroit (8).
26 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
27 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
11 June, 2011 - Ford Field.
4 May, 2013 - Ford Field.
30 May, 2015 - Ford Field.
28 August, 2018 - Ford Field.
9 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
10 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
Grand Rapids (2).
2 October, 2009 - Van Andel Arena.
28 July, 2011 - Van Andel Arena.
Minnesota (15).
Detroit Lakes (1).
7 August, 2009 - WE Fest (Soo Pass Ranch).
Duluth (1).
3 September, 2009 - Arena at Gwinett Center.
Minneapolis/St. Paul (13).
11 October, 2009 - Target Center.
7 May, 2010 - Xcel Energy Center.
14 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
15 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
7 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
8 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
11 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
12 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
13 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
31 August, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
1 September, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
23 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
24 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
Mississippi (1).
Biloxi (1).
2 May, 2009 - Mississippi Coast Coliseum.
Missouri (17, 2 postponed).
Kansas City (9).
2 April, 2010 - Sprint Center.
24 September, 2011 - Arrowhead Stadium.
2 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
3 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
21 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
22 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
8 September, 2018 - Arrowhead Stadium.
7 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
8 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
St. Louis (8, 2 postponed).
25 April, 2009 - Scottrade Center.
13 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
14 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
18 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
19 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
28 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
29 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
13 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
14 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
18 September, 2018 - The Dome of America’s Center.
Nebraska (7).
Omaha (7).
9 August, 2009 - Qwest Center.
27 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
28 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
13 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
14 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
9 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
10 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Nevada (4).
Las Vegas (4).
23 May, 2009 - Mandalay Bay Events Center.
15 May, 2015 - Rock In Rio (Las Vegas Festival Grounds).
24 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
25 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
New Jersey (18).
East Rutherford (9).
13 July, 2013 - MetLife Stadium.
10 July, 2015 - Metlife Stadium.
11 July, 2015 - MetLife Stadium.
20 July, 2018 - Metlife Stadium.
21 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
22 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
26 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
27 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
28 May, 2023 - MetLife Stadium.
Newark (9).
12 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
13 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
19 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
20 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
23 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
24 July, 2011- Prudential Center.
27 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
28 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
29 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
New York (6).
Buffalo (1).
21 June, 2011 - HSBC Arena.
New York City (3).
27 August, 2009 - Madison Square Garden.
21 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
22 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
Uniondale (2).
14 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
15 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
North Carolina (10, 1 postponed).
Charlotte (3, 1 postponed).
5 September, 2009 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
8 July, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
16 November, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
22 March, 2013 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
Raleigh (2).
13 September, 2013 - PNC Arena.
9 June, 2015 - PNC Arena.
Greensboro (5).
12 June, 2009 - Greensboro Coliseum.
30 June, 2011 - Greensboro Coliseum.
12 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
13 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
21 October, 2015 - Greensboro Coliseum.
North Charleston (1).
30 April, 2009 - North Charleston Coliseum.
Raleigh (2).
1 May, 2010 - RBC Center.
17 November, 2011 - RBC Center.
North Dakota (3).
Fargo (2, 1 postponed).
6 September, 2013 - Fargodome.
9 September, 2015 - Fargodome. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Houston in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
12 October, 2015 - Fargodome.
Minot (1).
25 July, 2009 - North Dakota State Fair (North Dakota State Fair Grandstand).
Ohio (14).
Cincinatti (3).
28 March, 2010 - U.S. Bank Arena.
30 June, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
1 July, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
Cleveland (5).
3 October, 2009 - Quicken Loans Arena.
30 July, 2011 - Quicken Loans Arena.
25 April, 2013 - Quicken Loans Arena.
3 June, 2015 - Quicken Loans Arena.
17 July, 2018 - Cleveland, Ohio (United States) - First Energy Stadium.
Columbus (6).
17 July, 2009 - Value City Arena.
7 June, 2011 - Nationwide Arena.
8 May, 2013 - Nationwide Arena.
17 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
18 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
7 July, 2018 - Ohio Stadium.
Oklahoma (5).
Oklahoma City (2).
31 March, 2010 - Ford Center.
15 October, 2011 - Chesapeake Arena.
Tulsa (3).
27 September, 2009 - BOK Center.
21 September, 2011 - BOK Center.
7 August, 2013 - BOK Center.
Oregon (3).
Portland (3).
16 May, 2009 - Rose Garden Arena.
6 September, 2011 - Rose Garden Arena.
30 August, 2013 - Moda Center.
Pennsylvania (20).
Philadelphia (12).
18 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
19 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
6 August, 2011 - Lincoln Financial Field.
19 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
20 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field,
14 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
14 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
Pittsburgh (7).
1 October, 2009 - Mellon Arena.
18 June, 2011 - Heinz Field.
6 July, 2013 - Heinz Field.
6 June, 2015 - Heinz Field.
7 August, 2018 - Heinz Field.
16 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
17 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
University Park (1).
29 August, 2009 - Bryce Jordan Center.
South Carolina (4).
Columbia (3).
30 April, 2010 - Colonial Life Arena.
18 November, 2011 - Colonial Life Arena.
23 March, 2013 - Colonial Life Arena.
Greenville (1).
4 September, 2009 - BI-LO Center.
South Dakota (1).
Rapid City (1).
24 July, 2009 - Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.
Tennessee (14).
Knoxville (1).
1 July, 2011 - Thompson-BolingArena.
Memphis (1).
30 October, 2011 - FedEx Forum.
Nashville (12).
12 September, 2009 - Sommet Center.
16 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
17 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
19 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
20 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
21 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
26 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 August, 2018 - Nissan Stadium.
5 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
6 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
7 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
Texas (26, 1 postponed).
Arlington/Dallas (10).
25 September, 2009 - American Airlines Center.
11 March, 2010 - American Airlines Center.
8 October, 2011 - Cowboys Stadium.
25 May, 2013 - Cowboys Stadium.
17 October, 2015 - AT&T Stadium.
5 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
6 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
31 March, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
1 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
2 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
Austin (3).
10 March, 2010 - Frank Erwin Center.
26 October, 2011 - Frank Erwin Center.
21 May, 2013 - Frank Erwin Center.
Corpus Christi (1).
12 March, 2010 - American Bank Center Arena.
Houston (9).
25 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
26 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
5 November, 2011 - Minute Maid Park.
16 May, 2013 - Toyota Center.
9 September, 2015 - Minute Maid Park.
12 October, 2015 - Minute Maid Park. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Fargo in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
29 September, 2018 - NRG Stadium.
21 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
23 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
22 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
Lubbock (1).
14 October, 2011 - United Spirit Arena.
San Antonio (2).
25 October, 2011 - AT&T Center.
22 May, 2013 - AT&T Center.
Utah (4).
Salt Lake City (4).
26 May, 2009 - EnergySolutions Arena.
28 September, 2011 - EnergySolutions Arena.
1 June, 2013 - EnergySolutions Arena.
4 September, 2015 - EnergySolutions Arena.
Virginia (2).
20 March, 2010 - John Paul Jones Arena.
14 September, 2013 - John Paul Jones Arena
Washington (8).
Seattle/Tacoma (7).
15 May, 2009 - KeyArena.
7 September, 2011 - Tacoma Dome.
31 August, 2013 - Tacoma Dome.
8 August, 2015 - CenturyLink Field.
22 May, 2018 - CenturyLink Field.
22 July, 2023 - Lumen Field.
23 May, 2023 - Lumen Field.
Spokane (1).
14 May, 2009 - Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.
Washington, DC (8).
1 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
3 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
11 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
12 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
13 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
14 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
West Virginia (1).
Charleston (1).
18 July, 2009 - Charleston Civic Center.
Wisconsin (4).
Cadott (1).
25 June, 2009 - Country Fest 2009 (Chippewa Valley Festival Grounds).
Milwaukee (1).
8 June, 2011 - Bradley Center.
Oshkosh (1).
24 June, 2009 - Country USA Festival (Ford Festival Park).
Twin Lakes (1).
16 July, 2009 - Country Thunder Festival (Shadow Hill Ranch).
Wyoming (1).
Cheyenne (1).
23 July, 2009 - Cheyenne Frontier Days Arena.
Wales (1).
Cardiff (1).
18 June, 2024 - Principality Stadium.
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actionplatformer · 9 months
The classic bullet time shot on top of the building in The Matrix has the Ernst and Young building on full display. May as well have a sign that says Sydney, NSW, Australia in the background
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fade-out-lights · 2 years
Further, that complex of memories, moods, and feelings, joined to a particular body (the human body), which is called the "I" or "Ego," manifests itself as relatively permanent. I may be engaged upon this or that subject, I may be quiet and cheerful, excited and ill-humoured. Yet, pathological cases apart, enough durable features remain to identify the ego. Of course, the ego also is only of relative permanency.
The apparent permanency of the ego consists chiefly in the single fact of its continuity, in the slowness of its changes. The many thoughts and plans of yesterday that are continued today, and of which our environment in waking hours incessantly reminds us (whence in dreams the ego can be very indistinct, doubled, or entirely wanting), and the little habits that are unconsciously and involuntarily kept up for long periods of time, constitute the groundwork of the ego. There can hardly be greater differences in the egos of different people, than occur in the course of years in one person. When I recall today my early youth, I should take the boy that I then was, with the exception of a few individual features, for a different person, were it not for the existence of the chain of memories. Many an article that I myself penned twenty years ago impresses me now as something quite foreign to myself. The very gradual character of the changes of the body also contributes to the stability of the ego, but in a much less degree than people imagine. Such things are much less analysed and noticed than the intellectual and the moral ego. Personally, people know themselves very poorly.
— Ernst Mach, “The Analysis of Sensations” (trans. C. M. Williams, Sydney Waterlow)
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littleobelia · 10 months
YES LAD thanks for your enthusiasm! The inspiration is a notorious character on the sydney gay scene who used to get up to no good in the bathrooms around town including at the Hordern Pavillion (incidentally that's where Louis' gig was last year)
Nfsw info under the cut
"In the old days at the showground parties, you'd go into the toilets and someone would always twist off the neon lights, you'd get there and it would be really dark," says artist Gareth Ernst.
"You'd just hear sounds, you'd get to the urinal, and there'd be this body in front of you rolling around, wanting you to piss on him.
"He was kind of nameless and a little bit mysterious … he never said a word."
(From the ABC)
Now... imagine Harry... 😛
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apacbusinesstimes · 11 days
Freight Exchange: Redefining Logistics under Cate Hull’s Leadership
In the field of logistics efficiency is a key component for success. With the rapid evolution of technology, the traditional methods of freight management are undergoing a significant transformation. The FrightExchange is a pioneering force reshaping the freight industry in Australia.
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In this article, we discuss the entrepreneurial journey of Cate Hull who is the founder and CEO of FrightExchange which is an online shipping platform that provides excellent service across Australia.
Cate Hull: Founder and CEO
Cate Hull is an Australian woman entrepreneur to automates global logistics. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in mathematics and psychology from The University of Queensland, She holds a degree in Master of Business Administration from AGSM @ UNSW Business School. Talking about her career she initially, worked as an Actuarial Analyst at FAI and Segmentation Manager at Zurich. Later she was AVP Database Marketing Manager at Citibank for 4 years. Cate Hull was Executive Manager of Customer Analytics at Commonwealth Bank of Australia and was later promoted to Executive Manager for Retail Bank Transformation. She worked as an Associate Director at Ernst & Young (EY) and was a leader of the Oceania Forensic Data Analytics practice. In the year 2014 Cate Hull founded FreightExchange to automate freight for business with supply chain using Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Cate Hull saw the need to develop an online platform after seeing the response to research conducted on hundreds of members of the Australian freight community. She identified the need for simplifying the process of the supply chain, with this online platform carriers can sell their unused space to suppliers, and in turn, shippers can track their products with real-time data cost-effectively. Cate Hull herself has vast experience in logistics and freight along with Martyn and other technical expertise, she decided to start FrieghtExchange which is a technology-based solution for freight management. 
Brief about FrightExchange 
FreightExchange is an online shipping platform that is easy to implement and helps businesses make smarter, data-driven decisions. FreightExchange was founded by Cate Hull and established in the year 2014. It has its headquarters located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The customers of FreightExchange are manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors who ship their products to outlets and customers directly.
The vision of FreightExchange company is to become the backbone of global trade and this can be achieved with the plan of making shipping technology available and accessible for business in a way that is also good for the earth. From the start, the company aimed for a simpler, better, and quicker freight management system and has transformed the Australian freight industry. It has helped carriers and shippers in waste reduction and improving customer satisfaction
The values and key principles of the company for making the solution accessible are – a data-driven model that will help customers make smart decisions for fast growth. The solution is made sustainable by continuous innovation and optimizing the shipping operations. The key differentiator is the technology which helps the customers to self-serve and solve problems in no time.
The company provides multiple services in shipping platforms such as oversized freight shipping, pallet, parcel, and carton carriers, dangerous goods shipping, international couriers, Shopify shipping plugin, etc. In oversized freight shipping customers can save up to 60% on cost and 25% on labor costs along with 5x faster delivery without errors. The shipping of dangerous goods has complexity and regulations that need high attention to enable safety. The company focuses on the careful identification of dangerous goods and follows regulatory transportation with labeling and packing which are also effectively monitored and tracked throughout the process. 
The FrieghtExchange helps 12 new customers with their freight every day. Discounted rates and specialized carriers can be obtained for complex freight across Australia with CRL, StarTrack, Hi-Trans Express, direct Coureirs, NorthLine, Niche Logistics, and many more. By providing excellent service with a simple platform FreightExchange is providing a solution for supply chain systems across Australia.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/freightexchange-redefining-logistics-under-cate-hulls-leadership/
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 11.9 (before 1950)
694 – At the Seventeenth Council of Toledo, Egica, a king of the Visigoths of Hispania, accuses Jews of aiding Muslims, sentencing all Jews to slavery. 1277 – The Treaty of Aberconwy, a humiliating settlement forced on Llywelyn ap Gruffudd by King Edward I of England, brings a temporary end to the Welsh Wars. 1313 – Louis the Bavarian defeats his cousin Frederick I of Austria at the Battle of Gammelsdorf. 1330 – At the Battle of Posada, Basarab I of Wallachia defeats the Hungarian army of Charles I Robert. 1456 – Ulrich II, Count of Celje, last ruler of the County of Cilli, is assassinated in Belgrade. 1520 – More than 50 people are sentenced and executed in the Stockholm Bloodbath. 1620 – Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower sight land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. 1688 – Glorious Revolution: William of Orange captures Exeter. 1720 – The synagogue of Judah HeHasid is burned down by Arab creditors, leading to the expulsion of the Ashkenazim from Jerusalem. 1729 – Spain, France and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Seville. 1780 – American Revolutionary War: In the Battle of Fishdam Ford a force of British and Loyalist troops fail in a surprise attack against the South Carolina Patriot militia under Brigadier General Thomas Sumter. 1791 – The Dublin Society of United Irishmen is founded. 1799 – Napoleon Bonaparte leads the Coup of 18 Brumaire ending the Directory government, and becoming First Consul of the successor Consulate Government. 1851 – Kentucky marshals abduct abolitionist minister Calvin Fairbank from Jeffersonville, Indiana, and take him to Kentucky to stand trial for helping a slave escape. 1862 – American Civil War: Union General Ambrose Burnside assumes command of the Army of the Potomac, after George B. McClellan is removed. 1867 – The Tokugawa shogunate hands back power to the Emperor of Japan, starting the Meiji Restoration. 1872 – The Great Boston Fire of 1872. 1881 – Mapuche rebels attack the fortified Chilean settlement of Temuco. 1887 – The United States receives rights to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 1900 – Russia completes its occupation of Manchuria with 100,000 troops. 1906 – Theodore Roosevelt is the first sitting President of the United States to make an official trip outside the country, doing so to inspect progress on the Panama Canal. 1907 – The Cullinan Diamond is presented to King Edward VII on his birthday. 1913 – The Great Lakes Storm of 1913, the most destructive natural disaster ever to hit the lakes, reaches its greatest intensity after beginning two days earlier. The storm destroys 19 ships and kills more than 250 people. 1914 – SMS Emden is sunk by HMAS Sydney in the Battle of Cocos. 1917 – The Balfour Declaration is published in The Times newspaper. 1918 – Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates after the German Revolution, and Germany is proclaimed a Republic. 1923 – In Munich, police and government troops crush the Nazi Beer Hall Putsch. 1935 – The Committee for Industrial Organization, the precursor to the Congress of Industrial Organizations, is founded in Atlantic City, New Jersey, by eight trade unions belonging to the American Federation of Labor. 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Chinese Army withdraws from the Battle of Shanghai. 1938 – Kristallnacht occurs, instigated by the Nazis using the killing of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan as justification. 1940 – Warsaw is awarded the Virtuti Militari by the Polish government-in-exile.
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lecameleontv · 9 months
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La mini-série estival Mystère (2007) avec l'acteur Patrick Bauchau.
Programme-TV : en REPLAY sur MYTF1
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Il s'agit d'une création de la chaîne TF1.
Distribution : - Ronald Guttman, que l'acteur avait déjà croisé dans Les Soldats de l’Espérance (1993) et La Révolution Française (1989) - Sylvie Flepp que l'acteur avait déjà croisé dans La Révolution Française (1989) ...
Episode 1
sources : imdb et mytf1
Alias Dr Sydney  dans la série Le Caméléon. Alias le Professeur Ernst Lodz dans La Caravane de l’Etrange avec Jon Gries  Alias André Valeur dans Mont-Royal
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einereiseblog · 1 year
Der Sydney Bridge Climb ist eine der berühmtesten Aktivitäten Australiens – aber ist es die Kosten und Mühen wert? Wir haben einigen Overalls getrotzt, um es herauszufinden Der Sydney Bridge Climb ist nicht zuletzt eine Lektion in purer Kraft. Als sein Schöpfer, Paul Cave, zum ersten Mal Vorschläge für den Aufstieg machte, antworteten die Aufsichtsbehörden mit einer Liste von über 60 Gründen, warum es einfach nicht möglich war. Caves vorgeschlagene blaue Anzüge würden die Fahrer ablenken, sagten sie. Herunterfallende Gegenstände würden Unfälle verursachen, und Kletterer würden stürzen und sich verletzen. Die Liste ging weiter. Cave war keiner, der eine Niederlage akzeptierte, und machte sich daran, jedes Problem systematisch zu untersuchen und auszuräumen. Die blauen Anzüge wurden grau gemacht, um die Fahrer nicht abzulenken; Kletterer wurden in Overalls gesteckt, um zu verhindern, dass Gegenstände herunterfallen; und Sicherheitsgurte wurden hinzugefügt, um Kletterer festzuhalten. Am Ende dauerte der Sydney Bridge Climb vom Konzept bis zum Start länger als der Bau der Brücke selbst. „Ich hatte einen Zweijahres-Businessplan und es dauerte 10 Jahre“, bemerkte Cave ironisch. Atlas & Boots Kletterer sind jederzeit an der Brücke befestigt Die Sydney Harbour Bridge selbst wurde über neun Jahre gebaut, vom ersten Spatenstich im Juli 1923 bis zu ihrer Eröffnung am 19. März 1932. Heute ist sie 1.149 m lang und 134 m hoch. 52.800 Tonnen wiegt das Stahlwerk, das mit rund sechs Millionen Nieten verschraubt ist. Seltsamerweise wurde von den 16 Todesfällen während des Baus nur einer durch einen Sturz von der Brücke verursacht. Es gab einen zweiten Sturz, aber der fragliche glückliche Ire traf zuerst die Wasserfüße und kam mit ein oder zwei gebrochenen Rippen davon. Heutzutage ist die Sicherheit von größter Bedeutung und Kletterer sind jederzeit an der Brücke befestigt. Alle Habseligkeiten, einschließlich Telefone und Kameras, müssen vorher in einem Schließfach verstaut werden, mit Ausnahme von Sonnenbrillen, die an den Kletteranzügen befestigt werden. Alles andere liefert der Aufstieg. Mützen, Handschuhe, Fleece, Regenkleidung und sogar Taschentücher werden aufgesteckt, um zu verhindern, dass Gegenstände auf die darunter liegenden Autos fallen. Wir bekamen eine Sondererlaubnis zum Mitführen einer kleinen Kamera, die natürlich nach Prüfung und Abzeichnung durch einen Vorgesetzten angesteckt wurde. Nochmals: Sicherheit wird sehr, sehr ernst genommen. Wir brachen von unserem Hotel, Mantra on Kent, auf und kamen 15 Minuten vor unserem geplanten Aufstieg am Sydney Bridge Climb-Büro an. Dort checkten wir ein, unterschrieben unsere Verzichtserklärungen und zogen unsere Overalls an, wobei wir alle losen Gegenstände in einem Schließfach ließen. Den Sydney Bridge Climb gibt es in verschiedenen Varianten: Dawn, Day, Twilight oder Night. Die häufigste Wahl ist ein Tagesaufstieg, der selbst mehrere Optionen hat. Der klassische BridgeClimb dauert 3h 30m und verfolgt eine Route entlang des berühmten Brückenbogens. Dieser Aufstieg hat 1.332 Stufen und ist die bessere Option für nervöse Kletterer, da er mehr Unterstützung von Kletterführern bietet. Der BridgeClimb Express dauert 2 Stunden 15 Minuten und ist für „unabhängig denkende Leute gedacht, die es schnell nach oben schaffen wollen“. Mit 1.002 Stufen führt er Kletterer nicht entlang des Brückenbogens, sondern durch die Eingeweide, um eine der größten Hängebrücken der Welt aus der Nähe zu betrachten. Wir entschieden uns für den Express und machten uns mit unserem Kletterführer über den „Catwalk“ auf den Weg. Hier haben nervöse Kletterer am meisten zu kämpfen. Unter dem Metallgeflecht ist der Verkehrslärm deutlich zu erkennen, was nervöse Seelen manchmal überfordert. Die meisten Kletterer finden den Sydney Bridge Climb einfacher als befürchtet Die meisten Menschen halten durch und stellen fest, dass der Sydney Bridge Climb nicht so anstrengend ist, wie sie befürchtet hatten.
Es gibt keine Leitern oder Seile. Stattdessen gehen die Teilnehmer Stufen hinauf, von denen die meisten flach sind und von Rampen und horizontalen Laufstegen unterbrochen werden. Es gibt auch viele Haltestellen, an denen Sie innehalten und Ihrem Kletterführer zuhören können, der Geschichten über die Brücke und ihre vielen berühmten Besucher erzählt. Der Sydney Bridge Climb hat im Laufe der Jahre eine Vielzahl von Prominenten angezogen. Wir werden unseren Kletterführer nicht nennen und beschämen, aber wir werden sagen, dass er trotz Besuchern wie Oprah Winfrey, Robert De Niro, Paul McCartney und Kylie Minogue am meisten begeistert war, PC Tony Stamp an die Spitze zu führen! Atlas & Boots Die Aussicht vom Sydney Bridge Climb Die Sydney Harbour Bridge war auch Gastgeber für über 4.000 Anträge und ein paar Dutzend Hochzeiten (ja, Sie können darauf heiraten!). Bei unserem Aufstieg gab es solche Spielereien nicht. Stattdessen verfolgten wir unseren Weg nach oben, vorbei an großen Trägern und Pylonen, endlosen Reihen von Nieten und schwindelerregenden Aussichtspunkten über den rauschenden Verkehr. Dort fanden wir eine der besten Aussichten in ganz Sydney. Das Sydney Opera House und der berühmte Hafen lagen auf der einen Seite, während sich die Stadt auf der anderen Seite ausbreitete. Wir machten ein paar übliche Fotos, einschließlich ungeschickter Posen mit erhobenem Daumen und gespreizten Armen („Briten haben immer damit zu kämpfen“, bemerkte unser Kletterführer amüsiert). Natürlich haben wir die natürlichste Variante bevorzugt. Atlas & Boots Oben auf der Sydney Harbour Bridge Also – hat sich der Sydney Bridge Climb alles in allem gelohnt? Es ist nicht zu leugnen, dass die Preise happig sind ($303 AUD / $230 USD pro Person plus mehr für Fotos). Vor der Ankunft im Land haben wir uns sicherlich über die Preise geärgert, aber wir haben schnell gemerkt, dass in Australien alles teuer ist. Der Sydney Bridge Climb ist eines der bekanntesten Dinge, die Sie im Land tun können, und allein aus diesem Grund lohnt es sich. Adrenalin-Junkies werden durch den Aufstieg nicht auf die Probe gestellt, aber die schiere Einzigartigkeit des Erlebnisses, kombiniert mit den Erkenntnissen der Kletterführer und dem daraus resultierenden Blick auf den Hafen, macht den Sydney Bridge Climb die Kosten und Mühen wert. Wie ich in den Lektionen gesagt habe, die ich auf Reisen um die Welt gelernt habe, gib im Zweifelsfall das Geld aus. In einem Jahr werden Sie sich wahrscheinlich nicht mehr an die Kosten erinnern, aber Sie werden sich an die Erfahrung erinnern. Das verspreche ich dir. Sydney Bridge Climb: das Wesentliche Was: Der Sydney Bridge Climb in Sydney, Australien. Wo: Wir teilen unsere Zeit in Sydney zwischen Mantra 2 Bond Street und Mantra on Kent auf, die beide Unterkünfte im Apartmentstil in exzellenter Lage bieten. Vom Mantra 2 Bond Street in Sydneys CBD (Central Business District) erreichen Sie die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt bequem zu Fuß. Das Sydney Opera House und die Sydney Harbour Bridge sind 15 Gehminuten entfernt, während Circular Quay und The Rocks in nur 10 Minuten erreicht werden können. Der Bahnhof Wynyard ist zwei Minuten entfernt und somit ein ausgezeichneter Ausgangspunkt, um Sydneys Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erkunden. Die Apartments selbst sind stilvoll und äußerst komfortabel. Die Executive-Studio-Apartments erstrecken sich über 2 Ebenen und sind offen gestaltet und verfügen über eine abgesenkte Lounge, ein Marmorbad und eine voll ausgestattete Küche – falls Sie gerne kochen! Ein Dachpool und ein Spa sowie ein Lobby-Café und eine Bar vervollständigen die hervorragende Ausstattung des Hotels. Mantra on Kent ist weniger opulent, aber genauso bequem. Unser modernes Apartment mit einem Schlafzimmer bot einen weiten Blick über die Stadt und einfachen Zugang zum fünf Minuten entfernten Darling Harbour sowie zum zehn Minuten entfernten Chinatown. Das stilvolle Hotel verfügt über ein hauseigenes Restaurant, Tagungsräume und eine 24-Stunden-Rezeption.
Alle Apartments bieten WLAN sowie Küchen- und Wäschemöglichkeiten. Mit der 100 Meter entfernten Station Town Hall und den Parkplätzen von Wilson (gegen Gebühr) ist das Mantra on Kent eine bequeme und bequeme Möglichkeit, Sydney und Umgebung zu erkunden. Mantra Hotels bieten Unterkünfte im ganzen Land an – eine sichere Wahl für komfortable Unterkünfte in exzellenten Lagen. Atlas & Boots Wann: Die beste Reisezeit für Sydney ist von September bis November und von März bis Mai. Dies vermeidet die Hochsaison von Dezember bis Februar und bietet angenehme Temperaturen mit überschaubaren Menschenmassen. Wie: Buchen Sie einen Aufstieg über die Sydney Bridge Climb-Website. Die Büros befinden sich in zentraler Lage in Sydney, nur wenige Gehminuten von den meisten CBD-Hotels entfernt. Gehen Sie die Checkliste vor dem Aufstieg einige Tage vor dem Aufstieg durch und versuchen Sie, 15 Minuten vor Ihrem Aufstieg anzukommen. Buchen Sie Inlands- oder Auslandsflüge nach Sydney über Skyscanner zu den besten Preisen. Australien ist ein riesiges Land. Wenn du die Planung lieber abgeben möchtest, empfehlen wir G Adventures und ihre Kleingruppen-Australien-Touren. Lonely Planet Australia ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für das Land, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch weniger befahrene Straßen nehmen möchten. Hauptbild: Pisaphotography/Shutterstock .
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Tendo começado sua turnê pelo Reino Unido, uma turnê que se esgotou com meses de antecedência e uma turnê que está tendo duas datas no O2 Forum Kentish Town de Londres, a Wet Leg tem o prazer de anunciar que elas estarão transmitindo o segundo desses shows de Londres ao vivo no TikTok. Assista Wet Leg ao vivo no O2 Forum de Londres, Quinta dia 24 de Novembro no TikTok AQUI. Os fãs podem sintonizar a partir das 20h55 GMT e stream será o primeiro no #AltMusic LIVE no TikTok. A Wet Leg também se apresentará no e Jonaan Ross Show deste sábado à noite na ITV. Além disso, Wet Leg foi indicada para cinco GRAMMYsesta semana, incluindo Melhor Artista Novo, Melhor Álbum de Música Alternativa, Melhor Performance Musical Alternativa para "Chaise Longue", Melhor Gravação Remixada para a reviravolta do Soulwax em "Too Late Now" e Melhor Álbum Engenheiro, Não-Clássico. As notícias encerram um tremendo ano para Wet Leg: lançando seu excelente álbum de estréia auto-intitulado em abril, o disco ficou no número 1 no Reino Unido e no número 14 nos EUA e foi selecionado para o Mercury Prize. Eles tiveram mais de 180 milhões de streams , 300.000 vendas em todo o mundo, recentemente tocaram com Florence + e Machine, incluindo um show noMadison Square Garden, em Nova York, e fizeram sua quarta aparição na TV americana incluindo o Jimmy Kimmel, assista aqui a "Chaise Longue". A banda também ganhou o prêmio Independent Breakrough do Reino Unido no AIM Awards de setembro. Wet Leg está disponível para comprar em vinil, cassete, CD e digitalmente. Compre aqui: Wet Leg Store | Digital Datas da Turnê 23 de Novembro - O2 Forum Kentish Town, London 24 de Novembro - O2 Forum Kentish Town, London 25 de Novembro – Rock City, Nottingham 27 de Novembro – Limelight, Belfast 28 de Novembro – Academy, Dublin 4 de Dezembro – Headliner’s, Louisville 5 de Dezembro - Delmar Hall, St Louis 6 de Dezembro – Truman, Kansas City 2023 12 de Fevereiro – O-East, Tokyo 13 de Fevereiro – Nagoya Club Quattro, Nagoya 14 de Fevereiro – Umeda Club Quattro, Osaka 15 de Fevereiro - O-East, Tokyo 20 de Fevereiro – HBF Park, Per w/ Harry Styles 24 de Fevereiro – Marvel Stadium, Melbourne w/ Harry Styles 25 de Fevereiro - Marvel Stadium, Melbourne w/ Harry Styles 28 de Fevereiro – Metricon Stadium, Gold Coast w/ Harry Styles 3 de Março – Accor Stadium, Sydney w/ Harry Styles 4 de Março - Accor Stadium, Sydney w/ Harry Styles 7 de Março– MT Smart Stadium, Auckland w/ Harry Styles 13 de Maio – Casa Arena, Horsens * 14 de Maio – Casa Arena, Horsens * 17 de Maio – Olympiastadion, Munich * 18 de Maio – Olympiastadion, Munich * 22 de Maio – Building Society Arena, Coventry * 23 de Maio - Building Society Arena, Coventry * 26 de Maio – Murrayfield, Edinburgh * 27 de Maio - Murrayfield, Edinburgh * 1 de Junho – Stade De France, Paris * 2 de Junho - Stade De France, Paris * 5 de Junho – Johan Cruijff ArenA, Amsterdam * 6 de Junho - Johan Cruijff ArenA, Amsterdam * 10 de Junho – Slane Castle, Slane * 13 de Junho – Wembley Stadium, London * 14 de Junho – Wembley Stadium, London * 16 de Junho - Wembley Stadium, London * 17 de Junho – Wembley Stadium, London * 20 de Junho – Principality Stadium, Cardiff * 21 de Junho - Principality Stadium, Cardiff * 24 de Junho – Werchter Park, Werchter * 27 de Junho – Merkur-Speil Arena, Dusseldorf * 28 de Junho – Merkur-Speil Arena, Dusseldorf * 2 de Julho – PGE Narodony, Warsaw * 5 de Julho – Deutsche Bank Park, Frankfurt * 8 de Julho – Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Vienna * 12 de Julho – Estadi Olimpic Lluis Company, Barcelona * 14 de Julho – Espacio Mad Cool, Madrid * 18 de Julho – Passeio Maritimo Alges, Lisbon * 22 de Julho – Emilia RCF Arena, Reggio * * w/ Harry Styles
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drugsinceu · 2 years
Studie: CBD kan jonge mensen met angst helpen
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Een nieuwe studie bewijst dat CBD angst kan helpen bij adolescenten en jongvolwassenen. Na een behandelingsperiode van 12 weken rapporteerden de proefpersonen een vermindering van 42,6% van de angst.De studie was klein en experts zeggen dat meer onderzoek nodig is. Cannabidiol, of CBD – de niet-psychoactieve component in cannabis – zou een veelbelovende therapie kunnen zijn voor therapieresistente angst bij adolescenten en jonge volwassenen, blijkt uit een nieuw Australisch onderzoek. 3 maanden CBD-behandeling Na 12 weken CBD-behandeling rapporteerden studiedeelnemers in de leeftijd van 12 tot 25 jaar een gemiddelde vermindering van 42,6% van de angst en beperkingen van angst in vergelijking met voor de behandeling. Dat werd ontdekt in het ondrzoek onder leiding van de Australische geestelijke gezondheidsdienst voor jongeren en onderzoeksinstituut Orygen. Deelnemers aan de studie namen tussen de 200 en 800 mg CBD per dag, afhankelijk van de waargenomen effectiviteit. De studie werd afgelopen week gepubliceerd in het Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. De onderzoekers gebruikten twee beoordelingsschalen om de effectiviteit van de behandeling te beoordelen: zelfbeoordelingen (een vermindering van 42,6% van de angstsymptomen) en de gestandaardiseerde Hamilton Anxiety Rating, die een vermindering van 50,7% van de ernst van de angst registreerde. De studie bestond uit slechts 31 deelnemers, maar was vooral gericht op degenen die geen vooruitgang lieten zien met andere angstbehandelingen, waaronder ten minste vijf met cognitieve gedragstherapie (CGT)-sessies. De deelnemers bleven echter gedurende de 12 weken durende studie CGT-behandelingen ontvangen. De studie werd gedeeltelijk gefinancierd door het Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics aan de Universiteit van Sydney, een filantropisch gefinancierd onderzoeksprogramma dat gespecialiseerd is in de ontwikkeling van op cannabis gebaseerde therapieën. Hoopvolle studie Dit is een hoopvolle maar nog vroege studie”, zegt Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., een klinisch psycholoog en professor aan de Universiteit van Nevada in Reno, die niet betrokken was bij het onderzoek. "Elk open proces is slechts een begin, maar je moet ergens beginnen, en dit is een begin." "Een handvol onderzoeken, sommige gecontroleerd, hebben voordelen van CBD aangetoond bij angstgerelateerde problemen, dus de resultaten passen bij wat we tot nu toe weten over cannabidiol," voegde hij eraan toe.Een voordeel van CBD is dat het weinig bijwerkingen lijkt te hebben bij lage tot matige doses, zoals die in het onderzoek werden gebruikt. "Onze pilotstudie wees uit dat cannabidiol niet alleen hielp om angstsymptomen te verminderen, maar ook zeer goed werd verdragen - de meest voorkomende bijwerkingen waren milde sedatie en milde vermoeidheid, maar dat was op het moment dat de doses werden verhoogd. Dit verdween meestal na een paar dagen," zei zei hoofdonderzoeksauteur Dr. Paul Amminger, PhD, in een persbericht. "We zagen geen bijwerkingen zoals zelfmoordgedachten, prikkelbaarheid of slaapproblemen, die niet ongewoon zijn bij mensen die SSRI's gebruiken." Studiebeperkingen Deskundigen prezen het onderzoek omdat het het gebruik van nieuwe therapieën voor de behandeling van geestelijke gezondheidszorg in een pediatrische en jongvolwassen setting probeerde te beoordelen. Toch hadden ze kritiek op aspecten van het onderzoek.De studie was bijvoorbeeld misschien niet rigoureus in de definitie van 'behandelingsresistente angst'. "Beweren dat een kind 'behandelingsresistente' angst heeft nadat het angstsymptomen heeft gehad die na vijf CGT-sessies aanhielden, is overdreven", zei Dr. programmadirecteur van het Cannabis Medicine, Science and Business Master's Program aan het Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia. Hayes was het hiermee eens: "Vooral als er sprake was van blootstelling, zoals te verwachten is bij angstproblemen, zijn vijf sessies erg beperkt om een ​​therapeutisch effect te zien," zei hij. "CGT heeft vrijwel geen bekende nadelige bijwerkingen, dus het zou beter zijn geweest om het grondiger te proberen." CBD-gebruik veelbelovend tegen angst en stress Ondanks deze beperkingen zijn deze bevindingen een veelbelovende richting voor verder onderzoek."We weten dat het endocannabinoïdesysteem een ​​hoog aandeel receptoren in de hersenen heeft, die in wisselwerking staan ​​met veel andere neurotransmitters waar angst en depressie zich manifesteren", vertelde Worster aan Healthline. "Keer op keer, in diermodellen, veroorzaakt CBD meer ontspanning in verschillende stresssituaties - dus we weten dat er een pathofysiologische reden is dat CBD een veelbelovende therapie voor angst is." Dat gezegd hebbende, drong ze aan op voorzichtigheid. "Deze bevindingen betekenen niet dat CBD een wondermiddel is en dat iedereen met angst zal worden genezen door het te gebruiken," zei ze. "Deze studie zorgt voor meer begrip, maar er blijven nog veel meer belangrijke vragen."Amminger, de onderzoeksleider, leek dit te erkennen. “Een open-label pilotonderzoek wordt beperkt door zijn opzet. Het is bemoedigend om een ​​behandeleffect te zien in de therapieresistente groep, maar het kan nog steeds een placebo-effect zijn”, zei hij in het persbericht. Na deze eerste bevindingen riep hij op tot een grotere, gerandomiseerde, gecontroleerde studie. Bron: healthline.com (EN) Read the full article
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