#Subhanallah I can relate
ynx1 · 10 months
The Day of Arafah (YOU WON'T REGRET READING THIS In Sha Allah)
We've all heard so much about Arafah and its virtues, so much so that it has almost turned out to become mere facts just being related on repeat!
*Ask yourself ⁉️*:
▪️Have I actually internalized and comprehended what Arafah is?
▪️Have I truly understood the MAGNITUDE of this magnificent Day?
▪️Am I going to let it pass like any other ordinary day?
Well, let me tell you in short why your heart should be racing so fast just at the thought of being blessed with the opportunity of witnessing this tremendous Day!
1️⃣ It is the *BEST* day the sun has ever risen or will rise upon!
2️⃣ It is the Day on which Allah perfected His religion, *completed His favors* upon us and approved for us Islam as a way of life!
3️⃣ It is the Day Allah *frees* the most number of His slaves from the Hell-Fire.
4️⃣ It is the ONLY day Allah, The Most High *descends to the lowest heaven in the day time* (a descension in a
way that befits Him, Glory be to Him)
5️⃣ It is the Day Allah *praises (shows off)*, His righteous slaves to the angels!
Ya Subhanallah! By Allah only a wretched person will let this Day go past him in a state of heedlessness!
*⭕What is the best thing I can do on this day?*
Yes, that's it! The Prophet ﷺ said: *"The best dua'a is the du'aa on the Day of Arafah"*
*⭕When does this special time begin?*
عشية عرفة
Majority of the scholars say that it is from Dhuhr to Maghrib or just a little before Asr to Maghrib.
This whole time for du'aa? YES!
Do you feel a little overwhelmed? How do I start my du'aa? How do I organize it? How do I get it all right?
*⭕Here are 7 EASY points to categorize your Du'aa into*:
1️⃣ *Start by praising, and glorifying Allah*. Reach onto Him through His beautiful names. Don't rush. Praise Him till your heart feels content, for He is indeed worthy of ALL praise. Look up du'aas from the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah on this regard.
2️⃣ *Send Salutations upon Rasoolullah ﷺ*. Again, don't rush. Take your time. Internalize what it means to send salutations upon him. Bear witness that Rasoolullah fulfilled his responsibility and passed the message (of Islam) the way it had to be.
3️⃣ *Thank Allah and show Him gratitude for ALL his blessings upon you, and seek refuge in Him from the removal of His blessings*
Take your time! Try going through each and every blessing that comes to your mind and thank Allah for it. Blessing of Islam. Blessing of health. Blessing of parents. Blessing of safety. Etc etc. Be specific! Be personal!
4️⃣ *Istighfar, Repentance*. Humble yourself in front of Allah. Own up to Him for all your sins. Beg Him to forgive you. Cry your heart out! Again take your time. Do not rush!
5️⃣ *YOUR personal time, ask Allah for ALL you want in THIS LIFE pertaining your deen and dunya*. Wealth, health, marriage, guidance, righteousness, success. Anything and everything pour it out with a heart full of conviction that Allah is listening and He knows and will answer!
6️⃣ *Al Barzakh, The AFTER LIFE*. Here you make du'aas pertaining moments before death, after death, the grave, the Day of Judgement, the Siraat, Jannah, protection from Hell-Fire Etc. Ask Allah to grant you a good ending. Ask Allah for firmness at the time of questioning. Etc.
7️⃣ *End by sending salutations upon Rasoolullah ﷺ*. Ask Allah to grant you His intercession on the Day of Judgement. Ask Allah to grant you a drink from his Houdh.
🛑Take your time through each category. Pause. Relflect. Humble yourself, breakdown in front of Allah. Show Him your weakness and surrender to Him with utmost humility.
🛑The Prophet ﷺ said:
*"خير الدعاء دعاء يوم عرفة، وخير ما قلت أنا والنبيون من قبلي لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير"*
"The best supplication is on the Day of Arafat and the best supplication said by me and the prophets before me: There is no God but Allah alone, He has no partner. To Allah is the dominion, and to Him is the praise and He is Capable of all things"
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mibeau · 10 months
🧕Women’s Emancipation during the Prophet’s Lifetime Vol. 1: THE CHARACTER OF THE MUSLIM WOMAN🧕
🧮Score: 4.0/5.0 . “You may accept or reject something of what any human being says, except the Prophet (SAW).” - page 16.
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■ This is the abridged version of the original Arabic book published in 1994. The book is divided into 8 volumes.
The author’s writing style is relaxing, eloquently welcoming and soft-spoken. In most parts, pretty convincing. I must say the translator did a very good job. He has not only translated the author’s words, he even conveyed the intended tones, too. . ■ Essentially, this book is a hadith anthology on everything related to Women in Islam from many angles, during the Prophet’s Lifetime. He started the book by introducing the overviews of what he is going to discuss further in the subsequent chapters. The “overview” chapter is 24 pages long. He also shared the reasons that prompted him to work on this book and what is the methodology used.
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■ The discussion mainly focused on the misconceptions of Women’s rights among the Muslim communities. He also highlighted sacrifices made by Muslim Women that many people tend to disregard or even are unaware of.
He further discussed the virtues and traits of an ideal Muslimah, for us to emulate, inshaAllah. He shared famous great Female Figures mention in the Quran like Bilqis, Asiah & Maryam and their awe-inspiring characters. . ■ All questions raised are usually answered with a quote from the hadith then, further elaborated, personal insights were given only when necessary. Some insights are interesting but can be controversial. Like the one on page 124.
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■ I have read quite several Arabic-to-English translated books. Many times, the authors are somewhat sheltered in their own culture and tend to be insensitive. But, I am surprised by this author’s open-mindedness (within Islamic acceptance), like wow, MashaAllah!
Personally, one of many reasons I decided to study Islam back as a fresh Muslim is because I want to understand, why it is said Islam is simple. Why Islam is a peaceful religion? How Islam is liberating, not oppressing (especially towards women)? The answers I found in my journey are magnificent, Subhanallah! That is why I appreciate people who keep an open mind in approaching matters like the things discussed in this volume. . --- ● Buy a preloved copy from:
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ahlulhaditht · 1 year
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Bilād al-Maghrib, Atlantic coast, picture taken in Sha'abān 1444
The true story below is about Sabr - patience.
Something a lot of sisters today really lack most of the time.... May Allāh guide us all.
I actually chose to share this story because I know sisters who fell in the same predicament and did not wait long to uncover the same secret and decide that it was not going to work for them... And they would not wait much before asking for divorce, despite knowledgeable people advising them to wait, have Sabr, and make dua. It has now become very common that sisters do not see the point of Sabr - patience.
An incredible true story of the Sabr - patience of some sisters
From the dā'i of "Fadhl Al Istighfār" - The virtue of Istighfār - Seeking repentance, from Bilād al-Maghrib.
The brother explains this is the a story of Sabr - patience by one sister.
She was married to her husband and discovered he has no interest in sexual relations at all and does not feel the need for intimacy at all, whatsoever.
He asked his wife for "Sitr" - cover. Meaning, do not reveal this matter to anyone. Do not tell anyone that I can not have intimate relations.
The matter is very sensitive in Arab societies where impotence is seen as a very grave matter and the honour of the man is compromised by such revelation.
So, she did not inform anyone.
The issue was, his family and her family were constantly asking her why she did not fall pregnant. They used to ask her "Do you have an illness? Are you infertile?"
In fact SubhanAllah it is always the woman who is suspected to have an issue rather than the man.
She used to answer "Allāh has not decreed it yet. When, in Sha Allāh this will be the Qadar of Allāh." Of course she could have talked and told them. She could have told them the reason for me not falling pregnancy is your son.
After 9 years, her husband passed away.
Who married her after he passed away?
Her husband's brother.
This is a common matter and there is no issue with it. For the man to marry his brother's wife is a common matter and there is no issue with it (from an Islamic legislation point of view).
So the husband's brother is not a mahram to you, unlike what a lot of ignorant people believe. Sadly some women may Allāh guide them think that their husband's wife is their mahram. (To consider this) is haram however.
So her husband's brother married her.
On the first day, the day of the first intimate relation, the brother went to his mother and said "O my mother the woman is still a virgin."
So they asked her.
She replied : " By Allāh he never touched me. For nine years he never ever touched me... (I swear) by Allāh. He asked me to cover him, and I did Sabr for all these years...."
So my brothers and my sisters, Sabr - patience and Sitr - to hide the person's defect and shortcoming.... This is from the most great of matters....
However there are cases where this is not permissible, and Allāh knows best.
Because there may be harm to the person (who keeps silent and hides the matter to cover the fault or deficiency of the other Muslim). And Allāh knows best.
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dinaive · 1 year
https://www.islamreligion.com/articles/5139/viewall/what-is-taoism/ this has led to a unique polytheism in Taoism that did not exist when it was first practiced.
There is a hierarchy of gods and immortals in Taoism.  At the top of the hierarchy are the Celestial Worthy of Primordial Beginning,
the Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure and
the Celestial Worthy of the Way and Its Virtue. 
Below them are the gods of the lower ranks, who are entrusted with responsibilities according to their attainments.  (Perhaps through time people misinterpreted this statement with the role of angels)
The highest among them is the Jade Emperor,
followed by the four major deities, and other celestial beings and immortals. 
Different deities and immortals have different responsibilities. 
Among the most popularly known are the celestial beings in charge of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, water and fire, the God of Wealth, the Kitchen God, the God of the Town and the God of the Land.
The hierarchy did not exist when it was first practiced.
And I heard in a lecture, that Allah does not require to have hierarchy as imagine by thinkers, because Allah is not like us. He is not above, below, right, left, up, down; Allah does not bound with space and time like us. And nothing is like Allah SWT. And if we have images passes through our mind of Allah SWT, that is not Allah SWT because nothing is like Allah SWT.
we can think of Allah’s attributes and names, not Allah SWT essences - our precious human mind unable to comprehend Allah’s essence. Remember the story of Prophet Moses? Where he made doa to see Allah SWT. And Allah is All Mighty, the mountain crumbled and Prophet Moses fainted when Allah SWT revealed Allah SWT essence. Subhanallah, Astagfirullah.
and if we want to relate Taoism and Islam. we have to look at the similarities.
And our tradition believe that there were many prophets sent to various nations across the earth with the same message(tauhid) however different shariat. Now we follow the shariat given to our Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him.
Different shariat ? remember the israk and mikraj, where prophet Moses peace be upon him said that his people unable to perform 50 prayers in a day. Perhaps the shariat may differs in numbers of prayers perform in a day and ways in performing it.
الله أعلم
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halaldua · 19 days
Powerful Dua For Husband Cheating
Discovering that your husband has been unfaithful can be really hard. It's a betrayal that hurts a lot and can make you feel lost. But as Muslims, we believe that dua can help us feel better during tough times. In this blog, we'll talk about how dua for cheating husband can help you deal with a cheating husband and find hope again.
Dua For Cheating Husband
When you find out that your husband has been cheating, it can feel like your whole world is falling apart. It's normal to feel sad and confused. But it's important to remember that Allah is always there for you, ready to comfort and guide you. In this blog, we'll talk about a special dua to ask Allah to keep our husbands from cheating. By praying sincerely, we can ask Allah to help us keep our marriages strong and our husbands faithful. Let's learn more about this powerful dua and how it can help us in tough times.
Procedure of performing dua for cheating husband
Performing a dua for a cheating husband involves several steps, which can be done with sincerity, devotion, and a pure heart. Here's a simple procedure to follow:
Cleanliness and Purification: Before beginning any prayer or supplication, ensure that you are in a state of cleanliness. Perform ablution (wudu) if needed, and find a quiet, clean space where you can concentrate without distractions.
Start with Ta'awwudh and Tasmiyah: Begin by seeking refuge in Allah from Shaytan by saying "A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem" (I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed) and reciting "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) to commence your dua.
Offer Salaah: It's preferable to perform this dua after performing obligatory prayers or during the last third of the night, known as the time of Tahajjud. However, if that's not possible, you can perform it at any time.
Praise Allah and Send Salutations to the Prophet: Start your dua by praising Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), such as saying "Subhanallah" and "Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam."
Express Your Feelings: Pour out your heart to Allah and express your feelings about the situation. Tell Him about the pain, hurt, and confusion you're experiencing due to your husband's infidelity. Be honest and sincere in your supplication.
Make Your Request: Specifically ask Allah to guide your husband away from the path of infidelity and to soften his heart towards you and your marriage. Pray for his repentance, sincerity, and commitment to your relationship.
Use Quranic Verses and Prophetic Duas: You can incorporate relevant verses from the Quran and authentic duas from the Sunnah into your supplication. For example, you can recite Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) and other verses related to seeking Allah's help in matters of marriage and family.
End with Gratitude: Conclude your dua by expressing gratitude to Allah for listening to your prayers and for His mercy and guidance. Trust in Allah's wisdom and His ability to answer your prayers in the best way possible.
In today's world, it's tough to keep marriages strong with so many things tempting people. As wives, we worry about our husbands staying faithful, especially when there are distractions around. But as Muslims, we turn to Allah for help. One way we do this is through dua for cheating husband – praying to Allah for protection and guidance. Remember, the effectiveness of dua depends on your sincerity, faith, and trust in Allah's mercy and protection. Keep making dua with conviction and trust that Allah will answer your prayers in His own way and time. To know more about dua for cheating husband you can visit our website.
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pettycrimesgreeneyes · 2 months
ATTN : ladies and fellas
I’m the type of person who has created real life friendships from social media and I want us all to be happy. I pray for others on here as if they were real life friends, I’ve even made duaa for strangers to find peace and happiness and its worked. Wallah I’ve prayed good for women who had one sided imaginary beef with me cause they were jealous (it was like swallowing poision but I did it ).
With all that being said the point is duaa is very powerful and so is social media and impact it has on your life. So listen well…if you are a man or woman who attracts people when you walk in the room. You been told you were gorgeous since a young age and you have something money can’t buy. Then listen. If you been able to turn down plenty successful admirers (meaning those who have looks, wealth and education) you have a lot to offer. This is ESPECIALLY for my people who had the opposite sex stalk you after rejecting them.
If you feel you are ready to settle down and look for a spouse deactivate social media or create one limited to close friends/ family & archive selfies, stop posting your vacation pics. Why? cause people from the same Sex are giving the evil eye? ??Yes…but you know who else is giving evil eye? people of the opposite sex who physically desire you, wallahi they are going to pray on your down fall if they can’t have you or there energy is focusing on you itself (even if it’s strictly admiration) is going to give you bad luck. SubHanAllah the way Islam can relate to spiritual and metaphysical world is wild. Hasad and bad energy is real in Islam. You can give your own self hasad in the way you focus your energy on yourself. (Don’t believe me look it up). There are forms of witch craft where you just have to focus your energy on photos and even if that person doesn’t practice craft can you see the energy stalking possesses???.
I had no idea that for years there were people I was not interested in at all, some who I despised who confined to my friends that they prayed to marry me on layatal qadr for the last 10 days…if I knew people I was uninterested in felt that way about me I would have recreated social media longggg time ago or at least made my life more private!!!
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mashriqiyyah · 9 months
The thing I don't understand about students from any generation is, why they consider missing classes n bunking lectures is "cool"
I mean, that's why your parents pay for to the institutions! And then these kids think they're Sigma or Alpha by loitering around the canteens n rest of the campus, anywhere but the class!
But the trick is to attend all classes. Even if you don't find them 'entertaining' enough. Yes, Many teachers do lack bringing freshness to their teaching methods...but we go for the purpose of studying. It's like holding water in the cups of your palm...even if some of it drops, atleast some remains, even if nothing...your hands are cooled. There's always something to take from. Idk what study tips might work for others, but whenever someone asked me about mine, I always think, it was because I attended the classes attentively. No matter how fun loving you are, be regular and pay attention while your teachers speak. Don't get distracted if you really wanna learn about that topic. You'll absorb more than you can by mere reading. And when you go back to your home, read that same thing all over again...plus the next portion. That way, each thing passes by your mind thrice. And our memories can capture the knowledge easily that way. Don't "remember" or stuff. Understand the concepts. Relate it with analogies and examples. Don't write in exams everything you've memorised. Mention that which is precise n necessary. It'll save time n energy, your paper will look neat n clean too.
And this tip comes from me as a student and not as a teacher...that too from my experience in terms of worldly studies.
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In one of his lectures of Shaykh Salih al Usaymi...his students turned their heads to a commotion outside the masjid and the Shaykh admonished them every so profoundly saying, "your dars is here, not there" SubhanAllah. That kind of attention in a must of you really want to seek knowledge and Excel in it. If it isn't there , you would have to settle being mediocre in everything. Wallahu Musta'an.
- Zeenat Nazeer 🕊️
(PC - Pinterest)
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0rdinarythoughts · 2 years
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I found this really heart touching.
How surah duha can change our lives:
Surah duha was revealed when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was depressed due to no revelation for 6 months.
This surah has power to relieve depression and sadness and find peace and hope.
Ayah by ayah it says..
Wad duhaa— By the morning brightness
This is the first thing you need to hear when you’re depressed: Wake up, look at the sunshine! Everything in life is not doom and gloom– you just have to look up!
Wal laili iza sajaa— And [by] the night when it covers with darkness,
Why is this aayah immediately talking about darkness? As a reminder to us that the night is meant to cover and give us comfort and rest.
Generally when we’re depressed, we tend to get into a very bad sleep pattern by staying up at night and sleeping all day, thereby worsening our state of mind. This aayah reminds us to use the night as a comfort to ease our distress.
Ma wad da’aka rabbuka wa ma qalaa— Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].
This is a very powerful verse from Allah telling us that He doesn’t hate us and hasn’t forgotten us– reminding the depressed person that He is always by his or her side!
Walal-aakhiratu khairul laka minal-oola— And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].
Many times when we’re depressed we think: Is this all my life is going to be? Is it never going to get better?
This aayah serves as a perfect answer to those questions, reminding us that life in this world is temporary and that Aakhira is certainly a better, more permanent place for us than this world could ever be.
This makes us look forward to attaining our place in Jannah and helps us look at any problems in our lives as temporary tests of our faith from Allah.
Wa la sawfa y’uteeka rabbuka fatarda— And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.
A promise from Allah that very soon he will give us a massive reward (Jannah) and we will be happy! Subhanallah!
Isn’t this the best thing to hear when you’re depressed and fed up with this worldly life and the problems you’re facing?
Alam ya jidka yateeman fa aawaa – Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?
From this verse onwards, Allah gives us reason to believe His declarations and promises in the first half of the surah.
Now many of us may think: how would this aayah about orphans relate to the majority of us? Think about it– weren’t there many times in your life when you were sick or lonely and felt like you had nobody who cared about you? Who was the only one by your side at that time? Allah! It was He who took care of you and guided you out of that stage in life.
Wa wa jadaka daal lan fahada— And He found you lost and guided [you].
How many of us, despite being born Muslims, have found ourselves misguided and straying away from Islam in the past? It was Allah who gave us that hidaya and brought us back to the straight path and to Him and made us practicing Muslims. Alhamdulillah!
Wa wa jadaka ‘aa-ilan fa aghnaa— And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.
Many of us have probably gone through many periods in our lives when we have been short of money and wealth. Now when we look back we realize that it was only Allah who gave us that rizq in some form and got us through those tough financial times.
When a person is depressed, giving him or her examples of how Allah has helped them in the past will strengthen their conviction and belief in the promises Allah makes in this surah for their future.
Fa am mal yateema fala taqhar — So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].
This aayah is the ultimate antidote to depression!
Depressed people are mostly consumed with their situation and feel that nobody could possibly be in a worse situation.
This aayah reminds us to look at people who are in far worse situations than ourselves when we’re feeling hopeless and depressed— Look at the orphans, who have no family or loved ones and nobody to care for them. We have families and parents who love us, a roof over our heads and food on the table and we still think we’re in a bad situation? Subhanallah! Wa am mas saa-ila fala tanhar— And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].
Another example is of the beggar – to once again remind us of the many material blessings that Allah has given us that we take for granted – food, clothing and shelter. How many of us have ever gone to sleep hungry? How many of us don’t have clothes to wear? Or don’t have a home to go to?
These examples of the orphan and the beggar are ones we should constantly remind ourselves of to be thankful for the numerous blessings Allah has given us, get over our depression and feel connected to Allah again, out of gratitude.
Wa amma bi ne’mati rabbika fahad dith – But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].
This final aayah is about maintaining that renewed faith and bond with Allah – by pondering, glorifying and talking about the blessings of Allah! Either in terms of halaqas, discussions with family and friends or even da’wah! Dhikr, reading quran and listening to lectures are also great ways to keep the remembrance of Allah close to your heart!
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b-lessings · 3 years
10 lessons I learned from the first 10 days of Ramadan 🌙
(personal, subjective, and in no particular order)
1) It's a constant work and it doesn't get easier. This is the first thing that came into my mind. As a matter of fact, the daily routine of this month is no joke, whichever deeds you try to perform and incorporate in your deen from the 5 obligatory prayers, to the sunnah, to the nawafil, to the azkar, to the Qur'an recitation, to the daily x number of istighfar you promised yourself you'd achieve, it is a lot of work, especially if you have a family to take care of, a job or school to go to, or more critically, if your mental health is not at its best condition. Every day (or night), you get out of bed and you're back at square one, you have all this list of tasks to do, and it gets a lot some times, and you do feel exhausted (but if you are among the lucky ones, then it is the good kind of exhausted), and it's not like your prayers are gonna perform themselves, you have to ger up, you have to act. That's why you need to constantly remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place. What is the point of fasting and waking up in the middle of the night to pray and spending hours throughout the day just remembering Allah swt and reading his book, etc. You have to remind yourself of the ultimate purpose of this month, that we are sacrificing the worldly pleasures for the sake of Allah swt, to gain Taqwa, to be in a state of constante awareness and consciousness of Allah's presence, to get closer to Allah swt the most gracious the most merciful, and that if we don't actually put on some work and effort, we won't get to where we want to go, we won't achieve any of that. It is good to keep things in perspective. Be aware of what you are doing, where you are now, where do you wanna go and what it takes to get you there. If it's constant work and effort, then be it.
2) You can't achieve anything by yourself, your intentions are not enough, you need Allah's support. In fact, for the first couple of days I was so confused, I had to ask my sisters " If the devils are all locked away, why do I feel like I can't focus? " And I was constantly asking myself, if I have already prepared, downloaded the calendars and planners, put up a big board on my bedroom wall, etc., Why do I feel like my Iman is getting low?, AstaghfiruAllah. Aren't we supposed to feel on cloud nine? In a state of pure bliss? And then I came across a khutbah where the Sheikh may Allah swt bless him answered my question. He explained that even though Shaytan is locked away, he has already programmed us, for 11 months (he even made a joke that Shaytan deserves a month off because he has been working too hard for the rest of the year). Anyways, what I realized is even your will and your plans and your excitement about Ramadan and your promises to do so and so deeds is not enough if you don't ask Allah swt for support, for sabr, for guidance, for help, for strength to be able to fulfill those ibadat and carry out the plans you have made for this month. You need to constantly ask Allah swt because who else is our refuge? Who else is our source of strength and patience ? Who else will keep us steadfast on the straight path? And who else is gonna help us against the traps of Shaytan? No matter how willing or excited or determined you are to perform your prayers, finish reading the Qur'an, etc, you still need Allah swt to bless your deeds, every step of the way. Without Him, nothing can be achieved. So in your sujood, ask Him that He give you enough strength to finish that prayer in full Khushoo' and concentration, and after that prayer, ask him for sabr and strength to manage to perform the next one and the one after. Tell Him that you seek refuge in Him from the traps of Shaytan, from laziness and lethargy, from the disoriented heart and the distracted mind. Show Him that you are vulnerable and that even though you are trying to do this for Him, you actually can't do it without Him. SubhanAllah.
3) Forgive yourself when you fall short.
{يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ}
{God intends for you ease and does not want hardship for you}
Allah swt literally said this in Surat Al Baqara (The Cow) when he prescribed Fasting upon us and introduced us to the holy month of Ramadan. Soz read it again. As simple as that, I am not gonna develop this idea further.
4) No matter how much you prepared before Ramadan came, you aren't prepared enough. Well, are you familiar with the saying that Ramadan is like a marathon and you have to prepare for it way before? That's actually true. And guess what? No matter how much you think you are prepared, there are still gonna be some moments when you'd still feel out of breath, where you wish you'd have prepared more. May Allah swt make us reach the end of this month smoothly and seamlessly. May Allah swt bless us and accept our deeds from beginning to end.
5) Our deeds don't get accepted because they're good enough, they get accepted because Allah is merciful. I heard this in a youtube khutba just last night and it resonated with me. Put this in your mind, learn it by heart, print it out on your forehead if necessary! No matter how perfect you think your deeds are, they won't get accepted because you're an amazing slave of Allah swt and you win at worship and ibadah. Don't get too confident, beware of arrogance, control your ego. Stay humble and know your place. The only reason why your deeds would be accepted is because Allah swt will have mercy on you, not because you are so good that your deeds would qualify you for forgiveness and acceptance. So pray that Allah swt accepts our deeds and pray that he encompasses us with His mercy.
6) Don't compare to others, don't get intimidated by others, we are not on the same journey. Walk your own rocky path. I can't stress this enough. I know a lot of brothers and sisters Mashaa'Allah, Allahuma barik, are overachievers, or they might just be out of our league. And sometimes, through social media, we see what they share (in their attempt to motivate us and share some tips and good deeds, spread the knowledge, May Allah swt bless them, accept their deeds and reward them), so we get intimidated. Sometimes it feels like what we are doing is not good enough because it doesn't even compare to what X or Y are doing. And we feel a bit scared that we are not good enough of slaves for Allah swt or that Allah swt wouldn't be pleased with us like He swt would be pleased with them, and we can even feel unworthy and get discouraged ( beware it's a shaytan trap). It is simple though, your path to Allah swt is very personal. What a brother or a sister does only get to inspire you not discourage you or intimidate you. When you see someone sharing something good or beneficial, make duaa for them and make duaa for yourself then leave it at that. Competition is taking over every aspect of our worldly life, we shouldn't let it mess with this sacred part as well. And remember, we are not all on the same journey to Allah swt. It is okay if you can't recite the Qur'an in such a beautiful way or if you can't pray 10 rakaas of Taraweeh, it is okay if you can't read in Arabic or if you don't learn any hadith by heart. Allah swt is patient enough and considerate enough. Scratch that, He swt is the most patient, the most considerate, the most gracious, the most generous, and He appreciates your effort. What matters for Him is your sincerity and the purity of your intentions.
7) The less food you take, the more energy you will have. FACTS. I mean, imagine the struggle of having to pray Ishaa and Taraweeh on a full stomach where every time you get down for sujood you feel like your soup is coming up :/ Allahu almusta'aan. This month is not about feasting. It is literally about giving up pleasures (food being one of them) to focus on Allah. So, Focus on what's important and set your priorities straight.
8) Don't overdue it. Beware of the ghost of Burnout. So yeah, like I already said earlier, it is a lot of work and it requires preparation and constant effort. The aim is to be at our best shape of health and Iman on the last 10 nights because they are the most sacred, the most important, the most blessed. You might wanna consider starting small with your deeds and building up slowly. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little." [Al Bukhari]
9) Personalize your ibadat / plans. In other words, do what's best for you and what's beneficial for you. Define your weaknesses and the areas in which you want to improve. Don't just do this or that deed because everyone else is doing them. Do not follow blindly. What is good for you might not be the thing recommended or done by the others. And what you need on your faith journey is not what X or Y needs. You will be judged on your own deeds, your own journey. Have a purpose and a reason for what you are doing and why you are doing that. Also, the more you feel like your plan or your routine is personal, the more you can relate to it and connect with it, the more sincere you will be, the more excited and enthousiastic you will be, and the easier it will be for you to perform your ibadat in Shaa Allah.
10) Too much information can be poisonous. If ,like me, you got into a habit of watching lectures and videos of speakers this Ramadan, then breaking news: it might get confusing. I don't want you to feel lost and confused. Allahima barik the resources are countless and limitless. But also, you have to beware whom you listen to. There are different sects, different perspectives, different rulings on certain things. So, try not take things blindly. Take them with a pinch of salt and always try to do a background check. And eventually, when it gets too much, always choose what's best for your heart, because we are created with an innate sense of "right" , our fitrah is sane, Alhamdulillah. So, try to be critical. Allah swt even recommends that.
I hope this post can be beneficial. Tell me which part you related to the most, and if you have any extra tips, please share. May Allah swt accept our deeds and grant us forgiveness, amen. 🤍
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rozzes · 2 years
Dear Islamophobes,
Virtual hugs and kisses
How are you guys what are you doing how's life been treating you and all that type of things for me college has been a bit of beard I don’t know some days it’s really great allergic I just feel like what is happening right now is what is happening, and I don’t know what is but is getting their awesome I do have some I do write notes that are excellent so if you’re interested in that do put comments down below help I sell it for a very low price is math and Spanish notes if you are interested, do right meet down below until then enjoy this and have a great day-night wherever you are in this world.
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Today’s topic might be a bit controversial, and it's Religion. I’m Muslim as I’ve mentioned before and that is a huge part of who I am as a human being my life the way I act everything is related to who I am at the heart and that is a Muslim. I know if we don’t we might not share the same religion we might not share the same beliefs you might not even believe in God you might believe in more than one God, but you might learn something new from this article if you decide to go on reading it. The first thing I think everyone sees when they look at me is my hijab and I feel like that is a Muslim identity on its own you would see a woman wearing a scarf in her head, and you say is a hijab is a Muslim is a visual representation of what I believe in the thing that gets many people angry agitated nervous because of the way it's portrayed on television and the way they’ve made this stereotype of who I am. I get so angry I’m the one who should be angry when I see the things they put on TV the way I am forced to wear it the way I go around shooting people or bombing or taking it off for a very basic white boy who is not even that good-looking like honestly desmosome end like that seen on Netflix where a woman was fasting in Ramadan, and she decided to break her fast by taking a shot and saying BismAllah are you serious????!!! The disrespect, but I have to be the nice person I have to be the good representation of Islam, and we do have it as saying that we always need to be better, always need to show them the best side of us, yet it sometimes hurts to be the nice guy while everyone thinks you’re ******* anyway.
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On the other hand, these people are still mad at me because I’m wearing the hijab why because I’m restricted I am forced quote unquote but if anyone is restricted as them, I’m restricting them from seeing things that they're used to from seeing things that they want to see I’m not allowing you because it’s my body my choice, and they’d be the most people supporting her body her choice and then when she decides to cover it no no way you decided to cover it, what if I did what you can do Karen and on what are you going to do nothing get mad spit at me try to pull a hijab off trip someone starts shouting racist slurs out loud because you think I’m not from here because I can’t be from here can I what you don't understand is maybe I am maybe she is but does that matter because if you’re racist you’re Islamophobic that's it.
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I’m not just going to talk about the visual identity things that are so you saying all the time sometimes it will slip out of me like MashaaAllah which means wow, but I don’t want to jinx you or InshAllah like I hope God allows it if it’s good for you, I hope he does make it come true or if I say something that is so beautiful, and I use super SubhanAllah like wow how is that even possible or Alhamdulillah which is thanking God for the way I am, or the way things went or things that are going a certain way, and it just always comes to head. Twakul called another word, which means fully giving into the flow that God allows whatever it is the flow of money the flaw success the flow work my life in general just going the way God wants it to go I will have that because if God wants to allow it no matter how hard you work it won’t happen it won’t be for the good so if your heart does not feel like it's a good thing to do just don’t do it, cut it off.
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Many situations come to mind or in certain moments in life and I remember this area or that quote or that draw Anne I feel how beautiful my religion is how connected I am even though I struggle I struggled so much with prayers five times a day you probably know that I struggled so much with it some days I don’t feel like doing it sometimes I skip one, and I keep thinking about it like what if I just prayed it what would have happened to me nothing I would have been happier, and I wouldn’t have felt this guilty, so I try harder the next day because honestly, I feel like this life is not worth it, the things we see on TV the news we see I truly believe that we’ll find something better after this one is done, and I hope it’s done fast, but I want to live, but I hope it’s dumb fast you know I’m saying I’m just incredibly grateful for being who I am believing in what I believe and doing what I’m doing, and I hope you feel the same whatever it is that to feel, believe, do. Just take some time off and really decide to find whatever it is that will make you happy.
Stay safe lots of love
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flowersofjannah · 3 years
Waʿalaykumu s-salām wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Thank you for your response.
My favourite Sūrahs:
—Al-Imran: it taught me about behaviour and right conduct with respect to Allah ﷻ and lineage
—Al-Maryam: I reverted from Catholicism and found beauty in this sūrah
—Ar-Rahman: It taught me the qualities of Allāh ﷻ and how to recognise them and be thankful.
—Al-Hadid: this sūrah taught me about the boundaries for men, the limitless forgiveness of Allah Subḥānahu wa ta’alā and why sending good before you is a benefit on Yawm Al-Qiyama.
—Al-Buruj: because it’s beautiful and I couldn’t stop reciting it when I first heard it.
Here are some of my favourite ayaat:
.. And remember thy Lord ﷻ when thou forgettest and say: Maybe my Lord will guide me to a nearer course to the right than this. 18:24
..And thy Lord ﷻ wrongs not anyone.” 18:49
"And I hurried to You, my Lord, so that You'll be pleased." 20:84
.. “And they who say, Our Lord, grant us in our wives and our offspring the joy of our eyes, and make us leaders for those who guard against evil.
These are rewarded with high places because they are patient, and are met therein with greetings and salutation.” 25:74-75
.. “And those who keep their duty to their Lord are conveyed to the Garden in companies until when they come to it, and its doors are opened and the keepers of it say to them: Peace be to you! you led pure lives; so enter it to abide.
And they say: Praise be to Allah! Who has made good to us His promise, and He has made us inherit the land; we abide in the Garden where we please. So goodly is the reward of the workers.
And thou seest the angels going round about the Throne of Power, glorifying their Lord with praise. And they are judged with justice, and it is said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!” 39:73-75
“He is the First and the Last and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is Knower of all things.” 57:3
..O soul that art at rest, Return to thy Lord ﷻ, well-pleased, well-pleasing, So enter among My servants, And enter My Garden! 89:27-30
Thank you for sharing with hme.
Subhanallah, this so extremely incredible, beautiful, and thoughtful. You must be someone very close to our Rabb; Honestly speechless, this reflects the goodness in you. I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into this and that you shared this with me.
I should also detail why the surahs I mentioned are my favorites:
Surah Al-Imran: This Surah is golden. It has so many positive reinforcements from our Rabb. He constantly reminds us that He is with us, building our taqwa and tawakkul. It is a surah that has the power to change a person's entire character, goals, and mindset.
Surah Ad-Duha: This surah is full of hope, mercy, and reassurance. I find this surah to be very healing and relatable regardless of what kind of test I am going through. You can feel Allah subhanahu wa ta'alas care, protection and solace through this surah.
Surah Ar-Rahman: You summed it perfectly, we learn about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's characteristics and the immense, uncountable blessings He has conferred upon us. It is a comfort and reminder. It teaches gratitude and trust.
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hubufiallah · 3 years
Assalamualaikum, I recently started following your blog and I absolutely love it, it's beautiful!!!
also, there's something I need your help with. The other day I had a conversation with my atheist friend and she asked some questions about Islam that I could not answer in a right way and now I feel terrible. I was really hoping if I could talk to you about these ?
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Thank you dear, May Allah bless you! 🤍
I understand why you may feel terrible about this situation however, there is no need. You simply did not know, one doesn’t have to fully understand something to explain it. As long as you yourself resonate with that question or some what relate to it then by all means reply to it with the best of your ability. If not, then refrain from it, it’s mostly best not to answer something if you have no knowledge about it completely. As that can lead to misinformation astagfurillah, we wouldn’t want that. Having conversations about religions & beliefs wether it be with non-muslims/atheist can be very beneficial but always remember your intentions and not to mislead other people. Misinterpretation happens quite a lot nowadays and it always results in the words subhanAllah. Now that I’ve rambled on so much aha, you need not to worry sis, simply don’t answer if you don’t know.
Feel free to message me ان شاء الله
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maryamibrahimsblog · 3 years
Easy Dhikr for Extensive Reward.
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1. Quran: Ultimately, the best dhikr is reading the Quran.
You will be rewarded 10 rewards for each letter read.
2. SubhanAllah or SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi
(“I praise Allah (or All praise if to Allah) above all attributes that do not suit His Majesty.”)
A tree will be planted for you in Paradise. Nice! Start growing your own forest right now! Another hadith relates that whoever says this 100 times a day, his/her sins will be forgiven even if they were as much as the foam of the sea [Bukhari].
3. Alhamdulillah
(“All praise is for Allah”)
Your scales will be tipped on the Day of Judgment, full of rewards!
Abu Malik Al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Purity is half of iman (faith). ‘Al-hamdu lillah (all praise and gratitude belong to Allah)’ fills the scales, and ‘subhan-Allah (how far is Allah from every imperfection) and ‘Al-hamdulillah (all praise and gratitude belong to Allah)’ fill that which is between heaven and earth.” [Related by Muslim]
4. SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah, wa la ilahaillAllah wa Allahu akbar
“I praise Allah (or All Praise if to Allah) above all attributes that do not suit His Majesty. All praise is for Allah. There is no deity worthy of worship besides Allah. Allah is Great.”
This combination of dhikr is the one most beloved by Allah, subhana wa ta’ala. When you say them, sins fall off of you like leaves off of trees.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “The uttering of the words: “Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from imperfection), Al-hamdu lillah (all praise is due to Allah), La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah) and Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)’ is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises.” [Muslim].
5. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
(“There is no power or might except (by) Allah.”)
You will enter through a special door in Paradise for those who oft use this remembrance.
6. SubhanAllah (x33), Alhamdulillah (x33), Allahu akbar (x34)
Can be recited after salat and before you go to bed/sleep. (“I praise Allah (or All praise if to Allah) above all attributes that do not suit His Majesty. All praise is to Allah. Allah is Great.”)
We know that this dhikr is said after each salah, but when Fatima raḍyAllāhu 'anha (may Allāh be pleased with her) the daughter of the Prophet came to her father requesting a servant to help with the household, the Messenger of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) told her to repeat the dhikr before her sleep and the results would be better than having a servant.
Abu Huraira reported that Fatima came to Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) and asked for a servant and told him of the hardship of household work. He said: You would not be able to get a servant from us. May I direct you to what is better than the servant for you? Recite Subhaana Allah thirty-three times, al- Hamdu li-Allah thirty-three times and Allah-o-Akbar thirty-four times as you go to bed. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Suhail with the same chain of transmitters. [Sahih Mulsim]
7. Astaghfirullah
(“I seek Allah’s forgiveness”)
You will get protection from Allah’s punishment. In Surah Nuh, ayah 10-12, Allah relates the story of Prophet Nuh 'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him) and how he instructed his people to seek Allah’s subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) forgiveness. If they would just say “astagfirullah,” Allah would send them rain in abundance, and increase their wealth and children, and give them gardens and rivers in Paradise.
“And said, ‘Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers. [Qur’an 71: 10-12]
8. Ayahtul-Kursi [2:255]
“Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”
‘Allahu laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa Huu. ‘Al-Hayyul-Qayyuum. Laa ta’-khuzuhuu sinatunw-wa laa nawm. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa ma fil-‘arz. Man-zallazii yashfa-‘u’indahuuu ‘illaa bi-‘iznih? Ya’-lamu maa bayna ‘aydiihim wa maa khalfahum. Wa laa yuhiituuna bi-shay-‘im-min ‘ilmihiii ‘illaa bimaa shaaa’. Wasi-‘a Kursiyyu-hus-Samaawaati wal-‘arz; wa laa ya-‘uuduhuu hifzu-humaa wa Huwal-‘Aliyyul-‘Aziim.
When you recite this verse before you go to sleep, Allah sends a guardian to you and no shaytan will come to you until morning. Those who read this after each salah shall enter Paradise.
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islamicrays · 4 years
This past week my boys began a new Islamic Studies class. The teacher assigned them the homework of saying “astaghferullah” 100 times a day.
Alhamdulillah, we’ve been consistent in doing it every day. Yesterday, after we finished reciting together, I asked them if they knew why we did it.
They said to remember Allah and ask forgiveness.
I said, “But you are children, Allah doesn’t hold you accountable. So why should you do it?"
They shrugged and said they didn’t know.
I replied, “Well, one day in sha Allah you’re going to grow up and then Allah will hold you accountable, right? So, it’s very good to get in the habit of these things now to prepare you for later. Does that make sense?"
They said yes.
I then said, “There’s also another reason why doing this type of dhikr and dhikr in general is very good for you. When you can focus your mind on doing something by repeating it, it’s very good for your brain. Do you know why? Well, your brain is kind of like a muscle in that it needs exercise every day. Just like people spend hours in the gym doing “reps,” which is short for repetition, of different exercises or weightlifting because they are working out their body's muscles, we need to also exercise our brain. Dhikr is a great way to do that. We focus on something and get very good at it and our brain gets stronger. It’s also very good for our hearts because anytime we call on Allah ﷻ’s name our physical and spiritual hearts, and our whole body actually gets healthier."
In the digital age when an unprecedented amount of teens and youth, and even small children, are either addicted to devices, video games, television, or on very serious prescription medications for anxiety, depression, ADHD, and a variety of other mental health related issues, we need to empower our small children with ways to quiet their mind.
Dhikr is the best practice to teach mindfulness and meditation to children. If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend that every parent do the following:
1. Buy individual prayer beads for every member of the household based on everyone’s color/bead preferences. You can even get them involved and excited by taking them shopping to buy their own prayer beads at a nearby Islamic bookstore or online if you don’t have one in your community!
2. Keep the beads in a special container somewhere in the house that is easily accessible to everyone.
3. Have dhikr circles daily (if possible) after one of the prayers or even before bed time.
4. Teach your children that they can do dhikr by themselves whenever they are sad, upset, sick, tired, etc. Teach them from an early age to call on Allah ﷻ (not just mommy or daddy) when they are not feeling happy.
5. Give them clear objectives and goals based on THEIR preferences. Some children might like doing simple tasbih like “alhamdulillah, subhanAllah, and Allahu Akbar,” where other children might want to do salawat an-nabi or astaghferullah. Give them options of which dhikr THEY like most and let them pick that one to start. Guiding them to do what their hearts incline to instead of what you assign to them is a much better way to encourage them in sha Allah.
May Allah ﷻ guide and protect all of our children and always keep their hearts close to Him. Amīn.
Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi
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comicsandpoetry · 4 years
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My way of protesting. I used to think nothing could be more important than maintaining social distancing. But fighting for basic human rights takes precedence, without a doubt. I know that what happened to George Floyd, may he rest in peace, is just one story out of so many that have repeated for decades and centuries throughout the country and world. But his cries for mercy are among the ones that have been caught on camera and are now echoing across the entire globe. George Floyd’s brutal murder, as vicious as it was completely uncalled for, has me sick, as does the fact that actual footage of the murder is not enough to convict the killer. To everybody out there protesting for George Floyd, others before and since him, and the rights of all black people and marginalized folks, may God keep you safe, grant you strength, and bless you with triumph over the oppressors. To anyone reading these words, don’t let the media and self-serving politicians make you focus so much on stories of looting that you forget about what caused the unrest in the first place, that you ignore the masses of peaceful protesters who are bravely risking their lives during this pandemic and going up against a violent, militarized police force to stand for justice. It's a very old tactic, the news and government shifting the attention to looting to make us blind to the extreme disregard for basic human rights that’s built into the system for certain people. The media's message is that the tragedy here is the chaos caused by the angry masses. But the actual tragedy is what made the masses angry, and the current state of the country is simply the consequence of that horrifically racist and evil system. Below, I’ll share a powerful excerpt from Martin Luther King's famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail" that feels eerily relevant now, after all these decades, subhanallah (he used the word "white," but I think his message applies to any who value their own comfort over the rights of the oppressed). "... I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;’ who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a 'more convenient season.'" June 7 Update: Today, my dad shared with me a powerful opinion article by Yannick Giovanni Marshall containing a perspective I hadn't really considered before, and I'd like to share it here. It's related to my comments and the MLK quote above, but let's just say it's a bit more Malcolm X than MLK. In his article, the author presents an argument that I found to be as challenging as it is crucial: "To order that our protests must be peaceful is to demand that when we ask to be injured less, it is in a tone that is respectful and polite. To praise the peacefulness of a protest is to assert the right of those resisted to determine the ethics of resistance - their right to command and to direct it, their right to lay out how resistance must be conducted... Protests are not peaceful; they are pacified. They are uprisings put down, revolts tamed." Chilling and insightful words. I don't doubt his opinion is not popular among the privileged, for whom times of peace are actually peaceful, but that makes it even more important for us to consider his argument with an open mind, because I also don't doubt that his views are echoed by many who endure oppression on a daily basis in this "developed" country, whether their suffering is currently trending or not. Read the full article below. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/racists-peace-200607085302328.html
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islam-reflections · 5 years
‎إِنَّ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا إِذَا مَسَّهُمْ طَائِفٌ مِّنَ الشَّيْطَانِ تَذَكَّرُوا فَإِذَا هُم مُّبْصِرُون.
"Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan approaches them, they bring Allah to remembrance. Then they see right (open their eyes)." C7:V201
Many of us can relate to this. Our minds can get messy with over thinking, worrying, negativity, anger, sadness etc... There are a few things we can extract from this verse that can help. First, it is from the shaytan (Satan). Remember, Satan your enemy and mine, wants us to go depressed, anxious and feel lonely. That's one of his major goals. He'll start you off with a single thought and cause a snowball effect in your head leading to bigger thoughts and issues until you reach a point and say "Quran and Islam can't help me." Know your enemy. If you knew what and how Satan and his boys keep you away from Allah, you'd roll up your sleeves and declare war against them. This is reality guys. Therefore Allah is teaching us, when a wave of those thoughts begin in your head, immediately remember Allah. End it from the start. How? Do thikir! Say any supplication (e.g أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم -- I seek refuge from the evil Satan or subhanallah etc..).
If in the moment you can't say it out loud, at least say it in your head. Fight depression and anxiety with this method. Allah promised it will work, just commit to it. Don't expect change today or tomorrow. Keep at it.
Trust Allah, don't test Him {that's disrespectful}.
May Allah guide us all. 
Mohamed Zeyara 
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