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sugarswanprincess · 3 months
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Are you...
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Voidpunk is a subculture for those who often feel rejected or disconnected from humanity. This is popular within aromantic spectrum and asexual spectrum communities but also includes groups such as neurodivergent individuals, disabled individuals, non-binary individuals, individuals of color, and other groups that are frequently dehumanized or called "subhuman" by society. Voidpunk is based on embracing the idea of being "not human". While some individuals within these marginalized groups seek to prove their humanity to their oppressors, voidpunk instead recognizes that these oppressors are bigoted and taunts them by saying "Maybe I am not human up to society's standards. What about it?"
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 1 year
Hate that every new aesthetic/subculture is just 'word-core' it's so uncreative
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salmasfoggedforest · 9 months
Was out in some black clothes and leather with goth make up. This lil girl was staring at me so i smiled at her and she smiled back. Her mother after seeing me took her by the hand and she still looked at me as they walked away.
Hope you find your path soon, little bat <3
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st4rlung · 11 months
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old portraits of 1980s french punk culture
while the movement may have originated in the uk and the us, the french punk scene emerged with a distinct flair and a powerful voice of its own. in the heart of this captivating subculture were iconic bands like bérurier noir, les cadavres, and ludwig von 88, whose raw and unapologetic music resonated with a generation yearning for change. the lyrics were fueled by social unrest, political disillusionment, and a profound desire to challenge the status quo. though decades have passed since the zenith of french punk, its legacy endures in the hearts of those who lived through it and in the passion of those who discovered it later.
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pastelpinkalien · 7 months
My thoughts on subcultures and fashion
Alternative subcultures used to be so much more than just fashion, but right now it seems like people confuse the subcultures themselves with the fashions they're associated with.
Alt subcultures used to be about ideologies, lifestyle choices, social attitudes and often taste in music. Style was just one aspect of a subculture that was used to express yourself.
Nowadays it feels like people forgot about these aspects of alternative subcultures and primarily focus on the fashions. You see a lot of people calling others "not authentic" for not dressing a certain way, when in reality the way someone dresses and expresses themselves is a very personal and individual thing. The different alt subcultures influenced each other's styles, often making it hard to tell them apart just by looks. Some individuals within a subculture share its views but choose not to adopt the specific style, and that doesn't diminish their belonging to the group.
On the flip side, there are individuals who are solely interested in the fashions, without engaging with the people or identifying as part of the subculture - and that's perfectly fine. People have the freedom to dress and express themselves however they like. It's not okay to police others based on their individual style.
I remember when I was younger, I wanted to belong so badly. I tried so hard to be something I'm not. I used to listen to goth bands, even though I didn't like them, because I thought it was wrong to like the fashion when you don't like the music, given that it's primarily a music-based subculture.
Now I know that it isn't wrong to appreciate certain aspects of the goth style without actually 'being goth.' It's perfectly fine to admire elements of a subculture without fully identifying with it.
We shouldn't feel the need to change who we are to fit into a specific group. That's not what these subcultures are about. We should celebrate our individuality and beliefs, finding a sense of belonging in that authenticity.
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mina-le · 7 months
Mina Le on how internet slang was co-opted from AAVE and America’s Black drag scene
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doomerdear · 7 months
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gendertreyf · 1 year
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butchwife and femmeboss flags for the girlboss/malewife joke/dynamic. it also happens to reference a real historical situation in which butches (mostly visibly gnc/gay) would not be able to work due to discrimination, so femmes (often less visibly gay to the heterosexual eye) would hold a job for the two of them.
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oldinternetcore · 5 months
a alguien le gustaría unnn discord server para personitas emo scene y de cualquier otra subcultura? pero para latinoamericanos ? :3
también para quienes usen spacehey1!
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girlishguitarist · 8 months
Trends and “aesthetics” have killed the possibility of us having another subculture with actual substance and depth to it, with music, real-life scenes, a community and all that. And I hate it, I hate that everything now is a fucking trend and people can’t just stay and foster an idea because they’re too busy going along with the crowd. It’s actually sad.
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redpop-stimboards · 2 years
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I hope this is okay heheheh, I’m not sure how I feel about the rainbow kandi!
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ihhfhonao3 · 11 months
Maybe it’s just because I’m voidpunk but honestly I feel like the voidpunk community is the most accepting community there is. Constant reminders that there’s no right way to be voidpunk, that every void is different, that there are infinite voidpunk experiences. Every community has its issues but I just love to see the bond of the voidpunk community. It’s truly unique to it.
And I think it stems from the fact that at our cores, we’re all rejects. We’re all misfits. We’ve all been through something similar; dehumanization and oppression due to a part of ourselves that we can’t control. I wouldn’t say it’s a trauma bond but it’s like one.
I feel happy with the aro community, I feel happy with the ace community, I feel happy with the queer community. But I’m at home with the voidpunk community. These are my fellows. These are my brethren. These are my creatures. Nobody else can really reach that because nobody else sees me like they do.
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So I’m thinking about like. Elven subcultures. Because when you force people into molds of perfection and discard anyone you see as not fitting that people - especially young people - will be pissed as all fuck. And Elves don’t have social media like we do, so it wouldn’t even be commodified like subcultures now are.
Like, we all make jokes about how emo Tam is, but... what if that’s the point? What if he wears black, dyes his hair, gets angry and dark to separate himself from the light saturated society that was willing to leave his sister for dead just because she wasn’t perfect? Yeah, Elves ‘aren’t musical’ or whatever, but what about Dex, after he fixes Sophie’s iPod for her, getting curious about human music. Like, what if listening to human music becomes like an alt thing? What if people like, form bands with self made instruments that aren’t like the ones humans have because all they have to go off is sound?
What about art? I made a post a while ago about Linh being a street artist and Keefe being a surrealist, but what if they’re not the only ones? What about art movements as well, imperfect and flawed and messy, communicating issues everyone wants so much to cover up? What about messy clothes that would make nobles faint instead of the conservative cloaks and skirts and suits they’re all used to?
It really seems to me that the Elven world is very whitewashed as well. What about POC Elves reclaiming their own histories and cultures? What about new languages aside from just The Enlightened Language being rediscovered and learned or even made? What about people adopting forms of dress from Elven cultures long lost in what was either an unconcious or purposeful cultural cleansing?
Ofc, this would all be very underground. The Council is literally a dictatorship who control the media, education, everything. But people find ways. Someone sneaks a smuggled MP3 player from the Human world into Foxfire and some people get curious, get interested, and get deeper. People find ways to meet up and talk. Maybe that’s where the rebel organizations, Black Swan and Neverseen, find people to recruit? Like, how else do you find people both angry at the world around them and ready to rebel?
Idk. Reading about the growth of alt subcultures in Europe and America rn and I’m just very interested in subcultures in the Elven world. Even aside from alt ones which is what I’ve focused on here.
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pastelpinkalien · 7 months
What is Pastel Goth?
I've noticed a lot of people questioning what pastel goth actually is, and unfortunately, there's quite a bit of misinformation being spread. As someone who has been into this subculture for about 8 years, I thought I could help clear things up for you all.
Pastel goth is, in fact, a subculture; however, it does not have the historical depth of other long-established subcultures, such as goth or emo. Contrary to the name, pastel goth doesn't have much to do with trad goth. Goth is primarily a music-based subculture, which means you need to enjoy goth music to consider yourself goth. This is not the case with pastel goth.
Pastel goth is a fashion and social media-based subculture that gained popularity on Tumblr in the 2010s. It essentially began as a fashion aesthetic, combining goth elements with pastel colors. The pastel goth style draws inspiration primarily from kawaii, harajuku, and goth fashion. It has always been heavily influenced by recent trends and continues to evolve with them.
While music isn't as central to this subculture compared to others, there are still popular artists within the scene, including Melanie Martinez, Marina and the Diamonds, and Lana Del Rey.
In the Pastel Goth community, you'll find a range of interests, from a passion for art (especially creepy cute art) to an enthusiasm for blogging or social media, an interest in fashion, and engagement in DIY projects.
The pastel goth lifestyle often emphasizes individuality, self-expression, and a willingness to find beauty in every aspect of life. Members of the subculture highly value inclusivity, diversity, and open-mindedness.
Long story short, pastel goth is much more than just a style; it's a broader subculture that extends beyond fashion choices, including shared values and interests. However, it is a relatively young community, and it will (hopefully) continue to grow and evolve.
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