#Sooo that's the story behind why and how you were fed so well for once hahaha xx
coldercreation · 8 months
I just finished reading the second Liam chapter and aaaaaaaaa just screaming. It’s perfect!! Both chapters are so well written, so full of love it kinda hurts hahaha
From the first part, idk I loved it when you mentioned about Lit past together since very young. Like, I knew that bit of their story bc I read it here in one post but reading it in the actual story felt like it was even more real, y’know? To read about Liam’s concerns about his career, Kit’s unconditional support since always…I can’t explain why I loved it so much but yeah haha feels like being closer to the boys <3
And yes, we are not lying when we tell you that that first part was soooo good. You found a well balance and projected very well the idea that Liam was confused and concerned.
And this second part goshhh i cannot <3333 i’m so weak with pet names (pretty sure I have said that before…) and praise likeee i read it and i feel like melting haha you can imagine after that second (third?) chapter im nothing but a puddle on the floor hskdjfdk apart from that, it’s great to see Liam and Kit finding themselves more settled with their instincts now :’)
I’m so excited to get into Kit’s thoughts and Izzy and Nat participation in this whole situation.
Sorry I wrote so much haha. But yeah, thank you for everything as always!! 💗💗
(P.S. you are definitely spoiling us with 3 chapters in like 4 days!! Not complaining tho…)
Ahhh thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the chapters!! I love hearing all about it so no such thing as writing too much (also, have you seen me and how much I write?? lmaoo) Such a lovely message, thank you so much<3
And yesss I’m so happy to finally have more of Lit’s background in the actual story, about the daymn time! Their dynamics in general are just so fascinating for me to mess with, and it’s fun to figure out how they shift over time in relation to how they grow and things change etc. Like, before Nat, Liam was the youngest and the most ‘babiest’ of them, so all their dynamics adjusted a little with Nat coming in. But like in this sad!kitty one, as much as it was for Kit's benefit this time around, Liam also still needs the moments where he gets to be a whole baby with Kit :( (when they’re not too busy being dude-bros to trigger Izzy & tease Nat lol)
Thehehe I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story as well! I’m afraid Kit had literally like 0 thoughts by the last chapter, but hims a cutie and he was going through it, so we shall give him a break :’) 
Thank you for the sweet message again, I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the chapters! xx
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hcywards · 4 years
jealous — topper thornton
summary: as much as he said he wasn’t, topper thornton really was a jealous guy.
words: 2k+
t/w: mentions of cheating, swearing, mentions of drug use, underage drinking
note: so a large part of this is with the pogues, but like the other half is w topper, and i feel like that’s an even balance. also this is kind of long, and it makes up for the fact that “you’ll be fine” is incredibly short, but it’s pretty shitty and i hate it sooo
     Being the Pogue princess dating the Kook prince’s best friend was difficult in itself, with both Y/N and Topper feeling like they were betraying their families by doing the one thing they’d always been taught not to do. And, for Y/N, it was made even more difficult by the fact that almost all of her friends were guys, and the Kooks hated that.
     They’d never cease the questions of was she cheating on him, which only seemed to be doubled when word got out that Sarah Cameron had cheated on him with one of the Pogue boys she spent so much time with. According to them, it was John B’s fault Sarah had cheated, and he could probably quite easily trick another Pogue into cheating, too.
     Which meant that, every time she hung out with her friends, Topper had to be there to make sure neither Rafe nor Kelce said anything about it, which made things a lot more awkward then they had to be. After all, what girl wants to hang out with her boyfriend, his ex and her ex at the same time? If you do, you’re probably insane.
     This was how it came to her having to sneak around to hang out with her friends alone, no matter how much more suspicious that might seem. It was better than the alternative, because it wasn’t as if she was actually doing anything wrong.
     So, she slipped out of her bedroom early in the morning, leaving Topper still sleeping there from the night before, a note scrawled onto the Post-Its she kept on her nightstand that read “I’m w Kie”. And it wasn’y as if that was a lie, it just wasn’t the whole truth.
     It was seven am when she reached the Chateau, and Pope and Kie were the only ones awake, lazing on either side of the couch and talking. They looked up as Y/N walked in, greeting her with grins and whispered “hi”s — JJ was asleep in the room next door, presumably. And with a girl at his side, no doubt, though she’d be ushered out the second he woke up. She knew the pattern — it’d been nearly two years since they dated, and he’d had a different girl almost every other night since then.
     Y/N glanced to the door he was behind and smiled fondly, rolling her eyes at her best friend.
     “Topper not coming?” Kiara asked curiously.
     Y/N shrugged. “I knew Sarah and JJ were, so I told him I was just hanging out with you.”
     Pope frowned slightly, but didn’t voice whatever he was thinking, and Y/N wandered into the kitchen to get a beer. She came back in with three cans, and tossed the other two at her friends casually.
     “I don’t drink before seven at night, Y/N, you know that,” Pope stated.
     Y/N shrugged, “Suit yourself. Give it to whichever one wakes up first.”
     Those words, coincidentally, were the words John B swung his door open to, Sarah trailing along behind him. The group grimaced, well aware of what had probably gone down before they went to bed, and Pope tossed the beer can to John B, who caught it easily, leaning against the wall and cracking it open.
     Sarah seemed more at ease than usual — presumably because her ex wasn’t there, sulking and making the atmosphere at least ten times more uncomfortable — and leant into John B’s side happily.
     “What’re you peasants planning on doing today, anyway?” Y/N joked, grinning. The rest of the group rolled their eyes, all immediately giving her their quickest retorts.
     “Just because you have a rich boyfriend doesn’t make you royalty, Y/N,” Pope responded.
     Kiara nodded in agreement, adding: “Yeah, and he’s an ass, so. . .”
     “He’s not!” Y/N insisted. “He just hangs out with the wrong people, is all.”
     “Right,” Kiara scoffed. “You are aware he tried to drown John B, right?”
     Y/N sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, I know that, but, in all fairness, JJ was hitting on Sarah.”
     “And he’s ‘not jealous’,” Pope snorted, quoting what he said every time Y/N asked why she had to bring him along when she went to see her friends. Y/N rolled her eyes, wondering whether her boyfriend actually did believe he didn’t get jealous, because it was obvious to everyone else he did — but, then again, Topper could be oblivious to the most apparent of things quite often.
     Y/N knew that first hand, having not been able to get him to understand that she liked him even with the most obvious of signs and having to tell him outright once she grew fed up of hinting at it.
     Hours passed by quickly, a large contrast to the way they did when Topper was with them, and Y/N found herself soon remembering why she loved hanging out with her friends away from the Kooks so much. However, her mind was long from Topper and the Kooks when the sun began to set, and she was entirely focused on talking to JJ, John B and Sarah, Pope and Kie already having head home because both of them had shifts in the morning.
     “—Yeah, and then the cops started chasing us, and JJ was this close to being caught when Y/N tripped him up and made the cop fall over, too,” John B recounted, howling with laughter by the time he’d finished his exaggerated story of one of the group’s many escapades.
     Y/N laughed with him, eyes squeezing shut as she guffawed — and that was probably why she didn’t notice her boyfriend approaching them, the anger burning up his body increasing tenfold with every step.
     He should’ve known this was going to happen, he was telling himself, he should’ve known a Pogue was going to be dirt just like the rest. After all, if Sarah Cameron was a cheating liar, how could he put that past the people so infamously below her? The people he’d always been told he couldn’t trust?
     However, with the anger, there was also the hated side of upset — because, was he not good enough for her? Did he think those Pogues could treat her better than he could? Was that why Sarah left?
     Getting cheated on the first time hurt, yes, but now? Getting cheated on for the second time, and both of the other partners being in the same group? God, that felt worse than anything Topper had ever experienced, and he couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t just angry, like Kelce or Rafe would’ve been. Why did he have to question himself? He wanted to be able to tell himself that if she cheated, that was on her, not him, and he couldn’t have done anything to stop it, but he wasn’t. 
     He practically tore JJ off of the hammock next to Y/N, glaring and ready to beat the shit out of him. JJ just frowned, confused, and that only angered Topper more — had Y/N not even bothered to tell them they were dating?
     That thought was completely irrational, of course. Everyone in the OBX knew that Topper and Y/N were dating, because it wasn’t as if they kept their relationship very private, and, being the island’s so-called Romeo and Juliet (or the star-crossed lovers, as they were often referred to as), they were often the gossip of the town. And, besides, he’d been to the Chateau with her plenty of times before, and they’d kissed in front of the whole group plenty of times, too.
     However, he wasn’t exactly in the mindset to be thinking rationally at that point in time — having just gotten back from spending the day with Rafe, he had had an unhealthy amount of crack, and could barely think at all.
     He pulled JJ so that they were face to face anyway, though, and his words came out a threatening growl: “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Pogue?”
     Y/N frowned, standing up and trying to tug Topper off of the boy — that, however, was seemingly impossible. “Top, what are you doing?”
     At that, he whirled to face her, and suddenly Y/N was cowering underneath his stare, all of the anger that had seconds ago been directed at JJ now aimed at her. “What do you mean, what am I doing? What the fuck are you doing, Y/N? I thought you said you were with Kie? Not sucking up to your ex!”
     Y/N laughed, and Topper’s jaw tensed, but he didn’t move — he could see the way JJ moved to get between them when his anger heightened, and he hated it.
     “It’s not fucking funny, Y/N,” he spat, “I should’ve known you would be a whor—"
     “Before you say anything you don’t mean,” Y/N interjected, “I wasn’t doing anything with JJ, Topper, and you should know that by now. We broke up because we’re more like siblings, and I’m not in to incest. And he was literally just lying on a hammock with me, so can you calm the fuck down?”
     Her voice was surprisingly calm, and it was an immediate soother for Topper, who released the front of JJ’s shirt reluctantly, giving him a warning glance as if to say ‘if I catch you anywhere near her again, I’m going to put your ass underground’, and let his girlfriend drag him off to her car.
     He hated the fact that jealousy was still burning in his gut, and he hated the fact that JJ had the audacity to laugh about it as they left. He didn’t act on that anger, though, and just continued trailing after Y/N, well aware she might just kill him if he did anything but that. He got in the passenger side when she shoved him towards it, and sat there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like a spoilt child.
     Y/N could’ve laughed at him when she jumped into her side, but she didn’t, because Topper was an asshole when he was high, and she didn’t want to get into an argument neither of them meant.
     “Topper, I wouldn’t cheat,” she stated, starting the car even though she knew she probably wasn’t in the right mindset to drive, either. It wasn’t as if she’d never driven drunk before, and she knew what she was doing. Besides, she didn’t want to have the conversation she was about to have in front of the other Pogues.
     He glared at her as he responded: “Why’d you lie about where you were, then?”
     “Because if I told you the truth, you’d come with me, and all of us find it uncomfortable when you’re there,” she answered truthfully. “You know, with Sarah and John B.”
     Topper ran a hand over his face. “Look, I’m sorry, Y/N. I just-- after Sarah, I guess I’m a little more suspicious than usual, and I love you so much, and I know that, like, all of the guys on this island think you’re hot, so you could easily get with someone who isn’t me.”
     “Yeah, but I wouldn’t though, Topper, okay?” Y/N stated as she drove away from the Chateau. “That’s what you have to remember. I wouldn’t.”
     Topper nodded, smiling, and the pair sat in silence for a minute before Y/N spoke up.
     “You know, you always say you don’t get jealous, but you’re always jealous,” she commented absentmindedly, thoughts going back to Pope’s words that morning.
     Topper frowned. “No, I’m not.”
     “Right, so that’s why you were about to get into a fight with JJ?” Y/N asked sarcastically, “Because you weren’t jealous?”
     “Okay, fine. Maybe I am a little. But it’s not my fault all the guys want you, okay?” Topper responded.
     Y/N just laughed, pulling the car to a stop in her driveway. Topper’s hand moved to get the door handle, but she caught his arm before he could manage, and she pulled herself over onto his lap, pressing her lips to his in a messy, passionate kiss. He kissed back quickly, hands moving to her waist to pull her closer.
     As she pulled away, gasping for breath, she whispered: “I’m yours and only yours, Topper Thornton, okay?”
     He nodded, smiling. “Okay.” With that, he was pulling her in for another kiss, grinning against her mouth as he did so.
     God, he was so in love with her.
taglist! there is a form in my description if you would like to be added!
@thorsangel @dpaccione @ceruleanjj @thatsonobx @spilledtee @supremestarkey @babypogue @sadcupofcoffee @sacredto @poguemacking
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schleierkauz · 4 years
The Color of Revenge: Chapter 4
Me: “This story is sooo interesting! Maybe we get to meet one of the witches next? Maybe a chapter from Roxane’s perspective? Maybe some insight into what exactly the Prince is up to? Maybe -” Cornelia Funke: “Anyway here’s Ironstone.”
(This is also your reminder to definitely listen to the official version once we get it because this chapter kinda kicked my ass. If any part of this just straight up makes no sense pls tell me. Enjoy!)
Chapter 4: An unpleasant Companion
Of course Ironstone had lied about his master. Orpheus was very much alive and healthy, aside from his chronically sensitive stomach and flights of migraine, which only served as an excuse to spend hours in bed. Meanwhile Rudolph washed his clothes, cooked, scrubbed the floors and worked himself to the bone with a thousand other tasks.
Orpheus had ordered him to visit Elinor. He had given very specific instructions regarding the order in which they were supposed to visit his old foes. Ironstone was almost done. Only Farid was still missing since he wasn’t in Ombra. He had hidden one of the wooden sticks that Orpheus had given him in the belongings of all the other people he’d visited – under the bed, inside of bags, shoes or clothes.
“What are those for?“ he’d asked as Orpheus had counted the small wooden sticks into the leather bag that had been strapped to Ironstone’s back like a backpack. “Do you want me to try my hand at arson? That’s hardly a good way to kill the Fire-Dancer.”
“It’s none of your concern what those sticks are for,“ Orpheus had answered with his usual air of importance. “Maybe they’ll catch you while you hide them and I don’t want you to be able to reveal my plan.”
Unsettling – but so far no one had caught him. And Ironstone was determined to keep it that way. Orpheus had impressed it upon him that the sticks had to stay with the person they were meant for for two nights. Under no circumstances were they to be discovered before then. So Ironstone had tried his best to find good hiding places. Orpheus could turn very nasty if his orders weren’t followed exactly as he wanted. He had almost drowned Ironstone in his ink once and a few times the glass man had had to visit the glazier for broken off limbs. Not to mention that fit of rage during which his master had chased him through his shabby chambers with a hammer. No glazier would have been able to fix that damage.
Ironstone couldn’t have explained why he stayed with Orpheus despite all of it. Maybe because it was nice to work for a master who was even more devious than he himself.
“Two nights, then you go to collect them again and give them to Baldassare so he can deliver them to their final recipient.”
Baldassare. The man on whose shoulder he’d travelled from Tyrola to Ombra was just as evil, devious and unprincipled as Orpheus himself. He would’ve sold him to the men who fed glass men to fighting dogs in order to sharpen their teeth had Orpheus not made it very clear that he needed Ironstone back unharmed.
Baldassare Renaldesci liked to brag that he’d been a master thief since his fifth birthday and since his eleventh also a very gifted murderer. He claimed to have sent over a hundred men and women to the afterlife – a place that was, according to him, similar to a giant pub, which meant he really just did his victims a favor. The wooden casket in which he kept buttons and belt buckles, cut from the clothes of his victims, was filled to the brim.
“It helps me to remember how many there were,“ he’d explained to Ironstone, obvious pride in his voice. “Most people have no idea how hard it is to kill a grown man and how fiercely some try to defend themselves.”
The casket also contained two gold teeth (Ironstone was grateful that Baldassare didn’t mention where they’d come from) – and a glass eye that was supposed to protect him from the evil eye.
Baldassare’s eyes were brown like those of a cow and most of the time they seemed so dull and disinterested that one might have mistaken them for glass as well.
But appearances could be deceiving.
Baldassare’s cow eyes didn’t miss anything, which made his claim that he’d once been a spy for the duke of Milan at least a little bit more believable.
Anyway – he didn’t bathe often enough, he liked lousy lodgings where the rats were bigger than Ironstone and he loved cheap prostitutes who thought glass men were adorable little pets. Plus, he enjoyed fighting, was constantly high on cheap wine, elf dust and cinderella lentils and wrote bad verses to worse melodies which he considered to be an expression of his untamable genius. To make it short: Ironstone was counting the days until they finished Orpheus’ tasks and he could get off of Baldassare’s filthy shoulder.
At least the weather was a lot more pleasant in Ombra than it was in Bruneck – and there were glass women. And a lot of troubadours and rich merchants who needed glass men. There had been moments when Ironstone had seriously considered not going back to Orpheus. But he had gotten used to him and his black heart. And it wouldn’t be easy to find another master who was so thoroughly supportive of his desires to do evil.
The abandoned house that Baldassare had claimed as their home still had the sign of the Black Death painted on the brittle door, even though it had been 20 years since the plague ravaged Ombra. The empty rooms behind it smelled like mold and rat dung and the glassless windows let in every biting smell that came from the dye baths of the tanners nearby. Flayed skin… Quite appropriate. Orpheus probably had something similar in mind for those who had foiled his plans, even though he kept the specifics a secret.
Baldassare was snoring on a bearskin he’d stolen from the tanners, his fingers white with elf dust. He was a tall, strong man who wore the blurred remains of past beauty on his puffy face. His black hair was a little too black (he dyed it with the foul-smelling liquid the tanners used for their skins) and you could always deduct his last meal by looking at his clothes.
Ah, the world was so unfair! Baldassare would receive a bag of gold for his services while Orpheus’ own loyal (well… somewhat loyal) glass man had to content himself with dry bread, hard cheese and sour wine.
Ironstone tiptoed closer to Baldassare’s sleeping form and pushed his tiny hand into the bag tied to his belt. Ah yes… A few coins were still in there. Surely he wouldn‘t miss just one. Judging by how he wrote down his verses, his skills for counting probably weren’t much better than his spelling. But Ironstone had only just closed his hand around the coin when dirty fingers grabbed him.
“And what do you think you’re doing there, Shard Head?” Baldassare slurred and held Ironstone up in front of his bloodshot eyes. His voice sounded like oil. Warm, rancid oil.
“Should I sell you to one of the travelling merchants who export glass men to Persia and Mauritania, where they have you fight snakes and scorpions? I hear there’s a great demand. Because there’s usual nothing left of your kind but a few splinters.”
Oh yes. Baldassare Renaldesci had a black heart. Maybe it was even darker than that of Orpheus. Ironstone knew that there were a few things Orpheus valued in this world. But he had yet to find anything that inspired such feelings in Baldassare. Except maybe himself, louses and all. And his bad verses.
“I haven’t had a proper meal since yesterday!“ Ironstone shrieked. “I have a right to at least one meal a day! And the sun is already setting!”
“It is?“ Baldassare scratched his paunch and struggled to get on his feet. ”Damn. The Black Prince is holding an audience for all troubadours who want to join him. I want to recite one of my verses.”
“Your verses? You have something else to deliver him, did you forget that?“
They had split Orpheus‘ list up between the two of them. The dead-and-buried-list, as Ironstone liked to call it. Of course Baldassare had made sure that he only had to deal with six of the 14 names on it. His argument had been that Dustfinger, the Black Prince and the young firebug were far more dangerous tasks than the bookworm woman or the old Inkweaver.
After all, the split made the Bluejay and his daughter Ironstone’s responsibility. But Baldassare had just given him a slimy smile and pushed eight of the wooden sticks towards Ironstone.
“Come on, Ire – you attract way less attention than I do“ he’d purred.
Ire, Shard Heard, Pipsqueak, Fog Face (a reference to Ironstone’s foggy gray limbs) – Baldassare had many names for Ironstone and he didn’t like any of them. But he consoled himself with the fact that the nicknames he used for Baldassare were even less flattering.
“Forget? I forget nothing and no one, Shard Head.“ Baldassare pulled the round silver mirror out of his pocket that he treated it with more care than any of his other belongings. “Baldassare,” he murmured as he spat into his hand and smoothed back his dyed hair. “You’re still one handsome devil.”
The silver offered a blurry improvement on reality and the elf dust probably did the rest – there was no other explanation for this judgement. Ironstone was continuously surprised how much vanity hid behind Baldassare’s sleazy appearance. He even owned an ivory comb and a brush for his teeth.
“Oh no, no,“ he said just as Ironstone was about to get comfortable on the bearskin. “You’re coming with me. It looks good when a troubadour has his own glass man.”
Wonderful. Ironstone had been up and about for almost four days and nights to finish his portion of the list.
“The Black Prince doesn’t like me at all!“ he protested when Baldassare grabbed him. “He won’t even want to listen to your verses once he sees me! And then what? Do you want to sacrifice your future fame for Orpheus’ old rivalries?”
Baldassare was usually a very suspicous man but when it came to his stilted verses he believed even excuses as absurd as this one.
“That would be too bad, yes. Ah, va bene, you’re staying here – but get me some new strings for my lute.”
Of course. It wasn’t enough that he tortured the ears of everyone around him with bad verses, he had to follow it up with even worse lute melodies.
“Get them? How?“ Ironstone held his hand out to Baldassare, hoping he would get the hint, but the man just sneered at him.
“How? Steal them!“
Ironstone glanced up to the worryingly fat spider that was lurking in its net under the moist ceiling. He decided to dedicate the rest of the evening not to Baldassare’s or Orpheus’ desires but his own. The street in which Ombras instrument makers worked was south of the tannery streets but Ironstone turned north, towards the seamstresses who made clothes for the wealthier citizens of Ombra… assisted by countless glass women.
(Next chapter)
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groovycatcollector · 4 years
The Wonderfully Right, And The Horribly Wrong (Daryl Dixon Love story)
Summery: After losing her brother and his wife, one young woman is left on her own, caring for a new born and trying to survive. After being taken in to a community after years of mistrust, how will she adapt, and what effect will a certain archer have on her. Starts the last episode of season 5
Warnings: slow-burn, angst, eventual fluff, violence, strong language. ptsd, age gap
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x OFC
Chapter 9
I had decided to stay awake after one of the baby’s feeds, I had told Maggie I’d help her planting some veg, considering food supplies were running low. I had time before I would go to the infirmary and my mind was still buzzing with distrust for Alexandria. But knowing I should stay for the baby I did, wanting to give him a better chance, so I occupied my days, distracting myself from my gut screaming at me that something was gonna go wrong.
The sun was just lightening the sky without making an appearance, so it was cool enough to work. I was already to go; food packed, baby fed and in a basket, just my hair.
I was standing in front of a mirror in the sitting room. I couldn’t brush it, it was too curly and it would only puff it up more. My last hair elastics broke last night so I stared helpless at the ringlets in the mirror. I could shave my head?
I’m not shaving my head …
After deciding not to shave my head, I graded a pencil (Something one of my older sisters had thought me) and twisted it and weaved it into my hair; leaving me with a low bun. It wouldn’t keep it off my neck but it would stay out of my face. Deciding that was enough for me I wrapped my new found scarf around my head once, making sure to secure my baby hairs and front strands in the fabric. Tying it at the base of my neck around the bun, leaving the flimsy material falling loosely at my shoulder blades.
 “One Russian name and one normal name?” Maggie confirmed, using her foot too glide the spade into the ground. “Yep, family tradition, honour the grandparents” I grunted, following suit. The sun had risen, and oh mama it was hot. We had started working before dawn, so we had a few tomatoes plants in the ground, and the conversation has drifted to the Christening tomorrow, and the lack of a name.
I’m guessing Maggie was also tired with an aching back by her strained reply “I don’t know many Russian names so you’ll have to excuse my lack of input there”. I huffed with a smile “I was thinking maybe Luke? Does he look like a Luke to you” I straightened glanced at the baby, who at this stage couldn’t really crawl; only sat there content with his big hat. Maggie halted, turning to look at him clumsily pulling out grass “He could be a Luke”
I decided to test it out “Hey” I called at the oblivious infant “You think you’re a Luke?” Waiting a moment, looking as he tried to put a blade of grass into his mouth before it fell from his weak grip. “Okay not Luke” I announced before bending back over continuing my work.
We were quiet concentrating for a few more minutes. “You thought of any names for yourself?” I asked, whipping a bead of sweat from my neck. The sound of shovels scratching threw dirt filled my ears before she gathered an answer. “Haven’t really thought about it yet, suppose it’s still early days” She said, focusing her eyes on the ground.
I nodded “Just be careful you don’t end up like me, waiting for the day before you have to name him” She chuckled at that.
 When the sun got high I wondered over to the infirmary. I was reading a book I snagged from the hippie on natural herbs, writing out Denise’s beloved Short Cuts on a sheet of paper for each herb. Luckily not many were sick, so besides writing all of my useless information I just tidied up. It was nice, I felt like it was summer vacation and I was down at my Grandpa’s practice.
Denise and I sat on the porch, still in the shade. She looked off long fully in the distance at Tara on post while I quizzed her on her spread sheet. We had come up with a routine of cleaning, testing cheat sheets, cleaning again, and home time (If no one came in of course)
“Infection” I called out agents the hot air. Denise groaned, flopping back onto the wooden panels.  “No, I’m sick of this” she exclaimed rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands. I was sick of it too in all honesty. I lay next to her book on my chest “Yeah me too” I admitted staring up at the white porch roof. I glance across at her, she reminded me of Sonya, just getting in her head all the time, and trying to pull it all together for other people.
“How’re things with Tara?” I asked, somewhere between genuinely curious and just making small talk. “They’re fine, we moved in together” She sighed. Oh shit big step.
 Hold the fuck up that’s a very big step. I bolted up right “What the fuck, I see you ever single day for the past five weeks and you didn’t say anything?” I starred, mouth wide open.
Denise shrugged defensively “I dunno Nina I didn’t think it was that important” My eyes darted to Tara who stood on the watch tower. I scoffed, repeating her “Not a big deal” before lay back down. It was quiet for a moment, just listening to the baby babbling in his highchair before Denise broke the pause in dialogue.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you” She said, putting her face in my direction but still not meeting my eyes. “I guess I was kinda scared how you’d react” She paused, biting her lips thinking “With you being so religious and all”
I narrowed my eyes, not fully understanding her meaning before it all clicked into place, which caused an eruption of laughs burst from my stomach. She looked at me bewildered before I could catch my breath, whipping a tear away from my eye. 
“Dude” I gasped “Dude I’m catholic not an asshole” Her look of shock, followed by a small chuckle of relief calmed me a little.
I lolled my head to look at her “So you’re not homophobic” She asked still chuckling, I offered her a smile before leaning in and whispering “Not an asshole” while putting my hand on hers while we lazily starred up at the roof. I liked Denise, she reminded me of what it was like to have a sister, even if she presumed I was an asshole.
“Sooo” She sang, just as my mind was beginning to wander too far into sadder thoughts. “What’s going on with Daryl?” She cocked on eyebrow teasingly.
Confusion shocked my body, now I definitely didn’t expect that. I got on with Daryl, but I don’t think I’m into him “what about him?” I asked, cautiously.
I’ve gotten too comfortable here, just the hint of romantic relationships got my palms sweating. Now it was Denise’s turn to let a giggle “Are you kidding? You guys are always looking at each other and I see you guys early mornings talking to each other” Her nose was scrunched up like a kid tattling on their friend to teacher.
It’s true we had made a routine of crossing paths when I would feed the baby, and we would get up to hunt or get ready for a run. I just never figured it would spark town gossip.
“We are not always looking at each other” I said defensively. She scoffed sitting up “Nina you both are constantly gazing at each other from across the street!” I sat up next to her leaning agents the wall, her crossed legged and my arms resting on my bent knees. What in tarnation, gazing? I don’t gaze, I’m a Price and we’re not a gazing family
“We do not gaze”
“Then why are you getting so defensive”
“I’m not getting defensive”
Denise through her hands up in the air in defeat “Okay okay nothings going on, shouldn’t have asked” She looked down rubbing her palms together after I thanked her. Suddenly her face contorted in a smile “Say…” She sounded way too pleased with herself for this to end well.
“What are you doing later today?” Shit. I chewed my lip “I’m going helping with the cars” I answered bluntly, trying not to show just how completely she caught me.
“And who is it again who’s doing the cars today?” I hope that smile was hurting her face, it was far too big. My shoulders slouched in defeat, trying to hide my smile, my signal of “You got me” as Denise burst out laughing.
“You” She said, pushing my shoulder making me wobble “Are full of shit” I barely got to mumble a ‘Am not’ before the doctor continued her sentence “And I think you two would be cute”
“Fuck off”
Me and Daryl, that’s weird, crazy even. Just because I get on with someone who’s reasonably attractive and single doesn’t mean I’m attracted to them
Even if I just said they were attractive. Not the point.
I’m gonna go in there, and be cool, chilled, just doing car stuff. And I’m a friendly person, I’m friendly with everyone. Sure I spent a little more time with him but so what?
 I walked into the garage seeing Daryl with his head under the hood of one of the cars. His back was covered by a black vest top but his shoulders were glistening with the sweat, and his hair was damp and sticking agents his neck; obviously not enjoying the summer heat.
“Hey, need any help” I asked, putting the baby on the floor “I know a thing or two about cars” I leaned agents the car and peered into the engine, seeing it had all its parts.
“Had a boyfriend that was into cars?” He taunted, still not looking at me, knowing it would get on my nerves.
“My daddy was a mechanic” I clarified. He shot me a glance from behind the dirt and oil that covered his face “Thought you’d been more into them pageants” His mouth came up in a half smile, just flashing his teeth.
A wicked grin grew on my face “Oh yeah, real big into thoughts, won a few too” I hoped he could pick up on my sarcasm, pushing him over so I could get a better look at the valves threw the walker blood “But that’s only because I slept with the judges” I looked up and gave him a big smile but the look on his face ment I couldn’t hold back a laugh “Dann I never thought I’d see you look shocked” I said, slapping him on his back. See? Friendly.
Then a grumble past his lips “Always knew you’d be easy” Without looking up I punched his arm.
Sonya was into Pageants, real good. She won a scholarship to a nursing school in New York kinda good.
“You’d wanna know” I said, sticking my hand into the slimy shit stuck in the engine and pulling it out.
 Just too buds, having laughs, no feelings.
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part ten Part eleven
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meimi-haneoka · 4 years
LOL....Chapter 42.
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I mean, I might have become quite boring by now because ALL the chapters I use these shocked gifs, but.....I can’t help it, every time the chapters bring some shocking factor!! XD
Let me just start this reaction post with one happy announcement:
Remember my battles against illegal early spoilers on the internet? How it hurt the fandom (because people who wanted to wait for the official release were forced to avoid social media or block stuff) and the franchise as well?
Well, I’m glad to announce that chapter 42 has been the first chapter ever to not have any early spoilers leaked before the official releases, ever since Clear Card started in July 2016. It took almost 4 years and a revolution by the hands of CLAMP to obtain this result (with the early release of chapters FOR FREE on the official website in 6 languages).
Beware, I’m not celebrating just yet because next month we may get spoilers circulating again, but this chapter was really nice to be discovered all together, legally, without hurting anyone? It was a nice feeling and since it seems we might be approaching the finale, I think it’s important that we enjoy these chapters all together in a proper way.
Well, after this introduction, let’s delve into Chapter 42 of Clear Card!!
Kaito is a walking dead man
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I loved the color splash page. It always makes me happy to see Akiho and Sakura together, but this time the theme is a lot more serious. This is getting intense and the color page reflects that. This is also the first black background in a while, I always loved illustrations with black background even in the old manga.
Sooo last chapter we were left with Sakura overthrowing Kaito’s time magic and still conscious and moving. And shocked to see Syaoran and Kaito fighting. Of course Kaito needs to put a patch on this, because he knows Sakura is that powerful, but he doesn’t want her to know any of this, so he starts to “attack” her with time magic, I believe? And prince charming cleverly thinks that he might better call forth the strongest Sakura Cards in the deck, just to be sure to protect Sakura adequately. Even Kaito recognizes that was a wise move. Sakura is more confused than ever, behind the spirit shield formed by Light & Dark.
Syaoran is so fucking fed up with this that he demands to know why Kaito is here in Tomoeda. He candidly admits that he wants Sakura to produce the new Cards. Syaoran is like “No shit, Sakura’s already been producing a shitton of cards” “But she hasn’t produced the one I want”. When Syaoran asks which card that would be, Mr. I-am-an-asshole-and-I-know-it replies “If I told you that, I fear you’d get terribly angry”
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Guys, the glare Syaoran gives Kaito after this one is like.......death sentence. The amount of rage accumulated in this short kid is frightening. Syaoran might be cool and composed, but y’all remember his temper at the beginning of the old manga, right? That wasn’t “just because”, it’s still part of his personality XDD he was taming his rough sides of his personality for Sakura, but for Sakura he’s well ready to pull them out at any convenience.
Meanwhile, we aren’t sure if Sakura is listening to the heated conversation or not, but I think she isn’t because she keeps shouting “what’s going on?? What happened??” even after Kaito straight up said he’s after her Cards. Seeing her struggling and reaching from behind Light & Dark, who are restraining her, is kinda.....giving me TRC war flashbacks. Yes. You might have seen the tweet that is making me earn lots of “WHY CINZIA”, but I’m like this, I’m an ugly bitch who needs to suffer in company. I’ll make a separate TRC/CCS comparison post after ages, for this. XD
The highlight of the chapter
Kaito reveals that he knows that Syaoran came back to Japan after his mother had a divination of the future that he absolutely needs to stop. And, at that moment, ladies and gentlemen....
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This is a huge thing because a character that was exclusively in the anime canon-verse (even though that line has been more and more flimsy lately) appeared in the manga too. Syaoran’s mother, and the Li family in general, were often mentioned both in the old and new manga series, but CLAMP somehow were always careful to never show any graphical portray of it. Now, finally, after so long, we have Yelan appearing in the manga too, and she’s exactly like her anime counterpart. Regal, elegant, beautiful. I was literally trembling with excitement when I saw her!! It was.....gosh it was huge.
But one has to wonder: how the hell does Kaito knows about all this stuff? How much did he investigate on the Li family? It’s kinda easy to imagine when he could do that: for a period, Akiho and Kaito lived in Hong Kong. Right before coming to Japan.
We get, thanks to Kaito, the confirmation that nor he, nor Syaoran, were born with the gift of seeing the future. Kaito can, if he follows all the steps, see some glimpses till a certain degree, but nothing comparable to someone specialized in divination art, let alone a yumemi. Here it is, the cursed term so dear to CLAMP, indicating the ones who can see the future in dreams. Kaito says that Sakura can indeed see the future playing out in her dreams, but it’s a future far from being set in stone. She’s basically a beginner yumemi, with confusing and fragmented visions, I’d say. But when she will grow up, she will be a fully fledged yumemi. Kaito says that it’s for the strong people to decide how the future will go. And here we find again the thematic so dear to CLAMP, the future and the choices made to let it go in a direction, or another one. Kaito starts to call forth the Tina Rie Triax spell. Syaoran is like “the hell I’m letting you get away like this” and is preparing to counter-attack with Raitei Shorai, when The Queen™ decides she had enough and screams “NOOO!”, calling her staff on the spot and activating her power towards Syaoran, switching places with him! She literally forced him out of the picture and took his place!! 
The Queen takes agency
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LOOK AT THAT FACE! LOOK AT IT WELL. It’s the same determination she had in this scene:
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I knew we would see the results of that determination. When she saw the boy she loves risking his life with someone who was attacking him, she took agency and went to the front row.
You can’t keep Sakura in the sidelines like that.
Kaito is quite suprised by the move. Maybe because he doesn’t understand love or because he didn’t think she would take agency. Either way, Sakura is pointing her staff at him, the same way Syaoran was pointing his sword at him moments ago. You don’t mess with this child, Kaito.
And he must certainly know, because he mutters “That’s too bad” and rewinds time, basically chickening out of the picture. XD
Sakura is back with Tomoyo, Akiho, Sonomi and her father, but she knows something is wrong, and she walks away from them for a while to give birth to a new card!! TRANSFER is the name, and it’s the power she used to switch places with Syaoran. The fact is, she doesn’t remember nor she understands why the hell this card is here. 
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While at home Kaito thinks to himself (smile always present but blatantly a mere mask) that he needs to hurry up or he’ll be in a fucking big mess because Sakura resisted his time-stopping magic and the Clear Card survived the time rewinding, Sakura at her own home is a nervous wreck. She calls Syaoran because she has the feeling she saw Light & Dark, they don’t remember, but Syaoran confirms that he feels something is off and has the feeling someone made them forget something. Sakura closes the call promising that she would inform him of anything that would come to her mind, but as she inadvertently knocks her Clear Cards off, they all fall facing backwards, save for one: BREAK.
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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how Chapter 42 ends. Leaving us wondering why Sakura is making this dismayed face. She’s either taking it as a bad omen, or she’s remembering what she saw when she captured BREAK, and what caused the birth of the card in the first place. Not only a soulless Akiho talking nonsense in a pretty dress, but also her boyfriend under the robe of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure. Seemingly about to hurt an unconscious Akiho. That is still an open wound in Sakura’s heart, and it’s pretty clear here.
Guys, what can I tell you, this chapter has been a mixture of wonderful surprises, painful TRC recalls, frustrating time rewindings that show us how Sakura and Syaoran are slowly realizing and fighting Kaito’s fuckery with time....I know a good chunk of the fandom doesn’t like this give-and-take-away, it always seems like the final battle is here, but we are tricked everytime. And yet, I do believe that once the story will be over, and after some time we’ll go back to read Clear Card, the time rewindings will show clearly how gradually Sakura was able to overcome and overthrow Kaito’s magic: first it was a finger, then it was an unexplicable sadness, now a new card and the impression to have seen things, and a general uneasiness because something feels off. The kids were even capable of realizing that they were made to forget something. I bet this graduality will feel more interesting and exciting when we’re not forced to wait 1 month between chapters.
Let me know what you think, too!
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
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A confrontation between friends.
Feat: Eventide Twister
Story and Description Under The Cut
The day passing around Eventide felt near unbearable. No one had to say anything for her to know what they were thinking. In fact, no matter the class, Eventide’s peers chose to say nothing to her altogether. However, this was different from every single pony simply minding their own business, or them not being in the loop of what had transpired. No. The passing glances she could see from the corner of her eyes, the soft murmurs and the way no one looked at her or met her gaze when she did try to read her surroundings. She was being ignored. Eventide sat through each class stiffly. No matter how much she tried to comfort herself, to tell herself that not every kid was judging her for her outburst or that this was temporary, it was like her mind was warning her that danger could be anywhere; that any one of these kids could be judging her, intent on shutting her out. And she did try to let her guard down once a little earlier. Just a little, in an effort to just pretend nothing had happened a few class periods earlier. But upon leaving her desk to grab a textbook, she had returned to her seat only to find a single ripped note laying on her chair. Written on it was a single word: Snitch. Dread consumed her. She didn’t dare look around her then. She couldn’t handle the thought of seeing anyone look at her with a glare or a sneer. Since then, her body had made sure to stay painfully tense, her stomach churning over every paranoid thought. The school day felt endless. It was a near miracle that she made it through without a single teacher addressing her or noticing anything. All she had wanted was to get to the end of the day, even if it filled her with apprehension. Because now, it was time to face the one pony who had taken over her every thought since that morning. Eventide knew where to find her. The young pegasus waited until the students around her had filed out of the building and the sound of a bell signified the beginning of after school clubs for the older grades. She then quietly traversed to one lone hallway at one of the furthest corners of the school. It was the hall for the kindergartners, understandably on the complete opposite side of the facility from where the club classrooms were. The door Eve knew from deep within her memory was one of the last doors in the hall, presently open compared to every closed door around it. She chose to bypass the door, as far away as possible to avoid detection. She forced herself to block out the noises of chairs and tables moving inside the classroom, as well as the two voices engaged in friendly conversation within. Wooden cubbies lined the opposite wall and ended just before the hallway’s emergency exit. Moving towards the corner that was adjacent to her old kindergarten classroom, sitting there in wait, Eventide couldn’t help but stare at the empty cubbies. In an attempt to distract herself, she read the little alphabetical stickers on them. Cubbies M and N. Those had been her and Heather’s cubbies. Side by side, it was where the young fillies would cheerfully greet each other every single morning. They would happily chat and share giggles as they trotted into their classroom together. The thought of her childhood friend sent a rush of anxiety through her, reinforcing why she was there in the first place. Answers. She needed to understand what had happened, and what was going through Heather’s head. How could she-...why would she pretend to not know her? A part of Eventide’s mind prodded at her, as if it knew the answer. But she refused to acknowledge it. She needed to hear it from Heather herself. Eventide waited in her corner, on edge from sheer anticipation. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before she heard louder hoofsteps approach the door of the classroom from within. She felt her muscles clench, only to relax ever so slightly as her old teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, stepped out. Eventide had prepared something to say in the off chance she was spotted and questioned by the older mare. Luckily for her, the kind earth pony was preoccupied, turning immediately into the hallway with her saddlebag in tow. Taking one more right into the next hallway, she was soon out of sight. And now, the seconds ticked on. Any moment and- The lights flicked off, and Heather Tart finally stepped out of the classroom, turning around to close the door behind her. She appeared just as tired as Eventide had remembered seeing her the other day, but also bored. As the other filly turned into the hallway, ready to leave, Eventide jumped to her hooves. For once, she didn’t hesitate. “Heather!” The filly stopped in her tracks, her head perking up. Yet she didn’t turn around right away, a detail that only unnerved Eventide. She was ready to repeat her friend’s name, stopping herself when she barely caught the filly muttering to herself. Reluctantly, Heather turned just enough to look at the pegasus, giving Eventide a cautious look. Even her voice was stoic as she spoke; “You know….I had a feeling you’d try to talk to me. But I sure was hoping you wouldn’t.” Eventide’s confusion and fear returned to her with full force in that instant. “What’s going on?” Somehow, she managed a step forward, gazing into her friend’s eyes desperately. “W-why...didyoulietoyourfriendsaboutknowingme?” Silence. For a moment the two fillies simply stared at each other. That calculating look was back in Heather’s magenta eye. Suddenly, she smiled. It was one of those plastered, pleasant smiles, the kind Eve would always see her wearing non-stop around most ponies. It did nothing to ease her concern. Heather’s chipper tone, just an octave higher from her normal voice, only fed her unease. “Sooo I’ve been thinking for a while now. You and me? We’ve obviously just grown to be way too different!” It was like Heather was trying to smile apologetically, yet for Eventide it only looked strained. “I just think it’s time we split from each other. Lead our own lives! You understand, right Eve?” Eventide had never felt so deeply unsettled. “Of course I don’t!” she exclaimed in her distress. Heather’s eye twitched, yet Eventide pushed on, her ears flattening against her head. “If I m-made you mad, I’m sorry...b-butwe’resuppose’totalkaboutthesethings, right? I wanna make this right-” “UGH, STOP!” Eventide pulled her head back, shocked by Heather’s shout. The filly was scowling, hackled raised. But just as quickly Heather forced herself to close her eyes, deeply breathing in and exhaling through her mouth. Opening her eyes she gave Eventide a harsh stare, all friendliness gone, and...revealing something far more bitter. “Do you think I was lying when I told them I wasn’t comfortable near you? Because I wasn’t.” she spat. Only now did she fully turn towards Eve. She lifted her head high, staring Eventide down. “You try way too hard, and you draw in all the wrong attention. But I have an image to establish. You get it, don't you? I can’t get to the top if I’m being held down.” Heather grew silent again, eyeing Eventide in a way that sharpened the stinging pang in her. Eventide fought to find her words, only managing a weak stammer. “B-but...we’re best friends.” It was clear the filly didn’t like that answer. Heather’s eyes grew icy, narrowing. “Do I seriously have to spell it out for you?” Heather took a single, intimidating step forward, never breaking her cold, irritated stare. “You’ll never be on my level. You’re below me. If you really need me to say it, I’m looking down on you.” Eventide froze. Heather on the other hoof simply looked her up and down from where she stood. “What more do I have to say for you to get that I’m done with you.” Eventide breathed in shakily. ...deep down, she knew. A part of her deep inside - one she had always convinced herself was only insecurity and paranoia - had suspicions that Heather didn’t see her as an equal. But she never wanted to believe it. Every moment they spent talking and laughing together, she wanted to believe the respect she felt for her friend was a feeling that was reciprocated. She didn’t realize how deep of a fear this was until now, confirmed right before her. It felt like her stomach was giving out, and her chest clenched painfully like there was a vice forcing the breath out of her. She struggled to find her voice with her throat tightening. Yet she managed. “How can you say that?!” Eventide croaked, her voice cracking as tears pricked her eyes. Heather appeared to flinch at the sound, momentarily taken aback. And then something snapped. Her expression contorted, twisting into an ugly snarl. “BECAUSE YOU’RE ANNOYING! BECAUSE YOU’RE EMBARRASSING TO BE AROUND AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!” Even as Eventide recoiled, stumbling back a few steps, Heather jutted a hoof towards her, scowling fiercely. “You play this shy little girl and then you force everyone to keep up with you every time you open your mouth and no one wants that! It’s such a pain! But everyone’s just too nice to hurt your feelings. I tried being patient all these years, but you never, ever change! You’re still such a kid! Now you’ve gone and opened your mouth over something stupid and guess what? Now you’re just a…a pest to everyone! And I can’t be associated with some pest.” Heather heaved a breath, her steam slowly running out. She was back to lifting her head defiantly. “Unlike you, my image matters. If you’d just listened to me and kept your annoying mouth shut, we wouldn’t even be in this situation.” Heather rolled her eyes, her voice rising and falling into something mocking as she tossed her head about. “But you’re miss sensitive! Here I am, exhausting myself and obviously stressed, and you only think about yourself and don’t even consider how I’d be affected if things went wrong. So thanks." Never before had Eventide felt sick to her stomach, every muscle in her body strained. Whatever look of misery Eventide wore only drew out more of Heather’s distaste and discomfort. The filly scoffed, looking away. “Don’t give me that look. You asked for my honesty. And there it is. It’s not my fault if you can’t handle it.” Shaking her head, Heather turned away, though not before giving Eventide an unsympathetic look from the corner of her eye. “Just so you know, if you try to whine about me and try to ruin my name, it will come back to bite you. If you’ve learned anything, don’t talk to me.” Eventide quivered in place. She feebly watched as Heather began to walk away. That is, before the other filly paused. “...in fact...maybe just don’t talk at all.” Heather quietly snorted to herself.  “Save yourself and everyone the embarrassment.” With that, she was gone. With little effort, Heather strode away and turned into the next hallway out of sight. At first Eventide was left dazed, staring blankly after her image. She blinked at the tears that blurred her vision and slipped down her cheeks. In the hallway’s silence, she only then realized her unsteady breathing. ‘Why… Why...?” Blinking rapidly back into reality, her eyes darted around. Desperate. Lost. It was then that the very last bell of the day rung alarmingly loud, signaling the end of the after school clubs. A jolt of panic ripped through Eventide’s body, her quick breaths audible as her head whipped around. She spotted the small cranny from before, the space between the end of the cubbies and the corner of the hall. As quickly as she could, she scrambled into the corner. As her back pressed against the outer wall of the smooth wooden shelves, she could feel her heart pounding against her rib cage, her head spinning at a rate that made her feel light-headed. Immediately she heard sounds far down the hall. It was the sounds of doors opening, and distant chatter as kids roamed out of the classrooms to return home. Sitting in her cramped corner, Eventide realized how weak her legs felt, any energy she had left slipping away. She leaned in close to the wall, her only comfort being its cold, cooling surface against her body. And all at once, she realized just how alone she was. As a sob rose to her throat, Eventide quickly lifted her hooves to her mouth, smothering the sound as it escaped. And it was then that the relentless ache in her chest became far too much for her. Eve shut her eyes tight, soft cries releasing from her muzzle. She fought to muffle them all the same, pressing her hooves firmly against her mouth as she buckled over on herself. She prayed for nothing more than to vanish right then and there.
To anyone who’s ever had a friend that you felt you had to walk on glass around; someone who made you feel belittled, or small. Someone who made you feel like you weren’t enough, or made you feel like you had to change or hide aspects of yourself to be. Or to anyone who's ever had someone thoughtlessly abuse your trust and their “honesty” to damage you.
You’re seen.
There’s that age old question of whether you should “always be honest”. Being upfront and truthful for your own well being or for someone else’s sake is of course ideal. But I can tell you from experience that “honesty” doesn’t mean lashing out at someone you care about, spewing vile, hurtful things that don’t benefit them or your relationship just because “that’s how you feel”.
Words can cause tremendous damage when used carelessly. ….but when they’re not, they have a much greater potential. And that’s what fuels Eventide’s arc. And what inspired it. So now you know the full story behind what becomes Eventide’s selective mutism and anxiety disorder. This isn’t the end of the past arc, of course. If there’s any comfort, one factor in this mess will receive justice in the next chapter.
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fatestemptress · 6 years
Paramount Remembrances - Chapter 6
Summary: Dean Winchester has reached a point in his life where he doesn’t have many firsts left to fulfill.  Except maybe falling in love.  This is the story of how he got there. Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut.  Oral (male & female receiving). Dry humping.  Backseat sex. Teaching/Guiding.  Rough Sex.  Mild Dom & Sub dynamics.  Angst. 18 Plus ONLY! Pairings: Young Dean x OFC, Dean x OFC, Dean x Reader (Eventually) Word Count On this Chapter: 6,740 (Sorry?)
Please note, this is unbeta’d.  Any and all grammatical errors are mine.  (And I’m sure there are PLENTY. :)) 
A/N: Sooo, it seems like I can’t keep these chapters short anymore.  Apologies?  LOL. 
Thank you to all that have liked, commented and reblogged. It truly makes my day and gets me so excited to continue. 
Dean was twenty-nine when he realized he needed to be in control…..and when someone taught him letting go was even better.
Dean knew all about pain, suffering, screaming in agony when no one would hear him.
Dean knew all about inflicting that same pain on someone else.
Dean also knew the shame of liking that pain and burying it deep inside of him under the proverbial lock and key, never letting it come to the surface of his life.
Because Dean had been in Hell.
And even though he was now out and about and mingling in the world of the living, he had to fight every day to maintain his sanity.  To push his worst nightmares somewhere in the back of his dark mind and keep up the façade of the old Dean Winchester.  
But Dean felt that pain every day.  
And every day he still smiled at his brother and flirted with cute waitresses and basically made an ass of himself whenever he could as he desperately tried to chase that darkness away.
It wasn’t until he and Sammy were on a case that brought them to an S&M club in Nevada called Purgatory that he realized that there may be something better to take the darkness away.
Standing in the closed club at nine in the morning, in his Fed suit, a pad and pen in his hand, he tried so hard to listen to the statement the chick with a leather bustier and a nose ring that had a chain that attached to an earring was giving Sam but his eyes kept straying to the rack behind her.
The rack that eerily reminded him about his time down below.
And it was taking everything in him not to shudder in a mixture of disgust and something else.
Something he would never tell Sammy or anyone for that matter.
Those dark feelings that never wanted to truly go away and seemed to rear their ugly head in the worst moments.
“Dean?  Dean you okay?”
His brothers voiced knocked him  out of his staring contest with what he knew was an inanimate object across the room but it may as well have been breathing and waving at him jauntily for all the life he was giving it with his mind’s eye.
“Uh, yeah.  Yeah, I’m fine.”  He turned back to Nose Ring and cleared his throat before asking, “So, to summarize, you saw nothing, you heard nothing and you happened to stumble on the body when it was time to close up shop?”
Nose Ring rolled her overly lined eyes and pursed her lips, “No.  What I said was I didn’t hear anything because the music gets pretty loud in here and the private rooms can get a little wild so even if I did hear something, I wouldn’t have suspected that someone was getting their heart torn out of their chest.”
“And what about security footage?”
Dean saw Sam give him a strange look as Nose Ring gave him an exasperated one, “Like I just said, Dude, we don’t have security footage in the hallway for private rooms.  What we got is footage over the doorway for that hallway.  That’s it.”
Exasperated with his inability to stop staring at the various instruments of voluntary torture surrounding him, Dean turned his anger on Nose Ring, “First of all, don’t dude me.  You can address me as Agent or you can address me as Sir, whatever the fuck you prefer.  Second, can the attitude.  A man died here last week and from what I understand no one can tell us a Goddamn thing as to who may or may not have killed him, so if I want to ask the same damn questions fourteen fucking times, I will.”
Immediately, Nose Ring’s eyes cast down and she pointedly looked at Dean’s chest as she answered him with a meek, “Yes, Sir.  I’m sorry, Sir.”
Dean’s breath caught in his throat for the longest thirty seconds of his life as he saw all the will drain out the girl in front of him.  
And damn him if his cock didn’t twitch in his pants at the sight.
Sam cleared his throat a little uncomfortably, giving Dean a look, “Uh, it’s fine, Natalie.  Please ignore my partner.  He, uh, didn’t have his coffee yet and it makes him a little cranky.  Who can we speak to about getting the security footage you do have?”
A door creaked open from behind them and a melodic voice rang out, “You can speak to me.  I’m the owner.”
Dean and Sam turned around to face the woman walking towards him.  Dean heard Sam take a deep gulp and he wondered if his dumbfounded expression mirrored his own.  
Long wavy auburn hair cascaded down her back and framed a pair of intense bright blue eyes.  But what caught Dean’s attention was the way her body was encased in a one piece leather catsuit.  Laces lined the sides at her hipbones revealing smooth creamy skin in between the criss cross pattern.  Matching laces criss crossed over her chest and framed high full breasts.
Sam’s mouth opened then closed as he stared and then blinked before he tried to look everywhere but at the woman in front of him.  Meanwhile, as Dean’s eyes finished their trek from the point of her black patent leather stiletto heels to the top of those breasts, he raised them up to meet her gaze head on.
“Miss Shayla!” Natalie squeaked, “I didn’t want to interrupt.  But these men-.”
Shayla flicked her gaze over to Natalie and he watched them soften, “It’s fine, Natalie.  Why don’t you see if Mr. Smith in room one needs more water before he leaves, hmm?”
Natalie nodded as she looked down to the floor, “Yes, Ma’am.”  She answered as she scuttled past them and through the door her boss had just come through.    
“So, gentleman, from what I heard, you are looking for security footage?  May I ask your names?”
Sam cleared his throat and scratched behind his ear before bringing out his Fed badge as Dean did the same, “Uh, yes, I’m Agent Young and this is my partner, Agent Bonham.”
Shayla glanced at their badges and nodded, “My apologies for not being here earlier gentleman.  I had an early appointment and was unaware that you would be coming in today to investigate.”  She gestured a hand towards her outfit, “Hence, the clothing.”
Dean licked the inside of his lip, “When you say appointment, you mean you had some poor sucker tied up in there actively asking for you to beat him and paying for it?”
Shayla smiled at Dean cajolingly, “When I say appointment, I mean, I have a client who asks for discretion and unless he is a part of this investigation, I suggest we move on to what you need.”
Oh, if she only knew what he needed right now.
Sam smiled, making sure to flash her a dimple, as he once again gave Dean a look of recrimination, “Of course Ma’am.  So, about that camera footage…”
The whole time Shayla and Sam pulled up the needed footage at the front desk of the club, Dean remained quiet and tried his best not to stare a hole into the lovely Shayla’s head. Between actively trying not to stare at the contraptions around the room and the exposed skin of Shayla’s body, Dean was giving himself a migraine with all of this ‘not looking’ he was doing.
“Thank you, Ma’am.” Sam was saying as he pocketed the memory stick he had downloaded the footage of that night on, “If we need anything, we’ll be sure to give you a call.”
Shayla nodded her head at Sam and as they both made their way to the exit, her voice rang out, “Agent Bonham?  May I have a word with you please?”
Sam stopped in his tracks as Dean raised an eyebrow at her in question, “Yeah?”
Millions of thoughts ran through his head and he tried to figure out what she could possibly want with him.  He didn’t think his silence would equate as charm so it’s not like she was enamored by that.
Sam held back a small smile as he grasped his brother by the shoulder and gave it a pat, “I’ll, uh, be at the car.”  
Once Sam was out the door, Dean turned back to Shayla with a questioning gaze, “Soooo, what can I do for you?”
Shayla’s hips swayed as she glided towards him, her manner changing in the steps she took towards him, aggression suddenly leaking off of her curvy frame, “It’s not what you can do for me, Agent.  It’s what I can do for you.”
Some of his cockiness returned and he lifted his lips in a half smirk, “Oh yeah?  And what’s that?”
She stopped directly in front of him, so close he could smell the musky perfume she wore, “I saw you looking at the toys we have here.  And it was with more than a passing interest, Agent.”
Dean’s smile dropped, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She raised one delicate eyebrow as her fingers toyed with the end of one of the laces at her chest, “Oh yes, you do.”  She turned and sashayed towards the rack in the corner that had been taunting him earlier.
For the first time, he saw the back of her outfit and he took in the roundness of her firm, high ass encased in the leather she was wearing.  On anyone else, on any other day, he would have appreciated the show but when she ran her hands over the metal bars framing the rack, that thick feeling hit him in the gut again and he swallowed.  Hard.
“Is there something you want, Agent?”  She said in a low tone, before she reached down and ran her hands up and down the metal bars suggestively, her blue eyes burning into his, “Perhaps something you need?”
Dean took a deep breath, and forced his face into a scowl, “I don’t submit.  If that’s what you’re asking.”
Shayla gave him a dark smile and turned, leaning against the metal bars, “You sure about that?”
With a contemplative smile, Shayla crossed her arms in front of her, “Well, I heard you make poor Natalie almost cream in her panties earlier.  That was very interesting.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“That twenty-something little darling that was here talking to you gentleman before?  She’s a submissive.  And she loves when a man gets all growly on her.  And when I heard you through the door, I thought for sure you were a natural Dom but then I come out here and you can’t keep your pretty little green eyes off of all of our toys and I wondered if it was all a cover up.”  She tilted her head in contemplation, her auburn hair sliding across the leather of her suit with a whisper, “Or are you that unaware of what you want?”
Dean lifted his lips in a sneer, “Listen lady, let’s get a couple of things clear.  One, I don’t pay for tail.  Two, if I want something, I go get it.   And three, I. Don’t. Submit.”
He could swear he saw Shayla shiver from her position against the bars as she hummed low in contemplation before glided back towards him, “I’ll tell you what.”  She returned to standing right in front of him, her body millimeters away from his, “Why don’t you come back here tonight as my special guest and I will submit to you.  No payment necessary.”
Dean gave her a suspicious look, “I didn’t think you could do that.  I thought you would be either one or the other.”
Shayla winked at him, “Show’s how much you know.”  Her breath quickened slightly as her eyes slid down to his lips, “I’m what is called a switch. I can happily do either or.  I just make my living off of being a Mistress.” She ran her tongue across her teeth, “You should also know that this isn’t always about sex.  It’s about release.  And I don’t mean just a physical release either. I myself don’t always have sex with my clients.  I’m very particular with who I do and do not allow to go there.”  She raised an eyebrow, misinterpreting his hesitation, “As a reminder, Agent Bonham, it is perfectly legal and regulated here, so you should feel safe in that respect.”
Dean looked down at her, staring into her eyes and noticing her pert little nose, so out of place with the aggressive nature of her body language and he couldn’t say he wasn’t a little curious.
Having her body splayed out for him, ready to take it as rough as he could give it….
He bit the inside of his lip as he held back the groan threatening to make its way out.
Oh, yeah.  He could do this.
“What time?”
Dean was back at the club at 11:00 PM.  He had showered and changed out his black Fed suit and slipped on his blue back up one without the tie and the top two buttons of his white dress shirt open. After he and Sam had reviewed the security footage, it seemed all walks of life entered the club, but business men seemed to pay for the more pricier option of having a private room and since there was no way Dean was going to wear fishnets or leather, this seemed like the better option.
Explaining to Sam that he was going back to “investigate” the club during peak hours without him, proved to be more difficult than he thought.  Sam didn’t want Dean going to potentially hostile territory without back up and was being hot headed about it.  Finally, Dean had no choice to be semi-honest about his intentions.
“All right, fine,” Dean said with an annoyed huff as he looped his belt through his dress pants, “Shayla invited me back as a guest.  And if I’m gonna rock her world, I’d rather rock her world without knowing my little brother was waiting outside the door for me to finish.”
Sam’s eyebrows raised and he let out a low laugh, “Really, Dean?  Aren’t you a little afraid she’s gonna try and use a whip on that lily white ass?”
Dean pursed his lips and adjusted his suit jacket, “Aint nobody whipping anybody, Sam.”
“Suuuuure.  We’ll see how true that is when you’re walking funny tomorrow, Dean.”
And now, waiting in the main area of the club to be escorted to the room Shayla would be meeting him in, he wondered for the slightest of seconds just how far he was willing to take this.  Watching all of the many scenes being played out around him, noting some of the more intense ones which were not for him, and some of the tamer options that had his heart beating a little faster and caused a bead of sweat to start to form on his temple, left him contemplating what Hell had really done to him.  He knew every day since waking up that he was no longer the same.  He tried to be.  He truly did. But something was broken inside him.
And he didn’t think the strongest glue in the world was going to be able to put him back together.
Dean was jerked out of his thoughts by the timid voice next to him and was surprised to see Natalie standing there, pointedly looking at his neck and not his face.
“Natalie.  Hi.  Uh, listen about earlier….”
She gave a small smile but didn’t acknowledge where he was trying to go with this statement, “If you’ll please follow me.  Miss Shayla is in room seven.”
Dean quirked his mouth but let the avoidance slide and followed Natalie down to the hall of private rooms.  A large security guard with an ear piece and wearing a suit stood outside the doorway and nodded his head at him before opening the door for the both of them. Another security guard stood on the inside of the door with a duplicate suit and ear piece.  This time Natalie spoke to him quietly, “Mr. Bonham is Miss Shayla’s special guest tonight.  She is asking not to be disturbed unless it is an emergency.  They will be in room seven.”
Dean noted with interest as the guard made a notation on a clipboard hanging off of a small table before following Natalie down the plush carpet to a mahogany doorway with the number seven etched into it.  She motioned to the door and started to turn away when Dean stopped her.
“Uh, Natalie?  Hold on for a second.  Has that guard always been on the other side of the door?”
Natalie shook her head, “No. Miss Shayla posted him here and started having them keep better track of the rooms after the incident.  Before, it was pretty much free reign here on club nights unless you wanted a private with one of the employees.  You and your guest found an available room and that was it.”
Dean nodded, “Thanks, Natalie.”  He said before turning to the door and opening it.
Dean wasn’t sure what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t Shayla sitting in a black trench coat in an armless red velvet chair with her legs and arms crossed, a small smile on her red painted lips.  Around the room were a large bed and various sex toys all new, packaged and ready to open. Some of them Dean knew what they were, others made his forehead scrunch in confusion.  But in the center of the room was a tame version of the rack outside that made his heart beat faster and his mouth go dry as a desert.   This rack was made to be lay on with a leather bench in between black metal bars with hooks and rings ready for various instruments.
Shayla stood up and started to glide over to him, “Hello, Dean.  Or would you rather, Sir for tonight?”
Dean let out a low hum at her words and couldn’t help but lick his dry bottom lip, “I, uh, I’m not…Listen, I’ve never done this before so I’m not sure what the rules are, if any.”
Shayla reached him and ran a hand over the lapel of his jacket, her bright blue eyes looking up into his with intensity, “Oh there are rules.  Plenty of them.  But we’ll keep it simple tonight and use a color code.  Red meaning stop, yellow meaning I need a break and green meaning fuck yeah, keep going.”  At Dean’s nod she continued, “I like it rough and am pretty much up for anything.  Any hole you want is yours ‘cause I like it all.” At Dean’s indrawn breath she smirked, “However, I do ask if you take my ass that you be gentle at first.  I didn’t take out the whips and canes because you are not a trained Dom and you may unintentionally hurt me and once I’m in a headspace I may not be able to say no immediately.  However, there are handcuffs, collars, nipple clamps, vibrators, dildos-”
Dean’s eyes closed briefly and took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly and interrupting her, his nerves getting the best of him, “Uh, okay.  I get it.”
Shayla smiled again, and this time there was an almost gentle quality to it, “You may not know this, but I can tell, you need this.  And it’s okay to need it.”  She pressed her body against his, her lips an inch from his own as her breath caressed against the dryness of his mouth, “Now, stop hesitating and take control.” She dropped her eyes and her arms fell by her side, “Sir.”
Dean groaned at the term and closed his eyes for the briefest of moments wondering to himself if he’d lost his damn mind coming here.  But something inside of him had drawn him in and if he didn’t let it out soon, he was going to explode.
Suddenly, his back went rigid and he felt his eyes harden slightly as he started to circle around her before stopping back in front of her.  His hands moved to the trench coat and he slowly undid the belt to reveal the black lace bra, thong and garters holding up the black silky stockings that were poured into a pair of black stiletto heels.  He hummed in pleasure before slipping the trench coat off her shoulders and threw it into a corner of the room.
“This….is fucking delicious.”  He groaned out before reaching up and sliding his hand into the back of her neck, into her hair, pulling on the strands until her face was tilted up to his, “Look at me.”
Shayla’s blue eyes tilted up to his as he licked his lower lip, “I want you to look at me when I talk to you, unless I say different, are we clear?”
Shayla nodded.
“Uh uh.  Speak.”  He growled out.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.”  He watched as she visibly shuddered at the term and he had to swallow deep before continuing, “You wanna be my good girl, Shayla?”
“Yes, please, Sir.” She mewled out.
Dean leaned down and ran his tongue over her pulse point before biting down gently and then a little harder as he heard her moan.  He lifted his head and pulled her hip against his growing erection before meeting her eyes with his own, “Good girls don’t come until I tell them to.  Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He shifted his hips against her, growling at the friction, “But you can beg all you want cause I do love to hear my good girls beg.”
Shayla couldn’t stop the whine from leaving her mouth as she brushed her bra covered nipples over his suit jacket, making them rise into hard nubs.
Noticing what she was doing, Dean reached down and slapped one of her ass cheeks, relishing in her moan as he soothed against the sting he created and tsked at her, “No, baby, you don’t get to do that.  I only get to touch those until I tell you different.  In fact, you don’t get to touch your pussy either.  Now, go sit on the edge of the bed.”  
He watched as she followed his order and he let out a small moan at the sight of his handprint on her ass before biting his lip and reaching down, palming himself through his dress pants.  He was already throbbing with need and they had just started.
It scared him how much he needed this.  How the inner turmoil from all he had endured left him feeling broken and while this wasn’t going to heal him he could already feel it soothing a part of the rage that never seemed to fade.  
Shayla expected nothing from him.  Wanted nothing from him.  She was his to temporarily control.  And it made him ache in a whole new delicious way.
Her eyes met his from her perch on the bed and she waited patiently for further instruction, but she had kept her legs wide open and he could see that her thong was pulled between her bald pussy lips and she rocked forward slightly letting the lace rub against her throbbing core.
His eyes narrowed as he made his way over to her.   He reached down and pulled the thong up even tighter against her pussy and relished in her gasp as he moved it rhythmically against her, “Already being a bad girl I see. Trying to get around my rules?”
Shayla bit her bottom lip and squirmed against the pressure of the thong against her clit, “I’m sorry, Sir. I can’t help it.  Feels so good.”
Dean hummed before reaching down with his other hand, grasping the thin straps of her thong and ripping them off of her one side at a time, leaving the scraps to flutter to the bed as she gasped, “Such a bad girl.”  His fingers smoothed down the front of her pussy and he let out a sound of pleasure when he found her already soaked, “So fucking wet already.”  He rubbed against her clit with his thumb and playfully flicked it, “Only I get to touch.  I won’t tell you again.”
Shayla’s hips lifted into Dean’s caresses and she nodded, “Yes, Sir.  I’m sorry, Sir.  It won’t happen again.”  She gasped out.
Dean took her hand and brought it to the zipper of his pants, “Take out my cock baby girl.”
Shayla eagerly unzipped his pants and reached into his boxer briefs before bringing out his throbbing cock without unbuttoning his pants.  Her eyes widened at the sight and Dean felt a bead of precome slide out the tip. She rolled her eyes up to his, “May I please suck it, Sir?”
With a smirk, Dean grasped his cock in his hands and rolled the tip over lips, spreading the moisture before nodding, “Open.”
Her mouth opened eagerly and she rolled her tongue over the tip before swallowing his cock down her throat in one stroke making his eyes roll into the back of his head, “Fuck!”
She hummed over her mouthful and quickly started an up and down motion, letting out mewls of pleasure before she released him and used her tongue to flick over the sensitive head. Dean quickly released his belt buckle and button.  She helped him pull his pants and boxer briefs down his thighs before rolling her eyes up to meet his as she lifted his cock and ran her tongue all the way down to the base and nuzzled at his balls before bringing one into her mouth and gently sucking it.
Dean’s fingers tightened their grip on her hair and groaned, “Such a good girl.  Knows just what her Sir likes already.”  His fingers tightened even further, “Stop.”  He said firmly, his deep voice reverberating through the room.
Immediately, Shayla stopped, releasing him with a pop, “Yes, Sir.”
Dean shrugged off his suit jacket and threw it to the side before unbuttoning his dress shirt and sliding it down his arms.  He toed off his shoes before sliding down his pants and underwear and removed his socks. He watched Shayla’s eyes devour every inch of skin that was revealed and her body language was telling him she wanted to touch him but wouldn’t until he said so.
And God help him but it was such a fucking head rush.
Naked, he took her hand in his and brought it to the top of his chest, “Does my good girl wanna touch?”
Her blue eyes shimmered at him as she licked her lips, “Yes, Sir.  So badly.  Can I use my tongue?”
Dean took a deep breath in, “I don’t know if you deserve that yet.  Lean back on the bed and let me see how badly you really want it.”
Shayla shimmied back and leaned on her elbows, her legs wide open, revealing her wet core as it shined in the dim light of the room.
Dean gripped his cock in his hand and stroked it once, twice at the sight before squeezing at the base, “I don’t know.  It doesn’t look like you really want this.”
Shayla squirmed on the bed, rolling her hips wantonly, “Please, Sir.  Touch me and see how much I want you.”
Dean hummed and ran his hand up one smooth thigh, his finger hooking in the straps of the garter belt, “I think I need to taste just to make sure.”  
Kneeling on the floor, Dean threw her leg over his shoulder and bit at the inside of one of her thighs and heard her gasp into the air as her hips rocked up at the sensation.  He soothed the bite with a swipe of his tongue before sliding his tongue to her dripping pussy.  He gave her one long swipe from the bottom to the top and heard her moan as he flicked her clit with his tongue.  He brought his mouth back down to her hole and stabbed at it, humming as more slick slid out of her, “That’s much better.  Such a good girl getting yourself so wet for me.”  He heard Shayla whine and he felt her fingers against his nose as she starting rubbing at her clit.
Dean’s eyes narrowed and he stopped her hand as he clicked his tongue at her, “Naughty.  I told you no touching.  You’re gonna have to be punished for that.”  
Shayla bit her bottom lip and let out a sound, “I’m sorry, Sir.  I can’t help it.  Feels so good.”
Ignoring her, he grabbed up both of her legs and bent them at the knee, bringing them to her chest, “Hold your legs.  Don’t bring them down until I tell you or you’ll just make this worse.”  At her nod, one eyebrow rose at her as his lips pursed slightly, “Don’t you dare fucking come unless I tell you to.”
Shayla let out a rough breath, “Yes, S-.”
Dean roughly dived in her pussy and sucked the whole thing into his mouth.  Hard.  At Shayla’s cry, he took two fingers and shoved them in before massaging at the rough spot he found in there and brought his lips to her clit, alternating between rapidly flicking at it and laying his tongue roughly against it.
“Oh, God.  Sir!  Please!”
Dean hummed against her, before lifting his mouth and using his thumb to press down on her clit, watching as she threw her head back against the bed, her fingers grasping her legs so tightly she was leaving behind marks.
“Do you think you deserve to come?”  He asked as he rubbed even harder, “I told you not to touch yourself and you didn’t listen.”
“I’m sorry, Sir.”
Dean slapped at the side of her ass with his free hand and watched as she jerked up and moaned in desperation.  His cock gave a jerk at the sight and he had to fight to keep his own desperate groan from escaping.  “You want it so badly don’t you?”
“Yes!  Yes, please!”
He rubbed at her clit even faster, his fingers stroked even quicker, “You would love it if I stuck my cock in there right now and fucked you into this bed until you came screaming?”
Abruptly, Dean took his hand off of her, “No.”  At her sob, Dean smirked, “Told you not to touch.”  
He reached down onto the floor where his discarded pants lay and pulled out a condom from his back pocket, quickly sliding it over his erection.  He nudged her legs down and reached underneath her as she lay gasping.  Her eyes glittered up at him and he flicked open her bra, releasing her mouthwatering breasts to the room.  He hummed at the sight, before leaning down and sucking one rosy nipple into his mouth.  His cock nudged at her opening and he rolled his hips, sliding it through all the slick.
He moaned around her nipple and flicked it with his tongue, before sitting up slightly, “Turn over.”
Immediately, she flipped herself onto her hands and knees with her back arched, “Please, Sir. Please fuck me.  Want it so bad.”
At her words, Dean slid a hand over the globe of an ass cheek, up her back and into her hair before he grasped it in his hand and tugged it back roughly.  He pulled her up to lay her back against his chest, his mouth at her ear, “So eager.  I fucking love to hear you beg.  It makes me so fucking hard.”  He bit at the lobe of her ear, “Are you ready?”
She tried to nod but Dean’s grip on her hair made it impossible and she let out a desperate whine, “Yes.  Yes, please.”
He pulled her head back even further, the column of her neck tight, “Yes, please who?”
“Sir.  Yes, please, Sir.”
With that, Dean pushed her forward and entered her balls deep in one smooth stroke, reveling in her scream as he immediately started to pound in and out of her roughly.  He could feel her start to tighten around him almost instantly and punctuated his words with rough thrusts, “Don’t.  You. Dare.”
Shayla let out a loud sob and he saw her bite down onto the beds comforter as she desperately held back on her orgasm, “Please!”  She begged, “Please, Sir, let me come.”
Dean’s eyes were starting to lose focus as her warm slick walls kept grabbing on to him in earnest. The squelching sounds of her arousal and his rough grunts started to reach a crescendo and he could feel his balls tightening up indicating he didn’t have long left before he filled up the condom with his come.
He slapped her ass with a loud smack and reveled in her scream as he rubbed away the sting, “Such a bad girl making me want to come so quickly.”  At his words, she tightened herself around him and he let out a strangled noise and he knew he was a goner.  He reached underneath her and started to roughly rub at her clit, “Come. Now.”
At his words, Shayla let out a hoarse yell and her walls started to spasm around him.  With a grunt, Dean fucked her through her orgasm before he gripped her waist and pounded into her so hard he saw stars as he finally released into the condom with a loud, “FUCK!”
Gasping, he rolled away from Shayla’s heaving back and lay on the bed next to her as she remained on all fours.  He watched as her glazed eyes cleared, her gaze flicking to his as she smirked at him.
“Well, well, Agent. Looks like you really know how to fuck a bad girl into submission.”  Her gaze hardened, “Now, get your ass on the rack.”
Dean’s eyebrows scrunched together, as his heart started to pound, “Pardon?”
Shayla rolled garter clad hips as she crawled to him and threw a leg over his waist, straddling him. She reached for both of Dean’s hands and with surprising strength she yanked his arms over his head and pinned them down with her weight, “Did you think that was it, Dean?  Did you think you were gonna walk outta here without getting your own punishment?  Silly, silly man.”
Dean felt his stomach clench in desire and maybe a little trepidation as he looked up into her burning blue eyes, “Wha-what are you talking about?”
A smirk lifted one side of her mouth and she licked at her bottom lip, “You fooled yourself into thinking that the release you needed was me being obedient to you and while you are very good at ordering me around, I think you’ll be even better at taking orders.  Now,” Shayla leaned down and licked at Dean’s neck before biting down roughly, “Get on the rack.”  
Dean shuddered at her tone of voice, her words bringing back feelings that he thought he had buried down into that twisted part of him that he never wanted to let out.  That part of him that clawed at his psyche every day and left a part of him a pitiful mess.      
Dean didn’t submit.  Not anymore.  He told himself that he would never be at anyone’s mercy ever again. No matter how much he may actually want it.
As Shayla stared down at him, some of the hardness in her expression faded and she took a deep breath, “I promise to take good care of you, Dean.  You need this.  You want this.  Let me help you find that release.”
Dean swallowed hard and blinked rapidly before he closed his eyes and let out a long deep breath, when he opened them he felt something in him give in and he nodded, “Yes…..?”
Shayla’s face shifted back to that intense stare, “Mistress will do fine, Agent.” Shayla shifted off of him and stood on the floor in her stilettos.  “Now get up.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Dean felt like his head was empty and everything around him was fading until all he knew, all he heard was his Mistress’ commands.  He lay down on the bench and obediently allowed her to cuff his hands and legs to the metal bars.  
She showed him where there were safety latches and at any point he could release himself, “But I doubt you’re gonna want that, right Agent?”  Without waiting for him to answer, she asked him, “What are your colors, Dean?”
He stared up at her, the blue of her eyes the only color he could sense in the room.  But he knew that’s not the answer she was looking for, “Red for stop.  Yellow, slow down.  Green, keep going.”
“Very good.”  She said as stepped out of his field of vision.
He could hear water running and he guessed there must have been a sink somewhere in the room.  She reappeared next to him with a wet washcloth and she quickly disposed of the used condom on his half hard member before cleaning his cock and balls with precision, “I like my toys fresh.”  She tossed the washcloth to the side and straddled his waist, “I already washed up at the sink, but I don’t think I cleaned it up enough.  I think my toy needs to stick his tongue way up inside of me and make sure I got every drop of my come out.  What do you think, Agent?  Will you clean me up like a good boy?”
Dean felt his cock give a jerk at her words before he nodded eagerly, “Yes, Mistress.  I want to clean you all up.”
Shayla pinched a nipple in between her fingers roughly, letting out a hum as Dean gasped, “Good boy.” She pinched his other nipple and let out a low laugh at his yelp, “Oh, yes.  My toy likes it when I pinch his nipples.  Maybe I should bite them next.”  Without waiting for him to answer, Shayla leaned down and bit down hard on a nipple before gently laving it with her tongue, making him cry out, “I love that sound.  Let me see how many times I can make you do it.”
Dean lost count after twenty-five times.  He knew for sure twenty-five times he yelled out in ecstasy at the delicious burn of pain that was on the precipice of pleasure.  After that, the rest was a blur of moans, slaps, and thrusting hips as he licked her out and ate at her with a hunger to appease her that he didn’t know he had in him. He had begged her to suck his cock faster, his hips lifting into her mouth before she grasped him tightly at the base of his dick, effectively stopping him from coming, over and over again.  
He was going crazy.
She was gonna kill him.
He hated it.  He loved it.  
And when she finally slid him inside of her and rode him so roughly his cock felt like it was going to break, she blessedly gave him permission to come.
And when he came, something inside of him finally, finally released.  It was more than pleasure. It was more than pain.  It was something he didn’t know he needed.  
He let go.
After, when he finally made his way back to a rapidly speaking Sam at the motel spouting off lore and his suspicions about it being Skinwalkers that were causing the deaths, Dean only nodded and smiled at his brother affectionately.
“Sure, Sammy.  We’ll go over the lore and see if we can find out where they’re holed up.”
Sam stopped his blathering for one second and looked, really looked at his brother for the first time since he walked in.  His eyes skimmed over his features before staring into Dean’s eyes in contemplation, “You….you okay, Dean?  You look….I dunno…almost….peaceful, I guess?”
Dean let out a small smile and placed his suit jacket over the back of a chair, “I’m good, Sammy.” At Sam’s earnest look, he let his smile drop and gave him serious eyes, “I’m….better.”
Sam’s eyes flicked over his face one more time before he released a long sigh, “That..that’s good. I’m glad.”
“So am I.”
Dean was thirty-one when he fell in love.  And it scared him shitless.
Chapter 7 - Part 1
@akshi8278 @curly-haired-disaster @chook007 @scorpiongirl1 @pisces-cutie @winchesterbroys
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therake-1996-blog · 6 years
Sooo it’s gonna be full-fledged project. *yay!* I will warn you now tho, I am a scatter-brain garbage monster so sometimes the chapters will be a little bit spaced out, but I WILL try to post chapters as they are completed! Thank you for your support, and I love you all sooo much!!!
PS. Yes, I know her name is Eden like in my other story, but I just can’t have a possible Ziggy-OC romance story without my OC’s name being Eden. I’m sorry!
MC Name- Eden
Eden POV
Chapter 1- The Garden of Eden
I sit in my cell, like I do day after day, month after month, year after year. I read all the books I had been given…I don’t even remember how many years ago, and I’ve read them again, many to the point that they’ve fallen apart.
I’m a vampire. Born in 1330 or 1331—time wasn’t kept accurately for peasants, you see—in Whitechapel, London, England, to peasant parents who already had ten other children. My father was a blacksmith and my mother was a seamstress. My older siblings, all brothers, would help father, and I, mother.
Mother told me I was named for the garden of Eden, because when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby she and my father had ever seen. She had also prayed every day for a little girl, and believed that my being a girl was God’s answer to her.
And life was difficult, like it was for every peasant family, but we were content, happy. It’s funny how one little rat can ruin everything. In the winter of my seventeenth or eighteenth age, the Black Death, otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, had spread to Europe, and people were dropping like flies. If only we had known to bathe, to wash our hands, not to share dirty bath water, to wash our fruits and vegetables…it’s quite disgusting when you think of how humans lived back then, but I digress.
My family and I all got sick. In the span of several days, it was down to just me and my parents. I remember my brothers just lying in their beds, not moving, flies buzzing around their open eyes and mouths, and those damnable rats scurrying along the floors.
My father prayed nonstop, begging God to at least spare his only daughter. Mother just slept in fitful spells and coughed. I had given up on any deity. If God did exist, why would He let us suffer in such a way? Why rip beloved families apart? What had we done?  
That’s when a plague doctor came. He tallied the bodies of my once rowdy brothers, prayed with my father, and held my mother’s hand until she passed.
Father begged. He begged the doctor to save me, said he’d give anything, even his soul to the devil, if I would live. The doctor told him that wouldn’t be necessary, that I would live, and my father, in peace—false peace, I’d believed—passed.
The doctor removed his macabre mask and looked at me, still alive, dying in my bed, and smiled, showing me a pair of sharp, pointed canines.
“I made a promise.”
Was all he said before making me what I am.
I scoff to myself.
It wasn’t long before these so-called ‘gods’ captured me and threw me in here, only a couple hundred years. I don’t recall having done anything wrong, I was only going about my business, and I didn’t kill for fun. I didn’t even kill when I fed! I’m sure there are others of my kind more deserving of being locked in here for eternity.
Like him.
It’s boring in this cell. That’s my chief complaint. It’s dark—even though I can see in the dark—it’s small, it’s quiet, and it’s boring. If I could die from boredom, I’d have been dead centuries ago.
I twiddle a small rock in between my index and middle fingers for a few minutes, then crush it as easily as if it were butter.
Let me out in the forest somewhere. Just for an hour or two. Let me run, let me jump, let me bound and climb and leap and sprint. Vampires were made for that.
My door opens, and my eyes shoot up in surprise. A light flickers on, but my eyes don’t need time to adjust.
Standing in the doorway are two men in uniforms I don’t recognize, one in black and one in gold. They don’t look happy.
A god who works in this department flutters nervously behind them, his thick, round glasses magnifying his flat black eyes.
“U-um…E-Eden…t-this is…”
“My name is Leon,” The man in the gold uniform interrupts impatiently, his voice low and musical. His hair is a rich shade of golden-brown, and messy, falling to his chin, and his face is beautiful, slender, his eyes narrowed in irritation and his mouth set in a straight line.
“Scorpio.” The one in black says, his voice just as deep, with a hint of venom in it. He has jet black hair that flops over his right eye, his one visible eye a stormy grey color. His skin is fair, is features neatly and attractively arranged, but there’s an indentation above his left eye, telling me he, too, is agitated.
I remain where I sit, staring unblinking at the two gods.
“Okay,” I reply, hearing my own voice for the first time in what feels like forever. “What does that mean to me?”
Leon’s eyes, matching the color of his hair, narrow, his expression becoming even more displeased.
“You would be wise not to speak to us like that,” He warns.
“What do you want with me?” I say anyway. “No one ever comes into a vampire’s containment cell. We’re…taint-ed.”
I sound the word out syllable by syllable, mimicking the words their king told me when I was sentenced to be locked in here for the rest of my days.
“We need you,” Scorpio says, looking my dead in the eye.
“For what? What could you possibly need me for?”
Scorpio stomps over to me and leans down to grab me around my arm.
“N-no! You can’t…g-grab her like that!”
Scorpio ignores the other god’s cries and tries to yank me to my feet, but I refuse to budge. I just stare at him, expressionless.
“Get up!” He snarls.
“Why?” I reply flatly.
“Because, you annoying girl, if you don’t help us…!”
“Everyone, including you, is doomed.” Leon cuts Scorpio, who is getting more and more excited, off.
My eyes flit over to him, and I can feel my expression shift.
“Doomed?” I repeat.
“Just come with us!”
Scorpio yanks again, pulling as hard as he can, so much so that he’s rocking back onto his heels. I don’t move.
“The minister of Punishments is dying,” Leon explains while Scorpio yanks and pulls. “And only you can help him. Will you please…come with us?”
I can tell he’s making himself be polite with me while his friend tries to manhandle me, but I sigh, resigned, and unlock my body.
Scorpio loses his balance and topples backward; if it weren’t for his grip on my arm, he’d have sprawled to the stone floor.
“Jesus, woman! Don’t just do that! How the hell are you so strong, anyway?”
“I’m a vampire,” I say, uninterested. “We’re strong.”
Leon lifts his hand and snaps his fingers, and I feel a sudden, warm sensation on the side of my neck. My shoulders jolt, and a hand flies to the warm spot, where my fingers feel lines marking my skin.
“That is your chain,” Leon tells me. “If you try to escape from us, you’ll immediately be teleported back here. Is that clear?”
I stare at him blankly, my hand falling to my side.
“There’s no need to chain me. Just going outside is…” I trail off, deciding it’s not worth the effort to explain, and instead say, “It’s clear.”
“Good. Now, come on.”
When the sun hits my face for the first time in literally centuries, I feel like I could cry. My eyes prickle, the old human reaction rising up inside of me, but my body being mostly unable to do so. I close my eyes and lift my face, feeling the warmth of the sun’s rays against my cheeks as I follow Leon, Scorpio behind me. I smile in spite of myself as the gentle breeze rustles my hair, loose around my shoulders, and I shiver pleasantly.
“Is this really that nice?” Scorpio asks, staring at me like I have a third eye. I open my eyes and look over at him. He looks at my eyes, blinks, then flinches away from me.
“Oh. Oops, sorry, I forgot.” I mutter.
I forgot that when a vampire is in direct sunlight, our eyes shift from their natural color to red. The sun reveals what we truly are, and that’s the reason we don’t go out during the day.
No, it doesn’t kill us.
“But yes, it is really that nice,” I continue, staring at the vibrant grass under my feet. Their soft blades feel like satin against my skin. “I haven’t been outside in god knows how many years. The sun and the breeze feels good.”
“Well if you succeed in saving Zyglavis, you won’t go back to that cell.” Leon says. I look up at him.
“What?” I breathe.
“You heard me. Save Zyglavis, and you get your freedom. Fail, and you get thrown back down there.”
I taste the familiar, metallic twinge of the venom as it fills my mouth, my mind and body wanting to respond to that threat with a snarl, but I hold myself back. I swallow thickly and remain silent as we walk to the large, sprawling palace in the distance.
When we enter, I get all kinds of looks.
It’s easy to tell I’m no goddess, especially by the way I’m dressed.
Bare feet, simple, dingy white day dress (that I’ve had on for years), slightly tangled hair, and abnormally pale skin…this must be a sight for these so-called noble gods.
I look around as we walk, at the high walls, intricately decorated, at the exquisite paintings and vases…even the doors are delicate and ornate. As I stare at the grandure of my surroundings, it occurs to me that these gods must truly be desperate. So desperate as to come to me, a vampire, a creature they so blatantly loathe, and ask...well, demand, for my help. I look to Leon.
“What happened to him?” I ask.
“Be silent,” Leon says, his voice low. “We’ll tell you when we get there.”
People whisper to each other as we pass, thinking I can’t hear them.
“Who is that ragity looking girl?”
“She’s not a goddess, is she?”
“Impossible! Look at her!”
“Why would they let such filth into the palace?”
Without me realizing it, a small growl slips, the sound like a threatened cat.
“Hey!” Scorpio hisses.
“Sorry…” I mumble.
“He’s through here,” Leon says as we come to a door covered by curtains. I frown.
“Why the curtains?”
“To prevent unwanted guests.”
He pulls back the curtains and twists the golden door handle, opening one of the doors, and looks to me. I glance back at Scorpio, who jabs his chin toward the room, and, with a sigh, I enter.
Once the three of us are in, Scorpio closes the door quietly behind him.
There are three other men in the room, plus one lying on the couch, covered by a blanket. The two standing by the window turn to the sound of the door closing, and the other looks up from his book when he sees us.
But my eyes are glued to the man on the couch, my jaw dropping when I see the state he’s in. He moves his tired eyes, lined with dark purple circles, to look at me. My body freezes, unwilling to move. It’s like the rest of the world melts away, like a sword just pierced my already dead heart, sending an unplesant sensation like icy needles through my veins.
“Eden,” Leon says as he comes to stand beside me. “This is Zyglavis, the Minister of the Department of Punishments.”
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jelanisaeed · 4 years
Round 5: VS Turtwig- Legends Part 5
Hello everyone! Sooo, I had a whole plan for Jasper's chapters and then I scraped them lol Cause I'm chaotic like that lol. So, I made some edits to the ending of Chapter 4 which changed how this chapter begins. Basically, I removed the argument and ended it with a more diplomatic ending. The reason is that in light of everything going on in the world, I didn't want to have my male leads experiencing conflict with male leads right off the bat when I know my female lead won't experience the same. So, I decided to make all three have unique experiences core to their development and character.
There's a lot of pain in the world so I want to alleviate that. However, I feel it necessary to make this known moving forward. This author is a black queer man who supports Black Lives Matter. So a lot of my stories will have emotions and plot-lines geared towards the black experience (modified of course since this doesn't take place in our world). I feel like it's necessary to make that clear moving forward.
And before we move onto lighter things, I also wanna say Rest in Power Chadwick Boseman. You were loved and still are for your amazing contributions to the lives of black peoples and for being an icon that young black actors can strive for.
Nowww, on a lighter note. The song of choice for this chapter was all over the place lol. But I eventually settled on My Sanity by Thrii. They're amazing and that song is so beautiful.
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the story!
Pokémon Adventures: Turquoise, Jasper, & Ammolite
Round 5: VS Turtwig – Legends Part 5
Location: Veilstone City Date: August 4th , 3000 Time: 3:00pm
"Ight," Jasper finally said with a smooth grin. "I'll take your word for it."
Today hadn't gone as Jasper expected. Not surprised there. His days never followed a set plan. Something always came up and disrupted the course. Rocking the boat until he tumbled into the waters and swam for safety. Other times, however, he was surprised with a gift.
Much like today, he chuckled.
Jasper accepted the package from the cute guy. Had to be from Oreburgh with his purple miner hat over his short coils. Dressed the part, though the orange belt was a nice touch. Way better those gaudy belts the miners wore around Veilstone.
The package matched Jasper's aesthetic. Star-themed with his name written almost like constellations. Whoever this was from had great taste. Maybe Jasper could borrow some stationary from them? Regardless, he tore open the package and found three gifts—a timer ball, a letter, and some gadget.
"A pokémon?" Jasper snatched the ball and examined the transparent top. A turtle of some kind slept inside.
Mommy nudged him and flashed another encouraging smile. "Go on," she urged with cacturne mimicking her every move. "Let's see 'em?"
Everyone watched him, awaiting his next move. Even Kito stopped eating for this! Though the little looked fed up with all the waiting. Tapping his feet with arms folded across his tiny chest. Jasper chuckled. If Kito was ready for it then there was no reason why he shouldn't be.
"Ight—c'mon out, buddy!"
In a burst of light and smoke, the pokémon appeared. Much greener than he thought with a twig on its head. Still cute though. Even though it yawned nice and wide without care.
"A turtwig?" Mommy frowned.
Turtwig? Now that was name Jasper remembered. He learned about them in history class. Super rare pokémon that Pokémon Professors researched in Sinnoh. One of the Pokédex Holders had them too if he remembered right. Diamond, was it? Yeah, Diamond of that comedy duo.
But why me? Something soft nudged against his legs. Jasper looked down and smiled. Looks like Turtwig finally noticed him. Little guy smiled at him with those droopy yellow eyes of his.
"Professor Kapok gave you a turtwig, huh?" Baryte mused with furrowed brows. "Weird. What else is in there."
Guess this Professor Kapok didn't give out pokémon often. Much less to strangers. Jasper didn't have any teachers who matched the name. Although, there was this cool guest speaker who always asked him questions. Said something about having the eyes of a pyroar—whatever that meant. Jasper never paid it much mind.
"He gave me this weird-looking gadget," a handheld painted light yellow with purple stars, "and this letter."
A letter addressed to him in perfect script. Jasper snorted. Academics sure loved their cursive writing. Nonetheless, he opened the envelope and took the letter inside. Written in cursive as well, but on more star-themed stationary.
"Greetings, Jasper." Arceus, even the writing sounded intellectual. "I hope you remember me. Spoke at your school while you were just a litleo. Yet your eyes burned with the passion of pyroar. Such ferocity in your moments—I knew you'd be a force in the future."
So, it was them. Jasper assumed they were just another scientist. One of Daddy's colleagues perhaps? He met some of them in the past. Whenever he brought Daddy dinner during overtime hours. His coworkers always gushed about Jasper. Even teased Daddy about having the coolest son ever.
Their words…well, maybe he paraphrased a bit.
But this Professor Kapok came to his school. Taught the best lecture on dark type pokémon he ever sat through. Left without a trace, only to give him a gift years later. Jasper didn't believe much in faith, but this lined up too well not to be!
The letter soaked Jasper's mind with flowery metaphors. A few questionable ones, sure—The hell does "a blazing star in the void" mean? But he pushed through. Poetry was never his strong suit. Though Baryte took to it with ease and explained that stuff for him.
Smart guy, Jasper decided. Though, no surprise there. Baryte gave off the vibes.
He finished the letter shortly after. Only noticed then his trembling hands. The teardrops pelting the paper. And the soft arms hugging him from behind. The sensations struck at once. His heart led the sensation, pounding in beat to his sobs.
Little turtwig even hopped into his arms. Little turtwig—a pokémon he just met—came to comfort him with soft nuzzles to his chest. Jasper accepted each brush and hugged the little guy closer to his chest.
Professor Kapok gave him a gift to treasure. Not just in this new pokémon. But the opportunity of the lifetime inscribed in his words.
"I never enjoyed seeing the lights of stars dimming away," the letter had said. "So, for you, I'll send a private nurse for your mother. So, you may take your journey uninhibited and breathe life into the star burning within you."
Jasper emerged from the bathroom refreshed. A grin slapped across his face as he hung a dry towel around his neck. Perfect for catching the water dripping from his shrunken afro. Had to love washdays. Never failed to leave him as stress-free as the towel slung around his waist. Almost made the cold shower worth it.
Almost. Jasper stilled loathed them with a burning passion.
I guess they good for something, Jasper shrugged and walked back to his room. They eased away the sores from his morning workouts. Plus, he felt less tension in his soul.
Still hate 'em though. The disdain, however, didn't last long. Once he slipped into his room, he found the cutest surprise. His new turtwig stood at the door with a fish-eating grin.
Now this made the shower worth it. "You waited for me, Kobe?" The little guy nodded. Even licked his wet legs. Jasper laughed. Such a sweet little guy—unlike Kito who lazed around on his bed.
I gotta thank Professor Kapok when I see him. Maybe buy them a gift. Though, Jasper didn't know where to start! Science wasn't his forte; maybe Baryte had some suggestions? He seemed the type.
Regardless, Jasper had more important business to attend to. Like getting dressed. And he wasted no time throwing on his clothes. Truth be told, he had this outfit picked out for years! Well, sort of —a few changes as his style evolved.
Ge unzipped his stunky track top, showing off his favorite starry night tank top. Paired well with his royal blue track shorts and silver compression tights. Finished off by slipping into a pair of purple and black sneakers.
"How do I look?" Jasper struck a pose. If he had the mass, he would look like all those famous bodybuilders! Especially the ones down in Orre. Now they were massive!
Kito only nodded, bored with it all. Figures—never gave Jasper any credit! So what if he saw it a million times? Kito needed to learn from Kobe. Now he had the perfect amount of enthusiasm as he jumped around and cheered. Jasper grinned. Finally, someone appreciated his swag.
Half of being a trainer was looking the part, right? The half came from being prepared. Jasper already packed up his murkrow travel duffle with the necessities. Now, where did he put his belt?
Ah ha! There it was, hanging off his desk. He strapped it on and clipped his dusk balls in place. Now, he was ready for anything Sinnoh threw at him!
"Jasper?" Mommy stood in the doorframe with cacturne beside her. Her eyes glossy as tears streaked down her face. "You look so handsome."
Jasper blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Maybe it was too early for handsome. He still had to pick out his hair. Couldn't go out with a shrunken 'fro! Especially if Mommy wanted pictures like always. No way he'd embarrass himself again!
"I want you to know this before you leave," Mommy started. "Something I'm sure you know, but reassurance never hurt."
Mommy walked to him. Slowly as if every step burned away at her energy. In some ways, it did. Jasper knew it did. Not just from the illness, but her pride. Back in her day, Mommy rose to the ranks of the Elite Four and mastered Dark-type pokémon. Even conducted extensive research on them. It was, honestly, how she met Daddy. And the two fell in love instantly. Or so they say. Grownups loved telling love stories.
She reached him drenched in sweat. Her breathing labored as cacturne scolded her. Thank Arceus for that guy. Mommy's partner and caretaker. He knew her better than most and never took his eyes off her. It set his heart at ease to know she had him while Jasper left.
"Your father and I are proud of you. Regardless of what path you take. And we'll support and cheer you on through hardships. So, please, don't forget to call home."
Smirking, Jasper hugged her tight. "You don't hafta worry, Mommy." After all these years, his dreams felt closer than ever. "I'll call home and I'll come back. Just you wait."
Time to follow the stars like Professor Kapok said…or whatever that letter meant.
"So, you're ready now?" Baryte asked with a smirk.
Jasper rolled his eyes. Wasn't his fought! Mommy refused to stop taking photos. Only Arceus knew what she planned to do with them. Especially the ones with his shrunken afro! She loved showing those off to company. Parents loved embarrassing their kids, Jasper figured. Must be some form of payback from their parents or whatever. Not that he cared.
Okay, maybe he did. If only to stop her from showing those photos to his coach again.
Mommy played a cruel game, but Jasper rose above it. Besides, he had bigger issues to solve. "Yeah, just gotta swing by Lake Valor." He stated, slinging his duffle over his shoulder. "I left Kula there in the morning."
Baryte accepted that and followed him there.
Truth be told, Kula enjoyed Lake Valor more than his room. Not that he blamed her. Jasper always got up early to relax by the lake. Sometimes he spent the morning bathing in the solar rays as his pokémon played. It was easy for him. Under the soft embrace of the lake, he felt at ease. Energized with peaceful energy as the tension eased from every fiber of his being.
On the way there, Jasper boasted about the lake. Encouraged Baryte to take a swim there sometimes but backed off when the miner admitted he couldn't swim. Fit his aesthetic— swimming rock-lover? Jasper laughed.
They arrived at the lakefront easily enough. Jasper knew the route well and took all the best shortcuts. Encountered a few pokémon along the way, of course. And a few trainers who loved losing to him. What could he say? When it came to battling, Jasper held his own.
And so did Baryte. His cranidos rammed through the competition with an impish grin. Had to love it.
When they arrived, however, Jasper felt a shift in the atmosphere. Spirited pokémon lived in Lake Valor and infected the air with bursts of energy. On a good day, he heard the roars of a gyarados breaching free of the crystal blue water and blew a powerful spray to rain over the land. Much like this morning.
Yet the lake was silent. And icky energy crawled through the air and stung at his bare skin.
"This is Lake Valor?" Baryte frowned beside him with a strange look behind those glasses. "It's…somber—not like you described."
Somber…an aura that didn't blame in this lake. Over the years, Jasper only experiences roaring energy blazing through the souls of pokémon and trainers alike. Not this cold hand that strangled his inner flame.
"This is wrong." Jasper walked inside and scowled. That icky energy bit at him, whispering strange warnings in his ears. Warnings that didn't match the usual voices he heard. "Something happened here?"
A thin fog fluttered around them. Chilling as the voices grew louder and that hand tightened its grip. Beside him, Baryte shivered. Couldn't blame the guy. The lake shouldn't feel like this. Unless someone trespassed and disrupted the natural habitat. Jasper frowned. Anyone who disturbed the lake had to deal with him as a Child—
"Gah!" Baryte stumbled into him and pointed a shaky finger and at a downed body up ahead. A dark, bird-shaped…wait a minute!
"Kula!" Jasper scrambled to his murkrow and scooped her into his arms. Something attacked her! An electric-type no doubt; she had electricity dancing through her feathers.
"Jasper?" Baryte whispered, tense and with a hand at his belt. "Look ahead."
Deep in the fog, a ball of light floated. Dancing almost like a bizarre apparition as it came closer. The air thickened and Jasper swore he smelled ozone. Regardless, that icky energy gnawed at him the closer the light came. The voices now a chorus of screaming children submerged underwater. That light had a strange aura to it…much like the lake.
"The trespasser…" Eyes wide, Jasper screamed for Baryte to move. The two went separate ways as a lance of golden electricity shot through the fog and struck down a towering tree! Their attacker emerged from the fog with a ditzy look to it. But the aura it radiated sent the voices in a frenzy, Finally, Jasper understood why.
"A Shadow Pokémon."
For the first time in years, shadow pokémon returned to the lake.
Anddd that's the Chapter! Jasper is really fun to play with. Especially cause he has an endless pit of energy that really just writes itself. I adore him lol And Baryte kind of acts like a good balance for him. But that'll come up more later. They're good for each other. In a friendship way lol I haven't given thought to who Jasper is paired with now, but we'll see! Who knows, Jasper and Baryte might be the end result lol.
But anyways, feel free to review or pm with what you think of the chapter!
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thecreativeangel · 7 years
Junior Year In Queens Would Include...
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If you don’t understand some references in this part, read the first two parts in the series.
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
- After the entire summer you had barely seen Peter, partly because you were avoiding him, and partly because when you tried to hang out, he was busy. (Although you knew from Ned that Peter did indeed talk a lot about Evelyn. Oh goody.)
- Plus side: ….
- Actually there isn’t one. 
- Ahh, junior year is going to be interesting.
-  But at the beginning of school May (you can call her May because you love her and she loves you and she’s like a sister instead on an aunt) invites you over. Obviously you can’t say no, May is just too awesome to say no to. 
- You just wanted a quiet night to watch movies and you almost got your wish. Key word: almost. *sigh* 
- Authors Note: Guys… just-just take a guess to who was sitting beside Peter when you arrived. *Jazz hands* *Confetti rains down from the sky* It’s EVELYN. Yayyy….
- Peter smiles really wide when he sees you, and so does Evelyn, except her smile is like someone dumped ice cream, candy, chocolate, whipped cream and tons of actual sugar into a blender and force fed it to you. Or in other words, sickeningly sweet to the point where you wanna throw up.
- You kind of stare intently at the screen as Evelyn and Peter do weird couple shit without even being a couple. Ex: Holding hands and thinking no one sees them, Evelyn starts feeding Peter popcorn halfway through the movie? Her hand is on his thigh and you’re kinda beyond the point of nausea and more to the point of fRICKING PROJECTILE VOMITING YOUR DISGUST OUT RIGHT INTO HER PERFECT SLEEK HAIR BECAUSE DAMN IT CAN YOU NOT GROPE MY BEST FRIEND IN FRONT OF ME? THANKS???
- You get up to “get more popcorn” and god damn it you just stay in the kitchen for a while. May walks in (and being the awesome person she is) automatically sees Evelyn and Peter’s gross shit, and you standing there behind the kitchen counter, looking bored and uncomfortable.
- Her eyes narrow and your breath catches cuz when May narrows her eyes, everyone in the room is in for a nasty shit show. 
- You have to whisper so Peter wouldn’t hear you.
- “May, I’m fine, really. This popcorn is uh… taking a long time to pop?”
- “(Name), I love you, you’re a very smart girl, but you’re a shit lair. The popcorn isn’t even in the microwave.”
- “S-shit?”
- Thank GOD the movie ended, cuz after yelling bye to Peter and May you’re out of there sooo fast. 
- Peter keeps asking you and Michelle about what girls like, and every time you and Michelle look at each other and roll your eyes, because damn it Peter how would we know we’re boyish nerds not popular barbie dolls.
- There’s a winter formal coming up and of course Peter wants to go with Evelyn. He asks you about EVERYTHING. 
- “Hey, do you think she wants to match? What about the corsage? Should I cut my hair? I heard her say she likes shorter hair.”
- So you finally explode. (Well kind of. It’s still Peter, so you don’t explode, but just go ‘pop’. It’s really hard to be mad at him, and you did your best.)
 - “Peter, I am a NERD. I might not even GO. I’ve never spent more than five minutes on my clothes, much less wasted time to make sure they match. Your hair is fine. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll help you get ready.”
- So here you are, helping May get Peter ready for the dance. 
- “What are you going to do with my hair?”
- “I have an idea.”
- You make Peter wash his hair and leave it curly. 
- “(Name), can you pass the hair gel?”
- Instead, you reach over as Peter is brushing his hair and ruffle it like crazy.
- *Internal screaming because it’s sO FUCKING SOFT AJIANCIWCN*
- “Calm your shit Peter it looks better when it’s messy.”
- After he leaves you go to Michelle’s house and chill with her, as she also chose to skip. 
- Peter and Ned keep texting you photos and it’s very annoying. 
- After a about forty minutes of almost non stop texting, (most of them texts were pictures of Evelyn and Peter dancing) you calmly took your phone and repeatedly slammed it against the couch cushion. Michelle just snorts.
- “Why don’t you just mute the group chat?”
- “...fUCK OKAY.”
- Fast forward to the last months of the school year, Peter and Evelyn aren’t dating yet but the entire school ships them, and Evelyn finds the BEST ways to hurt you when he’s not looking.
- Sticking her foot out to trip you, snide comments about your clothes, sometimes when you’re talking she’ll “accidentally” act like she wasn’t listening, etc... 
- Peter obviously doesn’t hang out with you guys as much. I mean, he’s dating THE most popular girl at school. He tries to talk to you guys, but it doesn’t work out because random girls (and sometimes guys) hit on him, and it’s really awkward. 
- “Hi (Name), do you wan’t to watch a movie a-”
- *A random girl asking him for the tenth time, looking ready to pop out of her shirt* “Ohmygoddoyouwannacometomypartytonightbecauseitsgonnabegreat.”
- *You, maybe a tiny bit pissed* “Oh. my. god. can. you. please. stop. trying. to. get. him. to. fuck. you. please. and. thank. you.”
- IN THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. YOU THINK: “Wow, I made it through the year without being made into a complete idiot.”
- After like thirty seconds you’ve had enough, and actually start to yell out of nowhere. 
- “What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack backtrack thumbtack did you just say about my best friend you psychotic bitchy fuck.”
 - Oh THAT didn’t go well.
- Her tall ass friends surrounded you in seconds, and she was way too close.
- You didn’t mean to, but years of being bullied meant that when someone you don’t like is too close, you punch them.
- She... she ended up with a very bad black eye. 
- And Peter just had to show up right then and there. You could have sworn he looked angrier than you ever saw him. He was all over Evelyn, with the “are you okay”s and “what happened”s. 
- Her friends blocked them from your view, there was no way out. The only one who got to tell her side of the story... was Evelyn. 
- Peter looked at you once. Just once. It was the first time you felt unsafe because of him. Because he looked ready to hurt you. And the fact that he would have hurt you if you stayed there any longer was what stung the most, but you didn’t wait to test that theory. 
- You fucking ran out of school and didn’t look back, barely noticing that you were almost run over by cars sprinting across the road. 
- Your parents made you go to school the next day. Evelyn’s friends were there, of course. One moment you were in the hallway, then in the girls bathroom, then running again as they chased you off school grounds. 
- Delmar’s sandwich shop was where you hid for a good hour, just walking around the isles with a black eye, a bruised jaw and a limp. 
- Mr. Delmar finally saw you and (thank all that is holy) didn’t call the school. Your parents were overseas for another business trip and wouldn’t answer either, so he gave you an ice pack and listened to how your week went. (You left out the whole Peter and Evelyn thing.)
- His daughter came out, and was really understanding. She gave you the address to a “really cheap special defense gym”, which was cool. 
- You avoided Peter (and basically everyone) until school ended. 
- And when it did end... Boy did you run to that self defensive gym faster than a hyperactive kid on white power. (Relax it’s sugar. I think...)
- Turns out it was an abandoned underground boxing gym, gREAT RIGHT?
-That summer was spend by sneaking out of your apartment, mercilessly attacking old punching bags and using the exposed support beams on the roof as an obstacle course at the abandoned gym. 
- Whenever you felt like giving up you remembered how helpless you felt in front of Peter of all people, and that made you angry like nothing else could. 
- Being Mr. Stark’s assistant and working at his lab also meant you got to use the new Avengers headquarters to tinker with hand made weapons and (probably) illegal chemicals. Mr. Stark would often see the bruises from your training and ask lots of questions. 
- “So... you’re not secretly a super villain, right kid?” 
- *sigh* “For the last time, no Mr. Stark.”
- One thing was for sure, you would never let anyone hurt you again. See you in senior year, Evelyn. 
Tags: @tronnoristheotp, @unapologetically-insane, @woahstevelanguage, @agentmalfoy24601, @arachn0ph0bia 
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: A Duelist’s Skill (10/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
"And then he had the nerve to call my Speedroids weak toys!"
"Can you hand me a wrench?"
"That swirly-haired jerk thinks he's sooo great with Ancient Gear cards! They don't even look like Ancient Gear monsters!"
"Are you gonna help me, or...?"
"I swear, the next time I see him, I'll shove my fist into his face! That outta show him!"
"Yugo, wre-"
"Cardfighters are the wor-"
Fed up with Yugo's rant, Rin leaned over and kissed his lips without taking her eyes off the Duel Runner. With the Team Duel Tournament approaching, Cardfighters have been showing up more frequently across the Original Dimension. In a way, it was understandable why the Clear Wing-eyed Synchro user was upset. His squabble with one of said Cardfighters really put him in a bad mood. Good thing he had something else on his mind thanks to Rin.
Ultimately the two parted. "Now will you shut up?" Rin asked.
But Yugo was love-struck. "That was our first kiss..." he realized.
Rin rolled her eyes. "Just hand me the wrench, you moron," she repeated.
Now sidetracked from ranting, Yugo handed the wrench to Rin, using it to tighten the bolts. After the mishap with the engine, she and the rest of the Synchro crew wasted no time with fixing the Duel Runner and adding modifications to make it battle-proof. Crow and Shinji were looking at the blueprints and the constructing Runner to see if there were any more parts that may be included. Rin soon wiped off any sweat that may have formed on her forehead after she finished tightening the last bolt.
"Not bad!" Shinji remarked. "It looks just like Yugo's previous Duel Runner."
"Then what are these blueprints for?" Crow asked, revealing blueprints for a completely different Duel Runner.
"Oh, those?" Rin asked. "They're for my own Duel Runner."
She explained how her Duel Runner will look different from Yugo's and how it have a design based off of Crystal Bell. So far, its color scheme will be white and purple with purple crystals. She planned on drawing out and listing more parts to deduce which ones will work best for the design before finalizing the blueprints. Despite Crystal Bell being a corrupted version of Winter Bell, Rin knows there is true beauty within the card, so using it as inspiration for her Duel Runner was an indicator. She also figured that she should build one of her own since she won't have to share one with Yugo.
"This looks pretty cool," Yugo complimented, looking at the blueprints. "You really know how to bring out the best in everything."
"Yep," Rin agreed. "Even hot-headed Turbo Duelists with loud and rude behaviors."
It took Yugo a few seconds to realize who Rin was referring to. "Hey, wait a minute!"
Rin let out a small laugh and gave Yugo another kiss. "But I still love you," she said.
Yugo blushed at Rin's second kiss. Usually, he would say that he prefers being called "energetic and short-tempered", but not this time. Ever since his sleepover with Rin, he was gradually improving on his behavior… Well, he still has his moments here and there, such as his rant, but at least he's trying his hardest to take Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri's advice seriously. Obviously not become a different version of himself like last time, but applying it to good use. It was actually quite amazing to be in love with a tomboy… Is she a tomboy?
A few moments later, the Synchro crew went on their break. They decided to pass the time by playing a couple rounds of Duel Monsters. Right now, Yugo and Crow were spectating Shinji's duel against Rin, who was about to start her turn.
"Nice Battle Wasps," Rin said. "But let's see if you can face my icy spells!" She drew a card. "Since I summoned Windwitch - Ice Bell on my previous turn, I think I'll summon a second one to join her on my field! So you lose another 500 life points!"
Ice Bell's effect deducted Shinji's LP by 500 before Rin continued with her turn.
"Now that I have my two Ice Bells, I can bring out Windwitch - Snow Bell to tune them together!" Rin continued. "Midwinter wind, make ice and snow my power and appear in all your wintertime glory! I Synchro Summon Windwitch - Winter Be- What the?!"
Rin noticed her En Winds marking starting to glow on her left hand just as she was about to Synchro Summon Winter Bell. She wasn't the only one because Shinji, Crow, and Yugo also saw the light green glow, leaving them a little shocked. Unlike her counterparts, who didn't quickly learn what their markings did when they performed a distinct special summon since they were on body parts they easily can't see, she was the only one who caught on to her marking reacting during a duel. At least they all managed to get a bit of an understanding of what was going on.
"Why is my hand glowing?!" Rin asked, alarmed. "Why is my hand glowing?!"
Shinji was concerned about Rin's freak out. "Should we call it a draw?" he asked, ready to take his deck out of his Duel Disk.
"No!" Rin blurted out. "I-I Synchro Summon Windwitch - Winter Bell!"
Winter Bell appeared on Rin's side of the field while the apple green-haired girl was still alarmed by the current situation. Her ace has two effects that either can be used once per turn. By targeting one of her Windwitches from her Graveyard, she can inflict damage to her opponent equal to the target's level x 200. She can also target a Windwitch she controls to special summon a monster with a Level less than or equal to the target's Level, but it isn't allowed to attack during that turn. Desperately trying to find a way to get rid of the glowing marking, Rin chose Winter Bell's first effect.
"I activate Winter Bell's special ability!" Rin announced. "By targeting one of my two Ice Bells, you lose 600 life points!"
Winter Bell took out 600 of Shinji's LP thanks to her first ability; Rin checked her marking, only to find it still glowing. She would declare an attack, but she figured he endured enough damage for this turn. Besides, it would only prolong the glow if she doesn't figure out a way to stop it. For now, she stated she'll end her turn, which caused the light green luminosity to fade away. She was slightly confused as to why ending her turn was the solution to this dilemma, but mostly glad that it was over as she let out a sigh of relief. Shinji and Crow had to ask what that was all about.
"I don't know!" Rin admitted, looking at her marking. "But it seemed to happen when I Synchro Summoned Winter Bell!"
"Wait... I think I know what's going on!" Yugo asked.
"Really?" Rin happily asked.
Yugo proceeded to run over to Rin and tightly hug her. "You must be growing out your hair!"
"What?!" Rin asked, surprised at Yugo's suddenly statement.
"Don't play dumb with me!" Yugo said, separating from the hug. "Last time I checked, your hair was a half inch shorter. You're already cute with short hair, but you'll probably look extra cuter with long hair!"
Where the heck did that idea come from? And how did Yugo spot Rin's slightly longer hair? Regardless, it had nothing to do with her marking, but Crow and Shinji also remembered seeing her hair shorter. They never noticed until now although their reactions were slightly delayed than Yugo's. Rin was pleased that her friends were thrilled with her growing hair, but she needed to figure out why her marking glowed when she Synchro Summoned.
After calming down, she looked at her marking on her left hand, deducing the cause of what happened less than a minute ago. She knows she's one of Ray's four reincarnations, specifically her Synchro reincarnation, "created" by the En Winds Natural Energy Card. A theorization quickly struck her; when Ray was split a second time, she was given her respective Natural Energy marking, with the same applying to her counterparts, on a certain body part to help symbolize their main personality trait. Maybe that's what the reason behind the light green glow during her turn.
Rin clenched her left fist. "That's why my marking is on my hand," she realized.
"What?" Shinji asked as he drew a card to indicate he was starting his turn.
"I'll explain later!" Rin said.
With that said, everyone focused back to the duel as Shinji began his turn. Although he lost Life Points thanks to Rin's Windwitches' effects, she didn't attack him. This was perfect for him to swarm his side of the field with his Battlewasps to Synchro Summon his ace, decrease Winter Bell's ATK/DEF, and use his burn strategy. Looking at his cards, he made his move.
"I'll activate the Spell card Revival Swarm to recover Azura the Spirit Bow from your attack!" Shinji said. "Beat your wings, bring your sting, unite and fight! I Synchro Summon Battlewasp - Hama the Conquering Bow!"
Hama has an effect where it can attack a second time during each Battle Phase, which can be determined if Shinji activates its other two effects: if battle damage was inflicted, he can target one of his opponent's monster to make it lose ATK equal to the battle damage until the end of the Battle Phase; however, if no battle damage was inflicted, he can deal damage for every Battlewasp in his Graveyard x 300 to his opponent. He knew what he will do for this turn.
Shinji used Hama to attack Winter Bell, causing Rin to use her ace's second ability. Since Hama was Synchro Summoned, she can target Winter Bell to special summon a monster from her hand with a Level less than or equal to the target's Level, but the summoned monster can't attack; in other words, she special summoned Windwitch - Glass Bell. Shinji knew she would do that; after Winter Bell was destroyed and Rin lost 400 LP, he activated one of Hama's effects, resulting in Glass Bell to decrease her ATK from 1500 to 1100. Now he can attack a second time as his ace sent his target to the Graveyard, making Rin lose 1700 LP.
"Hopefully that shouldn't case too much of a problem," Shinji said as he concluded his turn.
"It won't," Rin said. "During the end of your turn, I activate the Trap card Miracle's Wake to bring back Winter Bell!"
A portal opened up from the Graveyard as Winter Bell flew out of it and landed on Rin's side of the field. She then drew a card to indicate the start of her turn.
"And since I have my Winter Bell back, now I can unleash the full power of my icy spells!" Rin continued. "So I'll start things off with Polymerization, fusing Winter Bell with my Glass Bell! Maiden of snow and ice, become one with the magic of crystals and shed your ragged disguise to reveal the princess within! I Fusion Summon Windwitch - Crystal Bell!"
But the Fusion Summoning was different than the last time Yugo remembered. Instead of emerging from a block of ice, Glass Bell sprinkled Winter Bell with magic, causing her to transform into Crystal Bell in a sparkly display. "RinRin..." the banana-banged Duelist said, completely in awe.
Rin looked what was in her hand while reading Crystal Bell's effects, in which each can be used once per turn. Her Fusion ace can target a monster in either her Graveyard or Shinji's, resulting in her gaining the target's name and effects until her End Phase. If she was destroyed, Rin can special summon Winter Bell and a Level 4 or less Windwitch. After some strategizing, she figured out how to turn the duel in her favor.
Rin raised her left fist. "Now, with the power of the great Northern winds, I will strengthen my Crystal Bell!" she announced.
With a strong wind appearing on Rin's field, her marking began to glow light green once again as the En Winds symbol appeared on Crystal Bell's forehead, giving her a 500 ATK boost. Shinji, Crow, and Yugo were left confused on what Rin did and how it even worked on her first try. With the power boost granted, she proceeded to carry out the rest of her strategy for this turn.
"I activate Crystal Bell's special ability!" Rin said. "With Winter Bell lending her power from the Graveyard, you lose 800 more life points thanks to Glass Bell!"
Crystal Bell, now under the name Winter Bell, dealt 800 points of damage to Shinji. She them initiated her Battle Phase; normally, both her monster and Battlewasp - Hama the Conquering Bow would both be destroyed, but with the ATK boost, Hama gets sent to the Graveyard as Shinji loses 500 more Life Points.
Shinji was baffled. "How did you even do that?!" he asked.
"Through the power of my marking," Rin answered, showing Shinji the glowing marking on her left fist. "I figured the previous time it glowed meant it has some kind of special power that only triggers when I first Synchro Summon. And since the glowing stopped at the end of my previous turn, it probably works during only my turns."
A couple minutes after ending her turn, Rin ended up winning the duel. The plans of having a couple duels were dimmed down to one because of her marking, so with their break nearing its end, the Synchro crew discussed about its abilities. They were determining if what happened to her also happens to Zuzu, Lulu, and Celina. Yugo interrupted because he was wondering if his Clear Wing eye color also has a unique special power and if it's similar to Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri.
"Excuse me?" Rin asked.
"That has to be it!" Yugo insisted. "After Zarc separated, me and the guys had our eye colors changed. And since you and the other girls have special powers connected to the Natural Energy Cards, I probably have a cool power connected to my dragon!" He proceeded to activate his Duel Disk.
"What do you think you're doing?" Crow asked.
"Just unleashing my cool new dragon powers!" Yugo answered. He proceeded to summon the needed Speedroids for the Synchro Summon. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!"
Clear Wing flew into the field, bellowing out her roar. Once the Synchro Summon was complete, Yugo suddenly fell to the ground, passing out in the process. A startled Rin, Crow, and Shinji ran over to him; Rin shook his body to help him regain consciousness, but there was no response. She resorted to CPR to revive him; with each failed attempt, the Synchro crew grew more concerned, especially Rin. She didn't want to end up suddenly losing him…until something else unexpected surprisingly happened.
"Uh... Guys?" Crow asked. "Is it me, or did Clear Wing become more sluggish?"
Shinji and Rin turned around to see that Crow was right. Clear Wing seemed to have gained a sluggish posture; she also rose her head up and looked at her surrounding to get an understanding of what happened. Rin was about to ask the dragon if something was wrong when she stopped moving, almost as if she heard something. With a slight glance over her shoulder, her became happy to see her and flew over to nuzzle her as she growled softly. This left Rin a bit speechless and Crow and Shinji stunned about what Clear Wing was doing.
Rin's eyes widened. "Did you hear that?" she asked.
"Hear what?" Shinji asked.
"It sounded like Clear Wing said 'RinRin'," the mint green-haired girl said. She looked at the dragon. "Yugo?!"
Clear Wing nodded her head, confirming that she was indeed Yugo. Rin, Shinji, and Crow were stupefied at what their Speedroid user did. She placed her hand on her forehead in order to try and comprehend everything. How on earth can a simple Synchro Summon result in something bizarre like that?! Was it due to him having his ace dragon's eye colors? Was Yugo also given a special power too?
So many questions were flying into Rin's head that she may needed a moment. Shinji and Crow tried to ask their companion how he ended up in Clear Wing the moment he passed out, but their answer was in growls. Apparently, he can't speak like a human and can only respond with dragon sounds.
"Hold on," Crow said. "We can't understand what you're saying." He proceeded to remove Yugo's deck from the Duel Disk, causing the dragon to disappear as Yugo bolted awake.
"What the heck was that?!" Yugo asked. "How did I end up in Clear Wing's body?!"
"We're not sure," Crow replied. "But apparently you and the other guys can somehow become one with your dragons."
Yugo became dumbstruck at this revelation. He was having difficulty finding the right words to express how ecstatic he is about having an ability of his own. Rin had to remind him to relax with a smack at the back of his head. He quickly apologized as he rubbed his head, but he knew what he was going to say. He said he's enthusiastic about discovering his ability, which soon turned into another thought and question. Does Yugo being able to become one with Clear Wing have something to do with Zarc?
"Wait a minute..." Yugo said. "Since Zarc was able to become one with his dragons..." He smiled wide. "Does that mean my new power is the same way?!"
"Probably," Rin answered.
"This is so cool!" Yugo exclaimed. "I have to tell the others! They're gonna be so happy!"
It was clear that the powers of both dragon-colored eyes and the Natural Energy markings were becoming the main focus for the Synchro crew. Right as Yugo was about to find his counterparts, he quickly realized their break was over and that they needed to continue with Duel Runner construction. He yelled out a "Dang it" before heading back in the apartment/garage to help out.
Several hours later, the gang decided they were done for today and will continue tomorrow. Crow asked what time is was and Rin answered, after taking a glimpse at the clock, that it was 5:40 PM. It was evening already? Yugo looked outside the window to see the sun was starting to set. He remarked on how time can move so fast when they were busy working. Just then, the sound of a microphone was heard across the city; an important announcement was about to be made.
"Attention all Duelists. There will be a festival tonight at Heartland Park to promote the upcoming Team Duel Tournament. All Duelists are welcomed to attend and the festival will allow teams to register."
Rin's eyes lit up in utter delight. "A festival?"
"Sweet!" Yugo exclaimed. "We can register our team!"
Yugo and Rin were both excited about the Heartland Park festival tonight. From the sounds of things, it was going to be a more casual event than a formal one, so it makes picking out clothes easier. Crow asked Yugo what he'll be wearing, with the latter replying he's fine with what he has on right now…right after mentioning that he needs to wash up. He does have a point; after all the hard work everyone did, they needed to get clean for the festival. As for Rin, she said she'll shower once she finds nice and comfortable clothes to wear at the city's local donation center.
"Aww, you don't have to dress fancy, RinRin," Yugo said, hugging her from behind. "You're already adorable."
"I appreciate the compliment, but I smell like Duel Runner oil," Rin insisted, but Yugo proceeded to give her multiple cheek kisses.
As Yugo's kisses made Rin giggle, Crow and Shinji were surprised at her behavior. From what they have seen, she is always tough, hangs out with boys, and typically does stuff guys do. This was the first time they saw her act rather girly. They also could have sworn Yugo said something about shopping and her being a fashionista, but they weren't sure that was what they heard. They wondered if she really was a tomboy, but they also don't want to be rude about it; besides, they recently met her. Maybe her boyfriend may know if she's a tomboy or not.
Shinji cleared his throat, causing the two lovebirds to look at him and Crow. "What?" Rin asked. "Can't a girl have a moment with her boyfriend?"
"Yeah, but..." Shinji started to say. "Who are you and what have you done with Rin?"
"I've known Rin my whole life," Yugo said, snuggling close to her from behind. "Sure she's tough, but she's the cutest and most adorable girl I know."
Rin let out a small laugh as she pulled away from Yugo. "Okay, that's enough," she said, turning to face her boyfriend. "We need to get ready for tonight, so you should go shower."
"Sure thing, RinRin," Yugo said. He gave Rin one last kiss before he headed for the bathroom.
While Yugo was taking his shower, Rin visited the donation center. Even after the Original Dimension returned, it was still there. She always went there to get a variety of clothes because she didn't had a lot of money when she was growing up as an orphan. She and her boyfriend were also saving up to purchase parts for their first Duel Runner. As she was browsing the clothes that were either in boxes or on hangers, she stumbled across a blue-pink strapless sundress. She instantly knew this was perfect to wear for tonight's festival, but a good outfit isn't complete without shoes. She headed over to the shoe section to see which goes well with the dress until she spotted a pair of pale pink sandals. Her attire for the Heartland Park festival was found.
"Rin? Is that you?"
Rin knew that voice anywhere. She turned around to see Akiza Izinski, the owner of the donation center. She always loved the days when the Windwitch user stopped by to shop. This was the first time seeing her since the night Yuri abducted her.
"Akiza!" Rin happily exclaimed. "It's so good to see you again!"
"Where have you been?" Akiza asked. "I haven't seen you in months."
"I'll explain another time when I'm not busy," Rin said. "Right now I'm getting ready for tonight's festival."
"The one at Heartland Park?" Akiza asked. "Say no more. I already have the right accessories for you."
"Really?" Rin asked.
"Sure," Akiza answered, bringing her over to the jewelry section. "I got these in this morning and I had a feeling you would like them."
Rin stared at a pair of light blue rose earrings and a pink rose necklace that were in Akiza's hand. These were perfect to wear for the festival; she had a little feeling she was forgetting something, so it was a good thing Akiza was there to help.
"Thank you so much, Akiza," Rin said.
"You're quite welcome," Akiza replied. "So why did you chose such a lovely dress?"
"Well, I'm meeting Yugo and-" Rin began.
"Hold on, did you say Yugo?" Akiza asked. "Did you two finally hooked up."
Rin simply grinned in response, happily nodding. "Then you're going to need some help," Akiza said. "Since you're a great customer, how about I help you with hair and makeup?"
"You would?" Rin happily asked.
"Of course," Akiza answered. "Anything for a friend."
As Akiza was preparing to do Rin's hair and makeup, Crow, Shinji, and Yugo arrived at Heartland Park where the festival was taking place. Booths were all set up—games, food, shopping stands, you name it. The park was also decorated with lights, streamers, balloons, and banners. Yugo commented on how amazing everything looked and how it was going to be a fun night. Crow reminded his Clear Wing-eyed friend that their first order of business was to register for the Team Duel Tournament. Yugo reassured the Blackwing user that he still remembers what they have to do. As they waited, he spotted his counterparts and ran up to tell them about his newfound ability.
"Hey guys!" Yugo exclaimed, running over to his other-dimensional twins. "Glad you could make it. Although..." He paused to muffle a laugh. "Nice monkey suit, Yoot."
Yuto simply glared at Yugo. "I finished my work at ObsidianCorp before coming here," the eggplant-haired teen said, explaining why he was wearing his dark grey business suit. "I work there now. Remember?"
"Oh..." Yugo realized. "Right..."
"So what did you want to tell us?" Yuya asked.
"I figured out why our eyes match the eye colors of our dragons," Yugo explained. "Turns out we can transfer our minds into their bodies, allowing us to actually fight in duels!"
Yuri was intrigued. "Are you saying we become our dragons?" he asked.
"Yep," Yugo answered.
"So...we can't speak when we're in our dragons' bodies," Yuri realized.
"Guess not," Yugo said.
A familiar yet oddly creepy face appeared on Yuri's face. His eyes went wide and he made an eerily big grin, complete with a rather amusing chuckle. Yuya looked at his Fusion counterpart to see what was so funny when he was stunned silent at his face. It was the exact same face the tomato-haired teen made when his initial plan to register for the Arc League Championship was to duel Zuzu, Frederick, Allie, and Tate. No doubt Yuri was scheming something…
"Alright, what's going on?" Yuya asked.
"Oh, nothing," Yuri answered. "I just figured out a loophole in Sora's ridiculous training methods."
"What training methods?" Yuto asked.
"He has been taking Dennis and I to someone named Ricardo Soprano for training," Yuri explained. "Unfortunately part of this training involves me taking part in 'Opera Duels' in which I am forced to sing all of my moves. Dennis doesn't seem to mind, but as for me... Well..." He cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed.
Yugo grew curious about why Yuri was embarrassed, which made him slightly annoyed in the process. Yuya and Yuto looked at each other, then back at each other to see their Fusion counterpart increasing in annoyance and embarrassment, and asked if it had anything to do with his voice. Letting out a sigh, he responded "Yes"; he explained that he has a high, "flamboyant" voice, so him trying to sing results in it cracking.
Yugo laughed hysterically. "It's not funny!" Yuri exclaimed.
Yuto let out a deep chuckle. "It kind of is," he replied. "If you want, I can give you some vocal lessons."
"No way!" Yuya exclaimed. "You can sing?"
"Sort of," Yuto answered. "I often sing to Lulu in private."
The eggplant-haired blushed a little after finishing that sentence. Whenever he and Lulu were alone at the Obsidian residence, he would sing softly in her ears during cuddles, with a majority of songs being sweet and romantic.
"You sing love ballads to Lulu?" Yuya asked.
"Of course," Yuto answered, smiling as he adjusted his glasses. "She's my girl. I'm proud to have fallen in love with her."
As if on cue, Lulu had showed up and surprised Yuto with a hug from behind. "Guess who?" she playfully asked.
Yuto chuckled as his girlfriend moved to face him, his hands on her waist. "Hey there, beautiful," he said. He gave her a quick yet loving kiss on the lips.
Yugo scoffed. "So what?" he asked. "I would never act like that with RinRin. She's cute, but there's no way I would-"
His sentence was cut off when he saw Rin entering the festival. She wore the sundress and sandals she got at the donation store along with the necklace and earrings Akiza got her. She even had her apple green hair brushed nicely with her mint green side tails clipped back, as well as mascara on her eyelashes and nude lipstick on her lips. In Yugo's eyes, she looked absolutely adorable.
Feeling a burst of adrenaline, Yugo rushed over to Rin and placed his hand on her hip. "Hey everyone!" he called out, pulling her close. "I'm proud to say this lovely lady is my girlfriend!"
Yugo wasn't exactly the romantic type, but when he's in love, he just has to announce it to the whole world, which he just did. After all, he was, how you say, impulsive about his actions; he goes right for it without any thought whatsoever. Everyone looked over at him after he made the announcement, much to Rin's embarrassment.
Crow and Shinji were both surprised. "Rin?" Shinji asked. "You look different."
"'Course she's different," Yugo said. "This is the real Rin. Just an adorable girl with pretty hair and a cute face."
Rin blushed heavily. "That's great..." she said. "But we should really sign up for the tournament."
"Oh, right," Yugo said. "Oopsie..."
The Yu-Salad, Lulu, Rin, Crow, and Shinji walked around the festival to find out where the registrations were. They were given directions about its location, and pretty soon, they managed to arrive at the Team Duel Tournament registration booth. They also found their other companions, whom some of them already signed up. Zuzu, Gong, Shay, Sora, and Dennis were waiting for Yuya, Yuto, Lulu, and Yuri respectively so that they can sign their teams up.
"There you guys are," Shay told Yuto and Lulu. "Did you sneak off somewhere?"
Yuto froze up, but Lulu rolled her eyes. "He's joking," she explained.
"'Bout time you got here!" Sora said. "I hope you're ready for tomorrow's training."
"Of course I am," Yuri said, smiling wide.
"Great!" Dennis said. "Because I finished working on the costumes."
"What took ya so long, Yuya?" Gong asked.
"Well let's just say Yugo helped me figure out how to improve my performances," Yuya replied.
"That's good to here," Zuzu said. "Hopefully what he said also helped improve your self-esteem."
With all that said and done, everyone else began signing up for the tournament. They soon realized that Celina wasn't here; Zuzu asked where she was until her Fusion counterpart showed up with Sylvio and Aura. Talk about an example of "speak of the devil". The pink-haired girl wasn't thrilled to see Aura, mostly because she also had feelings for Yuya ever since her defeat during the Arc League Championship qualifications.
"Oh, quit pouting," Aura told Zuzu. "Did you think I wouldn't find out about the truth behind this world? You and Yuya are obviously fated for each other, so that prediction I made must have been a little hiccup."
Zuzu was surprised to hear that. "What?"
"Declan told me everything that happened," Aura explained. "If your past selves were destined to meet again in another life, who am I to argue with that kind of fate?"
"She's not wrong," Lulu agreed, snuggling close to Yuto. "If it wasn't for the tiny bit of Zarc and Ray who were in love with each other, I wouldn't have found true love."
Was this Aura's way of accepting Zuzu and Yuya's relationship with each other? It sure sounded that way; besides, what she and Lulu said about Zarc and Ray was true. Zarc was a huge Ray fanboy and even developed feelings for her, resulting in those feelings being passed down to Yuya, Yuto, and Yugo. There was also an emotion deep down within Ray's small ego that was in love with the former champion, leading to Zuzu, Lulu, and Rin sharing that same trait. The pink-haired girl learned about this information the Ritual user was telling her and how right she and Declan were. With a nod of her head, it officially meant the two girls were now on good terms with each other.
Rin suddenly remembered the duel she had earlier and how Yugo told his counterparts about their new abilities. She asked Zuzu, Lulu, and Celina if their markings ended up glowing during their duels, with all of them saying "Yes". The Bracelet Girls mentioned how they ended up glowing whenever they perform a Synchro, Pendulum, XYZ, and Fusion Summon with their archetypes accordingly, but Rin indicated that there's more. She discovered during her duel with Shinji that she can give her monsters an ATK boost through her En Winds marking during her turns, which fascinated the other three girls.
"That sounds pretty cool!" Zuzu said.
"I'm not sure..." Celina admitted. "That sounds a bit like cheating."
A newly-discovered power and Celina may have pointed out its biggest flaw. The other girls wondered if they'll get accused of cheating for making their monsters stronger like when Yuya was initially called a cheater for using his Pendulum cards. Rin glanced over at Yugo, who was with the others, and thought about his ability. If the Yu-Salad Boys merged their minds with their dragons, would they be accused of cheating too? She then recalled the discussion she had with the Synchro boys and how Crow pieced together what her marking can do. From the sound of things, he described it as her "Skill". They never heard of a Skill before, but Rin said that it was basically an ability that can either be used once per turn. If that's the case, then could the boys' mind merges with their dragons be their Skill too? Regardless, they may have to tell Declan about it to see what he thinks.
Speaking of Declan, he overheard the girls' conversation. "What's this about Skills?" he asked.
"I think that's what this is," Rin guessed as she and the other Bracelet Girls showed Declan their markings. "We got them when Ray separated a second time."
Declan looked at Rin's marking. "The symbol for En Winds," he recalled. "And it seems you got them in place of your bracelets."
The four girls all agreed that this was their bracelets' replacement. At the same time, they wondered if Declan has seen and heard of Skills before, so they explained to him what their markings can do. They even mentioned the Yu-Salad's ability to become one with their summoned dragons if they concentrated hard enough. These bits of information intrigued the gray-haired teen.
"Fascinating..." Declan said. "So it seems that when Zarc and Ray left this world, they gave each of you a special power. Perhaps these powers are to serve as reminders for who you once were and how you are connected to one another."
"But is it cheating?" Celina asked.
"It isn't as long as you use your powers as basic Skills," Declan explained. "A lot of Duelists have started to use Skills of their own, so you should be able to fit in."
They were relieved to hear that. From the power boosts to the mind merges, the eight boys and girls now had the opportunity to practice their skills starting tomorrow. With the signs up complete, the Yu-Salad, the now called Energy Girls, and their friends spent the rest of the night enjoying the festival. Declan asked the person at the registration booth how the sign up went, with him responding that it went well and a total of 36 Duelists and a stand-in have signed up to participate. That means there will be 12 teams competing, 7 of which are known: Team Smiles (Yuya, Zuzu, and Gong), Team Noble (Yuto, Lulu, and Shay), Team Turbo (Yugo, Rin, and Crow with Shinji as the stand-in), Team Obelisk (Yuri, Sora, and Dennis), Team Lancer (Celina, Sylvio, and Aura), Team You Show (Frederick, Allie, and Tate), and Team Ace (Dipper, Julia, and Kit). Even though the tournament is in a few weeks, each day brings everyone one step closer to the big event, so they'll have to practice their strategies and learn how the Team Duel rules work in order to prepare themselves for the grand day.
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