#Spooker's writing
oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
It's been a while, hasn't it?
The office door creaks open
"Heya Pom! Brought back the paper i asked you yesterday?" Jax sounded so cheery. So happy while you just sat there on the chair like a drunkard... Well he's not a romance guy, of course he would be happy on his own. Damn rabbit.
"Not a word? What, still miss Sir Dentures?" He chuckles. He doesn't stop chuckling. What a clown... Thinks the jester. Ironic.
His smile fades into a sincere frown.
"Look here, Pom... It was necessary. He's free, paid for restoring us, we're all good now. No more murder and i got my nice charming scarf back and my favorite brushes, i'm the cool art teacher again!"
"So turn the dumb frown upside down aaaand please give me the paper i asked you? Please and thank you?"
"You're not a romance guy, of course you're fine. [___]hole..."
"Oh for the love of- the censor is still here?! God darn it, i wanna say the f word for once! I loved doing that!"
You grip onto the table until it began to crack at the memory of him. Him, him, him. That stupid fucking human.
"Pom you may wanna lay off the grip there, i paid a lot for tha-"
A chunk is crushed. Like paper.
Pomni lets go, revealing the chokehold put on the table left a permanent mark.
"Did ya dissociate again? I spoke well 'n clear, i paid a lot for that one!"
"Suck me, rabbit, you can get your s[__]t yourself" Pomni gets up and storms off from the office with no more words.
"Eh... Christ she's not okay..." Jax sighs
"Wonder if things coulda been better?"
Nobody helps at all.
Gangle offered to distract her, have a play, but Pomni wasn't in the mood.
Zooble offered a smoke but she didn't wanna try that kind of stuff.
Bubble is too much of an agent of chaos to give a shit, offered to commit "one (1) arson".
Kinger is just too far gone in his dementia, lucid when it was fucking funny and nothing more...
Nobody helps.
He knew how to help...
Only he knew...
The door to Ragatha's room creaks open
"Oh hey Pomni! How's your day go... Oh..." Ragatha notices Pomni is not any form of happy, if anything she looks like she's empty inside and wants to die...
"Oh you're not alright... Would you like to talk over tea..?"
"Mm... Will you let me vent properly?" Pomni groaned, still doubting that she won't pull out the whole everything is fine bullshit
"Oh- u-uhm- yes of- of course! Of course, i- i apologize for my past behavior, i really wasn't in my... B- best moments, at the time..." Ragatha stuttered. Don't stutter, you pretentious... ... Anyhow.
"Okay... Do you remember... Caine?" Ragatha already caught wind of the situation...
"The human with the dentures head? Yes, i remember him just fine, he restored us..."
"He was a good man, although didn't have the best manners he was alright nonetheless, knew how to make some laugh..." Ragatha and Pomni chuckled at the memory of Caine's wacky way with words. Jumping jellybeans? Seriously? That's a man right there!
A good dude...
"..." Pomni's pupils turned into black scribbles at the thought of him. The chuckling had faded as soon as it started, replaced by...
"I loved that human, if i'm being honest... He knew how to cheer me up, how to make the situation seem less bigger than it actually is... He knew how to kiss, god did he know..." Ragatha let out an "oh my" after hearing Caine kissed her, what else did they do..?!
"He... He was... He's amazing. Just that, amazing..." Pomni sighed, sipping on the tea she's given... "I loved him..." She began to sniff, putting down her cup.
"Oh dearie, come here-" Ragatha put down her cup and welcomed Pomni with open arms, knowing full well she needed to let it out of her system.
And that she did. Pomni got up and hugged Ragatha as tight as she could, and began to sob her lonely heart away, "He loved you too, Pomni, that cannot be denied..." Ragatha spoke as she held Pomni close. The poor jester, so alone...
How ironic.
She has friends, and yet she's lonely.
Caine had filled up a hole nobody could fill, and now that he's gotten out of the game after restoring everyone to their better conditions... That hole is empty once more, a gaping void and nothing to fill it.
How lonely this jester must be...
But it was necessary. He's free now.
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nyxx-nth · 9 days
I love whimsical men I love whimsical men so much. Someone should give Spooker a big pointy hat I think it would fill him with whimsy. I think Spooker should dress like a gnome he would be so whimsical. Magical forest man with pointy hat he could be so whimsy. Give him a cloak that matches or complements the hat. Whimsy. So whimsical.
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incorrect-vt-quotes · 10 days
Ghost: [Finds a note] Hmm, what's this? Spooker: Hey, that's mine! [Tries to grab it] Ghost: Aww, is it a love note for someone? Spooker: No- Ghost: [Opens it] Ghost: Ghost: I can't read this.
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plushmon · 1 year
chapter 3 let's go
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Finals just ended and the tag is dead so I’m gonna try to remedy that with some AUs! I personally really like rocks so I’m gonna cycle through some Taleblr/Steven Universe headcanons so I have an excuse to look at rocks!!! My system goes that all rocks a feasible for anything unless given a reason otherwise… So.
Information below the cut!
Acachalla Family:
I think that story-wise, they’d probably be a group of gems who likely all came to earth independently of each other from different starting points! Papa and Gertrude might the the only ones who were alive during Rose Quartz’s time of the bunch, but they likely never fought in the Earth resistance itself… Also I’m keeping Papa’s time as a Cowboy.
Papa Acachalla — Imperial Topaz on his upper back.
Gertrude Acachalla — Pyrite on her navel.
Billy Acachalla — I’m not entirely sure but I think his gem is a little fucked up. I’m thinking a mix of Sapphire and…. Opal, but not a fusion, onnnn his leg.
Sally Acachalla — (Chipped) Condor Agate on her chest.
Spencer Acachalla — Overcooked Moissanite on his forehead.
Sue Acachalla — Pearl on the back of her hand.
The Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire:
I think that PIE would be going around on corrupted gem-collecting duty. They’re just trying to get through the day!
Johnny Ghost / Jimmy Casket — I’m not sure about Ghost, but I think Casket should be a Bloodstone. I’m lowkey considering having Ghost be a person being “possessed” by a corrupted gem. Alternatives are Ghost being partially-corrupted Bloodstone, or a gem that was made weird and has Bloodstone inside of it. The other option is Spectrolite
Johnny Toast — Lapis Lazuli on his palm!
Fred “Spooker” Soup — Pink Morganite on his eye!
Chris Ghostie — Also considering having him be a human person who just stumbled into the gem stuff one day!
Maddie-Friend — Also Pyrite!
Chakalata — Either also a morganite or an emerald
Poppy — I think it’d be interesting if she was a half-human morganite. Not like Ghost, but like Steven (RIP BB you will be missed)
CBF — Same gem (but corrupted) as whatever gem ends up connected with Ghost… or a corrupted aquamarine
Gavin Toast — Lapis Lazuli on his lower back, from the same vein as his brother.
More Details:
I included some stones who don’t appear or only appear in fusions so here’s my thoughts on those—
Both Maddie and Gertrude have a history of being sneaky, so I wanted to pick something that could be… spy-ish… so Pyrite.
I think Opals should be able to be healers since the stone is known to refract light and gems are made of light!
Condor Agate is named after a bird so I def. Want them to be able to do some bird-related stuff.
Moissanite are a lot like diamonds, so I think they’d take militaristic general or commander positions in the Diamond’s court if they appear at all… but Spencer is overcooked, so he mostly does his own thing
Bloodstone is spooky rock with blood in name woooooooo
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themothballsystem · 5 months
A few P.I.E. boys headcanons cuz I’m bored:
•Johnny Ghost prefers to be called Ghost in pretty much any circumstance- not only does it differentiate him from his partner, who he insists people just call Johnny, he also just thinks it sounds cooler.
•Toast was only half cured of his werewolf bite. Ghost TECHNICALLY succeeded in finding him an antidote that’d ensure he kept ‘more’ of his humanity during a full moon, but it didn’t fully get rid of the transformation. Now it’s a sorta half transformation where certain parts of him become werewolf-like (ex: his arms and legs), but other parts still appear human (ex: his head and torso).
•Spooker uses a cane. Why? Because I’m projecting and I think Spooker probably has chronic pain issues.
•More projection and also this one is less of an overall headcanon and more just how I draw/write my version of Toast specifically: Toast is half blind. Still deciding if I’m gonna give it a lore reason or if it’s just genetic like my eye issues but we’ll see.
•I will die on this hill but Ghost listens to emo and punk rock almost exclusively, while Toast listens to 2000s-2010s pop music. This leads to many car rides of Ghost enduring Toast singing to One Direction and begging for the aux.
•Ghost and Toast LIVE in the HQ, with the uppermost floor serving as their apartment area. (They also let Spooker and Colon crash in the lobby when they’re closed.)
•Ghost still has every birthday gift Toast has given him and insists that it’s just because he hasn’t gotten around to selling it yet, but really it’s just because he’s sentimental and they provide comfort when Toast isn’t around.
•Toast likes to gloat that he built all the furniture in their apartment but it was all flat-pack furniture and he only did it by himself because Ghost very conveniently was horribly sick at the time.
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psiithirisma · 2 years
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quick origins angelduo i did yesterday for my bestie twt user spooky angelduos bc i missed him while he was off the bird app :((
also if you like sbi go and check his ao3 for some lovely stories with amazing writing <3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/spookers/pseuds/spookers/works)
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dexter-by-designation · 7 months
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Had an idea for a Spooker-Byleth, like a full fallen-hero vibe. The resolution is small because I intend to possibly use it for a fanfic, if I ever get far enough into it...Eh, Goals for NaNoWriMo (I know a FanFic isnt a novel, but a month for writing should help reign in my lack of focus...hopefully).
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Okay, but what is the Nail Man, exactly? Not even who, we're not at that level yet. What?
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I'll be honest, "urban legend" is not what I was expecting to hear when talking about a flesh-and-blood serial killer who's allegedly been arrested.
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Oh, we are going full Scooby Doo with this one. We know supernatural forces exist in this universe because they whine at me incessantly.
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Which means the Nail Man as a genuine spooker should be considered within the realm of possibility. Of course, "write down a name, leave it at the drop spot, and then that person dies" could just be how a pro-bono assassin gets his kicks. Or her/their! We don't know, and Kodaka's played around before with a presumed-male serial killer revealed to be female.
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The dude's pattern of activity only dates back six months, and the legend goes back farther than that. This means it's unlikely that we're dealing with the "true" Nail Man. Instead, this is probably a copycat using the legend of the Nail Man for... some reason.
(Probably some corporate reason. I'm on to you, Amaterasu. If something stinks, it's probably capitalism.)
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Okay actually, I’m gonna be the change I want to see in the world— I Know I’m the only person pushing for this, but can you do a ship review on. Light Zeron and Officer Maloney— if you don’t know enough about either character for that,,,, I dunno— Poppy Soup and Sally Acachalla? - overthinkingtaleblr
you CANNOT do this to me I'm INSANE about both of these concepts and I'm gonna do both you fiend! I'm starting with zeron/maloney because I think the idea of that is just below spooker/maxwell for me on deranged (/pos) ships.
Light Zeron/Officer Maloney
so to start us off let's go over the AMAZING dynamic of "world's most pathetic officer of the law" and "vampire security guard on the run"
we know that maloney is. ahem. SHIT at catching criminals, which makes this whole thing work long enough that they Could form a love/hate relationship
god I want a 5k fanfic on this unironically but I would have to write it!!!!
is this post- or pre-vampire? I'm thinking pre BECAUSE imagine!!! imagine the angst
zeron is acting strangely, super out of character. the only person who knows him well enough to figure it out is the man trying to catch him :sobbing:
(also on an unrelated note, they're both aliens which I think is really cute)
look just like. god I'm just shaking my fists irl because I'm so incoherent about this
theyre like. weirdly similar tbh. something about their egos i feel like would both clash heavily and potentially work really well together
zeron hasn't drunk any blood in ages, (something-something moral quandary something-something starving) and now he's basically passing out from malnutrition, so of course that's the moment maloney spots him in the alley he's squatting in.
and maybe if it were a stranger he would corner them and feed, (its so much easier to drink someone's blood when you can convince yourself that they aren't actually a person, in a weird, convoluted way) but this is someone he knows, maybe even respects. even if they are enemies.
so he doesn't want to drink maloney's blood, and that leaves him with only one other choice - he runs.
he pushes past him and ducks into the nearest abandoned building, hoping to lose maloney in there, but maloney's right behind him.
and meanwhile maloney, so used to their usual back-and-forth banter during fights, is highly confused (maybe a little upset - and fairly worried - if he's being honest) by this behavior.
zeron keeps running but it's clear he won't get much further unless he drinks someone's blood, and now there's literally only one person around - the guy he cares for too much (even if he won't admit it to himself).
be caught or surrender, that's his choice.
it's made for him when maloney catches his wrist - but instead of cuffing him, he spins zeron around, cornering him.
(at this point zeron is wondering if he's about to die a very painful death, but all he can do is stare at maloney's neck.)
maloney oblivious to his surroundings as always, is currently checking zeron over for injuries, and mentally slapping himself because he caught the criminal, why isn't he cuffing him?
this is around the time zeron's resolve breaks - close proximity to a very appetizing meal while starving makes it a bit difficult NOT to partake.
he goes for the neck - literally - and begins drinking like the world is ending. make this part as gay as your little heart desires.
being stabbed in the neck hurts, even more so when they are draining your blood, so maloney quickly pushes zeron off.
but a meal's a meal, and zeron is gone before maloney can even get a word in.
that's all ive got on that for right now haha, so let's hop over to pros and cons!
pros: very fun dynamic, their shared weirdness and the fact that they're both aliens (of different species) could be a bonding point, and they are both like. so so sopping wet and pathetic, they also have similar personalities in a strange way. great potential for hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers and hurt/no comfort fics.
cons: uhhhh. okay so theyre on opposite sides technically, which means any happy ending is gonna have a lot of rough spots, and there's like SO much distrust between them (and light zeron already has issues trusting others)
Conclusion: I'm like SOO biased here so give me a sec to find my center and use logic. Do I think they would work short-term? I feel like they would somehow manage it? like despite everything they'd somehow manage to stay in a not-so-secret kind-of-relationship for at least a year (meanwhile all the news stations are reporting about the two gay people fighting in the street again), and then they'd actually start going on the cheesiest dates ever (and causing pure chaos wherever they went), like coffee dates and amusement park dates and all that shit. everyone would just accept that they're dating and that maloney will probably never catch him but it's Buttsville, NC so what are you gonna do?
at the same time though, I'm sitting here like, what's the long-term gonna look like? does maloney become a criminal? do they get married and settle down? both are hilarious yet tragic because undoubtedly maloney would be a better criminal than police officer but it goes against his perception of himself, and neither is exactly built for domesticity. still, I think they'd manage. somehow it feels like they're too much of a force of nature to let something like that stop them, y'know?
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
Let's fucking go i'm feelin' silly goofy with the idea now lol let's get impulsive and fanservice-y
Running in the snow, far away from his sister and her apparent new friend after witnessing the horrible things in the bathroom. Bodies everywhere, arms and legs and hands and heads, there were the missing prom kings and queens found nowhere else but in Cyn's own bathroom, the suit is still making him feel embarrassed at the thought of being perceived with it on him... What the hell happened to his dear little sister?!
Suddenly, "oof-!" He stumbles upon a running tall figure, falling down on the snow surface
"What the-... Uh- U- Uzi???" Nathan questioned in surprise of what he sees
There she was. Serial Designation Z, nicknamed Uzi by her BEST FRIEND! Best friend... Nathan, in a whole glittery purple dress with a thigh cut and a apparent flower on her hair despite Copper 9 having no vegetation whatsoever, only snow, ice, random buildings and dead bodies, human and Worker Drone alike littered everywhere
"Nathan?! Wha- what are you doing out here?!" Z shouted in fear, mostly for Nathan's safety considering the state of Copper 9 overall, but there's a hint of guilt in her voice... "And why do you still call me Uzi??"
"It's..." Nathan was dissociating at the sight of Z's new look for the prom situation, interrupting his train of thought with the image of his best friend in a dress. Somehow Z doesn't notice his visor filling up with diagonal yellow lines
"Nathan? Helloooo?" Z approaches Nathan to tap onto his visor, getting a really bad burn on her finger, "ooh ouch-!" She puts her finger in her mouth to relieve the pain from the burn caused by... Apparently Nathan heating up, who's also waking up from his dissociation
"Wha- whu- wh- u-uhm- Uzi! You look uhm-... How- how do i say this-" Nathan stuttered, still blushing and cooling systems doing their hard work can be heard
"It's the dress, i know, Nathan..." Z looked away, also visibly blushing but not as much, from the embarrassment of honestly just being perceived with the dress on at all, she'd much rather wear that shirt and jacket over anything else
"Okay- sorry about that, i don't wanna be rude- and also uhm- so my sister Cyn is gonna kill everyone in the prom aaand i'm gonna need some help with that..!" Nathan chuckled nervously, for literally everything just became intense straight outta nowhere
"But i doubt you'd wanna help me with that, since the things that happened back there..." N remembers the exact words spoken just by him, running around his guilt-ridden head...
"T is going to kill everyone at prom, and i don't want any more oil spilled around like this... I actually would like you... Being there..." Z felt a strange, almost out of place feeling, trying to speak the words one by one...
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!
"With me..." Z couldn't help but blush... This feels so off and out of place, why is it there..?!
Nathan smiled at this, the precious thoughts interrupted and fading away. His best friend doesn't hate him, turns out! Things can get better, they can be good! Things don't have to be so terrifying and painful! He couldn't help but jump behind her and put his left hand on her side, the other in the air in joy. "Dapper buddies!"
Z wanted to slap his hand right off her, but also didn't want to, subconciously... So she sucked it up, it's not the worst thing right now
"You look good in the suit too, Nathan..." Z spoke one more time...
"Ah- uh- th- thanks! I- i guess? Eheheeh..." Nathan blushed once more...
... Before they set off to stop Cyn and T's carnage at the dance floor
@lumineary-arts i had to your dumb little au got me hooked
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nyxx-nth · 25 days
Ashamed to admit that just now when Cannibal by Kesha came on my brain immediately created a celebrity au where Jimmy is a controversial music artist and a string of high profile celebrity murders been happening lately….
Oh no wait, now I’m thinking of an entire au with other chars too—
Ghost is also a musical artist, being the lead singer in a band with Spooker, Colon, and Katrina (it used to be Ghost, Toast, and Katrina but a big fallout happened before any of them rose to fame that led to Toast leaving back to England and eventually becoming a model). I imagine Katrina as bassist, Spooker on drums, and Colon on guitar. Ghost used to be drummer, and Toast guitarist and lead vocalist, but Ghost took over vocals after his departure and Colon took over for Toast, with Spooker being a very last minute addition by chance when they heard how good he was and Katrina convinced Ghost having someone else on drums would leave him more time to focus on vocals and writing. Also, I feel like all of them would sing but Ghost is the one who sings most of the songs (also he can scream crazy good and I stand by that (also it’s hot af lmao)). Colon probably had mild experience in singing but has improved a lot since then, and Spooker had NO natural or learned singing skills going into the band and is still not quite up to par with his bandmates, but he’s improved /so/ much.
Toast would probably do modeling cuz, duh. But also he writes books and a lot of people won’t give them a chance because they think he’s just a pretty face but he’s actually a talented writer of supernatural mysteries. Also, more recently he got into acting and blew up on the big screen and prefers the acting gigs because he feels like he gets to showcase more of his skills and get more appreciation for them than he got in modeling.
Gavin probably is a stunt double for Toast. Besides that, I see him probably being Jimmy’s dealer (Jimmy does copious amounts of drugs he is never not on cocaine idk what to tell u /hj). He prefers to keep out of the actual spotlight of celebrity lifestyle, and instead reap his own benefits from it in the background.
Mary. Hmmm….. I feel like she needs something that’s not like, typical spotlight celebrity. I remember a certain someone (wink wink) talking about ballerina Mary… I think that’s actually perfect. She’s a skilled and renowned ballerina, but also, I think she figure skates. And does some modeling on the side—maybe how she met Toast? I’ll have to think more on it.
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incorrect-vt-quotes · 2 months
Colon: Toast is the dad friend. Toast: I am not! Spooker: You made me write my name on the tag in my jacket. Toast: I didn't want you to lose it- Oh, now I hear it.
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evilmagician430 · 8 months
thinking about venturiantale and the hotel crossover fic... i should write and/or draw that it would be funny as fuck
like the pie team comes in like erm we heard theres something paranormal going on here and we'd like to check it out. and the manager isnt taking it shes just like "room 3.14 has 2 beds 1 bath and is a perfect fit for you. thank you for checking in with us, here are your keys" and the lobbyboy takes them to their room and looks uncomfortable at their questions and when johnny ghost and johnny toast and fred spooker and chris ghostie go to their room theyre like looking for weird shit the entire time but eventually they just fall asleep and they wake up the next morning totally fine. like the hotel is fucking with them by pretending to be a normal hotel and not even killing them just waiting until they kill eachother out of rage amd frustration. i can also imagine the acachallas walking in actually believing it to be a normal hotel, needing a place to stay for the night before they get back on the road because theyre on a roadtrip to da big apple or some shit and for some reason they all get put in separate rooms. and of course, these rooms are traps. i have ideas for how it would go but i'll save it until i actually write the story but yeah they get killed off in standard hotel fashion but the kicker is: these are fucking gmod venturiantale characters and they come back from the dead and its like. comical because the first time one of them dies its like lets say and the manager and lobby boy are watching them kill eachother on the screen and spooker is the first to go. one down. but then they hear the front bell ring and hes come right back in throught the door like hi :) and sksjaksjsja i justvthink its a really good concept
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My ToastedGhost Headcanon Masterlist
Upon further inspection, technically Spooker ‘won’ the poll where I promised a masterpost by losing, but I have a lot more thoughts on Spooker and would prefer to write that when I’m not still dealing with finals, so... Here's the one I said I'd do :D
Absolutely the most popular ship in the fandom with minimal competition if any, ToastedGhost is a childhood friends-to-lovers kind of relationship between two people who trust each other above all else in the world. There are lots of ways to read the relationship, from unrequited to codependent to healthily married to… possibly even divorced!… Though I’ve never seen anyone take it that way. Even beyond the relationship, Toast has been widowed and Ghost canonically has no interest in women, so there’s no worry about breaking up another ship for this one to thrive.
Because the ship is as fluid as most other unconfirmed things in this fandom, I’m going to share my thoughts on how Multiple verses of the ship could work, from fluff to angst.
Solid History HC
Since a relationship between two people can be incredibly fluid based on the story told and the logic of the story, I wanted to open with ideas about how these two connect that I don't change unless I'm specifically making an AU where that aspect is changed. Consider these the base stats.
Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast first met as children attending the same school in North Carolina, USA. Ghost has no recollection of it, but he's already dealt with Cardboard Friend by this point. Toast, on the other hand, has just experienced whatever traumatic event goes here, most of the time also being the same thing that gave Gavin his powers.
They meet through a shared love of learning about the supernatural, with Ghost being so excited he never shuts up about it and Toast actually listening and knowing how to respond.
The duo had two shared friends: Katrina and Ronnie Boast. Aside from that, Ghost was close with Dark Pit (cause they're cousins) and the whole group adopted a stray dog they couldn't agree on a name for.
Ghost is possessed by Casket for the first time while the pair know each other, but Casket doesn't become overtly active until Toast leaves. Because Ghost was first possessed on Halloween (in my hc), Toast was busy with other things at the time. The friend group had a whole conversation about it earlier in the day, and knew Ghost would be alone that night.
When Toast had to go back to the UK for high school, they kept contact over the phone before they figured out how to use a long-distance radio, meaning Ghost hogged his house's landline a lot in his freshman year. Toast first heard Casket over the phone when Ghost forgot to hang up once.
The first time the two saw each other in person again after Toast went back to the UK was to meet for Katrina's funeral. Ghost can't remember it at all, but they had some really soft moments together. There's also a chance Ghost admitted to possibly killing her while the memory was still vaguely fresh in his head.
Toast first met Mary while in University, and didn't actually fall in love with her immediately. Ghost encouraged Toast to talk to her about it, but didn't expect them to get married... or for Toast to accidentally kill her.
Toast moved back to the states after Mary died, if not already split from his family then splitting now. The two worked for awhile to try to fund PIE, which was struggling, while living in the same apartment. After struggling to hold a job outside of PIE freelance and writing his book, Toast reached back out to his family in order to fund PIE. He never told Ghost why he reached back out to them.
Even if not IN love, they adore each other and nothing can ever change that.
Relationship Possibilities
As much as I love Toastedghost, both as a ship and a friendship, this does keep the door open for variety in specifically how their relationship is defined. They can be somewhat toxic/codependent depending on what aspects about their relationship is explored.
Good Friends, Practically Brothers
Even though I’ve had some moments saying you can’t explain their relationship without romance, it is possible to have a friendship like theirs without underlying feelings on either side, and that’s beautiful. Ghost and Toast are incredibly close and that doesn’t require them to kiss when no one’s looking, and I say that with love. They are incredibly tight, and both have actively killed and died for each other, and even though Toast exasperates Ghost sometimes, and Toast has to be the responsible one when Ghost gets violent, they’ve found a way to make it work without falling into a relationship.
Because of their relationship as children, they may see each other as siblings, meaning any love between them is not only completely platonic, but it’s uncomfortable to think about it in any other way in this specific scenario. If someone sees them as brotherly love, they are just as valid as someone who sees them as in romantic love.
One-Sided/Mutual Pining
I don’t thin I’ve ever seen anyone read their relationship like this before, at least not in the long-term— I think Ghost is anticipated to have done some pining as a child— but this is a viable option for their relationship as well. Especially since Toast is coming into the work at PIE out of a marriage, one that left him widowed. If Ghost had feelings for him, the awkwardness of having feelings so soon after Mary died might be enough to make him shove his feelings back down. If Toast had feelings for Ghost, whether he already had them or developed them while living with him, it might feel too soon to try again, and eventually just never come up.
If you intend on using this one I would like to beg for some resolution someday, just because too many shows draw out the ‘one side is pining for the other’ thing for the entire duration of the series and it can exhausting when people look for any excuse to keep the couple seperate.
Dating Without Saying “Dating”
These two are so close that everyone is under the assumption that they’re dating, but they’ve never actually taken the time to define it. Largely because they never thought to. I do think it’d be funny if ghosts try threatening Ghost or Toast’s “husband” or “boyfriend” with other people around, and they’re the only one to not know who they’re talking about. I think part of the story here is them realizing that these feelings they’ve always had are teetering on romance.
I can see Ghost visiting his dad for a holiday with Toast and getting the “so, when are you two planning on tying the knot?” Question.
Dated as Kids, Never Actually Separated but Haven’t Talked About It
This is a whole AU concept idea that I literally just came up with, but I think it almost sounds cute and would love to see someone work with it. Especially since Ghost doesn’t remember his childhood very well, but Toast does. There’s a chance Toast thinks Ghost forgot but he didn’t, or Ghost did forget and Toast is trying to find a way to bring it up to him… idk, it’s cute.
They Started by Fake-Dating, but it Became Real
They get married for tax purposes and make it a joke for about a year, until it stops being a joke and starts being actual chemistry. It could have also been to get Toast’s family to leave him alone about marrying.
They Got Married!
Somewhere, sometime, off-screen, there was a Toastedghost wedding, and it was probably just as chaotic as it sounds. This could happen any time— before the events of the series, after the Puppet arc, after the Retirement arc, sometime after the channel ended, whatever works! Imagine Toast got them rings made of silver, iron, and salt to keep ghosts and other spirits away from them, and having to wear it around his neck during the Werewolf arc, or wearing both his and Ghost’s during the Puppet arc and identifying him by it in the Billion Year War. There is so much story you can tell with rings.
They Eloped as Soon as Mary Died
WOAH THAT FEELS A LITTLE MUCH— like I’ve seen headcanons that Mary and Toast were not actually that close, that Toast was engaged to her by his family and barely knew her when she ended up dying. Even then, and even with Toast leaving his family, it feels incredibly… shallow? Rude? And I would argue that this relationship is one of the more unhealthy ones, because it shows a serious sense of disregard for other people’s life and lack of empathy. I don’t know how people headcanon Mary, and maybe the only people who want them to get together like this see her character as the world thing on the planet and not someone Toast would miss that much, but I don’t say that this feels heartless as a criticism. I say it because I think it’s something fresh to explore that none of these other prompts have right out the gate.
Think about it, a Toastedghost story where they take ‘us against the world’ to the extreme, actually hurting people around them in the name of each other. Even if this isn’t toxic between the duo, it is genuinely harmful for other people in their lives, and would be something interesting to explore. This could include Toast letting Casket kill other members of PIE to keep Ghost safe, or Ghost choosing to do things he would otherwise consider bad because he needs to break Toast out of prison again.
It Doesn’t Matter How They Label, They Are Codependent
This is its own label, I’m not saying all Toastedghost is toxic and unhealthy.
Though it is cute that Ghost went from dimension to dimension looking for Toast, and Toast basically put his life on pause to get Ghost back, this was basically foreshadowing for what would happen if they were separated by choice. The moment that Ghost turned his back on Toast, Toast crumpled like a house of cards and I promise you that if it were the other way around, Ghost would have fallen to pieces too. It’s cute that they rely on each other, but emotionally they can’t get through the day alone and that means that if they have problems communicating ever, someone is going to get hurt.
Rapid Fire HCs
Ghost is likely projecting when he says everyone is in love with Johnny Toast because HE is in love with Toast and can't imagine a person who doesn't immediately adore him.
There was a period of time where Ghost planned to move to Europe to support Toast after Mary passed, but Toast beat him to the punch and seemingly immigrated to the states.
Both Ghost and Toast can cook, but while living together in their first apartment, Ghost had primary dominion of the kitchen because Toast wasn’t used to cleaning up after himself and Ghost found it annoying that he kept leaving dishes lying around.
Toast does the taxes for the household, not just because Ghost can’t read, but because he doesn’t want Ghost to know how much he’s bringing in or spending in a year. Between support from his family, the macaroni dealing, and PIE, Toast can probably afford to replace multiple cars a year.
Both Ghost and Toast prefer Ghost’s family to Toast and tend to stay in the states for holidays and avoid Toast family events. However, Toast did go to his sister’s wedding.
Because they’ve been close since they were young, Toast knows Ghost’s dad well, better then Ghost knows Gavin.
Songs and Why
- Curses by the Crane Wives
“🎶 Ashes ashes, dust to dust | The Devil’s after both of us 🎶”
From what I’ve seen, what this song is about is up for debate, but the explanations I’ve seen ranges from a murderer is in love, to it being about a person who is overwhelmed by their emotions. Honestly, I think without the context of what it “must” be about, it works well to just consider it for them. They are two people who are likely in love in a world that does not love them much back, both have seen their fair shares of trouble and now rely on the other, using them as a lighthouse. This song could be from either or both of their perspectives, especially considering Ghost has experiences with evil houses and murder, and Toast seems to be very reliant on Ghost emotionally.
A lot of Crane Wife songs are more about relationships with problems, which is funny when I saw Curses for Toastedghost is characterizes one of the healthiest versions of their relationship.
- Bernadette by IMAX
“🎶 Family and friends becoming ghosts to dream of… 🎶”
One of my favorite songs in middle school, it is really easy to see this one as a kind of codependent relationship, and this works for them best in very possessive scenarios. It’s also a good song to point out how much they’ve lost, even if they still have each other. In all honesty, I used to see this as Only a CBF and Ghost song, but now I save CBF only for the very beginning. I think it’s important to show how Toast is affected by their relationship too, and how neither Johnny alone is the problem when any problem exists.
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midnightthelynxbat · 9 months
Venturiantale Headcannons/Bullshit
Despite the fact that most of them would take a while to explain because of my chaos. I badly want to share the stories I've made of these fuckers, and this might be a fun start. Only focusing on the P.I.E team and some of the ghosts (plus Jimmy and Gavin). Some characters won't have as much as others due to either being underdeveloped or the headcannons are already cannon or common in the Fandom (like Spooker being an anime fan and having a plushie collection). I might do more if this goes well.
Also, as a heads up- there's some mentions of nsfw scenarios like smut and moaning- just because I know some people can be uncomfortable with that. I say this as drugs and alcohol are pretty common in this Fandom, but-
Johnny Ghost:
- He's an absolute jackass to Spooker. Extremely harsh on him for even the smallest things. Despite this, Ghost actually loves Spooker. Sees him as a son. The reason he's hard on Spooker is because he sees himself in Spooker (even if he doesn't fully know why cause Jimmy).
- Jimmy is why he doesn't remember his childhood. Jimmy's creation created a barrier to block out the memories. Basically, Johnny Ghost remembers nothing, but Jimmy remembers everything.
- Ghost eats like he won't ever get food again due to childhood trauma that I will explain in another post. Even if it's something small, like a candy bar, he will scarf it down. He usually ends up choking on food because of this.
- Ghost still can't read in my stories. He can't read or write, but he's oddly skilled at drawing. He actually draws the entity examples in the books Toast writes.
- Ghost is poly and bisexual, currently in a three-way relationship with Toast and Josh. They illegitimately adopted Spooker.
- Ghost is actually related to Spooker, but he never found out until much later. To make a long story short, he was adopted by Barnacle Soup, who later had Spooker.
- Ghost loves to embarrass Toast. His favorite thing to do is have Toast read smut for him and make the poor man imitate the voices. Just fuckin-
Toast: "He moaned out a-"
Ghost: "You better fucking moan it this time."
- He drinks coffee like it's the only thing keeping him alive. At least 6 cups a day. Bastard is the type to say "sleep is for cowards" but then regret the fact he hasn't slept for 3 days straight.
Johnny Toast:
- Toast is an absolute ball of anxiety when it comes to leading the team. He constantly second guesses and doubts himself no matter how hard he tries. Despite this, he's the mother of the team. If you need some life advice, a shoulder to cry on and a snack to make you feel better, Toast is who you go to.
- In this version of them, Toast is actually the one who created the drug version of macaroni. There's normal macaroni, but Toast accidentally discovered what spices to mix to create drug-like effects. However, it can't be taken in large portions. A small dose, like a spoonful, can have the calming and mellowed effects of weed. But a whole box? You're seeing God, and he's riding a unicorn.
- Toast has two werewolf forms. They actually look the same, but what makes them different is what caused them. His werewolf form is controlled by emotion. Negative emotions will result in the violent version, which will listen to no one and will rip apart anyone that gets close. It only listens to Ghost and Josh. The other is brought on by positive emotions. It's basically a giant, overlyfriendly husky.
- Toast has to wear glasses. He has two pairs: his casual ones (they have little crystals hanging from them), his formal ones (just a thin, gray frame), and then the contact lenses he wears on missions.
- Toast eventually manages to reconnect with Gavin. However, in order to do so, Gavin ripped Toast's throat out. But unlike Gavin, Toast had the people and resources to revive properly. Gavin didn't.
- Sometimes, the werewolf form will take partial control and it comes with a chance of Toast having some dog-like qualities. From the ability to actually growl and bark, to the urge to chase something that someone threw, to begging for food. Just this 6'6 man sitting on the floor beside Ghost as Ghost eats and gives him big ol' puppy dog eyes just to get a bite. It's times like this that he's more likely to accept a head pat.
- Toast is also bi and polyamorous.
- Every now and then, he'll see Mary's spirit in his dreams and gets to talk to her. She's accepting of his choice to try and move on.
- He cut ties with his family almost completely after realizing the abuse and manipulation they were doing to him and his siblings.
- Spooker absolutely looks up to Ghost as both an icon and a father figure. He adores that man with every fiber of his being.
- Surprisingly, Spooker is the fastest in the entire group. Due to how often he was chosen as bait, he's now able to run at about 10 miles per hour- and that's when he isn't panicking and actually running for his life.
- He's also the youngest in the team at 19 (Toast and Ghost are both in their 40s and Colon is 20.)
- He's the only one that really tries to befriend the ghosts even if they're trying to kill him. It actually ended up with some of the ghosts either protecting him or going for the rest of the team instead.
- He tries to imitate his teammates sometimes. He'll imitate Toast's accent, Ghost's sarcasm, or Colon's style. He's not trying to mock them at all, but he tries to show his affection for their little details like this.
- Spooker is surprisingly more skilled than most people around him think. He's not strong by any means, but due to his connections to certain ghosts and people (and a P.I.E team oc), he's learned to use his smaller size against enemies.
- He is pan, but not very interested in much intimacy. He'd prefer to just cuddle and talk
- Colon has a surprisingly stunning sense of style. He can pull off any outfit. Hoodies, flannels, suits, dresses- you name it, he can do it. He's also extremely skilled with makeup- his favorite pallete is black and blue.
- He sometimes takes up a bit of a second job as a drag performer (right now, his drag name is just the warrior name I gave him: Pooling Amber). He's extremely skilled with it and shocks everyone with how flamboyant he can be.
- He's almost terrifyingly calm. Almost nothing gets under his skin- even the end of the world wouldn't send a single chill down his spine. You know if he's upset, something is horribly wrong.
- He does practice witchcraft and the dark arts- started to learn it after the drama with Cranky (which lasts longer because of oc). He meets up with Cranky and another oc to practice and learn.
- He's probably the strongest in the team alongside Ghost. The two of them are the main ones fighting the ghosts while Spooker is bait and Toast does the research (with Ghost's help).
- He was the one to find a way to seperate Jimmy from Ghost, using a sort of potion to officially split the soul and a spell to give Jimmy a physical body. It was a gruesome scene- best described as Ghost crumbling to his knees and feeling like he's vomiting up his intestines. They're both fine.
- He is bi, but leans more towards men. He's in the same boat as Spooker and isn't really into intimacy. But he's a lot less of a talker. He likes to listen to Spooker ramble.
- Jimmy's body after being separated is entirely made up of this weird, ink-like substance. He can adjust the solidity of it- allowing him to scare people by melting his face away. He's perfectly fine while doing it, but it takes him a while to rebuild the body back into a fully solid state.
- Jimmy is a cursed being. A fucking gremlin. Because of the substance his body is made of, he's able to melt his hands to climb up walls. He loves to hang upside down and smile at his victims.
- He's surprisingly not wanting to kill the team. He finds them fun and will actually visit him. Admittedly, it's not for great reasons- like he enjoys chasing Spooker around the house on all fours just to scare the poor thing.
- Jimmy and Ghost have a complicated relationship- more like siblings than anything. They both know full well they're technically the same person, and they've known about each other since Jimmy was created. While Jimmy is a bastard that ruins Ghost's life and destroys things he loved and his image, they do care for each other. They grew up together sharing the same body- but now that they're split, they have a better connection.
- Jimmy had a crush on Gavin Toast since Ghost and Toast first met. Due to Jimmy's crush and Ghost wanting to make him happy, Ghost and Gavin had a one night stand in their late teenage years. Ghost let Jimmy take over during this to let him enjoy the night since Ghost had no romantic interest in Gavin.
- When Jimmy got his own body, he took up a form with a similar appearance to their father, Timothy Casket. Whether this is intentional or accidental, I don't know yet- Ghost has more similar appearances to their mother.
- He's gay and kind of unsurprisingly more interested in intimacy than romance.
- He should be dead. Simple as that. The event between him and Toast resulted in him getting torn apart, but the biggest thing that was damaged/removed was Gavin's heart. Not in a "Oh, he's heartbroken" way. Toast ripped Gavin's heart from his chest. It was only thanks to Jimmy that Gavin was able to rebuild the body and repossess it.
- Gavin has to replace some of his body parts at times because they get too rotten since theres no proper blood flow to them. Just Toast going to check on Gavin to find him in the bathroom, stitching a new chin to his face. The old, rotting one just sitting on the counter.
- Gavin's fire extends beyond just his hands. He's like Peril in Wings of Fire. He's constantly burning on the inside, which also increases his body heat to the point that sitting next to him is like sitting beside a fireplace. He can use the fire anywhere along his body. Take steps and leave burning footprints, let out a sigh and a plume of smoke comes from his mouth- he doesn't even have to light a cigarette to smoke it.
- He knew about Jimmy long before the one night stand. He's not dumb. He noticed Ghost's eyes changing to red. He's seen Jimmy watching him from the next door window. He knows full well and wasn't surprised at all when Jimmy revealed himself properly.
- His powers are hereditary. He gets them from his grandfather on his mother's side (his mother isn't from royalty).
- Gavin has always been pretty open about the fact he's interested in men. It's one of the reasons his parents didn't like him at all. They wanted to keep a "perfect image" and believed Gavin was ruining it.
- Surprisingly a gentle giant. Mostly around Aimee. She's the only one keeping him calm and she's the only one he trusts to show kindness to. He even gifted her a little half mask made of roses to show her his care.
- Half of his face is molten. It's just a bloody mess of molten flesh that drips off as he moves. When global of it hit the floor, it immediately fizzles away and disintegrates. Due to the fact that it was the shock of having acid poured on his face that killed him, the acid didn't get a chance to melt completely through. This is why his spirit is shown with the bloody mess.
- He was born with ghastly white pupils. Even as an infant, people were scared of him because his ice blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark. The white pupils are not from blindness.
- He still cares for the Acachalla family. Due to my insanity cursing the story, Papa is not his brother or his cousin. Maxwell is Papa and Gertrude's only biological child. And due to Papa being an extremely abusive man (this is mostly because his entire character is painfully similar to my own abusive father), the family was trapped with constant abuse. Papa blamed Maxwell for it all and forged evidence, which resulted in Maxwell getting killed. Maxwell does not blame the rest of the family.
- Maxwell accidentally killed Katrina. Gertrude fell ill for some time, and Maxwell wanted to help his mother, but no job would take him, and he needed money fast. So he hid his identity and committed crimes. He stole Katrina's purse by chance while she was out with Ghost, and the two chased him. Maxwell held Katrina hostage in a panic to keep Ghost away, but Ghost charged and made Maxwell flinch- which coaxed him to pull the trigger and shoot Katrina. This was the night Ghost was going to propose to her.
- She's not a stalker in any manner in the story. However, people fear her because of her height. The woman is over 7 feet tall.
- Aimee is actually the sort of ringleader behind it all. People think it would be Maxwell because of how cunning and sly he is, he can easily recruit people and ghosts to join him, but even he bows to Aimee. She's not nearly as violent as the other spirits, but she uses kindness to win over everyone.
- She died from boiling water being poured on her. Unlike Maxwell, she was not killed by the shock. She suffered through the pain until the heat tore away her face down to the bone. This is why Maxwell gave her the flower mask. She's very insecure about it and hates the fact it scares people away.
- The man who killed her was an ancestor of Ghost, hence why they look alike (I know people already came to that conclusion, but-). Aimee didn't realize there were different people when she first saw Ghost. Thus, she reacted violently and tried to kill him for "What he did to her." She later realized her mistake and tried to apologize to Ghost- but he's understandably afraid of her.
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