#Supernatural Season 14
annmariethrush · 3 months
Dean being the one to point the gun at Jack. Being the Abraham father figure???? Insane. Cas loved him no matter what. Sam always saw him as useful. But Dean saw himself being in the position John was in when he told Dean to kill Sam if he turned evil. Genuinely thinking that your son, whom you love so much, has truly turned dark side. Killed your mother in seeming cold blood. And then to stand there, have him look you in the face and submit as you point a gun at his head, knowing it will physically kill you too. God it’s so fucked. And if Jack had tried to fight him, he would have killed him too. But he didn’t and Dean couldn’t look Jack in the eyes and see the evil he had conjured up in his mind cause it wasn’t there, it was just the little kid in big kid clothing that he had grown to love. Fucking hell
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hahahahahangst · 9 months
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dead-twink-detectives · 4 months
I'm taking my time watching season 14 because I know that if I speed through it I'll end up doing the same with season 15 and then I'd cry
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rosemariad · 3 months
Supernatural season 14
Oh boy!
So Alt-Michael has taken over Dean’s body and absconded to parts unknown - what an unprecedented plot twist who could’ve possibly seen this coming, certainly not Dean, the one guy who doesn’t trust angels and has a history of being short-sighted & making shitty deals.
Since this is season 14, and there’s only 1 more season after this, I presume Dean will never grow out of these bad qualities 🤦🏾‍♀️, so…moving on.
Check you out Sam, leading your new band of hunters, like some sort of Hunters Incorporated©️. I’m glad Sam gets to spend more time with his mom, but he won’t let her take care of him 😔😭
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Was it me or did that Michael & Anael scene feel like Jensen x Danneel role play 🤣 - at least when he caressed her face. Like really bro? I don’t think the scene would’ve played out that way if the actors weren’t actual husband and wife 🤣
Shoutout to Supernatural for keeping Mark Pellegrino employed lol 😂😂 cuz I don’t see Why the fuck he’s still around if the devil is supposedly dead - wasn’t Mark P. also doing 13 reasons why around this time?? Anywho, Nick, luci’s longtime vessel, isn’t dead???? What does Nick have that jimmy novak didn’t (or literally any other angel vessel for that matter) — plot convenience? That must be it 🤣🤣🤣
Cas honey, why are you letting these demons beat you up? Cuz Dean is gone on your watch? cuz im sorry there’s no way im believing Cas was weaker than all them demons. That’s also plot convenience IDGAF!
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After yet another demon-hunter showdown, Mary and Bobby are spotted sharing a beer & flirting…I wish John were around to see this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh Jack, poor guy feels worthless for having no power. He should’ve been like ‘Castiel what’s it like being worthless?’ since that was Castiel’s arc for a minute too, which again fuck Supernatural for. Cas had like 1 badass moment last season when he fried Donatello’s brains but that’s it. Meanwhile Nick totally called Cas out, bringing up Jimmy again and driving that guilt straight into Castiel.
Alt-Michael is recruiting?? Brief Dean cameo in 14x02, you give him like 2 lines, wow 😒. Even Sam got more screen time in 5x22 swan song…but Dean suddenly comes back at the end of the episode???? Nah, bullshit!
Also lol karma for Dean in 14x02 when Jack is like, ‘Dean doesn’t matter’, Michael has to be stopped. Ahahahahahahaha. He was the so called pragmatist when it came to Jack, now it’s Jack’s turn. Castiel’s face when jack said it tho…
Dean got stabbed by AU Kaia? What?? Oh look yet another instance of Dean running away from his problems and pain and being a dick to Kaia (though she's technically a different person) again! Good for you tho AU Kaia for giving Dean a taste of his own medicine and telling him off.
Bobby leave Sam alone, I’m here for his captain my captain era. The lovable giant is doing his best!
So some necromancer gets away from Jack & Dean but we’re not gonna see her again, right??? There’s just a little over 30 episodes left in the show at this point. They probably didn’t know that at the time though.
Shoutout to the devil for basically condemning his child to die from a lack of grace :/ while Cas was able to survive (cuz plot convenience most likely) Jack as a nephilim was unable to do so. Gabe’s spare angel grace couldn’t help (I wonder if he were still alive in canon, if it would’ve made a difference. Oh well).
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So this is where Cas made the deal with the empty (yes I know about it, how doesn’t everyone that shit went viral the very night it originally aired amidst the infamous nail-biting 2020 election week), tumblr is still serving the memes to this day.
Cas doesn’t want the Winchesters to know cuz Dean 😭 idc, if I was Jack I would NOT keep that secret. Dean would know IMMEDIATELY.
I think more angels died, but heaven hasn’t fallen yet…right? They keep coming back to that. Hm…
Nick’s arc is…bleh. Pretty sure in his desperation he just brought Luci back from the empty…welp. I guess when you’re an archangel who was predestined by God to fight in a fateful epic battle against your big bro, you just get certain perks in the afterlife 😒
Sam doesn’t want Alt-Charlie to go when its like bro! She. Is. Not. Charlie!!! For fuck sake guys SMH, let her live her fucking life! God forbid she want to run away to fucking safety and not die bloody like her counterpart 🤬
Bobby and Mary run off to a cabin for weeks on end 😏😂 to recuperate, sure Mary 🤣
Garth is back! Working as a spy for the Winchesters, oh dear Lord no. I know he makes it to season 15 but maaaan I don't like this….
The nerve of Dean to challenge Alt-Kaia to either hand over the weapon or kill her. What if she just killed him? Also, can't they just replicate the weapon for their own uses? All they would need to do is ensure they're using the same materials Kaia did when she forged the weapon in her own world.
How many hits to the head is Sam supposed to fuckin' take? I feel like it's happened more in this season alone than the entire show so far? He should probably be dead at this point 🤣
Jack got taken, oh no! why didn't Michael kill him? To take him as a ward? Seriously? Whatever.
And it turns out the past episode was a long con to get Dean right where Alt-Michael wanted him. I know there was a catch to him letting Dean go in 14x02.
So Alt-Michael chose to trap Dean in…contentment? With Pamela Barnes? And they weren't even a couple, just friends. She called him out on something.
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Why not have him be with a real girlfriend of his, like Lisa or even Cassie? I’m supposed to believe Dean's dream is an unsuccessful bar living out his days with a platonic lady friend??? Really??? Bullshit!
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John returns for the final time to go back to 2003? Okay. His hair is cut and grayish. Lol so I’m gonna see that as John gained some weight (from food/drink or muscle training idc) and dyes his hair black but the root are grey and come out every so often 🤣 but yay JDM I wish you had been in more episodes! Oh well.
So no one’s gonna talk about:
a) Adam’s existence
b) Bobby X Mary or how Bobby essentially replaced john as the father/husband by getting involved with Mary AND being a surrogate father to Sam & Dean (with a clear preference to Dean but whatever)
I’d care more about Sam & John’s convo if we had more time with them together on screen. But it was nice to see them squash their beef.
Dean & John’s convo was faaaar too brief. But insightful to their relationship. John wanted dean to have a family, echoing his wishes for his eldest in season 1 in his convo w/ Sam.
But Dean was like I have a family 🥺 my emotions!
Back to the Michael bullshit – a fight with a gorgon fucked up his containment so he literally broke out of Dean's body and killed all the hunters who were conveniently at the bunker when they brought an unconscious Dean back there. Even poor unfortunate Maggie. For a second I thought Mary would be there since Maggie mentioned she was on her way back but no, he ended up possessing Rowena.
Then they bring the old angel torture device of disabling our heroes' ability to breathe, like in the season 5 premiere, making them blind (that's new) and making them hurt.
Jack gets his chance to take Michael down, and takes his grace??????
Oh Sam bby, it's not your fault. Those people were doomed no matter what. TBH I'm surprised they lasted this long. But cuz he's a Winchester and he was raised by Dean & they've rubbed off each other too much at this point (nobromo), he decides to focus on yet another case even when Dean himself isn't willing since big bro has pointed out they have done 3 cases back to back. They're not the young men they used to be lol.
Cas goes with Sam to a milkshake town and given his legendary levels of awkwardness he's immediately seen and called out for his inherent queerness by the townsfolk (in all senses of the word).
Aw Sam wants to stay, ofc he does. This town is simple and peaceful. He could use some of that. Too bad this place is making people's heads explode.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Ah subtle there Supernatural, making Jack, a Nephilim who's the offspring of the devil himself choose between angel and devil food cake 🤣 Dean why would you put him in that position?
Cas why you gotta be snitching on Sam to your boy bestie like that 🤣 – typical boyfriend tomfoolery
Oftentimes since Jack started in this show, he's felt like an intern and 14x16 is one of those times. They don't wanna bring jack along so they think to leave him alone doing chores. Good Lord.
Oh honey Sam you didn't have to tell the sheriff you're not FBI, just stick to the monster stuff. He knows what's up.
And Jack sweetie pie you don't need to impress those kids. He should be hanging out with kids his own age. Just Jack with a bunch of babies 🤣. So cute! My headcanon is that he can actually talk to them. At least then it wouldn't have ended with a stabbing. Thankfully he cleaned up his mess, even though the local kids are terrified of him. It’s a shame he doesn’t have friends. If only he was allowed to have Claire in his life.
They finally resolved the Nick storyline (I hope) by killing him off via Jack but Mary is not happy. She’s concerned. She’s been concerned about him the whole frickin episode since he sassed her as they tried setting up a game night with Dean.
It’s like these people keep forgetting what Jack is capable of.
He didn’t have to relish the kill though. On the other hand, it felt like Mary’s concern was a bit much — if it were me I would’ve kept my mouth shut as to not upset a powerful fledging being into killing me by accident.
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So Mary dies…again.
This is also why we can’t have nice things. I know Dean’s never gonna let this shit go. Sure Cas has fucked up a bunch, but killing a direct blood relative of Dean’s…nope. That’s unforgivable. I know they’re not gonna let Dean kill off a kid but I know he’s NEVER ever gonna forget Jack’s role in Mary’s (second) demise.
Why couldn’t you leave the boy alone Mary?!?!?!!?!
The boys show up, did they not circle back to pick up their mother? Seriously? Goodness Lord. So depressing watching the brothers just assuming their mommy’s coming back 😭
Cas (cuz of course this shit went tits up while Daddy was away) calls Dean to get caught up on what happened the last episode and is concerned that the Winchesters left their mom alone with Jack. Then why did you leave him Cas? You could’ve taken him with you. Like it would’ve been better if one of the brothers was alone with Jack? Badasses they may be, but they would’ve ended up just like Mary let’s be honest. The only difference would’ve been whichever brother got got would’ve come back. Mary will not be getting that special treatment…
Jack is tripping out since he murdered his foster G-maw - ends up flying all over the world (so his soul is definitely gone? But if it were gone, would he even care about killing Mary? everyone’s trying to track him down IDK why he doesn’t just destroy the phone he has. We get flashes of Mary & Jack’s time together and technically I believe she spent the most time with him (at least in season 13)
They’re still giving Mark P work on this show making him the manifestation of Jack’s subconscious cuz the kill is driving Jack insane 😭🥺 He’s reacting so much like a little boy who knows he fucked up it that makes this so much sadder 😭 Jack’s being driven mad with grief.
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Oh fuck they’re going to where she died. Oh fuck.
WTF is wrong with these people! He’s a fucking boy! A super power nuke of a boy, but still a fucking boy! Like the Winchesters never made a mistake! What about the nurse who got killed in 4x22 by Sam? All the people Dean slaughtered under the MoC, as a demon! That’s just off the top of my head! No but cuz they’re the fucking protagonists 😡🤬
Samuel Winchester you know manipulating this child Is 5 different kinds of fucked up!
Jack why did you call it an accident! Did you not want to use the words murder? Destroyed? Obliterated?
Dean you piece of shit, why are you lying to this boy!!!!!! You know Jack’s desperate to make peace with you, and you lead him to a grave he’s never supposed to escape?! Poor thing Jack was sooo scared!
Sam, the regret is gonna eat you alive! Sam, for fucks sake, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! You clearly got shit you wanna say, fucking say it!
Dean you’re surprised Jack’s going along with it?! Of course he’s gonna go along with it, he wants to please you, you shady, manipulative BASTARD!
That’s right Castiel stand up for Jack since nobody else is willing to!
Oh boy, the celestial boy is freaking out. Claustrophobia was kicking in, this shit ain’t gonna end well. It’s a dark day when a psychological manifestation of Satan is making sense more than everyone else.
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I’m not surprised Jack got out though. That box was made for an archangel and he isn’t that. He’s a nephilim, technically a different entity, right? now, the Winchesters have a pissed off mega-powerful creature on their hands. Great job team 🤣
that’s right Jack, give them a piece of your fucking mind! Fuck ‘em up queen.
Oh shit! I’ve watched this part a dozen times on YouTube, the part where jack makes the whole world tell the truth no matter what! Donald trump is canonically Crowley’s bitch! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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All hail the stapler queen! Iconic!
And God reveals Himself, what grand timing! He says He came for Cas’s prayer (but Cas prayed to Him in season 6 too, no?) but then He states the real reason for His arrival — Jack.
Meanwhile Jack went to see his real G-maw, not a good plan Jackie boy. She’s put 2+2 together that her daughter Kelly is NOT ok and now Jack has to confess the truth. (Where’s the dad? Was the actor unavailable or dead at this point?)
Sam was outed to love Celine Dion (I love her two Sammy it’s ok, her songs are AMAZING! My favorite is it’s all coming back to me now, I crush that shit in karaoke.) Dean follows a mommy blog 🤣 of course he does, probably cuz he identifies with her more & loves that her life is so full of shit (like I said, he identifies with her).
God don’t sanction lying, the real God would never do such a thing. Isn’t it like the 6th commandment, thou shall not lie? Like dude, the fuck?!
And no, writing means telling stories that are often made up but it’s not meant to deceive anybody. But Hollywood on the other hand…yeesh.
Dean breaking Chuck’s guitar 🤣
Chuck saying ‘DON’T!’ Having Dean shook 🤣
Why are you asking them how things are, like you don’t know?! You’re omnipotent!
They canonically made the British queen a lizard? Damn. These old Americans (the writers) are dicks!
Finally Sam is speaking up! Thank God!
Dean stop blaming people, Jesus, it was an accident (Jack you phrased it sooooo poorly though)! shout out to Sam for taking it this so well cuz he’s been through too much this season alone. He lost a whole fucking army, then his mom after he got to know her this time! And the concussions! So many concussions.
Angry Cas is sooooo fucking hot 🥵 when he slammed that truck with his fist 😏
Awww the first thing he does when he sees Jack is hugs him. Jack needed that so bad!
The biggest travesty is we never got to see the SquirrelVerse!
When Sam asks if God is watching them — Sam do you even know what omnipotent means?!
It’s just like I said in season 11. God doesn’t owe anyone anything. But everyone owes Him everything. He gave everyone the freedom to choose, for better or worse. But this iteration of who God is seems to watch what people and creatures decide to do with their lives. He made the weapon to see who among Sam, Dean or Cas would take it and strike Jack down.
So ultimately when Dean tracks Jack down and Jack throws Cas into a tombstone and Sam is running dramatically to stop it, Dean ultimately decides not to kill Jack. But why though? He kept talking shit about how Jack needed to be dealt with, but when the moment comes, he won’t do it?! I mean I’m glad but it doesn’t really make sense?!
Was it the puppy eyes? Did Sam teach Jack that trick? But Jack closed his eyes at the last second???
Oh Dean, you’re such a fucking softie. That’s on you God. You made him softer than Mr. Pillsberry.
If anything, Dean is the step daddy. Cas is Daddy. And then there’s Uncle Sam 🤣
Sam is many things, but stupid is never one of them. Naïve maybe, trusting, desperate. But not stupid. And not crazy, this time 🤣
I will say what makes this story compelling is the fact that the Winchesters find themselves locked in a cycle of violence at the hands of their Creator, and they’re refusing to commit further acts of violence in effort to stop it all and rebel against their cruel, dispassionate maker. But they have no means to back it up…today.
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Not the Burger King catchphrase🤣🤣🤣
Not Jack being…smote?
Not Dean being yeeted into another tombstone?
Sam, why did you think that was gonna work on God? He made the weapon. You really think He’d make something that could kill Himself? Nah bruh.
So we’ve approached the ending of the penultimate season. 20 more episodes to go! Ah!!!! I’m excited but also not since the ending is what I know (mildly).
Side note - Sam & Dean still don’t know about Castiel’s bargain with the Empty (kinda seems pointless since God killed Jack anyway…Cas basically fucked himself for nothing 🤦🏾‍♀️ [I know how it ends but yeah still])
It’s not about the destination though, it’s the journey (I keep telling myself that).
God said fuck y’all. Shouldn’t’ve poked the bear…now these poor innocent people gonna die like sheep to the slaughter. Y’all got a lot of cleaning up to do and with so little people to help you.
So did God undo all the killings the Winchesters did? Cuz damn….that’s 10+ years of work undone. In 1 moment.
They’re not getting out of the cycle anytime soon.
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His Perfect Doll
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: She’s a doll. Her only duty is to be perfect for him at all times. A doll doesn’t talk. Doesn’t express feelings. It exists, simply. So when, one day, the doll wants to show how much she loves him and puts on some lingerie, neither of them expect the effect it would have on him. And how it would make him and the man he keeps locked in his head… Snap.
Pairing: Michael!Dean x Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2788
Warning: dub-con, bothering non-con, stockholm syndrom, manipulation, objectification (a lot), smut, p in v, unprotected sex, use of grace to give more pleasure, overstimulation, possessiveness, somnophilia, passing out from too much stimulation
Squares: Stockholm Syndrom for @anyfandomangstbingo​ // Lingerie for @anyfandomkinkbingo​​
A/n: This was requested by @cryptichobbit! Thank you for the request, I had fun writing this! It has to be the dirtiest thing I wrote… Not proofreaded, sorry for any mistake! Feedbacks are always appreciated!
This is a dark fic. Mind the tags and warnings!
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She was a doll.
Motionless most of the time. Her room was her prison, pink walls and bars to a window showing a freedom she couldn't have. Restricted to only this house, allowed to exit her bedroom to eat or go to the bathroom.
Her appearance was important, after all, as a doll, she had to be pretty at all times. Her makeup, subtle but flawless. Not a single spot of imperfection. Her hair, silky, soft, and combed as he liked.
Her doll duties were simple, she had to be there and ready whenever he would visit. It wasn't very often, so most of the time, she stayed in her room, simply existing.
She wasn't mad at him, though. She belonged to him and was now okay with that. It wasn't always the case, at first, she fought hard to get out. Spent nights screaming for help, trying to find a way out of this house. But she quickly understood there was no use of being a brat. She was a doll. His doll.
After a while of her having good behavior, he allowed her to go outside. At first, with surveillance, he then understood she would never leave, not anymore. She finally understood where her place was, and always came back. Now, she could go whenever she wanted, but she wasn't leaving the house. Just in case he passed by.
The last time she exited the house was to go shopping. She went really early, knowing he never showed up in the morning. By noon, she was back and resumed her role as a perfect, obedient, motionless doll.
He showed up the same evening. She always knew when he was there, not that he needed to say it outloud. It was like they were connected somehow, she could simply feel him when he was close. Feel all the power, all the heat, all the dominance. She craved that feeling, and everytime she felt him close, memories of their past moments flooded her mind, just like arousal flooded her panties.
He was in the living room, waiting for her. She knew. But tonight, it would be different. It was time she showed him how good she was, behaving to him, and how much she loved him. She wanted to show him. So, before leaving her room, she put on the clothes she bought in the morning and once she was sure her appearance was perfect, she left her room to walk where Michael was.
"Making me wait, doll," his voice reached her mind before it reached her ears. Like a thread was connecting their mind, she could almost taste the things he would do to her once he saw what she was wearing. 
In the living room, he was seated on a chair, his back turned to her. Walking slowly even if the excitement made her want to run and jump on him, she put one foot in front of the other, reminding herself she had to be good.
Since he didn't give her the authorization to speak, she didn't apologize nor answer him, simply walking until she was finally in front of him.
Michael wasn't someone that showed a lot of reaction usually. His beautiful face remained neutral whatever she did, until the moment his cock sank into her core. The first penetration always broke his mask as his imposing length stretched her dripping cunt. Then he would fuck her for what seemed like hours, panting, frowning, but never showing any emotions until he came.
That was what usually happened. And she would cum countless of times, like he had some magic in him. Michael loved to see her break under all the pleasure he gave her. Just like he loved to see her break with his punishment, slapping her ass until it became red and then purple, or preventing her from cumming for the whole time he fucked her.
She didn't know which was worse.
But this time, when Michael laid his beautiful eyes on her, he had a reaction.
Sitting forward in the chair, he put his elbows on his thighs and his chin in his palm, turned his head to the side, and let his eyes roamed her frame. She stayed like that, hips to one side, head tilted to the other side, her hair cascading over her shoulder.
The lingerie she wore was made of silk. It was soft, so soft, that was why she picked it up. The color was a dark red, the bottom made of a thong barely hiding anything from the back. The bra didn't have a cup and did nothing to hide her breast, her nipples already hard just having him stare at her body. Laces were connecting the top and the bottom, and finally, socks were up to her thighs, holding up thanks to the suspender belt sitting on her waist.
Needless to say, he never saw her wearing that.
"I wonder," his voice purred from his throat, rough and deep, as his eyes glowed blue for a moment. "Why did I never give you those types of clothes before… you look…" His tongue licked his lips slowly as he sat back in the chair, eyeing her with fire in his eyes. "Delicious. Now. You put those on for me, you don't want to be rude to me, am I right?"
A shiver spread through her spine, saliva hard to swallow. She didn't expect that to be his reaction. All she wanted to do was please him, but as usual, his expression remained impossible to decipher. 
"Answer me," he added and the order cut short all of her thoughts. She was allowed to speak.
"No, I don't want to be rude, sir," she said, still not moving from her position. As still as a statue, as flawless as a doll.
"Good," he purred, a smirk stretching his lips. "We cannot waste this. Dance for me."
Once again, she didn't expect those words to leave his mouth, but once again, the order made her obey. Whatever he wanted, she would give him.
There was no music, so she just imagined the rhythm of a slow song and started moving her hips side to side. Her hands roamed up her body until it got to her breast that she grabbed and then squeezed, stifling a moan that almost came through. Unless he allowed it, she had to stay silent. Moans included.
It was hard, though, to stay silent. Especially as his gaze kept turning bright blue and she could see him shift ever so slightly on the couch, his hands twitching against the armrest. Just like he was restraining himself from grabbing something else than the furniture. 
To be that desired, that wanted, it sent a boost of confidence in her doll brain. Turning around, she showed him her butt that the thong did nothing to hide. As she touched her behind, her hand grabbed her cheeks and then spread them, showing how wet her core actually was. Biting her lips, she turned her head back to look at him and see his reaction, and this time, the moan couldn't be stopped from leaving her mouth.
It was the first time she saw him like that, his pants undone, his hard, imposing and beautiful cock in the palm of his hand. As Michael stroked himself, he kept on watching, mouth slightly agape, breathing fast…
The sigh was to die for. She would have loved to frame that image and place it directly in front of her bed so she can look at him every morning as she wakes up. But the perfect sight didn't stay long, actually, it broke the moment the filthy, needy sound escaped her mouth.
"Didn't say you could make noises," Michael was near her in an instant, her body flush against the nearest wall. She caught herself just in time, her hand cushioning the impact of the hard, imposing body behind her. In no time, her thong was tossed to the side and he was inside, his cock roughly stretching her apart. A louder moan escaped her lips, and she heard it too, the sound he always made the moment he slid home in her wet channel. "You are driving us crazy… so crazy…" 
Michael's breathing was rusty and shaky and he didn't wait a single moment before he started pistoning. Hard, fast, so deep, his cock came in and out of her core, not leaving her any second to catch her breath. Moans and whimpers quickly turned into screams of pleasure as she all but held herself on the wall. She didn't need to, though. He was the one holding her body.
The first orgasm arrived so fast, she didn't get any of the warning signs. It seized her completely, her body shaking under him, and Michael never slowed down, he only fucked her faster. She was so sensitive and overstimulated that a second one followed immediately after, and her body shook even more. She would have fallen to the floor, but he held her strongly. Her abused core was so roughly fucked, it felt sore and burning hot, but thankfully, all of her juice allowed him to keep fucking at the same pace without any problem.
"She's mine," Michael grunted, and if it wasn't for the post orgasmic high she felt, she would have found it weird that he referred to her as the third person. Exactly like he was talking to a third person in the room. "Mine," he continued, gradually fucking her slower. His thrusts were now deep, angry, and everytime, his cock touched the bottom of her core, it made her gasp in pleasure that this kind of pain brought her. "You won't take her away from me," he accentuated what he was saying with rough thrusts that had her eyes roll to the back of her head. It was so good she could feel herself getting closer again.
As she felt his face cuddle in the crook of her neck, she thought he was close to his end. But oh, was she wrong. His thrusts were barely existent now, slow and calculated, and her body was soft, like a doll only good to be used. Everytime he moved, it touched everything inside of her, and she felt her climax so close yet so far, it made her body shake with the overstimulation and the closeness of her climax. Her mouth opened to beg, but then closed. She knew more than to beg when she wasn't allowed. Instead, she clenched down on him and moaned softly, trying to make him understand without words.
"You wanna cum? Huh? Wanna cum so bad you forget how to walk? How to be a human being?" His voice was the same. But something was different. His tone, the words he used and how he said them. It was like someone completely different was in control now, and somehow, it excited her even more. A needy, pathetic moan answered him, and next thing, her core was burning up.
It was burning and buzzing and vibrating, everywhere inside of her, like there was a toy fixed on every single nerve present in her lower body. An electric shock was close to the feeling, everywhere his dick touched, she felt it, her cunt was a living wire that had tiny explosions at the simple contact of his cock. And when Michael picked up his devastating pace, it was too much all at once.
It was an explosion. She was cumming, again and again and again and screaming and moaning, she couldn't stop cumming, and shaking, her body was seized with an uncontrollable surges of pleasure that seemed to never stop. It was so much, her head felt light, so light, white spots and then black spots danced in her sight and for a moment, she was sure she blacked out from the pleasure. But then, her eyes were open, and she was still getting fucked, hard, and the sensation was still there, and she was still cumming and screaming. By now, her legs were covered with her juices with how many times she squirted. 
There was even a puddle at their feet.
But Michael didn't stop.
Even when she passed out again, he continued to fuck her. Holding her limp body, exactly like he was only fucking a doll. And even if she was out, her body was still reacting, he was still making her cum endlessly with his grace, and to feel her core shake around him was simply too good for him to stop. To know he owned her, could use her as he pleased, to control her body and mind… that was what Michael craved.
She was his doll after all.
After that one moment, the doll didn't see her owner for a long time.
The next day, she woke up in her bed, cleaned and in fresh clothes. Her body felt amazing, and when she checked, she could find no bruises or traces of what happened. And at first, she thought maybe it was only a dream. After all, Michael never acted like that, never showed emotions. And last night, there were a lot of emotions going on.
There was only one proof that what happened was true. A big box next to her bed, sitting on the nightstand. Did he leave her a gift? 
The doll opened the package and now understood it was true. Because inside, there was clothes.
Not clothes, lingerie sets.
Dozens of revealing outfits, lace, thongs and straps. There were no notes with the box, but she knew. 
The days turned into weeks and she still knew his absence wasn't because he disliked their night. He loved it too much. He left her with more lingerie. He loved it.
It had been almost two months since she last saw Michael when the men entered her house.
As usual, she was in her room, as motionless as a doll, looking out the window. She saw them arrive, a black car, quite old, parking right in front of the house. Two men got out, something shiny and grey in hand. Guns. And even if it was fast, she recognized one of the two men.
In a couple of seconds, she was dressed and laid down on the bed, waiting for him. It didn't matter if he was coming with another man, she was a doll and would do as he told her, even if it meant please someone else.
But when he opened the door to her room, she knew there was something off. Not only his outfit was different, but his hair too. And the aura she craved, the dominant, strong power he had over her was… almost instinct.
"Michael?" She asked even if she wasn't allowed to speak. The man looking like Michael took some time to process the word that came out of her mouth, and his gaze shift to the floor.
Shame. There was guilt and shame in his eyes and he tried to hide it. But why?
"Son of a bitch," he muttered, and that alarmed the doll. Getting up, she walked to him and took him in her arms. 
"It's alright Michael. You can punish me for talking. But please, don't feel bad for leaving me here for so long. It's my duty."
She felt the man tensed under her arms, like the gesture of affection was too much for him. Maybe she went too far after all, hugging him? No, dolls don't hug their owner!
Stepping back, her gaze horrified at the thing she did, she noticed something else.
In the jeans he wore, there was a tent forming.
"Michael?" She asked, tears in her eyes at what would be her punishment.
"A doll doesn't speak, does she?"
He was still not looking at her. But even if his head was down, she knew. Knew his eyes were now glowing blue. The aura changed then, a strong, suffocating power circling her.
"You're lucky I found a way out of that jail in his mind. And you're lucky to wear that for me. I still have to decide if I want to punish you or make you cum until you pass out again."
There he was. Michael. Her Michael.
The other man that came with Michael was thrown onto the wall immediately and fell to the floor, unconscious.
"Told you, Dean, she is mine. I knew you would lower your guard when you would see her. You fucked her as much as I did, after all…"
And like that, Michael made his decision. And he was inside of her before she even touched the bed.
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @eevvvaa​ @wickedinspirations​ @fictional-affairs​ @awkward-and-indecisive​ @cryptichobbit​
Supernatural Tag List: @cryptichobbit @sexyvixen7 @stixnstripesworld @charred-angelwings @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @lyarr24 @fiftyshadesgrl​
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​ @siospins2​ @kazsrm67​ @wtrpxrks​ @deanwanddamons​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @charred-angelwings​ @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @happyt0exist​ @waynes-multiverse​
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I am a John Winchester hater till the day I die and I’m not very keen on Mary either but in s14 e13- the look on John’s face when he hears Mary’s voice for the first time since 1982??? Oh it destroys me
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mlmxreader · 1 month
Jack's corn snake is abt the same size of mine, so I'm guessing it's also roughly the same or a similar age as well, which means it's abt 3/4 years old - it's nice that Jack's worried abt it, but a corn snake that size & age should really only be eating every 2 weeks as it is, and w all the stress factors as well + possibly being in blue, NOT eating is probably fine.
although he really should get it a better set up & a water dish & proper heating as well tbh
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allanalightwood · 5 months
k i'm not a samstiel shipper. but like im gon die on the hill where sam and cas are the parents. sam is the wayyyyy overprotective dad and cas is the chill but still way too overprotective dad. LIKE- LIKE-
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annmariethrush · 2 months
Thinking about the script for Tombstone (13x06) where they lamented not having the money to use Stayin Alive by The Bee Gees for the scene where Cas and Dean in their cowboy hats get out of the car and walk up to the other cops and then how they used it for 30 seconds behind a random ass character getting killed exactly a season later in Optimism (14x06).
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hahahahahangst · 9 months
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"Okay, Sam. Let’s go home."
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dead-twink-detectives · 5 months
What's everyone's favorite supernatural title card
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I think I'd have to go with 5,7,8 and 9
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kitsune024 · 4 months
Supernatural Fanfiction
Not All Good News by trevelies
Michael is caged inside Dean's mind for now. But there's grace leaking from the cracks, banging on the doors, and Dean knows what happens at the end of this story. With borrowed (and confusing) Archangel abilities, a group of mistrustful Apocalypse Universe Hunters, and too many Michael Monsters to deal with, Team Free Will 2.0 is ready to clean up the mess that Michael's left behind and stop another apocalypse. Not all the danger is locked inside a bar's walk-in freezer, though - and the Winchesters need to watch out for old and new enemies around every corner.
And at the end of it all, Dean needs to decide how far he'll go to get rid of Michael once and for all.
Chapters 52/?
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brainrotarchive · 1 month
rewatching spn season 14 and it's so bad. one of their biggest problems is that they just haven't introduced a likable character since jack so whenever someone dies and the brothers act all sad I'm like okay?? who??? i would love to feel with sam after michael kills all the hunters from apocalypse world but I just couldn't care less and don't get me started on mary
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
I only just realized that Dean now has a scar from an angel on each shoulder.
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(Also, the analysis here... The scar from Cas is an effect of life, of Dean's resurrection. It's also on the left side, which is fitting since the left hand has been historically considered connected to Hell, and Dean has only just returned. The scar from Michael, on the other hand, is one of violence --- in many ways, it could be said, of death --- and is on the right side. If the left is connected to "bad" things --- e.g. Hell --- then the right is connected to "good" things, to Heaven. idk, there's no point to this; it's just interesting)
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But why did John come from 2003? Like what was the reason for that?? Did they explain or was it just like a thing we needed to accept and move on? And then Sam referenced johns death in the hospital but that took place in 2005?? I forgot how confused this episode made me. Am I an idiot?
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i just started s14 and i’m not a no spoilers before watching kind of person (i have bad anxiety lmao)… and you’re telling me we go most of the season without dean being a primary character? boooooooooooooo i’m sad i miss my little guy already
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