#Square Bear
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🐻Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch!🐻
🎄Drawn for my mum, for Christmas🎄
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thecrochetcrowd · 1 year
21 Best Crochet & Knit Patterns for Yarnspirations
21 Best Crochet and Knit Introducing the most downloaded free patterns from Yarnspirations. We actually have 1 design that we submitted that is on this list. It’s sometimes a fluke if people enjoy a design and other times, it’s a calculated decision that works. I have found, the best popular patterns seem to come out of the blue when you least expect it. Many of the patterns are about comfort or…
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angel-blitz · 2 years
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Have a very cubed bear
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Ursine Battle Royale!
(part 6)
Pratt's Rainbow Gardens, for its somewhat frumpish, though not-quite-down-at-heel look such as was bound to attract especially the regular stop from United Interstate Wrestling for taping matches (as well as past glory chronicled in displays in the lobby and vestibule), was no doubt packed to the rafters and to a man, woman and child as was fond of "wrasslin'" (as opposed to the WWE brand thereof in its kitschy tackiness) for what Hokey Wolf hoped would be the ultimate challenge of ursine supremacy last seen indirectly on no less than three occasions at Milwaukee's since-closed Washington Park Zoo in 1932, to the chagrin of zoo management and the parks board, as things turned out.
Yet before the match was to get underway (two falls out of three deciding the winner), even before the crowd warmup, there was certainly much in the way of discussion over whether a polar bear like Breezly Bruin or a Kodiak like the Hair Bear Bunch's somewhat klutzy and inept Square Bear would be the ultimate exemplar of ursine supremacy in the "wrasslin'" arena.
Meanwhile, back in the alley off Hollywood and Vine, Top Cat and clowder's somewhat amateurish sports book was taking wagers wholesale on the probable outcomes, including several (howbeit modest) such predicting that such would come out as a "Mexican standoff" (as in having no clear or obvious winner, even with two falls becoming the winner), and even Benny the Ball imagined just how lush the gravy train would turn out being until Spook realised that TC would have to pay back the winners if their wagers came out as predicted, and then some.
"Technicalities, Spook, technicalities!" was how an irate TC responded, adding that "What really matters, boys, is that we made quite the money and we're bound to be living high for awhile!" Prompting Choo-Choo to wonder how long that could turn out being, which left TC speechless and bereft of response.
Returning to Pratt's, Huckleberry Hound's predictably-awful musical voice in the warmup generated a guaranteed share of laughs and catcalls as much as The Bungle Brothers' ur-vaudeville act, consisting mostly of washed-up puerile schoolyard humour and some play-acting of wrestling which, in its own way, played up the laughs wholesale ... and before long, it was time for The Main Event, Hokey Wolf striding forth into the centre of the ring to announce the start of the match, acknowledging that "the inspiration, folks, came by way of some bizarre history I read recently about what happened once at the zoo in Milwaukee," replete with no less than three incidents where the dominant polar bear "dunked" in a small water hole in the bear display to death brown bear cubs, no doubt attracting much visitor unease ... and the introductions of the combatants pulled no punches in hyperbole:
For the polar bear side, no less than the Terror of the Tundra, the Nuisance of Camp Frostbite until its shock deactivation ... from no less than Nome, Alaska ... BREEZLY BRUIN!!!!
In the brownish bear arena, he may be lovably dumb, let alone comfortably numb, and yet Hair Bear and crew like him as much as everybody else! So, from Malibu, California, put your hands together for--SQUARE BEAR!!
(As for who got the more blatant entrance into the ring, the debate is bound to be rather long, but many will say Square Bear's treatment ran rings around the legendary Gorgeous George, himself known for theatrically flamboyant ring entrances ahead of televised wrestling matches back in the 1950's, the kind Snagglepuss would just drool over.)
Once it got down to business ... things couldn't have become more farcical, almost kabuki-like, plenty of bluffing and hysterics such as were good for laughter. Yet you could hear calls from supporters of both in the stands demanding some action for once, each trying to determine their first move.
Until exactly four minutes, thirty-three seconds into the match, when Breezly Bruin pulled off a near-tripping manouvre which had Breezly's right foot grabbing Square Bear unawares in like fashion, hoping such would send Square Bear to the mat. It did, but momentarily, as Square Bear pulled a reprisal move identical to the original on Breezly Bruin ... and from there on out, the Ursine Battle Royale! (as such had been promoted all along) was going at a rather hilarious and at once comical pace, with both polar bear and Kodiak bear pulling no punches, comedic and physical, in seeking to assert ursine dominance once and for all.
Shoving, belly bumps, fist grabs, tripping moves, nothing was too good for the match to hand, and never mind how far it was bound to go before either one wrestler fell twice in three attempts or had to be otherwise stopped by the referee--or whomever else had the duty to do so.
And as a matter of fact, a full-on thirty-nine minootas into the match, to be precise about it, an utterly incessant sounding of the timer's bell (and an almost fanatical pitch thereof, at that) caught as much the in-person audience as those watching on pay-per-view cable and satellite feeds off their guard as Hokey Wolf stepped into the ring and, in his Sgt. Ernie Bilko tone and nuance, made the following announcement:
"I am hereby stopping the match as of this moment ... and the match is hereby declared--A DRAW!"
And you could just hear the sheer outrage of catcalls and aroused anger from the stands as the announcement faded away, followed by both combatants having to be escorted posthaste from the ring to avoid likely assaults from attendees on the news of this Battle Royale having been declared a draw.
How did it turn out for both? I'll leave you, the reader and Old Hanna-Barberian, to decide as much.
Not long afterward, Honey and Sis' shortwave worldcast devoted some discussion to the whole farce, the following being but an excerpt:
HONEY: Thankfully, folks, we didn't bet any money on this joke of a wrestling match, and whoever bet anything probably must be crying into their beer big time.
SIS: Except, maybe, such who hoped the match would end up as a draw like it did. Some even using "Mexican standoff" in their wagers on the outcome.
HONEY, wryly: And you wonder what kind of a payday they'll have on the news.
SIS, imitating the stentorian tones of a male announcer delivering the "billboard" type of announcement: "And now, stay stewed for the nudes ..."
(Which certainly saw quite the share of hilarity ensuing on the shortwave ether among such listening, especially so in the standbys of Gilly-Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellenbogen-by-the-Sea, Mixingham-on-Sea, and, for good measure, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales.)
Top Cat and clowder: When it emerged that the match had ended in a draw, and that substantial sums had been wagered thus to that effect, when it came time for the payoff ... when it was all over, the clowder were left with pretty much enough to kill a Sunday afternoon at some isolated beach between Venice and Malibu off Pacific Coast Highway in a basic sort of way, yet while still being able to wear but themselves.
@warnerbrosentertainment @nighttimehound @iheartgod175 @theweekenddigest @archive-archives @thylordshipofbutts @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @princessgalaxy505 @warnerbrosent-blog @thebigdingle @jellystone-enjoyer @shewhotellsstories @warnerbros-blog1
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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Items from Parasite Eve II (1999) PS1, Square Enix
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pianokantzart · 5 months
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The fact that he's literally had the exact same "I'm about to throw hands" stance ever since he was three I-
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ff2-soda-pop · 2 months
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Springfest in Inkopolis Square
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asexual-juliet · 1 year
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new season 2 bingo card just dropped
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webdiggerxxx · 3 months
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
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revivalrequiem · 5 months
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# babycore (?) theme ✮
one thing led to another, it's all very cute still. repost with credit, free to use
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blackmensuited · 2 months
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retropopcult · 4 months
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Disneyland's keel boat Gullywhumper, 1964.
The Gullywhumper faithfully plied the Rivers of America around Tom Sawyer's Island for 42 years until one evening in May 1997, when the boat began to rock side to side. It capsized, dumping a full boatload of passengers into the river, leaving several with minor injuries. The boat was removed for inspection and neither it nor its companion craft the Bertha Mae returned for operation.
Instead, the Gullywhumper returned to Rivers of America as a prop and was moored on Tom Sawyer Island where passengers on the Davy Crockett Canoes, the Sailing Ship Columbia, and the Mark Twain Riverboat could see it while passing. Eventually, hull damage caused the boat to flood and sink, and it was finally removed from Disneyland in April 2009.
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Ursine Battle Royale!
(part 4)
"I'm telling you, Huck old buddy," excitedly exclaimeth Hokey Wolf one morning over breakfast, "I may have come up with perhaps the ultimate show in wrasslin' of the old school, one GUARANTEED to give modern 'professional wrestling' the dyspepsia!"
Which only saw That Oh So Merry, Chuckleberry, Huckleberry Hound respond with blushing modesty typical of him in a way, "Shucks, Hokey--and who did you have in mind as the combatants?"
"Why, none other than Breezly Bruin, The Terror of the Tundra ... and Square Bear from the Hair Bear Bunch, he of the Invisible Motorcycle and all other groovy schtick that the trio happens to be known for!"
"I get the idea, Hokey."
"And besides, I admit that the inspiration was a little on the tacky side."
"I believe you mean those attacks at Milwaukee's old Washington Park Zoo when a polar bear drowned three black bear cubs in their display pen for no apparent reason--"
"Only to have the zookeeper claim 'playfulness' as a patsy ... and to make matters worse, such happening no less than three times!"
"It just makes you wonder what exactly this world is coming to," wistfully remarked Huckleberry Hound over coffee and a malted waffle. After a short pause: "Hokey ... how exactly is it that you come up with such absurd ideas in the first place?"
"Huck, it's simple ... Money!"
Which left Huckleberry somewhat dumbfounded.
Meanwhile, for some while, preparations on the part of both ursine camps in preparing the contenders for such an unlikely show of "wrasslin'" in Battle Royale form were well underway:
In Breezly Bruin's case, such entailed the gym and workout rooms of the Peter Potamus Travelling SCUBA Par-tay at its La Jolla complex aimed at maximising the performance of the divers physically and mentally. And as if the body bag and grappling moves weren't good enow, there were also swimming sessions in the evaluation pool of the troupe.
As for Square Bear, some unlikely sparring partners in the wrasslin' game were procured by Hair Bear from a "drive-through" wildlife park as was otherwise in its death throes (and, more likely than not, were actually at the wildlife park proper) ... lions and tigers and bears, oh my! as sparring partners, not to mention plenty of running and jogging on the Secret Surf and Dive Spot's beach.
Meanwhile, Pratt's Rainbow Gardens, the venue for such a display, was somehow caught unaware of what they wanted to stage, even with a pay-per-view hookup in the offing, thanks to master showman Hokey Wolf's flair and charm in seeking the old mazuma. Luckily, two show cancellations on short notice freed up the scheduling so that the Ursine Battle Royale! (as Hokey was promoting the whole) could actually be carried out, even with barely a month's time for to prepare for the whole.
And nothing could be weirder a show in the offing than this.
@warnerbrosentertainment @nighttimehound @princessgalaxy505 @jellystone-enjoyer @warnerbrosent-blog @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @archive-archives @thebigdingle @theweekenddigest @wevelocityteampresents-blog @warnerbros-blog1
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snailspng · 2 years
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Random PNGS, part 71
(1. German bisque / 2. Mannequin head / 3. Puppet head / 4. Chiltern Master teddy, 1915 / 5. Einco cat, 1910-15 / 6. Crämer clockwork clown bear, 1929 / 7. Cat doll (?) / 8. Marble the bear / 9. Einco tubby dog, 1915)
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