#St Beatrice
portraitsofsaints · 10 months
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Saint Beatrice of Silva
Feast Day: September 1, August 17 (trad.)
Patronage: Conceptionist nuns, prisoners 
Saint Beatrice of Silva was born in Portugal to nobility and raised in the household of the future Queen Isabella of Castile. She became Isabella’s lady in waiting but incurred her jealous wrath because of her beauty. Queen Isabella had her imprisoned. She escaped to a Cistercian convent in Toledo and lived there until at 60 years old she had a vision from Our Lady to start a new order of nuns, the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She died of natural causes.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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asoue text posts (part 2 is up check the tag)
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ilovelumity3000 · 3 months
You know, considering that Sayo found out all at once that :
shes the heir to the family business
shes an incest baby
her boss is both her grandfather and father
her father r***d her mother
all her potential relationships are now illegal
shes trans
she can never have children
shes italian
... honestly? she took it way better then most people would
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getmehighonmagic · 3 months
don't let me get drunk again
Part 4 of the Holiday Series is here! Happy belated St. Patrick's Day ♥
Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass.
Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
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operafantomet · 1 year
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YES, YOU DID! You made a dash of West End history
Top: Lucy St Louis, principal Christine 2021-2023
Middle: Beatrice Penny-Touré, u/s Christine 2021-2022
Bottom: Paige Blankson, alt. Christine 2023
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chronicsheepdrawing · 1 month
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kusurrone · 10 months
Do you have a design for Lucia?
literally drew that today but ive actually drawn her before quite a lot because i really liked her for some reason and hoped that she would appear in paradiso
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hangmansgbaby · 6 months
Puck Around and Find Out
Meet the Daggers
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Avalone, William “Billy”(#23) : Right Defense
Bradshaw, Bradley (#8): Right Wing, Alt Captain
Fitch, Reuben (#33): Left Defense
Floyd, Robert “Bob” (#30): Goalie
Garcia, Michael “Mickey” (#27): Left Wing
Lee, Logan (#18): Left Wing
Lenox, Bingham “Bing”(#6): Left Defense
Machado, Javier “Javy” (#11): Right Defense
McConnell, Jonas (#45): Goalie
Seresin, Jacob “Jake” (#12): Forward, Captain
Vikander, Neil (#4): Right Wing
Cain, Chester: Goalie Coach
Kazansky, Tom: Head Coach
Mitchell, Pete: Assistant Coach
Coleman, Bernie: Equipment Manager
Hodge, David: Equipment Manager
Elliot, Kirsten: Team Nurse
Finley, Evangeline “Eva”: PT intern
Phillips, Deacon: Team Doctor
Thomas, Layne: Director of Physical Therapy
O P E R A T I O N S / M A N A G M E N T
Bates, Solomon: Operations Manager
Mitchell, Penny: Public Relations
Monroe, Jessica “Click”: Social Media Manager
Simpson, Beau: General Manager
St James, Beatrice “Bug”: Team Photographer
St James, Riley “Racer”: Ice Girls Captain
The Seresins : Jake & Kingsley
The Machados: Javy, Natasha, Trace, & Jules
The Mitchells: Pete, Penny, & Amelia
The St James: Riley & Beatrice
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It started with the television report, breaking news playing across most stations both local and national, inescapable, impossible not to notice.  Newscasters speaking a thousand different languages relayed the same story: an angel landing, or perhaps falling, to Earth, crashing down in St. Peter's Square at the heart of Vatican City, just after High Mass no less, for extra dramatic effect.  The Catholic Church, and Christianity as a whole, had been struggling valiantly to regain its footing following the brief but harrowing threat of Adriel the Con Man, the False Angel, the Antichrist (depending on your persuasion),  and the new, hastily selected Pope himself could not have asked for a more spectacular sign of divine will.  
Those exiting the Basilica, as well as tourists and passersby, were treated to the sight of golden light hurtling down from the sky to hit the stones with a stunning explosion of color and sound.  All footage that could be salvaged was taken from some distance away, as exposure to the light of God disrupted and ruined all electronic devices within close proximity.  But even from a distance, the inhuman majesty was unmistakable.  The divine aura faded to reveal a humanoid being kneeling on the ground, 6 massive wings of pure light stretching from its back.  
Witness reports were varied in terms of finer physical details.  It was generally, though not universally, agreed that the angel was nude, and had a feminine form.  Different tellings declared it (or she?) to be as tall as a giant or as short as a teenager, with hair that was either made of fire or merely back-lit by the glow of her wings.  One Sister Cecilia, an elderly nun from Avignon, described her as the most beautiful being in all creation, the shining star of God's eternal sky.  Salvador Cadorna, a tour guide passing through the square, described her as a monster of vengeance sent to punish those who abandoned their faith for Adriel's treachery.  Joshua Dobson, a teenage tourist in Salvador's group, described her more succinctly as "really freaky".
All accounts agreed that the angel spoke with a voice that roared like thunder, echoing off the walls of the Basilica and shaking the statues of the saints above.  Her words were universally understood, as all who listened heard their own language spoken back to them.  Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Cantonese, Russian, and more, corroborated by witnesses trickling in over time.  Shaky footage captured on a cell phone showed a nun kneeling in front of the angel, hands clasped in benediction.  "Angelo di Dio, qual è il tuo messaggio?" For a moment, the angel said nothing, standing in holy repose, or perhaps surprise at being asked a question.  Her eventual response was… puzzling but clearly intelligible.  "UM… ABORTION IS FINE, AND TRANS RIGHTS MATTER."  Then, as though remembering something urgent, she added, "UH OH, GOTTA BLAST!  BYE!" before disappearing in another burst of golden light.
To say that religious authorities, world leaders, and, most importantly, the Internet were now in an uproar was an impressive understatement.
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raymondshields · 2 months
In the Sagiverse "Yuujin sneaks Susato to England as a newborn" AU, how would you rate everyone's babysitting skills?
Sagiverse is much much more than just that one specific plot point (virtually all of my non-canonical tag ramblings are from Sagiverse, as is most of Scout's artwork and tbh, all of our writing); but I actually have an answer to this ready, so LET'S GO.
Klint: 0/10, immediately took her to court, threw knives at witnesses, and had his babysitting privileges revoked within three hours. Was actually reasonably attentive during those three hours despite his waning grasp on reality, because he did sort of raise Barok almost entirely by himself. Keeping Susato entertained while not disrupting court proceedings was enough multitasking that it kept him grounded. Yuujin would have appreciated that if it was Someone Else's Baby, but it was his, so he did not appreciate it.
Barok: 7/10, but also 2/10. Mostly just handed her directly off to Klint for reasons of "kept him pretty calm and not hallucinating if Barok had to leave the room", but was pretty good with her himself. Baby Barok is pretty much a disney princess when it comes to animals and kids, so once he figured out the whole "babies need to eat and sleep This Much", he did a pretty good job. But 2/10 just because he'd give her to Klint whenever they were together and just because Yuujin never found out doesn't mean it was a Good Idea.
Genshin: 4/10. One would assume he'd score higher because you know, he has a kid (that he abandoned but whatever). One would be wrong, because between having a career and several apprentices, I genuinely don't see him actually having that much to do with raising Kazuma? He was around, sure, but I'm pretty sure it mostly got left to Izumi, who was... well, she's an Ayasato, and doesn't have the greatest tether to the living world just in general. Genshin could do it, sure, he understands how to change a Victorian diaper. But he wouldn't be happy to do it if Yuujin needed him to watch her for a couple hours, and he already disapproves of most of Yuujin's choices so he's not going to go above and beyond for her.
Jigoku: 7/10. Also disapproves a little bit of Yuujin's split-second decision to take his newborn daughter to Britain by hiding her in his yukata, but unlike Genshin understands split-second bad decisions and is going to Do His Best. (This makes sending Kazuma, Yuujin's adopted son, to his death way angstier. It's pretty clear Susato's the favourite child as far as Jigoku's concerned.) He doesn't know how exactly to do his best, so Susato learns a lot of jiu jitsu, but he's doing his best anyway.
Stronghart: 1/10. It only happened once, but it did happen. Jigoku was supposed to watch her, then he got pulled into some emergency, Stronghart was Jigoku's closest available friend (they might have been lovers at that point, haven't nailed the when of that yet), Stronghart had to deal with a four-year-old Susato for like three hours. He did feed her. She played with his birds and only almost lost an eye once. Yuujin never found out, which was good, because if he had he would've blown a gasket.
Beatrice: 9/10. Our good ol' Lord Chief Justice has raised three children, partly on their own, and understands Yuujin better than he thinks they do. They've probably snuck Nia and Rhodri into court on multiple occasions. Susato has teething toys, snacks, books suitable for her age, and colouring supplies now. She has signed six court documents and listened to several cases. She sees her dad on his lunch break between surgeries. Susato loves getting babysat by Lord Gingerson, she's getting all the good snacks and occasional lessons in Welsh. She also gets to watch trials but this time she's allowed to be there without her dad freaking out.
Courtney: 6/10. I feel like Yuujin and Courtney have babysat for each other on numerous occasions. This is what happens when you're both single parents to small children at St Synner's. She ranks a 6 because while she's kind to children, she's also very stern, and I feel like Susato wouldn't like her very much. Susato and Maria definitely play corpse / autopsy together, and they have a lot of fun and are probably pretty close friends, but that doesn't mean Susato really wants Courtney there. (That actually makes me wonder if they would have exchanged letters growing up? ...Aw, now I have DGS3 ideas.)
Fionn / Sholmes: 10/10. Full disclosure I forgot him not because I don't like him but because Fionn is just. Susato's other parent?? He's technically her stepdad but as far as she's concerned that's her dad too. Fionn is 1) not human and 2) over a hundred years old. Susato is not the first child he's been handed and told to take care of. She's the first that's his, yes, but Fionn lived with his Aunt Chris for a century, he's wrangled his fair share of cousins and had circumstances been slightly different, that would have included Kazuma. Fionn does an amazing job with Susato and she loves him dearly. (That plus he'll fling her into a pile of pillows with his tail and kids love that.)
Moriarty (bonus): 9/10 and -5/10. Yes, at once. On one hand, he's great with kids and awesome at remembering to feed her. On the other, Yuujin why are you letting your boyfriend's dead ex-boyfriend babysit your daughter. I know, it's because you have no idea he's watching her while you're out at the store for twenty minutes and you know she'll be safe for that long because she was sleeping when you went out. Mori's still doing his best as the secret stepdad, and also let's be real, he's secretly competing with Klint to see who can be the better babysitter. (Klint does not know this is happening. He's still in denial.)
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A Royal Recycling (part 148)
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Bloodbloom Playsuit from Killstar ($55)
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alittlebitbethany · 3 months
Hi everybody Happy St David’s Day today 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I’ve posted a new video on my YouTube channel in honour of it. Please check it out it would mean a lot to me. Image Description: a photo of a Bonnie and Pearl doll wearing a daffodil pin who is holding a Ty Beanie Babies Red Dragon keyring in one hand and a doll dressed in traditional Welsh clothing in the other. The text reads BC’s Doll Place: Happy St David’s Day 2024 (With Subtitles).‬
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SAINT OF THE DAY (September 1)
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St. Beatrice was born to Portuguese nobility in 1424 in Cuerta, Portugal.
She was one of the eleven children of Rui Gomes da Silva, the governor of Campo Maior, Portugal, and Isabel de Menezes, an illegitimate daughter of Dom Pedro de Menezes, 1st Count of Vila Real and 2nd Count of Viana do Alentejo, in whose army her father was serving at the time of her birth.
One of her brothers was Amadeus of Portugal, a noted reformer of the Order of Friars Minor.
She was raised in the household of the future Queen Isabel of Portugal and spent some time in her royal court in Castile following the Queen's marriage to John II.
She soon got tired of the empty life at court and joined a Cistercian convent in Toledo.
She lived at the convent until 1484, when she answered a summons from God to found a religious order.
The Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was begun, and with the help of the Queen, she founded a house outside of Toledo where she lived and served as superior until her death on 16 August 1492.
She was beatified by Pope Pius XI on 28 July 1926. She was canonized by Pope Paul VI on 3 October 1976.
Her feast day is celebrated by both by the Conceptionist nuns and the Franciscan Order and in Spain on September 1.
However, in 2012, it was transferred to August 17 for Portugal.
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operafantomet · 2 years
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Black Christines rocking the Star Princess
ROW 1: Lana English (Cape Town and Pretoria 2004)
ROW 2: Lucy St Louis (West End revival 2021-2022)
ROW 3: Beatrice Penny-Touré (West End revival 2021-2022)
ROW 4: Emilie Kouatchou (Broadway 2021-2022)
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ashitakaxsan · 8 months
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Beatrice Priestley:)
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