#Spidersona adjacent
saurotitan · 11 months
My Superhero Ideas: The Midwestern Marvels
This is based on something I started thinking about while coming up with my "spidersona" Cave-Spider, which is the simple fact that the midwest doesn't get any superheroes in mainline comics. Sure, there's the Great Lake Avengers, but those guys are literally a joke. To rectify this massive travesty I brainstormed a few ideas and wrote quick character profiles for the first members of a team I'm tentatively calling the Midwestern Marvels. I'd love to get some feedback from you all on this idea, and if you've got any character ideas, character art or constructive criticism feel free to let me know.
The Iron Brigadier:
Name: Thomas Miller
Age: 24/ 183 (time travel mishap)
Aliases: "The Old Soldier" "The Last Black Hat" "Kang's Little Oopsie"
Abilities: Trace amounts of super-soldier serum in bloodstream due to transfusion provide Miller with peak human performance in athletic endeavors. Trained marksman with upgraded 'Spencer' repeating rifle, talented hand-to-hand combatant, owns a bayonet crafted from a damaged piece of Sam Wilson's flight harness. Trained public speaker.
Overview: A member of the Civil War group known as the Iron Brigade, Thomas was just another young man fighting for his country. One day on an especially bloody battlefield Thomas was wounded and separated from his fellow soldiers, and out of nowhere a flash of light appeared. When the light dissipated Thomas saw three men in odd costumes fighting (Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Dang the Conqueror). Ignoring his injuries, Thomas ran over to help the man wearing the colors of the American flag, picking up a broken piece of Falcon's wing from the mud to use as a knife. Upon realizing the fight was three on one Kang attempted to retreat to the present day, bringing Mr. Miller along for the ride in the chaos. Kang fled the scene shortly after, leaving a very confused Thomas Miller to collapse from wounds sustained in 1864. In order to keep him alive until medical aid could arrive Steve Rogers gave Miller a blood transfusion. Now trapped in the present day, Thomas is the last man standing from a force of men who never gave up while fighting a good fight. He is the sole beneficiary of a veteran's pension fund set up for those who served in the American Civil War, and occasionally gives talks on the importance of cooperation and equal rights. He actually had to take lessons on public speaking after coming to the present day but he believes in the message he's spreading with all his heart. Thomas recognizes the Union he fought for has flaws but he's still glad to see that the future turned out pretty bright.
Name: Lawrence Jackson
Age: 19
Aliases: "The Forest Beast" "The Midwestern Mutant"
Abilities: Inhuman strength, bullet-resistant hide, retractible claws, tail, steel-crushing jaws, rapid regenerative healing, adaptive camouflage. Skilled cook and excellent with computers
Weaknesses: Sensitive hearing, mediocre low-light vision, requires more food/water/minerals than normal human to fuel regenerative healing capabilities. Not a great climber and has trouble making sharp turns while running.
Overview: Lawrence was born looking relatively normal despite possessing an x-gene and probably would've gone through life without an issue if not for his college professor Dr. Smith. Doctor Smith was a cutting-edge researcher in the relatively new field of mutant genetics, and wasn't going to let little things like morality or ethics get in the way of a promising test subject with vestigial mutations just waiting to express themselves. Smith staged a "lab accident" that caused a shift in Lawrence's DNA, expressing his latent mutant traits. To cover his tracks the professor blamed a nearby fight between local hero Cave-Spider and a crew of armed robbers. Cave-Spider and young Mr. Jackson wound up going head-to-head in a widely publicized brawl the next night outside Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin (the troll capitol of the world!) before cooler heads prevailed and the real culprit could be identified. Sadly, Dr. Smith had fled the region while his former student was distracted, trapping Lawrence in his monstrous form with little hope for a cure. Dubbed the Hodag by the local media, Lawrence now tries to use his strength to protect the innocent from those who would harm them, running a soup kitchen for mutants in downtown Milwaukee. He, Cave-Spider, and Iron Brigadier were all founding members of the hero group The Midwestern Marvels.
Name: Ying Kue
Age: 21
Aliases: "The Hmong Dragon" "The Minnesota Powerhouse"
Abilities: Flight, fire projection from hands, pyrokinisis, strength sufficient to lift a freight train, hand-to-hand combat training, magic resistance, costume is strong enough to deflect multiple RPG rounds. Bilingual and able to play the trumpet.
Weaknesses: Sustained fire from heavy weapons can eventually wear through defenses, reliance on fire renders some rescues challenging (rescuing cats from trees, rerouting floodwaters, etc). Powers are recharged by sunlight, meaning winter operations may leave Ying drained from shorter days. Time management skills are a constant challenge. Allergic to shellfish and unsure of how to expand knowledge of magic.
Overview: Daughter of a Hmong immigrant family living in Minneapolis, Ying gained her powers on her 18th birthday when trying to save an elderly neighbor from frostbite during a blackout that struck seemingly out of nowhere. When she asked others in the neighborhood about the old man no one seemed to know who she was talking about, and upon checking his apartment all Ying found was a costume and a note : yours now. Taking this as a sign, over the following years Ying would make a name for herself as a protector of Minneapolis, a vocal supporter of Asian-American communities, and the first new member of the Midwestern Marvels after the group's inception after a team-up against mutual foe Road Rage. She still struggles to make time for her family, her personal life, her hero career, and exploration into just what her powers are, but time management is a struggle for everyone these days.
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biscuitgeekery · 11 months
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Spidersona time !
Enter Chromatic Spider:
She comes from Universe 0025 which is black and white (similar to Noir’s universe). She was bitten by a peacock spider and given the ability to see colors, however she can’t get the names right. She’s learning via a box of crayons that was gifted to her.
(Second doodle is by @rinovarka uwu)
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rathandz · 10 months
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rare moment of me posting smth the day of finishing it!?!?!?!?!?!? uhhhhh lil headshot concept 4 my spider sona :] my guy is just kinda. a creature????? idk wtf was in the radioactive spider that bit em but she has fuzzy antennae ear things now!!!!!!!! his suit is also the color pallet 4 my carrd bc its a rad ass color pallet me thinks
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antennatoheaven · 1 year
i just know realistically my spidersona would wear goggles and a face mask like, where are people finding traditional spidey suits???? im not learning how to sew with spandex fuck that
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
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My Spidersona, Spider-Blood, who I initially drew three years ago
I wanted to draw some interactions between him and Spiderman Noir and Spider-Punk but ehuhhehhh I'm too tired 🫥
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sketchyallstar · 1 year
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Some doodles of my Spidersonas and their universe’s versions of Spiderman-adjacent characters, one of these was from a @croxovergoddess template, also practiced some Spidey poses from a gif of the final battle in Spider-Man: No Way Home
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niloerua-writing · 11 months
Vagabond - 1
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Summary: The spider team finally has the chance to visit the dreary dimension of New Zohei to find out why anomalies are redirected to that universe and avoid a potential catastrophic event. However, someone else has other plans...
Pairings: Miguel x Black Cat Variant!Reader. Spidersona x Black Cat Variant!Reader  
WC: 3.7k
Warnings: monster encounter. fighting and chase scene.
a/n: 2am moment pt2. we struggling out here. i had fun until the end, i was suffering trying to imagine all this. black cat’s claws has an anti-magic charge which is adjacent to mile’s energy bursts. i have an urge to craft super gnarly fight but at the same time do the spicy romance. i hope im doing miguel justice LOL 
0  | 1 | 2
1 - Attention
Calan did not show up for an entire week, missing multiple calls from the others. Lyla could barely take snap shots of whatever it was he was doing, and the photos and recordings that came from that were corrupted upon opening. The good thing that came out of it was that the anomalies that were transferred to New Zohei were immediately redirected back to HQ; Calan was at least doing his end of the job. But it wasn’t enough to show any positive trends in keeping the multiverse stable.
When he did return, he explained that one of the Gods was upset and the last thing he wanted was to be moonscorched or banished away from his universe permanently, so he had to tread carefully in his own dimension. Whatever that meant.
Miguel had to see for himself what it was Calan was saying, whenever he said anything at all. Jessica was adamant that whatever he was reporting was true, and she’s no fool to make up lies about the situation at hand. The paradox was frustrating. The one-eyed spider man sat too still, he was slow to answer in contrast to Miguel’s sense of urgency. Peter attempted to “wake” him, whether it be trying to hype up the two words in response to Miguel’s question or allowing Calan to hold Mayday. Surprisingly, holding a child had woken him up somehow as he shook in fear.
“She didn’t take a crap did she?” Peter asked as he took back his child, asking her the same question with a pouty tone. “You didn’t poop in front of him, right?” Of course the baby squealed- using her chubby hands to try and grab Calan, who turned his head away. Peter mumbled something to Jessica about whether or not Calan was okay.
“We’re going to start the mission today now that the anomaly influx is on the lower end.” Miguel said, interrupting the whispers between the other adults.
“Who’s in the team?” Jessica asked.
And in perfect timing, the familiar sound of laughter and shouts filled the office. The four teenagers nearly pounced at the sight of Peter and Calan as they greeted the men; of course they greeted Jessica too (should they come up to her from behind unannounced there would’ve been more than just a lecture coming from her).
“Wait, we’re all going to Calan’s dimension?” Miles asked.
“Oh no, I’ve had enough of that place.” Jessica crossed her arms. “Even when I was there for ten minutes, the atmosphere was off.”
“Can’t go if I can’t bring Mayday. And the wife wants me home more often.” Peter lifted his child up, and the girl immediately leaned over towards Hobie. The punk scooped her up, ruffling her auburn hair.
Miguel rubbed his temple; why is it that everytime he asks for this particular group of spiders, they forget that the entirety of the multiverse is at stake and that this isn’t some sort of friend hangout? He watched as Calan was getting prodded and continually spoken to so casually despite his odd behaviorisms. Calan was hiding something, and going to his dimension was the only way to see how much of the silence he had kept since day one would unravel.
“Ohhh, didn’t know you had a girlfriend too, Calan!” Pavitr looked over Calan’s shoulder when he took out a piece of folded parchment. The teens cowered over the man in great amusement, congratulating him despite Jessica trying to get them to stop. 
“Are we finished?” Miguel’s growl prompted the teens to back away and straighten up.
He reiterated the plan to them all: they were to scout New Zohei to find a potential source of why the anomalies are attracted to that dimension, put a stop to it, remove any anomalies along the way, and then leave. Before Miguel could conclude the rundown, he had to test something out.
“How long do you think we could finish?” He directed his question to the one eyed spiderman.
Calan looked up from his folded note, seeing Miguel’s narrowed glare. “Four days, if we’re lucky.”
Miguel raised a brow- that is a lot longer than almost all the missions given in HQ. The teenagers grew louder again, asking Calan to teach them magic or allow them to take souvenirs during their stay. Of course, Peter would join in too, asking for toys for Mayday. Jessica had given up trying to stop them at this point, looking up at Miguel with pursed lips.
“This isn’t a vacation. This is a mission.” Miguel returned his attention to Calan. “What if we’re unlucky?”
Calan narrowed his green eye; Miguel didn’t trust him, and he could tell that the feeling was reciprocated. The only reason why he wasn’t sent home was because of his skill and ease when it came to capturing anomalies. Miguel would make sure to shorten the mission time once they step foot into the other earth. Progress has stagnated as of now. He would make sure that all secrets were off, he was even willing to fight off the Gods that caused another major shift in the multiverse.
“Psst. No fangs.” Lyla popped up on Miguel’s broad shoulder. The lack of an answer made it difficult for his fangs to retract- he had to break eye contact and turn his back on Calan.
Jessica and Peter were sent on other tasks that involved temporarily taking Miguel’s place in overseeing and assisting on other missions during his absence. A whirr of beaming warm colors opened as Miguel opened up the portal. Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie took no time to rush through the portal with excitement, ready for the adventure they were about to have. As soon as Calan was about to step into the portal, he stopped momentarily. Miguel could only see his closed, scarred eye. He could tell that Calan knew what he was planning, he knew that Miguel would join the team, and Calan knew he himself was being investigated. Lastly, Calan could tell that he was being underestimated, and Miguel could see that it personally irked the red head.
“Pray to your god that none of us would stay.” Calan said lowly before stepping into the portal.
Miguel took that as a challenge, letting out a scoff as he went in last. His fangs were still barred.
“THIEF!” A cacophonic chorus echoed at the end of the hall. There were endless groans with the sounds of heavy weight being slammed into the walls and ceiling. Amidst the noises and the building threatening to collapse, (Y/n) nearly went on all fours trying to make a turn to another section of the building. Alarms were blaring overhead, with employees being pushed into the stairwell or the elevators in order to avoid the creature that was crawling its way over.
(Y/n) took a quick glance behind her as she ran, noticing three bony claws that gripped into the walls and the carpet. The creatures pacing was slowed by the narrow hallways of the building, however, as soon as it noticed the woman running down the open office space, it began to pick up speed. It tore through the desks and chairs as it screamed, reaching for the fleeing cat.
“I’ll give it back, I promise!” (Y/n) shouted as she aimed for the window. She braced herself as she crashed through the glass, slowly opening her eyes to quickly see if there was an open spot to land.
“Oh no.” She nervously chuckled, realizing how far up she actually was. (Y/n) had hopped off from the twentieth story, so she had to be quick to find something to stagger her fall. The smog from the city’s factories were interlaced with the clouds, making it difficult to see through the lenses of her mask.
(Y/n) had a peculiar artifact in her hand; not that it was important to her personally. She couldn’t care less about what it did, how much it cost, or what it signified to a bunch of elitists. Since the absence of Calan, (Y/n) was struggling trying to keep herself from dying of boredom.  Missing him was an understatement. She would occasionally check to see if he finally went home, got stuck at work, or was just hiding in plain sight at his favorite locations. It wouldn’t be too long until she caught herself in a boring routine that would just make her hungry at midnight. (Y/n) had come up with a plan a few days earlier that if she just misplaced certain objects around the city, it would attract him back to quell the havoc she caused. Within good reason, she’d argue.
It was funny seeing prominent witches panic over a missing book, politicians going silent when pieces of their private conversations were leaked, or gangs having their plans jumbled over having their messengers swapped. It was starting to become an eventful week for (Y/n), Calan’s enemies were threatening to tear apart each other’s throats. Of course, this plan didn’t hold up well for today. She had decided to see what was at the top of one of the engineering towers and if it was even worth slipping through heavy security for.
Her curiosity was fulfilled to say the least as she was holding onto a government sanctioned seal to keep a certain someone human. Whoops.
(Y/n) used one of her grappling hooks to attempt to break her fall. The claw of the cable had latched onto one of the tall satellites before tearing through the thin metal. The smog cleared. Her fall trajectory had changed, but she had to accept the fact she might crash through a semi-busy cafe window and use half of the money she got to get patched up. It would definitely teach her not to rile everyone’s day up just for some guy.
However, another option appeared at hand. It was the sound of webs coming her way as she was cutting through the air. 
“Spidey!” She exclaimed, seeing shadows zip along the line of buildings across the street. Looks like the plan was back on the menu. If she didn’t try to stagger her fall again, it would be one of the greatest entrances she would have done to date or the worst hospital bill she’d have to pay. (Y/n) found it almost comedic that she prepared herself to be caught in the arms of her favorite man in the middle of her instigation. She was confident he’d catch her. She closed her eyes upon impact.
Right before she could crash into the cafe, she was intercepted. An arm immediately supported her back, and (Y/n) quickly wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself from slipping, her body pressed against his warm, broad chest.
“Whoa!” Calan’s voice was way too surprised (and higher pitched?) to her liking, he would usually either be relieved or annoyed by her presence, both of which fueled her ego. Opening her eyes, she saw someone in a well decorated skin suit and armlets with his wavy hair out in the open. (Y/n) stiffened, her face growing pale. Who just caught her then?
Looking up, she was met with a masked stranger, the vivid red markings that were marked for his eyes were focused on her.
(Y/n) had overestimated herself. In fact, she’s shit in math when it comes to these things. Her eyes couldn’t stop staring at the masked man who caught her, and it must’ve been the Gods punishing her for racking up the city’s crime rate because he immediately knew who she was with how she felt something hook into her suit to prevent her from escaping. (Y/n) did not like how the plan was turning into. Everything began to click when she noticed the symbols on their suits.
Was Calan being replaced? How could he even be replaced? By two people?
“That was easy.” The smaller one said. What the fuck does that mean?
“Is it okay if I leave now-” It didn’t hurt to try asking.
“No.” Her captor’s voice was gruff, immediately cutting her off. “Pav, regroup with the others.”
Now it was just her and the larger masked man.
“Where are we going?” (Y/n) tried another question.
“To fix your mess.”
“Who said I made a mess?”
“I’m pretty sure you know who, gatita.”
Wow. (Y/n) frowned upon realizing what she was dealing with. First, Calan had disappeared from her for weeks on end, forcing her to take his job to patrol the city when he was gone (without getting paid!), and now, he couldn’t even face her and decided to send in some large man in a weird suit and other people to capture her instead. What was his damage? (Y/n) was not about to be disrespected like this and needed to even the score. She didn’t even think that the man holding her knew the caliber she held when it came to escaping. (Y/n) wouldn’t let the Gods condemn her this way.
“What the-!”
With her free hand, her claws retracted three times its original size before swiping downwards. The fabric of his suit was even stranger as it tore in a way she couldn’t describe, but it did show a bit of his skin. She twisted roughly in his grasp, swiping at the arm that held her. He loosened his grip, and (Y/n) slipped away, tossing the artifact in his hand. Upon landing, she broke into a sprint in the opposite direction.
“Lyla!” Miguel growled from under his mask, and the hologram popped above his watch.
“Uh-oh. How’d that happen?” Lyla adjusted her sunglasses. “I’ll get that fixed real quick.”
“Tell Calan to hurry up with those damn rings, and tell the others that Black Cat is coming towards their locations.” He was quick to maneuver in the other direction, swinging his way above the night traffic. He saw her scale up a building and onto the roof tops, and he followed suit. Miguel was slowly catching up to her. He shot his webbing towards her legs, however, Black Cat had rolled forward, the webs narrowly missing her heels. She jumped into an alley, running out the other end before using a grappling hook to swing away. Miguel growled at his escaping prey.
Just about half an hour ago, Calan had given a rundown of the do’s and don’ts of this earth in his office. Don’t go past the walls of the state, don’t touch broken shrines, don’t make any pacts with anyone living here, and don’t remove the mark on their hands. The only “do” that Miguel assumed was to do the mission. Fair. It was the most he had ever spoken since he joined the Spider Society. Calan was going to make rings that would help the others be resistant to magic during their stay, despite the teenagers wanting to focus more on learning said magic.
“I have a problem, and it may require several of you.” Calan laid out five rings, a thick book, and a needle.
“What is it?” The teens would ask, and he would put down the note from earlier.
“Black Cat.” Calan replied. “She’ll sabotage the mission if certain things aren’t in her favor. She already put the city under paranoia.”
Calan pointed at the treasure chest that was destroyed by her; he had repaired it upon return and used the key to actually hide away important documents under some sort of illusion trick. Black Cat was a rare variant only appearing very few times in other spider people’s canon, Miguel thought. He didn’t have a Black Cat in his universe. It was because, according to the reports he’s read, Black Cats were more complicated allies, when given something in return. He looked at the letter, noticing the red lipstick marking on the corner of the paper. They were complicated indeed.
“We can multitask while you finish that.” Miguel suggested to Calan, who went to work straight away. He then turned to the others. “You know how it is and how it’s going to be. The only thing added is capturing a Black Cat.”
And they went off. Miguel would receive a few notifications from the teens that they’ve captured and turned in an anomaly. Things were going swimmingly.
When Miguel had caught Black Cat in the middle of his patrol with Pavitr, he was just as shocked as the woman in his arm. He had seen pictures of other Black Cats. But there was something about seeing one and even holding one up close. She had vivid (e/c) eyes that stuck out from her (skin color) complexion, wild (h/c) hair that draped over her eyes and flowed along the evening air. Her lips were a striking red with gloss, and from her figure-
“Miguel! There’s this freaky bird thing with a hundred heads!” Miles’ panicked voice through his watch shattered the thought. He looked at the object in his hand- it was a copper shard with unrecognizable lettering plastered all over the metal. Black Cat was just out of reach, how she ran with heels was a mystery to him. He narrowed his eyes, noticing the echo of screams down the road.
He could see Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie trying to hold back a large, feathered mass covered in countless porcelain masks that let out pulses of screams. Its multiple elongated arms tried to grab at the teenagers while destroying a portion of the infrastructure.
He slid to a stop, giving one last look at the Black Cat. She stopped as well, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
“I won’t let you go next time.” He warned her before rushing over to the monstrous calamity.
The monster wailed further, slamming all thirteen of its arms down in frustration when it couldn’t catch any of the spider people that swung around it. It winced at every punch and kick it received from the four teenagers, but it only grew angrier, screeching. Several of its claws began to frantically dig through its feathered and porcelain body. Ooze began to spill out from the wound it created.
“What the hell did we just get ourselves into!?” Gwen screamed, covering her nose over her mask.
“Man’s bleedin’ out all the establishment slop outta ‘im!” Hobie positioned his guitar in his hands, letting out a powered strum. The monster momentarily froze before shaking violently. Something was growing out of its wound, and no one wanted to figure out what it was.
“Miguel!” Miles was busy pulling out all the civilians from the rubble alongside Pavitr. The man was quick to rush towards the ungodly beast, tightening his fist before plunging his attack right through one of the porcelain faces. It shattered, revealing a fleshy substance underneath. The monster let out a broken chorus as it felt the pain, thrashing itself into the ground and towards other buildings. Miguel began to shoot out multiple webbings of red to restrain its arms, and Gwen and Hobie followed his lead, pinning down the monster.
Now what was left was the artifact the Black Cat tossed at him.
Before Miguel could figure it out, a pair of wings shot out of the monster’s gash, sending the three flying several blocks away. Miguel quickly got up from the crushed concrete already prepared to rush at the monster again- only to have Gwen struggle to keep herself up from the impact. Hobie, on the other hand, tried to hide his limp.
“I’ve got this!” Calan had found them, quickly removing his gloves. Miguel urged Miles and Pavitr to come over to where he was. They all watched as Calan’s hands began to glow, a summoning circle appearing just at the tip of his fingers. Using his eye for focus, he positioned his hands to where the monster contorted violently. Calan curled his fingers, almost mimicking a spider’s chelicerae and its mouth.
As soon as Calan closed his fists, a red spider emerged from the shadow under the monster, ripping its body into two with its mouth before returning into the darkness.
“Damn.” Hobie and Pavitr’s mouths were agape, whereas Gwen had to immediately cover her eyes.
“That is so cool,” Miles huffed. “But I think I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”
That must have been the Arachne Pact, Miguel could see how much that single spell drained Calan.
“I finished,” The one eyed spiderman handed Miguel the bag of rings, and in turn he was given the copper shard. His brows furrowed in disbelief. “(Y/n), how’d you get your hands on this?”
“Is that her name?” Miguel asked as he handed out the rings to the others.
“Shit. Sorry,” Calan began to cough. “But yeah. She’s probably really mad at me.”
Calan slid down from the debris, walking over to the monster’s corpse. Soon enough, the corpse began to disintegrate until all that was left was a man’s body. First responders and clean up crew began to approach the scene as the dust began to settle, and the group stood at the rooftop in silence, their masks being wearily pulled away for the time being.
“I was expecting something to happen, I’m not gonna lie.” Pavitr sounded disappointed as he removed and put on his ring a few times.
“Seals and barriers don’t work that way.” Calan replied, his eyes wandering off. “I’m guessing you couldn’t catch her, Miguel.”
“I let her go.” He corrected him.
“That’s normal.”
Miguel followed Calan’s line of sight into the darkness, wondering what it was he was staring at. When he found nothing of interest, he looked the other way, briefly watching the teens sit together as they tried to cheer each other up. Is this how it’s going to be for the next three days? This sort of explains some of Calan’s odd behaviors.
There was another pair of eyes that watched him. Miguel turned his head, seeing the Black cat across the street, staring at all of them from the ledge of an apartment rooftop. She dared not to move so suddenly, her eyes fixated on Calan before moving towards the teenagers, and finally Miguel. She could see who he was.
And soon, he would see who she is.
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Opps my spidersona lore got too far removed from any spiderman adjacent ideas and now its just an original superhero wip
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denimrain · 10 months
Spiderverse question
I made a Miguel Playlist that got some high praise along with some spider adjacent playlists that have helped some friends make thier spidersonas. I can share those here if the tumblr spiderverse fandom would like, (let me know if you want them!!) but here's my question. Should I make more? I love the fandom on here and I want to contribute!!
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purple-venus-70 · 9 months
Since I made a spidersona, my brain decided to start making other spider-adjacent ocs.
More specifically, Aracnocyte, the Arming Spider's version of Venon
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They're quite mysterious and no one quite knows who the new host for the symbiote is after it left Arming Spider. What is knows is that they share the experience with Taskmaster that Arming has, and that their Symbiotic Protecting, Isolating, Detaining and Entombing Resonator suit (or simply the S.P.I.D.E.R suit) makes the Symbiote way more controllabe.
And that they hate Arming Spider, but that's Venom for you
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moonbedoodling · 2 years
Just an anxious little Spider Lad!
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symbiote-sorrow · 3 years
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I intend to finish and add a bit to this digitally or traditionally. I haven't decided yet where I'd like to take it, but till then! Here is Scissor-Tail once more, out in the air, and more accurate to how you'd see her in combat.
The wings don't support her body directly, they are made for controlling angles and glide. The base of the unit is a reverse engineered, and enhanced Sable jetpack unit. Though in other universes, the origin may vary slightly. Her flight patterns (and her arms of course) are what earned her the name Scissor-Tail. Her flight seems fairly odd to those with wings like Vulture and to jetpack users alike.
Specifically in Earth-1048, she foraged the technology from the camps of retreating Sable agents amidst all the chaos. She does have a backstory and motive besides being a past assistant to Otto that I just haven't had the chance to talk about through art, but the sight of him on the night of devils breath, and the later word of his imprisonment 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 her to take the jetpack further than had originally been her assignment.
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nixdoodles · 5 years
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Gold weaver
I haven't even gotten to see into the spiderverse yet how did this happen
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tripsonflatground · 4 years
Is it just me, or is it kinda capitalist that in order to get new superheroes, people kill off or age up the old ones and then put the new heroes in the same role/identity? Like, they killed Peter Parker to have Miles Morales. Bucky Barnes and Falcon/Sam Wilson both became Captain America after the death or age & retirement of Steve Rogers, depending on whether you’re looking at the comics or the MCU. Batman goes through Robins and Batgirls like it’s going out of style (and seriously, why does Dick Grayson let other people be Robin? That was a personal nickname from his birth family, right? Why would he give something so intimate away?). Replacing someone else and living up to their legacy rather than making your own path was a whole plot point/theme in Spider-man: Far From Home!
There are exceptions to this, like X-23 and Wolverine, who have managed to have some form of a father-daughter relationship in the comics (although, if memory serves, I believe he’s been killed in recent comics and she replaced him as Wolverine - though I haven’t read anything recent, so I might be wrong, and in the film Logan they killed him off). And things like Conner/Superboy from Young Justice being created with the idea to replace Superman doesn’t count in the same way because it was a villainous plot and Con didn’t end up following through. And there’s a new Ms. Marvel now that Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, which is a much better alternative considering that Carol wasn’t using that identity anymore.
The idea I’m trying to get at, if it isn’t clear, is that the costume identity, AKA Spider-man, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. seems to me the thing that’s given value while the person behind the mask is more recently being treated as expendable/dispensable. Which doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, because the person created the mask, and so much of themselves and who they are and what their goals are drove the reasons behind the creation of the identity and the way they behave in that identity. It’s like being a kid and trying on your parents’ clothes or getting hand-me-downs, even if it fits, you didn’t exactly choose it, and you look different wearing it. And I’m calling this capitalist because it feels like capitalism. If we equate being a superhero to a job, which in many ways it really is, especially if you are employed by an organization to do it like SHIELD, then the value is being placed on the role/job, and not with the labor. Capitalism doesn’t give a shit who’s doing the job and how they’re being treated as long as it’s getting done. Employees in the service/retail industry get treated like shit and don’t get paid enough but that will never change unless people have other options and aren’t desperate enough to accept those conditions and get something better. Recently, with the deaths and/or replacements of superheroes in order to have someone else fill the identity in comics and films, the individuals behind the mask, who are the real source of emotional connection and relatability, not the mask, seem to have become dispensable in the eyes of the creators.
And I do get that it’s a shortcut and an attempt to bring in new audiences by putting more modern characters into recognizable roles. But why does the original character have to *die*?
Yeah, superhero-ism is a dangerous occupation, sure, but doesn’t death seem like the most extreme option? It’s not as if there aren’t other possibilities:
1.Having characters be located somewhere else other than New York City or its fictional equivalent (Metropolis, Gotham, etc). There are other major cities in the US where crime happens, let alone other cities in the world. Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, Philadelphia. Who doesn’t want to imagine a Spider-man or a Batman with a Boston accent? Wouldn’t it be a cool storyline if other Kryptonians not related to Superman escaped Krypton and eventually made it to Earth and moved to different cities and took up mantles and eventually the Kryptonian race could start rebuilding on Earth? Talk about a really interesting and positive way to show a diasporic community. And also, it doesn’t make any sense statistically that the majority of the world’s superheroes are in the US. Put some in Toronto, Paris, London, Cairo, Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, Rome, Athens, Rio, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Seoul, Istanbul, etc. If the Olympics happen there, then there’s probably a lot of people that need saving and crime happening. It’s especially dumb with the alien invasion stories where they show the audience aliens popping up in places other than NYC and suddenly the heroes have to get other there, like unless you got super-speed or teleportation, it’s going to take a while, and how are you even going to communicate with the civilians if there’s a language barrier?
2.Having characters be from other dimensions. Marvel and DC have a history of playing with alternate timelines and multi-verse theory. Into The Spiderverse was a super-popular movie that inspired tons of people to make their own Spidersonas, and the lesson that can be taken from it is that you can take a character and make it still feel unique or individualistic even if you’re using similar themes. Maybe instead of the dimensions having evil versions they have to fight or being fucked up in some other way, make the new version of Wonder Woman or Iron Man or whatever be from an alternate dimension and end up in the main because of science/magic, or a dimension-hopping villain they’re fighting, or an accident, or to get help from other versions of themselves, or even escaping from an apocalypse/doomsday from their own universe. It’s so easy to either send them back to their own universe when you decide you’re done playing with them or keep them around if you want them permanently. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if the Captain America we’re familiar with met a Captain America from an alternate universe where he fought in the American Revolution or for the Union in the Civil War or even in WW1 or Vietnam?
3.Having female characters take on feminine versions of the identity, or vice versa, or non-binary characters find a way to have a gender-neutral version. This has been done with Hulk and She-Hulk, Superman and Supergirl, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel back when Captain Marvel was a dude, Spider-man’s daughter May was Spider-girl at one point, Batman’s cousin or something is Batwoman. There’s also been some adjacents, such as AntMan and Wasp or Wolverine and X-23. There are definitely ways that you can use a familiar identity to put more female and non-binary superheroes out there. I mean, military titles (the Captains) or even names like Black Panther, Green Lantern, and Flash aren’t even gendered. You can feminize names if you want to, but I’m pretty sure the female Hawkeye is just straight-up Hawkeye. People like Thor I feel differently about because Thor’s an actual mythological character, not something Marvel came up with, but you could just use a different Norse god/goddess? And yeah, Dr. Strange is the man’s actual name so that’s also a little different, but if he had a daughter or a non-binary child who also got their doctorate, they are in fact entitled to call themselves Dr. Strange rather than something lesser. Not to mention, that whole alternate universe versions point I just made? Yeah, these can be characters from gender-bent alternate universes or a universe where humans are androgynous or something.
4.Have multiple characters use the same secret identity. This would be the perfect concept for twins or friends with the same build. The bank’s been robbed but A is on a date? B can totally show up at the scene! B got really hurt in their last fight? A’s got them covered. There’s a bit of risk to it, like if people recognize they have different voices or someone notices them at two different crises happening at the same time, but that’s just what makes the challenge of pretending to be the same person interesting. And it could get even more complex if you had triplets doing it, or four college roommates, or whatever. It’s also a great excuse to be able to write deep interpersonal relationships and identity struggles. Hell, can you imagine how much scarier multiple Batmans would be? They could play even more on the “you never know where he’s going to be next or what shadow he could be hiding in” thing, like, just when the crook thinks he’s lost Batman, another comes out out of nowhere.
And if superhero writers don’t want to do any of this, there’s also the C-List and D-List heroes that maybe got introduced in like the 70′s or 80′s or whatever but didn’t take or ended up being a blip in another character’s backstory. If you want more modern superheros connected to the major ones so you can use them in the same stories, it is totally valid IMO to try revitalizing these obscure concepts. I have a vested interest in seeing if Monica Rambeau shows up as her hero identity Photon in the Captain Marvel sequel. This idea is still using what you have, but it doesn’t capitalize the lives of the characters you have or make them expendable in any way. In fact, it’s also kind of like recycling, or the opposite of capitalism, because you’re trying to use alternative resources or all of your resources instead of very specific ones to the point of over-saturation.
Look, I’m just very tired of superheroes getting killed off to be replaced by someone else using the same identity or because it’s edgy or dark or whatever. Even a debilitating injury that leaves them in a wheelchair or blind or deaf is a hell of a lot more interesting. Once a character’s dead, they’re dead, there’s nowhere else you can take them unless you bring them back to life  (which admittedly happens a lot in superhero universe) or have them hang around as a ghost or something. It’s boring, it doesn’t give the audience any closure and just messes with their emotions for shock value, and it promotes toxic capitalism.
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