#SU is one of the more controversial things I’ve decided to talk about so im writing out the full tag for ppl who have the tag blocked 👍
Finals just ended and the tag is dead so I’m gonna try to remedy that with some AUs! I personally really like rocks so I’m gonna cycle through some Taleblr/Steven Universe headcanons so I have an excuse to look at rocks!!! My system goes that all rocks a feasible for anything unless given a reason otherwise… So.
Information below the cut!
Acachalla Family:
I think that story-wise, they’d probably be a group of gems who likely all came to earth independently of each other from different starting points! Papa and Gertrude might the the only ones who were alive during Rose Quartz’s time of the bunch, but they likely never fought in the Earth resistance itself… Also I’m keeping Papa’s time as a Cowboy.
Papa Acachalla — Imperial Topaz on his upper back.
Gertrude Acachalla — Pyrite on her navel.
Billy Acachalla — I’m not entirely sure but I think his gem is a little fucked up. I’m thinking a mix of Sapphire and…. Opal, but not a fusion, onnnn his leg.
Sally Acachalla — (Chipped) Condor Agate on her chest.
Spencer Acachalla — Overcooked Moissanite on his forehead.
Sue Acachalla — Pearl on the back of her hand.
The Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire:
I think that PIE would be going around on corrupted gem-collecting duty. They’re just trying to get through the day!
Johnny Ghost / Jimmy Casket — I’m not sure about Ghost, but I think Casket should be a Bloodstone. I’m lowkey considering having Ghost be a person being “possessed” by a corrupted gem. Alternatives are Ghost being partially-corrupted Bloodstone, or a gem that was made weird and has Bloodstone inside of it. The other option is Spectrolite
Johnny Toast — Lapis Lazuli on his palm!
Fred “Spooker” Soup — Pink Morganite on his eye!
Chris Ghostie — Also considering having him be a human person who just stumbled into the gem stuff one day!
Maddie-Friend — Also Pyrite!
Chakalata — Either also a morganite or an emerald
Poppy — I think it’d be interesting if she was a half-human morganite. Not like Ghost, but like Steven (RIP BB you will be missed)
CBF — Same gem (but corrupted) as whatever gem ends up connected with Ghost… or a corrupted aquamarine
Gavin Toast — Lapis Lazuli on his lower back, from the same vein as his brother.
More Details:
I included some stones who don’t appear or only appear in fusions so here’s my thoughts on those—
Both Maddie and Gertrude have a history of being sneaky, so I wanted to pick something that could be… spy-ish… so Pyrite.
I think Opals should be able to be healers since the stone is known to refract light and gems are made of light!
Condor Agate is named after a bird so I def. Want them to be able to do some bird-related stuff.
Moissanite are a lot like diamonds, so I think they’d take militaristic general or commander positions in the Diamond’s court if they appear at all… but Spencer is overcooked, so he mostly does his own thing
Bloodstone is spooky rock with blood in name woooooooo
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
New Taennie Photo Discussion
All right, so I kind of ran out of things to say on this topic this morning, but I’ve gotten several more asks about it since then.  What I’ve decided to do is essentially organize and facilitate the conversation in a way that doesn’t really require me to share my thoughts or let the whole Taennie topic take up a lot more space on this blog than it already has.
So, below the cut, I’m going to share the asks I’ve received on this topic since earlier today.  As long as everyone keeps it civil and whatnot, feel free to join the conversation in the replies if you like, or you can send your own asks and I’ll do my best to add things to this post in a way that is easy to follow.  Hopefully this is a solution that will work for everyone.  If I have anything to say, I’ll add my own notes, but for the most part, my plan is just to share other people’s thoughts without really adding much, if anything, of my own.
 Anon 1:
The first Taennie photo dropped when Hybe was under fire for a bullying controversy in a new gg. And now this second photo drops right after Blackpink has their first comeback in years and when some of the fandom has been agitated about new death threats. feels like media play to me, distract everyone with something shiny and get publicity for it
Anon 2: 
Taennie pic real or not, let us not forget that he "accidentally" followed her on ig back in dec. That alone is very sus already.
Anon 3:
I really don't know why this is a debate if the pic is real? Of course it is real but both are merged. Easiest way to see, the whole cut of Jenny's body is edited and merged with Tae's picture. Look at the top hair part in Tae's and stylist noons's case, you could see Tufts of fine hair in the mirror. On the other side, Jennie's hair is cut too clean, but too out the illusion and hide editing they tried to draw black fine lines. Zoom it and you'll see. Infact her upper- right side hair is cut flat but to cover up they added black. This somehow shows the editor is a right handed person as it is easy to edit the left side easier than the right side coz of restricted hand movements. To me it looks like where the editor placed Jennie there was something else and that's why we can see the extra ling-thin shadow (maybe a potted plant). Funny thing is they tried to edit the shadow to look like it comes as hair strands but as her hair is not longer we can surely say it's not her hair just poorly done editing.
In fact if you look at the whole picture, you can see there is strange line/glow surrounding tae and stylist noona. That's the brush we use to make the foreground compatible with the background. Iphone pics are crisp and don't have these strange glows.
This whole thing make sense if either it's Tae's picture and she got edited in or both got edited in. To me Tae's picture is more original but as I said, editor edited around tae as well to clean up and blend with the ground.
I am not a professional but have been editing pictures for my projects from last 6 years. To my eye, my observation makes sense.
Anon 4:
Isn't it funny the supposedly real pic got leaked when blackpink has a show and damn TEA accounts spreading info of Tae going to NEWYORK from last one week, enyphen member going into scandal. Someone is hell bent on proving tae is straight and is dating Jennie. It's funny watching this in solo era.
Btw if anyone can shed light on if any BTS artist has been linked with other Celebrity (entertainment business) and HYBE refuting rumours?
That’s it for now!  If I get more, I’ll add them to the post.  If you are one of these anons and you come back, feel free to let me know your number -- and if you want to respond to one anon specifically, you can let me know the number you’re talking to, and I’ll do my best to figure out a way to organize this post so that the “conversation” flows.
Updates Added:
Anon 5:
Im sorry but u cannot convince me that taehyung isnt gay, whether or not hes with jungkook, taehyung is not shying away from showing who he really is. That man cant even pretend to act straight at all, wasnt he the one who said “first thing i notice in a gurl is her brand of clothing” …. I mean, okay taehyung say less i guess… also wanting kids ≠ straight
I definitely don’t disagree, anon.
Anon 6:
Well, I gotta say, this whole photo thing really makes a me sad for Tae. Here’s a guy who makes friends so easily, who people gravitate to, and who probably has just as many female friends (famous and non-famous) as male friends, but god forbid he ever be seen with any female without people assuming he’s dating her. I guess in a way it’s the same with men he hangs out with but of course heteronormativity plays a role. Regardless anyone who leaks pics without consent is an absolute cretin.
I agree with this too!
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inkjackets · 3 years
30 Questions About Me
thanks for tagging me @apopcornkernel and @authenticcadence18!!!
Name: clare
Gender: cis female
Star sign: virgo
Height: 168cm (5′6″)
Time: 9:40pm
Birthday: 8th september
Fave band/group: hmm i don’t really have favs but recently i’ve been listening to a lot of Oh Wonder and ANIMA!
Fave solo artists: again no real favs but right now i’m loving dodie and mxmtoon
Song stuck in my head: ah now i’ve mentioned mxmtoon i’ve got ‘no faker’ stuck in my head haha
Last movie: uhhhh either the muppets christmas carol or the greatest showman, can’t remember which was last, but im literally about to watch the live action mulan for reasons
Last show: Normal People
When did I create this blog: uhhhh hold up lemme check... April 2016! ugh i’ve been in this fandom too long aha
What do I post: mostly ml reblogs and stuff but i write and post fics too! (especially over the last year, i think i wrote more last year than the previous three years combined lmao) i also post the odd bit of art :) 
Last thing I googled: uh how to work out averages in excel haha (i’m trying to track my writing progress this year)
Other blogs: @inkjackets-original​!! this is a blog for my original short stories and pieces of flash fiction :D
Do I get asks: yeah sometimes! especially when I reblog ask games or ask for fic requests, i’ll always get a couple <3
Why I chose this url: so back in the year 2016 i fell stupidly hard into a stupid show called Miraculous Ladybug and through it i discovered FANFICTION (i’d like obvs heard of it before, but never engaged with it) and anyway after a while reading amazing fics i discovered to my horror/delight that i wanted to WRITE IT TOO sooooo i decided to create a tumblr! and since this was intended to be a sort of writing blog i wanted to come up with a writing/book related username and came up with inkjackets – after all books are just pages of ink wrapped in dust jackets! (though like i said before until last year i never actually did much writing lol)
Following: 802
Followers: 415 <3
Average amount of sleep: anywhere between 6-10, it changes daily 
Lucky number: i don’t really have one? i usually just say 7. or 13 if i’m feeling controversial hahaha
Instruments: i don’t really play anything :( but i like to sing! i’m nothing special but i’ve always been a part of school choirs and stuff :) 
What I’m wearing: thick long-sleeved stripy top and dungarees
Dream job: ah a question i still hate at the age of 25 (: i seriously have no idea!! part of me wants to be an author and have a chill time writing in the countryside all day, but i also love being outdoors and would love to continue being an activity instructor doing fun and adventurous things forever, but then i also want to get a fancy job in the city running around being busy and important!! i just want to do a bit of everything you know?
Dream trip: i’d love to do rural asia, especially china, to see all the cool mountains and beautiful scenery they have there
Fave food: noodlesssss!! give me any sort of asian noodle dish and i’ll love you forever
Nationality: British and Australian
Fave songs: hmm some songs i never get bored of are ‘Boys Like You’ by dodie, ‘Who We Are’ by Imagine Dragons and ‘Blood’ by ANIMA!. right now i’m also obsessed with ‘Undertow’ by Lisa Hannigan (who, fun fact, voices blue diamond in su!)
(bonus song: i’ve also been listening to ‘walk but in a garden’ by mxmtoon so much recently cause it gives such good lockdown chill vibes)
Last book I read: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaivosky, a really really well done (if kinda unsettling) sci-fi novel, but ngl i want to talk about the book i read before that which is An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (and its sequel) by Hank Green which was FANTASTIC like hands down one of the best books i’ve read in a long time and if you’re looking for something fun and easy while also tackling serious real world problems (like the dangers of social media) then i HIGHLY recommend it, like honestly even if that’s not something you’re looking just go read it anyway!!!
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. Harry Potter. kinda goes without saying haha, i want to be able to do magic 2. ATLA, (like only if i’m a bender tho lol) 3. hmm Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. It was one of my fav serious as a kid and I always longed to live in that sort of intelligent pre-historic age, and the world michelle paver creates feels so damn realistic, and i just feel like i’d thrive in that sort of world, tbh (i think the adhd would help lmao)
thank you so much for tagging me!! that was loads of fun ^^ i’m not gonna tag anyone but if you want to do this game go ahead and tag me in it!!
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ntrending · 6 years
I’m a scientist who's suing the EPA. Here's why.
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/im-a-scientist-whos-suing-the-epa-heres-why/
I’m a scientist who's suing the EPA. Here's why.
In 2017, just a few days after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, a freshman GOP lawmaker with only a few days on the job of his own, proposed House Resolution 861. Its language was ominous: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”
I was in my sixth year on the EPA’s Science Advisory Board when H.R.861 was introduced. When I called senior EPA colleagues to assess the threat, I was assured that it would never happen; the nation’s environmental laws, and the agency that makes and enforces them, could not be killed in two years by a 10-word resolution written by a rookie congressman.
Then along came Scott Pruitt.
Since taking over as administrator, Pruitt has overseen the nominations and appointments of a diverse array of lobbyists and corporate insiders while at the same time letting key vacancies languish. He has put the brakes on enforcement, slowed or suspended progressive regulatory actions initiated by his predecessors, and defended draconian budget cuts proposed by the White House.
He has also gutted the agency’s science advisory boards, one of which I proudly served on. Pruitt’s directive to “reform” the EPA’s science advisory boards, which I believe is both unethical and illegal, led me to join a group of scientists who are suing the agency.
From where I sit as both a scientist and former EPA adviser, the motivation behind Scott Pruitt’s actions is as clear as day: He isn’t reforming the agency; he’s trying to kill it.
The good news for the EPA is that a majority of Americans support its fundamental mission to protect the environment and public health. And, judging by recent reports, bipartisan calls for Scott Pruitt to resign are growing louder. But for the EPA to really rebound after Pruitt’s repeated assaults, the agency will need to address some of its legitimate shortcomings.
Toxic and risky
I’ve been dedicated to environmental science since college, and I have devoted a large chunk of my academic career to government service since shortly after George W. Bush was elected president.
My first job advising the EPA came in 2003 under Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, a Republican. I rejoined the EPA in 2011 when Lisa Jackson, a Democrat, was appointed to lead the agency. In spite of divergent agency priorities under different administrators, there were three constants that held the agency together: a respect for science, genuine concern for environmental and public health, and career EPA staff who served as a buffer during political transitions. All three are under attack by Scott Pruitt.
He has floated proposals that have not only ignored widely accepted and peer-reviewed science, they have been toxic to morale at the EPA. Last summer, for example, Pruitt—who for years has questioned established climate science—proposed a series of polarizing “red team/blue team” debates aimed at unraveling the public consensus—and years of hard work by EPA staff—on climate change.
Just last month, Pruitt vowed to enact new rules limiting what pseudo scientists like Steve Milloy have deceptively called “secret science.” On the surface, such a rule sounds like a good idea; who, in their right mind would want secret science? But, in reality, this rule would mean that critical public health studies could no longer be used to inform EPA policy because some of the data are protected doctor-patient or researcher-participant confidentiality.
Also last month, Priutt issued a series of talking points to agency staff instructing them to exaggerate uncertainties about the human causes of climate change. In effect, Pruitt is asking EPA staffers to lie.
As a result of these—and other—actions, career civil servants are leaving the agency in droves, further hastening EPA’s brain drain.
Detached from reality
In spite of the chaos and controversy that’s swarming around Scott Pruitt’s EPA, those of us who care about the agency have to be honest with ourselves and admit that the agency isn’t entirely free of responsibility for the situation it finds itself in.
Going back several administrations, the EPA has done little to harden itself against the criticism that it’s detached from the social and economic realities faced by many Americans. This, in turn, has opened the agency to repeated attacks from those who incorrectly believe that protecting livelihoods and businesses means repealing “job killing” environmental regulations. It’s rhetoric like this that created an opening at the head of the EPA for a conservative activist like Scott Pruitt.
When the time comes, resuscitating the EPA will be an urgent—but not unprecedented—task for new leaders in government. The easiest part of the job will be replacing Scott Pruitt, if he’s still around, with an administrator who doesn’t have disdain for EPA’s mission and who doesn’t mistrust its employees. Another easy step will be to initiate a thorough house cleaning. Pruitt appointees who would like us to believe that certain chemicals and pesticides aren’t toxic must go. Appointees whose integrity is compromised by conflicts of interest must also be fired.
Balancing environmental, social and economic concerns
The hardest part of the job will be reinventing an agency that is in dire need of reinvention. The EPA’s dual-purpose mission of protecting the environment from people and protecting people from a damaged environment must remain intact. But, the way in which the EPA balances environmental protection with the hopes and needs of ordinary Americans must change in the same way that the rest of us who work in the environmental sciences have had to change.
In my job, we don’t just talk about “the environment” anymore; we talk instead about the need for making trade-offs across environmental, social and economic goals. In other words, we talk about sustainability.
Step one is to establish better relationships with the communities the EPA serves. The risks that a reinvented EPA will be responsible for managing – from the environmental and and public health impacts of climate change to polluted water systems in cities like Flint – must be jointly defined by EPA staff and the citizens who pay their salaries. Likewise, how the magnitude of these risks is measured must be based on science and, importantly, people’s values.
I can already hear strident environmentalists bristling at the suggestion of letting public values decide. But they needn’t be afraid: Public values already decide. How we think about environmental health is based entirely on our values.
What we deem to be a “healthy environment” is a constructed, values-based judgment; what we really mean is, healthy enough so that we can feel comfortable with how much of the environment we’re prepared to give up in return for other things—social and—that we also value but for different reasons.
A reinvented EPA must also forge stronger partnerships with business: Corporate America needs the EPA as much as the EPA needs corporate America. Consumers are demanding more leadership from companies when it comes to sustainability, and they are punishing companies – by withholding their money – that don’t deliver on this new social contract.
In my experience working at the intersection of sustainability and business, I’ve been repeatedly told by executives that it’s much easier for them to justify leaving potential earnings on the table in the name of environmental and social progress when they are compelled to do so by regulation. Here’s where better partnerships between companies and a revamped EPA can help. Corporate America and the EPA must work together over the long term to craft sensible and, importantly, adaptable regulations that are responsive to changing environmental, social, and economic conditions.
Taken together, the American people will benefit from a reinvented EPA because the agency will do a better job of responding to their needs and concerns. Businesses will benefit because they’ll be better able to plan for the shocks brought by new regulations. And, the EPA will benefit because it will have powerful new allies—companies and more supportive voters—to help it achieve its mission.
All of this will mean less helter-skelter at an agency that’s essential for American progress. And, importantly, it will mean that we’ll never again see the perceived need for another Scott Pruitt.
Joe Arvai is a Max McGraw Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, and Director of the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, at the University of Michigan. This article was originally featured on The Conversation.
Written By Joe Arvai/The Conversation
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